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STONKS Edition

>Previously on Mount Gag:

>Latest News
Daily deal for June 22nd is a draft token. You DID save 9000 gold - right, anon?
MH3 is out - some rejoice, some don't care
Psychic Frog Store is a SCAM
Pro Tour MH3 June 28-30


>Useful Links

>Free Codes
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Net Gold of both draft modes.

>The gems from rewards are from 10000/1500 = 5000/750 = 6.667 gold each. If you're farming gems for the pass, they're worth a lot more. Specially if you do well on your token draft from the pass.
>The rares and mythics you draft are considered to be worth nothing since wildcards are everything (note: bots will NOT pass you rares in quick draft)
>The packs from rewards are worth around 925 gold. This is based on packs eligible for golden packs being worth 1000.
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Thank you based anons for talking about the palantir in the last bread, this fits into my Ashnod deck like a glove.
reminder to rope anyone using psychic frog store avatars
Fuck, no I have better things to do with my time than roping systemically.
What else am I going to blow my extra gems from drafting on?
mastery passes, more drafts, packs (in that order)

also do those event things
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Anyone else here completely ignoring mh3?
>mastery passes
Already bought
>more drafts
I can only draft so much before it gets repetitive
Hell no, I already have plenty of cards and wildcards. I legit can't remember the last time I actually bought packs or was unable to craft a deck I wanted to craft.
>event things
I assume you mean the Open. This is the only decent option, but I'd rather get something I can use regularly, rather than taking a stab in the dark at maybe getting some money.
I literally put it in the OP, but yes
this shop is a marketing test. the more people buy into it the more likely it is we see worse mastery passes in the future
who designs this shit?
lmao even
brawl is so fucking bad right now
i want edh, bring back the gathering in magic
i think grist is cool but yes, i will probably never play with him
wasted some wildcards to make terrible decks but i'm probably not touching arena after i finish the mastery pass. got other shit to do than get my ass beat by powercreep
No, it's been pretty fun.
Why are you not playing pioneer lite?
Why is Tesya frozen in ice
She's a ghost after being killed by Trostani in Karlov Manor.
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>You DID save 9000 gold - right, anon?
I'm too poor to afford the draft token
Also I think you mean save 1000 gold
Save as in "keep in reserve".
Entire 10% off?! Anons WOTC will go bankrupt after being this generous, I say we all buy gems to get the psychic frog shop access rn!
She died but then she got better
this game is trash
Honestly pretty expected for anyone in Orzhov.
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She's also apparently still demanding they bring her tibute in gold, even in death, peak orzhov behaviour.
This would be before she died
Yeah i know i was referring to this card art >>483083923 that's a plate of gold they're handing her.
I cant wait for triomes to rotate out so i don't have to play against domaintroonery anymore
Orzhov are just fantasy central bank
Assuming i win games
>who designs this shit?
>Obzedat but better
Brawl card
? the 0 win option is right there on the chart
>>The rares and mythics you draft are considered to be worth nothing since wildcards are everything (note: bots will NOT pass you rares in quick draft)
That's retarded. You can draft till you have enough packs to get all the rares. And even if you don't want to draft that much, 10-20% of the rares/mythics are still constructed playable
>10-20% of the rares/mythics are still constructed playable
not really
>You can draft till you have enough packs to get all the rares
technically yes. However that is 1) A lot of drafting, you probably won't have much for constructed to use the rares anyway, and 2) Drafting gets a lot harder once you hit Gold and above, so if you are going to be drafting to set completion you have to account for lower winrates
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is explorer just a trash format?

every deck is like a standard deck that wins if it does it's busted combo

like rakdos vampires is so underwhelming otherwise but if they cheat this guy in on turn 3 they just win
it doesn't rotate and nothing stops the powercreep, ofc it's a trash format
Galvanic discharge needs to be banned in Historic.
>any other game has annoying draw the out lol scenarios
>draw the out here, but don't have the mana to use it
Why do people play this shit game again?
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>Don't mind me just trading myself with your commander
Yeah, I don't need to read the card, just put more effects over the text box if you please.
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Here's the readable (not as cool) version
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I've played Brawl for a long time but I can't take it anymore. Nadu makes me wanna eat a bullet. Nothing beats it except itself, at least nothing in the same matchmaking bracket. It's somehow worse than the made up fake alchemy cards. Grenzo, Teysa, Poq, Nadu, Malcolm, and Tamiyo in the span of 8 months have hit the format like stage 4 cancer. Back to the standard mines.
Thanks, I was criticizing the card design more than anything else, though.
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Just give them 2 months to adjust the bullshit commanders weights because that's how long it usually take them to fix the format so you have 1 month of fairly balanced brawls until the next set/alchemy drops and restarts the cycle
Why are all alchemy commanders just enormous amounts of bullshit? WotC can't design for shit.
The alchemy cards are designed by the Arena team blame them.
Lmao, explain Nadu then
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Either a last minute text change or they were smoking crack
The thing people always leave out of their calculations for these comparisons is that you get gold back from quests while playing too. I primarily play premier but if you are only playing every 3 days or so, it's much easier to go infinite with quick draft since you will get back like 40% of the cost through quests alone.
...it's a chart comparing quick drafts to premiers. you can do quests in either, why would I mention that?
>using an outside source of resources in order to continue drafting
literally the opposite of what going infinite means, good job
crokeyz lost on day 2 again didnt he
I'm 2-0, hold me im nervous
>outside source
you wot
True, I worded it wrong, I meant these graphs give misleading conclusions since they are in a vacuum.
Yes. I would have tried it if the draft were 4000 gold like the other phantom drafts, but there's no way I would pay 10000 for a draft of it. It was the same with LotR.
The cards are more valuable, that's why the physical boosters cost twice as much!
>you wot
are the quests part of the drafts?
do you get infinite quests if you do infinite drafts?
no, and no. you can't count quests as part of going infinite.
When did you realise that who will win the game is decided based on the opening hand and the first one or two draws?
Most people use "infinite" as a way of expressing that you can keep drafting forever in the long term without injecting currency or taking days off to play other formats to earn gold, that the average return from the draft exceeds the entry cost. I know you can interpret it how you are, that you can play endlessly all day long but that's just generally not what people are referring to with this term.
>that the average return from the draft exceeds the entry cost.

This is what he means as well. What you're not understanding is quests are not part of draft returns.
really the only point was "if you are good, do premiers, if you aren't, do quicks"
ygo, hearthstone, lorcana: trading card games
magic: transsexual card game
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first time playing mh3 and got a trophy! yay!
where does that leave pokemon
pokemon has no niggers besides brock
mtg has all the niggers except brock
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Hahahahah holy shit you ate the dumbest faggot alive
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I made it to draft two, 3-1. Since this game is all luck that's a 25% chance at $500!
i made it to draft two, 7-0

2k bucks in
You're gonna match against a constructed quality deck now. Good luck!
>get manascrewed for 5 turns
>get the did you have fun survey?
Wtf do you think? I swear, arena devs are a special kind of sadistic retards
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>Play Nadu as my commander
>Go first and play delighted halfling on turn 1
>Opponent concedes
>'Did you have fun'
New B&R tomorrow.
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Which magic girl canonically has the biggest futa cock? Besides Olivia, of course.
Why did they put Nissa in the UG elf deck if there's no way to activate her second land enters effect in the vanilla deck
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>Want to play a deck involving Urabrask
>Both the mono red standard decks contain a bunch of cards that are about to be rotated out of standard.

Fuck me man. I dont know how the fuck to play Brawl, and it intimidates me.
>is explorer just a trash format?
pretty much, I've been playing it for awhile and it sucks
it's okay. to me it plays like Modern but worse, but there are some entertaining decks. The Tier 1 shit you'll play against is just... most of what you'll see.
I've heard actual Pioneer is better but I don't have the funds for MTGO, so you'll have to tell me if you try.
This card is insane in reanimator decks, im genuinely surprised they didn't make it a rare
When are we gonna get another game like this? This was sick and fun and not a modern microtransaction ridden cancer
Nope. Nothing will ever be free of the microtransaction curse ever again.
$500 secured (was 1 mana off casting emrakul again for $1000+)
damn, gz anon
sorry for beating you sister, maybe get better time ;)
it's ok, you need it more than me ;)
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Anyone else excited for Bloomburrow? I am, I loved Redwall and Secret of Nimh as a kid.
Based anon
I am, it is the white man's set of 2024
not really, but rotation is great
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this thread better not be up when I wake up
You cant tell me what to do!
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New duels of the planeswalkers when?
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>take a break for 3 months
>come back and I can kill people in Timeless and Historic with janky energy decks

Okay this made magic fun again
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No. It has two great additions to Elf tribal.
so i started like last week
open all the free packs, got like 5 wild, 15 rares and a bunch of comun uncomun craft and used everything to make a brawl deck,mostly was on the dual lands, the commander was harbin the blue white soldier dude mostly because i really like blue white and soldier looked more fun then mage.

how long does it take for me to get that amount of craft material back ? there was a precon on the animal set that looked fun so i was thinking of buying to play irl but i wonder how hard it will be to make a arena version of it when it comes out.

im more used to master duel where you get like 70-80 packs a month so you can make a new deck every month or so, how is it here?
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dont mind me, just playing some honest magic
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>game LITERALLY rigged
>retards still pay for it
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i make big card
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>land pass
>land pass
>land pass
>land pass
>land pass
we love it because it's rigged tho
i'm hemorrhaging gold losing at drafts, send help
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>I'm flooded out
>opponent is stuck on two lands
riveting stuff.
It's a special kind of pain
The dopamine receptors in your brain biting on barbed wire
It's fun
this is one of the most miserable formats I've ever played

what were they thinking?

also how does a straight to modern set have so many trash rares?
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goddamn it
you get about 10k gold per week. the best use of your gold is drafting, but if you're not willing to learn that, you should buy packs that contribute to golden packs. that way you get a little under 2 rare wildcards per week. :)
I don't play the rigged modes, or pay for anything
if it's rigged how do pro players manage to consistently maintain high winrates?
anyone got any decks with this dude?
When are they removing the "kill opponent creatures" daily?
I hate this game so much
why cant anything ever go right?
out of all the answers my opponent had to have the most specific one
I even had the hexproof spell against any removal
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Discard is filthy good in standard right now damn, and you anons were right this card is great he just does so much, although i still run sheoldred and investogators at 3 max cause although good discard sometimes isnt enough to win the game, especially with all the mainlands and tokens, and he dies to a bolt or virtue of persistence both of which are ran in so many decks.
I wanna try but i fear i wont have enough wildcards for all the good bug cards
Just a few more hours until b&r explorerbros. Any hopes and fears?
Just play monoblack bro
pls print more lifegain payoff in bloomburrow wotc I'm going to miss voice of the blessed too much
>50% of games decided by turn 3

Why do you retards even play this slop. It's basically akin to playing the slots given the rng factor.
The other 50% duh
fuck off whitenigger
So I started playin this game a month or two ago mom doing alchemy and made a few decks for that. Idk what the modes mean. What should I play and why?
>50% of games you get to ignore the first 3 turns
Why don't you retard just mull?
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excuse you i am an orzhovnigger and i've been rolling over aggro decks with lifegain
I don't want to go back
>MH3 and so many gay, overpowered alchemy legendaries means even etali 2.0 has been powercrept out of brawl
fuck this gay game fuck it fuck it fuck it also fuck bitches with no wincons and load their deck with NOTHING but control and expect to win from you scooping from boredom after wasting all your damn time
Formats, they limit which cards are legal, some of them are eternal and only add cards (bans aside) and some have sets rotate once a year or so. Play whichever you like the general power level the best.


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>orzhov control baby plays nothing but removal all game
>can’t control their involuntary celibacy
I wasted 5 years playing a game I hate. wtf is wrong with me?
People bad at the game are think it's impossible to win on a mull to 5 and would rather keep a hand that does nothing until turn 4.
>ESL babble
Opinion discarded.
reminder to not open any golden packs until after rotation, you don't wanna get stuck with some boomerformat rare
more than we can fix here
>his autocorrect messed up a word, that means I'm not bad at the game!
Autocorrect isn't ESL, Juan. Cope harder.
Alchemy seems okay. Is standard broken?
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>Get so many triggers that the game just gives up and closes to main menu after a few waiting on server messages
>'Your not supposed to do so many triggers or the game closes'
Nice game arenababs
other way around newfriend
>that board state
>high quality graphics
what were you expecting?
turn down your graphics or get a better cpu
Thanks for the info.
Would changing graphics or having a better cpu really stop the server from dying?
no, but you'd have better performance in games where you have a million tokens
Games of chance have been enjoyed for millennia.
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one token for each anal bead in the ass
get a life autist
Why is no one (here or on leddit or streams) talking about this new Arena Direct event? it seems exciting. Isn't this a first for Arena? physical booster boxes as prizes.
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I forgot to mention the most important place no one is talking about it, official MTG websites/news/announcements
>Isn't this a first for Arena? physical booster boxes as prizes.
no, they gave away "festival in a box" for winning a chaos sealed thing. you get nothing if you are outside the states, though. the only want to ship within the states.
paper cards are completely worthless to me
yes, I am lazy enough to sell them online
haven't played for an expansion and a half after i blew all my gems on tilted drafts
is standard still FUBAR?
>you get nothing if you are outside the states
I saw nothing about that in the T&C for this event

It even says it gets substitued for $250 cash if they are out of boxes. Seems like a much higher real $ EV than the Arena open for your digital currency.
standard virtually doesn't exist anymore so yes, rotation in a month but it wont be saved
hows the latest draft? some mechanics seem needlessly overcomplicated
it's the only playable format, so no
even at the top level, land screw or flood can destroy pro players
this is good game design btw
don't tell me you're a draftlet, are there zero playable sets?
waiting on bloomburrow, i'm not drafting boomer cards lmao
MH3? the consensus is that it is really good. I don't think it even has new mechanics but sure, a lot of cards are very wordy but that's the meta in this commander dominated world we live in.
Personally I feel that it is just slightly above average, very tarnished by a few ridiculous cards (many at common). I think OTJ is quite a fun draft set too, personally I think limited is the only playable format.
activate windows
i was talking about some of OTJ's keyword soup

>limited is the only playable format.
hard agree, standard is lobotomy levels of interactivity but I haven't had that much fun with limited since I'm always a tilt streak away from burning all my gems

>the consensus is that it is really good.
cool I might give it a go tonight
They cheat in paper. Arena they mmr manipulate and win trade to the top of ladder. None of them have consistent results in mtgo.
>I might give it a go tonight
I unironically have 10 accounts. When I was bad I would buy the $5 discount gem bundle on a new account and play on it until I ran out. Now I just rotate through them and only play when they have full quests and can easily draft endlessly without spending anything. Maybe consider making an alt, it's really quick to make an alt, you can put in anything for the email and skip the tutorial, $5 bundle.
God i love being an orzhovchad
>I think limited is the only playable format.
this used to be true until they introduced play boosters...it's now just as fucked
Right I quit shortly after they introduced that change too
I refuse to spend a dollar on card games because the model is inherently scummy and the companies are all slimy and I'm poor.

>t. recovered tcg addict multiple meta decks in hearthstone, LoR, mtga
MH3 draft would be 10/10 if they had just toned down a few cards like chrysalis. Honestly that alone might be enough, most of the other best performing cards are that way because they support chrysalis.
Is it as bad as P1P1 Cryptic Coat?
On 17lands, chrysalis has 64.4% GIH win rate right now, while coat has 63.2%. The bigger issue is that chrysalis is a common, so it's not impossible or even hard to potentially grab two or three. It's not the winningest card of the set, but it's pretty close and it shows up extremely often.
It is an insane card but the main problem is that it's a common, it's not crazy to see 3 of them in someone's deck and it's the second highest winrate card of the set.

How's the fixing though? Looks easily splashable to me...
Quite easy, though it does work best in eldrazi focused decks.
>refuse to spend a dollar on card games
I can respect it but personally I know my limits, I need some outlet. Making a small investment to semi permanently have an outlet to satisfy my gambling addiction without paying was worth it. I have tried to totally reject it entirely before and other vices would always spring up in its place. Good luck, I think you will need it since you came here at all.
I just can't get any better. I made a list of the main mistakes I keep making. Things to focus on. Two turns into game 1, it all goes out the window and I regress to my retarded self.
At this rate, how long do we have until WotC prints

Haste, trample
This spell cannot be countered. If this creature would leave the battlefield, it instead doesn't. Damage from this creature cannot be prevented.
let's say we are closer to you having sex
why is ashlizzle seething again?
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but they spent years playtesting, how could you not enjoy it?
Probably something about Meathook not being unbanned.
luv her brews
'ate her zoomerspeak

simple as
naur.... naur...
it's fucking insane how I build a deck to counter the braindead meta deck that 70% of my opponents play
then I immediately stop playing against it
then when I switch decks again all my opponents are suddenly playing the top deck I no longer counter.
makes me think the conspiracies are real this is fucking ridiculous. like I want my opponents to fucking kill themselves for playing this braindead garbage that I have to see every game until I put counter cards in my deck, when I suddenly won't see it at all.
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listen here, TROON

you're already doing your 20 gemmies per week worth of a 'job' by bumping the thread so you gotta put some effort and try to make your shill bait at least hookable
do you only get one try per account or something?
I bet I could 6-1 in 5 tries to turn all my gems into $250
Why do you little zoomies obsess over transsexuals all day?
That's not saying much.
Why do they make the dual-color free decks so much better than the mono-color
the monocolor ones are a few years old now so they've been powercrept. also non-red monocolor decks are generally bad
If it's like last time you can try as often as you want (and even win as much as you can). I'm only going to have one try.
just played my first bo3 game and its pretty kino desu, it felt like there was more mutual respect between me and my opp
I played rdw
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meanwhile in the brawl queue...
>be me, le humble ragavan brawl player
>meet opp from picrel
>doesnt concede after I turn 2 stone rain his dual land
>he misses a land drop
>doesnt concede
>he misses another land drop
>still plays it out
>I eventually ramp into arcane bombardment
>I proceed to stone rain every land opp plays for 25 minutes, pinging my own creatures as to not defeat opp and teach a lesson
>At this point I dont just want to make opp quit, I want him to uninstall entirely
>opp wont budge
>picrel is turn 13, opp finally concedes with 1 land after I killed several of my own creatures
I hope you uninstalled SirEspionage, fuckoff to Hearthstone
>or just concede obvious losses maybe
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You're a huge faggot, that kind of reaction would only be appropriately if he roped you and he didn't he just wanted to give it a shot.
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>You're a huge faggot
bro that's not even my main deck
I play picrel WAAAAAAAY past 15 daily wins just to make (You) seethe
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>play delighted halfling, allosaurus shepherd or cavern of souls turn one against blue faggots
>They always concede
Have you been living under a rock? Deck weighting is real and exposed
It's interesting how the conceeder and the winner both think the opponent is being trolled and is mad.
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just made a lutri list
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>Have cavern in my opener
>Slow roll it until I can play my commander
>Drop it, name commander's type, and cast it
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>Use confounding conundrum for Nadu's
>Keep catching everyone off-guard running sac lands
>make obvious play anybody would make
>brag about it
do you think people are just jamming cavern turn 1, or...?
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I just jam cavern turn 1 to assert dominance over the blue player so they can concede faster
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Volatile stormdrake is retarded in brawl. Stealing someones commander for 2 mana is backbreaking. If your commander is expensive it is just a removal that gives them a little flyer in fucking blue
>45% CHAD
>win the mirror game 2 against a 98% VIRGIN
>he doesn't come back for game 3
Hows pic related for a deck?
It relies on getting synthesizer out and finding ways to get artifacts on the field in the meantime. Im looking for some suggestions, currently feels bad lower end of the curve but higher end feels great. Still get BTFO by board wipes but drawing for cards kind of alleviates that.
..is this standard? why so many 2 ofs and one ofs besides indecisiveness, of course

unfortunately if you bring this color combo to standard you will only face UW control for 90% of your games :)
Sorry, to clarify its historic. I had a couple bad games where I got mana screwed so I added a few 1 and 2 mana cards. Honestly I would rather drop the warden and the mask for more artifacts.
>make a standard deck
>realize I hate standard
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>get home
>try to llau a Rowan scion of ear deck on ladder
>all the aggro kills me faster cause i burn myself for advantages
Fuck, give black more lifegain pls
Go see a doc immediately, strokeanon
This is what playing rakdos does to a man, paying in life and also in braincells.
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>furries will save MTG
how do we cope?
Cheesed to meet you
Fuck you guys i think thunder junction is cool, i like the Hellspurs
Why does the sword not come into play equipped to her?
I like Spree and to some degree plot as mechanics but I really don't care about the setting.
Because that would be a lot stronger?
Alright yeah those are cool, spee is good imo and plot is great for sequencing.
I guess because she is heir to the sword, it's not hers yet
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fuck off, micefag. this is a squirrel thread
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found the brainlet, still seething over Islands. All 3 of the cards you mentioned are complete non- issues for blue

>delighted halfling
minor misstep, witness protection, mystic subdual, eaten by pirannas, unsubstantiate, divide by zero, subtley, commit/ memory, fading hope, cyclonic rift, etc
>allosaurus shepherd
see above
>cavern of souls
urza's cave into - demolition field, ghost quarter, field of ruin, volatile fault, dust bowl
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Step aside dorks, real rodent kings of MTG run this shit
Man I'm typing like ive been lobotomised today
>bring in rest in peace, flanker, the end
>STILL lose to the mosswood dreadknight deck
no deck with Hopeless Nightmare will ever be good, people need to stop coping
>cavern of souls
>urza's cave into - demolition field, ghost quarter, field of ruin, volatile fault, dust bowl
spending a fuckton of mana to get rid of a card that actually gave them mana, AND an uncounterable creature. yeah that's copium brother
DON'T call it a topdeck
it's been in my deck for years
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>a fuckton of mana
stay mad timmy
>Azorius sleeves
>Teferi avatar
>it's RDW
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I put mana flare into my decks whenever I can cause I like it when both me and my opponent cast a lot of spells and have fun :D
>not getting free mulligan value
based retardbro
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when are we going back to ravnica?
Hopefully never, the fourth time was two too many.
ravnica dimir is the coolest theme in all of mtg
totally not dead thread organically being bumped by multiple posters

trust me sisters
But we just returnd to ravnica like three four ago
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>OG Zendikar lands in the store
>15k gold for Cup Island and Meignaud Forest
Guess I'm broke again
for me its the oko, pool party and dog bundles
I just need them to put the hedron bundle in the store, fucking cowards
I'd like a gelectrode pet.
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For me its her avatar.
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>spending 2-4 mana bouncing a card that will just be replayed again
>Spending 3-4 mana to deal with a 1 drop
>Thinking blue counterspell decks have time/mana to waste against a nadu deck that runs 10+ 1 mana hexproof instants
Blue can deal with those cards but the matchup is heavily skewed against them if they pop up on turn 1
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>can't get rid of bat?
>get fucked
I swear there are actual monkeys designing this non-game
that's one of the worse combos in the meta anon, you're actually a bot if you think its OP
>two card otk that can effectively be done on t3
>"its not that bad because there is still better"
I just won two games by doing absolutely nothing and not even interacting with my opponent

shut the fuck up, slop gobbler
how are you getting bloodletter out on t3?
and yes, rakdos and bronco combos are both better
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>how are you getting bat on t3?
Since you're clearly literate, high iq and not a bot, you tell me

Or do you need the epic youtuber to give you new programming and tell you the new epic broken meta decks to play to reach epic mythic rank?

i ain't giving you the deck list
figure it out yourself, timmy
Nice cope. You'll be in gold one day too buddy
If you can't remove a creature or counter a spell by turn 4 in Standard, yes you deserve to lose.
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nice bot reply
So, skill issue?
so you're casting both spells normally on turn 4-5, cool
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Aren't you going to mention that this webm isn't T3 so it completely destroys my claims and the fact that monkeys design this game?
>doesn't show rank
>against monogreen, a deck with little to no interaction
Not really doing yourself any favors with that clip, there's been plenty of combos like that in the past. You're not the first to come up with it, there's a reason it's not putting up numbers in the meta.
>muh rank
>b-b-b-but you played against this thing so its hecking not valid
just trying anything to discredit the speaker and by extension any claims

i rarely play metaslavery because it's brain rotting and not fun
i can invest my time more productively by jerking off than follow flowcharts and copypaste meta decks
If you want to play offmeta that's fine, just don't expect people to suck you off for it. We're just pointing out why it's offmeta in the first place, and why your original post of how the design is fucked was dumb.
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>insta win
>not fucked
>because there are other insta wins
>more ad hominem just to derail the conversation
Wow based epic xir
you totally owned me

Maybe based wotc should print more epic i-win cards so i don't need to think and just win because winning feels so heckin valid and good!!!
lmao why aren't there more players playing this game and buying overpriced products? fucking skill issued timmys bronze ranks bo1
hehe i'm so witty
Literaly the previous main set was in Ravnica
I've never seen an opponent cast this card but it's awesome.
Lortbros, not like this....
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>/Mtgag/ thinks a 4 cmc 100/100 haste trample creature is balanced because you can just interact with it
why is cuban tranny seething so hard over the bloodletter combo lmao
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If they print literal and unironical iwin cards, what's the point of printing other cards that won't see play at all?

Seems just like a waste of cardboard.
It does die to doomblade
It does lose to counterspell
You're bad at the game
I counter your counterspell doomblade
I win
You're bad at the game
this game is absolute dogshit
cut your cock off and bleed to death
no thanks I don't want to play commander
>plays 60 card formats
you already cut it off didnt you
gotta hit the deck minimum somehow
Found a deck I like but its heavy on a few Innistrad and Kamigawa cards. Im new to MTG and dont quite know if I get it yet, but those sets are rotating out of standard in August right? So better to wait until august when the decks get revised post rotation to make the decks?
>happen to click on a mtg post on twatter
>now a bunch of dickless men in women's clothing posting themselves naked appear on my timeline
>they're all content creators or some shit
literal tranny game
I fucking love Redwall.
I'd say so, you'd only have like a month to play with them in standard
Yea its best to wait because they might release new starter decks soon as well
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first mistake sister

take the brawl pill
>the bird is indeed the word
When it's a 2 card, 9 mana 2/4 creature, yes it's balanced.
but you can interact with the 100/100 so its all fair
I mean yeah, you have the ability to play 100/100 creatures. Even in your contrived scenario, that's not the part that makes the card strong.
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>Just put in mostly alchemy cards for artisan
>roll over everyone
>15k gold spent
>0 cards added to collection
he's a boomer talking about a boomer format
and definitely not even mythic
spoken like a true silver
...he just did?
correct, same reason shelly is bad
Which shelly?
but anon, I don't have a cock!
paying a doctor to surgically remove it doesn't count
...? we are talking about removal so it's obviously the one(s) with no ETB
okay now explain the 50+ bux price tag
you're already prepared aren't you?
boomer formats
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>it's le bad... because boomers, ok?
No wonder wotc feeds you slop and tries to scam you at every chance when you have the IQ of an ass sniffing baboon begging to get feces on their faces

better buy anotha secrete laire bro
u gon miss out
dont you fear missing out? buy gems now!
>Ran out of uncommon wildcards for artisan
Format feels so different compared to everything else. I wish it was a permanent mode.
wildcard issue
funny cause you just posted a much better card than shelly
>it's le bad... because boomers, ok?
hey, mongoloid. you asked why the card is expensive. not why it is bad. I will not be replying any further.
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>Like the ninjas theme
>Not enough uncommon wildcards to craft them
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>artisan event
>you can just build mono MH3
Nobody said it was a low powerlevel format just an affordable one
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starting to play this game is one of the biggest regrets in my life
I will forever avoid anything RNG dependant in my life.

>MH3 quick draft
>keep getting nothing but garbage rares all day and confusing signals
>barely managed to get enough playables and avoid the total disaster
>3 times in a row I face <=#100 Mythic players with insane decks who also go first

and there is nothing I can do about it because "RNG" is the perfect excuse for this kind of unfairness.

I would laugh it off but you actually have to pay entry for draft which makes this frustrating. A video game shouldn't have to be this upsetting. This is the only game I've ever played where you have to pay2play.
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you are correct, not even me
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>more bot responses
>ehehehe im sooo witty
really makes the nuts nuttin dont it?
So how do you get these Big Score cards?
Are they just in Thunder Junction packs?
So they just decided to randomly add 30 different standard-legal mythics to a pack with no actual change to the pull rates or base set mythic count?
it was supposed to be a standalone miniset like Aftermath, but people apparently hated Aftermath. They also cut a bunch of cards to make it fit.
Unless I'm misunderstanding something, they still just simply tripled the amount of mythics in the pack with no other changes, yes?
Was this well-received?
It's annoying that they ,made them all mythic when some of the definitely shouldn't be.
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Assuming your buying packs from the store its something ridiculous like 1:35 because you need the rare to upgrade to a mythic which is 1:7 then there's a 1:5 it upgrades to a big score card. You can also get lucky and get them from card rewards from dailies and yes everyone absolutely hates the system since opening 100 packs from the store you would be lucky to see 3
the literal only thing that magic has over competitors is that people accept best of 3 as the best way to play. And there's STILL people in bo1 queues, kek.
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big booba maria vs. Gaby?
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as for me, I am forever a Gabychad
LCK issue
>wanting to waste even more times playing against cancer piloted by genuine retards that need half an hour to tap one mana and look up the flowchart and 10 youtuber tutorials on how to do the coomboo
>Everyone absolutely hates the system
Vocal minority, it doesn't affect 90% of players. In fact I kind of like how it makes you guys seethe. I only draft and they don't seem particularly rare or overpowered (relative to a lot of regular rates/mythics) so it doesn't affect me. Also not sure why you autists cry so much when the price of one is the same as any other mythic, 1 wildcard, you shouldn't be opening packs to hunt for specific cards for your constructed decks anyway.
mogwai will win the next protour!
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>Implying a majority of people enjoy having 30 more mythics/playboosters added to a set
ok bro
jesus christ mh3 just killed all interesting magic content huh
Yea it rotated all non standard formats
I've simply been in the Bloomburrow waiting room. Came back just for it.
A majority of Arena players play Constructed, not Limited. With Constructed being WotC's focus when pushing Arena.
Don't forget that Limited is pay-to-play while constructed is free.

30 more mythics means you need 120 more packs/wildcards than usual to complete the set. Don't forget that 1 mythic wildcard costs US$5.
It also dilutes your chance of pulling any one given rare/mythic when opening packs.

Remember, you can find out all this information in Arena's Store tab or by checking WotC's wildcard, so no need to bait for answers.
>only standard streamer is some guy with tits, cleavage, and a voice like tony soprano
>Reading comprehension
Most people are indifferent to it, it doesn't affect their lives significantly or their enjoyment of the game.
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>21 lands in deck
This is your reminder that the game is rigged to hell and back. In all modes.
>30 more mythics means you need 120 more packs/wildcards than usual to complete the set.
And what is your point? There is no incentive to complete a set. You are conflating constructed players with autists who chase meaningless check marks in a game for no good reason.

Just because there were more mythic cards added in the last set doesn't mean the average constructed deck uses more mythics than previous sets (and thus needs more wildcards) or that people have more time to play a higher quantity of decks.

Virtually no one cares, stop trying to gaslight people into thinking everyone is on the sides of you fringe autists who think collecting every digital card is some how respectable.
Having access to more cards gives you an advantage by opening up new avenues of deck building and giving you the opportunity to test by playing with decks you expect to go against. Remember, someone has to experiment in the first place to come up with list you netdecked.
Additionally, with how quickly new cards surge and wane in value, it's difficult to know which cards are objectively good or bad without the above. You could sit around and wait for tournament results, but with that same logic, you can simply wait forever since anything you craft today might be irrelevant next month.

And this is all assuming you're using Wildcards, with Mythic wildcards being the hardest and most expensive to come across. You get a majority of your R/Ms through opening packs or drafting. With Big Score, your chance of pulling any one mythic goes from 1/20 to 1/50, meaning a bigger Mythic card pool does, in fact, affect most players.

The above assumes you're trying to force one (1) deck in one (1) format. What happens if you want to play multiple decks? What happens if you want to play more than one format? What about the Standard/Alchemy rotation come next month? If you're posting honestly (are you?), then you can see how this is a legitimate problem.
damn, that's right. I almost forgot
>I didn't get the random permutation I wanted therefore the game is rigged against me or something
Yes. Having things with 1% odds happen in 33% of your games is not normal and should be called out.
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seething and coping is not normal either
both of those are entirely normal human behaviours, you fucking idiot. how sheltered of a life do you lead?
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>things with 1% odds happen in 33% of your games
it is really weird how every single post in this thread is one person saying the game's fucked and then 5 shills coming to the game's defence. no wonder it's been a dead thread for so long.
they always pull the same little trick
>oh it's rigged specifically against YOU huh
so disingenuous and faggoty
some people are mouth-breathing retards, some aren't. makes you think
Again, you are making a huge unfounded assumption that the average constructed deck (whether netdecked or simply 'experimenting') uses more mythics than previous sets OR that people are playing more different decks. I just don't see any evidence, you are just scraping at the barrel of arguments because you care about collecting sets for the sake of it because you are neuordivergent to put it politely and think the game should be catered to you. Protip: the harder it is to collect sets, the more special it is to do
it's really weird how all the timmies and schizo retards who hate the game and think its rigged continue to play it even though they're not forced to and then proceed to have a meltdown on 4chan when they lose to garner sympathy from their fellow timmies
>the shills accidentally followed the exact same pattern even with the post that was calling them out for it
kek. these indians are earning their 10 rupees a week.
>see guys artificially making a bunch of cards mythics and shoehorning them into a set is a GOOD thing
Stupid faggot
You're talking to literal employees of WOTC. Leave the thread. Let it die again.
Ok I lied, I actually play like 90% limited and 10% constructed and so far I have found mh3 has been a larger drain on my mythic wildcards than otj and big combined, it seems to have far more relevant mythics. The only people who sperg over big destroying the game are collector autists, they just push the 'you need them to compete' as propaganda.
>huge unfounded assumption that the average constructed deck (whether netdecked or simply 'experimenting') uses more mythics than previous sets
Mythics are not interchangable. You cannot replace an Atraxa in Domain with a Pest Control even though they're the same rarity.
So even though both Atraxa and Pest Control cost one wildcard, they are not equal.

Wilcards are a limited resource, especially mythic wildcards. How do you know which mythics you need for your deck? If you have access to more mythics, then you can find this answer yourself. If you're a netdecker, then redeeming mythics too early runs you the risk of being stuck with Pest Controls instead of Atraxas because you misread the meta. And what do you do when you're out of WCs?

The most common way to get the specific Mythics you want, regardless of how many you're running in your deck, is via opening packs (either by purchasing or drafting). And your odds of opening the specific mythic you need (remember, mythics are not interchangable), becomes diluted the more there are in a given pack.

>that people are playing more different decks
Having the option to gives you an advantage, either by allowing you to pick a different deck that better caters to a certain meta, or giving you testing experience. Even if you disagree, this is ultimately a secondary point in a long list of other points.

>you care about collecting sets
I do not and never said I did. Remove this strawman from your mind and actually address the points you're replying to, if you're honest.
I managed to steal a terror of the peaks with Eriette! This shit happenes so rarely doe as all the expensive auras either already steal creatures or are wincons on their own, stealing other permanents is neat tho.
MH3 was a larger drain on my Mythic wildcards than every other set ever released on Arena combined (normally just a draftgod but had to make like 40 Mythics to brew with in Timeless).

And as a draftgod the bonus sheets are annoying because they add too many rares to drafts.
Nice midweek event
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lol fuck you opponent you little bitch go ahead and put your Omniscience into play
>Historic Artisan active
Finally, time to play some MTG
fuck yeah I'll see you there
great format
It's nice that it's not a tryhard format, I've only run into 1 shitter who shoved his deck full Arena-only cards. Everyone is just having fun brewing lower power decks
for pauper/artisan I either play old block-constructed brews or zero-wincon shit like turbofog in an experiment to see how much misery it is possible to inflict on an Arena opponent
Alright it actually got better next 5 games have been without eldrazi shit, honestly a pretty good event, wish we had this as a permanent format or at least a weekly event but we all know WOTC will never do it cause it'd be way too f2p friendly for them
I wish I were playing against eldrazi
I keep going second against RDW and boggles variants (lol the format where you can brew anything and people just play fucking aggro)
Another week another shitty mwm that requires your own collection. How do we cope newbros?
just cut your cock off
easy pro tour invite
bro your uncommon and common wildcards?
>open twitch
it's over, standardbros. we HAVE to kneel.
>open twitch
you should kill yourself
>open 4chan
you should give birth to yourself
We still have CGB the goat
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Anon... CGB, CGB is on vacation rn, standard has fallen...
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Standard has fallen, billions must brawl.
dont mention that permaplatinum fag to me ever again
I don't know how to tell you this but he's diamond rn
wow! como estoy progresando!
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Okay, listen up foxworth22.
I know you're in this thread, I guarantee you're one of the trannys that attempt to breathe life back into this dead game/ dead thread general.

When someone spams "Your Go" at you, the correct response is to mute them.
If you decide to attempt to spam it back in response (which you could only do for a couple turns) and max rope every turn, you're gonna have a bad time (as you just did for 55 minutes).
Even so much as missing critical land drops b/c you're an easily triggered fuckwit and the timer repeatedly fucked you even harder than I did.

I use an auto clicker, by the time this game was done I auto- clicked "Your Go" 11,254 times. Just mute!

Better yet foxworth22, next time you play against an obvious "Island, go" opponent, maybe you should just concede, seeing as your trash- tier Grenzo deck is severely outclassed and you never stood a chance in the first place.

>Btw, I had a blast. I used 13 counterspells, 5 bounce spells, a stifle on your fetch land, Gearhulk/ Sublime Epiphany shenanigans, Invoked your Immortal Sun, got you down to 2 life and then stopped attacking just to see how long you'd hang around.
In other words I digitally put my fist into your asshole repeatedly, sometimes sideways.
Next time you see Baral, concede and move on.

Even better yet foxworth22, just uninstall and kill yourself.
u mad
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girl (man), do i have a better time generating gadget furry porn than playing this game or interacting with this "community"
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>retards trigger rope every single turn
>all they do after wasting this much time is brain dead retarded plays or play absolutely brain dead solitaire decks that take no actual thinking
i swear the majority of matches in this game are against genuine bots

If shitters gonna solitaire at least make it fast instead of wasting my fucking time
>pony avatar
>ropes every turn
I want to kill this faggot so much
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This fucker is fun as fuck. How come no one is playing him in Brawl?
What's the point when the queue is filled with Nadu and Grenzo?
Nadu is a problem, but Grenzo is too slow. If you shoot him as he ETB, he doesn't get a free cast. And all my cards are useless outside the deck. What is he going to do, wheel his hand and generate treasures?
stick it out and btfo the loser like >>483615504 did
if an anon thinks grenzo is a problem they are most likely not playing meaningful interaction, aka, aka they are playing a 5 color greed pile, aka they are bad at mtg and should uninstall
Oh yeah I"m gathering. Magically.
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I've played MTGA since the closed beta.
I played over 19,000 games last year alone (almost all brawl, the occasional limited).
I've played paper magic since the 90's and still play to this day (with friends, not at LGS with they/thems and the typical losers with acne and poor hygiene).
I still play MTGO and routinely play on cockatrice and Xmage to meta- test.
I understand WOTC is a for- profit company.

What I DON'T understand is why the blatant, obvious game rigging in MTGA. So blatant that they have to ban you from plebbit/ twatter/ their own forums for even mentioning their "algorithm".

>Make a mill deck? Forced repeat 160- card deck opponents.
>Make a RDW deck? Forced repeat lifegain deck opponents.
>Make a lifegain deck? Suddenly people are playing leyline of punishment/ ferocidon/ roiling vortex/ knight of dusks shadow
>Make a counterspell deck? Repeat "can't be countered" cards.
>Make a elf/ goblin/ merfolk/ other tribal synergy deck? Forced mirror- matches & removal.dek opponents.

It's a paper card game. The math is solved and has been for a very long time. Any manipulation is immediately noticed by a player who plays both.
>"Sorry, we can't be transparent about MTGA because people will abuse it. Make sure to check out the Secret Lair!"

Niggers of the coast deserve to be hit with the same style lawsuit that epic got regarding loot boxes.

>MTG is fun and great for everyone!
If you print proxies. If you don't buy sealed anything. If you don't spend a single penny in MTGA. Then yes, it is.

Fuck wotc
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>Nadu is a problem
just play removal- aaack!
The only removals that work are sacs and boardwipes, even then those faggots have phase out and indestructible.
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>has been playing the game for his whole life
>complains about getting shut down for mentioning the rigged matchmaking
>doesn't mention the state of the game and has to why Retards of the coast implemented it
If i was a new player and played against mono aggro red or white, mill decks or the other ygo tier shit, i'd drop the game in an heart beat.

You are also playing against bots. It becomes obvious when your opponent is playing the exact same deck as yours no one could possibly have.
>mtg is great and fun for everyone
>and don't forget we love the gayshomotrans!!!
The game is fun and balanced if you have been lobotomized or are the average normie who never questions anything.

The joke is they would make waaaaaay more money and get new players who will also stay if they stopped hiring analphabetic primates to design their cards.
But no, better turn the game into fortnite and print fake cards for $1k
Better buy the new secret lair, goy
You don't want to be transphobomophic, do you?
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artisan suffering technology.
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how the fuck did this even work out
I think we should stop making the thread. Maybe posters like these will finally be forced to seek mental help instead of using this as an outlet
so grenzo is just siphon insight? this is all that brawlbabs have been seething about? nobody has ever liked card-stealing effects, why even mention specific cards?
>19000 games a year for 6 years
>still stuck in the casual formats
surely nobody is this pathetic
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what could've been...
all that being said, ima buy the fuck outta that new TayTay Secret Lair...
sorry for being part of the problem
bro I have every non- alchemy set at >90%.
I'm also entirely ftp.
I have worked from home long before covid, long enough to have a home gym and a kino office with a gaming computer separate from my work PC that I play MTGA/ MTGO/ Valorant on.
I'm definitely not "stuck" anywhere, other than in your mother's dry, crotchety vagina.
you are mentally stuck in brawl because you're too scared to play the real game (this was obvious from my previous post but I guess you aren't that bright, either). that's the worst kind of stuck.
>you have to grind ladder so that retards can't even try to dismiss anything you have to say
im almost at diamond with bat otk btw

like lol
no matter what they do i just do two card combo and win
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can you make gadget wear garter belt and a corset?
Artisan is 100x better than every other Constructed format on Arena
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this deck is retardedly fun.
>cat oven
well you are right, it is retarded
I just want more singleton formats
name one reason why
because I don't want to see 4x of a reqlly annoying card and it leads to a more varied gameplay
>tell him to name one
>he names two
brawltards, everyone
>Taylor's private jet
Artefact bros eating good
Too cheap to make permanent pls understand
>did all my dailies in 90 minutes playing auras in Artisan
...now what
Play explorer
Artisan was so much fun bros
Yea was fun hope we get pauper next
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why did wizards give a minor fallout 3 character way out in the boonies of D.C. the best dick-sucking lips I've ever seen?
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NOO my heckin narrative how magic doesn't do hot women anymore, AIEEEEEE!
artisan was gay I hope they do another precon event
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This is my homebrew Artisan deck. All about getting a shitload of value off ETBs and recurring creatures from the graveyard. It's been working well for me since there's basically no graveyard hate and it's resilient enough to aggro thanks to all the little bits of lifegain until I stabilize.
I only got 4 hours of sleep last night because I can't stop brewing Artisan decks
I only got 1 hour of sleep because I can’t stop playing Elden ring and edging
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i got 10 hours of sleep because i played roguelikes then FAPPED to straight furry porn before crashing to bed
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As a black man, I kneel.
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based fellow goonerchads
To fucking elden ring?
What roguelikes
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most fun Artisan deck
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ain't gonna give reason for the troon to spam bump this for the billionth time cause someone besides xyr replies in the last 10-20 posts, may it post his homo screenshots and get no replies forever

if you actually want to chat drop your dc otherwise go fuck yourself lmao
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>burn spells don't count for this daily
wtf is this shit
No I just need a break and the gooning is good for my wrists. All the feet in the game is really what sets it off though.
4 Intangible Virtue (WOT) 6
4 Swamp (WOE) 264
4 Lingering Souls (SIS) 9
4 Start /// Finish (AKR) 264
8 Plains (WOE) 262
4 Battle Screech (MH1) 4
4 Raise the Alarm (M20) 34
3 Resolute Reinforcements (DMU) 29
4 Forlorn Flats (OTJ) 258
1 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Doomed Traveler (SIS) 5
3 Doomed Traveler (J21) 13
4 Kabira Takedown (ZNR) 19
2 Deadly Dispute (AFR) 94
2 Deadly Dispute (HBG) 150
4 Case of the Gateway Express (MKM) 8
4 Scoured Barrens (MOM) 272

1 Duress (MID) 98
3 Duress (ONE) 92
2 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Soul-Guide Lantern (WOE) 251
3 Soul-Guide Lantern (WOE) 251
3 Anointer Priest (AKR) 3
2 Fracture (STX) 188

Orzhov tokens
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>We might see lightning bolt reprinted into standard
Very little actually changes with this rotation. You have to remember that Bloomburrow will be the first set actually designed with the three year rotation in mind, meaning the last four packs have already given us late-season replacements for what's leaving.
The only deck that really "suffers" is Domain from losing the trilands, but you can play just fine without it now. I guess Esper Legends loses Raffine and Dennick but we honestly have so many good cards for those slots that it'll be business as usual.

The only meaningful cards rotating out are Emperor and Farewell.
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Never. WotC considers bolt too strong for Pioneer. Fuck, they consider it too strong for Historic.

Bolt is basically on the Reserved List as far as ever getting printed back into Standard.
>Why no excitement for Arena Direct
Anecdotally, there is surprisingly very little overlap between people who play Magic IRL with physical cards, and people play on Magic Arena.
What's the best Yawgmoth deck?
Which makes sense since WotC seems to think people would spend as much on MTGA as they do for paper
Behold, the most non disfigured mtg woman
>waifufag is still here and still obsessed with trannies
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the arena tournaments were infinitely more fun to watch than these stupid fucking in person pro tours
Domain should hopefully be dead. There is no reason to play esper without Raffine, Emperor and Wedding Announcement. UB will be the way to go, and WB midrange will probably die. Temur combo should also die without the Cappena lands. BW control will lose Emperor and Deluge, which are pretty big hits. Mono red, BG midrange and convoke should remain in business.
Is there any easy way to check how many times and when exactly was there a draft event of a particular set? I want to check how many times Amonkhet and Kaladesh returned to see if there is any chance of KTK returning (AKA the best draft format ever)
I think you can expect something around once a year for each set
thats why i posted her
;_; around six months of waiting it is ig
oh well
reminder that exercise makes you better at card games
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Okay I'm doing some research into seeing if we can do this and I think I'm ready to do the first
/mtgag/ Un-Official Official Tournament.

First up is Timeless because MH3. Reply here if interested and if we get enough people who are willing to play I'll start setting up the logistics and finding people to test the private matches to see if they work again. I'm also going to link this post from /tg/ so if you're from there and interested, please just reply here for now. Again, this is just a post to double check interest before I waste my time with this.
>he doesn't have Full Control permanently on
uhm...bro? did your opponent pay for that information? didn't think so
>not standard
yeah i'm out
1)I often forget to pass
2)I straight up dont want to waste my time
3)It would make me look sweaty and that's embarrassing, especially if you lose
what's embarrassing is playing your small creature and instantly letting your opponent know you have a Cut Down in hand
I'm quite new so I'm gonna have to skip this one since I only have standard decks
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Lol I have to say MH3 premier draft is quite nice for rare drafting.
Often I don't even have to take poor limited rares the first time I see them and still get them, people seem to be quite tryhard here.
I usually get 11-13 rares/mythics and still have a decent enough deck to get 4+ wins(with draftsmith).
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>random eldrazi and other retard greed
What is a good aggro commander that doesn't put you in hell queue? Or does every cheap, aggressive commander do that?
Did you have Kumano out?
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>1 match win away from mythic
>opponent is playing either esper or golgari midrange
>both of which are the hardest match for my deck
Every fucking time. I know I'm playing a janky aggro deck but damn it bros...
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Does anyone have the "bannable simic 3 drop" card design from the THB days?

Had something like "five plus lines of text, draw a card" on it.

Feels relevant, for some reason.
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Nvm, found it.
wotc has wised up, they added a consonant to the name
>simic is either busted or utter shit
How to fix this colour pair?
>world championship
>final game
>esper vs "play all 3 banned cards" grixis
>esper gets stuck on 3
>grixis wins
nice game
bro, Kibo isn't in arena
And certainly you don't mean Ragavan who is the king of hell queue
finally. lets do it.
lmao this is nuts. I would never willingly play with any of you schizoids
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vivien fans confirmed for unhinged psychopaths
oh yeah, probably
Thought so. That quest only cares about opponents' creatures dying. You'll still make progress from them sacrificing or if they cast a depopulate.
I’ll do it but only if we all only use the starter decks. And we stream it while I edge off camera
>it's nuts for a general to play a game together
>Opponent think I'm holding up a counterspell and does a subpar play all because i had 2 islands open and a food artifact out
Island was a mistake
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>Lands come in tapped
There that should tone down Nadu so he doesn't go infinite so easily
Karlov draft next week, home.
What the fuck? Can a bit of water really do that?
water is heavier than oil so it goes below it then turns into steam that forces droplets of oil upwards
Ohhhhh alright i understand now, thanks smartanon
affinity demon
Don't play rocks, go treasure aggro.
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>want to play Azlask Scion/Spawns
>commander cards not in arena
>all but one other experience counter cards not in arena
>my jank ultimately turns into ramping into Eldrazi Titans anyway
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>Brawl will forever be goodstuff piles because the game has horrendous card weighting issues.
It could be really good if they at least tried a little bit harder...
noooooooooo, you do not understand, a card like Zenith Flare is super unhealthy to the format bc you can't really interact with cycling opposite to let's say Nadu :^)
How well was Quartering in playing MTG?
go to bed, Joe. that debate last night wore you out
>look at dailies today
>forced to play azorius in starter deck duel all day
pray for me
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>>forced to play azorius in starter deck duel all day
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let this be the last time I reply to a weeb
what are the chances of the pro tour having some bloomburrow spoilers?
I sure as fuck ain't gonna watch boomerset draft
How dies that force you to play azorious specifically?
he wants to finish the 750 gold quest without finishing the 500 gold ones, he can't play BRG
though diminishing your fun for an entire day to get 250 more gold is kinda psychotic
He can still play mono white
I mean it could be worse. You could be playing Simic
Commander deck names for Duskmourn

Miracle Worker
Death Toll
Jump Scare
Endless Punishment
why did people stop playing this creativity version?
RIP servers?
>Miracle is back
Hahahaha, yes, yes! Slow down the paper play, fuck the paper players forever!!!
>"boy i sure do wanna play some arena"
>monored aggro
>counterspell spam
>"boy i sure do want to buy gems for 20 bucks so i can access a limited time shop i need to get daily quests and wins to get currency!"
This game is a tragedy.
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>the limited shop is supposed to be a replacement for a normal season pass except the value is infinitely worse compared to a normal season pass
>Edgar vs Olivia
Wtf domestic abuse?!
>the normal season pass is still right there
you don't know what replacement means
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after 20 games, Myrel finally untapped
And you're basically paying $15 so you can get one draft coin, a couple avatars, sleeves you still need to grind for.

Wich kind of monkey in a suit at WotC business department even thought this was a good idea?
I can jerk off a better idea than this shit.
costs them zero and more than zero people bought it. it was a fantastic idea
>want to have fun with a red based deck
>opponent drops this turn 3 and I can't get through anymore

>opponent discards my whole hand
>drops sheoldred
>i draw land for 3 turns in my 20 land deck

this game is a mental stress test
So, how did they pay the programmer and the graphic designer to put that shit in? Wildcards?
those people were getting paid anyway
well you are actually correct. there's a reason every single top player is always calm and graceful in defeat

>drops nothing
Git gud lmao
i meant this fuck
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>Rotation will remove the op decks and open up a load of new decks to play
I'm so excite i cannot wait

Core Set announced
>5(+?) of Llanowar Elves in standard
oh boy
1 cost manadork is much much better than a 2 cost one. Green badly needs it anyway, they have been the worst colour in standard for a long time.
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yo wtf
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noooo fuck off with this cunt already
can we get lightning bolt now?
why? it dies to play with fire
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>nice ETB bro
it's ok, she's shit this time around
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>nice draft bro
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How are we feeling about this card redbros?
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Delirium is back boys
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Holy BASED wanderer gods we are BACK!
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>takes away opp resources
>opp dies the turn it was cast because you probably have some other mill shit set up
>gives you a ds body that untaps the next turn if you cast it has protection
>do 3
>cast any of your red spells on it
>do it to opp face
>do the damage to opp face
>of course it has haste
>add combat phase for 2 because fuck you
>it's going to hit field with haste anyway
>2/3 because fuck you
>got rid of card

Designed by unironical literal straight up monkeys.
>people actually celebrate how much a shakeup (read: insane powercreep) MH3 brought to modern
>BASED! it's now a turn 3 format instead of a turn 4 format!
the mind reels
This is instant speed protection for free and a solid double striker for many decks that go wide, might not as splashable as the wandering emperor but this will have a home in a bunch of decks for sure
Modern has been a turn 3 format since before mh3 thoughever
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>Cautiously exited for a new horror theme plane
>It ends up being ghostbusters
B-bloomburrow will carry the year right?
>it's not free at all
>make a bunch of tokens
>tap them to give them protection
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>Friendship ended with mice tribal, now otter tribal is my best friend
>yes, you see, I understand how Convoke works
it's not free, retard.
Ah sweet another orzoiv lifegain card, based
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animal lands
Lilypad looks nuts for an uncommon land
>W soldier spam makes 6 billion tokens on t2
>opp want to target shit? nu-uh
>also get a 3/4 with double strike
>it's not free because you have to keep 2W open
>instead of paying 5, you pay 2
>fot that
oh no the horrors
>tap it
>untap it
>create 6 billion tokens on t1
They printed a card that counters lifegain for RDW and then >>483835718 they printed a card that lets lifegain decks win without the combat phase to circumvent that
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this adds up to:

WU Birds
WB Bats
WR Mice
WG Rabbits
UB Rats
UR Otters
UG Frogs
BR Lizards
BG Squirrels
RG Racoons
Why is this child so powerful wtf
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Alright this is kinda interesting
something something Lovestruck Giant
Wait why the fuck does duskmourn look like modern day earth? Are they making a modern day plane now?
it's a haunted house / horror movie plane.
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Wait are Bloomburrow angels just swans, that's kinda based ngl
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>Untapped value land
what's the point of aggro if combo wins on turn 3?
DSK full art lands, what do we think mountgag?
bastardized, Disneyfied, DEI-fied mockery of horror
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>spending gold or gems on basics
Is the entire plane just a big fucking mansion?
>not any target

ANY fucking damage? So if a RDW faggot hits his own card for 2 damage he just kills his own natural counter, lol, lmao, nice powercreep
>Demonic entity Valgavoth is imprisoned in a house. He works around this by expand the house until the plane was consumed. Valgavoth feeds on fear and now with the omenpaths he's able to lure in more victims.
The feeding cycle of Valgavoth is terrorize then cocoon to give survivors respite and finally Harrowing where he moults giving birth to new demons and the cycle repeats. His true body is hidden in the heart of The Below
yep endless mansion plane
>more DSK cards revealed 4 months out than BLB we have seen in the past 3 months
'fraid so

also the kaldheim tranny is back
not a standard set
If this kills my lifegain standard decks im playing nothing but controll piles with boardwipes to make everyone else miserable as well
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Nashi, the son of the Planeswalker Tamiyo, has vanished through a mysterious door. There's only one clue to his whereabouts: a glitchy, warped recording of a new world full of terrors. Inspired by horror media of the '80s through the modern day, you'll join the ensemble cast of Niko Aris, Tyvar Kell, Zimone Wola, Kaito Shizuki, and the Wanderer as they fight for their lives on a plane unlike any other.

In their journey through the House, the rescue team will encounter many of the spooky inhabitants of Duskmourn: Magic's take on a modern horror plane, combining creepy aesthetics with the epic worlds that players know and love. But even in a harrowing plane like this, there is always a light of hope.

Overcome impossible odds, discover terrifying new entities, and survive the night alongside your friends in Duskmourn: House of Horror when it arrives on September 27 at your local game store, online at retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic: The Gathering products are sold.
oh it's Kaito and Wanderer for the umpteenth time
so neat :^)))
and a tranny and a nigress! wowza!
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That's strange; this room wasn't here before. In fact, the House seems to have a mind of its own! We're still trying to figure out why (and how) this place keeps changing, so we'll share more closer to the debut. For now, why don't you take a look at these rooms?
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>flavor text
>this one looks GB
>other one looks WB
>article mentions that the room keeps changing
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they're gonna be pathways that can transform if you do sth or if sth happens, maybe even alternating every turn
We're already getting foundations spoilers
so it's going to be 4 main sets + a basic/core set + a supplementary set (Baldur's Gate/LotR/MH3) + 1 remastered set a year?
Why would you actively play the worst version of MTG by playing Arena?
post yfw they put fucking Wandering Emperor in Foundations
well where else am I going to play Brawl?
this one "core set" is gonna be the core set for at least the next 5 years.
This should only work when your opponent hits it
God i hope
99% of decks don't gain any life. sideboard card at best
Nice non-rotating format WotC.
What % of the cards being played do you think were added to modern in the last 2 years?
ashlizzle looking good
This, it's one of those cards that will get praised to high heavens until the set drops and then it will turn out to be a sideboard option at best, especially with all the card we have yet to see, two whole sets and rotation will change the format drastically.
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Waht are we thinking bros, sideboard shit or a new maindeck removal?
come on, bro. sideboard, and only if somehow boggles gets put into standard.
Kitto, could be good for decks that sac their own stuff
At least the mouse is funny
Discount black gato
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Man why so many Duskmourn spoilers this early, i hoped to see more Bloomburrow cards
Going to pick up the alt art in paper because it looks like my old cat.
I miss him.
With friends
Sorry to hear that anon, i feel you, my cat was black and white, lost a couple of dogs too
My friends don't want to pick up magic no matter how hard i shill
mtg is a terrible game to play with friends. the tabletop industry is lightyears ahead of what it was 15 years ago. there's hundreds of games to have a blast with
They'll reset you if they end up expending too much money on it or something else happens, don't insist.
>different flavor texts
>art depicts 8 lives already gone
catbros...I don't feel so good
Are you ready for 5 years of 4 mana wrath in standard?
>not Wrath of God
I am actually pretty upset about it.
it's finally up


(no cards we havent already seen though)
This actually looks pretty cool
>Llanowar is coming back to standard
Greenbros are we back? or will we just be the support color
>all these new cards
Didn't ass creed release like yesterday? Magic gets way too many new products nowdays wtf
Wait green is getting 1 mana ramp again?
Will it finally be playable again?
Gonna need some better 3 drops, the current ones aren't enough imo.
sentinel is insane
shut up and CONSOOM
How many creatures, etc with regeneration do they print nowadays anyway?
they just don't wanna reprint God references, and you know it
You mean this one or the WOE one? They're both good, but the measure of how good green creatures are is still "how well do they fare against doom blades?" and they're both just alright in that regard. It also doesn't help that one of the best other options is trailblazer, who doesn't get the card draw from either of them.
WOE one is a meme
Going up a card (or half a card, anyway) on ETB and being able to maindeck graveyard hate is pretty solid. Sandstorm salvager looked interesting too, but again they're all doing their own thing and don't really synergize.
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>being able to maindeck graveyard hate
anon come on
I didn't say it was the only option. I would say frillback is absolutely not good enough though.
>Arena Direct first round
>opponent plays Chrysalis turn 3 & 4
great game, im 2-1 currently but still salty
The flavor is neat
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Will fox jace be coming to arena?
whatever Jump Scare ends up being, I'm in
wasn't the lifegain prevention a big part of why Rampaging Ferocidon was banned? I get it just had a ton of good shit on a 3/3 for 3CMC but still
first of all, obviously i meant 99% of decks in current standard. second of all, it was a 3/3 menace that pinged your opponent when either player played a creature.
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>raises an eyebrow
a creature's owner (meaning you also get hit) got pinged on it's ETB, not strictly your opponent regardless of creature ownership
>a fucking leaf
>sir, we need 1 mana red creature that dies into a 1/1
duskmourn, foundations, and bloomburrow. in that order.
not in bloomburrow >>483837612
Me in the background
seems they want to move to a monthly release schedule
That is ridiculously, almost nobody will be willing to keep up
Also all the powercreep will get unbearable
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>Grenzo fell off the face of the earth since Nadu is the new hotness in brawl
Didnt expect Grenzo to get powercreeped after a month
probably also because stealing Nadu cards isnt super useful
Grenzo is still good i just haven't seen a Grenzo deck in days, maybe people moved on to MH3 commanders idk
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Mommy Maria.
Yea hes good against decks with high cost spells but the Nadu meta is all low cost cards to try and outspeed other Nadu decks in the mirror
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your MTGfu a shit. A SHIT!
why is marshall not at the pro tour?
The human eye can see more shades of green than any other color, why is that?
When you answer my question you’ll have an answer to yours.
Retard here, when does the mastery pass rotate out? Should I buy or wait?
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>1 month between set releases
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nothing new
strictly worse
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So bloomburrow will either have a short battlepass or duskmourne will have the same sideshop that modern horizons 3 has?
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What the fuck
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>There is also a foundations set that is supposed to fit in somewhere this year
They want to milk us is what they want
pioneer masters is also supposed to come out in 2024
JOTC living up to their name
well i guess there's zero chance assassins creed will come to arena with so many other sets releasing
but anon you already have all the reprints in Foundations...right?
I have singles because of brawl but will be hard to keep up in standard if i need full playsets of cards from the set
Do they fucking want MTGA players to burn out like paper players? Nobody's will buy into this shit and people will play with what they have, meta will be all over the place as most people won't have so many new cards
Bros my wildcard stash didnt even survive MH3, i will never keep up..
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>Will be stuck being a brawl player because too poor to play standard
just do your dailies, anon :)
You guys understood they want to make the frog shop thing a permanent change now right? They're just beta testing that shit with MH3 till they switch to monthly releases
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my bad. it's actually 3 sets in 3.5 months :)
FUCK, im at work and i gotta phonepost
why do you think I didn't buy it and roped anyone who used avatars from there
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That wildcard collection suddenly ain't that big looking, huh?
never was
Don't worry about the wildcards guys we got the vault :)
it's ok, guys. 3 new sets means 3 more times to exploit the bug

God i hope it returns, if they ever deserved that shit it's right fucking now
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Its ok guys SSS will carry us through these standard sets. Believe in the bird
>Pro Tour MH3.webm
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>counters the ring
>counters every eldrazi
>counters leyline binding etb
>counters all the elemental etbs
This is probably the most underrated card of the set
what about Nadu, anon?
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this is actually fucked up
Hopefully the red version of leyline is good
>Castlevania: the plane.
Could be worse
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>tfw I won't be able to play with socrates and da vinci on arena
RDW will need some seriously good additions (specifically a 1-drop) to replace kumano and adversary. If we're stuck with pic related its fucking over
wtf they powercrept stifle
castlevania is kino, hope we get some cool vampire cards
imagine still running adversary
she's unironically better than SSS outside of prowess decks
so she is better than whatever SSS is, outside of the only monored deck that people play anymore? ok i'll take your word for it anon
It doesn't counter activated abilities
Jesus what the fuck
Why would I need wildcards when all of those sets are draftable?
the plane / house is divided into 5 zones (color pairs?), and the rooms within each zone seem to share themes

it's going to be kino, bros
well after further reading, each zone is clearly tied to a single color, not a pair
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What meme brawl deck can I build around this fucker?
i've been pondering quitting for about a month and a half now since i'm burned out of the grind maybe this shit wotc if pulling this year might be good for me after all
anyone has a good grindy game I can play after work to recommend? preferably one that can be run in a shitty laptop.
i dunno anon maybe run some creatures that get better when you add oil tokens to them :)
Golgari has only two good oil creatures and there's no enough oil creatures. Other than adding other types of counters and proliferate, I don't know what else.
>need blue to activate
hrummg i guess
Villages have a very low opportunity costs as long as you are running creatures (they are untapped, and a bunch of good lands are rotating). i'm optimistic
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we are going home, gremlinchads
come on bros, one more thread
More narrow than the castle, but a higher upside for the decks that can use it. It'll be interesting to see how viable they are, I thought Maro said they weren't going hard on tribal but there's already a bunch of tribal cards.
Its kindred. Please use the correct term.
>go into brawl queue
>whenever I'm paired against a nadu I just rope indefinitely
>alt tab and go shitpost on 4chan
You want to play solitaire? Ok go for it.
least retarded brawl player
>gets cast for free if on starting hand
>+1 to any life gain
>if the easy af requirements are met +2/2 to your creature
>not legendary
imagine opening with more than 2
>almost a counterspell i cannot hate
>but completely shuts down any colorless card for 1
So close.
Doesn't help lifegain with the most important thing it needs, resilience against removal. It's shit. Lifegain nowadays is usually more about the number of triggers more so than the amount of life gained, anyway. Maybe if there's some support in the set for it, but it's not going to do much otherwise.
I hate every leyline card that gets played if you open with them. Doesn't matter whether they are good or not.
the triality of men
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good night, mt. gag
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imagine perfect scenario
>run lifegain lands
>run cheap lifelink creatures
>open up with two leylines
>if not just mulli
>drop land
>drop 1 1/1 creature with lifelink
>drop another land
>drop land
>at 29
>now your 1/1 is a 5/5 with lifelink
>monored aggro can't kill you
>doomblade don't do shit anyway
>enchantment removal? opp already dead or just play another leyline
>run phyrexian mites as well
>get 5/5 token every upkeep
>opp has to have specific outs or game is decided on t3
>all this game needs is casting creatures from the deck
>or maybe send them to gy and then cast them for 4
>.even better if it was a spree card
Man, i love yugioh!
nice deck lmao
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Nice red card bro
>>doomblade don't do shit anyway
doomblade kills your 5/5, opp drops a glissa/sheoldred and starts farming value while your board is doing nothing
>wants to cast a total value of 6
>you just drop two other 5/5
damn, don't need to flex your double digit iq this hard, anon
He comfy
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>80% of the shit I face in Historic is Unstable Amulet decks
How the fuck do I beat that? I don't care if it involves using a deck that has 0% winrate against everything else.
>play faggot deck
>get paired against faggot decks
There's an easy solution here but thanks for taking you and your opponent out of the pool for a while instead.
>MR president second Rakdos has hit the twin towers!
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>make deck
>prepare for any matchup
>life gain for aggro
>lots of removal
>PW spam
>get matched against counterspell spam or never draw any of the 20 cards i need to remove shit
fukken rigged shuffler
This won't sell as well as they think it will
Greed is one hell of a drug
Implying you'll have enough mana to bring it out and hit it yourself on turn 3 or that a lifegain deck won't be orzhov hitting you with discard and deep cavern bats stealing your shit and god knows what else they might get by the time this drops
>here, buddy, get full domain on turn 3 (2 once lLanowar elves release)
Er... I should've posted the version with the remionder.
domain on turn 3? oh no, this will almost powercreep the domain on turn 1 possible with leyline or the domain on turn 2 possible with triomes or grazer+dryad the domain on turn 3 possible with a myriad of lands

cool card though
It sucks that Duskmourn cards seem to be on average stronger than Bloomburrow from what we've seen since the latter has cards i like more and id like to collect but that'll feel like a waste as the next set drops just a month later and will probably reshape standard, I'll just drop the game if this is the new normal.
Bloomburrow's a Core Set (the set that kicks off rotation) so it was always going to have a below-average powerlevel to set a baseline for the next two years.

But since the rotation change, Bloomburrow is also the first set actually designed for a three-year Standard, so it's probably expected to be doubly weak.
counters storm too.
goated sideboard card.
Foundations is a newbie set not for entrenched players
A lot of the cards will be things long time players already have in their collections so they can easily skip it
>that mana cost
This is literally a white card they recoloured black
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these seem pretty good as far as non-rare lands go.
Stuff like this usually comes in tapped, like the ONE spheres.
And only the W and B one sacrifice. Unlimited Surveils and Haste for two mana? Seems good.
Newbies get fucked anyway since they definitely won't be able to keep up with how fast new sets are coming out unless they spend tons of money.
I dunno, decks like Esper or Domain stayed viable 100% of their lifetime and only the rotation is stopping that. And this new set is apparently going to be legal until 2029, so they don't have to worry about the latter.
>have to memorize which 4 types the land synergizes with
>oh you used oakhollow village? too bad, the creature you played was a lizard which is not affected, you just wasted two mana for nothing
>red land is sorcery speed and green land isn't, both buff creatures
"accidental" cheating with these lands will run rampant in paper drafts and even online the having to memorize the cards (or read them every time you see them) will be a huge pain in the ass
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>the houses kinda look like frogs
>doesn't affect frogs
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Why are we getting more duskmourne spoilers than bloomburrow?
I'm assuming WotC has very little faith in Bloomburrow (maybe because you can't force diversity into it?) so they're sweeping it under the rug and treating it more like a bonus set even though it's a full core set.
Duskmourne releases a mere month after Bloomburrow while every other Standard set historically has gotten three months.
Wizards knows that the furry set will sell but is worried about Duskmourne because their Murder Mystery House set failed and now they've got a Spooky Scary House set coming up that no one gives a shit about coming a month after the set people do care about.
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>dude playing tamiyo counterspell in brawl gives me the sleepy emote then concedes
I think bloomburrow was supposed to set the new standards powerlevel but decided to release foundations to set the powerlevel of standard for the next 5 years instead
Permanent spoiler season

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