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Hot Wife edition

Previous thread: >>482480869
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
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Migration successful
that woman deserves happiness
and don't think i don't see your pun there anon, that is NOT a tokiko wedding
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Together we can save Kirara's ass!
Anon, I spammed their support for years to uncensor Sakura, Yuki, and Shiranui default costumes. The only time they give a fuck is for easy fixes
don't forget her tits and thighs too, those are also very important!
Her tits are fine, the reason people want her to get a butt-job is because it's nowhere close to her canon proportions (technically Shiranui and Shizuru also have that problem but those are more for their canon sizes being potental rigging nightmares).
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they're alright in a bubble but when compared to phantasma's...
honestly it's always been a big complaint of mine that the boobs were undersized for a while, i do wish they'd given shiranui a boost at the very least
Aoi have been drawing them quite large, have you seen current asuka?
>Phantasma has a fat ass
>Eleanor has a fat ass
>But Kirara doesn't
Bros...I think it's time we all wake up and accept the fact that Kirarara isn't...well...You know...(how do I put this lightly?)..."dark" enough to have a big booty...
Take >>483092094's post into account. Aoi has changed his body types by making girls thicker many times. The girls getting models in different years of Aoi artwork could have been a factor in this. Look at how Rinko was drawn in TY2 compared to TY2, then compare her to 2nd/3rd year of TABA CGs and current RPGX stuff. She's gone through different body types.

There's a perfect Asuka example I always go back to. I'll post it in a bit.
Kirara didn't have many back shots in her early RPGX years and only got thicker later. She was just titty earl on initial release. RPGX staff may have just assumed she was normal when it came to her booty. Gremory made Eleanor super tall for some reason, when she's not depicted as a really tall girl in RPGX. I suspect that's mainly due to her CGs featuring shotas or angles that make her look bigger than she is.
What is the trick to defeating Queen Canoli? Is it that she's immune to damage and it's her summons I have to kill?
It's a coin flip whether the boss is immune to melee or ranged attacks. The best way to deal with it if it is up is to either have both types of attacks in your kit or run something that can just remove the buff from the enemy.

Oboro can mind control the boss so that there's more time where the boss doesn't have either buff.

You want to keep the summoned minions close to the boss so that aoe attacks can damage and kill them.
Oh so that's what she does. My kit is Emily (me, because I'm trash), Murasaki and Maika with all anti-demon stuff and I can pretty much do level 23 without much thinking. I had no idea that she was flipping between damage immunities. Is there any way to tell? Also wasn't there a thing where ranged attacks count as melee if you're really close?
Yeah, the gun or sword icon over the enemy's heads indicates which type they have resistance to.

As for the melee when close and range when far thing, the only thing that comes to mind is Ingrid who has a basic attack combo enhance where she can shoot out fire from her weapon.

Someone can correct me on this but I don't think that Nagi or Asuka's wind blades from their basic combo enhancements ever did melee damage at close range.
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It's over, the black female demons won. White females can't compete anymore....
Need Mirabell...
if you can secure fast clears, one thing you can do is bring Hebiko UR supporter, it removes buffs so you can cancel the shield for a cycle. if your team is strong enough you can make quick work of it
Idk, man. Shiranui, Rin, Emily, and Maika might have something to say about that.
If only Kirara also had something to say about that...
>My kit is Emily
the queen was specifically built to fuck her damage over. Also you should be running a gravity hold build if you aren't auto farming.
When we getting lore accurate Asuka?
>No reviving on my part..
You're literally reviving a thing you've conceded to multiple times now. And there is no "timely manner" this is the internet, not a SAT test. There is no time limit for responses.
>Once you answer the question..
Ah, I would ignore the fact that I answered it already and you can pull my answer up anytime too.. except I wouldn't. But again, unlike you I actually did answer your questions, while you still continue to cower at The. Singular. One. Knowing it defuses your entire point.. You can progress the discussion by not being scared shitless at a mere question. Even when I separated it in a vacuum unrelated to our discussion, you couldn't answer it. Because you know what you'd be admitting. You already gave up, you just don't want to say it out loud..
That was TWO THREADS AGO and you still suck him off.
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>I answered it already
Nope, it's why you refuse to answer it now. Answer the question or stop wasting everyone's bandwidth.
As soon as they unfuck her face
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Her face looks okay in motion.
I want to mating press Asuka
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Why are taimanins obsessed with marriage?
They risk their lives to fight demons and crime and they are every mission an inch away from either brutal sexual violence or a gorey and painful death, sometimes both at the same time.

Let them have SOMETHING to look forward to, goddamn it.
What the heck is Su's best weapon? None of them seem incredible. Is it the Draconic Fang Gauntlet?
My wife. Sure would be nice if she could NTR me on the daily though. Rinko-anon is a lucky man.
Double Dragon is her best in slot and it's available in the regular gacha, so it's a no-brainer to go for that one
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Feed her leg, anon, she's hungery.
The series by that artist is wild, why make Yuki the monster-dicked futa dom out of all characters
Who is a bigger mistake?
Bleached Ingrid is still hot, while both versions of Y-buta sucks.
Ingrid because they fucked up her hair color. If they'd just left that alone, it would've been great.
Her fig got right at least.
Ingrid by far. She simply has the right skin tone for her figure and it shouldn't be touched. They also brightened her hair on that figure which is another mistake imo. Brown skin with pink hair seens to work a magic of its own.
Lorewise Yukikaze is white but likes to swim? It's a shame we never, ever get to see her on the beach or in a pool wearing the one piece swimsuit to blame for those tan lines
Its from taimanin suit, don't exactly matter because future have perma tan.
To clarify, not saying I would ever give a gem for tanless Ybuta. But I can't understand why are one piece competition swimsuits not a thing in this franchise. Very, very High cut ones.
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you are a SICK, TWISTED individual
It was simply too much chocolate
I had to correct her
everyone talks about the tits but damn those arm blades are huge
I really don't like aoi nagisa's modern art style when it comes to the body proportions, especially on established characters like Asuka.
She looks nothing like the slender and toned Asuka we once knew.

The funny thing is those are supposed to retract back to her arm but there's no way those blades would ever fit. Not that the old artwork blades would either but somehow they were more in line with her body physique.
Yeah but is porn franchise, just matter of time till they hit apex form.

Even likes of Zol and shindol are drawing them thicker than usual. But seems to mostly apply to older characters, newer ones are drawn same as usual.
I mean, compare slampig asuka with new girl, sure she still have huge bazongas, but still slim.
imma be honest
i do not mind slampig asuka
i like it, even
i really hate the extra-flattened tits she gets sometimes man.
It's all kirara fault.
>the antiaoinigger is back at shitting up both threads
just stick to vanilla/ntr bait and switch shitposting you retards
I hear wedding bells
imagine showing up to your own 'wedding' with a whip, gisuke ain't got ANY confidence in his methods clearly
>t. Kotaro
Tokiko.. God I wish Sakura had similar event one day.
bitch ass dog of danjo ain't SHIT
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Why do the antagonists always look like badass samurai and shit while Kotaro looks like a twink?
Bro, that's just nobunaga.
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His sword is too small, so small that it can still be called a sword, it's too thin, too light and in fact resembles a sword more than a hunk of iron.
ah my favorite seinen protagonist, intestines
If anything they need get bigger.
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Who is next?
Will Mari finally break the curse?
There is 3 other RPG characters ahead of her, not mention positive feedback from phantasma.

Not happening.
>There is 3 other RPG characters ahead of her
Did you paid attention on last event?
Just watch, we'll get Papergirl before Class Prez as the next playable Potion.
I didn't play it. Which ones did they tease?
Francis and Nasala are there, they are probably planning demon detective agency already.
The biggest reason these are messed up is because it looks like they just changed the hues instead of redrawing/recoloring from scratch with the lighter skin tone. This is why Yuki looks more like her skin is glowing or under video game bloom effects. It's just brightened. If she was drawn with the intention of having lighter skin, the shadows and everything would be completely different to match that tone. I'm sure Yuki would still look off, but she wouldn't have this almost uncanny feel to her.
That's helpful info, thanks
Definitely veers too hard into whale territory for my taste, stuff like https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119159402 would be great if not for the fatness.
That Cat-astrophe event seems like utter garbage. Am I missing something?
>Am I missing something?
Not really. Basically it's for newer players who don't have a lot of weapons/resources to get specific things they may want by letting them prioritize what they want to get. Unfortunately forcing the player to use supports of the same color to advance difficulties punishes those same newer players as well so it's not a very well thought out style of event.
kek, and it's even worse because Marci is green so it feels like other colors are extra-punished for a moderate newbie
Gonna be honest friends. The F2P experience in this game is horrific. Downright the worst in any Gacha I've ever played. To be fair, I've only played PGR, Nikke, Snowbreak, Valkyrie Crusade and WuWu, but the absolute drip feed of gems and the massive amount of resources you need to farm for basic upgrades. I get that it's the nature of the game, being that you don't roll for the girls but instead roll for the supporters, but I feel like you should get some pity UR supporters for whichever Girl you choose to start with and a better way to farm Gems. I mean, I've only ever bought the Monthly pass in Nikke and Snowbreak, but I've managed to reach "end game" content in both.
>the massive amount of resources you need to farm for basic upgrades
Upgrading facilities, a new player will only have access to a small amount of AP and stamina, meaning it'd take months to farm resources to upgrade those facilities, not to mention, the drip feed on gems means you'll have to take weeks to buy a new girl and get her leveled up. Most of the players in the general are probably pretty entrenched in the game so don't recall the new player experience. If you don't spend money, it takes forever to level up facilities and earn gems for girls, let alone earning gems to roll on banners with abysmal drops rates. I don't remember, do the permanent banners even have Pity? I haven't rolled on a non event banner in a year.
My experience wasn't bad. It was just waiting for semi-decent event supporters and farming arena points for those UR weapons. This was before free shit from facilities was even an option. Of course, I actually enjoy playing the game so I have fond memories of finally beating certain hard content that was locked off to me before.
she looks like she fucks smelly barn animals.
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Here's the better Fuuma Danjou. He has that Black Lilith vibe.
Affinity gems.
24 max affinity Supporters gives you enough for any character except Annerose.
what's this /atgg/ garbage
Ybuta is such a little cunny sex pig it's fucking absurd
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Noah is cute but if this Noah was bigger, she would be a perfect lolicon fantasy.
Jesus little fucking whore. Who the fuck dresses like that for their wedding.
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anon is angry at ypig tonight
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alright boys, now they're DEFINITELY gonna fix kirara for SURE
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They had, one job.

Now they have to do slampig Asuka too.
I don't think that makes the game F2P unfriendly, just very grindy over a very slow burn. You're not supposed to get everything right away, though, it's a lot more about having patience and grinding often as you're allowed to.

And while facilities take a lot to upgrade, they also present two big advantages to F2P players: the ability to passively farm AP and to increase their max AP, two advantages they didn't have in the past
Isn't it usually this way in gachas that the early game sucks, content has too high stats but later on everything is too easy? I usually spend a bit in games, but not in this game because of the prices. Like that 4th skill slot. It comes with gems too, but at a price you could pay 2 mmo subs for? Fuck no.
You can max out the most relevant facilities in about three months (includes upgrading others too). The worst part about starting out is being unable to clear those time limited events.
>tfw never experiencing felicia's fellicios
why leave?
Outside of arena there is barely any advantage, VR climb is worthless past 100 because no rewards.

Everything can be done as f2p easy once you get past initial grind.
This, so much this, albeit that 100 vr is hopeless for any new player for at least a few years. The window with that defense debuffed time reaching VR 100 for every boss was brief. I didn't make it for the robots as their damage was too much, but at least the other 3 I got down. I personally play for just over a year, have the most important awakenings maxed and getting that 100 on the robots will not be doable for a long time unless some very broken characters come out next.
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anons on which gosha academy's facilities should i focus on? gym/swimming pool and what else? are they worth it?
what about those in B1?
Lounge is the most important IMO. In Gosha, Headmistress office and Classroom should be your focus to get +5 each.
For Gosha and B1, Lounge and School Field are the most important, then I would go Classroom, Headmistress, Mission Prep, Gym, Infirmary, Kiryu's and Hot Spring in that order, though the last two facilities listed can be avoided. Everything not listed: Library, Swimming Pool, Gear Modification Room, is not worth it
>100 vr is hopeless for any new player for at least a few years.
Nah, it's not THAT hard anymore, like even if they buffed VR again, it's still way easier than it was in the past.
Even before the defense fuckery you could get to Floor 100 with level 81 characters and Awakening level around 6~8 in the most relevant stats. The core of Eleonor/Shizuru/Astaroth is too storng

The issue would be having enough blue supporters to actually build a team like that sinve you'd need 6, however with the recent nerfs to Astaroth a green build on her instead is very viable. And Blue Eleonor/Green Astaroth/Red Shizuru would murder machine VR floor 100, although you'd need potions to heal between rounds. You can change Shizuru for Lapis and have more consistent grinding.

People often neglect how importart team building is in VR and having a solid team can let you punch up way higher than you should.
Instructions not clear maxed out library so shisui had a nice selection of books to read.
holy kek, I need one
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>Together we can save Kirara's ass
but i want to destroy Kirara's ass though
You must first save something in order to have the power over it to destroy it properly
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As much as I don't like the dragon weapon events I will say farming arena stuff is better than the misc boxes for post event grinds. Almost have enough HP and attack boosters for every BP potion I have.

Not that I use them much thanks to the facilities. 15 BP and passive BP stockpiling are fantastic for getting VR done in 1 go and doing whatever.
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appreciate the info, thanks!
>even spics are trying to get Kirara to have a bigger ass
They’re working on it>>483278761
How this game attract so many spics?
Quick, I have a load I need to dump I need some anon to post a picture and lend me their wife as a meat toilet,
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Some opinions myself

The most important for new players as it's a constant source of AP that lets you play more

>School Field
Second most important as AP actually replenishes relatively fast plus it gives a lot of value to your green syringes

>Hot Springs
Very good while in the process of grinding Magatama and/or grinding for 5/5 Arena weapons and later while doing reps for VR Quest

>Headmistress Office
Important to have at least someone here because it affects how fast you can grind, however you shouldn't try yo get more than 4 or 5 unless you feel you have AP to spare.

Having a lot of BP is convenient, ideally IMO 9 is a good sweet spot to cover a good night sleep and not think about it until reset

>Kiryu's Laboratory
Important once you're at a point where you are doing VR regularly for coins. May seem like a drip feed but it's enough to allow you to consistently gain enough tokens to awaken Characters

>Mission Preparation Room
Skipping stuff is nice and all, however you should only invest in this once there's nothing else you can skip. Ultimately Emily with a macro on your phone does the automatic job just as good

Only good when you're doing reps in VR and helps a lot if you run teams that lack healing, but you can just as easily run a team that heals better. You get way more than you reasonably need to use, tho.

>Gear Modification Room
I can see it being useful if you are struggling getting materials to reset magatama options, but you will mostly get stuff you can't use directly and honestly you gain more by simply grinding on Tuesday.

>Gym, Pool, Library
Kinda useless. Your raw stats aren't too important, you don't gain nearly enough stats from either facility to change your performance. Leveling fast isn't as good since you'd rather level up slowly to gain Skill Points and improve your Skill Training, which is what actually powers up your character.
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My Sakura is not for your puny meat toilet thoughts.
Also, Mega Protip for the B1 Facilities: The decimals do matter.
The game only truncates decimals at the moment you cash in your rewards, however they do count towards your total as they're being added to the pool.

So for instance pic related. It adds 12.45 AP every hour so if you wait an hour and you cash in immediately you'd receive 12 AP, and if you wait 3 Hours it'd have 37.35 so you'd cash in 37 instead of 36.

So at 12.45 you'd reach 1145 AP, which is almost max capacity, at 92 hours.
In contrast if you were to cash in at every hour you'd cash in a total of 1140 AP after 95 hours.

>Tl;DR: The most efficient way to get rewards from B1 Facilities is to wait until you're above 90% full capacity, but before you hit max at 100%
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don't have your own wife? that's sad
Sorry, my wife betrays with monsters and overhung dirty animals only.
Bold to assume other's wives don't do the same.
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>friend request
>it's Commander234903489727
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you're leaving us in suspense here anon, did you use one of the meat toilets or not?
You know what's worse?

>friend request
>remove the most inactive friend
>the user has reached the maximum amount of friends
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This has to be one of you fuckers kek
Maika is the perfect slampig wife
I mean you aren't able to send friend requests if you have a full list of friends? So that means that they mass requested and someone beat you to the punch.
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roger roger, thanks for the indepth!
Yeah, that's what I mean. I take someone off my list and try to accept theirs only for it to be full.
Imagine polluting your friends list with greeniggers proud of being race cucks, couldn't be me
ooo look at this guy, fuckin fancy lad pruning his friend list according to his own preferences
I accepted him. Watchu gon' do about it? Huh?! Have another melty? Go for it, you keep the thread bumped - want me to post some NTR bait?
They should really let you freely switch bought hairstyles of a character between whatever skin you want. Hell, f they want you to earn it make it a bonus from max affinity or something.
>They should really let you freely switch bought hairstyles of a character between whatever skin you want
they should let people change hair colors too
a lot of small customization additions could make the game really shine
>make it a bonus from max affinity
jesus fuck why would you even suggest that
Marriage with Nagi, Kurenai, and Saiki
But Kurenai eats the poopoo
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Goblin hug!
That's true love sir
Yes I did, I used all of your waifus posted until I was satisfied and empty after 6 rounds, thank you anon, I'll make sure your waifu is on my mind the next time I need to borrow an anon's wife

Maybe so, but she served nonetheless

>don't have your own wife? that's sad
No wait, I remember, an anon said he would share his wife with me a while ago, but I didn't have any saved images of her. I think this was her. What a kind anon. I deleted my posts to combine them and not waste posts
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Still a sow at heart, no doubt
Just matter of time till character development.
making me hope that if we get Future/Clone/Android Yuki that we also get original hair Mu-chan
Weird they didn't gave them unique models, but then is just lazy reuse till end of story.

At least rest of gang get their future stuff as outfit, even if paypig content.
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Here's a guide. An anon here made it.

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Oh im friends with that guy too
Yay new Nagi costume hides her atrocious butt.
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These little sluts love to show their asses
Sakuya when ToT
Patch delayed to fix Kirara butt.
>rank 63
filthy casual doesn't deserve his wives. to the tentacle pit with them (and him)
I'm a tourist visiting here. I don't know much about taimanis but I do know that they get brutally rape. Now I have to ask, how bad did this girl got it?
Well, she was not born without legs, you know....

Do tell more
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best big-titty bitch
Usual ninja stuff, mostly. Got captured by demons on a mission, raped, mutilated, and left for dead. Her boss found and smuggled her to America to get prosthetic legs. Depending on the timeline, she either later joined him in a rebellion and lost, getting rescued by demons and becoming one of them after he died, or did not, and returned to work as a secretary.
I might have to buy this
Made for smelly horsecock
For VR, who'd you guys suggest out of Nagi, Tokiko, Sora? My team is mainly Mu-chan who has been carrying me since forever, and Lapis who is quite an amazing healer. I'm currently playing Tokiko (ranged) mostly because I have a maxed Narakuzan but I find myself relegated to a debuff slave so Mu-chan can dunk on enemies, and I can't switch to Mu-chan because the ai is stupid using Tokiko. Hovering around 30-35, but I feel like I can go further. I'm quite interested in Nagi mostly bec I want to use her bride costume but open to other suggestions.
You can ditch Ranged Tokiko and favor a mixed melee build. You can go all blue or Main Blue 2 Red and favor Stone Piercer instead of the ranged normal attack modifier. You have Lapis so you can be a little careless and having only 1 or 0 Red turns her Fan skill into a cone AoE that piercers through all enemies in front of her without losing damage, as opposed to several homing projectiles that end the moment they connect. Her blue skills give her a buff that gives her Super Amor and 50% damage reduction.

If that doesn't convince you know that Nagi is ideally built Green for VR and Sora is ideally built Red for VR so use that to shape up your team.
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But base on this art, Kirara's hip ain't that big.
the elephant in the room is that Aoi Nagisa ain't consistent at all with his characters so they're sometimes slim with big boobs and sometimes they're complete cows
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I want it, but not for these prices man.
Again, where’s the source?
isn't it just RGPX? the future kirara unit's art?
Someone said patch delayed and I was asking a source to that
oh, well with you being so insistent you posted again within 10 minutes i kinda thought this was a cock in hand, 'WHERE'S THE SAUCE' type emergency
No I knew it was from RPGX, I guess anon lied then
Dont be dumb anon.
See>>483426403 and >>483426921 read posts next time
Thanks anon, yeah my supporters for Nagi and Sora are exactly that (green and red respectively), I'll definitely try out melee for Tokiko, to be honest I always had her as ranged since she was my main daily/event farmer (spamming homing daggers all day) way way back when I was an idort who didn't have Emily and skip tickets didn't exist.
I wonder how gremory going deal with this, its quite unique scenario.

Usually companies ignore, but this is something that playerbase can pester them forever.
It's too bad you missed the events that had certain free costume vouchers that contained the Demonic Taimanin costumes and Bride Shiranui. There was at least two of them, as I have both Phantom Bride Shiranui and Heavenly Flower Rinko, without spending on either.
Make that four times, I forgot I also had Dark Torrent Murasaki and Sinful Bolt Yukikaze.
was phantom bride ever on the costume vouchers? i'm pretty sure at one point she was available on a banner if you rolled enough but i don't recall it ever being on a voucher
She'll never be on a June Bride voucher. This was an extremely rare event voucher, like Anniversary or something, it contained nearly all the costumes there were (except limited gacha costumes), somehow including Demonic Taimanin, Bunny Emily (THAT'S FIVE), and Bride Shiranui.
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no i MEAN that voucher, here look i've still got one of them as you can see from the bunny emily, and there's no phantom bride there
guys i love oboro
As I said, five vouchers where I managed this, not all of them were the same. Unfortunately, this shit was so long ago, I couldn't tell you the particular vouchers each one came from. I suspect they were in those "team points" events.
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which is better?
The middle one
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I too, am a fan of sph
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>prosthetic legs

Oh my.
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Boy do i got the girl for you...
Sexy onahole
Nah, just the legs.
Eh, sorry Asuka. Get back in the shed.
It's ok. She'll find someone... You still give me the other girl's name.
Reminder that gremory is actually retarded, thinks the secret daily arena with other chars is on par with the other secret daily. And this is oinly the beginning.
My little fuck nugget
Fuuma Gisuke
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most people pointed to her Daki art as what they expected when it comes to her model when she released. Yes her hips should be bigger but the cunts asking for Phantasma tier are loons.
Someone once told me to look up nugget porn years ago and it was a big regret. Likewise, you are an asshole for scarring people that just like AT but are innocent.
Let's fucking GO.
some strong language there anon, do you really feel that strongly about people wanting a thicker kirara?
Always ask for more than you expect to get
I'm not against a thicker Kirara I'm against wankers who think Aoi's new Asuka is a good look and want every girl to become some garbage Maika derivative.
but no one's complaining about asuka not being full slampig, everyone's problems have been entirely centered around kirara and her pancake of an ass
oh so hes a bong, no wonder hes obessed with this thread
For once I welcome our slampig overlords.
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This is just weird. If Shizuru was actually real, you don't make her eyes terrifying like that. You fucking inbred retard.
now see, THIS is peak realism
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yes and it needs more meat, but not as large as as some people are claiming. I'm not saying she she be as toned as Kurenai but she shouldn't be as large as the bigger girls. Fully mature and Pregnant Kirara is a different story.
In lieu of a trip or namefagging I purposefully hammed up this manner of speech so you can identify me more easily. I'm astounded by the fact it took you this long to take note.
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everyone should be phantasma tier (in cute 3dcg at artsyle of course, none of that hs2 abomination for reject westoids)
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Maika is the inferior Kamimura
That's it, I'm going to impregnate one anon's Taimanin
Action Taimanin will become closer to a great game when they add enemy recolors to the gallery.
I like both but why is the first of Uehara is still nowhere to be seen in RPGX?
oboro is so dumb ingrid refuses to use condoms
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>the first of Uehara
>Looks at Uehara clan page for anyone besides the 2 everyone knows
>Uehara Kitae from Carla The Blood Lord
Literally who
She looks like she fucks underage boys
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Actually I am not sure how it goes in AT or RPGX, but in timeline TABA the Fuuma clan that defected with Danjou to the UFS willingly cut their own limbs and got enhanced prosthetics that were stronger than human flesh and bones for the sake of being stronger.

Amane also has a robot arm that she implanted to better use her Art, for instance.
On a similar but unrelated note, this is the one character I would actually use the counter attack skill on if they were in game and that's purely because that is in lore her ability.
One of Carla's besties who all defeated Carla's evil uncle and stuck his soul into the Troll King's ass (inescapable abyss of pure suffering) because two randomly Edwin-tier vampire lords duking it out (engaging into the run-of-the-mill school rape revenge hentai plot) for the control of your ordinary Japanese highschool for vampire hunters is just silly and most certainly never happened. She has those powerful ara-ara and "hentai character who criminally lacks a decent number H-scenes" auras.
Imagine being Edowinu Buracku and helplessly watching as a creature so phat it's powerful demonic wings strain to displace its considerable weight over even short distances confidently fly-waddle its way over to your hiding spot while knowing that you MUST come out of the hiding to face it.
I wanted to finish him with the Ultimate but it was on Normal so he died like a bitch
4 anons hanging together whiles they getting blowjobs from each other's wives
My wife rather have those guys for herself while the other girls watch
Anons wife taking on 4 anons at once with her deadly sperm genocide techniques
I told you marrying succubi would be never a good idea.
I kinda want them to release a limbless Asuka daki that matches on a normal sized pillow instead of a full 150~160cm daki
My Taimafu is so well built..
I need friends with stack units so I can clear Tower, I'm hard stuck on 90 and none of my current friends have any units that can clear it.
ID is 23048260002
I just changed my shiranui's supporters to be the strongest reds I have no clue if that will be enough since I feel like lent characters are weaker but it should get the job done since I soloed 90-100 with her.
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I just cleared it with a friends stacked murasaki
I got to know, I've seen some anons talk about having their wives sleeping with other anons and other NTR talk and I got to ask, are you serious or just kidding? Not trying to derail the thread just a new comer and curious
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oh I seemed to have made a mistake when typing 23048160002 not sure how that happened.
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>he is unaware
I get off on NTR but to me it's the betrayal aspect that is hot - like a girl just unable to control her pussy so she betrays and goes behind her boyfriend's/husband's back. Giving your waifu away is just being a willing cuck, which is different and more like netorase.
I mean I know the series has NTR and such but I wanted to know if anons were serious about wanting to be NTRd, I'm honestly not looking to cause problems

I don't understand the difference at all, My apologies anon
>I don't understand the difference at all, My apologies anon
One is consensual on the male partner's part, the other is not. Pretty easy to understand.
So your waifu cheating on you with an anon in secret is hot , but not if you are aware?
Taimanin ntr scenarios are stupid as shit, even more on gacha because fuuma kun isn't engaged with anyone due obvious reasons.
I don't really put myself in the betrayed character's place, but then I really don't self-insert at all. It's more about watching a girl degenerate into the whore she's always been deep-down.
We are all bros here.
>Surely this will make Fuuma fall in love with me!
She's so retarded.
it alwasys makes me laugh how TY1's entire ntr storyline is stringent on asagi believing a fucking orc
and then she DOES IT AGAIN IN TA3
If she practiced Kegel, surely she would make Kotaro fall for her skills.
But now we are talking about this, taimanin granny fucking when?
to be fair, in TA0 Asagi practiced Kegel so hard it literally killed people.
I feel you, it is one of her best outfits though
I was looking at her too in the Wiki. Like holy shit, her and >>483121976 are some top tier in my eyes.
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>I don't really put myself in the betrayed character's place, but then I really don't self-insert at all. It's more about watching a girl degenerate into the whore she's always been deep-down.
Thank you for explaining anon

That explains it, too I guess, thanks
How long has shindol been on retainer for the series and when is this slut getting added?
>How long has shindol been on retainer
since TABA day 1

>when is this slut getting added?
after Amane
3d taimanin h game when?
There is ton of good KK, CM3D and HS cards.

What you ever want that?
The fuck do some 3rd party hentai game cards have to do with wanting an actual 3d Taimanin h-game?
All I ever wanted was like AT but where there are orc mobs who grab you and slowly damage your costume and eventually end up being fucked by them and resisting it.
Alternatively if it was more proper stealth adventure game, there could be various paths to finish missions, including seducing guards and having sex on the fly.
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I doubt it
How do you fix what isnt broken?
I wish that ova didn't suck
What unique scenario?
I think he's talking about people asking for Kirara to have a bigger butt
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Holy shit they've given me the same UR five times in a row. I guess the asshole gachage gods are telling me to make this shit work for a while.
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Fuck, is Francis next playable?
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So this WHORE is next?
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>Francis is next
BASED. So glad that we don't have to wait long. Also...Seems like her supporter has a gimmick revolving around disarm. If her playable character also has disarm skills, she's going to be insanely powerful considering this supporter exists.
This is usually the case with limited pick up gachas.
She's just a regular pick up gacha
The screenshot is cut off, she's limited if you watch the vid
>Reduces damage taken
>Buffs skill damage (and can be paired with Fuuma Yukina who is a red supporter that also buffs skill damage)
>Grant's immortality
Jesus Christ, that Furfur supporter is insane.
Look at the video again. She's limited, it seems.
Fuck, when are we getting a Noah body-type character again...
Summer costumes for Phantasma and Shizuru confirmed. No visuals yet.
The Age of Cunny is over. Submit to your slampig overlords. Resistance is futile.
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Orc-bros are eating good this summer...
That lucky draw is a whale trap isn't it?
I'm pretty sure that lucky draw is hiding a harpoon offscreen, so yes, it's a whale trap
Demons keep getting some of the best buffs out there. Its no Hebiko nor is it as potent as Shirayuki but its solid and is something nice that we can run on red.
>rewards tied to crystal spent in characters and costumes
I loathe this
To be expected.
There's a balance in gacha games where you're either friendly to new players or prefer massaging the balls of long term players and whales.
AT is the very much the latter.
I'm just glad it's not something significant, just another pack that doesn't really have anything special in it. The gems are nice, but as you said; you spend gems to get those costumes to get the rolls.

The only real problem is one that most gacha have where arena or leaderboards reward the top players with more stuff, but they tend to already have everything they need which is why they are top of the leaderboard in the first place; so it just keeps them ahead.
Surely there'll be a gacha that solves this in time.
Maikabros, our dedicated gyaru spot is being stolen...
Seems Sumemr Fufur is the event unit so yeah that's a crazy good supporter for F R E E
Maika is a delinquent type, not gyaru. A better comparison would be Koharu, who is also heavily into gyaru style but is a downgrade Francis on just about every single metric. She looks better as a non gyaru anyhow
Not only that, she used be more delinquent.

Waifuism is one hell of drug.
It kinda create a bit of discrepancy between old reused artwork and current one. Most obvious on maika outfit select screen.
Current Maika for comparison
well at least they didn't change her tits any, that's the most important part
For me, its Maika's fat ass. Don't need anything else.
>December - Spinel
>February - Lina
>March - Oboro Renewal
>April - Lapis
>May - Noah Renewal
>June - Phantasma
>July - Kirara Renewal
>August - Francis

The year of the demon
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Next year is the year of the Machine ..r-right?
New type: Machine Demon.
Hybrid type will be wack
It would open up more build variety though.
Not even subtle anymore, at least its a new weapon.

But other sharing same weapon is major of all things.
What it can’t be, some other anon claimed she’d be next after phamtasma’s story as a joke of sorts
>See’s video
>She actually is limited
I guess amane will wait for October
She looks like the type
Hell at least we got Shisui and Saika not THAT long ago compared to how long before that we only had Emily and slug-chan.
Azuma is the possible weapon share that interests me the most desu
... why the fuck was there a random desu added
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hello newfriend
I still question why shisui wasn't blue.
Still waiting on playable Snake Lady
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All just a goof
I want Sakuya... why are you doing this to me, Gremory? She's obviously gonna be in at some point.
I do like this WHORE, but I need to ToT
I did my part hopefully the developers at least give her a more curvier bottom and legs
We really do need more machine characters
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I've had this little brat clogging up my inventory for a while now.
Is she any good with Lapis? or does Lapis have lose heals if she doesn't take that much damage?
I'd argue keeping Lapis alive is more important than trying to get bigger heals out of her, she can be setting up healing fields as well as passively healing.
I say she is good on lapis because you need lapis to tank to even heal. Also I think only the spear heal cares about damage over times like her extreme dodge and crystalize are percentage as far as I know.
Bummer they got rid of the cig, makes her seem even trashier
Would they have the guts to make a summer costume with pubic hair coming out?
I mean.. technically is not 18+.
I miss mods for AT...
They are pushing much as possible with T rating. Nipple poke, areolas, and pubes would be far too much.

Mind you, last origin have different launcher for uncensored stuff.
I remember when anons thought pasties would never happen, so who knows?
Enchant rng is stupid. I have somehow failed 95%s and 80%s on multiple occasions back to back. But just now I successfully rolled 3 30%s and 2 20%s enchants. And the worst part about it is the irony of it because I was trying to fail these rolls so that I could get more enchant boosters. So the game is giving me success to spite me.
Good morning sir, I'm actually the one who controls your enchant rolls. I just make a choice when I see one come up and I just like to fuck you benchod. It's all for fun.
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I call dibs
>Sora is ideally built Red for VR
NTA but that leans to her cit skills, is it due to availability of +damage red event supporters?
>Shizuru swimsuit
>Maika swimsuit
Fuck yes. Was hoping the Shizuru one would be closer to the RPGX one, with womb tattoo and all though.
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>>Maika swimsuit
Fuck yeah, slampig game. I'm so fucking tired of loli pedo fucking shit
>>Maika swimsuit
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Fuck that Maika, sweet jeebus that Tokiko though.. Unf, what a pure slut for fat cocks..
I feel like I am doing something wrong I subscribed too the newsletter yet I get no emails. Are they supposed to be emails?
>Maika swimsuit
>But Lapis Swimsuit is the one on the Golden pads
>Maika's swimsuit is F R E E !!!
Got my email like an hour and a half ago.
ok I did find it it was in spam I could have sworn I checked there.
She's a cleric get it because she is a healer.
not bad, not bad
that outfit really reminds me of a cleric from an animu, but I can't remember who
One is dressing up for the orcs, the other for Gisuke....
that's a pretty cool outfit actually, just wish they didn't love putting all the cool shit behind paypiggy packages
Dang that was fast are they already releasing limited gear for her when she was just barely released
>they already releasing limited gear for her when she was just barely released
thats in line with what they have been doing recently 3 months and then they drop the limited unless an older character is getting a limited in that time. Which is unlikely.
watch how removing the "accessories" leaves her only in the black leotard
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Seems that recent set of girls got ton of attention. Nice to see game increasing a bit given it have near zero market.
>Both golden pass and limited weapon costume in the same month
Damn, talk about a hard month for Lapis lovers. That's like 50 bucks down the drain.
Holy shit they'll never be able to get lewder than her base outfit
That's alt, francis base outfit is this.
what does your taimanins say about you anon
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perhaps my preferences
Captch: KYSVJ2
Why did they make it so damn tedious to get the friend greeting outfits? I've been farming cubes for months and haven't even started on the other material needed.
They made it tedious so that you would buy the costume packs. Even though the costume packs are garbage because they're overly expensive and they only really give you enough for a quarter of the way to finishing a friend costume.
I can't be the only one who knows they'd make way more money if they stopped trying to sell packs and chars for $40, right? You'd get plenty of more casual players willing to spend $10 or maybe even $15 or a char if the price was lowered. The only one's hitting $40 for characters are the whales, which are a smaller part of the community.
I've thought this too, but maybe I'm wrong. At the very least, they've discovered they can be plenty profitable with their current model, and seems obvious they're not interested in rocking the boat at this point.
because reasons
Costume friend packs like a 4th slot didn't exist when global launched, those didn't come out until year 2.
did you buy Annerose when she was that cheap?
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I like cunny but also giant-tittied whores?
Fucking hate the tsundere shit with a passion
It's just a veneer over her inner sow
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nice, ty
fuckin hell
An Orc coming home after a long day of work just to see me turning his wife and daughter into a cock sleeve
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Don't tell him, bros.
>he actually doesn't know
YEEEES MY DICK, literally built for ORCS

Eleonor, Phantasma and Francis have all been personal huge favorites from RPGX

More Furfur is always nice
> See this >>483544171
> Oh that'll be perfect for Saika since Takeover disarms enemies
> Penetration is limited to Suppress types
> Oh this is Oboro support, combine it with 5/5 Skull Face weapons and you're rocking around a 50% penetration chance and a way to stun VR enemies for days.
> Oh wait Rin would also work with this, her SR speed+ weapons get boosted by defense not being a factor and you're hitting at least 15 times in those 8 seconds so your odds are good
I might have to get two 5/5s of Francis because she's that good.

Yea and it's utter shit for whales! There are only 2 things on that list that whales need which are the Deamonite and Nanomachines, Mirage crystals come with the level up packs,which are the best Gem to Money ratio in the game, so whales don't need that. If the 2020 costume ticket doesn't include limited time season pass/package costumes then it's functionally worthless. I'm a big dolphin in this game (I buy the season pass and hebi's helping hands, then maybe spend an extra $50 on a gacha I really want) and it is not worth cracking open my gem hoard for a small chance to get maybe 1 of 3 things I want. Also next month between Kirara's renewal weapon, Francis, Maika's costume and Lapis's Weapon/Supporter >>483652515
there are plenty of better things to waste gems on.
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Nah see the anon is just Fuzuki's father.
Sakura shibari spitroast
Place your bets on what color it's going to focus on buffing. I'm guessing red because her base limited is already blue, red is the other heal boosting color with green being damage, it would work with the incoming free red supporter, also there is like this one red supporter that comes to mind with heal boosting that would synergies at the cost of not providing damage and only providing defense if healing via extra bulk.
Hoping its red- red is the build I use outside of VR because its the most fun for me. Blue is for VR and already has a limited, green is best served for throwing into the trash
Oh shit, my bad. I meant Blue is better for Sora, her Arrow is 150% damage and heals herself back the damage dealt, which is pretty nuts.
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Thank you based god
Something I would wish for is something similar to crime and punishment where you can use the extreme dodge on command.
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Girl had a bit too much fun last night
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She has to eat all of the eggs
I fully believe the other orcs are laughing because they knew it wasn't their turn to play babysitter.
Where's PHATassma rank on the DPS list?
That must have taken a lot to get her to blackout with all that fat in her tits and thighs
>they know where she lives
orchads... we're still winning...
I would guess mid, but attribute damage done by teammates with her support to her. She does debuff defense and buff damage in an area after all.
You think she's better Support than Shizuru? I have the option to 85 Shizuru or 81 Phantasma. I got both thier weapons to 5/5. Eyee of Dawn and Phantasmas Debut weapon.
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God fucking damn it, 360 motherfucking Rolls and I've gotten Phantasmas weapon fucking ONCE. I guess I got super lucky with Noahs weapon because I 5/5'd it by 270
I use neither so I make no statement on which is better. I just say she is more support than DPS.
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So is this weapon any good? Her Renewal weapon will likely be her best, but I'm close to having my first 5/5 UR subweapon.
probably not as it doesnt even have a passive effect
Expanding on this, on my quest to 5/5 her weapons I've pulled
>4 Yomotsu-Hegui
>2 Treasure of the deep ocean
>1 Pulse Trigger
>1 Unidentified Knuckle X
>1 Round Zero
>0 UR supporters
I don't even know if I'm luck or not.
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Must have some Irish in her with the red hair too
Not crazy high, but definitely on the upper end- Dream Claw is probably one of the best basic attack boosters in the game, if you get the placement right she can comfortably basic bitch slap the shit out of all 3 Mecha Bosses at once. She's also hard to kill, can draw aggro away from the team, and is constantly debuffing just by flying her phat ass around the map.

Oh, and if you build her red you don't actually have to pick between any of those, you can just do it all. She's not a support or a tank or a DPS, she's a generalist who actuall succeeds at being one.
Why man, should had just waited for the limited stuff they released a few months later it's always better, see Lapis is barely getting hers right now
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She will be another package.
I would open the wallet for her.
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what kind of illness is this?
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guy has been doing this for months
Is he spamming a lot of people or is it just you
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I would not, yuuko is my only true love.
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there has been more but i havent bothered to take screenshots of all, sometimes its in languages i dont know
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Sounds like your average pajeet
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i dont know, i had him on friendlist at one point and i removed him (at random) and thats when it started

sometimes he request friend multiple times a day, sometimes a week or two pass and then he come back

i never respond back or accept, obviously
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Fingers crossed!
Change your name to something offensive to aggro him
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ganbatte oily-slug-san
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How does someone bot that much and not get hit. And I am assuming bots or else this dude needs to get a life.
It's the same account, he just keeps changing his name
I'm so bad at this game, what's your lowest score anon
Just add a 1 name change per day limit
Problem solved
I just remembered the affinity bonus presets are a thing and made the 2 sets I will ever use...I'm not going to remember to switch these when doing my farming. Heck the second one isn't even close to full power since Lina and kirara are at affinity 13 and 12 respectively.
Who is this semen demon?
All right its time for a another session, I need a few wives to use as meat toilets again please help me out
talk about daddy issues
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I love this costume
proto-yukikaze and proto-rinko, from tentacle and witches
Helping an anon in need rape correct his bratty wife
level 75 package yay or nay?
I say nay. unless you really need the gems from the pack save your money. You will eventually get the crystals so you don't need the incomplete boost in that reguard.
wasn't she also, like, supposed to be about 10 years older in TABA or so?
yeah none of the character were in gosha in taba at that point to my knowledge since taba was set after all the games in that alt timeline.
At what point does a UR become better than a 5/5 SR Statstick wise?
I want to say 4/5 if not 5/5.
Thanks, I'll have to check it out.
You anons are slowly giving me a consensual NTR fetish
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And? Is there a problem?
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>And? Is there a problem?
Yes, I don't want to NTR kind anons. But those posts about anons lending other anons their wives as meat toilets are slowly giving me boners Like an anon seeing I'm a bit down and offers me his wife for a few hours or an anon inviting me to double team his wife and help impregnate on our way home from work. Its making me feel like I'm betraying an anons trust
This whore is my bane in PVP, I'll have a 20k power diff and this slut still 1 taps my strongest girl. What game has her getting brutalized in all her holes?
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I'm so salty I forgot to post the hole. this fucking living cumdump will dead stop a 200 game win streak randomly. I really need to see her destroyed sexually and mentally.
That's netorase
dont talk shit about my waifu
I don't know the difference, I'm the anon from before that was wondering if you guys really liked NTR, But I blame this anon >>483506857 for awakening something in me. I have to fight back my urges because I don't want to betray anons.
If the cuck is consenting then it's not betrayal. It might be pathetic, but it's consensual on all sides.
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pretty sure I heard that enemy arena parties get additional stat boosts the longer your streak goes so it's inevitable that you'll get merk'd eventually
also I don't mind Emily being a cunt in arena since she's been grinding most of my content on autopilot almost since the beginning
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The only things worth buying are skins
Thank you anon
>I don't know the difference
Here's how it is for PORN:
Netorare: Someone who has been "stolen" sexually. The stealing part can mean many things. Rape sometimes counts, but it's usually very contextual and specific, like when the MC is forced to watch his heroine being raped.
Netorase: There are two kinds of netorase. The first type is basically cuckoldry, but the heroine doesn't know about it. That key part is something people either forget or just don't know is specific to Netorase. There is still a part of the story where someone feels like they have been NTR'd. The other type is where the MC and heroine BOTH know it's going on, but it's done in a more forced setup, like neither really wanting to go through with it, but agreeing to it for some non-blackmail reason. Anyone remember the Boku no Yayoi-san OVA? The alternate ending where the MC allows the heroine to have sex with other guys after they get rid of the antagonist because the heroine, despite being freed, can't be satisfied without big dicks would be Netorase. It's a kind of bittersweet, compromised version of cuckoldry. Otherwise, it would just be normal cuckoldry. The MC who is involved in the Netorase setup can still end up getting fully NTR'd. For some reason people think Netorase is just normal sharing and its not.
Netori: Netorare done by the protagonist.
Cuckoldry: Consensual with all parties involved.
>Not using Noah
Skill issue literally go look at the top 100 teams she's even stronger after the renewal
She seriously needs to be in the game
Correct. It's every 5 wins, the enemy team gets a stack of stat boosts. Enemy HP gives it away if you're on a big streak.
Not after whole thing with annerose.
NTRing vanilla-anons wives through Orc gangbangs
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git gud
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>Senran tier ass still not fixed.
>whore with not 3d model having more chance of being playable than those girls who at least have an enemy version for the Xth time
Being a marifag must be suffering
I know they want stray away from RPG but shit is downright bizarre. Maika had a fuckhuge delay, and shikanosuke is just for show.
>ass flatter than Y-butas chest

I'm glad not every big-titty girl is built the same
It's over, we were too late and didn't make it in time to save her ass
If you thought they would bother with reshaping and dealing with some outfit clipping because of a few e-mails then I'm sorry
We still have hope.
Why the fuck would it cost money for a a lilith property to "crossover" with another lilith property? Wait, this sounds familiar... somehow...
Because whole licensing BS.

Same reason that FGO get collab with itself and prisma illya.
>Still more ass than Kirara.
Man they really nerfed her booba in AT
Too many polys, performance issues. Please understand.
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Just put kirara head on same model and tweak.
>tits to big they would destroy your framerate and set your phone on fire
Is her new weapon good at least?
>wedding ring
It's fine as long as you let anons have their way with your wife.
Yes, a wedding ring. On her bride costume.
>being a wife
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I am so very grateful every time you plap my slutwife, anon-san!

Thank you sincerely
Freezing the enemy making them stop their attack, increasing the damage of your next hit and healing you and increasing your speed. Not only is it fitting flavor wise, but it patches up her speed issues on non green builds and gives her a small heal reminiscent of oboro's skull face which is the most important thing. like skull face it is a weapon that chatters to the character's specific debuff. I certainly say its good.
I assume this is best used on a blue build ?
>anons will defend this because it makes other people upset
what about rinko
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absolutely marriage material 100%
how on earth did she manage to get suncream in her hair?
Probably? Need to see the updated skills first since as far as I know those got updated too.
She milks shota dry, but Rinko isn't a succubus
Ah sorry, I forgot renewed characters usually get buffed too.
I'll wait for your review then.
It's not bad, better than her main UR, but not the kind of game changer Skull Face was. I'm more concerned about how her skills might change. I have Phantasma using the 5/5 crit orb for now, and I can build HebikoPot whenever I'd like (I still have most of last year's summer vouchers). Now I'm just wondering which orb would be best for which orb user.
I take it back, that weapon looks better than I imagined, with the heal (even though I hate "Lost HP recovery") being three ticks rather than one, and also boosting her speed. As long as the freeze is reliable, it should be good.
Well I would give HebikoPot to Eleanor just on the principal of haha water animation.
For the last time those complaining she already got an ass job, ever since the first reveal.
you keep saying this but where's your proof?
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Right here, look at the back scarf and her hind, am I THE ONLY ONE that sees this? It’s fatter but she doesn’t have to go full Nikki minaj cmon now
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acting like a small difference somehow fixes it despite it still not being nearly as big as it should be is a bitch move, and you should feel like a bitch for thinking it
'nikki minaj' my ass, fuck off with that shit it's MEANT to be fat
oh and of course from this comparison webm you can see they're not even at the exact same fucking angle, so it's a shoddy comparison image in the first place
stop replying to non-white people
Dont be mean to spicbros
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nyoooooo that ass is too fat!!! delete this now!!!!
look at this shit and say this is fine >>483808158
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Kirara model have some weirdly thin frame, it can be fixed with some tweaks, no need to be phantasma tier.

But even KK models look better.
Meh, not even masked takes the freeze. Useless on vr
The fuck is Friday guy?
As far as I know Friday guy shows up late into Friday.
Usually also into mid saturday too
>read thread
Kirara's ass truly join people

The sentiment behind the butt buff.
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Please tell me she gets Orc'd
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Glossy suit make lot of difference.
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My hungry girl finally cleared 100k. After grinding out 500 Arena Wins for Lapis Arena weapon, gonna grind out another 500 for Noahs Arena weapon
they should've made all the suits glossy instead of just asagi
It sure does, not sure if I like it that much though.
But it does seem she's about to get something..
Nice! I hope you cram many tasteless blue popsicles down her throat to celebrate!
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Mission accomplished!
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Leave that shit to Y-buta. Noah deserves better.
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Noah deserves borgar
put them up her ass first for better taste
You have to eat ALL the popsicles
I don't have a wife,

I swear this general is determined to corrupt me
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might as well give in anon, they're offering their wives to you it'd be rude not to take the opportunity provided
>Level 36 Oboro kills my level 87, Max Enchanted everything Noah in PvP and proceeds to wipe my entire team
>Rematch 10 game later after and Noah instantly falcon punches Oboro into the shadow realm
So is it true there's a mechanic that specifically ends streaks or something? Why? Do you even get benefits from big win streaks? Getting tired of getting a 100+ Win streak only to have it ended at literal random by opponents I have 20k+ power gaps on.

I need a hot taimanin wife.
It's whether you face an emily with a shisui revive invuln supporter or not. How did you not figure that out?
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I see what you did there.
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of course you do! who wants a normal wife, right?
That is not a Taimanin thoughbeiteverest
why're you bringing up mountains all of a sudden?
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The only benefit to high win streak is that you aren't losing. Frankly, they should add a a system for rewarding win streaks. Maybe reward the player for getting a win streak of 5-50 or something.
Guys.. please stop posting such thought evoking images of Taimanins..
How small Aina is?
Isn't dangerous to stick it in Asty? Wouldnt she burn your cock on a whim?
Well, he asked for a hot wife, so...
Oh.. they actually stopped.. Nice..
that looks like a woman who does NOT fuck her husband (because he is dead)
Smart anons are not allowed here, get outta here now.
>7 loads so far
This general is dangerous and controlled by a succubus curse. It corrupts you
W-what do you mean 7 loads? Today? To those Taimanins? How?
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you should've expected it when you stepped into a taimanin thread, we're full of corruption after all
why is she such a little whore
>W-what do you mean 7 loads? Today? To those Taimanins?

Unlocking a new Fetish thanks to you anons

I've only really been here a few times before, as I just like to bump older generals from dying. I've posted a few times before and maybe made a thread once or twice when no one else would but never stayed. I didn't know corruption would happen that fast
It's Friday!
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You may not believe it, anon, but I am actually very proud of you.
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That's nuts.. I've never had such vigor, new fetish or not.. You could truly fill up a Taimanin, are you sure you're not an orc?
>That's nuts.. I've never had such vigor, new fetish or not.. You could truly fill up a Taimanin, are you sure you're not an orc?
I'm just a corrupted anon Thanks to you anons

Thank you anon, I' think I'll rest for a few hours before going at it again.
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Hmmm... do you have proofs?
I call shenanigans
I'm a popsicle away from maxing her out.
Damn. I can never fo that no matter how hard I tried.
are any of these worth it?

about fucking time, thanks anon
based cunnnybro
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>It’s fatter
That's another victory for the science of the demonic world, don't you love science
>"Taimanin (対魔忍), also known as Anti-Demon Ninjas"
>recent playable characters are all Demons

Untanned Yukikaze confirmed?
Did you just call Yukikaze-chan a demon?
there is like a 10% chance they were referring to this.
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Her hip is small and have weird shape. Other characters are closer to this.
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She's just that way.
I mean, consider her mother.
52 I'm too good
wow you're a pro at sucking Sakura
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Almost didn't notice the ai
goddamn I hate her so much and she's my favorite
PvP bitcher here, I did not know you had access to a "Kill target whore button". Whats the best "kill target whore button" I can use in PvP? So far Noah Boot his pasting every Emily I come across. It's kinda pain that I have to actually interact with PvP instead of midnlessly hitting fight.
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The best "kill whore" button is actually "protecc my ho" in the mileage Shisui support that both makes your character invincible for a bit and also revives them. There's probably better nukes but I like having the Tekkain Kaworu supporter that does damage, makes the enemy groggy and boosts crit on my Mu-chan
Cool, I'll pick it up, I need 2k more mileage.
/atg/ has been a bit livelier lately. That one anon must be seething.
You know...When you think about it...ZZZ is actually OUR competitor. Genshin focuses on open world and Honkai is RPG but ZZZ is a hack and slash game like Action Taimanin. We may see some rough months ahead of us if Mihoyo goes all in for it.
They can't compete against this.
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Thank you random guy on my friendslist Your murasaki carried me all they way to Tower 100
>wedding dress
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last few VR fights have been a little fucky
Taimanin Tamamo.
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good job!

he added me again today
That pajeet is an unofficial /atg/ooner as far as I'm concerned.
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ima gonan cum aaag
We are so back bros
Getting a morning blowjob
my wife also giving this anon a morning blowjob
>game update hits
>my AT account is unlinked from my steam
welcome, gonan cum
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Just wanted to give you guys a heads up, Nocturne is releasing a new Kirara statue. Should be available through the Lilith Store and a few retailers, they haven't announced the price yet so take that as expensive.
Forgot to spoiler

I hate the VR fights sometime because it goes
> Comfy farming with no incidents for days
> Suddenly 5 tries in the boss just slaughters everyone
> This happens for the next 10 tries.
Also forgot to mention it goes up for pre-order in sometime in July

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