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Previous: >>483012772

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
skibidi toilet.
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People not making threads instantly only fuels the spammer.
Making us hit image limit is what he wants, retard.
Then it's undone in a second instead of hours.
It doesn't matter in the slightest if it fuels him
I'll say it again
And yet there are scores of morons here who still haven't filtered image-only posts
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Thinking man
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Why did she do it?
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Sex with Aigis
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play pq
Put some clothes on
she was horny
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I did
...will be a kind loyal fairy!
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Claiming this tailed tantalizer.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
I prefer my women short and stinky
no way
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Nice. Ann's more my type.
Cute ann
I will only buy Persona 4 Rewind if the cowards at Atlus put back Yosuke's cut romance.
If they give an option to have Marie or Izanami as an SL, it would be worth it.
KYS, faggot
Metaphor x Persona 6 Q
Gay furries vs school students
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canon wife
Ann is extremely cute.
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when women cross their arms to take the top off are they just being sexy or is that really how they strip naturally?
Disney Ann
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need to correct
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Poketto Komputa!
Persona and Metaphor are fujo only series now.
Is she a Disney princess?
wdym only girls do that?
But Yusuke said he wasnt gay????
I'm not a princess
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Which do you think she would be?
how long do they kisses last?
Yusuke is very gay
Sleeping beauty
Shinji's the type to pull you back in when you start pulling away so it all depends on how frisky he is
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Futaba is Rapunzel -was isolated by her mother
Haru is the Little Mermaid -wants to get out of her father's world
Sumire is Cinderella -no need for an explanation here
Ann is so beautiful
Ann is so fucking ugly
Ann is so cute!
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yes, n*nako
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Ann seems to be very popular today.
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i was just thinking why haven't anyone drawn this yet
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Ann holds /pg/ together
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Perhaps she is the heart of /pg/.
Ann thread...
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Ann IS /pg/
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Noots big noots
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It seems like it already is one.

Does that mean we're Ann?
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Nicely Haru'd.
Nicely orbed
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The real /pg/ is the Anns we made along the way
On the outside, Akihiko seems to be your standard golden boy of Gekkoukan. However, in reality, he's the free use sex toy for all the girls in the school. No matter the time of day- if a girl demands his dick, he is compelled to give it to her as soon as possible.
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Let's make, post, and enjoy a lot more then.

Thanks, you too.
N-no, I've already coomed to you three times today... Please stop...
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Is that an orb or a plush behind her?
You can see the feet and hands sticking out from behind, m'lord
So masculine!
Could be bigger
It's a plush of a Demon Slayer character.
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>its okay when women do it
Pregnant Noot...
Someone post it.
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You will surrender your cream.
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Developing platonic relationship with Gallica!
Yes daddy anything you want
Cumming on Gallica
How will she react to it?
Try to not be drowned.
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>/pg/ constantly talks about Gallica and the game is not even out yet
The queen of /pg/
She's a pro, she can handle it
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I now have complete control of Aigis. What should I do with her?
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Just as planned...
force her to go outside and open fire on any living creature
Evil fairy...
Put her on Chihiro vagina prep duty
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Makoto san. I have news.
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She can't get pregnant
Wow Aigis, you and that foreigner sure got busy, huh?
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Kawakami...easy on the shrimp...
She's so cute...
Why does Aigistard spam the same shit on every thread?
Would grab
aigis you stole that from yukari's trashbin
He wants to surpass Sumirefag in sheer annoyance and tedium.
I love nerd women with glasses and social anxiety
prove it
you can always filter recurring posts if you don't like them
I love rapebait women
How many fucking times are you going to post this. Fucker. Stop. Once is enough.
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prove it
Hashino will regret leaving P-Studio and stealing Soejima and Meguro for his metasnore. They all should have worked on P3R and P6
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I.... I.... I j-just love 'em, OKAY?!
>Mon impératrice!
>They all should have worked on P3R and P6
they will return to wada and his team to work on p6 after metakino is released
what is a rapebait women to you
sex with makoto and haru
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Do nerd women with glasses and no social anxiety even exist?
There's nothing saying they aren't at least on supervisory roles for P6.
*gasp* You're a rapist! I'm disappointed in you.
Aigis probably could get magically pregnant if door came inside her enough times
If by any chance no matter how slim it is for this generic garbage, becomes actually successful, they'll obviously be put to work on a 2nd game
Become one then.
No, I like having a penis and shooting cum.
Ai? I'd rather be raped by her...
P6 is currently in development.
peesona is quite literally the biggest ip fatlus owns as of date there is no way they will prioritise a highly experimental project over it
its still in pre-production stage, they will commence the real work after metaphor
Yes it means P6 is already heavily into the development if it started sometime after P5R release, Metaslop has been in development since P5 released
p6 is releasing in 2032
What makes schizos so afraid of Metaphor?
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I fucking hate that dent in her chin did a miniature spaceship crash land there or something? Holy fuck I can't stop staring at it every time she appears it's like a black hole sucking all possible attention that could've been given to any other part of her face into one focal point.
making kawacummy feel 13 again
Futra of persoyna
Kawagranny has seen so many eons that 8 years is like the blink of an eye to her
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sex with chubkami
Probably in 2026
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is it safe
Me and my wife
it's never safe for you here
Atlus need to put Kozuka on P6 soundtrack
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right behind you
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What a cutie
I don't have any more, but yeah
was this during the jurrasic era?
I would give her a black eye for touching my nipples like that. Stick to the blowjob bitch.
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Barely have any either lol
it's pretty cute
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Where's sumi?
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Which P5 boy is winning the bowl on this one?
I don't know
Could Aigis talk even with her mouth full of cock?
mmmm juicy throbbing cocks
Stop thinking about Ken.
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as if
>Tongue rubs hard against your cock
>She reads your blood pressure, heart rate, and how much stimulation you are feeling
>"Makoto-san, I detect that you are about to ejaculate. Please insert your penis all the way so that none of your semen is spilled."
in my bed, fucking me in the ass. why are you asking?
That's kinda gay
absolutely not, it's 100% heterosexual
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Here's Sumi
What the shell?!
>double chin
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She's just a little Soom
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worshipping my little Sumi...
I would impregnate that girlgroo
worshipping her cock...
silicone cock*...
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Being anon's Chie boywife.
Making sure my boyfie is properly milked every morning.
Dragging him to the gym to make sure he stays in shape.
Making sure he has a proper diet and meeting his macros every day.
Making sure hes properly milked before we lay in bed and watch old kung fu flicks for the night.
Being anon's Chie boywife.
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somebody stop him
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Threadly orb
I would impregnate that girlsuke
Can Futaba teach me how to beat Mega Man
How would you do that?
Actual faggot
where's the fucking tho
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Girls love moron cock anon it's over...
No what?
I hate myself
whats she doin in a glove
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Cute orb
I can't believe Sumire is fucking dead.
haru shut up
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
She isn't.
They are both gay, so it fits
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Oh Yeah!
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That depends. If you don't mind getting a gym membership, we can find a good gym and go in the mornings while there aren't many people.
However, if you're a stinky NEET with anxiety, we can always build a home gym with the proper free weights, as long as you're hitting all your main muscle groups at least twice a week.
If you live in a small place, we can make due with dumbbells and a bench, perhaps.
As for tracking your macros, we'll use an app. Maybe MyFitnessPal to track all your meals and make sure you're getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of muscle of your bodyweight. But we'll also include lots of vegetables in your diet to make sure you're satiated.
As for the movie, it doesn't have to be kung fu classics all the time, we can watch other stuff you like too.
Sounds very cute and helpful, Chie.
Neck yourself
There's no Sumi with him.
Chee’s butt chieks.
they took this from you
Chie's fat butt....
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I can see her panties
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Nooo poster got deleted...
very nice panties.
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atlus should make p3 orbs
Chie's butt in my face
God forbid anyone have fun nowadays
Kens nunu on my lips
Chie's sweaty spats...
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More persona girls need spats in this series, and anime girls in general. I think Sophia/Shiho were the last ones to use them.
I have no idea, but luckily he's easily filtered.
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With Chie on rainy nights
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Agreed. Shit's hot.
Oh yeah Taba wore them. I hope every persona girl in the future has it for some costume at least.
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What am I?
read the filename
I was disappointed to find out this wasn't a dakimakura
unix time?
Aigis didn't win reload doorbowl...
to think koromaru would win it at the last second...
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Who am I?
>3/7 Metaphor party members are brown + black driver and a furry
Chuds lost
Is this game fun?
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She's thick
lay off the niku
what are you larping as?
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In all the right places
it takes a bunch of non whites to form the most racist group
chuds have won
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Persona 6 will have a cute teenage girl exchange student from Germany available as a romance option
she'll secretly be a nazi
she will be a muslimah
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Want a Sumi gf to KISS
NEED a Soom gf
Weird this only half happened with Ann
I just saw a video on twitter of two fujos singing happy birthday and serving a cake to a yosuke plush
no thanks
imagine the smell
Rancid :(
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Aigis has a pussy
Putting Gallica's entire foot in your mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop...
I love Pitsona
Beach setting focus persona game when?
Mitsuru talking to the team while relieving herself in tartarus because you're a hundred floors up. When her voice strains for a second you know she's pushing a log out.
Why are you putting her foot in my mouth
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metaphor is a chance at a new start. Leave the sick fetishes in persona, become normal. You're better than this.
My fantasies have done much worse things to you, Fuuka. Don't worry, Metaphor won't face my true wrath for a while. I'm still not done with my P5X fanfictions.
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One pussy juice with ice please. One milly per cup? No worries I'll pay all of it
Yeah get the fuck off my general tranny freak
do you ever take a break dude
I still don't get why you're this obsessed
Nazi Persona fans can fuck right off. Starting with you.
stroke that pussy
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get the fuck off my general
like is this your idea of fun or something
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What a cutie frost
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But Hitler was based.
Hagkiko sexo
Putting Gallica from the waist down in my mouth and licking her tiny fairy pussy and legs and feet
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What a good mother
Eating Gallica whole!
You made xer really angry, xhe started spamming again
Purification beam
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Yukiko says begone troons.
there aren't any trannies here besides the ones in your head, you should evict them sometime because they're living there rent free
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You sound threatened getting all defensive for no reason retarded tranny freak
Metaphor kun in Gekkoukan high uniform looks even more like Door and Aigis' child
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trips of truth
More like I'm annoyed at you doing this shit every single thread any time Aigis even gets mentioned, like fuck off already schizo
I'm tired of you doubling down, gaslighting, samefagging for entire threads and going evasive every single time you get called out.
Besides Sumischizo you are the biggest shitter in this thread. Get a fucking life. Please.
Why are Shitgisfags so pathetic?
So sexy
Why no AI art of Shota Door? I'm disappointed.
it's been posted before
>t. projecting obnoxious tranny who spams the general every single day
Stay mad, freak.
>bringing Sumichad
Soomposter > Aigistranny
Need to kiss Sumi, need to hug her.
Obnoxious troll.
Ann Babamaki
go back to your drug cave why did you returned here
Ew the junkie is back
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she had too many crepes
She needs to lay down those sweets
It just proved you right kek
Is it gay if I'm willing to settle for a dude pretending to be Chie?
>Is it gay if I'm willing to settle for a dude
anne level of intellect
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icecream with rise
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Ice cream freely?
What flavor?
what flavor.
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Degenerate freaks are that way, unfortunately.
amazing sunset
They're just complete losers. Surprised this freak still hasn't recognized that he has no friends here and everyone besides his butt buddy wants him to leave.
Ann unlocked Super Lovers form and now she makes me do all the chores... what do I do...
Cute noot
Fuck off, Derrick
Don't use other characters for your shitty brigade, even if we hate aigisfags too
As an Annfag I fully agree. No one wants that freak around and it annoys me when he replies to my posts.
Starting to love Sumi as hard as possible.
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Who can possibly do anything about them?
She's just a Sumi
unlock your own super form
Futaba Sakuron these balls ha gottem
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My face between her boobs.
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I need a taste....
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Persona 6 spoilers.
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the only canon couple in p3
Damn.... How many plushies does she have?
Just jumped out of my chair in excitement and spilled my pomegranate juice everywhere till I realized it was fake.
Fucking asshole
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Oops, wrong image.
She has at least eight more under the covers
She's surrounded by them every night and it brings her immeasurable joy
And there's the other tranny freak.
Pretty cute
so where do you actually find ai gens like this? I see sites spammed on 4chan sometimes but they're scam/grift sites. Is there a booru just for ai?
What's the appeal of oppai lolis?
Two of the best things on earth in one.
An anon from here did that.
Impossible novelty I guess
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uhh, tofu?
Retardation + degeneracy
one of the many results of runaway porn addiction
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Will I enjoy P5T if I'm a fan of FE?
playing spinoffs before playing the main game is a bad idea
Its more of a combo tactics game than a fire emblem game. You want to extend your turn as long as possible by doing combos and crits. Getting hit at all can often lead to death in high difficulties. They did a good job putting persona gameplay into a tactics game.
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Is this game still alive? WTF
Massaging Gallica's feet with your thumbs!
Where are the pictures of shota Door getting molested by Kotone?
currently elizabeth and mitsuru are having fun with ss door. i'm sure kotone will get her turn.
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sleepy time
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Night Personabab.
>liz and suru will never molest you
Holy fuck. Why even live?
They're coming to take me away Nanako, so I'm going to Thailand to live there forever. It was nice knowing you, how about one more game of doctor?
Very cute orb
Very cute hampters
Dude how fuuuuuuuuuuuuck i want an orb but I don't want to shell out 200+ for a PLUSH.
I hope they're as funny and loveable as they look for you.
Hey, none of that.
Which orb would you get?
Probably Akechi or Futaba
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Haru if she sex
Cucked by Maki
fuck no
Why isn’t she fat
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They're doing this to me tomorrow
Me in the middle
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I remember a few years ago I decided to buy two hamsters. After a while, the female hamster gave birth, and I had no idea she was pregnant since it had only been a month or so. Soon, their offspring began mating, and the population grew exponentially. I ended up buying a shit ton of hamster feed, hay, and cages. I even considered selling them and quitting school to become a hamster breeder.

One day, they started eating their babies. I literally saw half a baby hamster once, and it fucking spooked me. They kept doing this until only a few were left. Eventually, they all got sick and died. Persona.
Fat girls need love too, I suppose.
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This is like the story from a Greek tragedy.
They were cannibals who committed incest and as a result, divine retribution caught up to them and made them die horrible, oozing, clenching deaths.
How old were you when this happened? Unless you were a child you have no excuse for letting this happen.
me in the middle (im getting fucked by my landlord, work and the government at the same time)
Plz let the girl be Kotone
I was a dumb high school student when this happened.
How many kisses will each of them get?
Erm, thats a gerbil
The second one is a h8gh quality and canon animation you can find on rule34, first is probably just the troon
Why is her hair so fluffy?
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They defied nature, they deserved much worse.
Breed them
Why are you spamming shitty art
Cope. Your 'loyal' waifu is canonically a whore.
I can see her butthole
Door is so fucking cute
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persona girl butthole tier list
World Class Buttholes:
Makoto Nijima

Enjoyable Buttholes:

Blown out buttholes:

Terrible abused buttholes:

No butthole:
Whoregis should be in the "terrible abused" category since the entire school runs a train on her daily.
No butthole
we get it that's your fetish
Oh fuck. I forgot to add the rerelease girls.
Marie has a world class butthole, right below Elizabeth.

Sumire has a blown out butthole.
Just reminding you that you're a cuck. Kill yourself.
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Violent motorboating
There is no fucking good Makoto hentai.
There's plenty of good hot makoto hentai what do you mean
I mean I'm not going to look it up for you but there's plenty of excellent gangbang animations and doujins of her
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uh oh
Kuma is based
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Here's to an inspired tomorrow.
Night Personababs.
All the rape goes too far, mind break and NTR and that bullshit.
All the bondage doesn't go far enough, too soft and toothless.
All the mind control is jank as fuck.
She's lucky enough to get actual peril art, and it's a fucking mess.
The best hentai picture she has outright is tickling. Not that tickling's bad, but god damn, THE best?
What are they doing?
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What does it taste like?
Man, the P3R linked episodes have a completely different tone if you played the first game. The endings are supposed to be super uplifting and optimistic with the cast talking about plans for the future with you. Knowing how the game ends makes it incredibly fucking depressing.
Anyone do the lasergun kids confidant?
I just kinda brushed him off and said fuck off kid ASAP. Hated that they forced you to talk to him when I could be rimming futaba or some shit
for completion, yes
>rimming futaba
Her butthole is nasty
Her butthole stink is an auto-marin karin for my tongue
Release them
Seal them forever
There are two kinds of homebodies: "I don't have to shower because I'm not going anywhere" or "I shower every day because warm water feels nice and I don't have to worry about a schedule".

I used to be the latter. You can headcannon either.
Squeeze the noots
>Bebe asks how you say "goodbye" in Japan
>original P3 gives you the option for "hasta la vista"
>remake gives you the option for "a theatrical, intense "I'll be back""
I see what they did there.
Anons I finally got my plushie pre ordered. I will cuddle my tiny Aki so much.
>Gallica dresses up for the dungeon and even has a tiny sword even though she doesn't fight
She will circumcise you
Is "aishiteru" option only in Portable?
She would never do that, nobody likes mutilated penises
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>nobody likes mutilated penises
uh, about that...>>483132607
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>Hey, look! There's a cave! I bet theres tons of treasures in there!
>What? Traps? Pfft, of course there are none! I can sense them after all!
>Gallica as Patches
Such levels of kino shouldn't be possible
Thank you Gallica! Reliable as always, nothing bad can happen with you around!
Get the fuck out
Please be an evil fairy...
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>I can sense them after all!
Is she into femboys or something?
Evil fairies are stupid.
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If she had never gotten any help, this is what Futaba would've become
>big tits
>looks attractive and kissable
I don't think so
She's following the MC so probably
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She stinks
nice style
lol. lmao even.
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all toasters toast toast
That's the best part
Yeah that's not what a morbidly obese 5 foot woman looks like at all kek
Imagine the smell...
do femanons really?
Sort of? For the first half of the game, all you are really doing is make triangle, and it's more about expending your turn and actions and doing big team attacks than anything else. The second half does require you to use party members in good positions either to open doorways or to defend with skills that allow more than only make triangle but better/faster.
Olwen a cute
Sweaty and stinky.
Hangry for meat!
Would you rather
a) be forced to watch your waifu get raped, spoiling her purity forever
b) be raped yourself instead
I want my waifu to rape me
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Why do the P3 kids live in a dorm away from their parents? The students in SMTV also live in a dorm. Do japs kids really move into dorms away from their families as early as high school? Damn bros we'll never beat them...
I hate myself
nope you're being raped by a big muscly man
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How could you say that? That's a word that has historically been used to dehumanize people!
would my waifu still respect/love me after that or she would be utterly disgusted to the point where she stops seeing me as a man?
This is the funniest motherfucker ever
His link is one of the best, the older you get the more he makes sense with his view on economics
That's not Adachi
his biggest funny yet to come if you haven't beaten p3 btw
What happened to this guy? He was on national TV in P3 and P4 but then in P5 he is some shady seller on the dark web or something.
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milk time
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Smug fuuk
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She's thinking lewd things again
It's peaceful...
His view on dressing nice then only showering 3 days at a time stuck with me pretty well
It's pretty funny.
Haha funny meme aside, which girls realistically touch themselves once in a while?
All of them
>onece in a while
P6 in 1861
If Jack Frost jerked off would it be called jacking off or jacking on? Because he gets turned on while jacking it
With fags and black people
P6 x Metaphor Arena: ReMatchio
P6 in 2116
There's a pretty fun fic, that's sadly dead, crossing over with Sherlock Holmes
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Chie Satonaka! What a gal!
stinky chee
pretty chee
Nothing pisses me off more when playing these games than fighting a shadow thats just a still object doing fucking nothing but it has the dodge skills of a GOD
Like holy shit dude you don't even have legs and you're nailed to the ground, PLEASE explain to me how you have enough agility to dodge 3 attacks in a row
Maybe get better at attacking lululul
play a better atlus game like groove on fight retards
Fuck you, I hope you and your entire IKEA shadow family get the furniture equivalent of flayed alive
>swing at totem pole of disjointed heads
>it splits up and your sword goes through the gap
Gotta use your imagination.
Press 'x' to attack the enemy with more determination next time. The game can tell
yeah, it's femc only
More like Garlica! Stinky fairy!
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i like that shinji is basically going thru the same thing, he is trying not to give people hope for a future with him
Can I pet him?
Someone make porn of this
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get yourself a femanon, put yuko wig and gekkocan uniform on her, pull down her pantsu, ask her to flick her bean
and then you jack off to that
So cute
Is this how cosplay porn is commissioned? I do remember /smtg/ commissioning a nemisa cosplayer
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She's a gamer
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would you still love your waifu if she had a yaoi chin?
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any feet pictures of this whore?
Which girl would /pg/ commission porn of?
Overall, I think people here would commission Fuuka or Yukari.
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>now I need to comission Yukari bouncing on a horse cock dildo and vibing her clit unitl she squirts across the room
He bought? Drop it.
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Who are the Horse girls of persona?
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Mitsuru definately has a horse she "rides"
How did she get such a dark tan when she's indoors all day?
She's sitting next to a window, duh.
It's nice, isn't it?
I have been commissioning my waifu lately but they're all private so they don't exist elsewhere
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Pacific Rim
what is even the point of private comms
Probably degenerate porn
Its nice art done for me and my use so I keep it
Nope all vanilla
Interesting. What persona girl?
I prefer not to give shitposters fuel.
How much?
Mobile Suit Aigis
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Anyone have the futaba cosplay clip where she double pentrates herself with a monster can?
Why do women do the retarded thing of sticking metal in their face, I'd prefer if they were just entirely made out of metal instead
Because it's hot and shows a willingness to put up with discomfort unlike you, aigistranny.
You just now she had delicous pierced nipples
Yeah so does sticking a bigass plate in your mouth like some african tribeswoman, doesn't make it any less retarded
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>no salsa
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>Because it's hot
She looks like she fucks bullet trains.
So does normal Aigis, she just fucks everyone on the train every morning commute like the free use sexbot she is.
is this kid ever gonna give up
Aigs brat correction
And now it's posting tranny porn.
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I mean yeah
This exact type of woman is the sexiest
what if those noodre fell down her cleavage haha
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Side hoes.
Yuko and Natsuki
Yumi and Ayane (and fat marie)
Ohya and Newspaper-chan and Soapy and the tactica girls
Maybe Polter but we’ll see

And Ayase because she’s based
That woman is MOT your mommy. She is your PEER.
Many such cases!
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My peer-mommy!
Which artists? I want to commission stuff so bad but I'm too nervous about contacting artists.
>Sorry Senpai, that last one came out a little wet
greasy log?
I commission Aigis
She doesn't have any normal porn and I'm going to change that.
Rise’s Ultimate Poosona…
Make a burner twitter account and just dm anyone who says their comms are open
The worst they'll say is 'no'
Where's Sumi on this Sumi Sunday?
>The worst they'll say is 'no'
I hate myself
Too many artists aren't; very open-minded these days, it's a disgrace really.
They're always so judgemental too with the occasional "EW FUCK NO" and "WTF" into blocking me.
Society really has taken a downturn
She's 'busy' with the track team right now, just wait.
Ugh, not keen on caving and getting a shitter account, but if needs must.
Use other sites where you can be anon or make a burner to message, either you get ignored or they will say they won't do it. Twitter artists usually aren't worth the hassle, use sites that have controls to prevent you from being scammed.
Maybe stop asking for Nanako being gaped by Shadow Kanji???
Wtf kind of shit are you commissioning for reactions like that
Any suggestions?
How about I stop breathing as well while I'm at it?
Where's sumi? Where's sumi
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Skeb is the best for Japanese artists, it's run through twitter, but has a lot more control.
maybe it's for the best that you keep your shit private
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What's the most unintentionally hilarious retcon Persona could possibly make?
DW just revealed a villain from the classic series was latched onto the TARDIS ever since the end of his original story
Hilarity ensued
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Who knows
Why do you guys love Sumi so much?
Mitsuru I don't think that's a very safe place to store your phone while it's being charged by the portable charger oddly strapped to your thigh
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That's right, Haru
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all coomers should be gassed
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I see /pg/ is kind of shit today again...
Motorboating Lavenza's titties
Which Persona girls would be the best/worst at Counter Strike?
This is a new low
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They did this before
Hey, at least it's not goreposting or scatposting like a long time ago
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Why are we spamming porn again?
Just the other day I saw someone on either /vg/ or /v/ post a video of a guy getting his cock removed with a circular saw. I'll gladly take this over that any day
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thats just everage day on /gif/
what caused this
Need this
8 year draught
What the fuck
persona has nothing to do with your porn addiction
This but me and Suru
Lack of father figure.
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Cute Jew
Why does the pony model put those white dots everywhere in the image
Why is she standing like this?
This one is pretty nice ngl
Pretty sure it's just supposed to be dust in the air
I just put "dancing" in the prompt because idk, just standing is boring
Do fujos really?
I want to massage her bergs
The dancing Israeli...
For me it’s the Yoshi on the wall above her head. That makes it feel like Makoto
but i have porn addiction due to persona
Imagine having a taste so shit you get addicted to midsona girls of all the possible games
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nanako isnt mid
I'm always relaxed
Nanako is mid
Maiko is high-tier
Lavenza/Twins are god-tier
I'm trying to
>t. no imouto haver
Sae is a kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.
Does Futaba cheat in video games?
I thought it's non-imouto havers who dream about having an imouto
She uses game shark
I thought the Retry button in Metaphor was just to quickly start over on bosses but you can use it when you can ambushed and just start the fight over at full health but with the player going first. Why is that even allowed? It completely defeats the point of ambushes
you cant know their greatness unless you have one, siscomplex comes FROM having one in the first place
i want her to step on me
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i still want a fortnite collab
next thread a mishima thread pls
I'm certain Atlus has at least thought about it. A Persona collab with Joker, both Makotos, and Yukari with the Morganacopter as the glider would probably sell a lot
Sex with Mika
What it like?
They should make Persona kart
Persona 6 but title it Persona 5: 2
Persona and Fortnite are both massive collab whores. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
Could be fun for a short time
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gluck gluck
It's player base will die in like a week. On pc it'll die in a day
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>post to image ratio not in the shitter
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Don't jinx it.
Persona 6 but directed by Hideo Kojimbo
I wanna sniff her panties so fucking bad, bros....
What do they smell like...?
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come on, reload was ripe for it
i dunno why atlus fumbled it
I wanna see her feet
The top of her feet also have freckles
chu chu rero rero
Just a peek m'lady, please...
Who's going to be the one to wet their pants? My bet is on the magician bro
Moon girl
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A /pg/ that didn't hit image limit... wow...
All good toasters toast good toast!
and to think that fatlus didnt joined in the joke and sold a aigis themed toaster
what a sovless company
Maybe eventually, it would be funny.
Haru isn't pregnant.
I will fix that
I have completed a new technology that will allow Aigis to get pregnant.
Dubious little creature, getting up to mischief...
Kissing Sumi, hugging Sumi
I don't get it

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