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Previous: >>482767907

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

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oops none booked this window



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>PES Info

Thursday Night ASS
vgl GRIP weekend
nepfrauds ran out of luck
logo competition is on
our friends over at /snowg/ promoted by absolutely destroying /gig/gers
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451bros what happened, I thought we were invincible... we just lost to a 334...
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Nepfrauds, so it doesn't count.
/nepgen/ got what they deserved for the absolute luckshit of their last game
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That 4 pts neutral GD situation for /tf2g/ won't be enough for home advantage on SR1. Congrats still.
Ok bird.
/@/ DED
/llsifg/ 1st place in Group L
/pmmm/ go to hell
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What's the connection between TF2 and the sunglasses thumbs up smiley? And why is it spelled "pottis" instead of "pootis"?
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>good guys /@/ and /nepgen/ eliminated
Yeah that's how you know this cup is fucked.
gtfo yurinigger
Good to know. Building a team now and i will also go over it with everyone else on /ihg/.
One last question, what if characters from two generals overlap?
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>/@/ and /nepgen/
>good guys
Now say that without an ocean of tears
I think essex and read the card are on two teams already
It's not an issue
Group I dbg ddlc
Group J gig omg
Group K born lcg
Group L llsifg utg
Group A 2hug night
Group B bag ss13g
Group C gbfg tg2g
sorry to tell you they got 2nd place
llsifg 2nd place
pmmm ded football and beisbol all
To add on, just make sure they don't have the same exact player name as whatever other team they're on. Which shouldn't be hard to do.
I can't believe pmmm is still live
Got ya.
So for example if both /ihg/ were to use Monika we'd have to make the name different from the Monika on /ddlc/'s team?
You can have it however you want it as long as that's how the general wants it
I'm thinking this is just a bad league, even something as fun as Group D is ending with shit matches
Cool, and our team symbol can be anything we want.
You said as tears stream down your face
VGL15 was the last good league
/alg/ is on qualifiers watch if it remains as it is (they're below both /@/ and /ddlc/).
That's how it works, just don't put in something that would get a stream pulled, like for example a giant naked dong hanging out
ddlc ded? akg go to 2>>483060613
nd place
This is the worst fucking ruleset ever
>4-2-4 is the new 4-3-3/-4-4-2
>Almost everyone now uses 4-2-4
Should we ban 4-2-4 in playoff?
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/wtg/'s 5 points will be enough to secure home advantage in SR1.
just cancel the final weekend already, this is an abhorrent weekend
Is this VGL worse than VGL11?
Do you think you'll achieve anything by complaining here?
fraid so
4-2-4 looking ass
It's bad to watch, but looking at these bottom placers maybe it isn't so bad
honestly, yes
tears streaming down his face as he sucked up to vglco
He didn't. VGLco wants people to hate the league so everyone wants to get rid of 19
>wake up
>found out /bag/ qualified to survival round
>day ruined
Lmao get fucked. Korea strong.
Is VGLco seriously still pushing their "this is what the managers voted for" cope?
>3 (out of 4) teams I like advanced
>4 (out of 6) teams I hate got eliminated, with one of them being sent to qualies, and one plays tomorrow
Great league
sup nomo
But this is what managers voted for
we voted for 19, not a formation ban
This is it. This is /uma/'s grandest moment. A chance to advance to final weekend for the first time ever.
Give the horse girls your energy!!!
But the managers did vote for smormu
>it was real in my mind
Well ummmm uhhhhh ummmm pfffft bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh *shits pants*
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Take my remaining energy horsefags
uma the greatest.
>we dindu nuffin
the formation ban doesn't even do that much. This PES is just ass
/hanny/ would have still had 15(6) running a 4-3-3. The version just sucks.
Unironically yes
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It's both 19 is barely better than 16 but banning 433 and 442 just gives you a choice between boring 1-0 coinflip 451 v 451 matches and retardation getting blown the fuck out by anything more competent on another formation. Most fluid options don't work without 433 or 442 being allowed and most games are a coinflip between retarded defence on anything but a 451. Having so many 451s is just extremely boring to watch anything offensively because this is clearly not a good PES for lone forwards.
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The viewers never had an issue with 19 in past feedback polls. Cope harder, vglco
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The viewers never have an issue with PES. Any complaining comes from managers.
The viewers can't even tell if a team is running 442 or something else, so why did you still banned formations?
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thank you for the rigbux brev
This stadium is the worst one I've ever seen, /uma/'s players are pretty good though
Also, any team eliminating /skg/ is based in my book
viewers are actual monkey's who don't give a single shit because they are barely involved with anything at all or have no clue what the other PES versions look like. You could have been running on 19 for 20 VGLs straight they'd still vote to stay because they don't fucking know what happens differently on 17 or 16
>when your league and ruleset are so fraudulent /uma/ are unironically topping a group and standing out as the best team there
>This stadium is the worst one I've ever seen
cringe take
umas success here now cements /alg/ as the worst team in the vgl
my nigga last league we had a /2hug/-/revue/ final, things happen with or without a formation ban
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/uma/chads I kneel...
Let /alg/ and /ink/ play in qualifiers before declaring that
Tears streaming down his face as he cried about gifs
I'm telling you to go complain directly to vglco, you retard.
>He says while UBW exists
At least we are going to the PES where it actually looks good.
That's starting to look like an absolutely legitimate league compared to the absolute fraud and luckshittery brewing in this one.
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Hopefully two awful teams make the final like last league. This is the last time 19 is used let a couple teams luck out instead of the usual.
4-5-1 shill, what is your response to this match?
You'll never guess what /uma/'s fluid is
/ink/ still have a better historic winrate. /alg/ are so bad across their entire existence they haven't won more then 20% of their games, and have won half as many as /ink/ have.
First match: June 2, 2018
First win: December 5, 2020
First match: November 28, 2021
First win: June 16, 2024
but /hanny/ just sucks
If this holds this is barely the second win (out of qualifiers) for /uma/, I don't think /alg/ is worse than them.
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/uma/ is 3rd overall with 8 more games to go and makes it to the /vg/ roster for the first time. This great position might change with /aceg/ and /gfg/ playing tomorrow and looking at potential 9 points finishes. That said, the RO16 or how it looks at this moment is maybe one of the most funky I've ever seen.

Meanwhile, /lcg/, snowg/, /tf2g/ and /pmmm/ are confirmed in SR1 and their positioning still unknown seeing that the current 5-pointers might get in stealing home advantage for some of them.

While I thought it was impossible before Day 8 started, there's still a path for a potential placement playoff with either /gfg/ or /hgg2d/ facing /bag/ :
- /hgg2d/ has to win 2-1 against /ggg/ (and /gfg/ getting a point or a win or losing by not more than 2)
- /gfg/ has to get a 2-4 lose (and hgg2d winning enough to get over /gfg/).

The race to not get to the qualifiers is concerning teams from the 38th place to 48th, which is still a lot at this point of the GS, with /indie/ practically confirmed.
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/uma/ KINGS, I kneel.
/uma/ is finally free from TMA's influence.
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>/uma/ is the last remaining face team in the competition
There's no way you believe this
I agree they're a face but the only one??
Give me your face and heel teams now

akko accepting 8 more potential /vg/League signups if anyone's interested
Please watch our leauue.
dead leauue no one cares any more
/hanny/ vs /nikg/
/pg/ vs /2hug/
/indie/ vs /ss13g/
/hsrg/ vs /bag/
/@/ vs /gbfg/
/tf2g/ vs /nepgen/
/wtg/ vs /alg/
/uma/ vs /skg/
/lcg/ is still alive
/uma/ vs /skg/
None 19 is garbage
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>win /uma/ final
it knows.
/uma/ vs /skg/
/akg/ wins vgl
Streakie melty on vglcord
I can see it for VGL23 once we're back on 17
>watching pmmm sucks
/uma/ vs /skg/
>management remove
And not a moment too soon
/@/ (if Bird manages)
/@/ (if Jnt manages)
>manager horsefucker
Is this for /uma/ or /mlp/?
>accuse a guy of wanting to throw
>he doesn't throw and decided to play his carded silvers instead which any other team would have rested
>gets his silver red carded for round of 16
>still accuse him of throwing
I wouldn't turn up to ASS either
I wouldn't pick heels or faces based on manager
Also /indie/ is not a heel wtf
>/2hug/, /llsifg/, /pmmm/, /alter/, /smbg/, /egg/, /skg/, /mmg/, /@/, /revue/, /vrg/
So basically you like teams based on management, good to know
i don't think he expected to eat a 10 minute double yellow
>manager dependent rating
Holy shit you are such a faggot
tears streaming down his eyes
ok kim sung il
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at this point I wholeheartedly believe that the hate against gacha and literally any team supported by a vglco member is just pure virtue signaling and desperately wanting to fit in.
>manager obsessed
What makes Bird a heel anyway? He has won VGL but on 4cc he is never the guy and /vp/ deserves better luck.
Put them as a heel then.
mobile games

It really is this simple
He's a streamer so it means he's in VGLco which means it's bad now
he's in vglco and we hate vglco
vglco teams
teams vglco hates

It really is this simple.
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thanks :)
nah dude sorry I am not obsessed enough with cup personalities I make my entire taste revolve around them
Isn't this the exact same mentality halfinium had back in the day when he started playing GFL and wanted to manage /gfg/ simply because Nomo didn't like them?
What about teams vglco likes?
that's what he means by VGLco teams. Now the bigger question is what happens to teams on half of VGLco hates and the other loves?
They hate /gbpen/ but I wouldn't call them face though.
>teams on half of VGLco hates and the other loves
Such as?
No, vglco teams are the ones they manage. It's not the same as them just liking a team
Damn I guess /dbg/ is a heel now even though most people likes to watch them play, it's the rules
I have never seen anyone hating /gbpen/*
*hating their manager for being the worst commentator ever doesn't count as hating the team
>even though most people likes to watch them play
alright streaky, calm down
I'm not streaky I manage another team, but I watch the chat. It's a fun team, cope
most obvious response ever
Being managed by a council member makes it a vglco team, so that's their cross to bear. Anyway the point is there are teams they don't manage that they like, so where do those teams fall in the heel/face spectrum?
Most people like Dragon Ball or at least know about it enough to bandwagon it what the fuck are you talking about
I thought most vgl viewers were white desu
DB is a worldwide phenomena it put anime on the map in Central Europe in the first place
According to the latest census it was 40% korean, 30% SEA ladyboys, 20% black and 10% white
>majority white
Why does it matter anyways? Is VGLco really hated by people with such a burning passion they make their entire taste revolve around what they like or dislike? And if yes why do they hate them so much? Is it just /4ccg/ shitposting being parroted for so long people took it seriously and are trying to fit in and gain reddit upvotes?
Is he alright?
bro I didn't need to see that shit
Not him, but it can't hurt. It might save your life someday
I live in a first world country, we don't have elephants.
Lesson learned don't fuck with the elephants
Seeing people you hate getting fucked feels better than seeing people you like doing well, and most of vglco deserves to be hated
Are you alright anon?
>he doesn’t know
You didn't answer the question
>feels better
Maybe on planet schizo
Checked under the bed?
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should we address the huh... you know...
I'm not opening that, what happened?
guy got flattened and folded by the elephant
Chat is this real?
/domg/ confirmed to win by recent posts
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Now say that without crying
Really struck vglcord nerves with this one
>6 out of 8 group toppers are gacha shit
not gonna lie Anon this is some of the saddest shit I've read on here
epic 11 year old melty in the 'cord
Care to extrapolate?
a bit esoteric no?
Now say it without cumming
idk but hes clearly fishing for a melty
How do you like your melties?
With extra cheese
As a manager I don't see why I'm supposed to like VGLco at the moment.
For me it's a classic tuna melt
Saves over 3 games
/nikg/ 15 saves (5, 3, 7)
/bag/ 12 saves (7, 3, 2)
/tf2g/ 11 saves (5, 5, 1)
/uma/ 10 saves (4, 5, 1)
>/nepgen/ 9 saves (3, 3, 3)
>/alg/ 8 saves (2, 2, 4)
/ss13g/ 7 saves (0, 4, 3)
/wtg/ 7 saves (1, 2, 4)
>/hanny/ 7 saves (2, 4, 1)
/gbfg/ 6 saves (3, 2, 1)
>/@/ 6 saves (2, 1, 3)
>/hsrg/ 5 saves (2*, 1, 2)
>/skg/ 5 saves (3, 0, 2)
>/pg/ 4 saves (1, 1, 2)
>/indie/ 4 saves (4*, 0, 0)
/2hug/ 1 save (0, 1, 0)
If you're playing against Rance do you even need to field a goalkeeper?
Looks good even if I don't like fish
Save differential
/nikg/ +13
/bag/ +10
/uma/ +5
/tf2g/ +4
>/nepgen/ +4
>/skg/ 0
/ss13g/ -1
/wtg/ -1
>/pg/ -1
>/hanny/ -2
>/@/ -3
>/indie/ -4
>/alg/ -4
/gbfg/ -5
>/hsrg/ -5
/2hug/ -10
The answer is no
I already know not to fuck with wild animals that could tear me apart in an instant
People just funnel their grievances with the league towards vglco teams because they're the ones calling the shots. It has nothing to do with the generals.
In my opinion if you're going to be part of a "council", you shouldn't be able to compete in any way, even if it's all luck based.
I also personally dislike the whole discord league feel and how the attention seeking managers keep getting rewarded with more attention when all of this is kind of supposed to be as anonymous as possible. And it's their choice to keep it this way.

So anyway, /@/, /akg/ are out and /dbg/ will play a medal down in their ko match. That's all good in my book.
It would be cool if /vn/ gets fucked tomorrow too.
>People just funnel their grievances with the league towards vglco teams because they're the ones calling the shots.
Pretty ironic that those teams you mentioned were against 19 in the first place, Reso being the most vocal about it.
100% chance that a gacha teams gets a star this league.
what outcome would generate the biggest butthurt on VGLco? /lcg/ champions?
And that team is /uma/
I voted for 19 purely because of VGL21's final day. If small market literal who teams can go that far, so can mine on this PES. I don't want to go to 17 which has already been solved and will just be /akg/ farming stars.
/lcg/ is a council team and still to this day the only team that was allowed to break the 6 month rule because the council liked them that much.
/lcg/ win would be cancer even if it made vglco seethe cause the clingers on they bring with them are objectively bad. More reddit shit, more videos, more outsiders with awful, badly informed takes about not even just vgl but 4cc.

/uma/ would be hilarious and the best ending for such a bad league.
We're switching off of it because of his crusade, even when most people didn't want it.
More importantly, aesthetics will also take a hit so that they can he can better about their coinflips.
That should speak volumes about how vglco calls the shots one way or another.
/uma/ benefited from the biggest joke of a group in virtual divegrass history, they won't make it to the final day
God, please give me the /gbpen/ star so I can watch the awkward ASS afterwards where they don't even know the name of the chapmion team's medals.
/2hug/ benefited from the biggest joke of a group in virtual divegeass history, they won't make it to final day
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In this mickey mouse chaos VGL if /uma/ gets to the final and wins I will feel it was worth it, if is not now then never
>type "vg league 22" into a search engine
>second result is /r/limbuscompany
You guys weren't kidding, huh?
Why would we lie anon? What do we win from doing such a thing?
I'd welcome any and all /uma/ victories.
search results are based on browsing habits, so you tell me
/nikg/ are an even more fraudulent team that would have been absolutely blown the fuck out by any other team than /hanny/
>teams on half of VGLco hates and the other loves
So every team
An /uma/ victory would be very funny but I've been rooting for /myteam/ to get their first star for too many years to actively support it at the moment.
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If you ask about the league on copilot it sources the korean wiki lol
Only if you're retarded.
Alright then, let's play, I'm bored
Rank the currently promoted teams by how fraudulent they are
Every patched 19 cup just feels like the shitters' only chance to win a star. Guess that's true now that esportsfags got their way and we're going back to old PES versions.
1. /yourteam/
2. /myteam/
/nikg/ > /ss13g/ > /pmmm/ > /2hug/ > /lcg/ > /utg/ > /tf2g/ > /gbpen/ > /bag/ > /gfg/ > /wtg/ > /llsifg/ > /snowg/ > /dbg/ > /uma/ > /gig/ > /gbfg/
Should I play the new Elden Ring DLC
>/gbfg/ last
They're THE biggest frauds in VGL, and have been ever since they started copying /cm/
/aceg/ (pending)

>not fraudulent
/smtg/ (pending)



>absolutely fraudulent

>group retard containment zone
Forgot about the league and found out /lcg/ and /bag/ advanced. I shan’t be watching this then.
>/uma/ wins the league
Your reaction?
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/dbg/ (rip medal)

>not frauds



>baby park tier group

/aceg/ is both still can't tell if they are good or they are just killing shit teams (which doesn't make you a fraud either)
/aceg/‘s biggest problem is that at some point they’ll have to play one of the fifteen 4-5-1s out there and that probably isn’t gonna go all that well
also /snowg/‘s offense is the real deal. deep run from them wouldn’t be that shocking. but they’re SR1 so good luck winning that many in a row
/llsifg/ are pretty good too but again, SR1. they have the potential to go deep but they need to win at least three times in a row to make the final day. good luck.
I have my doubts about that group. They won by 1 against /mmg/. Probably deserved more against /smbg/ and tied the other frauds /utg/. It's like a more prestigious Group D. If they win and advance to r16 I will rate them.
How deadly is SR looking? Can I hope for teams I hate to die off in it?
Where the hell are the HOT TAKES?!
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>not fraudulent: /smtg/
>fraudulent: /snowg/, /tf2g/, /llsifg/
>not fraudulent: /pmmm/
>fraudulent: /snowg/, /llsifg/
>both of you treating /alg/ and /skg/ as somehow more retarded than /hanny/ and /pg/ or /egg/ and /psg/
Or /mmg/ and a shiddy /smbg/ auto
go back, and never comeback btw
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why is he le bad?
I kinda like the /uma/ stadium but it makes my PES lag like crazy. They probably fixed that for this VGL
There's a poster in /llsifg/ who's convinced he shills in the general. Which he may or may not do.
/alg/ is the most retarded active team period. It's an statistical anomaly but on the wrong side of the bell curve
what do they do that's more retarded than any other team
Your own manager admitted smbg and mmg were just bad
shot stats A-D

>/hanny/ 33-19 +14
/2hug/ 25-15 +10
>/@/ 23-14 +9
>/hsrg/ 26-19 +7
/wtg/ 23-17 +6
>/indie/ 24-19 +5
/gbfg/ 21-16 +5
/ss13g/ 22-18 +4
>/alg/ 21-19 +2
/tf2g/ 19-18 +1
>/pg/ 20-22 -2
/uma/ 17-21 -4
>/skg/ 14-18 -4
>/nepgen/ 12-27 -15
/bag/ 15-31 -16
/nikg/ 15-37 -22

this table feels viscerally wrong
give on target shots instead of all shots, most of /hanny/'s shots were miserable in the 2nd half
b-but my narrative...
Love Yourself
No, a 99 overall striker missing a tap-in wide instead of into a keeper does not make it now a bad chance
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Love Live is better than Idolmaster.
bottom panel between the sluts
are golds better on 17?
19 golds just feel like fucking lobotomites. For having 99 in all stats they feel like they job more often than not.
slightly. with 17 FKs aren't free but headers are much better. otherwise they can still fuck up free chances
Maybe on planet retard
>otherwise they can still fuck up free chances
now say that without crying
that without crying
This makes Crimson seethe so I'll unfortunately have to agree.
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>This makes Crimson seethe so I'll unfortunately have to agree
Struck a nerve?
you can go far too though. Just like git gud
>we're switching off it because of his crusade
are we really? He has despised 19 since day 1 and we never switched off it regardless. You overestimate the amount of influence he holds because it's basically zero
Maybe on planet yurinigger.
>Idolslop fan try to shit talk Love Live without mentioning yuri challenge: impossible
I like how we could have sent off 19 with a lukewarm reception from most people except the 21babs, but instead everyone is going to hate it and dread eventually going back to it.
he says as tears stream down his face
Niggers with no games trying to talk down anyone.
so what will be next week's meme phrase that everyone will repeat?
You tell me
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>he said it again
>maybe on planet retard
>'fraid so
>now say that without crying
>tears streaming down your face
>struck a nerve
>can you say that without crying
>you struck a nerve with that one
>reddit mention out of nowhere
>korean mention out of nowhere
>vglco mention out of nowhere
>pet team
>nerves struck
>so you don't know
>the state of online discussion
'fraid so
ya seethe?
he was cooking with this one
what the sigma
Fine speech
Who is the worst rapist in the vgl?
A bit esoteric, no?
Rance, doesn't matter how weak they are he can never score
and that's a good thing
I'm not talking about players
>/nikg/ and /bag/ advance on absolutely abysmal stats
>/hanny/ takes 33 shots and gets one goal to show for it
people will somehow defend this and say 19 is perfectly acceptable
there's actually not a lot of people defending 19
tbf /bag/'s stats are extremely skewed because of their first match
Fun fact: Chinks are watching. Highlights are reuploaded onto bilibili and other Chinese stream sites.

HOWEVER. They only care about vgl and not 4cc.
What's the 4cc?
This has happened since the /gfg/ debut anon.
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To be honest, /nikg/ were a better team than us so we had to run glass cannon tactics to try and get a lead and then change to normal sliders.
It worked in testing but we just never scored but in the end /nikg/ are the better team.
While we had some bad luck with the match, finishing bottom of the group is a fair result. We were really shit and the only time offensive ball movement looked okay was when we gave up on defending.
Being in qualifiers does feel a bit rough but even after it was obvious we couldn't win, I'm the one who made the decision to try and chase a goal so I can't complain about the outcome.

Without any known meta-exports to base our team on, I was unable to make a good enough tactic. We'll have to see about PES17 - while Winter18 /h/ was decent it had well and truly being found out within months.
It is extremely unlikely that a team can consistently be unlucky. It is more probable that we're just mediocre and we're dependent on getting good luck or having a stale meta to have any success.

Some anon in thread has already contacted me about seeing how they can help so hopefully shit turns around.
I would tell you to stop being defeatist but if I sat through years of /hanny/ and /h/ fucking me over I'd think something was wrong with me too
And yet /llsifg/ managed to look poor against both of them. Meanwhile /utg/ handled /smbg/ pretty well but /mmg/ made them look like chumps. There's no way that both /utg/ and /llsifg/ are not on fraudwatch.
/bag/ (and /nikg/, who also had a pretty awful first match) are still in the negatives even if you drop the first match. /bag/ on 13-18 -5, /nikg/ on 14-19 -5
neither of them have out-shot a single one of their opponents. one of them is running fucking 4-2-4. how are people rating them
now if you would look at the xG...
Some of the groups were just battles of mid, /indie/ was abysmal dogshit and /hsrg/ was pretty fraudulent. It's a theme in this league it's pretty even because everyone is mid.
/bag/'s 2nd match was also against a 2atb running long ball
i mean i guess /nikg/ aren't the worst 4-5-1 in the world, they're basically just /dbg/ now formation wise and /dbg/ have the best defense in the tournament. 4-5-1 is good whoop dee doo. but /bag/ fucking suck, whatever the 4-2-4 got lucky a couple times it would still be better if it had a real midfield

/indie/ and /hsrg/ weren't even particularly ba-wait a minute /indie/ ran longball against two midfielders the fuck? but yeah /bag/ already played three solid teams and had easily the worst stats in their group
/ink/ hoping PES 17 will finally let them out of qualifiers
/ink/ realizing they'll have to face PES 17 Centring Targets /indie/
/indie/ ran fluid the entire tournament, they almost certainly weren't 2atb in defense at any point
Don't worry they will ban centring targets next
t. knower.
I smell the bitch
Luckily since /indie/ sucked we got to see them change sliders and thus their fluid
Against /bag/ they ran 2-2-3-3 fluid with wing rotation and tiki-taka, we did not get to see the rest of the fluid. Then they swapped to 2-2-2-4/3-1-2-4/4-2-4 fluid with wing rotation and tiki-taka on CLCM FMA37. They scored twice on it when they went +2 and used AMA77.
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/vitagen/ is going to kill a team in qualifiers.
Please god let that team be /ink/
they had a 4-2-4 defensive structure and a 4-5-1 defensive structure. Both had pretty big flaws you could exploit, and the 4-2-4 one was the one with the biggest holes.
Big problem was he did the same thing /twg/ did last cup in their first match. DM -> CB pivot when in attack. So what tends to happen is when you hit the transition the DM steps up to mark somebody in the middle, splits the defenders, and leaves a massive gaping hole for somebody to make a run through.
The 4-5-1, like many 4-5-1s, lacked the ability to contain wide players properly.
The offensive side of the 3-3-4 was pretty good. The overlapping strikers in the middle causes a lot of chaos once balls get up the pitch but they relied on their fluid structure in transition a bit too much which often left their midfield pretty empty. Slugcat as an Orch DM will make runs straight into the box, creative playmaker WMFs will push up on the wings and try to overlap the WFs, so when you get caught out you're now left with all your players running back into position and the DM stepping forward and splitting your CBs.
We see this kind of playstyle IRL, where Rodri will drop into the backline for Man City in buildup phases or Tony Kroos for Germany in this Euros, but this doesn't work in PES because IRL nobody is playing with 2-3 forwards just walking around your backline waiting for a pass. They're expected to track back, to press, and wide players especially are expected to get back to make up part of the defensive structure, which is usually a 4-4-2/4-5-1 hybrid unless they're playing 5ATB then it looks more like a 5-4-1 (or 5-5-0 if you're Scotland in that opening match vs Germany that was horrible).
>or 5-5-0 if you're Scotland
more like 0-0-0 if you’re scotland amirite
Hoping for a /hanny/, /indie/, /ink/, /vitagen/ group. With /vitagen/ topping
My team is on its way to its first qualifiers ever!

== Leaderboard ==
Taichi Suzuki +1210.00
rabbitrabbit +1020.80
BHnk !!pHDUvj4ASJF +506.80
Dog-chan !!5DOgkneuFTr +352.00
Anameiguess !!tVHEmRaa/aB +339.00
Juan !!zNc6KCqHgOI +306.00
Abby !!Y5/ezQnvB2c +247.50
!!PzTXKgRpboU +231.00
TowaBaby !hEN.oBXK9w +162.40
Streak +130.00
!!0z4P8h3Sj2A +129.02
!!0XucvUm+LWZ +115.00
DrunkLoliOgre !!0GO8RsFdiEE +110.00
HisNameIs +110.00
Ban Mundo +80.00
glaucusautist !Ht7UkltItk +66.98
Everyone else +0.00
big money baby lets fuckign go
Going up in the world
Early odds + a little extra, blame night shifts.

>You get RB$50 every day
>You can bet it however you want in the groups
>If you bet less than RB$50 the change is thrown on a random line chosen by the wheel of rigging
>You can put however much money you want on the wheel
>You can only have one wheel bet per game maximum (8 spins)
>If you're betting on 'all home teams' etc, state the teams
>Say exact numbers instead of "split my money on XYZ"
>Your winnings carry over to future matchdays
>In the KO's any game going to AET/Penalties voids outright bets
>On final day you can't accumulate teams winning in final day and placing top 4
>Your shins are mine

Please refer to >>483127470 for your balance and add RB$50 for today's maximum stake

>/ggg/ vs /hgg2d/
/ggg/ - 2.80
Tie - 2.60
/hgg2d/ - 1.80

>/gfg/ vs /revue/
/gfg/ - 1.70
Tie - 2.80
/revue/ - 3.00

>/fgog/ vs /kfg/
/fgog/ - 1.90
Tie - 2.50
/kfg/ - 2.70

>/aceg/ vs /twg/
/aceg/ - 1.60
Tie - 2.80
/twg/ - 3.20

>/xgg/ vs /pcrg/
/xgg/ - 2.00
Tie - 2.60
/pcrg/ - 2.50

>/domg/ vs /vn/
/domg/ - 2.40
Tie - 2.50
/vn/ - 2.10

>/fgoalter/ vs /vrg/
/fgoalter/ - 1.90
Tie - 2.50
/vrg/ - 2.60

>/ddg/ vs /smtg/
/ddg/ - 2.60
Tie - 2.50
/smtg/ - 1.90

>Will there be Playoffs?
Yes, one - 4.50
Yes, two - 13.00
25 on /fgoalter/
25 on /ggg/
50 on one playoff :hotdawg:
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25 on /pcrg/
25 on /revue/
/ggg/ 1-1 /hgg2g/
/gfg/ 1-2 /revue/
/fgog/ 2-0 /kfg/
/aceg/ 3-1 /twg/
/xgg/ 2-3 /pcrg/
/domg/ 2-2 /vn/
/fgoalter/ 1-2 /vrg/
/ddg/ 1-2 /smtg/
200 on one playoff
800 on /xgg/ vs /pcrg/ draw
TWO 3+ lines?! Lets fucking go
100 on /xgg/!
do the right thing and lose it all like im about to
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/ggg/ 2-1 /hgg2g/
/gfg/ 3-1 /revue/
/fgog/ 0-2 /kfg/
/aceg/ 4-2 /twg/
/xgg/ 2-1 /pcrg/
/domg/ 0-2 /vn/
/fgoalter/ 2-3 /vrg/
/ddg/ 1-1 /smtg/
200 on /aceg/
100 on /ggg/
100 on /xgg/
100 on /vn/
100 on /kfg/
50 on /ddg/ /smtg/ draw
And 10 on a single playoff.
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5.55 on /hgg2d/
5.55 on /gfg/
5.55 on /fgog/
5.55 on /aceg/
5.55 on /pcrg/
5.55 on /domg/
5.55 on /fgoalter/
5.55 on /smtg/
5.55 on one playoff

my tippies
/ggg/ 0-2 /hgg2d/
/gfg/ 3-0 /revue/
/fgog/ 2-0 /kfg/
/aceg/ 4-2 /twg/
/xgg/ 1-2 /pcrg/
/domg/ 1-0 /vn/
/fgoalter/ 3-0 /vrg/
/ddg/ 1-3 /smtg/
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50 on /ggg/
25 on /fgog/
50 on /ater/
10 on one playoff
/ggg/ 1-3 /hgg2d/
/gfg/ 1-1 /revue/
/fgog/ 4-1 /kfg/
/aceg/ 3-1 /twg/
/xgg/ 2-2 /pcrg/
/domg/ 0-1 /vn/
/alter/ 3-2 /vrg/
/dgg/ 1-2 /smtg/

50 accu on /hgg2d/, /fgog/, /xgg/ draw, /vn/, /smtg/
all on /ddg/
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/ggg/ 1-2 /hgg2d/
/gfg/ 3-1 /revue/
/fgog/ 3-0 /kfg/
/aceg/ 4-1 /twg/
/xgg/ 1-2 /pcrg/
/domg/ 0-2 /vn/
/fgoalter/ 3-1 /vrg/
/ddg/ 1-2 /smtg/

15 on /ggg/
15 on /revue/
30 on /fgog/
15 on /aceg/
20 on /pcrg/
10 on /domg/
10 on /vrg/
10 on /ddg/
10 on one playoffs
20 on /hgg2d/ /gfg/ /fgog/ /aceg/
15 on /hgg2d/ /fgog/ /aceg/ /smtg/
15 on /fgog/ /aceg/ /smtg/
10 on /hgg2d/ /gfg/ /fgog/ /aceg/ /pcrg/ /vn/ /fgoalter/ /smtg/
All in on /twg/
/ggg/ 0-2 /hgg2d/
/gfg/ 0-2 /revue/
/fgog/ 2-0 /kfg/
/aceg/ 4-2 /twg/
/xgg/ 1-2 /pcrg/
/domg/ 1-0 /vn/
/fgoalter/ 2-2 /vrg/
/ddg/ 2-1 /smtg/
this is half of 4ccg "discussion" in a nutshell
huh what you mean?
so you don't know
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Well, /vg/ League stuff keeps getting posted because Reddit's fans are probably the second biggest in number after the koreans themselves and /vg/ noticed it too- (In fact everytime /lcg/ plays views just skyrocket)

Also while they don't hate us I ain't gonna defend their edgy humor, I agree with you there. But this is about football, we can be united by sport, can we not? It's fun!
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>can we not?
we can nyot I'm afraid
>loses to /gbpenis/
>draws /egg/
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it's a jobber line for a reason
His silence on the recent draw against /egg/ is deafening
/hgg2d/ wins 1-0
/revue/ wins 3-2
/fgog/ wins 3-1
/aceg/ wins 4-2
/pcrg/ wins 2-1
/vn/ wins 2-1
/fgoalter/ wins 3-2
/smtg/ wins 2-0
The commission of the /vg/ League contacted him and gave him a platform on ASS
50 on /ggg/
50 on /revue/
50 on /kfg/
90 on /twg/
100 on /pcrg/
50 on /domg/
100 on /vrg/
56.80 on /ddg/

10 on a single playoff
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Here's your /m/ roster for summer
Alright lets see if i can bat a clean 1.000
100 on /ggg/ the counter offensive is coming
14sponger for commissioner
if VGL council has no idea what the fuck they're doing as evidenced by the formation ban then what can go wrong if we elect a redditor that also has no idea what the fuck he's doing?
14sponger for commissioner.
need ramen to sit on my face with his fat ass
terrible post, consider complaining about the VGL instead.
pping & bet
10 on /ggg/ 0-2 /hgg2d/
0 on /gfg/ 2-0 /revue/
50 on /fgog/ 5-0 /kfg/
20 on /aceg/ 4-1 /twg/
0 on /xgg/ 1-3 /pcrg/
0 on /domg/ 1-2 /vn/
0 on /alter/ 2-2 /vrg/
30 on /dgg/ 1-3 /smtg/
6 on 1 blayoff
>switch to 17
>Suddenly /akg/, /twg/, /dbg/ and /indie/ start steamrolling everyone
Ebin. This is /uma/'s best chance to win a cup.
/hgg2d wins 2-1
/gfg/ wins 3-1
/fgog/ wins 3-1
/twg/ wins 2-1
/pcrg/ wins 2-1
/vn/ wins 2-0
/fgoalter/ wins 3-1
/smtg/ wins 2-1
bob has a stranglehold on reso and will crash the team into the ground again
streaky never managed on 17, will probably throw for /akg/ again in the vgl 24 fetus
I can see it happening, the 'co is too dumb to ban lgbt tactics, /indie/ star next vgl
>/indie/ star next vgl
/indie/ sucks, kinsey sucks and is overrated
>when absolutely everyone expects your team to lose and the only disagreement is exactly how hard you're going to get blown out
Why 4ccg suddenly wants /uma/ to win the whole thing? It took them 6 VGLs to get their first non quali win, and you're already expecting a star?
however he will run lgbt tactics albeit and win every match though
>Going against /fgog/, the biggest advancement choker in the league
/kfg/ has this on the bag.
however he sucks and will suck dick again like almost every /indie/ cup
/indie/ was one of the worst teams during the PES 17 era
My boy Kinsey... he just needs more time
Because every other team that has classified sucks, /uma/ sucks but at least they are funny.
in four PES 17 leagues, they had a total of one win
as usual he will just not try at all when managing /indie/ and we will see /indie/ be shit yet again
lol you fell for his pretending, cute :)
He just needs more time...
This is the VGL where I think anyone win, so having /uma/ winning a star is more entertaining than other teams
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hgg2d wins 2-1
gfg wins 3-0
fgog wins 3-2
aceg wins 4-1
xgg draws pcrg 2-2
vn wins 3-1
fgoalter wins 3-2
smtg wins 3-1

40 accy on hgg2d gfg fgog aceg vn alter smtg
10 accy on hgg2d gfg xgg-pcrg domg-vn one-playoff
Wait a little bit, there might have being some rigged with one dude spamming
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1 on one playoff
9 on /revue/ /pcrg/
40 on /smtg/
Rest on /aceg/
/ggg/ wins 2-1
/ggg/ wins 3-1
/fgog/ wins 3-2
/aceg/ wins 2-1
/pcrg/ wins 2-1
/vn/ wins 2-0
/fgoalter/ wins 4-0
/smtg/ wins 3-1
shut up
wtf there is 2 ggg i mean gfg 3-1
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the cracks...
The cracks...
Crack status?
The cracks have crashed.
The bloom...
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what'd I miss?
A crash
>the state of /ggg/
Time for /ggg/ to win, but not by a lot, followed by a /revue/ blowout
the cracks...
VTL is not sending their best
The day can only get better from here, right?
another Grim. day of vgl
>gio fucking with the IRC
Kara looking like the most washed and fraudulent manager in the entire VGL right now

But /ggg/ is losing
Honestly id like to one day manage nikg because they deserve a good run
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the cracks...
100% cunnysoup spamming IRC rn
who would win in a fight?
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hey YOU that one anon who wrote all the songs with Essex versions, go write Man Who Sold The World but with Beebs
We will forsake nyour countries. We will leave nyour meowtherlands behind us nyand becomewn nyonye with this nyearth. We have nyo nyation, nyo philosophy, nyo nyideology. We go where we're nyeeded, fighting, mewot for governmewnnt, but for nyourselves. We nyeed nyo reason to battle of the nya~. We battle of the nya~ because we nyare nyeeded.
Kek, what a bellum
Where is punished beebs?
Beebs is the one being punished right now
Crazy there are more Beebses than goals for /ggg/ this cup
/ggg/ on qualifiers watch. They're just ahead of /alg/ but that 0 GF is going to bite them in the ass.
He's streaming right now
Only /revue/ can carry the 0 GF dream now
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>Punished Beebs
>A man who can't have a normal match
They let him cook for so long and it ended up being bri'ish food
quit horsing around
>score a goal
>waste time making changes even though you just scored
>concede immediately
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Not inspired sorry.
ayo lil blud bro cooked on the ohio grill fr and turned his cooking into skibidi aww hell naw
Damn, I wish /myteam/'s group had /ggg/ on it, we'd have promoted for free.
kara status?
Karabellum lucky the bar for “Worst German Manager” is very high
nerve struck
This is seriously the worst VGL I have ever seen
Who is even in contention, art?
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/blaz/ would've made it even
What's bad about /ggg/ getting utterly btfo?
My first VGL was X-2 as well!
Who is going to stream the second game?
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Qualies sneeding are still possible with /alg/ and it requires all of /kfg/, /vrg/ and /revue/ to at least win.
/revue/ is also dead in the process, /gfg/ has to lose 2-4 for funny playoffs against /bag/
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For 48 team VGLs it's a toss up between this and VGL11
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>he thought he was actually going to get out the group last night
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Hopefully /alg/, /ggg/, /hanny/ and /indie/ in qualifiers.
time for more abysmal dogshit
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>he couldn't even figure out 352, yet alone 442/433
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Is it wrong to say that this has been the most entertaining match of this VGL so far?
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It's entertaining for someone not involved with it
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no this has genuinely been the best match day of the entire tournament
Kwabellum status?
That'd be /smtg/-/alter/
KWABellum officially boring and lacking imagination.
seething at /alg/
/gig/ /snowg/ and /vgt/ /omg/ were good too
absolutely. haven't laughed this much in a while
Hopefully seething enough he knows he shouldn't show up on comms anymore.
He has zero self-awareness though so he absolutely will.
Washed and fraudulent, worth remembering how hard he's crashed /ggg/ since X-2 next time he tries to lecture anyone on tactics.
Or cries about any other team wasting time in the game plan.
breed managers
The 0 GF dream IS REAL
trannies and gentlemen, the gay community that is ggg
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This is the power of reviewed tactics...
redpill me on the glorytoPMMM guy
That's like every 5 minute goal ever
He's the one gook who didn't come here for a gook team
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I see
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I already have 0 GF.
He was shit talking /pmmm/ for weeks just like that until they advanced, so now it seems he's moved onto /revue/
gooks ain't funny, neither are the teams they follow nor hate
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The tears...
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oh my goodness gracious
only good post in this thread
how the fuck do you cut these so quickly
are you livecapturing the stream into some editor?
Dumping the stream and using ffmpeg with a custom front-end.
more like
spoonworthy performance, they should be glad that they shared a group with /ggg/
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Throw it up on a repo, anon
>make a final
>can't even win because you get frauded by /2hug/
>VGLco immediately bans your tactic
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This is going to be /gfg/ vs. /aceg/ for that first seed.
This going to be really tough to go and get /hgg2d/ one position down, they're probably set for facing seed 20-21 (right now /tf2g/ - /pmmm/ but not yet set in stone) - /fgoalter/ might be up for the task with that +4 GD or /aceg/ if they get trashed for some reasons to get down to +4 GD (so 5-0 at the very minimum and giving a playoff with /hgg2d/).

As for /revue/, well...that's probably a qualifiers after being a runner-up. Unless /domg/ gets trashed in the next couple of games, that's a qualifier.
kill yourself then
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Plap plap plap plap plap
pretty good chance /2hug/, who have maybe the best export in the cup, end up in SR1. don't run longball kids
SAY THE LINE /revue/
>who have maybe the best export in the cup
he said it again
>3 games
>0 goals
I think it's time to review your shit.
Will /xgg/ dying help /revue/ out?
>Unless /domg/ gets trashed in the next couple of games
Also needs /vrg/ AND /kfg/ to stay at 0 points
If there's a new team or some revived team (ie. /fg/) in the next VGL, then no.
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Would /fg/ play qualifiers?
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>jinrai already debating on whether or not to kill /xgg/ to help his real team
One of the least sexy lolis I've ever seen
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What is there to debate, there hasn't been a /xgg/ thread with more than 10 posts in months lol
Which game is this?
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Okay, that's maybe a bad exemple I gave because /fg/ could get to qualifiers. Let's have something stupid like /rsg/ gets revived, then /rsg/ would have to play VGL 23 proper because they haven't played for a while (like /domg/ or /ddg/).
I'm new to this whole team and there's no best feeling that watching someone waste 40 minutes in tactics in fucking PES just to get raped.
I still wish tactics were done faster, they are such a mood killer
Idolm@ster theater days
what do you mean bwo? the tactics screen is kino and watching the streamer's brain melt is hilarious
A team goes to qualies if they're absent for 1-3 leagues, 4 or more and they skip qualies
Only a handful of autistic managers are do that
>kwabellum has the gall to show up one game after delivering a qualifierworthy performance
Will he comment on the tactics?
You don't understand, EVERY match needs to have a commentator
>Whole thing*
I messed up that pretty badly
The first match lasted almost an hour it was painful
My favorite matches are the auto ones. They are so fun
>qualifierworthy performance
He's not even last place on his group
there's two games left and if they don't go his way he will be in a fight for the 4th qualie space.
That means nothing for final placements and qualies
>force 80% of managers to use tactics they don't really understand and need very specific fine tuning to work because >PES 19
Fuck managers and fuck live managing.
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Fuck managers and fuck while live managing.
Even if it goes their way they're still not safe. /pg/ was in the same placement and was only safe because of 3 new/revived teams.
>3 and under you got to qualies
>more than 4 you are good
That makes no sense. It's how we ended up with /pg/
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Too young
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ASS canceled again?
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That's the perfect age you pleb
ASS cancelled until next week.
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Only /indie/ and /vrg/ left in the spoon race. The magic number for the spoon playoff is 5-3. Any draw or win from /vrg/ and then we might have that qualifiers playoffs (>implying) between /alg/ and /ggg/.
pity luck after getting his comeuppance for selling to /akg/
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>washed up retarded German manager vs retarded German manager
so, can we compare to last league where the people who ran mostly non-meta formations and where they ended up this league?
'fraid so
/twg/ advancing despite their complete incompetence would be the funniest shit ever
>Makes both /4ccg/ and VGLco seethe
Now I'm rooting for /twg/.
>Makes /4ccg/ seethe
KWABellum doesn't speak for us
nah we don't like troon war general here
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I only hate Warhammer
Maybe /aceg/ wasn't that great afterall...
/aceg/ gotta be on massive fraud watch
I still play FotS and would play Empire if the Ottomans didn't bug out the game in every campaign I try.
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/aceg/ 3rd seed. /llsifg/ still hang that SR2 placement but for how long with /alter/ coming up in a few games.
ASS status?

So if I caretake a completely new team, /ggg/ are in qualifiers
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The crack has formed
huh what happened to /twg/? didn't they win 3 (three) stars?
mickey mouse. aceg was paid off to go easy so they can advance.
forget alter we might not even make it past Group G before /llsifg/ fall to SR1. everyone above them is guaranteed the bye
theyre an auto this cup. not sure pilky made the formation but they have a caretaker now who isn't pilky, and pilky didn't know that caretakers couldn't submit nightlies and pastebins or something, so they can't do anything.
or so i heard
Kara, your thoughts on Pilky neglecting his team and still doing better than /ggg/?
too busy coping
/pg/ higher than /akg/ and /ggg/ is pretty funny
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Now that you're saying it, there's a path for SR playoffs too. /vn/ has to win 3-2 while /xgg/ has to win (or the most unlikely /pcrg/ by enough so they can stay ahead of everybody).
It's time for /ink/

>Qualifier Group A

>Qualifier Group B
0 points /ink/
/vrg/ and /indie/ are too good for qualifiers on PES17.
>kot dying to a literal dead general
holy based
3-4-3 is so bad in this PES, holy shit.
How is a literal dead general better than half of the teams this vgl
5 AMF is just elite and muscular
>Beebs doesn't even know what a default formation is
3-4-3 has to be run a very specific way to work in 19, if you do that you have a really fun glass cannon like /snowg/. way too often it’s just the ass part
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At last, the fabled actually based 3-6-1
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>When I'm in a Manager autism competition and my opponent is pcrg
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/pcrg/ comeback starts here
this one is on Beebs
It's the ultimate fuck you 50/50 formation in the current ruleset it seems.
It can either fuck the other team's brains or it can do nothing for 90 minutes.
Abort this entire group please.
At least they're trying to change things.
Yesterday teams just died with managers barely changing anything.
It's pes 19 why would you try
Not with a 5atb down by three goals with out of position medals.
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You're going to regret this post. Get ready to receive a lot of (You)s in 20 minutes.
>out of position
Do you know what a double A is
>20 minutes
Are we going to get even more pointless changes?
I'm pretty sure he's given up on trying to win and is just trying to stop the bleeding.
They're at 2 points. They're guaranteed out if they lose and they had 45 minutes to play.
I usually just accept that people are retarded but I honestly would like to know what he was thinking.
I think it's time to tell my co manager that I love him
yeah you should tell me that for everything i've done for you
but /llsifg/ only has 1 manager
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/pcrg/ sits in an anonymous 38th place. 3-2 /vn/ and there's a playoff between them and Love Live. Besides that one, the last possible seeding playoff is /smtg/ winning 1-0 or 5-0.
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>dead general is topping a group
explain and defend this
eliminated gacha, based in my book
/ink/ letting /pcrg/ out of qualifiers, /vn/, and /domg/
Please understand we must cater to small markets and let literal dead generals and EoS'd games in.
Otherwise we'd have to vet who gets to be a team and no one wants any sort of responsibility. Unless when it's about switching to different version pes that no one asked for to get your own team a better chance of winning.
now say that without crying
Who made /xgg/'s auto? Please say it was from someone whose team got eliminated, that would be funny.
Real vidya diversity quota
Not only did their team get eliminated, it was the 5th team ever to get 0 goals in a VGL
calling it now gfg aceg uma ss13g and nikg as frauds
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wtf nobody told me Euro 24 was being played on PES 16.
Nope, it's a council auto
Autopilots are made by the council and I'm pretty sure all of the council teams have scored
>the last possible seeding playoff is /smtg/ winning 1-0 or 5-0.
if /smtg/ wins they get 9 points and /nikg/ is pushed down
guy almost died and they had to stretcher him off
A caretaker can't make an auto if he's managing another team dumbass.
Is there a draw to define who plays who in knockouts or is based on seeding?
pretty much this >>483190504
The auto was submitted with mindgame sliders so that's what the team ran; they couldn't change them
>grip weekend
>still no commentators
How can vglel compete with VTL?
I am beyond ready for the /domg/ win
I think it's more the patch than the PES. 3 ATB wasn't great on vanilla 19 but it wasn't total dogshit
shut the fuck up, kara
He'll be back in the breeding mines hopefully after the survival round
Sneeding, with the matches being first vs. last, then 2nd best vs. 2nd last etc.
SR is based on seeding. The RO16 proper is an hybrid system were the first 8 out of 12 are seeding then there's a draw for 9-12 and the 4 teams that survived the SR.
clown tournament so may as well have a dead general win it all.
I'm hoping /myteam/ plays /llsifg/ so I can knock them out then immediately start breeding their manager afterwards.
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Holy shit /aceg/ are literally the only team left that isn't complete cancer.
This is the worst /vg/ team ever no matter who wins at this point.
tears streaming down his crack
You say that every year
why are you even watching if you only like 3 teams
such is the fate of fox engine /vg/s
>manager FC parking the bus against beloved fan favorite
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There's not enough emotion in any of these teams to inspire anything but disdain for the monotony.
He says as the top teams are, continuously, interchangeable western strategy trash, ReddiTF2, garbage gacha games, offsite bullshitters, and Boring MexihomoZ.
>vglco is at war with terrorism
>5atb -1 on kickoff
>half time show has goon hypno pmv voice
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Now say that without crying
>match so boring the streamer falls asleep
do NOT look at the roses in the vgl garden
No commentators is better than the ones showing up for /smtg/-/ddg/
>the state of the VGLel
What generals besides aceg do you like?
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I did right here >>483198558
usb in
usb out
usb in
usb out
Is Beebs cursed or just retarded?
Frankly this is the worst VGL of all time. Okay folks lets just admit it. This VGL sucks. The PES is awful, the formations are awful, the goals are awful, the teams are awful, the streams are awful. Anyway, I don't want to see this, so let's dismantle it quickly.
>this is the best VTlel has to offer
Beebs is breeding the /llsifg/ manager, please understand....
/indie/, /nepgen/, /mmg/, /mjg/, and /vitagen/ of the live ones. Used to like /ink/, /gfg/, and a few dead ones too but they all got boring as fuck over the years.
Frankly this is the worst VGL of all time. Okay folks lets just admit it. This VGL sucks. The PES is awful, the formations are awful, the goals are awful, the teams are awful, the streams are awful. Anyway, I don't want to see this, so let's dismantle it quickly.
so you're not white is what you're saying
this but completely unironically
Drone strikes on /vn/ management
Thank you /vn/!
Shitting on those teams but you like /nepgen/? Unserious post
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the absolute state
VGL11 was worse
average /vn/ match
ASS status?
What's the name of this stadium?
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I enjoy the nep games.
Semen Uke Stadium
/nepgen/ is a loveable team with loveable games.
all opinions disregarded
Yes, thank god
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but enough about your local team
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I want to love all the girls on /nepgen/'s team
>Medal suspended
>park the bus like a faggot
>get a medal suspended
Bus status?
doesn't matter thougheverthelessbeitstandingmore
CURSE OF /domg/
When does /w/ play?
2-1 btw forgot to mention
When you're in a waste everyone's time competition and your opponent is Group E
when you're in a fraudulent robbery competition and your opponent is /vn/
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unwarranted motorsport seethe, but I agree completely
when you're in a bus parking competition but you forget you're not /smtg/
What were they cooking
When you try to park the bus for 90 minutes but you don't have a god keeper
This match better be on the segment, council
>timeout at 90+3
if it's 1-1 I'll end it
/vn/ managers talk so much shit but never have anything to show for it
Git gud first and then you can banter
At least /ggg/ tried to win.
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This group, I swear to fucking God...
Now, if you want something as fun as a qualifiers playoff between /alg/ and /ggg/, you want /vrg/ to get a win against /alter/ or getting a draw. Anything should do as long as they don't lose.
Okay maybe this VGL isn't so bad afterall.
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>holy fucking reddit and reddit kyot gone
good final weekend
Since /xgg/ are dead, both /alg/ and /ggg/ will be in qualifiers if /vrg/ wins.
>"black servant was specifically tailored for long shots and free kicks btw, it's nice to know I did that well enough"
>black servant specifically made for free kicks
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Most kino group of VGL22.
Nah, I trust Nomo for that to happen regardless.
>of vgl21's top four finishers only /2hug/ are still alive in vgl22
the complete and utter absolute state of 21 final day teams, /vn/, /revue/ and /ddlc/ have all been completely exposed as frauds.
Now say that without crying
This group is an embarrassment
I mean couldn't there still be cases where you have to decide one or the other?
Guess somebody has to take over the rigshop now
but enough about you
I mean there's one card you put differently if you want to improve your gold striker FKs.
If you don't have that maybe uh... have that.
*/vn/ and /pcrg/ are embarrassments
Watch Lav pretend that the team was unlucky and only lost on free kicks.
/tf2g/ advanced though, so the biggest Reddit influence still remains
yes there could be a new team that takes the slot. they will have to do the seeding playoff regardless because anything could happen down the line.
Tears streaming down your face as you said this sister
struck a nerve?
All vglco teams got fucked.
I love VGL22!
Yeah, yours.
They already have done that

It's not /tf2g/ that gets actual redditors making posts about their team
/dbg/ is still alive.
nah that's you
A medal down for their first knockout match, however.
Why are you talking to the mirror?
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>/akg/ dead
>/fgog/ dead
>/@/ dead
>/vn/ dead
>beebs is dying
So is ASS just gonna be streak?
you tell me
If redditors didn't post about /tf2g/ nobody would be able to.
>KWABellum out
>KWABentale out
meltybros we're feasting well
I see one team I like
Where's the tears tier list
>"this setup didn't lose a single test... but >testing"
>"Man... I love testing"
>"I mean it's only fitting"
oh god not morty
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>/gfg/, /aceg/, /dbg/, /uma/ and /xgg/
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Oh yeah, that happens too... we're getting a playoff.
L'av is gonna ragequit rigshop again like Spring qualies isn't he?
Karth melty in vglcord.
bit esoteric no?
it's gonna be streak screaming about how he totally didn't throw for 3 hours
1. KWABellum
2. KWABentale
fuck you made me look
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What an abhorrent match day this has been.
huh, what does being 20th get you?
>most insufferable teams in VGL22
>most fraudulent teams in VGL22
/2hug/ were really lucky they got /nikg/ week 1. Otherwise /pg/ would have promoted.
>/myteam/ and 5 other teams i like
looks great
Fun. Someone will be on 4 points positive GD regardless, from the looks of its. And at this moment, /lcg/ and /alter/ might also play a playoff if the scores stays the same and if /ddg/ doesn't win.
>anyone but /pmmm/, /llsifg/, /nikg/ and /snowg/ are the most fraudulent teams of vgl22
lol, lmao even
you take /snowg/'s name out of your mouth
how is /snowg/ fraudulent? they got fucked by /vgt/
projecting much?
/pg/ had the biggest luckshit win of the entire league so far
>win 1-0
no other group or match had a result that fraudulent
Someone is upset
being in the survival round bracket
snow bunnies
Only thing I know is that /vg/'s team lineup is going to be abbysmal dogshit again.
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Oh yeah, congrats for the spoon /indie/.
playoffs between who?
/ggg/ and /alg/ now need a playoff for the 4th potential qualies team
FGO Alter, more like GO FAlter
Karth melty in vglcord. Blaming his loss on aoba.
>lists teams most don't have high expectations of

Someone is triggered.
/ggg/ and /alg/
/ddg/ is through on a draw and /smtg/ now has the opportunity to sandbag
it's always morally correct to blame aoba
rape aoba
Stop raping aoba
Wouldn't it depend on the amount of teams entering/exiting the next VGL?
so that's what avenging /vn/ and /fgog/ means
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dumping on /revue/ is boring, i dont care they went from second place to nearly spooning this league, they're just boring not frauds
Yes, but I think they'd like to know sooner rather than later. Kind of hard to do a playoff before the next VGL unless they just boot up 19 and reuse these exports.
it does, but we still need to know what position they are in case only 4 go down.
>there won't be enough people for a qualifiers next vgl
They are done for seeding purposes both could still be in depending on sign ups.
Breeding Diary
t. /revue/ manager
bro has already threw in the towel.
Please fuck off Juan, stop ruining smtg games.
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Should /xgg/ even get a rep if the general is non existent or should the spot go to whoever places 23rd?
technically you could call /vn/ the biggest frauds of this league because despite being the most overhyped vglco team they one of worse teams in this league
oops meant limbab
He'll be there for 5 more /smtg/ matches this league
doubt it's him, win or lose their manager rarely says anything
it should go to /akg/
/vn/ only needed 1 point in that game and they parked the bus against /domg/ a shitty ass team, they might be the worst team I have ever seen for that alone.
prob should go to 23rd
tears streaming down his face as he looked at the commentary channel
One of his teams is literally dead while the other one is almost dead, there isn't much to talk about
There were worse teams but at least they tried.
/vg/ generals barely watch the actual /vg/ team. You'd just be handing the rep off to a team who won't watch their rep play.
we agree!
The only thing harder to watch than /smtg/ tactics are their commentators!
hey guys i'm polling interest for a /4ccg/ team
nice try reso
>48 teams
>only 23 get into the /vg/ team
>only 3 will be medals
No shit most people don't want to see their star players stay on the bench while /vg/ plays terribly
like /akg/!
I actually only asked the question. I don't want to be accused of hating a team again if we end up scrapping their rep
/xgg/ should be replaced by the dead team with the biggest fanbase.
Yeah makes sense since the ruleset could change, thanks
If you wanna take away /xgg/'s rep you should've made a rule regarding this scenario beforehand, Reso.
No /akg/ showed up when they were a medal, /hgg2d/ and /2hug/ did as well.
I'll take note. Thanks
>ddg scored
I don't feel so good altersisters...
This is /smtg/ we're talking about. There's no way they lose to a team that lost 5-0.
>relying on a /smtg/ that only has to care if they lose by 3
Best girl
What a nice goal I wish there wasn't a commentator going through puberty while it was happening
Be nice to Beebs.
'fraid so
Yeah I'm thinking /alter/ is safe. Time to stat pad and crush the survival round.
Tears down your cracks
cytube needs a function that lets me mute juan in particular
Keep crying bitch nigga
Cool! Zero Sanity is going to join /vg/ as a bufflet SS this summer! That's gonna be fun!
Slurp pes and /smtg/ isn't even having the worst matches in it yet
struck a nerve?
because this shitty ruleset makes 3/4 matches slurp and awful matches so smtg are now copletely normal
As a neutral party I can't wait. And I don't even like /akg/ that much.
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He'd be more fun than most reps we have right now
>this amount of projecting
t. /akg/
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I agree t. /dbg/ anon
struck a nerve?
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Keep crying bitch nigga
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rip /alter/
uh ohh alteries
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The not-so-final rankings as there's one playoff to play. I'll do the 'cope' rankings right away as the playoff has no influence on it.

The SR will be the following:
- /snowg/-PLW then /hgg2d/ vs. Winner of /snowg/-PLW
- /lcg/-PLL then /bag/ vs. /lcg/-PLL
- /wtg/ - /twg/ then /2hug/ - Winner of /wtg/ - /twg/
- /llsifg/-/pmmm/ then /ddg/- Winner of /llsifg/-/pmmm/

The RO16 order of games will be the following:
/gfg/ - ?
/smtg/ - ?
/uma/ - ?
/dbg/ - ?
/aceg/ - ?
/xgg/ - ?
/ss13g/ - ?
/gbfg/ - ?

This was the VGL the closest we got to get a 1-pointer spoon (VGL15,which was the most recent and closest to date I can think of, had 2 remaining 0-pointers).
>fgo generals are dead
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so are domg and tf2g playing for which team they face in SR1?
GPM: 3.51
Groups A-D: 3.04
Groups E-H: 3.75
Groups I-L: 3.75
Yep, Winner faces /snowg/, loser faces /lcg/
/smtg/ didn't draw though so they're not top 8
ya u messed up smtgs placement theyre on 6 points
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/nikg/ is 8th.
VGL now featuring the Huge White Cock round
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Now for the 'cope' standings
this looks a lot more "fair" than last cup. not many teams really screwed out of knockouts. /pmmm/ being the one team that maybe shouldn't be there, but everybody else is st or above average for their points on things like GD. if you seeded purely by points then gd there would be very little shakeup in the table.
/ddg/ - /smtg/
/gfg/ vs /revue/
/alter/ played twice?! And lost both?!
/ddg/ vs /smtg/ and the /kfg/ one
>/bag/ and /lcg/ will potentially have to kill each other off
The good ending
/ggg/ vs /hgg2d/
/gfg/ vs /revue/
/fgog/ vs /kfg/
/aceg/ vs /twg/
/xgg/ vs /pcrg/
/domg/ vs /vn/
/alter/ vs /vrg/
/ddg/ vs /smtg/

Correct one this time sorry I mistook fgog for alter lmao
/ddg/ vs /smtg/ was the only fun match today
but, what about the blayoffs?
/ddg/ - /smtg/
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/ddg/ still has never been eliminated in groups
>mistook fate for fate
Don't worry, common problem doesn't matter now anyway :^)

Definitely /ddg/ vs /smtg/ though
kill this commentator
Be the change.
Yeah that's what I said to myself when I made the correction
are you telling him to murder the commentator?
I'm ESL tho
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English is only your second language? You're already better off than half of the commentators
How is the rest of ro16 determined anyway?
new thread plz
the other 4 and the sr2 winners (4) are drawn in randomly
Oh, ok. Thanks.
Top 8 are the home teams, other 8 are random sneeds
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Congratulations /lcg/ on your free win.
/lcg/ is getting a free win for their next match so they'll be staying on the roster this time
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Every time anons here say /lcg/ has a free win they suck shit and lose. /lcg/ is a dogshit team that shouldn’t even be in SR
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Surely we'll get last weeks players of the day this time...
When is this so called random draw?
after the survival round is over on friday
I LOVE /PMMM/ hosting ASS when
Your asshurt about them is irrelevant, if they win then everyone will say it was free, if they lose everyone will laugh at them
Buy a plane ticket to Korea and deliver the invitation in person
chug jug
>player of the day is just whoever scored the most
So low effort...
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>crimson in the call being a bitch about everything
the cracks...
>from 48th to 1st
this PES is such a clownshow.
/revue/ went from 2nd to 47th, so it's only fair
>skipped the /dbg/ match because Streak would freak out at being called out on selling to /akg/
Nevermind that, the vgl22 part is fucked. Just refer to the one I posted above. I'm fucking tired and I got all over the place today.
>BoB crying about luck
oh nonono
>Streak coping
lol, lmao even
Tears streaming down the ASS crack right now
I miss when ASS didn't have manager call-ins
its cause ass has managers in it, there hasnt even been call ins
just streak being mad
Denko looks passive and breedable
breed ASS
That's how you get /pol/niggers
>/dng/ merc wants to merc /hanny/ one day
lol, lmao even

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