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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site

>Enlisted Community Resource


>Update "Rzhev"

>Anniversary of the defense of Brest Fortress

>Try out the reworked matchmaking

Prior Thread: >>482549687
I mean you are right, paras were terribly implemented, but the decision to limit them is sensible with how powerful they are (this should have been done differently). I also think there should be a tab in the store where you can dump like 1,000,000 accumulated research points to get an old event squad for a given faction you dont already have or something similar
BR1 best preset
BR IV Germany is fun
>hover over possible maps to see what i can play now
>its empty
gg latvia
You know what I'd do? Softcaps.
2-6 troop (rifle, mg, mortar, smg, marks)
1 fast attack (para, apc, bike lol)
1-2 heavy (tank, plane)

It could be done better but this is the closest to current status while also milking whales and preserving some shred of "balance".
I really think that the best option would be actually adding squad caps.
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Enlisted has the same problem as Red Orchestra 2: all soldiers have built-in 3x magnification in their eyeballs that they can use when aiming down their iron sights, so the Sniper class is almost completely obsolete.
Americans and Soviets are back to being unplayable. Even at top tier my teams just sorta meander around in circles and let the enemy cap points.
US or EU?
Or at the very least give them a global teamwide cooldown like for bomber raids
>had shit game
>got to t-bag cux
not a total loss
Was that when I built that HMG on the hill? I was really just waiting to get into my T-34E and get the task done. The T-34E really is retardedly strong, too.
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If only. The T-34E with the turret and side armour will probably be an event or premium. The STZ is really good regardless.
ah forgot the STZ had that designation
is it stronger than the KV1?
post line up also those fender decals are hideous
No before that, pretty much at the start of the game. I jumped out of my halftrack and you were behind a dead tank. My team was so shit I got 1600 points and came 3rd by 50 pts. Russians were on song that game and I was plagued by console niggers on my side greyzoning.
The sight on that thing is fucked. Combined with the snowing I couldn't hit shit with it.
>those fender decals are hideous
Agreed. You look like one of those faggots who covers their macbook with stickers they saw on reddit.
Giving this guy a Voevodin has been my intention for ages, I just never play BR III as the Soviets because it would always get up-tiered.

The T-34E has a slightly better gun, better hull armour, better mobility, better turret rotation speed, smaller crew, worse turret armour. The KV-1 is probably more practical since you can hide your hull, you can't hide your turret, but both tanks die pretty easily to the same stuff. If you play more mobile then the T-34 is probably better, if you tend to grey zone camp then the KV-1 is better. The real reason to use the T-34E is for style points since the Gold Order one is black and rare.

The way it was placed made it so the sights didn't work, the only way to hit things was to aim with the middle of your screen since, with HMGs, the bullets always go towards the middle of your screen and not where the sights are pointed. The most I really did with it was disable a Panzer III N.
USSR could get a T20 Komsomolez and Japanese a Type 1 Ho-Ki.
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Forgot my guy, sad.
They're perfect squad panels so I wanted to put a decal that fit onto it. And I feel like the Tiger doesn't really have a good surface for unit insignia except the storage boxes behind the turret. Also, without the Zimmerit the whole front seems so bare. I agree it's a little gaudy though and I'm open to suggestions.

Anyway the lineup is:
>My BR3 infantry (MP-41(r) assaulters, ZK-383 assaulters, MG-13 drum squad)
>My BR3 APC (Stummel)
>Tigger H1
>special snowflake Panther G >>483083037
>Pz. IV H (filler, I'll replace it with the MG-42 premiums when they go on sale)
>Ju-188 A-2
>Me 410 A-1/U2
>Fiat G.55
>Nebelwerfer Halftrack
>Enemy team actually has a Flak Bus
>He spends ages driving to a retarded position then starts shelling the point
>Gets like 20 kills
>Spawn in a P-38
>Strafe him one with my guns
>He instantly evaporates
Lol what a piece of shit.
Also, I have 5 Mondragons and 3 Breda PGs, so eventually I could replace something with a BRIV riflemen squad utilizing those.
But for now I don't want to keep pouring silver into these setups if it can be avoided. And I want to hold off because they might end up adjusting low-tier assault rifles and the Gerat down to IV where they belong.
Alright I changed it. I feel like I need a small decal for the front somewhere though, it's so plain looking from the front.
Does anyone here actually have the KV-2?

You can put the decals on the frontal armour, you know. That's one of the places they are MEANT to go.
Just one decal instead mirroring it would a good start. It makes you look like a faggot with OCD. I'm happy to be corrected if you can show me any WW2 picture where the unit insignia is doubled up like that.
Better. Add shark teeth to the front.
>Not even sure there is shark teeth since I'm not a paypig.
Again, it was just because of those square panels on the front
How about this?
That's for planes. I might put Gneisenau on the side as well.
When I was conned into playing warthunder I would give all my tanks eyes on the sides of the turret and shark teeth on the front. Shame you cant do it here.
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thanks, my BR3 sov lineup has the 1941, black STZ, KV1, but maybe ill try out double STZ
the worst part about the KV2 so far is all the people dropping everything to try and kill me after my first shot. both tanks seems designed to be played as far away from the field as possible
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>one shouldn't desert
>thanks, my BR3 sov lineup has the 1941, black STZ, KV1, but maybe ill try out double STZ
If you can have a KV-1 and a T-34 STZ you might as well just take both.

Completely justified.
Then I hope you're putting the crew of 6 to good use by jumping out and hosing down the squads that rush you
>finish daily tasks
>finish even tasks
>get on with my life
Why does this game not compel you to play any further?
Is this actually useful at BRV? I feel like its only really justifiable in a niche BRIV build
>BR 3-4
>set up my Panther overwatching the lake
>best tank they have is a Sherman II
>they call half a dozen artillery barrages on me
>some guy shoots me with a PIAT like 20 times
>eventually an M5 tracks me before dying
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MVP right here.
He had four assists after ~30 minutes. Not kills, nah. Assists.
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every crew loss is precious bc the loader perk is so necessary and they usually dont get close enough unless I have zero screening from my team in which case it was a mistake to spawn the KV anyway. mostly its just people aiming wild panzerfaust shots or furiously trying to build AT guns lol
>niche BRIV build
yeah. havent used at top tier yet but I put in my lineup as it one shots even the most cocksucking greyzone armor with little effort, with the sole exception being the T2H which takes a little more work

there are also several dominant positions in rzhev that feel unfair to use on some objectives
how are you having fun at BRIV with this line up I am getting flashbacks to axis tunisia will how annoying allied players are at the moment
They've been pretty trash in my games. All the good allied players are in V, and there are enough BR3 players that I match down more frequently.
And if I do get matched against V, then I make do as I already did with my BR3 lineup except with better vehicles.
this reminds me of those italian tankettes that would be perfect for a BR1 event
What are you talking about, that's cancer: the line up
Shut your dirty fucking mouth. Italian "tanks" are godawful as it, now just imagine some dipshit taking the slot of your KT with that freaking thing.
US or EU? every match I load into is getting pummeled by T20s and rifle nades from moon runes. like 1000 -> 600 tickets in the first 3 minutes kind of pummeling
in my experience vehicle heavy line ups really struggle in up tiers, especially with only two real infantry squads. let alone with competent players dogpiling allies right now
BR1 kino supersedes any and all concerns about "top tier"
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event flame tank???
In my experience paypigs are bad enough when they don't stack the most annoying vehicles imaginable. Unless he gets a really, really bad closed urban map those things will make people wish to take a sledgehammer to his knees. And I wouldn't blame them.

I'm sure I'll get you in that shitcan on my team while mr let's bring the entire 8th panzer division above will be on the other.
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sorry for party rocking anon
I want BR1 kino as much as the next guy, but I think we can all agree that what we need are Sd. Kfz. 222s
US. I uptiered into some clanfags one game, and they cried about how they didn't have anyone else on their team (they were BR5). Also there was one match where some guy had a Pershing, but other than that there were no auto rifles to be seen.
I told you I'll phase the Pz. IV H out eventually, I don't want to make an infantry squad to replace them now and then later they move the StG-45 or Gerat down to IV where I can use that instead.
every time someone says a faction is unplayable, I go and I play it
and every time
it's playable
is this some sort of psyop
>Unless he gets a really, really bad closed urban map
you mean like almost every map from berlin and stalingrad? lol
yeah just did a couple on US and its like night and day. I have been conditioned to avoid the US server when playing axis (always), I guess when I had both toggled on it was only giving me EU games for some reason
germany was being crushed patchday+1 tbf
unregardless my italian bvlls will reign supreme at all times
>germany was being crushed patchday
Not until the evening, the update dropped at 3am and the high tier sweats trying out the T-20 didn't get on until over 12 hours later
BR1 kino will come with French army update.
Grenade launcher garland to br 3 when
Just play BR4
Allied players can only win when they have no opposition by gaslighting and stacking
Why would that ever happen?
pz IV E or pz III N ?
nvm that was a fluke I am the only human on my team
back to soviets
This post was brought to you by the communistpinkopsyopsgang
does anyone still use the sniper G41 squad
I never used it beyond the brief window I could use them for extra Scoped MKbs in Moscow
Small update, I realized I had most of the equipment on hand for one squad so I swapped out that Pz. IV H with this
The Panzer III N is a menace. So fucking sick of them.
why wouldnt you distribute power weapons across your infantry

most of those guys will be dead before you even notice
Because the other two squads are also in my BR3 lineup
it's over
just make more squads lol
give me some silver and i will
Just grind or use a time machine, bro
I actually do have the silver to do it, I just don't think it's a good idea. The M38 isn't much of an upgrade over the ZK-383 or MP-41(r). The riflemen weapons are just going from G41s to G43s or ZH-29s. Given time the MKbs/StG-45/Gerat will come down to IV and I can just use those. When the MG-42 squad goes on sale I'll grab it, and if the MG-45 squad comes back I'll grab that too.
I dont get the silver stockpiling mentality like were holding out for some huge silver sink-- that was called the merge and it happened already

anything more than a few 100k seems ridiculously excessive to me
A mega update with multiple br iii+ guns for each faction could get into the millions
>just going from G41s to G43s or ZH-29
you say that like it isnt a huge improvement lol

also the 42 early is trash, but the 45 is probably the most mobile LMG prem in the game

dawg they add like 3 weapons per patch and they are rarely all high BR, building line ups you can use immediately seems more proper IMO, especially right after a major patch where we wont see anything significant for awhile
I just spent 1.2m buying T-20s, setting up three half-ass meme BR 1 presets and one BR4 preset.
>you say that like it isnt a huge improvement lol
You say that like I actually use my riflemen that often
>also the 42 early is trash
Isn't it basically the MG-42 but on 5 troopers? The MG-42 is pretty solid so it seems worthwhile.
>especially right after a major patch where we wont see anything significant for awhile
We saw BR adjustments within a couple weeks of the merge. I think with these matchmaking changes will likewise see some BR tweaks.
OK and I am saying you should use silver to build line ups instead of holding it, sounds like you are doing that
so what you just sit in tanks all game?
If you can make the 42 work normally sure, but the squad cant get sprint speed and with a medspeed build you get one extra belt each, so you can have ammo or take full advantage of the MGIII perk, but not both. its a defense focused squad which is a pretty big ask for an inflexible premium at high BR, where its a huge liability to have to hump an ammo crate and be slow as fuck
the 45 on the other hand can get sprint speed and gets a 300 rd ammo pool with a large pouch, so its much more suited for how the game plays at its rank
>BR tweaks
maybe, I hope youre right, but they are calling this a "test" so who knows what sticks or what their plan is
>OK and I am saying you should use silver to build line ups instead of holding it
My point was "a few hundred k" isn't really sufficient.
>so what you just sit in tanks all game?
No, it's more or less my BR3 preset with better vehicles. I sacrifice sometimes fighting BR2 players (with 1-2 you never see 1s with BR3 now) and sometimes you fight 5s which I was already used to doing with my BR3 setup.
>but the squad cant get sprint speed and with a medspeed build you get one extra belt each, so you can have ammo or take full advantage of the MGIII perk, but not both
That's how everyone has to run regular MG3s anyway. It sucks but it is what it is. MG45 does sound really nice though I hope it gets brought back.
also how do you not have tons of random gear and personnel laying around for germany post-merge. building new squads shouldnt be from scratch
>play game as americans against japs
>japs get fucking slaughtered
>ergo the japs must be having a bad time
>play game as japs
>americans get fucking slaughtered
>ergo the americans must be having a bad time
they've got me stuck in the loop
after you have line ups built out a few 100k should be more than suffient as a reserve... unless the lions share of that was spent on T20s

and yes I realize that is how MGIIIs are but you cant swap them out for MGIIs for an ammo build and are seriously constrained by the lack of specialists and smaller squad size, all for a weapon that is identical to the normal 42. its up to you if you think 2 extra guns is worth that trade off and worth spending money on, but if I didnt have a sick compulsion to collect squads I would not own them. if BRIV gets more breathing room I might use them again but as it is they are not worth the slot over a normal 42 squad IMO
You make all the difference fren
I dont know how this is so often the case, but it is
I have a secret
I've been posting postgame scoreboards with lolispats420 and manbearpig's name pasted over mine
freakish behavior tbvh
neither of them have posted in this general in months it's all been me
nah I was just talking to him
Assaulter IVs are expensive. And I sold a lot of old gear way before the merge that I thought I would never use. Also at least for Germany I usually take care to actually get max rolled troops now even when it's not totally necessary for a perk lineup.
The T20s were under 300k
>and yes I realize that is how MGIIIs are but you cant swap them out for MGIIs for an ammo build
I prefer MG3s, if neither can get sprint speed with my perk setup then I would rather further boost the medkit use speed, even if it's for a single medkit.
>constrained by the lack of specialists
That is a big problem, having AT starts becoming a lot more important at BR 4-5
What about _31420124242011?
People like this have to be roleplaying a fantasy right? They're trying to play the game as if they were an actual sniper, trying to stay alive and only shoot high value targets.
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Why do so many vehicles have armored sides of just 6-10mm? Could that kind of thickness even withstand a full size rifle round?
That's what I thought too.
Well i guess Pz IV F1 will also be usuelles (as it seem it come with same gun and same armor).
unless it's AP, then it might punch through
>play destruction map
>destroy one radio
>set bomb on other 3 times
>lose game
>wonder why my team is so shit
>i'm the only one without a gamepad icon near my name
>come 1st
>feel like king of the retards
If it's interwar style face hardened steel than yes, and easily at range.
>not checking the scoreboard at the start of the game to make sure your team isn't full of consolefags
In his defense I had a marshal do barrel rolls in a fighter the entire game
>I had a marshal do barrel rolls in a fighter the entire game
unfathomably based
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>the 42 early is trash
Might want to appoint a MRE since you appear to have brain cancer.
i normally do, but the one time i didnt that happened. go figure.
How much silver does it cost to upgrade a Tiger IIH?
What's the BR3 lineup by nation you'd pick?
>upgrading vehicles
>Spotted the sweaty fat fuck with no friends
Use upgrade orders
I only have a few so I want to buy a few of the early one sand use upgrades on the last 1 or 2. Still would like to know how much silver it would take with the 40% discount.
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im underweight and have more silver than you
>tranny pic
not surprised. you no doubt would have more silver, so you would be half right.
That's not fair, I've got friends.
wow thats so original and creative. How long have you been swallowing cum for?
>Play Germany
>only 2 real players on team, rest are bots

Amazing game
>playing with retarded server restrictions on off times
sir we have agreed to all play allies for now
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Gotta love em
>Add uptade that lets germnigger seal club even more
>Allies become unplayable everywhere but BR 5
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>me rushing to make brV allies unplayable as well
Get your br4 shit out of here
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I only take this into BRV Japs
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They just lost it in a super secret battle at the end of the war
type 96 or ke7
What is this, Ho-Ri II Conception?
The ke7 is more like an AR and the type96 is good for longer distances, yet has decent hipfire as well.
>game goes full weirdfuckscifi
>panzerkleins reintroduced as standardissue
Doesn't sound too bad honestly
Wake up
Alright, screw you. I'm going all grenade launchers.
Soviets are my favorite BR3 faction
Soviets don't get tunisia maps. And you haven't experienced enlisted until you've gotten 40 kills with one grenade on tunisia.
I got 24 kills with a single explosion pack once in Tunisia, it was fun to play as brits there
God, I miss the old uncucked AB in tunisia. Used to get 200-300 per spawn in that thing.
T20 or M1 Garand AT for an AT trooper.
M2 honestly. SMGs>non german ARs
T20 is better than the FG42 II
M1 Garand AT feels thematically friendly
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in what universe is the MP-18 not a BR1 weapon?
read my other posts about the squad goober
the 45 squad shits on the 42 early squad in every way, and not in the stats is the 15% lower mobility penalty it has as opposed to the 42 early

I havent had MREs in years and dont plan on going back to them either
Pz IV F1 is better than E though, the hull armor might be worse by 10mm, but E has 30mm turret armor.
Having played with both I don't remotely agree. Hell, FG42 basic > any battle rifle
Let's not overreact now. The FG 42 isn't as good as the AVT or T20.
For me it is. Near perfect blend of cqc assripping smgs have and long range dumping on fools lmgs got. Both of those do it better in their role but this is engie, at and radio friendly.
The regular FG just has an ROF that's redundantly high and too much recoil to really be "great'. Plus, no bayonet. It's better than, say, the AVS and M2, but it's not better than the Type Hei Auto, FG 42 II, T20 or AVT. Not to say it's bad, I think it's actually pretty close to ideal for how autorifles SHOULD function (they need more recoil universally).
>Plus, no bayonet
Let's be fair, bayonets are a fashion accessory after a certain point. They're nice to have but they're hardly game changing.

All true. But I don't think there will be a "rifle" equal or even close to the II until if or when FN FALs and AKs come into play. That said T20 - great allround performance comparable to AVT. M2 - very good smg that goes on any soldier. Since I prefer to burst everything down and smgs are usually bis for that I'd still go with M2s for my AT soldiers.

You do you man, but I'll still take this over that since it works for me.
Bayonets are nice because they allow your bots to just stab someone who happens to be lose to them, which happens far more often than you think. Plus, they reduce recoil because fuck you.
So, would you take a g41 over a g43 for the sake of bayonet alone?
The gap between the G41 and G43 is way bigger than the gap between the T20/AVT and FG 42 I, thougheverbeit. Even the lower ROF on the AVT is made up for by having basically no recoil and very high damage.
i have yet to win a match in Rzhev, fucking useless german teams
I have yet to lose a match in Rzhev regardless of faction
i have yet to win or lose a match in Rzhev
I am yet to tolerate a full match of Rhzev.
We can go like this all day. And it'd be nice to have that spiked MAS bayonet since it actually came with one but for me at least it's not even close to being a deal breaker.
Really it all comes down to the fact that the Type Hei Auto is the single best gun in the game.
Upgrading a few weapons, vehicles. Let alone buying one will easily set you back by 40k.
Can't even imagine outfitting another army.
Constructing a proper lineup costs about 700k to 1.2 million if you're starting from scratch.
Way I see it if that's the case all the better when I finally get around to playing japan.
Lol. I gave ~70k for one armaguerra squad I barely used since.
It's a bit hard to fully explain how ridiculously OP the Hei is until you use it. It only slightly falls off against Vit users at longer ranges, but even then it has no recoil so you can just hose people down with it. It's closest to an M2 Carbine with full damage, if that makes sense in how it plays.
Makes enough sense to give me a chub thinking about it but it's not worth playing pacific only for the next two-three months.
Playing as the Japs is a nightmare right now anyway.
I've conditioned myself to hear related after being the only human on tunisia and later berlin axis for months on end. I'm already too far gone.
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Step aside, niggers and fellow diggers.
Do you think they could move the AG to BR I without upsetting winrates?
Absolutely not. The AG is actually fine, if not extremely strong, at BR II.
>The 10 Reisings and 9 Enfields I stocked up in the Pacific before the merge might actually come in handy
I thought those things will just stay in my storage forever but I have enough garbage to make a BR I line up
Why would you use the P14 over the USMC Springfield?
I already have those for BR II. Will eventually replace them with Lee Enfields but I got other purchases to make.
Also I really like the P14 and P17 sights. Shame about the lack of stabby.
Yes. Without slightest exaggeration I'd rather get shot at by someone with AG than someone with the c96 or hi-power pistol.
Is it shit enough to be BR1? Yes. Will it upset winrates? Yes, the germans will lose more.
>Guadalcanal coast 3 straight times with a team of mostly bots

3 desertions and I think Im gonna stop playing for a while
>Germany mains actually think a 6 round semi-auto with 13+ damage is "bad"
At 10m. With shit reload, shit dispersion, shit velocity, shit recoil and no bayonet in br where it means a lot. It's a load of meme fun when you unload 2-3 rounds at someone point-blank in those cramp stalingrad maps but you can literally fill that niche with a good pistol.
>Shit reload
3 seconds is fine/on par with bolt actions.
>Shit velocity
630 is legitimately fine, velocity only becomes an issue under, like 400?
>Shit recoil
Completely fine with reduction, which you SHOULD have.

The Allies don't even get tree equivalents to the Armaguerra. Its damage is only a concern if, for some reason, your newfag BR 1 and 2 opponents are using Vitality on every troop. It has enough damage to kill/down non-vit users out to, what, 120 meters? If your opponents are all using Vit then any gun you field besides a bolt action is massively weakened, anyway. Even the PPS-43, the powerhouse of the tier, is cucked to death by Vit because it has its TTK increased by 50%, and the MG 13 has its TTK increased by 100% by Vit. People saying the Armaguerra is bad was always weird to me because, even in Tunisia, it was VERY strong compared to the M1 Carbine, which was/is a massive noob trap gun. As is, the Armaguerra is totally fine where it is and distinctly powerful. Yes, I do use them in my BR II lineup, along with G98 Warmods.
I'd also like to add that the recoil on the Armaguerra is lower than standard for semi-autos and the accuracy is about the same as the SVT-38. It would be nice if it got a bayonet.
It has barely enough damage to kill non vit at 100m so most of your hits are instead downs. And that lack of velocity makes it awkward as fuck to aim for heads at longer ranges.

More power to you if you make it work but even if I'm going some rifle rush low br I'd take a MAS or a prewar k98 and a c96 over it without a second thought. And this isn't theory crafting, I've played with them for months.
And I've been running armaguerras at BR2 since the merge. Only problem I have ran into is the lack of bayo but axe works just fine.
And I used them when they were introduced in tunisia, before the merge, after the merge and the other day when there was the event for semi kills. They always sucked ass.
They sucked ass when facing Garands and Johnsons guaranteed. Against M1 Carbines and Bolt they work great.
I don't know what's there to really complain about when you can double tap people faster than any bolt can cycle, have barely any recoil for the damage output and decent sights.
>BR2 since the merge
By the way, it's great that you've been running them at br2 since the merge especially when they were downtiered from br3 the other month. Fucking hell anon.
>m-muh double taps
Fuck right off. You can take any rapid bolt rifle with fire rate perks, have points to spare and get 4-5 kills for the same amount of time and less effort while this shit needs to double or triple bodyshot to get one kill.

Actually. Nah, I'm done with your clown ass.
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>It has barely enough damage to kill non vit at 100m so most of your hits are instead downs.
Cool, wanna know how many tech-tree semi-autos the Soviets and Americans get that can down an enemy at 100 meters? Zero. That alone makes the Armaguerra uniquely valuable.

>And that lack of velocity makes it awkward as fuck to aim for heads at longer ranges.
630 is not an issue, at all. Even a target at 200 meters is only 300ms away, as in within human reaction speeds.

As a weapon, the Armaguerra is good and perfectly balanced where it is. It fills a niche that its opponents do not get to fill and have no equivalent of. The people suggesting it should/could be BR I are delusional and basically upset that a gun with a strong niche use case isn't blisteringly OP. Pretty much the only area where the Armaguerra suffers is against, what, vit using body armour Soviets, a demographic so small as to be negligible? In my thousands of Enlisted matches I have seen under 20 people using armour/vit, even at top tier.

>You can take any rapid bolt rifle with fire rate perks
The fastest firing bolt action with ROF perks (which are bugged btw) still only fires a quarter as fast as the Armaguerra (85 versus 320 RPM). The strategy with the Armaguerra has always been to down the enemy squad with one shot each and finish them off after a reload or with your pistol. It seems to me that you are looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Also, you are talking to multiple people.
>You can take any rapid bolt rifle with fire rate perks
You mean the perks that don't work and haven't worked for years?
>to double or triple bodyshot to get one kill.
Even if you shoot them in the legs you only need to shots.
Someone is talking too much trash with too little game knowledge.
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>muh gaslight intensifies
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Oh, and I would like to posit that the Armaguerra is uniquely strong for Rifleman II nade golems and Rifleman III medkit golems. For the nade golems, you can run in spamming your impact nades, then swap to your Armaguerra to finish people off. With medkit golems, the Armaguerra is uniquely strong for a rifleman at close range and has a huge ammo pool, so it can be effectively combined with 4x medkits and medkit use speed for tanky 9 man point taking squads. Other nations don't really have an equivalent to this, especially the Soviets. Dismissing the Armaguerra because you don't know what niche to use it in is pretty shortsighted.

Literally okay Vegeta.
Axis players have the worst social skills. Very frequently will they spam "idiots" or similar if your team loses. If you ask for rallies they will tell you to build them yourself
I don't main Axis but I frequently sperg out in chat when my team is full of brainless subhuman freaks, hoping that maybe I inspire them to stop playing or swap to another faction. Telling people "please play [ENEMY TEAM] next time" always upsets them deeply.
funny but also dumb
All I can hope is that it inspires them to quit or get better. Either is fine.
i had better matches at BR II with the japanese than the germans.
This game is the only one that makes me bitch and moan in chat when my team is full of subhumans. I try not to but they are so frustrating sometimes. Just endlessly feeding Shermans Panzer IIs or shit like that.
>have fun with my bros
>full uptier
>oh shiet.jpeg
>carry entire team with my crappy off faction kit
>bully shermans with my stock pz2
>burned down five of them already
>singlehandedly saved the cap
>some random snipershizo with 5 kills calls me subhuman for bleeding tickets
>we're defending bro
>reeeeeeeee subhuman retard idiot
>i'm first place
>you dead bitch last
>shizo leaves
the chad having fun vs the virgin keyboard warrior
>haven't seen tunisia in two weeks
I would pay 200$ no questions asked to be allowed to pick my maps. And I haven't spent a dime on this game so far.
people underestimate the PzII and T-70 a fair bit
probably because they don't particularly use them very intelligently
I remember way back, in the moscow campaign, I had racked up so many kills in the T-70 that I had run out of ammo and was forced to use my coax, and got even more kills
Best I can get you is Kahif Cave Village confrontation!
>german lineups are literally filled with italians, with the exception of some units like AT because they never made an italian AT soldier, sad!
>rarely see tunisia
I want to go home
The T-70 is from Stalingrad
Monte Casino soon
>he doesn't have italian at soldiers
oh right
t-60 then
I can never remember which is which because they look so similar
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Gott mit uns!
i call them "animals", "subhuman" or "niggers" never idiots.
what server? on NA i always get Hurtgen and Normandie
>play us
>more burgers que
>play eu
>gopnik central
Seems reasonable when you think about it
>monte casino added with heavy artillery
>italian faction becomes separate from german tree and british tree separates from american tree with the introduction of riders that use light vehicles rather than just motorcycles because that's half the vehicles they used
>jet fighters introduced in manchuria/khalkin gol update for some reason
>machine gun-equipped elephants introduced in burma update
Sorry to hear you have crippling autism. Must suck not being able to have fun while playing video games.
>add nigger-only allies faction
>french foreign troops, black panthers, etc.
>premium faction that cost 10000 gold to unlock
I just saved enlisted
>the list of things no one asked for or cares for

Take your meds
If i remove from my biker squad the 2 riders (to put a radioman and an engineer) can i still ride the bike ?
>please play [ENEMY TEAM] next time
I'm going to do that in future. Thanks.
Based ubermensch response.
>every tank with ostketten or winterketten has desert camo
>they're all gold order variants to boot
tunisiachads keep winning
>KE7 comes after the Type 96 and before the Type 99
>Both glorious nippon MG are 6 stars
>KE7 is 5 stars
disgusting swiss vermin don't get the extra star
>ostketten or winterketten has desert camo
This game draws out my inner hatred. It's amazing how fucking dogshit most people are. There's NO EXCUSE FOR GOING NEGATIVE. If you do you're either A mentally retarded and therfore me calling you retarde is accurate or B way too young for this games age rating and you should get the fuck off the game.

The amount of times that people don't build rallies, sit in tanks and planes while doing nothing, sit 150m+ away from the point sniping and getting 2 kills, needs to be studied. I also do not know how people can get a negative K/D on the scoreboard because killing a single bot gives you 1 kill while getting your entire squad of 5-9 dudes gives you 1 death and yet I see people go 2-3, 7-9, 5-6.

I think playing this game caused a legit strain on my actual physical wellbeing so I quit playing after the merge and only came back for chiller low BR games and I stopped caring too much about winning matches but even something as simple as moving towards and staying in a circle is like black magic to these people. (I play soviets mainly btw so its not just axis).
I believe its the dumbing down of games over the years is to blame. This game could not make it more clear what you need to do yet a lot of players seem to only have the ability to move the crosshair and click the shoot button.
>deranged schizo is a soviet main
I wonder if the maxim snackarev is better than the RD-44
It's not.
>Wanting your teammates to do something as simple as click on bots to shoot them with your gun and stand in a circle to capture the objective is schizophrenia

The damage is on par with other lmgs and not lower like the RD-44 so I imagine its probably better if it has a similar mag size.

They don't even have the ability to click the fucking shoot button. Which is wierd because most games these days are games where the average fight lasts .200 seconds with non stop sliding and jumping so you would think most people playing videogames would be able to aim in a game where players can't slide or jump around nearly as much.
the RD-44 is probably better than the max toker, but the max toker is probably better for long-ranged shootery since its rof is lower
I raise you one shitbox Zaku
the weapon that actually needs to be moved down is the M1 carbine, obviously
source on the RoF perk bug? I just thought it was a low enough buff to be a worthless perk in most cases like reload speed
I’m pretty sure bolt action speed works, at least on some weapons.
>have basically all the guns I'd need unlocked for russians
>still feel like I'm waiting for something
is the AS-44 even worth it over the fedora
Is the kiraly the best weapon you can get for your german tankers?
Not quite
whats really perplexing about this is that they gave the flak a lead indicator for the gun but no fuse on its HE ammo. I find it unlikely this was an oversight and is likely just another iteration of the devs commitment to pay2lose piggiesquads, for some reason. the best it will get is MAYBE getting a proper shell fuse mechanic added in a small patch 6 months from now, probably just making HE-TF behave like a proxy fuse for simplicitys sake.
also rocket artillery is almost worthless and not worth using over normal artillery in 90% of cases
it's AT artillery
allegedly. I have yet to destroy a single tank with it, or see anyone else do it, despite trying repeatedly. there was a video posted earlier about how shit it is at that anyway
Dunno if the MP 717 is "better" than the Kiraly, strictly. The MP 717 doesn't hold up against Vit users.
>Dunno if the MP 717 is "better"
I know. It's better.
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Axis teams have always been mostly bad but the sheer breadth of inadequacy across all BRs right now is quite striking. Honestly the defining characteristic of this game in all the years I've played it is having to stuff the worlds worst FPS players into my backpack to carry them all to victory, sometimes I don't mind it, sometimes I really do. The haters may be right about this game being on life support if nothing changes with respect to this problem.
No one in anything close to an "official" capacity complains about the sheer incompetence of the playerbase because they're aware enough to realize that isn't something the developers can fucking fix.
Anyone here with the BA-11 or Pz. 38t? I'm curious what they look like with other camouflages
They can start by attracting players through various methods their publisher has thus far not let them go ahead with, like launching the game for free on Steam and lowering prices on everything/most things. There is really no shortage of incentives they can go with, as the base game is good enough to retain players who are otherwise put off by all the ridiculous priced micro/macrotransactions.
>A significantly worse PPSh
Even at peak popularity, berlin launch, the teams were still brain dead.
I think the reason is simple. No SSBM and most players in FPS are actually brain dead. And SSBM kills games. So retarded team mates will remain until morale improves.
>Oh no it has slightly less muzzle velocity and ROF with even less recoil
>How dare Darkflow simulate 7.63 mauser vs 7.62 tok in a way that doesn't make much of a difference
they could definitely add a console exclusive edition that has a siren go off and your screen start flashing when you go more than 4 minutes without touching an objective
is dolly dress up the deciding factor on your purchase?
then give me TDM like COD so I dont have to worry about anything other than slaughtering worthless players, preferably with friendly fire too
and afaik bf1 didnt have SBMM and it wasnt even close to this bad
My point is that the PPSh and Kiraly aren't too far apart as is. The Kiraly is significantly better against Vit users than the regular PPSh, and the regular PPSh is better than the MP 717. The MP 717 fires 100 RPM faster than the Kiraly, which really isn't much, and has a bigger mag, but also takes more shots to kill targets with Vitality. It's not so cut and dry as "MP 717 gooder".
>br3 in off hours starts having 3 v 10 matches
I mean, I guess it was 6 v 10 before 3 people immediately quit, further ruining the balance of my match
Sure in a vacuum they are very close. But you can't just hold the trigger down in a Kirali and pin a doorway down for 3 seconds.
High cap high fire rate guns like the PPsh, Tokyo Arsenal, Tommy 100 or the Coenders can just exchange trigger time for effectiveness.
>Enemy is a vit gremlin at rage
>Just hold the trigger down
>Enemy is coming through a corridor
>Just hold the trigger down
>Enemy built an HMG
>Just hold the trigger down
You can make the same arguments for the Kirali vs an StG.
It's just a few hundred ROF more for less damage, more recoil and less effectiveness at range.
The Kirali is just in an awkward spot all things considered. It's stat line is M2 Carbine in a line up that contains both a PPsh and the most versatile AR in the game.
>You can make the same arguments for the Kirali vs an StG.
Yeah, the Kiraly is really good at close range. The StG is more generalist. I like and use both, along with Conders.

You are right but this is less to do with a gun's raw power and more its user friendliness.
>is dolly dress up the deciding factor on your purchase?
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That desert looks nice
>Play Tier II USA
>Get a team of the most braindead newfags imaginable
>But the German team also consists of utterly braindead Tier Is
Coulda been worse.
>won only one rzhev game tonight
My first thought when I see a tight gouping of orcs
Wake up
The BR "soft lock" seems to be a bit harder than they said. I had some off-hours matches that were really lopsided. And not "aww man my team sucks this is bullshit" lopsided but actual 10 vs 3 lopsided.
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>kp31 with underbarrel flamethrower
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I just spent hundreds of appearance orders buying body armour for my Soviet Tier III lineup... was it worth it? No. But what else am I gonna buy besides the occasional officer cap?
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I am the most skilled player in the game.
You're not going to have any tickets to turn your Natchi's into well-trained, German equipped forces.
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I wish US had more options for Normandy and that customization wasn't so expensive. Spent too much to get just two squads of mine rocking slightly better looking uniforms
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UK needs better options for the Pacific and Tunisia this is the best you can get.
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playing japs is a complete waste of time and effort
But I just won a brv game as japan
US teams are so bad and the Auto Hei is so good one player can really carry the entire match
You're right, it really takes an exceptional player (me) to do it.
mine spammers get the rope
Everyone's playing USA for T20 now, USA high BR teams are usually really fucking good.
if by "really fucking good" you mean chinese 4 stacks aimbotting with T20, some retard spamming rocket planes or a greyzoning pershing then yeah
Well, it's better than usual american teams.
Nigga the Pershing has no fucking armour shoot it with a handheld AT or Tiger II or something wtf greyzone Pershing lmao
Confucius say: it's not gay to be pounded by four men unless you moan.
Should I buy sprint for my Rifleman II to max the sprint bonus, or it is a waste?
You take sprint on riflemen I and II, it's always worth it
Why not III?
Buying riflemen III only makes sense if you invest their perk points into medkit usage speed.
New major event, boys
>4 radio ops and an engineer
>play every other day for a month goy
i hate events
5000 score, repeat as much as you want whenever was where it peaked. now its obviously just milking playtime out of you and timegating cuckery
kamerad, bri'ish are the orcs. Don't fall for modern propaganda.
finally a event japanese squad.
it might be bearable if they'd fix matchmaking. but they'd rather add more gimmicks.
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>Japs 1st
>Mutts 2nd
>Slavs 3rd
>Germs last
So Jap BR2 will be revived.
Allies will stomp BR3 for 2 weeks then Germany will stop BR 3 until the next patch
You this will change anything?
>Germ BR3
I am really close to drop my prem squad grind and use my proper squads
ok but what did they change? are they conjuring players out of thin air to fill these games?
what a weird B in the BP
Probably increasing the time span for MM. So the game waits longer to hopefully get more players.
Also they could blackhole excess against bots if one side is stacked.
they returned the matchmaking to its pre merge settings, so we're back to stacks of gold ranks vs low ranks and bots. br2 now gets uptiered to br3 80% of the time instead of ~50%.
Yeah, it's really fucking bad. 1-2 and 3-4 brackets are fine, 2-3 and 4-5 are absolutely horrible
If I create a BR I line up, is there any chance at all that I get uptiered to III?
Given the amount of BR 1 teammates I have with my BR 2 roster? Yeah, obviously.
ive been nonstop playing br5 and have encountered all equipment from 1-5. shits more fucked than pre-merge berlin.
That's because retards have one BR III piece of equipment in their line up.
When it can't find a game in BRI reach it will revert back to the old system.
>Groids ITT say germs are stomping at BRIII
>Face nothing but PPS-43 Body Armor stacks at BRII
This thread just lies.
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New event Rocket Artillery squads

This. Some fucktard was rocking a Pz.IIC in a BR V game. Found out he had one gold order gun in one squad and the rest was all starter gear.
To be fair games are still 5-10 minute stomps, the trick is to get on the team that's doing said stomping. And considering gopniks crawled out of the woodwork for rzhev and most german players left are console - good fucking luck getting that decent team.
>one squad for each faction
People actually cried about that because really good players would get everything the first day and make them jealous
Who told me event will be about APC ?
>literally just grinded the 2 radioman American squads to max
We told you rockets were next
Rocket arty does less damage to infantry
Don’t the call ins look the same on the map?
yeh its better just to hide and preserve me K:D
The fuck happened to the matchmaking? Ever since the update Japan gets curbstomped EVERY SINGLE GAME when balancing was fine before

Gonna play something else for a while, it's utterly unplayable right now
its crazy even bad players are spamming mines at top tier
Squad up with hux and axis man
>balancing was fine before
You mean when you had 7 marshals on japs and 3 console players and bots on US? Cope harder s o y b o y
Is there a reason why the german stalingrad portrait looks like a fucking spic
División Azul lol?
Spaniards are white. South Americans don't deserve to be called Latin.
>play Germany
>soviet match
>soviet match
>soviet match
>soviet match
>play US
>japan match
>japan match
>japan match
>japan match
Come on game I just want to play US v Germany why must you curse me with unfun opponents
Spoken like a true coping shitskin
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Stupa when?
I had precisely one tunisia match and two norms since the patch. And about 100 rhzevs.
Wake up niggers
Contribute or eat shit and die
And we're supposed to believe you are a perfect angel that makes the most thought-provoking posts every time, without fault? Fuck thyself
>Play match
>Destruction, destruction, destruction, confrontation, destruction
Goddamn. I figured you for an attentions eeking bitchboy but I at least hoped you had enough balls left to type out fuck you like a normal person.

Do everyone a favor and neck yourself you troon shit.
gosh, the /enlg/ has been super toxic these past couple of days
It's just some half-turk mongoloid kraut projecting his insecurity onto others
Strange since 4channel is usually a beacon of positivity and friendliness
Please understand, anon is trans.
The Germans and Japanese won wwii and Eva Braun became an anime goddess, then Hitler had sex with her, the end.
>/enlg/:failed abortion edition
me on the left
you aren't getting in my cap, and if you are, you're going to have an unpleasant time
*laughs in 255 grenade launcher rounds*
>allied mines stick up high off the ground, like their asses when they take it doggystyle, while glorious jap and pure german and italian mines are almost invisible
>when balancing was fine before
I have a 97% win rate as Japan... I gotta say, of all the balance issues in the game, top tier Japan was the worst.
>top tier japan was the worst
It's not a balance issue, it is a playerbase issue. With even teams, allies would win every game simply because they have rockets to clear caps and around them while japs don't.
>BR5 japs are finally getting curbstomped
sorry spats but my friend are mutt mains
It was also a balance issue because of the Type Hei Auto being deployed en masse. A lot of caps in The Pacific are in hangars and such and are, more or less, unaffected by rockets. Having some people on your team blown up by rockets every, what, 2 minutes isn't as all-powerful as every single soldier on the Japanese team having a Super Fedorov. The Hei Auto is so strong as to make even bots retardedly powerful, especially with the turning accuracy perk.
Man, shut the fuck up. If any nation got crutches and bullshit weapons since their release japs did. You're pissing me off with your bullshit and I don't even play allies.
From my experience, rockets are still doing damage inside buildings with windows and caps like the hangar in pacific have a huge opening that invites calliope+p51 spam
>says this as he cycles 2 p51s and a p47 furiously
Yes, only japan has crutches. A crutch that doesn't matter to planes with no counter especially on the first run that destroys the aa gun and kills everyone on the cap in one strafe then can just do it again while japs don't have a single plane with rockets
The Japanese tank destroyer and the type hei are more like consolation rather than making them an OP faction. We used to only have the type 4 as top tier while allies spammed the m2 forever
>i-it's about m-muh balanse
Fuck. Off. Say you enjoy farming bots and pve and you dislike having your shit pushed in by actual players and I have no problem with that, but don't bullshit like it's anything else. Hypocritical whiny little shit.
>says this while playing the faction that farms the most bot matches
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>second time in br3 in months
>barely enough kit for two squads on germans
>related edgelord downs my engie with a shotgun
>waits with a knife above body for me to get up
>lol you don't carry impact nades on everyone
>hear whistling
>fuck my life
>last guy left
>molotov the fucking thing
>crew leaves only to eat a impact nade to the face
>impressmetrash has left the chat
D-Do you suppose I impressed him?
I played against someone called "build rally points" not too long ago
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Precisely. Git gud faggot.
It's bizarre how explosions are just sponged up by wood. It really must be related to the way wood absorbs fragments/bullets instead of deflecting them or something.
Superior soviet vood stop all kapitalist bullet and shell. Vozd Stalin decreed it!
old men
>Driving my T-34E
>Transmission gets blown out, not really sure what does it
>Nobody in my crew is hurt or dead
>Enemy calls artillery on my position
>"I will just wait this out"
>Artillery ends
>Gets called again
>Then again
What the hell, why?
Why what? I don't get it
Why call arty on a disabled tank three times? Not even rockets.
as a prank
Why not?
>Enemy is capping the point
>"Hm what if instead of calling arty on the point I call arty on a disabled T-34 that's facing the wrong way"
I saw him
I'm sure a lot of players don't understand that arty can't kill anything that is closed up and has actual "tank" armor (as opposed to the tin cans some vehicles are). I had a Germany IV game in my Panther the other day where I set up across a lake and had at least 6 artillery barrages called on me as well as a whole host of tanks that couldn't pen me from the front, and someone with rather impressive aim with a PIAT (that unfortunately still couldn't pen me)
You just don't understand sophisticated military strategies
My tank ended up being killed by 20mm cannons to the roof, of all things.
Do you like playing more with tanks or planes?
Neither. Not even joking. Tank is a stopgap measure to break a deadlock or clear a well entrenched point and me and planes don't mix.
What >>483360812 said. I only use vehicles when needed for a task/event.
I prefer infantry
>Do you prefer to be a cowardly faggot in the air or on land?
Kill yourself you fucking pussy
They really should just give germs this slight buff and make FGs start in full auto. Atleast it would be consistent with other nations.
Or you know, have the option to toggle while setting up
Crazy how building the DShK on a slop facing upwards makes it one of the best AA guns in the game. The MG 131 comes close but lacks the accuracy.
Crazy how a MG designed for AA is good for AA, huh? The elevation/depression on MG131 is bullshit though.
RD-44 squads go BrrRrrRRrrr
>Play Tier III Americans
>Get put against Tier I-III Japs
>The entire enemy team is exclusively Type 97 Snipers and Type 38 Carbines
Snipers were a fucking mistake. I almost feel bad for the idiots trying to use the Type 97. ALMOST. If they weren't so fucking obnoxious.
I hate playing planes
I enjoy playing tanks but I wish it felt better to play them
and also that it wouldn't make that horrible scraping noise when you go over rough terrain
and that a 2 foot high stone wall wouldn't stop your tank in its tracks
Enemy snipers don’t make you lose games. They make winning games less fun
>Driving Sherman
>Drive over a wooden bridge in The Pacific
>Tank starts spazzing out and flips onto its side
It's awesome that The Pacific was obviously designed with small tanks in mind, nothing bigger than an M8 Scott, but they sold gigantic boat premiums anyway.

It's not really their fault, either. Snipers are just one of the earliest unlocks, so people play them because they are available. I can't think of any game improved by the presence of sniper rifles, besides... Project Reality or Squad, maybe? Games where they exist to actually scout and take out high priority targets.
Engineers should really replace snipers as one of the default squads but alas
Is Sniper a default squad still? I thought the defaults were, I dunno, AT, Medic, Rifleman, tank? Or is it Rifleman, Medic, Sniper? It really should be Medic, Rifle, Engineer.
From the what I remember it’s rifle medic sniper tank
to be fair, those giant boats were intended to be in the water
I just used the jap one as a glorified 35-man assaulter squad
I dunno if I can even be bothered doing this event. Rocket arty squads are a nothingburger. Their stats are the same as an Machine Gunner II as well, so I guess you can take, I dunno, medkit, vit, 30/20 on them? Who even uses arty squads?
I do not events because I enjoy playing enlisted
>do events
God damn
I'd like to see them allow us to queue into different theatres in addition to the single faction option they have now.
I think their fear is in letting players hand pick which they'd like to play which would hurt Japan even further.
Instead, picking theatres would be a nice option to allow us to queue into Pacific (or Europe) and random the nations in those theatres.

Another option would be to simply remove faction matchmaking altogether and just let us play whatever and queue in with whatever, like warthunder.
That's some of the most retarded load of shit I've seen on this site. Good job.

I mean, they can be alright. But yeah, you're pretty spot on.
>hurt Japan even further
Your 80:1 k/d slipping when you don't have 7 marshals and 3 generals vs all bots? lmao
i really wish they had 18 to 20 vitality but at least they have the +75% med kit healing. I might use them with double T20/FG-42 II not sure about the jap one.
Honestly regular Radio IIs are pretty good as far as troop types go. They have enough stats to go Sprint/Vit/Vert and get basically everything they could ever need. Having 22 Weapon Handling on a class that can't even get backpacks or machine guns is... redundant.
I've got some dead space in my BRV Japs, I guess I'll put them there with Auto Heis. For US I can put them in either my 1 or 2 lineups. For Germany now that I've got my Tobruk in BR1 I can replace them in 2 with the rocket arty. Soviets likewise now have duplicate items in my 1 and 2, so I guess I'll replace one of those down in 2.
dont pretend like you wont be getting 20k every 2 days anyway, this isnt warthunder where it requires effort
its bait, so
>machine guns
Are ARs too good for you or something?
None of the autorifles would benefit that substantially from also getting horizontal reduction
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Example of a particularly useful Radio 2 setup.

Yeah it only takes like 3-4 matches and I can actually play my Tier III Slavs/Americans again.

You don't need 22 weapon handling on an AR, they are fine with just vert reduction outside of the MKb 42 (W). Machine guns benefit most from a high WH skill that lets you take 30/20.
sprint + run speed is such a nice combo I feel bad about forsaking run speed on the premium radios for the sake of slightly faster reloads
I run radios. The lack of specialists like AT or Snipers makes them sub part but for something like BR1-2 they should work fine.
best iteration of fallschirmjager uniforms in the game. I almost regret not grinding through new years for them.
>FG-42 mag pouches
>no FG-42
>so bad they had to update the perk points so they could get sprint speed
I've still never used them or the at-44
I use them both because they're cool
the AT-44s are lasers, the horny StGs not only look hot but are also lasers, it's all good
they really should have just had them be unique appearance options and thrown the guns in as their own thing
>Rifle grenades are not labeled as grenades anymore
>Med box +1 medkit doesn't work if you have 2 or more medkits
Can they fix these bugs already. Every patch those two things always stop working.
the latest event squads all start with weapons you can swap out, maybe they figured out it's better.
do we know the stats of the event squads?
will they all have the same stats across each faction?
grinding japan is cringe im gonna go watch kiss x sis instead
underage please leave
^boku no pico fan
Enlisted should make an anime from the japanese perspective, so we can finally get more players
Hitler invented anime
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p-please answer
why wouldn't you?
Here's a question for you fags. I'm at the point of starting to grind a new nation, and the two left are japs and us. Which one would you recommend and why?
Because rider is a class by itself, so it's fine if my motor bike have only 1 radio and 1 engi ?
(what the point of riders then ?)
USA is a free ride right now, every match is a guaranteed win bot farm.
>so it's fine if my motor bike have only 1 radio and 1 engi ?
(what the point of riders then ?)
driver/crewman perks
Don't spread misinformation
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You may not like it, but this is the ideal squad layout. This is what peak fun looks like
that is the only place where i ever use snipers.
I prefer my 18 grenade launchers thank you very much
I would like an extra slot for event squads, I want to use my Horny squad.
Would be nice to have some new squads, or if old squads got updated to have some space for medics.
For what purpose? I'm seriously wondering.
Healing your retard teammates is free points. Too bad no one ever uses the medkit boxes since that gives you same amount of points as someone using an Engie ammo box
using stuff like MG 3 or Ass 2 with a med box near can be pretty strong in defense or confrontation.
When will I be able to buy the profile pic from the rhzev fortress event or whatever. I missed the 2 set
As the others said, a fortified position just isn't the same without a medbox compimenting the entire thing.

The boxes are quite fragile, and due to the way explosions just seem to shatter everything, even without a direct line of sight they get destroyed easily.
>heal five bots
>mow down 30 bots and actually win the point
You don't have me convinced.

>fortified position
Maybe that's the part I'm missing. Haven't really stayed put longer than having to build a rally since the great flamethrower and wp spam of '22
Ass 3, they are the ones with the healing perk
It's really hard to just take it slow, I play on the PS4 so the matches go slower.
Every clip of a PC match I see is people rushing around downing an entire squad within a few seconds.

It's an entirely different way the game plays out.
Even so, It's hard to stay put.
They look cool and have an easy-to-use gun. You can do a lot worse.
You can do a lot better, too.
Heaven is using the Italian Marines or Moroccans on a point with medits. The game bugged out once and let me have 7 medkits on one Italian.
It's not a bug. The medkit box will let you oversupply bandages depending on how many you had to start with.
It's "meant" to cap at 5, I think. It's like how you can spam the ammo box to end up with 600 rounds by accident.
To make assaulters 1 extra crap so you need to spend even more silver on ass2. Medics have no other purpose.
Medics are actually a totally fine troop type with a good stat distribution and Medic squads have decent firepower (five SMGs) but lack versatility. Ass Is weren't very good. The main issue with medics is that the TTK is so short in Ensharted that they only really help if you are defending using specific troops that sacrifice other things for survivability or Russians with body armour and Vit.
Isn't it always "+1" regardless of how many medkits you start off with?
Depending on how the server feels, sometimes you can't even get +1 or pick up medkits at all.
I wondered if I was being fucked with, that explains it.
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I heard people claim that one level in the down time perk is all you need to get the highest chance of entering the wounded stage.

If more people took that, medics would get more use out of them.
Of course, Darkflow could always add revive mechanics
Tell me, can medics carry a second smg or ammo bags? No? Shit. And don't get me wrong, great fucking idea to make the game more team and squad oriented. It just doesn't work since you're wasting killing time healing bots or players worse than bots. And that's if they don't instantly die like they do in 99.9% of the cases.
The idea is that medics can carry medical boxes instead of ammo backs so they can an in-theory "infinite" amount of health, that's the tradeoff. Is it good? Not really, but they're still not a terrible class for a game with a longer TTK.
m14 might me decent at br1 now
So, you think that if the game is equally matched and or a meatgrinder you'd be better off running around healing bots instead of trying to break the deadlock? For real?
More that if people took an extra bullet or two to kill on average. Not much point taking medics in a game where you die in one hit from a gun firing at 830 RPM, ya know/
>830 RPM
Try 1000. Or you know, grenades, tanks, rgrenades, planes, arti, flame, bolties, mortars. Medics are a bad meme and noobtrap.
Yeah, they are, they're predicated on a false impression of the game that the devs maintain.
And it's a crying shame. Last night I had a werhweeb game where I was the only player facing a super noob but m2 and t20 burgerteam. We lost, obviously. But I had more kills on my br3 grenade rifle loadout than almost all of their team put together. Not that I'm good, hell no, it's just how broken this is and how retarded they were. The sad part is if they advertised this bunnyhopping hipfire bullshit more they'd probably get more players.
Enlisted needs to play like Dino D Day 1.0, then it would be perfect.
Why is the kraut socialwelfarewagen APC so shit
It's not really armored or a personnel carrier
Soviet bias or something
Just why isn't it opel blitz instead of this fuckhuge slowass piece of shit that can't even climb or go off road despite being halftracked
Trying to drive them over train tracks is pure earrape if they get lodged, which they will since they are utterly buggy on certain terrain

Would you enjoy it if Enlisted had a higher ttk?
I wouldn't mind slower gameplay.
ice burn
it's actually one of the better tech tree APCs when it comes to offroad speed
Who would win

Glorious IS2
Tiny line of indestructible concrete fencing rubble
Bullshit. The soviet and the burger one FLY over things. Quite literally. I drove the US one straight up the slope in D-day with some dukes of hazard action using a bunker as a slope. Now try clearing a 20cm trench with the shitwagon.

That fencing rubble was made by worker hands of the people of soviet union. The machine spirit of IS2 wouldn't dare disrespect it/
well yeah, the milk trucks are capable of reaching much higher speeds but once you hit grass you slow to a crawl
with the shitwagen you're going the same speed on grass or on ass, which, admittedly, is slow, but faster than the milk trucks offroad
I was thinking the same until I actually tried it, and by God the burgermobile zips across everything it's unreal. Mud, sand, palms, grass, snow, nips, water... I even moved several destroyed vehicles by ramming them. Something I couldn't accomplish with a goddamn tank.
>burgerbaker moves like a graceful butterfly
>UC moves like a graceful butterfly on speed with an AT rifle on it
I wonder if they're ever gonna give us the M3
To be fair they're simply giving it away already. Only 30$.
Carrying a second main weapon was a mistake
Except for grenade launchers
>5 pistol kills
>play for 9 mins
>capture 1 objective
pretty disappointed i was forced to play 2 games of this shit because was defending in the first map. fucking latvians
>guy with 2nd lowest score on the board keeps saying "FUCKING MARK ENEMIES" "FUCKING CUNTS" "STUPID IDIOTS" "RETARDED CUNTS"

what is it about being bad that makes people so bold?
It is a natural survival instinct to not blame yourself for any errors
If only you could reroll

Dunno man but I just spent 20 minutes flamewherfering, wping and hedgehoging some fucker that decided to ram my truck off the road so he can rush his whalewagon
and get something like be top 50% for 5 rounds? hard pass
probably because he has to spend more time telling retards what to do than he gets to play the game. when i abuse retards the only comeback they have is "ur score lol" but are dead silent when i ask about their score near the end of the round when i am higher up the board than them. abusing the team sometimes works and they play better
You can reroll several times?
What I enjoy more than anything is when you give up on retards like the shitflinging monkeys they are and at the last objective or sub 100 tickets they start pulling out both mossad and maginot tactics. When were those paras, pinpoint cas, 8 rallies and bricked up houses for the past 20+ minutes you fucking assholes?
>play br5
>play br2
>play br5
>play br2
>play br3
>everyone else angry
I don't suppose it has anything to do with how I only run shotguns, flame throwers and grenade launchers?
So now with the new matchmaking unless you are running BR V you're always going to have sub optimal gear because you're going to be constantly matched with those on the next tier, right?
BR 3-4 (I’m 4) :D
And then you'll have suboptimal gear because you're not paypigging xD
I thought paypig units were slightly less good than the grinding units (outside of exclusive weapon types that is)
they're usually sidegrades or niche fillers
BR 1-2 really isn’t that big of a difference if you want to run BR 1. Of course then you are guaranteed to suck the people trying the game for the first time into your team
They really start falling off at max BR where they’re fighting against 9 man squads with autorifles
Nuh uh I’m actually at a disadvantage for spending $50 on an vehicle
I’m not sure if you’re being facetious, but obviously the guys you’re fighting weren’t uptiered, so it’s very possible.
Wake up
Can’t wake up
>new arty squads
>suddenly regular
>need to kill tank
>get in plane
>wait, I'm on a carrier?
FUCK when can we get a CAS airspawn I'm so sick of accidentally doing this
>Would you enjoy it if Enlisted had a higher ttk?
It would be kinda nice to not instantly die to things. Before the bolt action buff and before the changes to gun upgrading, back when everyone had unupgraded guns, the TTK was much longer. It was never intended for most people to be running around with fully upgraded max level top tier guns on their Sprint/Vit/Recoil troops, ya know? It look longer to get places, guns were harder to use, and killed slower in most cases, even without Vit.

Use an Army plane instead of a Navy plane.
Japan doesn't have any army CAS planes.
Ki-84, chuddie.
>But that's a fighter not a--
Doesn't matter, it gets two 250kg bombs. That's equivalent to Japan's "CAS" planes. That being said, yeah, carrier spawns are terrible.
I said CAS, referring to the CAS plane slot.
That's an ASSAULT plane slot, chuddie. You can use any plane armed with bombs for CAS. For instance, the P-40E the Soviets get is, without a doubt, their best CAS option until the IL-10. However, I am just being pedantic.
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>Mine a guy's rally
>Run into a Panzer III N a few meters away
>Blow him up with an explosive pack and run away
>A few seconds pass
>Same guy spawns on the rally and blows up
>It was probably his rally, too, since one of his mines killed one of my guys near it
I'm gonna ASSAULT your ass.
>Silver rewards for the the Rocket Storm event are 5000 (x1), 2000, 1500, 1000, and 500 silver
>5k silver is enough to purchase and fully upgrade 1 (ONE) 5* gun
>Buying and fully upgrading 1 (ONE) 6* gun costs 12,800 silver
An absolute farce. These values should be doubled at the very least.
Unironically just heard from some annoying fag who had previously quit the game and came back praising the silver economy.
It takes 120,000 XP to buy and fully upgrade one 6 * gun, it's a pretty deliberately chosen amount. A good player with premium will be earning about 15-20k XP per match on average, or 6-10 games to earn and upgrade a single weapon. Gaijin/Darkflow are certainly aware of this and it's a carefully calculated amount.
I guess if you are a shitter in this it's slightly easier to get the bare minimum silver. Since pre merge it might take you 5 matches to get a silver troop order. But actual income is dogshit.
Does the 20k/2 days event reset today or tomorrow?
Thanks! So 2 or 3 hours away?
digestive issues anon?
was going to say regularly dying to explosives through walls all of a sudden
2 hours from now
my dad works for gaijin and he says the me 262 will be added as part of an event in August to commemorate 75 years since its first kill
I bet you not even WT will mention it. Maybe WoWP
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So BR3 is literally the best thing to play now?
I would stay away from Japan 3, they don't have enough BR5 people so they get sucked into US BR5 which is overflowing right now.
Germany IV is also really fun
rocket arty buff
>Removed the frame for the canvas from the Type-94 Isuzu.
>gold order Chi-Nu to BR III.
if only more niggers played with Japan BR III
I have a line up.
Didn't buy any soldiers.
Didn't buy any guns.
Just plopped the squads.

Also Japan is the worst nation for line ups. If you are a supremo pay pig with 10 slots and you did all the events you only have enough squads for 3 line ups. You need premiums to get a 4th one and you can't get a 5th unless you cycle equipment as well.
game is just straight up unplayable for germany right now. as usual the devs don't give a shit. and during an event too. fuck off.
>Germany can bully BR1-4 players unmolested
>Oh no woe is me
Don't worry Germnigger. By the fact that Germans get the last even squad it should guarantee you also crush BR-5.
most BR III games i had against soviets were uptiers 70% BR V 30% BR IV
Nein, you just suck my fairweather kamaraden. Put on some tunes and enjoy the endsieg until victory farming niggers come back to stacking germany.

When in doubt remember the kraut BR3 golden rule: God made man. Schiessbecher made them equal.
kill yourself jew. every single match is marshall stacks vs noobs. br2 germany no longer exists and just gets uptiered to 3. i make a br1 lineup and it gets sent to br 3 as well, when that's not supposed to happen.
I do fine with german br2 as long as I got the puma and MGers
>lose one game as Germany
Literally unplayable games trash buff Germany Germany suffers reeeee
When the going gets tough, Herr Goebbels' speech always gets me motivated.

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>you'll take that goddamn point or by the emperor i'll pound your ass like kosuke pounds this drum
I wouldn't know, I only play the good guys. Soviets and Allies.
>basedlets and gay lies
Based and canonical winners pulled
no one said anything about buffs, schizo jew. just fix the matchmaking instead of pretending nothing is wrong.
Anyone tried the new br4 jap tank?
>fix the matchmaking
Good luck. Hitler also asked for that back in '44.
Bring back weapon gacha
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Ayo, where them white bitches at?
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>*ura intensifies*
Feels good soviet turtlebros.
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>Get a match of the Pacific as US Tier II
>My team is entirely humans but it only two PC players
>We're somehow holding out against their PC players
>Enemy manages to blow up the objectives because my consolecunt blue team enemies are more or less AFK
>This happens
>Get booted
>Lose my booster
Epic. I genuinely loathe consoleshits.
kek I read this as "consolescunt" and I thought it was some obscure word for "disparate/disorganized/unprepared" that I didn't know
"Consolescent" is like "convalescent" but it makes me ANGRIER.
Sounds correct.
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>mfw observing consolecunts queueing up to spawn on our team's single rally point that i built
>3 rallies
>he's bitching
You spoiled cocksucker. 19/1 games I play allies my truck and my rally are the only ones for the entire game. And the only other fag with engineering score above 0 is building sandbags around his sniper nest.
The rallies don't matter if nobody is using them, which they weren't. A lot of console players genuinely do not know how rallies work. You can even see in that screenshot that there's a large amount of people who spawned on the default point.
Do any /enlg/fags actually play on console? Or are we entirely PC master race?
>that screenshot
In all fairness they're closer than the rallies. Just lost the objective there?
There's at least one or two.
We had JUST lost the objective, but generally people will keep spawning on the rallies. Their intention was to run straight into the enemy team anyway, they just didn't seem to understand what rallies were.
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It would be interesting to study them and learn from them.
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I deserve this for playing low tier.
>falseflag old screencap
>beer of the wolf
>run straight into the enemy team
Isn't that what you're supposed to do on the defense? Stop them from building that critical mass to push and make them bleed tickets.
>you'll never be a smug singing soviet officer
My point is that they could have run straight into the enemy team FASTER by using the rallies up ahead, but instead spawned in the back THEN ran to the enemy team, adding several hundred meters to their journey. They weren't spawning back so they could set up defensive positions, they were spawning back because they didn't even know rallies were a thing.
Fair point. I still think you're spoiled since I'd expect them to spawn snipers and mill around the spawn until arti or random plane clears them.
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We won anyway so there's nothing to false-flag :) We actually almost lost because I forgot to build a rally in favour of trying to grind out my Arty II squad, which was a mistake. I have over-committed to NOT leveling up the squad tree and now they are level 12 or whatever without an engineer but all I need is 3-4 more levels and I am done with them.
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Do you even play the game?
I play at 1080/144hz for MAXIMUM SPEED.

>Random name
4chan X filename randomiser. Keep in mind I randomly disable and enable it, too.
yeah im sure the 5-10 mentally ill freaks keeping this general alive dont do that also
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Somebody's gotta do it. People here are becoming so burnt out and combative, I swear. This isn't War Thunder General, ya know, we don't have to be constantly seething. That means you too, Vegeta. Come on now.
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blame the newfag influx since the merge/anticipation. it was comfy if extremely slow before that
>Get a team of actual fucking HUEHEUHEUHEUEH BRs
>Lose against a pretty unremarkable enemy team
>None of the monkeys build a single fucking rally
Holy fuck it has been ages since I had to deal with these freaks and I forgot how horrible they were to be saddled with. My team was legit 50% fucking BRs.
Brazilians fucking suck at this game, yeah
>This game
They suck at every game, they're like Filipinos in that they IMMEDIATELY bring down any team they are on due to their complete lack of... anything. Countries where the average IQ is mid-80s. The enemy team had like 6 people building rallies, mine only had me, and the BRs were shitting the chat up arguing with each other.
this game has given me more perspective on the low IQ than anything else really
Building rallies is actually a valid IQ test for impulse control and time preferences. Putting aside 20 seconds to build a rally so you can reach combat significantly faster and win the match versus not understanding how building a rally can (and will) allow you to reach combat faster in the near future. I have lost matches because I made false assumptions about the intelligence of my teammates. Building sneaky rallies off to the side, closer to the enemy spawn than our own, only for my teammates to hang around on the rally itself or totally ignore the cap in favour of running straight into the enemy spawn.
>someone says "crazy how no one defends"
>says this when all they did was fly planes the whole match and got fuck all kills, but somehow got first place simply because he shot 4-5 bombers from one run
Erm, if he was so useless, WHY did he have SO MANY POINTS?
Why do faggots with no kills talk smack 3 seconds before the match ends
They do it to get the last word in and feel like winners and upset people, duh.
Started on console, would switch to pc if the game had cross progression. Besides I heard pc is full of cheaters (people better than me)
Can console turn off cross-play?
it would be very interesting to compare the two experiences
how much of consolefags retardation is inate, and how much is due to the platform
It's a mix. On consoles, there's actually very little autoaim compared to most modern games, which has been mentioned before. I dunno if anyone here has played a console FPS lately but they almost play themselves. Weapons basically aim themselves and all you have to do is move. By comparison, Enlisted has an old-school CoD 4 style aim assist that favours bolt actions and single shot weapons because it "snaps" to the target once instead of consistently, persistently locking onto them. The other half of it is that your average console player who is playing a F2P game is a poor child.
No. Forge yourself in fire, don't go the easy route.
>will it KEAL?
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Summer is here!
holy mother of coal
I talked to the furry community manager and he told me that there would be a bikini summer event
like related to bikini atoll? tactical nukes?
it'll be like nuketown except we're on the ships at bikini atoll
cool can't wait to play it with my Crusader, my favourite tank of the Pacific theatre
>carrier map
>flight deck is a vehicle death match
>hangar bay is practically a knife fight
>island is an absolute shitshow of king of the hill
VGGGHHH imagine all of the burnt out Ha Go's on that flight deck
dauntless you fat fucking slut GET OFF THE CARRIER
Holy fuck I love the PPSh (box).
I love anon's PPSh (box)
there's actually a general for this game huh. am i making a mistake primarily sticking to the soviets as a new player? banzai charges with katanas is appealing too, but i heard japan is dead
>there's actually a general for this game huh
Yeah, it's like four schizos and an autist.

>am i making a mistake primarily sticking to the soviets as a new player?
Right now? No. Matchmaking got a slight rework so things are pretty good at low tier for the Soviets, Germans and US right now. Top tier is a horrible mess for the Germans and Japs.

>banzai charges with katanas is appealing too, but i heard japan is dead
You never really use your katana for charges unless you are already winning or have a daily task. Swords give 1.5x sprint speed so they're mostly used to get into advantageous positions before the enemy.

Don't buy any premiums, and if you must buy anything, buy a year of premium on sale.
dont forget the weeb cuckold
You are. Find yourself a better, less janky and less p2w game made by less greedy russians. 90% here are either whales or eventptsds, both mostly due to habit and sunk cost. The other 10% just hangs around for shitposting.
I'd say do whatever appeals to you for your first faction. Faction stacking ebbs and flows so you shouldn't base your decision entirely around it. Japan was on top for a while but US got some new toys and people have swapped again.
like what
Don't listen to anyone. This is the best wwii fps game currently that gets updated and even lets you choose your faction without being swapped every round, unlike the AAA "wwii" games available
what other ww2 games are there? i ate shit for years playing heroes & generals. at least in this game the developers seem to give a shit, they don't appear to pumping out crap. the game has so many details to it
>they don't appear to pumping out crap
>the game has so many details to it
Precisely. You have over 9000 automatics differentiated by 5 vertical and 2 horizontal recoil to bunny hop with while grinding recycled pistol events. Gameplay! Details!

It's fun to play now and then but let's not straight up bullshit here.

>developers seem to give a shit
Oh, shady simeon and crooked colya care all about skinning every last cent out of useful idiots like you. Just imagine having to go back to cabbage farming or what other interesting career alternatives there are in not USSR.
Dude they screwed over their own whales at least two times and couldn't even list their free game for free on steam. They don't care.
isn't bhopping old news? i was reading some old posts that said it's not like that anymore
You can still bunnyhop but it's not as bad as it was years ago. Right now, when you land, you lose a lot of momentum and it gets worse the more you jump. You can get around this somewhat by timing your jumps, but it's not something the vast majority of people do and only really appears at top tier.
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Bunnyhopping isn't a thing anymore. You might still jump and fire in some situations but it's not the same
What >>483647161 said. Less effective with german lmgs than it used to be but still painful with nadelaunchers and smgs. Double cancer with the speed and sprint perks and shotguns.
Those hail hortler swastikas the AI shat out are a disgrace.
lets say i'm a good goy. if i buy that silenced nagant and ppsh pack will those weapons be usable for every troop with silver or do i have to buy it a bunch of times using gold
You would be beyond retarded to buy that. And everything is per piece, gold order wpns are also limited to 2-6.
You can only buy four of those. Most of the people here save up for when an actual meta weapon gets added in the pass (many of them are memes) and buys up all four.
But you should be aware new friend, the way battle ratings work that one high tier gold order you equip will drag your shitty low BR lineup into high BR matches
You are based and winner pilled. Soviet’s are the best faction and don’t let the nazi snowflakes tell you otherwise
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Do you like your crooked lines now, twerp?
Do I invest I. Br1 Japanese? The games I’ve played as them have been close enough that I feel I may be able to carry if I actually invest in gear. For context I’ve bought nothing as Japan aside from squads
Pistols , swords, and smgs would make it way easier
You mean money or time?
why do you sound so relentlessly butthurt?
>run into the first grand marshal
>guy is blatantly wall hacking
is this how br5 is gonna be?
Why do you sound like you're roleplaying bait?
yeah whatever
I hope ivan keeps pissing in your cornflakes until you stroke out from impotent rage
Most high level players aren't hacking, but enough are that it's a problem. They all back each other up on the forums, suck up to mods and play in stacks as well. I suggest building a shit list of players to avoid. A good start for that list is Merc66 and anyone from the EVA or U45N clans.
>i-i'm new guys
Yeah, called it. Baitnigger.
That is a significant improvement, thank you
no one replied to me ;(
i won
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>WHITEST German soldier
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You won that game?
Did 9 people join up after that screenshot?
Looks like two joined
Good job
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I just had an IL-10 shot down by a greyzone KT 88, at typical rearm AoA

I would be seething quite a bit more if I didnt just spawn my KV and one shot him right after (he instaquit)
we all know you're the one who instaquit, zoylet comrade
Coping, coping and seeting
yeah totally, I dont blame him for quitting as he was the only person the team not getting mowed down in the spawn
I had no idea the KT could elevate its main gun that high though
I don't think I have ever seen anyone die to rocket shartillery.
I play on console, crossplay off, been playing since day one, completed every campaign, completed every tech tree, never missed an event
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>get the dream 1v0 void matchup on booster
>rzhev is so dogshit that the enemy bots never make it to the point unless they spawn on it
>try to barricade my bots out of the capture zones and avoid clearing them of enemies but they are ruthless
>this results in few enemy respawns and im camping two squads at best
so close to greatness
>Bots have a hugher engineer score than those two hummies
They genuinely deserve to be cbt'd
I managed to pull something similar on d-day once. Got nearly 300 silver orders after a full hour and a half iirc.
Nice, I've only had two of these. One in a long match at Voskhod that I spent entirely in a T-28, and another in the Pacific where the entire match somehow lost connection.
>get the dream 1v0 void matchup on booster
you get more score fighting people what are you talking about
Depends on the match. That Voskhod T-28 game I mentioned is the only match where I've ever exceeded 300 kills.
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>just started playing this week
>me and my five-man squad of boltie boys facing down parachuting americans in warpaint with 100-round drum thompsons

Also, I am perpetually out of silver
If you're new you need to stay in BR 2 at most until you're ready to set up a potent BR3 setup.
Yeah, I realized that I swapped in a squad that had a single BR 3 rifle, so I got put in the ownzone by a single gun
Usually it's not that bad, with the way the new queues work if you're in more primetime hours you will genuinely get 2-3 or 3-4 matches. But if you want to play it safe just stay out of 3 until you can get a really potent 3 set up.
What the fuck is it with half your team getting like low-20s to single digit kills in a bot shooting simulator? I genuinely don't comprehend how people can play for 20 minutes and get six kills in this fucking game
they are full bot squads. welcome to the game newfriend.
What the fuck

is the game so dead 6 out of 12 are just full-on bots, or are they botted accounts
This game has a lot of really, really, really shitty players.
But in the case of my screenshot, 2 and 3 are the only other humans on my team. Japan is short on players, they get plenty of full teams but also many games where they get few or no players.
I had a game last week with a stack that ended up playing an almost full bot match, we mowed down the Japs and they got like 7 kills in total the entire match.
>the merge was supposed to fix bot games
>retarded players still find a way to make it happen again
It mostly did.
lol 6 out of 20 being bots is a pretty full lobby.
when you start a match it shows you real players, when the countdown ends the game populates the rest of the slots with bots. most games will be ~6v2's with the last 12 slots being ai, however in my screenshot above I had 18 or 19 bots in my game (very rare)
things the merge promised
>faster grind
>easier currency usage
>more balanced games
>more compact playerbase, less bots
>easier for new players
things the merge gave us
>buyable silver
>sometimes japan is playable
low BR japan has always been playable
high BR japan was alright, then the type hei auto came and it was the ezmode faction, then the T20 came out and all the sealclubbers moved to the americans
Tech tree grind is definitely much faster. You can actually pick stuff you want to use, for the most part.
Weapon upgrade prices got a nice discount, but everything else is still too expensive, especially new soldiers.
Games are more balanced, yes. Shit match making is better than no match making, pre-merge Enlisted was basically BR 1-5.
The playerbase should be better in theory, but it most matches are just hit or miss. In my experience, maybe 1 in 5 matches are even.
The game is definitely easier for a new player, yes. Pre-merge Enlisted was a gacha mess.
>low BR japan has always been playable
Not exactly, low population means you might just end up on a team by yourself against all BR3 mutts.
the best BR3 tank is nothing to the type 5
the lanchester is really the only SMG they have that is objectively better than anything the japs have since the thompsons are kinda ass outside of the .30 cal shredders and the owen is more of a close range hipfire gun than anything else
the type hei, goofy as it may be, is still a decent match for the garand since it has lolnorecoil

basically BR2 japs are probably the most evenly matched with BR3 americans in terms of infantry(and most historically accurate desu)
you don't get more score from people it just appears that way because pvp battles last longer than pve
Yeah but going by yourself against an endless stream of BARs is pretty shit
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The Komet would actually be a really neat event plane. Could be the centerpiece reward (or even a high-tier only reward) for a big dog fighter event. It’s a pure interceptor so no one would have any real reason to complain of balance. And the limited fuel would mean the pilot couldn’t loiter all match waiting for enemy spawns. It would be relatively balanced in that respect.
imagine the turn radius tomfoolery and crashing if they gave out the komet or 262 as an event reward
>bombing run called in
>someone gets in a komet and deletes the entire wing
>someone spawns in a P-80 just to shoot it down
Also the ammo is pretty limited so the vast majority of players wouldn’t be able to use it to good effect.
ammo isnt a problem when you can air resupply nonstop, barred only by the 30 second turn time
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>Weapon upgrade prices got a nice discount,

It's bloody unnoticable.
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>keep playing the game
>watch dudes call in airstrikes and artillery
>one guy rapes the enemy team with 1000lb bombs
>everybody's squads kitted out with LMGs and SMGs
>me and my five boltbois just doing what we can
>unlock radioman
>oh based time to powertrip
>wait two minutes for the artillery spam to end so I can call one in
>it kills one guy
Fellas, I just wish I had the same tools everybody else seems to have
just gotta predict where the enemy is going to be coming from
you win some, you lose most really
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back in the before times bolt actions took ~2-5 shots to fully kill a soldier. usually two to down and a third to finish but could be more if it was a vit perked flamer. semi auto holders would ruthlessly rape the enemy.
go back and spread your lies there
remember to ALWAYS shoot incoming planes
half the time they'll slam into the ground and because you tickled them with your .30-06 the kill is yours
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its shockingly easy to get a leak started with the tiniest of guns due to how low everyone flies, and if nobody spawns a plane the kill is eventually yours
wow that sounds like it was so much fun!
the suffering was almost worth the perpetual power trip in the end. having a full ppsh squad could net 400+ kills.
remember the semi-auto rof nerf
those were dark times
the silence PPD is pretty good though at least the best silenced weapon aside the BR 2 event squads.
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is there any way to get the halftrack as soviets without paying?
>getting the usual retarded german team
>it is demolition in Tunisia the one with 6 objetives
>start with the usual "niggers" "animals", etc
>use that one that the anon said "next time queue with the mutts..."
>notice the guy that is second in my team
>he is using snipers and notice that he is a streamer
>look at his channel and just when i was going to go full retard in his chat i noticed that he is a new player trying to understand the game
>new players are stuck with a PzII, a sniper squad and riflemen squad.
holy fucking shit these retard latvians at least give them engineers and medics as starter squads.
You can participate in the official stream giveaway raffle on Wednesday 2 weeks from now
Yeah, what >>483717326 said.
I missed out on the mp40 bush lads, If I recall, the event had tasks for equipment that I didn't even have. Playing Normandy didn't help motivation, as it was constant rape with rally points being ethereal constructs.
Snipers being starter squads were a mistake.
Having an engineer squad to start off would encourage people to at least see what they are capable of building
I don't agree. Snipers get a bad rep only because predominantly retards play them but someone aggressive flanking, pinning down enemies, clearing mgs and ats, and hunting rallies and apcs in general is a nightmare to play against. Now add to that a cancerous cocksucker that also mines vehicle spawns. As for engies, yeah, you're 100% correct in the sense that it should be the first soldier and first squad in general unlocked.

The problem is that a monkey is a monkey. And it doesn't matter if you give him a KT or a pz2 from the get go, he'll still drive it up melee range to fire MGs from the top.
I can do all of what you described much more effectively with an automatic weapon
thoughts on shotguns? assume i'm a god gaymer
The arguably best known sniper in ww2 would agree with you.

Memes. Go allies and their auto5s or go normal weapon.
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sounds like a fluke, in 90% of occasions PVE is a waste of a booster
thats what I am saying
it has been a huge difference for every weapon other than the top of the line unlocks
>the game populates the rest of the slots with bots
and also players lol. the only surefire way to tell if its a bot is to do the player lookup or if they actually march to PTFO
are you supposed to have an obscene win rate?
One thing I've noticed since the matchmaking update is that I get Tunisia maps as Allies much more often.
I haven't been able to use the Auto 5 yet, but I find them to be really inconsistent. They have a slightly more generous range than shotties in FPS games usually do but at the range where they're effective, you might as well use any other gun capable of one shot kills. Also you'd think that they'd be good from the hip in this game, since a lot of the time firing from the hip in close quarters is better than bothering to aim, but the spread is so weird that it's not worth it. I've literally barrel stuff people with it and gotten a white hitmarker.
Whoever made that merc66 webm set from a few weeks back
The "helper" is going around disparaging me for reporting him lmao
Post the webms here again pls
how do i tell my team they are garbage and should kill themselves?
I’m assuming you’re the new player and I would say stick to actually trying to win right now. You’ve always got time later to set up a BR 1 with double barrels and revolvers that you rename later.
Engineers can use shotguns as well now though so if you really want to have fun with them you might want to do it on an engineer squad
it doesn't matter how "good" snipers can be. The problem is making new players rely on snipers since that is their "most" powerful weapon.
They don't know shit nor even what the objetive is they just see some people murder them with MP-40/PPS and since the monkey understood that they can't get into close combat they see big scope so they must fight in tall place.
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You are if you don’t want us to make fun of you.
Really though it doesn’t matter because if you quit before the match ends then it doesn’t count and you can always play with a stack or play a faction that is currently being stacked. We all know it can be an indicator of skill but can also be meaningless.
Spread out 5 pounds of saffron in a pentagram circle, and stand in the center of it while you light it on fire.
Then let out a guttural Welsh-esque battlecry before going back to your computer and smashing your keyboard
As much sense as you make, I can do all of that with the other squads, I've seldomly been in a position where I wish I had a scope on my guns.
If the zoom in wasn't that good on open sights they might have a place.

Though I still wouldn't want them to be a class, simply due to the passivenes that it breeds in people. There is enough of that already.
> sounds like a fluke
If it’s confrontation and you never cap yourself, the AI will most likely go back and forth forever while you just kill them between points.
If you’re defending on invasion you can just massacre them while allowing them to keep capping points. It doesn’t really work outside of these circumstances
Western Allies
>You are all useless and should kill yourselves
>Ihr seid alle nutzlos und solltet euch umbringen
>Bы вce бecпoлeзны и дoлжны yбить ceбя
It is still a limiting amount of ammo for the average player per engagement. How often do you see the K4 get used?
>it has been a huge difference
I still spent 3600 silver to upgrade one bolt actions.
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lol, lmao even. Do these cunts invade these spaces akin to the trannies?
Just keep going, hell make screenshots of the convos to add more shit to the pile.
I mean that is very niche yeah, to the point you can almost ignore it.
as a sidenote I have been getting very little effort 10k games at BR1, it seems like people (not even bots) at this tier reliably stand in the objective circle and will do so as long as you take out obstacles for them, and I am considering popping my BP boosters to silver max while the going is this good
and? it used to be much worse, and gets much worse with 6 star weapons. the point is its not unnoticeable
winning too much? here, have some bots on your team that don't do shit
delisle damage doubled when?
No, they are not. You can tell bots apart from humans. Don't spread misinformation. In the HuxBox screenshot, the vast majority of players are humans, with only one or two bots per team.

You can tell by their names. You can tell which players are bots and humans really easily. The more horrible reality is that this game is full of absolute retards.
Go home to bongistan
Red orchestra had the same problem where only a few players per team got the majority of points while everyone else was an absolute shitter with almost 0 kills or points
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That was me I am CuxBox. If you are referring to the one webm where he locks the middle of his screen onto a Panther, at least. Where are you being disparaged? That's fucking pathetic.

MOST games are like this. Have you played an online shooter lately? The majority of players just flounder and do nothing. It was always the case, even back in UT and Quake days. It's just that, back then, bad players self-segregated into community servers where they could be casual and good players joined HARDCORE ONLY 24/7 [MAP] servers.
not really as surefire as looking it up, judging by names at best is informed guessing
>full of absolute retards
and yet newfags will continue to insist theyre bots lol, always been like this
its on the cusp of being a fun weapon in BR1 but is too frustrating to use with how many groups of enemies there are
>the fastest firing bolt-action
>hard to use
Please post the aimbot scrolling panther lock and anything else you got
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>Where are you being disparaged?
Friend sent me screenshots from a discord server he's in apparently
Really the only disparagement is implying that I know how to make videos lmfao
Then she sends him my forum profile link and this
I don't think I've played against vault once, but I do leave when I see names of insufferable players that I remember
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like peanut butter and jelly
Even worse
Its a woman
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>Really the only disparagement is implying that I know how to make videos lmfao
That you DON'T know how to? Because that's true of me, I just use webm for retards.

>but I do leave when I see names of insufferable players that I remember
I do the same. I rarely leave if I see someone from /enlg/ but I feel zero desire to stay in matches with EVA or other 4stacks I know won't be fun to play against or are cheating.

You can tell this is me because of the ACTIVATE WINDOWS.

Euthymia is the person who maintains the community resource, which is disappointing. This is really pathetic wagon circling, but I said nothing would be done because Merc66 is too deeply involved with the "upper echelons" of the community.
>lowest damage bolt action
>cant stay ADS while bolting
>not frustrating to use
post your delisle faggot lets see you make it work
I don't play faggot lies, jokes on you
No, I don't know how to make videos and never really wanted to
So implying I made them is untrue slander
desu I also spaz out with my mouse movement sometimes. But that's because I'm weird, and not a cheater like this guy.
oh, and going for headshots is dicey because the tremendous dispersion coefficient applied to the weapon
its literally the worst gun in the game and should just be made serviceable bare minimum
wow, epicly memed room temp IQ retard
That according to Euthymia is a bug with replays))

Which idk if I believe because I've watched myself and others and we don't clock eachother doing this
Instead of leaving, it's your job to make matches as tough as possible, whether flying some planes or being a grayzone tanker. Setting up some mines and barbed wire before running out to suicide your squad to get into a tank or plane helps, too.
There's also the one where he snaps between two people inside a building and snaps onto a guy who is behind visual obfuscation but doesn't shoot him, but I think I deleted that one.

That is pretty slanderous. Libelous? I think it's libel since it's written. Anyway, it's nice to see that the community "helpers" just jerk their friends off.

The spazzing isn't the issue. If you make the webm/video full screen, you can see that he PERFECTLY CENTRES a panther that's 100+ meters away in the middle of his screen while he is falling through the air.

Yeah, I have watched a LOT of replays and this just doesn't happen. Snapping can, but locking for an extended period, perfectly to the middle of the screen, doesn't. Ever.

This isn't worth it against people who are cheater-adjacent, ya know?
Yeah, I'd just rather spend my time in a different better match
Plus I don't equip mines and the small handful I do I don't remember I have lol
I just shoot people
Usually, cheaters don't instantly kill tanks unless they suicide a plane. You can easily stump your average aimbotter who's using infantry if you have a good HE spamming tank.
You can usually shit on aimbotters even inf v inf if you're at best average at the game because there's a fucking reason they're cheating
Its when they're railing you through foliage and cover cross map that it truly feels like an issue
But you're also 100% right
so the one that manage the Resource is a retard
That said, a couple of years ago there was a hack that let people throw homing explosion packs across the map. I haven't seen it since they releaed Tunisia, so maybe darkflow actually patched some overt hacks.
Clocked her as a know-it-all dick like two years ago
>Smug I'm right you're wrong about everything because I look at the datamine attitude from the get go
Hasn't gotten better since
Pretty much anyone involved in the community can be considered a retard because they'll always back up their friends. Nobody wants to be the snitch who ruins a good thing. The safest bet when running into any of the forum regulars is to assume that at least one person in their inevitable four stack is cheating and leave.

Isn't Euthymia also a console player?
I've played against u45 and others(not against merc as much), they usually leave if you skyshoot their paratroopers or mine some rallies.
>Isn't Euthymia also a console player?
With the 50% recoil reduction built in too

Console aim assist from what I've seen is pull left-trigger and it snaps to the nearest person like in CoD campaigns
>Console aim assist from what I've seen is pull left-trigger and it snaps to the nearest person like in CoD campaigns
Yeah, it does do that. They also have massively reduced recoil too, so they basically don't have any recoil to speak of.

They all hang out at top tier so I just don't play top tier. My inner conspiracy theorist tells me that a vast portion of players are using some kind of cheat at top tier, like in War Thunder. There are WAY too many people who can move and shoot the MG 42 with 100% accuracy at 100 meters, for instance.
Whenever I face cheaters, I go into grenade launcher mode. There is very little counterplay to that, and even cheaters have a hard time.
I am sure real women with real wombs play Enlisted.
As usual my dreams of a World War 2 autist gf are crushed and scattered into the wind.
There is probably one singular woman who plays enlisted, so get searching for that needle in the haystack
While I have seen cheaters, and I've even gotten DDOSed. The average BR5 player is either a retard or a retard chasing the FOTM stomp faction.
The cheaters are fags like Merc who want to make a name for themselves and be kind turd of the shit pile.
Also people who have Shark or Flame name decorators, unless they play like dogshit, in which case they are sold accounts.
I get ddosed almost every day when I am owning noobs and tryhards in this game, and the only way to make the game not send me back to the logij screen is to alt tab to other internet using apps. I'm not sure why it is like that.
Dedicated servers, when?
>The average BR5 player is either a retard or a retard chasing the FOTM stomp faction.
Agreed, but there's always that one guy who seems to fire his machine gun and totally ignore the dispersion penalty for moving.
Teabag all leanspammers.
If you are not in cover and leaning out in the open, YOU WILL BE TEABAGGED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE
if you use ap mines you have a micro penis
Big dick niggas only use AT mines
I have AP mines on every troop and spam them whenever possible. I MINE the rallies, I MINE the point, and NOTHING will STOP ME. Call me STINKY PETE because I am all about the MINING.
If you don't use ap mines, you're a woman and don't even have a penis
I never understood why they do that. They're not any harder to hit.
It's habitual and they know it's annoying. It also has no downsides. It increases recoil by 40% but that makes no difference.
It's annoying and makes it look like you're either a hacker or some kind of aspiring neophyte mlg420snoopdog clan member
If you are a woman who plays Enlisted, I will marry you.
Never said I'd stop looking. Although I might have better luck with girls into scale modeling. Which is a needle on top a needle inside a haystack.
I've seen "women"(not sure either way if they are real women or not, but that might be a good sign as most trans are obvious) streamers play enlisted on twitch, several times. You might have more luck if you like asian girls.
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I guess it works then because it does annoy me when I see some monkey or goblin leaning it me
I see the machine gun thing a lot
Got hit by a guy firing his MG-15 while standing at like 100+ meters the other day and cried foul because that can't do that shit close up even
If you fire the MG 15 in bursts while standing still it can work, but when people are walking around, leaning and firing with 100% accuracy and wiping entire squads you know something is up. We know there are accuracy cheats at the very least because aimbotters use them to headshot people from across the map while hipfiring.
The best ways to best hackers is to become psychic, unironically. Humans have this capacity but most of you simply choose to ignore it.
makes sense, i remember how in the forums they bullied a retard which yeah, he was a retard, but because he asked for a 100 belt MG42
whats our view on this?
The only real option for an MG 42 upgrade is to give it a 250 round fortress belt, and probably only give it one of them like the old LAD.
>You might have more luck if you like asian girls.
I do have a chance then
He ADADAD firing it at me lmao
No prone or nothing

I see it with SMG-34s all the time too
I don't see it much or ever with US or USSR machine gunners so I don't think its just a desynch thing
>I don't see it much or ever with US or USSR machine gunners so I don't think its just a desynch thing
Mostly because their MGs just aren't as high DPS as German ones, which means cheaters don't use them. DPS is the most important statistic for a cheater, which is why when you see cheaters playing the US, you tend to see them using the Johnson LMG.
Google account grabber.
That aside the fact that they didn't make the Economy number one is wrong. That is the worst part of the game in it's current state.
They also ask for things that Darkflow has already promised to address.
They also ask for things that are naïve. Like events have to be shit you grind one a day/two days to increase concurrent player numbers. That shit won't ever change and 20k in 2 days is the sweet spot.
A lot of the requests are stupid
>Adjust Armored Train Mode to make the train stationary and longer, spanning the entire map. Transform the game mode into a destruction scenario where attackers must plant bombs in different parts of the train composition across the map, with defenders tasked to prevent them.
Like what kind of moron wants the train to not fucking move and also be so fucking long you can't go around. And if you just make it destruction why they fuck would anyone play it over destruction?
>Description: Increase the score and XP gain in Conquest matches, significantly increase tickets (in order to extend the match duration)
Conquest has the same exact XP gain as all other modes, they just last less time in case of a stomp. Making it artificially last longer is gay and will make people just quit mid match out of being tired of getting stomped on.
>3 - Lack of Effective Infantry Countermeasures Against Planes
Have you tried shooting at it Billy?
I mean the real reason is that they removed AP power from a lot of things including Luftfaus so planes are less affected by ground fire. Revert change everything is fine.
>Incentivise Tanks on Objective:
>I don't know how to kill tanks at range
> Cooldown Times for Vehicles:
Description: Introduce individual (30 seconds) or team (20 seconds) cooldowns
We already have 60 seconds for the same squad. Making it for all vehicles would be the easiest solution
I rate the entire thing 2/10 and I do not agree with most anything it says.
Some important things like the silver economy and lack of in-game social system are addressed here. It won't be acknowledged but it's not a bad document.
>>I don't know how to kill tanks at range
They are mostly complaining about down-tiered meme machines like KV-1s and King Tigers. If you happen to be playing Tier III and go against a KT then there's almost literally nothing you can do as an infantryman against it.

>I rate the entire thing 2/10 and I do not agree with most anything it says.
They touch on issues but offer poor solutions. Silver gain should just be increased by 50% across the board to bring it back to par with how it was pre-merge. Also, new bread when?
There's really not much you can do against the KT H in most situations unless you are able to bomb it
It shouldn't have been added full stop
>It shouldn't have been added full stop

Add 85mm and 100mm AT guns for the Soviets, 90mm and 105mm AT guns for the US, and 88mm AT guns for the Germans to Tier III and V.
Add fine mouse aim so I can actually aim for the tiny turret face at range and not get my round magnetized into the cock sleeve around the gun
New thread
>passivenes that it breeds in people
Like tanks camping one spot, planes that don't care for objectives, mgs that sit on a nest holding one angle no one even comes to or at stitting on paks while there are no tickets left..?

Marksmen were and are a valid and useful niche. Players that are shit and refuse to git gud as it were will be shit on anything.

I'm not saying they're good. I'm saying they can be useful if not played by some waste of oxygen.
I've seen a few on d*scord, none are good and most seem to just play whatever others in their "community" are playing
kys off topic OP image maker
how hard is is to use a relevant image

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