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Previous: >>483061118

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
I pick this one. The Tingyun in the other OP image looks really ugly
kuru kuru
I'ma start a fight
Punished Tingyun
Tingyun is sex
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>11 hours old necrobumped thread
Never change, Hertaschizo
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My girlfriend is so cute
>bumped for 11 hours
Why are you like this?
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If you sniff Tingyun's tail, you'll faint from the fox pheromone STENCH
How do I filter ritualposts on mobile?
But the OP is Tingyun?
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Wait, won't all of us die when we give the train a hole
>11 hours thread
this bread is fucking stale, someone make a real thread
i love you guys very much and i would like to apologize for my participation in the toxicity and i used to preach about how this place is a brotherhood and lately ive just been drifting away from that and some of you are pulling me back you know, i appreciate the advice and i know i need to take accountability for my inaction in my life, it truly has nothing to do with this place, its really about my addiction with the internet, with just sitting here drinking beer smoking cigs weed and jacking off, i will never stop loving what i do, i need to get the fuck off my ass though.
i know that
i know my problems
>0 cycled firefly side
>spend the rest of the time trying to clear Acheron's side
It's so over bros..
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The self part of me wants Yunli and Jiaoqiu to be shit so I can save for 1.5 patches and go hard on Lingsha and Feixiao

Forgive me bros...
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I'm angwy!!!!!
People should actually be worried because the BE team that we have right now is actually KINDA F2P friendly. All you need to pay for to make it work is RM and FF (obviously) E6 HMC is free and if you do events you get a free Gallagher as well.
That means BE will be getting more units later on that can actually make it even stronger. A lot stronger.
Why is it worrisome? Because a lot of the other DPS have all or almost have their premium teammates assembled (full 5* teams) which makes them almost fully optimized. This FF team? Nowhere near that.
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I guess you could say that Harmony Blazer is a specialist in...

Break Dancing...
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Selfish* damn
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They're laughing at us bros..
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Green snek expy when?
>new player
>roll on ff banner and end up with gallagher e6
>get ff
>have hmc already like everyone
>spend rest of rolls to get ruan mei
>have full meta team
I can't be the only one who is happy about this, right? It allows newbies like me to get a full meta team easily.
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Ruan Mei flopped
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You don't really know what supports they can pull off. Maybe advance forward enemies for DoT and counter units is a possibility, doubly good if they also give energy to teammates. The game's meta is not completely predictable, you just go through the motions and try the best you can with what you have
will using the footslut chink in a team with clara be better than clara hypercarry
the train was created with akivili's power and space magic, it won't be a small hole that will make the spirit of trailblazing to stop
aha blew up the train once before too btw
Firefly? I tapped that
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I need snex
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On my dick
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upgrade your carrier pidgeon
Into my bed after a long day of doing her little nerdy scientist things
if you're lucky and you were. I have a new cutie friend that lost their 50/50 and is completely fucked from getting the full break meta team.
firepags will use the same cope as kafkapags from back in 1.2
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How much EHR do I need on Pela if I only got S4 Pearls LC?
>biggest issue with Acheron is keeping her ass alive
>want to use double sustain
>using HMC with Firefly so can't use PMC
>useing Gallagher with Firefly so can't use him
It's over more than it's ever been over.....
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Warp Tracker now lists Firefly's day 1 pulls as more than the entirety of Argenti's banner.
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>~might be a green snake woman
You're telling me Dr.P isn't a evil big brain gorilla but green medussy lady instead?
I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed. Especially consider how many gorillas we actually fight in the game, would had been fun if they were all due to him.
Actual Previous: >>483131484

I don't like Trails, I tried.

It's hard to get invested enough to play through the older games.

They thankfully did this with DU. The relic / level / trace scaling for free really is awesome. Shame we need more equations already tho.

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I mean, you are stuck looking at Fireflys shit animations but sure, good for you anon.
post the previous version uncensored
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
Nah, it sounded that way but I wasn't lucky. I spent all my story rolls and everything I collected and lost to Gepard. Didn't get FF or RM E's or their cones either. It's literally bare bones and I'm out of resources now. FF took me full pity too. I think I got RM in 60 pulls so maybe that's alright though.
I like these chibis
Rate my Sovlful AS clear.
Sorry Screwllum, but Herta is better at making videogames...
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The one good thing about this massive SU downgrade. No need to get every single damn thing anymore.
You can miss out RM and you'd only be around 2 cycle slower.
I already 1 cycle the new MoC with the premium team equipped with mediocre relics.
BE is the Hyperbloom of HSR.
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yup yup yup
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SAMfly's basic attack is my favourite animation in the whole game
>limited eidolons
lol no
I like her animations so that's ok
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Contrary to popular belief, Ruan Mei is actually wife material.
wife, maybe but not mother material.
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>Jingliu banner
Tingyun, QQ

>RM banner
Tingyun, Xueyi

>Acheron banner
Pela, Gallagher

>Firefly banner
Xueyi, Gallagher

There have always been superior noobie banners to roll on. The game is designed to get you going no matter when you pull or start.
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>Skipped the queen of FuA
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Can we start Jade posting now that athe Firefly honeymoon period is over?
Pela is a 12% dmg increase over Topag
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Rate my SOVLful as clear
Luocha's first was crazy.

Pela, QQ, Yukong. You literally had your entire team on the banner.
Bailu rape
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Replace Fraudkle with Kafka
If Firefly's is "bad" I don't know what Jade's will be.
fellow barely cleared bwo
Pela is genuinely better for AS argenti though because of her aoe ult thougheverbeit
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this team sucks ass
>Put Clara's LC on Yunli and run her without a sustain
Does this seem plausible? I want to run her with Jade, Hunt March and Robin.
Yukong hasn't been rerun in like 6 months right?
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Bro your To....
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They are in love
Would be luckier if you had started back when they were giving away Ratio, that way you wuld have a second team ready
Fuck off mr Pokke, you dont know shit about synergy
You just need to kill Argenti bro
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Firefly plapped
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That's awesome to hear. I hope they keep that going, because starting out is pretty rough in this game imo if you're running through the updates quickly because the enemy difficulty goes up drastically each update since the older players had a lot of time to build their teams between updates but newer players just steamroll it with little stamina spent building their teams.
Nah, if anything I'm waiting for SW rerun just so I can finally drop black swan. Also waiting for Acheron rerun because not having her LC is genuinely playing on a handicap
Break is so bad the only way they could shill it is by making it so bosses take massive reduced damage before they break so actually good teams don’t just kill the boss while brickhill and brickfly are whittling down the toughness bar.
nice one anon.
Jade cute.
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They're still coping
Try 9 months.
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Sex with green snek.
scaling is fucked in this game. the DU scaling should apply to everything but endgame content. They stifle experimentation.
>Would be luckier if you had started back when they were giving away Ratio
Yeah, that sucks that I missed him. He's a cool character. I'll probably never have him unless they add him to the standard banner.
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Wait so Ruan Mei's signature LC is better than MotP on her, but if you're using RM with HMC its still better to put it on HMC while RM gets the cope cone?
>not having her LC is genuinely playing on a handicap
This is truth. Without LC you have to use Crit chest instead ATK% as well as ATK% orb not being as effective.
That retard is worthless since he doesn't provide armor shred no more.
In that case drop Fraudkle and Black Swan for Pela x SW 100% armor shred.
Pela put her in the coffin and Hunt M7 is burying it.
>Silver brick over Kafka
>Dropping Black Swan
This is the kind of player who skipped Ruan Mei's first banner.
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Yeah because HTB passes a portion of his break effect to the rest of the team. Ruan Mei doesn’t do that, the selfish bitch.
Thanks, that's so weird but I get it.
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And I'm skipping her again. And again. Unless she early spooks me as I roll for more gallagher and misha eidolons
>get my fucking ass raped in DU with Lady Fu at V6
>"Wtf this pink whore can't sustain for shit"
>Add Bailu in so she can help Fu sustain
>Team now cleared smoothly
Well, that was fun
she's so cute. I can't find her profile on my twitter sadly or I'd post more of her. She was cute with the pig
sweet mother of god why is it that everytime there's a nigger from x that hates waifupandering, chances are they're either an indie or nijisanji vtumor fan?
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I have literally run out of credits every single day for the past 2 months. Why the fuck is this game so god damn stingy with credits?
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Say her name.
>lost all 50/50 since fofo banner
Are you rolling for her /hsrg/?
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why don't you like PomPom bwo?

I have a question for DoTcheron players. Is S5 GNSW on Kafka and S5 Eyes of Prey on BS good cope options for the team (both at E0)? How good is the team in AS?
So based on the tutorial they gave BE will focus on Fire and Physical elements right?

I was hoping Feixiao was going to be BE just so people would get mad but she's Wind.

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Star Rail statistically gives you way more weekly credits than Genshin even without 33 SU runs. Stop complaining.
>So based on the tutorial they gave BE will focus on Fire and Physical elements right?
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Topaz skippers are going to overdose on their copium
I would be the floor for this woman to stand on so she would never need to dirty her heels on the ground.
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For me, it's straight couples
Man asians eyes look awful.
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I'm doing the PomPom quests bro

>Genshin out of nowhere
>Checking out quest
Kek, TB is such a menace when left unnatended
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Firefly OWNS you
Feixiao will be break dps but the kind who just wants enemies to be in break to be gigabuffed in stats while she plays like a normal dps, basically a super Sus. Hunt M7 will probably be one of her supports.
>E6 Hunt March gives 60% crit and a bit of BE for her E target.

this is who i mean
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...Where is the Trailblazer? He was supposed to come test my Simulated Universe today.
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how are you all lacking credits?
i only had a credit issue within month 1, now i'm sitting on 35m
are you going max trace for the entire roster?
Shut up, you whore. You never appreciated me when I was doing your stupid 33 runs like a lab rat.
Feixiao supposed is FUA as well so I was thinking she'd be 5 star Xueyi rather than 5 star Sushang (that's Boothill)
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I don't want to pull a new character because that means I need to build it again
I haven't ran out of credits a single time for the past three months, maybe more...
I'm day 1, so my stack of money and mats just keeps going up because as a f2p I don't use mats as fast as I roll new characters

I have 23 level 80 characters, 4 level 75, 6 level 70, and 6 below level 50.
She’s probably FuA in the sense that she has a wind Lightning Lord but unlike Sleepy Yuan, actually contributes something outside of Lightning Snail.
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>event jades used up
>story jades used up
>sidequests completed
>all collectibles acquired
>DU level 33, gallery of possibilities and stable computing array both have 2 rewards left each
>express pass has 24d left
Fellas, give it to me straight, do I still have any hope of getting E1 for my firefly without resorting to THAT.
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just pull them and have them warm the bench until your current parties are built.
They should do a mode with a squad power limit.
4 stars require less points than 5 stars.
Eidolons require you to allocate more squad points.
You go under the limit, you get a score multiplier, you go over, you get score penalties.
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finally, a good huohuo cosplay.

>white flag
I am now erect.
dumb whore
I regret skipping Topaz because of her treasure hunting technique, looking for chests in Penis colony is an ass
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If you were cuter, I wouldn't have abandoned you at the first opportunity.
Is the second set on Firefly's relic domain a complete brick? No I won't get Jade
Should I just keep farming FUA/ATK and craft Firefly's pieces instead?
Also the new story was ass holy fuck
team restrictions only creates more meta it doesn't solve the issue at all. Level and trace scaling for free is the answer. Ask for more on the survey
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There isn't a single ugly fofo cosplayer
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i-it's alright..
i will recover from this..
>team restrictions only creates more meta
... yes.
That's what I want.
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What the
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Screwllum made his own Universe with blackjack and hookers and didn't invite you. Sorry you had to find out this way.
You're better off getting RM before FF E1.
Also no.
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Give him a break...you wouldn't be this harsh on your granddad...

If Feixiao is also a superbreak dps, Firefly is getting ditched immediately lmao
The only reason I don't want to pull characters is because I need to spend 10 days farming their materials. I could have used 10 days to instead farm relics THAT GIVE ME SHIT STATS.
>FuA set that doesn’t buff FuA damage
Not even a FuA set. It’s just ult damage set specifically designed so Acheron can’t use it.
Explain why such blatant powercreep is acceptable in Honkai Star Rail
I already have RM.
I'm pretty much only building the 8 characters I'm using for all 3 end game modes being my Acheron team and Firefly team and also Robin for when I need her. Traces, levelling characters and cones and upgrading relics is just way too fucking expensive for how pitiful the credits the game gives you are.

>day 1
Well no shit
Just fucking use the Star Rail Interactive Map holy shit.
sex with humanoid bug-eyed aliens
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>new player
No shit you run out of resources
>eye bags still visible after all that makeup
Perfect titpussy.
>Having star rail and the interactive map opened at the same time on 2gb of ram
>90% photoshop
>10% actual human
just download more ram.
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We posting cosplayslop now?
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Would it be a good set on Argenti then? He Ults all the time. Just trying to think of who even wants it.
the eye bags are painted on to make her eyes look bigger
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How long until we get a HMC replacement?
Obviously credit issues will sort themselves out, doubly so when you get to TB level 70 and it starts converting every exp into credits but the point is this shit's taking too long so I can't upgrade any of my fucking characters cause I get to upgrade like one trace a day or level up twice.
Hey everyone. I want to come back to this game but I don't know if I should start from the beginning again or if I should keep this account. My only SSR at the moment is Welt (yeah, I stopped playing very early in the game). How easy is for new accounts to acquire new characters? Thanks in advance if anyone cared to read and reply.
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that's a man
>wanting to replace HMC
soulless, kindly kill yourself
bro that's literally photoshooped, how do people not see this? are they that smoothbrained?
No because Argenti doesn’t have a FuA to trigger the Ult Damage buff either. It’s most likely designed for all the new china characters who will a FuA randomly in their kit to proc this set.
Firefly will be with (me) forever. C&C
Keep the account. There are not enough gems to be got from first time content to make going through them again worth it. The characters and shit you've already got are more valuable than the gems you could get from starting from scratch.
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Ruan "Fatty" Mei...
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you are not caelus, paggie
I would not want to go through the TB level timegates again.
How much worse are the drops keeping the game and units at lvl 70?
Just seems a lot more chill to not need that many mats to build characters.
Star Rail Types of DPS 5* Edition
Daniel, Jingliu, Seele, Blade, Yangshit, Jing Yuan
Kafka, Black Swan
>FuA - Normal
Topaz, Ratio, Himeko
>FuA - Counter
Clara, Yunli
Boothill, Firefly
its usable on Acheron in SU/DU if you have the correct blessing / weighted curio.
She was supposed to sell bigly in Japan…
H in HMC stands for Havoc
>who wants it
Yunli, and only Yunli. And even with her I'm not sure if it's not fine to just slap 4p HP on her. She needs 100% crit-rate.
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>Find Argenti on the airship in 2.3
>He's still not voiced
Oh boy, his VA is getting fired
What the fuck do I do with the Kalpagni pieces if I don’t want FF
Not for a long while. The next BE unit will be an Abundance support. After that, I am expecting RM to be the one to get actually replaced first before HMC.
still would
guys can we make more dps units now? I'm drowning in support and sustain units
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No, ecchi. Aka perverted, hentai and whatnot.

That's why HERO is actually ECCHI ERO.
With only 1x 5* that is a fresh account already?
There should be almost 300 pulls left in content.
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Sex with black swan
Can't you just use it for speed or whatever.
It's for Yunli.
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Stop posting these uncanny valley cosplayers they're creepin me out man
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>AI effortlessly mogs 3d cosplayers

Oh boy I can't wait for faces that aren't obviously AI.
We just got Acheron, Boothill and Firefly with Aventurine and Robin in between that seems pretty balanced to me
fireflop heh
*kisses you*
'king can also use it
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Ma'am when they said you should wax your legs regularly, they didn't mean Simonize
bro her belly hair though?
holy fucking airbrush plastic mask face
All my supports are optimized pretty well already but I guess I can use it as cope in the future
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Make me
It’s like the realised 5 minutes before release that Yunli didn’t actually work with this set so they quickly slapped “This FuA is considered ult damage” at the end
>penacony characters most likely to appear again
Black Swan - following us for now, so yes
Sparkle - Masked fool, Jade seems to imply they're working together which didn't happen in 2.3 so that's confusing, but seems to have tied with the IPC, also ties with Dr primitive, so yes. Her having Elio's script might also be a thing too
Misha - nigga dead
Acheron - seems to be tied to Device IX so we'll probably see her in the nihility chapter, so yes
Aventurine - IPC, so yes.
Gallagher - seemingly dead but we might run into the History fictionologist that made him or might be him, so maybe?
Robin - Unless we return to penacony, never again
Boothill - he seems like he might but also they basically revealed nothing about the galaxy rangers outside of him so he probably a one and done
Firefly - stellaron hunters, so yes
Jade - IPC. So yes.
Yeah no
Even Blade is better suited for it and I still wouldn't recommend it for him.
someone post *that* herta cosplay
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this fucking slut...
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You'll let me stay on the train right?
What set should I use for a sub-dps Hunt M7? She has an enhanced basic and follow ups.
Do you honestly find that hot? At that point just fap to 2D...
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oh no
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As a clone soldier with a planned obsolescence disease, I can only assume that Firefly's bandana grants her infinite ammo.
Have this one then
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This one?
Extremely unlikely, devs plan characters months before they are released, that's why we have prototype kits.
They always wanted for Yunli to double dip because she's a counter character anyway.
>Black Swan is watching you masturbating everyday
Are IPC the good guys
That torture scene is so hard I just always went for stealth camo
Yeah it's controversial alright, she should be wearing even less clothes
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I want to get off penacunnys neverending ride
>clickbait thumbnail with title
>oh no... it happened AGAIN
>click her to see HOW IT ALL ENDS
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German Firefly is not real.
Why does Firefly look Russian/Slavic to me?
They seem to be setting up a good guy ipc faction (diamond) vs bad guy ipc faction (oswaldo)
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our hero...
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Stonehearts yes. Rest of the IPC no. Even then the Stonehearts seem to be morally grey (more black than grey with Jade).
We haven't seen a SINGLE good IPC employee so far, unless you also count Ratio
how is every image posted uglier than the previous one? and what the fuck is wrong with her eyes?
>Reaching the 300 pulls on stamdard banner
>Deciding if I shoud go for E1 Clara or E1 Himeko
>Goes to check them
>All of Himeko's eidolons besides e4 are dog shit
Damn...I aint touching that
I guess it would be nice to see if Inert Salsatto double dips too so it buffs her counter by 15% for being a FuA and then another 15% for being a ult
Feixiao is already coming in 2.5. Firefly could't even last 3 patches before being powercrept. What a joke. Why the fuck isnt 2.5 Moze or some other fag.
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Yunli my favorite fat fuck
it doesn't
Adventurine is good
Topaz is good
Jade is chaotic neutral
The rest we haven't seen
Supposedly people have tested it and it doesn't work, probably because of the wording.
Space china...home
I don’t care about Firefly but the more I look at her the more I feel like masturbating to her… hmmm…
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>ZZZ devs
Bros any info on what team Yunli fits into? I'm considering rolling for Ruan Mei just for meta purposes, but don't really like her. Yunli has good design, but I don't know if I have characters to build a team for her.
Nothing is wrong, she's just using fake eyelash for the bottom one, that are slightly lower than normal (you can see the skin that stop near the iris) to make her eyes seems bigger but it doesn't work close up.
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E1 Clara simply... removing the depth from her kit is weird but very strong if a little weird. And then E2 just makes her skill a nuke.
>he thinks speed is bad
Damn you're a noob.
Jade isn't even evil.
She clearly states what she wants in exchange of what she gives.
Genshin won!
Jade is the definition of lawful evil.
He’s literally John Oyohim.
Even if we get a better sb machine than HMC, you still wanna use HMC with the new character
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AR-26710, you salacious whore, stop laying your dirty hands on my boy toy
No. If a wall exists you don't blame the wall for people hitting their head into it. She's neutral.
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Ruan Mei bros...
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It's not bad, just normal for standard characters, they're meant to be mediocre except for Bronya.
I'll just run her in my sparkle hypercarry.
Might try her out with Clara to see if it actually works.
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uh uh uh
you forgot to say the magic word
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Why do people slumber?
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good thing there's a hard check on esg in mihoyo
>china incels weaponizing the ccp; go do your thing, yay
My internet is dying..
Sparkle is still a pathetic clingy pathetic loser.
So they don't have to look at these disgusting cosplayers.
I feel like China and Japan aren't going to touch ZZZ because it seems to be trying to break into the Western market based on what they've shown. Maybe I'm wrong though.
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Serious question for the autists itt. Where are all the gameplayfags?

I roll for who I like but at a certain point it's more fun to have a good team than a bad one. I enjoy characters the more I use them in combat and they make me win harder. I can't be alone here?
I wouldn't be able to stop looking at Firefly's fat tits...
If hitting a wall would mean you'd get a million dollara then you'd be way more likely to hit that wall. And the wall isn't even doing it for money or fame just for the lolz.
Good people help people for the sake making the world a better place
Neutral people help people in the name of self-interest
Evil people help people just to make their lives miserable.
I'm scared of playing the candy crush event...I don't wanna get raped...
I like her chubby cheeks
This needy brat requires correction
Just look up Clara and Ratio teams.
Thats where you can most likely slot her in.
I only use her in PF with RM, and now with Firefly I can slap Kalpagni on her, so that speed isnt eidolon worth it
Clara's E1 is fine
Yeah guess thats the best plan. If I ever get her E2 then she will be future proof in PF
I do. I'm set for a long ass while now because I have FF and Acheron. DoT too. It's only FuA I didn't go for.
I feel like most of those types are turned off by gacha monetization and never really try the game.
Cute. I hope she sets up more silly acting opportunities for herself.
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china incels are above geopolitical goals
>the hi3 bunnysuit attempted assassination thing wasn't even implemented china
I read bandana as banana and got very confused
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Constance soon
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Remember when we used to bully siggers? Those were the goold hsrg times
rolling for pure meta is retarded
but rolling for characters you're never going to use is also retarded
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They're our siggas now
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Hopefully she won't be a brick...
You can't blame her for people's weakness. She offers a service, and some have even gotten a good deal from it. Others offer everything out of their own weakness. An evil character would force them to accept.
They were pissed because the western servers got the bunnysuit event a couple days earlier
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we dont care about sparkle here
they gave me gifts so they're okay in my books
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It lost all meaning when we realized Sparkle gets along with the sigger
Aventurine is a better character than flopfly doever
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Rate/Post your Firefly
>Clara's E1 is fine
For a standard character, yes.
For a limited character, they're meant to be in the kit already, Yunli have Clara's E2 on her trace.
Need to be sandwiched between her and Robin and live the angel+devil harem life
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I just realized....isnt the new wind soaring set really good on Himeko too?
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She's hyped as the "tensai" of the jobbing gang...I don't know if she'll be meta but she should be fun to play.
I can't wait for...

>Duke Inferno

Anon...I... you have to let go
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No one wants to play with Silver Whore because... oh welll... she's a whore
I wouldn't touch it either, even with a ten foot. it's homofurrypander, the trashiest of panders on this planet. if you thought other games pandering to fujos and trannies are bad, then you haven't seen anything yet
Nightglow taught me to never let you go.
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Sovlbros, you ARE going to brick your account with e1 jade to run her with Jelena, correct?
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>There are 999 dolls and 1 of them is a bomb

Sounds familiar.
Damn you're just proving you're a noob even more.
I've been doing nothing but farming planars for the past 4 days and then foddering them to make chest pieces. Used over 40+ fuels too. How have I not gotten a better build than this.
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My dad is friends with Da Wei and he confirmed they are playable
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Shut up sparkle, you are canonically her gaming buddy
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Mine is still not fully built, I need better rope/chest and level up her talent.
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Sparkle has a gamer friend and her name is Silver Wolf
but duke inferno died to acheron?
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shes great but it was pretty miserable spending 40 fuels on relics day 1 and getting maybe 2-3 useable pieces
Super break stacks so you'll want to use his "replacement" with him anyway.
why is this grown up man fondling male genitals?
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SW paid for a gaming buddy. It doesn't count

No? It's a garbage set that doesn't really work on any current character. Himeko is pretty balanced with her damage distributed between her skill, FUA and ultimate. Just buffing ultimate damage is awful and she has no way to even guarantee she has the buff on for the ultimate since her FUA timing isn't exactly consistent and the buff only lasts one turn.
That's firefly though?
I only get blue pieces in that cavern.
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>4 fuel 4 resin
Need to upgrade my ball and my wife will be the cutest and strongest one.
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So Caterina is coming?
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Sparkle keeps on saying gamer words and its making Himeko uncomfortable when I bring her to the Express to play games.
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Why are pags so obsessed with what white people have to say?
why wont they give us a PvP mode similar to FE Heroes
nice reading comprehension anonchama
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Firefly doesn't game anon, she thinks vidya are too simple compared to piloting SAM.
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One of the reasons I rolled for Firefly is because I like big numbers ngl
advertiser-kun you are double dipping
Idk her ult is really piss weak though. Two talents procs > 1 ult. do you use the pizza cutter or orbital laser more?
I can't believe how fucking cancerous the relic/artifact system is in mihoyo games.

People always want more currency to roll more but you can't even use said character without proper gear, which is completely RNG based. Self-modeling resin isn't nearly enough to offset this. Doing daily runs for weeks and not even getting proper mainstats has got to be one of the most demoralizing things in videogames.
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You don't actually want that.
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Will be farming the new sets for a long time, want to get yunli as well
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>hairbands and earrings penciled on in paint
Why would you want a useless whale fest pvp mode?
Rather have raids or w/e pve coop.
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I will try... I hope I get lucky. Jade wants to fight with her children.
I'm gonna have to finish prefarming trace mats for Jade and March first before starting to grind good relics for FF. I'm just going with the main stats for now, but she does have a very good head piece right now.
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Robin is a fatass.
Go on a diet, fatty.
One of the reasons I rolled for Firefly is because I like taking BIG ROBOT COCK
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E6 for me. Kinda bummed I didnt e6 topaz and im gonna correct that
gain some wait
Its only an issue if you're a whale. I spend a month not knowing what to farm because my Acheron was already as geared.
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Her game
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where does she sleep in the Astral Express?
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Even a loser like me can still win bigly sometimes yeaaaaah
It would be fine if they didn't release a new relic set every patch for new characters.
why do all asia cosplayers heavily photoshop features on their face it looks
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everytime i see Tingyun, it reminds me of my late mother, same happen like Lisa in Genshin.
Her droopy eyes and that sweet smiles already captured my heart.
maybe Sigmund freud was right, i was attracted to someone that close to my mother.
How much of an upgrade is Fei Xiao for ACKeron compared to SW?
>she has no way to even guarantee she has the buff on for the ultimate since her FUA timing isn't exactly consistent
It is if you pair her with Firefly
She's not real
Why did you make her fat, then complain that she was fat, and tell her to stop being fat?
Is the better solution simply not to make her fat
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The embodiment of pathos
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I already posted this a few threads ago. Still thinking if I should keep on farming or stop now.
Wind set is the only set you need for any character.
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Her ATK is still low but she already clears everything so I think she's fine for now.
With us on the couch.
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Feixiao isn't a Nihility unit. She's a DPS unit. You might mean Jiaoqiu, in which he replaces Pela. You do use 2 Nihility for the Izumo bonus, right?
ngl having no health and being in sudden death mode then mogging everyone from full hp to dead one after the next is very satisfying...
The game is designed to be played with max energy refreshes every day. Like it or not the base systems are locked behind the most extreme whaling mechanics. It is what it is.
Thank you firefly for being close to me.
I'm doing it, /hsrg/!
You WILL let the bored housewives have their way with you and you WILL be happy.
Link to this site?
Yeah whatever that pink fox name is. I’m bad with these Chinese names. Ty
>Jiaoqiu, in which he replaces Pela.
No he doesnt, he replaces SW. Dmg taken debuff=/= def shred
Good luck anon!
Hope you do better than I have
>30 rolls

You're about to find out if she really loves you or not
King incoming
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>space greek next
yup, it's kino time
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Good luck anon!
show us results
enka network
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At what point do you stop at building pity? I wanna roll for Jade but her banner fucking sucks
Lumine and Amber are pure sex idk what game they think this is
Farming SU is easier and faster than DU. You can redeem planars against Elite enemy rather than bosses.

Wish they allow us to farm the new Planars on SU.
begone, KING
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>Never Give up, Never Surrender by Ast Rickley
Galaxy Quest is a good movie and you should watch it
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My fetish is to architect a girl and then bully her to lose weight.
>wind set gallagher
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so how do i get 16 of the same blessing on DU?
I fucking hate Sparkle
I fucking hate Silverwolf
begone, KING
Its a genuine question. I dont understnad. Look at how ludicrous that is.
What are the best Topaz/Jade teams?
I still don't get why the stupid fucks made MOC/PF/AS spike really fucking sharply without 2-3 favorable stats on EVERY SINGLE RELIC PIECE on EVERY SINGLE UNIT you use this early in the game's life. Like show me a 36* MOC using FF that has ONLY Break Effect and dogshit Speed. Resin simply got crept.
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babby stelle
Just use Pearls on him. SW is required to break enemies, which is becoming a major factor in the end game.
Just use a team in Ordinary that you want to use for Planar farming and save it.
Sounds pretty good if you use QPQ instead of multiplication in E1 firefly teams
begone, KING.
he replaces pela in ST and SW in AoE
Why does it matter that he's White though? They can only listen to other SEA people or something in your mind?
Silver wolf didn't even invite you to play bird arcade...
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It's way faster and more convenient now. You just need one save file to work with. Now I can just alt-tab while Acheron ults her way through the boss phases whereas before I actually to clear the whole damn SU each time.
Begone, KING.
I genuinely don't care. I don't watch star rail youtube I read all my guides. I don't have time to give a shit about what these (You)baiting retards think.
Aventurine+Topaz+Jade+ saving for the inevitable IPC FUA harmony obviously
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Yeah that was super fun especially when I got mogged so hard yesterday. This event's pretty good
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You can honestly go to 70.
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You don't, you either RNG with all your money after getting the jellyfish or you Rupert it
I see a hair on your hand
>redditors are having a melty about Yunli's design already
Will hoyoverse censor her now?

What do you mean teams? If you're set on running that dual dps you slot in Robin or RM and your chosen sustain. There's not exactly a massive freedom of choice.
Assumine E1 it's Robin + Topaz + Aventurine + Jade. E0 Jade doesn't work that well with her.
i have no clue what's going on but damn that's cute.
i remember watching it in the cinema in my teens.
there needs to be an updated version of this
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yes, I have a lot of pubes
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Hertabros, we've got too cocky... nobody comes to our simulated universe anymore... it got powercrept...
I can't read Chinese assholes
Himeko/Jade/Topaz/Fu Xuan, but Ruan Mei is better than Topaz here.
is this porn?
Famous last swords
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Hmm yeah I guess if you just auto it, it'll be faster. I'm thinking that regular SU is already fast with Acheron, you just need to keep picking Combat domain and you'll end up fighting three time max, twice against ez elite enemies you can one turn. While in DU these pricks are annoying to fought.

And you get to farm four time in regular SU vs only once in DU.
No, it's not, you are fucking retarded. Manually walking and picking shitty AI generated text options is infinitely more time consuming than just clicking on a menu and pressing auto then alt tabbing.
I've been trying to get a full clear keeping 100HP the whole way through, but I'm just not lucky enough.
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I see the sparkleposter also likes Topaz
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If you think MOC/PF/the other one is hard, try playing the new Elden Ring DLC.
SU is better than DU
...but DU has the QOL quickfarm so yea
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Aventurine is for stella?
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I just wanna cum buckets, is it too much to ask?
He's learning about the birds and the bees
70 tickets got me:
3 Mishas
2 Gallaghers
1 Xueyi
0 Fireflies

...is it over? I don't know, but I have two patches worth of story to catch up on. Onward to the stars!
Im a white dude and I see Mtashedand Kektone as low IQ failed human beings that rely on pags like you for relevance. Even pags with 2k viwers still swallow white seed, its unreal.
so what phenotype was the person?
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>+155 speed
How fast is your Traillblazer and RM?
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Maybe. All I know is that March is for (me)
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how do i see so many that have fully built firefly already? spending real money on relics is an actual thing people do?
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i got firefly E4 under 400 rolls. Does she love me?
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bros I just came and I'm already getting a bit hard again looking at this shit, topaz is literally BUILT FOR ASS CLAPPING
>first phase immediately skipped by FF + RM techniques + break buffs
>second phase deleted instantly after everyone ults and FF breaks one single enemy
You must be using a shitty save file. These guys are really quick on a break team.
A10 Aryan
with E0 you can run topaz/jade/yunli
or with a harmony E0 jade with topaz should still be workable, you just debt collector jade and build speed. I don't know how good either of these lineups will actually be but they make sense in theory. Your best bet is probably E1 though.
It feels so weird not seeing Herta when I do my planer runs...
RM 146 + 173% Brick effect - HTB 134 + 250% Brick effect

I really just went for the break thresholds I hate doing relic mines for supports.
I swear this banner has hidden Misha rateup
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March cute!
Sparkle not being actually racist and Peniscorny turning out be literal nothing with fakeouts after fakeouts made me realize the writing in HSR is just shit in general. It really is hard carried by visual spectacle alone.
I just use 2pc/2pc BE/ATK and she performs extremely well, legitimately don't see the point in wasting a month farming relics for a 2% dmg improvement.
You're not White. White people capitalize White.
But I didn't see a single 300BE Firefly posted. Everyone needs to go back to the mines.
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RM's 160+ speed, HMCs 142 before RM's speed buff
RM is 165. HMC is 143. I know HMC is supposed to be faster than FF but I got unlucky with relics so can't do anything about it.
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if you're into that sure
What are the speed thresholds for Firefly - assuming Ruan Mei, level 10 ultimate talent and the new relic set buffs?
It's four times with a whole run vs 1 time boss only
The cost is the same, so only fighting the boss is still faster, since you have no extra screens, so blessings/curios selection, no events, no extra mobs

DU you just need a good save file, that you can easily get on difficulty V0, and then the boss first phase is basically skipped, second phase explodes because of max ult, and only you "lose" a bit of time on the last phase
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yes. Got mine pretty quickly too, 73 for the cone.
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Of course I get these stats on a non-crit set.
Hawaiian dress skin would be kino.
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stock on fuel. I have 73 at the moment. Will slowly farm break set for Feixiao.
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The neetest
Hack-and-slash games can only be as hard as you want it to be. Spending more time jobbing and memorizing bosses translates pretty directly into less time struggling.
Meanwhille RNG fuckery of relics means you can go either an hour or literally forever to get to optimum build, since Resins no longer make a difference.
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>not saving fuel for 2 patches for your wife
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Fighting SAM with Luochud was very spooky when you can only spectate
I lost on LC so I'm using Aeon LC for her
My RM is 154 my HMC is 152. My FF is 154.
No I don't want to speed tune anymore.
we have no idea what set Feixiao will use
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I'm tired boss...
He's probably (((white))).
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I mean most people don’t get 5*s until 74. Stopping at 50 and 70 are honestly the same. And even then if you lose the 50/50 it doesn’t even matter.
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It's not hard. Just grind the birds and quests first.
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yes, and?

This is why I wrote in the guide to always expect to hit pity and lose your flips. My luck has turned around lately I hope it keeps up.
I am a Topazlet and I don't want to explore..
I had a quantum set and talia already ready for her
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The new SU is way too confusing.
Just run vonwacq honestly, you don't really need to rely on RM's sp regen so you might as well improve her buff uptime, you could run vonwacq on htb as well, especially if you're using DDD
Good luck not struggling in the ER DLC on anything other than a reddit shield poise shitter build thougheverly.
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no fucking shot
>429 warps
>bottom 30% of 5 star luck
Should I just reroll? My account seed is clearly bricked.
so whats wrong with the DLC? overtuned?
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white people don't even call themselves white because they have attachments to blood and country
you're probably a rootless muttmerican
Kafkabros... It might be over for us soon...
Yea i hate it
Came pretty quick for me just doing every puzzle and a couple major side quests after that.
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Just do 2.3 stuff. It doesn't take much time and it gives this much
she flopped.
Getting toasted by presumably all these candy crush vets
kek I love how Firefly is ripping it, unlike the others
no he's making it harder for himself by not using tools given to him by the game
I agree, there's too much stuff, too many choices. I'm breezing through it but I don't even really know why, at least with regular SU I kept track of what I chose but now I have no idea what I'm doing and feel like one of those retired people hitting flashing lights on slot machines.
Isn't that just danbooru?
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Energy whips, the preferred weapon of capitalists in every galaxy.
Been stocking up the bp and free fuel since 1.3
1.0 Radahn was a nightmare I'm glad they are willing to adjust with balance patches. Not playing ER tho Im honestly enjoying star rail

From what little I've seen it's Sekiro/Bloodborne on steroids sort of incredibly fast and spastic bosses while you're stuck with Dark Souls slow movement and attacks.
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I'm tired too boss...
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>only bottom 30%
And I'm a day one player.
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one of the side quest in penacony:
some chick killed 13M people indirectly
basically 2x hitler
i will go back to stand trial

nigger what, hopefully they'll let you choose your execution method and not become the army's onahole
It's over Kafkabros... she simply can't compete with the most beloved character in the game...
Thats pure cope, SW is only slightly better in ST, and dog shit at AoE, and thats without accounting for how many charges he gives to Acheron. You are better off just dumping her and sticking with Pela+him and clear all content
>is required to break enemies
Acheron doesnt need break at all, and if you face enemies that are really need that, like the dino, then you are better off using a break team instead of Acheron. Gie him the event cone instead so he gets his ult up for more stacks instead
is firefly the first character where you can see her upskirt before she goes invisible?
I wished 90% of the equations weren't completly useless on higher difficulties. That makes the rng even worse.
No joke getting that E5 Bailu is pretty soul crushing, I have difficulty sleeping last night, I wake up feeling like shit.
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I am tired boss
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Why are we skipping again?
It's where all the pics itt come from. Why not danbooru?
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>finally cleared Swarm 5 thanks to Firefly
My wife is so strong
>Honky Starbucks sponsored kurtis Connor
What the fuck.
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E4 Bailu is the best healer in the game though
I think it's fine
Swarm and GG were WAY too confusing, fuck that
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Are you fucking kidding me dude? Can you post your whole statistic block? Holy shit.
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she's a fucking bitch, kafka is a better dommy mommy least she's not a corpo-slave
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Stacy 7th
I don't need anything new to get 80k in PF.
I’m skipping Firefly and Ruan Mei for these tits
I'm going to grill her tail.
Don't worry anon. Once a LC with cleanse is released, she'll be T0.
>le ebin dommy mommy archetype
I'm not a redditor and I'm not a beta cuck.
she is the only one.

Jade's panties are LEWD when she walks though. I really enjoyed the trial she's wearing whore clothes I love it.

Her eidolons are freaking awful, the E4 only works with skill which you never want to use.
Yunli can't come soon enough.
I don't like her lipstick color
13 million people are peanuts within hsr universe.
>drug dealers are neutral, they dindu nuffin
She's a sidegrade at best.
Is this guy trying to look like a pedophile?
wtf does ebin mean
It just tells you how many pics a handful of people are willing to re-upload from elsewhere. Not to mention all the duplicates.
Also going by filenames, most images here are definitely not danbooru sourced.
I wanna be crushed by Bailu's thick tail!
You don't need SW or Jiaoqiu to clear all content. You could probably do it with Acheron/Pela/Gui/Gallagher, so why do you need anyone else?
Keep in mind that the game is getting rebalanced in 2.4 to have higher resistances against those who are attacking with non-weak elements. SW is the only character who fixes this.
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can a homie get some toots please
it's like "epic" but for redditors
Oh damn. She might actually end up beating Kafka huh?
I fireflied...
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Ebin flow

Thots arrive like fireflies.
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Is this enough Fireflybros?
I want to prefarm March
I have no team for her.
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i didnt expect we were going to have a lowkey date with SW for the bird event...
I think her design is meh and not really invested in FuA
Jade's jades are simply too big
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How would you feel about Star Rail adding evasion?
she's ugly
I'm all in on NotSatan.
Third wheel...
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looks good to me
Let me guess. You had that Hunt blessing where FF can advance forward if they break the enemy or kill them right? Basically the superior E2.
Enjoy +70 Def
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You'd be surprised how much fanart male characters in this game get that aren't uploaded to danbooru
>Firefly-Himeko-HMC-RM on one side
>Clara-Herta-Aventurine-Robin in the other
Why would I need Jade? Amazing tits tho
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perfect. Best FF I've seen with the SPD and BE balance + 2500 atk. Very nice
Doesn't yunli have evasion?
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au contraire, betas don't but alphas and sigmas do enjoy dommy mommies, you're not more of a man for dominating a weak woman, submitting to a woman even though she's weaker is the true alpha move and takes conviction, its only beta if you let other dudes be your better
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Do NOT open
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the IPC is evil
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this is insane levels of cope
SW reduces defense by 13% more and reduces all type res by 10%, or 30% with weakness implant. Not to mention pela can't actually consistently apply stacks in single target because pearls won't give a stack if the target is already affected. There's no way you think pela is even comparable in single target, stop misinforming.
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I'm so tired boss...
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Farming BE is 10x more cancer than crit, JHC.
If blade wasn't completely powercrept all the way to narnia, i'd actually use jade with him exclusively.
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Firefly shill boss shilled so hard, I won. This was a run starting fairly well (after 1 billion resets) to get her the good starter, but outside of the curios everything else went badly.

Done with this shit. All jade rewards claimed (outside of sync level). Too RNG.
Most chinese art never makes it to the joorus unless its re-uploaded on twitter. Even a lot of twitter art doesn't.
Yeah, also picked every SPD buff I could. The bugs could barely do shit lol
I'm giving her a 50/50, then save for Lingsha for my FF
I can't believe how well modeled her tits are. I was pleasantly surprised.
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depends, mechanic based - ok
rng and stat based - instant deletion of app
>this is non-negotiable
Suck my penor :DDDDD
>Implying that's bad
When people say stick to 4 characters or you will stretch your resources too thin, they think about end game right?
Because right now it's pretty easy to get characters to around my party level (19) to try tthem out in different combat scenarios (I got Welt recently and I got Natasha with 1 eidolon).
>submitting to a woman even though she's weaker is the true alpha move and takes conviction
Hoooly omegacope kek
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>cute peppy
stealing that
>Hated RM, thinks her design makes no sense
>Her design being so disjointed and directionless fed into my prejudice of Chink gachas having obviously traditional Chinese designs as propaganda pieces
>This happened when I'm building pity
Fine, I'll build you, you Communist Party-endorsed wench.
NTA, you might be confusing Pearls with SW's sig cone. SW's cone has the disclaimer "on an enemy who doesn't have it yet". Pearls doesn't. It always gives a stack, as far as I know. Never had it not do that.
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idk why they couldn't make his tailored support a unit that was more generally useful, rolling jade for blade feels like trying to dig yourself out of a hole
>insecure manlet
No, you're definitely a beta cuck
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Thats good though wtf
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I wish I have a better Sphere, but I'm content with this for now.
Resources get stretched thin when you upgrade traces past rank 6, and relics in general should be focus farmed for the core characters you want to use because you will get fucked by RNG just like everyone else. But yeah, early game it doesn't really matter.
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How's mine?
Pick TB bird, any map with the explosive boxes will practically auto-chain itself.
Keep an eye out for any of the three 5-link shapes (T shape, L shape, or 5-line). It can be worth clearing a worthless line to set these up.
Explosive boxes also add more of your main fruit to the map, so clear them ASAP.
In note maps, you'll rack up so many extra turns your main goal is to just make sure you use them all. Just spam super bombs and simple kiwi/4-clears unless you see something big.

That's all the strategy I've figured out so far, I take 1st probably 1/3-1/2 the time after figuring out the basics. Still get BTFO by moms pulling >500 in unlucky rounds sometimes, can't be helped.
>SW reduces defense by 13% more and reduces all type res by 10%,
Wich is not a big deal, Pela's ult alone is better than that and its AoE
>30% with weakness implant
Wich is ST and RNG
>pela can't actually consistently apply stacks in single target because pearls won't give a stack if the target is already affected.
Yes it can?
Hoyo FEARS the Bailu, they would never. The game designers claim to feel Bailu's tail squeezing around their necks while designing abundance cones even when no one's in the room. Their nightmares are filled with Bailus running around with cleanse cones clearing any and all content, 100% pickrate forever.
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pure fiction made me think the best possible support blade could get is an ally who applies DoT buffs that'd reduce HP multiple times but give buffs as well
you should play the game more, or build more speed on your pela. Or you know, read the cone
>When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already Ensnared, then there is a 60% base chance to Ensnare the hit enemy. Ensnared enemies' DEF decreases by 12% for 1 turn(s).
>if the hit enemy is not already Ensnared
"When the enemy is not already ensnared"
is that def boots? why?
Having this bird game in the game is somehow making me enjoy the game much more than before. I can't explain it. Just having a timewasting minigame that I can chill with has increase my enjoyment 10 fold.
Firefly's glow in the dark buttplug...
Why did Firefly kill those innocent people though a robot suit? Why did Ruan Mei experiment on stuff without assessing the risk and calamities she put forward leading to deaths of thousands? Why should I spend money on these evil women?
firefly didn't kill any innocents
>redditors so insecure about a simple fact they can't stop seething their little brown microdicks off
Evil women are hot
Fess up. Did anyone of you give the candy crush part to their mother play it to easily win?
Because evil women make the small penis the big penis.
No luck in relics...
Yeah, I'm glad it's a permanent thing. I'm not really much of a tryhard about it but I can see myself coming back to it from time to time.
>Why did Firefly kill those innocent people though a robot suit?
If you don't know why she killed them can you really say they were innocent?
I teased Silverwolf about how she thinks of me all the time. Both times.
> Pela's ult alone is better than that
I was talking about the difference, Pela reduces by 40%, SW by 53%
>I don't have silver wolf so you're not allowed to use her!!! Stop using her!!!
I mean, I don't think it's worth rolling her on a rerun if you don't already have her, but come on.
looks very good to me
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She's so cute bros..
yeah me,,,
you call everyone redditors, you are insecure
There might have been more SAMs on the planet that survived like she did or even outside the nuke blast range. We would never know because she decided to nuke the entire planet for some reason.
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if evil why hot
I did this. Not to win, thats easy anyway, but because I thought it was super funny and she had fun too. She was disappointed this isn't the actual game.
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I think old ladies are creepy.
Acheron's text messages are cuter
>when I'm building pity
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Same, you also get to call firefly cute in the same scene.
TB is a slut
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I'm not.
I didn't say it was a competition. Kill yourself.
FF can clear with no relics desu.
My jades for Jades jades
You're going to be an old lady one day yunli
NTA but you seem a lot more insecure than him given that you've been seething about being called a redditor beta cuck for a while now (which you are btw).
You lost.
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I'm still thinking why would I skipped character who has exposed bra?
My biggest, admittedly, cope is that Bailu is a Preservation character in everything but technicality.
You only bring her when having a Preservation sustain in your comp would make sense.
E3 is pretty based I imagine the enhanced skill does a shitload for you
Chill out broski, I was merely stating my opinion.
Explain why it’s bad without sounding Chinese.
It is time
>Pela reduces by 40%, SW by 53%
Again, AoE and SP positive vs ST and SP consuming, not to mention a limited unit
>I don't have silver wolf so you're not allowed to use her!!! Stop using her!!!
You are coping so hard. You can use fucking Sampo, no one cares, but saying that Jiaoqiu powercreeps Pela instead of SW when the fucker doesnt even have Def shred is simply retarded
Pretty sure a lot of the HSR cast has done shady shit.
You think they're gonna pull out a male equivalent of Firefly?
Funny because I got exactly two Mishas while rolling E2 Firefly and a billion Gallaghers and Xueyis, I guess I was blessed.
She didn't do anything, she has lost consciousness and everything after that was a dream.
March's POV everytime BS sneak into her bedroom...
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ponkotsu wife...
When are we going back bros?
I don't want to be a part of the AE anymore...
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what for?
Its not april Anon
Inability to read aside, I refuse to believe people actually play an acheron comp and haven't noticed Pela often doesn't give stacks. Homofujo misinformation campaign going crazy.
That's Boothill already.
“building pity” doesn’t real, nobody rolls on a banner where they don’t want the 5*.
People who pretend to do that use images from reddit to bait outrage. “nooo I only rolled 20 and me I got 3x “unit i pretend not to want”.
It's not confusing at all, to be fair. Just match the blessings to unlock the equation
The heavy RNG isn't a problem either, it's fine for rogues to have a lot of RNG.

The real problem is that for all that RNG, 95% of the things you get from it aren't exactly good or powerful, like >>483154548 said

There only a few equations that feel good and powerful, the rest is shit, same for weighted curios.
Normal curios are as impactful as they have always been, that being, there aren't unless it's G&G
Blessings enhancement got cucked and you only get a few blessings too, so you don't feel as strong as you used to be in SD and G&G
NTA, but please don't try to argue Silverbrick is a good unit. She's not. In any way. For any team.
Give it up. All the theory in the world isn't covering that she's absolutely useless. In practice, Pela will never be worse because there's no ST content.

I tried it myself. It was bad. Really bad. I tried to use SW's cone on Pela. It was worse than Pearls. It's just not meant to be.
Your Dan Heng?
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we are?
Dude I’m literally at 64 because I need Gallagher and Xueyi eidolons and Jade’s 4* selection is garbage.
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My Firefly has a need for speed
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I had a micro melty when Dan Heng didn't take you seriously when you said he's always in your heart. I mean it's kinda like hpw March stops acting chummy with you, but at least Firefly replaces her (even if she's infinitely more bland lmeow).
I hope we get more PoVs where we see the Trailblazer. Firefly seeing you at the front of the ship talking to birds really highlighted how unhinged the MC is, peak Star Rail.
silverbrick is better with ackeron in most cases
you really do not need more overkill aoe damage
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best Ack support is right here bwo, not pela nor silver wolf
Yes, people buy refills to roll artifacts. Its like $400 a month to triple you power.
>same for weighted curios.
I hate Weighted Curios. The idea is nice, but they're almost all break effect related anyway instead of supporting a variety of playstyles. And you can't re-gatcha them either, because the domain for it never shows up.
Hint for a achievement btw.
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I got everything I want from DU.
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Doesn't she need E1 for that?
no rolls left after Firefly…
You know what I mean bro...
She's the male equivalent of March(role-wise). Also March cucks you from getting cpr(based)
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Thank you Sunday very cool!
it's light cone
That's Aventurine?
We already got delusional fempags thinking all his stratagems was done in order to help the Astral Expressers specifically and not for his own agenda (otherwise he would have told the MC, his """girlfriend""" that getting killed gets you out of the Order's Dream).
In the same way, waifupags think Firefly is actually interested in joining AE to be with her boyfriend only to be proven wrong on the Feldspar.
>there's no ST content
there's plenty of content where acheron will overkill the adds, and you only really need damage increase on one target. Is silverwolf a trash unit? Yes. Is there still a significant amount of content where she's objectively better than pela? Also yes.

This talking out of your ass is getting sad after you've already proven you don't play the comp. Stop and get some help.
>I mean it's kinda like hpw March stops acting chummy with yo
As a Marchfag I felt like the event made a bit up on that. Sure, SW still tried to ship you with Firefly, but I got to have a good time with March and even get a achievement for pairing her bird with mine.
I have 60 refills just catching dust in my inventory.
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This achievement is pretty based
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I got lucky with resin and farmed her the same day she released. Only replaced a single relic, otherwise the first relics I got were all S tier or better. That was a good day.
To get 4 enhanced actions per ult you just need speed boots
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She's so cute
Now that I got all the rewards and took a few 1sts, it's nice to just run a simple gameplan and watch fruits pop. I was hating it before my first win, but it's very zen as a no-stakes way to goof around and spam emotes at people.
Occurences and Rewards/Adventures feel better than Combat in DU
Combat sometimes feel like they give fuck all
I had 40 fuels and and I got pretty lucky too, I actually only used 5.
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I got Firefly, but I don't have Harmony MC yet (obviously). who's his cope alternative?
umm... none
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Pom pom, stop replacing Space Walk with fREESTYLE on the grammaphone every time I make story progress or I'll replace the stuffed toy in March's Frot-closet with the real thing.
Nobody but I think you unlock them after finishing Belobog now
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Are we hyped for ZZZ here?
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All I've done today is watch 1 episode of anime, eat food twice, and nap for 4 hours. What the actual fuck? I've been awake since 8:00 and it's 18:00 I've accomplished nothing today. I haven't even done my HSR dailies.
you sound bitter
Nothing. There is no alternative to HMC in FF comps. You can run Asta I guess until then.
Idk why but it's honestly pretty dumb to expect firefly to join the astral express in the first place. Like why would she even do that
Went balls deep inside firefly. Nothing left for her. I never planned on rolling her. I don't have Clara and I don't plan on rolling yunli either so I have no team for her in moc. I only have Robin, no huohuo. Too many missing pieces.
Why are you playing as a dude? Are you gay or something?
You have a mountain of word slop and unskippable dialogue animations to climb. Good luck.
I'll try it, hyped is definitely a stretch
I thought you unlock him after finishing Penacopy? that's sweet.
got it I'll bench firefly for now.
adventure is for topaz
Because she wuvs you and nothing else in her life should matter. Or something like that.
I dunno, its a dumb idea when AE crew barely gets time to develop as it is.

I'm rolling because I still don't have Himeko.
No one is saying Jiaoqiu is powercreeping Pela. Two guys are telling you Jiaoqiu replaces Pela for a singular comp because he lets you run shit that isn't Pearls and Trend. One of those guys is telling you he replaces SW in AoE.
No one is holding your mouse and making you roll for him. Why are you freaking the fuck out?
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Since 44 the 4reddit is abundance does that mean she can give birth every year until I die?
>No one is holding your mouse and making you roll for him.
>He's unaware
You are lvl 40, the fuck do you need a support for FF for?
Yeah you get harmony TB from finishing Jarilo-VI - The Return" Trailblaze mission
Would've legit stabbed dawei if that bland bitch joined.
can any hi3 nigger explain this reference?
People will talk about furries, but I find its presentation to be kinda annoying. Has a kind of what people nowadays would probably describe as MCU feel to it, with lolsoquirky yapping.
Why she glowing? Am I in heaven?
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140(+10 from RM) (+60 From FF's ult)= 210 which is enough for 4 actions under her ult.
Alternatively, you can fish for 155 spd so 3 of the 4 attacks she deals are in the first cycle of MoC.
that's a stacked af roster for a newcutie
Its not a Hi3 reference to begin with. Watch Acherons trailers.
Lmao even if she did like tb that's like expecting your gf to join your company just because she's your gf now. She's got her own life to live. These people man. I love her though(real)
What it looks like not at 4X speed
Bosenmori my beloved...
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she looks like she's cosplaying an idol
Sup losers, lorelet here. Just played Penacony. Are Gallagher and Misha not real people? Are they fake like basically saying Acheron doesn’t exist in real life (Earth)
why do you play the game if you hate the story?
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HOLY FUARK imagine a Jade-Kafka interaction bros
There's no reference. She just has horns because people liked it when she did.
At least the in-game footage I saw gave me persona vibes more than anything else. Or more, Persona 4 and 5 vibes.
Which I guess isn't that far off.
kafka would dom her
Foxians aren't gonna reach 1000 like the long life xianzhou people, but they can reach 400 so yeah
When do the birds give rewards? I swear I spent last night 100%ing scorchsand and they gave me some gems but I still have dialogue to ask for hints so I can’t tell if it’s done or not.
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>Qinque's little side quest with the Pepeshi cult and the Boothill+Argenti combo is more fun than anything involving Robin
Lmao I'm so glad for not being a Robinfag
>More balanced crit ratio
>Higher crit value
Pick one
Misha 100% yes.
Gallagher 99% yes.
If Mihoyo is holding his family hostage, that's his problem, not mine.
Misha is the echo/memory of a real person that once existed. Gallagher is not a real person.
W-What does robin have to do with those two?
this is giving Fate VN flashbacks, I wonder if this was intention
depends on your needs tardbro
that dude is either trolling or barely speaks english, he's misinterpreting the most basic arguments and spewing blatant misinformation nonstop.
We dont know
Not a real person
New thread
If I read it correctly, Misha is the lingering will of one man's dream. Gallagher is more of an enigma but that's his entire deal.

There's an increasing stable of characters in the game that may not have a physical body but still are "people" in the traditional sense.
I got lucky as fuck.
Click on the bird icon on the map and it'll tell you how many you need to get for the Clockiebux. You only need 10 birds for every map to get it all.
Robin is beautiful
Robin's boyfriend
it's not turn based, so no.
retardanon I'm asking what you'd personally pick. learn to answer questions dipshit. demented fucking cockroach don't call me a tard in MY FUCKING GENERAL YOU CUNT!!!!!!!!!
I really hoped she'd get any kind of interesting sidestory, but there's really nothing to her. Not even a little hang-out. She likes orphans, I guess.
>Tb and Topaz
>My mommy can beat up your mommy
nta but it would depend on my needs.
>this is giving Fate VN flashbacks, I wonder if this was intention
Obviously. Bosenmori's been a walking VN reference from the very start with her red text.
Remember that Nasu interview. Nasu loves our story and so do I; Penacony was an impressive surrealist chapter.
I don't know how they're going to top it by playing it straight from now on.
Arena battler that looks like a critical roll furry convention special?
Fuck no, prolly better than jenshin tho.
i'm sowwy...
Its pretty pathetic when the fucking FGO chapter with red-text gave the MC more agency to figure out the plot twist than Star Rail. FGO is TERRIBLE with MC doing anything at all.
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I'm just pointing out how lackluster her character is. She even appears during that quest and does absolutely nothing besides asking suggestions of where she should go, meanwhile Qq, Boothil and Argenti have a little adventure and the stonehearts get a very cute interaction
I went with crit rate body to reach 80/120 crit ratio, if thats what you're asking. But I'm running him with Robin(+45 crit dmg), E0S1 Topaz(+24 crit cmg) and plan on giving him the Duran planar set(+25cdmg) so thats that
My nigga aventurine
projection at its finest
Because I already have E5 Himeko and she works just fine in PF.

Plus I need to save for Constance and, more importantly, Yae.
In her trailer she's shown to be born as an oni, with horns and all that and not human.
It is simply her original self before the became a Self-Annihilator, whose trait is self-destroying their own semblance of "self" in exchange for black hole Nihility powers.
It alludes to her dream of using Nihility so one day the entire world doesn't need to follow any Paths anymore.
(Which IMO is only possible if she goes to Pegana, if its namesake is anything to go by.)
Whales refill up to 480 power(6 fuel) a day, its around $11 to do that. If they do it every day, its $330.
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to those of you interested, how is your zzz stockpile going

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