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>Current TS4 Update and Version Number

>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>TS4DB (An anon curated alternative to The Gallery)

>Guides, FAQs and Game Downloads
https://rentry.org/tsg - [FAQ and Game Downloads]
https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-all-in-one/ - [TS4 Download]
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/ - [Gameplay Guides]

>Mods and Custom Content
https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sims-4-tutorial-optimizing-your-mods-and-finding-cc.56569/ - [Guide to finding CC]
https://rentry.org/tsg-guideforsimscc - [CC Essentials/Guide for Sims 3 and 4]
https://rentry.org/ts2cc - [CC Guide for The Sims 2]
https://rentry.org/ts4cc - [Sims 4 CC Creators]
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Previous Thread
>Lewd Thread
I love Jenny so much
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Bea is missed
cute and funny teenager
I miss all those sims
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Lost a whole day of gameplay, convince me to not commit suduko and start all over
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Game crash? Was it during CAS because I had a crash from that recently
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>Are you calling me flat?
Relatable. Not that I've been cloned by my mom to my knowledge, but I'd probably have the same kind of reaction regardless.
well jenny is kinda smol
Realizing she's just another revenue stream for her mother in the grand scheme of things
replaced by younger, better goods...
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I think she's just shocked from suddenly seeing her younger self in clone form without warning

But anyway, pizza
I should order some cheese pizza
Is she back on the menu? Furthermore, how do I place an order?
honk honk
bratty Jenny is cutest Jenny
greetings /tsg/, been a good while since I last played? How's the modding scene? has sacrificial or someone else finally fully utilized the high school expansion and turned in something fun?
Disabled his edgier options in high school so you can't simulate america
well that’s gay
I am also a fan of cp (cheesy pizza)
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>Unmarried mother, who knows who the father is
>Cucked by her "best friend"
>Cheated on by a trans flag neckbeard
>Doesn't even have a maiden name

She'll be happy with what I'm planning for her, the poor thing. Also, all this detail in the wiki but she only has her fiance and child in her relationship tab, no skills background for her job as pianist, and apparently never gets married unless you play her household. Sad!

Power outage, I was gonna waifu up Miko Ojo to keep the bloodline strong. Maybe it wasn't meant to be...
Will you ever upload her childhood tray to the doc?
What's Mayor Whiskers up to in your game?
How do you make teen sims this flat?
>Julia is a YA, but Hector and her cucking BFF are adults
>They have a teen together
>But Julia has a child herself
>Julia had her heart broken by Hector, who then impregnated Hilary, which resulted in her getting teen pregnancy'd by the equally young Mateo
>All in the span of three days

See, this is the shit that TS2 would have actually worked into the fucking game. My bet is that this is just because EA is too lazy to adjust premade ages, but it's still fun to consider...
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PC Nerd flat chest
thx babe
ok ok you cute brat I'll finger you in public sheesh
No but I’ll include it in an updated milf Aura tray
put your money in a vault and then woohoo in it
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Juan, but not forgotten.
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i might hate ts4's hands
and arms
dead inshallah
Are all those girls related?
the ones with the black hair, yeah
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how do i save olive specter from death of old age in strangetown? household starts with her dying in 2 days
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>In The Sims 4, if a bill isn't paid within 48 hours, electricity will be cut off until the bills are paid, meaning that all electrical appliances, electronics and lamps will cease to function.
yet your magic smartphone always fully charged... what's the point then. it would be cool if lets say you had suddenly a battery life that goes down and you had to pay bills before time runs out or else you have to charge phone elsewhere or pay bills at the townhall or something. but you know sims 4 is trash game, so why bother
i remember some youtuber exploited the game by literally making sim never leave 1 tile block and made fortune from just selling selfies taken from phone. so like if your most powerful money making magic smartphone not taking away, then all supposed 'dangers' are meaningless in this game
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Haven't played TS4 in a year. I (somewhat) regrettably deleted my old save with several gigs worth of mods, so getting back into it I'd have to start from scratch. Have there been any major shakeups to the game since June-ish last year? Big new mods? Expansions worth a damn? Anything worth mentioning?
I mainly played for the lewds, so any updates on that front is appreciated.
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>Have there been any major shakeups to the game since June-ish last year? Big new mods?
You can be a landlord and have multiple families on a single lot, that's about it
no big mods, nothing gamechanging
business as usual, really
funny you mention cellphones, there's an even funnier thing that actually happens in game that I only recently figured out.
When you have no electricity, your sim phone won't work, but as soon as the sim steps away from your plot of land, the phone works again,
so hey they can't charge their phone indoors but once they're out of the home plot, they somehow find a magic charger and the phone works again.
wasn't for rent supposed to be game changing? it was shilled so hard like next coming of jesus
i’m five generations deep into a lepacy in the sims 3. this is the most committed i’ve ever been a save. i’m discovering things i never knew before. did you know there’s skill boosting drinks from the mixology skill? my sims are alcoholics the way i have them chugging this shit. lifetime rewards are actually good? socializing with other townies is actually important to me? the bars and clubs are actually fun when you download the MSC mod? holy.
>You can be a landlord
shit doesn't even work properly

>game says you're "supposed" to make X a day
>payday comes after a week
>you get like 1/3 or 2/3 of what you should have got
>oops sorry teehee not every paid!
wow how very realistic just not paying rent must be nice... oh yeah let's spend hundreds of thousands of dollars building a commie block just so people don't pay you. at least they let you turn off those garbage RNG events that just drain more money from you.. what a retarded DLC, if I knew how to mod I would edit it so it pays you 100% of what you're supposed to get paid. yes I am ANGRY
Any mod that focuses on marital experience?
same story as first person mode being "game changing" all that hype for some janky shit
Yeah they tend to look incredibly awkward depending on their position and weirdly proportioned. I dunno what the hell the problem is actually, it's like they accidentally made them too long by default or something.
Use the sim blender to age her down to adult
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She'll be fine, I'm doing it for lore reasons lol
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Resurrection drinks.
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And then her friends started flirting autonomously.
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She is risen.
made for baby making
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remember the fallen.
Two bros, chilling on the park bench, five feet apart
and they're very much gay
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Praise be.
Better get to it, slick. She's got a business meeting at 10.
I really hate having to download CC for TS4 one by one, it takes so much time.
beach :)

I like it, it's like shopping for me, I don't like to get batches. I like to pick them one by one because then I won't have a lot of CC that I never use or like.
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lol get poxed foolish child
what the fuck is that
a shitty shipping crane house that I found online because I can't build to save my life
>find a really neat multi lot open world farming mod overhaul
>mod creator deleted the original and uploaded a neutered single lot version instead
>original version now unobtainium

Why do they do these things?
im gonna recreate that in strangetown in sims 2
because you don't archive and reupload
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I’d like to eat that… pizza
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fix urself Jenny ur nipple is about to show
is that their boyfriend?
can i link to loverslab here? whatever, there’s this custom sims 3 AF body, MedBod by JoshQ, you can google it

i don’t play sims 3 with porn mods or whatever but i am always looking for ways to make my sims 3 less barbielike. but for fucks sake it’s not a default replacement. help a nigga out PLEASE.
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Today's headline: she hopes (you) are having a great day
Thanks Mimi
hope you having a great day too, Mimi!
arigato gozaimasu Mimi
he wishes
why is her face like that
Because she's a horse.
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If you were to make a waifu chart, which sims would you put in it?
everything Jenny and one Mandy space
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Look in the mirror, bitch.
Alright, I've got my hair. I've got my clothes. I've got my sliders. What default body is the best to use for TS4?
there's nothing wrong with being a horse
I saw them on /aco/ so yeah, he was probably the guy dicking them.
Actually cuter than whatever the fuck this is >>483226079
nta but i agree, that blonde sim was way cuter before she was horse'd
Ghosts being just another life stage has got to be the most immersion breaking part of this game.
I would make sweet love to your sims
They're all men go for it
Why do you never post them? We could use some more male sims in here.
because that’s gay
there's a better ghosts mod
this is why i never install supernatural dlc in sims 3
to be fair, adding ghosts to begin with was immersion breaking. this is why hardcore sims fans only like the very original the sims, without single addon, because very first addon livin large added all this supernatural nonsense like genie, grim reaper and ghosts
pretty sure ghosts were already part of the Goths' lot in base game
nope. just graves

i want to see cute male sims, if ur male
sims aren't cute don't bother posting them
i have fat ugly bastard sim who woohoos teen sims
i just take all my sims graves to the graveyard. the ghosts don’t bother anyone from there.

ghosts are base game in the sims 3, but yeah, i don’t play with supernatural or into the future. for some reason i'm strangely okay with vampires, though.
So why cant ts4 have higher poly sims or big tits that dont look awful?
you can it's called modding
get a high poly body preset
because vampires from late night fit into new school vampire aesthetic so they blend better. entire town of bridgeport has its whole lore dedicated to new school vs old school vampire feuds and killing each other in the backyard of plasma 501 to gain power. it's some mafia shit disguised as vampires feuds
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i mean just look at her. you know she is mafia boss who cemented some vampire shoes in the backrooms of that club
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Does anyone have these skins? There's a green body one as well; also one for children too. I would be super grateful!
They still look low poly and the shapes are weird af.
brother learn to crop
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Sorry, new paint isn't too great at it. Better? I still need some help :(
I can't even properly reply it seems.
Also i found em on an old BR sims 4 cc website. YAY
I would break the Masquerade for she
Where'd you find it...
Half close
Found em here:
mediafire doot com / download/df715h1qh7ydhte / Nana_zombi_skin_pastel dot rar


mediafire doot com /download / 1goz0rx34x8i8g1 / Nana_zombi_skin_green dot rar
No you didn’t
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but you admit someone was dicking them?
Sidneyanon has posted hc before yes. But not with this guy.
>tfw people are starting to become nostalgic for Simcity 5 in wake of the mediocre release of CS2
damn nigga, SC5 had a lot of cool concept that were unique to it like the dynamic music and certain stuff Cities 2 snatched but it was all hindered by EA being a bunch of jewish cunts
SC4 > CS / CS2
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kinda got me wanting to fire up blender again anons
your blender shots are the best
I wanna see Sidney lose her virginity to her first love! I wanna see Sidney wince with pain and tighten her hold on her lovers body as he enters her! I wanna see Sidney slowly find her rhythm and climax! I wanna see Sidney practice safe sex, and see her tiny tits covered in cum!
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Retard drunk
>first love
Sidney is built for Ash and teachers
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Why do people like labyrinths?
They're amaze-ing
Mimi! be careful! there is a giant rat behind you!
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She also has a crush on her mom's boyfriend
Her mom isn't married?
nope, divorced
go home girl it's late
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she is so cute...
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I'm gonna submit for this, what should I make
So it's just
>post a sim
>call them gay with some lore attached
I'd win this
you could always try making yourself
where is her jaw?
Fat hairy palestinian tranny #bodypositive #blm #EAwillnotdivideus
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That girl can roll, man...

thats a dude
That'd lose since Israelis are the ones sponsoring this shit.
Glad you're back posting your uggos again anon
how old is her mom's boyfriend?
I'm only 25
nice, we need porn of Sidney's mom
First I'd rather a remake of Sidney's brother with all the girls, but the one sucking him changed to Sidney.
What we need a re-remake of is Sidney's horse-faced friend.
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this will save /tsg/
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weird lookin' cat bro
thanks, based ugly sim appreciator
Now, where are their jaws?
the hell did my post get deleted for i just wanted to see
Where's the jew girl?
I don't know why but this general gets policed so hard for posts "offensive" to one particular user.
meant for >>483378160
I wonder who
It is quite odd.
anon how do you get your sims into blender? pls explain like I'm five
does blender read tray files? or do you convert tray files into blender models? what is that you do
an evil Korean surgeon shaved them off
it is weird that none of the other offtopic posts ever get deleted im not gonna front
elf posting needs to come back
in a half dead general too; the more jannies delete, the more people become aware of what bullshit is going on
What dress is this?
those are goblins though
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since when
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I just installed TS4 and I chose not-japan as my neighborhood. Three of next household are inbred pakis, and all the passer-by are either malformed mutants, blackies, or a tumblr whale. And I just saw two gay couples kissing in front of me while I'm working out. Is there any mod to fix this, please help me bros.
>Is there any mod to fix this
No? Just remove the ones you don't like from the neighborhood in the overworld view.
I mean it's been almost a decade, no one decided to fix the procedural townies generation at all? It's an eye-sore.
Not that I know of or have ever seen since s4 came out. You can always manually replace presets with european ones and skintones with light ones though.
Yeah, thanks for the help. Guess there's no choice but to tailor everything manually.

idk how good this mod is since I've never tried it myself, but I think the concept should work.
If you just want while sims to be generated and only white names, then idk, mod your own game to default replace every skin tone with white tones.
Default replace every hair you dont like. And Idk about the name generation.
the dudes that make newtonian mods don’t play girl games like these
the closest tsg ever got was default skin replacements turned white but they were ea’s shit ones and outdated now
all you know how to do is bitch, if you don't like something then do something about it, don't expect others to do it for you
holy autist
i didn’t ask for it retarded faggot
Ignore it, the resident discordtranny always has to randomly bitch and whine and start shit with someone, half the time he doesn’t even know why he wakes up in the morning.
thanks anon!
install sims 2
Anyone got CC from this faggot?
Can't find him anywhere
he's another 40-something divorcé with kids
see i told you. hardcore sims enjoyers agree with me
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god damn, she's one hell of a mime
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Is this what they call mime magic?
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alright here we go
make her outfit purple

she is perfect for a young version of The Administrator
ts2 animations my beloved
Mimi, which TS2 sims are lgbt? I'm gonna remake them for a contest
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If it's magic, could also count as a trick shot

Your guess is as good as mime!
but afaik there are none, and sims start with no preference
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Oh wonderful. It's this bug again.
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Can't think of anything to say. Head is empty.

Hey wait a minute, I've seen this house plan before!
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Chess is about that boring, yeah.
Liking the kitchen cabinets!
He's sleeping with the fishes now...
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Dangit game don't remind me of winter just as it's finally warm and nice and summer over here.
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Who is this sexy teenage slut
Isa Moaner
Thick brick walls instead of the paper thin cardboard walls with bricks painted on top, sovl
you can change sexual orientations in whickedwhims, just put heterosexual to 100% and bisexual/homosexual to 0%, I don't know if that would remove people that already exist but it would prevent any future gays from being created I think
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Harmonia ruffle hottie dress
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I figure I'll ask in this thread since it's more active than /aco, but does anyone have any preferences/downloads for futa penis mods? I used to use Simdulgence, but I can't find an up to date file on F95 with the complete set. The Noir set is ancient and dogshit and I'd rather not touch it.
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May I see it?
What's wrong with the noir one? It's the best textured and has no giant seam where the dick connects.
I'm not into hyper, and it's grotesquely huge while being relatively thin. Just looks like a weird baseball bat sticking out of my sims' crotch rather than a functional member.
Even the small size? How small are you looking for
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do not die
thanks mime fren!
>this thread since it's more active than /aco
and whose fault that is?
pascals and nervous subject. but i think nervous subject was agendafied. he is not gay, he just dislikes women, which could simply mean that he had literal ptsd after being tortured by a woman, while his mom, a woman, also tossed him away in the past, all adding up
pascals definitely faggots though, living together and getting to male preg each other to raise aliens
my bae and the mother of my longest-running sim family. My very first sim ran onto her by complete accident back in 2010 and managed to impress her by randomly talking about sport. My sim was dirt poor while she was rich, so marrying her was a dream come true. It was the play through that made sims 3 my all time favorite game.
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Should my long hallway house be like this or a zigzag?
who deserves to live here and suffer
zig zag would be easier to attach rooms, maybe have the outside of the house be a spiral hedge maze
sweet death set us free
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Thread sleepy, post pets.
Bitch! That's my garbage! For humans, not dogs!
On it!
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You'll never guess what's for breakfast...
omelette du fromage
goblin or elf it doesn't matter they all get beat the same
Some of their hair cc are on the telegram dollhouse mafia channel
cute and ryonapilled
Uncle, this is odd and unusual behavior. Please do not do that. You can't be that lonely and desperate for company.
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I see you're dressed appropriately for the weather
He's also a multitasking legend. What the fuck? How?
>That cigar and rolex
What a cool dude, I really hope he doesn't do something to end up in /tslg/!
He looks like he imports entire crates of white powder from Selvadora
I wish there was an easy way to view Sims 4 screenshots with the commentary included. S4S's screenshot manager is clunky and the UI is painful, but having to load into a save and deal with tiny screenshots also sucks. Not to mention having to do the process repeatedly for different chunks of screenshots gets annoying fast.
Ayyy Tommy! Where's Lance?
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Is there an easy way to import your own image files into the game?
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oh god she's gonna fuck the gnome
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she giving the fuck-me eyes
gnome for /tslg/ when?
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The gnomes strike again!
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I wish the gnomes were a bit more interactive.
Hi, I took a year long break, and I wanted to ask; Is Anadius pozzed now? I googled the updater, and it sounds like he put a trojan into it at some point after I stopped playing.
Is this true at all, or just redditors being retarded?
It threw up false positives on windows defender and it didn't help that people kept clicking on the fake download links without ad blockers. Gotta remember a good percent of the sims community need youtube tutorials to figure out how to unpack rars.
so jenny can fuck them?
bro redditors cannot into computers, they are retarded by default and shill the cool and legal way to play the game by paying EA
Built for BGC
Any of you guys try out swapping to DX11 yet? Any improvements?
Does anyone here ever share trays? Or even just CC? Last time I asked someone, I was told to wait because they weren't finished playing with the sim yet. Like damn nigger are we really gatekeeping eye replacers? I'm not a thread regular so maybe that isn't the norm, so im just wondering.
check the op, the google doc
Neat. Mind sharing what the improvements were?
This was months ago, and it was a loli sim. I wouldnt remember which one to DL, assuming they'd even be there in the first place. Ive already pulled all the non-shit trays from the doc to populate my towns anyways. Thanks for the help though! I'm really bad at making sims otherwise id be posting here all the time — And sharing everything. Just saying.
nobody ever shares child sims, try atf or something
what about teen sims
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So I finally got passion mod working with all custom skins in Sims 3. I heard it's least intrusive mod compared to bloated mess that's kinky world, is that true?
All I really want is realistic woohoos for my extremely wholesome baby making sessions, will nraas woohooer conflict with it or other core mods like error trap?
I hope it's worth it because this was pain in the ass to set up, most mods urls point to non existent sites now. One of the sites was plain http connection so you have to assume it's compromized and use randomized password to register on it and your isp can directly see what lewd cc you're downloading anyway. What a nightmare.
On plus side, I do believe lewds are more refined in Sims 3 than in 4, simply because tattoos or skin details is not a cope categories.
Vanilla game has body hair section so that's what used for stuff like pubic hair, which means if sims has real tattoos for things like attraction system, it won't be affected simple because you wanted pubic hair "as tattoo."
Custom skins and their details also part of skin color wheel, yes COLOR WHEEL for skins, remember that? It integrates really well and once again won't affect anything else.
Also penis has adjustable sliders for things like length and foreskin and girth...
Why do we use Sims 4 for lewds again if it has so many bootleg solutions duct taped on top of broken engine game?
tons of those
Do you get an weird amount of attachment with some of your sims? Like I think I'm starting to think of them too much.
They become the only sim you wanna play, and when they're in a rabbit hole or asleep all you're doing is waiting for them to get back so you can play them again.
Probs just me but this thread very dead so I thought I'd share anyway.
yes to the initial question, no to the rabbit hole thing
i play 3 not 4 but i tend to not age up the sims i get attached to and it makes my gameplay stagnant
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What is this, some sort of magic chili? How childish and unrealistic.
Also thank you EA for your wonderful, beautiful, excellent sim generation for gracing us with these gifts once again. Why the fuck aren't the sages immortal and unmarriable or whatever? I'm not saying they look particularly good either, because they're fucking awful, but even a shitty designed sim is better than the game hitting the randomization button in CAS and going "done!"
This one isn't that bad compared to the rest of the ea generated monsters.
I really hate TS4's randomness in everything.
They really wanted to put zero thoughts and effort into anything that has a randomness factor, and they just went literally whatever, instead of making an actual scale to the RNG in things.

Like, you totally can have people with unnatural hair color, I'm not saying you can't have RNG townie with pink hair, but the odds for it are literally the same s the odds for a natural hair color and it's fucking insane. Tweak it you lazy asses.
you would have complained about premade sims like in sims 2 townies too, you fucking zoomers. you didn't live back then to see people bitch about same sims walking around town
never forget calysta fuchs
Okay, so how does that make the completely nonsensical bullshit that is TS4's random townies acceptable in any way? What is the point of your retarded post?
the point is that you would find reasons to hate modern ea no matter what they do or how much they appease you
But they don't even make a single attempt to appease us. Ever.
Don't reply to bait
because they know you would complain anyway so they gave up
look up writer of modern fallout games, emil something was his name, he pretty much summed up how developers feel the relationship they have with their fans
they gave up because "players would just take your amazing story you wrote and make paper airplanes out of it and toss it away without ever reading"
Fuck it was just bait.
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Welcome back!

Ts2 gang :)
I think my biggest annoyance is there's no templates or anything to at least attempt to curtail the wildest randomization bullshit. Accessories are all free to use, hair styles and colors are completely divorced from the sim's skintone, no clothes pieces match with anything else the sim's wearing.
Like look at the fucking sage. He's got three completely different outfits on at the same time. I've certainly seen much worse (and there's some bullshit logic for dressing the sages that ignores any CC's disallowed for random flag, which is also really fun) but my point is that this has been an issue for the game's entire life and yet EA doesn't even pay lip service to addressing it. As far as the devs are concerned, sim randomization works great.
You ok little guy?
In 2 hours
Worth watching?
if you value wasting your time watching some retards blab about their broken packs
Gnomes don’t have big ones. They use their bodies
Eh, nothing groundbreaking, but it might be fun if the inevitable bugs don't break everything.
Proper 3D eyelashes is basically the only thing I care about with this one and that'll be in the patch anyway. Plus knowing how fingernail polish ended up going, they'll be broken and have texture conflicts for at least two months before a patch just like CC ones inevitably currently have due to limited texture space.
>Proper 3D eyelashes is basically the only thing I care about with this one and that'll be in the patch anyway
wait what
what are these fucking abhorrent dance animations
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fuck, i'm cooked. I have tons of eyelash cc
>elderly women
my nigga
I didn't see any proper 3D eyelashes in that trailer. Where are you getting this?
They were apparently leaked too, but you can see them in the trailer, albeit briefly. The dying chick at the end is the most obvious case, but the photo of Sofía in the app also has them.

I don't see why they would break. Assuming the creator is still active you'll only benefit since they'll likely update them over to the new system at some point and now you no longer have to choose between being able to use glasses or rings vs. eyelashes.

Here's one of the images directly from EA's server which shows them off pretty clearly.
oh shit
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>elderly women
and elderly men
Even the comments make great points about how lame this all is. Barely enough content for a game pack and the existence of a completely busted wedding pack, separate from the romance pack is hilarious. Plus the weird mating dance and the hyperfocus on "you can woohoo in slightly different places, please be excited" when romance really should also encompass non-sexual physical intimacy like spooning in bed or dare I say, holding hands.
But nah you can bone in a closet, please don't remember that was already a thing since 2015 and Get Together. Hugging your SO from behind? What the hell are you, a degenerate? Anyway here's Sim Tinder and yet another useless CAS system for deciding what your sim likes and doesn't like.
Did they change the boundaries the game can move?
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for some reason in sims 3 if you add pubic hair it "disappears," or appears less vividly (unless you make it pure black) if you crank up sims details option too high in settings
is this game's limitation for body hair or am i missing something obvious? does anyone know the solution to this very niche problem that i'm sure someone talked about in 2011 probably
forgot to mention that in cas, they appear normal regardless of settings
he does look like a fag
what anon said >>483729271
plus this >>483727698 fucking atrocious dance animation is so ugly
There is nothing cute or wholesome about this trailer, they even added dying from a heartbreak like, who even wants that.
This "expansion" pack feels like the woohoo pack but without the explicit animation, and most players already had WW for that.
Have to actually first hand how the dates are really like but I had zero hopes and I was still let down.

But hey, they did add a maid outfit so there is that for the maid outfit fans. And I do like the fact that another world had a penthouse now, sometimes I wish they just did world packs without any of the gameplay jank.
>added one new kiss animation and its locked behind the romance skill
lmfao this is actually so on brand with them, but seeing how the roleplay dance animations are made, I feel like they really fired all their animators and had some intern make the animations for this pack, that's why it has so little
I haven't played Sims 3 in years but man, why does it feel like Sims 4 has only become more sterile despite them adding more content. I swear traits just don't do anything anymore.
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i want to chill with Mimi
this is a game pack at best, not a full expansion
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New world looks boring af
Another American town but this time with some yellow and pink houses to call it Mexico...
Could have had Paris, Venice, Rio or even Acapulco if they wanted Mexico so much.
Something with its own specific atmosphere rather than another generic US small city...
based geography retard
none of the cities so far have looked that middle class and chaotic
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Yes anon, that's the exact reason. Now we can move on.
can I have them
what a slut!
Yes anon, we know.
god default phones look so bulky. it's been a decade, how come they haven't even thought to add more models?
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Hey at least they added covers for them.
jenny got a hater in the back there
has anyone tried this fix for the sims 3? i’m too retarded and afraid i’ll break my game. but it’s tempting..
sims 3 dlc sale price has been RISING for the past two years. used to be like 80 bucks, now on "sale" its $180
whats the easiest way to unlock everything?
anadius dlc unlocker
It's a romantic pack for nog culture Americans. That dance is their mating ritual. They don't cuddle or hold hands, either.
It's so wholesome to see how close Jenny and her brother are
You're really obsessed.
Obsessed with how sweet she is <3

I love Mimi so much
why did that post bother you
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Have a great evening

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The smuggest bug.
Make Vanilla Ice and put him in there. Don't question why Vanilla Ice specifically.
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That's the point.
See >>483783198
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Clearly Anju saw something she shouldn't.
Ah shit, I'm going to have to put off updating again. I'm still running the patch from March.
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Azusa decides that now is the time to give Hoshiko some practical lessons.
>zero thought in anything
>nor effort
>just DEIce
Sounds about right.
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Poor Hoshiko was not ready for this lesson.
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Please do not yeet your kid into the woods. There aren't even any near here.
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>Best Hug Ever
more like
>Does this look like the face of mercy?
>become more sterile
because it became intrusive gay propaganda. earlier sims games all had gay relationships, even with pre established sims, but it never was flaunted in your face so felt more genuine
california and tehas belong to mehico
never buy sims 3, all you doing just financing sims 5 with it
you should pirate it and use any game starter mod to pick and choose expansion packs without bloating up main save
worthless guide since i only have 1gb of vram while i do have 16gb of ram, so i have opposite problem, but sims 4 is 32-bit app so it wont use all that ram anyway, and i absolutely need to squeeze as much of vram as i can
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The Tokyo Cuckoo has turned over a new leaf, which is great because half of the shit she got up to I cannot post. Mostly creating single moms and ruining marriages. Now she makes makeup tutorials when she's not being a speedy vampire schoolgirl.
SoCal, maybe.
SimCopter even had a gay rooftop easter egg. Granted, that was Maxis and not EA puppeting the corpse of it. Once more though I've got to point out that EA has ties to Blackrock and Vanguard, thus piracy is morally correct. They'll keep trying to sell that BRIDGE even if it kills them.
Don't buy ANY game published by EA, you mean. All the money goes to funding the gay global homogenization agenda.
excuse me, sims 3*
unlike most people i actually run era appropriate gpu so both sims 2 and sims 3 just werk on my machine with native drivers and none of these hacky workarounds
the only thing those do benefit from modern hardware is running them off ssd for faster loading
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I like that Candy Behr is both a paparazzi and friends with the very people whom she's photographing at this very moment.
i believe in her supremacy
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>Marisa: So how do you like the cupcakes?
She is a pure little cinnamon roll who is too good for this world.
In Candy's? Sure, that's fine I guess.
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>Marisa: Did *I* make these?
I can't seem to get Sims 2 to run correctly when I change the resolution. I've followed the steps
>set seti Low/Medium to 3
>set ScreenModeResolution maxRes to the desired settings
I can get the game to launch, I can enter a neighbourhood, but I can't start a playthrough or make a family when I set my resolution to higher than the base 800x600
She saw the neighbor zerking off to her
>yet another useless CAS system for deciding what your sim likes and doesn't like.
the hilarity of this, they really are all fucking useless
I don't bother with likes and dislikes anymore, my sims are still gonna do things they hate anyway so why bother with this shitty tense moodlet.
Sim who hates cooking won't just order pizza or get a quick meal ever, no they will still fucking cook when they're hungry.
Sim who hates fitness is literally always on the punching bag.
Sim who hates dancing is always ALWAYS dancing, they make it their mission to find a turned on stereo to go dance near it.

The compatibilty system from get together looked nice on paper, but it also barely adds fucking anything to the way autonomy in chats work. For examples, incompatible sims won't actually argue they will always be friendly, and so on.
I always complain about this anyway, if I knew how to fix it I would have, but I would need to navigate the spaghetti mess that the game calls a code and then tear apart in order to accomplish a mere semblance of human interaction.
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is he really her bother or are you just delusional?
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and here is your case in point>>483804926
i never had these issues because my gpu is not cucked for retro games
oops, meant that one>>483801113
why do you care so much, genuinely wondering
>my sims are still gonna do things they hate anyway so why bother with this shitty tense moodlet.
this is where the sims 1 takes the cake when it comes to this. sims flat out refuse to do: skill learning, job finding, conversing with other sims, even some activities as long as their mood is in the red. game had real consequences for fucking up
which imagine a situation, you have no money to buy objects to increase your mood, yet your sim cannot find the job because the mood low. this is implied game over. imagine having game over in sims game. not anymore lol, everything needs to happy and curated and safe spaced
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Jenny’s got her work cut out for her
the sims 2 does a good job of this as well. like the therapist that shows up when your sim is having a fucking mental breakdown. man i love that game.
which neighborhood is this
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thoughts on this lighting mod? link is in spanish or portuguese or something, gotta plug it in google translate or something but the images speak for themselves

it’s nice but i’m worried it’ll be incompatible with all my other environmental mods.
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Aliens do not enjoy playing the piano, confirmed.

There's some activities sims in 4 refuse to do (or more like the game won't let you) if they're in too bad of a mood, but it's so pointless because manipulating emotions is pretty easy and unless you just let your sims do whatever and never direct them, they'll usually never be that pissy.
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By the way here's the lamest dance party ever. Good grief. I wish I could actually missile strike them.
Not sure if mod funny or mod broken...
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>all those comments on that one girl's dlc unlocker tutorial video from players revealing that they literally can't read instructions and seethed at anadius for pointing out they don't even need the unlocker if they're downloading the crack anyways
arent sims girls supposed to be tech savvy since they do real modding and stuff
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Pet sleepy, post threads.

WickedWhims comes with a video explaining how to unzip a file
arent modern systems come with unpacker by default? you dont need anything extra anymore, just right clicking
i think total commander still needs 'extensions' if you use that, for things like xz gz or tar, but that about it
i know for a fact you dont need anything extra actually, because it was confirmed fact that windows "inspects" contents of zip files and other spyware things it does
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I already know how this is gonna end.

Zips work like folders in Windows, but rar files still need an extractor on 10 at least, dunno about 11. Either way, the fact a tutorial exists suggests to me some people genuinely have trouble with the "move this folder into your mods folder" part with alarming regularity.
Sims girlies only come in two extremes: Blender modeling super genius or starts panicking when instructions go beyond drag and drop in game mods folder
would be cool if the costume chest could separate lewd CC so random townies aren't walking around in half naked
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God dammit. You are BURNING ALIVE. Go inside! NOW! Sparks and smoke are coming off your skin!
this reminds me how i watched one video of some sims 2 dumb thot telling you to unpack multipart rar archive because it was "big" and in most painful way possible... by manually unpacking each part like you're mouth breathing idiot instead of just selecting all and unpacking into single folder
in reality it wasn't "big" at all, it was just excuse for dunning kruger youtubers to sound smarter and "explain" why it was "multipart." archive itself was only 12mb, it was just old upload. in 2000s when people had slow speed net, people packed multipart archives as safety mechanism to prevent corruption
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A family that plays together, stays together!
if this were real she'd be using ww for her separate save and playing that one legit but alas it's faker than an american foreskin
Why do most of you type like women...?
ellipses are for women
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Well, I suppose he is called Straitt Mann. Figures.
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is this good room for a butler in my mansion? or is it too many decorations?
Why the hell does he get two lights? One should more than suffice, especially with that window there.
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Is that Old Man Henderson's retirement fund?
That is a minority - just like how most people who use the Mongolian pottery app don't even post, they just browse.
Just use 7zip because like anything Microshaft does it's as inefficient as it is invasive.
There are three lights.
Butlers aren't slaves unless they are.
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Ha, cute.

Are you using a chest clider?
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Yeah, the very same PC Nerd slider you've got. Sydney's just not flat enough without it. Plus I like the extra range and malleability in general.
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Sachie posting that Tienamen Square copypasta to dunk on the Wu Mao.
Speaking of the breast slider, I just noticed a really annoying issue I never did before and now I'm mad. Catboxed because nipples and I'm too lazy to cover them up:
Obviously it's completely meaningless, you're never gonna notice that in a screenshot, let alone in gameplay when the sim is in motion. I'm still bothered by it. It's such a hard line in an otherwise relatively smooth breast shape. It jacks up her silhouette big time and I don't like it.
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I like how you can resize keepsakes and paintings made in-game while in Build Mode. Which is great because I'm running out of places to put things in the Wright Household.
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Cesar just wants to know what the fuck is going on.
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That is an expression which can be summarized with the words
>Could you not?
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Is this a look of disappointment or disdain?
Ah, I had noticed the soft curve.
Anyone have MsBlue_SkintoneSetV3? The original from TSR is dead. Alternatively, does anyone know of something similar?
Disgust, with just a touch of respect.
It might just be the look of an overexposed photograph
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Well either way looks like mesh trouble with that particular hair. Thank you, KiaraZurk, very cool.
Can relate, I get hung up on out-of-line splines all the time. It's as much of an issue with The Sims as it is with any Bethesda game. Hopefully you get that resolved. Also
>that hair
Vanilla or a conversion? I can't tell anymore, I'm too fixated on how the hair is clipping through her ears.
Something like that I guess?
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I have that issue constantly given my fixation with illumination. There's something like ten lights in that room alone, with different hues and dimming levels. That includes the three attached to the media production center - even though that's technically one I count it as three - and the mirror on the wall - which is also a light fixture. Course, if you think that's bad you should see what I do with kitchens. I had to start dimming lights just to ensure that it wasn't too bright for me. Granted, sunlight is a bane on my existence.
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I mean you can even tell that the lighting is a bit much through the window here. Then again so is Carmen.
It's one of the horses pack hairs. If you think that's bad, well lmao at u t. ea cos one of the HSY hairs to this fucking day (and mind you it's been nearly two years since that came out) will bleed its textures onto pointy ears because inter-pack compatibility is too hard for the franchise that lives on people buying as much DLC as possible.
Why do for rent apartments feel so much worse than the ones introduced by city living
>Carmen: *calls everyone down for a midnight snack*
>Sachie: *is the first one down*
A vampire with a sweet tooth. Who would've thought?
Oh I don't think it's bad, I just could not tell the difference because I use so much Maxis Match CC. Granted, I also obsessively make sure to give any sim with pointed ears hair that doesn't clip in the same manner that when possible I ensure that sims with earrings don't wear ones which clip through their hair. Also
>HSY hairs
>texture bleeding
>pointed ears
That sounds like Hell.
>inter-pack compatibility
EA won't bother with that as they weren't given incentive to make The Sims 4 to begin with outside of the outrage at them wanting to make The Sims Online 2: Electric Boogaloo. They also won't bother doing that with The Sims 5 unless something drastic changes over at EA. Which likely won't happen. It's more likely that if The Sims 5 is a monumental failure that they'll shelve the Maxis brand outright.
If by similar you mean quality alpha skins+overlays then check out obscurus and thisisthem
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The people working on games these days - not just The Sims - hate landlords and private property. That and an overall lack of competency because people are being hired based on bias, quotas and blowjobs and not on reason, merit and resumes.
upgrade the bed otherwise he’ll be complaining about how cheap it is and won’t do shit
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And now she wants ice cream.
a lot of these sims should get naked
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Why are you like this?
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Wait, it didn't add bed cuddle during sleep? I remember this was a cute thing I found in TS2, how fucking hard is it?
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Easy enough for a modder to recreate.
Then again they're also responsible for the
mod. So it's only natural that they'd be at least somewhat competent. Which in turn puts them leaps and bounds beyond your average DEIv at EA Blackrock.
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gg ez
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i'm gonna be honest with you, anons
i've spent the last 4 days working out and watching the bear instead of working on this blender thing

what should i make? throw me anything, i've got the blender bug but no actual ideas
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Ah yes, 6 AM on a Thursday is totally the time to break into the jazz scene. Clearly, she is not going to wake the neighbors.
>throw me anything
A revolver head with googly eyes and Mr. Potato Head lips. One that can be equipped to replace what a sim's actual head is. Bonus points if it's hair or a skin detail.
>A revolver head with googly eyes and Mr. Potato Head lips.
okay, no such thing as a bad idea, but i was aiming for animations and scenes
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You said throw you anything, and so I did.
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you've got me there, anon
this witch is for fucking
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this october
cute and breedable brown girls
looks like dildo
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my elderly sim, part of gen three in my legacy is 20 days past his last day. now i know for elderly sims sometimes living a few days or a week past their final aging date is to be expected but TWENTY DAYS is crazy. his niece in gen 3 is turning into an elder. i want him to die SO BAD but i’m not gonna cheat it.
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The second.
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Leave them to me
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>Do WMAF run
>Have child, she grows into infant
>Half black half yellow literally vivec
don't you know?
white men were pharoahs
the dudes too?
I want a bass guitar and bands
oh and drums, i forgot cuz i have a drums mod but it fucks with the pianos cuz apparently it uses them as skins
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i think you just want a different game at this point
what the
Considering the trend so far, you'll eventually get them in a narrow, laser-focused music pack where actually playing as a band either doesn't work right or isn't a feature at all and the animations are recycled from Sims 2 and 3. Maybe this time they'll make normal electric basses instead so they can reuse guitar animations with slight tweaks.
the absolute state of sims 4 players
what the fuck DO you have in your game
>electric basses instead so they can reuse guitar animations
i actually thought about it too. like they put all this effort to make upright bass in sims 3 and new animations for it when they coulda just reused guitar animations for less effort. why'd they do it? no way they would do it for sims 4
Didn't they reuse Sims 2 animations in 3? That's when the upright bass thing started, probably because EA didn't trust Sims players to be able to tell a guitar and bass apart if they weren't completely different. It always looked so goofy, easily my least favorite thing about Sims 2.
if looking different was concern, then doing different hand animation for bass guitar coulda worked and would still be less effort

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