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Previous : >>482953841

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
Yep, that's a PAWG.
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Yep, that's an unfunny dicksword cunt.
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[Nyanx3] will be a casual/midcore cunny guild.
>Love this game
>Don't be a dick
>Must love cunny to an autistic degree
>Must play daily and be open to guild contribution
>Combat power doesn't matter, but being active does
>You are progressively making your account stronger
>Meanies and retards will get banned, no questions asked

Post UID / Username to reserve a spot.
Spots will be reserved for a limited time. After that, first come first serve.
Can also send UID here with a burner if you don't want to post on the board: CnfRou@proton.me
Dalvi small penis humiliation please
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Just play it bro. She's free once you beat the pack.
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Cat game
Finish Summer Knight pack in normal difficulty you smooth brained room temperature IQ retard
bwo dont trigger him or he'll throw another several hour melty.....
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Reminder that Justia is all fat. Scheherazade is all mammary. Scheherazade wins by default.
I need you guys to appreciate Rubia's tummy more or we can't be friends
>Post UID / Username
Lil bro got his mind DESTROYED by a messaging application KWAB
whats the level requirement?
i just barely finished Cat Daddy pack
I STILL think PAWG is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
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>all the npcs in the event but schera call her petite
>turns out justia is chubby
what did john mean by this

posted without comment
amazing how bad the thread is during seanig hours
/bd2g/ is almost a completely different general when its being raided by discord and when its not
There's no level requirement in normal difficulty, dumbass, you get a prebuilt team. God, you really are a fucking retard aren't you?
Why are you so mean to our resident newcuties
Don't listen to meanies anon. Just beat it on normal. You have a prebuilt team and only on Hard and Very Hard do you need to use your own team to beat it.
That's the reality of all this anon. No content -> People bored. 6 weeks between chapters is unsustainable
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He asked me to pretend he's retarded. I don't mean any of it.
200 powder saved, thanks to the anons who said to never claim until the last day of the banner
oh that's fair.
yeah dumbass just play the fucking pack and literally all your questions will be answered.
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Wow you too had so much luck with your free draw? Damn dude that's crazy
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do buffs stack? Can i use pic related and homo lathel for big pp?
I can't believe Scheraposter verbally abuses the mentally handicapped in real life...
They do stack but a variety of different buffs will always do way more than just stacking the same kind of buff.
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Playable Ailee when?
>set up proper pvp defense
>still lose 99% of the time since my units suck
Kry UR gear. congrats LMAO
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Did I win? Is this any good?
Oh no no no...
Stop memeing on me
Tell me or else
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>daily draw
>diana banner
>5 star
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bwo about that...
>Daily draw
>It's just a justia dupe
Rubia is good though. While base is her weakest costume in terms of usefullness, it's still good to have.
Justia seeded, accept her as your one and only.
I got all Rs and 3 starts can you vantablack gorilla niggers shut the fuck up about your URs?
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Give em back
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>New gluttis don't know about Hot Time!
bwoh do you really want gear that makes everyone laugh at you...
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I wish I got a rubia
Why is that scantily clad maiden, not wearing undergarments?

posted without achaaa
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>newglutties don't know about quick click technique
Sex with Dalvi
Babies with Dalvi
Happy life with Dalvi!
Share the card please
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>fucking ad diana
I hate it. it should've been my +5 venaka, too. second time this bitch spooks me
bros... everyone is laughing at us...
Just buy the step up package for your guaranteed Venaka
>just pay 50 bucks
How about nyo
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>out comes Gray
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It really is hot time, Nyah...
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>rolled my dailies before hot time
Gary time
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Can I join now?
>+1 Venaka in 50 pulls
I'm ok with this
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>this jank ass team got me to ruby III
Oink for me, piggy.
I wish I could participate in hot time but I don't have any tickets...
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I'm gonna do a 10 pull on Venaka, if I don't get shit I'm personally becoming the next thread schizo.
bro how do your units have so much hp
I am in diamond one and mine all have 2k hp
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Not like this...
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I kneel. Thanks for keeping the server alive
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That's it, you niggers are DONE.
I gave them all fully upgraded R gear, mostly III-IV, usually refine it to at least BBB
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You won't seduce me, I'm saving for gyaru.
is R IV gear better than UR1-2 gear?
from what I heard in previous threads as a newcutie it's better to just give everyone the best R stuff you can until you have enough mats for UR as SR isn't worth it
I'd assume UR1-2 is better
>the literal beach party cum toilet, gets bukkaked in her cutscene
>violated and deflowered by Octovius III
>has kissed more cocks than you have pulls
>skill looks mediocre
Anon, I...
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>I'd assume UR1-2 is better
No only UR3 and 4 is worth anything
I will kiss Nebris' cum coated mouth and there's nothing you can do about it, loser.
fuck you nigger, I got nothing, and before that I got atheist ange
There is nothing bad about sluts
>watch defense replay where they have succ roxy
>theirs deletes three of my dudes on the first hit
>when I use my succ roxy on offense she does like 300x3 to everything ever
rigged fucking game
I literally refuse to kiss Nebris if she didn't suck a cock right before
Do actual niggers play this game because of the ass?
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Gear diff?
Could also just be they have 90 MRES.
No, and if they do they need to post hand so I can laught at them
how the fuck
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not my fault you were too slow
yes, but not just for ass
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you tell me about it, I'm not even sure my Eleaneer has all gear slots filled up
You niggers made me use 10 tickets stop fucking posting that shit
I'm confused, how do I get Roxy?
Oh no no no...
what do i use my draw tickets on as a new retard
do characters get specific rate ups on a schedule?
i'm enjoying the story so far but i have a fear i am eventually going to clear the story and then there's going to be nothing left to play
Invent a time machine
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Hello Venaka brother. We are pleased with this donation.
no schedule, no leaks, we know about updates like 5 days in advance, you wanna get Diana+2 I think? And then grab one from the pub at SP10. I don't remember which copy is an important one.
If you gonna keep rolling on any banners, you want both Helena and Homo Lathel from the powder shop.
Nikke is for ass. BD2 is for both.
You missed the opportunity to get Roxy and Eris. Their limited event stopped, and will not be repeated.
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>still broken
someone submit a ticket
>and then there's going to be nothing left to play
Finished all your character packs? All one-time towers? Worked on your pvp team?

You just check the current costume banners and see if there's something you see that you like.
Diana is a solid endgame investment (core buffer), Venaka is an op magic DPS with a pretty good pattern. PP Schera is for pvp so I'd dump tickets on either of the former two banners and buy HLathel + B-Helena from the powder shop after.
How do i access the event hard mode?
so perfect
How many Venaka copies should I pull?
near the sleeping/healing place there is an NPC sitting on a TV
usual consensus is +1 for most costumes sinces they get 1 SP cost reduce
Aight I'll wait until the last day then
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This your first gacha?
I'd imagine they would start now because it appeals to their neurons but this game has some fat booba and delicious flatties.
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Do you really need to ask?! It's Venaka! You need +5!
what the fuck is Fire Resist compared to Water Damage. Is this shit translations?
She deals 50% more water damage against wind units
She takes 50% less damage from fire units.
>wind units
Fire units I mean, always mess that up, because I'm Loenbrained so every wind unit takes more damage in my mind.
since costumes provide buffs to characters, do you roll for costumes for characters you like, even if you don't like that specific costume?
Not really, depends on a costume, Diana's second costume is kind of useless, no point in rolling for it, but still having one copy is nice, I guess it's ok in PvP
I love cunny but I also love ass
I usually hop on to do dailies and free rolls

im kinda snail's pacing the story packs but im progressing them regardless

can i join?
i'll roll for one copy at least yeah
>Green hair
I will be skipping Venaka. Sorry!
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Granhildr and Seir also have an idol version.
Play the Exodus character pack to see the story of Helena, Seir, Eleaneer and their manager Gray.
literally who
there are so many characters I have never seen before
and so many male characters in pvp who I try to forget about again
there are another two you are forgetting. It's Gran and Seir
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Did they make a mistake when creating this character? She seems way too strong for a 3* character. Does she get powercrept by some 5*?
You best respect Achaa newglutti
>Brown dust
just staying true to her decent performance in bd1, aachaa strong!
Ah, mic test mic test
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Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
remember when we had fast threads?
those were the days... feels just like yesterday
is Ventana idol good?
This is the only good ritual post
Ventana is such a good DJ playing the music of our people
sloppa anon, time to dabble in AI voice to make her sing this
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Cunny and ass go together bwo.
As long as your progressing and working on getting stronger, you're welcome to join
You'll likely be done and ready by time guild content comes out
Will the next element season rotation be the samr as the current one? Or will the order change?
I like to farm crystals for the next season during FH period, so I would like to know which ones I should farm next.
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should i recruit Roe from the tavern?
i dont have any copies of her so this would be my first
new guy here btw
>ogres magic have 99.9% magic res
>ice fiends with water affinity have 0 magic res and take full damage from a water mage
I don't understand the logic here
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recruit Olstein and Diana when so see them in their respective chapters
or recruit Lia first if you have no damage and abysmal draw luck
You forgot the BRICKED name
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I feel like I should stop now
what element should i be using against water??
only 116 draws for +5 bwoh
Wind. Your free Dalvi should help here
Fire evaporates water.
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Who is this? She cute. Playable when?
keep reading dummy
What >>483092507 said, because that's the reason why you're being given her, and not what >>483092545 wrote.

Also, here's the guide again.

Wind beats water, water beats fire (hence a picture of Schera triumphant over Lathel), fire beats wind.
Darkness and light beat each other.
Devs said soon, just gonna have to wait now
What can a gust of wind do to the vast ocean? The reason the ocean can even exist in the first place is because the sun takes a break from burning it into a desert every night.
If she becomes playable I'm going demand that John make Misha playable
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Convinced me to do a 10 pull on the other banner instead
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Why are Schera's eyes censored? Doesn't John know how lewd that is?
Ahhhhh. Mic test. Mic test.
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Is it hot time?
just goon time
Sinking deeper and deeper to Venaka's ass
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How's this lineup for a newglutti. I've already planned out +5 on diana and bidol helena so I excluded those on purpose
>base refi instead of bride
perfect, do it
add PP angelica, and go for at least 1 copy of bride refi
The slut Venaka should sing some horny song instead
Just 1 copy of bride refi will spike your Last Night damage by a LOT
reminder for newgluttis

>reroll alec
>get anastasia and alec from pub
>roll weapon banners
>buy scrolls and books from powder and thread shop
>ignore pvp on sundays
>buy rice and torches with gems
>buy furniture with gems
>don't buy tears from the event shops ever
>get alec and base helena to +5
>craft crit rate gloves and crit rate / hp jewellery
>use all your ap on food
>only level up freds crafting
>scrap all your exclusive gear for more weapon crystals
We're gonna get not!Irisviel soon
Yeah I messed up and accidentally put the wrong one thanks. And if I hit one base dalvi Ill swap to angelica
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Where's our ilya clone then? Hoyo already got theirs
>ignore pvp on sundays
Wonderful 101
look at the name
its a meme
If you don't do PVP before the ranking closes you brick
and the ranking closes in the morning
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In sunday, the PVP closes early for tallying. Some people usually waits until as close as possible to closing time to boost their rank before the pvp ends for more rewards
A lot of them ended up forgetting it and missing it too. Leaving their entries wasted
budding nippies... >:3
NTA but is PP angelica really worth to add if I have +0 I do have her UR weapon over new costumes
>A lot of them ended up forgetting it and missing it too
I literally make sure I always have at least 40 extra cocktails because of this shit, that way I can do PVP on reset and get my fucking medals even if I forget. If I don't forget I just use my extras before it closes to keep my rank.
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>Hump me, fuck me! Daddy, better make me choke (You better) Hump me, fuck me! My tunnel loves to deep throat (It do) Lick, lick, lick, lick (I lick it) I want to eat yo' dick (I do)
DJ Goonaka
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My wife Venaka is pure. Don't use her for shitposting.
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I honestly thought she would be a buffer
Wrong bangs bwo
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Her eyes are suppose to be light blue I think
Maybe her normal outfit will be and she'll be hybrid like Lathel
>>only level up freds crafting
What's wrong with this?
>a MALE crafts his gear
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In the earlier days, *3 field skill can't reach legendary rank. They have changed it now.
"Summer Knight" and "Post Summer Knight" are separate events, you have to access the "Summer Knight" event from the Pack Collection page. Make sure you do them both.
>it's either actual game discussion or
there is no in between
what more do you need?
Based sunbae taking care of the maknae's
Jerking off with your bros is not gay though
The fate of every coom game thread
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instantly.......pic related as I feel too bad saying it
I thought she it was gonna be a nigger rap about twerking or saying nigga a lot.
Does Nebris have looped animation edit for the backshots, anyone?
Still jerking off to the Glacia sloppa from earlier
We can always talk about BD1 and which girls we want to coom to in that game.
Lil bro said don't talk about gooning when the game's main product is bouncing cartoon asses
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Fuck... I'm gonna say the G word...
so UR1 is better than R IV... liars trying to brick me
Top feet desu
So, Justia is the daughter of that Fabian guy in Brown Dust 1 who killed the emperor of some nation called Karia or something, right?
And the self-insert mercenary captain of that game, who was also seen in the now-removed Hello Elin-story pack, is also his son, right?
Will these two siblings ever meet?
Yuridori spotted
there's is probably full pot and +5, what's yours?
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Yuridori is universal
where the panties
On my face as she jerks me off from behind while whispering gooning encouragement in my ear
We dont know for sure. I can say this with some confidence but it might not be wind because berserker was the last fiend hunt
Should I play BD1...
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>Hell never ever because John is STILL angry at her for DOMMING pvp for so long
80% legs.. John I kneel..
on one hand its pretty shit but on the other hand its really nice to look at...
It's a really old game from past generation
holy based
i love the /bd2/ bwos
breed like bunnies
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Those shoes be dripping.
All me
i was wondering where my PP yuti was after i did all the story in Post Summer Knight
That's how I imagine Yurianon after the guilds open
Why is John so scared of giving girls thongs in the ass focused cutscenes? Zenith is already in the game...
I just need a mega of all the art
She took Octovious I's virginity.
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Always do your own research and confirm bwo
I love cunny so much bros
would be nice, the wiki is giga outdated
still gonna crank it to this
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Octovius I...
rou feets
God I wish I was a tentacle monster so bad
I see, thank you, think I will farm Light crystals since there's some units whose pots I want to unlock.
Thanks again.
>no longer stuck in the magic tower thanks to the new Dalviwife costume
I love young feetsies, especially the soles...
I think the reason why R IV gear is prefered is because UR gear is fucking expensive to upgrade and reroll the right stats. And you don't want to that when you will get something better (UR IV) later.
t. newcutie
I will still upgrade my UR1-2 gear because lol, lmao even
Enjoy it for like 10 more floors...
You can download all of it in the bd1 cafe naver, just have to sit down and do it all
John's holding out on us...
>imagine wasting your suds with back shots
I wanna play this game, which banner do I reroll?
Here's your easy 40 clear bro.
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Venaka you silly goose.
As far as I'm aware, schera is the only limited banner. So I'd start with her.
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Yuri is my tigerwife and I already decided on a guild.
What guild?
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is it going to be the sneed joke?
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sneed guild where
we really need a 3rd guild alternative so I hope someone makes one
Maybe a /bag/ guild for all the baggers in here since you can advertise a "Blue archive guild" but you cant advertise a "CUNNY CUNNY UOH" guild
full where
Just make it yourself.
>red gems
bricked before the new limited's
my condolences
you know where? most i found were wallpapers, mostly login screens, though those ain't bad either.
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>"Wah wah, we need more guilds! Wah wah!"
>Someone makes a new one.
>"Wah wah, we need more guilds! Wah wah!"
I think you overestimate how many people are here. How about we wait so we don't have 3 dead guilds
dunno, i got it from discord
Best time to make guilds is at the start since we can have 10 guilds and the guilds people join will be the survivors while the weak ones die off
I like how we are splitting the 10 people that conform this general (I myself am 3 of them) into 5 guilds
Sex, I read on the guide I need +2, Does that mean I have to roll her 2 times?
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From the last thread
>On their cafe naver site; Mercenaries above OBT, companions below
Do NOT make more guilds
I'm the only one allowed to be guild master in here
huge, thanks
the local schizos really trying their best to keep the competition down huh
I'll just join the PAWG guild and avoid all the drama
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Three. You get the costume then after those come the +1, +2, etc.
But you really only need +1 in my opinion if you want to run her. If you get her once you can also just buy the step up banner and get another copy of her guaranteed so you can use your other resources on other banners, but that's up to you if you wanna spend money on the game.
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There's only one guild I'm interested in bringing my 91% CC and 483K CP into...
that's a lot of cat porn
If we need a 3rd guild, I will be creating PAWG Depot.

You must post proof of 5 maxed out PAWGs to become a member.
But every character is a PAWG
do I message wg_spirittomb to join?
>But you really only need +1 in my opinion if you want to run her.
I see, then keep rerolling until I get 2.
It makes sense that Octovius 1 would rather fuck Nebris than Mamonir, considering that the latter lets herself get fucked and put up in slutty poses in public by Octovius 3, showing that she's more into younger octopi.
that's red paid gems cmonke. nothing a swipe can't fix
there's only going to be one bd2goon guild. to gain entry you need to tribute any lady or dude within the game and provide photo evidence. only real coomers/gooners allowed
will there be a brickCHAD guild?
You don't need a guild for that.
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Filter mode, on
You must cum to cunny before entry
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Phys bros, stay strong... Nebris next thursday...
well, after yesterday's thread i think everyone here is allowed
Anon do you got the other Rou, NSFW version?
well my Venaka is at +1 now, now to save for possible schoolgirl Rou and Levia
Newfag here I got Schehe and Venaka how do the hell do you upgrade?
Wtf is Levia?
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You roll for them again.
schoolgirl rou, eh... If only...
I just noticed we didn't the get the black skin new girl, are we getting her after this set of units?
she better not be physical
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She's already confirmed to be physical in the anniv's stream
This is her base costume. She's the keeper of the upcoming roguemode tower
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tfw too slow...
how hard is it to read the dev notes which are usually about a page maximum?
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how should I build my magic team? the only 2 units I'm not using and I probably could are diana and roxy
she's literally just physical PP Ange if the PV is to be believed
>1 death
you didnt beat it
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Yes, the PV shows her with T tile pattern
PV isn't really reliable though. B.Eclipse have X pattern in her PV
Join [LuckGODS]
Only people with the Golden Hand title can join though. We don't want lucklets here.
Will there be a guild for newcuties...
>didnt +5 roxy
Wrath 40, desire 79, jealousy 25, pride 6/6 here
got her from a daily pull actually
I hope they will change it T pattern is awkward for me.
yeah except both venanak and summer dalvi's patterns matched what was shown in the PV so....
this is what I'm using. Roxy just fucking explodes everything
is she any good at +0?
try her out. use venaka + dalvi if you find her lacking
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>Alt Justia
>Beachside angels
>Sportswear Loen
I want all of them... My stash...
Skip negris/buy from cope show
Probably roll for Justia since she feels like she'll be meta (or skip if shes not limited lmao)
Roll for beachside angels
Skip loen lol
The only limiteds from those should be 2 out of 4 beachside angels. You're fine
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Can't roll for them if you already emptied your stash on DJ Venaka. :^) Still only +1 at 174 draws. :^(
the campaign is so fucking boring because of the stupid exploding slimes killing your units all the time
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I do, but the one posted was edited, Cleaning up extra limbs and such in PS.
It was same thing essentially but a more clear and visible cunny. Have this one.
Here you go bwo. It was a quick Gen without edit, so don't expect HQ work here.
Just dash through them nigga
Her potential will have a 2x3 tile im sure of it so be ready to pull
>edited, Cleaning up extra limbs and such in PS.
That's a lot of work, thank you anon. Gotta practice my audition for the server tee-hee~
One of the Dominus Octo, demon lords
schoolgirl rou isnt happening
Its loen+levia
Did you retouch this one also? I though AI had trouble drawing feet and hands but apparently not anymore.
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>listen to /bd2g/ and get Diana
>suddenly this shit every day
Have you played Jayden's gate yet?
what the hell are gluttis anyways
Nopes. If I were to retouch it, I'd fix the extra toes and fix the fingers a bit. Maybe If I was feeling it, making the stuffed toys cuter for fun.
Rou is an actual fat cat in that universe.
But maybe we'll have that as the new outfit
The self-insert
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Yes, it's schoolgirl Loen + Levia
Rou is a cat in that world
We have higher odds of getting terrorfiend rou than them suddenly giving us schoolgirl rou since they said they wanted to focus on chars that dont have a lot of alts and Rou has this many
Thinking of Rou and Glacia feet, thanks fags
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Rou's a literal obese cat in that pack......
Me hopping up to Refi to suck on her tits.
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Rou's revival, let's gooo
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God how I wish we knew nebris' kit
learn how to datamine and get the info yourself
Unironically the best and funniest of the character packs with that reveal.
Oh no no no... Rou is a fat cat schizos????
Rou has white ears. Try not to get it wrong next time or you'll be violently executed by the cunny council.
>spent the last half hour resetting for crits on wrath 39f
>ended up giving up because I'd have better chances winning the lottery
I hate this.
got a character called seir but the main bd2 website doesnt have a guide on her, weird
She is the queen of evil tower. Anything where you cant 1 or 2 turn stages shes great in
What's the main bd2 site
they categorize her as a tank in their tier list
hopefully collabs rerun in this game, I need a stronger roxy..
People called her mid but they dont know what they are talking about. Its them coping for being a roxylet
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Just copy my build bro
if I wait long enough can I recruit any 5 star on the pub? do they all show up there?
no the list of pub recruitable 5 stars doesn't include every character and you can only recruit the ones that show a single time
>Rou with a visible plump belly
BBW bwos we are so back
Just wait till Tuesday bwo. Going off what was shown in the PV, she's likely to have:
>10 turn wind dmg buff (self)
>T pattern (Summer Angelica, Base Rubia)
guys i can't beat the last battle in Post Summer Knight
what level should my team be??
as an aspiring Loen magicchad is Venaka worth pulling for +5?
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Same bwo. I tried but man she just would not come for me, only reason I got her was through pity. And I didn't want to waste everything on the collab when anni was around. The fool I was.
Just use your Dalvi and Elpis.

If you were interested in Venaka for the magic debuff she has a different range from Loen which might cause problems.
the game should have a way to farm stuff without using stamina
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You can use costume enhancers. When they come that is...
Phys Tower floor 27 was designed by the blackest gorilla nigger to ever nig out of niggerville
You can't use those on limited characters.

You can get extra rice and torches at Evil Tower.
>You can't use those on limited characters.
Damn that's retarded but not surprising.
they're limited for a reason bro
got 1 copy of summer sche and that will be enough for pvp
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but i want to collect them all, im not made out of money john what the fuck
No, +0 is enough for pve. +3 is mandatory for pvp
just get one copy then????
not worried about that cause I run Zenith
Have you guys ever have a >90% loss in 40 pvp battle? I'm not even purposely trying to lose either. KEK I'm so bad at this game.
Continue posting Anastasias
Is the newbie season pass last forever or there's a time limit too? I want to take my time with story pack.
Newbie one is forever yeah
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Why not just run Elise then for the magic defense reduction?
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got Hlathel from my free daily!
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if I need ability pill, buying ability pill is much cheaper than buying gold right?
If you play everyday, You can buy all of them regardless
would the fujos here appreciate me cosplaying Lathel and posting pics?
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Ecchi Lathel...
Newglutti, what should I focus on at first? Just got some decent stuff from the Infinite Roll, what should I focus on if I don't want to miss out on the event? Story first or just dive into the event straight away?
You get free characters for the first three story chapters.
You get Dalvi +5 for doing event stuff but she's available for 40 days so no rush. The event pack lets you use a premade team so you don't even need to build anyone for that.
Unlock Path of Adventure maps so you can upgrade your characters. This is where you spend your stamina (rice and torches)
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Bros, I'm barely hanging on here. Team is Eclipse, Helena, Teresse, Schera and Celia. I'm swapping out Celia for an actual tank, which is best from the following? -

+1 Glacia with UR gear, No school girl
+3 Seir with UR gear and +0 Idol
+1 Android Lecliss with UR gear and +2 Killer doll
+4 Summer Angelica with UR gear +1 Nun and +0 Neon Savior

Sorry it's a bit long winded. Also 90/90 split is the only way to go if she's the only tank in the team, right?
To add, I've got a ton of tears, so I can max out someone inside a couple of days if need be. Enough tears to do 2 costumes at least. Stones are the only issue.
Roger, thanks
I will NEVER build a physical team
You'll end building both anyway...
Free daily pulls are so nice to have
Yeah it feels nice to always be building up towards something. Crazy it's once per banner too.
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No it's butt clapping time
More like gyatt lol am I right fellow zoombros
how safe is it to buy a start account in this game?
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It happened again...
>still a net positive
Why do you think that PAWG is a zoomer term? I remember it was already widely used literally 20 years ago.
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I bought an 8$ account, with a couple copy of collab costumes, 40k dia, 400 tickets, and a couple of 5* costumes.
I bought an account near half anni, though you need to provide them a dummy google account to bind.
you cant bind it to a random email?
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Nobody was using PAWG 20 years ago
It's not that PAWG is a zoomer term but it was coined and is mainly used by black people, and zoomers love mimicking the vernacular of black people.
the one I bought is included with a dummy email
they use pawg in /gif/ since years
what happened in the beginning of 2022
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why didnt they name this game Black Dust 2? literally anything sounds better than brown pajeet shit
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>Black Dust 2?

LMAO What even is "Black Dust"?
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/gif/ uses the term because they're a bunch of blacked fags.
You can search "pawg" on /gif/ right now and two threads show up, both for blacked porn.
You're a faggot BBC cuckold. Kill yourself.
It's no laughing matter.
Black Dust is a weapon used to "zombify" the adversary in many places in Afreaka.
Will there be a chat system within the guild system? With there be a guild here that isnt going to be at the polar end of a schizo spectrum?
Schizo guild
Meta guild
Gooning guild
Meme guild
Those are your choices
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I guess its the meme guild for me...
For offense team, the only viable solo tank especially with "Eclipse, Helena, Teresse, Schera" team is
+3 Base Seir + UR with full potentials
90/90 Zenith + UR (+3 and SP reduction potential)
+3 Bulky Red Hood Rou
+5 A.D Diana + UR with full potentials
Glacia and Lecliss are difficult to use for solo tank because of their high SP and even if you want to use them as meat fodder, you have to meet a team with the right formation so that Glacia/Lecliss can tank without SP.
Where to find these reaction pngs?
Iirc there was a git with all the datamined assets. Can anyone link it?
She's the worst tank to build even if a lot of anons seem to like her for PvE.
In PvP being dark gives her no advantage at all since she takes more damage from light but doesn't get resistance to anything. And since she doesn't have energy guard or revive it means she's a guaranteed oneshot to any Justia costume at any investment level, even Blood Glutton.
In PvE you don't use tanks that often and many supports like Diana or Teresse can be built with damage resistance and huge HP pools to act as impromptu tanks. Dystopia Diana, RRH Rou and base Helena can give huge team survivability buffs that make everyone tanky.
And lots of harder PvE content has mobs with dispels and defense shreds which can cripple tanks since most of them rely on self-buffs, the same way Schera does in PvP.
No harm in using her if you do have her though, in the end the only "investment" needed in BD2 is slimes and stars which are infinite once you play the game enough.
On one hand, I’m coping that I didn’t get Succubus Roxy back in the collab. On the other hand I got Swimsuit Venaka and Swimsuit Scher on my daily free rolls. Is this equivalent exchange for not going hard on the collab?
>since she doesn't have energy guard
She has energy guard if her idol costume potential unlocked.
I keep forgetting about that, sorry. But having to use tears to get utility that other tanks have out of the box is still pretty crummy and her dark element remains a constant downside.
Gran has the same downside being light but Gran's preemtive skills and absurd energy guard scaling are next level bullshit that make up for it.
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>energy guard scaling
>Only just figured out you can select and change a single costume per character to use as a bonded one for additional stat boosts

I've had Drunk Diana bonded with 0 boosts, when I've got Adventurer Diana with 62.40%hp and 13.40% magic resist sat doing nothing. Since pretty much this bonding update dropped. Someone kill me. Now I've got to go over everyone else since I'm a fucking retard. Is there anywhere I can see which costume bonds are best for who?
Is Seir really worth using in PvP? I have her +5/+5 and never placed her in def. And I have no other tank duped and geared.
Flat stat and property damage bonds are better in the most cases. Anything else looks situational.
How does an SR exclusive compare to UR crafted
Thanks anon. Wish I knew about this way back. I can't believe I'm such a dumbass.
From my experience they're better than URII or maybe even URIII with bad rolls.They're not as good as URIV though.
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Man, I love critfishing
Whats the general strat for locking in stats when refining
Lock the stats you want and get lucky, there's no trick to it.
I guess one thing is to not lock the main stat too early since it only has 3 possibilities and you have a 50% chance to get the right mainstat every refine. You can leave it until you have the 3 substats you want and do it last.
Fuck I forgot to get Loen from the powder shop last week
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it's loenover bwo
Thanks anon. I max teared Zenith for Fiend hunter. So I'll look into using her for Mirror wars. She's only +3 but I've invested a ton in her already. Everyone else hasn't got that investment. 90/90 might be tricky, but I'll get to it when I can get some crystals.
PvP ending soon bros
Listen to the other anons. Roxy's limited. 2 costumes. 1's sorta shit, the other's good. She'll eventually be powercrept. I got her, do I use her outside of fiend hunt? No. I'd happily trade her for Venaka now.
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>forgot to get Loen

My god.
Loen made me buy her dupe. She wouldn't drop her +4 spook if she didn't want this.
whos the android king?
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>there are Loenlets in this thread rn
Couldn't be me. I love my pointy eared clumsy sweaty mage wife.
>Posting your +5 wife fully teared
Based but it's not a flex unless she has multiple costumes and they are all maxed
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huh so the ""new"" retard was just the usual cuckfag learning a new word to mask his shitposting since his usual stuff gets deleted now
That explains so many things
Why is tech stuffs always referred with female connotation? Where's Fatherboard to out motherboard?
Hopefully this Lathal can have a better future than his og counterparts
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A 4 letter 1 syllable acronym is all it takes to warp this kids mind, you love to see it
1.5 hours to go, don't forget your PvP bros.
Oh fuck. Thanks for the reminder
Damn I was too distracted with the BA stream and almost forgot. Thanks bro.
I will agree that pawg is blackedfag vocabulary. Just type it in any porn search and you'll see niggers with it.
>1.5 hours to go
wow the dude that has been spamming these threads for months with ntr and calls it a cuck game on several boards is using blacked terms
say it aint so I cant believe it
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John ran away with the collab money so the game is shutting down.
I'm gonna hit sapphire for the first time bros...
loen is the only character I don't have and EVEN as a magic main, I'm fine
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Dalvi or free Dalvi for max tearing? Holding off on Venaka until she gets a second costume. Free hits 9 tiles but other Dalvi pretty much has a one time setup cost (since fights always end around the time she "powers down")
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I am better than 48% of you
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I have to wait until the last 15 minutes or else niggas demote me.
i think free Dalvi, i didn't need to use the other costume for SP13 on Hard, at all
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Nothing like blowing through 1 million pieces of wood to not hit a single IV staff. I should probably just give up. It obliterated my resources as a newglutti
Just craft some SR IVs for now and then replace them later desu
I'd focus on some other pieces from now on and use those UR3s
are there any end of season rewards? Currency or something? I still need 10k coin thingies for the Rodev costume
>1 million pieces of wood
how do you even farm this many materials for crafting all this shit
t. newcutie
Herb fucker Lathel and Promise of Vengeance in the last 2 slots.
Just dia depending on how well you did and a cup you can put in your room if you made top 100.
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Lialets piss me off so much bros.
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New Dalvi has way stronger bond stats at the expense of some of them being locked behind a tear, original Dalvi doesn't need tears to get all stats but they are lower (HP instead of CDMG)
Free Dalvi is at +5 while other is only +3. Will go with the free Dalvi. Thanks
Hmmmm 45 crafts today and not a single UR IV. Ain't that some shit
Why do you guys say this game is generous? Did 150 rolls for the moshuku red hair girl, got 2 SSRs that was not HER. did 100 on the new DJ girl, got 1 SSR that was not her.

Did 200 pulls on roxy banner, only got her soccubus oufit once.

This shit is not generous what the fuck, this rate up is so bad.
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the rate up is a lie but you still get tons of 5*s just by playing anyway. Gachas are like that.
>"I rolled 450+ pulls in two months (more than 2 sparks), why is this game so stingy??"
Oh wow, so getting things that you dont want or are nnot advertised is generous? holy shit!
You have to pay if you want to get what you want. It's a gacha.
It's one of the more expensive games desu, but people don't understand that "more rolls" does not necessarily mean "more value" when the pity is at 200 and you need 6 copies of a character to compete.
I don't mind if a gacha is stingy like fate go or any mihoyo game, or even arknights, but what I hate is when a gacha has a "rate up" and it turns out that shit is false as fuck like on this game or gbf, and its even more annoying when you need more than 1 copy for things to be usable.
Your luck and personality doesn't seems to suit gacha game. Which is a good thing. Gacha is trash
Good morning, sir!
I don't know where you read "rate up". I've been here 3 months and never catch that word
You get around ~250 free pulls a month as a f2p

Dailies 60 × 30 = 1800 = 9 rolls
Weeklies 200 × 4 = 800 = 4 rolls
Battlepass 16 rolls
Maintenance compensation usually 4 rolls, twice a month = 8 rolls
Weekly PvP Dia rank + rank-up rewards ~15 rolls
Fiend Hunt 30~60 rolls
Free Daily Pulls 120 rolls
Event Shop 30 rolls

And that is excluding any gifts or goodies, banner cashback rolls, or any of the ~600 rolls available in the game as rewards from first-time clear content.

Short story, you just were unlucky and blame it on the game.
it all comes down to luck to a certain degree, but they are very generous, I depleted my whole stash before the anni and I'm already at 100+ pulls
Don't play gacha then. Leave and uninstall.
Nobody cares what you want.
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Rate up more like rape up
"Pick-up banner" is written on every rate-up banner.
It's quite funny that a dev can just throw a worthless amount of rolls at players like you and you treat them like Gods. Especially since the predictable income is so low in this game kek
Damn, now i remembered someone lost their 50/50 pity 6 times while rolling for Firefly E6 in /hsrg.
Extreme lucklets really does exist...
>rate up
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Cucktard already used this shitpost. Why you're taking the bait this easily?
He's complaining about the game's stingyness now.
He's complaining about this game being too generous when its revenue gets lower.
Fuck you for replying to this tourist shit seriously.
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Now you go and imply pick-up = rate-up. Go pick a dictionary.
I'd rape Refi if you know what I mean
>fighting someone called ShitDust2 in PVP

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The old leaks... Are the rest of it discarded?
>receive a friend request
>it's from someone with a golden hand
this should be illegal!
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>Be newfag that started a little over a month ago
>Left pvp running for like an hour and go shitpost somewhere else
>Remember to look at my phone since its close to reset
>sapphire III
Holy shit PVP is fucked
How did I go from hardstuck gold to fucking sapphire
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I am better than you!
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This game refuses to give me dupes. I just keep getting new costumes.
what's with schera and belly dancing...
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One day I will have my six foot wife in the game
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You’re right I think I’m being rewarded for not going all in during the collab.
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Weird fish-dancing girl.
I kneel...
It's some arabian thing. Scheherazade is the name of a character from 1001 nights.
Where can I see pvp rewards for a given rank?
in the pvp shop, the middle button
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What is John Dust trying to tell me?
They said that alt character will have their own exclusive gear and they have no plan to do anything with exclusive dupes yet so i guess more refine mats for you
to not roll on the weapon banner brick boy
I wish that old guy was playable a well.
Aaahh... def really matters in the last 10 minutes of the season...
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>ruby 1
Did I win?
They didn't feature their best attribute... what is John doing
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Why? Is it against the law or something?
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Some advertising laws maybe. Something about all the ads having a 0+ rating because some child could see them randomly.
I checked since I was online for it. With ~10 sec left to go I had ~15 defenses in an hour alone. A lot of people wait until the very last moment, as some of those defenses came in the last minute or so
that's gold+ newglutti
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>Sapphire 2
>look away 1 minute
>Dia 1
>7. Change in Mirror War score calculation method
-By using the ELO system, the difficulty in raising scores in certain tier sections has been improved.
Before Change: ELO system used in all tier sections
After Change: Bronze - Diamond section > Changed to fixed score acquisition method

* ELO system: A system that compares the victory points of oneself and the opponent, and the larger the score difference, the greater the victory points earned and deducted.
* Fixed score acquisition method: The points earned and deducted are reflected as a fixed value depending on the tier you belong to.
Let me get this straight. Schera entered a competition, ran chores attempting to gain the publics favour, used and abused her friends, all so she could win 1st prize and shove it up her own ass?
bukkaked by high cp anons.... giwtwm~
When you put it like that...
why are the pvp names in this game so complicated
The OG g-word
Translation issue
In Korean it is different
It's not.
After ruby comes diamond and then sapphire? What the fuck
What sort of character costumes do I need to be at, to beat fiend hunter level 9 on day 1? I know +5 is ideal, but what's the minimum? Say all the gear is perfect.
Nikke also censors their ads
I guess it's law thing then
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Who is she talking about? It's Wiggle, isn't it?
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+2 or +5 Diana and a decent B-Helena
The free Dalvi can lv10 on day1 with both of those
Wow. Thanks for the info. I'm glad free Dalvi is actually good.
She's an amazing unit, many people only look at the summer pack rerun or fumble over the paid banners but the welfare unit is actually great this time. Basically a +5 wind equivalent of Rodev Liatriss that can clear tons of content for you.

She makes me feel sorry for the people who +5d base Roxy.
Wind was always weak for me, since I don't have much investment in Gray. I'll definitely max out her tears. I'd do Venaka as well, but her single costume is holding her back for me.
>200 for +4 cat eris
>200 for +5 base eris
>200 for +5 succ roxy
>84 for +3 pp schera
>84 for +2 venaka
At the lucklet above you just have a bricked seed
As a new player, I'm supposed to buy Helena? The 110 dust I have came from +1'ing Eris outfits So I have to convert from current banners early if I wanna get her. IDK what do. Currently at 70 points on Venaka and Diana banners cause thats what it took to get 1 copy of each.
Wait a bit, we're getting x2 daily pull event soon.
Decide on whichever style you want to focus on, Physical or magic
H.Lathel is the main buffer for Phys
B.Helena is the main buffer for magic
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I'm never gonna financially recover from this
>upgrading I grade gear ever
>amazing unit
You know they make new characters good around for their fh events on purpose right? She's not that good in other content. And Roxy is good in multiple contents.
Trust me, you will.
is it actually matter? this is my third venomous, surely its better than R gear
I don't wanna choose. I'm already running Lathel with +1 Eris. But obviously I wanna use free +5 Dalvi too?
I curse your +9 enchantment with a C. You shall never get that S
Lia is used as the default unit for clearing tower/story and Dalvi is a free +5 version of her.

By that same logic I can ask you what Roxy's basic costume does outside of being good at her respective fiend and basic pve content, except that you had to roll to get her while the fox is a free +5
>She's not that good in other content
Wut, I'm finally beating all the tower stuff thanks to free Dalvi. I tried before with Gray and it was impossible. >>483149989
A 3x3 full damage unit cannot be bad.
It's worse and more expensive to upgrade than SRIV. Only URII and higher worth upgrading.
Is there a way to use a controller on PC? Launch it through Steam or whatever?
Roxy is god tier in last night, amazing in pride/wrath even if she doesn't have element advantage, succ is good in pvp. Being 1 turn burst makes her better in general for harder tower content.
Is that teared?
should I keep progressing through the story despite having to pay 10k gold to beat every enemy or should I chill and farm slimes
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>Roxy is god
Assuming youre around chapter 7, craft rare IV gear.
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Any last night suggestions of what 20 I can use to get to 28m?
I asked about her base costume, not succ since that is another costume you needed to roll on.
Last Night? eh, you don't do it too often but sure I guess.
Pride/Wrath? Dalvi does that too, while clearing f70-80 of Desire for you as a bonus. Which is more beneficial in my books since Underwalker is the biggest gatekeeper for newgluttis there.

I just don't see much that justifies a +5 investment in Roxy's basic costume over just getting a +5 summer Dalvi for completely free. But I'm glad you're happy with her.
chapter 11, I have +9 R gear, can almost craft SR, my units are weak because I lack slime and cave crystals mostly
That's not the original point. You changed the argument into justification of rolling a +5 character to a free one. And no, swimsuit dalvi is not enough close to being good at pride vs roxy, you need high burst for pride. For wrath base dalvi is better
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Work on your support bonus, it's massive.
Levels, give every character you own some gear (aim for +9 SR III~IV on all down the line)

For the 20:
Buffers > Chain > DPS.
Bring Bride Refi even at +0 since she doubles your damage.
If you don't have enough DPS costumes bring your strongest ones and add more chains instead.
Give Lathel your best gear and put Herb Tracker on 18/19 and FoV last (20).
This is pre-Loen/MT era.
What are the links for the korean/chinese communities?
They probably have a shit ton of comps for fiend hunt and guides for the game.
Do I build DEF or MRES on Gran?
you didnt even look...
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Glacia love
is there anything I can auto farm without costing stamina?
I did look. I suggested you work on support bonus because I see a lot of characters on your screen with -very- low cp (sub 500) and those are holding you back. Just like how I posted a screenshot of ideas for what 20 units you can use.

I'm not going to spoonfeed you the exact order of what 20 units to use in what order if that was what you were asking for.
just started the game, finished the first "story"
what do i do now? i just keep playing the campaign?
play the campaign until chapter 3, then farm slimes and the cave and go back to the campaign
first you have to service everyone's cocks as a token of good will in order to be accepted by our community.
next you have to choose between lolis and hags and defend one of them for the rest of your stay.
third you have to pick a guild between Nyanx3, Soft and PAWG.
1 -Arines
2- Helena
3+4 Both Refi,
5- H. Lathel
6-M. Teresse
8-Esteemed Eris
9- Steel Engine sexfina
10- Samay
11- Curse Celia
12 - Pirate Rubia
13 -Free Dalvi
14 - Rodev Liatris
15 - Neon Liatris

Any order on these
Witch Roxy, Loen, Maid Liatris

Last two in this order- Best gear on Lathel.

Herb Lathel, Vengance Lathel
>Best gear on Lathel.
Thanks, I'll try that.
>Mirror wars
>Sapphire II
>Season ends
>Sapphire III
>Season end (Still)
>Diamond III

>what do i do now?
Ignore schizos like >>483168250
I suggest you filter pawg, ntr, cuck and just anything related to cuckshit so you dont have to deal with the local retard that got mindbroken by the game
If you're willing, you can gear up for crit damage and fish for best results.
>filter all the content
Whats so good about Lathel anyway? Wouldn't newer character be better than him?
Lathel nukes like a god in the last slot, Herb fucker boosts his attack before hand.
He's omeganvke status. When you get to SP11 Hard you'll understand, cute newglutti~
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Someone clarify this for me. I thought Angelica was a virgin, no?
Of course she is. And Dalvi only got walked home gently by the 20+ guys at the party.
so what do u suggest me doing to make progress in the game?
Play the story
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They're doing another template comic event but only for Koreans
Nevermind, not a template event, just the first chapter of a comic they're making.
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As a newglutti this team slaps unbelievably hard
That's pretty much close to the endgame team minus the costumes upgrades
new retard questions
the guide says to recruit olstein and diana asap, i only have one 5 star recruit contract at the end of 1-4, i'm assuming i get another one by the time i get the opportunity to recruit diana?
should i be saving up for 200 rolls to get a guaranteed exchange or is that not really necessary
what should i be rolling on, the limited banners or the "pick six costumes to rate up" ones?
can you get costumes for 5* characters you haven't met yet in the story?
You can trade "up" contracts in the shop. Do this all the way to 5 star. Guaranteed exchange is only worth it if you're on +4 and at around the 200 pulls already, or if you really like the character. Otherwise don't do it. Pull on the character banners only, never the pick 6 ones. you'll get 10 tickets back on the rate ups if you pull the character as opposed to the selective draw, where you'll lose the tickets regardless. You can pull anyone before meeting them in story. I got Olstein during the 2nd story pack through gacha. Way before when he should show up later on in Story pack 4.
how do you assemble the team? post the grid
-Probably, you can also combine lesser rarity -contracts to make the higher ones.
-Saving for pity is safer but of course takes longer. but perhaps new player would need some new costumes to boost their early gameplay
-the "pick six" one is generally avoided and only to be considered if you're a paying player or have a lot of saved up rolls and don't want any of the upcoming units
-yes, you can get character costumes from gacha even if you haven't met them in the story. If you get one from the gacha, the ones from the pub is treated as dupes (costume upgrade)
>Blitzed Summer knight Very Hard in 5 minutes

I wonder how pissed New Gluttis will get when they get to the actually very hard story packs in game and get ruined? Summer Knight VH must've been the equivalent of Normal at best on any other pack.
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wtf bros... I got this, now what?
kek sure buy one and then find out a few weeks later it's banned because you bought one of those payment cancel abuser accounts
as a newglutti I finally ran out of my wood, damn I should've played the wood hunting ground...
thanks anons
another dumb question: should i be using diamonds for anything else other than buying the season pass and draws?
All the limited packs are like that so anyone could clear it day 1.
Well, you upgrade it to a +9, of course. And then see if all the attributes you got are good for you.
winter nightmare is super easy too. I guess it kinda makes sense since it's time limited. Would be suck for the newgluttis to miss out on completing it
ESL and a blacked fan...what a surprise
For what? I don't use this team for pvp, its just for pve. Im working on a different setup for pvp
No. gacha draw and paying 1k for the pass in the only good value for spending gems
You can always use alchemy and make more wood out of fabric/leather/peat
okie dokie, thanks
oh shit didn't think about htat
bros... should I create some garbage N gear just to dismantle it? I need a lot of refining powder...
sounds like Roxylet cope to me
Don't. It's not worth it. Trust me...
max tier them both like true Dalvi chad
Might as well complete your gear collection then scrap whatever you don't need.
Or get it from the event shop.

Don't forget to Lathel Detect into Celia absorb on wood maps.
she's talking about Sir Gary
I'm just buying it from the event shop. I have 200k powder now.
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manastone buttplugs are serious business
AIgod, please send full image
Im know idk which characters you should put in front with that team
is it just me that gets angry when you craft a dogshit Venomous Touch I or II?
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You adjust according to enemies, but most of the time with this level of damage it doesnt matter. Diana is my tankiest char tho so she frontlines most of the time
This game needs more black characters.
yup, currently doing it daily. my absorb skill still has 2/day limit
this is beyond stupid, explode

this is speculation

don't listen to the other anon, he didn't even take a look at your roster

eris will be your last costume, you will not use vengeance lathel, I'm guessing you don't have enough equipment and it's much better to focus on your eris and liatris, I'd honestly equip that juicy +5 anastasia you got and try something like this:

1 arines
2 idol helena
3 homo lathel
4 elpis
5 bride refi
6 base celia
7 pirate rubia
8 the other celia
9 5 chain gray
10 wild rou
11 free dalvi
13 fire chip liatris
13 base liatris
14 limited schera
15 base schera
16 fire chip anastasia
17 your very own cat eris
18 maid liatris
19 base roxy
20 base eris
it's over bros... I don't have ancient crystals to make more UR gears...
Just lost 80 crafting like 3 UR III's and the rest I and II tier shit. /bd2g/ guild will laugh at me and I'll never be able to join now.
Who are the must have 5 star supports/enablers and what are their breakpoints?
>+3 h. lathel
>+5 diana
>+5 b helena

Those are the only ones I know.
Wait a minute. Two Bs and a C?
Is Anastasia actually good? She just randomly spooked me all the way to +5
Definitely going to try this
where the fuck am I supposed to get 3 more ecchi lathels???
can I recruit b rank idol helena on the pub? I have 3 scrolls to recruit people and guides tell me I should get Diana, Olstrein, who should be the 3rd one?
Medical Teresse maxed teared at +5 is probably the best support in game better than Lathel because she is a woman.
celia, liatris
I'll get celia then, she's right there
Bride refi +1
Celia bunny +1/+4
Gamer Rafina +2/+5
she's BiS for LN, the order of the last few units are more dependant on the equipments you run with them, just check your graphs and adjust as needed

make sure to equip every single unit you own with high tier equipment of any rarity (+9) everything counts for support bonus, including the levels of the units (not just the 20 you are gonna use)
You get 3 for free. 1 from each of the pack 6 difficulty
you shouldn't have insulted John so much
>the rest I and II tier shit
I hate tier I and II, I destroy them immediately when I craft one of them
Anon... ecchi = H
You're supposed to use the mass upgrade feature to bring them to +6 so they dismantle into extra dust.
h-haha yea I have her of course
Just buy her from a pub?
>the mass upgrade feature to bring them to +6
wait how?
sure lemme just use my noneexistent scrolls
Old Glutti here. If it makes you feel better. John was handing out 5 star recruitment scrolls almost weekly as 7 day login rewards at one point.
how do you not have scrolls nigga
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>If it makes you feel better
Somehow it doesn't
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It's at the bottom of the inventory menu.
so which materials am I supposed to make with alchemy conversion and which are abundant?
try not to, it's expensive
why is schera such an expensive whore
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I'll just use her and Lathel in the same party
can you even get gold ingot naturally without crafting it from gold ore?
*rapes u*
There are 2 kinds of alchemy, the 2nd one is expensive as fuck
Who can I use instead of Elpiss?
no, you can't, but that's not conversion
oh my bad
Samay, but elpis should be really easy to get
how do I complete the hunting daily if I already spent all my stamina?
You don't
You just take the brick
is samay better than elpis? I have both maxed
Read what they do and think for yourself
holy bricked
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some of you are insufferable huh

elpis is better, samay requires tears to reach her max potential and even then she's pretty situational
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Yusti when she sees Lathel's tiny pecker
all of it? I think we got some rice on the mail just yersterday
When are we getting double free daily pulls im running a bit low on golden threads
I used it all on slimes
I've never been at 0 anon, can't you still fight those guys and not get anything but xp from the fight? I think it'd still count to finish your daily mission
It resets daily
>character named Bernie
>no characters named Trump
you didn't tell me this game was woke...
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dalvi appeals to my gangbang fetish
Brave Nine has some cool male characters and I really hope they eventually add them
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>justi has traces of ogre deep inside her
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Ogres are disgusting
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Banner when, Juan Dust?
it's in the conversion tab bubby
No it's not
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Tell me one reason why I shouldn't do this
Don't expect them to be added anytime soon, at most they make a cameo as an npc.
You'll need the leather so don't use all of it
Homo Lathel or Refi for the physical team this Fiend Hunter? Running Zenith, Gray, Rafina and Teresse.
we aren't, simple as. they would have done it on the actual anni date 6/22 if it was going to happen. so swipe or suffer
cute fujo spotted
I want both B.Idol and H.Lathel from the powder shop right
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aaaa, so close...
Alec's twink death hurts
ideally yes
I mean yeah it works but takes a lot of ability pills and then will run out in short order anyways. collect wood in the iron mask pack everyday
crit gear and fish bro
you could just run the dungeon that gives wood if you want
That is with crit fishing. I started 2 months ago, and the lack of IV gear + missing a lot of tears here and there drag me down. Maybe in a few weeks.
Good job then. I wouldn't focus too much on it. Focus on tower content instead. You'll easily benefit from that more with the rewards it has.
With all the money you're not spending because of the free resources surely you can commission some art for the game right guy?
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Thanks, slowly choking there as well, but I should be able to push more once I start working on my magic characters too.
You should commission for me Veneka taking a fat shit
I'll comission you're mom to tongue my anus
I would only commission NTR porn but I don't think any of you would want to see that
But there's no self-insert? How will I get a boner if no girl is for (me)?
I want to see it. Who would be getting NTR'd though?
Justi sneaking out of the bed at night, you see a small light in the other room turn on. You peek through the door only to see her kneeling in front of the fridge and gobbling all the food she can find.
Alright where's the shotgun

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