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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #458 - The Princess Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas

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uh, so what now?
Well, I got some stories to repost from /x/, we got a writefag who's been writing some decent stuff.
keep moving forward. something good will happen eventually
repost them
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This one's my favorite.
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Der Großmann aka Der Ritter aka The Faceless King aka Gorr'rylaehotep aka Slenderman
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>did i scare you
"It's startin' to bore me how much you suck."
Did you have to get them to draw workbench though
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you do know that was the spammer, right?
rayuko? yeah xhe asked to chart a fnf song too
what the fuck is his problem anyway?
it's one sonic.exe oc, shouldn't cause insanity in someone.
shut up you stupid bitch hiyaa!
*slaps you, decapitating you in one blow*
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rayuko status
You people have been unbelievably gay lately. I cannot believe that people were shilling OSF to the fucking NormalCD artist and trying to get draw requests. Did that OSF demo actually bring in a bunch of Twitterteen tourists or what?
You just don't know how to have fun.
yes. yes it did.
syro shilled it
told ya it would not be a boon
>bring in a bunch of Twitterteen tourists or what?
they're already been here
evil 4chud strikes again
what did he expect?
sunshine and rainbows?
to be fair, exeg has lately been a little bit more insane than, for example, its father
/funkg/ is an exception in being a twitter colony, not the rule.
because we're the child of sthg and funkg, except without any of their good qualities
and yes I'm aware of the irony
/exeg/ is the inbred retard baby of /sthg/ and /funkg/
Fair point i guess
Cytube tomorrow?
also no aggie?
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exeg is like those animals from Chernobyl
if the radiation doesn't kill you, cancer will, and if THAT doesn't kill you, congratulations, you'll mutate and die. but if you somehow survive that, then... lucky, I suppose
What's the point of doing them with a lack of drawfags? and even then magma sucks
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he solos every EXE btw
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rayuko status
well, there seems to be some anons here that draw good... but good point, I guess
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I'm not saying there isn't and it's a miracle there are still any at all. The problem is only that there aren't enough
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this is the villain that will appear in my OSF shitpasta
I call him bloody x
it's as retarded as it sounds
is he british
no teeth
so no sadly
the pasta will be a low quality video like those of early internet with the loquendo tts program doing the talk and some shit quality song in the background
probably jtk theme
when are you gonna stop
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is it necessary for you to stalk someone no one fucking cares about every thread
don't be like that. We all love shyuu! he's gonna bring us Workbench vs Roadkill kino!
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
holy shit shut the fuck up
you rayuNEED to be slopped.
Regarding the retarded fagotix leaks in the previous thread i noticed something
Correct me if im mistaken but isn't Springy & The CS the same person making the models for EXE's game? If that is the case i really wish we could see Revie sperging the fuck out the moment the information about the Faker modeler working on the #1 boogeyman's game is heard
Would be even more hilarious if that's exactly what Springy wanted to happen since he might've understood that Project 2017 is just nothing
fucking kill yourself
i'm not asking
for the tranyuko slop.
i'm gonna slimebeast all over you
with sakkth comes the quirky...............
instead of feeding it attention why don't you report it instead
with slime comes the beast...
because reporting does jack shit
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I really want you unalive.
it's the rayuEND for you.
not safe
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ignore it
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replace sonic with shadow and it's accurate
New freaky attractions vidya pasta
why is there fnf art on thumbnail
because the creator doesn't care about if it is fnf or not
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Hatcher must die
>malicious shitposter filtered by organic posting
yup yup
pinned got updated btw
Hatcher... How I hate him. And all of that loathing has been focused on this invincible instrument of destruction. Every defeat, every humiliation at the daemon's hands will be returned a thousandfold by my unstoppable creation.
could hatcher post X's current or most recent spritesheet
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turn this into voxel art now
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Also, this is never something I really talked about here, but there are 5 additional frames for X's mouth for when he's running or flying after you, which change depending on how close he is to you.
his spawn sprite could use an overhaul
Before I go to bed, I'll mention that I'm gonna implement a more modular animation system for X to support multiple skins (similar to the one used for the multiple player characters), like that Postman Pat one that was posted, so you don't have to terribly worry about having absolutely everything line up if you make a reskin and submit it here.
Yeah, it was one of the first sprites for X that Hatcher made, so it'll probably be replaced; it doesn't match the current style.
i still don't understand the postman pat thing, feels like it just came out of nowhere
it's funny, don't get me wrong
it's a cytube joke
explains why i don't get it
speaking of which there's a slenderverse documentary out. should it be added to the list?
Mean words are such a boogey man to people that the general that says niggerfaggot is deemed more insane than the one with users that spam child porn
we are the joker
we always laugh
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I really do not know how to feel about this.
even twitterCONTENTPROVIDERS know about rayuKINO
i feel nothing
its a drawing of a character that will never achieve anything
I wish I never made Workbench sometimes, I feel conflicted every time I think about him.
In a bit I will know if you are Rayuko or not based on if you selfspam this post
so what you've been saying all this time is that you are NOT the shitposter?
prove it.
I genuinely don't know why you think I do that
no one knows why the spammer does it
my hypothesis is lack of father figure in his life
It's all so tiring and it doesn't even do anything at this point
why the fuck would i constantly screw over my own reputation by spamming the same shit over and over
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>why the fuck would i constantly screw over my own reputation by spamming the same shit over and over
idk this is 4chan, not that hard to find crazies
also, this place is anonymous so you can pretend to be anyone.
for all you know, I'm joe and I constantly shitpost in exeg which explains why PC port is slow in production.
in any case i don't do that shit, hell the status posting was still going even while i was b& for a bit
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goodnight exeg
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then i suppose the case is closed
you are not the spammer
now to deal with the shitposter in question
the fag ban evade, so just bring that to the jannies I guess? not sure if that would do anything
I don't know, I highly doubt there's some sonic.exe that causes a stalker to spam your name each time your referenced. Maybe you need to lay low for a couple of weeks months or days. I sometimes wish I was a submissive neko catboy
in order to constantly spam for multiple months you would need to have the following attributes
>tranny (you want to take a pizza cutter to your private parts)
>no life (you are terminally online)
>doesn't know when to quit (when is workbench getting rewrite number six million?)
the statistics show that you are the spammer
>why the fuck would i constantly screw over my own reputation
fucking lol ask yourself
you're shyuu, right?
i think
yes or no
I guess yeah at least currently
OSF will be vs /v/-tan for /exeg/ and this WILL include relentless shilling for dogshit characters which will be on the same level as sabotard shilling his awful xenophanes rewrite if not worse
bloody x will be the secret character who drinks period blood and shits blood
Get your head out of your ass
You will experience levels of hazing and gaslighting you have never seen before in which pedophiles and their prey will spam your posts if you think sonic recolors being otherkin transian polyamory supporters that stand with palestine is bad
It will be like in how early exeg people tried to gaslight others and pretend that curse' zippertit scars were actually liver damage because they didn't want jasper to be shamed
>liver damage
I will make a curse retake where instead of being fucked up transmasc Sonic with a billion boyfriends its fucked up drunk Sonic who only loves his bombs
i... understood half of what you said
dumb it down pls
This actually works out since Lucy decided to make Curse black for the latest design revisions
Giving raven 2017 was a huge fucking mistake
a curse retake should be the opposite of what the tranny furry is
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preach brother
>too stupid: can't read
if ordinary sonic fangame is completed and then released you are going to have people coming into this general and they will try and get people to praise their sonic recolor as much as possible by constantly posting about them here. if you point out any issues with their recolors or consider them stupid you will receive like 20+ replies calling you crazy and insane and somebody who hates fun because you think evil sonic supporting the current political trend thing that is happening on social media is stupid
k thx now i get it
not sure why you expected me to not touch it at all
Are you dumb or just pretending?
A workbench rewrite is a like a trans woman's second best source of HRT :pride_flag:
I-I'm g-gonna take requests here btw. Won't do any from any raven haters but otherwise feel free to suggest me your favorite exes and I will draw them dueling faker
I do dumb shit sometimes I won't deny that
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rap battle
EXE isn't known for FNF but okay. I'll draw Void x EXE so long as my anti-depressants still work....
confront yourself now desu
the only one to blame is yourself desu
i'm the coolest
the WASTED POTENTIAL of workbench
Xhe needs 30 rewrites now
king boom boo has more potential than this garbage
also, bluuuublughghhg BLUGHGHG hahahhahah -king boom boo
i don't mean to sound cynical or delusional but i don't think there's any credible proof that he would legitimately spam his shit let alone tell everyone what he posted on twitter, you would have to be an absolute mega faggot to do something this long and not get tired of it
Fine then! You want your rewrite you got it
I'll start brainstorming in a bit
you don't have a brain
He posted once about how he recorded his screen for like five minutes and the spammer never posted until after he stopped recording. This would only make sense if the spammer was him otherwise how would he know when rayuko was recording
>you would have to be an absolute mega faggot to do something this long and not get tired of it
He spent like 2 years rewriting a shitpasta and then saying it was his final change then rewriting it again. He was then confused when people said he should stop doing that and cried because of that.
i was only kidding anyway
he's a fnf fag
logic is not something he's familiar with
hmmmm its a stupid guess but i think the spammer is the same anon who archived the workbench shitpasta rewrites
Coincidental desu I couldn't have predicted the exact time between tweeting and them doing the status shit
He also never had a (completed) pasta til this year so Idk where you're getting that from
i was gonna turn you into a human popcorn machine
what a waste of time
coincidental and knowing his reputation, nobody believes him because of the forced meme and with the same person shtick, which capitalize on that manner
So rayuko archives his own work? Very interesting
Okay workbenchanon
Are you still on my case for that
You're an idiot, and it proves nothing
At least I don't pretend to be 3 different people
I don't either bro?
you seriously have to be terminally online if you're gonna latch onto some literal who like a parasite because they like something you don't or they're something you hate going far to spam in two generals and tell people what they posted or severely attention starved to make up a stalker to do all that because mommy and daddy didn't love you enough to be a nuisance to others. doesn't help that some others are into the shitpost but whatever really its an observation and im joe the pc port guy
Well duh, of course you think the personalities are separate you freaking schizo. Which one am I talking to right now, personality #2?
i genuinely wish you understood how gay you are for this
C rank
Okay 29 more
That's it, I'm hosting the official workbench rewrite contest
Maks your best workbench rewrite and then post it here! Best story by the end of July gets a $20 Target gift card!
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workbench x pedophilia: generations
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arguing with you fags is pointless
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whatever the case is
don't come back
ok, so the project is still going.
I couldn't put all the sprites into the image, so I put only the first I did.
here's the drawing of lady void I did to mimic mortis ghost method of spriting.
tried to text the textures in game and the "unsuported png image"

fuck me man
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wrong gen
not if i write an epic ludokinosovl does evil things guy pasta
i will defeat you with my silent hill penis taker creepypasta
Next OSF release is going to be on Gamejolt to prevent people being led to this general
what is this project again?
The Foreskin Finagler
I didn't shill it to xer though
I was just sitting back and seeing what would happen
you won't do shit
When a Jew posts, I agree
When a Jew thinks, I applaude
When a Jew speaks, I listen
When a Jew tells a joke, I laugh
When a Jew replies to my post, I kneel
When a Jew helps me, I owe Him eternal gratitude
When a Jew is born, g-d rejoices
If Israel has 100 friends, I am one of them
If Israel has only 1 friend, that friend is me
If all the World is against Israel, then I am against the entire World
If no one in the World supports Israel, then I have left this World already.
alright man oil up
Sonic is now a middle aged man
I think there's genuine brainrot here, since my head hurts. I think I'm going insane.
Why aren't you posting the new workbench fanart
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>the bot is back
/exeg/ is SAVED
M80 is funny
I…I don’t think he has the ability to inhale a cigarette
He doesn't even have the ability to sleep. His eyelids are fucking gone. Can you imagine trying to live your life knowing you cannot physically sleep normally anymore
jeff cannot sleep so he goes around helping people sleep, what a kind and selfless soul
>The longest recorded time without sleep is approximately 264 hours, or just over 11 consecutive days. Although it’s unclear exactly how long humans can survive without sleep, it isn’t long before the effects of sleep deprivation start to show.

>After only three or four nights without sleep, you can start to hallucinate. Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to:

>cognitive impairments

how is there not a jeff rewrite that capitalizes off this.
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Because the fact that Jeff wouldn't be able to sleep isn't something these stories are concerned with. Jeff can indefinitely survive without his eyelids, and getting burned in a fire turned his skin white, and these are just things you go into the character accepting
it was a power fantasy story as far as im concerned
Yeah, everyone knows it's retarded, pretty sure nobody unironically likes Jeff the Killer nowadays unless the tradition of teenage fangirling somehow got passed down to younger generations
you say it like rayukek doesn't love wechidna or satanos
Those are new, Jeff is old. There's an expiration date on cringe
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alien knuckles and satan larping as aonic
ah post muskrat twitter being bigoted and annoying as usual
Nick Rekieta's 8 year old daughter was found to be high on cocaine through a leaked police report
Sonichu demon going all out this time
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Are they adding omegatronic?
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NES limitations: nonexistent
...And Here's Why That's A Good Thing
I'd play this
all of my favorite pro palestine sonic and mario recolors, and lady dockino! This is gonna be so based!
Vote in the poll
>no fun allowed
datamining, do not engage
what's your obsession with pedophilia?
Why is this even a poll?
I am going to be using the survey results as military Intel
I was reminded of the cp spam by sabotage's creator and I thought compelling arguments could be made for which one is more pedophilic
I am a believer in death of the author and Deceiver is inherently a more pedophilic character than Sabotage
they're both shit but why is a poll necessary at all?
add the following ocs
>lord x
Holy shit.
who is this semen demon
the mascot of russians tf2 bots hosting servers
That is the persona of a teenage Russian script kiddie who hosts hundreds of bots on TF2 with the aim of making the game unplayable
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can't he just wear a sleep mask
because he just CANT, OK????
TF2 Creepypastas https://youtu.be/Rv2iGoU0ClQ
He doesn't need to because he's not gonna be seeing anything when he eventually goes blind from his eyes drying out and getting eaten by all the bacteria he can't blink out.
It seems like sp4g from the way the eyes are drawn and the way the thighs are highlighted
yknow the game off? i'm editing the textures of the game with exe related media
so enoch is MX because lard
gotta be specific. which one replace which:
currently its like this.

>Faker is The Batter
>Enoch is MX
>Japhet is Scorched
>Dedan is ?
>Vaderloha is Lady Void
>The Judge/Pablo is ?
>Valerie is Hog
>Sucre is ?
>Elsens are ?
>Ghosts are ?
>Secretaries are ?
>Hugo is ?
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>Ghosts are ?
I think this could work fine enough
nta but the "sadako" in this picture >>483093278
oh no, someone in the exe "community" is a bad person
oh no, anyway, why should exeg care?
To save you a few clicks, this person is being called out for being into drawings and no actual children is harmed. Proceed with your life anons.
>being into drawings [of children]
I hate cunnyggers so fucking much
y'know i'm sure cupcake has more skeletons in their closet, but enough about that
we got creepypastas to discuss...right?
the devil's advocate in this loli site
i hate loliggers so fucking much
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rayuko status
It's not even how weird or gross the art on its own is, it's that these subhumans ruin all porn they touch by giving the girls fucking toddler proportions
I want tits and ass, not a cutting board
Not to even MENTION that these pieces of shit are the most smug assholes on the site.
Total LoliNIGGER Death.
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Me when I see the sarah needlemouse gyatt and the deceiver gyatt
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F o U n D y O u ! 1 !
yeah i get that, im just the messenger. there's a bunch of smug assholes in the site but someone also pointed out that cupcake fag is using minors to obfuscate that they're just trying to make them disappear
what does this even mean
it means i
Fo U n D y O u ! 1 !
Oh. I see.
you will get TRAPPED and BETRAYED inside the hyperbolic time changler
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what do you mean by 'what'
what is there to not understand
I will rape you if you annoy me again human
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Don't listen Loogy.
wouldn't the gather battle ghosts be a bit more fitting?
Never forget the time a man committed international crimes with serious charges because he didn't want his sprite edits stolen. Not even original sprites, fucking edits.
those ghost also show up alongside the big ghost and act similarly
Sonic autism knows no bounds
Those are the other Gather Battle ghosts
>9 hours ago
I'm not subscribed to them how was I supposed to know
This is what revie will do to you if you try to claim ownership of faker
No cytube, huh?
The exegarbage.lol archive site is down. It's been down since yesterday at least, but I figured it was something on my end. I'm pretty sure the site was run, at least in part, by refASEF, the co-director of SMGDS, and his Newgrounds profile was recently deleted as well.
I also believe this was his YT channel; the profile picture and name were changed, though it's still up.
Wonder what's going on.
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i think he wants to increase immersion to his web-series
so when is exe getting this attention?
No the site is run by the cytube/gmod guy
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same quality as pic related
I don't really know if you can call this a fair comparison
Actually now that i'm thinking of it the dockino image is better
I don't really see what's wrong with the green mountain picture to be honest
>anarackcore art is better than-
stopped reading there
fuck I thought this was an OMORI image for a second
finally, no more of that raven sadako image
Does fucking everything need a remake
It says remaster in the title
the internet is harsh and unforgiving
please go away
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goodnight exeg
This dick aint free...
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no but your mom is
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My exe S0niblax.i386 is best friends with Ben Drowned and Slenderman!
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>"minor" in bio
that's all you need to know
good morning exeg
i guess that explains this >>482927672
what the hell is going on with the smgd team was there some falling out?
>SMGDScord has fallen
/exeg/ is healing
the whole thing was solely powered by spite and nothing else, it was bound to crash and burn, especially when one of the directors is a drama vulture who get easely distracted by the stupidest shit
you can't heal what's already dead.
My hopes and dreams...
you say this every thread and nothing ever happens
refresh my memory, but yeah nothing really dramatic happens
it's just slow but still chugging along.
wait does churgney really care that much about impasta?
i wasnt reading in on /exeg/ at the time
Somewhat relevant question, but does anyone know what the compression of DS streamed audio is?
ask sarahfag in /funkg/ chatango if he's there
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new Luigikid upload
taco games and razz are still being humbled as usual
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I should trace over this with OSFX and Marwiiu.
>The Mario 85 FANGAME has more content than the actual game
Razz what the fuck are you doing
making fnf concepts
your guess is as good as mine. 1-2 cannot take this long if smaller teams manage to show results in a few weeks.
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Thoughts on?
what's that?
Is this one that has Wendigoon on it?
I like em good BG noise for drawing also their borrasca episodes are my favorite
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go away
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quit spamming
im not spamming lol
then the fuck are you doing
i dunno
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creepypasta/creepy story reading podcast
What if Star Light Zone was... Star Dark Zone?
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you madman!
there is no rewrite
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rayuko status
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rayuko status update
Are u trying to flirt with me
it's rayup
funkg is two doors down
Do me a favor and shut the fuck up I don't think this is even rayuko
wow, life cannot get any fucking worse
I wish there was a way to help them, this sucks
>women being women and taking everything with the divorce
>actively want to kill themselves
>is shocked they get put in a suicide ward
How retarded are they
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looks like satanos down to the hexchromamaniac style, is it supposed to be some form of him?
Clip looks and feels better
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I’ll take a request. I can only do one though.
post example of your art first
Isn’t a surprise more fun though? Plus, I don’t have any on me right now. It’s not really extravagant. I just wanted something to do as a warmup.
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oh ok
draw picrel
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nta but as a test draw this jigglypuff
draw kyle from needlemouse
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Thanks for the warmup, guys.
Anon, I'm so sorry. For the life of me, I cannot remember Kyle except for his cute 'fro.
I think I know you from somewhere...
Probably /v/ drawthread. I drew there more recently.
Sp4gh3tt1? is that you? did you draw that habit pic that was shared a while ago?
Sup, man!
That made its way over here? Yea, it was from a request anchor and seemed fun.
Well long time no see
Could you draw some more sarah goodness
no wait. it cannot be...
its actually pretty cool to see you again! how've you been? great jigglypuff by the way.
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Out of curiosity how'd you find out about habit?
Not them but he visits /uh/
>I cannot remember Kyle except for his cute 'fro.
probably should've left an image reference, still a cute sarah and lily drawing though!
The rendering on that Jigglypuff is amazing
I actually drew a bunny Sarah yesterday (?) I can post it, if I can find it. I think it safe enough for blueboards.
Lol, man! It’s only for a few. I’m gonna be a ghost again soon (well on the /vg/ side).
Thanks, Anon! I’ve actually never visited the main side of /exeg/, but it’s cool to see you again as well! It’s been all good :). I hope you’ve been great as well!
It was actually one of the last requested characters from /trash/ and what >>483383484 said.
It’s all good! I still wanted to try for y’a! Glad you like it though.
Thank you, Anon :)
Your good someone already sent it >>483168580
do you plan on reopening your /i/? I always enjoyed keeping up with your art.
OSFcord has FALLEN
Cytube has FALLEN
exegarbage.lol has FALLEN

No more "om nom skull". No more "comic progress". No more "simplistic kino". No more "ref sheet". No more shillbones.

The twitter artists will return. We will have avatarchads. We will have drawchads. We will have the aggies with art of Deceiver in a thong. We will have Vibingleaf discussion. We will EXEtravaganza.

Total. Doc. Victory.
not now anon
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nunna dats happening
>art of Deceiver in a thong
i dont care about the rest of this show me the deceiver thong art
Oh, nice. Thank you, Anon!
I appreciate that you like my stuff that much, Anon. Thank you. I really only make them when I just feel like sketching a lot and animating loosely. They always just pop up spontaneously. However, if you want to see a bunch of randoms in bunny suits, some of my art is there. It’s where the Sarah came from.
That's a you call
I have to consult the Deceiver booty council first, Sir. I’ve also been decoding the night away, so you may be surprised with that pic another day.
damn it i missed the reqs
oh well, this is some good shit either way, love the jigglypuff
i dont know why ive always had an attachment to that image, it was like THE face of pokepastas back then
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actual honest to god schizophrenia
Kill yourself Dyke
i believe its spelt Duke
Why do you look like my mom
Do I forget purpose?
You forget yours
Is to entertain me
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do you think it's related to the impasta mod having more progress as of recent
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I'm sleeping you retard
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NMI but Knuckles
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rayuko status
>trikitroy drew rayuko
it's rayup
quit spamming
quit sakkthing
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Just letting you know that Mario the music box author attempted to commit suicidie, twice.
she should really seek therapy
Sad, but honestly not unexpected, considering what made her famous in the first place.
>most healthy lesbian marriage
And don't they have adopted kids? What a disaster.
>lesbian attempts to end herself
>in pride month
an L for mario exes today
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>lesbian marriage
that explains it
from the track record i would expect her to go to europe and find the first morbidly obese italian man there
>kids adopted by mario fan (!!!) tumblrinas (!!!) lesbians (!!!!!!!!!)
Praying for them
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>And I am going to say, I was not the perfect wife. I know I dealt with a lot of mental issues and sometimes treated my wife like shit. She’s only given up on me because she’s trying to look out for her own health. Yes what she did is cruel but please don’t hold it against her.
Holy fuck the memes are real
I hope the kids got taken into a functional family, they don't deserve this
I really hope she recovers and seek therapy, that just doesn't sound well at all.
>log in
>look in media
>find this video https://x.com/CorpseSyndrome/status/1803787958610530356
Jesus fuck
Each day that passes I'm more grateful that Marco Antonio didn't include the music box in mario madness v2
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Honestly what did you expect from the woman who has her room looking like this
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>no wario
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>you will never have a wife who loves you as much CorpseSyndrome loves mario
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>there are almost 30 mario plushies in this photo alone
for what purpose
holy crap there are even fumos here
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>she even owns bootlegs
2hu niggers are mentally unwell, who've guessed?
every 2hu fag I know is either a /pol/fag or a tranny newfag
In the grand scheme of things if Marco put the Music Box in Mario Madness, that would've caused ungrateful tourists to stress her out further.

If anything, she dodged the bullet rejecting her work to be included in Mario Madness.
after what happened with the smlwiki I think she was right to not want her game represented in the mod
will we be seeing you around here a bit more often?
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i think the spammer is finally dead
it's rayuover...........................
you're going to be added to the illegal instruction ust brother
do you think frazz is seething that fangames are blowing the og out of the water
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Im going to be honest, Mx technically the game is fucking dead, razz just focusing to keep the frazz mx charm and make like 8 worlds
is it on the brink of being canceled?
So is this thread just Rayukek not having the balls to ban evade and self spam just to spam random sonic.exe garbage?
what do you mean
>self spam
dead forced meme, dude
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actual shilled game
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it's a fangame being developed by exeg anons
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how is it anonymous if every single developer is a massive parasocial parasite

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I don't give a shit what hatcher is doing on twitter. all I care about is him not fucking up the sprites. besides godotanon is the one holding the project together isn't he
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Slow day today? Feels that way.
I would've thought it'd have appeared, but I think it genuinely just finally gave up, or at least that's just what I'm hoping
>I'm hoping
We're hoping.
>I'm hoping
It's the rayuHOPE.
everyone has a limit. eventually they get burned out and give up and go do something else
i don't understand why someone would do that for...uh about 4-5 months?
Got bored self-spamming, huh?
it was never self-spam, you fucking idiot
finally................................rayupeace...........................no more stalkers...............................................just sonic.exe twitter reposts..................................................the wrist slits will heal....................................................and the cumshrooms will grow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
nta but it's proven it wasn't self spam. shyuu was banned during the time the spammer was present
Are you retarded? (mobile edition)
Are you retarded? (wifi edition)
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Mhm, the tranny that ban evades 4 times a day using ecker, is banned, that's why there just wasn't spam and was just reposted seconds after, mhm.
I can't tell if you genuinely believe it's self spam or if you're just trying to make me feel like a schizo.
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>0 arguments against it being self spam
it's rayup
does shyuu have a history of ban evading in other generals?
Which M85 fangame is worth checking out?
they are all shorter and play worse than the original
>shorter than the og game that has 1 fucking level
I'm calling bullshit
is there any proof at all that this is them
nta but who the fuck is them?
all there is assumptions. there's no proof it's him but there isn't any proof it isn't either
>I don't give a shit what hatcher is doing on twitter
we said this for syro and he ended up making this place worse, shut the fuck up.
you mean (you). why should I be obligated to care what that faggot is doing if it has nothing to do with OSF
>besides godotanon is the one holding the project together isn't he
speaking of him, what do you think his secret project is?
Hatcher if you have any decency, then delete your twitter
he's not hurting anyone, fuck off.
Sarah and Lily love their baby boy.
I have it to follow artists that don't have an NG page, and in general people are more active there
And then Sarah beats the shit out of Lily and then kills herself (at least she finished her Sonic RPGMaker fan game)
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>Sarah beats the shit out of Lily and then kills herself
actually, she does that to Kyle
So show me
That which I
Cannot see
Even if it
Hurts me
Even if
I can't...

Oh it tolls me
On the
Mountain lonely
Ever staying
I believe Silver could beat any EXE as long as he just hits them with the IT'S NO USE
all potential drawfags who might wanna take refugee from twitter:
I don't know what shitty fnf song you're referencing and that makes me happy
The Green Mountain FNF song with epic Sturm and Revie lyrical KINO.....
I heard it, it's just ok
i find it funny that there's people that still care about satanos especially considering not even rightburst cares at this point
Notice how you can swap satanos with EXE and rightburst with revie and the fact still remains intact
it's rayutanos now.
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
you already said that >>483093842
I'll do it again
it's rayutanos now.
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
quit spamming
you already said that >>483093842
you already said that >>483351584
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Talk about a slow day. what did exeg think of the new entry of valle verde?
this spammer bit got old a long time ago
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I didn't watch anything past the over the top first episode, I'm watching night mind spoonfeed me that shipwrecked 64 garbage and it just looks like if catastrophe crow and fnaf had an abortion
>I'm watching night mind spoonfeed me
if you need an e-celeb to explain to you what's happening you have the attention span of a fish. you don't need to a furfag to point out the obvious christian themes
Oh no I'm not watching mother meets animal crossing, I'm just not bothering paying to solve ciphers about UNDEAD MASCOTS SCARY and EVIL COMPANY LE KILLS PEOPLE with shit graphics
What gave you the idea this is mascot horror? It's a fabricated game like Petscop with creepypasta themes
what does this general think of rightburst and his exe content anyway
what the hell is there to talk about?
The fact that starlings or whatever they are called are mascot costumes from a beaver, an otter and a goose, the fact that the entire reason they go nuts is because they were overworked by a company, the fact that they come back to life using the costumes alone, it's nu fnaf with a lemon twist and some ryona
what the fuck i found him
But Kyle never had an afro
I can see what you mean. It's not subtle with the mascot themes. even then it's only used for commercials. It's not crucial to the story from what I can tell. the game isn't really "haunted," and there's no forced 4th wall breaking moments. It's all nods to the team going through dev hell. I don't recall the costumes coming to life. Sounds retarded but I believe it
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I think they confused Kyle with Michael
I don’t know what gender Sp4ghetti is, quit being fucking retarded
has no gender on account of being a plate of spaghetti given life by a mentally deranged scientist.
so does that mean sp4ghetti IS the creepypasta?
yes indeed
needlemouse out of context is comedy gold
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wait fuck i meant Sanrolyder
shit hang on give me a minute...
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goodnight exeg
she looks like a slut
no no wait, skylander?
kino movie
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My wife
our wife
thank you anon very cute
is that zach
Linkara you need to get rid of those worms.
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Imagine if NGC was narrated by Zach Hadel
Cory should do more satire pasta narrations
>"The is the interesting Red-type character."
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rayuko status
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anytime I see this character or faker be brought up discussion is almost always drama related because there is nothing substantial to them worth talking about because their creators are equally incompetent funkniggers
at least satanos owns it, rather than try to pretend to be something greater
it's rayup
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I'm not playing your shitty mod it'll never be finished anyway
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rayuko status
rerun ust isn't a mod to begin with albeit
What's the most annoying part of sonic.exe games in (you)r opinion? The scripted deaths, the 2012-tier dialogue written by ESLs, or the lazy level design
>Tomar, here's a hypothetical, your loving wife Jaxxy suddenly had a seizure while crossing the street and got ran over by a truck.
>years later, you buy a cartridge of your favorite NES game, and it turns out there's this little fucking alien inside there that knows your name and made Jaxxy kill herself, and her soul is inside the game
>Tomar what would you do
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he already appeared in replay albeit
>What you do if you were given a tiny Red with all the same memories, would you torture it?
Would RED be the nostalgia critic
Solomon would be Nostalgia Critic.
Red would be Linkara.
Linkara is the lightbringer, if anything he'd be acacius
>History of Godzilla NES has NO SET SCHEDULE!
>hey Cory, it's me, Godzilla!
>hey Cory, it's me, Mothra!
>hey Cory, it's me, Anguirus!
new sagan slop dropped
nose not big enough
New Luigikid upload. I'm not sure if this is a bit but I think he's reaching his breaking point
We need to save him by getting him to play XSF
the thought of him calling an exeg fangame a breath of fresh air would be funny and a bit depressing
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hey, it is a breath of fresh air, even if it isn't entirely original
Ordinary Sonic Fangame, X's Sonic Fangame, potato potato
This is not the face of a man happy with his life decisions.
It's still called Ordinary Sonic Fangame, "XSF" is purely in-universe.
Somebody send him a download link of hellfire saga. he's clearly not having fun playing with dogshit. when the hell even was the last exe direct? were those dropped entirely?
Sonic Rush Prototype
Infinite VS '17X and EXE in a 2v1.
Who wins?
Perfect Chaos
Infinite jobs, because jobbing is in his very DNA
he's not weak
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Reminder that CHADker stays WINNING with the Sonic Rush Adventure Prototype and FUNKPASTA had his tranny creator forget about him
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This was rebooteds response to a Palestine child
>exe xitter will shit on JC's reboot x design but will defend this to the ends of the earth
Slopnic is foreverially kosher
Sega was founded by Jews, aftwr all
It was founded by white people
...when convenient
Only if it's the Elden Ring DLC.
ZanzibarX 2024... Forgive me...
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Thanks, Anon! It's such a funny and iconic picture.
Not really, man. I am really just a ghost. Just want to deliver this Deceiver sketch before I die again. If I ever pop in again, I promise it'll be with a new doodle (if I do requests). I'm mostly on the deciphering front now. Hope you all have a great week and stay hydrated!
you're too good for this gen sp4g
What’s he planning with burds?
unspeakable things
>I don't recall the costumes coming to life.
I can't blame you it's from three videos that you need to piece together that completely destroys the rouge game dev goes to kill shitty company narrative the game was going for
is this a code?
>>483654832 (me)
also it isn't just undead costumes, it's full on fucking zombie outbreak in a ANIMATION STUDIO that was caused by putting minerals on skinned rats to make them grow bones
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yeah kyle never had an afro, that was michael
also based habit art
he's cute
agreed, I would so many things to him
I also agree
>assume the game was an allegory for how crunching and putting devs through hell can affect their lives
>turns out it's another fucking fnaf clone trying way too hard to appeal to faggots like matpat
>even going so far as to try and imitate the retarded nu-lore that killed fnaf's chances of being comprehensive after pizzeria simulator
In what way was any of this necessary to tell a story about a canceled video game
FishStickOnAStick should've stuck to creepypasta videos. His TF2 videos suck complete ass. Guy hasn't gotten rid of his monotone inflection in the near decade he's been doing Youtube. His opinions on creepypasta were pedestrian, sure, but at least it's a more niche subject; there are hundreds of retards who can give braindead TF2 takes like "durrr nerf sniper", and do it better.
it wasn't, a part of the story is connors taking the piss on a big studio using their game funds to fuel their own good but for some reason they add a fucking analog horror video to spoonfeed what are starlings, husk and the death of the crew ala the big mysteries of the game, any and all weird act is now "they are zombies", why does the bucky actor kill 3 visitors? he's a zombie, why did the game continue development when the people behind it died? they worked as zombies, no wonder connor killed himself at the end this lore is retarded
he probably moans like a little slut in bed
I think I'm going to have a stroke reading after this. I hate mascot horror so fucking much
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there are more retarded ideas like the designer of the characters being infected with the zombie virus and a 3 men 1 woman ennard clone (picrel) but the point is that by trying to be complex and "scarier" it became pure nonsense when it could've just been a story of a petty guy killing a studio by sabotaging his own game, but as it stands it dropped the ball and broke it's foot
sometimes less is more. and this piece of shit tried every idea under the sun. If it stuck to being a petscop wannabe I would be okay with that. this is almost worse than the moon children
that crossed my mind while learning about it, it's almost on par with it but at least it wasn't dragged on for years which makes it fat less painful to get through
It's the quickest way to kill any interest in an arg for me. it's lazy and done to death and you can tell it's trying to pander towards lorefags like matpat and it comes off cringe
>look up ben drowned on pinterest
>it's all link.exe twink art
I was hoping more people drew the statue by now
fuck you guys
the fuck did >we do
you keep existing
It is, tunizpng is supposed to be the end code but it leads to a 404
Here is the cipher itself
Never mind, found it by brute force
Just add a 7 at the end of tuniz
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vep makes good exe art but not often
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goodnight exeg
how would you write a creepypasta for does evil things guy
how old are you?
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>Guys finds this puppet at a garage sale and it starts murdering people
There you go
There was an American Dad episode like that but it was Roger high on paint.
the video he comes from already is kind of like a creepypasta for sml
Only for his trans boyfriend, Tom
It’s an Abandoned By Disney clone.
brandon/evil bucky isn't as relevant as photonegative mick nor is the same revival method
thank you for the ass
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Is this general about anything but sonic.exe/FNF yet? Or should I go back to waiting in time prison?
Talk about what you want to talk about.
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bad level design is lore relevant doe
life art imitate
i forgot the order but you get it
I know you are, X
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>inexperience with tile sets and level design
>level design
PC port is fucked if its' own director is struggling to design a basic classic sonic level that isn't a straight line
aren't these people artists?? isn't their whole thing shapes geometry and composition
joe can't stop jobbing his own passion project
hunker down and study this shit instead of starting up several different projects that will more than likely never see the light of day
too busy fulltiming on sonic legacy please understand
that's no excuse for not being capable of learning how to design sonic levels in 2-3 years. it's no wonder the only concept art for pc port is nothing but sprites and ref sheets
to play devil's advocate (good) 2d sonic level design is much more difficult than level design for most other 2d things (unless they make it linear)
sonic's 2d levels are defined by their multiple pathes that interconnect with eachother
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sonic's level design is based around momentum first and foremost, the branching paths are only there to re inforce the faster physics based platforming with the top path being faster and requiring more reaction time while the lower being slower and closer to a normal plataformer
Sonic 1-3k is built around momentum and platforming
Sonic CD is built around exploration
I think the latter is what PC Port is going for
that's why cd fucking sucks and it's only remembered by a self spamming tranny
I thought it was ok
it's rayukino...........................................................................................
I fucking love CD's visuals, it feels like the perfect sequel to Sonic 1 in terms of artstyle
If Sonic 2 had the same gameplay but with the tilesets of CD, I'd be in love
Maybe change the special stages though
Hello, /exeg/. The day before yesterday, I have dreamt of a Super Mario Bros. creepypasta game where Mario was attacked by faceless Peach and Daisy in Bowser's Castle. Picrel is what they looked like. Did... um... something similar happen to you guys?
i had a dream one time about not-needlemouse jumping around like a gmod sanic nextbot
i had not acknowledged nextbots in a very long time by that point
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[Fallout 3 Number Station] https://youtu.be/zZtFjtS5qxs
NGC Sonic AU where Red is a blood red orca constantly chasing Sonic
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>8-bit ryan
>in 2024
still better gameplay than sonic 2011
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slendytubbies stream
I've forgotten how sexy deceiver is
Ironically the game filtered ryan because it played more like sonic 1 than a walking sim. And he has never played sonic. Watch the scrap brain segment
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should I be aware of who this is
Doesn't really matter
Whether or not you agree with the sentiment is what matters
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when you post xitter literal who screencaps it does really matter it implies you need your opinion validated by someone with a big following. if he's saying what you're thinking then say it yourself
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is that all of it?
I would make a comic progress joke but this is just sad when the random Twitter faggot can finish a shitty comic yet the head of the community microcelebrity can't
does this count as a win for rightburst
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if this arbitrary garbage is considered a win then revie has like 3 trophies
no because it's chroma's version of apateon's stuff, not something rightburst made himself
he didn't make the comic so no. unofficial art doesn't count
You can really feel the absence of a select few posters on this general recently.
for example?
If you're talking about trannyuko he went to /funkg/ to self spam for 100 or so posts
Please understand he is too busy smoking crack
Though Revie would never draw Faker's comic either, if you think about it this just makes further disappointment as to why can't it EXE's comic be released yet when it's been so long, surely there is more than one panel done right or am i to believe Sarahfag's words?
I sure wonder who
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rayuko status
new Luigikid upload
what was this video, was it just a shitty cover like the silly billy one
>there's fucking Sabotage items on roblox
dear god
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why is this character so popular?
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someone paid 30 bucks
to have this guy on roblox
Toddlers will look at his design and premise and think it's the coolest shit ever
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>40 favorites
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It just keeps getting worse.
Deceiver UGC when?
Given the copious amounts of ERPers and groomers on 'blox, it's bound to happen eventually
that would be hot
bro what
OSF X Roblox UGC when?
I don't know if sega wants their ip being used for profit on roblox without their permission
UGC creators genuinely do not give a shit (and usually upload the hats in pieces as a workaround) and Roblox doesn't either because of the "safe harbor" policy (meaning they aren't legally responsible for it as long as they aren't infringing themselves, SEGA/Nintendo/whatever would be the ones having to file takedowns)
Have you seen the rampant amount of Mario and Sonic UGC shit that is technically "illegal" that gets uploaded there
>>483757183 (me)
And as we know SEGA is usually pretty lax about this stuff, the only noteworthy takedown on Roblox I remember was Eclipse Online and that was because the creator of the game literally tried to meet with a child and got arrested
Fun fact the guy who uploaded the hat also made clothes based on characters from minus8 animations
Should the next thread be valle verde themed to celebrate the new episode?
Seems reasonable
you know what i'm not even shocked that they're a pervert and that could've been implied from the sabo hat alone
it's up

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