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>Guides and resources


>6/18 (Tue) Update Notice

Summer Island Mayhem
The Reaper and the Gangster (Permanent)
Guild Raid Season, "Planetary Control Unit"

>Developer's Note #7

>Code Redemption Website for iOS

>Increased rates
Fatal 6/18 ~ 7/2
Aer 6/18 ~ 7/2
Dalhia 6/18 ~ 7/2
Monad Eva 5/21

>/opg/ Guilds


wtf spicbros
Is this an Aer reference?
it was scary not existing
bros I killed Epsilon stage 1 for the first time
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
Sorry bros I couldn't bump the thread...
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grats outerbro
reposting some teams for the guild raid

Team 1: Aer/Astei/Vlada/Valentine
Team 2: Eternal/Christina/Kannon/Tamamo-no-mae
Try to strip the buffs off with Tamamo/Aer/Eternal before the boss moves again so you can weakness break her before she enrages
how do I build Tamamo? Most guides seem to have died somewhere in february so I'm a bit lost and there's not many who post stuff on youtube
thanks bro, remember the coupon OUTERJUNE22 too
its ok bro
I have mine on speed set, she mostly need the talisman that increases AP like the rogue charm, as for stats thing like speed and health are what matters the most
Those are the teams I posted last thread, and yea Tamamo is just as much speed and hp as possible. Speed set. Hp weapon. Accessory can be speed or Hp.
grats bro
we were actually outerdead...
a somewhat regular occurrence for us outerbros
>I sleep
>Thread dies
Eubros doko
It always happens on the weekends too
sorry outerbros my sleep schedule is fucked
Yeah I assume it's due to people sleeping in, hopefully news on Monday and not another quiet week while we wait through this rerun for JP's sake
It's 15 days wait for news bro
So till probably on jun 30
OuterplaneWorldCup Soon
Imagine the taste
Aer sweat would taste sweet
the side stories on this game are a blast, doing the Alice one and it's amazing how side characters can just become memorable with 10 chapters.
in this game* no sleep required
Bought Dalhia bikini battlepass
enjoy the skin outerbro
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
>can turn into a fucking biblically accurate angel
>is a side character
Demiurge Hanbyul Lee when?
It almost happened on season 2 part 1...
We can still have some hope....
I finished Season 2 Part 1 normal, should I do Hard Mode or go to Season 2 Part 2?
season 2 part 2 is easier i think
I need my team to reach lvl 100 so I opted for the Hard Mode Route for now, if I hit a wall then I'll proceed to Seson 2 Part 2 as there's no story in Hard Mode and my brain says I'm not missing anything if I take it slow now.
i like them too bro
Is this a good time to start this game?
Yes, Lots of freebies
Nice, any tips for a newfag?
Roll for valentine or eternal in the selection banner. Dont reforge your gear unless its 6*
read the story, If you're confused on something just ask here
Good outernight outerbro
oyasumi bro
EOS soon.
outernight outerbro
jp saved us
join netori for free buffs and a thousand gems from the guild raid season before it ends
got my ass kicked by the sacreed guardian on Hard Mode , guess it's time to continue the story
Add FederalAgent and use his aer to clear the green hunts (10mins cooldown for each borrow)
where are the NEET outerbros to keep the thread alive?
All outerbros are functioning members of society sadly.
We're all whales with a job
>tfw min wageslave
Y-yeah, whales... Haha...
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laplace rerun when?
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Laplace has the highest dmg multiplier in the game yet is outclassed by other mages due to their EE being better.
but what's EE? Element Enhancer?
exclusive equipment
increase trust level with hero to lvl10 using gifts
AH, I didn't know such mechanics existed wtf
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so every unit has a EE slot ? M . Eva would be my first max trust , or is that something that stacks on top of already equip items? I see a slot for "Unique weapon" which I'm guessing is the EE stuff?
excuse the mess I haven't sleep yet
every unit has a unique EE that only they can equip unlocked by Trust lvl10. They give a unique buff/ability independent of any gear/lvl/transcendence
im going to sleep bros, please keep the thread alive for 7 to 8 hours
I see, thank you for the information, maybe I skipped reading that from the tutorial.

Sky Tower floor 100.....almost there....
floor 96 now....almost...
Is there a base guide anywhere? I maxed my antiparticle generator but I'm unsure what to do next
expedition failed.....the hero party eradicated my lvl 80 team....floor 100 not like this....
I'd probably go Workshop, then expedition, then supply module. You could do expedition first if you don't think you're going to craft any time soon.
got my Eva to trust 10 ty for the EE recomen
Nice bro. EE's can be borderline necessary for some characters and basically useless for others. Check out the google sheet in the OP for recommendations (it isn't updated anymore but it has characters up to Vlada). Worth noting that even the worst EE can be used as a vessel to equip 4 gems
those mana orbs...
bros I've reforged around 10 pieces of gear trying to complete my "reforge gear 5 times" newbie mission and it's still at 0/5
I can't get my summon selector ticket until I finish this mission what the fuck am I doing wrong?
it might be to fully reforge the gear
Might be bugged, I know the arena one for newbie missions is also bugged. Good chance it gets fixed in tomorrow's patch
I reforged as far as I could with each piece which was filling their entire stars
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
goodnight outerbros
outernight outerbro
Thank you staminabro, You always have my outerback
Thank you RNG quirk, rolled for another D. Stella and got the little sweet angel right now.
>100 demi pulls
>No d.eva dupes
>Single 3* (Noa)
There goes my savings...
exercising for my wife (Laplace)
I believe in your next roll bro
i'm sorry gro
dont worry bros ill buy the summer limited packs
Any advice on clearing Sky Tower Floor 96 on Normal?
Still at work
I'll help ya when i get back
No problem thank you in advance!
What's the enemy there again? can you post a screenshot
best way to level up units to 100?
Just keep doing the EXP dungeon or you can use that team to sweep hard mode stages for the exp too
Kill eva first
Stack your chainpoints
Use them all once eva is dead
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nice aer bro
I think my damage is not enough, I'll try soon thank you for the advice.
Focus Eva first, then focus either Lisha/Snow before killing the other; leave K for last despite her passives making it seem like you want to kill him first. Even with triple buffs from being the only one alive he does way less damage than Lisha+Snow
Now that I can farm guaranteed 6* gear, should I spend the free resources on legendary gifts rather than 5* legendary chest? Are 5* legendary gear that inferior compare to 6*?
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
yeah 5* legendary gear are inferior to green 6*
Get the talisman and stamina only in the event exchange
Good outernight outerbros
outernight outerbro
thanks for the reminder outerbro
My newbie quests are glitched and I just noticed that, I can't complete the arena or reforge ones...
that sucks bro, check if they can help you on stove
known bug bro, Fix soon
lets go
>Aer icon got changed to iota
Season 3 soon?
Outerbros how much is the Veronica premium pack (monthly one) for you? I get different prices depending if I'm playing on IOS or Android. Can I get a screenshot?
It's about 5.09 USD for me bro (android)
$6.99 for me, always been that way but I only play on Google Play Games.
I'm retarded its actually 6.79 USD
I was high and thought you were talking about the valentine pack
Thanks Outerbros I've decided to purchase it then.
How can I beat the weapon boss fights to get the 6* guaranteed weapon I think it's stage 9. Looking to beat the fire boss. Fore the surefire Javelin.
I have Aer, Fatal, Dahlia, Tio, Valentine, Noa, Veronica and a Dolly leveled up somewhat with good gear I guess 6* counterattack lol.
Vera is so hot bros.
You need specific element heroes for reaching stages 9 and above.
So you probably need Veronica and 3 other water heroes.
Damn ok. Thanks anyways
I think your best bet would be Fatal/Veronica/Dahlia/Aer, but ideally you'd have 4 water heroes as >>483314247
mentioned. You might be able to get away with your current characters with sufficient quirks but I'm not sure. You can't use a healer for meteos, or at least a healer is basically useless, so a shielder comes in handy, which Laplace is good for. Team I used for stage 12 was Rin/Tamara/Laplace/Veronica. Fatal is probably an acceptable substitute but I haven't really had a chance to build and test her yet.
I just tested this, I was able to do stage 9 with this team but not stage 12. Power for reference:
Aer - 71k
Dahlia - 38k
Veronica - 36k
Fatal - 32k
I'm just not going to do it (Terminus Isle Stage 2), I'm sorry hahahaha I'm just not going to.
You get Pull tickets in stages 8 above bro...
It's asking me for 80k overall power and I can barely reach 70k so I'm just grinding mats for Utility
Actually it's asking me for 101k power now.....odd.
"asking" is the wrong term , I mean it's saying that's the recommended power, haven't sleep
does the summer event attempt for Hard refreshes daily or weekly? because if it was daily I neglected a full week of it lmao
it's daily bro
does the Week 1 event shop disappear today and gets replaced with Week 1? I bought everything except Aer shards which are now 15/16, would be a shame if I missed them due to negligence from my part.
gets replaced with Week 2*
No, you get 20 tries daily - they can be split up any way you want. So you can just do enough week 1 runs to get the Aer shards then use the rest of your attempts on week 2
amazing news! thank you very much , good to know I can still get those shards which I definitely need for my Aer
holy FUCK i kneel
mine is only at 70kCP
Are you using any penetration?
Alright thank you. I'll try this. I didn't know healers were useless there. Kept trying with Tio but no luck. I'll try that now.
try valentine instead of dahlia for cc and cdmg buff + cr manipulation + dual attacks, he is also immune to frozen
make sure to use cp gain talismans if you have any
Can I have multiple talismans with the same chain points passive?
I have progenitors charm and rogue's charm which increases chain points when scoring a critical hit, will they stack?
>Be K
>Ask about what the fuck are Automatons after you've spend a year with one
lol lmao , although I guess he never had the opportunity to ask but still
the talisman is only for the hero its equipped to
Oh ok. So in theory I could have the same talisman in everybody.
But I heard in the other bread that talisman main stats don't stack (can't have all of them give me attack bonus because only one will be applied instead of 4) is that true?
I've not tested it, so I have no idea
Its true.
good nitg outerbros
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Its all pen set with pen acc
I'm gonna precise craft a pen helm and a pen armor once cooldown is done
my pen gloves and pen boots have the perfect substats(Crit dmg/Crit chance/Attack/Attack%)
Ideally I want to make my helm and armor have the
Crit dmg/Crit%/Attack%/Speed. Having 50% crit chance is already enough since val can give the other 50% crit chance with her buff.
the whole quirk system makes guild raid far easier
I wonder how they are going to balance future late game content
Night bri
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Mero has an animation for this removed skill of hers. It wasnt recycled back in sadly.
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lisha LOVE
when's maint?
I wish there's compilation of every outerpanties...
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Took me about 30k effectium to roll this
should i keep going or keep
some day i'll make it bro
More! I need more!

I hope you can do it, outerbro!
How come we never get guild supplies?
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
Think it's just a waste of resources when we still have monoliths to upgrade for permanent bonuses
Evasion got meganerfed, but honestly I would take it and just use the Individual Transistone on the evasion slot since you get really lucky to get two useful stats + 3-bars on everything else
It's outerover
working out for my wife (Laplace)
I could also use this piece for regina
Hence i ended up confirming the piece
Thank you staminabro, You always have my outerback.
Should I ignore Kate Workshop until I can craft *6 Equipment from her?
thank you!
>pull for another M. Eva or D. Stella
>get 1 Aer
I mean, there's a banner for her....but I'll take it.
Pulling aer is always a good day
week 2 is open
7 more days until patch notes and regina micro bikini
oh shit
Eliza.....my Hero...
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
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outerbros are jacked
thank you got my 100 gems
bros Snow's sister keeps recovering her health to 100% HP....do I need an unbuffer to get her? this is for Season 2 Part 2 Story mode
What stage bro
nvm I got her , just needed to stop her healing
I am very skeptical about the future release of RTA, unlike E7 the demiurge units (Moonlight 5* equivalent) are so absurdly strong relative to all other units (except maybe Kanon) in pvp
The balance around pvp in this game feels horrendous, mainly because demi units simply do everything better. 6* D.Vlada is superior to every other opener in every way, D.Astei's damage output is so far beyond any other hero in this game that it makes no sense to ever build anyone other than her. This makes sense from a revenue perspective as the release of demis is very slow, so they have to make them overpowered, especially at 6*, so people have something to spend money on. Nerfing demis would be a terrible idea, and releasing one that isn't that strong would tank their revenue. The only way to remedy this would be to release demis at a far faster rate, but they won't do that because they would likely have to incorporate them into the story which is already releasing slowly. RTA would just be mindlessly drafting as many demis as you can before the other person can.
thanks for the coupon bro
Banning D.astei and D.vlada on sight
maybe you won't be able to use D. units for the first 10 seasons?
excuse the mess haven't sleep
Unless things have massively changed over the years, MLs were disgustingly OP in PvP as well over there (as well as the whaled MLs with dupes vs the f2p luckchad MLs), the difference was that their roster is huge due to being such an older game so there's way more viable options
How did E7 early RTA go?
God i wish, Dastei and d.drakhan is the only counter to my patience set with phantom swords striker team
Terminus Isle automatically chooses the stage for you if you're way pass the recommended power, booo!
there was a bit more variety, ML5*s were everywhere but as >>483421693 said even back in early e7 rta there were more options
it could be fine if they make it so draft units have cost like counterside
>use individual transistone
>get the same stat but at lower base
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I should be able to reach 10k attack on vlada in theory If I'm able to get Attack and Attack% on 6 bars. But I will try to settle for 9k.
how many stars trancend?
Vlada is still currently 3*
I plan to farm her once Mero and Hagfox reaches 6* from shard farming
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Mero and Tama should be 6* at the end of this week. Vlada and Eternal will be the ones next in line.
well Vlada kicked my ass like 20 times before I somehow got Veronica and made it? Odd but whatever
Good outernight outerbros
Its lore accurate that veronica can beat vlada
lol that was my exact reasoning of choosing Veronica, after so many tries with level 100 Asteis, Aers, etc I was getting destroyed by Vlada doing a combo of S2 S1 and S3 all one after another. Then went with Veronica and she just stood there and took it?
thinking I have to do this shit on Hard mode soon, sucks
I wish there was a lore accurate power tier list
Some characters like Aer, Lee, etc. are deceptively strong
Epsilon with her core should be the most powerful in mirsha. Considering she was meant to destroy the planet so her sister could rebuild it.
Fitting, she was my first 3* unit when I started playing
wouldn't d.eva be more powerful, since she was able to beat d.drakhan, who was fighting K + d.vlada?
>can't get my selector because missions are bugged
eva has epsilons core
technically she is just borrowing epsilons true powers
Well, in real life lore it goes something like:
>Monad is the source of everything, the supreme
>Demiurge is a part of the source Monad, imperfect, but shaper of reality
so anything with the Monad surname is more powerful
any guides on what substats I should be focusing on?
Phone needs recharging, once again Vlada, now the one from Chapter 8, is kicking my ass. There's likely a trick I'm missing but I'll try again later.
not really, what heroes?
For generic characters it's really
Speed, Crit % (only up to 50%), Crit Damage, Attack%/Flat Attack
Speed, HP% / Flat HP; then whatever though Def%/ Flat Def is very nice for just extra bulk
HP/Def, Speed; if they do only debuffs then Effectiveness; Accuracy is nice to have but since evasion was nerfed into the ground accuracy isn't anywhere near as important either
Speed, Effectiveness, Accuracy
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there are way too many pantyshots for a compilation bros these are just the ones i took myself/saved from these threads
lmaooo a pic worth of an op
Eh balance will sort itself out eventually. You forget early epic 6 pvp was just who got to pick SB Ara and SBaal first. Then there was Arby and ARabi who had like 100% pick ban rate. I quit a few years ago, but I'm sure ML units are still incredibly powerful. As Outerplane gets older and more units are released we should see less of a reliance on demiurge units like E7. In fact you can already see it happening a bit with some core pvp units being basic bitch stuff like Leo and Mene.
how do I build demiurge Stella bros?
revenge set, cc neck for pvp
naru kang... forgotten
Aw it looks better on my phone
wow that looks high quality
are you using gpg?
My phone
I turned on anti aliasing before taking the screenshot
I usually have it off because it burns my phone
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
compensation next week
>can finally do Bandit Chase Stage 10 on auto
Anyone know how much effectium I should have for a precise craft?
last one I did took about 10k
you can take your time crafting it
I spent 40k on rerolling substats alone
but thats only because i was aiming specific substats. Shouldnt take more than 5-10k if you are quick to please.
You could skip fighting the boss by not killing the mobs in the 2nd stage and get lesser rewards at first clear but when you sweep you get the rewards as if youve cleared the hidden boss. A tip i forgot to tell ya
Kanon is the only one with good panties
Pixel appreciation time
This is nice but where is tummy compilation?
This tip could have been helpful 4 days ago.
Make sure someone puts this in a pastebin or the OP.
is this right? I remember sweeping back when I was doing stage 7 and I got less gold/food than if I did it manually, and I think I also posted about it here
was it because of the daily bonus? try it out without the daily bonus
ok I'll try it tomorrow, I get 3 tries a day and the first two always include the daily but I do them manually since that particular event, it might be that but I'll test it after reset.
Fuck this hard mode bs I'm going to use Veronica and Lee on my team
Who should I pick fron the 3 star selector ticket? I have Aer, Fatal, Dahlia, Noa, Valentine, Alice, Rhona.
thanks for the reminder outerbro
Naru meta on RTA release for sure
It's another episode of "everything is going smoothly" until the boss has 1 bar and he kills one of your units spontaneously.
That's why i make sure i stack enough chainpoints so when i get to that point i could break the boss and avoid getting crushed
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
Thank you staminabro, you always have my back
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veronica is great in story mode, massive shield and dual attacks + taunt
I DID IT, I SAVED EVA. I would like to know something though, when was Season 2 Part 2 added patch-notes wise? Some months ago? Poor Private Nadja.
Like a month ago
Holy shit, nice.
I hope there's a new summer event after this one bros, I already have all the swimsuits from last year
I hope so too bro. I would prefer them going the
New ->Rerun-> New cycle
Good outernight outerbros
summer event got me thinking of Super Mario Sunshine kek
For those that finished the main story, what are your thoughts on it?
Its fun, remind me of a manhwa but with more in depth characters if you read the side stories along with it.
Good but Stella deserves Ksex in season 3
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Next update better be big bros...
It's good, nice to have protagonist with a goal for once
Iris....my Sacryfice....
Waiting for the Evil spirit to go inside leo and morph him into a girl
outernight outerbro
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Demiurge Lee when the fuck?
demi Lee would be cool because of her broken quirk
I tested it on stage 10
4 tickets on manual (6 turns)
Ranges from 191k-181k despite being consistent with the total turns.
4 tickets on sweep
I assume sweep clears the stage and gives the highest rewards base on the lowest amount of clear as basis for its reward
I lowered the clear to 4 turns only and got 187k.
Yeah, sweeping doesn't really decrease the rewards since its already pre determined on a range.
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This is what lee would like in 3021
sounds good enough, I'll check after reset and report , thank you anon
those fingers though lmao, AI still got so much to learn
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who is that?
Edelweiss, water ranger
nice, I like her design
A Larper
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She's pretty cute. Not very useful though
Easy access sexo
You when regret saying this when I invent a new meta using her as core in the outerFC
You will*
what's her max trust level like?
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She cute
my ninja elven wife is useless...
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at least she's good for one thing
outersex with my outerbros
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Is Sigma any good by the way?
Just checked and the guide says it's the worse 3* unit, but she looks so adorable.....
She is in fact terrible
I pulled Eternal and Drakkan from the free pulls today.

Who should I prioritize?

Also I love this game.
Eternal is better. Drakhan is also very good especially for light debuff teams, Eternal is just top tier.
Eternal has a nice ass, Drakhan has nice tits.
the real meta
Eternal has the best hips in the game, too
good night bros
outernight outerbro
Eternal, eventually you'll end up having a mono fire team for chimera, aer valentine eternal and tio can work
Alright thanks outerbros! I'll prioritize Eternal and level up Drakkan a bit because Terminus Isle stage 2 is impossible without light units because of the weather condition.
bros im gonna take a nap keep the thread alive, sleep schedule is almost fix so i'll able to bump on eurohours in a few days.
The weather is random every time so you'll have to build a team for every element. Or you can paypig for the terminus pass that lets you choose your weather and play the element you like.
Good idea to build teams for all elements anyway cause of guild raid. Does the changing the weather thing cost gems or gold? If it's gold it could be worth it, definitely not gems though. I have the pass so I can't see.
I'm pretty sure everything costed gems except for the useless first option to shorten durations which was gold, but I have the pass too so maybe they changed things.
>making everything except the shitty one cost gems
Yea, you're probably right
love aer
You can't change it once you manage to beat one area so I'm stuck with that until I level up light heroes but only just pulled Drakkan so it'll take a little while.
>Dahlia's bracelet moves up and down depending on her arm movement
Holy shit the detail in this game
didn't notice that
the devs seem to be working hard
news/character reveal in 3 hours
her tits also do this
lets go
Everyone's tits does this. That's the selling point of the game.
But they are spending extra resources on other parts as well.
If true that would be amazing. Fatal was a great looking character and I'm glad I pulled her within 3x10pulls using tickets.
Hope so bros, theoretically it should be today but there were a couple of times they didn't release a new character and just did reruns I think
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paladin bros fucking won
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
a new Sacreed unit? NUN BOBBA?
working out for my wife (Laplace)
>shield thing
>Slim and tender with big booba
We freaking won
Hopefully the shoulder thing and shield don't look too bad on the full art, a lot of art screws those up
>Tomorrow I get to use the multi pull for the demiurge banner.
If I don't pull a demiurge I'm spending 2250 gems for a chance to pull one. They seem to be the best units all around so hopefully I'll get one.
I believe in you bro you will get them without having to buy the gems!
I have my eyes on D. Drakhan, got D. Stella and M. Monad while using the 2 free daily Demi tokens and spending 1,8k gems everytime for 15 days more or less while completing the main story
forgot to mention I was using the "Choice Up" option for both of them, as soon as I got M. Eva I changed it to D. Stella and now it's on D. Drakhan , it increase the % chance.
Should I buy the Rin costume from the shop for 900 gems? People said it was 20 Dollarinos before. I also have to get Rin from the selector ticket tho. Is it worth it?
cheap skin is always worth
Rin is good for her Crit , at her latest stages she can take hordes in just one swing with her s2. That said, I was lucky to get her through normal recruitment so I went and bought her costume for 900 so she can look a bit different.
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Sweep anon here, I tested it out on Bandit Chase Stage 10 both on Manual and using the Sweep option, both times I had the daily bonus. As the other anon said, as long as you have the Stage completed if you use Sweep it acts as if you got Fefnir (the special boss that gives you more food)
pic related , first one was manual and the bottom one is through sweeping.

You can sweep without worrying that you'll miss the extra boss item , probably already confirmed but now double confirmed.
Thanks bro
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how big?
dark healer
Sleeping early
Good outernighto uterbros
We're still going to be on the last week of the event so don't expect another event yet, if we're super lucky we'll get the very first part of Season 3, but otherwise expect a dead week with just a new banner
nyo... maybe world boss taken out of beta? or rta?
outernight outerbro
Thank you codebro
So many Outerpanties!
Hot outersex with kanon when
iota sex doko
>Spam speed/accessory crafting for the dark boss
>0 absolute music
I should have just done a precise craft
Only do gurantee crafting for weapons/Accs
You can do regular 6* crafting for armors since blue gears are still usable
3 more days until patch notes
thank you kinded anon
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
thanks bro
This game needs a collab...
With who?
So lore wise Sigma is damaged, does that mean a potential Sigma unit that far suppresses her current stage will be released eventually?
can someone share the current top score in the guild raid from the JPN server?
SEXO WITH K-MOS (Xenosaga)
Implying the devs dont forget about her and tanya
I really really like Sigma , thinking of getting her max trust even if she's not worth.
I wish they'd give us back the old tanya as a costume
Old Tanya and old Idith are still the better costumes...
Does it matter what levels the units you send to explore terminus Isle are?
levels dont matter
only the stars do
Must be a base 3* hero though
lets go
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Epic7 so I can get Luna in 3d. (I doubt she'd actually get in, but one can dream)
Otherwise just go for any isekai anime, this game was practically BUILT for them
imagine e7 collab with Rabi and Luna...
never played epic 7 but definitely want this girl. I really hope we get a collab at some point
Sex with 3d epic7 heroes
Is epic7 the same developer? If so then I can see it happening.

I'd personally would like to see something like NIppon Ichi software in it. The specials in this game are very akin to their games
Same parent company but different developers
Different devs, but same publisher (Smilegate), so it's definitely not impossible
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Give me Judge Kise.

Still my favorite design after all these years.
I did it outerbros on my first full with gems!!

What's the best set to build her? And should I reset other heroes to give priority to her?
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new hero bros
>Named Kappa
Hideous name but other than that very solid design.

Giving me Xiangfei vibes tho
Noa has a option to de equip her glasses
but Edelweiss has no option to wear her mask despite it being animated in the files and it only appears when you click her for chain break
Speed set or counter attack
HP substats and speed substats
I'm still waiting for new schoolgirl Soulslayer...
Kuro is the new soulslayer and YOU will LIKE HER
Thanks, should I be looking for a specific weapon passive?
Depends on your preference
Lastly would Resurrection Token be helpful or it interferes with her skills?
It doesn't interfere with her skills
Is there a limit to how many times a character can revive in a single battle?
None. She can spam revive. The only real counter to it is extinction from d.drakhan or fatal. or if you kill her immediately after she revives
Absolute bonkers it doesn't have a limit. Guess I'll know what I'll be abusing next.
pretty sure she is an automaton, greek alphabet
Alrighty then. How do you get demiurge shards?
Its only by pulling the premium banner
How do I sell outerplane in /vmg/?
Send them a gif/webm of Dahlia's swimsuit skin animation from the event.
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
today is my birthday bros, will likely get the battle pass premium as a treat !
Happy birthday outerbro, Enjoy your outertreat.
Dianne just wished me a happy birthday and told me she made a strawberry cake awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww but I can't betray Eva....
meant for >>483796456
happy outerbirthday outerbro
Happy birthday outerbro!! Enjoy your day!! Let's build that sexy Dahlia!!
Really... So I have to pull her 3 more times if I want to make her 4 stars, correct?

If that's the case then I'm glad the demiurge banner never goes away so I can take it slow and we get 2 pulls daily for free. That's quite generous desu.. at least compared to other gacha games
I wish there was a way to view it without the UI
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I don't mind, you're like 110 but it's cool Laplace....my wife...
She's only 50-60 years old bro
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I wish it'd be more saggy
Eva will bake you an even bigger cake!
I just spent all my remaining gifts to bring normal Eva to max trust because of this post, thank you, now I am complete.
I did the same but to Monad Eva. Exclusive weapon is good on her.
Monad was my first max trust, her EE is quite good for that extra healing, I just felt that the normal Eva needed some appreciation after all she's been through.
what languages do /opg/ play in for the characters' voices?
but why? don't you want to hear Yuri crying every time you hit her during pvp?
JP for mobile
KR for Gpg
JP for the overall experience EN Valentine and K were really good from what I remember, EN Valentine is better than JP, but there is absolutely massive jumps in quality between different characters
English makes my ears bleed.
I think the guild should be open for everyone and kick the inactive players more regularly.
That way we can get a higher ranking in guild boss.
It was made exclusively for OPG bros
We going to Iota's kingdom next?
Yeah, but Kappa is an automaton name but she doesn't look like an automaton to me
Pull 1 time for 4*
Another 2 for 5*
Another 3 for 6*
7 pulls if you want to have a 6* demi if you include the first summon
she was designed to be the most compatible with human breeding anon please understand
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
Good outernight outerbros
Iota didn't really look like one either
my wife...
is there a way to hear the lobby unit greetings (and all their interactions in the lobby) without having to reset the game or idle waiting? for example, when it's dawn and the unit comments about it, I want to listen to all of them without having to reset the game (and again, without needing their max trust level)
I think the only way is to get their trust lvl up
>Kuro gifts me fish , catnip, and according to Tamamo, it's is customary to play with her as the best gift.

I didn't ask for these feels stop it.
Kuro and Tamamo saved outerplane
>Dolly offers herself as a pillow as a gift
>Her huge size F bobbas
>as a pillow

jp loves kuro too
Yea max trust is the only way which sucks cause it takes a while to get enough presents for lvl 10. I'm trying to max out all characters trust now for their lines/expressions
I found a tricks of sort, but it only works for the birthday line, if it's your birthday you can listen to all of that particular line for all the characters
(as long as you have the unit) by choosing it for the lobby and idle wait until they say the line. Again, this only works for the birthday line, and probably the touch ones even if they trust level is not enough to unlock the line.
even if their trust level is not enough*
How do you build D Vlada for PvP bros? I've got:
Rampaging Caracal - Attack
Combination Simulator - Speed
2x Immunity/2x Augmentation sets
Seems like it should work when I get her to 6* eventually, any other ideas?
i run something similar bro
outernight outerbro
Funny story, I spent all morning grinding around 1000 gems doing Side Quests and some Hard mode chapters just to get full 1* on the Demiurge banner. Funny for whoever reads this I mean, because I'm seething and soon coping.
nvm rolled for the Fatal banner and got her with 10 tickets the coping was summoned fast I see
I keep getting fucked on the demi banners too bro. Got 1000 currency I'm gonna drop tonight and I'm sure it'll be nothing
Oh that's not too bad then. Thanks for letting us know.
Good luck with the pulls! Someone wished me luck and it worked for.me so doing the same for you
full speed set to make her an opener
Haven't gotten D. Vlada but I've seen her doing 40k+ damage to my team in pvp completey destroying it and I always go "Oh, I get it, it's like that" but in truth, I never get it.
If my only options are teams with D Vlada and Notia with decent power I just start the fight and immediately surrender. Don't need to wait for 5 minutes while they shred my team before I can even take 1 action
>be super ultra cool killing machine
>somehow she is now my my top 3 fav

how can Epsilon keep getting away with this?
excuse the repetition of words haven't sleep yet
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She is just that cool
Full speed only works for her bro
Speed amulet for PvP
Eff amulet for PvE
Barrage of truth wep
good night bros
outernight outerbro
Don't forget to replenish your stamina and do the daily summer events for the Weekly shop!
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Absolute fucking legend bro, thank you.
Thank you staminabro, You always have my outerback.
grats bro
astei... forgotten
holy nice, grats
Epsilon is great and deserves full power demi version
epsilon deserves sex correction
t. Epsilon
She appears in 3 side stories and appears in the main story
She won
double shards for 2 days!!!
Aer....almost there....
>tfw can never bite aer's thighs
Why live
Aer on virtual reality soon
Sorry if this was already answered but, Demiurge (and Monad) units only appear in the premium Demiurge banner right? They don't appear in special or normal recruitment? Just making sure.
Yeah, They only appear in the premium banner.
Alright thank you !
lets go
Don't forget to replenish your stamina!
just get isekai'd to mirsha bro?
Requires good RNG
Does Sky Tower Hard Mode continues to story from Sky Tower Normal mode? Or it it just 30 levels of battles?
no story unfortunately... its been over a year...
A shame, I wanted to rescue my wife....
Another 1,800 gems and 20 Demi tokens for one *2 Tio , fortunaltey I'm almost at 200 pity so going for D. Drakhan and then changing the Pick Up to D. Vlada. I believe!

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