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- Everyone got cold edition -
Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

Castle of Temptation has finally been released
Youmaen has finally been fully translated with the exception of a few small scenes : https://mega.nz/file/QcVh1Z5I#PVcqsRLRzl4fvZfmPMqBToPCpEFJbroV53FqEZlLIKI
MGQP has been delayed to 2024. Further information here: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/727502
SHRIFT II chapter 2 has been mostly translated but the link isn't updated yet https://mega.nz/file/6UNn2KCL#5M2quBjZq39HZhuCno7LbbA2UtftLHj2GxE3PHvmyfs
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>482267841
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Gargoyle can't come soon enough...
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>/mggg/ apocryphal savefile (preliminary post 9 of 9)
Last one before starting to work on the savefile proper. Time flies so fast.

>A. Basic Information
This save will use the same basis as the canon one and will be on NG++
>B. Divergent decisions
Heroine: Ilias
Luka: Jokester
Sonya: No bully
Queen Insect: No Spider Queen
Crew: Navy
Magistea: Lily
Succubus Village: Natasha
Plansect Village: No Peace
Jobs: Unmaxxed
>C. Jobs
Since we won't have all jobs maxxed out for every character, we need to decide on the jobs. Basic (max 9) and intermediate jobs (max 6) are somewhat less important, since often they're just the building blocks for the advanced jobs. So I've made a poll, where (YOU) can vote on the advanced jobs we will train for every character. To make the poll a little less overwhelming, I decided to group fitting advanced jobs together. Please don't vote on more than THREE (3) job groups per character.


Like in the past the poll will be open for the entirety of the NG++ run. After I've finished the run (including the collab and time loop scenario) I'll make a first draft of the roster regarding the jobs and roles. The draft will then be open for input from the thread. I hope for great participation just like the last time.
>D. New teammates
OUT: Anko, Magatsu, Mini, Gob, Papi, Teeny, Vanilla
IN: Angel Soldiers, Cupid, Valkyrie (angels), Miranda (in memory of dragon-run-anon), Lichtina (horsepussy), Bunni (in memory of slime-run-anon), Tatsuko (navy control of the thread)

Eva is cute. CUTE.
>Eva is archiving the part 3 ready /mggg/-canon MGQ:P savefile:
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>neris route
>holy based
>Angle tits paradox kill

The trick to dealing with oozes is to give them something to focus on. They’re as brainless as they are deadly, so if you poke them with something, they’re likely to fixate on it. Just be sure it’s not something that dissolves too quickly.

— Karl, a deep delver
Theoretically, how long would it take to grind *every* character in Paradox up to the absolute max? Max level, every single job and race maxed, for every single character? Rough count from wiki, that's ~517 characters, 147 jobs, 201 races.
Christmas in July (in June) edition

Album of my lewds: https://catbox.moe/c/w5gtyf

Friends commissions: https://catbox.moe/c/vo902u

Big post, still needs updating: https://pastebin.com/DCfArGfe

The latest, Sonya and Karen Oyakodon: https://files.catbox.moe/ylo8yh.jpg

Tamamo marriage: https://files.catbox.moe/njcbqc.jpg
>cupid and joke tanuki have higher starting levels than queens
>Alma Elma is lower level than monsters in the Monster Lord's Castle
>Poseidon and Kraken are somewhat treated as queens and are lower level than the others, and also Lilith&Lilim while Yamata and Levia are higher
>despite being one of the weakest monsters in the party Alice won the FFA for Luka(Ilias can get away with this because Eden is unlikely to attack her)
>Heinrich very much can't solo the Black Nobles
>when in Grangold the party is given accessories for seduction nullification because of what the air does but it doesn't matter if you equip it and the boss doesn't even inflict seduction
Here's a few things and a bit extra on the gameplay story segregation.
Ilias? Cute, pure and perfect
Alice? Ugly, slutty and shit
Ilias? Lost and died.
Alice? Won Luka's angel shota dick.
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I'm sorry, but I've checked your words and you seem to be reading from above to below rather than left to right. What we have is
>holy big
>Neris makes literally heaven

You've been fact checked by 100% real pedants.

>Angel tits
Does pic related cover that in a SFW manner?

>Gargoyle can't come soon enough...

For you sir a (wholly unnecessary for you) repost of the Gargoyle album.
https://catbox.moe/c/ (filter counter) 9bzdbg#
I'm terribly sorry for allowing the thread to die, I was in some semi forced overtime and couldn't make the thread. I truly do apologize anons
>sex harpy
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Jobs is the limiting factor assuming you start with one team of fully EXP leveled chars from your playthrough, since all subsequent EXP level gains are easily covered by the acquisition of Angel Seeds in the Unlimited course in the Grand Noah colosseum. If we further assume that we don't use any LoC items or non-ingame automation functions, then we can safely interpolate the results of my project Succumaxx part 2 to get a good estimate. In the project I've roughly reached 100 jobs per hour. On average non pre-leveled characters are missing 128 jobs of the 135 available in v2.41 Paradox. So let's do some napkin math:
517 characters (this value seems too high for v2.41, but it's not important) *128 missing jobs *0.01 = around 661 hours.
So actually not too long. It's probaly even faster, since in there was a bit wind-up and wind-down time in my project, just from the nature of starting and ending a set of max-leveling.

There's a much faster leveling method by Basilin-anon on Mimic Island, though he used LoC items, so the results are not really comparable.
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We really lack good brown girls in MGQ.
Like this is the level of shit we got, an injured overly clothed skunk girl with a creepy boner inducing Yaoface familiar.
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I've saved the entire album already but thank you for the consideration anyways!
Forcing your "potato" down a bratty succubus's throat...
High Elves, Wood Elves, or Dark Elves?
The only good elf is a dead elf.
Winged Elves.
Be not persuaded by monsters. Embrace humanity by embracing humanity.
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Greetings, fellow human!
>Embrace humanity by embracing human tity
Just wait until part 3 makes you be able to unlock every race and have 1000 characters.
Reto doesn't have to do her too,right? 2 succs is already a big ask of him
You will be a manwhore, and you will be happy.
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Dragon gals are best gals!
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Those aren't dragons, They're dumb lizards!
But so much plapping
Drink your stamina potions, slut.
Snow elves, the dutiful workers of Santa Claws. Sorry, I meant to write Satan, not Santa.
what the FUCK is this
Tits too small, not even human woman level.
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Thank you Youmaen Translator Anon! I love you! Keep doing your best every day!
Is it finished translated yet?
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It is! I am just very happy and want to continue to show my appreciation to based Translator Anon.
>It is! I am just very happy and want to continue to show my appreciation to based Translator Anon.
I thought it had a few other things to translate, I didn't know it was fully translated
Perfect size
Do you like edge games where there is no good outcome for the protagonist or happy games?

For example succubus prison and monster girl labyrinth no matter what the mcs of these games lose to monsters and more victims will be claimed

Or games like rebf and succubus in wonderland where the protagonists wins and a hopeful future is ahead?
>Do you like edge games where there is no good outcome for the protagonist or happy games?
Personally I'm more for that than the usual boring ecchi harem stuff.
I like happy games.
I really like games where losing is also winning.
>Do you like edge games where there is no good outcome for the protagonist or happy games?
No. If I'm good at the game I should feel like I'm winning. Why should I waste time and effort only to accomplish nothing?
I love racemixing with monster girls in videogames.
Is this the general for me?
I enjoy anything as long as it's on a small scale.
A hybrid of all 3 subspecies.
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>the turd-world bot spammer is back
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>the trash faggot who spams frog-tier reply images is triggered again
Nobody is here so i will post the natherworld worse babysitters
>n-no please don't call my wall of shitposts that I spam every thread out
Shut the fuck up, Angeltard.
holy based yawnposter
Well, I'll post the universe's hottest babysitter (elf ears under the ear covers, so she counts as a monster girl).
Kamidori or Paradox, which should I get back into.
Either is fine as long as the writing is well done. Like look at Toki's games - Succubus Prison and Youmaen. In SP the MC is doomed no matter what. In Youmaen there's many chances for happy ends. Both are good since they're both decent games.
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I love a happy ending :)
I did like how Labyrinth gave us an epilogue chapter so that we could see that he's not treated as badly as some might have thought, but it would have been great to have a secondary ending.
But, you know, Dieselmine one-shot games.
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>calls it bot spam
>gets replied to (I'm not the poster of the mythical spam the fag is bitching about)
>calls the non-bot reply the spammer
>samefags himself probably
Pray tell which posts you found so objectionable and bot spammy?
When you're a retard who links nothing while presumably replying to something who knows how long before, it does tend to make you look like an aimless dumbass fucking retard faggot spammer.
>posted this thread thus far: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/image/eKxGWQU4IOnWEXcd3i6pjg/
>posted last thread:
This took all of about 30 seconds to dig up and I can't be bothered finding the several others he tends to post, I'll give you to the benefit of the doubt and say you're being facetious when you type stupid shit like that. This retard would spam a dozen posts every single thread to the point jannies began removing his posts (likely for flooding).
She taught the child she's taking care of about the dangers of big boobs.
Meh, I've seen less topical spam, like some idiot posting some pepe-tier yawn image.
You made it sound like it's some kind of massive big deal.
>a singular image attached to a singular post calling out bottom of the barrel shitposting is somehow worse than the myriad of garbage that comes and goes
You sound like a newfag that doesn't understand how much everyone hated it.
>You made it sound like it's some kind of massive big deal
Bringing attention to the fact an actual spammer is posting again =/= making a massive big deal out of it. I'm also not the one who cried samefag because multiple people didn't agree with me. Who's making a big deal out of this again?
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I hope our first meeting with her goes smoothly in Paradox. In the VN, we were off to a rocky start.
If penis exists, it is something that somebody needs to rape?
- a random monster
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>fox mother
>fox that attack
>kitsune stat
>main kitsune
Why hate Ilias? She crafted the world while the other goddess did nothing. Then she created humanity out of a bunch ugly abonimatons. She exterminated vile Trash while at it so humanity could strife. At the last minute the other goddess created a bunch of overpowered psychos that recklessly preyed on humans. And yet you HATE Ilias?
A world without overpowered psychos that prey on you would suck.
Ilias sped along the habitability of the planet and the appearance of humans, but both would have happened without her.
I don't know what things you're talking about that were exterminated, this is before monsters right?
Ilias serves her own ego, and will not sacrifice that to help humans.
She holds humans back on purpose.
She never tried to be on somewhat equal terms, i.e. "we're all just flawed people, don't worship me".
Klaus Schwab approves
Do individual girls have unique stat growths in paradox or does it purely depend on job/race?
imagine Singularity is alt Hild
> but both would have happened without her.>
That is quite the assumption. Ilias and Alice I did found a world with primitive lifeforms. There were beast and such. Ilias exterminated several species in order that something like humanity could exist. She 'created' humanity in her image.
>She never tried to be on somewhat equal terms, i.e. "we're all just flawed people, don't worship me".>
If I remember it correctly its humans that started worshipping her while she much rather would have preferred someone to talk to. She just went along with it eventually and acted in that role.
someone said it was a Q&A thing, but I can't verify it
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Who gives the best hugs?
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just going off of appearances, Raphaela and Gabriela
but something's off with Gabriela
>kind of unpleasant, scary
>she knows we don't like her
>I feel some kind of wall between us
>her lack of cooperativeness with the others is a problem
meanwhile, everyone likes Raphaela
well, Sandalphone is scared of her
poor girl
I think the unique attribute about Hild be that she's able to survive singularity. So she'll be able to live through multiple entropy cycle and because of her child bearing ability she's also able to take life from the last cycle into the next. Though I wonder how this will destroy chaos exactly. Maybe a lifeform from the last cycle has unique abilities like the multiworld chimera that is Marcellus.
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>Micaela: Gets surprisingly flustered, takes forever to actually hug you back and wants it to end immediately
>Sandalphone: Thinks you're creepy for hugging her, won't stop crying. Metatronne wants to kill you for making her sister cry
>Metatronne: Likes the hug after a few seconds. Sandalphone starts crying because she thinks you're stealing her sister.
>Uriela: YOU CALL THAT A FUCKING GRAPPLE?! HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE [proceeds to snap your spine]
>Sariela: does not hug you back. Analyzes your technique and cannot figure out the logic behind it. Explaining it to her does not compute.
>Gabriela: Keeps trying to breastfeed you and makes you call her 'mommy' the whole time.
>Raphaela: Flustered at first, but really gets into it after a few seconds. She likes making your head disappear between her cleavage.
>Lucifina: Notices you're trembling and gently reciprocates the hug. She's the only one who uses her wings to hug you back.
by Singularity, I meant one of the Phenomena of Ruination, not everything being consumed by chaos
that's an interesting theory too
So Luka created a sex doll for his father that can get pregnant so he can get siblings ......
no, for himself probably
he inherited marcellus' dimension-crossing abilities
plus it was a comparison, anon didn't say it was part of it
There are different stat growths and exp requirements for leveling up depending on the character.
need a snek gf
I bet uriela is a big softy
she is extremely sadistic
but maybe she's nice to those she judges as good, and likes the variety of being soft and sweet sometimes
I wouldn't count on it though
Yeah it's just my pet theory as to why Hild is linked with that phenomenon. Though as I said, I don't have a really good conclusion on why a cycle breaking lifeform would be a strong adversary to chaos in itself. Maybe such a lifeform would be immune to chaos energy, since it only works on the current cycle? But that doesn't seem like a very logical or thought provoking attribute.

Writing that I already get somewhat sentimental about theory posting which will probably vanish completely once part 3 releases.
Huh Uriela is sadistic? Was this stated in her report? I only remember that about Sariela.
Isnt she more like an angel version granberia?
Yes. If the angels aren't degrading me for being filth I don't care https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAILgcAvQBw
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>so humanity could strife
Nice freudian slip
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Prefer the latter but they need some lore or plot to them. If it was just a happy go lucky sex adventure I don’t think I’d care as much but 62studio bothers with a plotline. It’s mostly used to justify a final boss eternally raping you for years but just the fact they justify the existence of their world and stuff like mass kidnappibg of mankind make them interesting enough
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I only ever played Alchemy Meister. Are any of the others good?

I believe we now have a better understanding of what those are. Rather than referring to one character specifically, they refer to the tier of Races beyond Sealed Races: Forbidden Races. They go up to level 20, just like sealed jobs/race, and will take ungodly amounts of JXP to grind to cap. Shit's gonna be wild yo.

Also, it'd be more likely to be Laplace IMO.

I'll make sure to give the best hugs to Sariela.
Anywhere I could view these?
The JP wiki has a comparison of stats for characters grouped by race with the characters on unemployed and at the base version of its race.
As promised the other day, I have remade a Lucretia build guide. This time, it actually kind of makes sense!

The English wiki recently added these to a massive section on combat mechanics maintained by one very dedicated dude. You can find the link here:

>Pic appears to be bridal angel cow

So, how's the sex scene of her bridal alt?

Though how much so depends on if you consider a girl who has daughters like her and no visible further hybridisation as race mixing. EG, fucking a goblin girl and she births goblins, no apparent dilution to their blood, as opposed to visibly looking half human.
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Would you trust her with your penis?
It's probably my only shot anyway.
Do I realistically have a choice?
She never seems that aggressive, you could just politely decline.
Is there any unit in paradox that has an increased chance of inflicting burn status?
Tragedy is awesome. Happy games can get dull pretty fast without it.
Salamander, Fear a blue ghost, and Romi the volcano slime all have burn strike traits but no burn status increase.
If you want an actual increased chance then any Queen Vampire has Demon Eyes of Burning and Demon Arts Success Up. For a lower chance but more status effects you could use Dark God Dance with Dance Success Up with a Sea Palace Maiko.
Thanks, I just wanted to combo with Rami to get the 2x boost on her spell damage
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>I hope our first meeting with her goes smoothly in Paradox
As do I, But I fear she might not be so welcoming at first...
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>has victory lines to every single recruitable enemy in the game including bosses and even herself
Normal Human girls too strong
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Get lost on your way to /alg/ again?
Well that's one way to run Vanilla without the bandits since she's the only character with Demon Eyes of Burning for a while.
Are we absolutely sure she's a normal human girl (See >>483169907 )?
If you're far in, maybe learning Sorcery would work - some of Sorcery skills gives 80% Burn chance and does overlap with Succubi's access to Unarmed, Demon Arts and Nature. Like 'Crimson Mark' Demon Art/Sorcery skill from Lamp Genie.
Of course, that's not a great option early on since if you can get sorcery, it pretty much means you've run out of content (apart from demo).
Good to see a bitch understanding her place.
Pfel from Dragon Princess is hungry sure does get plapped alot, in fact, the gyaru salamander leader actually had plap plap plap going on in her scene. there there were the two Futa to female you'd think they'd be more gentle with him considering he's the last pure blooded human left in their world because Eva's super slutty mother ended up going hog wild Kakarotte really needs to stop committing crimes tho like holy shit.
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If you mean the link Satan and the Great Whore drawn as one being by Naglfar (the guy who drew Alice I from MGQ).

Wildcat made a short doujin of Ran in an ero trap dungeon.
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Wonder if Naglfar will return to do Alice the 1st in Paradox. I assume she'll actually make a real appearance and be an enemy with a sex scene.
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I can't wait to make Ilias World
>Rather than referring to one character specifically

That doesn't mean shit storywise considering the goddess including Third Goddess is also a race.
I can't wait to make Sariela into a Third Goddess.
plap plap plap
grind grind grind
splurt splurt splurt

Which scene did you imagine?
is this where I can talk about my wegs
>see my own post
Bro I think succs drained too much of your vitality. You need a rest.
Would you have prefered it if I had just repeated the joke word by word?
Ohhh that’s what you mean. Imagine I post another fox kneeling in apology.
Is there some trick to the maid milking skill? It never does anything, I’ve tried like 30 times but nothing happens lol.
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I shall elevate my wife to goddess!
Depending on monster it's 1/2 or up to 1/32
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Milk and Panties are solely RNG with no increase modifiers I'm aware of.
It corresponds pretty consistently with the rarity/status of the girl's encounter.
I thought panty theft could be influenced by steal success up, but I could be wrong about it. I've always had a harpy or two with improved steal rates anyway, so I've just made them do it.

As for Milk/Urine, that shit is pure RNG hell.
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Page 10 for Eva!
Remember girls, rape, but rape with love.
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It's not rape if you use tits.
>laughing smugly as the boy cums pathetically
Consensual rape is okay
mixed their names up
>Lucifina is the best
As per usual.
Which of Lucifina’s sisters would be the best at babysitting Luka?
Is it odd that I'm into rape but dislike most other hard femdom tropes?
Not really. I like rape and am more into light femdom.
Me personally, I like physical, animalistic type femdom (which is generally how monster girls operate, hence why I love them). Rape is just another form of that. Maybe it's the same for you.
Maybe, but with any kind of natural stats and races and jobs in a run, it ain't like Harpies are surviving many fights very long.
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Who needs to survive when you can just one-shot the enemy with Spears or Fans? You can literally one-shot your way through Part 2 using Heavy Spears if you know how to do it. It's truly gross.

Also, at least in the early game, their evasion is no joke. Give them a Heavy Shield (either +30% evasion in v2.41 or 15% chance to negate magic/physical attacks in P3D) and have one of them use Sky Dance and the whole party becomes nearly unhittable. Have one person use Speed Break/Impact and then blast them all to hell. Bonus Round: Use AllStatsDown instead (probably from Saki) and crump the whole world.
>Who needs to survive when you can just one-shot the enemy with Spears or Fans?
Because you're fishing for stealing/milking with 1/32 1/64 or 1/128 level terrible odds that involves stalling for dozens of turns?
I wondered if some Harpy loser would get offended by my statement, and one did.

>Also, at least in the early game
And I mean things like "nuke your party with sueprboss stats" superbosses and Shikimamo, in the context of a normal playthrough with normal items.

Additionally, as I did say in that context:
>Give them a Heavy Shield
Most of them would not naturally have this.
And taking everyone on the
>learn Dual Wield
>learn all gear equip
>learn all SP/MP discounts
Is frankly just a boring ass way to play to turn everyone into do-it-all immortal demigods who discarded all their uniqueness.
>Is frankly just a boring ass way to play to turn everyone into do-it-all immortal demigods who discarded all their uniqueness.
Yeah that is my reason for limiting promestein to mid Angel
Harpies literally learn Equip: Shield just by leveling Harpy Knight. You don't even have to take them to Guard 8; you can literally just dip into Harpy Knight after picking up Sky Dance.

As for the stealing/milking thing, to do that stuff you use dancing/singing/Demon Arts/Time Magic to incapacitate for enemies who can be incapacitated, and for those who can't you just have two Captain Shields spam Shield Heal.

But Paradox gives you a lot of options, anon. You can play it however you want. But don't pretend that Harpies are just gonna get one-popped by everything in the game straight from the jump. Evasion is highly effective for most of the game.
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I just want a fox gf
Maybe if you stayed on topic with your image posts, a shitsune will appear in front of your door to rape you and pretend that she isn't doing anything wrong.
62studio succs (on average) are "smug" (erotic) instead of smug (shitty bitch)
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Why I lift.
>gargoyle daughter
Did your dedication and hard work pay off?!
The last monstergirl in a game that you unwillingly lost to (before reading this post) is now your legally wedded wife and you are her legally wedded milk dispenser
>unwillingly lost to
Sorry, but I'm not a weakling. I lose only when I want to lose.
>Alright. Time for your daily mating.
I actually don't remember. Must've been to Black Alice's 3rd phase, since I was as surprised as Luka, when I tried to fight her for the first time. I may have lost to her 2nd phase after that being overconfident about my strategy. Either way BAlice is cool and sexy, so I've won.
Ilias? More like Cutelias
Alice? More like Uglice
Ilias? More like SHITlias.
Alice? More like PRETTYlice.
Can you retards shut up about it already?
Can you scholars keep talking about it already?
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as usual, the most cultured thing in here is the fluffy tail
the focsex just cannot lose
It's PISSlias and it's th best aspect about her, you cretinous monster diddler
Foxes should be exterminated
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Sexterminate all focsex
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I'm afraid it's inoperable.
What if you
>Aahhhhhhh... I want to cum...
But fox said
>*pant* *pant* S-sorry, hubby, I'm too tired... *pant* Can you move on your own, please..?
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Tanuki are kinda cute too
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Probably some random succ from Demon in Wonderland I was trying to befriend.
Thank God. Since usually the ones I’m willing to lose to are either abominations or poorly drawn.
Wait, demon in wonderland is out? Is it translated,too? I liked succubus in wonderland so I've been waiting for this one.
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Demon in Wonderland doesn't have a definitive release date I don't think, although they still post updates about what's up.
But while looking around, I couldn't help but see that HOP is bigger (height) than I thought.
Oh that’s a shame
I was playing the demo
>Cirque du Croix
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Bosewicht. I was in the Succubus House and accidentally got beaten while trying to look at dialogue. Til death do us part, indeed....
Are insects the worst monster girls?
>Physical stat sticks that don’t scale multiplicatively
>Vulnerable to every single status so never gets a turn vs bosses
>Not even good at supporting
>Look like monstrosities so they don’t even have coom factor
Literally 0 reason to use insect girls
Lippy works well on my team
kill yourself nigger
Spider Princess was actually really useful on my team before the collab update nerfed insects into the dirt
She was my introduction to how powerful turn-stacking really is
The yamatai arachnea miko is super good
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Sorry, but your thread isn't allowed to go limp on the tenth page.
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My healer is misbehaving....
I roll to pet the imp.
too loli
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>Did your dedication and hard work pay off?!
How I wish it was real... I hope we get a Gargoyle marriage event in part 3 in any case...
her loving expression warms my heart
lovey-dovey monstergirls that gently rape you and kiss and cuddle you
love-dovey angelgirls that gently rape you and kiss and cuddle you
lovey-dovey humanboys that you gently rape and kiss and cuddle
That isn't a shujo manga thread
What would a monstergirl shoujo manga look like?
You mean a shoujo manga for monster girls, or a monster girl manga for actual girls?
Probably some isekai manga but with reversed PoV with a virgin monster girl conveniently finding a summoned boy that was betrayed and kicked out of the party in spite of having godly support powers joining her side.
And then in the monster girl WN website it’s ton of flaming about how it’s too convenient and impossible and if a human was that good in support magic there is no way he’d be kicked out and no way he’d be a sex-addict that would want to fuck monsters
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>"But thou must!"*6
Just make it an ordinary dialogue, for fuck's sake...
As long as he keeps some of his more... Xelvy-like fetishes I would like him to return too.
I step on the monster's toes.
The latter.
>virgin monstergirl
Maybe the youngest princess of the monsterlord? She should be shy and timid, but still wants to prove herself to her older sisters, who are much stronger and more bashful. They often try to seduce her human sidekick, who she's secretly in love with (but he's too dense to notice it, the classic trope). She also gets flustered thinking about losing her virginity, which leads to some misunderstandings (this aspect would probably play out like B Gata H Kei). Together they embark on journey to become the strongest monsterprincess, which might not only entail raw strength but also quick thinking, mutual understanding and cooperation with the reluctant humans, who gradually open up... Man this plot basically writes itself.
I want to breed this.
That's how Super Nero and Super Neris are born
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>I want to breed this.

My friend (who's bouts of whimsy includes a period of Marcellus fucking Alice the 15th and Alice the 1st (sometimes at the same time)) once decided to get a hypothetical daughter between her and Marcellus, he went for a moth girl to act as an incest ancestor, as he felt none of the 6 ancestors could logically be the ancestor of insects. Also he had entered a mood for moths. Pic related.
Aaahh... mothussy...
NTA. At least they're still more dragon-like than Alma Elma's "dragon girl" pet.
>Why does she need those high heels at all?
I'd just guess Naglfar likes the style of high heels.

>She actually looks attractive instead of bloated here.
Naglfar's (current and not past? possible that it's that the concept art phase is an exception) artstyle seems to make most women with exaggerated proportions (very wide hips, huge tits, you know).
>"dragon girl" pet.
pet "dragon girl"*
Sandalphone is the least likely to rape him, so I’ll go with her.
>I'd just guess Naglfar likes the style of high heels.
Their designs in pretty flashy and overdesigned in general.
>Their designs in pretty flashy and overdesigned in general.
Perhaps, but I still want to plap that cat you posted. Her body looks soft and fertile.
Would you play this Sonic game?
maybe /sthg/ would
The monster steps on your penis.
I got rekt repeatedly in the Collab Scenario by Exterminator Ogre or whatever she’s called
Doesn’t seem so bad, she can exterminate my sperm any day
You know, if Setsouchi has taken over Sonya's future scenes is he going to take over Nuruko's as well who was also a xelvy or Hild?

TrTr should have given Sonya to FrFr since he's drawning human girls for this game anyway
Nuruko is by arekishi, you can tell by the balloon tits (and that’s a good thing)
Nul Cogito is another form that we're unlikely to see a whole lot, most likely just a late game companion option.
NuruKogito looks super neat. It's too bad I won't be recruiting her until I get to my Alice-route playthrough.
Yeah, but her toes are still aching, so who's the real winner here?
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>You and your monster or angel companions are chatting with a barmaid
>She goes off on a story about raping a human until they were a twitching drooling mess and how the face they made when they came was really funny
>Awkwardly laughing with the trio you chime in "But you two would never do that to me,right?"
And they give you this look.

What's your next action?

If you're experienced you probably could name at least 3 game protagonists who actually live this scenario
Pretend to pass it off as a funny joke and then lock my doors and windows.
Leave my doors and windows open or cracked.
>"But you two would never do that to me,right?"
Braindead response if you don't want to be raped. You want their focus to be AWAY from you when they're talking about raping humans so don't make yourself the topic of the discussion and hope they overlook you.
Luka definitely doesn't need any endurance training
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Forget the image
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Just finished succubus prison for the second time.
Does anyone know what scenes change depending on the number of deaths or if there are hidden interactions depending on what you do in an H scene?
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>Does anyone know what scenes change depending on the number of deaths
The ending, for one thing, right?
If you've died, Dried Fish-kun foregoes escape to go get dyrfished more. Only a deathless run will see the full escape ending.
Myusca's midnight draining changes a little if you've died a bunch, too.
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Where is he....
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Working diligently on making an arekishi game masterpiece! I still believe in him!
but in the end, it's implied he doesn't really escape - Myusca hunts him down
What if they're into the shaming and you're low-key turning them on?
I want them to hug_ and headpat me and tell me I'm a good boy and and
It's always so much fun the teams of other anons. Yours just screams 'friendship'. But isn't that Red Mountain where you're at? Your average level seems a bit low, do you have reduced the encounter rate?
>But isn't that Red Mountain where you're at? Your average level seems a bit low
>his Luka is 14 levels above random recruits there
It's funny how we're so used to being overleveled.
Do you think pepper spray is a good idea in mgq world?
Average. It should work on weaker monsters and make openings to run away or maybe even beat them.
Mixed bag.
It would stop some monsters.
But it might make some other monsters angry, and want to dryfish/vore/just beat you to death, when they previously just wanted to rape you.
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Yeah I lost my screencap of the ending which shows Myusca's sprite walk onscreen right as it fades to black.
What If you spray it on their pus
If they're not very strong/not resistant to Bio, then it will incapacitate them.
If they are strong/resistant to Bio, they'll just be extremely angry, and will probably kill you.
You're not going to knock out Kyoryuu or Erubetie with fucking Pepper Spray of all things before they kill you.
that's not what I meant
resistant/not resistant is just a multiplier of course
I'm suing for false advertisement
I wonder how MW granberia, Alma, erubetie are
AW? MW? Nah, I support Vore World
I remember when that game was new hotness and everyone's reactions to seeing that, the arguments that it totally couldn't have been her and dryfish was going to be okay now, the proof after digging through the game, the mocking from dry fish enjoyers who wanted some happy ending from a shiki game the death blow was replaying the beginning of the game and showing people that the succs have MC's id so they know his name, where he lives and all sorts of information, there was never any chance he was getting away and that it being Mysuca who comes to get him harking back to her remark that she loves to give her victims peak despair before consuming them, Shiki himself even said what she does is akin to "cooking", what better dish to savor than a dish that gets a horrible scary experience, manages to get through it unscathed, reflecting on what they're going to do with their new found freedom only to have immediately ripped away with no real effort, in a way she not only cooked MC she cooked the players who thought they could save MC. The paradox crossover is even worse where they make you save him only because he died so many times the dumbass goes right back into the house just as Luka disappears from that world who himself had to get killed twice before he figured out what he needed to do.

Speaking of that, usually in bad ends even when let go Luka loses his sanity to pleasure and surrenders himself but her he gets shiki'd twice yet keeps his mind and will to not let it happen, is this a result of gameplay and story separation or are shikis just so awful lays even after tasting them Luka doesn't want to go through it again?
It's probably just "whatever is convenient" - here, plot took priority, whereas in bad ends the masochism takes priority.
Plus, it's a lot easier to give in if you aren't gonna die.
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This is late but is the woman in the mirror prom shows Luka that sends him into a horny frenzy an adult Sonya? it looks just like her in Setsouchi's style.
On top of that if you fall for Daji's trap the heroes are assaulted by their heroines but rather than it being IIias or Alice Luka is attacked by pre transformation Sonya

So does this mean on some level that Luka actually wants Sonya to assault him?

How is it that these two actually do want each other yet neither one of them makes a move?! How frustrating! Sonya even makes it obvious she wants her and Luka to have sex in that room yet no conversation between them after such a rather public admission? She doesn't even have scenes in the demo, what's the hold up?
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We need to work through Luka's dense head first. As we know from Heinrich's past, this can be an arduous task. Plus he needs to face the undying universe ending force to make it happen. But when it will eventually happen in part 3, it will be the sweetest of all endings. Going to the end of the universe and beyond to finally be together with your childhood friend is sign of unending loyalty. I think there's no way to ensure a more potent marriage and lineage, not even Ilias and Alice can compete. Sonya will be Luka's ultimate prize, but that's in part due to the rocky path itself leading to that goal. And right now we're exactly there: The rocky path.

The only way trtr could drop the ball on this would be to have the Sonya ending coincide with a total reset of the timelime (somehow undoing the chaos nature of Sonya) to a point at which Luka and Sonya have lost all their growth and expierences. Basically some form of memory loss. This would feel pretty bad.
Does she still have her reactions in the demo? Part 3 in the Visual novel was pretty low on humor due to how serious things get but we still have some time left before things get super serious in the demo,right? her reaction to the unfortunate friend's transformation was pretty hilarious.
Yeah, she still speaks quite a bit in the demo. On Alice-route in particular, she talks a lot although it's very clear that the XX-Class Apoptosis is the one talking, because she starts doing it when the topic shifts to Chaos/Apoptosis. The one place where she doesn't talk is when Morrigan et al decide to be psychopathic shiki retards and kill Marcellus.

Since Sonya's the one that intervenes to stop the universe from completely shitting the bed, it felt like she could have had more to say on the matter. But unlike the Shiki, who needed to speak up and explain herself, Sonya not talking about it much makes more sense, since she kind of has a split personality thing going on, and the personality probably wouldn't surface without extreme provocation, like at the end of Part 2.
No I'm actually overleveled
Would they even exist in the first place?
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MGD Lizard Girl request has been finished for the anon that requested it.
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Yeah... my perception's probably warped from the status of my team at that point in time (pic related). Though I still find it odd how that happens just because you engage with the game's mechanics (fighting all random encounters, using (J)XP modifiers and playing at the casino). The only time I've done something that could be seen as grinding was, when I've tried to abuse Stella for some easy gold back on Ilias continent for which I've needed her to be at a reasonably level.
We already have an image of MW Erubetie
Knowing Heinrich that probably was him not wanting to committ to a relationship before finishing his journey
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>is the woman in the mirror prom shows Luka that sends him into a horny frenzy an adult Sonya? it looks just like her in Setsouchi's style.
Though the woman in the mirror was probably meant to be generic, she does look similar to Sonya. Or her mother I note.

(full version of pic related, for the curious)
Now here comes the true question when did Heinrich discover that black Alice was saved by ?
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Surprise! The bubs will save the worlds!

Have no fear! The Bubs are here!
Keep in mind that at least one year passed before Hein went all Doomguy on everything. He had to at least bang Remina Princess so the Luka could be born. I was really hoping to get more info about what exactly happened at the Sealed Sinner's Monument, but we basically learned fuckall from either route, which was pretty disappointing to me. Oh well.
We met him before his rampage. Angel Halo was created by him killing hundreds of angels with his sword, and their Holy energy accumulating on the blade. Since he hasn't killed any angels yet, Angel Halo has been created yet.

Fair and balanced reporting found in Pic Related.
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Bros... why do Snow Heaven and Enrika share the same theme... unless!?
My wife, Eden, is so reliable!
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She also knows the same sealing techniques as Black Alice. Care to explain this transgression?
It's an angel technique that the monster lord stole!
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How did she steal it? Are you implying that one of Ilias' perfect creations was flawed, and sold her secrets to the enemy? This is very serious, anon. I'm beginning to worry about you.
M*nsters have been studying the six ancestors seal for awhile, it's not too far fetched to say they figured something out of it.
Both have angel's how lost their power
I wonder if we could get this in game
Monsters are smart enough to learn powerful spells and techniques meanwhile ang*lcels can only learn how to lie...
Most of the high tech we see in the series is angel made
Is /mggg/ a slime expert general?
>yt short
Not clicking.
Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes—viscous agglutinations of bubbling cells—rubbery fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile—slaves of suggestion, builders of cities—more and more sullen, more and more intelligent, more and more amphibious, more and more imitative! Great God! What madness made even those blasphemous Old Ones willing to use and carve such things?
La Croix literally outsmated every single angel in the face of imminent demise
It is said that strong mimics can even mimics houses. Strong S-Rank mimics hide as Mansions or Towers, I've heard of an S-Rank mimic hiding out in the desert as a pyramid.
>So does this mean on some level that Luka actually wants Sonya to assault him?
He might've just took a shortcut in order to not write and request drawings of scenes for both route-specific critters. In fact, I feel this could be said about Sonya in general.
Not sure how powerful a mimic would need to mimic a castle, SS rank? Would SSS Rank be imitating a city?
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Kissies from snek goddess
But that's a hellhound...
Pic related?
Can you post it in higher quality?
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>Have a taste of indescribable, immeasurable pleasure only a monster can bring...
Am I supposed to be scared or aroused?
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It would be funny if captain Selene could turn into a fully-functioning pirate ship. I imagine the ship's bow opening like some dragon's mouth with Selene's upper half inside, similar to the Yo-class submarine from KC (https://yksk.kancollewiki.net/w/images/7/77/Enemy_Full_Submarine_Yo-Class.png).
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>Speaking of that, usually in bad ends even when let go Luka loses his sanity to pleasure and surrenders himself but her he gets shiki'd twice yet keeps his mind and will to not let it happen, is this a result of gameplay and story separation or are shikis just so awful lays even after tasting them Luka doesn't want to go through it again?
It's just making scenes around a target duration I'd imagine. Having a whole bunch of text for being let go and returning etc pads out the scene length so the action is shorter.
Having the action being the whole scene, it gets padded by more "hora hora that's 3 times now" or "hora hora you aren't dried yet" kind of stuff.

Don't want the scene to actually last as short as Luka does!
She isn't really a mimic however.
She's a ghost, so you can turn her into one.
I'd be pretty cool anyway. I can see her becoming a naval mimic.
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I wish we could have seen what Sony would look like if she had eaten the entirety of shikipuff girls and the unholy trinity, both because she would probably look awesome and because that would mean that we wouldn't have to deal with those bitches anymore .
>would look like
would have looked like*
Since I'm going to go away for a few days, I've decided that I'll leave my game running while my Reina steals from enemies automatically at the Hades Bookshelf. I did a small test with my Basilin, and I seem to be able to get 2500-3000 steals per hour (it varies because the enemy troop size varies). I'm stealing from the Candle Girls, because, to the best of my knowledge, they're the only four-troop in the game right now. I know that in the LoC there are some five-troops, but that doesn't work at the Hades bookshelf.

I was inspired to do this because of a weird bug in the demo: If you step onto the sparkly things at the Holy Wings Shrine, you can get a free Part 3 gear, the Thief's Bandana. It increases damage from Thievery skills by 30%, which is pretty neat. In addition to buffing, I'm going to have my Reina use a super-powered Thief's Proof in case of emergencies. I wonder how strong she'll be when I get back from my trip. Here's to hoping my computer doesn't crash while I'm gone...

Because of the 4mb image size limit, I cannot.

Her theme is one of my favorite songs in Paradox. I frequently jam out to it while driving.
Tanuki > Foxes
Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tanuki > Foxes
Here's an odd one for you, IIias, Alice and Sonya, when it comes to bouncing vs grinding which do you think they prefer? Alice seems like a grinder seeing as she's a snake, I only have the VN and the Gacha and Paradox to work on for IIIas she seems like a bouncer, and we have absolutely nothing on Sonya because she's yet to get an official sex scene
I don't know I just want Sonya to grind her ass on my cock.
Ilias? Made to be loved
Alice? Made to be punched
Sonya? Made to be cucked
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All this potental... completely wasted on this lazy tapeworm...
Ilias? Made to be blasted into oblivion.
Alice? Made to be loved and cherished.
Sonya? Who cares about her?
What do you mean "lazy tapeworm"?
Aren't angel soldiers a five-enemy troop in base game as well?
These girls need a hug or something.
These girls need a fug or something.
Uuuh, kitsisses?! What is this?
Please be in-game proportions....no, even bigger!

In this order, cycle as needed.
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Not that I can find. There are two different three-enemy Troops among the normal troops. Specifically, Troops 843 and 844.

The LoC troop is Troop 1135, and only spawns in the LoC.
You know betting leviathan before getting salamander was easier than i thought
Luka, your family is freakin scary
That's not true
>Father is a fucked up chimera of different versions of him
>Mother is the boogyman of angel and monster alike
>Aunt is a scary mass murderer in the same vein of her sister
>Grandma is the world's biggest fuck up responsible for so much shit
>Ancestor went on a murderous rampage that shaped the world history
>Uncle is a dangerous mob boss that's bombed several locations in the world and attacked world leaders, effectively a terrorist for hire
>Cousin is world law monster that could destroy the fabric of reality if she gets triggered too hard

Okay I take it back, Luka's family is freaking terrifying jesus christ and that's not even getting into his wife, and two kids
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Don't forget his inlaws. Family gatherings are gonna be crazy.
Sounds like my family!
Guys I found the song for Paradox's final boss: https://webm.rule34.xxx//images/5264/aeaed0dfba6468ec992c6e5cc46763c1.mp4?5999839
The game crashed and my last save was before these......
>farquaad porn
for what purpose
given how many of them can be born, and how strong luka's offspring are, that's actually not a bad plan
>Neris is a monster lord's daughter and can only see in stopped time
They job the second someone that can use Za Warudo fights them.
> In addition to buffing, I'm going to have my Reina use a super-powered Thief's Proof in case of emergencies
Are you implying that Thief’s Proof damage scales to the number of steals the character has done in their lifetime, not just the current battle?
Maybe that just because her power aren't as mature as nero's
not him but yes that's how the skill works
Neat. Didn’t realise that.
I *thought* my Luka was doing an unusually high amount of damage with it. And my Luka only steals panties! I’m just imagining how OP my Papi&Pii are gonna be when they learn it
>the dumbass goes right back into the house
I mean, he probably will be alright, you know?
You can only die in succubus prison if you leave the house and the guy has chosen to go in voluntarily, so he'll just be there for eternity
Honestly, despite getting close to the end, I still haven't finished this game after learning about all that. Unbeatable characters who feel like they're getting fellated by the writers just make my eyes roll, even if they're villains. If you show me a character who never loses, the thing I want to see most is how they respond to being forced to hold some kind of definite L.
So you can't enjoy movies like the ring or the grudge because the ghosts are "unbeatable"?
Well, in succpri there is a way to flip the table over the succubus, but it involves fucking everyone just because you got edgy.
You may decide if it's worth it
Unless I'm wrong, the antagonists of both of those movies are vengeful spirits who got fucked over in life and aren't exactly having a good time, a way of looking at it is that they've already lost and are trying to drag others down. They are also presented more like a force-of-nature villains than fully-fledged characters. Those movies would not work nearly as well if they were given smug personalities and obviously having fun the whole time.
Do we get the trio's reaction to that?
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>Unbeatable characters who feel like they're getting fellated by the writers just make my eyes roll, even if they're villains.
Welcome to the Horror genre.
Where the evil monster typically survives somehow, isn't shown dead, and sometimes even shows up for the last scare at the end.

No, he means... Her.
I know, I would love to see Vinum/Myusca/Nemea shitting their pants over Shiki Prime.
>So you can't enjoy movies like the ring or the grudge because the ghosts are "unbeatable"?
NTA. Yes, I find them boring as fuck.
horror is dumb
why would you want to have no hope
>unstoppable eldritch force.
Even Lovecraft would create ways to stop his eldrich forces. Unstoppable villains are shit.
Isn't the whole dead with Lovecraft stuff is that Earth, yet alone Humans, are such an irrelevant tiny spec on the scale of cosmic horror that simply being made aware of such induces mind breaking despair and madness?
>why would you want to have no hope
>why would you
If you minimize the self-inserting, you'll have a better time.
I've never really understood the voyeuristic non-POV kind of porn, outside of watching lesbian sex.
Consider that most horror villains are silent, some manner of creature, or an outright malevolent force with little if any discernible personality. And the ones that aren't typically lose by the end. (And I consider a character crawling off and licking their wounds to count as a loss.) On top of that, a lot of them have clear limitations the protagonists can potentially exploit. Also, most horror villains who are characters rather than things have tragic backstories in which they were defeated if not outright killed.

With the trio, you have a group of card-holding villains who have little in the way of backstory and are presented as completely unbeatable. They're written like Deviantart OCs. So no, I don't find them particularly interesting as characters, let alone villains.

There's also something you lose out on with this. Characters are often at their most interesting when taken away from their normal; it's what most stories revolve around, in fact. So if you take a character who is normally in the dominant position and then never show how they deal with being on the back foot or outright losing, that's a big opportunity you're missing out on.
I mean Freddy Kreuger is a big counterpoint to all of that, frequently ending movies with a laugh.
And he's full of personality and quips.

You may not like him or Shikis, but they're consistent with horror.
I was just talking about horror, Myusca can kill me whenever she wants
Do they defeat the monster, yes or no?
Freeddy loses several times, though. There are a few times he appears to be defeated but seems to attack the protagonist in the last scene of the movie in a cliffhanger, but there are others where he just gets beat.

Freedy's face is also permanently scarred from getting burnt alive by the parents of his victims, so he's penalty carrying a clear L.
Anyway, I think this shows that a big part of the fun of these types of characters is eventually seeing them get knocked down a peg, even if they climb back up.
If you don't cum in 15 minutes, you are legally allowed to leave.
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>Page 10
I blame Ilias.
I assume you mean Pina&Pii, since Papi's a dragon? Anyway, the formula for Thief's Proof now includes a provision that it deals 200*(User Steals). So for every item you've stolen, you deal 200 more damage with it. After a bit of testing, I've learned that you have to actually steal an item in order for it to count, so you can't have a bunch of Harpies using Mass Theft on enemies that already lost their items to charge up a bunch at once. Otherwise I'd have both my Basilin and Reina do it.

The setup I use is: Reina with Spirit's Legacy and Crisis Addict uses Mass Steal twice on a group of Succubi (forcing an encounter with Succubus D forces it to be a 4-unit Troop, which is the only reliable way to get a large troop that I know of), then I have Luka use some skill to kill everyone (Sorcery, Heroism, whatever).

Since you can just stand in front of the bookshelf, and since it remembers your place in the monster list, you can just fight them forever with a JoyToKey macro that holds down A and turbofires Z. I'm curious how many steals Reina will have when I get back.
Great news everyone. The translation team just pushed an update to the Paradox translation that fixes some bugs. Namely, it fixes inverse HP scaling and Slayer booster, among other things. Update your games, and feel the power.

Fun fact: Instead of inverse scaling for Clubs, Sonya was getting a bonus specifically towards the Thievery Skill Mug. #SonyaMugLife.

Also, there's a new post from Torotoro. Basically, he's got some kind of post-game content for doing new playthroughs cooking, but he'll release the base game first because that's what the people who responded to the poll asked him to do.
Oh sweet we are getting the Black Souls Collab.
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i blame kitsu, she needs to be bullied
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Even if she's pretty cosplay tier without the chest, I can live with that because she's really cute.
>post-game content
What would that be? Super scaling LoC^Infinity, True True End+, marriage events?
Collab part 2 because it likely wasn't added to the middle of the game's story.
We can only speculate. The machine translation says, "The results of the last survey were as follows. We had planned to include sub-events and a second playthrough mode after the ending, but we may move towards adding them in an update after release. However, please rest assured that this will not reduce the volume and leave you feeling unsatisfied. The volume of the main story is enormous, at an unprecedented level. The release of the final chapter of Monmusu RPG will be as scheduled within the year."

So Torotoro has big volume, and will satisfy us. I can't wait to receive their strap-on package.

Jokes aside, I assume that sub-events are things like the post-game events that follow Part 2. Stuff like the event with Kyona (Ant-Eater Girl), etc. As for what a "second playthrough mode" is, I have no idea. Could be anything, from some LoC-style revamp of the content where we drop randomly enchanted items, to some kind of randomizer mod where chests contain random items, enemy troops are randomly shuffled, etc. Maybe some kind of option to start with a party, but they all get reverted to level 1 and you can't recruit anyone else. Could be anything, but I'm excited to learn more.
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>I don't find them particularly interesting as characters, let alone villains
>presented as completely unbeatable
>never show how they deal with being on the back foot or outright losing, that's a big opportunity you're missing out on
Nta, and I won't deny that they aren't the most deep or complex characters, but presenting them as completely unbeatable is the entire point of the game. It was obviously made to specifically appeal to people who fetishize stupidly OP succubi with absurd strength/power over men (like me). Succubus Prison for me is the gold standard for games like this, with Shiki and Akazawa RED being the best, most consistent artists that lean into the same feeling. Showing the trio in a weakened, vulnerable state would directly detract from their appeal to the audience it was intended for. If you don't like that aspect of the succubi in the game that's fine, but you're not the intended audience for it then. I wouldn't say it's a missed opportunity in this case.
I think succubus prison is extremely lack-luster. Nice scences but awful Story. The Main MC is horrendous. The way to escape feels completly idiotic. The many summoner bad endings that you get by randomly collecting items that lay around instead of integrating them in a more meaning full way. I also believe there should be away to seal them away or something they still would be op and unable to be destroyed but you would have atleast a somewhat good ending. Playing for all that and then get nothing feels very dissapointing
If you want happier endings, play 62studio games or get the Ilias ending in the VN. If you played the Paradox collab, you probably would have already known going in that you would just be「food」
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>or get the Ilias ending in the VN.
Based. A perfect ending with a perfect girl.
But the ribbon...
Just give it to your goddess instead
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Don't worry, she'll take good care of it.
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Maybe she would have preferred white or gold.
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I think Ilias prefers red
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If I had to guess, one thing that would NOT be added in post is the third route, no way that gets omitted, it should count as main story (though there will be some people who interpret second playthrough mode as NG+ and say without that we can't have the third route, I disagree). So that leaves some post game stuff, marriage events being one possible part of that. LoC mark 3 also seems like something that would be made eventually.
Paradox really is going to become
>"I want to save everyone!"
>You can't save everyone
>"i want to save my friends"
>You can't even save your friends
>"I want to save whoever I still can!"
>You can't save anyone
>"I'll save myself!"
>You can't even save yourself
There's nothing I can do?

How depressing, is TRTR a Type moon or SMT fan by any chance?
The problem is not that it is not a happy ending, but rather that the ending is very disappointing and unsatisfying. More like a letdown. I don't want to play for hours and then the ending is like a failing in the first five minutes. What't the point? I could just have the scenes unlocked and wouldn't have missed anything.
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>tfw still no cupid marriage request
You remind me of that guy who came here raging after reaching the end of Monster Girl Labyrinth, I'm starting to think there should be a tab for people who dislike "Nothing you did mattered get rekt'd nerd!" stories. At least Shrift II lets the player know right at the start that MC is fucked and this is not a happy story with a happy ending, the only choice you have is what kind of fucked up ending to give Richard.
he looks so happy
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Retard here, has anyone experienced this particular Paradox crash? I've just beaten the Collab scenario and wanted to fap to Magatsu, but it crashes the moment her sex scene is supposed to start. It actually happens with all the collab characters sex scenes. Can any kind anons assist?
If there's an error message I should be able to tell you what's going wrong.
Let's get the obvious out of the way. Do you have the correct CGs in your pictures folder? Depending on where you got your version of the game from, entirely possibly it didn't come with them. I don't have a link on hand to provide them to you if this is the issue, so hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction.

>There's nothing I can do?
That seems unlikely. I have no doubt Paradox will have a good ending. How else would post game content exist if everything gets destroyed?
New TRTR blogpost
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>Let's get the obvious out of the way. Do you have the correct CGs in your pictures folder?
Hmm, you're right, I have 80_magatu_st01.png but then a conspicuous absence of any ev_magatu.png images, which is where I assume the sex scenes are. Don't know how it can be that I have half the collab scenario images but not the other half though
The sex images only come with their respective parts. You can play the entirety of the game so far with just the Part 3 demo, but you won't be able to see any of the Part 1 and 2 sex scenes unless you bring them over.
What part of “I don’t want a happy ending” don’t you understand? To me it's just not a game if you accomplish nothing and the ending looks exactly like the game over screen after 5 minutes. Some call it a tragic game, to me it's just not a game. I wasn't upset about succubus prison, I just called it lackluster.
Oh, OK. I brought over the images from v2.23 into the v3.00 demo. I guess I'll need to go find a full v2.41(?) imageset then. Thanks.
I'm not so sure. I've seen a lot of people express disappointment with the fact that you can't win the game. These are the same people who are interested in the game in the first place and presumably in the themes it uses. Meanwhile, the most defense I've seen of the ending is, "Eh, it's fine." So it seems to me that it's just not a good ending, even for people who like the idea of powerful succubi.
Finally, we have a confirmed year of release. Scholars are saying that historically, we have never been more back.
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It's impossible to know for certain, but I would guess anyone who ends up disappointed with not having a winnable ending are people who played it because they wanted something after MGQ and it's one of the more discussed games in the general. Not because they have a fetish for extreme power differences, energy drain, and truly evil domineering succubi. They may expect a more standard monster girl game with mostly gentle femdom and girls focused pleasuring men, and they may end up disappointed because of that.
I don't claim it to be a masterpiece of a story or anything, but succ prison absolutely excels at the atmosphere it intends to create, ending included. More than any other game in the general in my opinion, which is what makes it so memorable. It might not appeal to you and some others, which is fine, but that doesn't mean it failed at what it was trying to accomplish. Not every game has to appeal to every person, especially niche fetish h-games, and there are plenty of other games in the general with more positive themes. As someone the game greatly appeals to, I can tell you that having a good ending where you seal/defeat them permanently and save the world would greatly diminish what I like about it in the first place.
I'm not just talking about what I see on this general topic; I'm also talking about what I've seen said on other threads and sites. And besides, the people who dislike truly evil domineering succubi wouldn't be the ones complaining about the ending, as they would have dropped the game long before the ending or not picked it up in the first place. So what we see here are people who like this stuff still finding the ending to be disappointing. And no one says they wanted an ending where the trio is permanently defeated, sealed, or anything to that degree. I don't know why your mind jumps to that extreme.
It's NG+ but now you play as Luigi. Then the third route goes perfectly.
NTA but what kind of bitter sweet ending re-writes would you make? Maybe it would come across better if you gave an example.
The simple thing that would satisfy most is having the MC just escape from the house and leave it at that.
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>no one says they wanted an ending where the trio is permanently defeated, sealed, or anything to that degree
>they would have dropped the game long before the ending
I don't really care if other people find the ending lackluster or if they like the game at all, and I'm not here trying to convince anyone to think otherwise. I just think it suits the game's atmosphere and what it sets out to do, and it appeals to me. Now you can say you've seen at least one person that likes it.
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>no one says they wanted an ending where the trio is permanently defeated, sealed, or anything to that degree. I don't know why your mind jumps to that extreme.
Forgot this one, the post I originally responded to that started all of this. >>483512004
Argued that not showing these characters on the backfoot or being outright defeated is a big opportunity missed and contributed to the characters not being likeable to them. I disagree because their power is what appeals to me, but it's a fair enough opinion if that's not what appeals to them.
My bad. What I should have said is that's not what people typically say they want out of a hypothetical good ending, and that's the more extreme end of the complaint. Most who complain about the ending want the guy to be able to get home safely with no caveats or gotchas.

Something to also consider is games with similar themes in the sense that the MC is trapped in a location with inhuman girls who want to fuck him to death. Drain Mansion and Nightmare School: Lost Girls both have endings where the MC escapes, and Succubus Academia has a good ending, I think I kind of lost track of what was going on there. Similarly, Succubus Farm and another Succubus game I can't remember are also in the Only Bad Endings club, and people also express disappointment about those games.

No, that was also me. I was going on a bit of a tangent there, more about unbeatable characters in general and how you lose out on a really good opportunity for characterization by showing how such a character responds to not being in the winning position.

I don't think you can really do that in this game with it being about doing stuff behind their backs, though the collab would have been a better opportunity for something like that.
So anyway, at what age do you think the average monster girl can overpower the average man? I think it's nine.
luka has only slight difficulties with the bandits in the vn, i'd say as soon as they hit puberty and are capable of entering in heat
Luka is already stronger than your average guy by that point he also has some combat techniques and a weapon.
>Ilias ending in the VN
But he didn't ask for the bad, non-canon end?
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>PISSliasbro headcanon
...Meanwhile, In reality...
AliceCHADS can't stop winning
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I tried the wojaks Generator and this was the best thing i get
the thumbnail looks like a kitsune with multiple tails
it's not, i am dissapoint
Also, I don't think most mothers go into heat; they're kinda constantly horny from an early age even before puberty.
tiny chest, make it bigger.
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Sex with Normal Human girls.
I wonder if I can remember all towns in Paradox:
Nameless Slums
Happiness/Harpy Village
Port ??? (damn)
San Ilia
Monte Carlo
Port Natalia
Navy HQ
Fiona ???
Grand Noah
Gold Fort
Succubus Village
Lady's Village
(The 4 hideouts of the queens; those don't count as towns otherwise I would need to name every mountain etc.)
Snow Heaven
Polarbear Village
Tanuki and Kitsune Village
Elf Village
(does the castle count?)
Honestly this is a pretty bad meme. I don't relate to a single one of these.
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It still better then these one
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Or these
Please don't bring that bottom of the barrel garbage here.
We may not know the exact future for cyborg AI girls but at least we know they can make terrible memes like the rest of us.
I like that several reasons were given and you act as if they were all just:
People want happy ending!!1

It is what it is but gold standard?
>Port ???
the port after Saloon is Port Marle
I really hope we get a sequel to MGQ that takes place like 500 years later. I really want to see the long-term fallout of the game's events.
Ah damn. Didn't now my weakness would be towns with 'port' in their name.
I hit Tamamo and did a whole two damage.
Are you typing with your unbroken hand?
Have a little faith; I only dislocated two fingers and sprained a wrist.
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Preserved, FIFY
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You will suck her tits.
You will drink her milk.
You will knock her up.
You will marry her.
You will have many wonderful children with her.
You will have many wonderful memories with her throughout your lifetime.
You will be in your deathbed, seeing your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren all human thank to Alice.
Alice is best girl monster girls could never.
If the holy Illias bounces and the dark Alice grinds, then the chaos Sonya would probably do a mix of both.
>part 3 will be out within 5 months
Stay safe lads, you wouldn't want to die before finishing the story, right?
>I also believe there should be away to seal them away or something

I've seen people say similar things to this over the years and it always comes across as silly to me. Why would the succubi just leave the means to actually defeat them laying around in a form that human could use. They leave plenty of dangerous things laying around, but they are things that aren't dangerous to them specifically. It'd dumb to have the MC bullshit up some way to fight them when we know they have casually killed actual demon hunters who were actually trained and did actual prep.
More importantly, the Pure White Devil already pretty much fills this roll. You did something that they didn't anticipate you would be able to do and got a pyrrhic victory. Taking the reins of Vinum's experiment and crashing the plane with no survivors is the closest thing you can get to a good ending while staying in line with the themes of the setting.
6 months actually
I found this on another site: Myusca Cowgirl (Scene 1):
Extra dialog for deaths of 1 or more
First squeeze death has a dialog (watch the animation slowly until the vitality is empty/almost empty).
Myusca Kiss 2 (Scene 5).
Extra animation and dialog when there is still blood left (don't hang up and keep clicking during the sperm extraction phase, or press A to fast-forward if you can't).
Myusca at 12 (Scene 8):
Extra dialog for 2 or more deaths

I also remember that Vinum has different dialogues when you lose the book game and when you barge in the library, there are probably many more, but I haven't seen guides or pages that detail those.
Also, I seem to remember that the ending changes slightly depending of the number of deaths, the dialogue changes if you had 1 death or 9 deaths, though I haven't tried it out to see all the variations.
It may be interesting to download wolfrpg to open Succubus Prison and see all hidden dialogue
They're going to have to get rid of the job system and put Promestein in a cave again for that not to be MGQ but Disgaea.
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I (guy who originally said "something something play 62studio for happy end") wasn't going to double down on an angle like that. It's not like I totally disagree with the parts that make the ends less satisfying, but I thought the whole selling point of Succubus Prison is that you were fucked no matter what you did.
For me, I at least thought that the deathless escape ending in Succubus Prison was pretty good. An "oh shit" sort of ending is a much better conclusion than turning into a murderwhore addict just because you failed some obtuse LucasArts adventure puzzle, but as far as I'm concerned Paradox is MC's real canon ending
Nero's grandson is going to become a level 9001 Overlord conquering universes with the multiverse powers that he'll gain once he upgrades his races to stuff like whatever White Rabbit is.
I'm gonna flick her forehead.
>"PE teachers, stop allowing the monster students to play with the male students; we cannot afford another suit."
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Mid-thread reminder to all of /mggg/ to vote for the character jobs in the newly planned apocryphal savefile (link: https://www.survio.com/survey/d/U5O1W5N8B5X2B9F3X; see: >>483057276).

The vote count has stagnated now for a while, but maybe some anons just wanted to wait to the last minute. Though the poll will continue to stay open for entirety of the NG+ run for the savefile, just until I actually start job leveling the characters. I think it will be fun ride.
Yeah when i first played paradox the first thing i thought about was disgaea and it doesn't help that Luka in the original is reverse laharl
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It's the teachers who are really in trouble.
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>I like that several reasons were given and you act as if they were all just:
>People want happy ending!!1
They all boil down to
It's as retarded as asking why there's Oppai Lolis in an Alexi game.
I mean if you don't like it, then the game's not for you. Maybe you'll like the sequel more.
It's clear that your head is so far buried in the sand you can't clearly hear what people are saying.
>"Male teachers are instructed not to be alone with monster students."
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My monster friends call me The Drink. I'm not sure if this is a good thing.
It's because you give them the energy to keep going, and you're so sweet that you could give them diabetes.
Is it too much to ask for a GOOD monster girl game where you can have victory sex if you defeat a monster girl?
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Hecate-bros straight up fucking won
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If you rape the monster girl then you're the same as her.
>If you rape the monster girl then you're the same as her.
>Imp Happy
I will point out that no one ever complains when it's reversed.
>It makes me so made those goblins and orcs are unbeatable!
>I wish the elf girls would take those goblins and orcs down a peg instead of instantly losing to the cock!
If Succubus Prison isn't for you, then it's not for you, but don't bitch that the game is itself bad because doesn't appeal to your niche.
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i'm having victory sex with this level 1 imp but for some reason I feel weaker and she's making this face
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Why on earth would you want to kill your loving loli wife who calls you darling?
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Honestly it still suffers from the same problem as everything else in Shrift 2
The build-up is great and the dev obviously put a lot of work into it with some cool ideas but the scenes themselves are over in about 10 seconds...
>>I wish the elf girls would take those goblins and orcs down a peg instead of instantly losing to the cock!
I do, I tend to play pure runs If I am forced to play as a female and stop playing if I am rail roaded
Well, let's explore this. Becasue I feel this is an apples and oranges comparison.

People do complain about the reverse through. Hell, I've also seen things where they set up the girl being violated by the orcs and such, only for her to proceed to slaughter them. Which funnily is going full circle back to the norm.

Besides, in those stories, the violation is presented as somewhat of a comeuppance, as the girl is often someone previously in a position of power. Frequently, she is some kind of hero type who normally or at least tries to kill monsters such as orcs and goblins before being taken down.

Also, consider that it's a subversion. Orcs and goblins are usually shown as dumb fodder for the much stronger heroes, so seeing them get the win is supposed to be novel.

There's also the presentation of the orcs themselves. In this kind of stuff, they're usually just faceless goons or outright animalistic rather than individual characters, and they sort of have lower expectations.

Compare this to Succ prison. MC is shown to be much, much weaker than the trio from beginning to end, and the only thing he does against them is to break into their home, which he was coerced into doing, so you don't get that same sense of comeuppance. Succubi are creatures who drain men, which they do to them with no effort, so there isn't any subversion. And the trio are full-on characters.
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That's how you get dryfished in a surprisingly unpleasant way, anon.
I'm gonna get off at least two more flicks and some shit talk before I die; I plan to piss her off enough to live rent-free in her head which is the best victory I can hope for against such a creature.
Her canonical favorite type of male is like the traditionally heroic protagonist of some kind of RPG. Flicking her head and talking shit is just going to put you under the "some loudmouth idiot I ate" tab in her mental file
That's probably better than most, though.
It made her feel young again for a few minutes.
bouncing and grinding? Sonya confirmed for best rider. That feels so good
Monsters give you a smile that's a mix of genuinely loving and a bit predatory.
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Meanwhile, an angel would never look at you like you were just some kind of meal.
I want to get extorted by a monster girl for money and then be apologized to sincerely when she realized that I don't get to eat lunch as often
I want to get extorted by a monster girl for levels and then be belittled to profusely when she realized that I don't have enough exp to even level her up

You know I've been thinking of something. If the level drain is EXP based, which makes more sense, it takes more exp to level the higher you get, and levels often have diminishing returns in that the difference between level 1 and level 5 is notable, but the difference between 650 and 655 is hard to discern. That could mean that a high-level warrior can get a small army of mid-level imps without cutting that much into his power.
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But who would this imp king take as his imp queen?
The most dedicated get even more levels.
You can't rape the willing, Alma Elma. I'm sorry, but your fantasy of being gangraped in a prison will never come true.
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D̴̦͎͔̀͊E̴͉̻͒̚͜͠A̴̟̺͕̿͌͑T̸̢̘̪̈́͑͠H̵͍̘͇͊̈́̓ T̴̠̝͕͒͝͠Ó̵͕͖͎͐̒ A̸̫̙͕̔̾L̴̡͙͉͛̐̔L̸͕͎̟͐̽͒ S̴͙̫͖͆͆̀H̵̪͇̼͋͛͝I̸̻͓̫̽̈́͘T̸̘͓͍͋̐͆K̸͍͚̦̀̔́I̴͉͓͍͌͠B̸͖̪͕̔͒͝I̴͇̼͋͐̕!̸͓̝̫̀͐̾!̸̢̙̘̓͊̔!̴̺̙̦̔̿͒
We have imps in the shadows, ready to bite ankles.
Nothing more dangerous than a monster in love.
A hero with nothing to return to

Sounds like we have a story.
Get to it
I love how you keep trying to call people "crying" and "raging" while you seem to be the only one who can't handle them seeing flaws in your precious gold standard game with your passiv aggressiv attitude. All you do is moan about people having an opinion different than yours.
Succubus Prison is for masochists with a snuff fetish.
Awful taste, great execution. (ba dum tss)
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To be fair, they're very loose with their definition of "rape".
>you seem to be the only one who can't handle them seeing flaws in your precious gold standard game
Me: "I like this game. It's fun and good and scary."
Me: "That's a (You) problem. Play something else then, plenty of options."

I reiterate just play a game you don't hate then?
You seem like the kind of person who bitches about diversity too.
>anons are arguing just for the sake of arguing
What do the paywalled contents say?
>>It makes me so made those goblins and orcs are unbeatable!
>>I wish the elf girls would take those goblins and orcs down a peg instead of instantly losing to the cock!
You DO realize that the whole "elves losing instantly to cock" was a reaction to elves being a mary sue race (kind of like the succubi SucPri and MGE but that's a story for another time ) and people wanting to take them down a peg, right?
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Game? 5 different reverse ISs turned up 0 relevant results
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Princess Honey Trap
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Minagi is the ultimate milf
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Nobody reacted like this! Nice strawman through. You simply can't handle other opinions and love to assume shit about others.
I want to live in Eva World
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Alexi world...
His tits are perfect but god I wish his asses werent so fucking flat
I don't really feel like tracking through all that again, do Alice and Caroll have special dialogue if you have sex with them at that hotel like with Lewis as Reto's first time?

Since Demon in wonderland is a sequel to this does it also mean that since then he's been doing it with all three of those girls? the sisters I can somewhat understand but Alice? Well I guess I can understand that too, she wouldn't have her sister back if it weren't for him but she seemed not in love with him like the sisters. Am I thinking too much about this?
True. There's always room for improvement
I am the og that has called Succubus Prison lackluster and flawed. I played the game a year ago so i most likely have found something else to play since then. Thank you! I commented on a whim not knowing that the Succubus Sharia is lurking. I named reasons like the mc being bland and the alternate bad ends badly implemented and the riddle to escape being not the best and also suggested that it would be nice to have a, in my opinion, abetter ending. (I would probably grade 6/10)
Somehow you loony turned this into me whining and wanting to have a happy ending and autistic scraching about invincible murder whores.
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King gold is going strong
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>new Succubus in Wonderland After chapter dropped
Breast Addict is a really, really dangerous status effect....
No more shota bullying,right?
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It's not that bad this time, however,
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they're always so mean to him
Anyone remembers what ero1.ogg's goalhorn playing around 27:30 is?
touch fluffy tail?
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Holy shit you're exactly right, how did I manage to forget that? Excuse me while I commit sudoku.
don't worry bro
it's been many years
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Well, if you want milf Tamamo (well, a Tamamo who actually looks the part) there's this:

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Ah ok. While I don't personally think the game needs it, I can see why others would at least want at least a true escape ending. It is ultimately a game and most people may expect to win in the end. I would still say that succubus prison was intended to create overwhelming dread and hopelessness, and the ending reflects that well. But I can recognize and agree that it won't be the most satisfying for some unless they have both the preferences and specific fetishes I have that the game targets. It's a surprisingly niche game in a way I think given the amount of attention it receives. I never realized so many people felt so strongly against the ending though, so that was interesting to learn.
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For me, it's gmilfs
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for me is her thousand year old virgin daughter
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I may be an Iliasfag, but I have tremendous respect for the Micaelabros
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>new one
>previous one was this
I’m afraid the manslut won’t walk away with his balls still filled
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Human penis belongs inside human pussy.
Simple as.
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It’s over…
Human girls deserve to be monsterized.
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Has the most recent version of the translation translated more of Reina's attacks? I've translated some of her attack callouts and food dialogue and some other things I've seen her say, but even though I can translate what she says I don't actually know how to apply that into the game itself. I liked Thief's Proof as a strong option for Reina to use in case I needed it, but to my memory none of her Thievery Skills were translated when I was playing on 2.41, and they were one of the main things I translated for her.
In any case I'm looking forward to seeing the end result; I'm currently training up the rest of the Harpies I have in order to continue the Harpy-Only-Run into the Demo but when I'm done with that I'm going to train up more jobs for Reina to get some additional abilities for her.
Lobotomy Corporation but with (more) monster girls.
Why did paradox have to turn her into another generic evil rape-knight angel.
Why do human boys keep dressing provocatively causing superior angels to fall to temptation?
Those girls can see a guy dressed in full plate and still conclude he's asking for it, same with monsters.
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well, obviously. a man wealthy and virtuous enough to protect his chastity to that extent must surely be a good catch. only for the most powerful and skilled woman to claim.
Pure and noble
>I would still say that succubus prison was intended to create overwhelming dread and hopelessness, and the ending reflects that well.
Yep, it's a horror movie where the monsters win and humans lose, simple as.
In the other "ultimate" ending of summoning Her, Shikibus Prime even address and threatens to come for the player. Which is again very in line with horror movies.
I'm not so sure because I didn't feel an ounce of dread or hopelessness when playing the game, and I would figure most didn't either. If anything the game feels more like a dark comedy.
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I mean it's not only a Horror game but a Hora game.

>If anything the game feels more like a dark comedy.
Horror and Comedy have a huge overlap. In my family we don't even call Horror movies that, we literally just call them Family Comedies.
The genre is rarely scary, it's fiction after all.
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>only for the most powerful and skilled woman to claim.
Incoming snu snu
She and Granberia would be friends
I'm not up to date but is it true she got cured from the vore curse?
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Succubus Prison was still missing a crucial component that would elevate its horror factor to terrifying new heights.
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I think the Servant version just dodges actually having it.
I did legitimately forget she's got the whole vore psychosis whenever she falls in love...

Not that it ever dissuades our idiotic protagonists.
Is there any monster/angel girl you would trust to shower with?
I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting Broly.
But no, Oppai Vinum is far less intimidating. Granted, it's not like Potato Vinum is intimidating anymore either.
RIP Jingai Modoki: Fell victim to Harvin brainrot.

Oh no, Mariel-fags better hope she gets no new scenes in Part 3...
>Duplicate file exists.
Yeah, this.

Next, I'm gonna snatch her hairpin, better tuck that shit away next time.
She has things under control right now. Still loses her shit at the sight of the protag's increasingly muscular body though.
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The Chromium?
Frederika would be standing guard to make sure she actually cleans up properly.
Yeah, that makes sense; she would be too bothered to get any funny ideas.
Insulting Granberia's sword skills
Insulting Alma's sex skills
Insulting Tamamo's tail fur
Insulting Erubetie, uh, water quality?
>take shower with Chrome
>Frederika rapes you instead
Can't beat the monmusu man.
Nope, not the monmusu.
Didn’t something like that actually happen during the timeloops? Pretty sure I made her take a bath but right after Frederika pulled down Luka’s pants and spanked him until cumming.
I spent about 90% of the time loop getting Luka and Sonia eaten by 2 Lamias.
Lesbian human woman seduces a monstergirl
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>"Oh, my, a multi-slash attack? How innovative..."
>"Imagine being the SUCCUBUS Q U E E N
and being made fun of for your sex skills..."
>"Not fluffy nuff..."
>"Get lost, you discount Majin Buu!"
Sorry, we only have bisexual human women seducing monstergirls: https://bsahdjh.xxasszcqtbeo.hath.network:44000/h/5d4c169fcce878ce0e771401967a0069404f58ec-188482-1280-904-jpg/keystamp=1719526800-02ffbe7812;fileindex=100437972;xres=1280/393_AdaAnubis.jpg
Yes, just none from MGQ...
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Vaporizing Rebellion Sword sounds like some awkward power metal song title
Hakika I kneel
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Ahh... My wife...
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Why would a retarded fox like her need an ass so fat?
>Why would a retarded fox like her need an ass so fat?
All of her brains went to her boobs and hips to attract a mate who would help take care of her and love her. Its Biology 101 anon, please take a seat next to the garyu succubus in the back of the class
>garyu (臥竜) succubus
Not him, but wh-why is something like that in our classroom?
>Not him, but wh-why is something like that in our classroom?
Anon keep your racism down, You just earned yourself a 1 week in house suspension with Ms.Halo starting after class
Wait no, I was just asking because a garyu by its very name is really dangero
>Wait no, I was just asking because a garyu by its very name is really dangero
Nonesense, only devote Goddess fearing monsters are allowed in, and judging a book by its cover is not allowed anon, Oh well, report for a 1 week personal tutoring with Ms.Halo the guidance councilor
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Games for this feel?
The general that hosts gacha trash.
How much can Tamamo bench?
Seven imps per tail.
Do you think Monster World Tamamo cut down all the forests so she can make wonder bread sandwich factories?
I guess Three Charms except the girls won’t be as beeg
She got bigger, If that other fox is in the game too she's probably got a donut now
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Your membership has been approved.
But... I never sent in any application...
My rights?
You have the right to have your penis trapped between gigantic boobs, Any questions?
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>garyu (臥竜)
>Garyu means reclining dragon, from the characters Ga 臥 (lie prostrate) and Ryū竜 (dragon). In Japanese philosophy, a great man who remains in obscurity is called a Garyu.
Just having a look around, boyto-er, fellow peer. Say, when is gym class?
Hey, I was right, hot women DO owe me sex
I want to bully monsters, just a little.
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Nope, she still struggles with her desires, but she has an easier time as a Servant since she won't attack her oaths and honor and stuff won't let her attack her Master. Still, I imagine if sex got too hot and heavy she might momentarily lose control and take a little nibble.
>photos taken seconds before half-elf pregnancy
lewd hungry kissies
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Are those like that "kahn scent" thing that boys sometimes talk about?
Breastmilk...one gulp and it's all over...the brainwashing is complete...
All my agents ready to breach, you are surrounded. Don't touch a thing, leave it just as you've found it. We're here to investigate, don't make a sudden move or you'll see heaven gates.
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Has science gone too far..?
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I will save the human race
>fucks a fox.
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I get the impression "a little nibble" for a woman of her size is "swallowing whole".
Also mostly since I'm not fond of pain and biting limbs off... vore's only fun in the fictional magical MGQ kind of sense.
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Mmm... holy milk...
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Reminds me of Nav's Vinum.
I wish to breed with this magnificent woman who has a physique like someone was told to envision one who is a goddess of both fertility and battle.
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As the guy posting her, I'm not into the muscle girl type really. But it is funny that she's by far the cutest in demeanor of the idiot antagonist squad she belonged to in her debut story.
Unfailingly polite, blushes a lot, self-conscious about her stature, etc.
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I think there are four-troup Paizuri Dolls available in March Hills inside cave sections, but there's 6 battles with 1 troop being 4 dolls there compared to Rostrum Mountain having 5 battles with 1 troop being 4 candle girls. Candle girls are likely better as they're quicker, does less harm and doesn't drag on with multi-hit attacks like dolls does.

I have a quick check on the latest translation update in-game, and unfortunately Thievery skills aren't translated. A lot of skill sets are translated though, like normal attacks, sword, spear, fan, white/black/time magic, spellblade dance to name some.
Speaking of Thievery, I find it funny that Grande and Riot could be better thieves than Scale Bandits due to having more Thievery skills from their race access to Harpy and Beast. I guess they could be potential Scale Bandits recruits, according to Miranda's dialogue with them when you talk with them in Pocket Castle.
Angel bit horny.
Surely, she can't drain me via breastfeeding.
>not into the muscle girl type really
I'm into it to a degree, Bharghast and Youki are my limits, muscles but also nice curves. Any more muscle and they'd be too unfeminine or look absurd. And the curves are important, wouldn't like a muscle girl who's a flattie, even if ordinarily I'm fine with lolis and such.

I know one guy who *loathes* ANY muscle on a girl, even just a small amount of definition on the tummy, and would call you gay for liking it, (even if the girl also has enormous tits and ass) saying it's a man with tits.

>But it is funny that she's by far the cutest in demeanor of the idiot antagonist squad she belonged to in her debut story. Unfailingly polite, blushes a lot, self-conscious about her stature, etc.
That is a plus, girls who have a personality that contrasts with their appearance are indeed nice. (Gap moe and all that)
bottom half too big
thank you anyway nav
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Ah, a once in a lifetime pleasure...
>normal attacks
What is there even to translate of them?
Anyone played monster girl invasion rpg here?
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>All of her brains went to her boobs and hips
But aren't foxes supposed to be 300+ IQ evil masterminds?
I bet she's just pretending to be dumb to lure you in, when in reality she has already planned out your entire married life down to how many kids you'll have.
>But aren't foxes supposed to be 300+ IQ evil masterminds?
Not all the time

>I bet she's just pretending to be dumb to lure you in,
I thought that too, until I figured out she wasn't acting

>when in reality she has already planned out your entire married life down to how many kids you'll have.
She doesn't think, its just instinct
There are a few lines per character for normal attacks and special counters like Taoist Exorcist Formation.
Like Reina for example, for normal attacks (multi, darkness, etc), she goes 1) Eiii! 2) Yaah! or 3) Ya!
4) I'll return the favor... Taoist Exorcist Formation!

Maybe it isn't necessary to point it out, I just thought it was interesting. It isn't limited to yells, but also lines like Miranda sometimes yells "You're in my way!" whenever she attacks normally.
I checked. It seems aside Baobhan that is relativelt stable (except the part she dukes out to take pics of your feet), the other two still kept a portion of their issues but not to the same extent.
Habetrot points out Barghest now has a shot at becoming a bride so the vore tendencies likely won’t go haywire if she takes proper measures.
Likewise while Melusine’s dragon form is still falling apart, rotting and held together by plates, the mats note so long as she keeps loving and being loved she will stay as a normal fairy knight
Sonya fate in the end of part 2 makes wonder how switching route in the great decision will work exactly
>and unfortunately Thievery skills aren't translated
Unfortunate; is there a way to apply the translation I have for Reina's thief skills? I've been grinding more jobs for her in the meantime but she seems to have more unique callouts for Thievery.
I am happy her Taoist Skills were translated at least, as I also have her use as my Taoism user and she's pretty good at it given how strong her fans are.
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Uhh bros... She has that look aga
You're getting raped.
Currently as a Saber, Barghest is able to manage her Calamity tendencies.
She will overcome her curse entirely as an Archer in next year's Summer event.
Being raped? Just don't cum, bro.
Monster logic.
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humans will just straight up cum and then act like its the worst thing thats ever happened to them. like, isnt it literally what they were made for? imagine crying over fulfilling your genetically imposed life goal. what a bunch of whiny bitches. you dont see monsters complaining about having to correct cheeky humans now, do you?
Humans cry because they are being forced to breed more monsters dirtying the dick by touching a monster
Notice how the tears are of pure joy when they allow angels to have sex with them.
Giving Hellgondo and Heaven internet access was a mistake.
the beginning of the end was when Yamatai got access.
Humans prefer angels so much they even engage in the angels’ femdom fetishes and pretend to be flailing helplessly for them.
Don't act like the nine tailed bitch wouldn't wasn't the one of first to get access
Good chance she would own the ISP.
everyone knows that it was Nanabi's husband, Anon that introduced the internet to Yamatai first.
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My cute human girlfriend in her cute sweater!
Ugly shikibus filth that needs to be eradicated.
You may not like Shikis but you cannot call them ugly.
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Even Ilias is a beautiful Shiki!
No way she's a human. Her tits are too small.
Did she cover the shit stain on her face with make-up?
That's not a human that's a boob monster
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No, THIS is a boob monster:
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That's a big fox butt
Honestly, once the boobs reach past twice the size of her head, I start checking out.
>I start checking out.
Her butt
Honestly, once the boobs reach past twice the size of her head, I start checking them out.
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flat good
buds good
medium bad
F cups good
big enough to be used as a weapon good
Please note that this courtesy typically doesn't extend to Sequelshit.
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Big tits and no ass will fill your pants
Big ass with no tits will fill your heart
A heart can truly fill when there is no gross oversized ass. Only a fool would spurn the love of a pailoli who fits perfectly in your lap while you rest your hands upon her boobs.
But what about a loli with big hips that wiggles in your lap as you embrace her
Two tectonic plates.
The reduced surface area ensures portability and proper tightness. Nobody insults a wire just because it's thin; being thin is the entire point.
I love huge boobs and huge butts, Sue me.
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Is there some kind of hidden meaning?
Can I spank?
Translation for this can't come out fast enough
Nazuna was my stupid wife in Awake and I will treat Thirst like our honeymoon
People always ask why there are no monster boys, this kind of thing is probably why, in a world where lewding someone is punishment for practically any transgression it wouldn't be surprising.
There will be severe consequences.
Yeah I'm also an idort on that question. Boobs for fondling, asses for facesitting. It's not like one needs to decide whether he wants bread or water
But what about Big ass with Big tits?
Understood Alma Elma spanking
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>People always ask why there are no monster boys
Where? If you mean in general, you're a total dumbass. If you mean in monster girl games, they're rare (mostly because said games are usually made by very horny (and often masochistic) people who really want to have sex with (agressive) monster girls and focus way too much on that), they are very much exist: The protagonist of the most famous game in this thread and his edgelord son most definitely qualify as monster boys:
>not posting sauce
(COMIC111) [Inariya (Inari)] Oneshota Ibun-roku Vol. 1
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Eh, they're sort of in the technically category as their monster traits are not normally shown.
No courtesy should but once again the sequelfag spammer returns.
Are we back to complaining about Sequel again? I thought we moved past that.
Ignore the balkanimal.
Big deal: I also like both of them and I also like thick thighs (with that being siad breast > ass > thighs).
I just now got to where I quit Paradox 7 years ago to wait for the translation to catch up (Sentora desert), and holy fuck there's not nearly enough party slots for all the girls I want to hear dialog from. It feels like you're forced to take the major characters like Alice (or Ilias)/Sonya/Promestein/etc. or else you'll miss out on a lot.
Ass> Thighs> Breast
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Why? There were no consequences when I killed her father...
I think by the end of any part 3 ending, you'll be able to drag an army with you during NG+.
Well, there's also that mod that removes the "character is in your current party" requirement, too.
Alice/Ilias and Sonya have almost every comment of theirs whether they're in the party or not. Any line they'd have from when they aren't in the party is likely just some joke line at a shop or other npc. Also you do later get more party slots but because of the high number of characters in Paradox you'll always have that feeling without the all talk mod.
The mega link to mgq:p prepatched in the mgq pastebin is broken
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We know
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Nah face and breasts are best.
Alma making fun of your dollar store wind magic.
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>A Noble Unicorn Boy Definitely Isn't Going to Lose to Some Gyaru Slut!
>Instantly loses the moment she touches his dick
I don't know what I expected.
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Cock can't win against Pussy, understand? Reply if you understand.
Bitches say stuff like this and then go and risk life and limb for some cock. It's like a crack head saying crack can't beat their nose.
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Sounds like another soul in need of "correction"
Sounds like another girl in need of a twelve-step program.
NTA. I understand that you have a skill issue.
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>Mocks someone's skill
>Uses e-hentai
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Sounds like an ant that needs to be crushed
Remember, to a shiki, the more afraid you are, the better you apparently taste
Schwartz and Hans, the two elder brothers, were very ugly men, with overhanging eyebrows and small, dull eyes which were always half shut, so that you couldn't see into THEM and always fancied they saw very far into YOU. They lived by farming the Treasure Valley, and very good farmers they were. They killed everything that did not pay for its eating. They shot the blackbirds because they pecked the fruit, and killed the hedgehogs lest they should suck the cows; they poisoned the crickets for eating the crumbs in the kitchen, and smothered the cicadas which used to sing all summer in the lime trees. They worked their servants without any wages till they would not work any more, and then quarreled with them and turned them out of doors without paying them.
>Mid Piss fan.
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>Huge slut fan
Sphinx called me a DUMMY.
Now you gotta flame her.
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years later, still don't understand the context of this
My flaming made her so hot that she said she was going to put the fire out with her boobs. That's stupid, there's no way tits can pu
monster NEETs...
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>Doesn't even know in which general he is.
I hate sluts. I'd rather have a girl who I can spend the rest of my life with.
I'd rather a slut than a girl who kills me.
What happens if I drop to my knees, bury my face in her ass, and squish with my hands?
You die
Vampires are retarded by nature, especially blonde vampire lolis.
Vampires? More like Shitpires
Vanilla? More like Shitnilla
Geregere did nothing wrong.
Which monster girl race has the best:
For those of you that plan to answer with any variation of "X for all": You're neither funny, nor original.
Please don't do this again.
Based, all vampires should die and Vanilla should be the first to perish and in the most painful way possible.
I know this was early in shiki's career, but it's still funny to me how overcrowded that design is, it looks like a Deviantart oc from the early 2000s
There's also the fact that Nero is cringe on purpose. What would a chuuni think is cool?
>BADASS coat
>Iori Yagami pant legs that are strapped together by a belt
>Scythes are totally cool because hecking DEATH
>CHAINS chains CHAINS chains
>I don't need them but the glasses make me look AWSOM okay
>my true form makes my skin all demonlike and I get these crazy energy wings it's so sick dude
>My name is kind of like that one guy from that one really old movie who did the cool bullet dodging thingy
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>Succubus Academia has a good ending
It's a good one if you're a snuffchad, the true ending has pfkt permanently kill the mc who is one of the previous mcs from other games and that has evaded death via splitting his soul/reincarnating so his "ending" is to be forever snuffed in the cg room for the rest of eternity (the cg/scene room is a canon thing)
The thing is with Nero it’s all purposeful. His own bloodline is something straight out of a fanfic with the father being an angel hybrid descendant of a legendary hero and the mother being the queen of monsters.
It’s hard to make a character like that work without either breaking the setting or being an unlikable Mary Sue.
Instead they just doubled down on everything and didn’t bother with any excuses. He has power to fight armies and warp reality but he is a complete weirdo trying to incorporate that bloodline and in doing so it all works.
He dresses like how a kid envisions a really cool character and tries to say chilling lines pretending to be mysterious while failing at everything because it just makes him a chuuni with ridiculous powers.
Whenever he acts it’s followed by a set of people like vampires saying how he looks cool and another people like humans over how abnormal he is so out of place. Wherever he goes he leaves his hypercompetent fingerprints washing plates, cleaning rooms and fixing a piano.
>this was early in shiki's career
Part 1 of Paradox was made in 2015. Shitki has been making artwork since at least 2008.
The sadness never ends :(.
True but i find it really cute how he has a extreme soft spot for Kitsune and Tanuki unlike his bitch of mom
Well, Alice was bullied by Kitsune growing up; Nero was also damn near raised by Tamamo but didn't receive the same treatment.
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Checks out...
>best body
>worst personality
tbf to him the scythe works more than just an aesthetic choice because inuniverse they get Dark/Taoist boosts.
>>best body
I've seen better.
>>worst personality
By no means am I defending her, she's shit and I want to drown her in a swamp made out of hot mushed potatoes, but I think some other shikibi are worse and I wouldn't be surprised if Shitki has another shikibus in the oven that is even worse than them.
Because she was made by the artist that can only make murderwhores.
Forgive Myu-chan's youthful immaturity, she's only 299 years old after all, practically a babe.
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NTA. No.
She needs to be spanked with a falchion.
Cute dumb bitch
Minotaurs, if you want relatively normal, Bubs or whatever Aradia is if you want extra tits for full body boob hugs.

Putting these together as I don't know how to separate them, I'd say dragons if Granberia is a typical example.

Succubi or Orcs, depending on your exact tastes. Centaurs or Mermaids for the truly deviant.
So how exactly does Kazuya's story end since Shrift doesn't involve him? the first game has lotso f endings and as far as I know which one is canon is either up for debate or the author hasn't said anything about it.
It's either True Pacifist or EX4.
The Kazuya in Paradox is the former, though ironically EX4 Kazuya also met Luka and Alice.
what are the differences between the two, EX4 Kazuya being willing to kill and TP Kazuya refusing to kill even if it's the defacto right thing to do? I know they won't have a say in the paradox plot but I am curious how the crossover characters thing about how things are going, a whole lot of them come from worlds where such a situation is unthinkable, one thing for sure is none of them would want to be in Luka's shoes.
feeding a monstergirl your energy...
drowning in pleasure...
feeling your energy drain away, watching her become revitalized...
drifting off to sleep...
How and why?
So his end has no ending?
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These nightmarish creatures can be felled! They can be beaten!
Murderwhores x Murderhobos
>>Overworked wagie letting out all her pent up aggression on your dick

Elena please, I can't take anymore pain fetish increases I'm just trying to make enough money to play Slime Parade
He's trapped in dry fish hell, kinda like Afton is trapped getting jump scared in hell by furries for all eternity,
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Damn angels
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Damn goddess
Yes. He got GER’d

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