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LAST: >>482920054
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>puck is a pretty lady!
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going great
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remember what they took from you
Post top 6
Judge others
feet, lina's feet.
fuck them hoes
i don't enjoy dota
i don't enjoy deadlock
i don't enjoy elden ring
i'm at a loss
Have you tried playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the Playstation?
coomer bros, what are the (female) heroes that I can pose into getting a panty shot?

Lina is an obvious one, but brothers, what are the others?
no it didn't release in europe
Good thing you don't have to pay for it now
I want to fuck dawnbreaker thighs
i dont enjoy dota
i dont have deadlock access
my pc cant run elden ring
not a super big fan of srpgs, i've played a lot but only finished fe3h
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>Random Rubick against an Enigma
>Manage to make a Viper asshurt enough for him to exclusively tunnel vision me in every fight
>Even get a fight where I blackhole three then netherstrike the Viper
deadlock is open for anyone, you just gotta be steam friends
I need deadlock my chastity cage
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yeah it does
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Reminder that RTZ could have dominated in West EU but chose to compete in a more competitive region instead.
he looks like a used car salesman
wow what a retard
did u try burnout revenge for ps2 with weed and diet coke?
no i have played burnout 1, 3 and paradise
funnily burnout 1 is the opposite of the other 2 games, as soon as you touched another car you fucking lost
i hated that game man
inb4 valve updates act 3 banner next week to say "mid august"
this nu-offlane pool is fucking soulless, disgusting, ugly absolutely absurd
legitimately who the fuck cares
we're almost at ti13 and the the announced at ti12 isn't even out yet
bald would've won against secret what a shame
Give me a strong Sieg Heil masonbros!!
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Ringmaster never ever. It was a mass psyop.
Why did valve stop doing the compendium?
>dark seer
>night stalker

i see u fucking retard bristlepoop player
when lone druid and furion aren't viable you can't talk about soul
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They stopped supporting a dead game.
TI14 will soon be hosted in a basketball gym court
i dreamed of playing in benaroya again
deadlock is kinda fun desu can't wait for it to be finished
sending your pets to fight for u is not soul u fart
please answer
who wants to join my deadlock team we will sign with shopify
i dont have a key
Tobi got to cast the best TI(TI5) grand finals his job was done.
>no enchantress in deadlock
>no ivy in dota
Just fucking kill me
ivy seems more of a hoodwinkfag thing because THEY'RE BOTH UGLY
what's his fucking problem? is he really triggered by someone having a child?
hello dotards has arteezy finally won a ti?
haven't catch up the last few years lol
yes he has
He won two actually, it's pretty crazy, doubters were BTFO so hard
someone had sex and he didnt
isn't he a huge simp for some chink bitch
>Morphling throws water balls at people
>Tidehunter spits water at people
>This is supposed to hurt just as much as getting shot at, stabbed, electrocuted, or burned
How does that make any sense
what? sneyking gets whores all the time. After winning TI he had 2 hookers arrive at his hotel.
There is aids in the water
go jump off a bridge and you'll figure it out pretty quickly
just looked at liquipedia and it's not there lol
wishing him luck on deadlock
liquipedia are the ones against his legitimate wins. They are on a crusade that RTZ never won a TI and he is a dishonest player.
Yeah but does he have sex with someone who loves him?
can I be honest with you guys
my highest wr hero by far is wr pos4
having sex is not the same as having a child.
You can kill someone if you hit them with high enough pressure water, like a firehose.
yea hes a total loser who donates all his money to various women and plays dota with them (never had sex)
when's this shit getting removed from the game?
are you retarded or you can't read?
Deadlock zoomers will absolutely shit all over him with their godlike aim and the macro they're building up right now grinding the playtest while he streams to his 30 viewers on kick and pretends to be a T1 pro
He is a Shopify pro not a T1 pro tho. RTZ has never been on T1
Why the fuck does bloodthorn work on every individual hit from brood spiderlings
how is that fair
literally anyone no matter how tanky immediately melts to that
t. sneyking
Your manta/bkb?
>[citation needed]
For quite some time this item was considered so expensive you'd never see it in a regular game and too low impact for the cost, even if it is "good", it just wasnt flashy enough as a 7k+ gold item
Worst facet?
Worst innate?
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>my team is retarded and doing retarded things
>mute everyone and focus on my game
>we win
I've figured it out dotards. Just don't rage and your stupid team.
Literally don't see why you would take one over the other. They seem the exact same.
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What the fuck
mason GOD
enough speed against any body can do many damage
dawnbreaker wins that one in both categories
Revealing the whole map is a lot better than the garbage Venge innate and her "free upgrades" facets certainly beat out garbage like Unfettered, Timezone, and Kinetic fence where you have to give up the objective upgrade of the other facet for the situational side grade (or even downgrade) of one of your abilities.
never, is not a winnable item but just a scape thing and null exist for a reason
>Worst facet?
>Worst innate?

echantress in both ones, getting double neutral shit is not good and the others just meh
Warlock Dank Memoire is just straight up garbage.
Worst innate is clearly venge with "give your killer a minor inconvenience while you're dead."
The runner up is Lion with "become slightly better after you respawned."
>unranked queue - 20-50min
>turbo queue - 2min
So thats what dota has become? Can't really blame people, its just sad since turbo is fucking stupid spamfest with 0 timings or thoughts.
>peoples borefest
>fun mode

yeah bro, i cant wait for turbo ti soon.
I miss random draft
I know it's still there but nobody plays it anymore, I used to get matches within 10 minutes but now it's basically impossible
hes triggered OG abuses their massive fanbase to strongarm PGL

has fair point btw OG always use "le morality" compass
>play sd
>disrupt enemy when they are using strong buffs or to disengage
>wtf report sd, I'm afk jungle
>disrupt ally to try and maybe save or delay their death
>wtf why use on me, report sd
There's no winning, is there?
Same when playing Pugna or Bane.
mason 11k
gorgc LOST
12k tonight
wasn't he supposed to lose all his mmr when hes out of smurfpool?
what happened haters
isnt he like a double down abuser?
whats the point
>tfw 50 minute game
>116 total kills
thank God we won, I would've had an aneurysm if we lost that shit. So glad I got the attack damage talent for treant so I could manfight.
oh look
mason is winning
Why won't they release act 3, already end of June.
I want more cool free shit.
i wish you could smurf in Elden Ring like you could in Dark Souls 1
in Dark Souls 1, you could make a level 1 guy, then play through the whole game and get all the good gear, then go back to the starting area and invade noobs and one-shot them
>glimpse warlock golem when it gets summoned
>the golem gets teleported into the middle of the map

Why does tidehunter hate fresh water.
He's a salt water fish
Okay just had another awfull ranked game and im reminded why i quit in first place

This shit is not worth the cortisol spikes
Never playing ranked anything ever again
Nothing in Elden Ring stops you from twinking.
>support main
>haven't played since 7.00
>see some battlepass shit going on
>start with Act 1
>need a Disabler token
>don't feel like supporting when I don't know jackshit about the new map, pull times, or any of the new shit on the edges and whatever
>no side shop either

>pick mah boi Faceless Void against 5 melees
>last hit like crazy but feels like farming basic shit still takes forever
>get MoM Maelstrom which wasn't the best even back in 7.00 but surely ASPD+Maelstrom is a good early game combo
>ASPD feels like shit even with MoM
>farming creeps between Chronos feels slow
>get awesome 4-man Chronos but teammates suck at killing, and so do I
>can't do shit without our mid BH with EB+Dagon solo wrecking the enemy team wtf kind of meme build is that
>Lion never stops bitching me out all game even after I bought Refresher+mangoes and destroyed the enemy team with 10+ seconds of hard cc
>don't feel like I carried all game despite the minimal feeding and awesome teamfight contributions and focusing on getting items in a timely manner
Is Void just not a right-clicking carry anymore, or is building for right-click different now?
Also didn't like the fact that creep farming didn't seem to be very rewarding. I remember Icefrog was nerfing creep gold while I was still playing but I didn't think it was this bad.
Was I supposed to pick the non-freeze talent thing for Void so that I didn't have to worry about teammates getting frozen? I'm sure our Lion was a faggot but I felt like maybe letting them get speedups in the time bubble would've helped but I don't know.

Is there a nice "returning oldfart" guide that I can read/watch to see what they did in the past few years so I can catch up again?
Also are the maps in the battlepass story thing the same for everyone, or is it RNG? Please tell me they're not RNG...
you havent played for ages
you're just shit at the game. obviously you're going to play poorly
mom > maelstrom is fine but effectively means you bought two farming items
void does fuck all damage and is a walking chrono until hes 6 slotted
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Sadly, this is dota or any competitive team game. You're not cooperating with people to win. The aim of the game is to carry as many immature people as possible to the point where cooperation no longer matters and only skill does.
My wrists hurt from praying Dorar
yeah but in dark souls 1, you could do that with max upgraded weapons, but in Elden Ring you can't do that with upgraded weapons
Worst part is we had really rough early game, clawed our way back, and then dude just throws wasting everyones time
Don't pick the Time Zone facet
I picked Time Zone because I had a Monkey King teammate and I thought we could do some epic MK ult + Time Zone and beat the shit out of everyone, but it didn't work out and Chrono would have been way better
>i want to cheat instead of getting gud
no wonder so many account buyers in here
Why are rubick spammers always such tremendous whiny faggots
>completely winnable game, we were never even really behind
>enemy gets an afk abandon
>our team starts to leave for some fucking reason
what the FUCK is wrong with these people
how good is Lycan? I never see him in my games but he looks fun
Yeah but what constitutes as getting gud at Souls games is just roll spamming off cd and waiting to attack the enemy when their roll is off cd
This anon doesn't know any basic marine biology
Man playing turbo was actually breath of fresh air.
Everyone picks actual heroes, uses mana and abilities constantly, there is always a support on lane and PEOPLE PLAY THE FUCKING GAME
No wonder unranked and ranked are full of braindead subhumanns, pretty much everyone shifted to turbo and just chills.

hes is somewhat dumpster tier like all the zoo shit and the spirit wolf is too weak to off-set how strong other heroes are
He won 11 games in a row one day.

she is so fucking pure bros holy shit
they believe that every game can be turned around if they just happen to get the right spells and then blame everyone and everything else for not getting those spells
it leads to this unwarranted sense of self importance
also they tend to pick rubick into games where most of what they can steal is totally useless so their hero is basically just two good spells
Any gay heroes?
>smart enough to work in tech
>dumb enough to be good for dota
Shes ephey but good.
She's easily my favorite streamer, but she definitely isn't pure. But, she'd be boring if she were pure
wonder how long itll take till we see her at ti lmao
>Aiming to make Dota2 a more positive place while gaining mmr:)
im a toxic fuck but i kinda just can't be mean to such ppl like sure shes shit and sure that approach is delusional but whatever im gonna move on and not ruin her mood
>you're just shit at the game. obviously you're going to play poorly
No...I don't like being a shitter...

>but effectively means you bought two farming items
Yeah, part of the reason I bought both was because I felt like I wasn't farming enough. Teammates were just brawling constantly, and I was really tempted to follow them around but it felt like a huge waste of time when I had no damage for myself.
A lot of the reason I thought Lion was a faggot was also because he kept trying to fight the NS+Undying duo and dying to Blademail and Tombstone and I was like "This retard is going to lose us the game". He never bought wards and shit so I ended up doing some of that too so I could farm lanes without stressing out. He kept getting mad at me for no reason. After he solo feeds before a fight, I would get a great Chrono, BH gets like 1-2 kills and leaves, and Lion's just angrily typing at me even though there's no reason to. And I'm like "bro, we just won a fight and I'm going back to farm. The fuck you want from me?"

>void does fuck all damage and is a walking chrono until hes 6 slotted
Yeah...I remember before I stopped, people were meme'ing about pos 4 support Void with Arcanes Blink Aghs Refresher as the build since he was dropping off a bit as a hard carry. I was tempted to do that too, but tried to play "seriously" but ended up getting a Refresher in the end because I felt like my contribution for damage fucking sucked even after 4 items. Which makes my BH's build even more confusing because it was like EB Dagon and Q spam against a mostly STR team. They would attack him, fail to kill him, and he'd just run in place in circles and I'd watch him nuke down like 3k HP enemies by himself in one Chrono and I'm like "what the fuck, how is he doing more than me" while I was struggling to kill like one low HP person with MoM active with a MKB and crit stick. Time to stop picking Void until I get better at farming the map I guess.

Damn, too bad.
>just can't be mean to such ppl like sure shes shit and sure that approach is delusional
shes too pure to be shit on

just like my animes
How long till she becomes grubby 2.0? All the positivity away and corrupted by dota.
Bounty and PL. If you know you know.
How to stack octarine ball????? I want zero cooldown on ogre stuns
Jungle Colosseum was turbo on steroids, I miss that mode sometimes, turbo wishes it had that much BROOOOOOOOOOOOOL
why does this post have so many (You)s
I checked the stream and its just some 100 viewer whore
you have lvl 25 for that, just build speed ogre
>her csing is better than mine
>im 3k mmr higher
her decision making and game sense is really bad
wtf is this real?
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>tfw 5k mmr
immortal is so close bros!
suzu geboku 774
>losers are losers
whod have thunk it.
t. 2k
t. loser
t. gaylord
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Is Underlord way better now? Pit of malice slow being a talent at level 15 makes him way better at controlling ( which is what he is supposed to do. ) and now building scepter for that double pit of malice makes him incredibly annoying in fights.
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I'm on a roll too. Almost to 8k. My goal is at least to have the same MMR as Hoboharry. Gotten a few stomp games where we just rekt em before 20 minutes.
i doubt the talent makes much of a difference
people just kinda collectively decided to stop being retarded and build good items i think
or are in the process of doing so at least
I wish low priority was the main format for this game and especially ranked. If you can't do good with 1 of 4 heroes randomly chosen and a team that wants to lose, you aren't that good at dota.
what if we had mmr per hero?
Mmr per role

mmr per game
>people just kinda collectively decided to stop being retarded and build good items i think
I'm not sure that is the case. Isn't his build basically unchanged? Atos first item or if it's a hard game just the classic vanguard/mekansm/pipe offlane build.
no people were doing like blade mail and euls and shit before
now people are actually building aghs and crimson
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that was a feature valve wanted to do but couldn't impliment. iirc ~5 years ago it was suggested they were working on it and in typical valve fashion it was abandoned
Yes I am RTZ
dagon should be removed from game, it's only used by pos 5 trolls
the obvious thing to buff it would be to remove the leveling up with gold and just do it with kills instead. Maybe raise the cost slightly i guess. I doubt that many heroes would get it even then
>rod of atos -> aghs -> crimson
Is this a viable Underlord build
Active Demonic Summoning
Summons a Warrior, Archer and Mage to fight for you for 60 seconds. Has the Energy Burst ability.
i think getting crimson that late is borderline griefing but yeah kinda
certainly better than rushing gleipnir or some shit
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Singsing / 10

>60% Zeus QoP winrate
Would let you mid / 10
Im going harpoon rush on underlord, fuck atos, biggest honeypot item in the entire dota straight into scepter.
I even skip vanguard unless crimson is necessary
>no people were doing like blade mail and euls and shit before
kek thats retarded
underlord has a ravage as his normal ability
>the obvious thing to buff it would be to remove the leveling up with gold and just do it with kills instead.
Oh yes please. That would be glorious for my Primal Beast dagon rush.
root does not equal stun
what the fuck since when did glimmer gave magic barrier?
I've lost like 7 in a row with qop lately. She kinda stinks right now.
it give ms too!
>+15 Agility
>+75 Melee Attack Range

Blade of Alacrity
Band of Elvenskin
1 lumber

Washing Pole
>+15 Agility
>+15 strength
>+20 attack damage
>+1.75 Mana Regeneration
>+125 Melee Attack Range

>Echo Strike
>Bleed (Meele only)
>>Deals 1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4% of max hp as composite damage (Scales with ultimate level)

Echo Sabre
1 lumber
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you building dagon 1/going masochist?
Witch Doctor has perma Scorched Earth that heals him and does more damage.
stop going dagger level 2 dumbass
dark willow has treant's ulti as a normal ability
please tell me this is futa, I need to cum
Wait, Tinker's innate doesn't just reduce mend time on greaves but also charge time on holy locket. Do you get increased midas out of it too?
it is
Viper is my favorite hero
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it wasn't
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>its a normal female
how could you lie to me like
>techies wasnt fun to play against
>tinker wasnt fun to play against

when are they reworking phantom lancer? losing all my mana isn't fun
You have to be both unfun to play against but also totally dead competitively and PL isn't dead enough
Please don't rework PL :(
what if we had a theoretical mana bar for mana burn damage to be applied and calculated on but no actual mana gets burned
what if you could hurt enemy heroes without them losing hp
What if they added a surrender option to pubs
I've tried both and neither of them are very good.



you lose 25% more mmr when you surrender
Yeah but every time you surrender you will see a 40 minute long SFM animation of the enemy team gang raping your hero before you can queue again.
If someone destroys items or goes afk or runs down mid and so on all mmr the team lost should be taken from the person that intentionally lost the match
If I see action taken for griefing I should get my mmr back.
Now this is a good idea
what if all heroes could cut trees as a passive
what if treant could chop down heroes
And build structures out of the wood they collect
What if my parents got back together again and I don't hear my mom crying next door when I wanna play Dota?
remember when doetards made the o face during the alchemist manta radiance octarine split pushing era
wasnt that meta dominated by OG, a team everyone hated and still seethe to this day despite having only ceb lol
Remember when different HUD skins were actually noticable before they zoomified the HUD
yeah when you could use other people's announcers too
>he doesnt know
I think you can still do that
? you can still do that, i always tell my team I'm sharing rick and morty and they thank me most times
I miss when they used to add new music packs frequently. I own all of them and I'm tired of listening to all of them. It's free money since they just gotta port them over and yet they stopped doing it
based retard
I played against silencer with refresher octarine aghs yesterday and that shit was not fun
I basicslly died to his curse shit before global silence was over
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>tfw barely a legend 1
Did you ask an AI for his shit?
AIs do not shit
fuck off
beat me to it
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why are you so upset, bitch boy?
Oh yeah? My dad owns a dealership!
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I walked Bob Dylan up on stage in 1975, who the fuck are you?!
>imagine bragging about leeching of someone else's success
jews are truly disgusting creatures
You are nothing!
those were the days when after the smallest of upsets you just fucked off in the jungle for 40 minutes
I come anon.
Infinite Midas would be too broken if it worked. I can't remember if Refresher worked anymore after Arc Warden's release nerfs.
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?! Huh?! is it true? The season changes?
Why are you posting this?
i asked this retard to recommend a jrpg and it said FFX lmao
pls sar do the needful and input your credit card information to subscribe to gpt-5
I just wanna play like a proper midlaner with my Shadow Fiend, but this nigger faggot game has stupid retarded picks like Weaver support, WD mid, Lion mid, what the fuck is the point
i dont follow dota much right now but how did og get 0-2 by navi jr?

if they implemented this again i would reinstall
it's really dumb they added double down tokens again when last year's reset was supposed to put everyone in their proper bracket. i guess they just needed to make money off the mtx.
How did Blacklist go 0-4
i remember when he qualified for ti10 and he immediately tweeted toxic positivity tweets to people who barely missed out like "you'll do better next year!" and "you're a great player keep your head up!"
winning an aegis and being in the running for the next one is a real mask off moment
>stupid retarded picks
>he says this while playing baby easymode sf
lol fucking retard
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Dotards what the fuck is this shit?
I was told the patch changed everything but I'm watching qualifiers right now and it's literally the same heroes at the start of the year.
You think they're going to announce Dota 2 Classic at TI?
Or just Deadlock?
just deadlock
>4-5 in 22 minutes
What the fuck happened to this game?
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were the doomers right
8-7 in 32 minutes
the leagification of dota..............
almost 1k free health for lifestealer doing lifestealer things
It's a bunch of brown thirdies playing against each other. Gaymen Gladiators 5 mans the offlane at 7 minutes in and doesn't stop until the game ends at 25 minutes.
Does a typical lifestealer get more hp from his facet than centaur does from his passive?
So how is Aurora ever supposed to win this?
Tinker seems like the hardest scaler in the entire game now.
Their only hope is to blow up everyone else. They do have aghs refresher requiem, but it probably won't be enough.
and they go 0-3 to Falcons
>that unkillable Tinker even when their carry is on top of him
this patch is a joke
>6 slotted carry does zdps to Tinker
I thought you guys said Icefrog ruined him?
why isnt there an option to buy a pass to get out of low priority? they would make tens of thousands a month
crystal maiden? more like crystal meltdown
How to describe in words the frustration you have as a midlaner when you're playing with spanish-speaking retards that hoard all the wards and use them in completely retarded ways, and make sure you lose the game if you don't have a serial-killer reaction speed to the moment a new observer ward becomes avaiable to purchase and you get to be the one to buy it and not the mexican fuck. Because I really don't know how to describe this kind of frustration.
Dota has made a lot of dumb changes but removing seasonal ranking is not one of them. It has made the quality of matches more consistent instead of it being a wave every time it gets reset. The MMR inflation you see only applies to high rank players. The majority of the population are still 2-4k. After a certain rank, like say Divine, a lot of the numbers are meaningless to begin with so that can't really be taken into consideration.
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give me all the farm
I have a game to win
Euls/Windwaker needs to be nerfed. This is ridiculous.
Eul's self target duration nerfed like bkb
x/x-1/x-2 seconds

nobody dies in this game
this really is league
if this was league we'd actually get viewers on twitch
bro... dont... dont... joke about that.... please...
pros are very conservative, strategically speaking
whoa its like both teams are playing safe and not taking risks because it's the last series to qualify for the biggest tournament of the year
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westoids btfo


I refuse to believe these are real people that play on the same mmr as Sumail and not payed actors
yeah you know how to git gud but cant do it
got it
Newsflash retard, mmr doesn't mean shit.
>sf double ults in a split second cc'ing our team for nearly 5 fucking seconds
wooooaaaahhh bro imagine if you were tidehunter but actually good
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>Forced to queue EU at 250ms because America has fallen
wraith king's recarnation is unfun to play against
grubby bros we're back!
how is this fair
he spent his life playing wc3 and other video games
never worked a job
never went to uni
and yet he gets a hot asian wife who takes care of herself
why is life so unfair
life is literally all about luck
speaking of wraith king
I had a game earlier where I second phase picked safe lane wraith king, and the enemy carry picked chaos knight
I won my lane
he won his lane
checked the post game graphs and we were pretty much tied for gold for most of the game
I got armlet radiance and looked to join fights with my team whenever I had ult
however every single fight, chaos knight would just reality rift me, stun me, silence me with orchid, then him and his illusions would just beat the shit out of me until I died and resurrected and he'd just beat the shit out of me again until I died
wtf am I even supposed to do? is that just a hard counter to wraith king and I can't do anything about it?
Wraith King Reincarnation now respawns his health based on the % of mana he has when dying
Spectral blade now returns the damage done to the enemies after 7 seconds
keep farming
kill his team
blink away from ck unless everyone is with u
>3 minutes in
oh my god get on with it
im down in the dumps d2g, stuck in low prio with 5 games left and 1500 behavior score so I cant even join ranked if i wasnt

please cheer me up, this is one of the worst times of my life and ive been homeless before
>enemy AM is doing too well, has bfury, manta, butterfly by 25 min
>gets accused of scripts by my teammate that laned against him
>think nothing of it until he keeps perfectly blinking on me with no vision and blocking spells or hex
>download replay
>he only missed 4 cs in 7 min, had 17 denies
>didn't even have his cursor near the creep he was attacking
>ALWAYS swaps treads to int before blinking not even half a second before
>his camera is so shit, he doesn't even center it or show the enemies when he dodges spells or ganks
>had 9k hours in dota
>legend rank
>when accused of cheating or smurfing, he said he can't play against immortal and intentionally tanks his ranking
yeah, scripters are not getting dealt with at all despite being so blatant like this guy
I want to get back into Dota but idk what the fuck is
>the map size increased
>side fountain things with mangos?
>innate passives?
>OMNI triple stat heroes???

help me im gonna hurt myself FUCK YOU
Honestly don't bother
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don't worry, just br00l
legion commander is antifun
I love the brool phase of the game when some lane fails miserably and their teammates try to salvage it by committing so many ganks that the opposing team has to respond and there's like almost full 10 min of both teams just doing consecutive teamfights back and forth on the lane until they realize that they need to farm.
Sometimes it never stops and ends with like 60-80 kills on each team.
just buy a linkens bro, she literally becomes a melee creep if she can't duel you
then you have to buy 5 linkens
...What the fuck did they do to Dazzle? His Weave passive feels like fucking ass and his ult feels like shit-Tinker. Couldn't give it "enemies within aoe of dazzle"? had to be "enemies affected by dazzle's abilities" BITCH DAZZLE ONLY HAS TWO ABILITIES TO AFFECT ENEMIES
and the passive lasts 8 seconds, doesn't refresh
so at MOST you're getting like 4 stacks and reliably 2, wow -4 armor passive at late-game!! SO COOL
game more fun than ever,
just play and you will get used to all of those new things naturally over time
yeah idk, dropped the hero
pros play it as a mid now
how do i play mid
why are there people not midding in ranked

mid is the lowest skill position after offlane
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Just had to deal with this cancer. I thought WD was insane but then I actually read his ultimate.

>Pure damage
What the fuck was Valve thinking? You can't guard against it at all and this was like minute 25 and this guy had all these items.

Incase you have no idea how this shit plays, here: https://youtu.be/6ZgF6kLMbcg

>Jump in, stun, catch him from the fog
>Faggot turns around, presses 2 skills and wins fight vs anyone in the game who can't delete him in 2 seconds
Dota 2 is a joke now.
Too stressful compared to pos 1 who is the player the team has to babysit while you need to gank, farm and not fail as pos 2 or 3.
>Says the word nigger in a private convo
>Gets cancelled before woke and cancel culture was even a thing
He was based and one of the best announcers there was.
Just stun him lmao
this is clearly 2k gameplay
dazzle lion wd are mid picks
weaver sup
>no bkb
What the fuck they changed Venomancer's ult? That shit was iconic I loved Poison Nova bombing
what does clockwerk do after 18 minutes
can you even win mid against sniper or sf?
feels like id have to play some cheesy shit like ogre and max ignite to bully them out of lane
stun people
How can you have 20k games and still be in archon-legend rank wtf
some people just play for fun!?
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As someone looking into tacets.... a ton of these look fucking retarded, and awful kind of retarded, not good or viable.
A lot of people are bad at games, it's just that most of them don't manage to have fun so they don't stick around
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Why is this allowed?
yeah it should stun instead
New Terror Blade Facet:
Upon using Sunder summon an allied Gunther creep unit.
He doesn't do anything but may raise your morale while playing this dogshit hero.
Can someone explain to me what Bristle's facets
>Warpath grants attack speed instead of damage!
Isn't that a fucking nerf
>Snot Rocket fires Nagal Goo instead of Quills when damaged
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just built on hit effect items.
people refuse to adapt
it's okay with basher but it's still gay as fuck they removed his ORIGINAL PLAYSTYLE in team fights
>stack quills
>get 400+ attack damage
>go in with high MS, melee, hit once, turn around and make them rethink engaging

high attack speed is way less valuable on a hero whose gimmick is getting one good smack in, then turning around
high attack speed is probably less dps than dmg for farming
and is worse for positioning
>wow wtf why does my hero have weaknesses?
>he should be unkillable and hit for 900 damage!
it's so fucking retarded, the old one you had to be in melee range to proc, now it's stronger AND counters ranged heroes
I'm convinced facets were an anti-powercreep patch that sought to lower the power levels of all heroes.
>average bristlenigger iq
>picks redditbick, r/dota2's favorite champion
>brags about it
Valve don't want to change the game too much. One because it is on maintenance mode and two because they get all kind of retards bragging about their retardation.
yeah, bristlefags are retards
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how do I resolve my anger issues when playing this game?
if there is forced 50 why do some people have 51-57% winrates on dotabuff?
they exploit party queue
they still haven't corrected
dota feels like it has way too much feature creep to me
fucking ALT CASTING?
CURVED vector skillshots?
what the fuck is this?
I gotta learn every facet now? passive? talent? holy fuck and the random quiz-tier facts/bugs/interactions on all of them
>another pango game
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>I gotta learn every facet now?
don't worry about it, half of them are previous abilities and passives
accept that every game is a lose and an uphill battle
it's possible to get over 50% but not over a long period of time
maybe they're on a win streak and stopped playing for a while, or the dotabuff hasn't updated yet, the more they play the law of large numbers will bring them to 50%
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does any dotard know what position im handicapped in?
is aghs into dagon the most optimal beastmaster build?
you look like a clown buying that shit, nerdfags should hang
hey kagashimi how do i into primal beast?
what role and playstyle?
>getting clapped by a clown
How the fuck is Enchantress not a universal stat hero?
yeah just what the game needs an enchantress with 2 bracer treads dragon lance right clicking you for 300 damage at 10 minutes
facets are clearly just flavor shit, only redditors thought this is Dota 3 or 8.00. The patch that added khanda was more impactful than this.
>noooo we can't have her being a viable carry/semi-carry!! people hate being clicked!!
whats next? asking why arc warden is not universal because he does not "feel" like an agility hero?
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I have the Mars facet that prevents field of view with the arena and people inside can't see outside without wards and people outside cannot see in. However when I spectated the game Io has full view inside the arena. Why is that? I just want to know. There are no wards in the arena and I don't know if it's the Ancient that gives that much vision. Goal wasn't to win vs this PA but to keep them busy while my team took the last rax.

Also why can't you spear people into the Lotus pools or into Hoodwinks tree? Makes no sense to me.
2 or 4. Surprisingly, I don't really play him 3 much. The way I play PB right now is just rushing boots of travel then soul ring > BKB > Dagger. Probably not an optimal way of playing him as mid. I've been flamed 3x already kek but I'm 10-6 doing it at least. If you are going 4, go bearing if you don't need to buy any other item like pipe if they are magic heavy.

Otherwise, I'm trying to gank as fast and soon as possible. Preferably when you on your way towards the enemy bounty rune. Usually they have low hp heroes.
when finished??
rough lesbian sex between hoodwink and dawnbreaker
psg here
psg out
>win 3 games
>next 2 games has a disconnect on my team
nice forced 50%
im gonna make one of those sn1per style dota videos with lich where he talks about dying of AIDS in the 80s and stuff

what are some things I should have him say? I was very happy that there is a voice line where he uses the word "spread" so I don't have to conjure that one up
youre weird
<Lichly> "I died of AIIIDS. Chain Aids! Spread the contagion! AhhhHahHAHAHAHAHAH" *voice escalating in pitch*
brewmaster's PENIS PUMP
I have similar feelings desu
His heals are kinda crap
Grave is still grave but it barely matters in the brool meta
His poison is actually not terrible but there are better alternatives
His ult is perplexing garbage
why doesn't valve invest in ai so that you can play against ai enemies along ai teammates and feel good then you can live in your bubble thinking you're good as an immortal which retains the playerbase?
Why does Bounty uniquely inspire everybody to buy shit tons of wards and dust?
I never see this behavior with Nyx or Riki or Clinkz
Is it just because they see him stealth in lane and it mindbreaks them for the next 40 minutes?
What the fuck is going on?
getting tracked is more annoying than getting killed
Those heroes can participate strongly in the teamfight. Bounty relies on running in and out to strike jinada and keep spells up. Unless he's ahead to an unfair degree he dies to almost any kind of lockdown or strong carry. Heroes like Riki and nyx can do something to defend themselves against a crowd

? He literally carries a club/ratchet/hammer/whatever
OG, Mouz, VP, LGD, Azur Ray, Blacklist, and at least one of Tundra and Quest will go to Riyadh, but will not go to TI

1win, Zero, Talon, and (unlikely now, but still) possibly Navi Jr will go to TI but not to Riyadh.

What if any of these teams win either event that would be so crazy
im actually so glad I got this, this is the only good looking skin in this entire game. It was totally worth spending like 230 or whatever to get her

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i really like my aba set
looks great but the voiceline filter is awful and dota+ voicelines are worse than default
>What if any of these teams win either event that would be so crazy
they are responsible for their inconsistencies
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>Actual content patch after a year of nothing and +1 armor patches
>The event is just a glorified caver crawl with shit cosmetics
>Gameplay update is just either "give a hero a useless passive or turn half an ability inot passive"

Reddit is sucking Valve's dick for this update but honestly this is the biggest nothing update every and it's pretty fucking boring, I am playing less than before the patch.
thats stupid, the game is massively improved since this new patch regardless of all the new facets. they changed the high ground fortify thing and now the games are actually fun again.
congratulations you mentioned the only sensible change in this shit
>he doesnt like free shit and a huge update
just stop playing bro
I literally did.
This game is fucking embarrassing at this point.
why did navi draft all stuns and no damage
yet youre still being a little bitch in a 4chan general
I am just telling you that this game is shit and you are playing a shit game.
sounds like a you problem, im having fun
I feel like people don't really care about ti as much as they used to. anecdotally my friend group of ex dotards would always get together to watch it but we stopped since the prizepool dropped. it wasn't even a conscious decision, just the hype/prestige wasn't really there
all those majors and minors made it less special
i dont think there is a voice filter? or it doesnt really bother me
i like her sandals
can someone explain how dk is still a hero? he lost 2/3 passives from his ulti
guy who finds stupid shit to complain about for (you)s is back
>enemy team all connects right away
>my team all 4 people have problems connecting in pick screen
haha not an automatic loss for sure
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second screen usage
>monitor on tiny object smaller than monitor

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pick one role
>pick one role

bad player advice.
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help im becoming gorgc pilled.
his calm and stoic demeanor draws me in
just had a game where a stack forced me to lane with their downie wtf
stick him in mid or something
unironically the face of dota
>dumb and retarded but relatable
>cocky confident takes but entertaining
>extreme fun when raging
its like night and day difference from watching mason and bsj all these years
dota is actually a good and fun game when u queue turbo and everyone just plays whatever and plays the game instead of having some arbitrary ego
people from any country with green in their flag shouldn't be able to connect to white people
thats always been dota before mmr came out

i hope they release turbo mmr so you niggers can fuck off
>his calm and stoic demeanor
You mean the guy that rages all the time, complains the moment something doesn't go his way and has the biggest ego in existence?
did esports ruin video games, bros
turbo isn't fun and is for lowminds that want to simulate the experience of playing a video game without the cognitive load

it's literally for stupid people.
watching gorgc rage is unironically entertaining wtf?
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erm... WTF dotards?
>watching gorgc rage is unironically entertaining wtf?
Sorry but I'm not a zoomer or a kid. Loud noises are not funny to me.
nta but yeah, sometimes it's funny
it could be fake or acting, but everything he says when under distress is funny
i remember him losing a game and saying how the kkk community is better than the dota community, and he said he would rather join it as well than play or something lol
boomers are not aloud to enjoy dota
>duhhh watching people rage is funny!

refer to >>483153794 for information on your situation also
You do realize that he's pretending because he knows children loves watching that stuff and it goes viral?
holy based
imagine your life being pretending to get mad in front of the computer

not actually getting mad but pretending
>i hope they release turbo mmr so you niggers can fuck off
why are you insulting me
>i was merely pretending
all me btw
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Lets go Tundra the best WEST EU team!
we watch alkaizer and women with 50 viewers here sorry
and mason
frieren is cute...
but ubel is the cutest!!!
>women with 50 viewers
dont forget to tune in to meg soon dotards!!!
literally an insufferable manchild
Even Mason is more fun to watch because he's not as fake as Gorgc
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tundra WON
picking sniper/zeus into brew is legit suicide tier
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why didnt you d2ggers tell me about riki aghs?
you didnt ask
It feels like the IQ of carry players drops by another 10 every few years

Combined with it being the brown role there's currently a bad situation with carry players
what if we removed all % chance skills/items and just scaled them up accordingly
but arent mason and gorgc white
mason yes, gorgc is not white. some kind of pallid euro thing
once i reach immortal which is only like 15 wins away, i'll quit dota forever since i mastered it
nice you jinxed yourself
immortal is 7k but the top players are 14k that just means you at the 50th percentile (forced 50)
Immortal is like 5.8k, numbered immortal is like 7.9k
its 5.6
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When are we getting a 2nd and 3rd map so we can get past this Radiant-sided map?
when will i get a blueberry gf like traxex
>get a chest drop that has some neat sets in it
>oy vey buy a key won't you goy
erm no
>topson sniper
wow never seen that one before
topson saw mason's 11-0 sniper day & copied him
you can grief lift your allies now?
Clockwerk alt cast
>Battery assault straps a battery assaulter onto the enemy hero, causing them to battery assault their allies
>Power cogs heal & replenish allies HP & mana that run into them
>Rocket flare removes vision from the target area for enemies
>Hookshot hooks enemies towards Clockwerk
i hate ck
Agent Z one game away from TI
I remember when only RTZ could pull off those manta dodges...
kek when are they gonna copy his jungle veno?
>pick ck
>weaver into CK
i thought these guys were pros?
>universal heroes still in the game
i wish they backpedalled on mistakes more than every now and then
don't worry, when they scrap strength, agi and int, it won't matter anymore
wdym pl's invis is back & so is witchcraft
They brought back march.
I mean she kinda sounds like naga siren lol
dota was still toxic as fuck before mmr what are you talking about, it was absolute chaos
>/biz/ when crypto dumps
it's the same voice actress
but yeah, the fucking echo reverb garbage they add to shartcanas should be optional, like spectre voice
>go 11-0
>teammate sacrifices me so he can tp away with 50% hp/mana in easily winnable fight
>feed rapier
>enemy too stupid to get the rapier
>go back and my rapier is there
>win anyway

big mad and maximum unsatisfy
archon moment
Almost every new hero/arcana released after Grimstroke has a weird voice filter for some reason, Hoodwink had one on release that was removed within a week so they can fix it but for some reason they keep the retarded filters around
no its GUARDIAN or something

i don't remember hhhoodwink having one at all
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tundra WON
Yeah the ultimate carry position isn't stressful at all, not like the entire game rests on you or anything, with the addition of having to play against psychopath offlaners and have some moron five. Mid is a 1v1 that is bliss compared to having to deal with 3 retards contesting my cs.
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>mfw trying to catch tinker
>i don't remember hhhoodwink having one at all
She did, they removed it in less than three days, there might be some videos on youtube from her release that still have it. It was the same synthetic sounding echo shit that QoPs arcana has
for every good revert there are always 2 new campo santo shitstain changes
>adding faucets to heroes which remove skill expression and micro so that the most drooling retards can play: pl, lycan, visage, etc (they are the better ones numberwise)
>machines are back, but missiles are kill and item rearming
>witchcraft back, except it's shit, the hero has a 40%wr and spirits still deal 50% damage to buildings

wtf? why would they make it like this?
shes actually a robot
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No one knows, they were obsessed with voice filters for some reason
You're a fucking retard.
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>terryblade in current year + 9
just go to game 2, tundshit will lose hard
tundra is doing a 322??
calm down sean vanaman
I hope that guy wound up killing his wife
>brood 1
>terry AND arc on top of that
What the fuck
Where's your control?
Where's your initiator?
literally any dota streamer
There's a simple reason why Dota 2 died:

It catered to sub-human Russians and didn't ban them from entering other country queues and ruining their fun.
not my vtuber wife
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how do you counter this
Hoodwink new shard
"Burrow in"

Hoodwink climbs inside the enemy hero by way of a hole. Chews the enemy hero 1 time per second for her attack damage, unreduced. Lasts up to 30 seconds. Dispelled by teleporting.

Does not work on heroes with no holes or no flesh.
Nice fucking draft retards.
Literally does no damage. Just dodge it.
uhhh what is this draft suppose to prove or do
>this is what techie has become
man dk knight blows, he has no armor anymore, needs to be lvl 30 to get 80% of the values dragon's blood gave when you had lvl 7
he's just sven with a good lane now, literally so if red dragon
I stayed up all night and morning to watch this
is this matchfixing
most likely
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>hit level 6 on rubick, steal warlock golem and go bot to help
>they're 0-13 in a 1v2
>ask how the fuck that happened
I know it's pointless complaining about thirdies but I just don't get it, how can they be so utterly and completely retarded AND self aware? When I grief a game and play like shit I feel bad because I did poorly, do they just still think they're gods?
stop blogposting about your 2k games retarded subhuman
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You mean my 6k games, thirdie? Post wrist with timestamp before you respond to me again nigger
why didnt they allow TB to farm dagon? or let topson farm TB? this shit would unironically pwn.
>You mean my 6k games, thirdie?

psg here
the other guy is correct
your 6k games are equivalent to my 1k games

you just said it yourself, 0-13, same shit. same players. except you can't pick heroes you want and have to pick over 49% win rate shit
i don't blogpost about my 9k games, sit down shitskin
Fucking terrorblade support griefing the enemy team
I haven't played doter in half a year. What the fuck are facets?
talents you choose at game strategy time
talents 2
next step is choosing what items you can buy
>better players on both teams lead to similar results
oh wow what a shock buy an account and get shitstomped you 1k shitter oh wait you will just blame forced 50 or the shadowpool or something lmfao retarded fucking brownoid kid
easiest money of my life
>blogposting numberless immortal
divine kid
tell my why this wouldnt work as 3? get armlet dagon blink, and you force the entire enemy teams cores to buy linkens. if that TB had gotten priority farm, he wouldve owned.
get ya protein up third world browneye haver

post hand
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wheres that fucktard yesterday
it's a turbo strategy
seethe brownie
>win game
>next game get some Russians
>one of them immediately tries to take my role without asking
>another one picks enigma into silencer
Why can't these losses at least feel honest
its not that good and the risks are insane
you can die to random shivas, radiance, cloak of flames, fucking catapults getting randomly vision of you
Because you can't do it often enough until lvl 25
When will you realize Russia is like a giant shit hole full of retarded Dota 2 players who do nothing but lose in Dota 2 all day and do meme builds their shit streamers promote?
it fucking owned them niggas when he was finally online at 40 minutes. they were shitting their pants. if he had dagon, he wouldnt need to wait until he was 1 heath, he couldve instakilled dudes with 300 HP plus dagon. imagine at 20 mins, a TB with blink and just insta killing cores, then snowballing until he has armlet and dagon.
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i just got a fucking LP after literally 3 turbo losses what the fuck????????
how the fuck im having a legend 3 subhuman picking drow offlane after i already picked and hes in a party stack
somehow im the one punished with another -500 behavior?
now i rly dont fucking get it now, i didnt chat a single time
Dota 2 died when Chi Long Qua quit the game.
ive proven my pale freckled skin and beautiful blue eyes in front of d2g multiple times

ball is in your court

but you wont do anything with it because youre from a country with green in its flag. begone dalit
>I didn't chat a single time
I don't believe it
why would i fucking care about pointless unranked shit games with people 2-3 THOUSAND MMR LOWER, i pick a hero spam some spells and move on with my life
You're moving on to low prio
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4 reports in turbo by some casual party fags is enough to get LP nowadays very cool indeed
you play turbo you get reported, simple as
plus you pick shitty turbo heroes and lose the game so the turbo subhumans always look for someone to blame
i mean true i also reported for text chat everyone who even said 1 word but i didnt and i even picked support for some total inbred from crusader bracket
lmao ok brownie I don't care about your headcanon
Link the match IDs
how are you still going on about this autist kill yourself no one gives a shit about your post or anything you say just shut the fuck up
you care brownie
lmao keep pretending you're White
>death prophet
what is the average rank newfags calibrate to? i heard something about archon being common, so was very disappointed when i finished with herald 4, but after seeing at least one person with 3000k wins in their mini-profile in every game i'm not so sure
hope teaspoon gets to ti again
hope pure wins it as lebbitards would get very pissy
Deadlock... won...
3 million wins in Herald? I believe it
i don't think there's any new players
it's been the same people for 12 years
remember last year ti ? that motherfucker hitchhiked off of tundra's dpc points to ti. what a pathetic little shit
>uhh i'm not brown even if you already posted your blue-eyed picture it's you who are brown, not me, i'm totally not brown

: - )

typical brown reality
damn tundra really were just playing with them last game
wins dont mean anything, herald is extremely low rank. but ranks dont work, and dont indicate player skill
More like
>pick DK
>pick DP
Also they have zero burst until like rapier daedalus weaver.
What the fuck were quest thinking this draft?
What the fuck were tund thinking last draft?
you mean Lina
>What the fuck were quest thinking this draft?
high off endorphins from winning last game, so they are more likely to do high risk shit like this
>What the fuck were tund thinking last draft?
matchfixing for free cash
sex with lina
>high risk shit
They picked the comfort grief pick dp, that's not high risk.
stop projecting lmao
>picking this 40% wr hero because it's a cumfart pick is actually not high risk bro
It's the opposite, thank you for agreeing.
comfort implies he has a lot of matchup knowledge and a lot of games, which is used to leverage picking one of the worst heroes in the patch, it is absolutely a high risk, for little reward as well, you bumbling retard
Anyone of you DOTARDS need a deadcock invite?
>Pick CK carry
mason live bitches
I remember when underbellend countered str stat carries like ck hard
they've cucked atrophy aura so much it's surreal
>pick storm
>pick ck
>pick et
imagine if witch nigger was bad for 1 patch
1 fucking patch
How does AM vs Huskar work now.
this but also tiny and pango too
im pretty sure dota ruined my chances of getting a phd. undergrad was dark times and if anything, dota helped trap me in this hole. it literally was the modern day cocaine for me. of course, the fault ultimately lies with me but oh boy did i abuse the shit out of playing dota. depressed? dota. failed a test? dota. panicking before a test? dota. and then there was the pursing of higher and higher mmr. the grind of getting better, reacting faster, thinking smarter, all for the sake of dota. what are the meta heroes? what builds are pros using? how should i farmed, maybe i should check up rtz/ee's stream to see. when do i rotate? how do i split push? all of this so i can become the better player. but fast forward a few years later, all i have is dota. i am a better dota player yes, i probably can have some real life transferable skills, like efficiency and what not. but at the end of the day, i no longer have the credentials to succeed in life. i am a better dota player, but not a better person. i don't have the grades, i don't have the network to succeed. i am swamped in debt, which a part time job probably couldve helped throughout undergrad. this sucks. life now sucks.
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>surely the weaver will outcarry CK this time
imagine if sand king was good for more than once a week every 2 years
well nigga im not a psychic, gimme your steam
quest's drafts have been very stubborn, they deserve to lose
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chaos knigga
Map change: the bases on the low ground now.
Underlord griefing his team
What the fuck was that
>you appear on the map
>storm comes in from 4k units and kills you
I don't fucking know, he just went to kill some creeps after dying without buyback just before it
would dota die if they prohibited betting ?
Dota conjures money from lootcrates into accounts so no.
>Topson made it to TI
>Ceb didn't
its so tiring

win the game for them singlehandedly like literally every single game

and they just feed

and feed

and feed

and go into fountain

and buy bakc

and go past barracks

and go past t3s

and feed and feed and feed

you cant just walk up and hit a building? you cant walk up and hit an exposed building as 5 or 4 or 3. you have to walk past buildings endlessly. because? it pays off somehow for you?

it's like low IQ players have nothing but fantasies of the game in their head. no matter what is actually happening what they see is their low iq masturbatory fantasy.

sorry, checking out, i'll be in the mighty mines.
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Topson at TI
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King Midas to Dota when?
>winning game
>allies are bad, but continue winning
>get angry
>decide to lose
>this is my team's fault
are you retarded
theres no "winning" this game, it does not matter what i do, i didnt win, no dota game occurred

the play is below the level of counting

the fact that you think something like this has any value even as a 1 or 0 in w/l column is different between us
shut up tinitus cancer patient
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Handholding with Lina!
Sorry I don't browse d2g with enough autistic regularity to know who the resident retards are
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oh n o i got banned from having the worst experience a human being can have

time to go pick my dick in a cheese grater instead since thats better than playing this game

holy fuck what is the point of playing with people who are below 50 iq every game, this account is beyond valueless :|
peak brownoid behavior
Time to drop out in groups.
you can comment on browns when you post blue eyes, rn im verified and youre some brown

now dalit refrain from speaking to me again
>do something unfathomably retarded
>get thrown into the retard pool with all the other retards
>too retarded to realize that he, himself, is retarded
The system works, lads
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So when's the circusman and the other one coming?
>enter store
>line is too slow
>take shit on floor
>get kicked out
wtf why is the store like this?
are you... bloggin...???
don't insult 2k players by calling psg 2k lmaoo
if the system worked then all 4 teammates would get removed from the game, force abandoned and instantly put into low priority for running past barracks and shit feeding 3-4 times each when there are nonstop pushed lanes where they can just hit barracks

theres no reason to play this game at low mmr/behavior at all

i dont really care about playing any other games on this computer anymore though so i think im just gonna get a new vid card in my second computer and use it for bought accounts
who you quoting?
lmao sure you are brownie :)
He.. he's not just memeing, is he
Like this isn't just a clever ruse or a funny joke
He really is this fucking stupid
Is nobody else compelled to engage?
Do you not want to study the retardation?
Does it not fascinate you?
Like there must be an explanation, surely
This decade.
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they're so cheap now

once i convert this computer over i'll just switch to a new IP and new account any time they ban my bought account (which isn't really happening LOL)
is mason really a banned word in gorgc?
I mock him in the hopes that he gets an aneurysm or dies so we will finally be rid of him, but most people are tired of his incessant low quality shitposting which has been going on for a decade and wrongly assume that if you ignore him he will go away.
Hopefully he buys another account soon and comes up with another elaborate reason for how Valve personally makes sure he loses all his games because there's no way it's his fault when he intentionally feeds and plays like a 1k shitter when he doesn't.
>I mock him in the hopes that he gets an aneurysm or dies

being mocked by virgins actually makes me stronger, it's like a prayer
PSG is right. They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Whatever you say womanbrain.
Why is the mmr stated twice?
because nigga
>PSG is right.
About what specifically? Bought accounts being cheap?
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who are you guys talking about?
What's your theory behind his retardation? I think it must be some lead in the paint that permanently stunted his brain at 15 years old
win/loss of game is determined before game starts

the only agency you can have in a dota game is removing a win by using rapiers
Having 4 retards on your team that refuse to hit buildings and would rather lose diving fountain.
Bros.. the DeadCHADS are laughing at us again...
Too much estrogen, his behavior is indicative of low T high E, like an overcompensating "urban youth"
lol based
The who
I think what truly baffles me about this is that it's a loss brought on by a conscious decision
Like I get being mad when things go to shit but this isn't even close to being over
All but one tower is standing, the dire are ahead by 14 kills
The lategame scaling is a bit dicey but it looks like the radiant's mid rax are down and it's only 34 minutes
Like don't get me wrong, the dire CAN lose from this position, it wouldn't be hard, especially now that the radiant cores are starting to come online
But what gets me is that, in spite of that, PSG has made the conscious decision to lose
It's not like he got mad and tilted and distracted and fucked up a teamfight or bought an item without thinking or overextended and got ganked
No he went into the shop, sold his items, bought two rapiers, and decided to feed them
Is this behavior so ingrained that it's become subconscious?
Was he thinking when he did this? Or was it such a habit it was automatic, like buying wards off cooldown?
Is that possible? Can such a large, conscious decision truly become subconscious?
Is this, perhaps, borne of anxiety? Is he scared that he might lose in spite of his efforts, and so he decides to take matters into his own hands?
Is this like those people who get raped and then convince themselves that they wanted it so that they don't have to feel violated?
I'm not convinced this is simply retardation anymore, because I don't think stupidity alone leads one to do this
This strikes me as an emotional defense mechanism, and I find myself wondering if it only manifests in Dota
why would you rather "win" this game???

you can reward 4 people who don't deserve it or punish 4 people who do

you have no moral compass
>"my team is so shit! i dont belong here!"
>buys account
>"im back where i deserve to be!"
>new account nosedives in mmr over the next couple weeks because of a compulsion to ruin
>"my team is so shit! i dont belong here!"
>repeat ad nauseum
The idea that incompetence is a moral failure is a fascinating concept
Tell me more
ive never lost mmr on a bought account

go ahead and show one
>you can reward 4 people who don't deserve it
in the process punishing 5 people who deserve it
> or punish 4 people who do
In the process rewarding 5 people who don't deserve it

It's a numbers game
why add nausea?
So show us all your bought accounts.
I dunno read atlas shrugged i guess, it's kind of about that

i dont agree with it though, ayn rand was a cocksucker not in a good way

I like the feeling of being the judge jury and executioner that rapiers provide
imagine caring so much about 4 people you hate yet will never meet that you ruin your own chances to win and not get banned
what a sad person you are
i dont care at all about winning. i just want to play a good game
What constitutes a "good game"
>I dunno read atlas shrugged i guess, it's kind of about that
I don't read jew slop you immoral soulless golem.
I mean lets be honest with each other you don't and haven't read anything

I dunno haven't seen one in a few thousand games really. I draw the line at buying back to run past barracks again
I think I just realized something
I fucking hate the neutral game
Pulling is dumb
Stacking is dumb
Blocking is dumb
All stupid mechanics brought about by shitty AI that got grandfathered in to become the basis of support gameplay
you only want to play good games so you ruin your chances of ever playing a good game? how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday? do you struggle with object permanence? did you know that the fat loser that sits in your chair tomorrow is still you?
If it's any consolation, in spite of thinking you're retarded, I do share your seething hatred for high ground tower dives
I've considered playing rubick more just so that I can buy shard and whenever people try to dive past the rax during a highground push I can grab them and pull them back like yanking a dog's leash
>i havent enjoyed the game in several thousand hours but maybe itll get better soon
what did he mean by this?
>I'll repeat the breakfast thing again

Did you think it made you sound intelligent the last 5 or 7 times you recycled that comment? Not exactly regurgitating Kierkegaard, are we
btw, there are no chances of playing good games on shadow pooled accounts, fool!

the only way out is to pay out. I was going to set up another desk, but I don't think I'm going to now. So I'll probably just convert one of my existing computers. I have to change a major piece of hardware so it doesn't come up as the same hardware Id though, you can spoof it but I don't feel like it.
>i saw that phrase before! you mustve posted it! everyone else is the same person! read kierkegaard!
I mean lets be honest with each other you don't and haven't read anything
Has anyone ever done a smurf challenge for behavior score?
Like, take a shitter tier account and a "behavior smurf" with an iron will and just slowly pull them out of low prio to see if things ever get better?
So update on Tuesday? Also got to say I fucking hate the broooool meta, no thought, no tactics, just broooool
there is an old comic about Nightstalker not ulting, he looks like a cute kitten in the comic strip, someone is screaming in his face like "FFFFFFFFFF". Anyone have it?
yeah i have it
IM GONNA GO PLAY deadlock instead cause i got banned from dota 2
lol SIKE that shit garbage

>bro play as the trans man
>play as the black woman
>no not that one, the other black woman!!

cant wait to go pay for the battle pass to level up my trynsmyn and bl(POWER)CK* wymyn
Sex or Dota 2?
Dota 2
sex is overrated.
Depends on the sex
This is actually a really bad game.
I should have realized that before putting 12k hours into it.
dont forget to play deadlock hyuk hyuk move right on along to the next similar thing

why have spiritual or social experiences? go next grinding gmae

grind that mmr BOY
goddamnit I know you're probably joking but... can I have it
drop your steam, ill invite you
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In the name of fairness, I have decided to download the replay and watch the teamfight that went to shit and mindbroke PSG
Will report back to see how warranted his flipout was
As somebody just barely higher MMR than him, I feel I am qualified to make impartial judgements on the events of the match
it wasn't any specific teamfight it was them fighting constantly and engaging in different positions over and over instead of just coming to my position and hitting buildings on any lane

like just hit buildings on ANY LANE pick a fucking lane

it gets tiring as fuck enemy heroes getting like 2000 gold left and right and me knowing that I'm the only person who can actually operate the buttons apparently so I'm the only one who can deal with it and hence has to
You're wasting your breath. Every time somebody tries to help him, it turns out he just throws a temper tantrum, refuses to improve or admit mistakes, and when you point out his throwing, he starts up the narcissist prayer and says he did it on purpose because they "deserved it" for something nobody gives a shit about and then refuses to admit any fault.

He just wants all the praise and dicksucking without any of the effort or skill. Any attempts to coddle him just feed his ego.
>i-it wasnt a specific fight just microaggressions!!
yeah microaggressions! thats it. good explanation

im the george floyd of dota
I miss when dota had hype plays.
Nothing remarkable yet
The item builds aren't terrible
Weirdest thing I'm seeing is phylactery on axe and two crimson guards
It's pretty standard midgame
I'm not doing it for him, I'm doing it for us
You had one extremely bad teamfight less than a minute before you bought the rapiers
I'm sure things were stupid before then, but I'm not willing to dismiss it is a coincidence
mason kinooooooooooooooooo
Is there a software that shows you real time optimal positioning?

hes lucky i didnt see that or i would have euthanized earlier
thats done it for me, see ya next month dotards im out
Phylactery on axe is a retarded meme that you will see at every mmr.
okay it was good to see you friend. toodleloo!
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So this is the exact moment I'm guessing the conflict "starts"
I marked it with Undying popping his ultimate, the creep wave pushing in, and wind ranger taking popshots
Pudge and Void are about to respawn, pango's in base with a TP and no fast way to get there, and our good friend PSG is back in the jungle looking to farm
This may not go anywhere but we'll see
>fps: 59


anyway i dont think this is interesting in any way, they kept feeding so i ended. thats it

there is no reason to go past t3s vs fucking spirit breaker jakiro pudge void PL, are you fucking kidding me
>my mid picks Shadow Shaman
>goes 1/8
>gg no carry
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>hide the first *** post
>half the thread disappears
lmao false alarm he just got his mana burned and regrouping is happening
they're pot shots btw
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Eugh I'm having to switch to jpg
So here's a picture that paints a thousand words
Jakiro clips the undying with ice path
Spirit breaker just charged
The FPS hiccups are likely more due to me taking screenshots, don't pay it any mind
I can run 120 smoothly
>get chinese offlane wraith king on my team
>loses lane
>afk farms until they're pushing high ground
kill all chinese
why is psg so far away from his team at 33 minutes? lmfao
>Why is the 10-0 guy so far away from the 0-5-0 guy

its a mystery
>Group up!
>Group up!
>wtf why am I alone why is the entire team playing as 4? fucking 1v9 game better destroy all my items that will show them
Aaand bang welcome to shitsville
Axe attempts to jump in on the PL, gets immediately stunned by the spirit breaker who was actually targeting wind ranger, PL immediately switcheroos, axe had finished his linkens moments before the fight broke out and that got popped immediately, not even sure what by
Jakiro's getting his ult out
Pango's still wiping his ass and our good friend PSG either hasn't noticed a fight has started or doesn't give a shit
Pudge just respawned and void is moving into position
This is a lot happening in a small amount of time
>Pango's still wiping his ass and our good friend PSG either hasn't noticed a fight has started or doesn't give a shit

I had already given up on the game at this point because they fed top/didn't attempt to take rax top/ran past top

run past barracks instead of easily taking -> check out of game. i cant do it
also I think I saw pango afking in the fountain during this time and I looked at his score and items and it was just mentally over for me at that moment

im controlling the entire map for you for free but you cant get one assist
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nah, game was absolutely phenomenal (2) from the patch it started on until 7.19
it was slowly being ruined throughout, but it was subtle and veery slow
then 7.20 dropped and it became streamlined quite hard, but nothing that was irrecoverable
7.23 happened and the game became magnum shit over night, neutral item jungle gacha, hardcore brool kill meta
7.25 tried to fix and had a very diverse meta, talents were nerfed, powercreep bloat scaled down, then 1 patch later they threw it out the window and the game has not recovered since
since then faghanim's shart was added, techies deleted, daunbreaker added, facets and universal heroes were created, it's just shit decision after shit decision
all the design philosophy when it comes to balance has been forgotten completely, heroes are just on random rotations of powerbloat creep, so much so that they overshadow other heroes completely and make them obsolete, each TI the unbanned and unpicked hero count increases, it will only get worse
last TI i sold all my hats and uninstalled, i still watch tournaments, but i'm trying to shake that shit as well
>7.00 apologists still exist
After a little shuffling, there's an attempted disengage, Spirit breaker backed off but is now attempting an ult on I believe Axe
It's worth noting that the deepest dive in this fight was Axe, who didn't go past the rax
Most of this fight, I believe, takes place on the low ground
the fact that they created facets, but Zeus does not have to choose between Heavenly Jump and Static Field and just gets both for free, tells you everything you need to know about the people working on Dota 2 at the moment
yep, me
cope and seethe, boomer
meant to quote >>483186371 regarding the dive
Also worth noting is that pango is coming in through the shrine
i shat on it when it came out, i hated it
game was ass until 7.07 and at its best when the biweekly updates were happening
7.00 was not the worst thing that happened to dota anymore
dotardwindow shift
>nah, game was absolutely phenomenal (2) from the patch it started on until 7.19
SB drops ult on undying, undying drops tombstone, windranger throws a shackle out on SB, PL throws a Q at either axe or undying, and Jakiro winds up his ice path
Let me be clear: This fight is not a good position for the dire
It's an awkward 3v4 (spoiler soon to be 3v5) uphill
I believe it was caused mostly by axe's aggression being misinterpreted as a "go" symbol, and the team not being smart enough to back right the fuck off once void and pudge came up
To be clear, I'm with PSG on one thing: This fight should not have fucking happened
It was a stupid idea and if you had to blame anybody, you'd blame the axe for diving
Which is ironic as axe has the best score after PSG
>1 hero was really good and the (at the time) casual playerbase refused to adapt and counter and the patch is supposedly bad because of this
>Anon is actually a PSG apologist
>casual playerbase
I don't think dota was ever not sweatlords and ragetards.
>two were dead
>slardar goes fucking jungling instead of pushing
I've said it a hundred times, 1k shitters don't know how to win
I'm literally the only person in the game with building damage. Check the stats

Saying you should always be at buildings in order to call me wrong is wretchedly useless on top of being intellectually dishonest

This is after they refused to rosh as well then ran past top rax to feed.
nah, it became that way after the massive drop of playerbase after 7.00, you can tell because at that time the game lost its mainstream relevance, people stopped talking about the game, making funny youtube videos that weren't regurgitated clip trash like dwtf and the like or pro gameplay, memes
Axe tries to run away while undying tries to manfight three people
Void doesn't have ult up but it doesn't really matter
Windranger feels like she's supposed to be doing something and runs up the stairs into a macropyre
Don't misunderstand me, PSG has a bunch of problems, but I'm explicitly analyzing this teamfight
Keep in mind also this is all happening VERY fast, this screenshot is four seconds after the last one
He probably could've been with his team, but to be honest, even if he was there, I still wouldn't like this fight for the dire
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Bird Samurai next week?
Sorla Khan next week?
Puppetmaster next week?
Rix next week?
Undying gets mauled to death
Windranger burns her ult and bloodthorn on Jakiro(?) who uses his Shadowblade(??) to escape
Axe is looking tentatively at the fight he started and then left
Pango is almost at the fight now, fashionably late
PSG is trying to make plays by pushing top while the radiant are busy sodomizing his team
>Windranger burns her ult and bloodthorn on Jakiro(?) who uses his Shadowblade(??) to escape

PSG here you made me lol out loud, thanks buddy I needed it :)
475 days since muerta lololololololololololololololololololololol
Late June trust the plan bro
Wind Ranger, realizing her questionable life choices, decides to retreat
Spirit Breaker smells blood and decides to charge
Axe decides to offer unity to Wind Ranger and gets stunned by SB's charge
Jakiro is getting back in position, presumably to freeze them both in place
Off screen Pango has just decided to transform and roll out
PSG rapidly approaches the creep wave
>Sorla Khan next week?
fuck this shitty shartifags strongk womxn character, and the lebbitards spreaidng this faggot fucking grift, fuck off with that shit
no way there is an orc that can match Mogul'Khan the Axe and especially not a w*man
if you desperately need to add shartifart characters add the cool chars like Mazzie, Kanna/Prelex, Rix, Ravenhook etc
>Axe decides to offer unity to Wind Ranger and gets stunned by SB's charge

So this is actually the second time in 15 seconds or whatever that he got stunned by the charge that was cast on windranger
"IT'S AXEING TIME" says Axe as he calls nothing
Pudge winds up a hook
Apparently so, although that's not that surprising consider how SB operates
What's the strength Morph build Topson was alluding to during his interview?
mason cinekino 11200 mmr
Windranger gets hooked and eaten to death
Jakiro's ice path comes out
Axe gets 17%ed
(PSG just cleared a creep wave)
i don't want to interrupt your monologue of shitting on the disabled and elderly, but nigga just download OBS and make a webm
Axe has already started to flee
Pudge and Jakiro finish eating Wind Ranger
Void and PL are almost done farming Undying's tombstone
Spectacular idea but I wanted to break this down in autistic detail and I'm not downloading a load of shit just for a single 4chan thread
I WILL derive enjoyment from PSG if it kills me
>a load of shit
it's 1(one) program, no way you are this tech illiterate
this nigga cookin up sumn
At this point the fight is basically over
Void almost kills himself on axe's blademail, windranger buys back for some god forsaken reason, Pango dispenses a single swashbuckle, and PSG is rapidly approaching top
Keep in mind it'd either be an amateur job or I'd have to edit a bunch of shit
I also don't know if OBS outputs webm directly these days
I've not used it in ages and while I'm sure it's easy this entire thing is almost done
Yeah I'm gonna go with it's trash, morph is trash, and topson is trash.
doesn't dota have a video export now?
then just webm4retards it no?
Forgot my screenshot
Pango turns around and tries to manfight but he was likely dead anyway
Look at how radiant heroes also do dumb stuff getting out of position. If slardar engages and disengages correctly he’d punish hard and swing the fight.
PSG's net contribution to the fight: He hits the top ranged rax twice and finishes it off before retreating.
.. But wait a minute.
He already has the rapier in his quickbuy?
Was he watching the fight take place?
When did this happen?
Slardar is busy causing a +3000 net worth swing for his team without dying.
Fight in webm form
Killing tax while team dies while ahead is a big net worth and xp loss, and fighting with your team so they win and then taking rax solo is many times better. There’s no excuse for not bodying these sloppy stove-touchers every fight when you’re well ahead.
>bro win the entire game for them while they get bodied nonstop refusing to go with you and going to the opposite side of the map


heres an idea, stop feed
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Thanks anon, I appreciate it
There's another teamfight that starts around 31:10 that you should look into
the TLDR is that pango does something retarded, dives tier 3, accomplishes nothing BUT causes void to waste his ult, and then the radiant tries to counterinitiate and LOSES
So basically, dire loses pango, radiant loses three heroes and void's ult, and this is enough to trigger PSG into buying a rapier
positive income of a teamfight doesnt matter, theyre in wrong place on the map
>theyre in wrong place on the map
PSG uses "they/them" pronouns now?
RTZ "why are they here" after dying level thought
>win fight directly in front of enemy base
Isn’t this literally the best place to win a fight?
except i wasnt dying i was doing every single thing in the game

they wont come to rosh, wont hit rax, wont stay near me, wont hit watchers, wont ward, wont stay alive, it gets so tired

im supposed to be around 4k i just cant play with these people its boring
this is still going on?
>PSG says there's a shadowpool
/d2g/: lmao such a schizo git gud retard
>mason says there's a smurfpool
/d2g/: OMG so trueeee!!!! get them King!
mason is beating sumail in lane
im not reading what youre saying

i was the only person on the team with tower damage, i was the only one pushing

i dont go on their cues, i go on my timing
>shitter is beating washed up player in lane
PSG, you having sub 500 behaviour score has nothing to do with le shadowpool.
lol stay mad anti
>every deadlock character is some kind of bk kids club multiracial mutt whatever

i just cant even take this seriously
Where was your sense of timing when half the enemy team was dead and the waves were pushing and you decided to sob aggressively while farming a rapier because a fight started without your permission
Where the fuck was your timing then, PSG
I am fucking seething so fucking hard right now
Look at this setup
I dunno I think I was out of mana or finishing bkb, it was probably after I solo killed the enemy team's PL, their only relevant player

the team's position to be in any position to win the game, whatsoever, was 100% attributable to me

no other player even has 1k tower damage, let alone a decent KDA, at the end of the game, other than me. my KDA eclipses theirs even after giving up

i gave them the chance to have a game, so I take away their chance to have a game when I want to

you talk about throwing away a win or whatever-- its my win, I do what I want with it

those of you who let people psychologically dominate you with failure in this game will never lick a woman's armpit. you will never have a woman sit her body weight on your face.
He already started with the "I decided to throw by then so none of my mistakes matter after that point" excuse at the very beginning. There's no point talking to him. This isn't his first VOD review.

You guys act like newkids who haven't seen him pull this shit before. Stop giving him attention. 30% of the posts in this thread are him masturbating in public replying to every post that replies to him like he's on Twitter, and you guys are crowding around him to give him a hand.
It’s important not to get angry at PSG. Every single one of his opinions over the last decade is a bad take, which means he’s an unparalleled learning source for new doturds. One can simply look at what PSG thinks about situations that trigger him, and take the opposite approach. PSG’s terminal retardation is a gift to us all.
>There's no point talking to him. This isn't his first VOD review.

youre correct, do you realize at this point this is being reviewed, im in total control of the game and completing dominating in every metric? I can kill anyone or several of their team at once?

its not like I was struggling or it was a hard game

I give up because they dont go to where I am on the map or do what I say when I ping it. Of course it's fruitless to "analyze" this

I am in control of my experience, to some degree. If you don't act like this, you aren't

You will never understand
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Anon you must forgive me
This is my first time bearing witness to the full extent of his retardation
I knew his name and his reputation but I had never seen it with my own eyes
>I give up because they dont go to where I am on the map
Maybe because you're a shitter that's in the wrong place of the map?
Drawfags save me
that is incorrect. that's why my metrics are much higher than those of any other player in that point in the match and i won mid and took all the buildings.
drawtroons end your fucking lives
Deadlock won btw
infernus is so fking cool
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An important point that has been missed: When I put the rapier in my quickbuy, that was to ping it. That means "do what I say, come where I am" to anyone with more than 60 IQ

When they all have to feed uphill for no reason, on the wrong side of the map, after refusing roshan, when i'm getting tormenter and recovering some mana, that's when the decision to actually feed rapier gets made

Theres just no reason to die or fight there, and at that point I stop caring about the game, because I won already more or less
Trying Marci for the first time, she literally just whistles? Of course the dotard's fantasy gf hero is mute and never actually says anything. Deranged
PSG has put a similar amount of playtime into his dunning Kruger psychosis as pros have into getting gud. You’re arguing with the Dendi of denying his teammates agency, the Notail of not thinking rationally, the Matumbaman of map positioning errors. No man has done more to develop precisely the wrong attitude to the game. You could never win.
the dotard's fantasy gf hero is hoodwink who is cute and racist
im 7k in nw above the enemy carry what on earth are you talking about

my behavior is because im above these people in skill indisputably
>Of course the dotard's fantasy gf hero
That's Hoodwink
either retarded and incapable of speech or expressing any opinion, or violent BPD, yeah that tracks
The bizarre part is he's probably, mechanically, better than me
I'm only slightly higher in rank but I also don't tilt much at all
If PSG didn't get stupidly mad and throw games he would be considerably better than me, and that's a weird thing to think about
Is mental stability that much of an asset? How much MMR is a rage rapier worth?
>The bizarre part is he's probably, mechanically, better than me
>I'm only slightly higher in rank but I also don't tilt much at all

I am indisputably better than you in every way if you are slightly higher rank than me
>the Notail of not thinking rationally, the Matumbaman of map positioning errors
its a black male thang
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btw theyve forced me to play down here for thousands of games you realize that right?

im like some dark souls enemy version of a dotard, all withered away and decroted and grey and shit

thats why ive been talking about setting up a computer specifically for dota in order to get around any protections, im enjoying the new patches but i cant play with teammates who perform any logical actions

im tired of trying to feed rapiers and people leave rapiers on the ground because they dont know what rapiers are
So by your own admission, your tilt is bad enough that it drives you to a lower rank than me
Look at slacks, he got to 5k initially despite being about 3k in game sense and 0k in mechanics (not even using hotkeys). He did this by hyping his teammates up over voice and following his teammates around buffing them as much as possible.

Assuming your fellow man is worth fighting for can be a massively positive factor in game outcomes as if affects your decision-making in so many ways.

Him and PSG are perfect opposite examples of why skill isn’t just buttons and farm
ooooooo how's he gonna cope out of this one
no, im shadow pooled so cant play any games with human beings, and it leaves me unable to mentally pace through the game normally and my account cant gain behavior

i am really just exhaustedly tired of people not performing any logical action, it's fine if the enemies perform them too, i just need people of the level that they're doing anything that makes sense whatsoever
Why do I get so many tiny pos5 in my games?
Both teams bases are fully revealed to their team on the map. If you break all the buildings besides the ancient they will still have full vision of the high ground (past 1800 from the ancient). I don't know for sure but assuming this is why it reveals the Mars.
>muh shadowpool
It's the sub 1k behavior score pool, and you're there because you deserve it. It is literally impossible to have below 11k behavior score unless you intentionally ruin games several times a day.
you dont understand the things you talk about

Whoever said illegal was the easy way out, couldn't understand the mechanics and the workings of the underworld
we schizo ramblin now
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could you crop the lina x dawn one please
It's not just a matter of being a pussy weakmind or a retard, he is a fundamentally broken and flawed human being. He most likely has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means is that the only thing that drives his day-to-day is his shortsighted need to be validated and have his dick sucked. And that includes his need to abuse people. You can have a crowd of simps all clamouring to suck his dick and get him through ranked but he still won't climb. It's because every time he doesn't fuck something up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he fucks up, he wants his dick sucked for it. Every time he gives an order, he wants people to suck his dick while doing it. And then at the very end, when he's about to win and everybody is praising him for totally carrying, he will throw the game as hard as he can. Because his motivation is getting his dick sucked and feeling superior. Winning won't make him feel superior. Hurting the people who depend on him the most, and watching them writhe in pain before they come crawling back to him asking for more is what truly makes him happy. He is fundamentally incapable of rational thought and his mind operates like a bot. He can't turn it off for even one second.

Most narc-related disorders are rooted in anxiety. The need to feel validated. They can talk a lot of shit and pretend but they are perpetually anxious at the thought that the rest of the world doesn't believe in their superiority so they will go out of their way to constantly seek it and manifest it through the abuse and actions of everyone around them. This means that hurting his feelings and calling him a faggot doesn't do shit. All he has to do is call you a shitter back and in his mind, he has doled out the abuse to make himself feel better and he'll forget everything that just happened. Then he'll keep trucking on. That's why you have to ignore him. Literally nothing will work unless you ignore his existence even if he spams 500 posts an hour.

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