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Broken Compass Edition

Previous Thread


>Official Site:
>Special Delivery:
http://fnafar.com/ (defunct)
>Security Breach
>FNAF: The Movie: The Game
>Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
Scott's Twitter

>Writing Archive:
https://justpaste/ dot it/5NAF_Writefag_Archive
>Voice Archive:
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Which pairing is the best, and why is it picrel
Hex Roxy plush incoming soon?
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>last thread only lasted a week
We're healing.
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God, I haven't seen that Puppet model in ages.
Didn’t snax even come back if only for one post
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Yes. Here's the design. Plus a really sick looking hoodie for FNAF newfags like me who got into the franchise through Security Breach.

hmmm. Not bad I guess. Cool that this one will come with the keytar.
I've given up hope of there ever being a 100% game-accurate Roxy plush that gets all the colors right.
Sex with Roxy
FLAF Lolbit got me acting unwise
which OCfag do you miss the most?
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she murdered Verbalase and stuffed his corpse somewhere in the pizzaplex
Isn't this one close to the actual plush we see in game?


She needs a hug.
come back, gloop
I love Fnaf and Fortnite, I am so down for it
The FNAF fanbase is already chockfull with dumb kids so a potential Fortnite collab isn’t really going to do anything to harm it.
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Ugh that looks awful, sanshee was rated the best fnaf plush makers but that looks too dopey
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It'd be cool if instead with a indie horror game/franchise, like
This one's alright, I have it. Some of the colors are a little off and she looks like she ate a bee.
Pretty good but there's room for an even better one.
Is it worth the money? I'm from Canada so shipping and conversion rate would make it very expensive for me. I haz the Youtooz Roxy sit plush currently.
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Always stealing the spotlight from the bears.
I just found out somebody drew mpreg art of Phisnom, why the fuck would anyone do that?
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Bears are stupi-ack!
Why does anyone draw anything?
For a giggle.
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What was your reaction when you saw this for the first time?
Unironically WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87.
Anyone reading this great cassie fic?

Before I click the link my prediction is that Cassie gets dicked into oblivion
Probably by El Mimico.
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>thighs get even thiccer in response
The Thicc
Apparently it was commisoned by an autist who is really into Phil's sona
>really into Phil's sona
What sorta mental damage do ya gotta have to be into that...thing...?
IDK man, you have to be this kinda autist https://www.deviantart.com/charliethekirlia/art/Beeg-Mama-Phi-1021291935 (click at your own risk)

I blame Phil for giving the go ahead for any degens to draw his dumb slime character. I bet he did it cause he wanted to get weird fetish art for free.
I guess. Like I said the mouth on this Roxy looks kind of silly and too big. Not as game-accurate as I would have liked, but it's okay for a collection.
Her mouth looks almost alien lmao.
Post Cassie and Gregory
Fucking goobers.
Wish i coulda been there.
Is anybody else excited to play Five Faps at Freddy's?
Honestly I want to see a fan game thats a parody of those horny furry fnaf NSFW games where it takes the piss outta them. Have this be one of the scenes in the game where the gang catches Mike gooning and Mike accidentally cums on Freddy.
Yes, but better by the chad of fnaf
Why do these fanfics always have Gregory abusing Cassie, he would never do that to her?
They think he's a bastard for breaking the bots so they think he's a bastard all the time.
I like the stitchwraith
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I liked it better when I thought it was cryptid Ennard.
>Monty is canonically dead
>But a Steel Wool valentine's day post shows him in heaven
Monty is a good Christian boy. Fuck Bonnie though, that cocksucker is probably burning in Hell.
Bonnie was a fag, of course he's in Hell.
Freddy will go there, too, since him and Bonnie were together.
>guy commissioned a video of himself and Roxanne Wolf
cringe but based desu, she's so hot
Phil's sona is a woman?!
Better than being stuck killing night guards for all eternity.
Please take a map
>the point of Phi is that shes whatever you want him to be. Phi does NOT represent me, its NEVER been me. so do whatever you want with them.
He call his sona a she, him, and them in the same sentence. Its suppose to be genderfuild, which is gross
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Guy, what if the Fortnite collaboration people are discussing isn't actually a Fortnite collab.
How would you react if FNAF was announced for Fall Guys, or Stumble Guys, or as a Minecraft skin pack, or maybe Vivziepop is making another FNAF cartoon and Freddy and the gang are going to be in Hazbin Hotel.
You're just assuming it's going to be Fortnite. Fortnite would be cool, but my hopes are for Dead by Daylight or Super Smash Bros.
post springtrap x marionette (aka the most based fnaf ship)
Roxy needs to hang out with Raiden
That's a cute SecPup.
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If FNAF got into Fortnite, I think they'd choose the Glamrocks over the classics.
The classics are too chunky for the hitbox, the Glamrocks are more human shaped.
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Hey guys. SoTE ate up a lot of my time. So I'm taking a little lunch break to let you know I have a plan for my greentext story.

> The first one was the introduction story I posted a while ago
>Monday: Mellissa wakes up and gets ready for another workday
>Tusday: Willson tinkers with a new animatronic
>Wednesday: (can't decide between Brady thinking about the circus she used to work for or Brady's first experience with alcoholism)
>Thursday: Lenny complains to the boss about the party, the first appearance of Vanny
>Friday: party preparation
>Saturday: Day of the Party, Willson reunites with his sister.

I feel like getting started sometime between Friday and Saturday.
Fuck off back to /trash/ you clearly dont belong here.
Oh so I can be told to GTFO again? No thanks
Your writing is shit your art's worse. Get lost kid.
Kill yourself.
why are you trying to drive off the oc this is why the gen is dying
To be fair, I think general lack in engagement in oc can also apply, I’ve seen oc be made back to back but no one besides possibly the sperg will even acknowledge it
Alcoholic birb with memories of her old circus.
to be fair, Glamrocks are extremely popular despite the shortness of their tenure
Nah, the classics are too big. They've got that Peter Griffin hitbox issue.
Damn should have said lil chad.
I mean it's all but confirmed he's GGY and he used his friends until they got in his way and he killed them. So probably that correlates with the increase in abusive gregory art and fics.

plus white boy enslaving or turning brown girl into pet is hot isn't it every boys dream?
>the gen is dying
I’m not sure what you mean by that.
I know you’re being a little sarcastic but thanks. I think this would s one of the guys who followed me from the roommates threads. To think this all started because I didn’t really like drawing nsfw all that much.
I wish if Scott released a book diving into the development of each game. I'd like to read more on how FNAF 4 came to be.
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>vintage, true-to-2014 rotary phone headed phone guy
This shit gives me LIFE
Fuck off tourist.
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those are normies, I present them to you.
You mean normalfags.
Exactly, normalfags/twittertroons have the unique characteristic of always being retarded and whining about everything that Fnaf franchise, mostly using fnaftubers opinions (like theftcuck or Fuhnaf or something like that lol) like absolute and irrefutable, without having proper criteria and blindly following what a tweet says about the fnaf franchise (quite similar to sonic fans if you ask me)
isn't that the sfm where she gets literally skullfucked?
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I ALWAYS _____
It should be illegal to be this hip.
>Fortnite is the largest multimedia
You mean Disney Plus add?
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I found plushtrap.
Hate to break it to you anon but that's Adventure Springtrap...
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Oh no. I'm retarded. :(
get up you
Bro I just got up tf you want me to do
I'll never get up
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Anybody remember William Afton's iconic catchphrase? I think it's "I always come."
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It's "I always come on the back", kinda shocked me to be honest, seeing as he's a father of 3 I would have expected him to be a nakadashi kinda guy
I'm something of a fnaf lore expert, so I'm preeetty sure its;
He doesn't want anymore little brats.
His oldest one's a fuckup, one's a crybaby, and even his favorite disobeyed him and got eaten by a clown.
"I always come on his back"
Thats from the leaked talbert files where scott was trying to write willy as more abusive towards micheal
you won't die
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>turns out, in the big lake area in Ruin, if you stick your head through a wall, there's massive fucking veiny flesh tendrils for no apparent reason
What in the fuck could those belong to?
Theres a theory that the lake is old man consequences lake, maybe part of hell
or part of old man consequences himself?
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God, I need to play Ruin. I currently only have Security Breach on Switch and I've been saving up Microsoft Rewards points so I can get Security Breach on my Xbox Series X for free because that version currently has the Ruin DLC.

>inb4 why do you have the deep fried switch port
I bought it to play while on vacation and during flights.
Ahould have gotten a steam deck lel
I've had a Switch since it came out. It was cheaper for me to just get Security Breach for Switch for on the go play. And honestly considering the kind of game it is I'm surprised at how well it runs on the Switch.
I like Andrew
My headcanon is that William hates Crying Child just because his favorite is Fredbear and not Spring Bonnie
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Such a friendly lad
Its Aftonflesh
You cant just add Afton before something to explain it
You're just an Aftonpost, I don't have to listen to you.
Do you think they'll use TLT's FNAF2 song for the second movie?
I honestly hope not.
The first song still mostly works, but the second one gets the lore so fucking wrong (cuz we had no idea where shit was going at the time) that it claims the Puppet as someone's mom.
Unless they -do- change the Puppet to being Mike's mom or something, considering we have Vanessa -Afton- waaaaayyy before the events of Security Breach.
Also I think it'd be better to have different artists for each credits song instead of just TLT.
FNAF 4's box isn't just a box, it's the Aftonbox.
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Is Afton holding a purple dildo?
Originally I thought it was a phone or some kind of tool, but it honestly might just be his hand.
Afton brand Bad Afton sex toy
It's funny cause fnaf theory names are exactly this stupid: "talesgames", "molten mci", etc, just a jumble of two random words in this franchise
Those aren't theories tho, they are facts
Would Afton sextoys be more or less dangerous than his party robots?
you know that things has eyes and teeth
Say what ever happened to the Aftongas?
Do you mean like from the tftpp story or is this some new unrelated theory I haven't heard before?
the tftpp story
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Imagine owning something like this, haha. Imagine how silly it'd be if your friend came over and saw it in your closet, haha.
What was that lake anyway. A giant puddle of Remnant soul juice cum or something
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Redpill me on Lolbit
Afton Goon Cave (literal)
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The Fanverse was a mistake.
I'm not reading all that
>Muh people don't see popgoes as official boo hoo
Every post he fucking makes about the game he keeps bragging and circlejerking about how it's a "heckin official fnaf game" perhaps people would care less if stopped shilling so much
Kane came out of the closet in a very convoluted way
Aren't these just like, wires or building supports?
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>page ten
When are we gonna get Ruined Matilda?
Page Af-ten
Turns out they're just stalactites with fucked up textures.
>be me
>Fazbear Fleshless Pit Supervisor
>In charge of making sure the Fazbear Pit is, in fact, fleshless
>One day I go down there and the Fleshless Pit is not just a Fleshy Pit
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The same person that gave Chipper's a bad review, thus spawning FNaF as a whole, also gave Banban a bad review.
There HAS to be an irony in there somewhere, right?
does this mean that the Banban devs will now create the second coming of mascot horror like scotty boy did?
On one hand, I hope not.
On the other, it'd be really funny.
8th times the charm?
>scott gets bad review, makes horror because his designs are too creepy
>banban gets bad review, makes.... chipper and sons esc game
flumpty chica...
Probably not mascot horror since fnaf itself was a complete genre change from chipper but maybe they could make something groundbreaking in a new genre. Scott made fnaf by taking the criticisms of chipper and turning them into strengths for his next game, how could the euphoric brother take the criticism of banban and turn it into strengths for a new game
this all just reminds me of how badly bendy and the ink machine dropped the ball, it could've legit rivaled fnaf in it's heyday
Dude just finish the fucking game already lol

The entire FNAC series was made in a shorter timespan than it’s taken Kane to make this one fucking game, if you’re that asspained about people not paying attention to it just actually release the damn thing
I reaaaaally wish people would just shut up and make games.
Stop being terminally online and whiny.
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You just can't wait for me to COME BACK, can you?
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Mexican Vanny
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Said reviewer has fallen from grace so hard that a mile-wide crater was created by the impact. Jim Sterling’s opinions carry little to no weight in the current years.
how will I get engagement on my game otherwise?
To get engagement on a game you have to actually have a game first
Threaten suicide
Sheeesh its not hard
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I find it funny how there were animations like this
about how "Oh, poor Chica can't eat no more!" and then Ruin and HW2 came around and were like
>no lol she's still a glutton
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What a fat bitch. Haha. I like Chica.
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Huh....hmm....yep. Nothing suggestive about this image at all. Just my naughty mind being devilishly naughty...
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Five Nights at Afton's 1
Five Nights at Afton's 2
Five Nights at Afton's 3
Five Nights at Afton's 4
Five Nights at Afton's World
Five Nights at Afton's: Afton Location
William Afton's Afton Simulator
Ultimate Afton Night
Five Nights at Afton's: Afton Wanted 1 - Curse of Afton DLC
Five Nights at Afton's AR (Afton Reality): Afton Delivery -The Afton Circus DLC
Five Nights at Afton's: Afton Breach - Afton DLC
Five Nights at Afton's: The Movie
Five Nights at Afton's: Afton Wanted 2
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The compactor just made her more beautiful
Dayshift at Dave's (Formerly Afton's)
freddy you dolt
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Sexier than Roxy
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Fun fact: According to Scott himself, he removed Nightmare Foxy's tongue because, whilst it looked cool in the teaser image (plus the game menu), it didn't actually look all that scary to him during actual gameplay.
Roxy sloshed and waded through Afton's bodily fluids to make it in time and defeat the Mimic
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Afton in Space
The Joy of Afton
One Night at Afton
Into the Afton
Five Laps at Afton's
The Afton Eyes
The Afton Ones
The Fourth Afton
So, is there any hints for Carnival in Help Wanted 2?
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Holy shi-
Afton Shakes
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Does anyone else find it odd that in HW2's "extras" Glamrock Bonnie is really in that pose you'd expect someone to take when they're suddenly being betrayed by a friend/colleague?
It was going to be used in a cutscene where Freddy says "the truth is, Bonnie...I'm straight" before killing him. It was gonna be a big twist but then it got scrapped.
THAT got cut but bonnie telling freddie he makes him gape made it? Scott what are you doing
Diving into Eleanor's gooey black pit.
I like how that Fazbear Entertainment could decide on a theme for Foxy and trying to keep him relevant.
He went from pirate, to clown, showman/entertainer, back to pirate, then cowboy, before Fazbear Entertainment threw in the towel and created Roxanne as a substitute.
Roxanne is so perfect...
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Afton Spirit
Ehhh.... that trends feels burnt out. It would have been better to do it earlier when that was the hot shit
It'd be fun if there was a live play like that spider man one but the robots kept going beserk and attacking the actors
I kinda just wanna leave the Pizzaplex at this point and see what new places we're going to.
The One You Should Not Have Aftoned.
Give me something to draw and maybe I'll do it later
Twink toy bonnie
Too many waifu posting in this thread
Scrap Baby hiding and surviving in the dark city alleys.
Draw Mangle.
I think we will move from it temporarily. I feel like the plex itself has too much potential still unused
Seconding this. Mangle my bangle crawling outta da ceiling.
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Seconding this
Glamrock Chica replacing her beak with a cannon
Anon took roxy home from the ruined pizza plex, but she stole and maxxed out his credit cards buying her merch
That could be cool
would she be hoboing it up with scraptrap?
Quality daddy-daughter time.
Gregory and Cassie hugging
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Gregory is the best human protagonist in fnaf.
By virtue of being one of the few we know anything about and get a personality out of lol.
Agreed. Last time I saw him, I made him cry like a baby.
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Spring Bonnie is aftongender
This is one of those things that won't stsnd the test of time and future generations won't know what the fuck we're talking about
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>*Proceeds to kill five children*
Was he based?
cassidy :)
So, how about that Dayshift at Freddie's.
Daveshift at Fredrickson's and Son's
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but is the underground pizzeria in Security Breach the same one from the first fnaf game? Why'd they build the Pizzaplex atop the old Pizzeria?
So, is The Talbert Files fake or not? I really don't know what happened since I didn't watch Entom's video.
It's the fake pizzeria from Pizza Sim.
Its real if you believe it.
i need more pictures of her big fat assidy
>Why'd they build the Pizzaplex atop the old Pizzeria?
Becuase glitchtrap was trying to find williams body to revive him, or the mimic was trying to RP in the pizza sim
>Why'd they build the Pizzaplex atop the old Pizzeria?
Fazbear Ent. didn't give a fuck about stability or safety.
That's also why the build Roxy Raceway, one of the largest and heaviest attractions at the Pizzaplex, over a sinkhole.
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I wish whoever made the Endo Warehouse level has very bad, no good days for the rest of their days.
If they don't go with the book explanation I can see Mimic turning out to be what remains of the Spring Bonnie costume William used all those years as a human and zombie.
Wouldn't Burntrap be the mimic while also being Afton that was stuck in a recharge station?
>inb4 the mimic isn't burntrap
I'm aware....
What's the book's explanation?
The book's explanation is that Mimic was built by a FazEnt employee decades ago, as a companion robot for his son. It's named after the program he made for it, which lets it learn by mimicking what it sees. Eventually his son gets killed by a truck and the Mimic keeps mimicking his son's actions. Grieving, the employee abuses the robot and abandons it, having apparently supernaturally infused it with his own anger. I did not read any of the books so I'm just going off of the wiki.
Tomorrow is popgoes’ anniverary, so post requests for what you want to see drawn with it
>fazbear employee builds a robot for child
>child dies
>creator grieves and does something to cause the robot to grow bitter and angry
Tweak some things and that's just Fourth Closet Baby's backstory.
To be clear, any characters from the popgoes universe
Will do
Ah yeah I remember hearing or reading about that somewhere. I don't care what anyone says, Afton always coming back and being the central antagonist/source of things is too cool to give up.1
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you won't die
So, what do we think of the Security Breach remakes?
I watched the Blast from the Pass trailer and it looked like a "Steel Wool hire this man!" tech demo with janky animations.
>*cough* Michael!
>*the blob prepares the penis scooper*
I wpuld fuck the shit out of tap girl in this picture
you have no idea
I want someone to show this drawing to kane to see if he would find it:
>Or just feel indifferent
I want Roxy to kick me like she kicks Gregory.
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I just remember it made the bots greased up for you pleasure
Henry and crossdressing William
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I want Roxanne to kick me in the balls.
Yeah, HD means making everything look like it's covered in grease.
I just saw it and it would work fine just a a texture/lighting mod
Theres also the remains remake, how many fucking SB remake mods are there?>>483560317
I want Roxanne, just like in general. She can do whatever she wants
So as far as i can understand Phisnom lore
>Be retarded, sub-human, shitskin, spic
>one day you decide to reverse engineer fnaf 1
>Scott Cawthon find out about it and tells you "please don't do that, that's theft"
>Scott, being kind sweet soul he is, decides to let you work on fnaf 1 remake officially
>>"wow first time i get money doing something that isn't sucking cocks or harvesting cocaine"
>let go to your head
>decide to stream on twitch instead of working on the game
>insult fnaf as a franchise on these stream
>insult Scott Cawthon on these stream
>insult other indie horror games on these stream
>you fans start harassing some tranny who made fun of you
>instead of apologizing you start posting rick-roll like true giga chad sigma male
>people now hate you and start asking Scott Cawthon to remove you from Fanverse
>>"Oh boy, a chance to remove that annoying smelly beaner"
>you are back at the cocaine farm where you belong
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These modding projects are run by underage kids who like security breach for autistic reasons. The amount of shit you pile onto security breach won't change the fact it's a game that's core is flawed and would require an extensive rework (which is possible with mods it's just nobody is experienced enough)
But Security Breach is unironically a masterpiece in game design.
Here’s a crappy little drawing of popgoes kissing kane’s avatar
It would be, if they finished it
I’d ask not to harrass him too much because he seems like he’s going through a rough time at the moment
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Forgot the lower lip
Yeah, his wife died
Poor bastard
Nice bait
>FNAF is famous for the gamplay loop of gettign jumpscared by iconic characters and being killed right away
>99% of jumpscares in SB are by random nobodies that can't kill you
Is this a hot take, but the jumpscares in FNAF:SB:Ruin and HW2 are way better than anything before it.
Because they look like they're actually attacking/killing you instead of looking like they're yelling in your face. I hope the jumpscares look like this from now on.
And now all thats left of his legacy is a weirdo commissioning mpreg art of his sona
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Phone Guy's name is Ralph
You forgot the part where some bored dude made fnaf plus in two months for free and it's way better than anything Phisnom could have ever made.
Phisnom is Yanderedev of fnaf community, except i can understand what kind of person wants to play game play game about killing school girls and taking photos of their panties. I don't understand who the fuck wanted a remake of the first fnaf? It isn't even 10 years old, and it considered "the best one". What is there to fix?
Yandev can't dev, but at least he put out a proof of concept
Fnaf plus may or may not just be the trailers, we may never know
He's gonna wreck it
I think people would care for his characters and lore if and only if HE FINISHED THE FUCKING GAME.

(That and the weird long torso thing is really unappealing i think)
Afton did nothing wrong. Those kids deserved to die.
They are too money hungry to make actually good games and lack the sheer skill and experience Scott had previous to Fnaf.
This is Afton's world, we just live in it.
How would they fare in making a Sit and survive Fnaf game?
They deserved to Aftondie.
only Charlie deserved to die because apparently for some reason, she was born with afterlife abilities to raise the dead and would be a avengers level threat if she died as an adult
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Still taking popgoes requests, though I’d like some with the chicks of the series since I like drawing girls
Every afton defender is working off the presumption he's a DILF, would there be any afton fans if he was played by David Stifel?
>Do you wanna know what he did to my son? What I will do to all the sons and daughters of man.
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Look at him go!
Yeah I would. He could be a transgender faggot for all I care, as long as he's the Yellow Rabbit, that's all that matters.
I don't know what his first name would be but I'd have given him the Afton surname. Not to make him be necessarily related to the Aftons. Maybe it's just a common last name in that universe.
I wanna draw some FNAF NSFW, give me suggestions.
Glamrock Freddy in his third trimester
Toy bonnie sexually harrasing anon
Circus Baby seductively lifting anon's chin while she jerks him off.
Roxy and Glamrock Chica breast docking
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B-breast WHAT?!
There's already a pic of Cassidy backin' her fat ass up, what more do you need?
pressing their breasts against each other's
there's also asymmetrical breast docking, which is when there is a noticeable difference between their bust sizes, this one goes great with breast envy
night guard getting gang raped by all the female animatronics.
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Oh...I thought you meant docking nipples into nipples. Nipple fucking already freaks me the fuck out, carry on.
Beamz bubble butt, I need to see that radical femboy’s dumptruck ass
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Whaaaaat? You think the idea of fucking a modified sweat gland is weird?
Wip of a little popgoes anniversary pic, not sure if I’ll finish but wanted to put one more thing out before the anniversary is over
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blackrabbit best rabbit
What about some yuri of Blackrabbit lusting with the squirrel sisters and even della?
Draw Bonnie glade berefore she turned into Blackrabbit
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>you have earned your autistic license
You won't die.
whole or in pieces?
Whole like a real bird
You won't die.
Baby, please.
You have to let us go.
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Springtrap is the most metal sick badass mofo design I've ever witnessed in a horror franchise. I love him so much.
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But will I cry?
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I would never let go of a sexy goddess
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Nor would she let go of you.
Based corn harvesting enthusiast anon
At this point I don't know nor care about what Spring Bonnie was canonically, because no matter what they'd just end up inferior to the sovl from 2015-2016
Anybody else with they could re-experience FNAF for the first time and the sheer horror and excitement at never seeing anything like that before.
Don't get me wrong, the new FNAF games are pretty fun, but it's nothing like the classics. And there was no mascot horror so it was the first of its kind.
Maybe I just wish I could be 14 again.
I'm 28 years old and just got into this franchise last month. Part of the reason its so intriguing to me is I'm a fan of horror, but most of the horror media I consume is body horror and psychological horror, think Dead Space, or the Thing. This mascot horror stuff has a great novelty about it that I've been soaking up like a sponge because its *new* to me.
Minireenas entering someone's vagina

>Mike Schmidt was never in any real danger
>Phone Guy died because he was too busy giving advice to someone who didn't need it
MF will make a Popgoes Arcade 2 before finishing the main game and FNAC will continue to be delayed ffs.
what happened to voicefagging? i recalled years ago my zoomer ass binged the shit out the voice archive, especially the ones that ace made. good times
I hope kane ends up releasing a collection of evergreen and its teaser gmes once everything is said and done
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You might die
I just hope Kane releases his fucking game.
I'm peeing in his shower as we speak.
Five Furious Fists at Freddy's
I like my girls to be both the size and weight of a fully stocked fridge.
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I will die
dead inside just like me...
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Why is he purple?
Funni coler
Roxy shaking her breasts and spurting grape soda everywhere
You kinda are.
I'm drunk but what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm NOT drunk, but what the fuck are you talking about?
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Don't be mean.
What if...?
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You guys think Vanessa from the movie will become Vanny later down the line?
Maybe she'll get amnesia when she comes out of her coma and get details mixed up into thinking she's the killer or something.
Her name, and the knife being left at her side at the end of the first film felt too on the nose to be a coincidence.
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Why do I wanna buy this?
If Vanessa is an Afton, she should be William's granddaughter through Michael instead of William's daughter.
William's cock and balls should be too mangled to have kids.
I read this as vanessa having a cock and balls at first
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She does! Fun fazfact
He could have her in UCN, then she gets kicked out onto Earth.
>multiplayer centric game
And....dropped. Games like these would be cool 15 years ago when people still used open chat and didn't hide within a discord. Basically I'm saying hard pass because its "fun with friends"
She kinda deserves it
Which FNAF protagonists definitely fuck? Disregarding Cassie and Gregory, of course.
Jeremey and Toy Bonnie
Sorry she hurt your feelings
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Golden Freddy and Bonnie
Do you think he was in a catatonic while in UCN and some lady raped him?
Maybe you want to soak it in roxy cola and throw it at the wall like that webkinz meme
I just really like Roxy
>Lethal Company clone
Still trendhopping
It COULD be good if this was actually their passion project.
Vannessa had to use her femenine charms in order to climb the corporate ladder of Faz Inc. or to coerce that one simp of hers in the AR game.

Michael had a number of years before being gutted like a pumpkin where he wasn't left like a revenant that looked fine (tall and somewhat lanky like his father, depending of how the bite affected him he could've keep being athletic) so he probably got laid while on a party or whatever kids on Utah did in the 80's.

William had three kids.
HPW2 Cassie's dad had her.
Jeremy probably got killed after 2 so he could've had sex if he was of college age.
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Whats peoples obsession with fattys?
I think I'm actually about to cry I can't get past 1/2 AM in 2's 10/20 mode. Toy Bonnie is such a twink I wish I could rape him out of the game. Fuck him, but most importantly fuck the pooppet
I have a confession to make. I only beat nights 1-5 in fnaf 1 and 2 with the faster nights cheat
Can't blame you, they are honestly too long
Aren't the hours by minutes in the games anyways? So each night is 5-6 minutes in real time?
fnaf 3 and 4 and maybe SL's custom night work like that. In 1 and the Ennard boss fight an hour is long 1:30 real time minutes, in 2 an hour is about 1:10 minutes. So it's a whopping 9 minutes for fnaf1 and 7 for fnaf2.

In UCN it's just 4:30 minutes, always felt too short to me. Maybe 5 or 6 minutes is just right
How would Security Breach be different if Roxy was fat?
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She'd never be able to catch Gregory and would eat more and more pizza in desperation which would only make her fatter!
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It's been a trend with autistic furries (the core of /5N@F/) for the longest time
Funko did her so dirty. Maybe they have the chance to be redeemed now though.
Does the new wave of Hex plushies (including Roxy) have a release date yet
I dunno. Its derpiness is part of its charm. I kinda want it BECAUSE it looks stupid yet recognizably Roxy.
To be fair, fnaf itself was tackling the trend of viral horror that slender and amnesia had previously established, fnaf just happened to do so well that it effectively made all viral horror from that point forward mascot horror.
Reasons why Roxy is the best.

>Survived a go-kart ramming her at high speeds and throwing her into a shipping container, then having her eyes ripped out
>walked through fire
>adapted to life without eyes
>survived a hard reboot of her systems
>crushed by a forklift, presumably lifted it with ease.
>navigated an underground labyrinth with no eyes in a matter of minutes.
>fought the Mimic, who can casually rip humans apart limb-from-limb. Granted she "lost."
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Marionette leads the French into battle (circa 1798)
get up you
>Charlotte of Fnaf died as a child
>Charlotte of France also died as a child
That can't be acoincidence
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Ill still never understand the story direction of SB, like, why a sadistic runaway that tears apart the animatronics to escape the pizzaplex? Why didnt gregory just literally wait until morning to run the fuck out of there from where he already was?
what a stupid game with wasted potential
Because that wouldn't make for a very interesting game
>The Mimic? TANKED
sure buddy, sure.
Yeah but it did so in a way that it "suberted" the then standard of the genre that was running around everywhere by placing you in a set place and way to tackle the monster that couldn't be trivialized
Scott set the standard and did so by playing to his strenghts as a creator and struck gold given how the genre was so exausted of the same old thing, and to be fair he instead placed another set of standards that even himself struggled to beat later on.
What i am trying to say with this is, yes Scott did horror games because he 1) needed money but also 2)Did so in a novel way at the time and 3) actually listened to critism and improved because of it.
The Euphorical Brothers from what i can gather did 1) and i am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they did 3) of which we'll have to wait and see if they actually did and acomplished 2).
Because he's a psychopathic nutso that according to theories does so because of Michael and some bullshit about him being a robot.
Also because the game's story was scraped too deep into developement so they had to cobble together a story that involved destroying the robots to make them scarier every attempt of destroying them whilist forgetting to give the protag motivations as to why do it besides pure self preservation.
im saying in a committee of people plus scott cawthon, unironically, what WERE they thinking?
"yeah that's a fine idea". No way.
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Making games is hard and expensive
I'm only being like 50% sarcastic, budget and time managment are something even big companies with 100× the money still get wrong
I would be happy with a SB directors cut or a more baked sequal
Story held together by duct tape and bubblegum, and a giant setting that felt disjointed because of loading screens
fnaf shattered my life and only the desolate hope can put the pieces back together again
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That's what happens when you cut out like 60% of your game so close to release.
Its a mainly primal thing. Most have been psych-oped into thinking sticcs are better than thiccs but does who arent fall into the architect spiral. But to be fair a lot of modern day fat bitches are pretty ugly ham planets. They dont have that natural beauty, hence why we just apply it to fictional girls like Roxy, who can be idolized fatties like in the old days.
She'd fart a lot and Greggory would be knocked out from the smell if he lingers to long in her general area, giving you a game over.
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odorous grape smells everywhere
Why doesn't anybody here waifu Funtime Chica?
In all fairness, she's relatively obscure all things considered. She's only appeared in 3 games and only ONE of those she actually kills you.
Okay no seriously, wha the fuck is the Blob
Like the Rockstars her first impression in PS was lackluster cuz she was literally a decoration and did nothing.
Even in UCN she's just a distraction and not an actual threat and that wouldn't change until HW2.
Plus, despite being a Funtime she's often separated from the rest of the group and didn't really feel like she belonged until, again, HW2 were she actually attacks in tandem with the other Funtimes.
Not even Steel Wool knows lmao.
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Do you think Afton was a pathological liar?
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A completely and totally normal Baby.
Ah, so now she can actually move her mouth and you can see where her storage tank opens up.
The neck does feel like the weirdest addition here.

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