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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Ref watches you in the showers edition

>0.14.9 Patch notes
>Arena website
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Ammo charts
>EPIC gun builder (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov sneeds website
>Change list
REMINDER: /eftg/ has no discord

Last Raid >>482367106
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one of my fav moments from this wipe.
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>maybe i was just being stupid maybe it's not so bad
I think it's over
oh well guys it was nice knowing you
see you again on extraction general
I fucking love this game bros and none of the hacking streamerfags who seethed and tried to boycott it because their favorite chink software got banned never changed my opinion in the slightest
I wish you could access the PKM on traders after finishing Gunsmith 25/Big Game.
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I like the game too, but that doesn't mean I approve the devs being turbojews are trying to pull shit like the unheard scam, I still spit on everyone with a rainbow dogtag and 6 slot pockets, and I still refuse to buy any clothing DLC or stash lines because BSG doesn't deserve more of my money. Cool game tho.
Only cost $50 for me, sorry you’re a coping poorfag anon
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>i only got scammed out of 50 bucks, heh guess you simply must be poor if you don't waste money like me lole
>i only got scammed out of 50 bucks
I got everything I paid for, explain exactly how I got scammed? You can say that you don’t think that what you get isn’t worth your money in your opinion but then I can say that just exposes you as a coping poorfag in my opinion
Keep “spitting on” dogtags in a video game if that’s your cope of choice, it’s much better than crying on here about what other people do with their money
>I got everything I paid for, explain exactly how I got scammed?
Where's the radio that makes scavs not aggro you and the radio for calling in your harem of boyfriends? :^)
I want to escape from tarkov but there is unironically no where to go
10 page in a new thread lol games dead as fuck
>3 days later
>EFT ref quest still not showing up in arena
>9x39mm SPP nerfed to 35 pen
WHYYYYY fucking lame, this was simply not needed
Im still waiting for ABI come out
cant wait to be disappoint and dropped the genre entirely
Wouldn't want streamers and retards to have it too hard with their new baby mode armor changes.
It's ok my VAL has taken 3 lives since the update but every single time the TTK has been insane. I'd be baffled by how many rounds someone would be taking before going down.
its up

It's over
I unironically bought unheard after playing gray zone and abi. Both of them gave me a newfound appreciation for Tarkov because it has a soul unlike those two.
>page 10
lmao how can they keep killing this shit after it's already dead
anyway I'm watching this arena campfest and it's giving me crates, can I send those to pve (sorry I work full-time I would love to get floored by big meaty anons) or should I not even bother installing this trash game mode thanks
It's fun in moderation or for overall getting better at pvp but not something to take seriously or else the sweats and cheaters will drive you nuts. They have made good progress on arena since launch imo, but it does need more time in the oven.
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*runs up behind you without making a single sound*
Hardcore realism.
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*jams your gun*
nothin personnel, tovarisch.
Next wipe I'm going to play a bit of arena just for the money and gp coins, basically just popping in to see if there's an easy quest and thats it. Some of the quest requirements are pure aids. Hopefully the quests are much easier for lower level people.
>page 10
dead gay retard game hopefully it dies for real
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you aint never gettin away from me gimme a hug nigga
The fate of all generals for games that don't appeal to coomers, troons, and other mentally ill types.
the gacha game generals are just insane, just dozens of retards endlessly posting thirst pics saying they want to fuck their waifus over and over again. I'd rather be dead
>other mentally ill types
as if 9/10 posters in this general aren't terminally autistic
yeah but we're not autistic enough to pay money for anime tit NFTs or whatever the fuck, I'm the GOOD kind of autist
I'll agree that playing Tarkov; a game that is brutal as fuck by design in addition to its many bugs, cheaters, slav code, and AI that rapidly alternates between clinically retarded and Terminator-like does require a degree of autism and mental illness.
But that is absolutely nothing compared to what exists in the gacha generals or some MMO generals. /xivg/ will literally go through a thread in 2 hours sometimes less and 98% of posts will be coomershit, grown men e-dating and talking about their erp sessions, and high school level drama.

It's fucking insane.
>not autistic
Pick one
if you nigger die again I'm going to merge the general
I'm trying to
>snipe with the MP-153
for a task on customs. Learned shotguns are zeroed with buckshot. Range find target 150 meters, zero to 150. Every shot I took was lowering the rent of space stations.
>what scope should I try to slug with?
I have a hard time positioning to leg meta with buckshot on customs, my playstyle is basically spawn to dorms to extract. Any insight is appreciated I'm at 3/15 and don't want this to take forever.
>side question
Can I get marked room keys from the jackets in dorms? I feel like I've been searching dorm jackets for a week now and I only ever get customs and factory keys. I think once I got a reserve key.
Imagine being an anime/gacha/tarkov addict, couldn't be me...
Came back to tarkov since i have PvE mode now cuz im a Eod chad
i have to say the only way you get clapped by the pmc/raiders lol is fucking up urselft
Would be better if the Aimbot PMC weren't best friends with the bosses, but PvE is pretty fun so far
Coomers are insatiable, can't compete with that.
>4 days later
>EFT quest from Ref still doesn't show up in Arena
sucks to be you
man this game is ass
game is booty cheeks
It showed up for me after I won a rated game
I had to win another, but that was like a week ago
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New quest just dropped
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I had to restart the game to see it

That quest name, and all of the subtasks, appeared as strings of code instead of words
Not very good to be honest

Someone made a graphics mod ages ago that makes Tarkov look like Unrecord, the bodycam hyper realism game
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Crazy event bruv, anyway see you guys in a month
Apparently they added guaranteed tank battery spawns on Customs for the new Therapist keycard quest, anyone know where?
It's late wipe, this always happens.
wiki got updated, check em out. I've seen them on 3 story dorms, fortress, new gas
>have to find 50 military batteries
whoah wtf why is this app on my pc called ABS bieng opend im not even touching my keyboard how is it doing that fr
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Truly one of the quests of all time.
this event is actually making me sleepy shit is so boring who thought this shit would be a good idea
At least Raiders are spawning 100% of the time so I have some motivation to finally complete Drip Out in PVE
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>Scav into Customs to check out the event
>Run to 3 story dorms
>Dead raiders and PMCs, marked room unlocked
>Fellow scav appears, but I didn't bother to plug my mic in
>acting weirdly interested in me
>shoots at my feet
>shoot back at his feet to show I know the trick
>He gives me a tank battery?
>now that I'm heavy he blocks my way so I can't go anywhere
>whatever, drop the battery and go past him to the loot
>pick up a brand new mk17 from the marked room
>He actually starts shooting me with his garbage shotgun ammo
>kill him with my shitty pistol and get the scav karma reward
Thanks for bringing me up to 5.96 scav rep and giving me a battery you fucking weirdo haha
New Factory screenshots.
Can't wait for it to run like absolute shit.
>new event
>page 10
>collect the most expensive and rarest items in the game
no shit nobody is talking about it. what are keycards up to on the flea?
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Looks alright, I was worried they were going to complete change the layout.
They better keep the glass hallway/forklift spawn.
Good play, but where did you get that picture of me?
wtf how do I even get those aren't they rare as fuck
They don't need to be FiR, so you may be able to get them on the flea for 100 million roubles a piece
There's a barter for them with mechanic for tank batteries now and there are 3 tank battery spawns on customs guaranteed guarded by raiders.
have a webm of a usec dying to bump
Finally, some much needed gameplay in this general.
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How do you inflict heavy damage and not deal any damage to body or damage what is absorbed by armors?
idk man, you just did it, you should know best.
Maybe I tapped into some unkown burer powahs and psychd him to near death with my presence.
Anyone else start getting horrid performance looking in certain directions? In the past week or so I can barely even look in the direction of shoreline health resort, and southern road spawn on lighthouse. Performance was fine during the boss event. Seems like sometime around the armor patch my game went to shit.
I had 55 FPS today on fucking Customs, could easily have 120+ on it in the past. Performance is abysmal.
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I call hax
At least it's not just me. And it seems recent, same boat, usually 80-90 fps on all maps, now I'm down in the 20s it I'm using a scope. Trying to confirm it's not my hardware
u will never improve calling shit like that hacks man lol ur a retard drop the game and pick up the bingos
no, u
I would've shot your dumb ass through the tent, too.
enjoy just never being good at the game atleast ill have one more alien in the lobby to stomp
I will and have.
Enjoy another thread dying b4 bump.
You're retarded. I killed a person just like that 2 wipes ago. And big pipe once before too. It's easy as shit to shoot through that hole.
That's cool. Maybe I'll actually set up a Realism folder. Right now I'm still trying to fuck around with PMC difficulty without turning them into insta-spotting aimbots. So far, the game remains too easy.
This is b8, right? On the off chance it isn't, I'd be happy to tell you some of the things you did wrong there.
setup is essentially impossible now lole
Bored? Take a quest from Tarkov and replace one word with nigger. I'll start:
>A Nigger Born in Heaven
should I take SPT pill?
people said the AI there are better but how much better?
Way better than PVE's nonsense once you grab the SAIN mod. With that, AI has different profiles (I think ~6 by default) ranging from rats who might extract camp you to dudes who bhop corners and laser you. There's a lot of settings you can tweak to change the difficulty on all or specific AI (rogues, raiders, scavs, PMC, etc.). It's fun, but ultimately, you can't ever truly replicate real PVP or all the different decisions a player might make.
just tried Dark and Darker
I fucking hate it
there is no equalizer
there is no off chance of lucky shot letting you win
some maxxgeared dude will be able to clapped naked scrub 10 out of 10 time instead of 9 out of 10
>Nigger from the Past
Capturing Niggers
Yeah that was also my takeaway from the brief time I tried it during one of the free tests. I'm good with EFT as my PVPVE game. I just want a coop dungeon crawler besides Barony that I can drink and chill with the boys on.
Wow, it only took 5 FUCKING DAYS for the quest to show up!
>wearing a Korund in Arena
>two tapped to the thorax with PBP
cool game
Do you seriously only get 25 ARP for wins in Arena?
>give away your position
>get too close to a window without understanding how perspective works
>wtf how could he possibly have known??? must be cheats
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does anyone else perform better when theyre using a god awful ak with bt and whatever gear rather than going full on meta? i know its not a gear fear thing since i dont feel any different bringing them in. i just find myself getting more kills with a ak74u that was put together in 10 seconds
ADAR my beloved gave me more kills than a meta M4.
>Arena says I'm level 60 after finishing a bunch of daily quests there
>I'm still level 58 in the base game
Is this supposed to work like this or is something fucked up again?
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>wearable cultist jacket
>sacrificing shit to cultists
I preferred it when cultists were spooky dudes we knew nothing about instead of being our best friends like they are now.
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$250 circle btw.
coonkita really is fucking desperate
he's bleeding money left and right trying to keep the infrastructure running for a dwindling player base that hasn't spent a single cent in this franchise since the last decade
what's next?
300 shekels ESP?
400 shekels immortality elixir?
500 shekels omnipotence?
1000 shekels and you become sysadmin?
beyond pathetic
Why won't you just play something else, then?
Be quiet, fanboi
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>oh look! a zigger
why does it matter if I'm playing this shit or not?
am I so important?
does that invalidate or reinforce anything I wrote?
coming here to shit down the throats of zigger bots is fun enough for me
I must confess that I come here from time to time just to get a whiff of what kind fuckery that coonkita is cooking and how the coonsumers are coping with it
btw zigger, do you have a launch date for this dumpster fire? wipe date? a roadmap? anything?
I mean I paid 150 shekels way back in 2017 but am I ever going to get access to what I purchased?
It just comes off as mentally ill, seeing you seething about the game for years here.
>I mean I paid 150 shekels way back in 2017 but am I ever going to get access to what I purchased?
You paid for access to a beta and that's what you got?
>don't question it
>just consume product and get excited for next product
I dunno man, it's not my fault you can't do your own basic research and look up what you're buying beforehand.
What does niggitas taint smell like? I bet you bought unheard the minute it was announced.
Tarkov has a $250 edition and microtransactions in the form of cosmetics. Hiding behind the "IT'S JUST A BETA" defense is for braindead niggers who will shill for free. The game, and by extension that fat retard nikita, can and should be criticized. Especially so because it's a beta. While that other anon is a sperg he's well within his right to call the game out for being shit and an eternal beta.
>You paid for access to a beta and that's what you got?
so, when the game finally gets a full launch everyone who "paid for access to the beta" has to buy the game if they want to keep playing?
Did I get that right?
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>What does niggitas taint smell like?
I've no idea.
> I bet you bought unheard the minute it was announced.
No, and I'm not going to.
>Hiding behind the "IT'S JUST A BETA" defense is for braindead niggers who will shill for free.
You are correct, fact is the game came out in 2017, anyone who falls for the "beta" meme is an actual retard.
>The game, and by extension that fat retard nikita, can and should be criticized.
Of course, I'm not denying that. I have my own fair share of criticism regarding the game, but I'm not being a fucking retard and crying about game not having X at the time of me buying it and saying I got scammed or whatever.
>so, when the game finally gets a full launch everyone who "paid for access to the beta" has to buy the game if they want to keep playing?
>Did I get that right?
No, because you also preordered the game.
>No, because you also preordered the game.
>You paid for access to a beta and that's what you got?
So which is it?
You're going in circles now
Did I buy a game? Did I pre order a game? Did I purchase a beta access? Was it a donation?
>crying about game not having X at the time of me buying it and saying I got scammed or whatever.
what do you mean by this? Are people discontent because their game has more content now than when they """bought it"""? Or is it that the game isn't fully launched yet after almost a decade in beta access and the publisher is literally pay walling content that was previously either included in the base game or in premium pay2win versions that somehow disappeared only reappear with even higher prices for the same exact content and some more game breaking pay2win features?
You bought the game. You paid the developer money to play the game. It's that simple.
So, where is the game that I bought?
C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\ by default.
is Quasimorph any good?
I dont know if I will like turnbase
>page 10
here again
Imagine paying $250 so you can wear a diaper in game. You basically give up your man card for life at that point.
It's tick-based, so it's only turn-based when you're not actively making inputs
Will they be removing the DRD armour from this game?
Why stop there? They should just remove all streamer items.
>caring at all about thot minors
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>New event
>You have to kill PMCs while wearing the Red paca and moustache
>Or you kill PMCs who are wearing the Red paca and moustache
>Whichever is the total highest will determine if the armor stay or get deleted
>You also get an achievement for which side you represented personally
why would it get deleted he didn't do anything
>remove something based off some hearsay that never even made it to court
Normally, I'd say "probably", but then again, they're a Russian company and probably give zero fucks.
So the garbage AI gives you like a 40FPS hit. I can actually run Streets relatively smoothly with them turned off. Why don't they just remove them and maybe just limit it to bosses? They really don't add much to the experience as they're either completely retarded or use wall hacks.
They drop loot. They let you know where other players are and let other players know where you are. And they keep the quieter/deader raids from being completely boring by still at least giving you something to shoot.
>enter tent at edge of water treatment as scav
>rogue runs down from the tower to kill me
was it not just the buildings? it feels like they change what sets them off every patch
Well they could add more PMC's in raids to balance it and you'd still have player scavs
They'd need more spawns to account for that, and not every map is set up to handle that. Not to mention, the more players in a raid on many of these smaller or more linear maps, the less likely it is any given person is living through their raid. There has to be some sort of balance being struck, and bots allow for this. If BSG could make the AI actually decent, the bots would be a much better component than they are currently.
Yeah, FEAR had better AI
FEAR was also a significantly less complex game, performance is already awful, smarter AI would most likely put even more strain on the CPU.
Unless you're playing PVE, I don't see why AI programming would necessarily affect player framerates significantly since those are handled server-side in live.

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