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Rome enjoyers edition

1d6chan - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts - https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Dog coming June 25th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2NDDhUp8kI
DLC News June 26th: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1801253295664590915

>Total War: Pharaoh
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1937780/
Pharaoh New Combat Mechanics: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/24
Pharaoh New Factions: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/21
Lethality Q&A June 27th: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1804107331933806880

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

previous thread: >>482968534
Be a good person
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What did Wurrzag mean by this?
Because the pond is not big enough and to make a Total War game you pretty much have to make two whole games so you could instead just make two entire games? The turn-based part could easily pass for a 4X game itself, and then there's the combat part that is essentially a separate RTS game. Trying to compete with Total War feels like a high risk - low reward type investment, so why bother?
Is it true that a faction's AI basically gets lobotmized when you make them a defensive or military ally??
Planz beyond youz knowinz
It sure feels like it
Yes, they think you can somehow reinforce every one of their armies, so they force march into enemy territory.
Yep, still there from WH2 despite everyone pointing out how bullshit it is. At least we have allied recruitment to make alliances somewhat worth it.
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What war crimes have you committed today, Anons?
I think every faction needs a confed option/mechanic like beastmen/dwarfs have.
I have come to terms with the fact that allies are useless sometimes I begin a siege I know that they will act before the ennemy faction I tell myself that they'll probably stop raiding and will come help me and here I see them going back to their cities because ???? They never want to reinforce you the little fuckers
Yep, rule number 1 of all my campaigns
You cannot rely on the AI
I dont just mean friendly, sometimes you cant even rely on the AI giving you a good fight
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Oxyotl campaign was boring.
You have a lot of potential with the free teleports, but the lizardmen economy and slow recruitment dosen't really let you capitalize on it.

Guess its time to finally play the new empire whore.
Should I defend my capital with my full stacks ? nah better retreat to a random level 2 minor settlement... xD
Who should I play if I just want to kill rats?
Its really beneficial to get allies in wh3.
>Outposts grants decent garriosons. I remember that 3 units of lothern sea guards saving my ass.
>allied unit recruiting gives you 4 more units to recruit in emergancies.
>Taking over their armies is always great.
Just dont trust them to actually follow their orders.
With Tehenhuain you literally declare total skaven death with all your lizards bros
To be fair, IRL people have chosen not to defend their capitals. The Austrians did it twice against Napoleon.
However, its inexcusable when its their last settlement, or the AI cound bring 2 stacks to bear against you, but opts to send 1 against and the other to fuck knows where.
And it makes zero sense for factions like orcs
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I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland I love stirland
Me too!
wowww really?? :D
But why dough?
So are there slayers wearing armor in SFO or not?
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i stand apart
no, retard
it is important to do your own research before believing what twiggers have to say about anything
I like the border provinces the best.
Stirland, Ostland, Ostermark and Nordland in that order.
They're way cooler than the rich provinces. Stirland is the best because they're the archnemesis of the vampfags, I like their aesthetics and the drepressing scottish lowlands geography vibe.
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nice post, thanks for sharing
>they're doing the retard thing where they push into each other's shields because they're not actually getting poked by swords and spears and will present this as a case for the outdated theory
Why don't dragons rule ulthuan like they do in china?
>outdated theory
Exactly what it sounds like.
>phalanx smashed into each other and pushed
>they kept some distance and tried to poke the other guy without getting poked
There was this belief that greeks and also pike and shot armies literally pushed into each other.
Obviously there would be physical contact but the theory would go that they did it on purpose and the formal theory on the greek (it was a 20th century theory) would say that greek armies would agree to meet up on a flat battlefield and literally push against each other like a rugby scrum purposefully not stabbing each other either with their spears or swords (I'm not making this up this was an actual theory) and push each other off the battlefield shake hands and go home.
And then there's the 'push of pike' theory which says the same thing but with pikemen, that they would mash up against each other and stab each other to death and that's why casualties were so high. This would have happened but it's more of an absolute panic trampling rather than a military tactic.
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Malus really does spend days being paranoid just to fall for the most fucking obvious and retarded trap aimed to kill him
>Follow me my lord, there is something I have to show you here in the dark - Guy who malus has been suspecting of treason for like 15 charpters
lmao that's retarded. i wonder what archeological stuff we take for granted will be considered retarded in 100 years or so.
Lads, I wanna buy one of the LLs but I don't know which, sell me on your favorite (please)
try /lit/ dumb frogposter
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*legs spread apart
They shame warhammer readers over there, I can only talk about dotso n shiet over there
buy based on the faction.
I'm a big follower of the 'just apply common sense bro' school of thought which is mostly pioneered by lindybeige even though he's a british retard sperg.
I think it mostly makes sense but at times it handwaves the extremely different mentalities that existed in the past that justify some outlandish things that might have happened then.
creamapi and get all of them for free, helloooo?
If you're aware of it and choose not to use it I don't care for your justification / reply.
I'm putting this out here for you in case you're unaware.
I'm more of an Empire player and I played some with Dwarf already back in TWWH2 but I could absolutely see myself playing Nurgle, I just wanna know which is more impactful
Isn't that shit ban central? Saw someone talking about it in the Elden Ring DLC thread and everyone seemed scared of bans
Just apply common sense bro makes sense but you have to temper that with what they actually had for knowledge at the time, which is usually what justifies "outlandish" beliefs. For instance, if you have no concept of germ theory and instead believe in the four temperaments, that's going to justify a lot of what people thought about personalities and personality disorders, even if it sounds absurd to modern day views.
Pedophile alert
Sigmarxism calls him golgpride manlover
Elden Ring is a souls permaonline game and you might get banned from the online game by the anticheat but not from steam.
Don’t make the same mistake as me and buy all the lizardmen dlc and not even like playing as them
I second this>>483058847 all campaigns are great, all units are fun.
That being said;
Tamurkhan > Malakai >Elspeth. Tamurkhans campaign mechanics is the best in the game. Unique and makes sense for him. Malakai's is just quests battles activating buffs to units. And Elspeth is copy paste of Ikit's workshop.
10/10 for Tamurkhan, 8/10 for Malakai/Elspeth.
Yes exactly, people forget that people in the past were also people and would have done things in the way that seems most efficient to them through their point of view.
why are creamapi users like this?
I wanted to branch out a bit so if Tamurkhan is that good I'll give him a try
If you want Taurox which is the only beastmeme worth playing you have to get Oxyotl
If you want the funny shooting rats you have to get Tehenhuain
If you want to get Markus... Lol
Hello, I would like for the next DLC to introduce slightly less powercreep than these previous DLC.
Do you have any strong opinions on powercreep?
Why are CA-paypigs so docile?
because if you're giving money past the bare minimum to this company you're braindead and if you don't know about creamapi in the yotl 2024 you're braindead too
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so try /tg/ then?
the Total War books I've been reading are either related to the Middle Ages or the Bronze Age, and /lit/'s history book thread is usually civil enough
You retards do realize that if absolutely no one gives them any money they don't have money to pay their employees and DLC development ceases, correct?
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smelly foul bait you can't be serious they're a multi million dollar company
The way Tehenhauin ruins is so goofy
What game and its DLC is single handedly keeping CA a multi million dollar company you fucking retard?
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Anyone want to discuss how Tehenhauin is a decent warrior-spellcaster on the battlefield with powerful factionwide mechanics for the campaign map?
not my problem paypiggie
what will it take for this thread to acknowledge the superiority of linemanii games over spearmanii ones?
This shit (and all HEMA horseshit) is embarrassing.
>Harkon died via Mannfred betraying him
What say you Luthorschizo?
is talking like a homosexual also required for pirating dlc?
But I have no minis, on the other hand I own total war warhammer and have houndreds of hours in it
Red duke, neferta and ghoul king will all be added in epic expansion of the vampire counts soon
You will have nothing to pirate if no one buys the DLCs. Even you retards have to realize that.
a blow to the skull severe enough to cause mental retardation administered to every anon
i genuinely don't give a shit if this company goes bankrupt they're low effort as fuck
but linemanii games require higher iq than spearmanii games.
all of the linemanii games suck except for the one that takes place in fucking nipland, who are you retards trying to gaslight? it's certainly not working
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What kind of units would Striland bring ?
why did we never get a HoMM3 subterranean style underworld map to really emphasize the skaven, dwarf, and greenskin wars?
CA has enough trouble managing a single map layer
Because that game sucks, stop posting this every fucking thread.
The Deathjacks, Greatswords (The Scarlet Guard), the Knights of Morr, and a big line of archers and spearmen.
Don't make me summon the entire slav zeitgeist upon this meager general. You take that back.
I’m trans and just bought all the games and dlc what army do I start with as a newbie?
>Thunderbarge releases
>Greenskins and Chorfs get their own mod variants
>No Vampire Coast ghost ship
I blame the Liggers.
>just bought all the games and dlc
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That series has Rakarth's girlfriend in it thoever
No, Alarielle is a TERF
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why are you in this general if you dont give a shit about the game?
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if you're going to be posting might and magic girls, either post Xana or the fire pubes succubi from 5
I wonder this about a certain autistic scottish tankie everytime he gets brought up around here
also what are you doing outside of /hoc/
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Kyrtha is relevant because she buck breaks minotaurs
if you're trans, def Alarielle
Malekith because just like him you're a falseflagger.
no game until monday and I have varied interests
No, that makes no sense
So why is there no chaos final boss?
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>spend 1 hour on a battle in WH3
>PC doesn't even notice it
>10 minutes on the campaign map with frame lock
>gpu tries to boil water
God fucking dammit CA!

Yeah that is a big factor too. I'm still a bit butt blasted from Lindy's "spandau" videos. I get his intention to give the bren some credit but that was an absolute shitshow.
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Hello there!
Tis' I, the discount Khainite assassin!
Yeah, alarielle sounds right for you.
What trap ?
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>entertain us tonight
Based I’m the flames Dustin wolf poster awoooo
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>playing skarbrand
>get nemesis crown and chainsword
>decide to see if its possible to get SoK for a laugh
>give dark elves the shrine
>blow up all the ulthuan gates and kill off cothique and chrace to help out (already killed nkari's troon enclave)
>dumb elves never pick up the fucking sword
Is there a mod to sort this out? I travelled to the other end of the map and killed off endgame grmigor and his 20 stacks of black orcs and in that time these gay elves are just sitting around looking at the shrine and not pulling out the sword
that means brutal torture,, not fun unless you're a slaangor then it's tuesday
Sounds like something Lindybeige would say
There are millions of redditors ready to pay overprices and tip on top of it
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Love these
I would go with Alarielle
If they build the shrine, declare war on them. That might get them to use the sword.
You will never reexperience playing Eataine for the first time.
>repeater rifles
I can win this, right bros? I didn't want to fight the Ogres but our greatest allies the dwarfs declared war on them and I'm duty bound to honor it.
nah this isn't how greekoid warfare worked, there was basically no disciplined lines or formations until philip of macedon revolutionized things. bascially the 2 sides would run screaming into eachother as a way to calm their nerves and then they would tentatively stab and slash one another in a loose, jagged line until one side broke. this is also why the spartans were considered better than other greekoids (again, until philip) because they would advance slowly and silently and in a nice cohesive line. source: trust me bro (or go watch roel konninjedik videos on the topic)
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Map will look like long corridors
looks like an easy win to me
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Shit, forgot image.
>the Knights of Morr
Aren't they in game since TWW2 Empire big update ?
My cope hope is, CA is actually updating and refining Daniel as the "build your own tabletop model" faction. He will get an axtensive character creator of sort with colour pallets for every body piece and transmog feature.
Ufff, the ogres shouldn't be a problem but the ghogers absolutely are, focus on these fuckers and you should be fine
nah, Lindybeige is a big time proponent of tidy battlelines
The biggest counter to the Ogre Kingdoms is Little Grom.
If you know, you know.
>No anti large
>2 demis who might not be the anti-large version
Just offer them Allarielle + the demis meat they might be satisfied with that.
I don't know if it's from my mods but they're Sylvania's (Rightful Stirlander Clay) Electoral troops.
its actually snow leopards, they literally can't do anything against it
Demis are unfortunately not the anti-large version, this was one of the only armies anywhere near the ogres and I just took the world's edge mountains off of the Greenskins so recruiting a new army would have taken too long. I'm thinking of kiting as many units as possible with Alarielle and taking them out with magic and hoping the Ironsides can heavily weaken whatever decides to go after the main army.
>Total War Rome
>Rome is the strongest faction
Idk what I expected
Tomb kings are such push overs
They're the easiest faction to destroy in the game
i doubt there are enough creamapi users to bankrupt the company lmao
They brought in the Dynasty Warriors balance team when they designed Rome's infantry.
When is the fucking Pharaoh content drop?
Next year.
>Total War: Pharaoh
>Proto-Jews are the strongest faction
Exactly what I expected
its what happens when their specialty is free shit units when the computer already doesnt pay anything for units and they randomly pick things for their army instead of using their good stuff.
No, the Romans are the strongest faction in the game, too.

I need help with naming conventions for imperial regiments because I can't find anything on it. I know for example that Kruber's regiment was the 8th Ostland Swordsmen, and there's a regiment called XIII Reikland, but most other regiments seem to have freehanded names like "Peepeepoopoo's Noun" etc.

So what do you name your shit?
Do you think only state trooper regiments are numbered (after their province) or that Militia regiments are also numbered? For example, an Altdorf regiment?
Most average lord in Total War: Warhammer 3:
Karl Franz
What if Karl Franz were a girl?
im the strongest faction in the game
Legend just dropped a huge bombshell today.
half of /tg/ doesn't, they just pretend to
What if I was a girl? What faction would I play?
the man is slowly morphing into volound
Most powerful lord in Total War: Warhammer 4:
He was bitten. He needs to be put down before he turns completely.
Sssssister krone of the khuresh snakepeople
thats bretonnia
they only spam peasants and never last long enough to get any knights
end of summer
Races that will happen:
Dogs of War
Undead Legion

Races that will not happen:
I just bought a neferata and grave guard kit from aos, this dog better be coming soon.
alberic hes literally a generic lord
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All of the elector counts are, no?
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>tunnels being flushed out
>flee in utter panic
>get to surface
>see enemies
>panic some more
>try to turn around and run back underground
>other rat is blocking the way
>other rat wants to get out and is panicking
>other rat starts biting your ass to get out
>get in fight with other rat
>human kills you
>other rat gets to surface, and panics, but is blocked by rat behind it
>que repeat of the above
I thought you guys told me that rats don't behave like Skaven.
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Never mind, not that bad. Since I had artillery and they didn't they had to advance, and they deployed one half of their army with Skrag on one side of the battlefield while the cavalry and hero charged me on the other side and got wiped. Then I harassed the other half with Alarielle and by the time they got to me, Skrag got wiped by the Nuln ironsides in a couple volleys and that was that. The unbreakable fuckers did more damage than I would have liked despite that.
They arent playable though
Rats are the dumbest and meanest animals when they're panicked, and they get panicked very easily.
what the fuck are you doing.
Alarielle or the shit anti-Ogre army?
Common sense can fall apart when you are approaching it from the perspective of someone +120 years removed from the last time melee combat actually happened outside of knife fights. There is room for common sense, but it has to be used extremely cautiously given it's so quick to become arrogant "That looks silly to me therefore it didn't happen" and the dreaded "It was just ceremonial". If you showed someone born today in 20-30 years old hip shooting from the 1930s they'd think it's some hollywood bullshit, but it happened. https://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/why-was-hip-shooting-ever-a-thing/

Pushing surely happened - because among the undisciplined (Spartans were supposed to be the only ones at first to walk to the enemy, not charge pell mell) you'd have people being pushing up front, and common sense shows us what happens with mosh pits or the korean stampede recently. It wasn't the only way, and I get tired of the history autists always being all or nothing. same shit happens with the linothorax vs spolas. It's literally all X or all Y, and I am pretty sure it's e-celeb jackoffs like Lindy who help perpetuate this pepsi vs coke atmosphere.

And in terms of common sense, we can look to real life examples of masses of people being unable to stop themselves on a dime very easily with the Seoul halloween 'riot', stampedes of Muslims at Hajj, a recent pilgrimage stampede in Israel. Epy's Thebans were 50 men deep at Leuctra. There is no way that group just stops neat and tidy on a dime and 49 people stand patiently waiting for a turn and the Spartans draw back or break just because they see that many men back there and for each theban they kill another pops up.
nvm i'm retarded sorry
Questions about the End Times expansion:
How many lords will it include?
Will it act as a separate campaign?
Any updates for lords such as Malekith and Tyrion who changed dramatically in the End Times?
A complete Chaos endgame event?
What shall be the price?
I agree wholeheartedly and I'm sorry if you got the impression that I was perpetuating the black or white narrative when I was trying to have some nuance. I was making the case that while it must have surely happened it's more of a things gone to shit or lack of discipline rather than an agreed upon affair or a military tactic like some said.
The fuck do I know? Why are you asking me?
>we can look to real life examples of masses of people being unable to stop themselves on a dime very easily with the Seoul halloween 'riot'
unless you're White, activate your inner FAVSTIAN SPIRIT and rise above the Asiatic mob mentality (both figuratively and literally) towards safety
can you really call a game where you just throw blobs of melee units at each other good? maybe it doesn't matter if you are an ar cheater, but I certainly won't be playing that kind of trash.
This post seems silly, I conclude it must be some sort of ceremonial post with no actual use in discussion
you came here seeking such guarded and unknown wisdom?
you must be a ratfag
This could only be better if he lift off some qt chick with him
I love my vampire counts, simple as.
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Legend of total war's leaks were ceremonial
>no skaven
>no dark elves
>no vampire counts

bruh ain’t no one buying old world they should’ve just copied all armies from this game
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>play as the Empire
>Skrag conquers a city from some elector cunt
>Thorgrim conquers it from Skraq
Oxyotl campaign is easy to fuck up your potential. Lizards have bad growths and bad econ coupled with dinos costing fuckloads and only being worth it as hero mounts. Your heroes start as some of the weakest heroes globally and level into some of the strongest globally once they get levels. They're the slow growth faction so don't dent your economy on high tiers. Moreover oxy quests force you to take less land with your main force which slows your growth further. You need to try to build a second chaff army of just saurumani, chameleon skinks and maybe some cheap javelins or your growth will feel too slow. Even then getting economy for that second army isnt that easy
Get a mod to trade regions
You don't need to hold all empire land check your conditions military allies count, defensive allies do not. Defensive alliances are only situational for vision, ai is too retarded and the only good function is request army moreover military allies give you cheaper allied recruitment.
The amount of times I've been disappointed by ai not reinforcing me when they clearly could've is too damn high
>spends 3 hours besieging a city in a campaign he won't ever play again
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Would you say that Taurox is a great melee combatant?
No, it's not true. That's a rumor Legend started in his livestreams. There has never been anyone who has been able to unmod the debuff, which if it existed there would be people who do that to make the game easier. All that actually happens is AI is considered the Player for purposes of anti-player bias.
no a generic lord kinda mogs him without the statline buffs.
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lmao. they barely beat bretonnia on the TT, and bretonnia had been neglected for years at that point. skaven have never been popular no matter how much ratfags pretend they are.
Why would they? WH3 and Daniel were a huge success and as the ex-CA dev tell-all shows that's all they care about. Look at how they thought they could skimp on DLC just to put everyone on Total Star Wars.
There's literally an entire book on this that Forgeworld published. Get it on Ebay.
Brets and Tomb kings were literally dead factions, it wasnt until after 6th edition when GW made the setting embrace its fantasy elements that people started recognizing more fantastical armies. Skaven werent as popular as say, vampire counts or dark elves, but they were more of a player than the more historical factions.
I just hope CA take legal action. Revealing the development practices of your game studio is like leaking trade secrets. They should put the muzzle on people like this.
link / name / anything I can go off of
>play franz
>ally berts
>state troops are now fighting as hard as they can due to presence of grail reliquae
Poor bait desu. Everyone knows they can't and it isn't.
dies to nuln ironsides
I know a guy from Boeing who could help!
Uniforms and Heraldry
they only beat all the factions that basically got no support despite them getting tons of support. in that list fucking ogre kingdoms has nearly as many players. no one gives a shit about them.
you have 5 units in that army that are optimized against ogres, your Ironsides. everything else is very sub optimal. It will be bloody, if you use the Ironsides well it’s winnable
In age of sigmar ogres worship gorka morka not the great maw
https://i.4pcdn dot org/tg/1704310996376557.pdf
That sucks!
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The final update will add a unique quest battle that takes place inside of the Great Maw. It will reveal something that will change Total War... forever.
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>erm the sarlaac pit from Star Wars episode 6 makes ogres hungry for some reason and they worship it for no reason.

fuck the ogres cringe faction
yes every Ogor™ worships Gorkamorka™
do they? I remember skimming it and read it as a diluted faith, where they worship the maw but through gork and mork.
The ogre song and the sea shanty are CA's greatest contributions to music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDFDKcizVdw
What the fuck is gorkamorka?
If you mean to say that it's a tyranid. You are wrong.
I don't know... but that dancing magical git keeps on screaming iz name.
Tyrion didn't change at all he just got the sword of Khaine and that's the extent of his buffs in ET.
In AoS lore when the world was young gork and mork fused into a single being to wreck the world. They later split into the their base forms. It was so impressive to greenskins they still use gorkamorka as the equivalent of ultimate power.
Would be epic if they sold a 60 dollar expansion with a shit load of content
That sucks!
Which factions benefits the most from allied recruitment?
vampire counts because everything sucks there.
>dwarf flamethrowers
It's gonna be $30 and mostly add and update LLs with unique mechanics.
Chaos can get good missile units from chorfs
Skaven can get tougher frontline from Chaos
Vampires can have missile units
Elves can get artillery that isn't trash, Eltharion can meme infinite ammo arty from whoever he grabs from
Tomb Kings are nice for everybody because their troops are free
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Wait qhat? When did they split? I hated like that they were fused, I'm glad they split, but I never hears that before
would I actually finish a campaign in Pharoh?
>t.1500 hours in warhammer 3 and still not a single run finished, maybe 2 or 3 runs where I got the short term achievement.
probably, the victory conditions are much better
I'd say the best/most balanced victory conditions in the series
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if we all pre order the next dlc will they finally fix this shit?
no. you have to be a very special autistic aka me to enjoy a bronze age game. it doesn't even have any of the unit types spearmanii enjoyers swear by like artillery and cavalry.
Fix what? Seems like a very good strategic position for a siege
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Man that's whack. I still remember it as that weird ork mad max game.
Would any human calculators like to estimate the percentage chance that Dogs of War appears on Wednesday's roadmap?
0% as there won't be a roadmap on Wednesday
my superior rat brain has confirmed it is a -13% chance. there is a possibility instead they will deconfirm it.
*click clikc click*
*clack clack click*
*click clack click click*
Um yeah sorry but it just looks like it's probably not gonna be happening. Sorry
I guess like um
Yeah no sorry, it just seems like it won't be
I don't know but thanks for the superchat 'preciate ya.
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what she doing?
I ship Basheera with Mung the Terrible
Mainly dwarven units, possibly waywatchers or dragons
You don't need any umgak, elves in general hate you and are part of your grudges if they don't. You have the best non hero/lord units in the game in grudge copters and thunderbarges. Just emergency recruitment of shitstacks or potentially free kang units
You can get ap missile units probably from whatever faction you can actually befriend for example grom can always ally with ikit he doesn't really hate you
>Wood elves, Dark elves & High elves
Artillery or you're stuck with using dragons as pseudo artillery to break gates and towers, which works but dragons are higher tier so you lack em initially
Missiles and arty of any sort which you entirely lack
Ap missiles from chorfs or skaven
Units worth a goddamn in sieges so waywatchers or better arty
Still the only race I've never played
Emergency sacrificial pawns
>Tomb kings
I'd argue for artillery cause your shit frontline is expected to crumble to activate souls passive and having other faction frontline denies your death passive
Corpse carts and mortis engines
Empire and dwarven artillery or thunderbarges
You don't need a non ranged frontline but you can get a good melee frontline with allies
Thunderbarges or emergency recruit
Campaign ends before unlocking allied recruit
Chorf units
Sacrificial shitstacks, or if you're changeling literally anything is available because of his crazy buildings
Anything ranged or artillery which you have 0 of
Anti anti large
Emergency units
I generally take all of their money in the process, so probably that's part of the reason why they get so retarded. It does feels like they lose all of their cheats though.
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smile for the camera, ratfag
She's creating a symphony of drums and guns.
You wouldn't get it.
why would someone splice together two unrelated shooting footages
are they trying to be deceitful online
Big mistake fer that rat there
What if there were hydra mounts? What if there were winged hydras?
>poorly spliced
Truly Tzeentchian
heh, i posted that original rat webm, it was interesting to see it sliced with the japanese gun lady one
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tzeentch did it.
that's a really nice high definition version of that image
Wing of astel spam nebula = he dies
Total War: FromSoft.
Wrong thread. Sorry
Finding one of these for the first time was like so great, I loved it so much. I was using burning tower in the distance to navigate between the little ruins and keep my bearings and directions. Then like I decide to actually go to the burning tower. And it *turns towards me* and I realize it's an enemy and I actually like audibly gasped, it was like so awesome
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LL for this feel?
Do I just get the empire mod that gives then WW1/2 tech?
Rither that or skaven
but you might also have to like use the mod which pike makes their recruitment spread throughout the buildings rather than all at tier 5
I mean I had that one downloaded, just turned off.
And I always used https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2960723751 because it was dumb locking all the fun stuff behind T5.
That's what I meant that one yea
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>single province literally who shithole declares war on me
>allies I've had for 30+ turns all break their alliance and side with the shithole
it does feel kind of stupid that declining to join a war is grounds for breaking an alliance outright
should be more of a nuanced thing like not upholding the terms of an alliance gives a fat, long lasting diplo penalty that will lead to alliance breaking if you don't make up for it by joining other wars later or otherwise supplicating them
maybe it could knock you back down to defensive alliance with hefty penalties that prevent you from just going back up to military alliance, but military alliances are for the exact purpose of people joining you in war, if you refuse to join that should be worthy of it being broken in some form, otherwise people would just give them 50000 gold after refusing to join the war to fix it instantly. you shouldn't be able to get a military alliance's upsides while cheesing its downsides
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I'm back from my hiatus.
Are the coomers gone?
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I'm so horny I want to hold hands with an Asur mage
It's worthless when they are not trying to kill each other
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armored kossars suit the empire roster so well its insane, and they are a unit every kislev ai faction builds the recruitment building for
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I just gooned to warhammer r34.
Gonna start a slaanesh campaign and live it out now
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>hold hands
You have to do the centuries of courtship first.
can’t believe nobody mentioned khorne/skaven. Nice to have some weapon teams for a faction that doesn’t have missile units
What's your favorite campaign right now?
no one plays khorne
The Western Roman Empire.
but like... Nobody likes when I play it.
For some reason I keep coming back to Tzeentch.

The first 20 turns of trying to save and confed Sarthorael and taking on Nurgle, Slaanesh and Teclis all at the same time is really fun.

I need to replay it but this time actually confed the changeling.
Right now is probably the new Dorf, I enjoyed it far more than the previous campaigns with that faction
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im going to hold her neck as i slam her into the dirt
>he makes money either way and campaigns literally dont matter
why are ratfags like this?
That's clearly an elffag, they all crave ratcock.
Ratfags can die.
But elves are food for rats, even the Slaan agree.
thinkin bout what it would do with wings

Also why is the altar of ultimate darkness not in the territory of the settlement?
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I like seeing the cool fantasy units killing each other but I feel like I'm never gonna improve, I can only win when the auto-resolve thinks I can win, and I'm playing on Normal
SFO though, dunno how much of an impact that has
start simple and once you master that you can add a little more complexity. for example set up your army to have a solid front line, control group 1 lock formation, back line, control group 2 lock formation, and then have a group on either flank that you just spend the entire battle going back and for between them to counter threats and eventually go for the kill once their flankers are neutralized.
SFO has a much different balance and flow from vanilla
fights between same tier units will take a lot longer
a higher tier unit, especially the ones that require unit capacity, will handily wipe lower tier units with few casualties though it might take some time while counters become more impactful in shifting this balance in either direction
if you're new to the game in general it might be better to start vanilla than jumping straight into an overhaul especially one like SFO that shifts the general balance so much
Literally just watch legend play. I mean, he’s not as good as me, but he’s good enough to learn from
SFO's balance seems fucked at times. It's like they're expecting you to play with a full roster at all times, and early game that isn't feasible. Like I had one reiksguard knights and two empire knights lose to one crossbowmen and one swordsmen. Fighting downhill. Why? lol i dunno, I guess I didn't cycle charge constantly like an autist and expected cavalry was good against archers.
Why is it always Koreans?
lol? Are you retarded?
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I guess so. I couldn't believe it. I charged into them, and they lost the fight anyway. On vanilla you can trust them to handle tier 1 units, but on SFO I guess not.

I like some of SFO's ideas, but a lot of ways it is like someone screaming "NO! YOU MUST PLAY THE GAME MY WAY!" Like mortars for instance. So inaccurate they're useless and have to be baby'd with area attack. Why? I guess someone wants you to play that way. Same with the knights. Why did I lose the engagement? Because I wasn't cycle charging constantly. Makes "sense" for shock cavalry, but seriously?
infantry is generally much beefier and swordmen especially are a lot better at holding their ground than in vanilla
knights have mediocre fighting stats so you need to keep them charging or else they'll lose because their base stats are fairly on par with swordmen besides armor but they'll lose out in the numbers game with more bodies swinging back per man
the charge bonus is important for keeping their killing power up and the disruption from the physical impact of their charge keeps the enemy unit in disarray and less able to hit back effectively while you either push through to the other side or pull out and set yourself up for another charge
the armor will help them last but they wont have the killing power to win out in a straight fight, its more to protect them from getting pulped by scratch damage during their charge
>So inaccurate they're useless and have to be baby'd with area attack.
they're shit and need ground targeting to be any good in vanilla too with how much the AI dodges artillery now
Just watch Zerkovitch. He does themed campaigns and you can learn from watching them pretty well.

Plus he's actually got a sense of humor, unlike legend.
Again, the problem is SFO expects you to be at full roster at all times. The first five turns, what fucking option do I have other than mortars? Yes, they are shit, but in vanilla they were at least useful when enemy infantry was clumped up in a fight. I guess too useful because now if you order them to attack an enemy they'll attack your own troops instead.
What exactly? It's turn two. And why make an otherwise useful indirect fire weapon be so bad? It has a niche in vanilla and now it doesn't. Great 'balance'.
>if you order them to attack an enemy they'll attack your own troops instead.
not any different from vanilla since its the wonky targeting and massive aim cones they have
you've always had to ground target mortars unless it was units of missile infantry far from any of your own units only now you can't use mortars for anything until they're engaged either blobbing on your frontline or shooting at your troops because they autododge the slow mortar shots
that has its own uses if you plan around that movement manipulation though
Mortar is fine on vanilla for basic artillery.
>you've always had to ground target mortars unless it was units of missile infantry far from any of your own units only now you can't use mortars for anything until they're engaged either blobbing on your frontline or shooting at your troops because they autododge the slow mortar shots
Works on my machine, just target an enemy already engaged - like with cavalry. They don't autododge when distracted.
>just target an enemy already engaged
you mean that thing I said
No, you said ground target. That's completely unnecessary.
>you can't use mortars for anything until they're engaged
>oh no, I have to move my cavalry forward in order to engage their archers
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Empire Knights can barely pull their weight in vanilla when you're constantly cycle charging so I'm not sure what you expect. Most Empire cavalry is ass unless its used in specific circumstances or against certain counters like Reiksguard getting buffed by Franz or Knights of the Blazing Sun against stuff weak to fire. Those new Knights of the Black Rose are strong but half of that is because they wont die until they reach half health with the landmark so they're obnoxious if you keep a life mage handy. Demis are good but that's not until tier four and they really want a life mage.

Could be worse. Could be Cold Ones.
>mortars bad because they shoot my own troops
>just ground attack blobs or target missile units that aren't near your troops and wont dodge when they start firing
>but what if I put my cavalry in them then they wont dodge when I shoot them and my cavalry at the same time
make up your mind
>Most Empire cavalry is ass...except here's why their cavalry is really good
legend will only teach you how to abuse the ai and make retarded meme stacks. if you want to get better you should start playing mp or at least play equal value matches against the computer.
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No, you should play the game. You approach with cavalry, get a few mortar shots off, by the time you charge their infantry are approaching yours, retarget to their infantry.
In SFO, mortars will almost always hit your line instead of the enemy's. Not a problem in vanilla. They took a weak early game unit and made it worse for no reason.

Empire knights consistently win cavalry engagements in vanilla. They're not Reiksguard, which can be trusted to win cavalry battles on their own, so I usually pair them up and replace them later. Another "works on my machine".

You can tell the morons who call units shit are probably multiplayer. These are early game units with a purpose, and yet mysteriously they don't in SFO because uhhhhhhh why aren't you using something else on turn 2?
Franz can buff Reiksguard so they can pull their weight and fight cavalry but outside of his army they're just slightly less bad Empire Knights. Having Knights of the Blazing Sun sitting in your army hoping there's going to be an enemy weak to fire is silly. Less so if you keep a bright wizard around constantly casting to keep that flammable debuff up and with the new upgrade from their chapterhouse but they're still dependent on cycle charging. The only no frills melee cavalry Empire has is those new Knights of the Black Rose that need an insane buff to be competitive against other options.
I just make canon armies and play the fucking game instead of minmaxing everything and crying like a sperg.
If only the Empire had a massive enemy right next to them with regeneration that fire damage is incredibly effective against...
ai dodging artillery is cheating because humans don't do it. it's basically like input reading in fighting games.
>when I target units running into my infantry the mortars compensate for travel time and fire very close to the frontline sometimes hitting my own units
>this NEVER EVER happens in vanilla
whatever you say
empire knights are incredible and always reliable. i can always use them to drive off enemy cavalry or things like wolves, then they can handle pretty much any ranged unit in the game. shit stacks of orcs with arrer boys would be much more difficult to deal with without knights. i play battles without ai cheats though so melee units arent unbalanced
Vampire Counts barely have any units that Knights of the Blazing Sun are specifically a counter against because of their fire attacks. Only a handful of units natively have regeneration that gives them fire weakness and those targets are obliterated by crossbows much less handguns. Besides that its just lords and heroes that a unit of knights isn't good at fighting. Bullying Vlad because he's a mountless cuck is funny though.

>Empire knights consistently win cavalry engagements in vanilla.
If they're cycle charging against light units maybe.
If you want to be really picky you could technically use Pistoliers to the same effect but with less losses because they don't need to be in melee to deal damage while being at close range to fire makes missile units try and run anyway. Its a cancerous amount of micro for more than a couple units of that though.
>If they're cycle charging against light units maybe
Nope! Straight up fights! You can't cycle charge 1v1 cavalry fights, they'll just chase you.
Do you play the game outside of MP?
pistoleers dont do very much and get shredded by ranged units. i find they can only sort of scout the enemy and be a distraction. but knights can engage and route the enemy backline very quickly then come back to the infantry melee and roll up the line. Also knights are very durable and can hold a flank on their own if needed (and take losses). you can also use them to support infantry that are fighting monsters, when things like ogres just walk through your spearmen you can mass block with knights by charging the ogres through your spearmen. grenade launcher outriders are good though, and the bordermen just feel like cheating when they delete chaos warriors
>Only a handful of units natively have regeneration
Yeah, and they're almost always tier III - IV units, aka exactly when you're unlocking Knights of the Blazing Sun and what you'd want them to counter. I'm not going to claim they're the best cavalry in the game but come on, you have to admit it's pretty absurd to say "what exactly is fire damage going to be useful against as the Empire" when at the very least Karl and Elsepth are sitting right next to Vlad and his inevitable doomstacks. Reiksguard I've never had an issue. Yeah they're held back by being non-AP in an AP powercreep game but their pretty damn great charge bonus makes them a very effective hammer and anvil cav and I've never had to only use them against light infantry, no idea what you're talking about there. As you said Knights of the Black Rose is strong, and I think you're really underplaying how strong they are. Then obviously demis are great. So no, I don't think I can agree with your conclusion that Empire cav is "ass."
Pistoleers are really for provoking. Higher leveled Pistoleers are somehow beasts against monsters due to high accuracy and all those bullets having very few targets to hit.
also wanted to add that lately i have been preferring war wagons over pistoleers
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>non-american hours
>zero ratfaggotry, pornspam, derailing
>actually just varied discussion on gameplay
Maybe it is us.
I've never played a game of multiplayer I just really doubt your dubious claims on their performance because they have always been regarded as a unit you skip over because early on, the only time you would consider them, they're outperformed by taking more contingents of crossbowmen and handgunners with spearmen to cover them.
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Just download AI general mod and manual control the units you want to micromanage.
I will agree they are no late game unit, but you shouldn't dismiss any Empire unit as "skip over". Everything has their place and time. Like recently I had some success with FCM just as something to watch the flanks. Replace with gunners later. Simple as.
Just last night Euros were spamming every possible porn you can imagine, wtf are you talking about
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Okay, we've exceeded our "productive" discussion.
Tell me what I thought about this.
I looked through the last 5 threads for porn just before (for a reaction pic I was making), and didn't see shit.
Had to go to damn rule34.
Nothingburger memeblog whatever cuh
>humans don't do it
I do it everytime. Especialy aainst mortars. WHen you pressdown space, it shows you the aim of enemy artillery and you can easily dodge slow arty fire by just moving.
They're good to bring against Tomb Kings because everything in that roster is weak to fire but the only things natively weak to fire in the Vampire Counts roster are Corpse Carts and Crypt Horrors which cavalry isn't an effective answer to. Besides units with fire weakness the effect of fire damage is fairly minimal because the AI is too stupid to use healing properly outside of keeping single entities alive and even then its dubious whether it will try. Fire damage just doesn't do very much in this game which is the fault of flaming attacks in the tabletop game not doing much besides cancelling regeneration effects and probably a little bit of MPfag meddling.
I'm a burger my sleep schedule is just horribly fucked up because I'm coming off a sinus infection so I've been sleeping it off.
I also spend most burger hours playing instead of talking here since 90% of the time its just inane shitposting.
How can anyone play total war games and not try to make historical / canon larp armies it boggles my mind that 'people' will make full armies of greatswords and see nothing wrong with that
Or not making legions in rome
>Or not making legions in rome
wut explain
Like you know instead of making a legion making whole armies of parthian bowmen or whatever the fuck
I got really autistic in rome making my legions with their cohorts and shit
it starts to lose its luster when you see the AI doing it to you and they spam more armies than you can because of their programmed cheats
its fun for early game when you can get away with it
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>making whole armies of parthian bowmen
Metafags deserve the rope.
Varghulfs also have regeneration. I believe Terrorgheists do as well. As for Crypt Horrors and Varghulfs, I just did a test and Knights of the Blazing Sun absolutely demolish them when properly cycle charged.
best historical title that doesn't feel like it was made 20 years ago? Which to me means anything from Shogun 2 and forward
It's either FOTS or Attila. Rome 2 is ass, 3 Kangdoms and Troy are fantasy, Thrones is just boring, and Pharaoh is currently half a game.
>FOTS or Attila
What are their strong points compared to one another? Doesn't Shogun 2 have very little roster variation?
What porn? Post links
Rome 2. The faggot saying it's ass is coping hard.
Varghulfs have been reduced to only having the hunger because of MPniggers which doesn't confer fire weakness. Its just that its better to have crossbows pincushion either since they have bad armor than have a dedicated cavalry counter that needs them to not be wading in a blob of infantry to be able to take it down and make use of those counter properties.
>Varghulfs have been reduced to only having the hunger because of MPniggers which doesn't confer fire weakness.
I hate MP niggers so much. It's still in their tooltip as a pro and since it regenerates health in battle I didn't even think to check.
Wouldn't you like to know faggot.
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Attila is basically an improved Rome 2 with a God tier theme: the world is ending as per the Christian apocalypse and you have to suffer through the Four Horsemen of War (first quarter of game), Famine (Second), Plague (Third), and finally Death through a mini-ice age. Rather than the previous attempt at the era, Rome 1 Barbarian Invasion, there is an explicit reason why the Barbarians need to invade Rome (north is becoming uninhabitable, move to Spain or starve) and both the WRE and ERE feel like they're facing insurmountable odds. It's simply the peak of nu-TW.

Shogun 2 FOTS follows up the great mechanically but lackluster diversity of Shogun 2's combat mechanics and breathes new life with both modern 19th century units as well as traditional units. Where as normally linemanii and samuraimanii by themselves are dull, together they're great. You'll need to master both ideally, but can go either way. Also naval bombardment is great. I would argue this is the best TW game period, and it's a shame we didn't get Medieval 3 afterwards because the mechanics for that were right here.
>greasus getting a new mount as flc with the ogre rework
They hand wave it because its still a form of "regeneration" but it makes the Varghulf a lot worse than it used to be. The point of the fucking thing was that its a hard hitting monster than can work independently of mage support if you need it to and the regeneration means you have to put effort into taking it down.
Problem is the "regeneration" pro in its tooltip specifically says this confers a weakness to fire when you hover over it, which is now an outright lie. Thanks MPnigs.
How badly do I need to do the Britannia shader transfer thing to be able to play Attila properly? Your description of it sounds really promising
Also yeah, real shame about Medieval 3, it'll probably never be realised in the quality it would if it came shortly after FOTS. CA is too entrenched into fantasy and mana and similar stuff to be able to do a faithful and fully historical Medieval 3. It's coming for sure but I'm not very hopeful on it
I don't know. I don't need it, but for certain systems Attilia's optimization is shit. You'll probably need to do some tinkering in all likelihood.
Any idea if I'll be able to run it without issues if I can run TWWH3 well? I'm very autistic about performance, probably a bad mix with also enjoying CA games
He makes it sounds interesting with muh theming but really what it comes down to is an absurd number of minor settlement battles, your economy only being in the toilet because CA added upkeep to Christian churches and slapped them everywhere which makes the ideal strategy to just convert back to paganism, and your tech actively making you worse by removing certain buildings and upgrading some of your units to shittier ones. Barbarian Invasion uninronically does a better job at simulating why the WRE was in the shitter despite him putting it down.
Warhammer 3 has better optimization. Attila is sort of a special case, although I can run it fine. I probably couldn't if I changed hardware.
>minor settlement battles
90% of my time in Total War is with Warhammer so I'm not exactly very sad over not many siege battles
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That artist should just be homo. Their lizardwomen look gross
>your economy only being in the toilet because CA added upkeep to Christian churches and slapped them everywhere which makes the ideal strategy to just convert back to paganism
This isn't true. You'll need to delete anything that costs maint in the first few turns, but you can build them back up when your economy is in a better position.
What lizardwomen?
You will be sick of minor settlement battles when you've abused the AI lumping together on your limitanei and rear charging them with scout equites for the umpteenth time, trust me. The novelty of nice cav charges quickly disappears with how repetitive and ultimately unsatisfying it is.
Atilla runs like ass but if you can run a later title you can probably run it fine. Just don't go necessarily expecting the same high and stable frame rates you were getting before. You might have to settle for a lower frame rate but it will be stable, most of the time anyway. CA doesn't feel like going back to give it the same touch ups and optimization they gave to Rome 2 because fuck you.
How's 3K? I played it when it came out, heard they abruptly stopped DLC, only DLC I heard of wasn't even in the 3K period lol
You do know that they're boys... right?
>only DLC I heard of wasn't even in the 3K period lol
G8 b8, m8. I r8 8/8!
What? That's what I heard
trash in my opinion from the 100 odd hours I played at launch
there's a couple of neat ideas they buried under dozens of stupid ones
almost comically unbalanced and though I heard they made it better later the way unit stats are laid out makes me question if they really fixed anything or if its just cope from anyone still playing
most of the good things have been brought forward or improved upon in newer games
>most of the good things have been brought forward or improved upon in newer games
Ah yeah, newer games like... Warhammer, Troy and Pharaoh? Is there even anything else?
Yeah, except that's not historical and blatantly absurd. Blowing up a few churches would not fix the WRE's financial problems. That's why I said Barbarian Invasion unironically does a better job simulating it. Squalor out the ass (which more substantially affects public order in Rome 1), underdevelopment of cities, and shit generals starting with terrible traits that drastically decrease the money you get since they siphon it to their own pockets. All substantially more realistic and also harder to deal with than "lol every Christian church costs -400 upkeep for some bizarre reason." That's not even going to get into the fact that I think Barbarian Invasion represents the state of the Roman army in the late Empire better than Attila does.
You're either rage b8ing or you don't know how to use Wikipedia. Stop being retarded.
Well you're right in that I didn't make a precursory search before asking about it here yeah
they did bring stuff from 3K forward into those three games
quick deal and auto balance in diplo is from 3K
items and ancillaries being in a proper list you can stroll through to see how much of what you have instead of the vague lists we used to have
little things but things first tested in 3K regardless
probably some more aspects that I can't think of because its been years and I haven't played troy or pharaoh myself to be able to get the details memorized
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Liggers, you'll never have babies with Lizardmen. They're sterile at least, prob even sexless.
Building maintenance is a very minor issue in attila unlike the insane corruption. Pretty sure just dismantling everything wasn't very effective in the past before CA added a cap on corruption.
Yeah. You just delete the churches to get things under control, not to magically turn your economy around.
I literally just checked. Your building maintenance is fucking 6550 at the start of the campaign. With 5910 profit at the start of the game, demolishing every church puts you at above 10k. It literally turns your economy around. By any metric it being as simple as demolishing churches to get over 10k a turn is fucking stupid.
Two boys can't have kids
You need to delete an army to get that, don't lie.
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Winnable? (vh/vh)
while you are controlling your entire army? if it's so easy how come tryhards like turin don't do it?

why give the ai cheats if it's only going to force you to play in a way that's less fun? are you afraid the thread will make fun of you for not playing on legendary?
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No, you don't. Are you incapable of doing math?
the AI has cheats on every difficulty because it isn't smart enough to play the game
You've deleted an army.
I don't see why not.
No, I haven't. I'll pull up the default army list for another screenshot and you can also start a new game so you can stop being a faggot.
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fall of the samurai is the best historical game because it lets you mow down low iq meleecucks with gatling guns
It's a pleasure to serve is Warhammer porn kino. Absolutely nut-tastic
There are only, like, three churches at the game start. That's only 1200 maint. You've deleted an army in order to get your army upkeep that low.
As said, corruption is the far bigger factor and it eats into your profits.
according to that dev whine they could make it smarter but then legend wouldn't be able to cheese it
>while you are controlling your entire army?
AI arty just locks on to one of your units. I just charge my units in formation while dodgeing with targeted units.
Idk why MPniggers wont do that. Its probably "cheating" in their retarded minds.
>income 22k
Damn, never noticed the effect of the lower corruption that much.

There should be noticeably more.
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Hm, over 10k and all seven starting armies. Very interesting.

There are 20 churches that I just counted at the start of the game, counting minor settlements which also take upkeep, how long are you going to keep lying faggot?
Just shows how retarded the AI is, that one is winnable.
One thing I will say about SFO is the AI is somehow smarter, or at least more proactive. It'll actually peel off more than just cavalry for its flanks.
theoretically I can see how you could make the AI smarter but since we've seen examples of how these devs play the game I highly doubt they're mentally capable of making anything that would really be smarter
I don't count infinitely right clicking to make a unit push three models through a gap in order to have a unit of archers tied up or the shenanigans they do putting wolves in a 2 model wide column to slip through a gap as smarter
the core of the problem is that they can't get the AI to build its regions properly so its never going to have a good economy or a good recruiting base organically so it cheats itself extra income and is told to build a select few recruitment buildings that it spams the power units from among its other cheats for public order and upkeep etc.
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fire wain wockets!
NTA, but smarter AI doesnt mean fun AI.
The biggest problem with the launch of IE was AI was being "smart" and never engaging with your armies, just sacking your undefended settlements, manageing to stay just outside your movement range etc.
These are all "smart" moves by AI. But everyone rightly hated it.
Best way to make AI engaging is give them lots of gold/growth/exp cheats on the campaign and make them aggressive.
Battle AI tho should be vicious on the vh difficulty. AI Greenskins already a fucking manace on the field. If CA can make AI ranged units a little bit smarter and make AI use their spells a bit more effectively it would be enough.
Siege AI is another matter entirely. There is no fixing that. Its going to be either braindead or cancer to fight against. And im content with the current siege AI.
What level is Zhatan da braj ? You don't have any range damage but you do have so many halbadiers that you might be able to kill the lords if you can even catch them
lvl 14
I think it's winnable even though I can't see the second army but you have to protect your lord and archers the yin yang bonus will be crucial
yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang yin yang
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>It's a pleasure to serve is Warhammer porn kino. Absolutely nut-tastic
Fuck off, Niels. I'm glad you spent thousands for the humiliation ritual
This would make for an amazing DLC, what do you guys think?
It's never happenning but I'd love to have more campaigns would be pretty cool with a bit of scenario added in
Did they fix the dwarftide? I played a tamurkhan campaign back when dlc released and all i fought were endless dwarf doomstacks. Ungrim had 20 settlements and thorgrim had 30. By the time i dealt with them and got through the mountains i was so burnt out i simply quit the game for a month
Anyone still play cathay here?
i c
No. The region is too boring. I'm waiting till Monkey King.
varghulf and terrogheists being shit is because CA didnt know how to translate single entity monsters from 2 to 3. They have always been shit regardless of what the MP scene looked like in game 3.
Are 2 and 3 even sufficiently different that single units would be ruined in the transition? I never really saw them as that different, but I'm not exactly savvy on the games
Of course.
Its really a numbers thing, I dont have the math on hand exactly or the exact explanation for it but the weapon strength from game 2 stayed the same over in 3 while armor values and other defensive stuff also contributes to big monsters just not performing ideally. Splash attacks is also another real big deal that didn't get changed at all.
Did Tzeentch get a replenishment hero?
What are the LLs that are currently just completely fucked, neglected or overshadowed? I feel like any Beastmen LL that isn't Taurox is severely mogged by him
I'm guessing Skarsnik's whole deal is also overshadowed by Grom
while armor values and other defensive stuff got buffed which also-*
Im tired.
Iridecent horror heroes.
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fixed in sfo
>Animations on foot and on snake is bugged. She is supposed to be a duelist, cant hit shit.
>Her unique line only provides 25% more ammo to skelly archers. +5ma/md to snakes.
>Her area buff of missle buff is very strong on paper but becomes useless after the lines crash. I wonder what kind of a retard gave a 35m radius ranged buff to a fucking tank/duelist melee lord.
>She doesnt provide any capacity to any units or heroes. Even fucking Arkhan +2 capacity to liche priests.
Neferata pls save your cousin...
Never played cathay
yeah, just pointing out how shit vanilla is.
LL for this feel?
God bless SFO
Only when monkey king is added for Cathay
there’s people ITT playing on normal with no AI cheats, and they’re discussing strategy and tactics like their opinion matters. somebody get a hose
quote them. only women bitch about someone without mentioning them by name.
Does anyone know if Legend is streaming tonight?
Why is he so pointy
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>Legend is
I just walked right past the dwarfs and took Nuln after spending most of my campaign in the east. I guess I might go back to that campaign sometime and actually fight the dwarfs. I’d think that a bunch of rot flies would be good, chosen with shields would beat their infantry and tank their missiles, idk people hate fighting dwarfs so much, it’s not that hard. It’s nice not having to worry about magic, bombardments, or summons.
I bought 3 but I'm still on 2 because I'm too lazy to install the mods
LLs for this feel (in mortal empires)
they’re talking about using sub optimal units and arguing certain units are underrated when obviously anything, even shitty empire knights are usable on normal without cheats. Literally anything works on that difficulty so why even discuss strategy? Worthless opinions
you sound like you're about to shill some nonsense legend archer shitstacks
legend is himmler
t1 missile units are generally the best price/performance balance of power that exist in the game

i can understand that someone who plays on easy wouldn't necessarily know that
yeah, i thought so. you're been desperately shouting this into the ether for threads now as if anyone takes your legend deepthroating seriously. isn't that sad? i don't think you've even been mocked for the most part, people just ignore you when you mention muh price/performance.
take your meds schizo, just because something is common knowledge doesn't mean it's all one person
>empire archer spammer is back
Fuck off
this isn't you faggot? https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482686185/#q482780462
im literally not even the person you've been sperging out at ITT up until that post, let alone any posts from past generals

i just assumed it was common knowledge here that t1 missiles are the best units in the game? there's a reason everyone starts with blue horrors, empire archers, dark shards etc

or is this general full of shitters who don't use max AI cheats?
Karl Franz for the end turn simulator experience
Oi no need to discredit himmler that much.
I play empire with all the counts vassalized and then I declare war on everything around me and play at putting out fires so no sitting around waiting for confed because I don't confed
One of my perfect updates would be getting a certain amount of points to create your own starting army and choose your own starting hero.
that's your fucking post, faggot. if not jesus christ there's 3 of you parroting the same fucking nonsense of bitching at people playing and doing well at the game at higher difficulties with anything other than fucking archer shitstacks. reminds me of the meltdown someone had at someone saying they use free company militia
holy shit relax autist

no one is mad that you aren't using archers, its a SP game of limited difficulty, use whatever you want, but technically, t1 missile units and heavy micro is the objectively best army comp to start with

you're mad and projecting that onto other people who are just trying to help you out with suggestions on how to play better
This meme is from better times
Alas total weed general
The post quality has gone down in /vg/
Like rain on the mountain
Kroq-Gar then.
Just chill with saurusmanii, blasting niggers only coming in two ways.
who am i mad at? i'm not the guy who plays with empire knights so i have no investment in whether it's the greatest unit or not. but i'm absolutely sure that you could use it very effectively even on vh and that makes people mald enough to post into the ether as the original guy did because apparently you should be using unfun ranged shitstacks every playthrough as every faction.
ranged units are fun
>you vill shoot ze enemies
>you vill avoid all ze melee
>and you vill like it
I don't think I've touched the stupid fucking lizards since I played the game for the first time
Does anyone actually like or play Lustria at all?
You can play harkon in lustria and the yin-yin mod plays there too.
once you finish off the rebels as harkon you should head straight to Ulthaun
But I don't want lizards on my border
entire armies of fucking archers is not fun. doing it every goddamn playthrough is especially not fun. all the original guy could do was seethe about someone actually discussing the merits of different units rather than playing the same fucking game every time by accusing him of playing on normal.
I wish Lustria and Ulthuan didn't exist whatsoever, both in the lore and in the game
chink detected
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>stupid fucking lizards
entire armies of archers is fun to me
Cathay should be shouldn't exists the way it does now. It should be a colony of the empire.
New tomorow and update after tomorow ?
shitstack empire archers is fun to you? entire stacks of archers from other factions where their archers fucking suck is fun to you? you gotta still be deep in the legend wh2 cheese days to find that shit fun after other unit types because more viable in wh3. either way, that'd be fine if there didn't seem to be a guy every other thread who gets really upset at people mentioning other units. like i said, it happened with fcm and pistoliers a few threads back and now it's happening with cavalry.
Am I supposed to feign interest in not!america just to pretend
I like the humans and chaos and the greenskins, the skaven and the vampires and dwarfs but why the fuck should I care about 'america but it's lizards wow' or the literal lotr elves of Ulthuan who live in the bermuda triangle or whatever
At least the wood elves have Kerillian who makes my dick rock hard with her pale rosy ears and obsidian eyes
Update tomorrow after tomorrow and news the tomorrow after tomorrow after tomorrow.

Empire Archers are really shit, they make Skavenslave Slingers feel like gods in comparison because the Skavenslaves are at least cheap. Bretonnian and Cathayan Peasant Archers are so much better it's not even funny.
blue horrors, darkshards, empire archers, helf archers are all I recruit in those respective campaigns for the first 20 turns, not counting artillery and heroes of course
Isnt that what gelt is up to in 3
I decided to play a Lustria campaign the other day and I remembered why I hate Lustria
Fuck liggers, most overpowered antifun bullshit faction in the game
Yeah but it should literally be part of the lore. You're not telling me Miao Ying and Yin Yin didn't immediately betray Cathay the second they saw a white man. That's just impossible. We all know Asian pussy craves white dick.
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She wouldn't do that if it was a white man in front of her.
He was literally playing on normal, I even gave you proof. Are you done throwing a tantrum? I came back to this thread an hour later to see you sperging out and schizo posting. Very entertaining
sounds fucking lame and boring. you've probably been doing that since wh2 which is funny because l/vh doesn't even require you to do ranged spam in wh3 anymore. you've just got stockholm syndrome my dude. add some pistoliers to your armies. play volkmar and actually use his recommended fcm, empire knights and flagellants army that he buffs. you'd be surprised at how fun it is and how good those units perform even on l/vh.
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When the time is right I will gut all of you in full view of your simpering armies. This is my only answer, mortal.
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This is the shit this faggot keeps spamming. Nothing to do with Total War, it's a FOTM girl band anime that this guy is obsessed with posting in a Total War general.
No worse than the mermaidcel or the subhumans who post rats to be quite honest.
I'm still struggling with greenskins economy. I'm in the red, so I have to be constantly fighting, but this means I get spread too thin. I'm constantly doing ok, then suddenly my upkeep spikes and there's not enough armies I can immediately fight to keep up with it.
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>simpering southerner babble
Nothing is worse than ratfags so that's an unfair comparison. I would disagree on Madison, she's actually frequently on-topic.

K-on is the only good band anime. All others are mere pretenders.
So when TW40K comes out, ehat races are (You) absolutely NOT interested in and wouldn't buy if they were DLC?
For me it's T'au and Genestraler cults. Just don't give a shit about them.
>ehat races are (You) absolutely NOT interested in and wouldn't buy if they were DLC?
Space Wolves, Craftworld Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons and Leagues of Votann.
Mandalorians, I'm just not interested in them.
I will buy every DLC regardless just how I would buy a Slaanesh, Helves, Delves DLC despite not liking any of those factions.
I think space marines and Eldar are boring, but those are 100% gonna be part of the base game.
Everything that isn't Pontus
Pontus will conquer the galaxy
It depends how CA portrays those factions. If the gameplay is fun and the content is good enough for the price, I'll buy it.
I don't care about Tyranids, Tau and find most of the Space Marine chapters meh, but I'll buy if they are good.
at the very least both of that shit is on topic the yaoi greek shit and rat shit is at least somewhat related to Total War this random shitty anime has absolutely zero connection to total war
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i only approve of R-Pop
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Lord Yakub sensei... I-I failed you...
xenos shit in general
they always feel like such an unnecessary sideshow to the main Imperium-Chaos conflict
yeah I get it that you need enemy and faction variety, but it really feels like they should have had some kind of alignment in the setting's main conflict like how Fantasy places most of its factions in either Order or Destruction
Orkz are the main characters of the setting, get over it.
our father...
we must destroy the darker races...
Don't be so sure about Eldar, they seem to be the least compatible with Total War battles. I think they could be base for 40k II, 40k DLC X, or CA will just launch them without making them proper until their inevitable overhaul
Haven't been keeping up with all the recent stuff, so what happened with the leaks? Were they all complete bullshit with the next dlc announcement for TWW3 or was there some truth to them?
I find the Imperium-Chaos conflict to be the least interesting part of 40k. It's not just me, many others feel this way.
Yeah, a fun faction but their starts are too boring (Juan Bo is fine)
Still prefer High Elf starts that aren't Tyrion or Alarielle
Legend's leaks were complete bullshit but somehow he still won.
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Here we are
Respect the LAW

I cannot believe people watch Legend's livestreams they're 40% whining 40% "thanks for le superchat" and then the last 20% is him taking 4 hours to do a single siege so 2 empire spearmen dont get killed how do you not get bored watching this?
>the last 20% is him taking 4 hours to do a single siege so 2 empire spearmen dont get killed how do you not get bored watching this?
Found the autoresolve everything guy
Imagine how much better Total Warhammer would be without chaoswank
We all know the scale
You either auto resolve everything or spend 2.5 hours on a single battle there is literally no inbetween also how the fuck do you even surmise i AR everything from that statement? Even if I liked spending 4 hours on a siege at least IM the one doing it im not fucking watching someone spend 4 hours on it im the one playing
Chaos Franchise
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>many others
all three of you
>2 ranged
They have 2 lords, 3 heroes and 1 good unit with the rest being trash or slaves but your army is quite bad and harmony is only going to be hitting a few units
Correction 4 good units
Me on the right.
The human wanking in 40K is gay
I think the longest siege I've decided to actually do took me half an hour and it was again empire. They're good at sieges but extremely slow at them. Moreover they fight pure melee factions that are completely worthless inside siege maps if you're patient.
I don't think I would bother launching a siege that would take me 3 hours to play through, I would probably block that siege with a single lord until I have an obvious advantage, and I play with the 60 minute max per fight counter so I couldn't do a 3hr siege to begin with
Human Franchise
What I could see working is a HoMM/AoW style game but with Total War combat
What the fuck are you talking about 99% of sieges should not take you longer than half an hour at most
No, I was pretty done with the faction after beating juan bo's campaign in 72 turns. All you have to do is pacify lustria. I pacified cathay in that timeframe too as a side venture that wasn't required in any form.
His endgame fight was also disappointing and unlosable because you get infinite reinforcements
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Post same image but with Fantasy factions and Lizardmen to the right
...that was my point are you even paying attention i was making fun of legend for spending 4 hours on a siege you arent even that anon you're just some random that just read that and didnt follow along
Fantasy is actually based on doesn't revolve around human wank. Yet somehow humans are still the best faction, proving that you don't need to make human wanking shit to make humans interesting.
>Imagine how much better Total Warhammer would be without chaoswank
Total War: Warhammer 2 has been out for almost a decade anon
>Make max time per fight 45 minute
>You can no longer make gay decisions like spending 3 hours on 1 siege
>You can no longer spend 2 hours wasting all ammo and spending all heals on single units until heal cap before actually launching the siege attack
I found the way to fix to tw streams they were just playing on easy all this time
Miss it so much.
Take me back.
My thought on fantasy is that everything you're trying to accomplish with fantasy races could also be accomplished with culture. That's why it always comes back to human wank and why in a significant amount of settings humans are the best race mechanically
>9 paid DLCs, not including the blood pack
>4 of them are about Skaven and 1 with Beastmen
This is true. But it is also true for every race. The setting could be all lizards and nothing would fundamentally change.
Regardless of how much you hate the rats they are one of the more fun races to play as and I think its 3 dlcs? and you can completely skip throt but he comes with naestrahan
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Throt is literally the only fun Skaven, skip all the others
>Fantasy is actually based on doesn't revolve around human wank
Yes it does, how many Black Library novels have no humans in it? Bonus points if no Elves or Dwarves either.
>Make max time per fight 45 minute
If you're not selecting 20 minutes, then you may as well chop your balls off
I mean like I agree with you but, initially snitch, throt
That's 3
wtf Chaos is important in Warhammer???
Fellas I just wanna have sex with a cute skink.
In my elite opinion, the setting is much better when Chaos is just a thing that makes wizards go crazy and explode from time to time.
This but with elves and vampires being gone as well.
Now this is a post I can get behind
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>Yet somehow humans are still the best faction
indeed, the Kislevite man marches on
>Popular = good
banana brain
Agreed, Empire is a shit tier faction played by people hating Total War.
>>Popular = good
Unironically yea
>New Zealand & Australia not playing the shitty nu-factions and stick to the true Empire of Man
Holy Based!
>>Popular = good
Empire is literally the only good faction
It's just Legend throwing the numbers out of whack
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is it over?
So the whole world love snow Elves and slant-eyed tall Dwarves?
snow elves? like in Skyrim?
Br*tonnia is the worst human faction by far. Even worse than chinks. Completely demolishes the theming of what human factions are about in the setting (normal men fighting supernatural being through combined arms and good tactics).
*invokes the power of Jesus Conan*
all empire players are redditors
even CA said that
>t. Peasant chur
Warriors priests are just regular guys who give aura buffs by praying.
They're not grail knights (space marines) who are the bestest awesomests blessed demigods who can 1v1 vampires and daemons.
Imagine if Bretonnians were real
Sieges are so broken. My units form a conga line from the ladder to the cap point. I'll have the standard bearer by himself while the majority of the units are engaged with defenders around the corner up a hill.
Ass ladders and magic unbreakable wall sections are bad enough, and I can even accept unlimited ammo auto turrets, but if I can't even tell what the fuck my guys are even trying to do and have to spam click things to make them happen, then that's too much.
Is there a mod that fixes busted unit pathing?
They were all bullshit
Legend was dishonored
How do you even play them in tw3? Is it still lord spam?
>They're not grail knights (space marines) who are the bestest awesomests blessed demigods who can 1v1 vampires and daemons.
I will now play this faction and spend thousands on models per month
Daily reminder to APOLOGIZE
Complete bullshit and Legend's all salty about it. It's impossible for CA to pivot into two races his leaks said "would likely never get a DLC" in slightly over a week while scrapping previous DLC, especially considering James Workshop and SEGA would have to agree. Not enough time for it to be possible in any way, CA screwed him over hard by disproving him too fast so he's mad and spent the entire last stream shitting on CA and thanking for superchats in the spare time
This is literally the worst virgin meme I've ever seen. It hits lefty meme critical text mass. The illustrations suck. Given the subject matter, it's appropriate.
I'm going to try to find the reverse. I bet it exists and is better.
Post the death threats he received, then I'll consider it
Based Legend leaked the shit tier Cathay centric DLC and CA seeing the backlashed paniced and canned it. Now we're getting Greenskins, Khorne and Ogres instead. Overall a great win for the community
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I didn't find the exact reverse, but I did find this
Based Legend coded content for an entire completely new DLC pack in his spare time, infiltrated CA, hacked into their computers, deleted all data of the original DLC, leaving behind his work as a replacement so they would have no choice but to unveil that instead
You are totally out of your fucking element here.
>Legend leaks
>CA sees no one wants Cathay fucking shit
>*sips that DLC and announces the next one they had planned instead*
>Not enough time
I thought that at first as well, but there's nothing beyond that. No deadline, no screenshots, no unit names. If they announced we have Orc McOrcson and Khornhole the gaper and here's a trailer vid and it will be out by September, you might have a point.
Kek imagine CA having the whole next DLC ready to go already
It's not ready idiot, see >>483150758
All they've done is announce it
Now that I think about it, I've never even started a "Cathay" campaign.
I think they need gnomes instead of ogres, and by gnomes, I mean suicidal bad work habit gnomes that die in industrial accidents. You know, to make the chink theme work.
Cathay is moi favourite of the new races in Warhammer 3.
Give me 3 reasons why
We're seeing a trailer in four days aren't we
One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
C'mon c'mon get down with the sickness!
C'mon c'mon get down with the sickness!
Open up your head and let it flow into me!
That's lyrics from 2 different songs you dummy.
I- uh- it was to avoid being DMCA'd. Yeah.
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it's seems like Cathay's superiority has led to yet another controversy
One, nothing wrong with poo
Two, nothing wrong with poo
Three, nothing wrong with poo
i hate cathay cause we got that marty sue faggot instead of yin yin
Is Cathay the only faction that's not playable in tabletop but is in TW?
based alert
Unfathomably based.
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soon tho
they've basically confirmed all 5 children will be playable eventually with how often they get referenced and quoted
Why can't I play as the dragon daddy himself?
Why can't I play as the Phoenix King himself?
Why can't I play as the Sigmar himself?
But you can play as Malekith?
Why can't I play as my myself myself?
no idea, I've never played tableslop and have no intention of doing so
Why can't I play as warhammer himself?
But you can he's a generic hero Harold Hammerstorm
I don't think he's a warrior of any kind
There ARE monarchs in this setting who are just rulers and not fighters
well you just answered your own question
gramps is too busy and old to fight shit
I said I want to play as WAR Hammer, not Harold Hammer, ok?
Will Kroq-Gar be a Blood or a Crip?
2 days for the patch
3 days for the roadmap
4 days for the content creator response
5 days for the /twg/ response to the content creator response
Why can't I play as Total War myself?
Man stormcast were already bad enough when they were simply faceless automatons
But THEN GW decided to make them have faces and genders, and it somehow became worse than when they were simply faceless tools
Horus Heresy exists btw, its the containment game for all marinehammer faggots like you
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He doesn't lack hopium, I'll give him that
Malus is such a dipshit
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I just read what happend to Lhunara
I hate him so fucking much, he deserves everything the daemon does to him
Why does he call himself Evil DarkEdge?
Unironically because he got bullied, darkblade is a joke name he hates
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Best girl :(
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I got spoilered of her death through his campaign. In his campaign you can get "Spirit of Lhunara" from a Tz'arkan mission.
Is there a single dark elf that isn't a total schizo psycho anyway?
What about a Dark Elf girl who is actually soft and loving underneath her cruel and murderous exterior
shit idea kill yourself
That is Naestra.
Terrific idea, you should be proud of yourself.
Two of Malus' retainers Hauclir and Silar are pretty chill and funny dudes.(for a DE)
Lhunara. But not anymore
Fuck Malus.
go join the high elfs with that love shit
is he responsible for the shitty whack-a-mole campaign ai?
Is there a single high elf who isn't a nymphomaniac slut?
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High Elf women aren't sex obsessed fiends, they only act like that around Bretonnian men
Bretonnians make Elf women lose control over their desires, quite a potent effect as not even Elven goddess can resist, just ask Louen what the Lady did to him when he showed up in her realm
is that Bactria?
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Why is it that sometimes when I arrange my unit cards it reflects when I form them up in a line but sometimes it does not? Am I missing something?
Also is there an easy way to checkerboard my lines?
My lazy chequerboard method is
>select my staunchmen
>drag them as wide as possible
>hold down control and press up (or down?) a few times, this will make them narrow their formation into a box, each in their own location so there are pleasant gaps now
then I just jiggle things around a bit
>Bretonnians make Elf women lose control over their desires
That is just one(1) squire and one (1) schizo bladesinger, their autism is not reflective of their societies.
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>Empire men (free company)
Just three more sleeps
Louen did it too
and that man is also a Bretonnian
The Yona, which are likke the ones that existed after Bactria.
Some of them are like Han soldiers instead too
There is Bactria ones at >>483056280 yhough
What are you most excited for?
Where are our drawfags? WE NEED NEW GOBBO ART!
>The Yona
>The word Yona in Pali and the Prakrits, and the analogue Yavana in Sanskrit and Yavanar in Tamil, were words used in Ancient India to designate Greek speakers. "Yona" and "Yavana" are transliterations of the Greek word for "Ionians" (Ancient Greek: Ἴωνες < Ἰάoνες < *Ἰάϝoνες), who were probably the first Greeks to be known in India.
that's awesome, I did not know that
Neither did I!
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Buy my rugs
>Pontus isn't selected
what the hell do you think you're doing?!?!?!
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Is there a use for barrier outside of battles?
Empire (bretonnian) men want only one thing and its fucking disgusting
i have a tip for you, try drawing actual scenes where things are firmly on the ground, the hard part is drawing things in relation to each other. you dont want to be stuck
>there are actually people in this general who delude themselves into thinking that spamming ranged units is good play
JFC. Guise, you do abide by the Golden Rule, don't you? Never Use More Than 4 Of A Single Unit Variant In An Army. Under any circumstance. If the race you're playing doesn't have a roster big enough to accomodate that, then simply never play that race.
that's just Madison rapeposting other artists and stealing their art, as usual
>Never Use More Than 4 Of A Single Unit Variant In An Army. Under any circumstance.

Never post any advice in this general ever again.

Wait, barrier prevents attrition damage?
>Born in Reikland
>Joined the army (Empire)
>Spent his whole life in the empire
>Fights for the empire
That fumny costume won't fool me
are there any mods that make battles last a bit longer? like i really want to just hold the flanks and watch the men fight. but i dont want missile units to dominate
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>Bratty elf, she needs Sigmar's correcting light!
Longer battles
Legend is currently LIVE on YouTube and twitch.tv RIGHT NOW.


Thanks bro, having a blast watching /ourguy/ Legend
I didn't draw that, though lik3 yeah when I do draw I also don't draw scenes lol but I'm fine with that
You don't have to say that
>Never Use More Than 4 Of A Single Unit Variant In An Army. Under any circumstance
Give me ONE reason to limit myself to 4 necrofex colossuses
You miss out on more zombie handgunners and cannons
And why would I ever need those
Many things shooting is better than a few
I zig zag with my Lord and waste the enemy's ammo.

I make full stacks of heroes.

I make full stacks of a single type of unit.

I corner camp.

I blob.

I win my battles with ranged fire and spells.

I reload the game when things don't go my way.

I play on Very Hard.

I do not use mods.

You reddit space
Wowie zowie!
I hated Malus already from playing a lot of Daniel and Epidemius, as well as snickh in wh2.
Now its just vindicated.
>I zig zag with my Lord and waste the enemy's ammo.
>I make full stacks of heroes.
very cringe
>I make full stacks of a single type of unit.
ultra cringe
>I corner camp.
no that's for losers
>I blob.
the AI does sometimes and I fucking hate that
>I win my battles with ranged fire and spells.
ranged fire sometimes, spells are for pathetic losers
>I reload the game when things don't go my way.
>I play on Very Hard.
sometimes hard, sometimes very hard
>I do not use mods.
only cosmetic mods and the bugfix mod

So I'm mostly what? A retarded fantasoi?
4 lothern seaguard 4 lothern seaguard (shields) 4 archers 4 archers (light armor)

Based unit diversity enjoyer
Doomstacking is for homosexuals who suck at the game
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I like using mixed armies, some T1 'trash', mid tier units and a handful of high tier stuff.
Why would I want to go all in with e.g. Sisters or Dragons? Sounds really boring.
Is that also the reason why the AI apparently behaves cowardly in all your games?
I'd have beaten you up both in game and in real life you fucking role-playing queers.
4 is too small. 6 to me is reasonable, with it capping out at 8 if you are absolutely sure. But I just find the idea of +8 or more of the exact same unit no variation kind of boring. Like I can't imagine how bland it'd be to field 16 of a single unit.

I thought SFO would nerf tamurkhan but I haven't even gotten his weapon yet, he's level 20 and he has base 1.2k weapon strength
You'd be better off just 16 sisters of avelorn, the dragon maybe and the heroes probably
>I'd have beaten you up both in game and in real life
lmao I'd like to see that you retarded fat nerd
>You'd be better off
I really don't like optimizing the fun out of a game so I play with semi shit stacks
>i'd like to see you t-try heh...
I bet you almost shat your pants clicking the post button. Trust me, if I ever saw you irl, you'd be my bitch.
You need to be 18+ to post here boyo
>you need to
Shut the fuck up, nerd. Nobody tells me what to do.
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>/twg/ schizo hours
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I just don't understand how he can have fun with these kinds of armies. Just range spam
>just hire shitload of orc boyz and have every battle be a 30 minute borefest bro! So flavorful!
then why does he play these games?!!
>imagine playing as wurzag and spamming goblin archers
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how unfortunate, I thought this was the katrinn getting fucked by beastmen mod
Not gonna happen this year
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>can't play Pharaoh because no update yet
>can't play Warhammer because no update yet
>can't play 1212AD because no update yet
modded 3K it is, I guess...
>Everything else
>I do not use mods.
Absolutely subhuman. Imagine not using visual upgrade mods and bug fixes.
What else are you going to do early game? I was doing 6 to 8 melee goblin with the rest archer. He has 7 melee goblins and even some cav this is one of the least offending stacks I've seen its mostly balanced out
If everything past the Troll country pozzed with chaos and warpstone dust to such an extent that humans can't even survive, how can Norscan tribes live there?
He will start spamming melee soon enough.
Those things are unbreakable so that night actually be a solid front line.
They bend over to chaos gods
>install mod to change battles
>ai behavior in campaign is totally different now, they just sit there and dont expand at all

boris actually killed khazrak
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Corpse cart AND blood knights for coast
I don't know how people can play 1212, those provinces are dogshit
early game roster is pretty limited, what else are you gonna do honestly
my lord screams "THE PIRATE KING" in battle
your lord? your lord votes for bernie sanders
My lord wants weenies.
We are not the same.
melee is alot more lethal than ranged
I’m on turn 20 of my high elf game and I have two armies filled entirely with only sea guard
dude, yes. Stop playing with solely spearmen and you will see how good melee is with some actual brain powa.
My lord wants weiners too, so we are the same.
You are still wrong. Thanks for the superchat though.
Trolled legend about his bad math. So that was fun.
so when the next dlc is announced for september/october what will be the legend shill cope?
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I reload my azazel campaigns until I get the blade.
yeah you'll replace those with seaguard with shields
Did you get him to do the face punching thing?
can you get allied recruitment from vassals?
Man shut the fuck up. I am so sick of your shit. Can you just stop?
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looks like
This guy is going INSANE
That guys been here forever. I say we name him "Schizocuck"
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Total War faction for this feel?
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You deserve this, you deserve this and more
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And people will say the rats are bad and stupid for this same thing.
At least there is an honesty to their treachery.
bros the really long battles and inaccurate missiles fixes really make the battle good. its crazy. you can actually perform flanking maneuvers and stuff, in vanilla theres no point in even running around since the battle will be over in 1 minute
/twg/ through the elimination round in the VGL.
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Druchii fathers be like raw dogging every day with their mistress but then torture the child they got with her
Post the full pic.
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Dirty, sick, knife-ears
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only if he is born with crippling autism then a mermaid breaks his spine and he gets indoctrinated by Soviet agents
even then the redhead sexo would still be worth it, although I'd do the same thing Volound's father did I'd go for cigarettes and never return
Elf children need to be raised by human families, simple as
When is the steam summer sale I gotta buy all the remaining dlc
I am going to post lots of 1v1 Karanak battles. Guess who he is going to fight first.
this Thursday
shes not that good looking
you can do better
I wish they didn’t announce the ogre,greenskin and khorne pack so early cause now I have no interest in playing any of those factions till it drops.
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I won't have any interest even after it drops
boring ass right-click to win violent retards
DLC is at least 4 months away. I plan on finishing a Khorne RoC campaign when the dog arrives.
Unless they started making the DLC just 2 weeks ago, I don't think we will be waiting 4 months.
Expectations for Tuesday?
According to Legendfags, they did just start making it a week ago to spite Legend.
I know its like 1 post early but I'm about to leave for the gym so fuck it.
New bugs and heavy nerfs for the Thunderbarge, Landship and Rot Knights. Nemesis Crown will also get taken down a peg.
Skarbrands too busted with his endless turn meme is valkia more tame? Those are the only 2 khorne aligned right? Besides Arahan if Naestra were dead
>Page 3
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They always tell us "yeah do not worry it's a safe century" or "yeah i cast my black magic it's ok"then ...

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