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#1058: Robocon Edition
Previous: >>482834026
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Megaman games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Dive modding status: still no new animations, but custom models + custom menu backgrounds
MMGB1-5 now playable on Nintendo Switch Online

>fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine, X4 for PC and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
Knot Barret finished
MMVGB remake on pause
MaGMML 3 released
MMGB remasters announced
Mega Man Reverse Space-Time is still going

>/inti/ news:
Dogvolt DLC fight on June 27th for Umbraclaw
Trademark filled for "Majogami"
Card-en-Ciel stated to be released in October 24th, both standard and limited physical releases will include Divine Dynamo Flamefrit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO4njobE1uQ
Also has cards themed after Gal*Gun, Gunvolt and Umbraclaw.
Inticreates Gold Archive Collection to be released August 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE7K4w5d8f4

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Akira Kitamura has returned, made a Twitter account and has a Mega Man project coming up though it's not a game or a music album.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time
Somehow Sonia is more popular with japanese women

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
Colonel sexo
card en cernel
Pando sexo
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hair down ashe is best
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It makes her look softer, like her guard is down.
I do not want to meet Pando
Everything about Ashe looks soft
Godichi on Patreon
that's the world's worst G
i think they have a powder to prevent that
Model Ass is the strongest biometal?
What if we gave Nightmare Zero some model W laced with evil energy? Can you overdose on evil?
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Give him a dark chip too
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>women can now be drafted
This will surely end well.
twigs. be careful you don't sit on 'em, these scrawny bitches would go right up your ass
>Overdose the Zero Nightmare on evil shit
>It overflows values and has the opposite effect, fixing his batshit crazy programming
>x has four kids
>zero beats them up
>even makes one an hero
>x says nothing about this
x is a bad dad
It's implied he had a long talk with Phantom in the after life before the battle with Omega since Phantom is the only one out of Fefnir and Leviathan to actually listen to him and try to talk them into helping Zero.
should add link for Knot barret https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7n_mvNQlzw
It's funny because ashe doesn't have big butt. She's in fact rather sticc
but anon, that's WHY she's looking for booty
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She won't be when I get done with her.
>no tits
>no ass
What the fuck.
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Don't enhance the evil, anon.
thanks for joining the proving indian rape statistics cytube, come again next week to see the last time PAs will be plot relevant
>finding out that the loo was being used instead of the street
I like the strawberries
>sir! You cannot be wed to a girl that young sir!
are you even trying? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeaH5LAPZsI
My hand
Down Aile's pants
Yai on her way to the biggest bathroom of them all, the ocean!
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skullman.exe cosplaying as princess pride
There's a skullman.exe inside you right now
Prove it
>start up GGDP
>30 second splash screen
>game starting, please wait for 40 seconds(game wants to enter sleep mode now)
>back to splash screen, 5 seconds
>checking dlc, 27 seconds
>10 second loading screen to start for the small talking cutscene
>5 second loading screen to get to the mission menu
>22 seconds loading screen to actually start playing
I don't remember this being so bad last time I booted up the Vita. At least it's on Switch now.
half the reason I like my ps5 is the goes-fast loading
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The ps quintuple don't let you have this however.
it's on ps4 and there's BC tho
though I don't know if loading is faster for ps4 games
How censored? Sony died to me after what they did to Senran Kagura.
shin megaman taisen
bitch you're comparing to vita
Your point being?
both are sony so both would be censored, not a differentiating factor between vita and ps5
unless you're not the previous poster then nothing
The Vita was from a time before Sony got all crazy about censorship, can slap ninja tits in SK for example which you can't do in the ps4 releases.
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We know she's not naked, the white thing is not her skin. This ain't ZX.
It seems the horrible performance was a Gal Gun thing, Shinovi Versus was letting in to play in less than a minute.
That's Inti's best-selling title ever.
why'd she do it
Small indie dev, please understand.
>right after we see thailand upping the diabetes
You'd think Mexico would be more diabetic, the fucking Coca-Cola addiction has probably killed more people than sicarios at this point.
Dats Lev.
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I kneel to my Egyptian and Pakistani masters.
The fuck's going on in New Caledonia and Mauritius?
Why Kelsinger's did die
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Do you still believe in him?
The hyperrealistic art style kind of undermines the comedic tone they were going for.
I'm coming back
I will return
'll possess your body
And I'll make you burn
Anon plz there's no blood
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It's less the realism and more like it doesn't differentiate/it's not serious enough to make it feel funny. Picrel is funny because of the parody and artstyle working together well to nail the idea.
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trying for japanese boomer humor
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Yuri won't save you Taimanin! You cannot escape your destiny.
The destiny of fucking Cinnamon
NTR or meatball?
She is fucking Cinnamon as a meatball, while cucking someone else
This is the weirdest minecraft block ever.
wait so is marino or cinnamon the meatball?
meatball marino?
Meatball sub(Marino).
Not much of a destiny if you drop it for some copy chip later.
look out, it's the sub-mariner!
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>Blocks your way and fucks the nurse
>leaves afterwards
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I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish
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>Hooked up with this girl that looked like meatwad at the bar the other night
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A kunoichi only has two paths in life:
embrace the Kagura or progress to Taimanin.
>Blocks your way and fucks the nurse
never happened
Happened right now. You didn't pay attention.
Because you do not have a nurse to be fucked to begin with
>>483082408 doesn't look like a nurse.
We don't want canon to get in the way of things.
You're married to a image showing posts in the internet?
Where'd you get marriage from that?
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Lololol why are people acting like this is a huge surprise? Fupoo done scat hentai for years and people talked and made rumors about it too on gurochan.
Also, all the stuff he uploaded on his baraag is "soul jelly" porn, which is just /d/-core version of "anal jelly" porn.

and the fucker hasn't shared that cropped Daisy squatting pics as of this day. Share them, you fat taco.
How is this related to /mmg/ and /inti/ in regards to the pic? Sorry, but I'll necro this thread so that you won't get up.
Negate Man
>Not recognizing MM1 Megaman
I can understand not knowing Kitamura's art but come on.
>not recognizing megaman in civilian form and an enemy from megaman
Confirmed not playing megaman.
giga man
Anons here only know him for Roll pornography
>t. has not finished the first game
Civilian Rock looks like he sells chocolate milk powder to people.
I remember in, the Ariga mangas I believe, Rock and Roll actually had friends and a social life with other children that lived nearby and it just fucks with me still to this day.
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>Named like that
>Draws scat
Like pottery
89% of cunny memers here have an X account
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I'm gonna do it. I'll do it, I swear.
Become gasoline and carry the endless pain
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Lift your dress again.
>burn dead stem-mammals
Make me.
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Alouette looks really happy about that.
>Passy and Zero together
>Righteous Strike level is officially called Residential Area
So...Elpizo and his guys just up and attacked a civilian neighborhood? No wonder they were treated like Mavericks.
Make me wonder how differently Elpizo would've handled things if Cial was actually canon.
>Elpizo and his guys just up and attacked a civilian neighborhood?
Yes. Massacring humans and the reploids they owned as a cathartic release from their own oppression.
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Hot Levs in MY area?
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Yup, his big dick masterstroke was nothing but a petty attack on a civilian sector. Alqaueda would be proud.
Honestly I didn't realize it was Rock either because the hair wasn't spiky enough.
But I do recognize the bot fwiw.
>elpizo is the colonel of z, a retarded terrorist
>looks like a mtf tranny
Marvelous no longer makes ecchi games
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I know. Can't even buy fucking Rune Factory anymore.
>should we make RF5 actually work?
>no, put gay shit in it that's what people want dude trust us
You're a fucking disappointment.
It's time to melt Castlevania: Serenade Under the Moon, an Aria of Sorrow Alucard hack with a so-called "SOTN" map.


Fun fact, this is a Chinese hack with an English translation applied on top of it, and then a recolor hack on top of that. It's a miracle it runs at all.

In fact, in doesn't run at all, which is why you need to download the rom and we are melting in local mode:

Download: https://cdromance.org/gba-roms/castlevania-serenade-under-the-moon-hack/
Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/dzifl8.gba

Starting at XX:00

>Directions: Directions
>A: Jump
>B: Attack
>L: Backslide probably
>R: Soul, probably
what are the chances that this is going to desync on melt
has that been an issue with localmelt?
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>L: Backslide probably
>R: Soul, probably
Did john vampire forget how to slide?
nah, usually just RTC-related things
but not running in dropbox mode is ~concerning~
Let's just say johnny vamp needs to relearn a lot of shit
do I have to strem
it's a good hack I think
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>My name is Alucard
>I'm a high school student
surely soma won't be saturn maria
that doesn't bode well with my controller woes

also did anyone else see that skeleton head fly off screen
So this is like the sotn layout with the aos resources, right?
It made a funny sound so I guess it's a feature
I went to replay about an hour of SOTN after to check
I think the map starts out similar and after a while just does it's own thing, given the constraints of using AoS resources
I see. So the breakable walls probably won't be in the same spots
use the gun
>jumpan shoot
>steal enemy abilities
every melt
>No save point before boss
not very sotn desu
why does nhoj alucard sound like a high school boy
was gun this good in stock aria
>medusa heads before save point
even ruder
I think the cooldown must have been longer or the damage way less
is there some randomizer applied too or equipment is just spicy by default
It's obtained too late in vanilla to be any good
it's just spicy I think. but between the changing of locations and tweaking of stats (?) you can just pretend it's a randomizer
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cute flying armor
>>no, put gay shit in it that's what people want dude trust us
Why they keep doing that? They been trying that for 12 years now and it has never worked so far
can't believe this was zeld all along
was that the reverend or not alucard
I wouldn't read too much into the """writing"""
I'm dreading the other implications
It's not even really that, harvest moon ds cute had a lesbian marriage option complete with the harvest god blessing your union with a baby from heaven, but the game fucking worked and fixed a ton of bugs from the original release.
Now for brownie points that scummy US businessmen are clamoring will actually make it sell more the bugs were just left there and dev time was spent on trans validation. Because now that the funny anime character says he supports your decision it means transphobia is fixed irl or something.
are skeletons still illegal in china
were they ever illegal in chiangna
Apparently they were never banned, but extreme violence is as well as iirc desecration of the dead(which is why Coco was allowed into China just fine) so most things involving skeletons would get banned as a result.
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Tell me about Cial, why does she flash her cunt?
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That girl ain't right.
She's portrayed as a bit of a smug, blunt pervert in most of the fanart. I don't know why though.
how does dracula feel, with his son coming home one day and shooting up his castle
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>Fupoo done scat hentai for years

Dude, normies and zoomers here don't know that he draws anything, they just know him as "that Roll or Splash Woman" guy. He's been drawing that kind of stuff way before /mmg/, hell- way before /vg/ was even created. I wonder if people here know that the artist that's responsible for this character's artwork in all 3 of his games also does scat art.

This game sucks.
Why is this slut showing me this?
She wants you to hop in it's cold out
Oh, good girl.
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>releasing birds
I will beat you to death with my girlfriend.
Am I to assume this hack has the luck stat fixed and we're not wearing that charm for no reason
*doll of my girlfriend
who can say truly
I know there weren't much, if any, thought goes into making Cial as a character, but you think the author could've at least use an actual French name.
>didn't save after boss
The character was originally from the MMZ manga which is already parody levels of bat shit crazy so I doubt much thought went into her until the Rockman Ciel stuff.
>Lololol why are people acting like this is a huge surprise?
probably the only one surprised is rollfag since you know how he gets
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Doll can be your girlfriend too
Cock probably does more damage to skelly
how can one skellyman be so beefy
Doll joints are very lewd.
We probably have enough height to reach the ledge in the library
Yeah, if we go by sotn intended order, we should go library boss>outer wall>clock tower
>using twin slasher against slash beast
>ayy off to sell all our shit again
What would you need that many rapiers for
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for rape
We haven't checked the library yet, I assume there's a bat form soul there.
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Yashiki pls
I still don't know who dark soma is
yeah, I think the arena is going out of order due to that cutscene
Ah yes, the colosseum fight: Werewolf, Minotaur and their bird sluts
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Is this your hero?
did anything happen with inti mahjong
not yet
it is interesting how stubborn we are on not going back to the library
on that note, we can probably do the clock tower now that we have a decent weapon that all the enemies there don't resist
More than stubborn most of us don't know how to get back there I guess
warp, big incomplete room at top right I think
Yeah, that's outer wall
the big room below that I think
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Yes, dats Lev.
Good idea to run from the egg-shooting chickens, we're underleveled for them
I guess we have to go to the clock tower anyway
clocktower melt
wasn't there a normal open cloak sprite
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does fire wave cost almost no mp?
>Standing between X's crotch
Why is Harpuia being such a slut?
well ain't that just a rock to the back of the head
We haven't seen the caves, olrox headquarters or catacombs yet.
If we go by sotn, the caves should be next.
L in to big jump
shouldn't we go to orlox for general butt soul
can we walk up the stairs to fight not dracula now?
Olrox was kinda optional, the caves had the succ fight with the ring that you needed for the true ending route
truly the legendary vampire hunter
i think sotn SUCKS!
Symphony of the Network bros...
Check the other wall there too, in the original there was a secret room in the secret room
is inverted castle exist
but at what cost
what was the point of adding a second floor to that boss
to make you worry old might just float off and brick the game
Dev wanted a big room like in Olrox's fight I guess.
are we overtime or 2 part
2 part or 3
Let's end when my turn comes around next
or do we want to beat richter
let's start with beating any enemy in this place
The layout is a bit different at the center so I guess you're supposed to get to the caves through the bottom right?
right, either from the top or from the bottom left, I forget
we've never even used our ability to go underwater (and barely our ability to walk on water)
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Thanks for joining part 1 of Alucard's schizo quest

Perhaps someday we will defeat the treacherous Richter Belmont
Game is not 1:1 but a lot of areas that you expect to find are there in some form at least.
I'm also wondering if that one cheap trinket that Hammer had was a "Jewel of Open" that's needed for those sealed spots.
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>the possibility of a maria jones fight is above 0
>tell Fefnir that you want to date his sister
What happens
interesting, I don't remember the sotn map that well and I remember thinking a lot of elements were straight out of aria so I assumed it wasn't following that closely

the game runs into some, er, limitations trying to capture sotn later on
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>I wonder if people here know that the artist that's responsible for this character's artwork in all 3 of his games also does scat art.
Are you referring to this? He did one page that featured it and was to only add into the crudeness of Onpu getting a hard raping. (All of his Ojamajo doujins has a tragic aspect to it)
Not as common sight to Fupoo doing more of this stuff nowadays, but both of them are pretty bold on the subject.

Also nice time dubs.
Mmmmm doll joints
Why is X's family like this?
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I liked his laser scarf, wish it had stayed.
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Literally grew up without a father figure
For some reason I get the feeling that the laser scarf leaves a smell of gasoline behind him.
because it looks like fire even though it's for supposedly disrupting sensors.
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is she happy?
No, she's note
I wonder how much merch starforce has if any
she's still growing, give her some time!
Dat's Lev!
i made the mistake of trading in my duplicates instead of holding on to them to trade for the plushie magnet
kill me
Sticcs normally don't grow
how much and where
Not true, you can actually grow some plant from sticks (branches).
If Aile and Vent managed to do it between ZX and ZXA then Ashe can do it, too! Believe in the booty!
Branches not sticcs
Aile had 4 years to grow. Ashe is already a year older. She's doomed to be bootyless and titless.
the magnet?
you get it from Roll but you need 20 duplicates to get it
you should be able to get it after Dr. Regal shows up
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fug, the most i traded was 12, then i found the "pity" machine that "gives new ones" and traded 10 again
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Your face. Her boob window. NOW.
Anon, people in this general love to dig very dark and forgotten secrets all the time and you are asking if people here know some tier two trivia question or pretend to be shocked that the IP with the most amount of hires lolicons on staff hired another one?
Do you read Psylocke as Sigh-Lock or Peeseelock asking for a friend
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There's the third option become a mesugakunoichi
That just leads to getting slapped and taimanined.
"Mesu ga kunoichi" literally just means "Female is a female ninja".
>Play Megaman II
>Ends with Megaman drone striking Wily
Wtf? What happened to dogeza?
Megaman is an American robot, if anything that's par for the course.
>Nwoooooo only Mega Man 7 the US Version would ever do something as out of character as Mega Man attempting violence against a human being
Rock was pissed that day.
How could Rush do such a terrible thing?
Please understand, American culture was programmed into him.
Megaman II was my first megaman game ever. Good times!
And he should've done it way sooner desu.
>The explosion's size
He 100% meant to kill Wily there.
>That Rockman-chan chapter where Light upgraded Rush's AI and it decided to just carpet bomb the underwater base from a distance instead of just escorting Rock to it, flooding its interior and taking out most enemies inside
Damn femame ninja...!!!! Seduce an orc
>A bean ninja
No oni's gonna touch that, and depending on the setting, no orc either.
At least we're not Darkstalkers fans.
Only if you throw beans or is this going to be the story of a bean ninja trying to get raped so she throws herself at onis only for them to avoid her?
The latter. It's also efficient at getting rid of onis.
>christmas cake ninja wants to get raped but nobody wants to have sex with her
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Ashe my beloved
Actually, it's much funnier if it's a loli.
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Many such cases.
Loses half the humor
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I think it gains more of it because of the absurdity.
Why Kelsinger's did die
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So then, kunogaki?
emergency backup stream status?, got busy and even if i wanted to remote i can't because "you can't take out the phone to end the stream while doing the sunday honoraries"

also how can i explain i do this or the usual
Jared Capuletto will make Mega Man X8 canon
should work
>also how can i explain i do this or the usual
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Ducks, moles and hogs.



*Sword and Shield are items here so you have to equip them in the menu like any other item.
>A: Items in the A slot, talk
>B: Items in the B slot
>L: Fuse stones, sub menu
>R: Grab, roll, open, talk, sub menu
>Start: Open menu
>Select: Anas platyrhynchos

Starting in 10 minutes
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stream on
just the usual, how do i explain i usually stream online gaming sessions on a mongolian baske tweaving forum at the same hours the same days to boomer family, because sometimes just saying "it's remote work" doesn't cover up
and being jobless doesn't help
what gam
>red skeletons
every melt
you have a red skeleton in you
prove it
what exactly is the goal here
ratty-chan's big break will surely convince them of its utmost importance
punch a concrete wall really really hard. You will see the red skeleton inside you like that.
I was looking for that piece of heart but I forgot there was another temple inside
Nice try but I've already tried that before and all I got was a broken hand and wrist.
I said punch it really really hard not give it a love tap you pussy.
I usually just say it's an online gaming group. People just assume it's an MMO or something.
The human body isn't capable of generating enough excessive force on it's own merit to puncture the skin from colliding with a flat surface.
not with that attitude.
>people assume you play WOW
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actually maybe MMOs are outdated. I think people assume I'm playing league or something
Can't tell if that's better or worse.
I'm telling it's an online gaming thing that I have to keep a time commitment to

That ship has sailed
Why she did kill Kelsinger's
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you are not immune to hot moon snake
where last-1 scroll
Hot moon snake is also not immune to anything so it's fair.
time to not save zeld and match funny dwarf legos for the next 3 hours
Link wants to indulge in his petrification kink for just a little while longer.
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Ashe is a raep baby
No one cares
She's also related to Grey, Prometheus, & Pandora.
Imagine your only relatives by blood being fucking robots.
Why do Megaman sites insist on palling up with furries
Decadence of a dying empire.
Moving on
Erazor djinn please
are we gibu appu on the extremely useful shield
Mirror is postgame
I forgot there's even a postgame
Blame Xfags
>retro platformers
>dead franchises
>have been crossed over in official content
You should be able to solve this.
>dead franchises
Sonic will never die you stupid fuck
Dead as in it should be and would be better off if it was.
No matter what anons here try to say, there is an intersection between sonic fans and megaman fans going outside here. It doesn't help that there are things like the poster promoting Wily Wars on Genesis, Archie Comics, etc.
>the furfag gives himself away freely
That's not X.
No, anon, that's the unfortunate reality outside of this general. This is why there were people excited for the first crossover while the Archie Comics were running early on, why you sometimes get Sonicfags making Megaman art, etc.
X is the series that brought us robot furries
Technically, that's Classic with 3.
Monking was in 2
You already had Pepe in 1. People these days categorize furry under anything that has animals depicted as robots or 'people'.
/mmg/ doesn't realize that it doesn't reflect the actual megaman fanbase that well anymore ironically, sonic and megaman have always had a pretty big overlap in fanbases even back in the 2000s
Pepe's excused unless you mean frogposting.
What you're saying is we need to make a Capcom Creators account.
I remember when people'd bring up this general's tastes are incredibly niche and you'd get a shitstorm of people coping over the fact.
It's just that Megaman fans tend to be very isolated to some extent, so it's easy for people, here or anywhere else to assume their experience is the absolute default because that's what they see in their comfort zone.
>japanese or american required
it's over
>Get banned after too much loli posting
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>too much loli
We are entering the realm of theory here.
>Anons post about original Swimsuit Roll
>get banned in a flash and unpersoned
It's age of older milfs now.
very important to get your fiber intake
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>filtered by children's game
many such cases

you think /mmg/ would beat themselves from 20 years ago?
the japanese and americans were kicked out
huh, I thought he had more phases where he regens the arms
surely she wished for legends 3
The arms aren't as iconic of his design as you might think.
Legends of Zelda 3...
huh, I remembered vaati getting the valgarv treatment
I must've been thinking about the Vaati from four swords.
>rockman club
can't believe it was on topic all this time
Sorry, /mmg/ profesional vtuber channel is handled by a taco (and sometimes, yuro streams) and that's too much for the inclusive modern capcom

Also no RE,MH or SF footage to gain good boy points
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Thanks for playing the first duckmelt.
The game just said it so... stay tuned
What a dork.
>Zelda's adventures in Hyrule
She was a fucking rock.
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Well yeah, it's a capcom game after all
still a gooder gam than lttp
can't tell if the elpizo resemblance was intentional or just /mmg/ brainrot
rockwo man...
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You act like petrification is common in Capcom. It's not, unfortunately.
Who knows, Minish Cap was released a year after Zero 2 so it could actually be them being cheeky with the design and funny laugh.
>/mmg/ choked itself because of tacos
Every time
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What resemblance?
so what's next zeldermelt
are we still pretending to hate oot
It was, in fact, their last adventure became 4 swords is not canon.
Nothing for now. Next week is for whoever wanted to do Mayro land 2 or Mayro & Luggi, whatever comes first.
mega man characters represent 2/10 of the capcom representation in the mvc collection official art (I could even cheat and say 4/14)

I believe
>Mayro & Luggi
aren't those 40 part jarpigs
what about that new game
SS is rather short for an rpg, at most it can take 4 to 5 melts.
Anyway if none of those get confirmed there's someone else that wanted to do Vania Legends so no Zeld for a while and cha hasn't say anything about SF3 yet so the filler arc will continue.
People that run websites are usually not very mentally sound which coincidentally makes them dual Sonic fans as well. It's almost like there's some correlation with mental illness and Sonic?
This week will be the US release anniversary, so that'd be a good time for it.
run invalid
>sonic and megaman have always had a pretty big overlap in fanbases even back in the 2000s
That isn't really the case any more since Megaman has such an aging population of fans. Most new Sonic fans that get into it, do so parasitically by taking things from it and putting it into their Sonic fan content and then discover things like Archie.
but I haven't practiced it offline yet
That does not really showcase a lack of overlap
It does from the Megaman side because there are no new Megaman fans.
I do not believe that the fans came necessarily from Sonic and vice-versa, but rather that it came from basic association
Sonic is blue, and a platformer mascot character that people associate with a company
Megaman is blue and a platformer quasi-mascot character that people associate with a company
If you believe that is too superficial, that is because it is
Which days are free
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What about Aile and Vent, Mega Star Saga?
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Unless land 2 man shows up I'm fine with doing super star saga on that day
Shameless whore.
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>copy X doing the Undercover Boss segment
>the next day every Reploid in the division he did undercover in were retired for Maverick activities (including but not limited to saying he's the shortest compared to the Guardians)
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Canon Joe
She schemin
I fucking love that style of pen shading
Also Pallette is cute too I guess
No, the flying penguin.
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There's no such a thing as too much loli posting especially when it comes to Mega Man
Not under current day Capcom's eyes, though.
Sure there is.
There absolutely is especially when it's garbage Roll posting.
The same two furscumbags keep outing themselves one again
You keep claiming anybody that doesn't approve of your abhorrent posting style is a Sonicfag, you are aware that Sonicfags have lolis as well correct? I'm sure you do. Loli just seems to be your only personality trait.
Only the weak think that way
>Post says furscum, with no reference at all to Sonic
>Immediately jumps to Sonic
The weak can only post loli.
What other "furscum" could you even possibly mean that's known to overlap here? Yeah, that's right moron.
Not a sequel.
Post it if it's so trivial.
>not managing to post ontopic loli
Severe skill issue
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You still haven't done it.
You're overestimating Rollfag, he can't even post on topic even when it isn't loli.
the squeakuel
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Braggart and knave! Forever you'll bear the mark of your cowardice.
Now post something that isn't loli.
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>not even on topic
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nothing is happening, time to fall upon ourselves in conflict
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You'd think someone would have gamed the system and wished for a genie back or something.
Or maybe it's canon Shantae ended up killing all of them.
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I'll take the one on the right.
Well, the Pirate Master did take most of them down with him, so there's no garantee that Shantae's mom was one of those who used her own body to seal him in the first place.
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Absolute subhuman
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I'm learning valuable lessons here
The love of curry fascinates me. Is it at least good?
Because I've tried vegemite once after an old acquaintance wouldn't shut up about it and it made me wanna vomit.
>not mapo tofu
You will eat the curry.
vegemite is a well-known troll food
japanese curry is different from (superior) indian/south-east asian curries
japanese cutty is like a flavorful meat+potato stew/gravy.
you can probably order some instant packs online to get an idea of what it tastes like
mala is overrated as fuck
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Are you a shape-shifting fox demon by any chance?
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that's inari sushi
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The megaman has laid himself down and will not rise again,
The Trigger Unit will not rise again;
He overcame evil, he will not come again;
Though he was strong of arm he will not rise again;
He had wisdom and a comely face, he will not come again;
He is gone into the moon, he will not come again;
On the bed of fate he lies, he will not rise again,
Front the couch of many colours he will not come again.
cute Ashe!
>visible confusion after being asked why she won't make anyone else special force metals
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I don't know about that. She's got decent sized hips but she definitely doesn't have anything in the chest department. Probably Albert's genes since Pandora doesn't either.
Remember when this atrocious shit was the only acknowledgement of battle network by capcom in half a decade?
We had nothing until the BN collection
and we never will again
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lan plushie exists, there is still hope
>still no wife
>calculating there's around 15 BN plushies
>now at midgame probably

i hate gacha
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What is this?
>not rigging it
takeaway: albert has nice hips
That's why he wears that gown, those cheeks are too distracting.
the hips. Cheeks are flat.
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is there a Duo plushie?
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I wish this was a thing.
I saw a couple of images of Aile getting raped and impregnated by one but that's about it, I agree.
If Dr. Light made him immune to viruses, I'm pretty sure X is also immune to parasites.
I meant as a mind control parasite thing. And no, not the hacking corruption jizz the followup to that one has.
And I'm sure I've seen that, but I don't remember it at all.
I've seen one of Ciel like that by Semikichi but nothing else.
mind control is dumb
aphrodisiacs are where it's at
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Me over here being a heroine in trouble enjoyer
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no noses allowed
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Post genie butts
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I don't know that one.

Mind control is hit or miss. Speaking of Semikichi...
If it's about the struggle and resistance against the control or the act itself, that's pretty good. But just going "poof, you're my slave now" and that sort of thing, that sucks.

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Even the people who draw Alia agree that she's too old busted and ugly to be posted
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>do not repost
>do not reuse
you're going to make the artist have a schizophrenic meltdown and delete all of their art even though their @ is clearly in the shot and anybody inclined to seek more of their art is able to visit their twitter to see more....
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Based Di Gi Charatfag
Are there any pure humans left by zx time?
I'd imagine this dystopia hunts them down to make them cyborgs.
No just cyborgs and reploids given human lifespans unless you're the top 1% that gets extra years.
>RTA in Japan is X6 and CM
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You can't tell me what to do.
She's naked.
Real time attack?
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No, no, it's fine. Her skin is set to black, so it's like she's wearing a bodysuit, see? Not naked by cyborg rules.
by ZX-era, pretty much every motherfucker (hume) is auged up, it's kromer's nightmare
Pretty sure that's still naked, but society has changed to the point Ashe walks around with her vagina on the open air and no one cares.
Wow it's almost like the body suit skin meme is some Reddit wank that they took from a post development comment and isn't acknowledged by Capcom.
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Clearly not.
I don't think she ever gives it out for free.
So she's a whore.
Mega Man Grils
nopan dora
Does she have a pass?
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I still prefer them to have skin underneath their bodysuit, or might be a new upgrade that could happen after ZXA
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i like both interpretations
>body suit
The robo-skin already has skintone settings, and there's nothing in the rules that says a cyborg Humanoid can't have genitals. I'm not sure what the downside of the canonical nano-skin is.
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>Modesty Settings on my synthskin malfunctions in public and my fat dick flops out
your post didn't go through bro, sorry.
Lying ass Heelnavi
giro pls you have neither skin nor dick anymore
Giro isn't a tranny like Colonel and Vent are.
>"MegaMan, I need you to run to the board and shitpost again. Remember to attach that one picture of Roll"
>deadnaming Ryan after his brave transition.
To MegaMan:
This is your first post, right?
Introduce yourself first. That's just proper netiquette!
Tora, stop shitposting and fuck off.
bitch you are Anonymous

1v1 me in Koto2 right now, I will fuck you up
Canon trannies:
Colonel (X version)
nurrr, cite your source *adjusts glasses*
Daibu confirmed what we all believed that Colonel was truly a looney troon deep inside and we rejoice at the confirmation
SNK card shit
Capcom's ESG report listed all their diversity hires including their trannies in MM.
Why are you like this?
like hope stelar? what the fuck lmao it's satire at this point
It was an old thread meme that MM.exe turned to Hope Stelar.
oh yeah, epic thread memes like
>Character A is a tranny, fuck you for liking them
>Character B is a tranny, fuck you for liking them
>Character C is a tranny, fuck you for liking them
what a beautiful, vibrant culture we've cultivated
>at this point
So you admit that Colonel is at least a canon trannie?
More of a VA joke than anything.
it was only exe and now colonel we call trannies. you sound angry.
still funny.
Yeah, I'm kind of fucking angry this thread has been so deeply irony poisoned to the point we can't have a normal fucking discussion about someone bringing up trannies.
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I feel your pain.
I think the skin interpretation is retarded and boring. It's more appeal if their bodies have features that they need to hide.
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propan dora
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i think everybody went to bed, i tell you hwat
I've been having a pretty bad sleep schedule lately, so it often happens I'm awake when I should be sleeping. And sometimes I sleep too much, but currently no matter how tired I am I can't blink an eye. I wish I had a bug reploid husband I could hug to fall asleep easier agghhhhhhhh.
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Anons are desperate and trying too hard to bait for responses
That or thinking this is somehow going to stop anyone they do not like instead of showcasing they are being huge tsunderes for whatever characters they try to fervently push such headcanons
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Sex with Colonel
Do you enjoy verbal abuse or something?
Colonel with Sex
Colonel Sex with
with Sex Colonel
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Would Card en Ciel do gangbusters if it was allowed to rip Battle Network in every way but the art direction? Most of impression that I've got from across the internet is that BN never was that good but the nostalgia it has behind it is a landslide.
Aren't the Yor-Ha units completely smoot down there. Like Barbie dolls?
Ok but only to save that andangered species.
What a curious set of typos
I think it could do gangbusters if they followed the gameplay more closely, but that might imply more developer foresight than they have at the moment. How much do their "worlds" look different in-game, anyway? Because I don't remember seeing much of that, just some battle scenes.
>How much do their "worlds" look different in-game, anyway?
There's a shot of them in the gameplay reveal video. It's what I would describe as "a step above BN1 net".
I think it's just one, but if it's all of them looking like that, then it's bonafide boring.
ashe is sticc and mega whore (she only does anything for booty)
how far has megaman fallen
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If you bang Another Iris, are you banging Colonel too?
Yes, but actually no but actually yes.
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There's always a chance these are just different stages of one world, but honestly I'm not holding my breath. Their focus seems to be more on the quantity of the cards with everything else taking a back seat.
I see it more as fucking Iris than anything else, as the name and how she seems to be classified implies she is more Iris than Colonel
The true question is: if you were to fuck the purple mecha Iris turns into in her boss fight, would you be fucking Colonel?
I'm expecting another flop, then. That or Flamefrit will be the saving grace.
In that case I think you would be fucking _dead_
the power of human cock can defeat robot racism
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>Have to reply to yourself >8 hours later
It's really embarrassing that even BN1's net had more variety than this.
If the overworld is going to be this low effort why not turn it onto a vn, stage select or boss rush format. It'd feel less like a waste of time for the player.
>if modern BN existed it'd probably look like this too
Does she have 6 fingers in her right hand?
I was about to say that her next game and Flamefrit are the only things I still care about for what's left of the year, but her game comes next year.
I think a human cock would get minced or crushed inside the machinery of a reploid's body. The least bad thing that could happen is to be squished into a bloody mess. But yeah, I would fuck Iris too.
>Flamefrit will be the saving grace
>a game that's going to be bundled into another game that already doesn't look good
I would be surprised if it has half the gameplay length of NES Zelda.
Always seeing anons say they'd do Iris, Layer, Pallette, etc, but would any of you do Illumina ? She's a cute reploid lady too and even has a revealing skirt.
I'm not a water flea
I'm not into big girls.
She's big so that she can bear a lot of heavy weaponry. Also a lot of children.
Yeah I'd get inside her alright. Blow off her top and ride her all night long.
You know, like a mech.
Does she come with speakers blasting the final countdown knockoff?
Yes, the Final Countdown knockfoff also plays full volume during the wedding with her.
I can see that. Female reploids are cheap copies X's big sis who was made for sex with extreme attention to every small detail
I don't understand Card en Ciel. It looks like Inti saw One Step From Eden and thought "how can we make this boring?"
Inti is likely seeing the game as a way to pitch whichever new franchises they have in mind to the public and see which get the most attention since they put Gunvolt "on hiatus".
The two games are nothing alike though
But they seemingly advertised Flamefrit as its own game with it being released as a small bonus alongside Card en Ciel
They might have more belief in that series as opposed to the few others not being Gunvolt or Umbraclaw
On the other hand, Flamefrit was first shown in April Fools, and no one assumed it was a real thing until later on, and no one thinks it will last any longer than a NES Zelda gameplay-wise.
That would require for One Step From Eden to look fun
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>since they put Gunvolt "on hiatus".
All they need to do is take the joke and run with it! Just pick the bad ending to 3, make Kirin the dog girl people meme her to be, hire fan no Hitori as the new art director and make a new invading force from Australia or Brazil
go back to the idol graveyard where you belong, future ghost of cyborg christmas past
Sorry anon, but due to behind the scenes drama, pretty much none of them want anything with Gunvolt beyond taking Roro (who might not even be much of a Gunvolt character anymore) and putting her as a general inti mascot. Enjoy the cameos in Card en Ciel because it's not going to get much better than that!
It would not work out because you faggots would buy anything Gunvolt regardless of status
>and no one thinks it will last any longer than a NES Zelda gameplay-wise.
with or without a guide
>no one thinks it will last any longer than a NES Zelda gameplay-wise
And that's a good thing
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It's getting overcrowded there and with Card-en-Ciel having songs for every game it's about to get much worse.
>"how can we make this boring?"
They could have just copied it wholesale then
We lost the rape pits to Love Live but at least they left the idol graveyard alone.
An open air mass grave is not really worth controlling.
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I'm too lazy to typeset a translation of my Pandora doujins
Either pay someone or go to one of those scanlation threads and beg.

yeah but I don't feel like doing it, at least I know the meaning of the japanese text
Then not really sure what was the point of making those posts to begin with.
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Did you know Heisenberg's fame has reached into Michoacan? I thought that was interesting
>walk up to aile
>slap her tits
>walk away
come to think of it, you think cial was originally slated to be the rainbow devil ciel copy?
She doesn't have any
This game will just end up geting folded into the Gunvolt universe won't it?
Gunnervoltsonchads can't stop winning
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he always comes in here like
and then might upload them on FUCKING IMGUR OF ALL THINGS for a brief period before they get taken down / he deletes them
you'd die
Truly the work of, dare I say it, a rat.
Sounds like he wants to be noticed for spending money
i mean, he gets points for uploading it all? it was sort of my fault for going to bed like, 10 minutes after requesting, since there WAS a brief window it was accessible.
I'm not sure why the fuck would anyone submit anything to imgur instead of catbox or similar sites.
>But it's a doujin with many pages
Just upload it in pieces. Or upload the parts people want which is the porn.
Sites where one can upload smut have been growing less and less - I miss puush, catbox runs like dogshit.
whats she gonna do? shoot me?
slap her what
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Her tits
>rat taile
could be bigger
You can even fuck reploids thanks to Cain.
Sigma is one lucky man
Alia is also someone's grandmother so you might still want to use protection.
So...since their gacha already EoS'd and their games are so bad that their hype last less than that of Umbraclaw...are we getting the rape pits backs once they die sometime around next year?
Also are we gonna burry Yoshiko in the mass open graveyard when that happens?
Sure...they feel like sticking your dick in a cheap plastic ball...and her moans are stock sounds from an early 80s hentai but you could have sex with that I guess.
>their hype last less than that of Umbraclaw
Literally false. In fact the game with the least hype to it was RoRo's ball fondling.
That's Z
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This sounds like something a panicked reploid lady would say to try and talk you out of fucking her.
That's extremely hot. I'll take it!
What gacha
School idol festival 2 global I believe. At least from a quick search.
Seems jp is still running fine.
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So that's the new cope catfags and lumenfags came up with
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>I hate furries so much I will look up furry porn and share it with others
I know self awareness is dead but holy shit.
Kirin's would never settle for a man in a dog fursuit
>Sad BB sounds
Had to actually search around for that one too, I don't remember seeing it on pixiv.
Not just that, you got people who admitted saving that as well.
the classic faggot hater being a closet homo
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This is indeed a disturbing universe.
Am I wrong in assuming Pandora would be the type of girl to poke holes in your condoms and then put a leash on you afterwards
Only if you think she'd do anything but a deadpan the whole time and never tell you what she did until like your fiftieth anniversary.
I don't know I feel like she'd tell you immediately and tell you in that melodic whisper of her voice that you can't escape destiny
She was going to but got embarrassed.
Anonymous, the hopeless romantic
>coping that cheap suika clone had nothing going for it
Am I being hopeless for expecting something she'd probably do
what are the differences between human and reploid courting rituals?
Depends on the reploid in question of course.
You'd never pass the Dad's Approval boss
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>they feel like sticking your dick in a cheap plastic ball
I don't think that's a problem for people here.
You say that as if anybody would pass Albert's approval
>Thought it had two silly feet
>Notice there's one in the back for stabilization
pass, i only fuck things with the starlow body type
I would be nicer to slap her butt.
Hmm, damn augmented-human teasing pure-organic men with her butt cheeks. Needs wedgie correction
What a stupid ass
but enough about u
Albert doesn't want grandkids, he wants Panda to die but doing so in a way that gets him closer to ruling everything.
So his approval is pretty fucking nil.
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The amogus fucking kills me.
Like or not, Kirin's dog fucking antics are a crucial part of GV3 plot
>Was looking for it in the roses
>Scroll down
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No, definitely not.
Those antics don’t exist. Is that why the plot’s a mess?
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Why you...!
God dammit this is so cool and it’s not fucking real.
Roro is a top of line onahole gf. Like a mega expensive tenga with angelic powers and a fully funtional womb. Meanwhile the navigators come free when you buy a bed.
Did you know the lyrics to the chorus in "Corazon Partido" sound like "Aracaracaruga racametropreos" to non-Spanish speakers? I thought that was interesting
She wishes
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I also cannot understand languages I do not speak.
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Did you know that the final sonata on Cereza And The Lost Demon sounds a lot like Hijo De La Luna?
>the navigators come free when you buy a bed
So can you pick one or is it another form of gacha? Because I want a Layer dammit.
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Well then, it looks like you're going to need adopt the mantle of a hero, and slay the chilled maiden's abusive father to warm her heart.
Good luck in your quest, Anonymous.
Ashe did it already, just go dig her out and fix that lifespan issue she has.
Prometheus too, can't leave the in-law behind.
This makes the navigators sound like a better choice. A bed AND a fuckable robot? Count me in.
Gespenst looking ass
>Layer is a cheap stock model
>Alia is a factory defect
>Pallette is the reploid equivalent of Homer's Amazing Car
>Meanwhile the navigators come free when you buy a bed.
Sign me the fuck up. Which ones?
>Side-quest to earn Prometheus' respect
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Perfect way to break the bed in.
I pictured her saying this. Cute. Do you think she writes?
Anon please. The bed will last longer.
And then there's miss "I will never lose to diiiiiiikyhyyyahhh(defeat in two komas)
Better make good use, then!
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Only reploid girl that wasn't a cheap stock model was brutally murdered by the rats
Whom, Ferham? Iris?
They did themselves in but got better.
Considering how flowery her lines are, she seems like the type to, yes. The encounter in Vulturon's stage particularly stood out to me, when she talks about the cries of the world.
>Mikhail calls her odd
How rude.
A weirdo if you will
i can't believe zx is one big family drama
Is this suppose to be sameface?
>there's a war a hundred years before ZX
>Z was two hundred years before ZX
That was the war that finally granted reploids independence after some 300 years of slavery.
Naw it's just your run of the mill war for resources and shit.
No it's inti fucking up in the timelines again.
Time is an illusion, Exile.
>nopan slut showing her hooch
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Leaving this here. Also, gigamermaid is back!
you mean cooch? hooch is booze, cooch is pussy
>getting black out drunk with Ashe
Honestly we need more cheerful and sunny robots besides Roll. She's not enough
Maybe you should leave it in the Wayforward general instead?
>not knowing the booze stashed in there
nuoh my god
The shantae artstyle is like a bad parody of the early 90s style, I don't understand how anyone faps to it. She's only hot when drawn offmodel.
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French IS the language of love after all.
>”Master Albert, I have retrieved the Scrapyard Model W.”
>’Very good, Pandora. Now, for your next mission-‘
>”Master Albert, am I odd?”
>”I intercepted a Legion transmission as I was leaving. Master Mikhail said I was odd. Is it true-”
>’What are you prattling on about? Don’t worry about that nonsense. All you need to think about is completing your objectives.’

>’Hmph, arrogant scum. Just you wait, “Master” Albert, your demise approaches…’
>”Prometheus, is it true?”
>’Yes, Pandora. I checked the hacking system yesterday, we’re almost-‘
>”Not that.”
>”Am I odd?”
>’…you’re actually worried about that? Ha! Well, I suppose we’re both a little strange, twisted products of this wretched world. Only a little, though! Ahahahaha!!’
There's been 8 diferent artstyles. One for each game. It's a running gag that they will change art director with each game. But that also gives a lot of value to the artbooks.
Cial looks so smug and confident that I bet she'd be shocked if you took Ciel's valentine instead of hers. She'd hide it very poorly.
>But that also gives a lot of value to the artbooks
You mean the bargain bin?
I'd pick Cial, she flashes her coochie for free and I bet she'd eat my ass until I cum all over chocolate which she'd eat with the fresh topping if I chose her
Cute. I love Prometheus' seething, and unhinged laughter, too.
The Fr*nch language is too ugly for that
How dare you break a young maiden's heart.
>Albert makes good daughters
what is this phenomenon called
Ashe is a delinquent and Pandora is a nihilist trying to accelerate the end of the world, how are those good daughters?
He should spank them
What weird name for a phenomen
Pirate's Curse is the only good one anyway.
But he only has 1 daughter
>Ashe is a delinquent
bancho ashe..
Great great great grand daughter and daughter then
I don't think he had any children himself
Baking the next OP, any news
Ashe is just a treasure hunter. I don't know where anon got that headcanon from.
>Cheapest one on Ebay is at 70 USD more than twice of the original price
"Ore ore, do you know who's turf you're on? You better pay up some booty, if you know what's good for you." - Actual Ashe dialogue, probably.
(It has been a while since I've written Japanese delinquent dialogue; I probably got that wrong. Was it ore, or ora? hmm)
Ore. She's not Jotaro.
Where our swimsuit special book megasisters?
>Ashe will never punch you for 10 panel straight
Daibu artbook
why a book when you can make it?
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Delinquent is a bit of a stretch but she's definitely not the epitome of morality
you could say that she is... morally grey
We literally had better pictures to use.

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