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Dawn of the final day.

Sunday June 23rd
2:30 PM PT/5:30pm ET


>NA #7 VOD
(congrats grimanon)
>NA #6 VOD
(congrats luci anon)

>EU tournament #3
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2155240644

>NA tournament #5
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2138483599

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Grimnir, Katalina, Soriz!
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>482925970

what we're watchin
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It could also be ai slop. I don't really know. Everything is shit.

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issa low tier
Grimnir is that kind of character that if he gets buffed he will be the next cancerous top tier
>AIslop OP
charlotta is not that big
it went beyond me when I saved it and its now deleted from my pc, i will be lighting myself on fire infront of parliament soon.
you can tell it's AI from the eyes, they are soulless
At this point I hope the patch destroys Sieg, not because he’s overpowered, but just because I’m really fucking bored of seeing him
I'm never going into /gbfg/ again.
I would like Siegfried a lot more of he didn't use his fists and kicks so fucking much. I understand a heavy sword character using kicks occasionally can be kind of cool, but not when they are his best moves.
What things have you seen Anon...?
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I want nothing changed to Sieg.
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Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Come and see".
I looked, and behold, a white horse, and she who sat on it had a bird of thunder; and a slide was given to her, and she went out sliding and to slide.
When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.”
I looked, and behold, another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it the power of the dragon blood, to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.
When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.”
I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of claws in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, ''A nerf to Brave Counter and a buff to 66L, but do not harm Raging Strike and Raging Chain".
When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.”
I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the rider's name was Nier, and Death followed with her. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with Dragon blood, with Slides, with Death, and by the tiers of the earth.
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Yggy is a goddess.
why is Charlotta so small
built for cock
big ai generated djeeta butts
I'm almost S++ with Vane and I noticed I'm matching exclusively with other S+2s and S+1s. Did they change the ranking system or something?
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is he okay?
Vane is so weak that the matchmaking system is making up for it in your favor.
Nevermind I'm retarded, I just re-read your post.
I don't think they have changed it though, I am in S and I keep getting matched against people who are in lower tiers of S than myself.
guess it's just a cohencidence. I miss my easy fresh meat S+5s...
they changed it to try and give you closer matches but it still falls back to expanding the range
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i do not like this character
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I LOVE this character
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Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
harvin murder
Bros, is it noble to shoot your opponent into space and blow them the FUCK up?
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holy kek those jumps
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gods chosen warrior (charlotta) vs the mongrel horde (lowain and cagliostro)
imma raging strike
i'm curious how this will go.
1 frame... flexing
did xerom just do the 1f link?
wavie's messing up all his combos wtf
This BC into BC shit has to go man
Make it giga pushback if they block it and give it the RS slowdown if they spot dodge
>ai slop
its official. /ourgirl/ is better than wavie.
BC should cost 2 diamonds and it would be fixed.
>literally none of Anila's colors or weapon skins change the color of the sheep she throws at you or the ones she rides
>no golden sheep
>no black sheep
>no brown sheep
What a FUCKING waste.
Yeah I just spent an hour flagellating myself.
>cagtroons can't even win on the best character in the game
>we're supposed to believe cag is bad based off the results of these shit players
Goddamn, I forgot how annoying people in a stream chat are
you're supposed to believe she is bad based off of the objective reality of the game. you retards are the ones who bring up results, and then I tell you the results don't support your dumb ass opinions.
>crying about balance
>crying about the game being ass
>imma play sf
I would never.
oh fuck... the harvin blender
cope faggot. you are shit, your character's playerbase is shit, your character is op, you will never be a woman and will never amount to anything in life
that was some nice granblue
your character is getting nerfed and cag will either stay untouched or get buffed in the big meaty. I look forward to your melty
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Bwos... Ferry is cold...
Imagine playing Cag and having the audacity to type this
lol yeah im sure the worst character in the game will get nerfed. see you after the nerfs (not actually, you're staying blocked)
imagine sucking my cock you worthless faggot
wow ferry lets crawl inside of a large animals stomach and stay warm
Anon... don't invite Ferry to participate in vore...
Just got Vane to S++, I kinda wanna wait for the big meaty before I take Vane and Bubs to Master cuz it's been kinda miserable playing them. Who should I do next
She's a ghost she should be used to being cold
>it's been kinda miserable playing them
Who have been your worst matchups with Vane?
I know he's not good but I'm too shit at the game to understand HOW he is not good...
we are going to die out here if we dont get in the mammoths stomach
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Couldn't be me.
His offense and approach tools are terrible/nonexistent, and his "zoning"/anti-zoning is slow as fuck and the shield sucks ass. Defensive characters are really hard for him. think Anila, Metera
Oh fuck you're right, I recently had a fucking HORRIBLE match against Metera, so bad that I guess I blocked it out of my memory for a bit there.
I couldn't protect the Chickadees...
Beabros, let’s start looking towards the future. What kind of compensatory buffs do you think we’ll get in the big meaty?
you can't lose on siegfried, it's a myth
true sieg is german for winner
I think he was a good Sieg and the other guy lost fair and square. I will not defend you gbvsg celebrity.
If they sped up 214 a bit it wouldn't be so bad. Getting stuffed out of it over and over even on a good read feels awful. Our time will come vanebro
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A fox is laying waste to your coop, homoknight!
Vane mains are like "what do you meaaaaaaaan you don't wanna jump my shield so I can't anti air? huuuuuuuuwhaaaaaaaaaat?!"
No sympathy for Vanefags. They are zoners in disguise. Zoners deserve nothing.
add another zoner
add another grappler
add a gay set play character
total normalfag death
if Vikala is some faggot shoto I'm gonna riot
Wow...a zoner disguised so well he can't zone...amazing...
He zones me by hitting my slide
cute 'yaru 'ors
she'll use her gun
kizzington... it's not nice to enter his largeness stomach uninvited
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I'm gonna be sick
>lowain is le bad
His Largeness' kindness is infinite and He allow any of His children into His warm embrace shoudl they need it.
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Why aren't you joining the tournament
After the Bea patch
i haven't played the game in like a month
Where are the results that warrant a fucking emergency patch? Is it really just because "women" were sending FHKR death threats every day because they couldn't block?
fine I'll keep playing
unironically is rising the game with the most diverse top 8s currently?
Her English voice is nice and makes these lines hit harder.
It's pretty common for Strive and SF6 top 8's to have 6-8 different characters. Rising top 8's aren't bad for diversity but there's always a ton of Nier and Sieg.
it definitely is, but that is only because the game is so bad that it is complete randomness who enters any given tournament. Nobody can put up with entering consistently because the game is annoying garbage.
strive i'll give it to you, but i cant see it for sf. even accounting for it having less characters than rising/strive
i think this character is pretty
Rising is carried by the 12 or so autists who main mostly characters and then the rest of the top is is whatever sigs, cigs, or nigs manage to fraud their way in.
hobby status?
i don't play this game
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Going to my local TCG pre-release sealed event tomorrow at noon!
What irl Soriz or the mention of TCG?
My main isn't playable yet
Horses don't carry weapons therefore they cannot be in the game.
no one in the thread plays anymore, we are waiting for the big meaty just cancel the tournament and start again in august
>he doesn't know
Golshi has a weapon
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Apparently Wavie is promoting Total Brazilian Death on his twitter rn
Seems he got his ass beat and is salty or some shit like that
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Thank you for the news report, boot licker sheep.
lobby status?
i cumed and farded
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Don't make it. Don't you do it.
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Nyup abyove the clyouds cyast thyeir shadyows
As the raindryops fall from the tryeetryops
Cryies of insyects fyart into syilence
Close your eyes and tyake in the myomyent
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Grimnir is already a little cancerous and good enough that if enough top tiers get nerfed in the big meaty he would become that unchanged
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I did but I am gonna betray TO by leaving again tomorrow.
Genuinely hilarious that someone who upbacks into airstall 50/50s at every opportunity is claiming other people only win because the game is "broken"
If a Cag player had to actually play neutral for more than two seconds I think they'd spontaneously combust
I'm a vanilla player you dumb retard
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Did you forget the war
thrilla in vanilla
>I shut down neutral in the previous game too
We knyow
Anon, have you ever been kicked by a horse?
The horse IS the weapon.
you don't have to sit at the cab alone
rotation is welcome
I want to login I want to play I want to grandblue versus
Kizzingtons, I think I'm getting arrhythmia
I sat alone at the lunch table all my life, sitting alone at the cab is okay too
better to have a defective heart than no heart at all kizzington.
I don't get room etiquette so I never join
Yeah but it kinda feel like shit, Kizzington, it's been going on for a few days but now I have no choice but to face it and go see a doctor.
room is 4/9
vaxxed status?
I get my daily injection of grill grease at McDonald's everyday like a good boy.
>more players in the room than in the tournament
why are kizzingtons in this thread always on the verge of death that aint gawdlike
why do lance and kat yell "ice cream" when doing they skybound arts
The path toward Vastness is a treacherous one.
>why does the ice guy sell ice cream
likewise for kat
at least it isn't frog noises
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I hear frog noises, personally
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i love this
thank you
wavie is a far worse person than lunar could ever be
Doesn't mean I'd let him anywhere near my family's kids.
room is 6/9
is the password gbvsg?
you betcha
ggs ladivanon. nice to play you its been a while.
Kizzingtons vs Jizzingtons tournament when
GGS, thanks for playing with me as always!
sheep noises
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ggs yuel-bubs-gran anon. thanks a ton 4 playing with me.
Are you a grappler?
unfortunately, yes.
Do not grab me.
all i know is grab, sweep and shit bed.
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GGs lobby
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When talking to short people, crouch down to their level
8/9 amazing
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thanks for playing!
ggs room anons. game was a bit choppy at times today, not sure if it was my pc but im sorry if it was
Are you on wifi?
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Why do people put the "g" at the end of nee-chan...
>How'd you get the game to look so sharp like this?
The issue is conflating online tourneys with big majors. If we look at this compared to the combo breaker tourney which was part of ark world tour, it was 3 niers, a yool, a Belial, a Vas, a cag and a Djeeta. If we take another more popular game like strive Millia pops up in TNS top 8 from time to time but whenever majors roll around she disappears.
i don't know but the gbfg people spamming it made me accept it as the way to go.
no im wired, and it wasn't a connection thing. the game seemed to be dropping frames during sbas/ssbas/ult skills
delete 66L
buff 66l
delete brave counter
give everybody a full screen invincible combo starting blue skill as 66l
But rooms have rotations, waiting in training mode for challengers, silky smooth 60 fps, friends (you), and faster chat. Put in a green cab and it will be perfect.
If you were the narmaya it was constant. Basically unplayable
delete delay 2l
i cant punch and leap in rooms so the other player cant fully experience how tilted i am
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Nerf 66L
Decrease damage across the board
Remove refund on Ult skills
Make the throw tech window smaller
Give every character an overhead
Implement a Guard meter
spectator can take the seat in the lobby cant they?
i was, it must have been on my side then. not sure why it was that way today, it usually runs fine.
If you want to verify its you I could play you for a bit anon.
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They can't, just spectating
go back to ikimono
have faith in your ears
yeah it'd be nice to make sure. im in a room now, pw: gbvsg
yes if that means no more 66m low
Giving people meter for USING the equivalent of EX moves is dumb.
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room not found, how could you do this to me
It wasn't that bad, I've played worse, but it was notable during SBAs. I'd swear switching it to colosseum helped overall, but maybe that was just placebo effect.
the problem is just that there is too much meter going around in general. the refund mechanic is decent. on block it is a little stupid but it opens up combo routing really interestingly. It is also one of the best strengths of the mid and low tier characters and removing it will hurt them more than anyone. Yuel, Gran, Charlotta, Luci, etc. stuff like fireball into ult skill or RS~RC into ult skill and refunding creates a strength for these characters that would be interesting and unique if the top tiers weren't retarded.
Anybody have tips for playing Metera? She seems cool.
first you're going to have to find the nearest shota
>the problem is just that there is too much meter going around in general
You are right, I should have included that on my list.
E-sports were a mistake, I know the explosive damage and the retarded meter gain are both a product of that design philosophy, and the game would be exponentially better if both of those things were lower.
it's rediculous because anyone who has followed or competed in the genre for a while knows that making things big and explosive doesn't generate more hype it honestly just takes away from it. When someone comes back from a huge life deficient in rising it is less hype than it was in vanilla because it is a much simpler task to accomplish, since health bars are 1 or 2 good hits.
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Ghost Factory
>Saturday has to be written like that to bypass the word filter thinking you said "turd"
This fucking game...
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why would anyone join tournaments if they weren't sure they were one of the best players in the world? If you lose you're just a cuck that's making other people look good. I ain't falling for that.
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testing desu
you dont wanna inflate egos?
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maybe her fat ears won't offset this one
>Katgawd ones and dones
What happened to le honor nigga
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bwos...i think im gyetting the hyang of lyanshelyot...
when did that happen?
Is matchmaking more unstable tonight or is it just me
Only thing I noticed a few hours ago is that intros worked like shit most of the time
like at the end of the matches it hangs and then I can't even select rematch or return, my cursor doesn't even come up.
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>Fighting game nerves start kicking in a while back
>Stop touching ranked
>Stop playing in public lobbies
>Can't even get myself to join gbvsg rooms anymore
just play the game lemao
ranked doesn't matter btw
why does 90% of lancelot's moves frametrap lmao
Shrimple words but if it was that easy to deal with this retardation it wouldn't be an issue. Been trying to figure out for a long time how I can stop being like this.
>hehe this combo is going great I'm gonna do my SBA to cap it out nice and tight
>see combo limit flash up the moment I hit it
>well matchmaking is scuffed I will go to the lyobby and play some crane games for tonight
>drop in 50 rupee
>grab ball
>connection lost
Fucking Cygames killed bea and now killed their servers.
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get a counter hit 5H after since it just ends up as a frame kill anyway
>see seox go for their neutral scamming walldive
>they're visually on the wall and it's already active
>i press teleport on bubs
>it autocorrects trajectory to my new position
yeah that's some prime fucking bullshit
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>he was actually plus for once
>xerom vs zane was the best set of TNS
why are modern fgs only fun to watch only if the top tiers aren't on the screen
People pick top tiers to try and win with as little effort as possible and it shows.
So few people online it's giving me D ranks in B.
Grimnir is top 10
You are playing at the deadest of dead hours.
join the rooms and we can both lament how shit we are and have a meltdown together.
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It could always be worse
Calling ourselves shit is kind of subjective. I feel bad if I call myself shit then bully someone, makes me look like an ass too.
I'm not at home on weekends, crashing at a friend's house right now and today's afternoon I'm going out with my gf
If the Bea patch barely moves the needle on the playercount then we'll know that all the people complaining about her were frauds that don't play and had no intention of playing
very clean
that cag had no idea what to do under your unrelenting homoknight assault
I just want to get to A before Bea gets nerfed
>want to training mode
>don't want to sit through 5 mins of connecting to server
My friend, I mean this in the nicest way possible. If you can’t get to A rank then the nerfs are not really going to affect you one way or the other.
Just make people guess between 66L and command grab over and over and you should be good.
I played before Bea, stopped immediately when it released, and I've lost a lot of interest in coming back due to getting into other games. I'll probably wait for the big meaty to play more than every once in a while
not how it works tardo
It's fine now. I got the last point by overpowering a fearsome afk charlotta
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Emiri Kato Cup #3 (#1 for Rising)
siero please
save rising
Gamera's enthusiasm matches the stream quality!
ah yes.. cagliostros tournament.
Did they bring him there so he can watch them execute his waifu live?
He's there to explain stuff I guess, he's the "technical" commentator
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is this a tournament or something?
no this is the bachelor for granblue players
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whats up with gameras left eyebrow
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Danua soon

>japanese tier lists
wow cag is way too high. what a retarded list.
it is fucking over for percivals, kats and grimnirs
>one of the criteria is simply the Nier matchup
>churara's kat giving nips this much ptsd
Imagine living in a dimension where Kat and Bubs are better than Cag
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Is Gamera wearing velcro shoes?
itabashi zangief all over again
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hold this for me
>I'd pick beatrix without hesitating one bit

my whore wifes raging strike
fake news
Not a single solitary individual has said that she isn’t very strong. She’s just not top 1. It makes no sense to say “we don’t want to patch the game fast” and sit on the game for 6+ months, only to release an emergency hotfix for a brand new character who’s not even top 1.
That’s it. No one said she’s not strong.
my whore wife is dead
With a bit of lubricant you should still be able to use her for a few days at least.
I wonder how much theyre paying her to sit there n smile n pretend to be interested

>It makes no sense
lmao even
theyre nerfing her because everyone hates her dude. shes a negative influence on the game making players quit. nothing wouldve happened if she wasnt the most used character by a mile
>400 playing
>600 watching
She is less oppressive than Soive Sol, who she's pretending to be; and I don't see players leaving GG in droves.

GG is just a filler game other people jump into during lulls in other games. Which is why dropping her at the exact same time as two other major updates was the worst move they could make.
>this is a good matchup for percy if he plays it well, but bea is just too strong so its possible to just get rolled anyway
>”Right now, Beatrix’s power is too high”
- Gamera
>so desune
>hai hai
she makes some cute anime noises
It’s a surprisingly good matchup for Perci. His fireball covers both divekick and slide at certain spacings.
>Soriz is bottom tier
>has one of the highest win rates in ranked
>Beatix getting nerfed live on stream because Percy played like an idiot
that percy is kinda trash not gonna lie
strive characters are way more varied and all have their own bullshit so sol doesnt stand out as much. also in the context of this game bea is way more oppressive lmao come on dude

>has one of the highest win rates in ranked
*on that one day
This nigga dropped every single combo and he still won
kojicoco is just gawdlike
The woman sounds like she’s having an orgasm
>tororo is trash
lol that's the nigga that smokes gamera at evo everytime he just jobbed to make sure those nerfs go through
she is
gamera looks like he has neurological damage from gaming too much all his life

anon stop watching h-anime
>throw out magic carpet
>take a nap
>how could I lose
i think ferry is pretty
>theyre nerfing her because everyone hates her dude. shes a negative influence on the game making players quit
Damn sounds like a character who can 3 touch you midscreen and used to get a full combo off her meterless reversal…who took 6 months to get nerfed but still has the highest winrate. But better emergency nerf beatrix kek
the entire playerbase hates bea
only high level players hate nier
>wears autism gloves
>wears velcro shoes
>wearing the same pair of pants he wore to evo (only has one pair of outside pants)
>constantly winking at the camera
>constantly chortling and giggling
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1) This “Nier is only a factor in high level play” thing is a bullshit cope made up by Nier players. There are Niers in the middle ranks and they still get braindead easy conversions for 40% off of 2U at midscreen and it’s still very obnoxious.
2) Maybe you don’t remember what it was like at launch but Nier was as hated during the first two months as Bea is now, if not more. But still no emergency patch. Not even for her fucking DP.
>bea is beneath nier
Shilling Beatrix merch in the stream right before they blow her knees out
I remember everyone hating nier but I dont remember her being the only fucking character I played against dude. bea has too many users.
>But still no emergency patch.
And they hopefully learned from that, they're just focusing on the character that's getting hate right now.
I want to get my friend into rising, Is the exploit for free edition still working? how do you do that again?
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actual brain damage
he looks like he moves and thinks at 0.5 speed
did you not see him at evo? he could barely figure out how to drink his bottle of water.
my man only thinks about gooning and 66l
He's not playing so he hasn't had his adderall.
>bea has too many users
Maybe because she’s one of the only characters who’s actually fun?
Maybe because having a throw that actually works feels amazing in Granblue Fantasy Throw Tech: Rising?
Maybe rushing people down and applying pressure feels better than wiggling back and forth and pressing 2M?
Is it really surprising that she’s so popular?
We got 2 matches and one was a show match to say "damn lol ooooof phew good thing we're rushing out a patch tomorrow" while forcing Gamera to admit it as well.
we'll see post-patch how many people actually played her because shes fun and not because she simply dealt too much damage
I mean Vira has always had one of the highest usage rates despite being kinda mid, for similar reasons. So I think Bea will still be one of the more popular characters.
Matches will take longer, and you will change to complaining about guessing the 66L/22X/6U for even longer.
>have a random hour long stream with two sets for no apparent reason
>one of them is a bea match against a guy who seemed to be throwing on purpose
>”Damn, she’s way too strong isn’t she? Good thing she’s getting nerfed tomorrow lol”
>”Also check out this Bea merch LMAO”
It just feels like they’re doing this out of pure spite at this point. What the fuck do they have against this character? Is FKHRT jealous that she’s more popular than his self-insert?
FKHR only ever made shitty decisions for the gacha game aswell so
gamera torture ritual please understando
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How do I make a short-distance jump? (green line)
I wanna learn how to throw bait
Stand still and push up forward with no running momentum.
When you stop dashing, you actually have some forward momentum left. You use that with a neutral jump to get a very small arc trajectory.
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Emiri Kato is cute
Has she done any JAV? I’d love to see her gurgling cum while saying eeehhhh sugoi.
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Sukiari! >:3
Dangerous toes...
Please join the tournament. The TO puts a lot of effort into the streams and I don’t want his work to go to waste.
Well you see, I'm not NA
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i finally made it to A5 with lance
erm but can you make it to S?
I just want you all to know that I love you guys. You’re one of the best things I have going in my life right now.
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And you're my favorite onahole!
pumping to this post
I love everyone here except the Cag players
>more responses than players in the tournament
i'm eu nigga they won't let me in, the border restrictions are too tough
Hope whatever is going on will get better anon
Bea dies in 12 hours
already masters with her, i'm safe
there's so many matches i would've straight up lost after doing a hail mary 22U had it been post-nerf it's crazy
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we should fight sometimes
I wonder how is my ping against KR player
are you sure you're korean? you guys are supposed to be gaming gods no?
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nobody plays fighting games here and the few that do all play kekken
where do you live? west coast tends to be OK but LATAM and EU are borderline unplayable
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I'm THE best SEA player of /gbvsg/ lobby (self-proclaimed)
whatsa LATAM
Fancier name for SA.
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what the fuck
been playing this game since launch and sheep still manages to surprise me with how cute she is
what is this frame from, start of her taunt?
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its her time
>Bea nerfed
>Zeta trending
Dicks might not get sucked.
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For the love of god please search Granbruise in JP region. I haven't done this week BP mission. PLEASEE. I've been waiting for 20 minutes
Bea will probably still be better than Zeta after the nerfs.
But that says less about the nerfs and more about the fact that Zeta is not very good to begin with.
ugh fine
zeta is top 5
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How could you hit me like that?
Zeta is strong, but she also has some big weaknesses.
Though >>483160118 that is dumb. She is in no way better than Nier, Seox, Sieg, Lance and Belial.
Yes, I can down- and upplay the Zeta!
she's absolutely as good as those, she just requires a lot more work to get the same result as them
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sorry bwo
but in JP. I'm the Blast king
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hey there hoss...have any of you ever heard of the character "Bridget" from the Guilty Gear™ serie...? I have a proposition
Crush them, King.
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>40 mins later
its fucking over, I have to leave for work....
how are you getting a game??????????
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are you sure you're in the right region?
I don't see you
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I did set Japan as the region in the setting. Just restarted my steam setting it to Japan download region. I hope this works
It's so difficult to win on JP. lmao
it's 1AM in JP and bruise gang are not here today so you're on borrowed time now
...it's over isn't it?
It's nyover.
I'm going to cancel the tournament in an hour since there doesn't seem to be any interest in it
it's double over...
late entry bros...
its nyover...
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I think it's time to go bwo
sometimes you need to restart the matchmaking process and it will fix itself, you also only need to change it in game, not within steam.
Charlotta Fenia
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unironically what every match looks like when I play
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EVO is a lot earlier this year than usual
Gran looks kinda out of character but faa is cool as always
nah Gran is like 100% no chill in every fight
even danchou goes full ballistic sometimes
Evo always switched between July and August every few years.
That charlotta made some good reads
I hope the big meaty buffs my character but doesn't make him a top tier
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funfact : nobody really uses it but Charlotta U Sword is actually plus on block
don't fall for it
it looks cool
they should use it
It has no use, expect it to oneshot you after the meaty patch because no way they're not buffing it.
tiny vegetable soon
average pescatarian sometime
the tournament?
I never hated Nier nearly as much as I fucking hate Bea.
No amount of coping and whining is going to change the fact that your character is obnoxious as fuck and she is rightfully getting nerfed tomorrow, just give it a rest you fucking faggots.

This is the DUMBEST fucking thing I have read regarding this argument, and boy have I read some retarded fucking things about it.
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nerf her NYOW
Well deserved de arimasu
>12.000 games Lunalu in casual
What a monster.
*punches sieg*
when is the damn balance patch coming out to either save this shitty game or put it out of its god damn misery
3 more months
4 more months
a balance patch isn't going to make you magically better at the game
The most serious problem with the game is getting addressed tomorrow.
it is going to make bad players worse though
patch is out in like 10 hours
so you will also become worse?
Do I queue for JP or NA if I want to get the dumb granbruise challenge over with
Yeah, I hope Bea gets gutted into the ground.
Too late for JP. NA is probably your best bet at the moment.
Nier, Siegfried, BC, Lancelot, Seox, Belial, Cagliostro, Beatrix, the general damage some characters can dish out, the server lag, disconnection abuses, AFK problems, ladder problems and queues are all getting fixed tomorrow?! Awesome!
I won evo
you have won nothing
I won evo
na and say please when you ask the thread to queue with you
So is the tournament actually cancelled or is it a meme
Problem, Anon
he didn't close the challonge
we just pray everybody joins in the last hour
>we just pray everybody joins in the last hour
this never happens
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I'm feeling like a clown today
Honest zeta victory.
>be lower rank orange square in the lobby
>master with orange square approaches
>knock him to yellow and get my pink back
nothing personell, kid
>stealing a man's pink
That's fucked up
You may have won the game of square but I have won the game of life
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counting with djeeta!
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Kot will be the first S2 character and this will be her Battle Pass costume.
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Zeta is "that character" were everyone and their mother will invent the most abstract shit just to keep upplaying her and its very entertaining
I fail to see the problem here.
Discovering the dangers of rough anal sex with Djeeta!
I hope your anus will recover anon
Discovering the dangers of rough leg
lengthening surgery with Charlotta!
She will get compensatory buffs in the big meaty.
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is crazy people subject themselves to that
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That's why I find Charlotta's existence tragic.
The games play it on the funny side because she's a dwarf and she's cute but people kill themselves over their height. Or hair.
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manlets never learn
my heart aches for all my little kings and queens
In my experience people tend to Brave Counter it, dunno if it is because they know it's plus or because like most ults it deals a considerable amount of chip and the animation is long, though.
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Eh, there are extents she wouldn't go to.
Wonder if people mentally check put when I combo them in the corner.
I do this a lot.
why is she so entertaining
the hell is a check put
i think anon meant check out
I start mashing the FUCK out of my buttons while I'm getting combo'd in the corner, that way I can recover sooner.
>join NA open lobby
>only 5 out of 55 players are Bea
Yeah, you guys were just making shit up when you said she’s “everywhere”
>Beafags quitting their fraudulent character BEFORE she even got nerfed
If your character has an advancing normal then you are carried
katgawds our buttons are honest
i thought they really liked bea tho?
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>ok im gonna condition my opponent so I can try new stuff
>they never get conditioned
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Lwobby? Lwoom?
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zoners don't deserve 5-5 matchups
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She deserves it because of Vanilla.
>encounter a 10k games narm player in casual queue of all places
Actually thought I read it wrong at first
>Rising doesn't have 9-1 matchups
>it has a 9.5 - .5 matchup instead
Beatrix was a good thing for this game actually
>fight senpai's Metera
>i lose
>still think he's a lackluster player
>beat his 2B in the past

Sorry, drive by FT3 don't count
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to be a shota in the skyrealm
>15 ult
>15 SBA
How much meter do they think I have
>touch someone ONCE
>instant BC
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>at the super market
>person touches me
>I instantly BC
Bros... I might have a premature BC problem...
Ferry and Metera should only get 2 BC points since they abuse them so much
>at the super market
still avoiding the female cashier that I said "mmm nyo" to months ago.
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why are you even here
>admits he just jumped into ranked without knowing anything about bea
lol, no shit you're going to get rocked
>Do you want to give 5 dollars to some dumb charity(or israel)
>Loud autistic, sassy, MMMM NYO
Nyo... my granbruise weekly...
should've said please and i wouldve queued on two different pcs
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I did the infamous "you too" once. In my defense I was in a big hurry and barely listening to what I was being told.
Anon that is fucking hilarious and based.
>shinku hasn't played since the nerf announcement
>1 hour till tournament
>2 entrants
bea save us
he cancelled the tournament theres no point joining now
erm source?
>1 entrant
I remember this post and thought it was a joke lmao
>excited for favorite character
>she comes out
>she's actually somewhat decent and able to compete against the degenerate top tiers of the game
>FHKR says EHRM she should NYOT be able to beat Nier we are making an emergency hotfix right before a tournament despite waiting 6 months before because we didn't want to interfere with the upcoming tournament
shouldn't have bullied elsa.
The absolute state of NAfags
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>I've been a Beatrix main since Day 1
>Beatrix is my wife I'll never stop playing her!
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>elden ring killed the game and the tournament
>there's more complaints about the lack of players in the tournaments than players in the tournament
I have to leave in 30~ minutes.
>be orange square
>play casual, get crushed
>drop down to yellow
>get matched with C and D ranks
The colors matter, I guess.
I'm wondering if people are waiting to join last hour or this is some herd behaviour shit where no one joins because no one joins
I used to think they didn't in casual but they do. Dropping from pink to orange led me to getting a completely different set of players than I was previously. I know they didn't go offline because one of them was next to me in the lobby after having played each other 10~ times.
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I don't understand why people wait until the last moment to join
Anyone know where I can download a cracked version of vanilla GBVS v2.82?
I always sign up but I know I am going to get called out of the house nearly every Sunday without fail. Even in the earlier ones I think people always joined last second but you'd still get 4-6 early registrations.
the game was 2 dollars at one point, you can still find steamkeys at around that price
Yeah, just got back to orange and then got matched with a master rank player with 10.000 games.
I'm S rank, by the way.
It's legitimately psychotic to be that obsessed with a single version of a single fighting game.
The old school players in /ggg/ were upset that Strive made the game less anime but at least they, you know, usually liked more than one anime game. No one ever said "I ONLY want to play Xrd Sign 1.0".
I've had master matchups at all colors so I am sure it eventually gives up and just throws you to the wolves in the name of swift matchmaking.
But yeah I had a 30 minute session as a pink square between 3-4 repeats who all vanished the moment I dropped to orange. I was having a good time shit talking the guy next to me. Then it put me with a whole new set of assumedly orange strangers.
why the fuck do you want to play 2.82? That is literally a random bug fix version of 2.8, which is a mostly homogenous version number since the only 2.8X that had any changes besides bug fixes was 2.85, the most recent version of the game. If you thought the gran buffs were too much or something, why the hell wouldn't you play 2.84? This post makes no sense.
Casual criteria is literally ping and region
You won't get people close to your skill level
>Casual criteria is literally ping and region
I think ping is a factor because I often get 30ms next door neighbor stalkers but I also get 200+ ping freaks from china/europe often enough.
Sorry I entered DNF TNS, today was just unfortunate timing for the tourney
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ESL here
I fucking HATE the English language.
What the FUCK do you mean the plural of "sheep" is "sheep"?
This is even more retarded than the usual -oo -ee thing you do where "tooth" becomes "teeth", "foot" becomes "feet", "goose" becomes "geese" and so on.
Stupid fucking language.
I want an older version of the game
Whoops, I meant 2.73. I want the version before overdrive was added.
Shoop is sheep in singular.
Sorry I entered a bottomless pit, today was just unfortunate timing for the tourney
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Arcade daily so I went ahead and got the true ending for Bea before the patch makes even that impossible.
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>couldn't join tourney cause of memorial day
>Couldn't join next one cause Internet was down
>Can't join today cause a moving van is coming
Why must life be so difficult
someone post a fucking horse
Eustace is not getting paid enough for this shit
>he has more excuses than players in the tournament
>Bea gets vored
Fitting end desu
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Which one of them??? Heh... Who knows... Or maybe I meant all of them.... Hehehehehe...
I havent played in a while but I can join I guess
hope u win mr bird
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Wait a second, this girl is here in the list of playable characters?
Be right back Kizzingtons I gotta shid
praying to god she isn't a gr*ppl*r
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The tournament has been postponed due to literally a single player only being signed up at check in time.

New date/time for the NA tournament is
Saturday June 29th at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET

EU tournament
Saturday June 29th at 12pm PT/7pm GMT
okay, now we are talking. I love 2.73. to get 2.73 you just have to downpatch using steam depots and whatnot. so go to run and put in steam://open/console

after that put this into the steam console

download_depot 1090630 1090631 23694356726576124

after that you just take the file you got from this and replace the files in your gbvs directory and turn off auto update. you need the game for this though no crackers here.
You have failed the GolshiTO, /gbvsg/.
>eu tournament
>AFTER the bea nerfs
yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah fuck you too
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This will work, does it fuck up my save file? Thanks.
thank you bro hopefully i can make it.
it doesn't affect your save file at all
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>Bea gets her armor destroyed even in her alt during her SSBA cinematic
>Zeta loses her jacket and a few scraps
Goddamn dlc character privileges.
i don't see the register option for the eu tournament
can't join because I'm on starlink, good luck eubros
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Alright, I appreciate the response. It'll probably be really rare for me to find someone to play this with but I want to keep it handy in case the moment ever comes up.
i will die for you black queen
>Bea players after the patch
nooo i cant play her anymore, we're low tier like Vane nation ahhhh
>Nier players after the patch
that's okay we can't combo off a DP, we love Nier and will stick with her
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Thanks, really ruswa8ty at this shit though
stroke happened, rusty
I can always downpatch too for games in 2.73
Vamp(male) is better
>that's okay we can't combo off a DP
Yeah. That is ok. Jesus fucking christ.
She got nerfed from top 1 to top 1.
It's ok though. Your day is coming in the big meaty.
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>niers big day
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I have things to do
Guess I'll share some hitboxes while I'm at it. Highest of doubts it's much different from GBVSR now.
Online play would still work for this?
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You can be nice..
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And then and theeeeen Ladiva-chan, he said I will get what I deserve in the big meaty sob sob
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ill register if im done with elden ring dlc in time
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>a single player
Wow. If my internet stops being liquid shit by saturday ill join as an A rank bea for you guys
It's funny because Bea actually can combo off her DP even if the opponent isn't airborne, as long as it hits at max range.
yeah online play works. There is no version checks or whatever unlike they just added to Rising. You can use rooms or lobby and they work just fine as long as both are on same version. When you aren't on same version you won't appear for each other but you can connect to the same lobby oddly enough.
That's actually pretty cool, even if it's still stuck on delay netcode.
weird how that visual bug with her throw happens despite that if you compare distances frame by frame, both connected it from the exact same distance hurtbox wise
>Buy hitbox
>Can't do combos
>feel rejected
>stop grubbing

I will just watch streams and theorycraft
don't give up
bro said can't do combos in this baby game nigga just use the ezmode skill button ones
i really dislike this cH
just play on keyboard
Give up. You wanted the EASY way out with leverless
Any Uno tips other than play another character?
some people just like leverless
t. bought a controller for FGs but i cant get used to it, would buy a hitbox if it wasnt batshit insane expensive and i wast poor af
DP motions on leverless are fucking bullshit
just hold the buttons lemao
What's stopping you from signing up now, if your internet shits up, you'll just miss checkins
Parry more.
its surprisingly easy on keyboard if i dont mash it
the problem is... not mashing it.
i dont know though could be even easier on lever
just do 626
Yeah I've downpatched and played with like 3 other people before its neat
oh I thought it was postponed by an hour lol, well I'll try to make it next week still
Parries and DPs shouldn't work against side switches.
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I walked forward and tried to fireball
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Do half circles after walking forward if you want fireball
I walked forward and tried to 66L...
Just press skill button?
i want damage
you ain't throwing out a random neuch fireball for damage boyo
why else would i do it?
pressure and/or force a reaction (jump) that you are ready to counter.
I dont think you should be losing as cagliostro, it just doesn't seem possible to beat her.
This smells like a falseflag to feed nezu’s persecution complex.
She’s good but she’s not THAT good.
I just need matchup practice I guess. But it felt like a one player game
4 hours till we find out how bad the bea damage nerfs are.. is there some nerd with the damage calcs already done? they seemed massive when you read it out but i'm not sure
That's me against 2B
when you don't know the options available to both players and how t hey interact that will always be what it feels like.
It’s like 25% each off all three specials (DP unaffected). But all the specials put together are still a minority of a full corner combo for her. She does a lot of hits from normals as well and S/SBA are untouched.
I will post a comparison pre and post patch once it drops.
Specials are reduced like 50% before any combo proration from combos so she will be hitting ferry levels of damage.
No because at least the other player usually approaches me. Not they teleport when I approach them.
if the cag is teleporting when you approach then you are probably playing a character she feels really uncomfortable engaging with at all. Ways to beat this is to bait out the teleport by feinting some sort of approach and than catching her teleport with a button (anti-air probably because j.22M is what teleport is most likely used). Also probably check if the cag is even doing it on reaction to you commiting or not, if they are just doing it at random delays or timings than you can just patiently wait for it and counterhit her even easier. It is also worth noting if all she is doing is evading you she is not doing anything to advance the game state into a win. It is simply a matter of being annoying. If you have the health lead then this is a rather unviable strategy for the cagliostro.
thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind for next time.
but it's to make the game more fair tho
why are you responding to shitty bait
thank you
Nothing fair about emergency nerfing a character who’s not even top 1, that’s basically the long and short of it.
mmmmm nyo
I am very glad about the Bea nerfs.
I want to play her because she is cute and looks very fun but I refused to do so when she was such an obviously fraudulent unbalanced gorilla. Literally Nier-tier.
I feel the same way bea brother
there are nier players in this thread
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Desu....deploy the Patch™
yeah but they are all so bad nier can't carry them so it's okay
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very cool art
Gran is fucking PISSED
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I'll just go back to playing Nier after the Beatrix patch
I want to sniff Nier.
Desu, have sex with me
I am legitimately surprised I have not run into this in the boorus or in Pixiv. Yet
kikikiki kynyo
Now kiss and have sweaty sex
Gran is the bottom
>nier can't carry them so it's okay
Nice try nierger, we all know Death does the heavy lifting.
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It's true, I can't Nier out of A rank.
Are you practicing plus set ups where you wait for a counter hit to confirm? A lot of people want their turn back from Desu's 236.
I'll be honest with you, I just jumped directly into ranked without even looking at the move list. I'm sure I'm stuck because I am trying to play her like a normal character, with cooldowns and with moves that have to finish before doing the next one.
I have to get into a completely different mindset.
watch the 5 minute jiyuna guide then watch the actual nier guide when you want to learn all the bullshit
That's fair, I started out like that too. Then I started doing 50/50s when I can and the unblockable set up where Desu absorbs the opponent's brave counter
Enjoy your last moments, Beafaggotfraudniggers.
Will do, thanks m8

This picture always makes me kek
Thanks for the input too.
You will continue to seethe about her because you don't even block slide in the first place
>literally Nier-tier
Nier was winning tournaments the entire time and Bea had nothing beyond the initial couple days of people getting used to her.
Yes, I will. She will still be a stupid character. The nerfs don't go far enough
I don't care, I hate her as much as Nier so they are the same. Simple as.
That's just a really weird opinion and you're objectively wrong.
I played an ugodly number of Beas during the first two weeks. Be conscious of whether you're in slide range or not and you're fine. She's just a rushdown character, she really doesn't feel that crazy to fight.
Meanwhile any Nier sends my blood pressure through the roof, she is absolutely the most retarded character in the game and it's blatantly unfair how good her conversions and damage are off everything.
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not fooling anyone, bigger
>"today I will call someone a bigger on the internet"
Nier is on stage! Nier! Nier! Over here!

>takes the microphone but its still on the stand
Desu witness my newest magic trick.
As an Uno main I have to work 8 days a week to get decent damage while everyone else is just has to work 9 to 5
gosh is that true?
Niia is my favorite idol!
For true
okay i believe you
Zooeys damage is just as bad
Vane is an honest, hardworking man who has to earn his damage too.
If that were true and he weren't just zeta-like with his ult skill cashouts, he'd be an actually balanced character. Characters with unsafejumpable god defense don't deserve to also shit out damage.
fucked up how he basically killed his wife in a car accident.
Beatrix mains are right there with you (in 45 minutes)
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*opens mouth*

huh, weird
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What the FUCK is this sword and how was a Free to Play Gran able to get it?
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reminder, everything to the left of Vira is dishonest due to her popularity but tendency to stay around the middle in terms of number of master ranks
>make a cute girl rushdown character who is one of the only fun characters to play in this dogshit game
>everyone wants to play her
Avatar needs buffs is what I am getting from this
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insert ur name here
>Throws tomatoes at her
I'm already Oagesan
can you import data from the original game as free to play? if not maybe he just edited his save file/is using the crack.
why ppl play ctue grill :(
bls blay sumo event in grub
i think ferry is pretty
i don't
i was watching that sumo stream on twitch, kind of thought it was interesting how autistic they were about the ceremony and all.
then I saw the chat where they were all chubby chasers and realized sumo is just some ancient homosexuals fetish turned sports joke.
At least 80% of the characters in this game are fun.
Maybe you just liked being a giga carried faggot?
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Report him
I like having a throw that functions properly
>if not maybe he just edited his save file/is using the crack.
Yeah that's what I figured.
He beat me so I'm going to report him for cheating.

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that guy is cool. I've fought him in casual a few times
Nevermind, he's not on PC
...you can't edit or crack shit on PlayStation, can you?
top kek
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close your eyes bea...
you can buy the weapon in the rupee shop, it's a level up reward
Bea's gonna have a good life on a new farm upstate...right guys...?
ok it happened
now what?
now we dont play granblue
wait to see if we are getting a battlepass or if they are taking a month break.
you take you turn maybe on the slide and die in one less interaction
We drink the tears of that one Bea downplayer
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new bp outfit for bea incoming
Bea's nerfs are not for you
timetravelerGAWD.... how does 1.52 forsaken us...
>no one said anything
>beatard autistically start screeching anyway
>most recent patch is 1.42
time traveler bro...
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Holy shit they are nerfing her even more
Ding dong the witch is dead
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>nerfing Bea takes 4GBs
You know what, fuck it, I'll take it.


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OP image does things for me even though I'm not into the lolis.
I think I found a fun Luci thing I don't remember anyone else discussing so I'm gonna upload it in a bit.
theres no lolis in the OP, just AI sloppa
you know the worst part about it being ai slop
the concept is quite good
if only it was real art
This is why I hate AI art, my mind just fills in the gaps and livens up what I see.
So the mere idea of what it's trying to project has blanks my mind fills in so I give it way more benefit of the doubt.
Doesn't help good GBF porn is dead and gone. Would kill for more Djeeta.
supposedly there's a djeeta doujin in the works
Where the fuck is the datamine
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Same corner combo into SSBA pre and post patch. 9830 damage vs 9390. She was brought down to Gran damage basically (her H fireball point blank now does the same damage as his).
Visually the pushback after the 22H followup looks noticeably different but in terms of actual corner carry I think the difference is pretty minor. You have to be maybe one character length closer to the corner now to get the wallbounce.
So they increased the recovery of 22M not only on block but on hit and whiff. You can still link into fL on counterhit but you can't link into cM anymore. So this move is just totally fucking gutted now.
I mean it's just a regular NRV now, and you'll get great corner carry off it.
So long as the H still combos in the corner and U still has safejumps in the corner, we're fine.
I was about to ask this but i guess there is nothing?
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As I said, not nerfed enough. I guess it's 2 more months of spamming the feedback form.
holy fuck bea sisters we are so back
22M is fucking deleted from the game, I think that’s enough.
>opponent throws fireball
>I 22M it
are you retarded
who is brave enough to make the first cry about bea post in this brave new world
datamine doko
She's nerfed now, you can't complain about her anymore without revealing you are a complete shitter. Sorry, I don't make the rules!
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das rite
dont cry when you lose
She no longer gets the wallbounce when the opponent is at midscreen right?
No that’s still there and almost unchanged. See >>483239863
She still wallbounces you from like half screen
Double DC combo hella dead, how sad.
I mean, I'll just end with 2U > SSBA, but still.
she didn't need DC for double fireball combos
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Yeah but the double DC in general is dead.
Meant 2U > 236H, SSBA, my bad.
Before you got cH > 236H, SSBA because of the longer float on the second delta clock.
In other news, her absolute max damage punish in the corner before did 11.7k and now does picrel.
This is fine, those damage nerfs seemed way bigger to me on paper.
So there's no new battlepass and it's just going to be a month long gap?
I was hoping the 22M changes for the sapphire slice would make it a frame trap, but it's literally just 1 frame off from being a combo.
No Bea will ever commit to this button off 22M now, as if they ever had a reason to before.
the change was allowing you to frame trap with it. you can frametrap with it.

reward is nonexistent though.
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A literal 1 frame frame trap, but yeah. This is absolutely not worth going for in any world.
I don't know what world you live in where 1f gaps aren't good. But even then it no longer being a true blockstring means you can chip kill with it now after putting them into chip kill range with 22M.
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why are there only like 2 guys in online matches right now
Everyone who said "oh I'll play after they nerf Bea" was lying, big surprise.
i'm "playing" muramasa
The only thing someone will press on in a 1f gap is a dp. If you didn't tell someone there wasn't a gap here they'd have no idea.
Who in their right mind would press, even if sapphire slice gives no reward? She's -4, and can't delay the frame trap at all.
Is there nothing in the patch to datamine or has nobody looked yet?
I'm too lazy
>the shinku combo does 11100 still
lol nice nerfs granpoopers. back to sf6 i go
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Anyways, Luci 66H normal hit lets you do L teleport and be +2. This means your cM will smoke any thing they try to press, including throwing you. Here's an example of a route off of it.
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Granblue has been saved from the Beatrix menace!
you retarded bigger they are pressing TO TAKE THEIR TURN ON YOUR MINUS FRAMES
why is lanceleots damage output so weak?
>it's -4
>I can just wait for the animation to play out and take my turn
>or I can mash in the 13 frames I'm still in hitstun while she revs up sapphire slice, hit my button perfectly on frame 14, and get hit
So... so why would I do this?
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Someone datamine the patch
Blockstun, not hitstun, but you get the gist.
No one is going to mash on this when we can just look for whether she starts to twirl for sapphire or not. This isn't like Sin or Djeeta where they can delay it and make an actual guessing game out of it.
mmmm nyo
god damn you are stupid.
you don't understand, he can react to 10 frames, he has the gene, he will never have a turn stolen by Bea mashing after 22M
I'm still waiting to hear why you'd do it. If there was an actual sizeable gap like 3f or 4f out of throw range, it would seem like a far stronger option.
His explanation is wrong, but there is a fuzzy timing for delaying your mash to make you safe against the frametrap while also taking your turn before giving bea the 4 frames she needs to steal her turn or cause a scramble
Summer Siegfried is the battlepass costume. Summer Percival is in the shop.
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i made fun of this general before but after looking at /gbfg/ its alot worse.
Please let me save more money, would be a huge fan.
please say sike
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Yes, SF6 is a lot better designed than Rising.
>He passes up all the colors/stickers/music/card art/badges/weapons
i completely forgot about the tourny..gomen....
which one
Don't apologize for his retard sunday scheduling.
You retards can now stop plugging on me since Bea is an honest mid-tier jobber now.
sunday is my off day.............
The music and illustrations are the biggest loss, but I don't care enough to dump for just them.
Maybe they'll let me buy songs later. New World Order was sad to miss out on, but not worth 6usd.
Let the TO enjoy his church activities.
>he works on GODS day
gbfg is alot worse if thats what you were asking
does changing the low profile invincibility mean she has to predict fireballs instead of sliding on reaction?
don't worry I saved local copies of all your fucked up inputs.
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so I can't just mash the shit out of my c.M while blocking 22M anymore?
that sucks
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golshi bread
This harvin's expression sends blood to my penis.
Somebody else bake it please I am still in shame from ai slop.
More than once have I seen Bea players argue that they should not nerf Bea because she's a ''fun'' character that can deal with the top tiers.
I'm not even gonna go into being ''fun'' or how likely it is that ''being fun'' just means being batshit insane strong. I'm pretty sure Nier players found it fun to combo people off her Reversal.
But do they really not realize that Bea can deal with top tiers... because she's a top tier herself?
Sure she is no Nier, but you have to be absolutely fucking delusional to think she isn't AT WORST top 6. WORST CASE SCENARIO, top 6.
She's absolutely still going to be high tier, probably top 10.
There are a lot of worse characters in the game, characters with actual downsides/shortcomings. Characters people actually have a right to complain about because they suck and usually get evaporated by the top tiers.
also don't forget the new tourney info
i will forget it
styop thyat
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I hope you continue to self reflect on that and see unspeakable horrors when you look into the mirror first thing in the morning
I had sleep paralysis demons already so I know god is punishing me accordingly.
>log in
>got a message from FHKR that my Bae's rank progression has been reset and also told me to stop being a carried baby faggot
wtf i love fkhr now?
satyr bread please
goodbye /gbvsg/, no more threads for you
the nerfs weren't big enough to save us
Last time I baked I fucked it up
ok fine ill bake it
don't blame me if i fucked something up


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