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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Crash the Party in Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Squad up for Fortnite Reload!

>Fortnite Festival Season 4 - METALLICA lights up Fortnite!

>Rocket Racing v29.40: Play Two New Epic-Made Tracks!

>Lego Fortnite v30.10 adds Cozy Mode and Expert Mode!

>v29.10 Apr 4 Hotfix Homebase Status Report – Survive the Horde!

>Connect Your Epic and LEGO Accounts, Get a Free Fortnite Outfit!

>Fortnite Crew June - Jing

Last Match:

Don’t Forget to Thank the Bus Driver!
Hola sigma macho
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>Brand New X-Men set in the files
It's not the new Wolverine (Weapon X Set) or Magneto (Magneto Set)
>Codenamed 'ChiefInspire'
Leader of the X-Men
Inspiring of Mutants all around the world

Is it finally his time /fng/?
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Do we trust Nick Baker's leaks? If so, who's next?
MUA3 had some kino character designs but Jim Lee Cyclops with no undies was not one of them
The only time Cyclops looks good with no undies is when i dream about raw dogging him
Otherwise if he cums to Fortnite they should stay on.
Magneto has his undies, so he likely will have them
Oh yeah i just remembered he has a classic style
But then again Epic makes some really retarded design choices like giving us 2 zero point batman skins, a Jonesy Batman (with no underwear) and a fucking DKR live action Batman skin for no apparent reason
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Post yfw: He's watching
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>battle pass is like $10
>1k vbucks is also like $10
>crew is like $12

can i not just sub crew, get the battle pass and 1k, and then immediately cancel? i get $20 of value for $12? am i missing something?
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cheap veebees
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Sorry guys, it's a never ever because Tim himself knows I'd never feel compelled to buy anything else.
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>No OHKO sniper
>Flying around with fists
>Demolishing structures with nitro
>Making buildies seethe with cars
This season was fun while it lasted.
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>am i missing something?
Nah. Crew is a pretty good deal.
I would personally sub to crew towards the end of the current season (sometime after July 16th) so you get the next battle pass as well. And if you want Persephone, sub before August.
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>haven't bought this BP
>haven't played much Festival
>played today and noticed I'm #1 on a song that I shouldn't be (I'm always #2 because my festie is really good)
>realize they removed me
The watcher is just going to be Hope from the future but evil or some shit, I'm calling it now.
can we see him on the map?
Fortnite Reload loot pool

- Ocean’s Bottomless Chug Jug & Burst AR
- Midas’ Drum Gun
- Skye’s AR
- Jules’ Grappler
- Gunnar’s Stinger SMG
- Foundation’s MK-Seven AR
- Slone’s Burst AR

Heisted Weapons:
- Breacher Shotgun
- Accelerant Shotgun
- Explosive AR
- Blink Mag SMG
- Run ‘N’ Gun SMG

- Pump Shotgun
- Tac Shotgun
- Lever Action
- Heavy Shotgun (OG version)
- Ranger Shotgun

Assault Rifles:
- Normal AR
- Hammer AR
- Heavy AR
- Infantry

- Normal SMG
- Tactical SMG
- Stinger SMG

- Bolt Action Sniper
- Hunting Rifle
- Normal Pistol
- Revolver
- Hand Cannon

- Shockwaves
- Grappler
- Crash Pad Jr
- Mythic Goldfish
It's all ass
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She will save Fortnite
none of you better be sleeping on the hand cannon right now
the bloom is actually fucking retarded, you can be flying through the air and it will auto lock on your enemy
Make a straight thread please.
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I really like Jug Band but feel like if I play it people will just ignore me..its not like very cool you know..
You were once vegon, now you will begone
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>4 grey superhero skins rushing me down with shotguns and legendary smgs
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how do you get to replays now?
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Career tab
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>saw the other anon's comment about heisted guns in reload
>thought he was exaggerating
>see this shit
holy fuck I didn't think he meant literally ALL of them could pop out of one chest. did they test this shit at all? is this some weird dev cheat put in by the thirdworlder they outsourced to make this creative map? christ
>eat shit every 0 reloaded match
>do a 0 royale
>win handily
is this the power of engagement based matchmaking
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I don't have one
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>The only time Cyclops looks good with no undies is when i dream about raw dogging him
why are cyclopsfags like this?
I'll Jug Band with you, Anon
nta but put your lobby in battle royale, festival, lego and RR don't show the career tab
Wait does this pack still work with how dailies are set up now?
Why is she so angry?
That's not anger, that's determination
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Raw dogging him with no undies on
I've tried buying this like 10 times already and it keeps saying that the price changed while the item was in the cart
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Whenever I see anyone doing a group emote or a jam circle, I always run over and join them.
But that's just me.
Thanks maybe I'll pick it up..hope I don't look like a loser.
Want to pull down those shorts and eat her pussy with that look on her face
He'll be in the C5S4 Mahvel Battle Pass and you WILL like it
does anyone even fucking like cyclops. dude is so unpopular the fucking hairy manlet has basically taken over the xmen as their figurehead. I swear marvel shit has hit the bottom of the barrel so hard people are starting to hype up shit nobody even cares about
Shes so cute I wonder if the cheeks are touched up here. I'm the same way unless its shout I'm kind of tired of seeing it.
You should play STW. People are pretty friendly and forgiving there as long as you stay away from the Stonewood trade tards.
Do your ever buy skins you never use and if so why?
I've bought skins I've archived immediately for their backblings and harvesters
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>can i not just sub crew, get the battle pass and 1k, and then immediately cancel?
This is the right way to use Crew and you should ALWAYS immediately cancel after subbing
Even if you wanted every Crew skin, you actually get both the Crew skin of the month you paid for when you buy Crew and the next month's skin on the first of that month (even if you already unsubbed). You can get every skin by subbing then immediately unsubbing every two months

Also, if you buy Crew at the end of a season, you get that season's pass (if you already bought it you're refunded 950 V-Bucks) and then get next season's pass, giving you a 2900 V-Buck value for $12

Crew is a genuinely good deal if you're paying attention and don't stay subbed. The "catch" with Crew is that it's a subscription in the first place, so a lot of people do stay subbed and pay $12 every month, giving Epic easy revenue. Some people might even stop playing the game, but they'll have forgotten they're subbed and still get billed every month until they notice the charges on their card. That's the real purpose of Crew from Epic's POV, getting people to buy it for the good value and catching some people in the sub trap. Make sure you unsub.
I've bought a couple because I liked them because I am irresponsible with money

Do I plan to equip Nick Eh 30? No
Why did I buy him? He a cute
>tfw really want Black Panther skin because I think it looks sick on its own without taking into account that its Marvel
I am crying. I can't justify this price tag for other skins in the pack I don't like and won't use ever.
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Wish I was friends with Helsie
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I've yet to see a single person actually like all 3 skins in that pack. they really picked three characters with virtually zero fanbase overlap and expected people to pay thirty bucks for one skin
Is he supposed to be the Beyonder?
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>Raw dogging him with no undies on
how do you see a gigachad like cyclops and your first thought is to bend him over and raw dog him?
find god
What's your IGN?
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fortnite should add a gamemode with RPG mechanics and stats
Jawbreaker and Bundles rot in my locker just because their bundles were cheap. Jawbreaker is kinda cute though, so I might use her eventually, but Bundles? Nah
Clarifying a vague statement on my part, buying Crew to get two passes only works if you haven't bought Crew that season until the overlap period. You only get each battle pass once from Crew, you don't get 950 V-Bucks for subbing two months in one season.
people actually did, it was the fox movies and general logan-masturbation in the 00's that killed him
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Cutie patootie
Raw dogging cyclops with no undies on.
I thought that was a name people spammed to annoy the guy who has it
Uncle Fucker.
he's literally a father you sick fuck
There's no way I'm posting my ign in here, there's too many schizos...
yeah and we went from that to about two decades of fucking nothing with the characters because disney was hell bent on pretending they didn't exist because they couldn't integrate them into their MCU shit. they effectively killed off any potential interest on purpose to spite sony and now they're trying to shill them again
>he doesn't love the idea of turning chads into whores
Yes, it was male skins. I saw everyone using female skins only so I started doing the same because I don't want to stand out and look weird.
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Cute butt
Same. Is there any fix for this?
Goddamn stop fucking spamming this bitch already.
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>furchud is still throwing a melty
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Rawdogging Cyclops in front of Cable who is rawdogged by Wolverine
This is the metaverse Donald wanted
shut your fucking faaccee uncle fucckaaaaaa your the one that fucked your uncle uncle fuckaaaaaaa
I actually like Captain Marvel a lot because she is Superman but female.
However if they release another Cap Marvel skin and she actually has Brie Larson's face this time I'm gonna seethe!
Nothing seems to work. It might be unironically over.
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>And stop lookin' at me with them big old eyes!
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how screwed am i
>does anyone even fucking like cyclops.
scott is literally the best x-men hands down
the only reason "nobody likes him" is because people don't read comics and they only know the x-men through the fox movies which absolutely shat on cyclops and killed him off in order to jerk off wolverine at every opportunity

public opinion has only started to change on cyclops because of x-men 97
I hope next month's Crew male is hot and not in a twink way but bara way and without any sort of stupid tech wear clothes, enough of those.
Additional shotout to say fuck these phase,rimebound, cosmic legacies. These are so terrible. Epic got really lazy with them.
This pairing is so fucking obnoxious.
>male protagonist eroge
I was wondering how I was landing shots with it despite being a terrible aim
probably not!
>Rawdogging Cyclops in front of Cable who is rawdogged by Wolverine
sloppy seconds
Frieza and Cell had no trouble working together in Dragonball GT, canonicity questionable but if we take it as true to their characters they could work with you for mutual benefit
Goku Black is a loose cannon who will get all three of you killed and not care
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Fuck off retard.
>I hope next month's Crew male is hot and not in a twink way but bara way
have we ever gotten a hot bara gaychad approvedcrew skin? i can only think of Wolverine in 2022
>my furryboogiemen!
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>Metallica Festival Pass
>jam tracks
>Pirates of the Carribean mini pass
>upcoming skins
>Katalina, who still isn't in for some reason
I don't have enough vbucks for this shit
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I'm gonna hunt down whoever made my bratwife cry and I'm gonna make them pay!
I hope next month crew is a male so I can skip him and save money.
Despite being downplayed all the time my favourite X man is Beast.
In the end being a genius is a real super power.
He's also handsome
Helsie's boba stained teeth
True. Hank is also handsome.
Don't they switch males and females every month?
Cyclops beating up right wing donald trump voting Maga chuds
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she freaky ahh hell
What are heisted weapons
No cap, he looks just like me.
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the butthurt would be too huge
may as well add this as a jam track at that point
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>that soft tender smirk at the end
God i wish i was Logan, he gets to see that smirk every time he stops to look up when he's going down on him.
They're weapons from C4S1, added during a heist-themed event. They're normal weapons with a passive bonus added while you use them, e.g. the heisted SMG gives you infinite stamina while equipped. You can see what they do in the item descriptions on your inventory page
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this is, much like a majority of recent skins, one of the middest fucking women i've ever seen in a videogame. not ugly, mind you, she beats out the nasty diversity goblinas you'd see in most other major titles nowadays, but she's just so completely devoid of any actual strong sex appeal. I am staring at the female equivalent of white bread. she is a 2000's toyota corolla. she is room temperature. she is the color beige. she is elevator music. the most positive thing I can say about her is theres nothing negative to say and the most negative thing I can say is theres nothing positive to say. she simply just fucking is.
>she is elevator music
F.A.N.G confirmed for the Street Fighter collab part 4
Cyclops is woke liberal and in a polycule. What did you expect?
This general is pure magic because I can read >>483121230 >>483121259 and >>483121298 within sixty seconds of each other. Imagine how bizarre it is to have these drastically different people in one place, the only unifying qualities being they play Fortnite and probably fuck men somehow. This is the sort of magic you can't conjure any place else.
i kinda like it
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Would you buy Howdy Skulls
Still better than Renegade Lynx, Hope, and Machnist IMO. Three of the most mid skins /fng/ has simped for
Reminder Cyclops got turned to Cucklops by the end of the show and there is no comeback from that
>bought syd to use her stuff with RTL
>syds pickaxe rests offset on RTL's hands
epic youre lucky im into collecting cute girls......
>same team lands on us 3 times in reload
>turns out their faggot teammate is solo across the map
I would buy any meowskulls cope, but they ain't making one for some reason.
I think my laptop is too shit to run fortnite anymore bros...
forgot pic
Wow, OG map looks and feels horrendous to play on.
You think slowly turning Helsie into a goblina is an inside joke from a few epic employees?
yep, they got me the brella
absolute chad third worlders
they all consecutively hit the gritty at the end
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What if we crossed the beams
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Sexclops literally banged his GF's clone, got her pregnant, has a time travelling gigachad son and ends up with a hairy Canadian bf and a telekinetic ginger gf sucking his fat schlong every night
he's literally winning
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So the so called Epic employee that was here yesterday really wasn't lying when he said he'll put her into the shop before his vacation
>Circle forces me to rotate into a valley surrounded by sweaty twitch fags hiding in their forts
Ah, just the way Fortnite was meant to be played
well if you havent noticed, its got something to do with the og maps. like its a spirit that haunts the og island or something.
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That literally never happened, schizo
It was me
i have absolutely zero interest in this shitty skin that i was completely oblivious it was back in the shop
all me
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Imagine having a political-hero-complex and being so obsessed with hating Trump and white people that you have to insert your "DIS MAN BAD" obsession into a video game. I think Charlie needs to go outside more. True small dick energy.
Baste fish god
>better than Machnist
Not saying much, she sets a low bar to surpass
whatever this guy said it's based
And then he says to Jean to be strong for Wolverine in the same show Jean has the hotpants for Wolvie lol,cucked beyond dead
This must be the cuck that was supporting amwf shit in the last thread.
The issue with removing public likes is that now these people get to hide like the rats that they are
>small dick
checks out
people who don't like women don't get to judge what normal people like
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No because I dont care for her but I hope she gets a cope for anons who missed her
What do zoomer girls even see in small dicked asians?
and the clone left him, lost his son, and not mentioning the comics where Cucklops literally says with pride to his friends that Wolverine is the side man for Jean while in a relationship LOL LMAO
>muh politics

then you come here to a kids game general to complain about it
my dick
Why is everything covered in coom?
Blame Elon for not being able to keep his powerlevel to himself for that
Of course they don't because normal people like normal shit. People judge you for not being normal.
They got CHROMED
Not much body hair, they don't smell as much as white guys, and other than that idk, anime or kpop something something
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Elon is based. I wish I had a rich dad like him so I could have sex with whoever I want.
ok whats the meta rn to farm gold bars i meed TONS of em

so far rn i just raid cash registers but theres gotta be a better way
I'm homophobic to gay men.
Toss EMP nades into vending machines, wait 2 seconds before every throw. They'll spit out 100-150 bars each time
EMP vending machines and raiding vaults
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>Being 50% elon's genes
>Getting sex
You have better odds winning a game in fortnite
That's not saying much, I'm cracked at fortnite on foenem.
What do you need the gold for?
>/v/ shitter that doesn't even play Fortnite
okay lol
>/v/fag is back because everyone there ignores him
If you are rich you are automatically handsome to women. Simple as.
You act like money isn't what 99% of women want. Elon even got some retarded left wing "artsy" girl to fall for him.
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>pedophile and homo are both satan worshippers
color me shocked
Is Malico the guy who gets worked up over demonic stuff?
Giving gay men rights was a mistake.
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So true, women are simple creatures
why is reload shitting out xp
its like the lego exploit except you actually get to play the game
shhhhh quiet you fool
he also acts really weird towards the women in the discord
Please do Sunspot next.
You're welcome
Expect good things 3 days from now
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Fortnite is a Satanic game. Use of magick, reincarnation, human animal hybrids, humans laying with animals, substance abuse, violence against fellow man etc
Yeah I know, he keeps mistaking them all for marigold. Poor guy just wants to be faithful to his wife but he keeps getting confused
My nigga you had your chances
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Friendly fire malico
Furchuds have you next on their list
>I’m a pedophile but I think I can pass judgment on other’s tastes
vinderanon simply will not have sex with you
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Man, why are Thrash Mountain runs taking so long to do compared to everything else? It feels like you can finish 3 or 4 races in the time it takes to run-through one of these, that's without even considering loadtimes.
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This pic but unironically
to translate to the audience:
the joke is funny because evie spammer is in fact very rude
do i buy shout or lil supercar?
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If RTL is a demon I hope she's a succubus
Where did you get this pic. It's pretty good.
>does anyone even fucking like cyclops
There's a reason why he was the team leader and why he's the one that got to shake hands with Ryu for the Marvel and Capcom crossovers. Cyclops was THE face of the series wherever Wolverine's explosive popularity wasn't exploited, but as >>483120327 put it, Marvel and Disney tried so damn hard to downplay anything but Wolvie that they basically raped the franchise and tried to make Cyclops a shit character.
I bought lil super car. It's fun to drive around and sometimes people will get a car from you, follow you and so on and so forth until there is a conga line.
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I actually figured out why you say that
It's because I dared shit on your queen (male) a singular time in this thread
Sent this samefag into full damage control for multiple threads because vinderanon got BTFO one time and I was there
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can't believe people buy this shit.
how is this damn poster relevant to hating a pedophile
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I'm making some screenies right now
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>When me and my squadmates are about to bash open a loot llama
does lil supercar have no join limit like shout or is it 4 max? i really want an emote like that because whenever i play with my brother an asston of people join his all i do is win emote and that's pretty fun
What's a loot llama?
Keep them coming, your screenshots are my evie copes
He’s actually having a full meltdown over non existent thread “boogiemen”. This is fucking gold
your momma
holy mother of schizophrenia
saying this while using a groomer skin is crazy
He's not using Evie
What genuinely goes thru a troon's brain to think this is even remotely normal or acceptable behavior?
Let alone the financial decisions to actually and unironically spend money on skins of this style and design?
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who must go?
I told all of you he would be an issue when he was avatarfagging as a fucking locker of all things and kept consooming everything but no some of you let him fester in here and now the stink is in the walls
I bought the Hulk Smashers for Iron Man Zero and they do the same thing. The nitro fists attach correctly, why can't they just use those animations for these picks?
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I can't think of any other reason this fag would call me "snarky to every poster" when all I did was post evie screenshots for some shotacon
Conveniently avoided providing proof of such a claim when I asked for it
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You are so stupid it’s not even funny. Are you going to keep blaming everyone for your melties? I’m going back to collecting Ramirez ass pics, I’m out of this retarded thread.
>open thread
>evie homopedo getting bullied
I love /fng/
Sitting in an office all day makes you a lot of money so no one values hard work or the value of the dollar anymore
can you make one with make some waves?
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I already know who's responsible, I don't have to listen to the discord melties
I'm just gonna post more evie screenshots for the guy that asked
I gotta go to bed now, but will tomorrow
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dont worry about it
I think it's unlimited as long as the original emotes stays in car mode. Non owners can spread the emote.
Oh, don't worry. We all love Evie here, we only hate you homo.
thanks anon and good night
who's responsible? is it the secret furcord after you or ths nickcord? is it malico? looooooooling my ass off
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>posts screenshots of a woman
>called a homo
This has to be the most desperate attempt at shitting on me so far
thanks, now i know they're both awesome. just gotta decide now which one to get, car is a bit in the lead since it's also traversal but i like shout song more
Oh my god go to a different board
>everyone is after me
i only saw the 90s cartoon but cyclops is pretty cool. He's got dry sarcastic humor but doesn't always try to get jokes in like Spider-man. Whenever he chooses to make a joke it's usually pretty funny. He keeps a cool head in tense situations but he's still really human, he gets just as mad or upset as anyone else but he lets loose after missions are over not during them. Except if someone is fucking with his GF then he just annihilates them. He's really kind and forgiving to his team members as well, the Cyclops/Wolverine dynamic is great because Cyclops understands that Wolverine needs to let off steam but he'll always come back to the crew. In a lot of ways Cyclops is the ideal man and the ideal team leader.

on another note I think Wolverine's entire appeal is how pathetic he is. A lot of times he's trying to get approval from the other X-MEN but he's too weird and autistic to communicate it. He isn't actually cool, he tries really hard to be. Wolverine's anger stems from either trauma or just his inability to tell people what he's feeling. I forgot what episode it was but when they were reconstructing the school Wolverine was going up to everyone and trying to help them out by giving them unwarranted advice, asking if they needed help, or trying to impress them with a cool trick. they all told him to fuck off and stop being annoying lmao
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Nickcord probably shits on me every now and then, I'm probably their favorite boogieman so far
Really I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the middle of some fag's damage control meltie
The same people in every thread repeating the same narrative, it's either newfags or samefags
Lana is such a cutie
Whenever I see a mending machine I hug her
>Whenever I see a mending machine I hug her
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>They will never make her an official skin
Hey asshole, you keep changing your story up so I’m not sure what you’re trying to pinpoint but vinderposter isn’t even in the nickcord. It’s usually the same 5-6 people talking about the game. Please go get a rope because you’re derailing pest
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>A HUG? From my BFF?! You made me the happiest little llama on this whole island.
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Leave the evie monkey alone squizo, he dindu nuffin
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I know it's not you, I said that already
You guys were the ones who doxxed me for no reason though, so go fuck yourself
Anyone play that Deadlock game? This shit feels so generic it might as well be something made in creative mode.
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Not only that we also have 3 avatarfags and 2 schizos, good thing is nobody is engaging with them since everyone is playing Reload, also fuck the guy who designed Seek & Destroy for lead
evie combo idea
Someone post some clips of NickEh30 that'll convince me to buy his skin

I kinda wanna but I need to know if he's cool or not. I need the fun stuff like Ninja going unhinged after getting emoted on
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Nickcord ain't sending their best men to prove that they "aren't engaging the schizo"
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Give her a Yes Man-esque bulky android body with a screen for a head. Now is the perfect season for it
yeah he is the one who got BTFO’d go look in a mirror
>I already know who's responsible
this is pathetic but i will still interact because its hilarious

Gonna hunt down all the black skins with him
>it’s not the Nickcord but it is
Make up your mind
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Ramirez mating dance
I'm not reading all that schizocollage shit, sorry it happened or happened for you I guess.
Sexo with rtl
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>this is pathetic but I will still interact because it's hilarious
Aren't you a little obsessed? Do you like vinderanon?
Right now it is, it's pretty obvious
Different people at different times
If you guys really didn't care you would just stop engaging and I would keep posting evie screenshots with no text
Someone report this faggot for avatarfagging
on it
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>Sexo with rtl
Can't argue with that desu
why is evie a groomer skin now? I really like her dress style even though i don't have her cuz i'm a latelet
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this but marigold desu
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Why do you hate evie bro. I am enjoy his images.
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It wasn't an avatarfaggot until I was doxxed
It's hilarious how this narrative was created without my involvement whatsoever
Because people started calling her a groomer whenever I posted screenshots, and within a singular thread it became a boogeyman
Okay pablo
>It wasn't an avatarfaggot until I was doxxed It's hilarious how this narrative was created without my involvement whatsoever
You are in almost every thread being obnoxious
>Because people started calling her a groomer whenever I posted screenshots, and within a singular thread it became a boogeyman
And you are know blaming your fetish on other people
This is already a legendary thread
evie is a decent skin but this autist is ruining her with his bullshit spam desu
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>Because people started calling her a groomer whenever I posted screenshots
That's hot tho. Really hot. Evie is a p word that relieves little boys of their burdensome v cards.
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>You are in almost every thread being obnoxious
Here's this again, literally never happened before I was doxxed and everyone started getting pissed when I posted an evie screenshot
Keep repeating the same narrative
>posting a discord name is doxxing now
Ok Paul
>evie is a decent skin
Evie is a gorgeous skin. Very well designed, she no fluff, filler, or stupid after effects. Her beautiful simple design is peak.
I want Wandafag back, this guy is 3 times as bad
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It literally is. I don't know how mindrotted you have to be to not understand a basic rulebreak.
that's a shame, spamming is always annoying but somehow it happens in all the generals
NTA but quite literally you have been a perpetual spammer and antagonizer in fng for the longest time and now it’s starting to show how tired of it most of us are
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If you didn't want to force an identityfag out of me then you shouldn't have
You guys call this "spam" but you're the ones currently engaging with me
I literally haven't been posting screenshots for more than a few weeks, and I was barely an antagonizer aside from shitting on vinderanon once. I don't know even know where this headcanon comes from.
bro my discord account
i just want to talk about this game with this guy ruining it
>he thinks that we are stupid enough to believe that he hasn’t been around for ages, causing half the general’s problems
I still dont know who this Wanda character is or was.
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>RTL in the item shop for 6 days
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>says the faggot who is purposefully engaging
Now you're just shamelessly painting me as a boogieman that doesn't exist
>Because people started calling her a groomer
Dont do this its embarrassing. Own up that this is you posting this crap at least, jesus
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are there any cute marvel heroines left to be in the next pass? only marvel character i'm familiar with is spiderman but sadly i missed him
Evie sucks BBC and his tword poster cries about it
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>Own up that this is you posting this crap at least, jesus
It's me posting screenshots, some other anon came up with the shota headcanon
You people just randomly painted me as the culprit
Lmao, nice self-report
Here's your boogeyman that's been shitting up the general for multiple years
exactly this kind of shit is what they are talking about. im not allowed to complain about your flooding without you getting offended
>captcha KYSG08
He's a fucking nuisance that constantly spams about how inadequate he is at playing the game, making 3D renders, etc. Posts with the same few pictures of Raiden, Persona girls, and X-Men Revolution Rogue. Never reply to him as you won't get anywhere, he doesn't listen to any feedback, and he endlessly whines until someone shits on him then he tries to throw a hissyfit. Not sure if he has a humiliation fetish or what. Best thing to do is to not give him any attention.
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>some other anon came up with HAHA LITTLE BOYS
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I'm hardly flooding, I'm just responding to the people who respond to me
If you want it to stop, then just don't respond
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What does any of this have to do with Fortnite?

Fuck these cunts. Did any of you do the dumb concert? Was it fun? It felt way too short but I do want that vehicle so currently grinding out Rocket Racing shit.
I didn't know RTL was chill like that
>stop talking to me it’s only ok when I project my shortcomings
it's my first one and i thought it was pretty fun but a bit short. got the car from rocket league so i'm just enjoying reload now
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I can't be fucked for any of the Metallica shit, I don't have any attachment to them. I got the contrail though since I didn't have any electric contrails and the music is fun. I hope more contrails in the future get music.
are you going to say “who” is after you yet?
thats not a succubus, thats a furry
still totally gonna drain you though
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You literally cannot help yourself but respond, but you continue to complain about "wanting to talk about the game"
You don't have get uppity every thread when you see evil ol' Evieposter
I already posted who, if you want to provide any more information about me and my antagonistic tendencies I'd be grateful
>he doesn’t give an answer
full not cropped one for those interested
>he ignores the answer because he knows it's him
Ban this avatarschizo already
samefags the same way every thread lmao
go back to the sharty faggot
whats wrong with slone?
From what i’ve been reading this guy has blamed 7 different groups of posters for his problems. He’s being cryptic on purpose so just ignore him
My teammates are retarded.
>Let me rush towards a full squad and give away our position even though two of our members dead.
How'd you find it
im meant like a link not some artist sueudonym that doesnt come up on search results
it literally does you tech illiterate fucking retard
i want the link give me the link
is july crew skin going to be a summer one like breezabelle last year?
It's Persephone, no?
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it's Persephone
o yeah i forgot it's her i'm retarded, sorry anons. i like her a lot, really hoping august is something cool as well since i'm gonna wait it out to double dip battlepasses.
so I guess the best way to rack up 1500 vbucks for cheap is to buy the pass (1000 + the ones from reward) as opposed to just buying 2000 vbucks
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no worries, hope you enjoy her!
thanks, you too if you're subscribing for her. she's probably my favorite crew skin since i stsrted playing in og season
cheapest way would be to buy crew after july 19th so you get 1k vbucks and 2 bps from it if you don't mind waiting
it's mostly for getting steve, since his skin usually ranges around 1500~1800
>Off model
take it easy
he's cool and i think he'll be 1500 for the bundle since he doesn't have styles aside from the hat and shades toggle. if he's more you can still just get crew since it's a better deal than just buying 2k vbucks. it sucks that it's still jing though since he'sa pretty bad skin imo
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i need Helsie on my account
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fellow Epic executives, hear me out. what if we introduce Battle Passes of Battle Passes, meaning there's now Battle Pass chains and Battle Trees, that way people can grind to increasingly rare and former limited skins... or they just give their credit card numbers haha

one example would be a global "Fortnite Forever" mega-battle pass that spans the history of Fortnite across the chapters and seasons, unlocking earlier battle passes as you go, which can also unlock additional battle passes or even choices of which battle pass chain/tree you want to unlock. actually doing any of this without paying would be increasingly and utterly time-consuming beyond measure, but what else do gamers have going for them. oh, and more collabs with Disney characters as we hopefully secure collabs with Nintendo to cement our place as the most family-friendly yet addictive IP imaginable. thoughts?
>stw is being added to UI as a compatibility flag for cosmetics
>new hero is added last patch
Holy shit, is Donald Mustard's replacement going back to STW?
cutest skin??
how do you get ranked rewards I did a match with friends and a fill slot and it didn't count any of the rings towards the ranked quests. Are they solo only or something?
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>Game mode slapped together in a weekend has several times more players than a billion dollar metaverse
woah it's almost like people want to play Fortnite and not Minecraft or Guitar Hero within Fortnite
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>Everyone is playing the NEW THING and the OLD THINGS have less player numbers
Oh wow really?
What's the best tycoon map?
Lego Fortnite launches in such a barebones state, that's what hurt it the most. If they launched it how it is now with enough content to be okayish, it would have survived and thrived.

At this point the most I'm excited for new lego content is if the rumored Lego Rock Band option becomes real
Unironically Waifu Tycoon
somewhat hot girl with tummy, shorts AND she actually has a butt?
is fortnite back?
how come i dont see anyone use the metallica skins from the pass and only the shop
do people dislike festival that much?
i've seen a good amount of them, especially pass james
why are zoomer men like this?
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love her <3333
I thought if you buy crew mid-month you'll get two months
yeah you'll get jing and persephone if you sub right now
I'm greatly enjoying Reload. Was even able to win four times just by playing with randos. It's not a LTG is it?
More likely this will be the end of new cosmetics working in StW, something they said would happen eventually all the way back in C2S3
permanent mode
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We don't know yet. It will be here for the rest of the season at minimum and they ddin't announce an end date, but it could be an extended LTM like Imposters was.
This ruins Meow Skullz for me.
Probably that. They once claimed that The Combine creative map will be part of the "core mode" before removing it eventually.
all the futa porn ruined her for me
what is currently the hardest song in the festival on all instruments?
Wasn't advertised as an LTM but as a new mode.
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This retard doesn't even have the decency of brushing the fursuit, I hate negligent mediocrity, I hate negligence in general, people just don't care to do shit.
I don't have her
I NEED cruelty squad in fortnite...
so funny that everything has playtime XP except for rocket racing and battle royale
actual subhumans
>no playtime xp for rocket racing
>they actually increased the grind to get xp in the mode in general
What the fuck are they thinking?
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>1hko snipers
>buildlets posts a clip of himself killing an AFK player with absolutely no shame
just another day on /fng/
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well damn, reaper 2.0 here we come
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Based Charlie

fuck yeah

I kept getting people in Reload who leave after their first death, like come on bruh.
they aren't
there is literally not a single functioning neuron between all the people in charge of the game right now
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Who is the orange man bad insert? Jonesy? Megalo Don?
what the fuck does RTL mean?
Rock The Lodge
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I HATE snipers, now I gotta deal with these assholes killing me from across the map, damn it!
Retail version
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Disgusting. Buy her NOW.
>Who is the orange man bad insert? Jonesy? Megalo Don?
Neither and none, Geno is the main bad guy (and still relevant since ageless exists and the shapeless man is likely him)
Based JonesyGOD
Why didn't we get St. Anger?
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This, but unironically
rent free, furchads are innocent
it's a black woman though
Darude Sandstorm.
I'm 100% serious.
i am mad about the shark because it should have been my fort wife in a one piece
Is this a good pickaxe for Midas or should i wait for another cooler one? Pure gold pickaxes seems to be scarce
>American comic pupblishers are surprised that no one read their comics anymore
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You could wait for marigold's daggers
the handles arent gold though
do you have the golden shark pickaxe from the ascendant midas ltm?
The problem is that americans are cantering to an audience that doesn't exist.
Manga and anime are shit too but the japs are capable of keeping their industry afloat thanks to hot female characters.
bro bought an account for midas and has nothing with it lmao
latefags are somethin else
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Just got this one
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neither was midas's own harvester.
oof don't really know then. the gold crowbar is cool but it's locked to a 1.2k vbuck bundle and the handle isn't gold either. i don't think the gold chow one fits him though
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>bro bought an account for midas
what? its summer midas
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Rigger Tigger Ligger
Congrats, bro
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Its not lore accurate
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Imagine how sweaty, animalistic and cute the sex would be.
they don't have that harvester.
No one is buying an account for Midas, retard.
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my wife
do you have this one? would fit well imo
stop spamming waifufag
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the fuck you mean not lore accurate? Midas never had any issues controlling his gold touch before the retcon in chapter 5.
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Then why is he mad here
Why is your wife wearing that? Is she trying to seduce other men with her cleavage?
Don't forget to watch over your wife, anon.
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I mean, looks like the default midsummer Midas pickaxe https://fortnite.gg/cosmetics?id=5093
>Muh Fortnite lore
Go buy a comic book nerd
Based loading screen.
Father/Daughter incest is underrated.
why would i do that, i dont like capeshit
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the ruby guy never recovered from this image
no thanks. the fortnite marvel comics are ass.
They made a Fortnite lore comic book and it got so much lore wrong that it did irreversible damage to the continuity of the setting, something already loose to begin with
oh true but i dunno if he got the bundle and that one was free from ranked
stop engaging the bot
Youre replying to me, kek
i got the bundle
I would if the mods did their job. At this point I can't bring my self to care anymore.
o my bad. that one fits him well imo even if it's not full gold so you can use it until something better gets into the shop. maybe try nishas second style rapier since it's black and gold as well
lel fortnite lore is kino
I am poor
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She'll be fine, she's not trying to seduce anyone. It gets hot in the wasteland
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>there's porn of the Lego version of RTL
But why
I can get her for you if you'd like?
>lego porn
There's some good Cerberus/Meow Skulls Lego porn, too.
Wait until you see Minecraft has tons of porn. So does Roblox.
the black girl with covered up tattoo
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>got so much lore wrong
like what, specifically?

>but she's just so completely devoid of any actual strong sex appeal
I know what you mean and you're kinda right but personally for me I'm guilty of falling for zoomer girl makeup I don't know why yes I know I'm autistic but I can't control it or help it.
I hate that I laughed like a fucking retard
waifuspammers ruined fortnite
It's so hard to take this shit seriously when fucking spiderman is just there.
waifufags are here since the dawn of this general
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Nghh Lego RTL sexo...
Me whenever I'm in a heated match and Spiderman is just there.
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Waifucels literally keep the game afloat. Just like anime and gacha.
>sweat combo will stay on the shop for a whole fucking week
>double agent bundle vanishes overnight
Who cares? RTL is here, she's the only skin currently worth buying.
shut up furfag falseflagger
So what world is Jonesy even from anyway?
Is he from the StW universe? Is that why he doesn't show up in the plot there?
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>like what, specifically?
Let's see off the top of my head

>jones somehow thought gunnar was geno which makes zero sense
>the devourer was a random fucking dinosaur
>Mecha strike commander from the event being replace with Mecha team leader for some reason
>expect people to believe Singularity and Original Paradigm weren't always the same person before the shit "misdirection" retcon
>Ingame Imagined spends all of chapter 3 season 1 defending Paradigm but calls her a traitor randomly in the comics

This is not me being obsessed with fortnite lore than it is them being really damn inconsistent post chapter 2.
hey isnt using those discord api bots bannable
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Not him but why falseflag? Being positive about RTL makes it more likely for Epic to make more skins like her
i just got my rewards and got out, too many sweats and twitch streamers atm
no why the fuck would it be
isn't there a thing in the ToS about using external tools
It's not exactly safe but I supposed it's safer than say loading into an unreleased LTM mode to pick berries for XP
I used it to get Tidy when it was in the shop for like half an hour and my account is fine
>shack: built
>jump pad: placed
>volume: muted
>jiggler: jiggling
>twitch drops: collecting

Yup, time to play Fortnite
pretty sizeable load, wish i could get turned on like that again.
I can't keep up with these damn creative warrior kids man...
Reload (Millenials Only) when
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I hope this helps
if discord was an external tool everyone would be banned you dumbfuck
use a little common sense before asking stupid questions again, pal
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how many people just got her?
Based RTL
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This is my wife!
my fav look for her, the hair reminds me of rei
Festival Pass also pays itself back?
lmao even
He's a funny friend
Meh. I'm saving my vbucks for future anime girls.
no but its worth it cuz its Metallica :)
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I love this emote. It's simple, cute and sexo.
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this is my wife
I want to say yes, I would like to say yes, if you are so generous and kind
I already added people who can buy skins for me to my friend list but I feel to embarrassed to ask for anything from them, I am not good a socializing
Can you give me hint of who you are anon? because I am almost sure I already have you on my friendlist
I really just wanted Greeny
Ride The Lightning
I want a mini-peely pet like the gingerbread one. But current Epic would never.
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Metallica loves (You)
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You gotta suspend your disbelief somewhat, I will admit not everything Donny wrote was fire but the events and storytelling of the game has been solid overall. If there was a Fortnite movie it could be Jonesy joining IO then leaving joining the Seven, fighting Geno at the end to free everyone from the Loop. I would have preferred if everything happened in game personally, like skyfire event. So I don't mind them and Geno returning for that classic story to continue. I like it when they bring back old characters.

Basically, it is what it is. There is no consistency with the lore things just happen, turn your brain off and enjoy the fun.
do you get anything for playing the metallica map? if not I'm not bothering.
Why doesn't Peely have his own rarity? Slurp has a rarity, but no Nana?
I hope they will take into account the desire of a few anons here, me included, who want Polar patroller to return.
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>Can you give me a hint of who you are
I drive.
>There is no consistency with the lore things just happen,
But things were consistent if if they were loose. Just looks at the batman comics. They explained stuff without screwing up anything we already knew. Why couldn't the marvel ones do that?
Does James love me personally? Always knew he was a fudge packer. Dave would never say some zesty shit like that btw.
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Only if it can go towards saving the polar bears, or do you only care about furfaggatory?
Reload The Luger
based retard
The design for the Master of Puppets is top notch
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yeah the way they tell the story was messed up after chapter 3 but there were some seasons out of order behind the scenes. I also prefer when they stick to one storyline to follow and add stuff in game that furthers it, thats the way it should be. The amount of story stuff in game has gotten less and less every season. It has always kinda been a loose setting for the season, but people really appreciate when they put story and character stuff in, it adds a lot. Like Oscars dialog about the society isn't much but it's something to explain what happened.
This glider is nice for RTL
>Season that kind of focused on Jonesy
>0 Jonesy voice lines
>Season where Jonesy fucks off
>Voice line quest
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>haven't touched BR fills since chapter 2 season 7
>want that brella

Maybe things have improved since then....
Wow won my Rezzbrella and reached level 100 in the same game!
and how much is the PotC pass anyways? 1000?
discord (for communication) and discord (api bot that actually interacts with your game) are kinda different though
There's so much purple and pink shit in the game, making sets for her is really fun
I prefer this one
Jonesy is not the main character anymore.
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He got a badass loading screen this season.
I have him already but I hope he comes back for you guys! Hope he gets a Grizzly and Panda style

>that one new cel shaded panda bear character might come to shop before Patroller does
Hope has been a complete non character for two full seasons.
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She's been present in every trailer in every season of chapter 5.
>mfw all I do is rig cars and doorways with remote explosives now
>They explained stuff without screwing up anything we already knew. Why couldn't the marvel ones do that?
Fun Fact: Both of the Fortnite DC and Marvel comics we're written by the same guy
>yeah the way they tell the story was messed up after chapter 3 More like Chapter 2
wow I guess that makes fishstick the main character
shut the fuck up
wait c4 is back? KINO ALERT! KINO ALERT!
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mmkay, Hopecel
Jonesy is still main protagonist, always will be.
She's his sidekick
more like his side piece
is there a list of all the game changes this update?
Latest patch Notes
-Fun Removed
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sex with RTL
fishstick, peely and Jonesy are mascot characters for fortnite
Jonesy is also the main character of the "story" and hope is just the newest side character in Jonesy's wacky adventures
Fuck it I think I will do it and simply buy that pack with Black panther. The skin is just too damn good and I say it as someone who is not into capeshit.
It's like a premium gimpsuit to dab on all those gimp suit fags
how does supercharged xp work? 2 days ago it was active for like 7 levels worth. today I get 1 tick of xp from afk and it's gone right away
I think supercharged is only for a couple levels after you dont play the game for a couple days to help people catch up
this but I'd add Meowscles, Ramirez/Headhunter, Midas to the list of icon characters.
yeah I just listed the 3 biggest ones
>Every time you thrust into her
I'd add Beach Jules feet to my daily diet.
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yeah, he's damn good...
wakanda foreva!
Holy fuck that's a lot of challenges for the Metallica racing event
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What do you think is under the costume?
Im only gonna do 5 to get the wheels and then not touch the mode anymore personally
Put it on loop and this is accurate RTL sex.
Me. I've been waiting for her, Sunspot, and Remi. As well as Carefree. And seeing as there has been repetitive slop in the shop for months and suddenly she's in I'm hoping the shop is healing and Sunspot might come back through.
Why it's my wife, of course.
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I hope they get rid of projectiles and bring back hitscan on OG2
Mythic goldfish is soooo funny, I never saw it during Chapter 2 so it was a delight to get one in Reload
my bro logged into rocket league and got the car + another one. might be worth if u wanna save some time, still have to do quests for decals
oh I already have the car and the decal is cool but you need to do like all the quests to get it and they take forever
I can't get a win in RELOAD :(
I can't even play it unless I want to waste my time fighting squads as a solo :(
Oh, I know who you are but I never added you, should I post my id?
yeah it's pretty tough anon...I had to get carried :(
If you ping tilted in a pug squad I'm dodging. You're not that good and/or lucky. Call me a rat but I would like to gear up before fighting my ass off
the quests are here until August 16 but even as someone who enjoys Rocket Racing I don't see myself playing that much
>t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQvBEtLq72s
I think it's a fun mode, but also difficult because if you keep landing the same spot people can camp you and then take your loot and it can be hard to make a comeback. It's better than floor is lava at least and the OG stuff is super nostalgia.
I've gotten a few wins now, I play ZB mode.
I like that it makes the shit loot viable again like mini shields, etc and gun rarity matters because theres no op mythics.
horrendous misfire
It's a lot harder than winning normally because of the circumstances. Not only are you entirely reliant on how competent your teammates are, but you also have to account for the general nature of an LTM where everyone is playing like there's a big cash prize on the line. You can very easily find yourself extremely fucked over by finding completely garbage weapons or not having any shield pots or medkits, or if your teammates are selfish. You'll also find yourself at a massive disadvantage if you lose out on the high ground.
>Fortnites senior developer is seething on Twitter because they fucked up and released Sparrow early
Maintain high ground
Use your mic to keep your teammates in check
Use portaforts if in ZB
I see discordchads winning again
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TND Warrior is here to save OG Reload.
Jonesy fucks with ebony queens and he brings henny to the cookout tho
So far I've only played random fills hand have had fun. gotten a couple wins too. it is very hit or miss tho
why the fuck would they add pirates to the game and then not sell it for a whole month? I get they're going on vacation but this is next level paypig cucking
Why don’t they just actually remove it instead of hiding it, are they stupid?
Ruby with purple lipstick
Someone tell him to blame his incompetent dev team instead
Me neither I get close with randoms but choke at 2nd place. Fun mode though it probably saved the season
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>playing reload with random fills
>one guy pings tilted while everyone else pings and drops pleasant park
>the tilted guy lands alone and dies there immediately
>leaves without rebooting
why are they like this
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they were playing to win, you were playing to not lose
It was probably some 9 year old kek
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I guess he got tilted
Yeah that's me, what about it? Reload got bugs in it anyway so if we're playing to win then why go after the heist chests or something
At this point I'm convinced it's literal fucking children. It makes zero fucking sense to drop in at the hottest spot on the map and expect to take it, but these dumbasses do it anyway so they can pretend like they're Chug Jug With You.
your wife smells
ohhh I wanna do it so bad but ohhh I dont wanna risk a ban...
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He was playing to live. You were playing to not die.
How could you possible get ban for that you dumbfuck. You really think Epic is gonna ban thousands of accounts? They’re clearly not gonna do fucking shit if one of the literal devs of the game is whining about how he wants people to stop. If they were actually gonna ban people he wouldn’t be saying anything like that. Use your brain you fucking retard
I thinks there's a decent sized population of illiterate children playing that don't have the patience or awareness to realize they respawn in 30 seconds so they just quit and queue up again
To the anon who bought me Exo stranger
Thanks but you dont even reply to me anymore
Very cold
You unadded me, does this not mean you don't want to speak anymore?
Tim Sweeney
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I unadded you because I am not playing aymore
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Hope song is catchy
So they’re gonna fix her smile right? Clearly bugged?
No the creepy smile is how she originally looked. Did they screw up add and it back?
oh god they made her brattier
Holy fuck is the new mode fun.
Extremely sweaty tho feels like there is no SBMM
You were talking about how you were playing battle stage for like a whole week after though?
LTMs never have SBMM
how does interacting with discord allow this at all, im so confused
discordgods run fortnite
show respect
isn't it permanent?
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Yeah but right now its uninstalled
Your ark picture thing...
I dont enjoy the game that much anymore
Theres nothing inside I can call fun
It’s fun but I’m glad there are some more modern guns in there like the hammer AR and the stinger SMG because I am sick of the OG lootpool. I honestly think I might stick with BR for a while as I like the lootpool there right now.
honey pot
do not redeem
We don't know. It's probably gonna be like the Imposters mode where it's gonna stay up for months before being removed.
Never really played squad based fortnite before, I'm fascinated at how people manage to somehow be bad at reviving
>I am sick of the OG lootpool
I agree
but hitscans make it all worth it.
>Literally on the ground next to both my teammates
>Neither of them bother to pick me back up despite the revival timer being halved
lel it looks like an AI animation
or bad at healing when I throw healing items at their fucking feet but they keep running around with like 50 health and no shields
Well did you finish any of the renders you were working on?
Kinda wanna get Wrecker, he's cool Jonesy. But also wanna save for new skins coming. would be a decent cope if we don't get Vault suit skins
Yeah if you're not full premade you're most likely getting a 11yo shitter who will leave instantly after being knocked out...
while the enemy teams are 4 ttv gimps...
Save. Jonesy gets enough skins. You won’t use it more than a few times.
I had two kids on open mics in my last game and they weren't worse than other randoms desu
The one other guy was more competent but ultimately more harmful to us because they tried to solo after the revives went off instead of keeping the team alive.
You don't have to post it if you don't want to. My IGN is in the corner of the pic in the linked post, you can send an invite.
Why is Birthday Ramirez not a skin in BR. I have her in StW and I want to be her in BR god damn it Epic
Did you see some
I love Evie
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>How could you possible get ban
They put out a temp ban the last time people used Discord bots (read: out of game third party resources) to circumvent game systems. That time it was to quick-complete all the Milestones for a ton of EXP, but fundamentally this scenario is the same. They could hand out bans and be totally justified.
TL;DR: It's a bot that is running code on your Fortnite executable.
It could run a code to purchase something in the shop right now. Sparrow is in the shop right now, he's just hidden for some ungodly reason, so this bot is just running a code to purchase him.
how did this thread get to almost 700 so fast?
but its a dead game, twitter told me so
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the shop bots are different than the ones that got banned.
they aren't gonna ban all these people also
when tidy got put in and then hidden from shop I used the bot and it was fine, its not a big deal.
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when is he dropping
Post epic id
in my bed lel
Completely different scenario you’re describing
what if she kicked me in my balls and stomped on me while I'm on the ground in pain haha
Things rarely get me as angry as [current young generation] calling the games they don't like "dead", they get tired of playing something and instantly say it is dead, it is so extremely retarded, these idiots need to say stupid shit in order to feel better about themselves.
Fucking sheep brain retards, normalfags are beyond salvation.
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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: TIME TO LOCK IN! 2024 FNCS Major 3 Open Qualifier 2 starts now in Europe! Earn the Swirly Complex Emoticon by watching for 30 minutes.

Fortnite Competitive Website: https://watch.fortnite.com
I don't want that troll doll shit in my locker
Think the API said something like 3 weeks
I saw Malico use this skin with a star wand in my reload lobby
the internet has single handedly shown me that most people do not deserve the right to vote
what im saying is an absolute slippery slope, i get it
but there are so many "i dont experience that so its not a problem" type retards that cant imagine other people having experiences that its shocking
the fuck am i gona do with an emote that is slightly cock eyed
fuck that

these things were cool when they gave out actual rewards like the youtube wrap years ago
This modern generation truly has no idea what dead is.

Back in the 360 days, I was playing Team Fortress 2 on fucking console with an average daily playerbase of 150. Most of us congregated on two servers and had plenty of fun with the barebones game we were given by Valve.
>slippery slope
I don't see it.
It's more just like they never finished growing up.
You develop object permanent as an infant.
You develop imagination as a child (some fail here).
You develop empathy as a teenager (many fail here).
And it's not even a matter of "the Internet made them dumber or stunted their growth" because shit like this has happened all throughout history. All the Internet does is make it more tangible on a greater scale.
he's weeks away supposedly so just be sure to save up.
why did fortnite stop making toys but still make wraps and sprays? The toys were way better and usable.
Oh thanks. would have missed this.
Because they'd covered all the major toys they could make.
Everything else would just be a reskin at this point.
They can't make weird RC toys because people would cry about pay to win cosmetics or some stupid shit.
>complaining about free stuff
>This modern generation truly has no idea what dead is
I think this specifically applies to Fortnite zoomers who ONLY play Fortnite. I’ve seen people losing their minds all over the internet, including here, when Fortnite drops below 1,000,000 concurrent players. Meanwhile Street Fighter 6 breaking 60,000 on steam was a huge deal and seen as a massive win.
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Man I sure love not being able to pick your dailies anymore
yeah cause the free stuff used to be good in the free to play game
hey driveranon, aprilanon you added 5 days ago here, could you gift me rtl instead since she returned first? sorry for troubling you
And that is a pretty rancid lineup.
Thankfully, opponent challenges work on NPCs and you can just tag the boss and run away.
I hope when they add unmasked RTL she's just [SPOLIER]Syd with purple hair[/spoiler]
team rumble for the bottom 2
is it just me or are people a lot better in the reload mode? been having a lot of fun with it but the last few squads are always so good
sbmm isn't enabled on reload
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Kill yourself.

The only alt RTL should be getting is a futa version.
Me too. These can actually all be done in one game which is all I have time for.
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No problem, dude.
How sad is it people have to be like "Sorry I can't come see you in the hospital grandma i need to attend the fortnite concert in fortnite"
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name 5 times this happened
>get megalo don coin
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>in the hospital
skill issue
i dont think you understand
its fucking metallica
grandma can wait, i'll see her in heaven one day (or hell if the muslims were right)
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I now realize ive never been to a fortnite concert
Want to go to a charli xcx one irl ngl
Im still working on stuff
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Which one is the better coomer approved emote?
she the
she a bad lil she a rebel
i can go
with the flow
what is she doing to that amogus
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I didn't wish to be reminded that this abomination exists.
savage, it has face animations too
macarena ain't bad either
thank you so much broski
I never heard the song at the time so I thought she was saying "she the shit" lol
Good, keep it up and best of luck.
Does anyone here has both Black panther and RTL?
Can you show how does Black panther looks like with RTL claws pickaxe?
You really are cold
The love is gone
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but she cute tho
wish we could turn back time
getting mixed receptions here, i only have 500 vibbies bros
Gifted a friend rtl even though she doesn't really play fortnite much. She just saw the skin and wanted it. Do I want to get her too or do I want Jack?
honestly the Metallica one is underwhelming, especially if it’s your first concert
feel the flow has better coom movement all around
I liked it a lot I wasn't expecting rocket racing, platforming, a boss fight, and grinding. I thought it was just going to be like standing around in a room while music plays like with Gen Hoshino or somethin
You were very happy when you were improving on your blender skills and I'd like for you to keep doing that. It's good for your mind and soul to not only be productive but to grow and expand your capabilities. Do you not want to do it?
feel the flow has nice dance animation at least
nothing wrong with having priorities
>what im saying is an absolute slippery slope, i get it
No, it had been said again and again over the times, around 80% of people are stupid, soulless, hollow, lacking imagination and inner voice, just doing what everyone else is doing, just cattle. That alone is one of the pillars of the Jewish ideology, governing over the cattle and using them as a resource.
I am sure it is pure virtue signaling, they say it to show others how "I am better that these people because I don't play that dead game, that dead game is trash, I play [alive game] which is better"
>This modern generation truly has no idea what dead is.
I kept playing Battlefield 2 when the game got delisted by EA and they tried closing the unofficial servers too, the game was totally playable, and at night peaking more than 500 players and it was way more than enough, having 5 full servers was more than what a player would need to have fun.
Even using GameSpy and GameRanger to find servers was a common thing back then, I miss games being seen as entertainment instead of a "social hub".
>Meanwhile Street Fighter 6 breaking 60,000 on steam was a huge deal and seen as a massive win.
Fighting games are niche and they should stay as a niche genre, stuff that goes too popular gets simplified, fighting game autism is sacred, one of the last communities that refuses to change, like the Counter Strike community.
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What do I need to do yo activate codes from other countries? Is it just a matter of running a VPN when redeeming or do I also need to change the country of my Epic and Xbox accounts?
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For me, it will always be this little dude. Changing his colour to whatever rarity of the item you picked up is a really nice touch.
why do so many people want to drop to the center of the map
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anyone else remember when if you had a squad mate in the car, being an enemy in the passenger seat was the safest place to be possible because you couldnt shoot through windows of friendly cars?
still hate that shit, glad thats gone. i feel like sometimes epic just drops the goddamn ball on mechanics, this was so stupid
>Hope cope in the form of an anthro-fied catgirl Hope never ever
hush's right bun here kina looks pussy-ish
i wanna have sex with it
damn, batman fucked THAT??
Hush is so sexy
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>hush's right bun here kina looks pussy-ish
I see it lmao
me too
in BR? no idea there's nothing there
in reload? it's fun and there's no downside because you just come back
Then your entire squad gets wiped out like the retards they are and you're forced to lobby
"then" you mean 10 minutes into the match? who cares
what is this from
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savage and macarena
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Reload is a better gameplay loop because it removes the downsides of landing someplace, being unlucky, getting shot in 5 seconds by whoever picked up the only gun in a mile radius and having to requeue for several minutes (it's not like anyone is going to grab you card half the time.) It's better designed than default BR/ZB right now, doubly supplemented by weapons being simple yet having niches.
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Do they ever plan to tell what's to special about hope or will they just continue to string people along?
You know the answer
>what's to special about hope
she will be forgotten after the chapter ends because fortnite has no story and anyone who still believes otherwise is a retard
I kinda think this mode is a water test for it

But I don't like it because you have to be hyper aggressive as shit to full squad wipe, and people landing across the whole map actually have an advantage because of the squad wipe mechanic
The inherit issue with Reload is that it puts you at an enormous disadvantage when you die. You're basically left stranded with no shields and no good weapons, and you can get looped into dying over and over again.
>have an advantage
Until you remember they respawn with no shields and only a grey assault rifle and have to re-gear after every death.
As long as you actually babysit their loot piles, the respawns aren't very useful.
I’m not sure I agree. I feel like there’s a point in the match where no one is dying for like 5-6 minutes and you’re just waiting for the reboots to deactivate so you can actually wipe people out.
Did you know that sharks have two penises?
Then land somewhere else dumbass
>people landing across the whole map actually have an advantage because of the squad wipe mechanic
This is less of an issue because your grey assault rifles aren't going to defeat whatever loot the actually-winning team is accumulating through momentum. You can scavenge death drops or whatever chests remain (which will decrease with time) so it isn't totally hopeless, but if you try to game the system by dying and redeploying with your shitty grey rifles you'll get smoked.
has to be one of the worst skins ever added
If only there were loot piles across the whole map from all the deaths
I think it needs a Survival Bonus for the players that make it to the reboots disabled phase without dying. Like +1 rarity to your weapons or something.
Otherwise it is very fun.
i like it but fags and furniggers ruin everything
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>you have to be hyper aggressive as shit to full squad wipe
But this is a good thing. Fortnite allows people to play like bitches too often, whether it be running away to pull a cuck shed out of their ass or juggling 3 forms of mobility so that everyone is sitting passive, waiting to third party. Providing absolute rewards for being aggressive in the form of "you don't have to worry about that other squad ever again" is actually good game design.
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Too late, i bought Feel the Flow
Now i just need Jules
rent free
They have sex
Do we know if Davy Jones and Barbosa are going to be sold individually?
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he's based, gonna instabuy
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it still suffers from shit teammates/leaver = guaranteed loss
but I've had more fun in the few matches I've played than this entire season
i also want to give this hedgehog another set of triplets
You're genuinely fucking retarded if you actually believe that.
Hope will become the baddie and Jonesy will have to kill her
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sirs please respond
you just need a VPN while redeeming the code, saar
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Then you have not been playing very long or cartoon animals scare you for whatever reason.
He's jawsome
>buy xbox fortnite code from specific country
>use a vpn and set it to that country
>redeem code through microsoft website/xbox cloud
(optional step: set your microsoft acc to that country temporarily)
>open xbox cloud and run Fortnite while using vpn to redeem skin
Biker Mice From Mars collab when
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>bank repossessed my mansion
>shareholders voted me out of CEO at Reckless Railways
>some 8 year old hillbilly named fucking Huntley or Braxton or some shit shot me in the leg and stole my medallion
why me bros, why not that furry faggot Oscar
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Based Jonesy saving the whole world once again.
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>hush's right bun here kina looks pussy-ish
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>hades is living the perfect life while zeus's fell apart
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thank you for doing the needful, I will redeem sirs
>game does not allow rape
>zeus is miserable
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Sucks to suck
Hail to the Golden King, baby
what the fuck even is api access to an account
oh this is a cute picture, I like this.
why is she so perfect?
jit trippin' he think he midas
who is making this stuff
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Bratty rich kids get what they deserve
I just googled hopimals and downloaded and converted stuff from instagram and tiktok to post
you just know
Poseidon had an awkward reaction to medusa so it's loosely implied.
I wouldn't say the 'worst' but they absolutely fucked his shit up, nigga looks so retarded. I usually like shark characters too but he just looks so fucking dopey, that edit where his mouth is higher up does so much to make him look better its not even funny
ngh bratty osacr
needs correction
new thread
Vpn and changing your xbox acc region, no more no less
can't see a damn thing fetty guac
It's cute.
>the Evie poster guy or whatever he’s called thinks that an actual fat fetish fag on 4chins on a fortnite general is sending a goon squad after him
I didn’t even see that post you linked talking about my ipad and files until now holy SHIT this is hilarious to wake up to
He is delusional, ignore that retard
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"I fought for everything I got. I earned it. First on the streets. Then in the ring. Then in the Society. And whatever comes next, I'll earn that too."
she aint fuckin u bro
no you don’t understand its obviously the furfags after me desu sama
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Cute webm
No dude it’s the lexaposter and smellsieposters
Don’t you mean antoniafag?
all wrong. it’s the nickcord out to get me
I'm a Savage.
not only is he like a child pointing the finger at anything and everything, he had a meltdown for a whole hour straight
The other anon added you first, so I will respect that
oops, mean to quote >>483155496
>California now REQUIRES a publicly traded company to have a woman on its board
what... what the fuck?

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