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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>482964268
Veronica is a sexy 13 year old
Okay this is epic
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Discuss it.
this isn't transpositive, that's too old. true trans allies only enjoy girls of 12 and under, and the proof is in the statistics
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You're weird
I want to licky licky
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Anyone want to discuss Fire Emblem Heroes?
Stop fucking pointing that out!
No. *fart*
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I like this thread
me too
When's the next trailer?
Emblem Lyn
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Sure. Any new +10s?
Any +10 projects you're working on?
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I said when
What about FEH did you want to discuss?
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kill all faggots pyon
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Seething Lucinacuck
I dont get it
Who should I swap out of my PoL team to add in Summer Gullveig?
shitposters are now trying to stalk another youtuber or twitch streamer and promote them, or something.
the m*le above seiros, are you stupid or something?
>No +10 Kvasir, NY Seidr, NY Kvasir, Seidr, Mythic Gullveig
>No Heidr to be found
Fucking fraud
are you?
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Seiros's husband?
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This is canon actually
OH FUCK! Thanks. I love how thicc you went for this one.
Why the hell would you ever use Heidr in PoL? She can't use her prf assist skill in that mode.
Put your tripcode back on. Its purpose is to filter you.
He's ban evading
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Nuh uh
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Sure. Would Summer Ymir benefit from Laguz friend, or no?
Mystic boost 4 is nice, but she already has a high mixed bulk, LF also has -5 atk, and the NCD seems niche.
The HP renewal is the best part as her PRF scales off her current HP.
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Yea uh
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Sex with snakes.
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feeling cute might upload 50 kete pictures
do it
you wont
>thigh highs instead of pantyhose
>shorter skirt
Nice. Has anyone ever modded her into Hilda's version of the school uniform? Or Dorothea's?
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Mmm maybe later. If I set a bunch of pictures to auto post I can't use other generals because of the post cool down.
I had to do it for Mommy
They look ai generated wtf is this
Is it better to pickup No Quarter or Godlike Reflexes on forma L!Marth? Still haven't been able to get Laguz Friend yet
i'm sure /sthg/ will survive without you for a bit
Doesn't matter since you'll probably be using his prf special anyway so just grab No Quarter since it's rarer
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Are they wearing face makeup or something
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I don't post on there. Weird reply.
I thought his prf special was bad nowadays
sure you dont
It's about SOUL. Replacing prfs is anti-soul and therefore cringe
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Too bad it can't be used with Laguz Friend
Yo is that Fire Emblem Engage?
No it's FE4
KEEEEEEEEEK clapped his ass
Looks like one of the Tellius games
The resemblance is uncanny...
Critical Hit!
That backfired BIGLY for the spud
Bro murdered him in broad daylight that was cold af.
You just repeated somebody else's joke and changed the game...
This post made me ROFL so hard I accidentally woke up my dog!
Weird that jannies haven't nuked nowifag's thread but at least today there seems to be enough based people with the sense not to use his thread
The name of the game is your mom and let's just say I'm already winning.
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I said I would make an on time thread.
I never said I would samefag it.
If I did that we'd be over there, stupid head.
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
>*Alear sprints in at the speed of light and scoops it up with her bare hands*
>"Oh boy! That'll make a tasty treat for my friend Framme later!"
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Does anyone have the official start/end timer for felixschizo's meltdown this month when there was no 3h or fe4 remake?
Couldn't stop laughing
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She cute!
Niggas will deny the FE community's average IQ and sanity has declined massively in the last year

And then you come into these threads and it's multiple adult men arguing over which Fire Emblem game another man's wet sloppy diarrhea represents
At least his thread was on time for a change
Why are people refusing to allow an EDELGARD birthday thread??
She is evil.
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shut up chud, the fe community has never been better than in the ERA of engage
She is ugly.
>Niggas will deny the FE community's average IQ and sanity has declined massively in the last year
It's been tanking for years and sadly it's not just the FE community
Stop spamming Lysithea
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I love my wife Sonya!
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Is that what Hopes looks like emulated, or did someone mod lipstick onto her?
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Edelgard has no need for birthday threads when every FE thread can be an Edelgard thread
If by working on, you mean saving feathers for, then yes.
Maybe some type of masks?
stupid white haired bitch killed the thread
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That's just what Hopes looks like
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I'm only interested in FE girls that are of legally marriageable age in their own setting.
Kek blast
We'd have to start asking, then, what the age of consent is in each setting.
Can you marry pre-timskip, Hopes, or post-timeskip Lysithea? There are three iterations; 15, 17, and 20.
I'd be over there if the OP was a hag.
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>want a Summer Nerthuz
>keep getting circles with no greens
>Gullveig resets progress
>finally get a green circle
>get a Nergal
I did eventually get her but it took forever.
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The age of consent in Fodlan is like 13
I was working on the Brave Soren divine code path so I could fodder off Flare, but I got one randomly and now I don't know what to do with the rest of my toilet paper.
who are the youngest characters in Awakening/Fates?
Because we know everyone in the army can marry in Ylisse and Fatesland - and everyone in Fates (except Kana) can even have children at that age.
Get the merges for your Spring Triandra and NY Kvasir.
That op has two hags in thoughever
Lissa, Sakura, Mozu, Elise.
None of them are older than 15
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Me too.
Well the good news is that every path of the 5th Compile trees is good because you get an Arcane on all of them. So you can keep going for the Dagger or you can switch to a different one now. Look them over and see if any other fodder appeals to you or pick the line with a Rearmed unit you already own that you can merge for passing out valuable skills like Flare.
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Ray the Gay is here
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I love my waifu Shamir more than anything

I need her to get an aged up MILF alt
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not really its 20 :^)
It'd be scary as fuck to bump into those eyes at night, but she probably fucks like a tiger.
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Horny lines
This sits on Severa's face?
You know your filename placement turns this image into a self-own right?
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oh great now the other one is here
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Are you sure? I'm pretty sure she's Severa's property.
cordy pits
It should be illegal for females to grow larger than 145cm 45kg.
Speaking of Severa, I free rolled her today off that new banner.
Had a premonition that the next legendary hero is going to be Emblem Tiki, a blue Dragonstone unit. For some reason, I sense this will cause great upset.
>Emblem effect makes Ike even tankier
Juggernaut here. I had my fingers crossed we’d get no FE4 remake announcement. That’d be a bad thing, we’re holding out for the Switch 2 now.
Can an Emblem be engaged with another Emblem?
I don't roll for men, so I can't test it myself. I assume not, since it'd be like trying to give a blessing to a Legendary.
She is repulsive
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Other people aren't property
Very lucky, congrats!
Yes they can, and no its more like a pair legendary being paired up with another legendary but actually useful
Yeah, just not with themselves.
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Froggy, Edie, what are you gonna do with the Boomers?
Legendary Nowi please. Summer Nowi too.
Lysithea > Nowi any day of the week
We live in a timeline where nickson killed himself but nowifag unfortunately hasn't
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Tsubasa Oribe, Age 17
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Legendary Lysithea any month now. Surely this August.
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Why would I ever do that?
Ray and Raul love to watch
not feeling the thighighs. Perhaps she needs bigger boobs and thicker thighs for me to properly appreciate them.
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We live in a timeline where finding canonically ovulating young ladies attractive is shunned but sodomy is not. AKA literal biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.
You sure seem salty enough.
Hm. Honestly sounds pretty true with reality, shit posting aside
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I demand a new Adrift Banner. Give me Soren, but the "ideal" version of Soren Ashnard envisioned, aka

> Can transform into a Dragon Laguz
> has the ingenuity and grit of a human
> descended from the most powerful Dragon laguz tribe
> Son of the most powerful man on the continent
It's so funny he's descended from all those but he's a pathetic weak Twink
They should've just made him a woman honestly
Shunned is a strong word. People that actually voice complaints about the portrayal of young girls in japanese games are generally recognized as weirdos by laymen, and women only begrudgingly tolerate their existence because they hate competition even more than they hate creepy white knight types.
pedophilia is actually normal, and normalcy is actually bad
It's literally because you're too poor to have the privilege, as Hunter B proved.
So if we ever get a Duo Hero with Freyja and Gullveig, what seasonal banner do you think it will be on? Summer and Easter are out because both have Bikini Alts and Freyja was already a Spring backpack to Karla.

I'm guessing Eitr might get a duo with Kvasir at some point (maybe Summer 2 for this year, or next year following the Nifl/Ymir Tempest Trial pattern), but that's separate.

If they do get a Duo, which artist do you think will draw them? Will IS potentially have Yoshiku do it, since they already got them to draw Ascended Peony?
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Don't care about gay ass OCs bitch
ISIS should bring back Plegia just to put those two in the Plegian dark mage outfits, but knowing ISIS, they'd rather prioritize Solm or Jehanna.
I dunno, if ISIS finally decides to be consistent with August and make that month Maids/Butlers, I guess Freyja & Gullveig can be put in maid outfits.
You're the gay one.
What season will bring us Red Nerthuz?
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*blocks your auto battle*
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Just play the game.
You mean the two sexiest girls in the series with literally the biggest tits and asses, and goddess powers?

Don't think you're using "gay ass" right...
Gullveig's bikini is already basically the Plegian outfit without the sheer fabric though, isn't it?

That might work though.

Flame Tribe could be another one potentially since they're both really strong already and Gullveig also has a sort of fire motif (especially with her Brave alt).
Because it's FE, it's fun, I enjoy it.
Isn't that why everyone plays?
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That's the irony of Ashnard's insane gambit and speaks of just how insane he was. Despite being the world's strongest beorc, his kid is a frail runt who couldn't even talk.

If Soren was a girl, that might trigger the innate male's urge to protect, and Female Soren would still have use as a girl who could pass on his and the dragon tribe's genes to a capable man. Soren as he is? Fucking useless. Throw his ass out. And that's what Ashnard did.
Because I have thousands of orbs and am hoping for more units I want.
Also, it only takes like 15 minutes a day and I already listen to a video when playing it.
That's why we all started. But it's kinda hard to say it's still fun over 8 years later.
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Lyn/Florina sex
Beefing up bad units like Merlinus and Odin and figuring out how to kill new meta characters with them is still fun
Emblem Ike and Lyon are no fun to deal with though
Lol they can't have sex, they are both girls
One of the devs must have been really mad about the free Fomortiis since they always have the new units dab on him
Give her an aged up alt as well
The meta for the year after AHR is always balanced around killing the free unit.
The issue is Magveldev, who decided to make Fomortiis 2: Cav Edition who can end-turn three enemy units just because he attacked once.
killed by gull
>red beats green
There are plenty of ways to still have fun like collecting favourites and using them to clear pve content or lighter side pv other player's AI controlled units. It's just tiresome how often you have to update said favourites as of late and the fact that more and more units will be added that you just cannot catch up to no matter what.
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Am I really gonna get jumped by Edelgard on her birthday...
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>new unit releases immediately before the AHR voting event
>said new unit wins the whole thing for the first time since Lego Ike
>IS balances the meta around countering said winner
>the following AHR voting event the newly released units Emblem Marth and Mythic Lumera are notably excluded
Sorry, sweetie. Can't give out Emblem units for free! You need to spend 600 orbs to get one merge for that two stat bonus!
Good. effects that force turns to end are really dumb and should never have been put into the game.
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Not like it would have mattered, considering our retarded playerbase decided to give everyone Peeonme instead of the units who were actually decently gameplay relevant at that time
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>TMSKeks losing to Kiran's (MY) wife even with advantage
Reminder that TMSfags need and DESERVE to be hung, raped along with any family members they have (LIVING OR DEAD), and have their graves spat on for even thinking for a nanosecond about playing their shit game. It flopped for a reason. TMS IS NOT FE. #FE IS NOT SMT.
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>playerbase wanted free fodder for their dancer , an attuned skill, and a cute fairy
it sounds like you're just upset the one you wanted didn't win.
>AHR 2024 was so bad and sold so poorly that IS made a second banner
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>could've got some slop that would become just as irrelevant as Fomo within a year
>instead gets a unit that will be valuable forever
>complains anyway
Just no pleasing some people.
All of them have powercrept into obsolescence already. Peony at least has a gimmick for your old units.
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Robin dressed as Byleth and Alear dressed as Robin are the most super peak fucking sexo
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Sad that more ponytail/twintail girls don't get their hair knocked down in their damaged art.
OC slop isn't Fire Emblem either
Girls, girls, you're both slop.
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I always chuckle when someone gets you to attack something you used to love solely because of gullveig. like DBZ, tharja, and right now alfonse.
>both agree TMS isn't FE
Okay now shake hands and kiss.
This, honestly
Kiria's refine is ASS just like her game KEK!
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Novel Seven Original Character
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Not all AI slop is bad
This Azura looks very accurate to the original
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“Crush me, mommy!”
It's kind of sad how Lysithea has dropped off so much that she's now just a shitpost icon. She's like what Silas is to Fates

Mine kills Gullpiss just fine.

Go ahead
Kek Lyshitea was never popular dude
She was reddit rallied into cyl
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>Lysithea was never popular
Some shitposters just don't care how retarded they have to make themselves look in order to shitpost

What the fuck I love Panette now
Oof, that's tough!
Kek lyshitea shitter melty incoming
>just beat the reason chapter of Book 8
It was like Intelligent System heard so many complaints about having no sexualize male in the game so they made Eikþyrnir. Motherfucker beast form have a MASSIVE cock piece.
right got a man face
Oh great now he has a new shitpost image to use
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There's playing the fool for fun and then there's just typing blatantly stupid shit because you're that desperate for human interaction.
My sentiments when I don't get the skill(s) I want, again.
“Are you asleep?”

“Yes indeed.”
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Caeda is the first time we've gotten a legendary HOF before its remix right? I wonder if 2 premiums and 2 normal units will be standard from now on.
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You better not blow into that…
Genuinely glad I've been cutting down on this place and 4chan in general. Coming back here makes me realize how normal I am compared to a lot of you.
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What does Chadran do if hes corrnered by these girls?
Thank you Dimitri bros for throwing to let Penny win.

Retards like this anon here unfortunately don't understand how valuable Penny is.
Sit back as they worship his cock
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I know Hagdev can get Sonia an alt. The question is if he can make her powercreep.
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I'm new and a little confused by merges, boons and banes
If I merge a unit, the bane disappears, right? So there's no real difference between a +Spd -Atk and a +Spd -Res unit once they get at least one merge? Does that mean I shouldn't be paying attention to the bane slot if I plan on getting merges for a unit later on?
Also, should I be merging every duplicate I get like I am now, or should I be turning them into combat manuals for later? That seems to be what people here do with their stuff.
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Ursula said she'd look good in a swimsuit. She'll be getting one for hag summer next year, alongside Cornelia, Ashera and Elimine. Trust the plan.
>So there's no real difference between a +Spd -Atk and a +Spd -Res unit once they get at least one merge
Basically. I think it might affect the order they get stats from merges/dragon flowers but that's it.
>should I be merging every duplicate I get like I am now
That depends on whether you want to use them in the long run or do you want their skill fodder.
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>So there's no real difference between a +Spd -Atk and a +Spd -Res unit once they get at least one merge?
>Also, should I be merging every duplicate I get like I am now, or should I be turning them into combat manuals for later?
Only if you actually like the character, if you don't care about the character then yeah just turn them into a combat manual so you can use their skills as fodder for one of your actual favorites
>If I merge a unit, the bane disappears, right? So there's no real difference between a +Spd -Atk and a +Spd -Res unit once they get at least one merge? Does that mean I shouldn't be paying attention to the bane slot if I plan on getting merges for a unit later on?
AFAIK yes, unless is some weird arena score fuckery going on behind the scenes that I am unaware of.
>should I be merging every duplicate I get
you don't really need to unless you want to build that character, or you want to fix the bane. if you don't plan on using the unit a lot, or building them then you can just manual them for fodder or keep them around until you need to fodder them. You can also use a resource called "trait fruit" to alter boons/banes.
Merging beyond +1 for most modern units isn't really necessary as the first one removes the bane and a +10 unit only gets +4 to all stats which isn't a lot anymore. You need merges for scoring in some modes, and that is about it, and there isn't a need to max scoring unless you want to compete with whales and pull your hair out.
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Your understanding of boons and banes is correct.
>is it better to merge or hold onto copies
That's a tough one and ultimately a question you should be answering for yourself. +10s do have big gameplay value in certain gamemodes but otherwise they're just stats and bragging rights once you complete a +10. In general, you should merge the characters you like and want to use, while holding onto extra copies of units you're less fond of in case their skills become more useful to have on a unit you will use. You won't use every unit you roll, including even 5*s so don't merge literally everything.
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Nowi is radioactive.
What's her half life?
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Thanks. I was confused by the IV guides, which are worded like "Best IVs are +Atk -Res, +Atk for +10"
Stuff like that can be outdated. Banes were changed to disappear after 1 merge.
I think that for the first 2-3 years of the game, banes did not disappear with a merge, so if you're reading older guides you're probably going to run into those minmax scenarios where they'll point out the bane that matters the least. But yeah nowadays it doesn't matter at all
Nowitrooner spamming his shit character again
Fuck off back to /feg/
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Judging by the filenames, it's not fishi. Probably one of his discord boyfriends though.
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This happened in the summer banner debut and no one has explained it to me. Why did this happen? I don't use d*ncers.
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Breeding sexo

I wish they'd all join the 41%
World would be a better place
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>you should die!
>uhhhhhh because you mildly inconvenienced me online!
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She's the only Book 7 girl without an alt.
Will she get one this year? She would have been perfect for Fallen, but maybe they want her to have a happy Christmas alt?
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>will she get on this year
probably not. a gut feeling says she will won't get anything until book 7 tt, but fallen is running relatively low on candidates so perhaps next year or the year after. the only other fitting banner theme could be child OCs but there could be so many candidates for that.
backpacks are alts thoughever
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>but fallen is running relatively low on candidates
Don't worry. There's still like 12 Engage candidates, and that's not counting the Dark Emblems.
Everyone loves Vegan Timerra!
Just because everyone drew fanart of Freyja without Ayra doesn't mean that we ever got Spring Freyja. Sadly. I wish we did.
Engage shattered your brain
>fallen is running relatively low on candidates
There's a bunch of deadlords, dark emblems, and morphs left to choose from.
I'm doing another playthrough of Engage right now, but it's not wrong to say that IS are forcing it hard in Heroes. We got two late-game bosses from Engage on the last Fallen banner, and we're still missing the protagonists, Rafal, the dark emblems, and then the evil dlc royals. I fully expect one Alear next year and then probably Dark Emblem Marth as a Limited unit who appears on the Legendary banner later that month, similar to how we get Mythics.
They're also going through every Morph now, so we have like another two of those to go as GHBs.
Next year will be FAlear, MShez, Manfroy, Deadlord Sara, Deadlord Raydrik GHB
I don't think we'll ever see Fallen Heidr or Fafnir because their battle art is just their normal self with some edgy edits
I thought about smelling Seidr's feet and started getting an erection
they could always just have new art made for them if they want the character concept. It's not likely, but it's not impossible.
>Next year will be FAlear, MShez
Man, I heard that THIS year and we didn't get it.
>I don't think we'll ever see Fallen Heidr
Shame, I want my hydra daughter.
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The "only legendary/mythic dancers can get refines" rule is so lame. Oliver's gimmick will never be able to reach its full potential.
wish they'd finally go back to let stuff like -blade tomes and Brave weapons get refines

I think its been plenty long enough that they won't break meta.
>this character has more alts than CYL winners
She does? Aside from bunny what else did she get?
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ISIS refuses to refine Reinhardt (and Olwen), Ophelia, Surtr, and base Hector because they're still mentally stuck in the 2017-2019 era when those four could be used to cheese everything. I would be genuinely pissed off if Hegemon Edelgard gets a fucking refine, but Ophelia forever can't because ISIS is too fucking stubborn to let go of the past.
She has an Ascended alt too, as well as a resplendent.
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people overvalue these things way too much.
Ascended. So she has a base and two alts. So currently more than (off the top of my head)
and she's tied with Seliph and Bernadetta, and one behind Lysithea and FRobin.

Silence, devfavoritius.
>silence immunity
completely forgot that bitch got one
Not my complaint, she has 3 versions while some CYL winners that didn't deserve to win have less or are tied. Fir is cute so it's fine by me.
Marianne has 2 and a backpack.
Gatekeeper just has the only thing he's ever getting.
Gullveig has two alts now so she's tied.
She's beating Felix but they'll be tied when he gets his Brave.
She's tied with Bernadetta but Bernie will pull ahead when she gets Brave.
>Marianne has 2 and a backpack.
So 2.
>Gatekeeper just has the only thing he's ever getting.
Yeah, but he should at least get a grail alt seasonal.
>Gullveig has two alts now so she's tied.
You're correct, I forgot one.
>She's beating Felix but they'll be tied when he gets his Brave.
Imagine having to say "the CYL winner will be tied with the literal-who in alts once he gets his mandatory Brave."
>She's tied with Bernadetta but Bernie will pull ahead when she gets Brave.
See above.
Fir shouldn't have this many alts. It's more than most characters, and nobody likes Fir.
Felix is a literal who. He's just the latest Marianne to get a Brave because he's heckin' bein' mistreated!
>Felix is a literal who
He won CYL. He was a favorite for winning since like CYL5. People knew he would win either this year or next.
He got his base version last year AND STILL WON the next year! Basically only Camilla and the Fodlan units managed to do that!
>Imagine having to say "the CYL winner will be tied with the literal-who in alts once he gets his mandatory Brave."
Yeah that's why it sucks seeing literally whos with so many alts, while CYL winners still have less than them despite getting a mandatory alt.
Seliph has less alts than fucking Nailah
>Marianne's only alt is her mandatory Brave
>Kagero has three alts, despite being a hated character
Can't even use the "backpack" argument, because Kagero got one, too. And a resplendent.
>Marianne would actually have more alts if she had never beaten Eirika
Maria has more alts than Marianne
Her fans must've rolled.
Narrator: they in fact did not roll
Do you guys in this general like the scatschizo posting?
No, stupid. There's nothing we can do about it so we try to ignore it.
Kek I haven't met anyone that did
But whether people like it or not, he's here to stay
We can't get rid of him
Jannies take their sweet time banning him too
No, but mods won't bite the bullet and ban a few dozen leafs so we're stuck with him.
Player base shouldn't have listened to aka2joel...
Finally some fuckin red rocks on my summons
A great time to summon THE LUKE!
I remember when he was considered to be one of the best units in the game when he came out. I miss those days.
Whose wee wee is this?
No he wasn't
An Edeltard believe it or not
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Nobody here likes him but nobody has took the initiative yet to get rid of him. I suggested awhile back that we should nclude a pastebin in the OP that filters all of the schizo posts, but it dismissed for bizzare reasons like being "unneeded".
He would just change a few pixels to get around it.
We have a doc on how to filter the tripfag and nobody uses it so nobody would use that either
I have tharja anon filtered for years, but it's difficult to filter scat poster.
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Anyone have the lysithe von lastname voocaroo
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This, but with Gullveig
Allowing normies on the internet has been a disaster.
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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She's so fucking beautiful. Can't wait for Thracia Summer.
Thanks bro
Get fucked lysiturds
>Thracia Summer
Duo Nanna and Leif
Demote Finn
TT Kempf
lol, just remembered that engage and gullveig broke the minds of 3 severely mentally ill posters
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Fresh Gullkino
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Engage Summer will save the game
Any builds for him frens?
Summer Hrid
Well it killed the mainline general so...
Generic infantry godsword.
What about him?
Summer Goldmary could be completely naked and it still won't be enough to save FEH
Frozen is bullshit but thankfully no one rolled for this asshole
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Surely we can all agree to roll for naked Goldmary. The problem is Nintendo would shut FEH down over it.
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Don't worry. Ice Tribe Fjorm will come with Frozen built into her weapon.
He exists
I want to rape Goldmary
Whats the generic infantry godsword build
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i want to engage with bond ring marisa
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Gullveig is so popular
I'm thinkan' .... Summer Shota this year, for the first time.
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Big golden tits!
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Oh absolutely. Maybe what can be done is pull a Hanako and put Goldmary in a sheer poncho and sarong and make it so there's no evidence of her even wearing a swimsuit.
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With the "sub 8" banner closing in a few days, I figured I'd give it another 40 pulls (since none of the other banners interested me).
>2 Altinas (both new)
>2 Winter Edelgards (both new)
>2 Winter Byleths (both new)
>1 Ninja Sanaki (easy fodder for her Flared Mirror)
Good stuff. I enjoy higher % and "guaranteed after 40 pulls + tickets."
Plus, I tossed that "Flared Mirror" on to Micaiah related, so now I've got a fodder machine with some great stuff. Already foddered her once to my merged Ninja Camilla, too. Dang, bro.
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>Any +10 projects you're working on?
I mean... despite my "HM Farm nearly 900 units," I'm still spending feathers to +10 units if I get the BOON they want, so yeah.
Not like anything except the top 10 units matter, regardless of how meged and attuned and engaged and dragonflowered and inherited and refined and resplended you make them.
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That's a fine line to thread. Seriously though on one hand I'd really like a swimsuit Goldmary but also I expect to be rolling for other things in the near future. FEH is full of endless tough choices.
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>"Kill Murdock with Alfonse"
>murdock has far-save and DC, so I need to find a way to chip him down with canto melee cav savage blow bullshit
You could just use a Pain Staff + double savage blow.
>need a unit to Save against all of the melee combat
>need a unit to Save against all of the ranged combat
>need a unit to buff Alfonse enough to do more than 0 dmg
>need a unit to damage Murdock (multiple times) before Alfonse can attack
>need Alfonse himself
That's five units.
You're really bad at this game
Do Book 7 Chapter 4-5 on Lunatic. It has Murdock at level 40 and no reinforcements.
Bring something with a Ploy 4, Alfonse can do 10 damage minimum now. Bring Attuned Peony.

I made a L1 Murdock kill the L40 Murdock so it really isn't that hard to arrange this kind of thing.
>need a unit to Save against all of the melee combat
>need a unit to Save against all of the ranged combat
>this needs to be 2 seperate units
You're just shit
Oh, they added a Near Save sacred seal?
The answer to every problem is use your favourites.
Do you seriously Need a save units to take care of the other units? They are weak shits

4chanX? I've been filtering the schizo for ages. I would make a friendly reminder post each topic on how to install and filter but I ended up getting modded for it.
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woudl base Kagero rather have Fireflood or Fatal Smoke 4 from Gingagaap?
Fatal Smoke, base Kagero would want an Atk/Spd Boosting A skill.
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Just bring an AOE nuke to chip damage Murdock on the Kvasir map and finish him with Alfonse.
We have every required base skill either for free or in the shop. But if you don't want to waste tp then fatal blow. But how are you gonna get lethality and arcane?
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I have 2 copies of F!Chrom, and want to pass Arcane Devourer to Selena and Lapis.

Are there any good skills F!Chrom can pass along to Infantry?
Infantry units can inherit Clash so that's a good option if you have the fodder. Infantry Spd Tactic isn't a bad option but you would ideally want it on a non-infantry unit so nearby infantry allies get the NFU bonus. There are plenty of C skill options like Spd Smoke 4, Atk/Spd Incite, Fatal Smoke 4, etc. A decent B skill would be tough, Brash Assault 4 maybe. On one hand I have used Inf Spd Tactic a couple times on Selena but I probably should've just taken the sword and Clash 1-4. Anyways, it is kinda annoying how both Arcane swords have been on cavalry units when most sword units are infantry.
>Fatal Smoke is arguably the only way to reliably take down an EIke
>it's been 3.5 years, and it's still not on a normal pool unit, grail, or demote
>not even the tier 3 version
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Thoughts on Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes for its 2nd anniversary?
Best musou game. Amazing QoL. Wish it got dlc. Shez best avatar.
Summer 2 will be Elusian Summer
I'm guessing it'll be Firene, but Goldmary will be there because Ivy was there last year.
i jerk off to sshez pretty often
plapping hortensia in the butt
It's tier 3 and 4 is available in the codes shop
Just woke up and we're still inferior to Nikke I think I'm gonna cry it's not fucking fair
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Huff huff mating press leg locking toe curling sweaty quivering bed shaking loud moaning fingers interlocking tongue kissing back arching womb flooding impregnating SEX with my wife

Give her a resplendent, a sports festival banner in her workout outfit, and an aged up alt where she's ~27 or so
+1 abandoned Shamir for a child.
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Only Musou I've played, I enjoyed it
Arcane darksword from fallen Chrom
Godlike reflexes
atk/spd finish 4
Spurn 4, or some speed based DR skill
Times pulse 4

There are probably more alternatives now for some skills but that was the standard build for a while. I think some people run stuff like laguz friend if the swrod has high enough bulk, or perhaps emblem marths B skill. Summer Fjorm has all of the skills in the first list besides GLR and she reruns in 2-3weeks. Someone else might be more knowledgeable.
Alfonse with Farmer's Tool + Axebreaker can tank Murdock. But I also had Fallen Ninners + Firestorm dance to charge his special. And Fallen Taco dealing a few points of damage with his turn prf.
I am genuinely baffled this game never got any form of DLC. No playable Agarthans, no free DLC update that made the rest of the Church shitters playable, no War Arc costumes for the 3H students, no version of God-Shattering Star at all in the game, not even a prequel DLC story about the war between Seiros and Nemesis.
I can only assume 3Hopes never got DLC because no one bought the Age of Calamity DLC. Well no fucking shit no one bought it. The people wanted a tragedy, and instead they got a time traveling happy ending fanfiction.
Use heidr or a modern dancer. You can equo alfonse with weapon breaker b skill and the sorcery blade seal to help them.
It's overhyped.
Uhh yeah?
not everyone likes what you like little bro
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Shamir is my waifu
>I am genuinely baffled this game never got any form of DLC.
Nobody bought Ashen Wolves OR Age of Calamity's DLC, so it was scrapped.
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I'm going to update him soon
gullveig clears
Neat, was just eyeing him for Rearmed Lif fodder but unfortunately I can't really justify it.
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I heard it failed to match the sales of 3H and is considered a flop by everyone at IS.
You're obsessed with responding to me, anon
Which voice in your head told you that?
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95 degrees
Engage was coming out like 7 months after it, they probably didn't see the point
Maeda sent me visions in a dream about how furious he is. This time he'll be fired for sure. And Suzuki will be freed from the rape dungeon where he forces her to draw his favorites.
Nowi? No thanks i think ill save it for lateri
Yeah, him being a gen 1 unit hurts but I do still mess with him when I get the chance to. I might just start experimenting again with his PRF to see what works with him. I might want to get a Summer Hrid just in case but I usually have terrible luck in Summer banners.
Save what
Edelgard gets more fan art on her birthday every year than the entirety of TMS gets in its lifetime KEKAROO
>when you see Luke's prf + refine and compare it to an Arcane weapon
The gap is massive. There's no working with it.
30+ years old: >>483171289
Insider here. I can confirm this.
>There's no working with it.
I guess I can stick with the Arcane then. I'm glad that No Quarter is a part of the manuals now because a lot of my Units need it.
I am genuinely baffled they made a game with 3 routes where nothing had an actual ending.

Did they think they'd go back and make DLC finishing all of them up with a 2nd half or something?
AG is the golden ending.
>Thales is dead
>Rhea is wet for Dimitri
>Claude goes back to his irrelevancy shed
>Edelgard is retarded and a none factor.
>Edelgard is retarded
But that's true for every route?
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The golden ending is Claude killing Rhea.
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I think a milf banner would sell
That looks horrible
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as if you're the paragon of quality
Better than yours
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true dude
also >>483068141
Golden ending is Edelgard killing Claude, Shez killing Sothis, and then Edelgard and Dimitri being stuck in an endless state of war forever.
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>Rhea is wet for Dimitri
And it's not a joke
Marth would sort out Fodlan's problems no sweat.
wtf what did micaiah do to you
>"What did [known child rapist] do to you?"
Of course anon is mad. She said he got too old and moved on from him.
By having SLUTda seduce Edelgard.
Kek clapped his ass
Kek also make her have sex with Solon and Thales to get info on TWSITD and use it to dismantle their plans
Well he killed one red emperor who was waging war on the continent and that was his former ally. I'm sure killing another red emperor who's ruining the country is no big deal for him
Marth always stresses he can't do shit on his own and it's his army doing the work
Marthfags never credit his army.
Gordin is every bit as important as him
Yeah, Marth and Caeda would recruit all the students plus a bunch of non recruitable characters. Then he'd life up his shield and seal all the crest power of his enemies (reducing them to the level of weak jobbers)
She'd have sex with all the male students
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>have to kill a brick wall like Murdock with Jobfonse
Archanea already got canonically confirmed to be weaker than Fodlan so Kostas would probably kill him and then rape Caeda
Holy headcanon. Even a weak shitter like Arlen just commands that Fodlan tranny in a skin suit to fuck off and "she" leaves. If you had any reading comprehension, you'd understand the point of the story is that the weaklings in Fodlan take shortcuts to gain power while Archanean Heroes ultimately surpass them with effort.
I just give him hexblade from Plumeria (Murdock gets debuffed in the process) and he also has axebreaker
Kek I break out Attuned Print, Rearmed Plumeria and Thief Nina for big debuffing or a flier with Deadly Miasma just so that Jobfonse has a shot
He simply realized he was being toyed with, he perfectly acknowledged that he's weaker and realistically always will be
Real suffering will be killing Cervantes with Anna.
We have long passed the point where these quests should have swapped to Reginn, Fjorm, and Seidr or something
>but I foddered mine!
Too bad, fuck you
Kostaschads rise
Or just upgrade the Askrian shitters somehow
I fucking hate Jobfonse
But it's insane to me they'll do "remixes" that give powerful units more power, yet they won't do the same for older units or at least the Askrian shitters. I don't think anyone will cry if Askrian shitters get some prf skills or another refine
Mainly because we're all aware we're stuck with these shitters
And they should give us the option to use 20k feathers to promote them in the merge screen
>It is true that my master’s way will take longer, but I’ve made my choice about how I wish to attain power.
>Hmph. We only made our offer because we saw how hopelessly stuck in a rut you were.
>Oh, spare me. I don’t have a second more to waste on vipers like you. Get out of my sight.
In other words, he'll take the long road and get there without shortcuts. He's not even impressed by her power, he is impressed by Asclepius (a technological implement from Agartha). When he meets a real, powerful mage in Niime he immediately discerns her power and feels she is like Wendell. As an aside, Kronya and Tranelia are able to outsmart many, many characters in Fodlan (in Cornelia's case, for years) but Arlen has them sussed out after a session of advice so he's clearly more intelligent than most of Fodlan too. Arlen is also some weak jobber BITCH and not even a high end Archanea character.
Just change it to a generic "beat the GHB with a sword/lance/axe Hero"
It completely opens up who can be used while still allowing the Askr shitters to be used if you're a masochist.
Kek easy fix
But don't matter if the fix is as simple as yours or as complicated as I said where the shitters get upgraded in some way
The braindead mofos at IS won't carry it out
You should try and roll Heidr next time she comes around. Usually makes these quests a cakewalk. It also wouldn't hurt to give them something modernish via inheritance.
>He's not even impressed by her power, he is impressed by Asclepius
>He's not even impressed by <her power>, he is impressed by <her power>
Because he's weaker, he even realized the 'sliver of power' he was shown would be enough to surpass Merric and be Wendell's successor.
No matter how I look at it, Archanea magic got confirmed weaker Fodlan's
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False Swipe skill in FEH, when?
They just released one. But because it was on a Tellius banner, nobody gave a fuck.
Also, bad luck for you, because it's a Limited unit.
Nevermind that, Trick Room when?
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Tomorrow is the Double Special banner. For reference, Igrene and Lyon are the next set of Duo/Harmonics to appear. Who else would you like to see on the banner?
altina is my sister girlfriend
>Oldest Colorless unit is in Valentine Myrrh
>Red still has wind Dagr from 9 months ago
This is really dumb.
After all they've gone through they deserve each other.

Dimitri can get her fat ass and massive tits all to himself while she can get fucked by someone with enough physical strength to actually make her feel it.
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So much more wholesome that a beefcake daddy says this. If it were a cute girl asking this instead, people would freak badly.
yeah we get it you're fragile nobody cares
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My wife...
Reddit approved
Reminder that Chudran is canonically a virgin
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If he is it's because you are since he's literally (You)
You outed yourself as a virgin
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She fucked Kiran
Can't wait for their summer banner!
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>El Magnifico lord Sigurd
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Het shit is alive and well
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Detto Geimu
does raul still have brain damage?
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does calbert still have worse brain damage than raul?
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Do you use evil characters?
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Nel lives her brother husband Rafal!
I want the real Nil (shota) to pair with Nel.
I need to stop spending orbs on stupid shit and save for her emblem alt
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It's hot out today!
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Hope you have a heat stroke
You think a guy who spams Nowi ever goes outside, or doesn't live in a house his parents pay for air conditioning in?
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What a couple of weirdos
Hallowen Nowi must have flopped BIGLY, even Henry got another alt before her.
Good point
He's here like 24/7, he's also close friends with the Namschizo. He must have a house with a computer in it so he can be stationed there all day every day.
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Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss Nowi 'til you're drunk
And she'll show you
All the moves like Naga
She's got the moves like Naga
She's got the uoooooouuuuoooohh like Naga

She won't need to transform to show you
Look into her eyes and she'll crit you
With them moves like Naga
She's got the moves like Naga
She's got the uoooooouuuuoooohh like Naga
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So what kind of outfit do you want TT Reginn to get?
tanned from microbikini in slingbikini
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I appreciate your candor, but I meant more for the Tempest Trials+ story event that starts next month.
Her outfit is probably gonna take cues from Fafnir and Otr. Maybe a little bit of the Jotun twins if they try to play up how suddenly close she is to Dagr.
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"Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me"
I said "you're holding back"
She said "shut up and dance with Nowi"
This dragon is my destiny
I said "uooooh uooooh"
"Shut up and dance with Nowi"
Well, Otr's outfit is basically identical to Reginn's, and Fafnir's is just the same outfit but with a cape instead of a scarf and he has the crown that no longer exists.
So we'll probably get hair-down Reginn with a cape. Hopefully a bigger bust and it's easier to see her cleavage this time.
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Kiran dreaming about why Halloween Nowi flopped kek
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>We'll never get duo Sharena and Nerthuz because Sharena got backpacked to Alfonse already
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the rule that you can't be in a duo a 2nd time is dumb.
Especially if on the other hand we get shit like 3 Lumeras in record time
send feedback instead of crying
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The Cooler Wobin
More like Sloppin
>Alfador is canonically male (unlike most of the gods, which were made into women) and completely unseen
He's going to be an Alfonse from another universe isn't he
Hortensia should suck cock
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same but only her beloved husband (pictured)
>Ginnungagap's keikaku was to kill her own servant to scare her enemies
>Brought them the actual person needed to kill her while she was at it
Is she the dumbest villain?
Byleth has a physical body in FEH, so she probably already is sucking him off
Lif killed his own people to make a gun that nobody could use, since Kiran was dead.
He then dies to Hel and agrees to work for her, trying to stop any other Kiran from using the gun he made.
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>finally do Arena
>get Keaton from ticket
Hell yeah Special Spiral fodder!
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What type of alt should my wife Shamir get next
Bro, that’s a Beast Valor slut. Think of the other subhumans that need SP.
Don't need it. They didn't make Beast Heidr!
Best musou on Switch right now, too bad it never got any DLC or a proper post-game.
We need C Tome Valor more
When are we getting Fire Emblem news? January 2025?
>killed his own people to make a gun that nobody could use
2026, probably.
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Making her a prflet wasn't fair. They couldn't even give us her hat as a FB or heroes journey reward. BBW enthusiasts are the most oppressed minority.
If you're using a beast unit you could easily rack up SP in no time though
The ritual to create "The Heart" (the black Breidablik capable of killing Hel) required sacrificing the lives of 1,000 people. Lif (then Alfonse) used his own people to do it.
Except nobody could use the gun, because Kiran was dead. Alfonse then immediately sided with Hel after slaughtering his own people.
When is it her turn
Solm banner in September and Timerra will absolutely be on it, so it's a tossup between her and Panette for the other girl slot.
IIRC he didn't sacrifice his own people, but rather they went to preform the ritual to bless the breidablik without knowing it would end up wiping out life in the realm. The warning labels were basically ripped off, and our timeline was going to perform the same ritual but somehow foundout, and then used Lif's already blessed breidablik so they wouldn't have to do the first part. Lif's realm basically paid the price to stop Hel.
Lif's stupidity comes from shackling up with Thorr immediately after Hel.
>halfway through the year
>only female freebie so far is literally obese
What did they mean by this
The Heroes Journey accessories are always based on that month's seasonal banner.
Speaking of accessories, has anyone figured out what the Tropical Frozen Treat is? Is it really that snow cone that Nifl eats a lot of.
>Is it really that snow cone that Nifl eats a lot of.
It's usually something directly from or related to characters on the banner. It's probably more similar either Nerbuz, or Gulllveig's shaved ice treats.
>The Heroes Journey accessories are always based on that month's seasonal banner.
I hope we get the Sharena ice cream and not Gullveig's weird watermelon monstrosity.
If you tried to have a point there, it's completely fucked by the fact that Lif tries to kill Kiran (us) instead of giving us the Breidablik. He even tries to crush us as a sore-loser faggot bitch when he is defeated, rather than give it to us as he dies.
One time I had a dream where I was talking with Merrin and Shamir showed up and was extremely mad and jealous I was talking to another woman(I wasn't even flirting it was just casual chatter) and didn't calm down until after I kissed her.

That's the extent of my Merrin appreciation

Well that and she's a damn good unit and her Somniel outfit is pretty cool
Kakashi is a grown man who never married and reads smut books all day.
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Assuming my scenario was correct, Lif's attitude and actions throughout the book don't suddenly erase that amended scenario and replace it with your faulty one. Yes, the Lif's situation is dumb and could have been written much better, but that doesn't contradict my "correction".
On another note, the main "defense" for his attitude is that his entire world is destroyed and Hel is his only chance to get it back. It's the conundrum of "not the hero you know/not your timeline" FEH constantly brings up and put into a center point for a book. This isn't Lif's world, no matter how alike it is, it won't ever be his or be the same. Lif wasn't able to stop Hel so why should he assume other versions of himself would be able to? His best hope is a delusion that Hel will keep her word.
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A Fallen Hero you say?
Wtf is this
Why didn't Hel just curse Sharena and offer to let her go if Alfonse submitted
>Lif's attitude and actions throughout the book don't suddenly erase that amended scenario and replace it with your faulty one.
Once again: instead of giving the Breidablik to Kiran (after knowing that 1000 people died to make it, whether he intended that or not), he chose to attack Kiran for the purpose of killing him.
>and Hel is his only chance to get it back.
No, and in the story there is no evidence for this at all. The retard who died to the "Goddess of Death" decided that, FOR SOME REASON, she would bring his world back to life and NOT immediately spawncamp it.
>Lif wasn't able to stop Hel so why should he assume other versions of himself would be able to?
Because the reason he failed is that his Kiran was dead. So he can just give Kiran the Breidablik and end it.
It's literally what Eir does.
Because "Hel holding Sharena hostage" for both Lif and Alfonse would have been an interesting and compelling reason for them to act like retards.
But this is IS, so instead Sharena is forgotten and Alfonse acts like a retard for no reason at all.
I'm pretty certain I've seen you obsessed with hating on Lif before. This is unhealthy dude
Nta but pointing out bad writing doesn't mean you hate something or do you admit you have a seething obsession with gullveig?
Oh hey! Like you
People who point out bad writing typically say like one thing, I've seen the same "Lif makes Alfonse look more retarded than normal" shit multiple times and there's always a pretty clear layer of seethe underneath it

I'm married though
that's a 30 year old hag
What laguz is that?
What's supposed to be attractive about this
That's a shark
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He will literally say anything for attention.
We're at the point where it's "unhealthy" to talk about the story of the game the thread is about every once in a while, but repeatedly posting the same cropped porn images every day is somehow better.
He's really desperate for our attention yeah. One could even call it obsessed.
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>he chose to attack Kiran for the purpose of killing him.
It's not his Kiran, It's not his world. That is the point and the dilemma. The game constantly brings up this concept, and you can even see a somewhat reverse situation in book 5 when Eitri says "Who cares if they died, Kiran can just summon another version". That notion was supposed to be abhorrent and is part of the reason why Reginn kills Eitri.
>No, and in the story there is no evidence for this at all.
Yes, that's why I called it delusional. His realm is dead, he's already enslaved by Hel, he has nothing else to personally lose, so he might as well help Hel and hope that she keeps her word. The other option is to do nothing which definitively won't bring anyone back. Helping another timeline kill the person who could potentially bring back your timeline doesn't help him either.
>Because the reason he failed is that his Kiran was dead. So he can just give Kiran the Breidablik and end it.
And if he never gives Kiran the breidablik then they can't actually defeat Hel, which was his assumption of what would happen in the first place, and makes his victory more likely as the only other option was to fall into the same trap.
Again, It's not his world, It's not his Kiran, It's not his Sharena, or his askr or his people. Why should he care? Lif is supposed to be a broken version of Alfonse who lost everything, and even if he could defy Hel and shack up with our timeline, it doesn't help him bring back his.
His actions are determined by a delusional hope he clings to, and Hel's magical command over his corpse. His goal is to bring back his realm, his only way to do that is blind faith in Hel. It's a shit situation to be stuck in and helping the other timeline kill Hel doesn't help him achieve his goal. His choice to serve Hel, not that he really would have had a choice, is dumb, but understandable. His choice to shack up with Thorr right after book 3 is where he went full retard.
>It's not his Kiran, It's not his world.
And? He has no reason to think him winning gets him what he wants, and they'd gladly let him live in their world if he gave up.
>The other option is to do nothing which definitively won't bring anyone back.
And the third option is to help kill Hel, so that this can't happen again. Lif choosing NOT to do this makes him both a retarded and selfish character, especially when Eir exists in the same story.
>His goal is to bring back his realm
>His choice to shack up with Thorr right after book 3 is where he went full retard
They're literally the same choice; a goddess with no mastery over life shows up and says "kill worlds for me, and I'll give you a world back." He accepts both times, becomes their servant both times, and he's retarded both times.
It's literally the same scenario.
they're going to stack that banner with all the girls because solm is extremely unpopular
Nah, I'd wager that it'll be Merrin and Timerra, with Panette on Halloween since Timerra was there last year.
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>And? He has no reason to think him winning gets him what he wants,
As I've said several times, that's the point. He has no reason believe Hel will keep her word, but he also has literally nothing else to lose. It's a shitty situation where he only benefits from helping Hel. Even if he said "No" she is just going to force him to serve more than she probably already did as she has control over all the dead, this was even explicitly shown in the book 3 TT when Ganglot takes up Hel's mantle and is able to even force Lif out from his contract with Thorr.
>and they'd gladly let him live in their world if he gave up.
His goal isn't to live in another world, It's to bring his back, and even after being freed from Hel, his dialogue in various modes and alts show that he bleieves he shouldn't even stay among the living, or this world. He has no way of knowing if Hel will keep her word or if she can, but any other "alternative" you suggest is an even deader-end. You're trying to force your personal concept of reason while ignoring the the situation Lif find himself in. He can't kill Hel as she can control him, He can't help the Askrans as it doesn't help him achieve his goal, and Hel's control likely prevents it anyways, and he doesn't want to stay with them in the first place.
>he's retarded both times. It's literally the same scenario.
Correct, and that's what I'm trying to get at, thought I could have said it's more of a subjective view on how the scenario should have played out. The scene should have been a moment of clarity or acceptance, but instead he doubles down. While it's in "character" given that it's now the best lead to getting his realm back, it just comes across badly IMO.
>He has no reason believe Hel will keep her word, but he also has literally nothing else to lose.
Yes, so he's a retard.
>It's to bring his back
Yeah, and Kiran is more capable of summoning another world than Hel is.
>it just comes across badly IMO.
Yes, because he's a bad character. Poorly written. One of the dumbest and lamest antagonists FE has ever had, he's quite literally a male version of Selena from FE8. And while Duessel and Eir were smart enough to jump ship, Selena and Lif stuck around on the ship that they KNEW was sinking.
Does anyone have the updated rerun/remix calendar
it's really satisfying scrolling up and down and seeing her sunglasses go up and down.
>the cooler robin.
Her temperature does not appear to have changed at all. You lied to me.
kek clapped his ass
>Claude goes back to his irrelevancy shed
He's literally about to murder Rhea 5 minutes after the end. It's why they show Claude turning to look at Rhea with disgust in his eyes. Rhea's about to drop dead sooner rather than later
Can we get a Felixschizo meltdown started?
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My concubine
You're outta line
Oh I've been up for days
Can't seem to make my greatest rape
And I'm lost for words
I cannot find myself inside a love like hers
And in times you know it burns
Youve been trying to get this started since CYL and it failed to start anything but people laughing at you
content tonight?
He's literally an always-online permavirgin so you can do that at any time of day. He's probably seething at this very moment.
You wish someone would think about you but they don't, least of all your parents.
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Yess I've got some content... here it comes
Pfft losers are so easy to manipulate, he actually fell for it. He probably thinks I'll give his kingdom back too.
The Pig Is Loose
There's a difference between talking about the story and being obsessed with your hatred of a character
You should get over your Gullveig obsession. She can't hurt you, just as Shamir can't please you.
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We got him
clapped his ass
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Let him go, Edelchud
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Vocaloid themed banner coming soon
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Kek Alfonse is a manlet
He mating pressed creampied kiran while sucking on her titties thoughever. And then Seidr gave him sloppy toppy right after
And then you woke up to reality where he gets no pussy and shows no interest in women whatsoever
Yeah, he's not going to have an intelligent reply to that one.
Except you're wrong and mad and now you're crying in your basement because your diaper is full and you're out of chicken nuggies
Critical Hit to his bussy!
Clapped his ass
>Fire Emblem is a waifu eugenics simulator
Where did it all go so wrong?
Give Alfonse Farmer's Tool + Axe Breaker. Find some Windsweep Poison strike user. Bring in two other clean up units.

I ran a team of

Fallen Julia (clean up)
Fallen Taco (applied splash damage but only with his prf start of turn effects)
Fallen Ninners (Forma'd her for Firestorm Dance + whatever her prfs are)

Got the job done. Wish I took my own advice and gave Taco Windsweep.
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Deato gaimu and franchisu
Kek Kys Raul
Show anywhere he's interested in women
We only ever see him salivating for Bruno
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He's not enthusiastic or lustful to see women here
This doesn't prove anything
Try again Raul
Can't believe they were foreshadowing Ratatoskr/Alfonse that far ahead
Decided to put your trip back on and just samefag yourself huh
Take your schizophrenia meds please
This is either Raul samefagging himself or the fellatio crew
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he's (our) manlet prince.
Kek dude is bite sized
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kek, I was cleaning up my folders and I found this. Why the fuck did I even save this
It's retarded as Sigurd is known to be just as retarded in his game
Because you're a schizo who's incapable of having a normal conversation probably
Alfonse nuts on Kiran's face every night
Alfonse has tiny cock and balls that can't be felt
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ugh, that water is disgusting now.
This is a good one
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Emblem Eirika will annihilate FEH once and for all.
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So when are we getting Plegia back?
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Nuts in FKiran'*
>heals for half damage on odd turns, deals 1.5x damage on even turns
>gives every special a +50% damage pierce and a heal
o fucking boi
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Sorry, we needed another Igrene banner that also has Altina and Juno on it for some fucking reason.
Plegian hags? Eat shit, Aversa is never getting an alt!
Kiranchuds in shambles
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>special activation 100% heals you on odd turns
>special activation has 100% DR pierce on even turns
what if devs make them separate Emblem units??
Ephraimdev would, but he'd also give full functionality to Eirika first.
Then later, he'd make an ultra-busted Ephraim.
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a good way to speedrun EoS
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Fallen Heidr?
I think you mean "Ursula #4!"
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If they get around to it, the 3Houses Emblem will for sure be the one to do it.
Just imagine how fucking busted they'd make them.
I don't want Fallen Heidr, I want cured Heidr.
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I can't hear you, are you sure you meant Rearmed Ursula?
I want both!
I want my yugioh daughter and my genki twintail daughter.
I think he meant Legendary Ursula. But we'll probably get both within the next year.
He clearly meant "Fallen [he's only ever sane once in a flashback cutscene] Nergal."
It'd be like saying Thales is "fallen" because he might not have been as much of a dick before Sothis arrived to Fodlan.
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Kek they hated him for speaking the truth
Flopgrene is gonna shit up another banner soon no doubt
She's from Elibe, of course she'll come back.
Fucking Saul got an alt.
when new trailer
26th, so about 71 hours from now I think.
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Think I got this, bros?
why does this mode even have a ranking for how many stamina potions you can drop on auto-battle?
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I want MILF Shamir alt where all her lines are about our happy marriage together and the children we've had and her unit title includes my last name and she's wearing a wedding ring and she can't be summoner or ally supported by anyone

And she also has huge fat tits and thick thighs, that'd be cool too

I love Shamir, she's my waifu

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So she'd basically be saying all that to Kiran
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Maria Sivenkova said all that to the Russian soldier to plead for its assbaby spawns life (both it and assbaby spawn got a bullet to the head anyways)
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Poor Hilda…
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i don't get it
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Is BoL4 an option for Maria in the HoF?
Wouldn't be an option yet.
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Will Nott come back to life in this TT?
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It’s Nott happening
Okay, could’ve sworn I saw it on Marth but I must’ve been seeing things, what’s the best c slot for her?
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Altina is popular and beloved.
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15 year old hag
Probably something that helps keep allies alive to not trigger her PRF.
>duo Kagero
"oh yeah, that exists"
Heroes Journey reward is gullveig's shaved ice treat.
I don't want that piss ice
it's strawberry you fuckin idiot
Gullveig peed in the pool
Nikke won
mogu mogu yummy same cunny
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Looking everywhere in Akihabara and finally found a female Corrin amiibo, should I buy it?
Why does IS insist on putting 4*s on the double special heroes banner. Nobody wants 4*'s
You were >looking everywhere for it, so probably
That's really expencive. I've seen it go by for far less
3000 yen is barely $20 poorfag
Stupid opinion: >>483262976
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Tellius always wins.
Okay retard. Why not buy one from ebay? You're guaranteed to get it so why waste time looking
sweet kete
Where do you find these anyway
Tellius dev must be dealt with. *cracks knuckles*
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Cute power
Thorr is still used? Damn
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She cute
YJK she’d fall for Raigh too
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>Yjk she'd just fall for Ray too
Well she is a Cordelia...
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>Tropical Frozen Treat isn't the Sharena ice cream
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imagine bathing with selkie and cuddling her and suddenly she turns human because that's how FEH works
telliusdev and chromdev are a menace on this game
ephraimdev never ruined FEH like this
Damn, you guys are still using this thread? Thought it would be bump limit by yesterday.
>Ephraim was just a beta test for Ike
Good post
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Hey guys what sexy costume do you want to see Sanaki in next? Haruun is still open so I might send her another comm real quick. Any cool ideas?
put her in baggy clothes with a t-shirt that says "die pedos"
PoR or RD Snacks? Either way, playboy bunny or bridal lingerie.
not a big bunny costume fan but would laguz ears like the pic be cool? its even more revealing
get a commission of her undressing/dressing
those are always hot as fuck
I dont think she will do another detailed one for me right now though. maybe next time. she usually does one but she sometimes does a simple second idea.
Ingrid! Probably not next month but surely in August she'll get her refine.
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what do the moon runes say?
I asked for something similar to the laguz pic with ears and tail hopefully she accepts
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does anyone even want to roll on this double banner?
it has W!Dimitri and V!Lyon in green at 6%. Someone probably rolled.
>No S!Sylvan
I was really looking forward to some trace 4 fodder, but now have almost no reason to care about the banner so.. no not really
I kinda want to roll green.
I'd need 2 copies of Dimitri, since I still haven't claimed the code copy and I don't have DLyon cancer
Lyon died with BoL4, as it will definitely just start to show up in new unit's prfs. W!Dimitri has been available already on AHR and is also in the codes, who cares.
I want pulse blade for limitless time pulse
Not everyone has BoL4, or runs into tiers where it would be slapped onto every unit.
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>Lyon died with BoL4
I think you're underestimating him. Nothing stopping Lyon from running Fatal Smoke 4. Also his brute force kill potential will fuck up most units through BoL4.
I would roll this banner if they gave us "40pullguarantee" but no.
>You should pay th-
I can't believe Gulltards were seriously so pressed and desperate for any "win" they can get that they were worrying over a fucking Heroes Journey accessory

We've gone from "Seidr will win CyL and then we'll get bunny Kvasir and bride Seidr and fallen Heidr and a full book 7 summer banner" to "we got an accessory"

Fucking sad

what's this idiot talking about
The HJ accessory is based on the duo like it basically always is, and this is now bad.
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I was just announcing what it was because some people were curious, and freaking out about it earlier because they thought it would be a book 2 item, not that I know why it would be an issue in the first place.
No need to bite my head off, damn.

>like it basically always is
Last year we got summer Ivys hat for one of them

And it's not that it's a bad thing, it's that the desperation in wanting it to be Gullveig related was very evident

It's such an insignificant thing to anyone normal anyway. It'd be like freaking out over what music tracks are gonna get added in the music hall in the next update.
Imagine waking up and remembering Gullveig exists, then getting mad about it. Every day for almost two years.
This is unhealthy, dude.
>Tellius trying to revenge kill another game after failing to kill the franchise

She's a genuine "Fuck you" button to anyone who tries to run Bridal Sharena, Flyer with access to the guidance warping skills, and easy to achieve AoE nuke.
Wow Gullies are sad
Shitveig, Shitsvir, Shitdr
Book 7 was shit kek
Gull raped you
Forceful blowjob and semen extraction using her snakes
no it's more like the snakes penetrated its anus, and probably its brain.
His snake is bigger than all of hers
Why does Lyon have more alts than some lords?
If that were even remotely true, he wouldn't have spent 11 years trying to make a personality for himself online about a girl from a videogame.
>Tellius waaah
Rent free, like clockwork every thread
and yet you worship him
he takes estrogen so shamir will finally love him
We need an Emblem Lucina/Chrom/Robin to save us
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the people that hate a certain someone can't stop talking about him
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He's the villain you just can't hate
It's an "unhealthy obsession" to talk about Lif's bad writing every few months, but it's admirable to seethe about Gullveig every single day.
I’m expecting Lyn or Lucina this month

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