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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>482813552
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The damage that FFXVI has done to this series is insane. This game is an insult to Final Fantasy and the RPG genre.
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Based Yuffiegod keeping OO up!
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>Same images
>Different hashtags
>All of them are coincidentally Yuffie images and 16 images

Is it really a coincidence? hmmm... really makes you think

You might be joking BUT he really does change his image hash every single time he posts

yep another one for the collection
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>Computer, show me more images of Claire Farron
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
It's dead. Accept it.
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The schizo shitposters got mindbroken by Yuffie
>one schizo now thinks that every single post with a Yuffie image attached was all made by one person, even ones with different md5s
>the other schizo has now added Yuffie to his falseflag repertoire, the debut being the first post in this thread
I despise 16 because it has a disgusting faggot in it
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XIII with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI. Irrefutable.
...Final Fantasy?

Yup. What a loser!
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I agree, Yuffie is so much cuter and much popular than every single 16 female characters put together
>13fag has short term memory loss and thinks totally different posts not even replying to him (outright quoting someone else) are for him
No words.
Nice try, ESL kun
What? You can't dispute that though, because she's indeed much more popular and cuter than all of 16 characters
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Lord Barry gets Rebirthkeks and XIIIfags to do his work for him while he mocks their games at the same time.
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Clairebros, do you think Lightning can save XVItards? Seems that some people are beyond salvation.
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The damage that Final Fantasy has done to Final Fantasy is insane. This series is an insult to Dragon Quest and the JRPG genre.
Both sadly true.
He really did win, but not in the way he wanted to. He turned the mindless wanderers into his unwitting army.
I still believe we can all be saved
Why did Rebirth flop again? Even Palworld and Hi Fi Rush outsold it, it seems.
Thralls, you might even say
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meanwhile in reality
Only Expedition 33 can save this general
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Stillbirth sucks, despite being a better game than Shitstain.
That is a much more appropriate and concise word, yes, you are correct.
Those are stocks. Not game sales.
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XVIsisters...our narrative...
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It heavily correlates with sales.
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They have "stolen" like 10 of my memes at this point.
Nomura wore out his welcome which is also why KH flopped on Steam.
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see >>482991725
and >>482991959
and also pic related
Personally, I like the one where the CEO himself admits XVI is a failure.
Is FFXVI worth buying
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The CEO might be a retarded NFTfag but I like him, he's a cool guy
No, but if you hate yourself go for it.
You can tell the Yoshidahater is seething that he got told last thread, it's going all out.
I was just thinking the same thing. Something last thread must have really upset him.
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Final Fantasy XVI is worth the purchase

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Yeah, it's really seething hard and doing its absolute best to ruin the thread for everyone.
Not even worth a pirate

It seems that you're the one whos still mad because youve been outed last thread
I don't have anything against Yoshida. It looks that way because XVI is a pure dogshit game and that's just my honest opinion. If he make XVII and it's good, then I'll gladly suck his dick.
As usual, no? It's always seething.
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>I don't expect it to be like the shitposters here
I don't see people here expecting XVII to have 10 difficulty modes. I see people unhappy with what has already happened. The very premise of your question about "expectation" is not true. In the context of what has already happened, the distinction between wanting and expecting no longer matters:
1) People wished for something without expecting anything, didn't get it, and are now pointing out the flaws. Or are you implying that they can't do that because it makes you mad?
2) People expected AND wanted something, didn't get it and now are upset. Or can't they do it for the same reason?
There are no longer fundamental differences in this context, the differences have more to do with emotional strain.

Anyway, the main point is that it's perfectly normal to want something and to express dissatisfaction every time you don't get it, whether you expected it or not. If you have sane developers,expressing dissatisfaction about a design decision never decreases, but increases the chances of getting what you want in the future. For example, at the last presentation of The Rising Tide, the director of the add-on responded to dissatisfaction with the difficulty of XVI and openly stated that the DLC is harder:
>we could also see feedback on livestreams and social media from players who wanted battles that they could really sink their teeth into. Since the underlying combat system in Final Fantasy 16 was created as a robust action game, we had the foundation in place to create high-difficulty battles – and there are new challenges you can only create at high difficulty
>I thought that these challenges would be accepted if they were in the DLC and decided to increase the baseline difficulty of the DLC’s combat,
The moral of this story: complain, complain and complain again if you don't like something about the product. Feed the noosphere with your feedback, for better or for worse

Excuse to post Vanille.
Stop pretending to like XIII just to use it as a shield against criticism.
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So many Claires (Purest Muse, Fragrant Heroine, Divine Goddess btw), sheep and Vanilles (Vanille btw) in this and previous threads!111

But at what cost...
I feel bad for the real Vanillefag.
BASED AS FUCK Vanillebro
The funny thing is, out of all their fags, only one has a victim complex.
Guess which one?
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She is so wonderful....what a charming and extraordinary heroine (and a tough fighter too)
XIII-2, what a game.
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I believe everyone in this thread actually loves Vanille!!! They are just too shy to admit it and say it.

Credo quia absurdum.
>filter the word Vanille and it's different variations
>thread becomes good again
I should've done this sooner
me want more pretty red hair lady
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It might be time to do this. Rip in peace to the real Vanillefag. I wonder how many girls he plans on ruining, and I am already noticing that none of them are going to be Tifa.
Wh-what are they doing?
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>Uploading images by request "The greatest Goddess in the history of creation".
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Vanille is very sad! And when she's sad, she looks for hugs!
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Finally peace and quiet
Have fun with your shitposter
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What do you mean by variations?
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He probably meant filter more shit like different combinations that uses numbers and symbols like "Vani11e" or the ones that replaces the lower case Ls to upper case Is
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Aren't these two the same person?
Ugly girl from a trash game
tranny XIII was a yuge mistake
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Well of course not:
On the left is Serah: the smartest, most decent, responsible and emotionally mature (unlike her sister) girl. Maybe even the most mature person in the entire trilogy btw!
On the right is Vanille! Vanille's extraordinary traits are already known to everyone I think, so there's no point in reminding them.
Who the fuck is Serah
"Mystiques barcarolles,
Romances sans paroles,
Chère, puisque tes yeux,
Couleur des cieux,

Puisque ta voix, Ă©trange
Vision qui dérange
Et trouble l'horizon
De ma raison,

Puisque l'arĂ´me insigne
De ta pâleur de cygne,
Et puisque la candeur
De ton odeur,

Ah! puisque tout ton ĂŞtre,
Musique qui pénètre,
Nimbes d'anges défunts,
Tons et parfums,

A, sur d'almes cadences,
En ses correspondances
Induit mon cœur subtil,
Ainsi soit-il!"
"Mystical singing-birds,
Romances without words,
Dear, because your eyes
The shade of skies,

Because your voice, strange
Vision that must derange,
Troubling the horizon
Of my reason,

Because the rare perfume
Of your swanlike paleness,
Because the innocence
Of your fragrance,

Ah, because all your being,
Music so piercing,
Clouds of lost angels,
Tones and scents,

Has by soft cadences
With its correspondences,
Lured my subtle heart, Oh
Let it be so!"
She was stuck in crystal for the entirety of XIII. That's the whole reason Lightning and Snow are even part of the game iirc. They're trying to un crystal Serah
Oooh, okay. She kinda cute, I wanna spank her.
Whatcha doing there, XIII bro?
He's talking about Rebirth...
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
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oh no no no no no
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>filter "yoshit" and "XVIsissy"
Finally, the thread can be used.
Nomurafag (the fanboy not the cool one). The war he has with Yojimbo has been waged for a long time.
>ps5 adaption
So no fault of XVI. And looking at Rebirths lower sales, not even it could get people to buy more. Or even Stellar Blade.

1.6% of Japans population tuned in live to watch the Nintendo Direct
They need to show a FF game in one of those even if it’s PC only.
>XVI didn't meet expectations
>79% drop
Oof. It doesn't help that XVI was really bad.
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>most watch live stream ever in Japan
>fucking DQ is in it over FF
Fuck everything
How do we get this bad luck?
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That loser really made a video game about his Mary Sue waifu. How cringe.
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He's talking about both
You're just jealous.
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>mfw i count three
Stillbirthfags can't count, huh...
Now he's doing the Remake trilogy with Hamaguchi and who knows what's next ;)
...wow, sad. Making FFXIII was the peak of his career, now he's just a has-been doomed to constantly repeat that he made FFXIII.
I accept your concession
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I wonder if Nomura will have a "next". He fumbled Versus XIII and is fumbling the Remake trilogy. How could you possibly fumble Final Fantasy VII? That will sell like hotcakes no matter what you do to it just on name alone... and yet Nomura found a way.
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I love l'Éclair, she's the Purest Muse. She's magnificent and fragrant Heroine...
>moving the goalposts
I accept your concession.
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Not only has he been promoted to the board, but he's also currently the head of CS1, aka the A-team of Square Enix. He WON bigly.
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>literally all failures that either died or had to be saved by Yoshida
I'm just correcting you, thougheverbeit. But seeing how you copy paste my post, it seems like it struck a nerve, huh?
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turn based gameplay
>literally all failures
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I have little familiarity with the development history of the trilogy, but are you sure that time jannies and other innovations that people don't like are to Nomura's credit, and not Nojima's.
Toriyama explained in the last interview that Nojima originally wrote the script for both Remake and Rebirth, and then he and Nomura only made additions/amendments.
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>article from Aug 2013, before Rebirth released
>still seething about Hamaguchi for no reason at all
Weird, you seem to have an inferiority complex towards him. Is there something you want to share with us anon?

Hamaguchi's the head of SE's A-team and is the one who will oversee most AAA games from SE going forward. If you don't like him, you might as well quit this franchise right now, as he represents both the present and the future of SE.
>are you sure that time jannies and other innovations that people don't like are to Nomura's credit, and not Nojima's.
Does Rebirths combat improve on remakes by much?
Wow, you angered her, she immediately answered your argument with namecalling.
meant for >>483000557 lmao
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>when you realize the vent over you is drooling
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The new CEO sure likes to backtrack on his own words.
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He should get a grip and be more consistent.
Whatever he says, I'll fall in line. The narrative is he's saving SE, and we're sticking to that.
Who's "we"
The people who like final fantasy. I know that's hard for you to understand in the home of /falseflaggeneral/
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Is this a perfect example of a well designed superboss?
Is this the Yuffie appreciation thread?
Let's hope he doesn't backtrack on his decision to stop making exclusive games, for your sake.
What the hell was the AI supposed to do? Write the script and story line for them. It would be an improvement.
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My wife Eiko is very cute!
I love cloud "Back to the planet!" When cloud uses aerial onslaught in rebirth, that shit is cool
Alright, time to go commit home invasion against Exdeath!
Yes. It's actually a good game unlike Remake.
It's the same pilosophy, but it gives you more options. So yeah.
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I think she woke up in the wrong world
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Aerisu :D
Happy 1st anniversary to j-action kino https://youtu.be/HIOjFO5p7So?si=odILINOOm8oQnl28
Remake if better
Blessed thread. Bless Claire. Bless Vanille. Based Toriyama is a thunder chad. We love XIII
This but only the 3rd sentence.
I hope FF9 remake looks like that.
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good lord this fight is annoying with this comp. waiting for sword dance to proc.. It's floating so Titan is useless, and the other summons are dinging for 0. Permanent reflect, so no spells either.
With Melusine dead, I have my full party again! I take back anything bad I said about Red Mage: if, and only if, you get it with either Black or White Mage (I have both!), it's an incredible job because of Dualcast. I finally got Dualcast on someone and it's busted as hell, I love it. Gonna call it here for today, tomorrow I'll start my Merged World sidequestin'.
Damn, I'm too late to tell ya. Carbuncle has a really easy to exploit cycle. He will cast 3 offensive spells, then on his next turn, he will lower his barrier to cast Cura on himself on his following turn, and then reset Reflect the turn after that and begin the cycle anew with 3 more offensive spells. On the turn he drops his Reflect, not only is he extremely vulnerable to every element, he even drops his Heavy typing and thus, loses his status immunity. I killed him with Break when he did that, petrified him with my black mage 4 turns in.
Good luck with Exdeath! I'd say your best bet is setting Reflect and multi-casting Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga (whichever one you've equipped an elemental rod to boost by 50%) on your party, that's how I killed him this year.
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I'm just completing the second world. Almost died to Exdeath despite having good counters for him. Golem & Carbuncle neutralize almost all of what he can do. However, reflect does wear off, and he caught me with it down on his triple turn. To be continued later, got chores to do.

I had no idea. So Krile could have possibly nuked him. Interesting. Well, she did help out some by silencing Carbuncle early on for a bit. They have mage mashers on for +magic but without the weight of the old staffs/rods.
Great job kicking the tree's butt! Since you've got a bard, I might as well remind ya: AS SOON AS you reach the Library of the Ancients, run up to the roof and talk to the guy on the right to get Mana's Paean! It's a very small (and the only) window to learn that song if you want it.
>t. Toriyama
The best
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Careful, Eiko bro. The new gimmick of one of the oldfags is to claim to be a newfag while also falseflagging with frequently posted FF girls.
I haven’t played a final fantasy game before, and have a PS5. Should I start with XVI or just play ninja gaiden instead?
What are you talking about, silly?
All FF games after X suck ass
he's been mindbroken, pay him no mind.
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>commenting on /ffg/ current affairs is being "mindbroken"
pic related
it honestly depends on what kind of games you like. if you like classic jrpgs I think you should start on some of the SNES ones and work your way up. if you prefer more recent games then check out XVI and XII
no one cares about your dramashit, retard.
If you start with XVI, you will likely get the wrong impression of what other Final Fantasy games are. XV, XVI, and the Final Fantasy VII Remake games are all much different than the Final Fantasy games that came before them, where they were traditionally more turn-based or ATB rather than action.
I care
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>no one cares
If (You) didn't care, you wouldn't be replying.
My exposure to turn based games is limited to rpg maker stuff. I never found any depth in the combat, it’s either spam powerful ability, defend against enemies strong attack, or heal in between. How does final fantasy normally offer depth?
You seem bored. Go put that energy into playing a FF game today.
I'm not the type of faggot who acts like a bitch by not directly replying to who I'm talking to.
No one cares about your bitchfit. 4chan is not your treehouse secret club. Grow up retard.
>My exposure to turn based games is limited to rpg maker stuff.
Like H-games? Some of them actually have some depth to them. Like especially if you've played Black Souls 2 while low level, the weapon swapping and buff upkeep is a lot more intricate than anything Final Fantasy has to offer. Actually, OO played somewhat similarly to low level Black Souls 2, but that was only on the more difficult bosses, and you can't play OO anymore.
>How does final fantasy normally offer depth?
It doesn't really. Final Fantasy as a series is really just a fun easy going comfy ride. That's how I've always viewed it and that's what it's always been. The combat has never really been forefront, it's always been a series that is more about the characters, the narrative, the setting, the music, and the atmosphere. Combat usually devolves to just spamming the most powerful ability (ex: Thundaga if a water enemy) while staying alive. Some of the superbosses are move involved than that (like the Dark Aeons and Penance in FFX) but these are entirely optional. Final Fantasy is basically a primarily story and character driven series, so even if you start with one of the more action oriented games, don't go in expecting it to be the most tactical, most challenging, most difficult thing you've ever played. XVI is probably a fine place to start if you aren't even really interested in more turn-based/ATB games anyway. I'd say the Remake trilogy would be another good place to start, if it were actually finished, but there is still one more game that needs to be released and it wont be out for probably another 2 years at least.

Oh wow, two replies!? You care a lot!
I forgot to add that a lot of the bosses to have a "gimmick" to them, but once you know what the gimmick is, you just do it. (ex: don't attack when boss changes form or it counters)
Someone is gonna trash IX by using Eiko.
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Barry won. XIV ended in 5.3. Pedophiles get the rope.
Hello Rebirth bro.
see >>483048248
>You might be joking BUT he really does change his image hash every single time he posts
What a schizo shitposter, as expected from OO fags
Talk shit about FFII all you want but I think the party structure of “3 main characters, constantly changing fourth character” is pretty interesting and if I ever make a game (I won’t) then it’ll have that
>I'm one of the Yuffie posts in that image
>I'm neither one of the other two Yuffie images
>the schizo is nevertheless convinced that every single Yuffie is posted by the same person
>he has every single Yuffie image result saved in a notepad
>even if md5s don't match, even if the images are completely different, he insists its all the same person
>...it's other people who are the schizos
Dear lord, I am noticing.
Based and called out the retarded shitposter with double standards
You made her damage control poorly
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>white mage reveals shoulder
what a slut
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He will never accept this truth. In fact, posting this will somehow reaffirm his schizo beliefs that every Yuffie image is posted by the same one person. His schizophrenic list of archives search results for Yuffie images is going to continue to grow.

Don't say that about Lenna..
So this is what you do now, huh?
I guess the problem all along was you, not me.
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He's just larping and is very into his character. Method acting, if you will.
>Instead of playing as a group of rogues who try to prevent mega corporations from destroying the world by sucking it dry, the game followed the footsteps of a guy called only “Detective Bob” as he tried to catch a group of “echo terrorists” trying to do the same goddamn thing.
she's so defensive that she has to damage control instead of easily ignoring it, it's pathetic
But you're counter damage controlling by replying to yourself.
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Looks like you were right.
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FFII is still a better game than FFXVI.
can't tell if SOP is easier than I remembered, I got better, or I just haven't gotten faceraped by tiamat yet
you know how the game works so obviously its easier
It's going to be interesting to see how you will mysteriously fail to include the Yuffie falseflag shitposts in your newest schizophrenic episode.
It's dead. Flaws
Where the hell are you even getting Rebirth out of this?
True, especially Soul of Rebirth. Also, Emperor > Ultima
VIIRgins have a massive shitposting problem.
Naoki bros must unite
Hamaguchi is super based. Solid creative mind as well as clearly talented programmer
So is jack part of the rare manly man few of final fantasy?
too schizo to count
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Gotta be a mechanic that they meant to develop but just eventually gave up on
remember robot dog

what the fuck was ff16
Torgal didn’t seem fully incorporated into the gameplay. What a mess.
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who is this cutie and is she for me?
I really need to continue the story now that i am done with sunshine seekers. fuck mandragoras.
Guess i am just doing whatever rhapsodies of vanadiel tells me to do to get to the next part since that seems like it's trying to tie all the DLCs together.
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keep coping, embarrassing retard
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literally rent free, it's insane
Back to back shitposts from the two cancers that killed the general
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Sounds about right.
She is a mediocre character in a bad game but that is a chad move.
The cancers that killed this general are Yoshida haters and OO haters, which are actually the same people.
>>483047738 >>483048248
meant for >>482990815
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I wonder if it's the same guy who spams about Yojimbo and Lightning's country.
You made the gacha lOOser very angry, he's going all out lmao
Is there even any other person it could be? I just assumed it was him.
I don't think OO posting scared away Vaynefag and Tifafag.
Accurate image.
I wonder if those fags even talk about videogames that's not deflecting to XVI. I've talked to the FJF anon at times and a good chunk of other games, what have they done besides mald over XVI and gacha games for the umpteenth time?

Oh speaking of, CG Jecht is in BE now. Did small pulls but got nothing. Saving for Clive. And Ultimecia in WotV.
Avatarfags shouldn't be celebrated.
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OO is still a better game than XVI.
But enough about the yuffie, vanille, and rydia false flagger.

It's also way better than Debirth and XIII too. And XV. One of the best gachas bar maybe RK.
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>Ultimecia in WotV
Is Ultimecia actually coming to WotV now? I quit, then reinstalled for my slutwife, then quit again.
Apparently, according to people in the guild chat.
>dead kusoge
Owari da...
oh but he helps you juggle for combos.....yeah
if only Jill and Joshua and Cid were also selectable in that menu, with them all holding three of their own customizable commands.
so maybe Jill has Cura All and two attacks maybe Joshua has Haste All and two attacks, and Cid has Barrier All and two attacks. Or maybe Joshua has all the buffs, and Cid and Jill are loaded with attack commands. Yknow....some RPG
Um no sweaty that's a wishlist that doesn't count!
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what's your favorite Final Fantasy visuals-wise?
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What a garbage game LMAO
Rebirth (still a bad game tho)
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I won't call it garbage, just exceedingly disappointing.
ZAMN would rail that bitch
He’s decently incorporated. He’s basically Clive’s DMC5 Shadow, but more built around extending combos with Precision Sics than doing massive damage, launching and grounding enemies, healing Clive similarly to Flames of Rebirth, and using his own DT to become even stronger and change up his move set. His true use of for stuff like Arcade Mode, where you’re going to need to keep getting as many bonuses as possible to get good ranks, and his low damage coupled with combo extenders make him invaluable, since you can use him to set up some crazy combos while also getting decent score bonuses and accolades. He’s also good for dealing some damage to enemies that Clive yanks down with Deadly Takedown, and getting in just a bit more damage with staggered enemies. I’m not entirely sure what triggers him to become Fenrir in combat, sometimes it happens upon Semi Priming, and other times it happens randomly, but when it does happen it’s pretty useful.
I don't even have the motivation to finish FFVII Remake. I'd rather just jerk off Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie.
Joshua should be more focused on casting protective spells, like he already does in gameplay, melee, counters, and keeping enemies airborne. Meanwhile, Jill should be focused on freezing individual enemies, like she also does in game, ranged attacks, traps, and keeping enemies grounded. Both of them can have Regen spells that are stronger than Torgal’s, but with the caveat that you can only use them once or twice per encounter/mission.
Josh and Jill have so many abilities exclusive to them that trying to give them their own command sections like Torgal sounds like a nightmare. Swapping between Items, Torgal, Jill, and Joshua also sounds really inconvenient. Don’t even get me started on the temporary companions like Cid.
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XV, the best Final Fantasy.
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XIV is better.
So many nip people have been shitting on FF16 on 5ch lately, but they keep talking about the franchise. I guess that's a good thing!
XIV has the worst visuals in modern FF.
Cool it with the racist, sister.
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So yeah, looks like Rebirth is still the favorite to win GOTY.
Except Stillbirth has really trash unrealslop visuals
This makes me extremely upset for reasons I don't want to explain.
>XVIfags melty
Its only mixed due to tech issues that will be patched
Wow, it looks like they spent all day shitposting Yoshida (and OO). I would never have guessed that this would happen... again.

NomuraGODs just keep winning
>people are unironically getting filtered by the difficulty
Rellana took me more attempts than I’d ever be willing to publicly admit
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are you okay yoshida sister? you seem to having a schizo melty
why don't you post some actual final fantasy to ease that butthurt?
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>XVI "humour"
>they wasted money on making food look good
At least we know where the budget went. Shame they didn’t allocate that money to making the gameplay good, and released an unfinished mess instead.
What’s your point? Are you saying the game’s humor isn’t funny, or the fans of the game are unfunny? If it’s the latter, that’s true for every fan base to ever exist. And where did you even find this?
>And where did you even find this?
He goes out of his way to purposely search for things that he knows will make himself upset, and when he becomes upset, he posts it to his various forms of social media for attention. That's why he's here.
>post cringe
>fans of cringy thing get mad
Every time
>didn't answer the question
All those rumors seem to imply 9 Remake is going to be made with Nintendo as the target.
I hope not since that would mean its turn based.
Im happy ff9 is the chosen one to be turn based, since ff9 is a callback to old FFs, while the remake can be a callback to turn based games
and also it will shut turn based fags for once
Based Fact Checker.
>I hope not since that would mean its turn based.
Yoshida already soft confirmed that it's turn-based. He said something like CS3 isn't doing the IX Remake, and that he's pretty sure that the people who are would be making it turn-based.

>and also it will shut turn based fags for once
I'm like 90% sure that the whiny "muh turn-based" fags are the same people who shit on OO every thread, and OO unironically had some of the best turn-based gameplay in the Final Fantasy franchise.
>game’s humor isn’t funny, or the fans of the game are unfunny?
Both. Every big game has some degree of memes to it, especially Yoshida's other game XIV, which is an absolute meme and humour goldmine. XVI is so unfathomably dull that nothing substantial ever managed to sprout from it.
Ichiban and the Nahobino say hi.

It was actually fairly tame minus the very early morning. And with how few posts there are now, it seems >>483097743 got smacked by the mods or something.
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It has been leaked that FF9 Remake and 16 will be on EGS, probably under some sort of exclusivity deal, likely similar to the Remake. Since there hasn't been any news of a Steam port, and Steam leaks usually occur more frequently than Epic leaks.
holy shit, i forgot Turok existed
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>XVI action slop vs. IX turn BASED kino
RIP XVI, you were never a good game.
yeah ok wake me when it actually happens. same thing was said last leak
>making up enemies in your head
schizo overload
Pretty sure that's now null and void considering they're done with exclusivity deals. Being EGS exclusive is a death sentence even worse than being a PS5 exclusive.
they aren't done with any deals until you see a multiplat release.
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I went to Distant Worlds in NY. I can tell I was next to some people from ffg. Whoever was sitting next to me and right behind me - please take a shower next time, faggot.
Nerds needing showers has nothing to do with 4chan.
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>more fake leaks
>It has been leaked that FF9 Remake and 16 will be on EGS, probably under some sort of exclusivity deal
i doubt it. FFXVI isnt on Unreal.
Whatcha doing, rebirth bro?
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I'm starting to notice
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Still a better game than XVI.
Sadly true.
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Afraid not.
While Rebirth was great, FFXVI was the better game.
Consoomers know this implicitly.
Rebirth is the top contender for GOTY.
XVI wouldn't have been a contender even if BG3 hadn't released in the same year.
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Rebirth was less of a game. It was more like a harem fanfic crammed with mini games and openworld collectorslop.
Meanwhile Crisis Core Reunion was a proper FF7 movie game.
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I warned Eiko bro earlier that he was going to start shitposting with Eiko if he wasn't careful.
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You're coping pretty hard on the GoTY thing Rebirth fag...
Hate to break it to you but compilation sequelslops don't win GoTY.
Don't be too disappointed when Rebirth fails to meet your expectations
just like it failed to meet shareholder expectations oof
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Sorry to burst your bubble but...actually I'm not sorry at all lmao
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Meanwhile Rebirth couldn't even meet its initial sales target, even on the lower end...
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Both games failed to meet shareholder expectations commercially, but only XVI failed to meet their expectations for quality too.
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Afraid not.
XVI is objectively the worst FF
>XVI was so bad it killed all interest in the series afterwards
>Debirth despite selling worse, it got a higher score than Shitstain
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Wrong on both points!
The 10/10 FFXVI produced "extremely strong sales results" within SE's sales expectations.
It was also very well received and has drawn new and old FF fans in, myself included.
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>he's still copying my meme
This is when they finally announced that Rebirth flopped. Unfortunately, they are so ashamed that they still haven't revealed the sales numbers. Rebirth being a confirmed flop caused SE's stock to drop so hard and so quickly that it triggered a circuit breaker. This is the reality of Nomura's Final Fantasy VII.
>rebirth flopped
>XVI flopped
Sounds to me like XVI was the bigger flop.
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>XVI failed to meet their expectations
SE CEO himself said so. What a failure of a game!
Rebirth flopped so hard in one day that it could not have possibly flopped any harder. It triggered a circuit breaker. The stock could not be traded anymore.
Also keep in mind the -15.95% also includes XVI failure as well since that was the result for the entire fiscal year, which both Rebirth and XVI launched in.
XVI's -23.82% was all on XVI.
>shitposters is trying to double dip on XVI news
Sorry buddy, that drop was all Final Fantasy VII, which is even worse because Final Fantasy VII was supposed to be the cash cow golden goose break in case of emergency hail mary trump card... and it flopped harder than XVI.
XVIsissy btfo
Kekaroo 16 is such a fucking joke
So, you're saying that ff16 was a throwaway title, and that's why they let the C team develop it?
hmm you might onto something here...
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XIII with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI
XV with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI
VIIRB with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI
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>release big flagship game
>allegedly sell 3 million copies of it at $70 a pop
>it cost so much to make for somehow for some reason that all of this still tanked operating income to near zero for the quarter it released in once the cost of making the game was factored in
>So, you're saying that ff16 was a throwaway title
No, I'm saying that your boogeyman made a more successful game than Rebirth and that you are obviously mad about it, because you do this every single day. The reason it's even worse that Rebirth flopped harder than XVI is that, as you are aware, Final Fantasy VII is a massive IP and people will buy anything that has Final Fantasy VII on it, but not Rebirth apparently. Nomura took something that you literally could not fuck up, and he managed to fuck it up with time jannies.

Yoshida also turned the worst Final Fantasy failure (XIV 1.0) into the single most profitable Final Fantasy game that has ever existed, and this really rubs you the wrong way. Yoshida lives rent free in your brain and he has for years, because he is keeping Square Enix afloat and you hate it. He just keeps winning, and you cannot fucking stand it, so you piss and moan literally all day every single day.
>he still doesn't acknowledge that the total loss of Luminous Studios was realized in the same quarter that XVI released
>he never will
>before Stillbirth released
Shit, we won't be able to deflect here, XVIsisters... I know! Let's blame Luminous!!
I genuinely fail to understand how a game as shallow and empty as XVI took seven years and as much money as it did to make. They sure as shit didn't spend all that money on the game design.
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>tfw Luminous Productions are responsible for the best parts of XVI
XV just can't stop winning
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>Let's blame Luminous!!
It's simply the truth.
>xvi-kun pretends that luminous being merged back into SE, aka them losing their independence, somehow cost them hundreds of millions of dollars
Threadly reminder that Ardyn (Izunia) Lucis Caelum did nothing wrong.
And he's the gold standard for antagonists in JRPG.
>anon thinks that debt just evaporates when companies merge
I haven't even played XVI. I'm just tired of the literally daily shitposting using schizophrenic headcanon that is only loosely based on reality. When you say true things, I don't interrupt because they're true. You don't do this very often, however.
What a roundabout way of saying that you agree with me that 16 was just a throwaway title.
Keep seething about Rebirth though, you know in your heart I'm right. That's why SE only put him as the head of the C team that will only make throwaway titles like a gacha game port. LMAO.
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>XVI defender hasn't even played XVI
>What a roundabout way of saying that you agree with me that 16 was just a throwaway title.
If this is the characterization that you are choosing to stick with, I hope you are happy knowing that Final Fantasy VII sold less than a "throwaway title".
You're welcome to try and find where Luminous is even mentioned, let alone blamed for their operating income loss in these filings.
>SE only mentions XVI, never Luminious
XVIsisters...not like this....
>anon confirms that he does, in fact, think that debt completely evaporates when companies merge
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Luminous lives on in XVI's credits
No it didn't LMAO
FF7 is the face, heart and soul of the series btw, if you don't like it you might as well leave the fandom now.
>I'm gonna keep repeating something that sounds good in my head while providing zero supporting evidence for any of it
He's a lolcow, like Barry, except not even Barry defends a game he hasn't played. What's worse, he's here 24/7.
Why do shitty games always attract the worst schizos? LMAO.
First Barry, now Frenchie aka Dreamboum aka BarrXVI.
Hey now, to give credit where its due at least we know factually that Dreamboum has indeed played XVI.
>every post I don't like is the same person
>every post that isn't shitting on XVI is defending it
>please ignore all of the untrue things me and my discord buddies say!
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Yoshida shitposting is really ramping up as we near Dawntrail's release..
Thankfully FFs XVI and XIV are fantastic games, so there's not a lot of actual ammo for shitposters to use.
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Grifter post
least obvious tranny shitposter
They do seem to be getting rather uppity lately.
>he's still copying my meme
this predates >>483110349 your cope
all you do is deflect and no U criticisms you don't like.
Need help, lads. I'm installing ff11 on my steam deck without lutris. When I get to the playonline installer, it doesn't let me pick something on the Z: drive. It says it must be a local drive. What do? I don't want to redownload the game files through lutris. I already did through the website.
>he's still copying my meme
show your license, newfag-kun
Not final fantasy related
first time i tried it also with installing the non-steam version directly and couldn't get it to work.
Second time i gave up and used Lutris and worked with a lot less hassle.
Pretty sure when you install it with lutris you can give it a source for the install files and can use your own if you already have them locally (couldn't try because i already deleted them after giving up the first time).
I guess the other option is to get the steam version since from what i could find that seems to also work pretty easily on steam deck.
tranny discord sisters we need to put in more work and spam our pastas to all boards. XIV releases in less than a week!
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Vanille's home...home...
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I see
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>that will be patched
That’s purely subjective.
SBI slop will always be trash. That’s why it sold less.
I can’t believe Gackt ruined an entire game with his shitty character. He even hates him so much he refuses to come back to play him again, so Genesis surviving is completely pointless since they’ll never use him again.
>he doesn't know
XIV was the game that had SBI involved.
Try another shitpost next time :)
yoshitroon cultists are retarded bro
You’re in denial if you think Rebirth had no influence from SBI. From the repeated censorship of Tifa that they even patched Remake over, to in heavy increase of minorities and queers that all the Journos praised, it’s got their stink all over it,
>Thread will at random moments unironically start defending shit like Forspoken's performance
Embarrassing state of this general really.
>You’re in denial if you think Rebirth had no influence from SBI
sorry kiddo, but that's just your delusion.
They aren't in the credits for rebirth. Yoshida admitted XIV was the game that used the outside firm for cultural correctness.
Its over. Try something else.
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Forspoken should've been a prequel to VIII about the origins of the sorceress.
This but Remake. Rebirth is actually good.
>immediately exposes himself using the same pic, same kind of post, and replies to itself
Uh, wow.
That's some nice projection there.
god I hope this post helps increase rebirth sales
Ah. This cope and boogeyman dance again?

You broke the ape again. Went right back to classic terse gacha war tier shitposting.
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Shame their faces aren't that cute.
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>Nintendo just announced executed their leaker
Square needs to step it up
>just announced executed
I assume you meant to say they executed the leaker.
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Whoa anon are you playing Claire's game!?
Let's go! gogogo! believe in yourself anon!!
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Yes! I must take more pictures of Vanille and co!
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Redpill me on the sheep
It's a sheep. It eats grass, produces wool and meat, but the sheep meat is considered gross by most first-world country, and isn't widely sold.
they are cute and waddle around very very slowly in XIII specifically
they are like Vanille's babies and are a source of happiness and joy all throughout Cocoon and the lowerworld alike
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ok lets move on from this area
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Since bartz had been master bard for a while I decided to throw him on Summoner while Lenna is on vacation. To my surprise, nearly every enemy in the Pyramid is undead, meaning 1 shotting most encounters with Requiem. And then I remembered the Record Keeper strategy here, sleep and fire. and it carried me through.
>San d'Oria 4-1
man these missions are starting to become quite long.
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>You’re in denial
They are indeed in a constant state of denial, about pretty much every observable fact.
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>on undead
The boss of the area isn't undead herself, yet the monsters of the dungeon were.
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Hold on, a boss in a Final Fantasy that isn't immune to all status effect?
Oh yeah. Many such cases in FF5. You should play it.
people here would need to play action games to understand what you just said. but you're right.
I already have it, but I never tried. I'm too used to... FFVII, I think? Where all bosses are immune to slow, stop, paralyze, stone or all the really fun spells.
Amazing....I'll have to make sure I get a shot of this cutscenes this go around
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>HUGE FFVII Discovery Brings Aerith Back To Life!
Tifakeks are in shambles. Meme magic works. This discovery is the universe foreshadowing Aerith's continued presence in Part 3.
She's DEAD.
Cope, you're at deluded as the OOfags.
>She's DEAD.
I remember when the Whispers were dead too. I'm sure you do as well.
Why do you have to bring up Tifa?
Insecure much
>DF uploaded their entire FFXIII collection video again
I enjoy watching them since it just takes me back to the magical years of early PS360 when everything was in hell
So who did they bury in part 2?
Poor little retard, please read the words that I used.
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So what will happen in part 3 enlighten us.
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Obviously, Aerith will have a continued presence. This meme magic is the universe confirming it. I was also correct when I said (for years) that the Whispers will return in Part 2 and Part 3, because there's no way they would introduce a McGuffin plot device and then only use it for the first game, but I was told multiple times that I'm a secondary who didn't play the game. I always have the last laugh.
You think Square will be at the Switch 2 reveal event?
They were last time but just for DQ
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three niggas in a row is the best form of Final Fantasy
turn based, ATB, action combat, doesn't really matter much
you put three niggas in a row with Final Fantasy on the cover and I'm buying it
Well of course she saves the world in OG by directing the lifestream to deflect the meteor. But other than that she's dead except for in terrierverse and its derivatives.
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love the spell/particle effects in XIII trilogy
>But other than that she's dead except for
Heh. She will have a continued presence in Part 3. The meme magic discovery of this new Aerith shit in OG VII confirms it. Much more of a presence than she had in Advent Children, and much more of a presence than she had in the original.
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Claire pout is so cute
Like I said, she's gonna save the world in beagleverse and she's alive in terrierverse. Not disagreeing with you.
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It's happening. This is actually the blueprint for Nomura's Remake. Not even a joke.
(Replace Gold Saucer shit with Ever Crisis.)
Rebirth went a little overboard with the cringe.
Good, because that bitch is pouting 24/7.
We like cringe here... just not when Yoshida does it.
too bad the game was ass
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just makes her rare smille when she looks at her friends that much more beautiful
It's the Lord's day, no shitposting.
>smile, lightning
>i am smiling!
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With access to the airship, time to get some power ups for my team. Learned some more bard songs from getting the final piano. Challenged Odin and the Fork Towers with relative ease. With two tablets left I'm going to try to take on Bahamut before the other two tablets, something I normally do not do.
>Toriyama be like
>Toriyama be like
i don't remember what the tablets or the fork tower was. guess that's a sign that it is time to replay V.
Maybe this time i limit myself to not using the freelancer and generally not grinding the ever living shit out of it.
You should try a FJF run.
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After a few attempts, I manage a win. He wasn't killing me with mega flare, rather, his aqua breath and snow storms which aren't reflected. Strangely, atomic ray was reflected. Flare and Apollo Harp belt out the damage. I think I will swing by the mirage tower a bit later. For now, other duties call.
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>It's the Lord's day, no shitposting.
Right, so all XIII-related posting should be banned on Sundays because XIII is shit and any posts about it are therefore shitposting.
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you can't stop the yoshida troons, they do it for free 24/7
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Too late, Yoshidahater aka Barry woke up.
FJF is fun
what's the gimmick this year
What about Nomurahater aka Tabatahater aka Toriyamahater aka Frenchie aka Dreamboum aka BarrVI?
okay either they patched Tiamat to be easier or I'm somehow bugged and on an easier mode. I beat Tiamat in two tries, and died on the first try only because I didn't realize tri-disaster was an instakill (can't soul shield through it)

whatever, still having fun nuking things
never stops or sleeps
let's not forget he's also Hamaguchihater
Afraid so...

Sorry but >>483104058. And Elden Ring might take it too. 2025's game or whenever part 3 comes though, right?
you're responding to her
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sorry senpai, but P3R or Metaphor are gonna take up all of SEGA's RPG slots at the game awards
maybe yongyea will get a pity nomination for best VA though lmao
Don't lump Nomura in with that failure Tabata
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manic pixic chicks love psycho dudes who would kill them
it's a sad fact of life
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>Yuffie false flagger calls Rebirth "debirth"
That settles it!
>b-b-b-but whatabout
We accept your concession.
you exposed her so hard she had to damage contro, king
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gottem lmao
Kek. You triggered her.
>everything against me is a shitpost
It's always the poser.
See >>483114420
>No it didn't LMAO
>FF7 is the face, heart and soul of the series btw, if you don't like it you might as well leave the fandom now.
Depends on how far along their projects are. They'll have something there no doubt. They and every other Japanese developer is twitching their fingers on the Switch 2 port announcement for sure, especially if the "It's a PS4 Pro level device" shit is real they'll be salivating to have a slice of the pie. Even if it's just ports and stuff at first they'll make an effort if means money is on the table.
>FF7 is the face, heart and soul of the series btw, if you don't like it you might as well leave the fandom now.
I accept your concesion

FF7 franchise
FF7 general
FF7 board
FF7 site
Shame a shitposter latched onto her.

Why bring up OO? Insecure much?

The issue is how... overly animated some cutscenes are.
It's actually more like an FFXIV board and site aren't Yoshida and Hiroshimoot friends irl. XIV is basically "the" series to most people nowadays it's certainly the breadwinner FF at least of the modern era.
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Hello, shitposter. Please noose yourself.
I assume lategame Tiamat?

Oh right, I keep forgetting about Metaphor. That might make it in easily.
I've been thinking about it but if FF did go turn based again. What would you want out of the combat? Like mechanically speaking? Limits? ATB? Turn order focused? Synergy esque team attacks? Jobs? I think if they went back it would need more than just a "It's a command system game with good graphics imo." That's not even all too special nowadays to me.

So very thin skinned and fragile, you are...
LOL, not even close. FF7 was the game that brought Final Fantasy into the mainstream and made it popular; it's a cultural phenomenon, not just within the FF series but in video games overall. To this day, it remains the only FF game popular among 'normies'. Cloud and FF7 are frequently cited among the most iconic and popular video games and characters of all time, which explains why FF7 has received numerous spinoffs, multiple projects, and even remakes by Square Enix's A Team. Meanwhile, FF14 is simply another MMO that borrows heavily from previous FF games and is only popular among MMO troons.

They're not on the same level.
VIIRgins don't even know that FFVI was the big Nintendo game.
another day, another L for the tranny yoshida cult
ATB Press Turn
Also the best in the franchise was also V, nintendo's. And IV is still one of japan's most beloved FFs.

You broke the bot again.
that does sound interesting. might give that a go.
It's humorous how mad Frenchie is about FF7 being the most popular and iconic game ever. The fact that this post >>483195223 which is nothing but facts, made him upset is all the evidence we need that he doesn't like FF. It's simply impossible for an FF fan to dislike FF
*to dislike FF7
I bit the bullet and tried lutris. It was able to use the install files I already had. Thank you. It was actually the easiest way.
>I must defend Yoshida, even when he or his products aren’t being mentioned, even when his competing products are being bashed
Not a cult btw!
SOP could really use a minimap.
Half the time I'm not using save points just so I can tell where I've been based on enemy corpses
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SoP is still a better game than XVI.
>a better game than XVI.
Very low bar IMO
This. What a shite game XVI was.
And it's funny that VIIRgins immediately seethe about "Frenchie".
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7Rebirth is still a better game than XVI. That's how shite XVI was.
You're odd. I had issues with that game but never got lost. And my sense of orientation is very bad.
maybe it's just some specific maps. Particularly the filler secondary missions where you run the maps backwards and need to fight 3 enemies in random spots
Oh yeah, that one was annoying.
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Another day on /ffg/ another open and shut case of XIII > XVI I'm afraid.
You sound defensive for something not directed towards you.
meant for >>483208904
meant for >>483207524
Yoshicultist btfo
>15 minutes ago
>VIIRgins still felt so called out they're still seething
Uh oh, VIIfag melty! Avatarfagging also out in full force too!
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FFXVI was 10/10.
lmao even
Please delete this!!!
>The HD (High-Definition) Game sub-segment’s net sales for the three-month period ended June 30, 2023 rose compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year due to the release of titles including “FINAL FANTASY XVI” and “FINAL FANTASY PIXEL REMASTER.
>Trusting paid reviews
>trusting a stillbirthfag with a chip on his shoulder
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FFXVI won so bigly it's kind of impressive
The Ultimate Final Fantasy, FFXVI.
>I had issues with that game
Say what they are so I can dismiss them in a similar style to your post
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I will nuke this general if anyone here shits on FF9 when the remake comes out.
You won't.
FF9 is shit.
Classes were unbalanced, unlocking Sage makes most fights a joke. Actually, I'd argue that magic in general makes the game a lot easier.
I didn't like Jack because he's essentially pretending the situation isn't dangerous and naively believes that killing Chaos will fix everything.
I have no idea how to easily beat Tomberry, it's always an extremely difficult back where I have to parry whatever they throw at me or it's a one-hit kill.
Otherwise... I'm not fond of the loot system, but SoP doesn't suffer from it as much as Nioh did.
So I've made it to Chapter 10 in Rebirth and... where did Shinra come from? I was looking forward to the answer to this question given how Shinra has functionally taken over the world. And if President Shinra was really the founder then they did it in a frighteningly short amount of time. I mean they went from the Junon Republic being the world power and setting up the basic infrastructure for 1.5 continents, to war, to the Junon Republic vanishing in a puff of smoke and Shinra taking control of all their assets. And according to Junon areas datalogs Shinra basically just bought their seat of power before things got out of control. But I still have no idea where they started.
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IX is still a better game than XVI.
The game has severe tonal dissonance in addition to numerous storytelling issues, but I give it a pass for that since it's essentially fanservice anniversary game.

I should play nioh
I like SoP but I really don't like Nioh, so I wouldn't suggest it.
darn, I guess I shouldn't play nioh
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You're right. Both 9 and 16 are trash because they're the only mainline FF games that don't have Biggs and Wedge

Only FF games that continue the tradition are true FF
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Well, if you like big numbers, go ahead.
those aren't big numbers
Because I never used tonfas. I was a spear/katana player.
>where did Shinra come from? I was looking forward to the answer to this question given how Shinra has functionally taken over the world
They literally stated to you that shinra is looking for the killer so you have to get there first
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FFIX has always sucked
Turn-based fags are now forced to enjoy peak J-Action kino
are high pop city frame drops a cpu or gpu problem?
5120x1440 120hz monitor @ 60 fps and using lossless scaling to framegen
i’m in limsa rn and im sitting at 53fps real / 107 interpolated
oops wrong ff thread
You've been reposting that lying webm for months now, even after it was debunked as a disgusting bag of lies. You should be ashamed.

Nah, I'm fine. But you might want to avoid Ul'dah.
Pay attention.
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The bestest!
Jokes on you, I’ve disliked it for years.
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Wrong thread, French tranny
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Sup, Rebirth bro.
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Phoenix Tower quite profitable despite having to climb up and down it without someone who can Teleport. 3 reflect rings and 2 hermes sandals. I'll just snag one more ring in anticipation for Omega.
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Rebirth is also a better game than XVI.
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Is this Pixel Remaster, or are you emulating it?
This is the pixel remaster. I have played all the previous versions, and now doing this one this year.
Aaaand gott'er hook, line, and sinker.

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I see. Let me know how it fares in comparaison to the other versions, because I've been playing the Pixel Remasters and judging them based on translation alone, and I found them... mostly decent, even if far from perfect.
Not him, but they kind of suck. Not by translation, but by the fact they cut content out from the past rereleases at the last second.
VI needs more romhack8s! Maybe VII too.
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Oh yeah, I heard about that. Apparently it's a big issue, with some classes missing from V.
That one sounds really fun.
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I think 5's pixel remaster is a good one. As with the other PRs there is no GBA bonus content sadly. For the most part I do like the new spell graphics, and I'm an enjoyer of the soundtrack. There's more a focus on the main melody and brass than the previous games. Some tracks lose the amazing bass they had in the original, such as the Decisive Battle. On the other hand, the main battle theme is greatly enhanced I feel. The main thing is they kept the challenge of the original.

Leviathan doesn't fuck around. I ended up just focusing on pure dps racing after setting up Golem. Otherwise, just dying to multiple tidal waves. Apollo harp doing work along with Syldra powered up by the air knife.
>[insert FF game] is better than XVI
This is elementary at this point
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I see. But you can switch the music from remixed to original if I remember right.
Kinda sad that they didn't kept GBA's stuff, but oh well. Guess we'll be seeing mods to fix that. I really want to see mods make classes more interesting. I'm a huge fan of FFXIV's black mage who get stronger as they cast spells, I would love a mod that adds a similar mechanism. Maybe a system Ă  la SoP, where casting magic weakens an enemy to that element, so that your black mage supports your spellblade better.
XVI status?
Still best-selling game.
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>people talking about FF
>shitter has to make it about his butthurt XVI obsession

Is music replacement easy? I know sprite and text swapping was early when they release, and I did that for III's version.
Very easy to replace if you need to, though the PRs have the original soundtracks of the games if you prefer those.
Not him, but all the Pixel Remasters got patched recently to add options to have OG music and old-time font.
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Still the worst game. Irrefutable.
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So yeah. Before patch.
Well that's good to hear.
Also good, because I'm partial to some GBA tracks. Might toss in some Distant Worlds in there too.
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It’s annoying because some of the sprites for the Dawn of Souls content were found in the files, but they just decided to throw it out.
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Yeah. The music follows suit.
Sadly, the truth is too much for XVIsissy to handle.
The absolute state of SE.
>they spent literally all day shitposting about Yoshida
>...yet again
FF needs to be as creative as this
who are you quoting, yoshitroon sister? did you take your meds?
>pointing out what is happening knowing it’s not gonna actually do anything is my coping mechanism
Yoshida doesn't give them healthcare, please understand (They do it for free)
did you guys shitpost like this when 13 came out?
I do remember /v/ had threads talking about how shit XIII was. Also, the timing of XIII's release could not have possibly been worse, because the western gaming journo brainwashing was in full effect, so the drones were drinking the "open world" koolaid like it was water, and Adam Sessler had drilled it into everyone's heads that we should all hate JRPGs.

However, even in this context, there was just generally far less shitposting across the entire internet back then than there is now, and this is doubly true for 4chan.
Yeah, once it becomes a real game and releases on PC.
I wasn't posting on /ffg/ when it did, so no.
They're buck broken by him. Also >>483234381
>Sadly, the truth is too much for XVIsissy to handle.
True true

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One hell of an upgrade.
I just don't get how they can do it literally all day every single day. Obsessed with something/someone they hate. I'd sooner believe they are bots than people.
Real Time with Pause ATB from Rebirth meets Final Fantasy XIII trilogy style Paradigm Shift/ATB Command Synergy, with lots of outfits/jobs.
Basically Rebirth style and flair to the action but you have 3-6 ATB bars and they charge strictly over time like the old games.
Similar to XIII or Rebirth easy mode, your character will strafe around into position and move methodically on their own as they need to across the battlefield while the ATB charges. You'd be able to move which direction they strafe in with the analog stick. Regular melee attack combos, dodging, and blocking all happens in real time. Use d pad to input and queue up powerful Command chains, and wait till the bar is full to let them fly or press a button to expend stocked ATB commands at any time.
The pause would come in when you are actually queuing the commands, so just like in Rebirth you'd have to open the Commands menu before the slow down would happen. The slowdown would also be more of a typical cinematic slow motion, forcing you to choose commands quickly. Like in Rebirth you'd have a stock of favorite commands that you could issue with a shortcut. Imagine if in Rebirth you had up to 7 ATB bars, and instead of having to do a bunch of shenanigans to fill them all up, they just charge naturally. Throwing out spells and huge attacks left and right, you'd be able to queue up huge command chain combos and then let them rip automatically when the bars are charged.
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I would want it first and foremost to be a "parkour" game that feels good to move around in. Something like Gravity Rush or Warframe or that Sonic game that looks like Doom or Mario 64 or Pseudoregalia or even fucking Forspoken. Very specifically not open world, but something with enough purposeful design that it feels good to move around in, it is fun to just run around and jump on shit, and there are secrets/chests to find for being a retards and jumping around and just having fun.

Then, when it comes combat, I want it to not have a leveling system at all. This way you can focus on the combat being "puzzle like" rather than "spam the same button (most damaging move) over and over again while staying alive". Maybe some branching linearity where boss fights award abilities that you can equip to characters sort of like the augments from 3D FFIV, and these abilities are necessary for some late game "puzzle fights", but the early ones can be done different ways or something. Maybe kinda like in the vein of Megaman. Progress would be mostly linear, but the player could choose a direction. This could even be done naturally by exploring around with the parkour shit and just fighting the bosses you come to. I'm not sure what I'd like the turn-based system itself to be, but I keep shilling Resonance of Fate, so something in that vein would be cool. I don't think a standard turn-based would work in this context because it would feel out of place and archaic if everything else was 3D and fluid.

So I guess kinda like a 3D metroidvania Mario 64 except with turn-based puzzle fights for bosses, no leveling system, and the bosses reward battle abilities instead, and the battles themselves would look more like Resonance of Fate than Dragon Quest.
Your baseless opinion is wrong tho.
And mostly (if not entirely) samefagging to boot.

I think it needs some form of RPG mechanics or a skill set to choose from like XVI had. Or like KH2's platformer skills.
meant for >>483209506
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>7Rebirth is still a better game than XVI. That's how shite XVI was.
Irrefutable I'm afraid.
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You triggered the shitposter.
>trusting a paying customer and not a paid shill
why defend this?
Because he doesn't have the game. If he did, there'd be a mouse icon.
I'm a paying customer and I agree with pretty much everything in that review >>483211265
Can you possibly perhaps rebut something, anything that was written? Other than the fact that harder game modes are locked away behind NG+. You can't expect a common consumer to know anything about that because it's not presented to the player when they start the game.
>I think it needs some form of RPG mechanics or a skill set to choose from like XVI had.
Well, in my head it's 3 characters and it's basically the same skillset as old school RMP (Rogue/Mage/Priest), so the characters would still have "classes" that you could then further "augment" with abilities that the bosses give.
>Or like KH2's platformer skills.
I think I'd prefer for all parkour skills to be unlocked from the beginning. Maybe there could be 1 or 2 battle abilities that could be used out of combat to do something extra, but I'd want the movement to feel more like a bonus tacked on to a turn-based RPG, so I wouldn't want it to really be gated by anything.
>SE wants to get a new generation of kids interested in FF like we were.
>Makes the protag of their newest installment some 33 year old over the hill post-skaterboy loser with the personality of an unused fast food to go paper bag.
>Doesn't understand why the kids aren't interested.

HOLY FUCK, I will personally drive all the way to Shibuya and slap the shit out of these mother fuckers. How hard is it to just understand that the charm of FF games isn't the title or the repeating visual elements, but rather it is the nature of the protagonists in their dramatic circumstance. People love Cloud because as much as he can be a cold merc at the start, he has a goofy, childish side that teases at the real him before his identity is reconstructed. People like Zidane because he is a fucking loser pervert who has really simple, childish goals, but in a shonen anime protag way that make him endeering instead of a creep. People like Tidus because he isn't ashamed of being weird and will throw himself under the bus to brighten people's days and is a true friend to the people around him.

People like Clive because? Uhh? He has big tits? They literally gave this nigga a Naruto inner beast, phonix stand powers, the ability to take and use other peoples powers, and not a fucking drop of personality to back any of it. You know who has a great personality in XVI; Cid. Cid is dripping with character and appeal. Meanwhile Josh, Jill, and Clive get overshadowed by Barny because even if he's crazy, at least he has quirks and characterization going on.
You've riled him up. Now he's going to be awake all night.
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Unironically, XVI should have been about teen, maybe early 20s, Clive dealing with his trauma supported by a cast of the people he defeated, rather than just assimilating them into his nothing.

SE higher ups should have stepped in and said something. I mean for the love of fuck, even on a super cinical level, you can't sell Vincent statues if Vincent doesn't exist. People aren't going to buy a waifu poster of your main female character if her characterization is "I'm here too." Like fuck. At least have a scene where Jill is like, eating something weird, or has a hyperfixsation on some obscure BS.

Honest video games like XVI and Rebirth are losing to gatcha gambling simulators not because the gameplay in FGO or Genshin is out of this world, but because those games put more personality and attention to appeal in one PNG than SE does in a whole character. They go so lucky they produced Nier and had Yoko Taro there to make sure the game came out with one of the most popular female character designs ever.
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I honestly want to be excited about Final Fantasy and future SE projects, but even as a long time XIV player, I'm on my back foot with Dawntrail and unlike Endwalker where I was ready to dive in head first expecting greatness, with DT I'm hesitently stepping in like "Please don't ruin the game, please don't ruin the game."
>parkour skills
>Mirrors Edge meets threeniggasinarow
sign me up. the games desperately need some better free running/climbing
maybe the Forspoken tech can be used again
>I'm a paying customer
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The 10/10 FFXVI attracted more young people than ever to Final Fantasy.
It is you boomers that are over the hill,
meanwhile FF is in a new golden age.
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XVI needs to hurry up and just release already so that I can know whether or not these shitposters are just the same XIV shitposters who were always going to shit anything that Yoshida made no matter what, or if they are real human beings with real opinions.
uh.. FF16 already released.
Then why is there no steam page?
>take prishe's hair pin thing
>run away
>she says this after the game flopped
RETARDED yoshida troon
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I work for rockpapershotgun, and I can guarantee you that Fighting fantasy XXV is very good. I really liked the part where Crypto is steering the car while Fighto and Quicko are pushing and Mortis is told that being a prince is no excuse to not push!
ESL-san don't worry, I'll help you out here.

>"However, this time there are survey results showing that more people in their teens and 20s played FF16."

In other words: "Of the players who did buy the game, some of the survey results say more teens and 20s played than players in their 30s and up." Which means nothing, because FF has always been targeted at teens/20s and Kujiraoka saying "Contrary to our expectation that people who grew up on FF will be excited for this game as well as bring in a new crowd, we managed to miss sales to our older demo while also having low sales in out target demo. But our target demo was the majority of sales so it's okay!"

At no point in that quote does he say anything about increasing player counts, only that the group buying it was mostly people in their target demo and not in their long time customers.

What would be exciting would be if he said something like "We were happy to not only meet the expectations of older fans, but also to bring FF to an audience of new fans, who represented the largest growth in sales for a FF game in years." Or something like that.
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they are cute and they have some good moments
I really wish there was a gameplay connection between them
there is a game connection
jill gets kinapped 20 times and then you have to go after her
You made a mistake anon. XVI chimp won't be able to process your post, it's too long.
Fuck, you're right. Maybe I can make a XVI RPG elements style version:

Kujiraoka said "less people bought the game, but of the less people more were in high school and university." Which is what it always is.

Things didn't get better, SE just moved the goal post.
It looks like the 12% is massively overrepresented in this thread. Or at least, that's what the 12% wants you to believe.
They pay moot to shitpost against yoshida.
>they are cute and they have some good moments
>I really wish there was a gameplay connection between them
I wish the game was better
They are what Noctis and Luna should've been.
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Final Fantasy is healing.
True, if you take out all the other modern mainline Final Fantasy games it's the top seller.
A boring couple in a shit game?
At least Luna didn't get raped
Neither was Jill, stop mistaking your c00ming fanfics for the game.
He obviously means of the PS5 Final Fantasy titles.
You cannot heal something that's already dead
>OO still in the OP
How can I play it?
>Neither was Jill
now this is cope LMAO
You triggered the Stillbirth cultist.
>get dropkicked by the cutest abhorrent one
>OO shitposting
>immediately preceded by XVI shitposting
The shitposters here are all the same exact ~3 people
>asking if you can play a game is now shitposting
Every post I don't like is a shitpost
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A very vocal and very brown minority that stifles any true discourse about the 10/10 FFXVI here.
Unfortunately, very sad.
We talk about XVI to avoid having to talk about how shit XV is.
Yeah right faggot. Maybe you should read the articles you post first.


>According to our exclusive data from a sample of over 3.1 million active PS5 and PS4 players (courtesy of GameInsights), Final Fantasy XVI saw a 140.39% player count boost following the launch of The Rising Tide DLC (data from week ending Sunday, April 21, 2024).

That's 140% of the active players, which the article states are accounts that have opened the game in the last week. It has nothing to do with sales numbers or being in a "Golden age". In fact, if you want to talk about games doing their best to save Final Fantasy, pic related is also the same article. I'm sure you'll love it.
The controversy over Shadow of the Erdtree's difficulty made a bigger cultural splash than all of XVI ever managed to make.
Why was 16 such a failure?
It was a bit crap
>Jimbo disappeared as soon as everyone found out he was NSP
>threads stayed shit regardless
Is /ffg/ cursed?
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omg vivi hi!
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I'm glad shills are completely avoiding this post.
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Vanille is a cultural phenomenon of extraordinary value!
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Humanity has yet to realize Vanille's profound impact on the world.
>By comparison, FFVI Rebirth still had 100.66% more PS5 players than Final Fantasy XVI following The Rising Tide's launch.
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I wanted to make a lora based on the FFT FMVs and found someone that uploaded the highest quality versions of most of them.

I couldn't find them anywhere else so I wanted to rehost them. Here they are for anyone interested.
Funny and cute faces with cute little eyes. Big balls of wool on short legs: the best representatives of the rather small set of Gran Pulsian and Cocoonian fauna.
Distinctive features of the sheep in different games:
XIII: very talkative, but extremely slow to move.
XIII-2: quite talkative, but move very, very fast. Most likely because they've eaten grass growing out of soil mixed with magic. Also XIII-2 reveals that the sheep have an extremely high intelligence level and are able to compose poems based on a simple rhythmic structure, and even with rhyme. Only 1 sheep poem is known to mankind, "The Melancholy of the Lambs". A true work of Gran Pulsian sheep art.
LR: high movement speed. There are a few side quests to escort sheep, but the game doesn't answer the question of whether sheep have souls like humans in the FNC world. I like to believe that the sheep, low poly, and high poly dogs have souls, since that would mean they too were reborn in The New World like all the other characters of the trilogy.
Vanille appreciates and adores sheep, but doesn't always know how to treat them in the best way. In LR Claire has proven herself to be the best shepherd of any character in the FNC series. In fact, Claire is the only one who has decided to show herself as a shepherd at all. Legends of /ffg/ say that sheep and Cid Raines are old and best friends.
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please understand, they're still coping with the loss
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We get it, dude. You don't need to keep showing us this.
Stay mad
How ironic
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>FFT could have looked like this

Fuck Square

>Please spend half a day watching zoomers play the game on Twitch to artificially boost our numbers instead of actually playing our game, we'll ever give you this ugly ass mount as a reward!
I fucking loathe modern gaming.
Not even they can save /ffg/.
that looks worse tho
Correct thread
Correct post
Still waiting for mods for this.
>dawntrail early access is friday
I thought that was supposed to be closer?
Not your personal army
Not /ffg/ related
Heck is a lora.
A model for making AI art.
>AI slop
yeah no thanks
most FF art looks like AI already
You angered her.
There is no handholding though?
>kids can't enjoy older characters
Optimus Prime? The kid from Reboot? Goku? Hell, other old FF dudes like Galuf and Auron?
>because FF has always been targeted at teens/20
What. FF has always been an all ages thing. Even Remakes marketing was for boomers who played it a thousand years ago. Type-0 is rated M too.
is type 0 even final fantasy?
if ff wasnt in the name would people associate it with final fantasy?
Based spam noticer.
Seething spam virgin (also blind).
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I think it came out very nicely.
Jenova lifeclinger is the best fight in the franchise
Why would you do this for such a heavily story-based game like XIV instead of simply playing through the story at launch yourself?
Better than ff16 titan?
The Morbol is better
Rufus Shinra is better
So I'd say Jenova definitely is
Titan certainly was epic now
But mechanically speaking it's just as dull as most fights in the game
I think Barnabas/Odin was a better fight and more memorable
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crushingly, hauntingly beautiful game
Eh, SMTV does a better blue zone.
Crystal zone from T-0 was a better Crystal area
Neither of those games have anywhere near the same fidelity.
I guess it has some plot connections with FNC so yes
And it sold pretty well on PS4 too
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Looks like shit. SoP did it better.
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gonna post some XIII Ultimania that I think is cool
this colorful, alien signage reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy X
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one of the things I really love about the golden age Final Fantasy games on Playstation and PS2 is the "science fantasy" aspect and how that plays with greater religious themes. Final Fantasy X is clearly the precipice of that style but I think XIII did a spectacular job of showcasing that same flavor in a contemporary way
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Lightning's house!
Idk why they keep going sideways
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I really hope Final Fantasy XVII looks more like this
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Yet they look better.
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absolutely love their tooth brush cell phones.
I was hoping that there would be a unique cell phone design in Rebirth, or that they would use flip phones or something like Crisis Core...
but no PHS, just Chadley MAIphone-gun-thing.
It's up.

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Hope's apartment building?
hell yeah, I've got the FFVI shirts on the way
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they were on some shit.
it's really too bad none of this stuff is actually involved in any gameplay
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my nigga Bart the Mecha Space Alien Wizard Pope
Just saying
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Alexander the goat
His design was so good lol
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it really was. one of my personal favorites
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absolutely ridiculous
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uh....who is this long pipe smoking space wizard?
is this The Maker?
Final Fantasy XVI is the best storytelling ever seen in video games
duh of course
Very true.
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in what way?
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In every way.
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That's not even one way.
Could you name one?
That's a big wolf with that small woman
I wonder if that one moderator is going to spam scat or whatever he does on Dawntrail's release.
>8 good games
Home. We're home.
>XVI, XIV, VI, and I
four good games technically speaking
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XIII tranny >>483303062 please see >>483303303 for your answer
>16 still isn't on PC
Why does god hate me?
Because when you were 6, you stepped in dog shit and said "God dammit".
He's been holding a grudge since.

18 months will be around Christmas. You have to give SE time to release the DLC, release more products (like Rebirth and Dawntrail) and then we can have the PC port. Remake already did this, and Rebirth is going to do this as well. Don't like retards try to spin "18 month plan" as something that's specifically Yoshida.
God is trying to save you from a bad game.
>Don't like retards try to spin "18 month plan
Name another game then.
-retard detected-
he already named two
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>still can't name a single reason why XVI has the best storytelling of any video game
ridiculous over the top hyperbole without an ounce of substance or sincerity seems to be par for the course at this point with these "people"
But enough about XV.
Why does FF10 barely get talked about here?
>could not name another one
thought so.
because the schizos only want to talk about their particular thing. you'll find not many ffs get talked about here.
We don't talk about good games here sir.
Yet we're talking about FFXVI.

Mark of a traitor in rebirth is complete Kino and better than the og
Not a real fan.
>reddit spacing
Yup, and a tourist too.
This is the only correct answer. You know which game is dogshit when autists won't shut up about it.
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I mentioned Final Fantasy X twice just a few hours ago!
I've also posted some screenshots several times in the last few days of my current playthrough
unironically enough this game is the great filter between the old-oldheads and the nu-oldheads
this game basically embodies exactly what it means to be a Final Fantasy title
bold, fresh storytelilng, rewarding progression, cinematic styling, simple strategic action, and characters and music that jump out of the screen and bring the world to life. Truly great game
Said no one.
Afraid so. Despite being over, OO keeps winning.
>FF magic
>chocobos & moogles
. . .
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Lulu may have been the very first time that I saw a woman in a video game I felt attracted to.
"Lulu boobs makes me feel nice"
Creative director: Tetsuya nomura
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I think someone needs to understand how opinions work
>no appearance in RK, OO, or BE
Because OO is shit and dead.
Only good FF games were welcomed in OO
>oggling some thot when there are thick powerful Ronso thighs biceps and pecs right next to her
Real shame, too.
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yeah go figure, a young boy likes boobs
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Yoko Taro boss
>FFIX remake swirls
>have a dream about Eiko
>FF Tactics rumors too
i know SE is planning something for August.
RosariaBowl with Clive vs. Titan was fun. I like rivalries. Gabranth vs. Basch scenes were also great.
Kek. So true!
>i know SE is planning something for August
Yeah. It's bankruptcy
Alright which one of you lying scumbags told me the best FF1 class was Thief?
oh you got rused. Thief is probably the worst choice. But you can beat the game with any comp.
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Not likely since the 10/10 fastest selling PS5 exclusive FFXVI met expectations and drew so many new young fans to Final Fantasy and inspired the old ones.
Not to mention the critically acclaimed FFXIV's ongoing success as the #1 selling Final Fantasy and its expansion releasing next week.
After all, four white mages can work if you’re dedicated enough.
Indeed. They can knock Garland down with wooden maces.
>FFXVI met expectations
It didn't. This isn't July 2023 cope mode SE anymore.
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All debunked long ago sorry
FFXVI won very bigly,
and it's not even close.
Final Fantasy
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>Final Fantasy
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Final Fantasy X!
Nicely done bro, you're miles ahead of me! I haven't progressed since beating Melusine because I went all in completing Live A Live, getting all the ultimate weapons and seeing all the endings. Truly a 10/10 legendary game, one of the best I've ever played. Gonna get back to FFV tomorrow.
Glad to see you're planning on facing Omega, too! Make sure you go to North Mountain, find some Gaelicats and use Alluring Air to confuse them into casting Float on all your party members so you'll be immune to his Earthquakes.
another day another L for the yoshida troon cult
got any screenshots of XVI that you took yourself?
He hasn't played the game.

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