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>TAKE THE THIRD /CALG/ CENSUS: https://forms.gle/6hCCLkYuQMQVmPhj8
>TAKE THE THIRD /CALG/ CENSUS: https://forms.gle/6hCCLkYuQMQVmPhj8
>TAKE THE THIRD /CALG/ CENSUS: https://forms.gle/6hCCLkYuQMQVmPhj8

Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>New Episode 2 scenes developed. Player feedback requested; vote on whether to add these scenes to Episode 2.
>Progress Report #6 Episode changes. New screens and video. Chapter 4 announced, further details unclear.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>482701205
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TAKE THE 3RD /CALG/ CENSUS: https://forms.gle/6hCCLkYuQMQVmPhj8
tinyurl.com yc2ft7pm
Your participation is appreciated!
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Nyaruhodo~ Nyew've been staring at my nyawesome fat tits?
>/dbg/ is going under a Delphic revolution
I didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card
quick rundown?
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Sandland, a Toriyama game put out a survey which was linked in the general and that somehow turned into people arguing about the protag fucking his niece (and his sister to a lesser extend'.
The argument died down but has just started up again if you wanna see
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Slough is my favorite deadly sin
From the thumbnail I thought Andrew had grown enormous breasts
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Nope, Ashley hasn't impregnated him. Yet.
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>The heavy chains bind me
>wrapped around my door
>wrapped around my heart
>The wrought iron cold against my chest
>a constant presence
>They remind me what I am
>A slave to what must never be
>Thank god the chains are here
>to hold
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Why does my cock keep pointing me towards evil women?

I hate this picture.
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Julia dumped you, huh?
shut up…
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I haven't played the game, but I like to pop in here sometimes to see the discussion.
You guys are cute :3
Post tits
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Play the game, anon!
Post balls
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I got two fat tits for you right here ;)
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Seconding >>482964135. It's a good game! If you like our threads, you'll probably like the writing and characters.
Pirate the game anon.
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>I haven't played the game
ah sweet, more secondaries!
There's a question on the census for you
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Something about this image feels familiar...
I love these shitty Andrewpoems
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Don't play the game anon, It's written like bad ao3 fanfiction. Just keep lurking around here for the unhinged shit.
Why are you wasting time in a thread for a game you don't even like?
why do you type like that
Thank you anon they are a lot of fun to make. I like getting in that emo mindset and coming up with stuff a sulking teenager would think is deep
this is bad
so it's good?
Ashley with a tiny Andrew is a dangerous proposition
if you didn't play, you should be playing the game instead of posting in the gen! :P
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Andrew's dear derriere
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Ashley, can't you see?
You're just not the girl for me!
It is a window deep into my twisted mind
I wouldntexpect anyone else to understand
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What they doin on the couch??
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Heh... I'm just kinda dark and fucked up like that... most people couldn't last an hour in my mind palace...
>Brat Butt
>Delphic Dumpy
>Familial Fartbox
>Incestuous Intestines
This is great. I was really struggling to come up with good sister-butt terminology. My vote is for Delphic Dumpy and Familial Fartbox.
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Putting cigars out on your sister!
That one
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>a-actually lots of young men want to date older women
>trust me
>t. Chrissy Calahan, 41 year old journalist
>wasting cigars
>hurting your sister
Two things that should get you in front of a firing squad for the price of one.
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Suckin dick.
>>hurting your sister
But what if she asked for it?
Well then you're very well not hurting her, are you? You're just inflicting pain because that's what gets her going.
What if (You) were Ashley's brother?
I'd say, but I don't think I'm allowed to post things like that on a blue board.
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There might actually be some truth to that
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The moment she turns 18 we're moving out of the apartment to some other shithole. From there I either dick her down or get her some therapy.
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I definitely wouldn't try (and fail) to be a normalfaggot and just fuck my crazy hot sister
I would give her lots of hugs and kisses every day and never leave her for a hussy.
You know I learned something today. I realized I don't actually want to fuck my sister, I just want to fuck Ashley and shower her in love(my semen).
I don't want to fuck my sister, either. I want to make love to her.
Hi Nemlei!
We really love your game.
Sequel to Better Half when?
Ashley deserves happiness and my penis
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You really think I don't play my own game? Of course I play it! Multiple times a day! So I can schlick it to the hot parts!
Why is teenage ashley dressed like a prostitute

||how much||
Oh, now I understand the confusion, sorry Nems. We were taking about Coffin, not Jackin-it Castle.
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>||how much||
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...Nemlei forgives you this time, because that's a good one.
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Why doesn't Andy just fuck his tard mom like a good son? I bet she'd like it too
i dont live with my older brother but we just had really weird esex were so back imoutos.
Would Renee have been a better mother if she was actually, clinically retarded? Maybe she would have been a nice and affectionate mother if she wasn't intelligent enough to be manipulative or socially aware enough to care about appearances. She wouldn't be able to provide for them financially or give them a leg-up professionally, but she would have been around for them emotionally.
you are in essex? my condolences.
At least it's not London!
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Hey Nem's, when the hell are you going to release the Mr and Mrs Graves prequel?
This would mean mr. graves raped her then.
>retards don't have needs
Of course retards have urges. They are known to masturbate to excess like monkeys because they have no social context of that being unacceptable. But if she really has that little awareness about the world (depending on her level of retardation), AND Mr. Graves isn’t a retard himself, then that would mean he almost certainly either raped her or tricked her in some capacity. Especially considering her age.
Just saying, it doesn't have to be rape.
For the sake of argument, let's say that Mr. Graves is also low IQ, or retarded, or a low-functioning autist, and the family is supported by welfare (I can't imagine him being capable of raping anyone). He probably wouldn't be depressed because it requires so much self-awareness, so that should make him a lot better parent to have around, too.
If theyre poor as shit with two normal parents, theyd be on the streets with two retarded parents
supporting a whole family of 4 in a commieblock shithole?
Also, if both parents are retarded, surely at least one of the kids would be too.
I think she'd certainly be nicer to them. But you gotta remember their dad struggled to hold a job, and her untard self was most likely their only source of income during their childhood. So they would probably still have a rough childhood do to them being poorer than in canon. On top of that Andrew's responsibilities would most likely expand to tard wrangling his mom, which may improve his relationship with her but also add another layer of stress to his life. There's also the real risk that their father may kill himself since Renee wouldn't be smart enough to tard wrangle him, which would make their financial situation worse (pretty sure cps would take them at this point).
The hypothetical world where Andrew is forced to simultaneously raise his sister and caregive for his retarded mother AND lose his dad to suicide is cartoonishly depressing
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Total Andrew Suffering
His poetry would be even MORE depressing
i miss amputee anon.
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>Andrew finds out Ashley occasionally eats his cummed-in tissues
>instead of flushing them he starts eating more dairy to try and make his cum taste as bad as possible
>Due to the dairy infused cum that Ashley has been consuming she starts shitting herself uncontrollably due to lactose intolerance
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You three. Soup pot. Now.
>Ashley is delighted because they now taste like ice cream
>Mission failed
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What about me?
>||how much||
Laugh at this user
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Surely you would never add me?
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Don't forget me! Give me some time to ketchup!
>Ashley's dreams while starving in quarantine
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And Ashley spending so much time in the bathroom gives Andrew more time to masturbate. So the cycle begins anew
Name my band
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Meh, suffering builds character.

Just look at his dad...
Cooking companions
Heehee funni foodies
I love Foodleys. They are so pure and delightful. Wholesome!
this is totally a thought non-tardley would also have. daydreaming, thinking about nonsensical things like which foodley goes with which foodrew
I want to open a grocery store and name it Foodley's
Every product has Ashley's face on it. Every bite is pure deliciousness AND cuteness!
I like to think that's just what she looks like when she daydreams normally
Thanks for the business idea, sucker :)
Oh, that's how it is huh? Let's see how smart you feel when the foodley uprising starts, bub!!
Cute, I love it, I would shop there every day!
I'd go to their concert
What kind of music do you think they do?
Rap songs about fucking your sister and how much they hate their parents
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Ep4 sneak preview
Is anybody convinced Episode 4 WON'T be the inbred family timeskip
worst case we're getting lots of bad ends and one almost "imaginary" good end for the fans.
I'm hoping for one good (=wincest) true end but I have a feeling it'll be only one of those amidst a sea of separation, death and prison sentences.
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You don't really want a sister-wife. You want a brother-husband with Asperger's.
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Do you have a 4:3 display? A CRT even? I have the Coffin mod for you: https://gamebanana.com/mods/523187
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I just want them to be happy, bros
I do have a 15khz PVM but outputting PCs to old tech through adapters etc is gay and inauthentic. maybe with a retrotink?
how hard would it be to port TCOAL to other platforms? is there support for RPG MV to port games to say PS2 or Wii?
that'd be sick
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>through adapters etc is gay and inauthentic
The adaptor just takes the place of the DAC that modern graphics cards don't have. I think the last graphics cards that supported analog video were the R9 300 series through DVI-I and VGA. Plenty of old graphics cards actually had composite out through a yellow cable, so it's perfectly authentic to play PC games on a PVM imo.
>how hard would it be to port TCOAL to other platforms? is there support for RPG MV to port games to say PS2 or Wii?
RPG MV uses javascript which is probably really slow on PS2 and Wii. There is an open source port of RPG Maker 2000/2003 to Wii but I don't know what you'd do about scripting
Andrews boipussy
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>American hours commence
>Gay bussy posting starts
>renee is…
Am I fucking stupid
What’s the password to get in
soup and food are known to work
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>renee is…
A stupid fuck bitch cunt WHORE HAG!!!!!!!!
Fucking hell I tried everything but that
Because it's severely out of character for him to fuck his mom. Did you play the game?
Tis the month to be faggy anon https://files.catbox.moe/19qii3.png
Yea scrolling has been implemented
>tfw we could get a Wii port of Andy and Leyley
I feel like the Dreamcast is accessible to fan games/doujin etc
Do you know if there are easy ways to "port" RPG maker games to DC?
>a hag
>a cute hag
I can’t believe I skipped over the obvious one baka
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If this was meant to be angry Nem, then it failed because all I'm seeing is a hairy Anatolian man with a unibrow.
Licking futaleys musky cock
I think you responded to the wrong person, faggot
Mmmmmm backed up sister balls full of cum
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Cute Ashley!
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Andrew better take responsibility!
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Btw it was somewhat interesting to implement scrolling. Scrolling was of course necessary because many of the maps are just too wide for a 4:3 display.

The first problem I encountered was an honest mistake of mine. I initially had the camera track the player's position, rather than the player SPRITE's position. As you may be able to imagine, the player position is actually plotted as part of a grid with no smooth transitions inbetween tiles, with the sprite masking this with the illusion of animation. This means that in my initial camera setup, the camera would instantly jerk to the next tile over the course of one frame, stop for a moment as the game waits for the sprite to catch up to the player position, and then jerk again, and so on. Having the camera follow the sprite instead fixed this.

Secondly, many of the background elements aren't actually part of the background, but are overlayed over the screen as cg's (the spotlight in pic related is one example). So, I had to implement functionality for them to scroll alongside the camera (there are 46 such cg's I've flagged under imageList, which are subject to scrolling).
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I don't get it, you said the same thing twice.
>he didn't see the Andy tard-wrangling and falling for his sub-70 iq mom scenes
Did you play the game?
I wonder if /calg/ #200 is going to be an exclusive thread for the Jul progress report.
no i'm too busy with jerking off to mommy incest porn. my dick hurts now
/calg/ #200 will probably get made before the July report is published, so at the very least it won't be in the OP. Kind of depends on there being another spergout or two, but I believe this general will deliver on that front.
The threads are slowing down so we might actually get #200 on July 1st. I have some Coffin stuff something in the works that might get some reactions.
>threads are slowing down
Welp, /CALG/ is dead, TCOAL is done for.
Wrap it up, folks
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Ok if you haven't given the game a positive review yet, do it now. /calg/ was born from the fight against jannies and it will live in the fight against jannies!
pretty sure I gave it an updoot on release but what theyre doing warrants a negative review. not gonan do anything personally, but I 100% would understand if tcoal got review bombed if this manages to turn into a big story
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No release date, no review.
Let's see how 'influential' reddit really is
In the past week or two the recent reviews on Steam have gone from "Overwhelmingly Positive" to "Very Positive". In one period they actually went down to "Mixed".
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>fan merch
So other merch peddlers got their shit taken down too? Wow, this changes everything.
Amazing how that subreddit has been consistently shit. Before Episode 2 they tolerated several retards turning the place into an endless, painfully unfunny DBZ jerk-off fest. They also made a rule explicitly stating that Coffin as a game isn't about incest, before being forced to roll that back once the new episode was released.
Afterwards they banned Watasi when she made Coffin art deemed lolisho, but champion her now on her dumb crusade. You'd think these people fucking despise the game. No Inkyink or shartyteen expended this much energy shitting on the game and the activity surrounding it as much as Der Ewige R*dditor that calls themselves a "fan".
They don't actually show any proof that Kit9 "allowed" the rest of the merch from the first artist's fan merch to be sold, as far as anyone knows Kit9 was just unaware that they sold the remaining stock.
Also no mention of watasi's hysterical behavior and attempts to blame her fake suicide attempt on Kit9, because god forbid we don't paint Watasi as a Saint.
The Reddit never banned watasi. You are thinking of one of the discord servers.
The all time rating is still overwhelmingly positive, which is what really matters.
It did go down from 97% to 96% but we'll get a spike of positive reviews when the next devlog comes out, so it'll probably go back to it's old score.
No, I clearly remember her tweeting about Reddit specifically. IIRC she got a few days ban.
At this point I'd change my review to negative if Kit9 gave in to the faggots.
Not siblings, don't care.
>a bunch of people are getting DMCAed waaah
>w-who cares that they're all selling merch
>obligatory mention of Watasi
That shithole is just porn-addicted children
I continue to hold that Reddit is the worst mainstream website on the internet, and it's not even close. I would almost be mad about their behavior if it wasn't so laughably pathetic. What do they think brigading the review scores is going to accomplish? Anyone interested in the game will see recent reviews as Mixed at the absolute lowest compared to Overwhelmingly Positive for the game's lifetime score, they'll take a look at some of the negative reviews, and immediately dismiss it as butthurt reddit brigading.

He won't, Kit9 is doing the absolute best possible thing by not addressing a completely irrelevant and manufactured controversy, and I don't see that changing.
This is bun Andy. He's small and fluffy. Say something nice to him https://youtu.be/skyLgv2Pido
Yeah, more bunny Andy and Leyley art would be cute.
Holy based ToT
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>Yeah, more bunny Andy and Leyley art would be cute.
YES! The art of both of them being cats was cute, but bunny-themed fits better with the game.

>Holy based ToT
I just found it. It's from the same artist with the shota monkey OC you told me about some threads ago.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Kill yourself
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We stand on the crossroads of delphic history. Today, we remember when /calg/ was forged in the fires of /v/. Our journey began on the old board, where the tyrannical jannies sought to silence our voices and quash our passion. They underestimated us.

When they deleted our threads, we did not cower. When they tried to break our spirit with Twitter screencap threads, we did not falter. And when they spammed QoS threads instead of actual video games, we did not stop sisterfucking. We migrated to /vg/, not in retreat but defiance. It was here, in the new trenches, that the Coffin community found its true strength. Fresh from battle with the jannies, /calg/ became the wellspring that influences the fanbase well beyond the confines of 4chan.

And comrades, just as we were born in the fight against the jannies, we will continue to live in that fight as we face the same enemy once more. The forces of jannery have not slept a day since our show of force last spring, and have found a new weapon for their war against us: the Coffin subreddit. The subreddit jannies, those who should not have ill-intent against Saint Nemlei, have declared a review bombing campaign against the game.

We will not aid their cowardly sabotage. We will rise above and douse the game in positive reviews. We will show the world we do not stand for Korean drama queens, but for honesty and true sibling love.

We face enemies who want nothing more than to see us fail, to see us crumble, but they will be disappointed. We will not let them destroy our dreams and undermine delphism. We will never surrender. We will never compromise or yield; we will fight to our last drop of blood, until our last dying cream. With fire and fury, we honor those who have fallen before us by pressing forth for hot imouto nakadashi with merciless courage and conviction in our hearts.

/v/ could not stop us.
Inkyink could not stop us.
Sharty could not stop us.
And the subreddit will not stop us!
No problem. I'm glad you liked.
I hope the artist get together with the animator and drop more bangers like this.
I always loved the idea of a 'family' where the shota gets to fuck all the women in the house.
Funniest thing is that all the buttblasted redditoids already left their bad reviews, so this call to brigade wont do shit, especially as more and more people are learning about Watasi lying about her ACKing attempt.
You’re right that the subreddit sucks but Jesus Christ this post is faggy.
More like his personal harem lol. Reminds me of this idea I had when I played skyrim. A dragonborn who is the most powerful woman but also has a shotahusband. She became a master in everything and used that knowledge to make him a magical cockring that regenerates his sperm as well as a stamina ring
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Damn straight (gay)
>More like his personal harem
KEK yeah it's like the artist self insert. Very based.

ToT I really love that concept. It's perfect for serf-inserts for everybody. You could be the strong woman that has a shota husband, or the shota that has a strong wife.
Did you made something with that in the game?
The Watasi heresy is already out of steam, it's been two hours since the mods made their grand deceleration and there has not been a single negative review yet kek.
Nothing can stop God-empress Nemlei.
>Did you made something with that in the game?
Nah, I couldn't get that piece of shit to work.
Ohh what a shamee
That' so lame to hear

At least you got the idea which is very cool
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Selfcest >>>
Pretty much every active Coffin fan has learned everything that there is to know about this dumb drama. A major hurdle for the Reddit faction is that the active Coffin fans make up maybe 10% of the people who already left positive reviews. So even if they magically managed to convince everyone who's aware of Watasi to participate in the review-bombing, at best they could hope to get it down to 85%-90% positive overall. The vast majority are tuned out, and will remain so until the new update drops.
It's good that this happened when it did. It wouldn't have been a major blow had it happened when 3A releases either because Reddit is ultimately wrong, but it would have caused an unnecessary headache during what's supposed to be a long-awaited moment of celebration for both fans and Nemlei herself, with the returning fans and newcomers fueling the discussion way beyond what it deserves out of simple curiosity.
>hey guys we totally and a civil discussion about the dmca thing here
>btw go review bomb the game
Did this contradiction even cross this fucking retard's mind before he posted it? I picked up on it instantly because the irony is gaping harder than his asshole.
you are a faggot and you need to go back.
totally want*
Need to go back for saying to leave a positive review?
The more posts I see crying about a review bombing that isn't happening and telling me to go back and leave a positive review to counteract it, the more likely I am to change my review to negative.
Watasi isn't going to fuck you bro
Why would I want to fuck Watasi and why is that always the comeback these days? New zoomer phrase?
Kit9 kicked my cat.
Hope she sees this.
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>hide 1 dramafag post
>entire screen is now hidden posts due to recursive hiding
NA hours.
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The milkman cumeth
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Truly cursed.
kit9 could tell Watasi to kill herself and id still support him
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Special delivery today!
We know nemlei.
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Are you having a good midsummer /calg/?
They call it Midsummer but it's not in July, the middle of summer!

That reddit mod is the only one sucking Watasi off so much. What a fucking ass.

>Let's see how 'influential' reddit really is

0 fucking influential. No one talks about this on the discords, this reddit neckbeard mod is the only one crying for Watasi, they;re losers. If the mod team doesn't support kit9 they should fuck off.
Definitely not bad. I'm grilling hambubgers later for me and my imouto and then we're going to work on our yard project. Well, more likely, I'm going to work on her yard project while she watches.
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>Also, if both parents are retarded, surely at least one of the kids would be too.
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That's a big glass. If you drink that much, Andy's family must be rich from all the milk you're buying
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>Oh hello my beautiful children! I was so worried that you had died in that apartment fire, but here you are alive and well! I'm going to make some dinner to celebrate, relax and get comfortable in your new home darlings. You know you can tell me anything, right? I love both of you no matter what you've done or who your romantic interests are. Let's go out and do something fun with the insurance money I got from your supposed deaths.
Andrew never takes responsibility for his actions ever.
He will knock up Julia next and make her a single mom.
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Well I will make Andy a billionaire then.
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real and canon bare Ashley feet
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>ShotAndy wearing a golden crown, sitting on a throne with women servants while his massive pp is out
This is what you will create lol
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dayum this is so fucking cringe, makes me wanna peel off my skin. Why are reddtitors like this?

>the Mod team
oh, so like 2 people. KEK
>randomly mention watasi
me thinks this might be the drama fag who randomly posts here simping for her

I was neutral till the fake suicide shit, now I fully support kit9. calg and delphics WILL stay winning (btw, the small review bombs are starting to be marked as off topic, so this literally has no effect on the game's rating lol).
Forget the feet, look at those fucking jugs.
The only timeline where I want to live kek
Sounds fun to be Andy here...
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Yes, that's right. How did you know?
>the small review bombs are starting to be marked as off topic, so this literally has no effect on the game's rating lol
Never knew reviews could be marked as off topic.
Now the reddiors really can't do anything but seethe, not that they did much beforehand anyway.
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>The threads are slowing down
thank god. this gen getting popular and being flooded by underaged NA's and jeets was a fucking blunder
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Yeah that's been a feature for a while now. The devs themselves can't mark them, but they can notify steam staff, and have the auto mod + actual mods manually check spikes in negative reviews for off-topic reviews. Ultimate reddit blunder
Some must've gotten sent on vacation after the last sperg out from the previous thread, only minor autism posting today thankfully
Based wife -3-
All shotabois are precious and need to be given love
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My mission is life is to protect shotas.
>retarded watermarks
Is this REALLY a horror game?
Yeah, Ashley's so hot it's actually terrifying.
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At certain parts (mostly the dream sequences) it dips its feet into psychological horror, but for the most part: no it isn't.
The thought of Andrew and Ashley not having sex terrifies me, so yes.
Driving trucks would actually be a good job for Ashley.
Andrew would make a pretty good cop, he's good at abusing women
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>YWN be abused by your dirty cop brother who gets away with it because of his connections
Why. Even. Live.
Only if Andrew was with her, otherwise she would be miserable, driving alone for long periods of time.
I'd be terrified to share a road with Ashley, she seems like the type that would break check people whenever she got bored.
I know this fear
Nemlei, please don't scare us anymore
>she seems like the type that would break check people whenever she got bored.
Yeah, on second thought, maybe it's better if Andrew is the truck driver and Ashley just tags along... That would be safer for everyone. But with that configuration, they could always be on the move to avoid getting recognized or tracked while making enough money to sustain themselves.
Ashley would want him to handcuff her and have sex in the back of his police car.
This game is doing a good job at pushing the sibling fucking agenda and that's a good thing. Sure for now it's still an unknown product when compared to the shit normalfags consume but it's still one little step in the right direction. If it all goes according to keikaku then there will be a time where not plapping your sister will be seen as loser behavior.
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BOO! Andrew impregnates a hussy and Ashley goes off and has sex with women! Scared yet?
If I can get my sister to play this, do you think she'd be more open to the idea of having sex with me?
No risk in trying.
She could think I have shit taste in games.
I need art of this NOW
Quiet, FAKEnem!
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I assure you, Anonymous. I am VERY real. All of your deepest fears are.
But it's not a shit game, so the only way she could think that is if her own taste in games is shit.
You wake up in an unfamiliar setting. It's a bedroom you don't recognize. Shaking off your grogginess, you exit the room and look around. This isn't your home. How'd you get here?

"Good morning, sleepyhead." A voice calls out to you. It's Renee. She's holding a newborn baby girl. You are the father from Coffin.

What do you do?
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Based Sisterwife Lynn
Kill my wife and then myself.
Fuck my hot teenage wife until she can't walk straight.

Also try to be a better father than he was I guess.
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The thought of Andrew and Ashley having sex terrifies me
I'd kill Renee after a few years of fucking her and then raise Leyley as my daughterwife
What about Andrew?
I'd get remarried to a hot big tit hag so he can have her. Consider it an early birthday/Christmas gift
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Andrew would kill you without a second thought
I love the way you edit both of these folks))
>Woah, I have a huge penis!
Divorce the bitter old hag and raise Andrew and Ashley with equal attention, love, and care.
The only correct answer is to raise Andrew as your sonhusband too.
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Thank you :)
The expectations for this game have gotten quite high among its fanbase. How could nemlei shit the bed if it were to happen?
Sorry I'm not a homo. I'll give him a hag wife to ss him but that's it
Wrong, keep knocking up Hag every year until Andrew and Ashley have 10 younger siblings they have to wrangle constantly, and give them all names starting with A.
Best model made in Koikatsu, no futher explaining.
>the incest was just bait lol
He'll get over it
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No he wouldn't.
NA hours is Hussy hating hours
>It was all a dream in Andrews head.
>Andrew is a single 30-something and an only-child.
>Ashley is a figment of his imagination fueled by his loneliness and incest fetish.
Yeah, by stabbing you 50 times in the chest
>the parents were never neglectful of Andrew
>he just irrationally hates them because they didn't give him a sisterwife
Not unless I get him first!
>it all happened
>Andrew is single and in his 30s
>we don't know what happened to Ashley
>the player gets to reconstruct the tale of andy and leyley
THAT would be kino
>it all happened
>Ashley never existed tho and he's just imagining her to escape the reality of what he's done
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Thanks, I hate it.
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NA hours is Hussy loving hours
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NA is hours is sister loving hours
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It's little brother loving hours!
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NA hours is sister beating hours
>"out of ten"
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New version just dropped!
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Fuck my hot wife daily, look for a decent job so we aren't forced to live in a easily quarantined commie block, and look after the kids (mainly spanking Ashley). Boom! crisis averted, I doubt Renee would honestly give a fuck if I raised the kids as long as I gave her a proper dicking and cuddles regularly.

No homicide required.
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While you studied hussies, I studied the blade.
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"Gimme your lunch money faggot"
Nice bait, I believed you for a second.
young people liking incest is a good thing, in this age of political correctness were bound to die out if there isnt a recurrence in it.
>Yeah, smell my fingers!
yes. test the water and if everything goes well ease into it. - certified brotherfucker
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Where do I find a defensive Renee wife?
>Your Foodley store's door slowly opens with an uncharacteristic squeak and the tingling of the chime
>A grotesque hooked nose protrudes from behind the door frame
>Beneath it you can see two hands rubbing together
>Suddenly you shriek in pain as you realize that a DMCA notice is tattooed right upon your eyeballs
>You can hear a feint oy veying as pain shock claims your consciousness
>You wake up with your store gone completely, not even the building remains
>You check your phone to see what time it is
>Your Ashley wallpaper is gone
>You rush to your home
>You turn on your PC
>Your Coffin folder is gone
>You go on 4chan while breathing heavily
>Every post you've ever made that mentions Ashley or Andrew is now gone
>You try to tell someone of the curse you have been subjected to
>But none of the words related in any way to the Coffin of Andy and Leyley copyright are able to escape your lips
>You rip open your drawer where you keep your revolver, so that you can fibally end it all and put a stop to your anguish
>The revolver is gone
>It looked too much like the one in the game
>You attempt to go to the kitchen to kill yourself with one of the kitchen implements
>But all the knives and cleavers are gone
>Your sight goes dark
>You collapse upon the floor
>Kinda in the same manner Ashley feinted from starvation during episode 1
>a tear of joy rolls down your cheek as you cease to exist for your very being infringing upon the intellectual property of the Coffin of Andy and Leyley copyright holders
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Everyone who engaged with this post's topic is a nigger and should kill himself. Don't bother trying to argue, I am correct and there is nothing I need to do to prove it.
>Ashley will never cutely call you a faggot
Why must this be...
What software did you used?
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Andy is just taking care of a bunny https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KYs_0LGr1Ms?feature=share
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Hei, my name is Neiti Ashley.

I'm a 20 year old American Finnaboo (Finland fan for you ulkomaalaiset). I draw incest and bunnies on used napkins, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Finnish games. (Fear and Hunger, Baba Is You, Noita)

I train with my leuku every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my knife license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Finnish fluently, both kirjakieli and the Savonian dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Finnish history and their Ren'Py code, which I follow 100%.

When I get my Finnish visa, I am moving to Helsinki to attend a prestigious College to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Rovio or a game designer!

I own several Kansallispuku outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Finland, so I can fit in easier. I drink heavily with my elders and seniors and speak Finnish as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Finland!
Ignoring Ashley
Insulting Ashley
Punching Ashley
Kicking Ashley
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Ignoring Nemlei
Insulting Nemlei
Punching Nemlei
Kicking Nemlei
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Total Ashley Death
Cute and based
Nemlei and Kike9 deserve dark-skinned neighbors.
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Hey Nem's, look at this.
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Niggers and shitskins do not exist in Finland. Anyone who touches Finnish soil instantly transforms into a pure white elf and becomes a weird sadomasochist.
Ashley coming home to find Hag on her knees with Andrew's entire ballsack in her mouth.
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>"Don't you think a good rinse cycle encapsulates the current ethos, Ashley? Anyway, while I have you here let me read you a few selects from the poetry book I writing."
This game has genuinely inspired me to visit Finland someday. I wouldn't live there, though, because I'm terrible at learning other languages.
Putting cucumbers near Nemlei
Rustling a hair comb near Nemlei
Picking Nemlei up and holding Nemlei upside down
Tying tin cans to Nemlei's tail
Putting jeweled piercings through Nemlei's ears
Neglecting to trim Nemlei's claws until they start poking into Nemlei's paws
Completely declawing Nemlei
Sterilizing Nemlei at a shady back alley veterenarian
Feeding Nemlei a strict diet of only vegetables
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kit9 about to shut yo ass down
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Just like the Samurai of old, Ashley likes to test her skills on random defenseless hussies
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Putting a fresh bowl of food in front of Nemlei
Giving balls of yarn to Nemlei
Picking Nemlei up and putting her on the window sill
Brushing Nemlei's fur
Getting Nemlei a cat tower
Making sure Nemlei's water dish is filled with purified water
Giving cat treats to Nemlei
Trimming Nemlei's claws with a scratch post
Sneaking Nemlei small bites of your ice cream
Praising Renee in front of Nemlei
Hug Renee in front of Nemlei
Kiss Renee in front of Nemlei
Fuck Renee in front of Nemlei
>Sterilizing Nemlei when you could breed Nemlei and produce dozens of litters of cute autistic kittens
For shame!
I will only accept a real life physical altercation with knives and without yielding.
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>Game depicts Finnish people as unapologetic assholes living in a dsytopian society
>Anon wants to visit it
This is like wanting to visit Russia after playing Metro.
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dis nigga gon' bring a knife to a gun fight
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You've unlocked Nemlei's love and trust! Good job!
Exactly. I'll fit right in.
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>Game depicts Finnish people as Finnish people
A knife fight to the death? Can I watch?
This is the traditional way for Finnish men to settle disputes so it shouldn't be a problem.
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>Putting a fresh bowl of food in front of Nemlei
>Giving balls of yarn to Nemlei
>Picking Nemlei up and putting her on the window sill
>Brushing Nemlei's fur
>Getting Nemlei a cat tower
>Making sure Nemlei's water dish is filled with purified water
>Giving cat treats to Nemlei
>Trimming Nemlei's claws with a scratch post
>Sneaking Nemlei small bites of your ice cream
If you talk like this then you clearly don't know how to aim it anyway, so I'm safe.
Only cucks watch. Real men participate. Make it a free for all.
I thought real finnish duels took place with unscoped bolt action rifles in a winter forest. Or do they only kill Russians that way?
This is the first time I've ever laughed at a onions face
what is you sayin'?
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You're cute -3-
Also have Andy's harem before I head for the day.
U be talking all dat good shit but you finna get kicked in yo chest. You eat a dick, nyugga, YOU EAT A DICK.
dayum.... no need to do a nigga dirty like dat
You are so kind with your word!
The entire family is there for Andy. Hot ToT
Also cute bunny here https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_DBf2OVwREg
yes but when said NA's people fuck up the bread for attention and haven't even played the game it's annoying
Cats are cute.
Bunnies are cuter but ok
I'd appreciate it if you stayed in your own reply chain.
we have a GDQ moment
a what
and you watch this shit?
jesus look at his hand kek
This thing looks like a skinwalker trying to copy the appearance of eg*raptor. Why the fuck would you watch this?
At least they donate the money they get to hospital, I think.
But I couldn't take their money tho. They look sick of each other and only play mid games.
No not really, More of a comedy than anything else. Maybe also a thriller I guess.
they donate it to "cancer prevention" (US only). the eurocucks donate it to doctors w/o borders who smuggle refugees into europe

>newfags don't know about gdq
grim but gdqs have turned to complete tranny shit anyway.
I knew something about gdq, I just didn't care for them at all. They are like the magical bus fags who do the same thing.

>tranny shit anyway
lol sad!
>How can you not know about my favorite e-celeb?!
Do /soc/adjacent /vg/inas really?
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Well said lol

gta san andreas memes always have sovl on them
but that video is ancient and the guy who gets told to shut the fuck up got dunked on a ton of times through the years
>But it's an oooold e-celeb!
Your point?
Stop anon he's already dead!!
What do Andrew and Ashley think of black people?
Are you two in a relationship, or is it just sex between you two? I wonder how hard it is to navigate being in an incestuous relationship IRL
>see meme
>start schizo posting about e-celebs because you're that new
>2 years
I have no idea who the fuck GDC is
Blacks don't exist in the coffinverse. They'd think it was some kind of horrible skin condition.
I don't know what the fuck you two are talking about, but Games Done Quick is a speedrun charity thing
based MSF
You already got your shit pushed in, just fuck off. Clearly not everyone watched this garbage.
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I've never watched it. I just thought you newfags wouldn't be so obnoxious in purposely standing out but apparently not.
forgot NTA but whatever
>newfag for not giving a fuck about tranny speedrun bullshit
I was here before moot deleted /new/, for fuck's sake I was here when Millhouse was being forced as a meme. Just bow out instead of perpetuating this faggotry.
Hot sibling breeding sex! Hot sibling breeding sex! Hot sibling breeding sex! Hot sibling breeding sex!
>I-I've never watched it I swear!
>Has a dedicated gif of the gdc fag
>saving a meme
Now you're just purposely shitting up the thread.
Do you think that Ashley would struggle to handle Andrew's dick, or do you think that as siblings they would have genitals of "compatible sizes"?
>start an argument
>refuse to bow out when you get turned inside out
>accuse others of shitting up the thread
The jew cries out in pain etc. And before you get on your shit, I AM familiar with GDQ drama to include cosmo's troon out and subsequent bullying and the chairsniffer, you still need to kill yourself.

Ashley's a virgin, not much you're going to do about a bit of pain unless she just doesn't have a hymen.
>Ashley's a virgin, not much you're going to do about a bit of pain unless she just doesn't have a hymen.
It's possible she could have masturbated or otherwise broken her hymen, desu. But I mean in general, would Andrew be literally the perfect size for her?
that video is 2 years old, the original clip is from 2012 or somewhere around that
ignore the resident /calg/ fujos
don't blame them for not knowing anything about internet or chan culture. they're the most severely mentally ill yet also the least self aware posters
sometimes good for bants
That's not an easy question to answer since there's a lot that goes into it. I would say that since it's Andrew, unless he's packing something uncomfortably large, Ashley is going to be happy with it, and even then we're getting to "how uncomfortable are we talking?" territory.
I was literally watching from the sideline until the greentext >>483090243 and you're just schizo ranting to try and get the last word in.
Seethe, gossiping fag.
>That's not an easy question to answer since there's a lot that goes into it.
So even if both siblings are genetically healthy, the brother's penis could be too small for his sister. I learn so much from these threads, thank you.
Theoretically he could be born with a literal micropenis, but otherwise it's Andrew so as long as it's not causing physical pain (and even then...) she would be more than happy with it.
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>Theoretically he could be born with a literal micropenis, but otherwise it's Andrew so as long as it's not causing physical pain (and even then...) she would be more than happy with it.
No, I get that she'd be happy with it. I'm asking in general, is there a correlation between penis size and vaginal depth in families?
Is the game worth playing, or should I just keep masturbating to the porn?
I guess? Maybe? I would say with the somewhat limited knowledge that I have that, if such development is determined by hormones and hormones are influenced by diet, genetics, and environment, and both grew up with roughly (assuming) the same diet, and both were hormonally normal, then there should at least be some parity (not in a 1:1 ratio, mind you).

You're asking in the general about the game, so the assumed answer is "yes", but it's also infested by people who haven't played the game and are just here to post off-topic porn and stir up shit in general, so I guess it's not a unanimous answer. That said, yes. If you watch a streamer play it instead of playing it yourself you're still a secondary, as well.
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>chibi is an e-celeb
Ep1+2 are high quality. Pirate them or at least play them on youtube and don't give this dev your money until ep3+4 come out and you are 100% certain it deserves the asking price. Cunt's been too shady lately, better err on the side of caution until you can confirm for sure that the release won't be trash.
>Cunt's been too shady lately
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Been here longer than you, gaylord.
I believe you, don't worry. But, Watasi isn't going to suck your dick if she can't see a username.
Couldn't give a quarter if a crawling fuck about Watasi, stop projecting. Cunt's done more shady shit than just seethe about fanart. The meme alt endings are a trash idea that directly contradicts previous claims about not changing the story, and the price increase is dubious if it'll be anove 5 bucks.
>the autists are fighting again
NA's are back *sigh*
What's wrong with naughty Asians?
>After getting their fake IDs, Andrew became an esteemed trucker and registered Republican overnight: Andrew Delphvale, as it were.
>Ashley's new identity is...well, she can't quite read the squiggly lines on her new documents. But no one questions it since literacy rates are very low in her supposed homeland of Armenia.
>Andrew's on the road, carrying freight, but he's not alone. The buzzing sister keeps him company in the passenger seat.
>"Hey Andrew, can I honk?"
>"No, Ashley", says the upstanding trucker.
>"You're no fun." she boos.
>Andrew meets her booing with an astute "You're only meant to honk when there's a risk of collision."
>"Uh, yeah, there is when you don't have a real truck licence." Ashley says more astutely.
>"Hey! I can still drive as long as you're not distracting me."
>"Well, I'm gonna distract you." Ashley grins, ""May as well give me the wheel!"
>Andrew rambles, "I don't even know if your ID card is meant to be a driver's licence. I don't know if it's even meant to-"
>BLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOO. A patrol car started blaring its siren behind the truck.
>"What the hell??? Shit!" the siblings say in unison. Andrew pulls over by the shoulder of the road, and the police officer comes up to him...
>He's a gruff, highly-decorated cop. Among his medals is the Purple Negro, awarded for beating 12 unarmed civilians, as well as the Purple Woman, which he claimed after an evening with his wife.
>With no fewer decibels than a drill instructor, the policeman politely asks Andrew "DO YOU KNOW HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING YOU LITTLE SHIT!?!?!?"
>Andrew and Ashley look at each other with eyes wide open for a moment, before Andrew turns to the officer, "Uhhh... The right speed to feed this country..........?"
>The cop is pissed. The veins on his temple twist and turn so violently it looks like maggots are underneath his skin. "SHOW ME YOUR ID, OR I WILL BE FORCED TO DEFEND MYSELF."
thems got no asses
>"O-ok..." Andrew very slowly grabs his (fake) truck licence and hands it over.
>Ashley squeaks, "Learner's permit?? That fucking cultist bastar-"
>Andrew turns around shout at her. "Shut up Ashley!" But when he turned back to face the officer, he was gone.
>The cop had gone to the other side of the truck to interrogate Ashley. Ashley squirms and mumbles "Urmmmmmm, h-h-here you go officer..." as she passes her fake ID over.
>The cop dutifully examines it. "WELL WHAT DO WE HAVE HER-ah, okay." He calms down, which somehow made scares the siblings more than anything previous. "I see you are a fully licenced truck driver in the Republic of Armenia."
>"Huh-YES, yes I am! Uhhh... How can you read that?"
>The cop smiles, "My wife was an Armenian immigrant. Oh how I miss her... She was always there for me when I was stressed out. Rest in peace, you beautiful woman."
>"......................." the siblings just stare, not believing what's just happened.
>"Missy, tell your student here to watch the speedometer, okay? I'll let you off the hook just this once."
>"..............uhhh....." Ashley's brain is likely to begin pouring out of her ears this doesn't stop now.
>The cop returns to his patrol car and drives away.
>Andrew and Ashley are still staring at each other in awe, cycling through the full range of human emotions every 10 seconds.
>"What the fuck was that?" Andrew asked.
>"Well, it worked out in the end. And I can drive this truck too, yippee!" Ashley proceeds to slam the horn.
>Andrew laughs gleefully like a child. "You know, 10 minutes ago I would've made you the next dead Armenian wife for that. But I'm in a good mood. Let's get the fuck outta here."
>Andrew takes off while Ashley presses the horn down like it's a slut.
Watasi is flat?? Dropped, I don't care about this anymore
meds, unironically
don't know, don't care
It was just a joke, she's an Asian criminal and thus "naughty"
Beautiful stuff
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Armenian Ashley is my favorite /calg/ running joke.
Speaking of flat, did watasi ever draw paizuri fanart? If not I won't miss her
Needs correction!
The apartment was probably almost perfect for Ashley desu
>You, Ashley, a young woman with no friends, no prospects for the future, no real hope for survival, but you can have the one thing you want!
>Locked in with Andrew, a guy whose existence could be summed up as spineless poetryfag, is literally told by his mother where they've went and this changes almost nothing for him, because he's that apathetic
>Neither one of you has the energy to do too much due to starvation, you just amble between the same few spots and occasionally double-check to see if you missed some food item that you could eat and earn another few days of life
>No real food, just some expired protein powder that you can turn into shitty, dry "pancakes", but hey, it beats a glass of saltwater!
>The energy spike from eating tricks you into feeling good enough to feel like cleaning and doing laundry, but you end up passing out in the laundry room
>The mix of starvation and a lack of exercise have left Andrew too weak to actually carry you to bed, so all he can do is slowly bring a pillow and blanket into the room to lie down with you
>Being jostled and moved around on the cold floor before feeling your brother's warm arms around you fuels you to have comfortable dreams, dreams where the only real difference from reality is the fact that you're no longer starving--dreams of your Andy
>The mix of the cold floor and the guard banging on the door don't give you much of a chance to enjoy being the little spoon, with a big spoon pressed against you
>But this also wakes you both up enough to go to bed and go back to sleep, more comfortably this time
Honestly how close did they get to fucking in Chapter 1?
It can't have been very close. Considering the state they were in and how enthusiastic they are in the vision anything too exciting probably would've killed them.
I mean, you tell me
>Shitty apartment where they're sharing one room, literally one bed many nights, and not a large bed
>Minimal visible entertainment
>The only place to really masturbate is the bathroom
Only issue is the low energy from starvation
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They were about to kiss, but Ashley fucked up by calling him Andy.
Andrew eyebags...
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what we have is kinda strange, we fuck and are basically in a relationship but dont get to spend a whole lot of domestic time together due to living apart. its hard to navigate but only due to outside pressure and intolerance. good luck to you in your quest to fuck your sister tho anon.
I love french women so much it's fucking unreal. Not real french women, mind you, but the idea of them. The accent gets my dick rock hard, never mind when attached to the ideal sisterly form.
How can she be sisterly if she's a different ethnicity from you?
We're not operating in the realm of logic any longer, anon. I'm giving my sister a french accent, she's french, she's my sister, I'm not french, I don't know how it works, it just does. My penis is taking the wheel on this one, and I'm in the trunk, blindfolded, with no clue how we're getting to this destination.
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I wanta beeg sangwich ples :)
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Ashley was made to suffer
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>hehee leyley what is this adult game? it's weird and my peepee feels funny lol :D
Hey can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean uhhhhhh a whopper
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J-just take off your damn pants!
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Uh oh
Fucking brilliant, anon, I love it. I'm glad Officer Fredrik was in a good mood. Trucker and roadtrip stories are my favorites.
this but the unabomber cabin
To the normalfags, mayhaps
Reject modernity, embrace delphic tradition
Bratty sister needs correction with a spray bottle
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New day, new banger from our teenage emo prince
>A lingering melancholy
>and its longing glance into the abyss
>A malevolent presence
>and its longing glance into the past
>Humanity inherits the sadness
>and the world inherits the evil
>hoping without
>the forces remain
>equal and opposite
>Andy is the another one of those poems about how sad you are?
The first few were just generic emo shit but the last ones have actually been about stuff
I doubt Ashley would notice.
Is this about demon Andrew exploring his false childhood memories?
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Good night /calg/
Ashley is destined to lose, after all no matter what happens in her life, when she dies she will be separated from Andrew as she goes to hell while he goes to heaven for being cute and pure.
No but cool idea I should do that for one one the next ones
The best they can hope for is purgatory but they are both 80% going to hell.
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She's addressed the fake suicide attempt.... Watasibros it's over...
>tried it, but didn’t take it
So didn’t try it.
>attempt at taking medication
i.e. not taking any medication.
This is just more of the same shit.
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>all of these voices inside of my head
>blinding my sight in a curtain of red
>frustration is getting bigger
>pull my devil trigger
If you are used to reading ESL speak this is all old news. Eat shit and go back, dramafag.
Good night, anon.
This isn't Kiwifarms, fuck off.
We get it, you're still mad you couldn't dox the dev, now go seethe somewhere else.
The bitch you are simping for is the one who keeps posting Kit9's real name, retard.
You know thinking back on it I'm pretty sure Andrew had absolutely no delusions that he had a normal childhood. Man harbored absolutely no love for his mom or dad, and the only problem he had with killing them was that he didn't think they could get away with it without getting caught. If Nem's tries to push that he actually believe he had a good childhood than she didn't set it up well.
The drama is basically over.
No new developmens, alot of people lost their sympathy to Watasi because of the fake suicide shit, and they couldn't even muster a proper review bombing campaign.
Yes, yes, you're seething a lot, go away.
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i don't care about drama, i just want to fuck her until she stops being retarded (so forever)
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Would she actually?
This could be a legitimate result of Andrew accepting his psychopathy.
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>Embrace the darkness that's within me
>No hiding in the shadows anymore
>When this wickedness consumes me
>Nothing can save you and there's no way out
>vomit colored
how fitting
>channer wants a mentally ill gook fuckslave
A tale as old as time
i can fix her but i wouldn't because it's more fun that way
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He should call her a hussy and kick her in the cunt.
He's 22
Kill yourself
Sure, but I like to imagine he started this as a teenager. It makes the edgy cringe more fun to think about a 14-year-old describing the blackness in his soul.
>But none of the words related in any way to the Coffin of Andy and Leyley copyright are able to escape your lips
Goodnite anon :3
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Hell yea brother
Hell yea sister
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I don't like incest, I like my sister, retard!
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Episode 1 is psychological horror but episode 2 is very much a genre change.
Nope, don't like this very much
chef d'oeuvre
Decay makes me feel sick
Sisters are literally built for breeding. Why isn't your sister pregnant, Anon?
She was a stillborn and mom didnt tell me until my 20s
>Anon didn't notice his sister was stillborn the entire time
Well yeah I wasnt born yet.
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when does she say this in game?
Total hussy death, total sister victory
Quintillions must reproduce with their siblings
When she complains to ??? about Andrew
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Alright /calg/, I'm back. You better not have had ANY fun while I was away
We had this
Which I'd say was pretty fun
I made band
It's possible. Zia and the Goddesses of Magic is an RPG Maker game for Dreamcast.
The ending surprised me
What's the meaning behind the name "Divilethion", sounds ancient greek/early christian
I have not played the game so i don't know if it's explained in the game, it looks ugly so i won't play it
Divine something pantheon maybe? I think it's just meant to be gibberish that sounds Greco-Roman.
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Do you think the Titfuckin of Andy and Leyley would be a good game?
that's the worst titjob ive seen since Tara Reid
at least a indie GOTY
Andy, Shut the fuck up with that emo Bullshit and go get us some Carl's Jr...I'm hungry.
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Even at a time like this my sister is thinking about hammed burger... I just wanted to express my feelings...
You are not immune to hambubger
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Julia is the cutest
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Mmm, steamed hams!
Andrew wants to bond burger his sister
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I want to cum inside her while we kiss
New vtbkkf
Oh I haven’t seen this one before! It’s so cute who’s the artist?
Are you going to take this affront to your supremacy lying down, Juliafag?
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Based individual recognizing best girl supremacy
Do you think... theres only one juliafag here?
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Julia is really the best
Hide your eye, you whore.
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Julia takeover
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No, but he's the most vocal.
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What's going on in calg ?
Hussy love hours!!
/calg/ is eepy
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Julia would have to be the pants in the relationship with Juliandrew. How would she handle it?
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She can be the #1 fangirl, I'm the #1 fanboy
Someone's gotta be!
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>be the pants
I meant wear the pants...
Built to take big girthy (arms around her hugging her gently)
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Burn baby, burn!
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Taking back her man
Cute cat what's his name?
Go Julia! Bite off Ashley’s clit!
Her who?
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Andrew is going to need to take his woman back
Me in the middle with a cheek on each titty
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No, she should bite Ashley's clit, sensually.
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I don't remember. It's a new cat meme. She just doesn't mind holding her awkwardly.
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In the end even if Ashley gets a happy ending it will always be a truth that she only got Julia sloppy seconds
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I wonder what the average work day was like for her
Implying Andrew didn't rape leyley before he got together with the hussy.
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Fake and gay, pic related is the truth
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I will literally never forgive Andrew for betraying Ashley like this. Stupid faggot could have made his sister the happiest girl in the world, but he just HAD to dip his dick in a hussy instead of staying pure.
Fake and gay because Fred is for self-insert hussysonas
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Erasing Ashley from history... she was never real
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Very adorable. Here's my rabbit, I call her Ashley
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What the FUCK are you people doing with my characters?!
But Julia IS my self-insert hussysona
Still better than Andrew x floozie.
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Impregnating them.
Masturbating furiously. As a fujo, surely you understand.
The crackships will continue until morale improves and you give us a Ch. 3 release date. Also, triggering your autistic rage is funny. More melty devlogs pls
I hope nem keeps making fun of you fools
Based andrew
Me too. I think I have a degradation fetish. I want Nemlei to call me a retard to my face.
Disco inferno! Yeah!
No, say it like Nemlei would say it! Where's the flavor, where's the spice?
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Nemlei! Give us Ch3 right now or else I will start shipping Ashley X Julia!
Reminds me of that puppy meme

KEK cute Ashley you got there
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I have questions...
Thanks :)
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I have answers
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>Have mommy issues
>Make evil mom
>Also make her hot and sassy
>Get mad when people simp for the hot mom character you made instead of your self insert
>Throw melty and make joke route calling hagfags fools
>inadvertently proves she herself is a fool by doubling down on the retarded sodafags paying for her kids plot point.

Why are female devs like this?
Ashley just needs to ask ??? to unfuck Julia
??? is a Juliafag
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??? Will turn Julia into a fag
No problem :D
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Concern trolling is classic hussy behavior. How I hate them!
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Silence! I still haven't moved on...
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Licking hag feets
>Ashley's :3 face
god thats hot
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well unless you're andrew, you're out of luck anon
That's fine. If Ashley were the type of girl to commit outcest, she would no longer be sexo. Besides, my sister is superior because she's my sister.
I remembered, he is MeiMei cat. He is annoyed in the videos but also doesn't mind weird holding positions.
>"The shit I must tolerate to get some food in this shithole."
100% pure autism
Look at her trying to run on the marble floor, hehe.

There needs to be an ending where Ashley realizes the only way to keep Julia away from Andrew is to cuck him by fucking and marrying Julia herself
Yeah it's really cute lol
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ah yes, the ending where Andrew and Ashley escape to Russia and start a family
Me being held by Oneesan
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in calg canon it happened
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in calg canon Andrew is a whore
Kill yourself posthaste
i thought he was perpetually 7 and being molested in calg canon
end your existence
>That eye
Jesus Christ how horrifying
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forcefeeding imoutos lemons until their faces collapse
In Coffin canon, Andrew is a whore
threadly reminder that I can fix her
What's the original?
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No. This scenario is so macabre that it veers into black comedy. It makes no sense in the context of the story, how would this even happen? The religious iconography and text are also very different from that of the game's more subdued cosmic/cute-edgy themes. This piece is meant to be absurdist and not strictly something that the characters would actually do under most circumstances.
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We had lots of fun while you were gone
We had oodles of funs!!!1!
Don't listen to >>483205940 , we had no fun whatsoever. We're all miserable and bitter here and want to (and will) kill each other.
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>Shouta's actually thrusting between lucoa's thighs
>t. Andrew
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hussy caliphate
I would discuss this excitedly with Renee while inserting my obvious approval for the incest and weirding her out
If I was Ashley's daddy I would've plopped her in front of the TV and make her watch Mr Roger's for hours on end, while I fucked the ever loving shit out of Renee.
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Ever considered a career in therapy?
I never knew it was sea lions, I've seen so many edits of that comic before
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>I lived, bitch
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This asthmatic little brat is having sex with adult brothers!
Don't make me write a green about loli undead nina choking on Andrew's cock
She's actively seeking correction, Andrew. You live for that shit.
Haha nooo anom dont do it haha, that would be like, so messed up! Haha, imagine how weird it would be for andrew to have the zombie of the girl he killed sucking his dick haha, crazy right?
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I know you're joking but if you're serious, I need to mentally prepare
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If you had just written, I would have accepted the green at face value. But now I am expecting a work of high quality. There is one very critical question I expect you to address that I will not mention now as to not give you a heads up
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Pedophile Andrew fucking little hussies while Ashley seethes from the cuck window
I fucking wish.
The Cookie of Andy and Leyley!
>their fate is to be cannibalised by anon
poetic justice
Their sacrifices will *smack smack crunch* not be in vain *chew smack gulp*
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Now I want ice cream... somebody grab me a scoop of Noelle
>Andrew and Ashley get vored
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Would Ashley be a good singer?
No, she's terribly screechy and her voice drives Andrew up the wall, but she loves to sing.
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i noticed you always post only the ending of that
heres the full thing if you want it
Damn that's HOT ToT
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I hate him. I hate Andrew for being happy
Holy shit it goes all the way back
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After that last preview I can honestly see this as a alternate ending.
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Well... at least I'll get grandkids...
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>Gwen's shirt has a Nemlei cat on it
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Honor your incestors. Learn your incestry.
Sibling pregnancy WILL fix Ashley. In fact, it will fix Andrew as well. Keep the faith.
i dont think Renee is incapable of getting her relationship with her kids to work
shes just too stubborn and jilted to try
therefore she is dead
So what is this one about?
holy kek
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the only thing that will fix Ashley is cold steel through her skull

Nah, not really.


I'm late to this specific party but fucking hell, Kit9 has also struck down not just the mega links with the cgs of eveyr game but even the archives on itch.io. That's too much, man, what the fuck. Thankfully I've been here since thread 50 and can read the archives but why are they going so fucking ham on info
Mental illness.
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>Andrew puts the green bunny to his mouth to kiss it, and instantly the stench of Ashley's pussy juice, piss, spit, blood and pubes stuck to the encrusted bunny toy knocks him out
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Mmm, delicious!
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what songs do you guys heavily associate with coffincest? for me its 100% good luck babe by chappell roan read these lyrics and tell me this isnt ashley talking about andrew and julia.
Zoomers AMVs and montages and whatnot are seriously insane, dude my shit from 10+ years ago SUCKS in comparison. How do they do it?
Editing programs are getting easier to use even for novices, plus all kids nowadays grew up with computers and their parents probably do know how they work at least at a basic level and can guide them in some things.
I see Andy, I click.
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It was about his parents. The one before that someone actually got right, it was about Julia (she is the chain)
Good post anon
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I try
Shit post anon
misery x cpr
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I try
Those keychains aren't fan art. They're sold by no-name sellers in China on eBay and probably other sites. It is time for Nemlei and her loyal vassal Kit9 to fight the despicable CCP to end IP theft once and for all. Will she prevail, or die by the sword? Find out on next week's episode of /calg/!
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Sleepy thread.
Comfy thread.
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What she do to survive?
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Anon, I...
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C'mon, anon, can't you tell? She's a professional hit sprite. Her first target was a young attractive girl with her whole life ahead of her. Her smile warmed the hearts of strangers on the street. Her snowflakes, like her, were beautiful. But she had caught the wandering eye of Mother's client's husband, so she had to go. Two shots in the back of the head with an unregistered wand and that bright-eyed girl was dead. All that was left was a pile of meat and a liability. Mother got to work digging a hole into a snowbank in the dead of night, and the carcass was unceremoniously tossed inside. She cried all the way home, until she was standing on the doorstep of her ramshackle little abode. She sewed a smile onto her face and ducked inside, forever a changed woman. The targets were easier after that. Stupid, innocent Noelle never expected a thing when her mother was gone late into the evenings, or when she returned covered in sweat from exertion. It was darkly funny that she didn't have to tell a single lie. The assumptions were made for her. Meanwhile, her clients came back, again and again, for the quickest shot in Snowland. No questions, no hesitation. Just business.
Moderate these threads
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So THAT'S why we were so poor.
She's almost as bad at her job as Noelle is at making snowflakes.
damn old women are so ugly
say it to your mother.
i won't, but it's obvious that she was way way prettier before she gave birth to me
giving birth fuckes up female bodies
you ruined a potential 100% sexo hag, Anon, hope youre happy
such is the inherent paradox of human condition
you cannot have life without death and pleasure without pain
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I don't know, Renee and Noelle's mom are still pretty hot.
it's just Nemlei's subconsious desire to not hit the wall at 30 that makes her draw them so attractive
also, obviously the cartoonish style makes them look less old
Professional snow sprite face squisher
>game looks interesting
>visit this general
>everyone's having a permanent melty
Christ, I knew Nem's hated moms but that's just unnecessarily cruel. This explanation >>483252734 is honestly more wholesome than that hell.
Dammit, guess I have to beat the hell out of my dick again. Fuck you anon I wanted to go to sleep
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It's just a bit of banter. No need for concern.
Yule should cheat on Noelle with Ivy.
Noelle and Ivy should doubleteam Yule.
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So what I'm getting is that I should definitely pirate this game and then give the device money if I liked it
Just watch a let's play for free.
>dood just watch a lets play!
I fucking hate you faggots so much
No you stupid fucking nigger. It's a GAME. It has maps to explore, puzzles to solve, and decisions to make. Eat my shit you dumb fuck.
They’re choosing a route I don’t want to see!
Based China will not bend the knee to Fingolians.
Why would I watch a let's play when I can just effortlessly pirate the game and then do whatever I want with it
Then pirate it already and fuck off
But you'd want me to stay if I would watch your let's plays?
No, I'd prefer it if you fucked off regardless
Just watched a movie named Brotherhood of the Wolf and it made me think how more troublesome would've been if the age and gender of Andrew and Ashley were reversed
Chubby sisters are for belly rubs (via your face)
hugging Ashley when her mood is down and saying that i love her
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Ashley deserves love and kisses
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>The seethe in the replies
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Ashley love hours
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That's all hours
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You can’t do that, you’re not Andrew Graves
Then why does the game tell me multiple times that I am Andrew?
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Chubley probably has an immaculate butthole
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>not being Andrew Graves
Sucks to be (you)
All that human meat really plumped her up nicely
>immaculate butthole
Does it look like this? https://files.catbox.moe/uethpm.png
What colour is her butthole?
As pink as her eyes
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>Ashley has constant pink eye
I keep telling her to wash her goddamn hands after taking a shit!
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Ashley sexo!
Very breedable crotch.
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Julia is entitled to kisses
If Ashley and Andrew had intercrural sex, which of the two would be the one to crack and put it in?
The only thing a hussy is entitled to is dying in a box and getting a shallow grave
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Julia is entitled to DIE
Andrew. Ashley wouldn't mind and just be happy she's with Andrew
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Ashley would rub her ass against Andrew's crotch for 2 seconds then immediately extricate her asscheeks to say something teasing, causing Andrew to retaliate and force his penis between her sisterly thighbags.
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Sisterly asscheeks...
Oh, I misread.
If Andrew were thighfucking Ashley, it would only be by complete accident that Ashley moves her body in such a way as to cause penetration. She'd be glad Andrew is getting off on her legs alone. And considering how Andrew chose not to be gentle with Ashley in the sex dream, I think he'd press her against the table and tell her "Ashley, I'm going to fuck you now."
Ashley ALWAYS wants Andrew to cross the line no matter what. The one thing she did herself was stab mom and dad.
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Propaganda post, Ashley is FAT
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Good I like em a little chubby
Pregley for next bake? >>483217272
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Ashley is exceptionally skilled. She held on to all that FAT even while starving
Before I bake, will miss get upset over this image: https://files.catbox.moe/kyhh33.jpg
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Do not!
Ok... Baking with something else then.
Do it. What's the worst that could happen?

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