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Previous >>482910796

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
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>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/13
>CLE Releasing Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- CN/KR .ver on 26th Sept
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>Demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is now available on PS4 and Switch!
>More details for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>New WebCM for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>New scans for The Legend of Heroes Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Reveals First Gameplay Footage
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is live
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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I prefer Tio
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Here's another Rixia
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Aaron bet on Van beforehand and lost on purpose.
I deleted my posts that's how much I abhor you
I'm going to bed fuck you
No wonder Cao pushes him around so much.
get filtered redditfag.
High quality tiocute art
I love Tio!
take your own worthless life already, you miserable piece of shit
give your family the gift of never having to worry about you again
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>take your own worthless life already, you miserable piece of shit
>give your family the gift of never having to worry about you again
all this melty from a very light troll
thanks for admitting you're trolling outside of /b/, moron
Why is a cuck the OP picture?
i wish i could do a connect event with jolda
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The anon you just replied to didn't even post the pics, You made more enemies than you thought anon.
>posting Tiocute is trolling
thanks, god damn thats hot
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Why are Reanbros like this?
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Su-chan and Na-chan! Super cute and super canon!
Gilbert is the best goddamn boss fight in a long time
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Are her panties polka dotted on the fig like they are in game?
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looks like shorts?
I want Crossbell to be in Kai, so that Calvard can attack it and *actually fail* for once. I don't want it to be a long section, even a cutscene is fine.
I just want the idea of Crossbell actually defending itself successful instead of needing to overthrow a dictator for the third time in that given week
There's absolutely no fucking way Shartbell could fend off Calvard.
The heroes will LOSE at the end of Kai
Nah, those are clearly pantsu under the skirt
It's Crossbell, they'll weaponise the Geofront magic and create a barrier or some shit lmao
Stinky whore. In fact, the stinkiest of whores
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Calvard already failed once.
*tachi snaps*
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Lloyd will defend Crossbell single-handedly using his talk no jutsu to convince them to invade East Zemuria instead
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Will he finally reveal himself as the 1st anguis and send Van to space using his powers
who is the 0th anguis?
Be real with me, niggers
Am I gonna be dicking around for the first half or third of CS4 as NCVII before they rescue Rean? Randy just fucked off and my willingness to put up with these goobers just plummeted
you get rean back pretty quick
I see, thanks bro
He's gone for the first act. The first act is also the best one though even though the 2nd half of it is bad
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His name is Montaigne.
If you focus on the story objectives then you will get Rean back quick. Having talked to every NPC after every story update and having done every quest across every game in this franchise up through Kuro 1, there is very little of value that you miss by just focusing on the story. I think in Ao there is a nice sidequestline if you keep talking to the Harolds, in CS2 you can meet Duvalie in the Legram inn before Bareahard, in CS3 you can meet Alberich ahead of time in chapter 2 in the fisherman's guild, in CS4 there was some nice flavor text with the bookstore girl in Saint-Arkh, the old gents clapping for the young folk going off to war in Raquel, and thief sidequest who is stealing donations in Parm, and that's it. I am struggling to recall any other npc conversations or sidequests that were worth going out of the way for story wise.
Nadia's english voice is terrible wtf
How did we go from the clear attention to detail in Reverie to the complete lack of care about continuity in Kuro?
The retcons have been happening since Zero and CS3. This is simply the third wave.
Falcom must had a lot of insight to make a plot based around the Trump presidency all the wat back in 2011
There are no retcons in Zero.
Juna is the only retcon in CS3.
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Kuro II keeps crashing for me right after the fight with Cody. Normally I can just click "ok" and it works, but here the entire program isn't responding. Is there a fix?
Time travel bullshit its the same reason we see another version of Rean shouting "STOP' at the railway canons during the prologue yes there is a time line were they actually fired and killed Towa and SSS along with Osborne and Deteir.
looks like that files fucking things up, download it again or extract a new one if you still have the rars
> Arios is retconned into having been the most active member of the Bracer guild after Cassius. He regularly takes on high profile requests that involve him flying out of state to other countries. If Arios had existed at the time of FC and SC's development, he would have surely have been mentioned.
> Arios is also retconned into having been Cassius' student. This also implies a retcon from FC: since Cassius was a member of the Liberlian Army up until 1192 or 1193, Cassius wouldn't have been able to have been Arios' mentor. Since Cassius laid down the sword ten years prior to FC, that means Cassius taught Arios ELOB... after having laid down the sword.
> The crisis in Calvard that Cassius resolved, which led to him being awarded the informal rank of S-rank Bracer, was retconned into being an international operation Cassius planned which resulted in raids on D;G cult lodges across Zemuria.
> Renne's backstory is changed: her powers are no longer due to her being a talented young woman and the sole survivor of Dr. Novartis' program to link a human with a Gordias class archaism, but are instead the result of her being kidnapped by the D;G Cult and being used for Gnosis experiments.
> Matteus Vander is introduced as a high ranking Erebonian officer and a Cassius/Victor tier warrior, as well as the most powerful Vander style warrior. Such a character would have been spoken of as early as SC. You'd think that when Dorothy and Nial met Muller in SC, they would have said "oh, you're last name is Vander? As in, related to Matteus Vander, the Thunder God? The Empire's famous swordsman and bodyguard to the Emperor?". In CS2, when Aurelia is introduced, the wording heavily implied that she was the strongest living Vander style user. Matteus' name definitely should have been dropped then.
> New Class VII are retconned into the story of the series. In Sky 3rd, we find out that Muller has a younger brother, but there is no indication that he was ever meant to be a major character. The Vander dual-sword style was literally never mentioned or suggested prior to CS3; the Vander style was definitively a single greatsword. Ash is retconned into the story as being a third Hamel survivor, despite having never been seen in SC's Hamel flashbacks or referenced by Joshua and Loewe. Juna is hard retconned into having lived in the Bellheim apartments right next to the SSS, despite she and her family having never appeared in those apartments in the Crossbell games.
> A martial art style called "Hundred Forms Sword Style" being the standard style taught in the Imperial Army was literally never mentioned before. Muller would have mentioned it during his sit down with Nial and Dorothy in SC, when they were talking about the Imperial Army and the Vander style. It sure as hell would have been brought up in CS1, by either Rean, Laura, Elliot, Vandyck, Neithardt, Zechs, or Craig.
> In CS2, Rean (while piloting Valimar) smashes two Calvardian airships to the ground during the annexation of Crossbell. But in CS3, this is stupidly retconned with the line "Rean, you've never killed anyone!". WHAT?

Not retcons.

> In SC, the Enforcers and Weissman invite Estelle to become an Enforcer and tell them all of their plans. In CS3, Sharon says that only the Grandmaster can invite people to become Enforcers, and that they must have "darkness" in their hearts.
>In Trails in the Sky, the designation of "S-rank" bracer is an informal, secret designation for the Bracer Guild's most trusted members. Schera is shocked that anyone outside of Cassius' circle of confidantes knows about it. At the royal banquet in CS3, Fie openly talks about S-rank bracer in public and speculates about whether or not Aurelia would be immediately given the title due to her strength.
Trails is too hard for me
Time travel
The darkness in Estelle's heart is her wanting to peg Joshua in the maid outfit
Also Time travel
>Time travel bullshit its the same reason we see another version of Rean shouting "STOP' at the railway canons during the prologue yes there is a time line were they actually fired and killed Towa and SSS along with Osborne and Deteir.
Has this been proven to be true or just speculation?
The proof is Trails into Reverie and Dragon ball Z Trunks
Why didn't you just link the thing
>Dragon ball Z Trunks
Oh boy are we really gonna use DBZ to make this argument?
Azure opening video bro. Do you even play the fucking games?
Forgive me for not being autistic enough to remember every detail of this 1,000+ hour long saga by heart.
Why would I play a decade old 2d shit pile with the cement mixer himself?
i hate swin
I am ok with swin
I play trails just to understand the lore behind the girls to have a lore accurate masturbation
If I wanted a coherent story without retcons or plot holes I would play Kingdom Hearts
i heard act 3 is probably the worst in kuro 2 and i just got there. i dont mind the time travel shit really but idk if its gonna be a drag.
>Oh boy are we really gonna use DBZ to make this argument?
Look I get what your saying but the split time lines only happen when certain characters are not around for example in Zero Estelle and Josha are absent right? meanwhile in cold steel 1 Crow and Millium are not around so in the Crossbell time line Lloyd and the others are dead but in the Cold steel time line the canons did indeed fire destorying Orchis Tower you following so far?
This poster is half Xehanort
...Okay I think I understand but I'm still a little confused on the title.
NISA won. 2 weeks until Schizua has the melty of a lifetime as his ESL MTL patch is permanently invalidated.
Kai better explain all these different time line worlds or I'm gonna be pissed.
Don't be jealous
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i wonder how cumdoll asshole and feet tastes?
I'm playing through trails with the JP voices and is it just me or did they take a LOT of liberties with the translation? There's quite a bit of dialogue that doesn't match what's being spoken. Or is there a difference between what was written for the original and evo?
Like cherries
no, that's how it's been since sky
NisA lost
That's the patented XSNEED flavor, enjoy it while it lasts
I agree
I speak Japanese (audio only) and it’s kinda weird to read something different
Nisa changes the context sometimes but... this also happens with FF and other better jrpgs
name the better jrpgs
Rean has a cheeky little daughter
Aside from the obvious choices (Final fantadg, Dragon quest, Xenoblade, Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Persona,Fire Emblem, Mana... )
- .Hack (Pronounced dot hack)
-Little Tail Bronx (If you count Fuga, Solatorobo might be an rpg but Tail Concerto Isn't)
-Yakuza (If you count its new direction with Like a Dragon & Infinite Wealth)
-Sakura Wars
-Class Of Heroes (If you count the Japanese-only games)
-Radiata Stories
-Rhapsody / Marl Kingdom (A musical adventure, 2, 3)
-Tactics Ogre
-Mercenaries Saga
-Mystery Dungeon
-Dark Souls (If you count JRPG as from Japan and not a theme)
-Kings Field / Shadow Tower
-Yo Kai Watch
-Death End Re;Quest (Technically counts, 3 and Code Xion are coming out)
-Digimon Story
-Akiba's (Trip 1 & 2, Beat)
-Summon Night
-Chrono (Trigger, Cross, Radical Dreamers)
-Bravely (FF 4 heroes of light, Bravely Default, Second, II)
-Ni No Kuni (1, 2, Cross worlds)
-Metal Max
-Mother / Earthbound
-Hydlide (if you count it... Rip AVGN fans)
-Valhalla Knights
-DrakenGard / Neir
-Megaman Battle Network
-Dept Heaven (Riveria, Yggdra Union, Knights In the Nightmare, etc)
-Lunar (Silver Star Story, Dragon Song, Etc)
-Phantasy Star (1, 2, 3, 4)
-Phantasy Star Online (Online, Universe, Online 2, Zero, Portable 1 & 2)
-Ar tonelico (1, 2, Qoga/3, Nosurge)
-Kodelka / Shadow Hearts
-Fairy Fencer (If you count AdventDarkForce as a new game and not a Re-release of the Original)
-7th Dragon (if you count the japanese only games)
-Cladun / ClassicDungeon
Part 2
Xeno (Non-blade AKA: Saga & Gears)
-Dungeon Travelers (Barely SFW, 1, 2, and 2-2)
-All of the NSFW ones (which will be omitted for obvious reasons)
-Breath Of Fire
-Honkai (If you count JRPG as a theme and not From Japan)
-Madou Monogatari (What Puyo Puyo Spun off from)
-Wizardry (HEAVY TECHNICALITY due to all of the japan games despite the fact that it came from the USA and inspired most RPG games)
-Elminage (Made by the japanese guys who made Wizardry Empire, some of it is japanese only though)
-Mana (Secret of Mana, etc)
-Rune Factory

>iF shite
yeah i hate kiseki thats why i spend all day in general that spends 99% of its posts talking about it all day every day
>Especially Star Rail
The game made by Kondo? Doesn't that mean Falcom is better than all those other games by a lot?
>.Hack (Pronounced dot hack)
imagine not being a boomer ITT
I wonder if she will show ass in Kai
Exclude Falcom games.
Ah yes...
There’s also a JRPG series that’s a LOOOOOOT better than Trails
It’s called Tales of Series
Mother 1 and Secret of Evermore aren't better
I know this is Bait but >mihomo shit
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>Sakura Wars
1 and 5 are good, especially 5 with its combat design and being the direct predecessor to the VC games.
1 is great, 2 is grossly overrated but good, 3 is a mixed bag but overall good, 5 is fine. Shame about Eiyuden.
>Tactics Ogre
Decent story tied down by mediocre gameplay but that's par for the course for the SRPG genre.
Oof. Mixed bag. Really varies by arc. Overall okay but no game is exemplary. Hope Monochrome Mobius 2 comes out soon.
Goodness gracious no. Gacha always makes a game worse. There is no scenario in which gacha improves the game experience. Imagine if in Genshin Impact, you got characters by doing the story. They could have charged $60 up front for the base game and then $10 expansions on top of that. It would be a much better game and would be comparable to a regular JRPG (shitty story and aesthetic aside). But it isn't and has no business being on this list.
Opinion discarded.
Secret of Evermore is way better than anything Falcom's ever made and it isn't even Japan-made, lmao. Mother 1 is jank (less so than 80s Falcm games) but inherently better than anything Falcom's made.
I love this outfit. It looks so good.
Genshin mogs Trails in literally every aspect
The grind in mother 1 is shit
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big nisa news, guys!
literally who
fg/ general lives in an infinite Samsara of repeating the same things in every thread and never getting tired. I think that's expected from fans of a series that keeps doing the same thing over and over again. Normal people would hardly play a series with so little quality sustained in quantity and repetition. But you guys are not normal. You are people with mental problems. Seek help. You don't even like Trails anymore and you're just here to try to fill the void caused by Trails. The series will never change.
that's every general retard they're all the same
kys to isekai to JRPG nirvana
I don't follow /fg/ every week let alone every day. I pop in here every month or two to check if there has been any new news or leaks and then move on. The guy talking about Genshin caught my eye and astounded me. I can't tell whether or not he is memeing with a straight face or if Trails fans really have such low standards.
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I love Kiseki
I love Ys
I love Falcom
I love Na-chan
>Trails fans really have such low standards
Well they like Trails aka the bottom of the game industry
Genshin is above Trails so it’s not hard to see a trails fan worshipping Mihoyo because they are miles above Falcom and they slops
Genshin is open world trash
davidvinc: token gay, pro-censorship.
middle guy: a 2-view nisa shill who downplayed how retarded it is to start with daybreak. probably on the payroll.
theoffone is angry-wanking in jealousy.
Where's Kondo though?
This panel is just nisa's own thing where they go through there own library of jrpgs (which includes some falcom game)

so its' nothing
in his mansion, counting his yen.
he will grace us with his presence at anime expo and tell the entire room they're all nerds, then flip them off and announce he's dropping nisa for xseed.
the crowd will gasp, mianly because they're all overweight, and then hatsuu will roundhouse kick ribose in the balls and defect to xsneed
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Why's NISA spending so much money at AX tho? Look at all them panels...
nintendo direct would have been better, but they chose some shit game of theirs over kuro
odds on ribose floofy and hatsuu turning up and asking kondo to sign their tits?
>30 hours
>pretty quick
Who are they all for?
can someone give them a shaver?
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it gets worse with every game
> Arios is retconned into having been the most active member of the Bracer guild after Cassius. He regularly takes on high profile requests that involve him flying out of state to other countries. If Arios had existed at the time of FC and SC's development, he would have surely have been mentioned.
so... not a retcon. a retcon goes against established canon retroactively, but he was simply never mentioned

> Arios is also retconned into having been Cassius' student. This also implies a retcon from FC: since Cassius was a member of the Liberlian Army up until 1192 or 1193, Cassius wouldn't have been able to have been Arios' mentor. Since Cassius laid down the sword ten years prior to FC, that means Cassius taught Arios ELOB... after having laid down the sword.
not a retcon, you can teach someone without being a practicer of that thing.
> The crisis in Calvard that Cassius resolved, which led to him being awarded the informal rank of S-rank Bracer, was retconned into being an international operation Cassius planned which resulted in raids on D;G cult lodges across Zemuria.
the lodges were mainly in Calvard, the Paradise lodge itself even which was the worst. it was a crisis in Calvard even if it was an international operation
> Renne's backstory is changed: her powers are no longer due to her being a talented young woman and the sole survivor of Dr. Novartis' program to link a human with a Gordias class archaism, but are instead the result of her being kidnapped by the D;G Cult and being used for Gnosis experiments.
he used someone who was already experimented on and had these powers to further his own experiments, which is how she survived where the others died, not a retcon
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>Matteus Vander is introduced as a high ranking Erebonian officer and a Cassius/Victor tier warrior, as well as the most powerful Vander style warrior. Such a character would have been spoken of as early as SC. You'd think that when Dorothy and Nial met Muller in SC, they would have said "oh, you're last name is Vander? As in, related to Matteus Vander, the Thunder God? The Empire's famous swordsman and bodyguard to the Emperor?". In CS2, when Aurelia is introduced, the wording heavily implied that she was the strongest living Vander style user. Matteus' name definitely should have been dropped then.
not a retcon, she's stronger than Victor Arseid as proven when they duelled, and Victor and Matteus are equal, therefore she is stronger than him.
> New Class VII are retconned into the story of the series. In Sky 3rd, we find out that Muller has a younger brother, but there is no indication that he was ever meant to be a major character. The Vander dual-sword style was literally never mentioned or suggested prior to CS3; the Vander style was definitively a single greatsword. Ash is retconned into the story as being a third Hamel survivor, despite having never been seen in SC's Hamel flashbacks or referenced by Joshua and Loewe. Juna is hard retconned into having lived in the Bellheim apartments right next to the SSS, despite she and her family having never appeared in those apartments in the Crossbell games.
"in sky we find out he has a younger brother but no indication he was meant to be a main character"
again. NOT A RETCON. this is literally how continuinity works. it would be a retcon if it was mentioned he was an only child or had a sister and then introduced an out of nowhere brother.
> A martial art style called "Hundred Forms Sword Style" being the standard style taught in the Imperial Army was literally never mentioned before. Muller would have mentioned it during his sit down with Nial and Dorothy in SC, when they were talking about the Imperial Army and the Vander style. It sure as hell would have been brought up in CS1, by either Rean, Laura, Elliot, Vandyck, Neithardt, Zechs, or Craig.
again. not a retcon. not mentioning something not relevant to the situation is not a retcon, why would they randomly bring it up for no reason?
> In CS2, Rean (while piloting Valimar) smashes two Calvardian airships to the ground during the annexation of Crossbell. But in CS3, this is stupidly retconned with the line "Rean, you've never killed anyone!". WHAT?
not a retcon. just Kiseki being stupid about MCs not killing people and being moral paragons as always

> In SC, the Enforcers and Weissman invite Estelle to become an Enforcer and tell them all of their plans. In CS3, Sharon says that only the Grandmaster can invite people to become Enforcers, and that they must have "darkness" in their hearts.
>In Trails in the Sky, the designation of "S-rank" bracer is an informal, secret designation for the Bracer Guild's most trusted members. Schera is shocked that anyone outside of Cassius' circle of confidantes knows about it. At the royal banquet in CS3, Fie openly talks about S-rank bracer in public and speculates about whether or not Aurelia would be immediately given the title due to her strength.

hey look, finally ACTUAL retcons. good job! it only took you 8 out of 10 to get 2 actual ones.
I dont think you play the games.
KeA did the time reset after the events of zero when the SSS lost to Joachim way before the cannon event happened
wait anon, when was it said that Arios was a student of Cassius? I thought they were a ELOB practitioner under Yun but not Cassius unlike Richard
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Van's cute daughter-wife
as someone who's fully caught up with Star Rail, I can say with full confidence that CS1/4 and Kuro 2 are by far and large better than the abysmal dogshit that is HSR's story. I thought Kiseki was bad but the supposed "good" arcs are genuine dogshit to a point where "le curse" has more cohesive writing
No new pics from the nipponbashi gameshow today?
Who are you talking to? Who's asking this?
I heard that the english translation is full of shitty reddit memes, also moogy said that japanese transaltion is atrocious and worse than the writing of Sen 3/4.
>Unironically reading a gacha story
Northern War has better character interactions than Cold Steel. Class VII are interacting with each other without saying Rean every other word.
>Class VII are interacting with each other without saying Rean every other word.
not canon
Whatever you want to believe
Is this the one where you gotta install chinese kernel spyware to play the game on pc?
Just finished Nayuta, pretty good game with great level design and ost. Does the new game+ has some worthwhile content aside from new season in terra?
McBurn tease
Fufu, but seriously Nayuta has so many call backs to the mainline kiseki it's kinda neat. But the overall story is pretty meh so I hope falcom won't put the same twist in Kai as Nayuta did about the Earth.
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Today, I will remind them.
>-All of the NSFW ones (which will be omitted for obvious reasons)
That reason being that you're a fag? Cough it up, queer.
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Lloyd 2 seconds before being brought to his knees.
>PS4&5 rest
Holy crap if falcom just switched to the switch alongside the ps4 back during sen 3 they would've kept the same sales as they did at their peak with sen1&2. Like the VITA was their biggest playerbase in japan and were constantly getting people asking for the vita port of sen3 when it came out.
>thinking it has anything to do with platform and isn't related to the fact that they just kept making shit game after shit game
>no news
>general is moving at snail's pace
Back to sleep i guess.
That drop between sen 2 and 3 was definitely because it was a shit game and nothing to do with dropping the VITA at all
>Thinking that moving to a home console in the country where they're all obsessed with handhelds doesn't affect anything
that's the kind of picture an autistic kiseki twitter cultist uses as a pfp
>develop handheld playerbase
>drop it for home console
>ackshually its because they keep making shit games
>cultivate an autistic audience that cares about your franchise
>thinking they would just drop it because they can't play it on handheld anymore when they can literally just pirate it on pc
You only get these kind of losses when people stop caring. People stopped caring because they made bad games. It's that simple.
>thinking they would just drop it because they can't play it on handheld anymore when they can literally just pirate it on pc
Why would people pirating a PC port years after the fact be reflected in the first week sales numbers of a PS4 game?
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Ah yes, the interaction with World of Warcraft. How can CS3 even hope to compete?
>thinking they would just drop it because they can't play it on handheld anymore when they can literally just pirate it on pc
Holy fuck you are stupid
Game wasn't even on PC back then
There were tons of people on twitter to falcom asking for a VITA port and they kept asking in game stores for the VITA version
so you post a chart of week one sales
sales drop because they abandoned handheld
and your excuse is that the week one sales dropped not because they abandoned the handheld playerbase but because the games are shit because handheld players could just instead wait 3 years to pirate it on pc and somehow that would increase week one sales?
Shut up.
>nooo you cant break my shit games narrative
I like how CSfags are the biggest salesposters, and coincidentally the most active salesposters always turn out to be third worlders.
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love renny
>CSfags are the biggest salesposters
It's not the CSfags posting the same chart over and over again...
I will never respect any retard who thinks one arc is superior to all the others in the Trails series.
Fake chart. Azure was their best selling game by a good margin at around 150k in its opening week. It took CS1 3 months to hit 195k on two systems.
2h 24m to Trail's 20th birthday.
any enforcer not introduced in Sky is henceforth a retcon
You are told there are at least 12 other enforcers all the way back in FC.
Okay? That doesn't contradict my statement
Ao sold 151,412 in the first week while CS1 sold 165,542.
No it doesn't but it confirms that you are a retard.
pretending to have a degree in psychology so you can diagnose me is pretty cringe
You hardly need a degree to discern that you are mentally impaired. Even the average Brazilian would immediately be able to tell.
Go back to using your wokefag persona.
erm pretty sure you need a degree otherwise you're just peddling headcanon, which funnily enough my first post was mocking the headcanon that everything is a retcon according to /fg/
not even gonna entertain the rest of your delusions lol
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How do I progress this shit? I basically talk to everyone already.
Press square and see if there's a ! anywhere. Could be in Leeves.
it's 2024 just enable borderless ffs it even makes the game run better
Cao news this week
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no one has ever laughed at this image btw
and you don't have to reply to yourself saying "everyone has laughed at this image btw"
everyone has laughed at that image btw
get predicted, moron
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Everyone actually laughs at you, the resident clown, since you start having a meltdown over the smallest things. Just like yesterday when you were fucking livid over someone calling Rean a homo and when people posted underage characters.
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Cute and canon!
let me guess, next you're gonna call me Brazilian and a few posts later you're gonna call me wokefag
you're so repetitive and predictable as I just proved
you should try to reinvent yourself
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Schizzy catching nothing but Ls today lmao
kek pathetic brazilian wokefag
I forgive you.
May God have mercy on your soul for wasting a decade on /fg/ crying about people who don't like Rean.
Even if your delusions were correct and I was the one boogeyman you fear, that just means you have wasted a decade on /fg/ feeling inferior to a video game character.
But I forgive you.
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Many anons have went and gone and told your tale. You've been here for a decade crying about Rean while the people who don't like Rean are here for a week before they bow out.
>nisa shill who downplayed how retarded it is to start with daybreak.
>I'm a retard who doesn't even know what "In medias res"
We get it your a retard dude already explained why Kuro is okay to start do I have to break down the definition of the word for you?
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Who are you trying to fool?
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I can't get out ot school grounds
I like windowed. It reminds me of 2009, when the gyames were good
You can't, judging by the header this is a pirated copy so this is one of Durante's anti-piracy methods
Your key didn't validate so the NPC was disabled
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And now, rape time.
It's over...I can't even finish my first game...
Gib Elise if you can
Here's a portion of a guide that should have everything.
1. Preparing for Midterm Examination (Periodic Examination) Events
Examine the book on the desk in Instructor Room (North room) on 1F for a sub-event
Talk to Principal Aurelia in Branch Principal Room (Northeast room) on 1F to receive a costume item for her
Talk to Towa, Maya, or Sandy [] in Class IX -Paymaster Department- room (Southeast room) on 2F (AP +2)
Talk to Sandy in Class IX -Paymaster Department- room on 2F to receive 30x Flaky Potatoes , 30x Acerbic Tomatoes , and 10x Big Watermelon (only if you collected these seedlings in Chapter 3)
Talk to Gustaf, Fredy, or Kairi in Class VIII -Tactical Department- room (Southwest room) on 2F (AP +2)
Talk to Tita or Zessica in Terminal Room on 2F (AP +2)
Talk to Randy, Sydney, or Pablo in Student Cafeteria (AP +2)
Buy Imperial Chronicle - Issue 7] from Gina in Student Cafeteria

2. Mismatch Melody (School Quest) (4 AP)
Talk to Valery who is sitting on the bench on the rooftop of school building to accept the quest
Talk to Gustaf in Class VIII -Tactical Department- room (Southwest room) on 2F
Talk to Pablo in Student Cafeteria
Report to Valery to complete the quest
Reward: 5,000 Mira
Character Note updated

3. Talk to Dr. Schmitt on 2nd floor in Hangar then create some Ex Orbs from Mint's EX Orb Shop if needed

4. Bonding Events (Bonding Point: 3)
Juna (Library Room 1F)
Kurt (Class VII -Special Department-)
Altina (Vegetable Garden)
Musse (Student Cafeteria)
Ash (Clubhouse)
No, not you juna, fuck off.
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Not much to see with her, unfortunately. Worse yet, I have to use her Art animation to get her long hair out of the way.
Been done everything except buying the issues and I'm still stuck after buying it. This anon >>483151065 is probably right.
Very nice bums
Have you tried entering the instructor's office? That's where you're meant to go.
I'd have a sister complex too...
Got any other butts in stock? Preferable pantsu in you got em.
Juna has a great ass
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i cant wait for keknes to be utterly humiliated once and for all in kai
Factually incorrect. Sky is completely rewritten. The vast majority of the dialogue is accurately translated in each of the games and you can confirm it for yourself on the db site. COPE
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I can only interact with the book.
that's the staff room, not the conference room
You still have 2 bonding events left. Find the nu-VII members you want to help study.
She's going to *ACK* since she has no other aspirations or dreams other than getting into Van's pants.
I'm kinda hoping for a choice where Van can reject both Elaine and Anies, so he can romance side girls like Shizuna, Renne or Judith.
That's what we're all hoping for, so we can have saucy beach events with them like the Crossbell and Erebonia girls.
No, fuck off with the haremslop.
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I want to be able to romance Rion. Van and Rion had great chemistry and wonderful scenes and interactions in Kuro 2.
It is now the 20th anniversary of Kiseki.
Will Falcom do anything interesting within the next 24hours, or will we have to wait for Dengeki to have a stream on Thursday or Friday?
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Tsurime eyes or Tarame eyes?
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I guess that would be possible if Kuro was woke like CS, but sadly Kuro is for the white straight males.
Same, Van has more chemistry with Shizuna in just this one scene than Agnes and Elaine in every kuro1/2 scenes combined.
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Happy 20th to the greatest JRPG series of all time.
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Happy 20th birthday to you as well anon. I'm so happy to be a part of this community!
Doesn't Van get hard when thinking of Ronnie in Kuro 1?
I could see them releasing a new teaser video for Kai, but not until later in the week.
very weak bait wokeshill kun
>wokefag melty hour
NTA but how is he wrong? CS is mostly beloved by brazillian shitskins and fujo loving women. Take me for example, I'm a straight white male with high levels of testosterone and I think that CS has the gayest chink looking protagonist ever, while Kuro gives me a white and muscular protagonist to self-insert as and also gives me plenty of young and beautiful women lusting over him.
High test white men don't hate themselves and don't defend things that hate them
You probably have arms I can wrap my thumb and pinky around
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Happy 20th anniversary bros!
Have no fucking idea of the words but leonora sexo.
Quatre's pants are pure swag
>High test white men don't hate themselves and don't defend things that hate them
Yeah, but how does it correlate to Van or Kuro? I never felt like the game was making me hate myself, if anything I had shit ton of girls of different ethnicities lusting over me (Van). In CS you litteraly had to cuck your own country and kneel to your enemy, if anything CS makes you feel misarable for being white and patriotic.
>You probably have arms I can wrap my thumb and pinky around
Doubt it, but you mb should consider losing weight, I heard that it's a rising problem in south amercan countries.
If i think about quatre's pants i only think on how much i want to undress him.
The only thing white people do in Kuro is terrorism, lmao, I can't imagine liking a game that thinks my race is so bad. Please have some self-esteem.
You don't have to hate yourself, I know the media tells you to. But that's not true, you don't.
I am the only white anon in /fg/.
>Kurofags gushing over self-inserts now
knew you were just repressed fags all along
there's not a single criticism against Cold Steel that the Kurofags haven't walked back the moment their arc did it too
the second you get to pick your harem ending in Kai they will be saying how incredible that is as well
can't expect honesty from those people
Hmm I guess it's something of a personal problem to you, but you're really looking into it with a closed mind and you also didn't even negate my point about CS being games for cucks who betrayed their country.
There's also a difference in perspectives, in CS you play as a military student and then teacher who supposedly should love and defend his country honor and integrity no matter the morals. In kuro you play as a fixer who doesn't really care about his country's political turmoil, but the game never makes ME (Van) feel bad for being white. No one is pointing fingers on me or make me feel bad for being white and like I said girls of different ethnicities are lusting over my (Van's) big white cock in Kuro. Why should I care about bunch of terrorist retards if they're white or not since it doesn't concern ME (Van)?
Lots of sexy thighs, tits, and tummies
I'm Kurofag and I don't see a problem in self-insert protagonists and harem elements. It's just that CS has the most pathetic faggotish self-insert that only chinks or brazillians can self-insert into and the main romance pushes woke homosexual relationship between Rean and Crow.
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It's closed. I can't get in.
>who supposedly should love and defend his country honor and integrity no matter the morals.
>defend his country honor and integrity no matter the morals
>honor and integrity no matter the morals
Wow, I figured you guys were moronic but not to this degree...
how do you play like that? i have to play in borderless
The shitskins that love Kuro don't understand morality. That's a white man concept.
Rean did everything to get his country out of the curse. The reparations weren't even that hard on Erebonia.
Then Kuro came along and had Alisa give away Soldat tech to Calvard. Because Kuro insists on humiliating white people and white countries.
>Wow, I figured you guys were moronic but not to this degree...
Ironic you say that, but country's honor is just for propaganda's sake, in the end if people don't know what morals you had to cross to defend it then it's all worth it.
Haha, no GOAT JRPG series is having an anniversary right now...
>Then Kuro came along and had Alisa give away Soldat tech to Calvard
Which was the result of Rean's and his faggot friends cuckery.
>in the end if people don't know what morals you had to cross to defend it then it's all worth it.
And that's what makes you brown.
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>The shitskins that love Kuro don't understand morality. That's a white man concept.
It didn't have to happen, it happened in Kuro, because Kuro hates white people and playing Kuro is a humiliation ritual if you're white
Uh, just pick windowed on launcher drop-down?
Holy shit you're stupid.
i mean how is in how can you?
buttle royal
>Ironic you say that, but country's honor is just for propaganda's sake, in the end if people don't know what morals you had to cross to defend it then it's all worth it.
I feel like I'm talking to a brown child who thinks he's white, but never has learned history or political situations across Europe. It's a bunch of endless backstabbings, wars and genocide, but since you live in the other side of the globe, then of course you wouldn't know that.
The most brown looking Kurochad
Whitest CSfag
I just do. It's easier for me to alt+tab since I don't play it fullscreen so I can mirin /fg/ on the side.
You can't play a video game without constantly checking /fg/? What the fuck is wrong with you?
No wonder you've spent the past 2 hours looking for students in a fucking school
Japs actually more honorable than any of the white nation in existence.
>It's a bunch of endless backstabbings, wars and genocide
And within that, you have cases like The Christmas Truces of World War 1. If it was you there, you would have faked the truce and opened fire on the other side. Browns would never understand.
I'm more surprised you're retarded enough to give tips to a nu-friend. Just tell him to fuck of to gamefaqs or some other site.
My ADHD has nothing to do with Durante's anti piracy tools that fucked me in the ass.
These female costumes combined with the bunny ears and bunny tail is delicious, slutty playboy bunny sex.
Which Final Fantasy game?
Stay on topic, everyone
For me it's FF9.
>just one example
>it's not even about country's political structure
Thanks for proving my point brown-kun, but I never said there's no honor between white people individually, there's a lot of examples of that in history, but do you know the reason why those moments of honor even exist in the first place? I guess you don't know how honorable it is to start a stage fraud war?
>Literally the entire Crossbell arc is about how nationalism and national pride is awesome
Nationalism is awesome when it's a small country that is progressive and peaceful demoracy that was attacked by a big bad Empire. I'm trans btw SLAVA CROSSBELLII!!!
Literally the entire Crossbell story is about how nationalism and national pride is awesome, and Reverie is the last game before Daybreak. They still stopped Dieter because the point is that the ends don't justify the means.
CS+Reverie never shuts up about pride. It's a major theme in Reverie.
>but muh IDF
You mean the guys who immediately flipped to helping create a rogue state? Pretty shitty nationalists.
What is this cope? Are you seriously arguing that World War 1 was the right thing to do? This is why you're brown. You think the mistakes of the past weren't that at all because you lack the capacity to understand. You can see how non-whites just lack the human factor, I've heard horror stories about what the Japanese did to their prisoners, and how it traumatised good men for life.
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very nice
Wait for anime expo future of the series Panel.
Deleted to rewrite it here >>483163303
>progressive and peaceful democracy
lmao he didn't play the game considering how much it shits on Crossbell, although it wasn't even a democracy.
The games had absolutely nothing against non-democracies before Kuro.

Also, let's talk about the other two countries that were under the empire during CS - Jurai and North Ambria
>Jurai's independence group fails and they remain in the Empire
>North Ambria's independence group wins, they secede, and the next time we see them they're starving immigrants in Calvard explicitly being mistreated because they're white
>Are you seriously arguing that World War 1 was the right thing to do
Brown-kun learn how to read first before posting, I said that the moment of honor you mentioned was a result of a retarded decision to save Austria's honor by starting a war.
>I've heard horror stories about what the Japanese did to their prisoners
I also heard horror stories about germans and what they did to the prisoners, also why are do you keep changing the subject again brown-kun?
Rather, Crossbell was a democracy but it was a sham one. Not sure why I wrote that, disregard that part.
>North Ambria
That place was actually benefiting from being under the empire now its back to be a shit hole again what was the lesson here?
Why Trails worldbuilding is so bland?
Maybe it’s because we barely known about the world just few places and they all looks the same with the same type of people?
>what was the lesson here?
ethnic nationalism is bad
Yeah, I can smell you from here. Next time don't pretend to be white. It's something that a creature like you will never understand.
But I was told that Cold Steel was against Empire?
>ethnic nationalism is bad
That's fucked up, Erebonia were the good guys all along.
HSR mogs Trails worldbuilding And makes people think about the plot not lost IQ like CS arc or Kuro 2
>ethnic nationalism
>leave your country, go to the country that is all about immigrants and shits on the natives
>get mistreated for being the same skin color as the natives
>I can smell you from here
Brown-kun... that's your own smell
>from just developing the internet
>to having mechs that can travel to the moon in 7 years
Your same fagging isn't convincing anyone, try not to be so obvious.
>no u
Snappy comeback, brownoid. Be careful no one stabs you while you're in your favela.
>>get mistreated for being the same skin color as the natives
I finished Kuro 1 a few weeks ago, but I never saw a scene about north ambrians being mistreated or discriminated, there was only one jaeger woman from north ambria in dark-light district but that's it.
It's in Kuro 2.
>The power of IP switching
I mean, that wasn't even meant to be a comeback, you physically can't smell another person from your computer brown-kun. We are literally from different parts of the globe, I guess not only did you become delusional enough to consider yourself white, but you also think that your own smell is someone else's. I know there's not enough qualified therapists in south american countries, but try to seek for any help you can.
You do know anyone can switch IPs so there comments aren't perceived as the same person right? its classic anon posting 101
Erebonia is pretty much an ethnostate though?
>muh Nords
A single village of them and a vanishingly small minority. We literally only see one in Erebonia with nord blood and he's not even full nord. The village itself isn't even in Erebonia, Highlands are more like a protectorate.
Outside of that, and the part where Crossbell was a province for a while, there's maybe one half-easterner and one character with very little easterner blood.
>you physically can't smell another person from your computer
Your lack of showering since birth more than covered that.
IP switch OR two people actually agreeing on something. I didn't even have time to change the IP. (I don’t even know how to do that in the Iphone)
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>Erebonia is pretty much an ethnostate though?
After CS2 not really. The whole point of CS saga was about erebonian nationalism = curse. All CS games basically tell you that nationalism is le bad, because it's the curse that eating Erebonia from within.
kek holy shit
You have poor media literacy.
lol, no
Weak comeback brown-kun, humans physically can't smell anything in 3m radius or you're saying you're something different from a human? I never met a brown creature before, so please tell me more about your abilities.
>IP switch
Pretty sure this, especially in /fg/ where agendas run rampant.
>Needing to dissect the joke because it's offended you so much
This is how I know you're brown.
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If that was a joke than your whole narrative falls apart brown-kun... See >>483164565
Can we at least agree that CS is Woke and the characters have historical divides due to the fact that 1000 years ago humans did bad things?
racists belongs to /b/ not /vg/. I know brazilians are 3rd worlders but there's absolutely no need to be racist.
The sins are war and expansionism, not being patriotic. Even Lloyd at the start of Reverie is essentially saying that they can have Erebonian pride, but doing it through war is the easy way out that they have to avoid.
>starts angrily yapping after the truth was revealed
I accept your concession brown-kun. Also I know it might sound like a hard truth to swallow, but white people aren't exclusively EOPs.
>war and expansionism
>not being patriotic
The whole narrative about annexing other countries into Erebonia was because it would be an honor to be accepted into the glorious Erebonian empire. Play your own fucking games.
And if that was the issue then why would they have Jurai stay in the Empire?
Now that's a big concession right here
>Jurai chose to remain with Erebonia due to the economic benefits
But why did you even bring Jurai in the first place, my post was about the fact that Erebonia did expend because of both patriotic and strategic reasons, at least for most people, in reality Osborne wanted to expand le curse.
>N-N-N-Now t-t-that's a-a-a b-big c-c-c-c-concession r-right h-h-here
You're embarrassed yourself enough, shitskin. Leave and we'll forget about you in a few minutes.
You'll never get anywhere with this person because it has no moral stance or belief to get across, it just wants to argue for the sake or arguing which is why it jumps from point to point trying to edge out some sort of "gotcha" moment while shamelessly dismissing any instance where it gets caught in a lie or contradiction
It is a professional time waster, the common behaviour of someone that grew up in an abusive household and doesn't know any better
Tell me about your relationship with your father.
I forgive you, it isn't your fault.
Did he touch you in your no-no places?
People debating Trails' shitty and poorly written politics using real politics as an argument. hahahahaha
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Yeah? And the point was that the expansion was bad, not the patriotism. CS is full of patriotism, even Rean becomes a history teacher because of it.
I feel so sorry for you that talking about fathers prompts you to immediately think about sexual abuse.
You keep digging your grave even furhter brown-kun, using such a barbaric insults because of your own low self-esteem as a result of being born brown.
Where did he touch you? Was it only you, or did he include your brothers as well?
Looks like you've really internalized the trauma, I'm so sorry.
Like I said, I don't blame you for what life has thrown your way; I forgive you.
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Time to do a little spring cleaning Gayorg, I'll even let you fondle my boobies.
>Y-Y-Y-You k-k-k-keep d-digging y-y-y-your o-own g-g-g-grave
You're desperate to somehow come back from this, shitskin. Just stop posting for a while and we'll all forget about your embarrassment.
>And the point was that the expansion was bad
and nationalism
Where did he touch you?
>You're desperate to somehow come back from this
Brown-kun I won 20 or so posts ago See >>483166550
I forgive you.
All I see with my two own eyes are two utter retards arguing with each other, shitting up the thread in the process. Race is not even a factor you fucking racists.
Shitskin, you lost from the moment you were born.
Wokefag = CSfag = Reanfag = Brazillian = Brown-kun
Sometimes bad races do exist and the final solution should be executed
Do you forgive your father?
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How to send /fg/ into a frenzy with one simple image:
Evo do be total fucking garbage, haha...
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lol no that's seen as a good thing
>you lost from the moment you were born.
How did I lose from being born white? Brown-kun, I know it's hard to accept yourself, but the brown smell you felt all those posts ago was your own. You were born brown, your delusions won't deceive anyone and your behaviour only makes it more believable. I truly pity you, brown-kun.
It's totally different.
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I love Na-chan!
>Musse had someone in Ordis write a letter to go with requisitions to be sent to a distillery that kids would have no business at that's two towns over to arrive on the very same day that her missing friends that she has no way of tracking would end up at to arrive behind the guy the letter was addressed to at the exact moment that he was reading it so that he would feel completely fine handing off said letter to the students that yet again have no reason to be there because she's just that fucking smart like thousand chess moves bro she so smart bro
Does Falcom even read the shit they write? Like, Claire's "enhanced cognition" is silly, but it doesn't lead to something so absurdly stupid as this. Musse is a shit character.
So I make a post talking about the gacha and I get a 3 day ban but these 2 can go HOURS being straight up racist and not a single thing happens
Cool, I fucking love /fg/ and its lack of talking about FALCOM VIDEO GAMES
>2 browns pretending to be white calling each other brown
kek holy shit
>The incidents you spoke of... it's almost as though a devil had been whispering in their ear...
Typical falcom, le bad nationalism is curse's fault, since erebonians are akshually honorable, kind and accepting. Wonder if the curse of calvard is the fault why white nationalists are bad.
gacha isn't a falcom game though, so you were rightly banned for off topic posting in my opinion.
>Your mother thought you were a turd and would have flushed you if your favela had flushing toilets.
You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about this topic, you must be pretty happy that your mother didn't flush you because of the lack of working toilets. Good for you brown-kun, though it could've ended you misery and delusions... but hey it's not yet over.
>reads on how honor, pride and martial traditions are considered good
They're literally talking about Hamel in particular, where Erebonians killed a village of Erebonians to get casus belli on Liberl.
Apparently you think that false flagging your own town to start a war with another country is.. uh.. nationalism
As a straight, white male I speak on behalf of all of us and declare that you of darker hues need not spend your time defending us anymore, we are good, thanks.
With that out of the way, let's discuss Falcom.
>no u
You aren't exactly proving him wrong.
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Any chapters featuring those two as the main characters will automatically be the best chapter in kiseki history.
As a straight white male, Kuro is woke and hates me for the way I was born. Being as I am not ashamed of myself, I refuse to engage myself in the humiliation ritual of playing it, and neither should anyone else.
And rean.
It doesn't matter how much you try to associate the two together, it will not get Van to absorb even one percent of Kevin's coolness.
You just come off as desperate latchers-on.
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How the hell are they not banned yet is beyond my understanding.
I'm personally hoping for a night segment with Van, Rean, Aaron and Crow.
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It's funny how Ban is so chummy with the church despite being one the 5 demon lords.
Aaron is a shit character
Just Rean, Van, Kevin and Crow
If by funny you mean atrociously jarring and a stain in the writing quality of the series, then yeah it is hilarious
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>it will not get Van to absorb even one percent of Kevin's coolness
Can Kebin do this? No? Thought so.
This scene was excellent with voices
>calling any character bad while jerking off the literal LN protagonist rean
Aaron will taunt Rean, Van, Kevin and Rufus. Calling them the pensioner gang.
>atrociously jarring and a stain in the writing quality of the series
Lmao did your forget about 5 cold shit games that happened before? Also Van isn't a threat for now since he doesn't have his demon core and we still don't know what church's agenda in all of this, wait for Kai and then we'll talk about it more.
intermission in tharbad...
>you may think this is a bad idea but wait!...
all the male protags getting drunk in the stripper club while all the females from the series one by one does a stripping routing.
I can't even imagine playing Sky without Evo voice mod.
>haha isn't this bad writing hilarious
>no it's bad
Cold Steel could've personally killed my entire family in front of my eyes and it still wouldn't change just how disgustingly garbage Kuro is
Hope your family dies then :)
>bunch of green text with no refute
typical coldshitter subhuman :)
Remember when the church was ready to kill for one artifact and had to rush to seal it in one of the Primal Grounds despite it being dormant?
But it's okay to not seal Van because a literal Demon Lord that's destined to destroy humanity has decided to chill out for now.
But Cold Shit though, haha...
>Cold Steel hater is a literal psychopath
Shocking, really.
Kevin shot a little boy dead because he could not stop him from turning into a *minor* demon.
>But it's okay to not seal Van because a literal Demon Lord that's destined to destroy humanity has decided to chill out for now.
Does the church even knew that Van was a demon lord before Kuro 2?
>But Cold Shit though, haha...
Yes, it all started with cold shit, all of the garbage writing that ruined the worldbuildin and bunch of factions as the result, Kuro is just an after-effect of cold shit.
>Does the church even knew that Van was a demon lord before Kuro 2?
Holy shit. Play the fucking games.
>the same one argument about Kebin killing a demon child
Do you faggots even play your games? Kevin's entire character arc in Sky 3rd is him giving up on life as the heretic hunter.
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>CS ruined the worldbuilding
The Kuro stance is so riddled with holes by this point that no amount of shitting in a pool could make it float
And? The point wasn't that Kevin was wrong for doing what he did. The point is that he purposefully took on the most horrific jobs that the Gralsritter had to do to punish himself.
The arc was about getting over the wish to punish himself for what happened to his mother and Rufina.
So I have to ask you, did YOU ever play the games?
>Holy shit. Play the fucking games.
Barkhorn knew, Celis and Rion didn't seem to know about it, so I assumed he never told the church? I didn't play kuro 2 yet.
I want a true open world game covering the whole continent of Zemuria, you can take a train, car or airship anywhere. wouldn't that be kino...
>So I have to ask you, did YOU ever play the games?
I did, so now tell me what was the purpose of this post then? >>483173378
Play Genshin Impact
To think Kuro just had to be a decent arc and it would've been enough to forever destroy Cold Steel
Take a step back and internalize just how truly awful Kuro 2 was that it single-handedly caused the anti-Cold Steel sentiment to crumble to dust
>open world slop
I pass, but I do wish we could travel between cities in Van's truck as sort of a intermission.
Whatever you want to believe
I'm both happy we live in a world where Cold Steel happened and sad we'll never have anything like it happen again.
>Kuro 2 was that it single-handedly caused the anti-Cold Steel sentiment to crumble to dust
Not really, I had fun with Kuro 2 it was so retarded it was funny, also Kuro 2 has the best gameplay loop. With Cold shite 3/4 I wanted this garbage to end as fast as possible, literally had to force play it.
And that's why people consider you a schizo and treat you as the pest you are!
How am I a schizo? Kuro 2 is a genuinely fun game with fun characters and story so bad it actually loops back to being funny. CS 3/4 is a bad game with shitty characters and the story that single handedly ruined the entire kiseki.
Musse is on screen talking and every word out of her mouth is making things worse. As if that wasn't bad enough, she's dragging Aurelia down with her.
Who wrote this garbage?
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Please tell me the game board is an edit
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God I love woke games so much.
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Papal guards being shady was set-up way back in CS4, I wonder if we'll have a conflict between them and Gralsritters in Kai.
Feri: is this what it means to be an adult?
>I wonder if we'll have a conflict between them and Gralsritters in Kai.
They've been building up to it for several games now so it should happen, especially since Kondom stated that the Church is playing a bigger role in Kai.
The law of averages dictate if Kai is good then Calvard Arc > Erebonia Arc
Kuro 2 redemption arc is incoming
Kuro 2 sucks but that doesn't change the fact that CS is hot garbage as a whole whereas the Calvard arc at least has 1 good game in it.
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Cold Steel 1 and 2 are better games than Kuro 1
Cold Steel 3 and 4 are better games than Kuro 2
Reverie is a better game than Kai will be
The Van experiment has been an abject failure
>77 demon origins
>church and Papal guard agendas
>Shizuna, Ka-fai backstories and far east explanation
>Space and the secrets of Zemuria
>Van's birth origins and his role as demon lord
>Epstein origins
>Mcburn origins
>Grimcats origins
>sept-terrions of water, wind and time
>the purpose of Genesis
>Gramhearts plan
>Grendel and Mare origins
And so much more, there's no fucking way Kai will manage to cover so many plot points in just one game.
Whatever you want to believe
To show the Church's zero tolerance towards anything demonic and how out of place their tolerance of Van is
>Cold Steel 1 and 2 are better games than Kuro 1
Objectively wrong.
>Cold Steel 3 and 4 are better games than Kuro 2
CS3 is actually the worst game in the franchise, see the copy pasta for exhibit A. CS4 is better.
>Reverie is a better game than Kai will be
Reverie is a Crossbell game, even Kondo has said it.
>The Van experiment has been an abject failure
Ban has been a consistent highlight of the Calvard arc, can’t say the same for Lean.
>Objectively wrong.
No. CS1 and CS2 are better than Kuro 1
>CS3 is actually the worst game in the franchise, see the copy pasta for exhibit A. CS4 is better.
>Reverie is a Crossbell game, even Kondo has said it.
Cold Steel 5. The game is more about Cold Steel characters than Crossbell characters
>Ban has been a consistent highlight of the Calvard arc, can’t say the same for Lean.
Rean is Kiseki's most popular character
>see my schizo melty copy pasta for exhibit A.
No, thanks.
Reverie is Cold Steel 5
>But ''muh'' the game takes place most of the time in Crossbell
We are playing The Legend of HEROES not The Legend of TOWNS and Reverie is more about Cold Steel heroes than Zero/Azure heroes
>Church's zero tolerance towards anything demonic
Kevin's zero tolerance* he could have spared the child, but since he was in his edgy phase he killed him. Also like I said Van wasn't the problem, since he wasn't the problem back then and Barkhorn didn't tell the church about his demon origins and he only realized it when Van was having a melty during their training. Tell me why church didn't interfere with Rean? Thomas knew about his ogre powers that looked demonic in nature.
>is more about Cold Steel heroes than Zero/Azure heroes

>Trails into Reverie is considered the end of the series's Crossbell and Erebonia arcs and serves as the precursor to The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak.
You are a Nigger you hear me? you were born with actual shit for skin and abandon by your white parents nobody loves you because you were born a nigger and will die a nigger from eating water melons and chicken.
>No. CS1 and CS2 are better than Kuro 1
No, CS1/2 have their moments, but objectively Kuro 1 is a better overall experience.
>Cold Steel 5. The game is more about Cold Steel characters than Crossbell characters
I'd say it was about equal in terms of length and the game treated Lloyd as the one who makes the most decisions.
>Rean is Kiseki's most popular character
For Japs and Ban was received pretty good in Japan, if there will be another poll Ban could easily take 2nd place as the most popular protagonist. Also Daybreak releases soon which will boost his popularity in the west.
>Games main setting is crossbell
>Games whole plot is another “Muh free Crossbell” story
>Brings Lloyd back into an MC role after reducing him to guest character, Starts and Ends with his route.
> Kondo confirms the game was made with Lloyds route in mind because of loose Azure threads
“Cold steel 5”
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Lost to Lloyd
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>another CS5 melty incoming
>xitter poll from a die hard coldshitter and Emmafag
Kurolets live in complete denial of reality holy fucking shit
>Games main setting is crossbell
>Games whole plot is another “Muh free Crossbell” story
No. It's all about Rean and his personal problems
>Brings Lloyd back into an MC role after reducing him to guest character, Starts and Ends with his route.
Rean has more screentime than Lloyd in Reverie. It's a fact.
CS4 starts with Lloyd and Estelle but Rean is also the main character
>> Kondo confirms the game was made with Lloyds route in mind because of loose Azure threads
And yet Lloyd's route is the most irrelevant one
>“Cold steel 5”
You have negative IQ and you eat nuts and bolts for breakfast.
>No. It's all about Rean and his personal problems
No its ONE of the stories not the main one Ishmelga Rean is the main antagonist that Lloyd beats with Rean's help

>Rean has more screentime than Lloyd in Reverie.
Your wrong its actually the other way around

>And yet Lloyd's route is the most irrelevant one
Ironically its the most important route in the game where you end up following at the end all story lines lead back to Lloyd's route
ban san fucks agnes every night
Reverie is treated as a separate entry on the kisekiwiki, while Kai is part of the Calvard arc. So who should I trust?
Actual brain damage here.
clearly the average anon, he knows more than some stupid wikipedia database surely
Trust the wiki not the anon faggot who may or may not be Numbers guy because his actually the only one who believes this nonsense
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>Ironically its the most important route in the game where you end up following at the end all story lines lead back to Lloyd's route
Rufus is more important to set the lore behind ELysium and Rean is more impornt to set up the main antagonist
Lloyd's route is a joke... Rixia has more ''development'' than Lloyd
Lloyd finding out what Ishmelga_Rean is and Ishmelga-Rean's connection to SSS's death> IRRELEVANT for the plot and obvious for the public.

>Your wrong its actually the other way around
I won

Lloyd has less script lines than [PLACEHOLDER]

Game files give it the same ED number as the Cold Steel series. Take from that what you will.
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>Crossbell game
>Only one crossbell character in the top 10 characters with most screentime
>Huh "muh game files"
means nothing The game was market as 3 protagonists and that's what it was looking through files is a sign someone desperate.
>Kevin's zero tolerance* he could have spared the child, but since he was in his edgy phase he killed him.
Absolutely wrong, the point isn't that he was killing people for fun, the point is that he was taking the most dangerous jobs that the Church had. He was on a self-punishing phase, not an edgy killer phase.
At no point does the game say that he was wrong for killing the people he did. He doesn't even show remorse for killing the legitimately evil people he killed.
>Tell me why church didn't interfere with Rean? Thomas knew about his ogre powers that looked demonic in nature.
But they weren't, they were derived from a Sept-Terrion. And the Church also knew of the role he needed to play to solve the situation in Erebonia.
will there be news before the next OP?
What Kondo says DOESN'T MATTER. The wiki is right.
>At no point does the game say that he was wrong for killing the people he did
I know, but the point with the scene in Gehenna where he confronts the people he killed is to show how much killing those people weighs on his conscience.
>also knew of the role he needed to play to solve the situation in Erebonia.
If the church killed Rean in CS2, the shitshow in CS3 would never happen to begin with. The church didn't know about the origins of his power, but is that really ok to let him roam free? As for Van, like I said the church didn't know about his origins aside from Barkhorn and since he doesn't have his demon core for now why would the church kill an innocent man who didn't do nothing wrong? The only cases where Kevin killed people were when they were about to turn into demons.
Probably not, we'll get the shitty scans from famitsu in 3 days or so.
>the shitshow in CS3 would never happen to begin with
And the curse would never have been stopped
>but is that really ok to let him roam free?
No way Rean's parents or even Class VII would ever allow the church to kill Rean hack Gaius at that point wouldn't even join them.
>And the curse would never have been stopped
Erosion would rewrite curse's memory and destroy it
At the end of the day whatever happens there is one truth that will never ever change, and that is that Cold Steel 5 does not, has never and will never exist. And that means the schizo was wrong, is wrong and will continue to be wrong.
>Gaius at that point wouldn't even join them.
So nothing would really change, what is even the point of Gaius joining the church? He only helps Emma in some scenes to increase her magic output with his stigma and that's it.
Anon, we all know that if the files had listed the game as the same ED number as crossbell or as a new one you'd be the first to use it as evidence. You're just mad it doesn't validate your headcanon, so you're desperate for direct developer input to "not count."
who will win the ban san bowl?
They're gonna let you pick. They'll either keep it strictly to Agnes and Elaine as hinted by Kuro 2 or they'll expand it.
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Clearly Renne, she will pre-empt Van by introducing him as her girlfriend to the Bright family then Cassius will force Van to take responsibility.
Us, because after Kai that shitter will finally be gone
ok reanfag
Who "us"? You and your hiv positive butt buddy wokefag?
only MCs I like are Estelle and Rufus
Us as in the fandom, I thought this was a very obvious extrapolation but I need to remind myself there are genuine retards here like you
>Us as in the fandom
I'd like to see your and wokefag's fandom. Can I join?
If Kondo makes the next protagonist as a chink reskin of rean, someone will greatly suffer...
Kevin > Van > Rufus > Estelle >>>>> Rean > Lloyd
Simple as
>No my Narrative
>No MY Narrative
/fg/ is nothing but taking sides, having agendas and Narratives, its sad.
>Rean > Rufus> Van> Lloyd >>>>> Estelle>Kevin
I can agree with this list good taste anon
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I wonder if Joshy and Estelle are still sleeping in separate beds in Kai.
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The reason why I consider hajimari as Lloyd's game is because it focuses a lot on completely destroying and humiliating Lloyd as a character.
Nothing I've said suggests I think Kuro is woke, you are genuinely insane at this point
He means CSfags that only care about Rean.
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If Shizuna isn't romanceable I'll drop the series.
I literally said I only like Estelle and Rufus
Shizuna is too autistic and Vans a tsundere
You don't get many big long ass one-on-one scenes like this anymore. If it were done by today's Falcom, you would have Estelle and her team present, each one saying something to show they are here.
Kuro is woke, and my favorite arc is Crossbell
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Seems like a perfet mix, I love their tsukkomi and boke dynamic.
There's no way the next MC isn't exactly that. Falcom is desperate for sales so they'll attempt to court the Reanfag incel audience with another cardboard cutout LN protagonist but he's a chink this time because Kondom is fucking obsessed with sucking chinese cock for some reason.
The Kuro crowd will love it. They already love a game with no white men in your main party.
The next protag is gonna be a Gralsritter with the Grandmaster as a romance option.
You retards do realize that Aaron's been training nonstop since Kuro 2 ended right? Van's going to be left in the dust.
even if we do get a female protagonist its a little late at this point we have had SO SO SO many male protagonist the damage has been done
The next and last MC is going to Cedric
Bro please don't say that I beg of you :(
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Ronnie can't even beat Cao.
I heard chapter 5 of Azure is really long, but what about chapters 3 and 4? Are they as long as the Trade Conference?
Honestly what HAS Cedric been up to since joining Ouroboros and becoming an Enforcer?
The next kiseki game will be a sky remake more news at anime expo's Trails series future panel.
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If you guys hate woke why does Wazy get a pass?
Training, and apparently rizzing a vtuber chick
Nobody can beat Cao so that's not even a good argument.
He doesn't. I can't stand him.
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>Van's going to be left in the dust.
Van was training with Bergard in secret, Ronnie will suffer another humilation.
Japanese dialogue was different though.
Still a worthless loser who gets made fun of by everyone constantly
Training I could see but he's also banging that new Ouroboros vtuber? Never knew.
Except Aaron's been training over in the fallen Inka empire deep in the east to help control his Taikun power. Van is going to be no match for him.
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>Van is going to be no match for hi-ACK
My.... knees are moving on their own.....Lord Chadric is too based.....
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>Reverie is Cold Steel 5
All from his training. He'll be bullying Van if they have a rematch.
Wasn't there a line about her being into Cedric and calling him her knight in shining armor or something?
NTA but yeah there was. She's apparently quite taken to Cedric.
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Kuro 3 comes after Kai
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how many will be crossed this week
I don't think any of them will.
anyone else miss and prefer the kinda middle ages-ish atmosphere and architecture of cold steel? edith by comparison almost feel like its from a scifi game
made the game feel a lot more sovlfvll
I don't see the point, since famitsu scans will mostly be about character reveals and screenshots with no context. I'll wait for the story trailer before crossing my bingo card.
>we visit 3 more countries outside calvard
small indie company sir
Your right Kuro 3 is in fact Kai even the wiki says so you know what else the wiki says? cold steel is done in 4
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anya sex
Kuro has (had) Creil and Oracion if you want some comfy medieval vibe.
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>ored is already confirmed in
>elsaim is pretty likely too since they already previewed another desert area
Don't be surprised if they do it.
Massive cope, Kuro died before its arc coudl finish.
Where is the one where Bergard is simulacrum? because his art hasn't updated and the real one died in CS3
Ored looks pretty good, my only wish if falcom actually made you drive Van's car between major locations...
Ultra MASSIVE cope, Van is still protagonist, Kai is the Trails to Azure for Calavrd.
Ah, yes, I remember Trails to Azure, the sequel to Trails from Zero 2.
that or at least let us drive it around cause some of these maps are big
Its okay when bingo guy is wrong we will end up being the winners.
>Over 50 playable characters
Since it's the 20th anniv game, at least Lloyd, Tio, Crow, and Estelle are in, but I doubt Enami could draw much more with what we already have, maybe Emma or Berith too, iirc a traveling medium was teased in K1 in Calvard. I feel like Ries won't be in Kai at all, like 'she is doing some stuff in Arteria' or something.
>the sequel to Trails from Zero
Yes your right, and Lloyd is the protagonist for that one too.
True, but its still weird to me how 'modern' edith feels compared to the rest of the games & locations y'know? it seems like falcom is taking the game in the sci-fi direction with kai (although I guess reverie started that trend) and I don't know, I prefer the medieval setting to be honest.
And before you bring up crossbell, that was moreso a roaring 20s america type thing, not sci-fi
Aianon should do some anya. Lolis are becoming rarer and rarer.
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I remember when schizo got btfo'd when he was spamming "Kuso is bad, Kai isn't Kuso 3 so it's good" and then famitsu scans with Van dropped so he changed his narrative to "Kuso is bad, Kai is kuso 3 and is also bad".
What happens if something NOT in this bingo ends up happening?
i liked how she shipped su-chan and na-chan
I do miss comfy. Still appreciate Crossbell being the culture shock it was compared to Sky and CS.
anon will probably kill himself or some shit he didn't really think this through.
>True, but its still weird to me how 'modern' edith feels compared to the rest of the games
Well Edith has the old town while the rest of the city was developing really fast even before the reparations from Erebonia. Calvard feels all over the place, Edith feels like a mix between Paris and any american city, then we visit Tharbad that looks like middle-eastern Las Vegas, Longlai is a comfy japanese village, Langport which looks like any chink city and then we have Creil and Oracion which shows what Calvard was like before the revolution.
>Where is the one where Bergard is simulacrum? because his art hasn't updated and the real one died in CS3
Sometimes, the dumbest shit we don't think about ends up happening which is why I'm gonna place a small bet on this especially the whole "Gaius Know" clearly Kondo was lying since Kuro 1 and 2 never tell us this he was the same guy who said Gayorg wasn't a Nome.
we WILL visit the following in Kai
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>like falcom is taking the game in the sci-fi direction with kai
Idk Anchorville and Ored don't scream to me "sci-fi".
why do you always engage in bad faith? it's pathetic
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cute wife
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favorite location designwise?
Legram for me, Parm coming in a very close 2nd
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You should also add about Kai getting back the harem choices or it'll be a choice between Anies and Elaine.
imagine falcom has the balls to give van a harem ending
kinda funny seeing people here praise the erebonia arc & erebonia itself for being based and trad when the entire first half of that game is just beating the shit out of rich people and their goons
Van was the protagonist of Kuro 2, and we all know what happened there.
You thinik he's actually going to be the protagonist of Kai?
You mean canon harem like with Rex in XB? That would be the most based thing falcom has ever done. But my gut tells me that 60% chance we'll get a choice between Elaine or Anies, 35% chance we'll pick your waifu like in CS and 5% Van will enter in a canon relationship.
>rich people
yea like that. but i feel like we will get bullshitted and just get either a choose your wife moment or agnes or elaine sadly
>If I ignore half the story and take the other half out of context then I win!
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What goes on here?
will falcom ever have the balls to call out the military industrial complex?
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Well Kuro 2 teased us with Renne, Judith, Shizuna and Risette entering the Vanbowl, but whether Kondo decides to give us a choice between Elaine/Anies or pick your waify, it'll be extremely underdeveloped and won't affect the story that much.
>Kuro 2 teased
Haremcucks putting all their faith in Kuro 2 content is funny.
Kai is gonned redeem Kuro 2
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Ribose is rt'ing some gems right now.
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>one day later
I'm forgotten...
Kevin returning means that Oathbreaker is guaranteed to die in Kai.
Can't wait to see Kevin turning Weissmann into salt on the kuro engine, it'll look epic.
That's normal for Kekvin
Just woke up.. news?
It has been decided that news is in Famitsu in the middle of the week.
The fandom has already turned on Kevin, no one cares for his return anymore
Thin mishy is the perfect analogy for Trails losing its soul with Kuro.
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My uncle works at falcom and is a close friend with Kondo.
Here's what he told me:
>Van will become a fully awakened Vagrants-zion
>Rean is still a kissless virgin with CS girls still lusting over him, but he won't budge and pick
>Closer to the end of the game Van canonically will impregnate Elaine because it was her only wish before the final battle, Van can still romance other girls though
>Kevin will play an important role as the secondary protagonist covering the church's involvement
>Rean is just a secondary guest character
>Jolda will leave ouroboros because she wants to stay with Van and co.
>Rufus will play a significant role, but not as major as Kevin
>Zemuria is just a simulation
>Grandmaster "knew" Van and his previous reincarnations
>McBurn vs Van fight
That's all for now.
*Cold Steel
Cold Steel's Mishy wasn't thin, moron
lmao that guy is such an idiot
That can't be it because all that shit makes too much sense
My father is Kondo and he told me this guy's uncle is a retard
Does he live in the Falcom gulags?
Thin Mishy happened in Kuro.
Fufu, my uncle is Masayuki Kato.
What happens here?
Group sex.
And bowing down to the town entirely composed of lesbian feminists
I'm tired of no news bros... I may kms
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why the fuck do they have this as an outfit when its her default outfit. there is no difference.
Rennybro finally scored
Playboy bunny girl runs is the only way to play this game
for the moments when the game gives her a different outfit such as a bikini, maybe you are a family man and rather not expose your kids to it so you'd use that to hide the bikini
wow where did you get a picture of me
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This scene in the Sky remake is going to be hilarious.
We have already met all of the 3 remaining holy beasts in Kuro 1 and Kuro 2.
Okay, how you know?
Where's Ragnard
Risette Twinnings - Holy Beast of Water.
Mare - Holy Beast of Time
Campanella - Holy Beast of Wind
But we haven't met Campanella in Kuro 1 or Kuro 2
Campanella only appears when Ouroboros is actually doing something for the <<plan>>.
Risette Twinnings aka Sirrush, the Snake-Lion hybrid creature. Marduk are the kin of Sept Terrion of Water which resides in Ored.
Thorndyke probably created an artifical body and imbued it with the Holy Beast of Water's soul and also in the process, gave her false memories.
oh i didnt think of it like that
I wish you could get banned if it turns out your predictions are wrong
There's no risk to posting this shit
There's no harm in it either so why are you offended?
My predictions for Kai


No harm? No harm? Do you know how many of these stupid predictions have gotten me all giddy with excitement at what the next Kiseki might hold? Just for me to be hit with nothing but disappointment and depression. I've considered taking my life it's so bad.
I don't like the matter-of-fact tone behind it
sounds like a you problem, you should consider seeking help mate.
That's fair
Get help m8
What would the external reward be for being right then, huh?
1 year of free 4chan passes and a VPN discount
90% of the fun with the series is speculating and theorycrafting. of course we're wrong most of the time but there is literally no harm in trying to figure out the ultimate endgame of the series.
There is no endgame other than making sure Kato can stay in a nice house.
What in the hell is the point in us speculating an ending that Kondo hasn't even thought of?
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this is probably 50% wrong but it'd be hilarious if it turned out to be 100% true.
Anyone here pre-ordered Dawntrail to play it next Friday? I'm gonna be taking Viper to 90 so I can play the expansion LARPing as Crow Armbrust
If you see me on the roulettes say hi I'll send you 50 gil
I would but my current circumstances don't allow for PC gaymen.
I'm not buying your shit, fuck off.
What happened?
I'd be happy to tell you on my blog, but this ain't it
Fair enough
btw Kuro is dogshit
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kek I have the opposite problem, I like to hype myself up as much as possible for the next kiseki game and only to get utterly disappointed, I get so hard when the game turns out to be shit after I hype it so much. One of the best feelings man i tell you.
I'll mindlessly agree with you when I get to it. Not even out of the first act in CS4 yet.
You must love the Kuro arc then LOL
God she's so fucking sexy
>btw Kuro is dogshit
this but CS3/4/5
no such thing as CS5 THOUGH
Kuro 1 was great sadly, so I got a bit disappointed, it's not like I hate good games, it's just not the same if I hyped it and it turned out to be shit. I didn't play Kuro 2 yet, but I remember hyping cs4 so much and when it turned out to be such a fucking dogshit game written by incompentent subhumans I came so much man it's unreal.
I really, really love Na-chan
Those are some fat little cheeks
Breeding Na-chan
Su-chan will fill that womb.
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Van is so cool!
The first bisexual MC!
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>20th anniversary and we only get a tweet
haha that's our falcom
It honestly feels like a breath of fresh air after 5 games of homosexual protagonist!
he isnt bi you retard
I'm bi.
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You must've played the MTL versions tailor-made for homos like you!
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Does this line actually work on women irl?
Yeah women like it when their gay friends compliment them
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You're in for a surprise when you finally play his games!
>brags about NISA troonslation
>posts fucking Alisa of all the whores who got her semi-canon status revoked
i did though
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You're barely coherent and consequential with reality! I don't really care however, I just enjoy proving you wrong with facts and watching you squirm and change the topic!
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the scenes where Anies is jealous when Van gets wrapped with other women are my favourite, I want her to snap in kai and become a full fledged yandere.
That was before he knew he loved Crow and discovered himself
same, especially when her eyes lose their light for a sec.
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They censored Joshua in the updated version of the game and instead but heavy focus and sexualization on Estelle. Hopefully that is a trend that would continue in any potential remake.
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Love my Cucknes
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Haha I posted factual canonical proof, your retort is deviant made-up repressed homosexual fantasies of yours!
I think we're done here now, thanks for playing but you're too easy! Better luck next time!
Rean and Alisa have canon sex at the end of CS4, seethe harder trannies.
meant for >>483221085
Reanbro melty (again)
Alisa and canon in the same sentence
this but actually Kuro
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Can't wait for your pathetic garbage dream to be completely ruined in Kai. Rean will barely even mention her and will hang out most of the screen time with his true love crow and will spare a bit of time for his cumdoll.
Never happened in my game, luckily.
I wish I could delete CS3 and that obligatory dance scene with 3 shitters and Towa tho
this, but in truth cold shit 3/4, Crossbell 3 was mediocre.
Did you notice that 100% of the examples that Kusofujos use to prove that Rean is gay are when Crow is literally dying?
>hugging your dying friend IS GAY!!
What causes a person to be like this?
Being a mentally ill porn addicted tranny.
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Cute and canon! Shizuna will show this pic to her and Van's half-demon kids!
Why are Reancels so angry all the time
Nah they just go to their room and Rean tells her the truth. That's why she's all over Lloyd in Hajimari
but enough about average coldshitter
No pussy
Why would Cold Steel fans be angry when they are the fans of a beloved series with lots and lots of fans and Rean is a popular protagonist?
They've never had friends
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>Have I met Crow Armbrust and Rean Schwarzer?
>I did actually meet them.
>Haha... what gave it away?
I'm a Kurofag and I had friends. So what now?
Why are you acting like it's a bad thing? I thought Cold Steel fans liked it because of Rean x Crow
So much toxic masculinity in here...
Did they all leave you when they found out you like Kuro? Understandable.
I would've ghosted you if I found out you were a kurofag too
See >>483222678
Also do you truly believe that /fg/ kisekifags who wasted more 1000 hours on these games have friends aside from normies?
kek kusolets can't maintain a friendship
I became friendless around 2019 though, when I finished the university and CS3 came out in english.
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>So much toxic masculinity in here...
Elaine says this to Van and Aaron in Kuro 1
Piece of shit woke game
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I also started working out a bit since I want to be more like Van and get a proper job. So the timeline goes: CS3 came out => finished the university => lost touch with pals => became a neet => played Kuro 1 => started working out => looking for a job
Van Arkride made me a better man.
kys tranny
Wow that's actually so pathetic I don't even feel like mocking him
I'm going to bed I guess
what is she looking at?
Van tends to have that effect on people
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Is this real?
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cute image
So many cute dresses on the girls I wish we had it as dlc...
Rufus and Rean: cute and canon
Ishmelga Rean and Lloyd: cute and canon
La-chan and Na-chan are so cute
Rean and his harem in the Cold Steel row
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I just realize Emma isn't in this.
Emmafags have been getting so uppity lately and now she's the only CS girl forgotten kek
Holy shit you're right, I'm not a huge Emmafag but it's funny how we have 2 Altinas and 3 Reans.
It's official Emma fuck offs to wonder around Zemuria, so she's no longer part of C7.
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Altina GODS... I kneel...
Jusis not in the Cold Steel lineup. Doesn't even get to be in the Reverie lineup despite his connection to Rufus. Jusisbros, I don't feel so good...
thats my wife right there
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beat SC a few days ago and I was just listening to the soundtrack at work, and came across the album art for the arranged version. did they ever release this art without the text?
That's very impressive

Anyway no, not touching FFXIV for a long time, Endwalker 6.0 was the perfect ending, anything after is just needless milking and filler. Maybe I’ll come back when Yoshida inevitably kneels to the coomers and makes Yshtola or Lyse romanceable.
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Elie's PoV
Why the stool
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ha ha
Kevin looks like a cheap figure
Lmao Ash and Kevin look like a creepy mannequins
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Happy 20th anniversary
Oh that useless faggot? nvm you got my hopes up anon.
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Anies under the sea
holy, this is such a cursed image but i'm going to use it as the next OP image.
La-chan a cute
Where the fuck are Machias, Jusis,Elliot and Gaius? what the fuck?
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They look perfect together.
Kino giga chad
I can't stop laughing at Kevin lmao
nice art
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joshy figgy
What's her deal?
crop your shit
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Well welll Well Reverie is NOT cold steel 5 thank you falcom for the confirmation
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I like Elaine's design but her chemistry with Van is so-so. I'm more surprised Shizuna isn't there in the art considering her popularity, but I guess she wasn't plot relevant in both kuro games and felt more like a mascot.
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Crossbell arc
act like a dog, get treated like a dog
Umm i know it's a lot to ask but can you add Anies to the left of Van? Pretty please.
I don't believe for a second anyone is watching the dancing.
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Sky arc
it's sora not sky
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Cold steel arc
it's sen not cold steel
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Daybreak arc
also no, fuck you >>483233353
Every single Trails arc up to this point......beautiful I have tears in my eyes
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I thought people said Nayuta wasn't canon? why is it in the time line????
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Nice ass!
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Picnicdev shuts down /fg/ shitposting
Discord is over there.

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