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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Rui Day incoming edition
>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Reeling in the Lights
Boosted Attribute: Pure
Boosted Members: 25-ji, Nightcord de. (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song: Empurple by Harumaki Gohan (https://twitter.com/harumaki_gohan)

>Current Gacha
Reknit Relation (Permanent)
Mafuyu, Mizuki, Rin (25ji)

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

>Untranslated card stories
Good post.
wait a minute... this is the scene I think it is, isn't it?
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I like Kohane now
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Love them
Saki and Tsukasa have an argument, and Saki dies of moyamoya before they can reconcile…
Haruka on cum toilet duty for today
Shizuku-sama's tights!
She should use them to get the fuck out
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Emu Nene rape
Good excuse to post this fanmade MV I recently found
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welp, gotta try to pass the master beatmap now. there's no escape from master 31s anymore
I had to double check, but that MV is by the same artist who drew the current OP image. Here's all the drawings for the MV, btw:
>episode 2
>already made her decision
Huh I thought this would take way longer
Since the sneeds are getting signed with a record label now, shouldn't they also go credit-based? Things like meeting with that old guy or recording a new album would be easier during normal work hours.
Yes, Shizuku. Please pay attention to the conversation we were having for the last few events.
don't make fun of shizuku
I'm a story skipper
but she's so fun to tease
Previous /psg/ thread: >>482362125
So youre telling me, Colopale, the infamous small indie dev, can make a live2d costume for Minori and Saki's part-time that will only be used like once or twice but they can't make regular casual clothes for VBS that will be used all year or even summer uniforms for everyone that will be used for half a year. They could've done this scene with them in their school uniforms after their shift if they wanted to be cheap, but instead they went the extra distance and gave them work uniforms. What the heck are these priorities?
Cringe, but based.
brosters what's the half-life of sneedium
all i know is that it gives you ichikancer
colopale's "SOUL" works in mysterious ways
I'm pretty sure this neen was used for like 5 scenes in an event nene wasn't even an event character
She is completely flat
Great, isn't it?
Event story over. I did like the joint 1-A and 1-C party. RIP 1-B they were uninvited, I thought Haruka got to befriend Emu in that one sports event.
I was wondering narratively why this one was told after Haruka's when it should've followed Airi's, but the real reason was so Minori can be the arc ender.
Cute but again, weird priorities.
There's NOTHING there! NOTHING!
Each of the four isotopes has a different half life, varying from 39 to 88 billion years.
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That reminds me, if you could add one costume from these, which one would you /psg/?
>Casual clothes (Both the original and new ones)
>School uniforms (Both again)
>Bday outfits (Both 1st round and 2nd round)
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Neat. Thanks detective, small world.
As a 3D costume? Probably the casual ones.
far left
casual because i really love ena, mizuki and saki’s pre ts casualwear
but other than that i just think it’s more iconic/relevant for every character
what gives saki-grade sneedium its exceptionally long half-life
The bday outfits
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Airi just can't get enough.
consistent exposure to clownon gas while it's being formed
Don't forget to test your houses for clownon gas, anon. It's a leading cause of lung Kohancer.
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Love them
where canada?
based kanajesus hater
Dummies, Anon is Kanade herself.
does lung Kohancer make you go ---------------! ------------------------!!
you can only communicate in caucasian destination and you become gay
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>Saki produces the sneedium with the longest half-life
>Her brother is the prime producer of clownon gas
What god did the Tenma's piss off to deserve such literally toxic children
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Give me your strongest moomoo milk, /psg/
>1 flattie and 3 mids
There is no milk sorry
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Dumb kot
So who the fuck is Rebecca and why is she in a vase?
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Don’t be so ungrateful, the Tenmas singlehandedly power Shibuya.
>Rebecca in a vase
Some people tried to search and found nothing, it's a not a reference to anything at all
Whatever that means is solely in the song
>One causes radiation poisoning and Ichikancer
>The other makes you cough up blood and is linked to lung Kohancer
you really buy into that myth about them being clean energy sources, huh? that was all just a PR campaign made by the Otori's so they didn't lose social capital for investing in them and jeopardizing the health of the employees that were exposed to them.
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Each one is able to produce at least 6 bottles
Peach milk, please
Putting all my money on Airi
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Why would you do this?
Your kind have been getting too comfy for your own good. This keeps you on your toes.
Keeps normalfags in check.
Don’t let An learn about Nagi’s job at the sneedium mines
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storage cat
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I keep dropping combo at this part in Shoujo Rei expert. Does just holding down two fingers to cover more area let you get around it?
sleep night
Let's hope they won't wake up.
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Why is Ena wiping her tears on Mizuki's crotch?
what, on the zigzag part of the left hold?
yeah just use two fingers for it or keep one finger steady on the part of the green where there are no gaps
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Some recent vocaloid songs I've liked
>Nanahoshi's Miku Symphony/15th Anniversary Luka song
>Nekotachi Kotatsu

And a Miku cover.
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at least post the final follow up
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High impact sexual violence
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Look at this Minori go.
She's so ugly...
i've been looking for this gif, thanks
Just access discord from your PC and save the gif off sekaicord emotes
no thanks, I'm not a filthy niiger
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Which one of you is that?
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You think you're smart huh.
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>official cat louis for louis' brithday
I remember /psg/ seething at the game cut of this song, now hopefully you guys are satisfied
That makes sense, considering it cuts out half of the nyan nyan nyan verses. It sounds really jarring and shitty as a big fan of the original song, the transitions just don't flow at all.
Fujos are vocal and not happy over Tsukasa not singing the girl lines.
Unfortunately I don't think there was any other way to do with without chipping at the boys or the girs's verses, so it keep it balanced between the 2 and keep it game-lenght only the last chorus was able to get in
I guess the fact of the matter is that there was no better way of doing it, and a shitty game cut is better than it not being in the game, even if it's a crying shame that it had to be done that way.
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I love Shiho
Oh no she sbibo'd all over the carpet
We know, Shizuku and, uhhhh-
Ichika, Saki, and Honami! And ME!
This is what Shizuku meant when she says she loves Shiho
Foreshadowing commissioning Nem for Rui’s next song!
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Not working.
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Literally me except my birthdays don't have presents.
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Happy birthday Louis
>Curtain Call Rui
>Shortly after the stuff with Pusu
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neen's peen
Saki's Pocky
It works for me Anon, check your extensions.
Also, source for these? >>483154481 >>483155228
You may have to revert to an older version of the sound player
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We're finally getting the full version.
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is there a reason in particular why there's so much kemono themed proseka art
Poor Rui. He's so handsome and yet is only paired with uggos.
You ask this like catgirls weren't the most popular thing in Japan starting from the 00s if not earlier.
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why nyot?
I mean I don't doubt that, but I feel like my twitter fanart feed is disproportionally filled with it when it comes to this game specifically
Playing awful today. Hate this damn game.
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That might just be down to your feed. I hardly see kemono art, only from a few people who already draw it anyway.
>Not liking smug cat face boys
shit taste sis
Icchan Now! Icchan Now! Icchan Icchan Icchan Now!!
1 more week
Normally not a fan of shorter hair but Shizuku Sexo
Guess that speaks to how beautiful she is
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strawberry chocolate
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>mafuyu the only one bold enough to wear a two-piece
would that actually happen?
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That's normal for a highschool girl. It's others who are frauds and phonies.
Look at what they took from you.
The forbidden Niiger summer...
A man denied his coomer cards
Coming soon to a theater near you
I want Mizuki's the most
We know, homosexual male anon
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I like women and "women"!
We know, bisexual male anon
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How are you supposed to do this with two fingers?
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Hold here
I just use four fingers for it
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If you want to do it "correctly", the way Sekai holds work, that pattern will only check for correctness on the hold ticks, so you'll only miss if you move to the other side of the hold too early. The other anons' method is much simpler, though.
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Thank you
In your phone is Miku, she is everyone's friend :)
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>doing it for Shizuku's CL
I'm so glad I helped. Well done, anon.
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Weirdly haunting image
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cute birthday boy and his equally cute boyfriend
hi Yoshimi
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I like MMJ characters but always find their events boring
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I like MMJ characters and their designs but find everything else about them boring
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Don't give it up 'Zuki
Kanadad is Shanks??
That means Kanade is Uta which means Kanade is Ado
it also means she dies
uta more like puta
why are we cosplay whoreposting
should've ran the niigo summer, we wouldn't have had to resort to desperate measures
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yeah I get you
>Green retards that get lost easily
>Their closest friend is a tummy-showing easily irritated girl that has to tard-wrangle them
Couldn't have paired it more perfectly than this
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dont forget their association with onigiri
If it was like Sanrio I wonder which characters would be 4*
of all the shonentards we could get here why did it have to be OPschizos
At least it's not jujutsu homos
They're all terrible and should be ostracized
I mean, we do have a tenuous connection to OP through the Ado collab we had way back then
It's funny it was called Ado collab when she just sang the songs, Odo was Giga's and Usseewa Syudou's songs
Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Robin as 6 most marketable straw hats
>Luffy - Emu
>Zoro - Shizuku
>Nami - Airi
>Sanji - Tsukasa
>Chopper - Kohane
>Robin - Rui
are what comes to mind but if it has to be like Sanrio and not repeated then
>Luffy - Len
>Nami - Nene
>Sanji - Shiho
>Robin - Mafuyu
could work too. Or if it’s limited to one group could work well with WxS, they even got a ship in their WL
The VS could be the boats, 1 unit member is a 4* and another is the 2* to account for all 10 straw hats, perfectly balanced!
>Sunny - Len
>Luffy - Emu
>Zoro - Shiho
>Nami - Airi
>Chopper - Kohane
>Robin - Mafuyu
>Merry - Meiko
>Usopp - Mizuki
>Sanji - Toya
>Franky - Rui
>Brook - Ichika
>Jinbe - Haruka
>Vivi (?) - Luka
>Usopp as Mizuki
Really makes you think
The ultimate freedom all along was the freedom to kill yourself...
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kanade is so lame
Ichika is so lame
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fail thread
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Sneeding on the thread!
based thread
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There we go. Now we're based.
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Ryoko Asakura vibes
I can't focus on anything but Mafuyu's huge tits
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Toya after the transition
surprisingly bimbo-y for toya
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Which hole would you sneed?
Saki would never
mfen my beloved
I love mfen...
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Cute ichiena.
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Kaito feet
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Always love this artist's AUs.
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Rabbit Miku is a gift to the universe
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Why is Ena so shippable?
Best girl tends to have the most ships
Mizuki is more shippable
Am I supposed to self insert as ena or mizuki in mzen
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>Best girl
I love Ena and her harem of little sisters
>Best girl tends to have the most ships
Yeah Mizuki does have a lot
Akito is best boy too
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Akito's AIDS ridden ass killed the thread.
The touyAIDS...
>t. An
I will now proceed to give Akito a kiss
*gets aids*
Silly anon, Aids is transmitted by unprotected butt sex, not kisses!
>Silly anon, Aids is transmitted by unpro- *dies*
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It takes quite a while, Aids wouldn't be as horrific as it was if it was a quick death, it's slow and horrifying, like gradually becoming a corpse
Use protection kids and make sure both you or your partner are in good health!
Anyway, Project Sekai huh?
What is that supposed to mean?
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Akito, the luckiest
Having older siblings looks like a pain in the ass
He should take her foot and give it a big her sole a big lick
That will stop her
Anon had a stroke thinking about feet...
Thanks for reminding me to read the Ena doujin again
Oh man that doujin is the best! I've been gooning to it once a day :)
This had to be the 'nan
hmm this is niigo migu
Looks like Minori
EN anons, anyone want to play a room? I haven't unlocked a lot of Master charts and want to catch up on a few since JP is fucking unplayable with the new engine.
This is obviously Icchan
It's Kanade, take it or leave it
Sorry too busy gooning to Ena's doujin
I was diagnosed with Enananaspergers today.
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*reveals the bottoms of your moomoo nesoberi*
You started an onlyfans because nobody cares about your doodles?
can’t tonight, sorry. but i can probably play tomorrow, depending on when you’re around
Are you up to in an hour?
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I think this is one of Emu's best faces
Yeah it's sexy
She looks like she's about to call you a slur
Tsukasa is so lucky...
She makes that face and calls Tsukasa slurs when she pegs him
I liked Neen's expressions too
I should have been me, not him!
She makes that face and calls Tsukasa slurs when she rips his flesh off his bones and dines on his organs, leaving behind nothing but a skeleton of fairly short stature
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Kungfu Nene
is EN on maint? im stuck on connection error
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Their new casual outfits pair well with each other.
rabbit hole miku isn't fixable
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I should have been me, not him!
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>POV: You're invited to the niigo sleepover
What do you do?
>What do you do?
Niig, probably.
cry uncontrollably until I get kicked out
sneed uncontrollably
suck off Mizuki when everyone is asleep so he has to keep quiet to not wake everyone up
Build a pillow fort with Mizuki as a no-girls-allowed zone
Literally was just about to make a gn post
goodnight mmjbrosisters
Surprise hug Mizuki from behind just to lift his nightie up and start jacking him off in front of the other girls
I am the only straight person in this general
The only wrong answer so far. Assuming Mizuki's gender will have you banned from the sleepover
Femboyniggers trying to make Mizuki a Astolfo wannabe deserve the rope
silly anon, that's day time
Straighties losing like usual
Both of these
>No Kanade/Mafuyu replies to that post
Fine, I'll take both of them during the sleepover then. Eniigers can have Ena.
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Find Mafuyu's phone and go to her sekai meet her Miku and sleep with her Miku.
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Summer Miku...
she's so turquoise
Best girls for rape?
Mafuyu is the strongest, so she’s probably the best at it
That being said, Emu is a strong contender too, she’d probably bite you and laugh as you scream
>Mafuyu is the strongest
But Airi single-handedly carries all of MMJ on her back?
yeah but she's a dad. anon said best girls
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It's Yuri Day so I will post negitoro
Laugh at Ena because she still doesn't know where Kanade lives, and probably get kicked in the shin for it
This is the kind of stuff I used to laugh at back in 2013. Thanks for the throwback.
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It's Yuri Day, so please post your best
Posting the best yuri.
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It's not yuri but at least it's not mf*n.
It's yuri for certain "people"
yuri tarded
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mfen saved the thread
Just played meltdown and grieved for the kino mfen cover that never happened
Seriously, why the fuck do they throw in so many great songs with obvious cover potential into the game like they’re nothing
mfenfags sure are vocal and unhappy
soon there'll even be a petition
Source please!
Not a mfenfag, it just obviously fits them and they would have done great
You’re right that whining about it is pointless though, I just really hope they revisit some of the VS only songs for covers one day
There is a possibility of the Cross-Unit Connect Live being Niigo x VS, which could mean Niigo singing Meltdown
It's not quite mfen but it's better than nothing
That’s true, assuming they get one VS only song, Meltdown is the most obvious choice for Niigo, although I guess there’s also Paradichlorobenzene
>Too busy playing Elden Ring
>Mafuyu coomer posts in the general plummet
It's over...
please keep playing elden ring
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Actually I'm busy with SMTVV
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How do you respond to Mafuyu sending you this pic?
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Ruikasa (yuri)
what color they believe miku is
i miss tei...
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Seems kind of out of character, but extremely cute.
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I've never seen 1 (uno) shipping pic that's in character
JP games?
You're clearly not paying enough attention, then, but Mafuyu being considerate of Ena of all people definitely doesn't track.
Although the fact that they're walking together in school uniform doesn't make any sense to begin with, lol
3/5, starting at 30.
mfen will never make sense
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800 to 900 yards from the dream place, the niigers were squeezed into little cars that ran on rails. In Phoenix Wonderland these cars had various dimensions and could hold up to 15 people. As soon as a car was loaded, it would be set in motion on an inclined plane that traveled at full speed down a corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a wall, and in the wall was the door to the dream place. As soon as the car hit the wall, the door opened automatically, and the car would dip forward and pitch its cargo of niigers into the dream place. Right behind it came another car with another load, and so on
Fuck I forgot to pick a song that ends in ka
I like mfen
I completely forgot we were gonna play shiritori one of these days, thanks for reminding me.
Thanks for the games
Fucked up how only one song starts with ru
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Thanks for the games, we should always play like this. It was a lot of fun
Same with ta, but at least both are good songs
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Thanks for the games, I don't think I've ever used the search feature before today
Taiyoukei Disco also exists but I think we just forgot about it
Just discovered that and the screenshot feature
Why is he nervous? That's pre-Awakening Beat Kohane, she's like level 7 right there on the power scale.
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Despite being weaker, she still is simmering with Kohancer-causing particles, it would make anyone nervous, specially a niiger like Akito that can sense it in the air more easily
I want to hug a kohamster
we know, An
I want to be in-between
we know, Mizuki
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25:00 at the Speakeasy
Why is Ena always so hot...
Welp! Time to open the Ena doujin again
based once a day enjoyer
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I fixed it.
Wow, I didn't know anybody that gay was allowed to use the internet
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>Mafuyu wakes up while you try to cop a feel from her
What do you do?
Happy Yuri Day
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turning the yaoi into yuri!
Who impregnates who?
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yuri or yaoi, love ruikasa regardless
tops to the bottoms of course
Kanade shouldn't surround herself with whores. There are no downsides here.
The only whore there is ena
brother fucker ena
dick licker ena
Why reproduce sexually when Rui can simply build an android baby
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this is the real answer
yeah I don't get that ship at all
you're right
it should be tsukarui
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>check /psg/
>Ena mentioned
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She lives rent-free and is able to pursue her art career.
does rui need to build the children new bodies at every phase of their lives
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*moomoofies this thread*
he does it like the movie "robots" where he mods the bodies with new parts at each stage of life so they can "grow"
this is probably for the best, tsukasa’s genes don’t provide anything beneficial
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>he gets with a man who builds them robot children so he won't pass on his tainted seed
based dumb blond manlet
but i need the seed to upgrade my attribute trees
you need the sneed
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yeah it's cute. wonder who drew it?
Not ena
That's weird that they didn't mention the artist.
that's 'cause it really was anon and they were respecting sisbro's 4chan identity by keeping them anonymous
tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
Wind-up Miku plushie
haha look at her go
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YES I wanted Matoryoshka so badly
yeah major ena lover. I should've checked their profile lol. I will if I see that person again
i'll take one
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Jadepaz except it's Shizuku and Shiho
Eww I got my hand into shit.
What would they think about the Kendrick vs Drake beef?
All I know is that Haruka is the one lusting after her underaged fans
And Minori is lusting after an underaged idol
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Source onegai
In 2ish hours
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>Mafuyu's current event
>mixed limited event, possibly 2nd cycle of fes cards
>focus event?
>L/n World Link
>July lims
That's the event lineup leading into this stream.
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>stream kicks off with An being gay as fuck and everyone being uncomfortable
Retarded and whale-oriented metafaggotry I can't be assed to recap aside, we will finally have 3 pages of favourite stamps and the ability to filter stamps when searching. Rejoice.
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Unless they fuck up the cut, there is an extremely high chance Nostalgia Critic’s sample will be included in the song. I can’t believe Niigo is gonna sing alongside Doug Walker.
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I can't believe they had in them to add this one as a cover, but it has always been one of the more tamer Maretu songs so makes sense. It's full group + Miku

Other cover songs announced were:
Ringo Uri no Utakata Shoujo - IchiSaki + Len
Poppin' Candy*Fever! - Moomoos + Rin
How long as it been since a duet + VS cover again? Feels good to have some hope we might start getting them regularly again.
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>selfish princess
>mind brand
well, maybe sacred spear explosion boy has a chance after all
>rettou joutou, odo, beyond the way, ready steady and the new comm
Giga is the most typecast producer in the game
Oh an drop pop candy, that makes it 3 comms and 3 covers
Is the game dying? I barely even play anymore, like 2 or 3 multis a day with whatever team I have yet I still manage to stay at t100k. I don't remember it was like that before.
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Don’t forget about wah wah world
Don’t speak too soon, Tsukasa CC is coming up… although the wxs boy events for the fourth cycle were pretty dead too
Everyone is busy with elden ring
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See you next month VBS covers

Dokuzu so in March
really event dependent I think
if you're talking about EN, I think a lot of people tiered on the last event and aren't on this one
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I hope they add the final chorus of Mind Brand in the 3DMV just to see what they do with this
Ena beheading 3DMV??
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He probably means JP, playing even a bit daily would easily net you t100k in EN, especially for a MMJ permanent event. There’s a Mafuyu unit event and it feels quiet, I’m almost in t20k and that’s with 2/5 team members not even having event unit bonus, playing regularly with ads, but no other refills.
Imagine it fades to black like the original MV and when it reveals the scene again the 3d model heads are on the floor like how you’d pop the head off of a doll, kek
In my old days imagining a Mind Brand MV for ProDiva my idea was mannequins around the stage, creppily moving their heads and torsos, then when the chorus would hit, the lights would dim and then boom! All the mannequins were beheaded with their heads on the floor (to keep the creepy factor the mannequins' bodies would still move like before even without their heads)
So that is my idea for the 3DMV, a bunch of mannequins
That sounds a lot like the Ashes to Ashes MV in Diva, except with mechanical dolls instead of mannequins
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I love them. They are perfect.
Mafuena wearing wedding attire for their wedding, congratulations
>dolls heads
It would be really cool if they used the marionette motif or made them look like ball-joint dolls that have fallen apart but we all know it won't happen. Get ready for some lukewarm choreography in front of a boring background.
Remove kanade, mafuyu, and mizuki, and you'd be correct.
>Ena is a "they" now
Anon you're walking right into the jokes
She contains multitudes, so yes. They are: beautiful girl, kind girl, sweet girl, pretty girl, lovely girl, hard-working girl, responsible girl, caring girl, perfect girl, and best girl.
you forgot cam girl
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All the other units have 2 characters holding balloons and 2 holding flowers (besides the VS), Niigo is the only one with only 1 character holding balloons
With enough balloons, Airi could fly
Pretty girls get flowers, ugly boys get balloons
Rui and Emu have balloons because they are childish and want to escape their earthly tethers like Peter Pan while Tsukasa and Nene have flowers because they want to become actors and receive flowers from their performance, also flowers are connected to the earth, so it means they are grounded, opposite of the other two. This is foreshadowing WxS separation arc 2 where Rui and Emu drink the kool aid to escape real life
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Rui is so lucky
she looks great in that!
Lucky to be gay since Nene is so ugly.
Woke up and CC is dead again. I really have to wonder how many devs they have working on things like matchmaking. It feels like it's a single person at this point.
None of the girls are ugly
Except Shitka
Ena exists tho?
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why do women love ena so much?
guys like her but it's pretty rare to see major fans of her who are male. if they do like a dedicated character profile it's usually for another girl
but women LOVE her
Not me, I only play rhythm gacha these days.
Women can relate to a dumb useless talentless cam whore
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ena has flaws and issues that many people can relate to or empathize with, especially teenage girls
if guys are looking for waifus (let’s be honest if they are playing this game they probably are) a flawed person who lashes out at you because of her deep insecurities and unresolved mental issues is a turn off, just like it would be in real life
the only guy i knew who liked this game hated the assertive and abrasive girls like shiho, airi and ena but loved the genki/docile girls like honami and saki because that was his ideal girlfriend personality

tldr: ena is mentally ill
That earns “just like me fr points” from girls because most humans are mentally ill, but loses waifu points because no one wants to deal with another person’s baggage
She makes you want to watch over and root for her.
>t. female enafag
She is just like me fr fr
Akito is so wide...
Perfect to hold me...
Sorry, I'm a guy
Just because you're a dad doesn't mean you're male, Airi...
>a flawed person who lashes out at you because of her deep insecurities and unresolved mental issues is a turn off, just like it would be in real life
That's only a turn off in real life. Fictional, mentally ill girls are hot as fuck.
They have to be mentally ill in the right way to be hot.
AkiAi is the new AkiAn, there I said it.
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akian mentioned
Both are unrealistic, inferior to their gay ships, and ass? Yeah
Shinonononome posting
My husband and my wife
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The only time where it would make sense to say Airi and you don't say it
If I saw Luka and Meiko at a wedding ceremony I would be staring at them all night at the reception.
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The variety is good.
Mizuki x Shinonomes is simply better
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Big shoulders that can carry and hold me, might as well be heaven...
I love Akito...
I'm not Ena, I'm not Airi, I'm not Mizuki, I'm not anyone in this game
I'm myself, anon, who loves Akito very very much
You'll definitely find yourself, Mafuyu...
It's not the shoulders but it is almost canon
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iyowa's third album
Colopale have been gatekeeping Kohane past since the start of the game, so my main theory is that Kohane have a brother on the exterior that came to Japan to take she and her family to the US with him, but the thing is, Kohane takes his brother words way to seriously, so before her brother actually meet for real An, Akito and Toya, his first impression was they were "Just some deliquents" but at first she didn't took that seriously, but when she would ask them what they think about she going to US (to ask for advice because she dont want to VBS to disband) but she see Akito saying shit about her brother because Kohane was praticing less to spend time with her brother, and the history goes on with An and Toya doing their best to not let VBS disband and Akito finding a way to apologize to Kohane before she go to US
Someone post the kohamster gif
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Thank you
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Damn that anon is stalking minors on a social media-lite platform...
The hamster's probably not harmed here, but I still hate this nigger webm.
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ironic they're making one of the only characters who can't get pregnant sing about a girl get knocked up
Based animal lover anon.
Mind Brand is a bit confusing, everything up until the final chorus seems to be from the perspective of a 3rd party commenting on a situation, but the final chorus makes you think the singer is the girl in the song
Maybe it's intentional idk, I like how poetic nip songs can be but they can be awfully confusing too
I hope the 3DMV includes a screen in the background with this video on it
so how pissed do you think ruikasa fujos will be if rui gets a lim in the upcoming bloom/colorfes event and not with tsukasa in his event next month
>ruikasa fujos
I'm a male and I ship them
So, how pissed will you be, fujoanon?
It is fundashi you fucking weebgot
>Fudanshi (Fujo)
Sure sis
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very pissed because i can only afford to spark once and i almost had to spark for tsukasa's birthday card just last month
wl and tsukasa lim spam last year has not been easy on my gems...
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sorry for forgetting you fudanbro, here's a cute ritk to make up for it
whether you're f2p or a whale, wondasho WL and tsukasa colorfes basically back to back is brutal. i'm praying to kamiku-sama for you to get the focus units in your first pull next time, fujosis
Honami looks so seductive...
So Shizuku wears the pants in the relationship…
>having a shitty day
>day drags on
>suddenly think about ruikasa
>start smiling
>coworker asks why I'm smiling
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Ena if she was anon's pet
in situations like that I always just say: "eh, just something stupid I saw on the internet"
if they ask what I've always got some retarded youtube video I watched within the last week that I can link
I don't smile
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I would simply bite my coworker's face off
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Love them
I know that manga...
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thanks, i hope we all get lucky and that they get banned from lims for a year after this
the clowns can make anyone smile, even in the real world!
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Since MMJ got a VBS-like comm, I wonder if VBS will get a MMJ-like comm in exchange. Or is that what Flyer is?
pic unrelated
Mind Brand being announced made me remember the "Welcome to the mind fuck" line and about Prsk's weird censorship
>Clowns have said "fuck" 3 times in Dappou Rock and Ego Rock
>The "fuck you" in Bitter Choco Decoration was removed
So I wonder if they will leave it or censor it
Truly the coomer character
Will never forgive colopale for censoring OPPAI OPPAI ( ゚∀゚)o彡゜
"Bullshit" also appeared in Cyberpunk Dead Boy
If they decide to censor it though because only clowns can swear apparently, they do have plausible deniability since the "fuck" in Mind Brand is crossed out as "F××k"
yeah is cringe
niigo knows what "fuck" means so they aren't allowed to say it.
len and tsukasa can say it because they don't know what it means. they say it because they think it sounds cool and no one else will tell them what it actually means because they all think it's funny
They better leave it, I need the unofficial nostalgia critic collab to happen
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How much for one ticket and how many rounds do I get with Tsukasa?
airi's daughter
What would I have to do to ask her father for her hand in marriage?
Maybe start with not calling her a womanlet all the time, Haruka
Just take her. Nobody will miss her anyways.
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audience members aren't allowed to participate, but you get to see rui pound that clussy for 88 rounds for only 1,141 yen so i'd say it's a good deal
Masarada covers doko
Masarada comms doko
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Please stop calling characters ugly and stupid and stuff if possible. It really hurts my feelings. I would appreciate it if it stopped.
I'm sorry anon, but I can't do that. It hurts my feelings to lie.
Exceptions: Shitho
fortunately for you I only call 4chan anons retarded and not the characters
What if the colorful palette ends up being involved with big fraud or human trafficking or something?
>kanade kills herself by jumping off a building
Stop watching Stephanie Soo, Saki
>Kanade will live forever inside lolifuyu
Holy based
I did not care for niigo's story. It insists upon itself.
Shut up
I did not fall for anon's bait. It insists upon itself.
If you don't like niigo then get the frick outta /psg/
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Look at this 'nade
I want to break her fingers
mogu mogu
She's still got Mafuyu's juice all over her fingers.
She's still got Mochizuki-san's fluids all over her fingers.
Yuricoomers are so disgusting...
Songs announced for July
>Daijobu desu ka? by cosMo@bousouP (VS only)
>merry-go-round by Negi Shower P (VS only)
>Poppin' Candy Fever! by Kinoshita (MMJ ft. Rin)
>Ringo Uri no Utakata Shoujo by Yukke (IchiSaki ft. Len)
>Mind Brand by MARETU (Niigo ft. Miku)

>Kohane comm by Giga and TeddyLoid
more fastslop LET'S GOOOOOOOOO
Mafuyu is only good for her slutty wagamama body
>slutty selfish body
What did anon mean by this?
You need to read more porn
>finally seeing some progress on master difficulty
thank goodness. really felt like I was getting nowhere at all for a while
My favorite variety show bit
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What would you do if you found Minori's ura-account?
Minori attempting to send her nudes to Haruka but accidentally dropping them in the mmj group chat.
This game takes some time to add popular songs and artists, but I don't mind waiting.
Minori just admires Haruka because Haruka had the role that she wants. I don't get the whole "she's in love with her" thing.
That sounds more like a Shizuku thing
Wasn't KING released super fast?
You don't typically want to fuck your idols if you don't love them
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>August 2, 2020 -> May 17, 2021
I was thinking more along the lines of Kyoufuu All Back, which also took several months to get added even after the hype around it died down.
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I keep getting coom Mikus on my x feed...
Love them
why is she with herself?
i'm sad that we'll never get one of my favorite cosmo songs since it was produced for bemani
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I would not bargain my soul away to ColoPale for anything but I would gladly take a practice mode.
True random first
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Sex with Nursefuyu
But I asked for Dr. Asahina.
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Hot... weather of course
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Shizuku would accidentally send it to all her contacts
if her phone doesn't explode beforehand
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Shut up Tsukasa
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Tsukasa should stop wearing pants
And start wearing shorts
I want to see his strong athletic legs...
Stop being gay or women
I can't, I love men too much
>Strong arms
>Strong legs
>Pecs and abs
>Bubble butt as an extra
>All glistening with sweat
I need Speedokasa...
Please stop posting Rui
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This but with Speedokito too
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Can’t wait for Project Diva costumes tie-in + Fujosista summer event
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>strong arms
Just because the art style makes everyone sticks doesn't mean in-universe they aren't muscular, the clowns specifically train hard physically (specially Tsukasa)
Not even yumes and self-insertfags are this delusional. Phenomenal.
So many jealous hetmale pigs in this thread today, gross.
>japanese manlet fuccboi teenager
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>mirin' bro
They are physically active, they would at least be a bit muscular, twink muscular but muscular nonetheless
You're the who has been declaring himself a proud cum guzzler since yesterday in every second post.
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make fun of him all you want but you can’t deny that he’s got milk
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Only women should be sexualized.
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Although not as obvious milkasa's studdly pecs have appeared before.
I love how baby faced he is despite that
I can’t believe Doug was the true niigo leader all along
First Smiling Friends and now Project Sekai, it’s really been Doug’s month
>there is a possibility that every vocaloid producer will be doxxed soon
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it's an interesting ship, but the problem is, nene would be bawling her eyes out seeing this
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I like that Kanade face
Why do gook uploads not have instrumentals on nyaa?
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/psg/ on the steam sale
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found the emunenefag
I look like that
Yeah, she'd be so sad her dear friend is actually an incest freak...
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Only the physical discs have the instrumentals, so chances are the rips are from digital storefronts.
They are physical only like anon said but these are vocaloid songs so 99% of the time the producer will upload off vocals long before the CDs are out.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBDBRenGOv0
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I have mirrors, who should I spend them on? My niigas, Minori, Miku, Rin and Luka are already maxed
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yoru no mure~
igamiatte kiRI ga na i
>There is no one here
>Yes, I know that
The next character after this post
Too lazy to make sound webms
I'm thinking
Not worth the effort
Neither were you but your mother still bothered
this too
But I'm not Mafuyu
That Mizuki is haunting.
This general wouldn't have made it without Mafuyu's conception
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owo first lvl 25 fc... but it felt easier than some 23s...
I haven't played that song in so long I can't even remember the expert chart
It was a very nice June
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I just learned of this stamp's existence. Can't believe we don't post it more often.
kek that's a nice troll stamp
that's what she says to the panty check guy when he sees her wearing ladies' boxers
>13 days to mnhr half birthday
What a specific thing to celebrate
Like I get half birthdays but a countdown to it?
I understand it. I look forward to my ship's middle birthday every year too, I just can't show my hype because I'm not a drawfag.
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Shoujo Rei
ash blossom and joyous spring
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cute brides
My cute wife and her cute husband (also my wife).
Is that Akito?
what a riveting question
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This is so fucking cringe
An is in too deep
And then Ena chimed in to say that she takes pictures of Akito sleeping too
the only good akito doujin
Ankh big love
brosters left number red
>page 9
The final /psg/….
Panic when we hit page 10, dramatic fucks
He brought some for Nenerobo too
psg rei
shizuku ghost tummy
Soon, very soon...
Last for Shitho
Icchan LOVE
Icchan HATE!
icchan big love
Shitka LOVE

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