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Previous thread: >>482985182

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 3 - MirrorClock OrangeRoad
2024.02.01 —

Chapter 6.5 - Timekilling Time
2024.06.13 — 2024.07.11

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
[000] T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff Don Quixote
[00] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion

>Current Extractions

2024.06.13 — 2024.06.27
[000] District 20 Yurodivy Hong Lu
[00] District 20 Yurodivy Ryoshu
E.G.O [WAW] : Everlasting Faust

2024.06.13 — 2024.06.27
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Rodya LOVE!
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WolfHeath 000 doko? Soon? 00 Heath soon?
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Sinclair is cute! I want to make him cry!
no sinclair... eos soon...
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KuroKumo thread
post KK
Dyon and Sinclair!
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Who is the top here?
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I never knew LobCorp got this good
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Posting my third wife
cute rapeable girls!
Anon one of those is a guy
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Have you paid off your taxes, anon?
Don I'll only pay my time tax if you blow me Im sorry Don but unless it's the sloppiest BJ ever I just wont pay them :((((
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But netzach is a male??
Melffy Cliff
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My druggie wife
Yurodivy Ryoshu, Molar Sang, or LCCB Ish
Yuro Ryoshu in MDs
LCCB ish everywhere else
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why of course. Source not required.
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My ex-druggie wife is so thin and stacked
All that empathy has to go somewhere it seems
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Kidnapping Sinclair! Keeping him locked up in my basement! Breaking his legs so he can't go anywhere without me! Giving him lots of kisses! Making love to him every day! Never letting him see another person besides me! Beating him whenever he misbehaves! Keeping my Sinclair with me forever and ever!
If you don't use Yuro Ryoshu you will invoke the RAGE of all the Ryoshufags on the thread. Tread carefully.
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Sex with the genderbent sephirot
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We need another Rabbit
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is this the r63 thread? Regardless I would fuck the shit out of femchesed
The earrings are a really nice touch
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>is this the r63 thread?
No, this is /lcg/ - Limbus Company General.
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>Not making Netzach the flat one
stop it
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there is so much art of heath being a violent tomboy
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Cashy...they turned me into a bimbo cashy....
It feels weird cashy....
Why would Netzach be flat
All the alcohol inflates their boobies
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does coffee also inflate boobies?
If you want to go for a day 1 reset, I suggest you get the first 4 out of the way, since they're all pretty good upgrades. However, going as far as you can before you rely on it is better.

If you don't care for day 1 reset, do be careful with Binah and Hokma departments. You want to equally upgrade both, or else you'll be locked out from one other if you only upgrade one to completion before day 41, then you'll be forced to day 1 reset to do the other's meltdown.
What a cutie helping out the new managers
Is it just me, or is the thread slower than usual? Like even for a dead week, this seems a bit slow. Is everyone busy playing Elden Ring?
I'm playing that, and whatever else, and I'm feeling less need to stalk the threads recently, so yes.
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lol I already did my day 1 resets
Way before I even got down, I did malkuth's core supression on 35
Im just going to loop 36-40 until all the upgrades of them and then the core supressions
Shut up negro
If you wanted to grind abnos, the better spot for it would have probably been 21-24 since you get double picks.
Zoomers really can't handle the nigger word lol
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This just makes me realize how hard artificial content (infinite grinds) carries gacha generals.
Right now I'm doing nothing but thinking that I should do something. I already did my dailies so I don't know what to do right now.
Im at 93% bro.
I need the 7% just to do binah's missions.
Shut up niggerlicious niggerest nigger
i'm playing vv sorry
also the threads have been absolute garbage
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I want to tie her down and then start groping her chest while she cries and begs me to stop
I have no idea who this is.
Just play something else instead. I prefer Limbus over other gacha exactly because you don't have to do a lot to get your daily account management in order. I played shit that had tedious amounts of it daily, and some being specific with timing too.
What do the Limbabs think about Zet's new video?

kino, as expected of /ourguy/
Are you posting about yourself again...
This thread would be more active if our resident femsang talked more of her youth
Unless Zet got through the timer somehow I doubt it's him they are less then a minute away from eachother
it's his orbiters
Things will only get slower and slower.
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It's my favorite sinner
Dismembering could be an actual feasible fetish to have in the city as long as you have some K corp capsules
Can't stop thinking about our local sexy starving prostitute femsang
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click on the link, its completely safe
Are you up for Autism https://files.catbox.moe/0mozib.png
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Sex on a warp train
How is this game not pay to win when it can take an obscene amount of time to get the ID basically required to beat content without having to bash your head against the RNG wall of clashes a million times?
Pay to Win mean's that you have no choice but to Pay if you want to win also the game will give you a handful of good IDs
so would a full pierce team or full tremor team be best for clearing the event md?
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why are there random vampires in the bloodfiend category
wild stuff
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best girl btw
t. Hokma
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bros when are we getting Bloodfiends and the Bloodfiend Elders?
Don's canto
>b-b-b-b-b-but she's not a-
Don's canto
So what would it take for Sinclair to awaken his mark/hidden potential thing?

I mean it cant be something like willpower or anger otherwise himself or other IDs would have already done it
Getting gaped
given how it's only awakened when staring down kromer i'd guess it's about being pushed to his limit. shonenshit limit breaking basically
Nikaido (forma de demon) don...
Is her new manga good?
If I'm grinding purely for starlight in the mirror dungeon should I just go for as many EGO gifts as possible? I thought I saw something that said that each EGO gift gives you 1 point of starlight. I guess that means I was a fool for selling EGO gifts.
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Never was.
nah that shit dont really matter
what matters is maximizing focused/challenging encounters for the +14 starlight reward
>t. just grinded out of the buffs recently
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i mean yeah his book was pretty gay iirc but if it was just that then someone in the bus could have raped him ages ago
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I refute
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would catherine drink the heathpint
Getting nuked with Demian, where he has a dream and kisses him, and then Demian is just gone.
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She'd own the bar.
when he's an actual independent person not trying to imitate anyone else or following someone else's flow
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Hong Lu :)
Oh OK. Thank you.
Having his head replaced with a clock.
I don't think we'll see it again for a while, because it's in my opinion it's Sinclair having the courage to be the master of his own destiny and confront the world instead of just following what's expected of him. He really hasn't shown that at all, other than going off at Ishmael in U. Corp.
>he has a dream and kisses him
But like, in a completely straight way because he's thinking about Demian's mom.
People complain about DBZ powerlevel discussion but this dude is LITERALLY just Gohan.
>muh potential
>shits and pisses himself for most of the time
>muh potential
>gets mad and gets shit done just to revert back the very next scene
>no logical explanation on why a random kid should be stronger than everyone else
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Sinclair Blanco when?
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Gohan is the best character thoughever?
>t. never watched super
How much does 45SP increase head chance for coins?
about 2%
1% per, for a total of 95% heads odds at 45 and 5% heads odds at -45.
It used to be 45 SP = 70% heads chance at launch, god only knows why.
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What's with the vampires?
El Speedreader del Terciario
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There was also that... Peculiar SP change at the start of Canto 4, where losing clashes made your IDs lose SP, regardless of if they were negative sanity IDs or not.
It probably would've helped Suncliff at least a little, but that ship has sailed a long time ago.
I never got to experience what that was like because they fucked up the Android version of the game that same update. It was already late where I lived, so I decided to just go to bed instead of taking the time to install the game on my laptop. Looking back, I wish I tried it out just to see if it was as bad as everyone made it out to be
It was pretty bad but was intensified by NClair already being good, so the update just looked like it solely buffed NClair while nerfing everyone else.
Actually, it was "not gay" cause Demian said the kiss was from his mom. It wasn't Sinclair who was thinking of her.
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Dead thread lol go play a real game
PM designed the game around sinners dying and reviving mid-battle, realized most of the way through development that they didn't know how to give an infinitely-reviving party a lose condition, and cut that part before launch.
Ally death was meant to be the factor keeping the sinners from gaining 45 SP instantly. That, and the occasional turn without winning a clash. But PM just made death permanent, without making the sinners any less fragile, so losing one clash was like half a sinner's max HP. And the "up-to-date content" at the time was all high-rolling enemies with blunt damage, in a game where all the IDs able to reliably take those clashes were weak as piss to blunt.
People were fucking tired of gambling on their sinners' lives and they weren't going to take sinner who could lose more gracefully when they were incentivized to win hard (ex-clears). This is why the first change (1 SP = 1% chance from 50) was made.
PM realized they couldn't get away with robbing players of their actually decent heads odds, so they needed to reintroduce a way for the player to lose SP. They tried it, but losing clashes was still hilariously punishing and winning them was still gambling, because they did not understand the problem they were trying to fix.
Suncliff has a special exception to his SP rules that causes him to lose SP when losing clashes, just like in that update. It doesn't help him that much because taking hits is still even now only barely viable for non-tank IDs.
It added a bit of variance. If anything, it make single coins very weak while making the multi coins stupidly strong. In my opinion, it made the value of certain aspects of attacks different, where a high base was incredibly valuable since it let you hit over attacks that low rolled on tails. It was why Liu Gregor used to be god tier, but now is eh.
the time ripper has this weird passive thats hidden from the player that makes your sinner always flip 1 tails regardless of sp so you lose the clash while the time ripper flips all heads at 0sp
>Liu Gregor used to be god tier, but now is eh
Liu Greg was never god tier because even at launch we knew that rolling above 10 for at least two skills was probably good.
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>It's a "both enemy needs to die on the same turn or they'll revive with full hp" gimmick fight
for me it's the
>ooops you did 1 point of extra damage than what the thresholds permit? prepare to lose immediately
the funny part is his passive still isn't working and after enter he left as useless bum for the rest of the game
He was one of the best clashers in the game. He was incredibly reliable to say the least.
woaah just like the metamorphosis....
ok i bite who are you talking about
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Not telling you
perfect great i don't give a shit
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these guys look like they are having a grand ol' time
they're the endangered optimists of the city
lovely chaps
it the cogitive filter the man are in terrible agony
>god forbid someone is having fun in The City!!!!!!!!
The definition isnt strict, but Ive always seen and used pay2win to mean any game in which paying gives you a distinct advantage over people who dont. Even the most egregious examples have at least a feasible f2p path. In Limbus' case, thats most assuredly true. Not that you cant get all the IDs and EGOs, but unless you were week 1, youre going to be lagging behind for ages unless you pull pit Sensei's adult card. I myself started at the very end of Bamboo Kim's event, so, while I've gotten a decent smattering of IDs (all of my EGOs are shit) being f2p, unless I start buying Lunacy to roll, Im going to be stuck grinding MD to get currency to roll.
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I am going to eat these men alive and I am going to eat them dead
>non-day 1 player
Stop talking and get back to the mines, slave.
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I dont get it
did he actually kill time? or was it stealing it for himself and the brains?
he was doing the JAV timestopping shit
He killed the time of other people by stealing it for himself and the brains
It's like stealing a persons heart and absorbing it for yourself
He wasn't killing time. The people who were just standing around idly were trying to "kill time", so he justified his actions by taking their "killed time" and spread it amongst his brains, so their wasted time would be used for good use.
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I wasted my whole day waiting for a stupid sofa for my mom, I get you Rodya
Until this game implements PVP it isn't pay to win.
Otherwise your only option is declare any F2P and P2W since paying must always provide some sort of advantage.
>JAV timestopping shit
that exists?
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Yeah, I just like sinclair and hong lu
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>kill the time ripper
>"zanzibart..... forgive me...."
>his older brother shows up
That's Dante's big brother. He's a good guy don't worry about it
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Roland fucks the toaster while we're busy dicking around T corp
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I nutted like 3 times to that doujjn
The girl design is a 9/10
Very intense ejaculation. A groaner. Urethra has a nice ache
Oh boy do i have news for (you)
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So youre saying he didnt go far enough?
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I want to choke Sinclair while I rape him. I want to bring him to the point of near death, but let up just enough to keep him alive long enough to finish using him
But I want to see flying Demian Godclair...
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I wonder what the next coupon code will be also love me wife Outis.
Sir Moore - Hong Lu
Lady Leda - Faust
Thiollier - Sinclair
Sir Ansbach - Outis
Dryleaf Dane - Meursault
Redmane Freyja - Don Quixote
Hornsent - Ishmael
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Why let him die when you can break him even further and see the limits of a cute boy like him
and marry him
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Who are any of those people
I'm not using google that's how they mind control you
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True, the best possible outcome is to keep him alive indefinitely so I can keep torturing him until he breaks. I just think it would be hot to see him die sometimes. I want to watch him panic as he realizes his life is about to be cut short and watch the light fade from his eyes. The best possible option would be if I could kill and revive him whenever I wanted. And of course, I would definitely enjoy being his loving, abusive wife
It was me.
Dead ass general even Dontent couldn't save.
Man. Wish I had a cute Don to cuddle with rn
Cozy ass general even Dontent couldn't ruin.
*Yawn* Please get some new material
>get a yt video recomended
>is canceling zet again because the "drama" that happend a month ago
>the comment section is the most insufferable retarded shit I have ever seen
yup, is super over for PM, we should have said nigger a few gorillion more times during the 4ccg matches last year
The best possible outcome would have been impregnating the nutbar out of Kromer and have her instead obsess over Sinclair and her children.
why do you even check it out?
i've made a mental note to steer clear of anyone from "the list"
Do you want us to like
Cannibalize him in front of the other sinners?
I don't watch most toobers since I already know there's going to be bullshit attached. The cattle only knows how to follow drama, keep drama in their mind 24/7, and eagerly await more drama.
I want Cathy to cum inside me
what teams have you guys been using for the event mirror dungeon? tremor is too inconsistent for me
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Is that different from the normal dungeon?
My favorite part is when you KNOW they are secondaries every time
well yes real primaries are racist lolicons, much like ayin
Nice. Love don. Rodion sucks
I did it once and then never again cuz its slow and shitty
All of them.
I am only doing MD and chose the Time Killer event at the end.
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he is literally me...
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Racist? Yes
Lolicon? Never
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Racist? Yes
Lolicon? You bet
No, anon is talking about how T Corp couldn’t monitor the time that was “killed” anymore. If it was merely stolen, they would have known where the time had gone, but it was outright deleted.
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Sorry but PM prefer HAGS
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You newbabs wouldn't understand the happy days of Ruina EA
Bleed + Poise
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Do you get more event currency for picking TKT in MD?
yeah you do
I want to fuck both
Hags in cute and funny bodies
Lol8baba is peak
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Name 10 lollybabas then
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Moses sex!!!
do i need to beat the event floor to get the clocks?
it gives u more clocks so yeah
No but as >>483111674 said you'll get more (~50 iirc) if beat that fucker.

good evening pals
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<<Good morning, faggot.>>
Have fun with cbt try pussing it hp to 60 percent by spamming one core or you going to have a very bad time
Sinclair seems like a cumfarter to me
i have a w corp team i already accepted the cbt.
What's a cumfarter?
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>draw a man
>call it a girl
what is this strategy called?
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You tell me
she looks like she takes it up the ass
clearly Ayin is like me
he even looks like the virgin meme
for a momement I thought it was Effie
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>ate 5 chicken breasts and 3 medium sized potatoes
rodya is right food is where happiness is located
fat fuck
yeah I drenched those chicken breasts with olive oil too. Atleast a tablespoon of butter per potatoe
That's roughly 1350 calories in one meal...
Okay now we're up to 1900... you only eat once a day right?
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i have no idea how tremor works. i just hit winrate or make sure to win clashes and cruise along
The same strategy as
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
I only ate a bowl of cheerios and drank 5 arizona ice teas
Try dry brining the meat. I do it for thighs and I can really taste the difference.
Gave it a glance and should be fine to work from
Learn the tiniest bit of cooking and you'll be even happier.
Not even "fine dining" shit, just learn how to throw spices onto various things in complementary palettes and you'll be eating like a (comparative) king.
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Number goes up = GOOD THING
Like all status
look like the circus left town but the clown still here
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For me its one chicken breast fried in lard, six eggs also fried in lard, two cups of whole milk mixed with a scoop of whey.
Each and every day.
Except Friday, that's Tuna (3 cans chink light) day.
Eggs on that day get fried in olive oil instead.
Single meal, nothing more or less.
Gives good mental focus and strength.
Also rather satisfying in taste surprisingly.
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good, chicken breast meat is quite lean, adding some olive oil is a fine move, and butter with potatoes is never wrong
algebra is a man made horro?
Mackerel or salmon are better (easily findable canned) fish proteins with less mercury levels. Also get some onion/garlic powder and throw some in the eggs. Spice Way is my brand for that since they're 100% grown in america. You do not want chinese garlic
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i have all the good tremor units at 45 and ut4 so im better than you
I keep getting friend invites from newfags wtf
make ur manager card less appealing then
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It was me. I made a bunch of new accounts to add people to make them think they're getting added by newbabs.
Also consider adding some walnuts for some variety and good macros. They freeze well so you can buy in bulk no prob
make it less obvious because every profile uses everlasting faust
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Have been using onion/garlic to season along with salts (potassium/sodium)!
Quite tasty!
Been using tuna for its protein primarily. Guidelines states 3 cans a week is safe. (im eating light, not albacore)
Also quite cheap which is great for my limited budget.
I'll look into the salmon/mackerel though to see if they have a good protein amount.
Also like sardines but they've been price inflating and are apparently not nearly as protein dense.


Will consider. Oddly I only noticed the mental boost after swapping out peanuts for the milk/whey so not sure whether the fog will return with walnuts.
Also need to consider price.
stop pretending like getting a bunch of newbab pussy is a bad thing
based except for the lard part
Cheaper than butter.
Makes everything taste like bacon.
I like it!
i miss sinclair...
You're eating mostly lowcarb so cutting out a carb source (peanuts) that kicked you out of ketosis would lead to that mental boost being steady. Walnuts are lowcarb which is why I recommended them. Amazon sells them cheap especially if you do the subscribe & save
Ryoshu mentioned Sinclair more than Rodya did so you're wrong
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this is the sexiest id theyve ever released
huh, isn't Milk not low carb because lactose?
Wonder why that isn't giving me fog.
And yeah I guess I am low carb now that you say it.
Was more focused and getting a good amount of high quality proteins.
No because every Ish ID is the sexiest.
>but the goo
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That's not even the sexiest Ish lil bro
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My friends list has been staying the same size since I've been removing inactives
why does ish have cat eyes?
Meursault helped Heathcliff out and got the Matt(hew) because he knows more than anyone else what it's like to yearn for fat fucking tits
Yeah I cull anybody who hasn't played in a month.
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Why don't you?
Cute cute cute cute cute!!!!!
Rodya a
RR4: Masquerade will cause a meltdown in the western PM Community thanks to one of the abnos they will showcase. Screencap this.
Ryoshu only cares for him translating.
Rodya is the one of actually talks to him and visits him every night making sweeper impressions.
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2 cups should be around 20 something grams so not too bad. Might want to cut a cup and get some cheese or lowcarb yogurt (like twogood). Since you're doing a low variety diet also make sure to get a high bioavailaible multivitamin. The that I've found hit the sweetspot (subjective obviously) is the Naturelo brand
>and visits him every night making sweeper impressions
Anon I think that's just bullying
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I use fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin D and magnesium for supplements.
Mainly since these seem to be ones that absorb well. Mixed feelings about multivitamins though I guess it can't hurt.
Thanks for the advice though.
Definitely will consider walnuts perhaps to add some variety.
My issue with food is that I tend to view it as fuel so don't like to overcomplicate things.
Now I don't mind treating myself with others present but if alone keeping things simple is preferred.
Stop posting heathcathy.
It bring unpleasant memories to mind.
Is this the legendary blowjob cum drinking ID
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>sexiest ish id
>either of those two
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WRyo will always have a special place in my heart in terms of looks. It being her chunni-est ID (until possibly ring ryoshu) helps a lot too.
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Behold: the true sexiest ID in the game
Today I will eat sushi and grind in limbus mines
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Ahab is hotter than Ahabmael.
m proud of you anon
if there's one person that wouldn't corrode it'd be her alright
>vit d
You want specifcally d3k2
>fish oil
Sketchy to get in capsules. Goes rancid easily and hard to tell due to oxidation and heat before getting capsuled. I'd stick with canned fish.
You should be looking into making your own electrolyte mix and switching half your water intake with that added. Trying to get electrolyes supplementation through one a day pills isn't effective. It's pretty cheap to buy (pink salt/baking soda/food grade epsom salt/potassium chloride). 1/4 teaspoon salt/epsom and 1/2 teaspoon sode/potassium per 32oz water
>Mixed feelings about multivitamins
Your concerns (I'm guessing) are about the low bioavailaible brands that you piss out since your body doean't absorb them. It's definitely worth looking into more at least.
If you're trying to lose weight I'd suggest eating at your tdee to keep your BMR high then fasti g the next day or two. Fasting in general is great for health due to autophagy
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Duh why'd you think I picked that ID
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I just started the T corp event, how are the T corp IDs? Is the EGO worth getting too?
Good points.
Where can I get magnesium "salt" then?
Not trying to lose (or gain really) weight as already am in healthy range.
Main goal is 125g of protein daily.
Why are bullets so expensive
Gun combat is depersonalized.
The head want you to see the person you are killing for some reason.
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Do you like tremor? If so, yes get em. Froglu + cumbride paus nukes shit.
>Where can I get magnesium "salt" then?
Ah should have made it clear. It's the epsom salt. You do need to make sure it's foodgrade like I said since it's also used for deicing (and probably other stuff)
weird flex but I started manually choosing what skills to counter enemies with higher coin clashes two days ago, and yes, it took me two months to realize that and I just pressed win rate for two months. If they are struggling with the skills, then I choose egos to counter them ( ^∀^)
I see, what's the baking soda for then?
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you're becoming an npc
Different source of sodium. For taste iirc
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Gotcha, one last thing.
Aren't I getting k2 for me d3 from my eggs and chicken already?
Thanks for answering all these queries.
CumFaust is very good, Detective Hot Glue is good and really needed to glue together the Tremor teams, EngineerShu is okish.
leaven replacement for yeast
PM community has fallen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbwOMSMMido
I'd call him based if he weren't a loser in his own right
posting about eceleb shit in any capacity should get you 3 day'd
>gets mad and gets shit done just to revert back the very next scene
Except he really doesn't
Kromer just laughs at him for trying to be a ragetard with nothing to back him up
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*knock* *knock*
Hey Anon! I know you are harbering forbidden reading material and /lcg/ made fanfictions in there! Either pay the fine of $10,000,000,000 or post them here and we won't have an excuse to break down your door and take away all your time!
afaik it does matter regarding how long between and how close food/supplements get digested so having the d3k2 in one pill works better. that multivitamin I suggested already has both in it so helps cut down on pills
This one specifically with the 15% off sub&save is the best price/performance I think you can get. Then you enter into the top end range where it's a $1 a pill
Also there are some good PM quests on fiction.live
just wait till the next drama
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Let me have prophetic dreams about how Heath's new ID will look...
>7 Sang uptie 4 was mainly focused on giving him coin power
>4 res passive was bugged, but now it works
>he still bad at clashing and deals negative damage
Not only they butchered Flèche. They also butchered Moulinet and he has near negative synergy with other 7 IDs. I HATE IT.
Would you say this one is particularly bio available?
If so what are you looking for in order to make that decision?
Once upon a time, there was a nugget with no friends
While he was walking through the library, Malkuth passed by
Malkuth was gassy that day and was still equipped with Purple Tear's keypage
That's when she let out a fart
However, she was in Slash stance with 20 Charge, 10 Smoke and 40 Strength along with Myo's Prowess, The Strongest, Maximum Crash and Puffy Brume equippeed to her
It was a fart so mighty that the poor nugget's skin came right off, mixing the pungent cloud's green with his blood's red
His screams were barely loud enough to overwhelm the BRAP, but they sure did outlast it
And so the nugget died, his temporarily final moments filled with agony
Why is catbox so fucking slow
It's teasing to harden him up against the horrors you encounter in the backstreets.
...Funny. If it wasn't GuardianSHIT getting hit I'd have retaliated with a video of my own.
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wait, you can get event points in normal mirror dungeons? i've been grinding the event one this entire time and its been aids i leveled an entire tremor team for this and i didn't even have to. I used like 80 boxes to power level...
one mdh gives 400-500 clock lil' bro
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>If so what are you looking for in order to make that decision?
Look at the image that shows the ingredients and it says what source each one comes from. Iirc originally I came across a review site by a longevity guy who was way more knowledgeable on the different levels of absorption from various sources so my choice of naturelo comes from that reading that as the higher quality ones were way more expensive.
>lil' bro
god reading through those comments makes me want to commit murder. in limbus company ofc
I see, thanks.
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she attached herself to greg because of the whole "you still havent unwrapped your gift" thing and wants to be special by association to the weird bug
MD is better for pretty much any situation to farm except for time saving and module consumption. Otherwise you get to dip on Starlight, crates, and event currency all at once.
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She did from the very start though, at their presentations
bongbong would NEVER support LGTV
i love rolling all heads on daring decision
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commies being commies, historic revisionism is their solution to everything. Bongbong was created on /v/ no, she won't support lgtv she is a Samsung gal.
I hate vtumor e-celebs the most, but anyone of who calls out these groomers and mentally ill trannies is respected in my book
stupid question, but what is it about this site that makes it less hmmm "rainbow favored" to put it?
i don't think its because /pol/ exists.
is it because the anonymity lets people share their authentic thoughts so to speak?
maybe if you nutted up to something in your life, such as putting that gun on your desk in your mouth and stop being a pussy you would get it
I did and it cost me dearly.
would still do it all over again though.
You're the type of faggot who thinks Canada is all nice and wholesome, and definitely not as racist as Texas, aren't you?
imagine being such a fuck up you somehow screw up killing yourself
jfc I would kill myself again from the shame
faggotry is psychological warfare inflicted upon retarded normies by enemy states

autism is known for being immune to psychological attacks
Stupid Questions get Stupid Answers.
It's because it lets me call you a N.F.T. without any repercussions.
What I'm saying is I know the appearance isn't true but I don't know to what degree its untrue.
Like how much of Califronia's insufferability is genuine?
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because you can actually express opinions here without immediately getting banned for 'hate speech' or whatnot

in just about every other place, you commit blasphemy against the rainbow, you immediately get banned
no I meant that I spoke my mind once and became "the untouchable"
would do it again as cognitive dissonance is worse than solitude.
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>niggers constantly posting about retarded westshit politics/drama/ragebait from twitter instead of discussing the game in any capacity, including about talking about which Sinners pits they wanna fuck
EOS soon
>home to Pedowood
>home to obnoxious jewtubers
nta but being an lgtv nigger should provoke more shame in the individual than failure at killing himself
limboobs company
I have something better: 3 suicide attempts that failed because I'm both too weak and too afraid of pain to cut wrists.
i hate women
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Best Paus hates niggers, faggots, commies and mashitnes therefore it's on topic.
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>limbus pits I would fuck
ishmael, ryoshu
>limbus pits I would huff
outis and don
What is this parodying?
We should talk about how vital cute and stinky femcels are for the /lcg/ community (me)
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<don't translate this, sinclair>
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>Pausfag advocating for the discussion of twitternigger faggots
As one would expect
Here you go newfag
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Nah, I just never watched that
She wrote better shows anyway
is there any non indie anime that actually has gay couples?

i just tried to think of some and failed
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What do you even consider non indie?
I don't think that this "bit" is actually funny, so I suggest that you cut it out.
Limbustomy of Ruina.
the hell is a non indie anime
or rather what's an indie anime
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>limbus company
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Check out this 4
any yuri obviously
the previous two games dont have any good pitsluts
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You stupid nigger
Check out this 4
>human fight
>hopeless clash
>okay just fucking use the ego then ishmael
>gasharpoon targets the rearmost unit in regular encounters
>so does roseate desire
what the fuck were they thinking
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N-nine foot ten right?
Ish wants to be pegged by Queequeg duh
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Any non focused fight is a meme
There's nothing to think about
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i just, i just wanna, just....
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I love the way he draws those cat eyes
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GETposting is against the rules.
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what level are you guys?
Mating press on 4
Get back to the mine WHOREgela
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4chan genuinely isn't any less pozzed than any other website, you're just posting inside a relative backwater that doesn't have regular scrutiny from moderators, so the only way they'll see your post about how trannies should be feed into woodchippers is if enough people report it. You will get banned for less on boards like /lit/ or /tg/ which have terminally online tranny jannies scouring them for wrongthink.
Every internet community will eventually be taken over by troons because they know they're barely tolerated outside of their circlejerks, so they use their mountains of free time that come from being mentally ill and unemployed into taking over moderation teams and censoring anyone who points out that cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman.
Limbus Company.
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>rule 3 no racism outside of /b/
Imagine if every single board had power hungry mods working 24/7 like they do on shit like discord and reddit, this entire site would be dead
that rule exists so mod's can 3 day people for making fun of their race. Never insult filipinos on /a/ because the entire mod team is SEA
amazon mating press on 4
Actually what ARE these rules?

Troon website

>This post is off-topic
>Trolling outside of /b/
>Racism outside of /b/
>Posting dubs/post number GET
>This post is extremely low quality
>Avatar or signature use
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I blame moot
My rule is to reset my modem every morning before I take a piss. Fuck jannies. Fuck niggers. Fuck troons. Love don
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Zet seems like a faggot but not because he complains about trannies and/or gays and I'm not going to like him just because he upset them on twitter
These rules don't apply if you're a Nintendo
/v/ used to have like ten concurrent "mystery niggas" thread going
You need to clear the cookies as well you dingus
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>they do it for free
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try 30
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Yep, anyone who says that this site died with r/thedonald, the fappening or gamergate is just a tourist. It died when /a/ stopped being an elitist circlejerk and let the shounenshitters in.
>he does that manually
Nigger cattle spotted
Don't forget, Smash is a cultural phenomenon
It died when the /jp/ split happened
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Break the bra strap.
Be free.
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It'll never not be funny
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I want to rape Don so much bros.
I want to pin her down and creampie her until the light dies in her eyes.
I'm glad that mods don't care about Limbus because they're a gaggle of oldtroons who have an autistic breakdown at the very mention of a gacha system. Better they obsess over vtubers and stay away from here.
they gave up on this retarded mechanic after launch, it's just that like half of ishmael's egos came out on launch (ardor blossom star also does this)
Bwo... do you seriously think YOU are a big enough deal to fuck the zest for life out of a City dweller? She's a fixer, she's going to rip your soft throat out with her bare fingers
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She's gonna rape you
>tranny moderation is good because it spammed le epic Lob. Corp SCPs on unrelated boards
4chan's moderation has done more to turn people off this franchise than anyone other than angry Korean otaku. Their shilling was indefensibly obnoxious.
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born for facials
youre a newfag for thinking mods dont care about the series when the PM games got an april fools site wide joke + a pinned thread on /v/ a couple years before
many such cases...
vidyon butts
Read my posts again and let me know when you've gone "ohhh."
nah Im good
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You underestimate the magnitude of my desire to rape her.
>Oi moite your neighbours told us that you don't have a loicense for your time, now mind lettin' us in yeah?
How do you respond without seeming mad?
I'm a newfag who's really only here to post and steal memes and talk about current going ons in the game
Limbus Company
That was when Lob Corp was a niche game nobody ever heard about outside /v/
limbcum on her face obviously?
But what if we put Project M(oon) in Project M()?
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who's moot?
person who you follow and they follow you on xitter
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Thanks oomfie.
I hope Don's Canto shines some light on her backstory and why she's such a womanchild. It's getting to the point where you have to start to wonder how everyone is still putting up with her.
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Don and Sinclair!
Show me your biggest Paus
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The last digit of this post is how many times you'll be raped today
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my biggest ones are over 4mb
>how everyone is still putting up with her
The bus is choke full of weirdos. Besides she is tame after K-corp checkpoint incident.
I also forgot that Ishmael snapped at her during Canto V. But since Ishmael was unstable. So it is whatever.
The librarians get their strength because they're under the assumption they'll die and never come back
The sinners on the other hand know they'll come back regardless, so long as Dante is alive
Doesn't that put the sinners at disadvantage if they were to fight the librarians, because they're fighting for their lives?
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>she attached herself to greg because [HEADCANON]
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? does Zweigor cheese the fairies?
Sinners can do riskier shit like let a stone clock eat them without losing morale
Fausts don't come much bigger than this.
His S2 can munch through Long-legs fast. No idea about Gentlemen.
Is there any sinner who couldn't solo toad with ease?
The "they're all weirdos" excuse kind of falls short when one of them isn't just weird, she's genuinely delusional and the only thing keeping her in line is fear of Vergil.
His S1 deals sloth, which gentleman is weak to
The abnos skills are also mostly gluttony and blunt, zwei greg resists blunt and his legdermain ego gives him glutt resistance
Those who are fatal to blunt and gloom. They'll get staggered before they hit -45SP
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feeling depressed, might shoot up a busful of sinners later
>Last question, are you on any kind of medication?
>Do supplements count?
>everyone is still putting up with her.
It is not like they have something to say in this matter.
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FemCliff belongs to Ishmale
>excuse falls short
>when one of them isn't just weird
Alright. Even if she genuinely delusional there is not much that can be done about it. Her introduction encourage to play along too. So I guess as long as she does her job.
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So, did I miss something or did we learn what time has to do with sucking up those colors?
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Know your place, fish.
I want to cuddle with that Paus' belly
I want more furries
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>check twatter for some new coom art
>get PALE damage instead
i miss pixiv
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Then use pixiv.
Thought that was Ryoshu for a second
Is Tremor trash without Cavern Hong Lu?
nothing there
Me and Ryoshu
I've been coincidentally using him there because I liked solo in MD and he fell out of use recently, I can confirm that he makes those two full auto.
>a ruski, nihonjin, and a ching chong

nice selection of sinners vergil kek
>go on pixiv
>even more pale damage
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She looks like she takes street thug cock
just ate both chicken breasts from a rotisserie chicken along with half a loaf of bread
faust would NEVER dance around the subject, she'd just call it what it is - breast milk
the first april fools was after LoR and the second one was during Limbus you newfagtardo
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i mean..
At least it's not skinsuits. Chinese seem to love that fetish
The first image is kinda hot
this is like a form of therapy, no matter how fucked in the head you may be at least you're not whoever draws this
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I can't hate ballification, it's a very innocent expression of the desire to see someone humiliated and helpless. There are more mean-spirited fetishes that are much, much more common than object transformation like vore, bestiality, NTR and ryona.
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Honestly based
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how can skin care translate the synonym ryoshu is speaking?
FUCK that evil bitch Yuri.
Sinclair and Ryoshu both like killing people
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>IV bag below the fucking wrist
what in the name of all that is retarded
He's fluent in psycho bitch.
Why Ishamel in divesuit has 10 base EVA roll instead of 4?
She is slippery. Like a fish.
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W8 I can't solo RR?
I’m gonna draw her this thick from now on
I've always assumed her acronyms are more clear in Korean/Japanese, because their characters represent more of a word than 1 letter does.
So in English instead of A.S.S. it would be An.Stu.Sta., but then that's not how acronyms work so what we get is way harder to decipher.
I just finished Canto V and holy shit what a blast.

Now I'm curious to know if some madman managed to beat the fight with Ahab and her two goons with only base IDs and base EGOs
>Now I'm curious to know if some madman managed to beat the fight with Ahab and her two goons with only base IDs and base EGOs
With enough restarting, probably yeah
Who would be the best wingman who'll get a ton of pussy?
Yi Sang
There's plenty of base ID solos or team clears out there, but most people don't limit the EGO use
Especially for solos since EGO corrosions are almost always integral to surviving unavoidable staggers
>best wingman
Outis. Gregor if he wasn't disgusting bug abomination.
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>starts solo circlejerking you to the point where everyone becomes uncomfortable
I wish to lick and finger Ryoshu's pussy until she climaxes all over my face
That is all
Was Philclair ogling Yuna like Philip, was he cucked too?
Yay, I killed this piece of shit
Apparently all you had to do is read to know that it has +5 base power against specfific targets, which fucked me over
>irclejerking you to the point where everyone becomes uncomfortable
Hey as long as it ends with thresome... I would pick Hong Lu instead.
Limbab finds out about reading
Yeah I saw a base ID clear on youtube that used a lot of non-base E.G.O., which sort of defeats the point in my opinion. Some E.G.O. are so strong that the ID wielding it barely matters
Tips for soloing mdh with a non-evade id?
Is I bad to draw using models?
No references are a basic part drawing. Like half the most famous paintings in the world are portraits, which are by their nature using a reference.
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No, alot of artists do it. P.Y.W
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>he doesn't draw with sovl
Best girls
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Is there even any limbus song that can match the tempo?
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Not yet
I’m working on becoming a femzach artist
You should be using refs, just try not to make the habit of tracing over it directly.
Why can't PM simply release next canto already.
thats just piss btw.
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Does anyone have headcanons for dinner/sephirot bodytypes?
Ew, cooties
Perfecting Don’s screeches and trying to get the joint honglu/heathcliff emma/noah id to work
But I will eat dinner for the first time in several weeks tonight
HHPP already has canon dinners.
I asked this before, but nobody answered. With Cathy now completely gone and erased, what the hell is motivating the other Heathcliffs?
Why is QQ on the boat, why is 7 improving his intellect, why is Ncliff starving himself, etc. All of those Heathcliffs are where they are because of Cathy, but without Cathy in their lives, what's motivating them/their goal? If you want to be literal about it, none of those IDs should even exist
>what the hell is motivating the other Heathcliffs?
Some other nameless woman
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Another great ejaculation. Went on just a bit longer after I thought I finished. Feeling drained
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That woman? Me
Heathcliffs didn't join all those organisations to dab on Cathy, they just joined them because they ran away form WH and found a place to work at (like our HC joined Dead Rabis). Without Cathy they just leave sooner than later.
Our Heath was seething about Cathy but didn't have any intention to come back or "look like he achieved something" until he got the letter so theres really no motivation coming from there.
They outright say that in the other worlds Heath still leaves Wuthering Heights because Hindley is there. Then he gets set on the path to joing N Corp, Pequoud, 7, Oufi, etc..
Removing Cathy isn't some fix all for his life that stops those worlds from existing.
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All me actually.
>didn't have any intention to come back or "look like he achieved something" until
He's been seething at Cathy in the early Cantos, way before he got that latter. It's what pissed off Ishmael during the beach episode. His intention was always to return and show off to everyone, the letter only rushed that process
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Can I do it?
Name one thing that didn't piss off Ishmael during the beach episode.
They have a vague recollection of _____ but they can't actually remember who she is, just that she's important enough to do this stuff for her.
And in most mirror worlds Hindley is such a bitch that it's motivation enough to leave for those career paths
What I want to know is how the hell in every single mirror world so far the sinners off Limbus Company are still working together
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Phaseconnect should be limbabs' favourite, as it's also filled with mentally ill women, just like their game.
Because we only see the worlds where that's the case
We just not getting worlds where they don't
Or its the power of friendship and Ryoshu's tits that brings them all together.
Multiverses and magic clock power I can get behind
Ryoshu's tits, now that's where you lose me
So you can get behind clock, huh? Want some off-work hours "fun" with manager Dante?
what drives you to post not only off-topic art, but nsfw off-topic art?
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This is our loremaster nyow
some pm artists on twitter are just really fucking mean for no reason
FeDante? Dante made of iron?
What, did you get blocked?
Damn bitches have permanent 99 stacks of fragile. Just call them gay or something.
He probably commissioned some fucked up porn and they called him a faggot
What is the List?
>he doesn't have a List
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where's my girl
It's interesting you're talking as if 90% of this general aren't horny/off topic posts
Nah, I just see some of them bad mouth others for making big tit arts
They call them gooners and porn addicts then say “it’s only my opinion” despite the fact they were just hurling insults
But it's on topic horny art posting
Own up to your perversions. If one day I was accused of having a cute and stinky femcel fetish then I would proudly exclaim, "yes"
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Very well
You win this time
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So now that Lemon Tremor has saved the status, forcing Charge into the worst status spot, what do we need to see from Murder on the Warp Train to save Charge from being "Slot the good units in as nukers" into a cohesive team worth running?
Leader-type 000, like Kimsault
Oh, I know who you mean. What throws me off is the time when one of them "poked satire" at a coom artwork of Outis which got misinterpreted as an actual insult but ended amicably. Satire or not, it's distasteful behavior especially towards strangers
There is no way to make charge remotely interesting besides
>Slot the good units in as nukers
Because it's the only thing charge offers. Outside of half-decent debuff selection which is irrelevant because they can't clash LMAO.
New global status effect; static. The more charge you use in a turn the greater the buffs next. Also refunds charge on skill use
units or egos that spend charge to spread offensive buffs and other utilities like coin/skill reuse
Too late thats what this archetype was from the beginning and will always be so.
They tried doing multigimmick like rosespanner but it just ends up shit charge unit with shit tremor/rupture. They also fucked up and used tremor as self-charge for other units so theres even less point for charge to exist.
They also fucked up by forcing everything into one archetype: like why would you pick rhino mersault for bleed team instead of someone who can stack bleed without having to stack charge first? But Rhino also useless in charge team because no one stacks bleed in a charge team.
They also fucked up trying to make charge what it was in ruina: have to stack it for big payoff+it kills you if you dont have charge, but theres only 3 skills so you either sit with no charge or sit on max charge without way to spend it. Kinda like Shi where their gimmick is literally impossible in this game except in MD with a gift that specifically made for them.
>Frogs in my limbus thread
Cute frog, what does she taste like?
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I Ish the only one with changed base EGO voiceline?
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Chicken with paint
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Hindley really did buckbreak him for life.
finished the stranger. meursault is literally me, except he has a better head on his shoulders for now.
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she looks like a terrific athlete.
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Bad touch with bad people.
Your Hod and Malkuth sexo image was very nice
because E.O.O.T.C.D.C.
When the fuck is Hindley Meursault and Erlking Heath gacha?
Any good project moon chatbots?
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I didn’t like how Hod came out but it was a warm up exercise anyways, put it on the block for rework like the others
>Hindley Meursault
at least give my husband a proper ID, hindley is 100% Sinclair
I’m glad more people are adopting the idea that Malkuth has a bigger but while Hod has bigger boobs
It’s nice
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No. Heath changes as well.
I guess I didn't see that one
You need a ? before the ampersand for timestamps to work. In any case, gracias for clipping off the foreskin.
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Man I’ve been sayin that since Lobotomy Corp got big on /v/, seems like it didn’t stick til about after the conclusion of Ruina
Best-Floor is still attributed to Hod followed by Keter however, I’m biased because Hod gets most of the cool Abnos
No problem rabbi, I'll get it right next time.
I am already anticipating the doomposters doing laps over how the game did 400k on a dead month on mobile, seasons are too long
We’ll you were always correct
i dont think the seasons themselves are too long, but the farming for a season is too little (insane for a gacha ik). i doubt anyone wasn't done with farming the season limits past the first week
KJH is such a nigger for giving the time ripper a free sanity/debuff/stagger reset
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As have you been
p2w has never been multiplayer exclusive, and you get a definitive advantage by being able to whale. Cant you compare RR runs with friends? there's a competitive element there if we wanna use your erroneous definition.
malkuth has a big ass, hod has big tits, geb has literal killer thighs, binah has a literal killer grip.
and making me suffer the gameplay-cutscene breaks each time i fight him
Tremor is saved?
Explain, I avoid building mememor units.
Why the hell is that timekilling boss so FAST
NINE speed are you kidding me?
>9 Speed with 24 rolls and infinite bleed mass attacks
you rike?
Which game you think is f2p ?
Frog Lu has a tremor flavor that does sloth damage when burst. So every tremor burst is a damage bomb by itself when stacked high enough, not to mention the Bride Faust nukes.
>Ahab gf trying to gaslight you into thinking she's the best and actually only option
>9 speed
>5 Protection
Only managed to hold on with the haste charge gift
Yet again charge proving to be superior
Is it like aoe and you need to ego every fight to make it tolerable? Tremor was slowest to crawl through MD so I started avoiding it.
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Maybe if you worked a little harder and bought forty hour days you wouldn't need to worry about being slow.
Slow that bitch down, you have a bunch of bind just laying around, and a good amount of speed boosts to keep up beyond that, just gotta set up for it
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If you want a PM game that can be beaten with skill, wait for the action game to come out.
Or play Lobotomy Corp again.
Any game where you cant get stronger with in app/game purchases. There's nothing you can buy in Elden Ring or Ledt 4 Dead 2 to give you an edge on other players or make the game easier
Time Ripper? More like cum ripper LMAO
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Can I somehow always get camilla?
God forbid they add a keywordless search/fusion option
Does the ego gift pokedex reset every new MD release?
frog lu + everlasting faust on the same turn did like 580 damage to the time slurper
god, that's what i'd fucking like. i slept on it because it always gave me that damn thing like 3/4ths of the way through the last floor. the last boss is always a focused battle why the hell would i want that then
run a random gift run and reset until you get it maybe but that'd be a pain in the ass
funny enough, since i maxed the starlight tree, i can now use starlight to reroll when i need
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Who is this guy?
Hair color's off or I'd guess it's HIM (wife (male))
Hercule Poirot
why does the train look like a gaming pc
W corp is nvidia
it did not reset on the last md update. i assume they aren’t planning to do that anymore
OH yeah. This is that good autism.
Sanity ain’t so bad as long as you have Don’s or Faust’s Fluid Sac. Instant -45 SP as long as you can hit enough parts, makes him absolutely pathetic at clashing. And if I’m not mistaken, after his time acceleration turn in his second phase, he pretty much only has two skills you can clash against in addition to one unclashable skill. The rest of his skill slots are just defensive skills, so you can pretty much just concentrate on stacking a status on those parts while having someone intercept the attack skills. If you can use a status-applying EGO while you’re at it, redirecting the arrow to the parts you want to stack the status on, even better.
don's fluid sack (the EGO) is so fucking good in general. yeah let me just fuck up half the enemies' sanity gauge or entirely fuck up an abno's sanity. i guess it's no reason why all the newer bosses have like five ways to immediately recover sanity when put into panic mode.
This shit has everything
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what did they mean by this
Your 41 year old cat, sir?
Can you point out where this is
I would fellate hong lu's pits all day long
There's a section for characters that have the same names as each other in the top right. You can also see Zwei Edgar in the Zwei Association section near the top left
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thank god it fucking died
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Is this some canto related debuff?
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Yes, obviously you dullard.
True, there is so much good stuff in here
you didn't notice the one in canto 5?
no this is permanent
also the weird buff from canto 5 where ish never dies as long as there's a teammate alive is also permanent
wrong thread? if ish was dressed up like her i would approve
No, I just pressed winrate and it worked out, friend told me ahab fight will be hard, but I didn't need to read anything.
His brother is the mechasuit dog guy from dd isn’t he? Been a year or two since I’ve read it.
>I just pressed winrate and it worked out
i wish most of this game wasn't winrateable. hell i wish it was just ruina again, i'd at least be having fun playing the game outside of focused encounters
right thread

sensei (me) will definitely smell and lick his fingers afterwards
Carmilla is THE best T2 item in the game and no one can tell me otherwise. Minus -30% HP is insane.
Please go back in time and find a vat of acid to stick your face in instead of posting this
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Ish's hair is too fluffy
Did you know ? there are already 2 blue tremors in the game
T corp Don will probably inflict one of them, the one that lowers clash power.
Good. Pits are a garbage fetish
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>you will never be knocked up and sweet talked by binah
bait used to be believable
its just filler since we know from DD there is a bloodfiend Elder for each wing bloodfiend hidden society
Rodya. Admin staff is the one with Chains.
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Does anybody have the image posted in this screencap? It seems to be dead due to it being years ago
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Like >>483156192 pointed out,
they have, anon. You just need to remember.
Would be nice if T Don was a tremor ID, since you’d want to use her Fluid Sac on staggered enemies anyway and tremor’s actually gotten good for that now.

The bonus damage as well, I haven’t tested it out, but going by the wording, it should work like LCCB Ryoshu’s support. If it does a percentage of the cumulative damage on all targets/parts and applies it to each target/part separately, the damage potential is pretty high.
I wrote this Sinclair rape fic a couple weeks ago
People also used to have standards.
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There are actually multiple types of Class 3 collectors, and they have different movesets and animationss
What are /lcg/'s standards anyways?
Zet was a fucking idiot, if you are a content creator do not fucking go political until you have a good base audience.

Zet on the other hand could not keep his head down until he had an audience that he could indoctrinate, and the fact that he did not start off yelling his view point's just lead to him getting half his audience to be secondaries and troons.

I mean what the fuck did he expect? you ether keep your head down from the beginning and wait for your moment, or start off based and build from there, realistically he could come back from his dumbassery if he uses the correct formula and plans out how to ether get into our good graces (Which would take alot of work and for him not to directly pander to us) or find his own niche with those that agree with him mostly being rightwing normies.

I do hope for his success though if he can recover from this atleast there will be one non tranny PM tuber that has a decent platform.
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What's your highest level friend, /lcg/? And what level are you? My best one is level 109, I'm only level 62
Maybe he wasn't retarded and just based and chose to say his opinion despite knowing that it would be awful optics. Depends on whether or not he seriously considers YT a career and not just a hobby. Honestly I don't think I could play along with all that homo shit if I were in his position.
Shiieeet. I thought Neutralize and Suppress were pure damage. But they use chains too. Sorry. My bad.
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i have someone with 111 lvl and have 80 myself
He is not that brave, if he really wanted to say that troons are bad and talk about gatekeeping, he could have started out here instead of going to the discord and the general community and eventually carve a niche for himself.

Also him complaining that people don't want to watch him do non PM related things is kind of gay, a good content creator would understand that doing stuff consistently is the key of getting an audience; he could phase into doing stuff like watching anime, playing persona like he wanted to, or playing other games, slowly while still playing PM's games.
>queer-friendly community
But I hate gays and trannies? Well, not really hate, I hate that they're gay and trannies, I just feel bad for the actual individuals.
Ah so effectively cosmetics only like say Dota?
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I giggled
Don't worry most of the people who say they are "Project moon fans" while being faggoted have not even finished ruina and are just secondaries.

Hate the sin not the sinner, but as soon as they start spewing their sin all over the place they deserve to be hated.
Wait. Since when Dota has paid cosmetics? It's WC3 map. LMAO.
cute hoddy
Oh this is mine btw, I've got a lotta free friend slots, feel free to add me. All UT4 with their important EGOs uptied.
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man this was supposed to be sinking season but that stopped real fast
>sinking is still shit
>tremor is still shit
>limbus is still shit
i feel like i need to take a shit but when i try nothing comes out
Sinking needed less to help it than Tremor. Speaking of both, we still have no hybrid Sinking/Tremor ID or EGO outside of... Don Fluid Sac and Binds Heathcliff? Molar Ish doesn't count.
pictures of don doing :3 at me
I bet they going to throw some sinking in Heathcliff ID kit. Not too much. But just enough to slot him in sinking teams.
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Ishy's slender legs...
they havent given meursault a new zayin yet because they dont know how to make something worth taking over chains
They Havent Given Meursault A New Waw Because They Dont Know How To Make It Worth Taking Over Chains Of Others
Make it chains but has 10 attack weight
>anon you are now pro lgbtqdzp
>now rape this little boy
The only Zayin worth replacing is blood of sancho, one day and yeah sinclair branch.
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So is there a chance for Heath and Cathy to end up together somehow or will Heath forever be alone? Or will he end up with Dante?
no don zayin yet...
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Eating my dinner off hod’s flat tummy
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Yeah, checks out
Limbus Company
>Or will he end up with Dante?
I would fucking laugh.
eating my dinner out of hod's tummy
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This man, he scares me
>there's visual mods for Limbus now
>there's like 4 of them and it's all on some secret discord server you need to ask an invite to join
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why did you censor the id
Turbo whale. I wonder how much money he spends on lunacy refills.
I could collect them and keep them in a MEGA or something if anons want.
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For you to ask
I call it decency, you can never know if a nigga wants to be known
I was more interested in how to get it done, honestly, considering it's like what, a bat recolor for base Heathcliff, a reskin for L Faust and an actual okay one with BL Meursault.
Ah yes, the very famous D187087338... I wonder what he's gonna do now that his identity has been found.
You can never know!
Know what, you fucking retard? We're all anonymous, especially on friend codes.
Fucking moronic avatarfag.
>They don't remember every Manager ID to know exactly what they are scheming
You wouldn't survive in the City.
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Whatever floats your boat buddy!
Literally WHERE do you see a boat here, you retard? WHERE????
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>We're all anonymous
>typing that on 4Chan
Yeah, right.
Give it to the Gregorfag on /v/. He can probably do some cool shit with it
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How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today?
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Anons...help...my boat...
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>the B realized that we know who he is
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If (You) are in someone's friendlist, you're not Anonymous.
Send Post.
I just checked and there's a guide in the server. It's a bit extensive so I'll take some time to archive it all and then put that archive in the Resources Rentry. I don't want this kind of stuff trapped in a shitty Discord server.
He’s the biggest bitch
Designated thread Bicycle
nta but breakfast is for pussies
all you will get is the repeat of canto 6s final cutscene as an ambiguous ending to their story once the project moon universe comes to a close. only for the hack kjh to reset it all over again
All the piss in the city goes there.
>180/200 friend list
I'm gonna start removing everyone on my friend list that isn't level 100 or above in 10 minutes.
Oh no....
the only person I have friended is the guy who draws loli of the sinners and made that SoW pic
anon you can't get big if you don't eat breakfast
Merson Park?
Didn't knew that Cage playing Limbus
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EOS Soon
I would like to refill my friends list. I lost a lot of friends when I took a break between Hell's Kitchen and the latest Walpurgisnacht.

Please send your friend requests. Thank you.

Spam filter please stop blocking my posts. I swear I'm not a bot.
What if GOKU landed in the CITY as a kid?
yeah he plays limbus
breakfast is for PUSSIES.
You still need to pay money to buy those game when Limbus is free game. In League of legend and Dota you can still paid money to get character or grind for them so it still same with Limbus. So give me a live service game that is f2p in your option that is free game and live service.
every time I open limbus I have like 1-3 friend invites from randoms. Did they fuck with the algorithm or something or is this the power of nearly hitting level 100?
Post her armpits.
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Anybody else liked Lob corp Malkuth better then Runia Malkuth
Is there something worth noting about that code?
I like both but prefer the Ruina design with the longer hair
Anon should have included it in his post so I didn't have to type it out. I have rectified the problem.
Would Vergilius win against Youmu?
Eating my dinner off of Hod's fat tummy
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>Year 2026
>Boss has 160k HP
>But it's okay because the latest uptie 11 identities applies 7000 bleeds per turn
My bad. Thanks for doing that.
>Year 2021
>Boss has 100k HP
>But that's okay because fairies are busted
Quite literally only Tiph got better.
Pretty much every ruina design was an upgrade
>crows eye view
>red eyes open
>wishing cairn for the paralyze too
your fault for not reading or preparing a turn in advance honestly
Come on Limbabs, If it wasn't for me waking up , you would let yourselves die
>160k hp
I'll be using the new status effect that deals pale damage, thanks.
We get Ordeal fixers as IDs/EGOs?
In 2026 we'll have gone through another 10 Walpurgis by then, so at some point they'll have to use these for IDs.
Or maybe Justitia will come before them.
Where'd everyone go...
I mean it's a sunday they could be doing anything
Do you think its possible to get an ID of a sinner being another sinner?
it would be pretty fucking weird if anyone besides heath got the Erlking ID

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