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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Tracklist for Vengeance OST

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny video featuring Alice
Previous Thread: >>482990267
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this thread should be dedicated to mommies
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What kind of DLC do you think they will add in the future, anon? There is no way the sale record would be ignored by Altus/SEGA
Krishna and maybe Maitreya
I just got back after going dark while I beat the game. What are the sales looking like? I'm not up to date.
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covid bird
Mothman pls
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I like mecha demons
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What's your preferred method of handling endings
>Infinitely grindable points from killing demons and repeatable choices, choosable paths (SMT 1/2)
>Single decisions locking you into endings (Nocturne, V)
>Finite choices, choosable paths with a heavy amount of leniency (SJ*, VV? [degree of leniency still unknown])
>Finite choices, automatic lock with little leniency (IV)
>Finite choices, freely choosable paths but negative game consequences for picking path contrary to alignment with heavy leniency (IVA)
*SJ has a few infinitely repeatable dialogues that change your alignment but I don't think they were intended
V also technically has IVA's negative consequences with the alignment sidequests but it's so out of the way right before the game ends who cares
Nice screenshot lmao
i guess this is the thread : ( but yeah that room in particular has a lot of fuuny angles with the lilim.
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Where does dog keep her phone?
what things does she have on her phone
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Back of the knee maybe?
Of the fiends in 5, which is the strongest?
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In her fluffy fur on her arm or thigh
Photos of (you)
Black Rider and it's not even close. Soul Divide has a 100% seal chance and it's low accuracy can be nullified with safeguard.
It's begun.
Honestly don't care as long as it's handled well. Love SMTIV but trying to figure out if I'd be Neutral or not was a nightmare.
Zeus is so cool!
I was expecting some coomer shit lmao
very cool
do you have one where she tilts her head
shes so cute
I feel like saying this is sacrilege here but I actually kinda like Aogami's dub VA
not in a gay way though
I regret even bothering to summon Pale Rider
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>this makes the schizo shit and piss his pants
Reddit bird
Really wish Moowis used mech parts a few more times
She's pretty good in Vengeance. I made a charm team specifically for her.
>make Yoko seething
Very smooth smug face
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>Satan summons Hariti
>immediately eats her
>magatsuhi next turn
>full health restore

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37th for Yoko
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>demon haunt
>easier than ever to pump stat boosters into demons to keep them viable
every release we inch closer and closer to demon romance
>Among the cut demons found in Vanilla V, along Satan and Dagda
>Didn't make it to VV
Please... I just want Krishna in 3D...
I actually have a bit of respect for yoko she doesn't go through with betraying you and tao. of course it doesn't matter and the plot happens anyways but its the thought that counts.
For demifiend fight is almighty worth it? I want to use 2hu girl I love her special attack so much. And is kenosobe viel or whatever the fuck its called worth using?
Marduk boss fight
>hard simp for Yoko for most of the game
>after the 3rd act twist start to feel a sense of duty to remake the world for the sake of the people who sacrificed so much for a better world
>expect a decision to pick my ending like in base V but my character takes Yoko's hand at the end because it was keeping track of all the times I kissed her ass
Damn she got me.
I'm surprised they bothered adding Samael but not Marduk
>want to be Neutral in VV? You can for only 3.99$!
Can someone do me a favor and put Master Therion as a request on Gamebanana or at least tell me how? Tried to make one but apparently I don't got any points or some shit?
why would you be surprised
one had a model in nocturne and the other's never even had a mainline appearance
I wonder how would they handle him in mainline SMT
There were some weird lore drops regarding Marduk and the throne in VV
Horned God = Marduk = Baal = YVHV?
is Sophia expanded on at all in VV?
Marduk being the Bull God feels to me like something that wasn't really the plan and was probably added to salvage as much as they could from V's troubled development.
Obviously not since her only purpose is to be eye candy and replace Mido
Yes, she has a fixation with footjobs and leaving blue rings on you now
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Can we agree that a neutral path doesn't fit in the alignment dichotomy at all? Rather than law and chaos, the real choice is "you can fix a broken system from inside through the proper means and thus save as many lives as possible" vs "you have to burn it all down no matte the human or material cost or it will always be broken." There's no illuminated centrist in this conflict.
I thought she might end up having some connection with the god of law that Lucifer slayed
They gave that backstory to Yoko.
why yes, I do gain all of my esoteric religious knowledge from 30 year old japanese vidoe games, however did you know?
why yes, I do gain all of my esoteric religious knowledge from a single book written by a crazy feminist, however did you know?
Wikipedia and Barbara G. Walker is all you need
Mastema really showed up at the end of the game like he's the strongest law character. Metatron and Michael went down like chumps but don't worry guys Mastema is here with his own boss theme and everything.
There is a way:
>Deny either girl
>kill either girl if they start attacking you
>kill Tiamat because being left uncheck, she would try to kill you
>kill Mastema because he WILL find a replacement
>open the void
>walk into the void
>wander around the void for years and years, finding a new reality to live in because you're tired of all the things from your old home
Its something that Dagda did, why not Bino?
>strongest law character.
Wouldn't that be Satan, though?
It was quite lame
He could have at least become Satan as a final boss for the chaos route
And reusing Tiamat for the chaos route was also retarded
Because it sounds extremely retarded
in the satan quest he's whining like a sore loser (in chaos) and summons daddy satan to fuck you up (in law he is whining about lucifer giving you the power to defy mandala).
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But muu shuwuu has her own theme. Does that make her the strongest as well?
I think Yoko would hate me if she found out I’m married to Artemis and Idun
You are forever cursed with the knowledge of lipstick rings and the fact it’s such a niche fetish that no one draws it
Still find it funny that people were convinced VV would use Kaneko Satan when demons never reverts from their Doi design unless it's Persona
Would have been cool if Tiamat/Yoko the final boss of Law and Marduk the final boss of Chaos, since they namedropped him
Fit the themes of Bull vs snake and oppressor vs oppressed better
No it makes her the cringest pedo bird
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Modding the game just so I can give Shuwuu almighty potential.
It's because the Doi design sucked so badly. I was more hopeful that we'd get another redesign that was closer to the Doi concept art.
Also we did get Kaneko Lucifer and Mecha Lucifer while Doi's IVA Lucifer was nowhere to be found
im in love with her, im going to make a webm to go along with this webm.
IVA Luci wasn't Doi, was it? I thought it was a guest artist.
>while Doi's IVA Lucifer was nowhere to be found
Doi didn't really design that. He just redrew the design for IV which was a guest design.
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Imagine your demon harems talking about how cute or cool you are while you're out doing your job. What would they say about you?
I would break my pixie
A weirdo typed this post
Benevolent gaslighting of Lilim until she's converted to your pure tradwife
Have any of his "touch up" designs showed up in V? I feel like at least one did in dx2 but I kinnae remember
It was him redrawing the guest design from IV. I actually kinda like it in the respect that he looks like a Throne
To me its more the fans started to miss the point, and in all fairness sometimes the games did too. Neutral became the easy way out where you can throw in a vague oorah humanity strong. In theory you're meant to accept there is an existential problem with the world and you'll need some aspects of each extreme to fix it. However a lot of players clearly walk away rejecting everything with no solid thought on how society should move forward. This is confounded by players who feel the need to argue actually Law or Chaos is the totally right best option. Really each forms part of an overall point and aren't much of a statement without each other.

V tried to make clear that neutral was as much an extremist choice as any other. I don't think many really got that though. So VV instead forces you to engage with the topic. Do we fix things or start again. I do think there is a middle ground point in all this and its a faith in humanity. Whether we're capable of still growing in a flawed system, or given the freedom we won't instantly become animals. However you aren't given this out but have to arrive at the conclusion yourself. Regardless of the path you pick it requires believing humanity can become more. Neutral in VV would probably mean restore the world and just sort of hope. Many would use it as a chance to not engage.
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me and my 3 wives
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How does "benevolent gaslighting" even work?
You found the issue with giving VV a Neutral path; it would be the exact same as the True Human ending from CoC, which is already only granurally different from CoV Law.
Does Yoko carry over in compendium? I only go to use her hot goddess design for like 5 minutes.
she does yeah, you can summon her for free in ng+
prepare to be cucked by Mothman
People whined about Tao in Vanilla so now both Tao and Yoko are instantly summonable from the compendium.
There is another neutral choice: just walk away and take no side. That being said

>However a lot of players clearly walk away rejecting everything with no solid thought on how society should move forward.
Every "independent" players for Fallout New Vegas.
>Have any of his "touch up" designs showed up in V? I feel like at least one did in dx2 but I kinnae remember
Nope. The one he touched up were
None have reappeared since.
damn, I wonder if that means those designs are really trapped in the IV duology forever
So what were the threads like when the spoilers and confirmations started rolling in? I left a few weeks ago and only came back today after beating the game.
good riddance
Koga Saburo did pop up in Dx2 and he wasn't touched up by Doi for what it's worth.
I don't disagree with you but Tehom did kinda feel like "Merkabah at home"
>My own clone
>Now neither of us will be virgins
bro she already got fucked by YHVH, virginity is the least of her problems
What are the problems with Law because it sounds based to me
>Artemis has joined your party.
And she's never leaving.
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Okay, how the hell do I get there? It's not approachable from old area, nor from the new one with Surt.
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nevermind i'm retarded, found the way.
I like this
>tao's ear
So what's the best order for the super bosses? Demi-fiend last? Satan last? Godborn?
Are concentrate/charge still some dumb shit like 1.8x in vengeance or are they actually worth using now
Nope, still 1.8x. Just use Critical Aura or Impaler's Animus.
I’m gonna kill Dazai
Law doesn't address the fundamental issues with mandala or the world but hopes to smooth over them enough that humanity grows out of them. Long as mandala exists so does the fight to the top in society, Lilith and Yoko point out humans will naturally copy the system ruling them. Even with their wishes fulfilled, hierarchy will still create inequality. Tao's concept may in fact be an impossible task if humans can't prove themselves to be better than the system they live in. Even then with mandala in place there is never a 100% chance someone else won't find their way to the throne, a benevolent dictator may still fall.

Basically, does the structure of our society inevitably corrupt us no matter how good the leaders are. That's the point being made. A problem I forgot to mention with how people talk about SMT endings is people quibble the smaller stuff rather than what is trying to be said. An ending may seem overly good and the right choice to you when you weigh up all the options. However the thematic point is what's important.
Inequality is good though so this is another positive
PM Koshimizu...
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Reddit bird
What demons do I need to fuse Lilith?
SMTVV is far better than SMTV. just the fact that there are so many more quests and NPC conversations to flesh out the world, the characterization is far better, cutscenes are better, music is better.

it could have been even better (the ending) but it's still by far the best atlus rerelease ever
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Young man, I’ve been meaning to ask you, what are your opinions on foreigners in Japan? It seems like they’ve been causing as much trouble out there as the demons.

Ah I see, despite what is commonly said in human culture related to behavior being based on what you observe as a youth you say it’s entirely related to the color of their skin. All humans are the same on the inside in but the outside is what separates them, thank you I think I understand more.
Strong ones I assume
Honestly if there’s one thing they still need to pull from Pokemon it’s the Pokedex’s ability to tell you where they are located on the map
Looking at the maps on gamefaqs for MT1 vs what they’re like in KMT1, is MT1 basically a totally different game with the same key item puzzles and story? MT2 and KMT2 have identical maps.

Also, what is the point of Uriel and Raphael being around level 20? By the time you can farm materials to fuse them, they are too weak. Especially when Gabriel and Michael require the same things.
I heard that Lucifer has unique dialogue if you beat or fight him with the demifiend. Is this true? Also I cant use debilite with bealzuub against demifiend since, I have no female demons in my party it goes to two automatically and he removes the debuffs. Whats a good replacement? Naamah? Vishnu?
tao is really cute in the remake. like really cute
>I heard that Lucifer has unique dialogue if you beat or fight him with the demifiend. Is this true?
I beat him and didn't see any unique dialogue. He just congratulated Beano as usual for ascending to godhood.
>Also I cant use debilite with bealzuub against demifiend since, I have no female demons in my party it goes to two automatically and he removes the debuffs. Whats a good replacement? Naamah? Vishnu?
I'm surprised you don't have Cleopatra on your team or someone else to temporarily disable his debuff. If you don't want to do that, though, then Naamah is a decent replacement because she can learn Resist Phys from Glasya-Labolas which doesn't make Demi-Fiend angry. Vishnu's also pretty alright, though I used him as a Dark nuke alongside Beelzebub in case Pixie was giving me a harder time.
I really hope VV's soundtrack gets nominated for awards and stuff
Fuck i forgot to get cleo how. What exactly makes Cleo disable his debuff? Yo umean her frolic? Ngl probably going to turn down the difficulty to normal to fight demi fiend and satan.
i agree
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Sorry, I meant to say his passive. Beelzebub actively checks to see you don't have a Herald, Megami, Femme, or Lady in the party, so popular demons like Cleopatra, Idun, and Artemis disable his passive and only have him lower stats by 1 stage, which is helpful in Demi-Fiend's case since he won't purge stats if he's only 3 stages low in any stats (ex. -1 to Atk/Def/Eva is fine but -2 to Atk and -1 to Def/Eva will cause him to purge it if one of his other demons gets an action).
You missed the Satan quest. Tao's world has issues (she herself brings them up even with the edited text), but Mandala isn't one of them.
I like SMT VV more then nocturne.
I like SH2 more than nocturne
Satan really doesn't say anything more. Its the same deal as true neutral where in theory this should stop the swapping of power but isn't a guarantee. She doesn't put a stop to it any more than that ending. If anything Satan kind of suggests its still in effect else where despite Tao's suggesting its stopped everywhere.
I finally understand why Tao's Law route feels so neutral-pilled to me. It's that its core is "humanity is good" and "I have hope humanity can be better", which has always been the heart of neutral. Meanwhile Yoko's Chaos route is "humanity is bad" and "it can't be fixed."
Its still the law route and overall, is law. Its trusting the system and will have a diety guiding humanity. It reminds me more of Akane's route in DeSu OC
I assume it's left ambiguous because the V/VV endings want to leave stuff to interpretation for better or worse. Tao's ending itself already has a lot of ambiguity about what it's about, because it could be simply creating a world in which those who were doomed to be losers (the snakes) can achieve their dreams, and it can also be having Naho and/or Tao be literal wish-granting genies.
>Meanwhile Yoko's Chaos route is "humanity is bad" and "it can't be fixed."
No its society is bad and humans can only be fixed without its influence. Allowing something new to be birthed from the void is believing that those who come next can build something great. The doubt we have about it is showing we believe in humanity much less than her.
sahori's bitch
didn't they make Impaler 1.3x now?
She had hope at some point, but after the sacrifice and unsealing her power back she goes all in on "it's fucked." In the alignment choicee when she and Tao are arguing with each other she says "You saw humanity for what it is. Stupid and ugly."
which demi fiend skills are worth using? chaotic will looks like the only thing worth using and gaea rage is way too expensive
Because of the system, she blames Mandala for making people this way.
>This structure has defined us. Corrupted humanity. It is our history, broken beyond repair.
You also ignore that Tao agrees with Yoko at that point. Yoko brings up that they both saw what happened at school and what it turned humanity into. Tao agrees but says she wants to to fix it. Do you think Yoko is birthing a new world with the expectation humanity is just evil and will immediately ruin it again?
Metaphor won.
That's true; it feels a bit too villain speech, but she did say that only burning everything down and starting from zero can give birth to a new humanity. But it's more like Tao believes in the current humanity and empathizes with them, she name-drops all the previous alignment reps, while Yoko doesn't believe in the current humanity and thinks they need to be mercy-killed (not saying she does it because of FREEDOM or whatever like the usual Chaos-rep, though, she is acting out of sympathy).
I might be fusing too much since I just finished her fight and all I need is Cherub
>didn't they make Impaler 1.3x now?
Yet another nerf...
sex bird
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Alice and Moh Shuvuu in school swimsuits...
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Ardha, Mahakala and Sati have been added as new demons. He added the tenma race too, but it seems the limitation is that hes only adding demons as special fusions.
I'm pretty sure the grindable choice with the demon you can either help or not in SJ was intended.
Honestly I dislike that because it seems like admitting to a weakness in story design. Also killing or talking to demons you have a team with.
I prefer when it's done through story choices including side quests but the game should give feedback on what exactly your decisions led to and what your current status is.
Man, would be cool to see what we could (will) get with Dx2 models.
Btw did anyone ever try to animate the existing models in DX that never got implemented but exist in the files?
It's looking good so far and I'm glad he's adding Maya soon too. She's one of my favorite Kaneko designs and I'm surprised Atlus hasn't put her or Asherah in a 3D game yet.
But the source of both their issues here isn't really humanity, they understand humans as products of their influences. Tao's ending is also a reset/refresh that clearly changes the people. Some are brought back and changed. She doesn't rewrite the entire rule book in the process but believes the system can work with better leadership. Humanity are different under her rule, not entirely who we knew cause they're living different lives. To me it all points to an argument about the system rather than if humanity are at fault. Same way a lot of Yoko's whining would seem to be about people but is more about what society has done to them.

>and empathizes with them,
The last line of Yoko's is
>Such is the world desired by all those who have ever known suffering
She also empathizes with humanity. But thinks they deserve their Shin Megami Tensei V:Vengeance
Weird. There was a whole moral panic about them (rainbow parties) yet nobody seems to bother with it for real. At best as a visual indicator not a focus.
do mods work on steam, is workshop open now?
btw im trying to complete everything in creation before vengeance
so the new smt game on the deck, any hiccups or is it perfect?
>do mods work on steam
>is workshop open now?
Workshop are only for games with official mod support, which is not the case here.
In fact, most japanese game don't have a steam workshop at all.
That whole thing was just some fake shit spread around by parents who had too much time on their hands, rainbow parties in the early 2000s was just us doing LSD
how do i add mods on steam? i wanna do it
I'd propose a different system
>Each fraction has a separate points total
>Majority of choices are about building with that group
>Some choices have overlap e.g "Maybe we shouldn't eat babies". +10 Law/Neutral
>Available endings depend on you having enough to access them
This allows a level of freedom where you can agree with Law/Chaos where they seem sensible. Avoiding taking really dumb choices just to get an ending. I'm open to there still being some ways to lose points. But just cause you disagree with a handful of an alignments points doesn't mean when push comes to shove you wouldn't lean that way.
SJ is closest. Each finite choice should meaningfully affect content; I don't care for "don't shake his hand lol im chaotic". Picking between Gotou or Thor (or fighting both), travelling with Jonathan or Walter (no third option) and figuring out how to deal with Grendel/Jack's Squad (with a hidden third option) are all good examples of decisions that make sense to me. Ideally the alignment lock happens early enough that it can influence the last leg of the game. It's not huge, but the Cosmic Egg stuff having different fights and NPC dialogue helps sell the idea you're fighting for this particular side. The Mara/Seraph quest too, it's satisfying to play out. The way Gore only bothers dialoguing with you if you're within range of Neutral is a nice way of handling the lock, too.
Young Man, what is it with these new Muslim demons that have started appearing around Tokyo?
wtf mara just called me a virgin...
how do i add old mods from the base game into vv on steam?
Based Aoigami.
Apparently, I didn't get any route specific miracles for clearing CoV?
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I want to fuck this dog
with mods i can make smt look mature and the way its supposed to look
and when would these dlc come hypothetically?
How do I marry Tao and Yoko?
I doubt there will be DLC, if 1 million wasn’t enough to get DLC 500k isn’t either.
i got the one for doing law. i don't think it transfers into "Newborn" if you checked it in NG+ (it didn't in vanilla)
Oh, let me try reborn then. thanks anon
I have Jack Frost fruit snacks so he won’t walk in on and me mating pressing my wife (Pixie)
>panagia tao and yoko can give you their essences
wait what
raidou 2 kinda does
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Nope, I didn't get any route specific miracles in reborn after clearing the game in CoV chaos. Only the divine persuasion ones. It's over.
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Dude why is he so small
I thought he was bigger than that
Stupid little baby devil
That sucks, I definitely got the level one for law.
I think in the Chaos route, it's decided by the 'Yeah' or 'That's right' Yoko choice. And the choice that Tao gives you about saving the world or something in the Empyrean.
the game is easier but it's more fun
Thats why its fucking retarded, they keep pushing away the problem being humanity itself and make it seems as if the system has the biggest part
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That's just how it is, yoko and tao are not as deep as anon is trying to paint, yoko primary want revenge, then she let the new world to suffer since she never gave a shit about what happens after the ending while using sweet talk "maybe it can be better"
I'll warm her up with my burning passion.
What is accuracy based on? Agility and Luck? Does level difference impact it?
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Last Bible 3 has a really comfy soundtrack.
finally someone gets it
What's the lore reason behind needing Cherub? Why no Succubus?

because fallen divine beings were divine before, just like man was like Jesus until adam fell
Falling from grace.
>Why no Succubus?
Different mythos while Lilim are explicitely her daughters.
I will turn cherub into a cum jair
fun fact, there are no succubus in the bible, not tobit nor 4 ezra nor genesis 24, it actually originates from the anglo saxon mythology that was taken from french mythology
she's 16
V sorta does this but sometimes I swear it's inaccurate or it doesn't update to where the demon appears in maybe groups later on.
It sucks because I prefer fusing an entire stock of demons to get something I want rather than summoning from the compendium.
>you can actually do damage to the lvl 99 meme abcess even 30/40 levels lower
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This artist draws their own versions of japanese deities and I feel like they have the exact one to one design sensibilities that Doi does, they really like overly patterned surfaces and mask-like faces
I just thought it was kinda neat and reminded me of modern SMT deities
>Looking at the maps on gamefaqs for MT1 vs what they’re like in KMT1, is MT1 basically a totally different game with the same key item puzzles and story?
I would also like to know this. I suck at old school dungeon crawlers but that's pretty cool if you can basically play the game twice with different maps
she does not exist
didn't they remove her panties in VV?
16/20, yeah.
Imagine model swapping Asherah or Maya into the Surt fight...
So Arioch is now one of the best demons in the game cause if his avenger passive
he judged your dps too shit
satan last
Normal Masakado then anyone really. Godborn will probably make things easier considering you can just farm to 999 vit.
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okay so, im playing this ukrainian game, walking through maruipol, avdeevka, artemovsk, pripyat and so on

is there any way to level up my little demons? i have Artemis, she is like 45, but im on 60-65lvl location, she does no damage and miss a lot, but still has that phys skill that do -2 armor. but this demon, because she is naturally was 40lvl or something, need 500000-600000 exp to levelup. so i wonder is there any was to level her, beside feeding that cool item that level up your demon?
You need the Vodka Talisman from the Kudlak in the grass ontop of a hill
Shiva definitely is easier than Demi-Fiend and Satan. Don't know about Masakado yet.
blatant samefag
Why do all the female Kaneko demons in V/VV have Soejima-face?
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Did I miss the true ending? I told yoko I was happy to see her when we met back up in the empyrean and there was a couple of cool fights but it felt like I missed out on some content, tao and goku just disappeared and it reverted to me fighting matter lucifer at the end. I feel like I missed out on the obvious extra boss at the end like in redux or nocturne.
>the ancient angel
>only has 4 wings when the top dog lucifer has 12
Nah, the Chaos route is just kind of slapped together. Law feels more natural, although it still kind of stumbles in the transition from the new content back to Lucifer.
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A guide for the Shuwuu navigator told me to accept some quest here in order to get her as a navigator, but there is nothing here when I get there, no quest
Is there really nothing extra at all to activate? It felt so strongly presented as "bad ending where you missed something and need to replay" when tao just left without finishing her business. Thats really strange
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VV won.
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mmmmm gooning to yoko and tao
that doesnt look natural, make their asses a little smaller, then its hot, it aint hot rn tho
The only unlockable is that you can face a stronger version of Lucifer who changes forms during the battle if you beat Shiva before him, but Tao and Goko still will leave without a battle.
Advance more through the story and that npc/quest should appear eventually.
What demon would you
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Baal MT2
guys i think mudo fucking sucks
you suck more than mudo
>unfinished content
lawchads stay winning
/pg/ is that way
Persona general doesn't want to fuck demons retard they want to fuck teenage girls
Pick one
the reception to VV has been so good, I really wasn't expecting it
Most of the demons mentioned are obviously in their teens like Artemis
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because we are teens attracted to teens duh
Demons are not human and thus do not have ages. Go back.
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>Comparing a full game to some DLC
It's a tokusatsu thing
My demonfu is forever 17.
Fuck off.
Do you really think we will get any dlc at all?
The same nigger who said VV would die to Erdtree now says they aren't comparable. Predictable.
The only time Atlus has done DLC that wasn't announced at launch was The Answer DLC for P3R. I don't think we'll get one.
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>Demons are not human and thus do not have ages.
Doesn't really matter
You can have sex with Alice and you're still fucking a child that also has the mental capacity of a child. Which means you're fucking a child regardless of age. So the same applies to someone like Artemis or Idun
>has the mental capacity of a child
That's what she wants you to believe lmao
Artemis and Idun are like 20 or 18 bro
Did this dumb nigger forget that Idunn is already married so even if he wanted to use some moral argument he already lost.
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The SMT6 heroine will be lady battle cop
It's just one of the usual edgelords seething about people lusting after demons while unironically thinking that SMT was always edgy and mature.
R&D1 has a megaten project they're midway developing, I really wonder if the artist is Doi
SH2 redux
>"Maybe we shouldn't eat babies". +10 Law/Neutral
How ironic considering lawfags are the ones who are found of harvesting children brainos
Cleopatra is such a person to make a demon out of. She is well know yes, but not for a good reason
>SMT was always edgy and mature.
But it was always like that, dumb newfag.
You probably jerk off to fantasies of Raidou and Isamu as well
Ishida isn't directing anymore, it's Ooyama/Yamai
t. nocturnefag
female miman are kinda bad ngl
now that's a rare pair, why did you pair them with each other?
Raidou must be with Narumi, although I enjoy his doujins with demifiend too
Her head is an onahole if we're going by Robocop logic
>dead or alive, you're cumming with me
I read an interview saying Ishida will be helping on the project as well
You aren't funny
raidou is with nagi its canon dumbass
according to who
More surprisingly the player numbers haven't cratered. There was a small dip to a 12k peak but then back to 14k.
Sales haven't dropped off that bad either, still in top 50 global sellers. All this together makes me hopeful it has pretty good legs, and will potentially get another boost if there is a switch 2 port.
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>modern SMT is inspired by toku
>In turn modern toku is now being inspired by SMT
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Ooyama already said he's working on a game, and Ishida also said he's assisting the direction of A game.
some of the majors devs of V also aren't working on VV too, which could mean they're workin on another project, or they're providing dev support for a P studio project/
I didn't pair them you braindead coomer, you just chose to read it like that
This looks so much cooler than Aogami it isn't even funny
Bro this was the DLC
raidou can and will fuck anything that moves he's that attractive
true, I do live for shin fugami tensei
Doi won.
I just spent an hour fusing demons and leveling up 5 levels to get Black Frost. Every single demon I have is different and I have no fucking idea what I even accomplished or did and I don't even know whats in my party. 8 got 3 or 4 fusion failures but none were rare stuff just random shit making me extra confused

Is this a normal mood for smt?
ippon datara
I kneel.
bro hasnt read the manga

(have you?)
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yeah pretty much
Won for contributing to the slop that is the Toku industry? Yeah, he won alright.
Konishi also said he thinks he will be called for a project soon, and his wording alluded it was a debisama project
anyway, even if it isn't debisama atlus is working on a megaten project for a while now. I'd say since after nocturne HD.
Oh fuck I forgot to fuse Idun now Im going to have to spend another hour being autistic about it to avoid spending high summon money
Cope and SEETHE
as if you have seen any toku in your life
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this is kind of annoying actually
The compendium is overwhelming. Personally I just focus on lining up skills with stats and affinities. Right before Hydra in VV for example I noticed Halphas had ailments +2 and good LUC, so I fused one with a variety of ailment skills to use him as my ailment specialist for the entire next area.
Power Rangers is essentially toku.
go say this to /m/ and they will dox you
Whatever it is I hope it's not another SH2/TMS dumpster fire for god's sake
Idunn even references her husband in-game too. So, they aren't pretending she's a little girl in spite of the idol motif.
2015 /m/ and 2019 /smtg/ have a lot of overlap as far as being fans of utterly dead series
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>.t V fag
>some of the comments of the anniversary event, had Ooyama saying he's midway developing a megaten game

>Yamai has a habit of talking about almost every game he's going to work on. he talked about a nocturne remaster, even gave hints about V before it was shown in the nintendo event. he has been talking about raidou like 2-3 times ever since nocturne HD came out.

>someone else and not Doi art directed VV. could possibly mean he is also part of that project

>same with Ishida. all 4 of these people were the main devs of the original raidou games

that game got such a huge backlash I think atlus is cautious of hiring another outsource artist again
worst it can get is IV:A
did sh2 technically win? It didn't need a rerelease that basically decanonized and fixed its original edition to the point that the latter was removed from digital storefronts
>gets disappointed whenever he finds actual useful items
best boy actually
its devil summoner for babies
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>devil summoner but you don't actually summon any devils
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Hope Unicorn will stop bitching about not having maidens around now
let's see the source pal
It already won by having actual dungeons, even if they're not that well designed when compared to something like SMT 2
as much as I hate V's Demon Castle design, Sh2 's dungeon design is basically AI generated.
I still prefer it to Demon Castle though
i'm glad you agree
>1 maybe 2 hours of one shitty dungeon
>somehow worse than an entire game of AI generated dungeons
Are you dumb?
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As much people like to give SH2 shit, at least it didn't gaslight me into thinking that the rerelease will fix all the issues from the original release AND have the best rerelease girl so far. Only to then reveal they barely fixed anything and Yoko is revealed to be a contrarian retard that whines about how cars kills people.
everyone fell for him when they heard his heavenly voice in VV
with the same music too
Oi Stalker, you’re headed for the wrong direction
I don't actually mind AI generated dungeons, especially compared with ugly and obnoxious shit like Demon Kings Castle
I love EO and SJ for example
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With games where you can't easily guarantee a fusion accident (i.e IV duology), does the fusion result persist as soon as you load the skills?
I'm wondering if it's better to reload a save or just save state to try and get the accident.
this is basically saying if you prefer p3 ai generated dungeons or p4 shitty dungeons
I'll take the ai generated dungeons, thank you
The point is that although SMTV's dungeons are weak, you aren't in them during most of the game, while the SH2 ones just go and on.
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>EO and SJ
>AI generated
missing the forest for the trees, retarded attentionwhores
>in VV
why vv
why not v2
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Ryonabros, is this you?
>no belt comps
>no ability to shift into demons and mess around with different demon forms like a more bastardized Tuner
If smt went full toku it would be kino
>you prefer p3 ai generated dungeons
this is so gay and retarded

softfag stfu

persona 1-2 dungeons clear all of neosona (p5 had meh design)
Anyone gonna even attempt to figure out what the voice is saying in Dagda's battle theme?
>lost my SJ and EO1 saves when I got a new phone
I don't want to restart those games, the tutorials are so loooooooong
You should be able to access the save files in your files
You don't understand Anon, the old phone, it's
This is what you deserve for being a filthy phoneposter (phonegamer). Perish.
Persona 2 EP dungeons were dogshit though

do (you) agree anon?
>Which means you're fucking a child regardless of age
Actually no, it only means that you're fucking a womanlet with mental retardation, which is not the same.
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does anyone actually find this fight fun?
oh holy shit what the fuck is this
That would be gyaku rather than ryona.
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I thought having two heroines all the time would make the game less gay
the unicorn is female
Do you have to beat Demi-fiend again to get him on new cycles?
Go back to /mlp/
The unicorn hates thots like Tao and Yoko
well I'm certainly not gonna pull out a NDS while I'm stealth gaming at work

Im an old so I don't listen to people who use words like this
Win what? I wasn't aware there was a fucking shin megami tensei olympics
>t. gaslighting boomer ( almost everyone that uses that term is a retard anyways so I respect your decision
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The tokuposting made me realize Power Rangers/Zyurangers might actually be why I love Shin Megami Tensei so much. Each MotW and general were based on mythology. Like Lami was a lamia.
>be alice
>manipulate others explicit
>anon fall for it
you might be retarded
Toku is pretty interesting, it's very low budget but has a lot of care put into it.
oh god she's so sexy
got any ass pics?
classic toku monster designs had a lot of influence on Kaneko
I like the gimmick of choosing what demon he absorbs to change his weaknesses and what magatsuhi skill he uses
I don't like getting oneshot by megido ark constantly
If budget meant anything Star wars wouldn't be currently whatever the fuck that garbage is
Something something adversity makes for some good shit
Idun constantly hoping in place pisses me off
Does she have autism?
Budget doesn't matter, its more on how it's spent. VFX with TV and film happens since practical effects look better and are cheaper, but VFX can be out sourced and be done infinite times. Since everything is given to VFX to remove/censor stuff in China and more, it looks like slop.
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This guy's literally me
She's acting like a japanese popstar AKA idol. Vengeance added the funny bird as an ironic take on the same thing as if she wasn't there in first place
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No I have better

Anyways this is why I can't shit on Doi for being inspired by toku. Also its weird coming from Digimon and Pokemon to SMT because it seems like a lot of people complain about designs being too humanoid. And it's like nigga have you not noticed every jrpg has titty monsters somewhere somehow
This is one of the worst designs I ever seen
Did you know sitting on the toilet too long can actually make your hemorrhoids worse? I just thought that was interesting.
>funny bird as an ironic take on the same thing as if she wasn't there in first place

The ironic part about it is that the funny bird is extremely popular in Japan

I know I just wanted to ruin your boner
SMT6 protagonist will have a cool jacket and scarf
I thought you guys were talking about Shuvuu lol
>coming from Digimon and Pokemon
Go back, you keep trying to turn SMT into Pokemon like all the others who jump on. Fuck that shit
yeah fuck that, kaneko i want your weird history and over specific literary references, i miss when smt was about books and not gay sex and anime
oh I'm gonna be jumping on and cumming alright ;)
if it was Shuvuu the reddit schizo wouldve jumped in
>not gay sex and anime
SMT was always about this
>i miss when smt was about books and not gay sex and anime
It was always anime, and while it wasn't about gay sex it was still about sex girls
tl;dr: fujos ruin everything
>gay sex
No it wasn't, PS2 baby
The only gay shit in SMT prior to that era was the nigga in Tokyo Revelations
yeah but that was traditional sexy not degen sexy
in devil summoner and soul hackers the gay shit was cool and subtle, it wasnt shoved in your face
>Our intent was never to make things difficult for difficulty’s sake, but to design combat to be engaging, so we hope we’ve properly adjusted the balance to achieve that.
>We don’t want players to feel like the game is unfairly punishing, but rather that there’s a chance to win a difficult encounter and make progress.
>Puts in unbalanced level scaling to artificially inflate the difficulty
Does he actually lack self awareness?
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I also love how she’s essentially Idun but more MP efficient
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I know man, but aiming to piss is a pain too
Damn, I guess that's why this horny dude came along too
Nakajima, the original novel protag, was described as a very pretty boy "who could wear a skirt and be mistaken as a girl"
tl;dr gay shit started after if... and that shit was subtle and well written
The less you're pushed to use as many tools as possible the more boring the game becomes. The 'aha' moment when you feel like a boss is impossible, fuse a new demon or two and come back and crush it with some tension coming from the swinginess of Press Turn is what people like about the combat. Hashino has said the same thing about Nocturne and Metaphor
>I wasn't expecting or hoping for an apology, but I have to admit, Hashino's response feels like a healing salve for the scars I've still got from Nocturne. "I'm going to give you an excuse once we finish this question," he added, returning to Japanese. I was almost relieved to hear that Hashino reckons "Shin Megami Tensei 3 is the hardest game I think I've ever made."

>"Sorry about that," he continued. "I felt like it needed to be a hard game. The Shin Megami Tensei series in general is quite hard. I felt like 3, specifically, we wanted to make it hard. We felt that unless it's challenging, unless it's really meaty, it wouldn't be rewarding enough."

>"You have different Archetypes, different party combinations, different areas you can go to, the freedom to explore a world and take on different dungeons and different enemies, and choose what you want to fight," Hashino explains. "This means that unless we make it so that there will be challenge at parts, it won't feel right, it won't feel like it's worth playing. There's definitely a part of that in Persona and both those aspects, the elements of the game itself and the freedom that you have."
soul hackers and devil summoner combat is basically don't die lol
can't wait for doujins of random big dick demons going balls deep in her
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>blaming fujos
They paid for so much, you really gonna lose out on those sales for your feelies being hurt?
You will get high schooler shipping at best.
>keep trying to turn SMT into Pokemon
It's kind of too late for that since Atlus themselves are pushing that shit since Strange Journey with the "It's the Pokemon for the people who've grown from it" quote from Kaneko himself.
It's quite sad but SMT having it's own identity is impossible nowadays which is ironic since it predates Pokemon which even Enix doing something similar with DQV and Squaresoft with Robotrek way before Pokemon.
>Nakajima, the original novel protag, was described as a very pretty boy "who could wear a skirt and be mistaken as a girl"
That's not gay you retard
Books and obscure American horror movies.
yeah like trad shit, now smt is fag shit
Seems like Hashino slowly learned that challenging doesn't mean frustrating
They're still SMT, that Kaneko line is just marketing, some way to have people understand that it's worth giving a try through a point of relatability. It's fans going "Well they should add in this Pokemon feature" where it looks like they're just tired of their series going to shit, and want to mold this one into it
fujo own this series
This general is always so low quality during the morning. The samefagging and shitty arguments we've talked to death about are so tiring. /v/irgins need to learn the board culture and know that there's more to life than (you)s and moving the general forward. Let things be quiet for a bit rather than forcing some conversation
>Fujos took over Persona 5, enhanced in Royal
>Then SMTV, again enhanced even further in VV
>SH2 wasn't a fujo game so it flopped
>P3R gained fujo elements with the new events
Metaphor is next on the chopping block, fujo supremacy shall continue
Ps2 baby detected
>SMTV, again enhanced even further in VV
wrong, the bench ended up being meaningless and the two girls were the focus of the game
>after V
first time fujo carried megaten was raidou, but around 40-50% of megaten fans have always been women
>Go back, you keep trying to turn SMT into Pokemon like all the others who jump on. Fuck that shit

How in God's name am I doing that by loving the shit out of SMT?
How do we stop them?
You faggots can't seriously saying I'm sharing a general with w*men
yeah? their money isn't enough
wtf unicorn is female???
i'd argue it was more degen before,now we barely even get exposed tits anymore
You're not, it's men pretending to be women. Raidoufag and Hazamafag proved that. Also Midori for the Personiggers
The thread in /v/ is actually better right now
Why does konohana have dreads
That's already kind of in. The Analyze option shows you their general area if you press Status > Other, but it only registers if you recruit them in battle AFAIK.
The girls are the yume self inserts where they can imagine themselves being next to Aogami and Vkun
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Get fucked, Abdiel
I really, really wish VV's soundtrack would get a nomination in game awards
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Meanwhile in the 90's
There used to be a lot more of us, I think one of the people who organized the OVA nights on weekends was a dyke. Haven't been around enough to know if the general ever did those again. Seeing Masakado and Konohanasakuya so often has me nostalgic
She did. By Dazai. Over and over again until completion.
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Do NOT open for any reason
Cars....Cars?!?!? CARRRRRRSSSSS?!?!?!
Actually on second thought if the Demon Haunt was like Digimon and let me pet them that would be cool.
imagine if they remade IV and left forced walter agi in the game as a meme
raidou isnt for fujos are you retarded?

fujos love imperial japan so much
This was making fun of gays though
imagine if they made walter the only partner you get vs minotaur
imagine if walter was the main character
Fujos like imperial japan because they are often show as being very rough guys, women in general also like it
It would be soulless if they didn't
You're the only retarded one here, attentionwhore. And I almost thought you might be based for shitting on fags
Lucy is an attention whore
I feel like they will expand it in the future.
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there's like maybe 5 women combined that like megami tensei what the fuck are you talking about
this has always been a men only franchise
no man i love imperial japan bro



just wish imperial Japan was orthodox, thats my cope
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>Fujos took over Persona 5
By giving you a girl that Joker actively kisses in the re-release unlike the base game?
>he doesn't know
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this is from the time nocturne came out
i mean for fucks sake Kogetsu takes place in the showa revival era dumbasses
Being a man only franchise is what makes it appealing to fujos.
All trannies
Nobody asked.
Japan isn't even the majority player base anymore so it's irrelevant
uuuh any cute smt femanon wanna be my chaos gf??
come on now, you can't be in denial this much. surely you have looked for doujins only to find out it's mostly Yaoi
Joker's biggest dream according to Maruki is Akechi's revival, that and the Royal Opening movie. Those are the things that happen in the main story. Fujos won.
nobody asked for you to be born
I mean in different ways anon, obviously imperial japan is cool as fuck but why women like it is different from dudes
Gay people are disgusting
was showa and his ministry of leuaitenants and seargents gay?
>Joker's biggest dream according to Maruki is Akechi's revival
>Agreeing with Makuri which the game purposefully tells you not to believe in throughout the entire plot of Royal.
Holy Mother of Cope
why do you think Kaneko started designing ikemen demons starting debisama? he found out that's what women wanted
he 100% knew who he was targeting
Im so heterosexual so that if I fap to characters I make the characters trans and therefor not gay and I fapped to every woman in smtvv
no but that doesnt stop shippers
Did you play the game? The reality in which third semester takes place is the dream reality, where things PT wished for came true, like Futaba's mom coming back to life etc. He quite literally says Akechi is only around because that's what Joker canonically wants, and why Akechi disappears once the world goes back to normal.
a good christian boy shouldn't install mods like this
can anything stop shippers and fujo?

Someone told me fujoshi shipped spock and kirk in the 60s and it blew my mind.
she has headache
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it just makes the game feel more mature,
like devil summoner mature
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I don't care if it's an ambush, I'm walking straight in
Imagine what you can do to that belly
>sudden thread death
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>Falling for Maruki's copium world
How many times the game needs to beat you over the head that Maruki is manipulating everything and even Akechi don't want that shit with one of the bad endings having Makuri putting you in a fucking coma with everyone forgetting you while Sumire is the key person of everything involving that plot.
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As expected of a king.
talk to NPCs
Alice Bloomers...
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I want to remove her hat
But...She is little witch girl...She need hat...
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No more leaks guys.
No, the hat stays on during.
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I just got started playing Godborne right now. When do I start using those Gospel I'm hoarding?
Woah Agrat, easy on the Chakra Pots.
Is that like the nerdy female equivalent of straight men who like lesbian porn?
>off model bullshit
this is awful
This artist traces all his stuff lol
So in V Concentrate and Charge boost next attack only by x1.8? Are they worth using if only for saving SP?
so do most artists
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It's not whenever it's real or not it's just fujo pandering, in the context of the story they do everything there to pander to fujos including the credit pictures of Joker playing chess with Akechi.
Maruki's reality and the ending is quite literally the fujo dream come true, which is the actual point of what was said about p5r being a fujo game.
A treat for us yokobros
haha wow who would do this
yes, fujoshi refers to women that get off to gay men, usually more effeminate/twinky gay men than bears. the ones that are deep into it usually aren't even straight, i.e. how common it is for famous female yaoi artists in japan to be unmarried but be very close with their female assistant they also live with. there's probably some weird pseudopsychology shit you could draw from it
Nevermind, I found out
>999 glory
this is shit tier guro, get some taste ffs
Concentrate, probably, Charge no because it doesn't stack with others buffs like Impaler Animus or Critical Aura.
That wasn't what I was expecting.
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Thanks, Alice.
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this requires you to beat every route to unlock all of the battles right?
So the opening where you chose the route in that dream space is canon and not just a meta thing since they reference yoko's spirit being unsealed by you later? Why does pre-bino Vkun randomly astral project through the sealed gods space and have the ability to free things there in his dreams?
That kind of sounds like bi women who are attracted to both sexes but have issues with heterosexual relationships because of trauma or some other hangup. A lot of ‘lesbians’ are actually this.
Lucifer thought it'd be funny
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Average Japanese Shin Megami Tensei fan
Is there a specific ending I should aim for if I'm doing COC into COV?
>COC into COC
True Neutral and then Tao
True Neutral unlocks everything in V, and Tao has the most content.
shakan is literally the demon king's castle with a different gimmick
sex with cumhaill
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Gay Ball!
sex with chemtrail
I feel like Fatlus's release structure is going to have to change. Since there really should be upgrade paths for people who bought the OG release. They can make it 35-40 dollars to upgrade, but it would still be fine. But outright invalidating the OG version does make the OG version feel like paid beta testing, where people would only buy it for the hype to experience it now than later for stuff like discussions so it can be fixed in a new version.
In Nocturne is getting super pixie dependent on seeing that cutscene where you tell pixie to stay in your party at Yoyogi Park? That cutscene didn't trigger for me since I guess since pixie had already evolved and I had been through Shibuya and Ginza already.
did they...?
we skip Chiyoda?
did you prefer Demon King Castle or Temple of Eternity? I really REALLY fucking hated the former but found the latter good enough.
Temple of eternity wasn’t even really a dungeons just a straight run through pretty much nothing
Don't do this. It's part of her head
It was a maze so it counts
I liked the Temple of Eternity song, but as a dungeon it really sucks with enemies copied and pasted as much as they are. Demon King Castle is at least a dungeon where enemies have paths they follow.
It was corridors which is the staple of JRPG dungeon design.
Would it have killed them to just throw in all the demon types around that area into the map instead of just the stupid peacock horses and some sword guy iirc.
I still find weird people have fetish for cancer tumors
She got a better design too.
That sounds like SMT1 and 2 tier of dungeons minus teleports.
Would it look like that Iron-Ultraman manga?
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You should always assume they lack self-awareness
They should have had different affinity demons every room
Mods to cheat in Grimore's when? I dont want to farm them to fight the super bosses
There's already a mod that gives you 999 of all items but you don't even actually need that, CE is more than enough for that kind of thing.
I hope they keep the big open maps but also include more corridor dungeons in the next SMT.
Stream when
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this design sucks and fucks
Does leveling strength past 100 do anything in SMTVV? Is it worth it? I don't know anything about how the stats work and if there are diminishing returns or whatnot
The covid call-out is still there. Just replace mastema with government and tiamat with corona
no you just need to keep the subsequent demon(s) fused by the original pixie
nigga what
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Weird question

Which SMT would you say takes itself the most serious? I mean almost edgy in terms of seriousness
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They all do.
In terms of 'edginess'? maybe Nocturne.
Unironically persona 3
The older SNES games.
what makes the older SNES games more serious than the rest?
they cared more about potraying everything darker without as many jokes
I was expecting that when beano fused in the ritual he actually absorbed Aogami and can now change forms at will
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So every game directed by Yamai which means not SMT V
He didn't direct SJ
i like her breakcore song
Sorry I meant where he did the story
>that Goko cutscene
lol lmao
>Seething Mansemat
Giten, Majin Tensei 1/2, Devil Survivor.
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I think he seriously might be an all time worst megaten character
>anthropomorphise kagatsuchi into a character
>does less than the unashamed plot point version
>role is essentially equal to that of kagatsuchis in the bad regular demon ending of nocturne that was intentionally made to be an unsatisfying ending without conclusion as a punishment for your indecisiveness
What were they thinking
Pretty much this
Why doesn't Marsh release the Ronde (Rondou) video?
Young man, during our time together I’ve learned a lot about humanity. The conclusion I came to was that 70% of all problems with humanity is caused by a mere 13% of the population.
If you are planning on recreating the world I suggest you keep this in mind.
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>he thinks it's the blacks that are the enemy of humanity
evens maken x remaster announcement during tgs
odds persona 6 announcement
I like the Demeter one
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Who said anything about the color of this 13%?
Which demon is that in your pic?
What other 13% is there?
Ronde is a HUGE shitpost turned into a game, the fact that the game starts because someone has horny and summoned some Lilim is telling.
againts all odds... SMTV has finally been redeemed…
Temple of Eternity is really weird. I didn’t get the gimmick with stopping time or whatever was going on when the environment turns gray. Like it was pretty easy to figure out you had to pass through doors in a certain order, but the underlying idea of that puzzle wasn’t clear to me.

It’s also weird in how it treats encounters as traps to be avoided. As a concept, overleveled trap encounters isn’t a bad idea for a dungeon, but it doesn’t make a sense to do that at the very end of the game.
I just want a Strange Journey release for console instead of it being stuck on shitty handhelds
you never played SJ
You can just emulate it
>zoomer doesn't know how to emulate
Delusion is a hell of a drug.
>release for console instead of it being stuck on a shitty handheld
Same but SMT V
I didn't expect them to be salvage V of all mainline games but it's in my top 3 megaten games now
>It’s actually a reference to Mastems using his bare hands to break out of Mitra’s dungeon
>It’s also weird in how it treats encounters as traps to be avoided.
V as a whole is like that, it's why MP costs are so high: since resource management was completely removed from the overworld, they tried putting it into fights. They clearly recognized the problem caused by the design shift, the question is whether it's satisfying in practice. I think the major issue in how easy it is to avoid encounters and thus necessitating the game be designed around never encountering them is how all the demons on the field basically fall into one of two categories
>amble around, chase the player at varying degrees of speed but in ways that can be easily overcome 99% of the time, even their attacks feel like they have very short range
>spawn out of thin air and hope you catch the player off guard
I think Metaphor is putting more work into experimenting on this without the need for save anywhere and instant teleport back to healing points, what with the risk-reward nature of the field combat and just having enemies that initiate combat with long-range windup attacks and such.
Bros why is Dagda so cool?
is beating godborne harder than satan or demi-fiend? I might not make it brahs
I think yoko might of took that one cutaway gag from family guy too seriously
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Dazai didn't deserve the Mastema buckbreaking he ended up receiving
You don't feel worse for Cuckzuru?
Yeah, not a fan of that either.
Does Vengeance add anything to help go up against Demifiend? I refuse to just lower the difficulty, but I'm starting to think I might as well get back to it on my next playthrough after getting more Balms
Masakado makes it alot easier
the fuseable superbosses make him easier technically but imo they're both harder to beat as well
>give hayataro all vit incences
>give him resist dark
>win every boss fight with minimal effort because he is unkillable and carnage fang shits out damage
when can you even find a suitable replacement for him? he seems too strong
You didn't beat the game
I beat Shiva no problem, and I thought I could just go to Demifiend and move on from my CoV save since it's parked right at the end. Is it better to just move on to CoC and try for Masakados first, then? If it's harder, then I'm not sure what they want us to do
Masakado is easier than demifiend way easier. Just go get Masakado to make your life easier
yeah i know i'm still in shinjuku
chiyoda is coc only now
vengeance should've replaced taito with shinjuku not chiyoda
vengeance should have done a lot of stuff but they chose to do the bare minimum and since the original was so bad most people dont mind
Chiyoda is the worst area in the game though. Taito was always the best so they kept it mostly the same.
Is there any point to fighting harder Lucifer in CoV? I already beat his harder form but then I had to reload my save to beat Samael and Satan so now I want to carry this into Newgame plus but that means I have to beat Lucifer again. If it doesn't matter i'll probably just blast through his easier form.
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>Fight Dagda
>he hit himself asleep
Haha, dumbass.
>try to play DeSu 1 on Citra
>get a black screen
do i need to do anything specific?
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Should not have fallen asleep, edgelord buddy.
No joke it randomly fixes itself if you let the intro play through in full like twice or three times. Just hold speedup until it does, its a known glitch for some reason.
you need to overclock it :)
I'm playing through creation route right now and I'm kind of disappointed with the lack of development of the humans. I'm almost done with the second area. Everything is fairly mid-tier so far, but on the positive end. Feels like a 7.5/10 game so far. When I go through vengeance I hope it fixes what feels missing.
Creation route is really bad. Vengence has the combat being the same with most of the areas outside the 3rd area being replaced and the new dungeon. But yeah the OG game had that feeling a lot.
Do Lawfags love niggers or hate niggers
I don't get it
I'm doing law on the creation route so far (might go neutral if I still can? but I feel like I've been a bethel simp so I feel locked in so far), and I was thinking of doing law again on the vengeance route. But I saw someone saying to do true neutral on creation. Your opinion, if you'd mind giving it? I'm probably gonna go double law at this rate.
Hate. Porch monkeys don't follow the law so they get the rope.

Some sacrifices are necessary for the sake of peace.
Choice do not matter with creation's route. Alignment for it only matters if you want Law or Chaos special demon fusions, or you pay 1 million for it. You get to directly choose what route you want. Vengence has alignment mattering. True neutral is doing the Egyptian Side Quests and killing Shiva and then choosing Neutral, and half way through it you choose to talk and hear out Nuwa more.
Bros I’m at the Tiamat fight and I just gotta say that Yoko’s my favourite Fatlus rerelease girl by far. She’s an actual character, it’s great.
Ah alright, thanks for the heads up. I'll decide between Law and Neutral by that point.

>choices/alignment doesn't matter
Dumb design philosophy for base game tbqh imho.
What happened to "under god all people are the same"?
V (OG) was heavily rushed and they removed a lot of content. Vengance doesn't restore everything they talked about before release, and I will warn you that most of Vengance outside certain things is the same as Creation for level design and more (first area is the same, second area has changed up bosses, third area is new, fourth is mostly the same outside a few new bosses, etc). Every route outside normal neutral has the same final boss, outside True neutral in creation which has an expanded version of it.
This guy works fast.
Helel and Vairocana added.
>create new dungeon
>it recycles enemies from the old dungeon
>has only two bosses like the old dungeon
>layout is extremely similar to the old dungeon except with a new gimmick
What the fuck was the point of Shakan?
Theres also
>Plot reason for needing to venture through it is later revealed to be completely moot when mastema pulls total control of tiamat out of his ass in one ending
Marketing shit.
Fuck this new fanbase.
Doi’s Tiamat might be his best design.
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Gamebanana is filled with third world kids and autists that is why. Nothing to do with the fanbase
You didn't gatekeep
>but the only thing I wish for is Playable Pascal
IDK, that sounds cool.
But Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series was featured in SMT3.
Why do they want to turn SMT into a turn-based Smash Bros?
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>thinking it matters
They just lock you in the gates and starve you out. We've seen it happen many a time, you just make it easier for them to root you out eventually. Gotta play it like the Mithran order, keep it quiet but everywhere
>le dmc in smt3
>ignores sonic, nero, guts
I hate this
where the fuck is smt's booru?
Senshi Daleth!
Neokun was a retard
I'll blame Yamai for this.
You really needed to samefag like 4 times to bring this up? We aren't your personal army, fuck off /v/. Who cares what stupid shit they talk about in some modding comments section?
>sudden anger
we found the poster itt
Did they get it flagged or some shit? Didn't pay the server costs?
Kill yourself
He deleted everything and then was mad when people were removing his stuff from the OP
Anyone got that old writefagged story about Raidou spanking Alice saved? Seen it ages ago, but pastebin's been wiping nsfw stuff in it for years as well.
>was mad when people were removing his stuff from the OP
why do you make shit up constantly
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its true?
What happened to the /smtg/ website we had?
He bitched a lot defending the Neocities until it got removed for being so outdated
You'd think Atlus would be willing to shelve out that extra cash to keep adding Dante to their games given how popular he is.
I tried drawfagging five days ago and left three anons hanging, my bad. If you're here you can reply calling me a loser.
Cu Chulainn's new skill (Gae Bolg) is good.
Pierce + 100% Crit = Critical Zealot + High Restore
Any other skill has Pierce + 100% Crit?
Angrat's unique skill + Murderous Glee is the closest I could find, but it's Almighty instead of Pierce, so it can't crit on Mitama.
I browse most threads and must've missed it I guess
draw Amanozako taking a fat shit as an apology
Oh it's new?
Maybe that's why I suddenly enjoy using him when I remember completely passing over him in vanilla.
I wasn't there but I'll call you a loser anyway, loser
Was there ever a game where Cu Chulainn was bad?
Well, he's not as good as Yoshi in vanilla.
Now he's better than Yoshi thanks to Gae Bolg's built in pierce + crit.
Chinks are pretty good at modding shit into other games at least the easy ones
Since it's Unreal and on PC, modding will be quick
>Every route outside normal neutral has the same final boss, outside True neutral in creation which has an expanded version of it.
Nope, now any route can get powered up Lucifer if you beat Shiva first. Well, outside of "Destroy the Throne" which just skips Lucifer altogether.
He was pretty bad in base SMTV
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what am I in for?
a mess to clean up
what the fuck is your problem?
Which Soul Hackers version is for the cool kids?
How is this a bad thing again? All of these characters appeared in Dx2 and two literally appeared in SMT 3.
They are vinegars due to their actions, my friend. Their choices determine that they are agents of chaos and enemies of law.
3ds version is quite faithful and has some extra content
Keep in mind that the 3DS version also turns the difficulty into a joke by making dungeons extremely easy or allowing you fuse midgame + endgame demons very early due to playcoin demons being usable in fusion and demon trading
Your google translate is failing you
It was intentional. May the architects of law forgive me should I utter such an abominable phrase.
Is there a good undub for SMTIV? I keep hearing people say that it isn't great
It's already one of the easiest SMT games as is
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>effortlessly destroying the demon on the toilet, belphegor
>about to win
>he uses mudo
>protag dies
If you want a bunch of guest characters instead of demons that don't even have models, why even play SMT at this point? What's the point of playing it? Because surely it's not for the demons neither for their lore or the lore of the games themselves. Dante was already bad enough that people talk more about him with the "Featuring" crap than Nocturne and now you have the gall to ask me why is it bad.
Are the SMT games on a timeline?
Im only assuming so because of that Wheelchair guy
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after the /fgoalter/ - /vrg/ game

watch here:
fuck how many matches until its over ?
next Sunday is the final day
Steven can go anywhere in the multiverse because he's attached to the Axiom/Greater Will who doesnt do anything but be a standin for the devs
>muh playcoin demons
Rent free
Who the fuck cares about playcoin demons
Streetpass is a dead feature
It's ringoschizo, he ALWAYS brings this up about SH like it ruins the game.
It's very iterative, similar to his Amon design building upon Kaneko's original. It's no surprise why it's good.
What the hell is that
Yakumo (in vengeance) doesn't deserve the unwavering loyalty and love nuwa gives him. like wtf bro she sacrifices her life for you and your just gonna wander around tokyo being a downer now?
He literally can’t do anything for himself as far as the Throne is concerned without her, anon.
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dazai is unironically my favorite law rep
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nigga his waifu died, cut him some slack
Based and same
I'm dumping my resources into Yoko to take her into newgameplus. Is this a good enough build for her or is Phys Block redundant late game?
I'm right here just have me take the throne instead idiot
Any tips for starting If...? I already know of the partners thing, so what else should I be aware of at the start of the game?
>yuzuru reaches his hand out to him
>dazai slaps it away while continue to lawfag monologue
why are lawfags always such fucking cunts
where is mara
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>Who the fuck cares about playcoin demons
Tons of people do. How else will you obtain demons from the previous Debisama title?
to get better guardians you have to die. so just check the Guage every once in a while and when its full go on a suicide battle. also your partner leaves you for a dungeon and theres this really annoying no comp teleport maze
damn old reddit bird looks ugly af. finna agi this one fr fr
so Dazai basically goes manic schizo and has to be put down like a rabid dog no matter what in VV?
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He gets radicalized earlier when everybody besides Yakumo hasn’t gone full alignmentfag yet.
All lawfags must be put down
Don’t bother talking to Dark-Lawfags.
watching the divegrass and jack frost scored
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how do I keep demons from falling behind? Nahobino is already level 50 and alice and idun are around 45~ and I wanna keep them for a little while longer.
>five level difference
That’s not even a big deal.
Also Grimoires are a thing.
it is redundant late game but it would help you mid game so keep it for know and when you get to late game in NG+ then you can change it with an essence.
I think he's outright brainwashed when Mastema gives him power in Vengeance. "I shall free you from the pain and worry that plagues your heart". He goes from being excited while saying he could be like the mc when Mastema promises to give him power, to being ready to kill all his former allies the next time we see him.

Grimoires and demon statues, although I'd keep the demon statues for end-game.
>how do I keep demons from falling behind?
In the old days we just fused away demons who fell behind, but now you can use grimoires to keep your favorite waifushit demons with you as long as you wish.
we already won
You're meant to leave them behind, anon. Demons level slower than Nahobino.
If you really like them however you can prolong their usefulness with grimoires or refuse them into giga demons at endgame by fusing downwards the family tree.
alright then, where can I farm grimoires? I have quite a few but I don't wanna waste too much on them.
Yoko Chaospilled me….
It's hard to argue with cold, hard facts and logic.
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Yes I do, they claim they feed on human energy, even if "just a little" and any kind of security breach is sure to get Bethel even more paranoid
Red Mitama drop grimoires, IIRC. Don't know if there's any guide with their spawn points since people can just use the DLC to make them appear anyway. I know there's one right near the place where the npcs stand around in the fairy forest (the area of the map is brownish rather than green).
The Kresnik vs Kudlak quest is hilarious. In that one it's not even just a "little energy", Kudlak is outright killing people to power up demons with the knowledge from their blood. And Yoko tries to argue this is all relative and Kudlak might have been doing good.

If she considers that "good", I really don't want to see her pure "free" chaos world.
>do 3 law route supquests and make a law choice talking to yoko before qadistu fight
>STILL Chaos aligned
damnit I just want to see if characters comment on you being neutral at the route split
Reminder that quests in SMT aren’t always written by the same people doing the main story/scenario. See Anthony in SJ, he sticks out like a sore thumb.
Where does Macabre show up in the vengeance route?
Yoko is still a based retard in the main story
The recolors were always funny
Anthony was literally Atlus way of acknowledging its coomchad fanbase.
3rd area
Okay but where SPECIFICALLY in the third area?
You can check in game by selecting the demon under analyze or compendium/fusion
Earliest is when you get past the cherub blockade and go a bit further up the map, they start ambushing you.
Thanks anons, saved me a mountain of Macca.
>the system’s unfair, Tao
>>w-well, yeah, but… uh…
VV in a nutshell
I actually like the
>morally righteous but hypocritical
>morally fucked but correct
dichotomy in it.
we lost...
all gore fault
If Tao is monke, what does that make Yoko?
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despite today's loss we still top the group and advance to the round of 16. we'll see you next saturday
Tao’s the social media activist that just kind of sits there and harps on about changing things for the better but doesn’t really do anything for fear of making herself/other people uncomfortable.
Yoko’s the schizo that actually goes out there and gets shot.
>tfw 100% compendium autism
>realise I don't have enough macca until taito or lucking every fight
>Don't know if there's any guide with their spawn points since people can just use the DLC to make them appear anyway.
Just buy the DLC or use le secret hacker DLC unlocker
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>100+ unused demons slots
>probably no future dlc
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please post TTW model
Technically those are the originals. Soul Hackers recolored a bunch of art.
Fuck I missed it. Shouldn’t have slept after a ten hour shift I guess. Hoping we secure a win next week o7
>fake Japanese script
Why are you like this
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Yoko is almost never correct. She is retarded in the most stereotypical chaosfag way possible.
Okay Mastema.
Yoko was written so extremely because the cast of V are just that bland and boring. They had to basically write a walking contrarian to stir reactions out of them and have them talk out loud to form some kind of personality and ideology.
They tried to salvage something unsalavagble in a very dumb way
>Why are you like this
nigga I'm just curious what she looks like, I'm not gonna steal the model and use it for nefarious purposes
Well if I recall it’s just the demonica body base with the 2D image of her face
Me and my wife returning the world to chaos
Yeah, funny how some were a little better and some were a little worse
Tao is a better Law rep than Jonathan in general because he was somehow even more fucking boring than her before he was Merkabah and he was even more boring when he WAS Merkabah.
Yoko is a better Chaos rep than Lucifer/Hikaru’d Walter (RIP my nigger, you were ruined).
A lack of a Neutral rep is a better Neutral rep than Isabeau.
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My husband did it better
yakumo was the neutral rep
You can’t really be a proper rep if you don’t have a route.
Going to start my second playthrough, doing CoV now
Should I starts from zero or is newborn actually good? I want a real challenge on hard now but I don't know if carrying over the compendium is going to make it too easy
>heavenly ikuyumi isn't found until after the 3 keys
Magicbros wtf is this......
STRchads always win
Bro? your icons on your save? just go newborn and have self control with your compendium.
Gay bulge carried my ass throughout last 2 areas
>your icons on your save
I'm a retardbro, what does this mean?
What I don't understand is how are chaos alignment demons in the temple of eternity, shouldn't it mainly be law alignment/divines? Same thing for shakan, why are demon king castle mobs there lmao
One Piece x Shin Megami Tensei
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These, you get one for every ending you do
would be too kino
>Kuso x Kino
When you clear the game you get an icon depending on your route. If you keep using this save for multiple newgameplus runs then you can get all 6 icons.
Thanks bros, going newborn and only use the compendium for demons under my level
She's a chuuni
>I summon the primordial goddess
>I sacrifice myself to become the abyss
Like a yugioh character lmao
Yeah, it’s based.
Spiral is such good fucking track holy shit that opening always makes me hyped
>Several groups of 4 demons that synergize with each other.
>Can only use 3 at a time which means I need to pick favorites.
Why would you do this to me Atlus.
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Ahhh just like the good ol days
I really thought that VV was gonna have a Taohori route...
>get nahobeeho on 4th area
>Jack tempest just absolutely destroys all the side bosses like baal, amon, khonsu+ra
My lil nigga
and highways.
>miyazu gets to have her demon husbando
>but yakumo loses his other half waifu
its not FAIR
Why does cov have no neutral route? explain the logic behind this
It barely has a Chaos route. Godess Yoko's animations aren't even finished.
In DeSu 1 what decides which route i'll take?
can i just choose
V/VV is literally a "just try to be happy we got SOMETHING" kinda game
also pray that SMT VI's development isn't as troubled
You have to understand, VI development is partly being hindered by TMS 2's development.
I started the Shakan just now, and right at the start some angels mention demon king forces had invaded. I really thought they'd have forgotten an obvious excuse like that considering the amount of times this complaints pops up. But it's one of the first things you're told there. Still, it'd be better if they tried to actually make it law themed. There were enough demons around to do that, but I guess they didn't want to give them field animations.
VI is gonna be so good bros (what the fuck is Yamai even doing at this point)?
El Psyduck is the best megaten boy
New Atlus TRPG when? Doesn't even have to be Devil Survivor
Probably a phone game with how SEGA is
and all the characters will be as bad or worse than the Dx2 crew
Even if VI's development is completely unhindered I have pretty low expectations for it. If they copy the same formula from V, which is a very likely possibility then I don't think I'll even bother with it.
>kill mara the giant penis who squirted poison and thrusted us
>yoko: ummmmm desire is not inherently evil actually if we let Catholics make us feel guilty for relieving a natural human biological desire it would be bad

But Dx2 has sonic
I miss when one piece was about pirates with only some having super powers now is just a DBZ knock off with none sensical power scaling.
>Random NPC just mentions Yakumo has a child

Future SMT6 character? Is Nuwa the mother?!
Speedreader kun...
Wtf did I miss?! This was the first I heard of it and I read every fucking NPC dialogue I see. And lore in the demon compendium
They were talking about Yakumo's dad and mistaking him for his dad
Yakumo doesn't have a son
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>Copies the same formula from V
>Includes absurd day 1 dlc
>Starts on another rerelease version of the game
>Rinse and repeat
I'm really hoping that actually learn from their mistakes, the last few years should of have taught them some important lessions, but I doubt they either care or even learned from them.
I want corridors
why hasn't anyone made a new cycle yet wtf
Before this thread dies I want everyone to know that I love Alice!
>off topic OP
>porn in the OP
report and make a new one
It has been over 15 years since they have used Father Time as a demon in an SMT game and nobody knows why that is.
Sorry anon, that is too much to ask for
With the increased sales, they probably won't learn the right things.
Im trying to get a Kinmamon, Ambie (I dont know what the other is yet) but what levels should I be fusing?
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
31 for Hare of Inaba, 42 for Amabie, 68 for Kinmamon.
I think Egghead has been a solid arc. I like the lore of the series more than the fights and it's delivered on that front. It'd be cool to see what SMT could use with a similar type of global flood plotline.

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