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Catnap edition

>The Final Shape

TWAB (06/20/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-06-20-24
Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_0_4

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Clan: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/4995217

previously: >>482985836
What does this image have to do with Destiny 2
Prismatic is underrated. There, I said it.
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How do you even fashion this thing? With Hunters it kind of works because it's just a giant comfy cloak hoodie thing, Warlocks is lol
But this thing is fucking wide and to not look like I have a wack ass too-too on I've had to lean into the wideness and as a result it looks fucking weird.

How do you fashion this thing?
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>me with my Truth
Give me ONE fun warlock prismatic build that is good in master content. I've tried everything and nothing beats solar
to the person who wants prismatic warlock build for master stuff
just get lucky with osmio verity lol or use getaway artist
They're both video games and take place on Earth.
why does it have to have the stupid loincloth
it should have been just a simple buttcape
I don't think it's possible.
you buy the ornament for silver
god bless bungie and god bless america (capitalism)
good lord
We should be able to hide this shit (like in WoW) or at least able to transmog it (like in WoW). But no, bungie is a piece of shit anti human company.
How was thunder crash not always the highest damage burst super? It's by far the most dangerous with the WORST payout.
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>me and the one other anon who love Truth
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That requires the devs play testing their own game.
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That's not fun. It's the same grenade spam build warlocks have used for years.
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Just keep running threadling spam warlock like me.
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>elden ring dlc has forced gay brainwashing
at least bungo hasn't gone THAT far.... yet
I love u
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it was when it truly was dangerous (thunderous retort)
Will The Final Shape be GOTY?
maybe in another universe
people will unironically vote helldivers 2
I'm going to ironically vote for them. Hope that helps.
>STALKER 2 in September
Nope. Pity votes will trump both
Who votes for that? If it's the players, no. If it's the gaming "journalists", no. If it's the gaming industry, no.
This. If it's the Destiny community? No. If it were Bungie themselves? No.
Helldivers2 was a revolution.
Marathon sisters... W-Where's our c-content?
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I love you guys too. Let's get some positive affirmations in here.
>try onslaught
>retards die as soon as it hits wave 32
>demolitionists destroy adu within 15 seconds

epic, im done
>anon is looking for plan c
>on /vt/
show yourself!
Even if we find out TFS flopped for the shareholders, isn't Bungie still going to be okay until Marathon comes out? Wouldn't Marathon failing or not be the deciding factor for Sony to completely swallow Bungie whole?
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You like thick bitches huh
a Fem Titan that can just rip your fucking head off with her thighs, huh?
yeah I bet you do
instead of positive affirmations let's get some jerk off instructions
I too am a fan of JOI captions.
people are back to expert wave 10 farming again anyways
Americans, go to sleep!
fuck you
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make me. bitch.
Nope. I'm gonna go invade an Australian Salvation's Edge LFG group in an hour.
I'll need stadium permits to make the likes of you.
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Sure, but Transcendence is still fucking trash.
Literally me except I don't have a bowtie
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How are we feeling about Matador as a PvP shotgun in the current meta?
wtf where did you get this photo of me
The grenade feels pretty good and you can get at least 2 in. What's so wrong with it?
shotgun pellet changes were dogshit. literally did nothing but make everyone use precision's instead of aggresives
Did Bungie roll out the new exotic armor tuning yet?
>people voting for malware
I believe it
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It really feels like it at this point. Clearly Daddy Sony came downstairs at some point during the TFS delay process. If Marathon flops I won't be surprised at all if Sony breaks up Bungie to use their assets elsewhere.
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no thanks
>dawntrail releases next week
when the fuck is the solar rocket pistol releasing
more like yawnfail
>Mad that D2 won't do a casual beach episode after resolving their actual 10-year arc
>Instead we get a 5-year arc pretending to be twice as long, 3 gays, an AI, and six million timegates.
Destiny Won
nigger did you watch the trailers that's not casual we're back to work
act 2, so a little over 3 weeks
guess i got my schedule worked out then
i'll keep shitposting here though xivg is so fucking horny it makes the warframe posters look vanilla
Because Bungie is retarded. Thundercrash should logically be the highest damage but instead it's the worst in the game. A single frenzied blade swing with just synthos/BoW on or a single Hazardous propulsion rocket volley do nearly the same damage as base Thundercrash
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Okay here
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gambit is so fucking awful
>"Titan can't DPS they only do at most 2-4mil total to witness with Microcosm"
>Do 7mil total with Twilight Arsenal + Cloudstrike + Reconstruction Explosive Light Crux Termination pretty much keeping up with all the off-surge celestial still hunt hunters in my group
Are people just too dumb to surge match? Is that why they wanted it gone?
if you can avoid your teammates even prospector is good
no one wants to use anything other than what streamers tell them to use and that would be microcosm
Consider it from the other angle
>This Titan that is going hard on surge matching and using his weapons properly is in the same weight class as "Crit 6 times, Pop 2 supers in a row lmao"
There's plenty of shit that's competitive, but M1 Microcosm is the easiest-access competitive damage, and Still Hunt is also pretty easy for insane amounts of damage.
It's not that they're too dumb, it's that they're too lazy.
not using microcosm
*strafes/jumps in front of you*
crux termination more like crutch terminated lmao
I was told that this general likes to powerscale. Is that true?
People are just awful at Witness because they think they need to constantly scope in. I got a guy who kept dying because "no on called out the attacks" and when asked why he can't just look he said "I am scoped in I can't see."
There are people who do surge match, but some of those people try to use old metas that have been long nerfed or powercrept and bring out things like Stormchaser where Microcosm still beats it because they're not informed on what new metas are.
i am looking forward to Perfect Dark
people be buggin
21% delirium still slaps
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Escorting the Shank with Mithrax was kinda annoying.
You will do it again on second and third characters and you will be happy.
Resilient Homie Shank
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lmao who uses sidearms anyway
>Twilight Arsenal
>Frenzied Blade
>Hazardous Propulsion
Nuh uh, it's "Glimmered" now, Anon.
>fly into a boss
>half the time clip through them
>do less damage than a rocket
>boss fire stomps and you die
>this is a super

It's baffling. Just looking at it on paper, the move is bad and OBVIOUSLY bad. It needs to blind or give you armor or just bounce you away to safety. I blame it all on management at Bungie. Whoever made that move in the first place might not even work there anymore and no one currently overseeing Titans probably even thinks about it.
this but drengr's lash
>kicks you
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My friends got me into the game and we can't beat War Priest in King's Fall. This boss feels absolutely awful to fight. Always hides behind shit, moves around, two people can barely focus on doing damage because they have to hunt those knights and then get back in like 2 seconds, and if someone pops a well it's fucking blinding and everyone shoots rockets into each other.
I can't stand raids. I wish I could get practice in them on my own, because I get the feeling my friend's strats are retarded, but because you need other people AND is the most obtuse and frustratingly designed thing ever, it's so hard to get better at it. Are all the raids like this? 6 people in perfect sync doing unexplained "puzzles" where even breathing wrong immediately kills everyone and you're just supposed to beat your head against the wall until you figure it out.
watch a guide lil bro
>Kicks you back
Not so nice, is it.
blud's not doing stage dps in 2024 :skull_emoji:
>puts on nighthawk
>puts on still hunt
oh yeah? what now?
>hugs you
Ha ha take that
One thing I learned from Trials this weekend is that Speaker's Sight is going to get nerfed hard across the board
Say goodbye to it now PVE boys
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So why Crow/Uldren gets to have paracausal superpowers, "immortality", their past life memories, gets chance to be redeemed, and continue all their relationships and shit?
Seems a bit unfair for the rest of us, innit?
>hunters are allowed to have insane abilities and exotics in red minigame that are never nerfed until years later
>they immediately start whining if titans or warlocks get anything decent
I won't really weep for speaker nerfs but I will be sad to see ember of benevolence gutted because of pvp.
>shoots you with LMG during DPS, so you miss all your shots
I kinda regret that I was slow on the uptake last trials week so I didn't use it and this week I'm enjoying ending ring so don't feel the urge to play destiny. Unless its nerfed immediately everyone will be trying to counterplay it and that won't be as fun.
Was this 7 mil over two phases?
shut up bitch
you are talking to a vanguard leader
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>80k current players
nimbus bros...
Look at this nerd sweating his ass off, while Hunters casually spams their goldies and match him on the wrong surges.
because he dies too many times to count to a random fucking orge
I didn't vote for him
don't forget about fem titan that broke his pelvis.
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failsafe about to get cancelled
>remove orb generation for healing allies
>change it to literally anything else
There, I saved pvp.
By you being absentee, your vote was automatically deposited into BIG AWOKEN COCK foundation.
Intellect buff when? Crucible was more fun with frequent supers and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Either that or lower the goddamn cooldowns all together, some of them don't even make sense. How does burning maul have a smaller cooldown than hammers of sol when burning maul is a hell of a lot more powerful than hammers?
Destiny 1 is considered retro now
Does nova bomb work on the witness fight in salvations edge? What about needlestorm?
Use slova, needlestorm is trash
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>is irredeemable dogshit in your path
What's dg's approved coding language?
Remember when Bungie paid YouTubers to test stuff early and then gaslight people into thinking these were not only good but going to replace worm God/synthos?
i didn't believe them for a second
They just got to nerf wormgod and synthos
They nerfed them 8 times in the TFS patch. They're still better.
bungie are stupid
just rework the exotics to remove the functionality they clearly dont want to exist
who cares if a few NIGGER titans die from it
My dad is a titan and my mom is a hunter but I identify as a warlock. How do I break it to them, bros?
that is so brave of you
Dumbledore was a dumbass in the movies AND the books and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't.
slytherin cope
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this did not take nearly as long as I had heard, people who play this game really are adhd babies

I knocked this out in one night
because it was fucking bugged fuck ass
it’s actually still bugged still didn’t take me long to get the servitor again sounds like a skill issue
prismatic was a mistake
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>"I grant the house of warlocks a modest 200 points"
>"And for the titan house, I will be rewarding them 999 points"
>"Hunters will be pleased to hear that their house has gained 1000 points for this year's vanguard cup"
>Dumbledore reaches out for his glass of water and takes a sip, the halls roar with cheer from the hunters' table
>Dumbledore places his glass back on the table and slowly ascends from his throne
>"HOWEVEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dumbledore said calmly
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Vangaurd, lmao.
van gourd
Those niggers at Bungie still haven't fixed veritys
What the fuck is the point of these? The only good thing about them is the melee regen when you have s full team. The damage at x3 is still way lower than synthos or wormgod x3, and it only works for a charged melee
To bait retards
Flechette Storm
To make weekly posts about reference to "Complaint tablet to Ea-nasir".
>Flechette storm
>New gauntlets only give you a 30% buff max
>Synthos and Wormgods give it the full 165% or 300%
Lol. Lmao
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>In second place, HUNTERS with 485 points, and in first place, TITANS with 490 points!
>Yes, well done Titans, well done... HOWEVER!
>*Dumbledore winks at the titans calmly*
>And the winners are... TITANSSSSS!!!!
WI doesn't need kills, just hits and regens with banner of war
I am not here to redeem WI, just explain the differences
and the whole point of storm is the ranged attack, so you are not getting the syntho bonus that way
Losing out on utility provided by BoW or Into the Fray already makes it a worthless to synthos and wormgods.Bungie creating titan exotics that are downgrades to alternatives is fucking retarded.
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This thing absolutely fucks on Gyrfalcon hunter. Shame about reload, but oh well, nothing that dodge can't fix.
lmao killing tally on a 75 mag gun
Commemoration will always be better.
needs work
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>Lightfall is supposed to be the worst expansion
>It was the most popular

>The Final Shape is supposed to be the best expansion
>Nobody plays it
All the good will got exhausted
Uh oh, the suits aren't going to like this one bit!
I pray that Nimbus stays gone forever.
I'd rather have Hawthorne at this point. At least she's fuckable and not an affront to God like Nimbus.
Now post it on r/dtg
that is the sequel effect
>i love destiny 1
>i will buy destiny 2
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>The Final Shape
>Literally the end of everything in the universe

>Nothing happens beyond the Last City

We've gone from an infinite fleet of Pyramids capable of shutting down an entire system and revisiting the laws of physics, commanded by a guy who cuts up ships by lifting a finger, to this. What a disappointment.
Was it ever explained why the Witness randomly grew like 50 arms out of nowhere?
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i loled
i dunno he is an alien does it matter
that is like his final form
It looks retarded.
What I want to know is why there's a hand motif everywhere this expansion. It's weird. There are random hands just sticking out of ground/walls/ceiling/abyss all over the place.
It doesn't matter when you treat it as another Rampage.

Commemoration can suck these nuts.
I think the devs just thought it was cool. No time in 10 years has there been this pattern and then there is. This expansion has really been rushed.
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Trust got broken.
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streamers ruined destiny
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>these nuts
forgot pic
Okay no but seriously why did TFS flop?
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mfw reading this bullshit
these motherfuckers
you know what killed your stupid fucking game?
me and one pal of mine managed to get like 4-6 people into destiny during shadowkeep
we were raiding and shit together all the time
and then they announced beyond light and the vaulting and sunsetting and ALL of them quit except me
guess what actually killed the fucking game back then these fucking morons
xivg is easily one of the worst generals. it's nothing but hornyposting and drama. though the hrothfat that takes people's chardata is funny. or maybe those are two separate anons it's been a while.
because of this timegate nonsense I think Im going to take a break. or nolife grind VoG next week. we'll see.
like have you ever looked inside the gacha game generals and shit
then there are like generals out there that are completely overrun by shitposting bots
Your image is fake as fuck
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You got me. Here is another fake screencap that took me 2 minutes to cook up in photoshop.
hello guys i am from Playstation Vita General 3892
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i dont think he knows
how annoying
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what weapons are you guys chasing currently and why?
i finally got a wardens law with vorpal and enlightened action with extended mag, turns out the lucky pants buff runs out with 4ttc on it so unless you're literally all out of ammo and not using it in a rotation it should be pretty good
now i wanna find a good sword to pair with my wolfpack ergo sum
Damn this episode is ass
you cant say that
you have not seen rest of the acts
damn this act sucks
I was planning to farm a lot, but they already backpedaled on surges in raids and dungeons so I don't know now. Maybe a good Wild Style when it's in rotation.
datto was right
they should had kept the surges
Datto has never been right about anything
if datto said that you should cross dress would you?
australian train run on dattos "wife"
nothing i dont have interests me at all except for wild style and the solar rocket sidearm
I like how bungie see grapple melee spam and immediately think
>damn gotta nerf grapple
instead of thinking
>shit, abilities and guns are so dogshit they're being beat out by fucking grapple melee
titans never did too much damage with their punches, guns and non punching abilities just need to actually be stronger legendary primaries should deal actual damage
grapple melee is an ability
i think it says more about how dogshit the ammo economy has become
we really need ammo syths
reddit said it's okay that the season sucked and that it's even good news because it means the nex saison can't suck as bad.
mfw no face reading this post remembering me buff stacking to one shot bosses with bastion + one-two punch + wormgods + shield bash 2 years ago
good for bungie for fixing their game by removing shit like that
>Moth Infested Cavern Cyst is the worst thing theyve done in a long time
total reddit death.
Yeah good on them for making current hunter stronger at melee than titan ever was
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there are no good gambit weapons
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>than titan ever was
you are delusional
>he doesn't know
Current grapple melee hunter is stronger than Titan ever was, yes
and yes I am taking what youre thinking of into account
you're delusional
>he's pretending he knows
Yep, not a single argument
Vex Mythoclast. For the first time in a long fucking time I'm enjoying playing Destiny. And so when reset comes around I am going to endlessly go into VoG and get back into raiding.
Hopefully I can latch onto a learning party.
I know I'm late to the party but gotta start some day.
>best melee build
hunter, for both general gameplay (lazy combo blows with liars/synthos) best boss damage (tether 1/2 punch grapple)
>best bosss damage build
hunter with still hunter and nighthawk, incredibly easy, modifiable and easily applicable to all situations
>most played pvp class
>most played class in general to point where a rigged guardian games can't even stem the troon tide

gentle, i suggest a solution to this madness
day of the wedgie, every hunter will be strung up (by their underwear)
I play all 3 classes so I couldn't care less
>We see the problem here. So we nerfed the buff synthoceps gives by 40%
I want to play hunter but Mobility is a trash stat and I hate putting any points in it for my class ability
i have 18 mob on my hunter and i'm never without my dodge when i need it lmfao
any build that actually needs the dodge will have it unless you're doing something with like strand clones or something
I personally hate doing platforming as a hunter if I have low mobility
i have 30 mob on my hunter
id sacrifice my dodge for double the grenades
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>somehow…Fikrul returned
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he is literally immortal
there is no "somehow"
he's immortal
all those mindbender farms are canon
Fikrul quite literally cannot be killed (yet).
I still can't believe they actually posted this
We've known since Forsaken that it's currently impossible to permanently kill Fikrul because Crow was a retard even when he was still Uldren. He found a dying dreg and wished that he could be saved, Riven heard him, and she made him immune to death.
all scorn are undead fallen
so whether they are alive or dead is kinda iffy
I still can't believe that people defend it and try to gaslight others by saying it's out of context and actually just about preventing crunch and employee burnout.
the worst part is they made it to tell other developers what to do
except they fucked it up still
you say that but here is the truth then: why did they stick to annual expansions? they clearly cannot do annual expansions
final shape is only good because they delayed it by half a year
in a somewhat a correction they cut 4 seasons down to 3 seasons (episodes)
but that is too late, they should had killed annual expansions already by like .... FORSAKEN??!!!
how many wishes did uldren make?
That's not a defense of it.
A defense of it is playing out right now.
Final shape is generally regarded as an "over delivery". More than is typically expected.
Echoes is a par for the course season so far. But no it's actually garbage because it's right beside final shape.
What they are talking about is correct about how the fanbases expectations expand beyond any teams ability to keep up.
>Final shape is generally regarded as an "over delivery".
By whom?
I mean that wholeheartedly. What has final shape given that was in excess in comparison to the content that came in light fall.
>By whom
Paid shills and redditors
Counting Crow's, I can think of 4.
>I wish Fikrul wouldn't die
>I wish my sister was back
>I wish I could tell [Cayde] I shouldn't have done it
>I wish I could travel through the portal
where the consequences for his actions?
>What they are talking about is correct about how the fanbases expectations expand beyond any teams ability to keep up.
that's not true, you're thinking of shareholders who expect infinite and unsustainable growth every year who want record profits every year.
The fans just want a consistent high quality experience for their cash but instead every year bungie delivers less and less. Cutting costs and reusing assets to make record profits every year.
>but final shape was an overdelivery
we literally got more content in lightfall
>b-but it got a 10/10
because for the first time bungie put all the lore people liked in the cutscenes instead of item descriptions. You know that thing people requested they do for 10 years?
people care about story. If your game has "lore" it means you failed as a story teller that's why games with good stories, genuinely good stories like the witcher. Have no actual lore
Lightfall has more content. The Pale Hearth will become a desert soon. Solo destination... what a great fucking idea...
Come on man, you know there is more in final shape than lightfall, on top of the story not being complete ass.
New enemy race.
New subclass on an "off year"
Way more substantial post campaign, both in terms of updating broader story beats and things to chase like ergo sum / exotic class item rolls.
Dual Destiny exotic mission.
Larger than typical raid.
Unique post raid activity.
Even if you don't like that shit, it's more, way more.
>where the consequences for his actions?
We (he) lost the only woman who loved him, Amanda.
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>Come on man, you know there is more in final shape than lightfall
such as?
the delay worked
imagine paying 100 dollars for 3 new supers
It made the ending worse. Us resurrecting Ghost with our own power(making our own fate) was a much better concept than Cayde just killing himself to do it.
I still can't believe it's the final expansion. It looks like a normie one.
>I wish Fikrul wouldn't die
Turned into a fucked up zombie monster
>I wish my sister was back
He fucking died lmao. Or more directly, the sister he wished for back ended up being a phantasm
>I wish I could tell [Cayde] I shouldn't have done it
Cayde gets ripped out of literal heaven. Debt in this case was incurred by cayde
>I wish I could travel through the portal
He was the only one that could, that was the wrinkle. Phrasing of that last wish was actually "I wish to pursue the witness"
Clearly not considering how hard it flopped
3 based new supers ;)
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It was flopping much harder.
mmmmmhhhhhhhhh nah
i like the cayde ending more
If ghosts were initially made with light and dark as people theorised, the the alternate ending works. As is, it doesn't make sense that dark would be required, just shitloads of light, which we wouldn't be able to channel without our ghost.
We would have basically been doing the same thing the Witness did when it made Subjugators(since it would have been before Bungie made the other dread). It works conceptually, it's just a matter of whether or not The Guardian should be willing to use the Traveler like that.
I doubt it's going to be the final expansion.
Unless Sony shuts them down or turns bungie into a support studio, the game still makes money. Especially when their "marathon" game flops because it's not marathon at all.
Destiny makes shittonnes of money, but it also burns shittones of money making seasons. We saw in lightfalls year it doesn't take much to tip into the red
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I think the prismatic class items should have been a tailor made custom exotic that does something unique for each class's transcendence instead of just being watered down versions of every other class's exotics.
Its so fucked how anything but Apotheosis + Star Eaters is dogshit on warlock.
Osmiochuds do not reply i'm not equipping that watered down slop
I love that song
chat, is that true?
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I was going to type a lot but I figure I should respond in kind
>New subclass on an "off year"
It was delayed. This isn't an off year. The "new" subclass is nearly entirely recycled. 3 supers, 1 of which is uses animations directly ported from D1 with no change.
This is seriously being compared to an entire sublclass with entire new mechanics, interactions, exotics to support it, it's own aspects, supers, etc. Get real.

>New enemy race
4(?) enemies and a boss. But you know what? Fair.

>Way more substantial post campaign, both in terms of updating broader story beats and things to chase like ergo sum / exotic class item rolls.
Pic related (not pictured, another entire page of ergo sum);
Mindless repetitive grind across non matchmade solo patrols is not "substantial post campaign" unless you're unironically positing that low hit odds are actually content.

>updating broader story beats
Zavala gets pep talked by Caital
Savathun has us slaughter people and laughs like an annoying wine mom.
The Zavala one especially is misplaced at the end of the campaign while covering shit he overcame in the final two missions. Mr "I have my gun" is now moping again.
This updated nothing. I've run through these shitty quests multiple times trying in vain to see what I'm missing. Also most weapons have substantially less flavor text and lore in general. This is the one area they inarguably fucked up.

>Dual destiny exotic mission
I did specify lightfall so fair. But just as with everything else, pales in comparison to Y2 exotics quests.

I also need to address something
>Echoes is a par for the course season so far.
They promised this format would bring about change including going at your own pace. The only thing they did was release a season with even harder time gates. This is significantly worse then what's come before and Breach Executable is legitimately awful.
I would unironically rather do Nightmares than one more second of Breach Executable.
bro literally backpedaled to "actually in y2"
>literally concede thatthe point raised was correct
A wasted effort on my part.
Where's the argument
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I have used both in the raid and master NF solo. Osmio Eater is far and away better than Apo Eater. Osmio requires no setup, you just start spamming grenades. Apo doesn't do anything until you ult, and it's just 10 seconds of spam.
if they change ergo sum wolfpack rounds to not proc shit then i will be annoyed
sony can just gut the company and fill it with people who can do work in a reasonable amount of time
Um warlock bros I thought bungie liked us...
oh no do i get banned
Isn't that pretty much the reason Microsoft ultimately didn't bother to buy back Bungie? And here came Sony a few years later overpaying them thinking they were hot shit.
bungie has always been a high expense studio
do you remember all the benefits they had?
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>its the post at 7 am retard who cant read steam charts
>It's THAT shill
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>have had about 50ish fatebringers drop
>not a single one is Explosive Payload + Firefly
But Crafting is... Le Bad! Doing Content every week and getting nothing is.... LE GOOD!!
that roll is guaranteed on the master challenge lol
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>get a single fatebringer adept
>has firefly explosive payload naturally
>also has frenzy as a second selectable perk
ok the symbols are
black sun
guy with the hole through him
and the boat at the sea
worm gods not on strand is just sad
that build is literally just hunter combo blow except with liars you can get health back without killing and its more consistent around board with 99% more uptime
prismatic titan is just sad
Ascendant plane
no bro you were meant to shoot them
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those people? rank 7 godslayers
>Just hit something with a power melee, it doesn't even need to kill it, then all your weapons get Radiant and anti-barrier capabilities, no questions asked
Unravelling Rounds
>Ok so uh. get a finisher.... and uh... kill something with your power melee, and only your strand weapons get Unravelling rounds..
>trans titan build
yeah nah im good mate, but you have fun
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All I do is play Gambit.
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>get matched with two chinese hunters
>they both skip
>get matched with two english named titans
>spent the time and get both pistons
Gambit will get a new update in episode of the plague
I dismantle 99% of the loot anyway fuck your pistons.
You can keep it
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you get exotics from it
>Facet of sacrifice is 30 minutes deep into the last mission of the campaign
didnt want it anyway
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Why not simply WISH Cayde and Targe back with another Ahamkara? Amanda as well, maybe.
>another Ahamkara
anon i...
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The Final Shape marketing was so soulless. Generic superhero movie poster and awfully tame trailers. I suppose the expansion is a reflection of that. There’s the campaign itself and it’s super underwhelming. The encounters are stale and the gameplay is pure distilled puzzlesl*p. And while I can appreciate the vanguard trio getting a neat little plot it shouldn’t have been all of the story. The campaign should’ve been much longer and way more in tune with the extensive universe, just overall bigger. Also the Witness kinda just died. Idk outside of Cayde/Crow the whole thing didn’t feel right.
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If ahamkaras can kill themselves by wishing for something they want, couldn't they just loophole it and be like "I wish to instantly be reincarnated after bringing back my ahamkara bf"
Is the threaded specter renewal grasps hunter build a meme? I'm trying it out, and it doesn't immediately have the same satisfying loop of calibans/liars.
Maybe I need to use a one two punch shotgun? I'm not dying, but it doesn't feel like I'm actually doing much despite sending clones all over the place. Maybe that's part of it? I'm getting enemy fire away from my team but it's not really flashy? Not sure.
That's not interesting, so no. I could make up a dozen different in universe reasons why, but the answer is that it's boring
>Counting Crow's
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How come they wished Crow into The Traveler to kill The Witness, rather than wishing The Witness was dead?
Your answer is boring
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What does "puzzleslop" even mean?
Do people unironically want the expansion to be pure combat but the difficulty is based around having 19202983471 Adds spawning in constantly? Is "kill one miniboss then match a shape to make the boss vulnerable" too mentally stressful for /dg/?
the roll is ep + frenzy for pve or ep + eye of the storm in pvp
if the game were good instead of the most shallow meme fps then there would be movement tech, there would be more abilities, you'd have more than melee, grenade, class ability
supers would be weirder and do more interesting things
you wouldn't need puzzles because the base combat would have enough depth to be engaging all its own.
The fact that you can't parse forms of difficulty beyond hordes of redbars or puzzles is intellectually dishonest
we all played halo, don't bullshit because you know exactly what we mean when we ask for genuine challenge
Because the ahamkara twist wishes. Praedyth is trapped forever in a vex prison because of a wish. Fikrul exists because of a wish.
The wish wall makes it difficult to intentionally misinterpret. The code we found on Savathuns wings was for the wish wall, and for that specific wish. If we wished for anything else, it would have gone worse.
>Bayonetta is wildly criticized as "getting in its own way" because it has many non combat minigame sections. Critics describe this as distracting from the enjoyable core gameplay.
Read that sentence then think about destiny. Then apologize publicly for being so stupid in front of all these nice people
This answer is interesting
ok here is an example of pure puzzleslop
in the coop story missions, touching a wrong glyph even accidentally kills the entire party
>If ahamkaras can kill themselves
they don't kill themselves, they literally cease to exist. There's nothing to bring back. That's why Riven specifically pointed out that the cost was EXISTENCE and not death because Ahamkara already naturally persist beyond death
But the puzzles are part of the combat.
Literally 0 encounters in the campaign require you to stop shooting at something, and in fact, all of them require to to shoot at something.
>bungie add one seasons worth of content
>vault 3 seasons worth of content
>they are then surprised people complain about lack of content
when will bungie realize that the problem is solved by simply not vaulting things. They could stop releasing new content for 3 months and just bring back stuff from the content vault and that alone would not only be a better use of resources but would bring more people back because literally everyone I talk to is still mad the forsaken campaign is vaulted when they paid for it
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>we all played halo, don't bullshit because you know exactly what we mean when we ask for genuine challenge
Halo doesn't have supers, doesn't have melee beyond punching things with the butt of your gun, severely limits your grenades, and doesn't have abilities. Master Chief can't even fucking sprint or mantle. Its significantly easier to design a combat encounter when the player's options are limited to what guns he can carry.
You could not design a "challenging" encounter in the destiny sandbox based solely on combat encounters.
>finish campaign on alt
>still have to get all abilities except fragments

They never learn do they? Still never finished strand on my alts.
Forsaken being vaulted is insane. It's the campaign most people remember. Just being able to play the opening mission isn't good enough.
it's just fucking crazy. I was sharing my genuine opinion that tfs was great to my friend group because they all have played at some point and literally all 5 of them said some variation of
>that's cool but did they put all those expansions I bought back in the game
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Is that concept art supposed to be like pic related from hannibal? I wonder what a rated M destiny would look like.
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what should I do with these
No one gives a shit about the marvelslop campaign. What people like about forsaken is the post-campaign content. Last Wish, Shattered Throne, the seasonal content like Forges, Niobe Lab's wild puzzles, Gambit Prime / Reckoning and Menagerie, Scourge of the Past, pinnacle weapon quests and the cool loot chase, grinding out rolls for Kindled Orchid, Hammerhead and the like.
If "Forsaken" was just destiny year 2 and the entire year was just the seasonal content, people would still rate it higher than most other expansions.
Put a string in them and shove it up your ass like anal beeds
Lightfall campaign is an example of proper gameplay. Such as dealing with 2 tormentors at the same time or the giant spinning laser wall level. You have to actually think about the way you combat enemies. Collecting 10 light motes and 10 dark motes from red bars to unlock the recycled shield of aegis is not just boring it’s disingenuous. They literally ran out of ideas on how to create encounters, OR even less surprisingly they had ideas but simply gave up and settled for less.
13 Rolls of Loaded Question.
There’s an alternate universe where Bungie steps it up every year until TFS which is basically a game in itself and has a 2 hour supercut of cinematics.
That's just not true lmao. Your average person liked the campaign, and the tangled shore. It's inherently repelling to them that it doesn't exist in the game anymore. Anyone who talks to lapsed casual destiny fans will know this. Your average person never did scourge, or leviathan, or last wish. They are mad that the campaign isn't there. You can argue that's bizarre, but it's what they feel.
>Lightfall campaign is an example of proper gameplay. Such as dealing with 2 tormentors at the same time
Yea man that's really creative. Annoying miniboss that can turn off your abilities and instakill you with a grab and only takes damage from precision hits, but this time... there's 2... and you fight them in a tiny box room... Wow...!
still thinking about that comically ugly auto rifle they showed in the revenant preview
>filtered by tormentor
Yeah I’ll take that over puzzleslop no question. I’m going to assume you’re a sissylock main.
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>filter the word "slop"
>150-200 posts auto-hidden every thread
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When do you think Salvation's Edge is going on the weekly raid rotation? LFG Master Salvation's sounds like suicide, and my interest in this game is dwindling pretty quickly.
The one pleasure I have, though, is Khvostov. This gun being the best primary in the game, and all its ricochet nonsense makes loading up to do the seasonal stuff worth it.
you are completely wrong. Campaigns are the only content everybody does and likes on average.
When you buy an expansion it is the first thing you think of. So when you tell somebody
>you paid $50 for this product and the campaign for it is being deleted
you can't console them with
>well all the post campaign content is still there!
they will still tell you it's a scam and will be really mad. It's the principle of the thing
When you finish, do it anywhere but my hair, I just got a blow out so I don't need it ruined.
Has bungie ever been like
>Ok this concept art is cool enough that we will just put it in the game instead of remaking it and making it look like shit
With any weapon/armor set?
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So Zavala was RIGHT all along when he loses his goddamn mind with "GIVE YOURSELF TO DARKNESS!" and such.

Where would The Vanguard be without him?
>You can argue that's bizarre, but it's what they feel.
It is bizarre. I'd even say its fucking retarded. If it was Witch Queen, Lightfall or TFS that got vaulted, I'd get it. Those campaigns were actually fun to play in of themselves.
I came back after not playing since Forsaken. I finished the new campaign and I want to get into raiding again, what are some must-have weapons/armor so I don't get kicked from LFG?
I could tell you but you gotta raid to get them
anon the reason art doesn't match models is because they reuse assets, until they are forced to make new assets art will never match models
Not hard, just annoying. But unironically.
Dares having new weapons every week with actually interesting weapons instead of season slop seems like a no-brainer to me.
Like one week could have a couple of old Leviathan weapons as they were before vaulting
Another week could have some unique rolls like the old curated Gnawing Hunger or something
And another week could have an exotic like a Tarrabah or some shit.
man i was really hoping the witness' final form would be something like this. like the monolith wasn't just where the witness was, it WAS the witness itself
>do a full gambit reset
>still no Final Warning catalyst
Depends on the raid. Generally you'll ne fine with crafted legendary weapons and an exotic suited to the encounter. Of you're hunter, just rock nighthawk and still hunt. You'll out-DPS most lfg people with minimal effort.
>only paying one of the playlist activities when you are trying to get a new catalyst
I keep hearing people talk about Gnawing Hunger. What are y'all using it for? I've got a master roll just sitting in my vault collecting dust.
It feels so good. Play Vanguard ops now.
The most recent raid/dungeon is always available on master. It will join the weekly rotator when(if) they reprise another old raid.
Seemed like a logical choice given the rank boost. Plus, Hush with new perks seemed tempting.
Hipfire Grip + Archer's Gambit Hush
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Wait for Shadow Price.
Please tell me we'll get another map for this seasonal activity. Because this one is already fucking boring.
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dont care about prismatic, im sticking with strandlock
which build
threadlings, new melee chest exotic or something else?
threadlings, mantle of battle harmony for free damage perk + super spam
threadling build on the trans sub class is unironically better than on strand
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is this bait


I'm going to stop you right there, buddy. You're going to have to give me a build for that. I like strand gaming but I can't get a threadling super spam build for prismatic.
why are you letting some nigger vandalize OP?
Why this is ok but pissposter wasn't?
It's up
red minigame fags mad https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dmq7gb/please_turn_off_the_khvostov_ricochet_sound/
No I'm in agreement with that anon. You get Devour in your base kit with trans threadling build (I'm now calling it the trans subclass thanks to that anon). Plus you can get an exotic bond with both spirit of swarmers and devour empowering rift. Healing is really the one weakness of strandlock threadling build and the trans version gets rid of it. You also get woven mail from orbs as part of your base kit if you pick the strand super, none of this -10 resilience taking up a fragment slot.
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>30 minutes
Maybe if you're bad and/or playing on Legendary.
Should be maybe 10 minutes on Normal.
I'm not giving up on thread of evolution
>devour + weaver's call + threadlings + arcane needle
>osmiomancy + verity class item + strand gun
>facet of balance + bravery + devotion
he hates grummz

tassi is a faggot
grummz is a fucking loser lmao
Found the troon
are you actually ready to stan the no-games shipped firefall-bus guy who spends all his days malding on twitter
how can that be what you base your judgement of tassi off of
pick something substantial jesus
chat is this real?
I just finished God of War (2018) in "give me god of war" mode. This game is better than Destiny2.
Holy fuck lmao
giving you the (you) that >>483169003 stole from you
was this nigga really afraid to quote me
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its time to admit nimbus was a kino character
Mantle of battle harmony is incredibly bad, eve after the buff. The damage increase is the equivalent of 1 surge mod, requires you to keep your super up, and ultimately even dynamo with Phoenix dive gets your super back quicker.
This dude actually replied to himself on a different device
I bet you don't even use weavewalk
what? its like 30% bonus damage
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>They changed the skybox even for characters going through the campaign for the first time
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I would like to formally apologize to The Witness. I thought you were a shitty bad final boss, but having finished the Elden Ring DLC, I see that you could've been a lot worse, and I'm sorry.
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LMAO, how do you fuck up this bad
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need... bad juju... armor set...
The right skybox is overdelivery
sorry we had to vault it
dont lie
nobody can beat the final boss of the dlc
It's literally just 4 stacks of weapon surge, but it doesn't stack with them.
>equip beeg shield
>equip poison+rot thrusting sword
>poke poke poke
>beats ur final boss
nothing personnel
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I feel like he could've been pulled straight out of JoJo, which isn't a bad thing.
Wait a couple years for the expansion/season where Toland comes back a villain.
Nimbus at least was new, original and had a good story and lore. Meanwhile in the Final Shape...
He was fucking awful and I hate hearing his fucking voice.
I hope he comes back when we return to the dreadnought
The Witness should've turned Zavala traitor. Him becoming the last masterless disciple and carrying on the war against the Traveler would've been kino.
There've been a few mentions of him recently, so I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back in episode 3. Xivu's the only one that seethes as hard as him when it comes to defying sword logic.
He would've been a better first boss for SE than fucking Taniks. Killing the Ghost but not the Guardian is getting old.
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need OUTBREAK armor set
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That moment in TFS where Zavala is trapped in some memory of his home being assaulted is wild. The man was in full Vietnam mode in the corner losing it.
need OUTBREAK armor set IN D2
uhhhhhhh... yeah thats not gonna happen.
it doesn't NEED to be THAT outbreak armor set
You NEED to farm this NOW
yeah i get it but liiiiikeeeee... its still not gonna happen
>done the raid 50 times
>have never done the master mode once
WTF are you doing?
Nice Killy art.
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looking little moist there zavala
>watch literally any interview with any professional chef
>"the struggle is part of the work, to truly be a great chef you have to embrace it and give 100% on every dish"
>immense pride in their craft
>willing to suffer solely to create and improve at their craft

>errm we can't put in effort because...people might expect effort every time
and they wonder why they can't retain players? lmfao
it's obvious the developers despite what they claim have zero passion for destiny, they do not care about it, thus they do not care about their own craft and the game suffers
trials status?
Slop status?
>>errm we can't put in effort because...people might expect effort every time
wow bungie is literally me
so bungie felt that getting all B's is better than potentially getting an A+ and then an F- because that F- might be enough to kill them for good.
just like curse of osiris almost did.
so they gimped the ability to created great things for fear that falling from such a great height would be enough to kill them.
which is pretty sad.
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>filter the word "status"
>50-75 posts auto-hidden every thread
extra sloppy
how do you get that many hits with one filter
i swear only a few posts use that word
Should you cheap out on an engagement ring because it will create bad patterns for your girlfriend?
filter state?
>getting married
filter situation?
>getting married
a what for your what?
i wish a femtitan would marry me
I wish a femtitan would peg me while her husband watches from the corner
>filters your comment
heh nothing personell kid
8000 lines and counting sir
Um......good writing?
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dude wtf
slopstiny 2: the final slop
lol imagine not being there for the first 2 days of tfs in the middle of the week
its far more an important criteria than most anything else. He describes himself as very liberal, hated that Eve's outfits got added back in because it gave the other side a win, etc. He is not someone whos opinion should matter to anyone with a functioning brain. All he is doing is parroting the majority of opinioin for clicks.
i havent played this game since we carked the witness
no desire either
am... am i f-free..??
right, so say that instead of randomly bringing up your favourite twitter eceleb
Pale Heart lost sectors are so fucking poorly designed good god.
Reason I physically cannot do Master VoG:
>My irl friends have already done it and have no desire to sherpa me through the raid, they have Vex Mythoclast and all the adepts they could need.
>I'm in a clan, but the situation is the same. In fact, seeing one member talk about his cool adept fatebringer is what led me to wanting my own fatebringer roll.
>Afaik, people don't do master raids in LFG anyway.

Reasons I will not do Master VoG:
>Its VoG but I get one shot and theres tons of champions and my loadout is restricted to the surge and honestly that doesn't sound very fun at all.
not our fucking problem
suffer for all I care
have you tried not getting one shot by the champions?
>he needs a sherpa for VoG
then you don't deserve it
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master vog lfg is very fun
banner shield is actually goated for templar
You should buy a cheap ring and spend the money you save on the home you will build with your wife. Money issues are one of the top 3 causes of marital issues and having a secure home and a simple gold band goes further to a happy wife than a ornate trinket.
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should have been there
besides which, that opens the "fancier ring" option for an anniversary gift down the line, as part of renewing your vows.
Actually if we look at it from the bungie metaphor of vidya you should spend less time on flash and more time making sure you have a stable functioning game with fewer bugs and errors.
>Play Hunter
>Do literally anything I want
>Pump out massive damage and add clear for basically no investment
>If I fuck up it doesn't really even matter
>Play Warlock
>See above
>Play Titan
>Forced into playing one of the few "viable" builds
>Have to play in a very specific way with a very niche modset and play absolutely perfectly
>Miss a single ability or miscalculate something, entire build falls apart and I'm now useless for ~30 seconds
>Even if I'm playing to 100% capacity, still doing less DPS than a basic Hunter/Lock setup

This shit is like playing the game on hardmode. What is wrong with Bungie
>cry about weapon not getting roll you want
>here is a way to guarantee roll you want
>"no i won't do that i just want to cry about it and make childish excuses"
literally a skill issue and i'm embarrassed for you
The titan player cries out as he strikes you
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he's struggling
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bro could had just gotten a crafted zaoulis
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im so tired of seeing this fagcuck's face.
How the hell is Tassi 2 weeks late to any fucking educated opinion on this game?
Wait, nevermind, he's one of the 5 people that still has hope for Suicide Squad becoming something good.
If Forbes considers this a "video game correspondent" then I need to submit an application.
>Complain about RNG
>here is a way that you already fucking knew about
>no i wont do that because i dont feel like grinding my life away at a hardmode designed for poopsockers
You're retarded.
This website is wild. It's filled with incel weeb pedos who want near naked woman in all games but hate a guy that wants the same thing over politics.
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I genuinely believe Lightfall did irreputable damage to the entirety of Destiny's story.
The ending got completely fucked because of it.
>grinding my life away
a single encounter, also the easiest encounter, with the easiest challenge, that drops exactly what you want. cry more about how hard everything is for you, you delicate little flower
>grind my life away
Its literally 1 challenge in a slightly more difficult mode of the easiest raid in the game.
Yeah? What else do you believe?
>Lightfall fucked the ending
>Lightfall fucked the seasonal format
>Lightfall fucked the PvE meta
>Lightfall fucked the PvP meta
I was certain that Naraka game was going to die
Poorly Designed could be the tagline for this series.
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>stuck at 16 motes of light
>no idea which overthrow boss I need to kill
>can't just look at the triumphs because they're bugged
sasuga bungie
its always the meatball
NTA but I'm in a similar boat and I've fought the meatball like 4 times at this point.
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I believe in Joe Hendry
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I've already gotten the meatball mote, it was the second to last one I needed.
Kill the meatball using guns instead of abilities, otherwise it won't drop the mote
Just done dual destiny with my brother. Great mission. Really enjoyed it.
you're supposed to be angry and bitter
Am i retarded or does the new Warlock exotic chest piece Mataiodoxía absolutely fucking suck?
Dunno what everyone's complaining about it wasn't hard the timers are generous. Add density was fun, got to use my prismatic build to the full.
The new exotic armor almost universally sucks. Speaker's Sight has some niche use for healsluts, but that's about it.
>with my brother
like literal brother or a black friend?
Lol, literal.
you get to shit out suspends everywhere and you get the melee energy back fast
>zoomer brain too fried to sit in one zone, kill all 3 bosses, change zone, repeat
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I was just doing dual destiny with my nigga and halfway through he stopped playing and robbed a porch
im playing destiny 2 right now
This loser general is still up?? LMFAO XD
Man, I don't think I've this shit happen anywhere else in the world, america really is a blight upon this world
america is a wild place
Its a skit retard
>now competing criminals are fighting each other and racing to steal your shit
You subhumans are know for robbing porchs
its obviously fake
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true, if it were real the other guy would have gotten stabbed
the absolute unironic state of the USA
Fuck off m8, he's staying with Ireland
I'd beg to get out, but I know the rest of the world is also fucked.
>it's just a prank bro
Liberals can't comprehend the world they created and call it fake.
obvious lügenpresse; try harder next time, jew.
[Good News] Bungie is on track to undergo even more layoffs than previously
I accept your concession
we're not losers...
[Off Topic News] just took a massive shit
[Sad News] The Final Slop is losing players faster than Lightfall
Real happy for u chief
[Dad News]: I love Graviton Lance!
[Meta News] Arc, Strand, and Stasis heavy weapons will be replaced by superior Void and Solar weapons next weekly reset
[News News] Outta news
fake news. all of it
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[Throat Mysteriously Shaped Like The News] We Outta News
but it SHOULD happen
You have been returned to the DCV because you were expired milk
[Urgent News] I need fat Fallen Captain COCK to sit on
[Devastating News] Nimbus is returning next act
Objective: Kill Nimbus
So what am I supposed to run on Titan for Witness add clear if I get put on that role?
Just the INSANE DAMAGE YOU HAVE TO USE THIS!! consecration spam and suspend build while I use Twilight Arsenal for boss damage?
>you should run to the switch character screen
No I need Euphony drop chances for my Warlock
It's insane how funnier you guys think you are than you actually are. This must be what happens when you have no friends IRL to not laugh at your garbage jokes.
>having friends
use your heavy
micropenis for one
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What the fuck is the point of Ergo Sum? Why would I or anyone else ever use this?
[Sad News] Anon is vocal and not happy
the aggressive telesto frame for it can hit enemies who spawn inside walls/OOB
it saved me from getting softlocked that way.
apparently its the highest dps sword in the game with wolfpack
i havent tested it myself though
Highest sword dps in the game
use any already broken titan build like strand or solar + void weapon for add clear
dps literally just hipfire microcosm
Not Wolfpack. That's a 15% ish dps boost for the whole team.
Caster frame perfect fifth is the highest sword dps bar none while transcendent
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with wolfpack rounds
i should have phrased it better but whatever
I feel like you were the friend that always found a way to ruin everyone else's good time.
Favourite stupid lore theories that were peddled for far too long
>The player guardian is Dr. Shim, because ghost used those credentials to get you into Ishtar. Because your ancient past is revealed in the first set of car keys you pick up
>Ahamkara = wyrms = worms = hive worms. Dogshit punnery should never be the basis for a lore theory, or a writing twist
>still getting best dressed commendations while using the exotic hunter cloak
It's the little things
I see superblack I commend best dressed, simple as
It's rough out there
>heroic sacrifice of the expansion (of destiny overall) during it's high point was some tranny human/robot thing we met literally 2 hours before hand
why did you post a picture of yourself bithc fuck you
I see superblack you're getting kicked, it's that simple
American bros, a-are you okay?
>statues can perfectly articulate their intent
>still talk in vague statements
There's no reality where this makes sense
on the whole, no.
Personally, I could be worse but I could be better.
need help
You never had a friend in your life how would you know how friends interact with each other? Ball busting is something friends do.
uh oh it's pissy hour
Doing good. Helping people through Dual Destiny and it's been fun. I forgot hiw much I liked showing people exotic missions like The Whisper or Zero Hour when they were new
what is there to even do right now besides grind out exotic class items
make a chart of how many people ignore the mining in the seasonal activity, I guess. (it's probably close to 100%)
Caster Fifth isn't as fun as wave-frame arc-conductor
I want to like it but I can't.
But grind is content, anon.
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>uh oh it's pissy hour
>can't post piss Titan because I will get him banned again
tell me you do not play the game without telling me you do not play the game
Red borders
Both build and showcase suck
>A build literally just better and more survivable on strand with higher Woven Armor uptime on Strand
>The disgraced which has like 3 entire enemy types +boss across the entire mission
what were you doing before tfs dropped?
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they need to rework like half the useless titan melee exotics into not meleeslop
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Nothing. This DLC was very overwhelming. Everything is hidden behind hours of tedious garbage moreso than usual.
This is what happens when there's no obvious marker these days.
Getting all the prismatic aspects is going to be more painful than strand was.
>Hunters are better at facetanking shit in melee range with ramping damage and healing
>Warlocks provide better support with buffs, debuffs, and crowd control
So what the fuck are Titans for?
fucking retards
At least they're account based, unlike strand.
Is legend of acrius catalyst worth buying
it makes the gun incredibly good + its fun to use
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They are? Blessed.

>mfw I found a prismatic chest hidden under a tree root
There are 3 hidden in campaign missions, several are part of hidden puzzles, and I think 5 are locked behind chests that require grinding memory fragments in Overthrow and cysts. I'm also only talking about fragments, as each character has to go through the campaign to unlock abilities and aspects.
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Playing Ghost of Tsushima
The Rivals mode in this game is literally just Gambit
>Google Translate changed primeval to caveman
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Other than VOG Templar what are others checkpoints where I can get a total of 30 spoils of conquest?
15 from start of vow and 15 from the last chest in ron, which you can get to by walking back from a boss checkpoint
Content status?
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>sex with eliksni women
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>theres no variety with spec mods in pve its all minor/boss spec
>removes them(and nerfs certains weapons in the process like linears)
>nobody uses anything but the mag increase
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I've gone past the limit of being mad. All I can do is laugh now.
Using backup mag on some weapons will reduce their total ammo for some reason. I just slap Quick Access Sling on most non-primaries because of it.
this is the exact roll i use
dont even know how much benefit the double damage perks are it just feels good to use and i got bored of commemoration
Every Titan Melee should grant 100% DR, which rapidly decays over the course of 2 seconds after use.
The only Titan Melee that inherently has any sort of protection for the Titan is the fucking Shield Throw, which gives a tiny Overshield on each hit.
Might as well be nothing
not my problem doing my bounties
it's not a meleeslop exotic but I like how we've had like 6 major, sweeping exotic armor patches in the last year where each class has had 12+ exotics changed, frequently significantly, and Mask of the fucking Quite One has gone untouched this entire time despite being barely above Khepri level
What's a bounty?
Please swap unbreakable with literally anything else for prismatic.
I'd like to be able to use my aspect during my super mode.
bros still hunting witness is so fun
fuck micropenism it's so boring
>Elden Ring DLC
>nearly reached its day 1 player cap
>Destiny 2 final expansion ever
>barely scratched back a player base
Its hilarious watching the difference in people complaining about difficulty in ER but playing it anyway because fundamentally, you can achieve it with persistence. And Destiny with absolutely no one playing the raid because its effectively impossible for 95% of people to find a lfg due to raids being so poorly designed. Bungie are so desperate they even had to ditch the surges and it still changed nothing.
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>Dual Destinies requires you to read an analog clock and agree on 3 numbers that change every 10 seconds
this is going to be way more painful than it sounds, isn't it
>your core fantasy
No its bungies defined fantasy. Not one fucking player says "I want to melee in Destiny and be totally worthless in content". Fucking hammer and shield throw are two of the most popular titan "melee" attacks.
when is dg does salvations edge?
miku does not talk to eliksneed
It's not unless you're both retarded
Crota took 4 hours. Im not doing "the hardest raid EVA" with dg.
the last clock is always the same three sets of three that cycle between each other
it's easier than it sounds
All my sherpa LFG raids are averaging 5-6 hours
Any thread hosted /dg/ SE's are better off just starting from Verity or Witness instead of full for sanity sake if there's new people
>they even had to ditch the surges
they ditched surges in raids and dungeons. Content with literally some of the lowest throughput in the game. And left it in for every other piece of matchmade activity that the bulk of casuals actually interact with effectively changing nothing.
Just get a second account up to speed and solo it. Otherwise you're gambling on whether or not your teammate is a zoomer that's never had to read an analog clock in their life.
no one is struggling to do damage in matchmsde strikes and nightfalls
It was the simplest change to try and get people into raids but it was not enough. They need to put in a +20 mode asap so casuals can do it and learn without worrying about the actual combat. They wont, because bungie are not smart enough. But they should.
>suggesting to buy final shape again
>suggesting to give bungie money
*no one good
A casual can wipe in patrols, that's what makes him a casual. That's why he doesn't raid.
Not himbut you must work at bungie, you lack of understanding is on par with their design fails.
Enlighten me. I'm just posting my uniformed opinion on the internet. I'd love to see somebody who actually gave any topic here some serious thought.
No one wipes in patrols. And people don't raid because they're poorly designed.
>decide to attempt a sherpa
>pick GoA because I know it pretty well
>the 2 blueberries even get through the sparrow section just fine
>only thing that went wrong was getting super fucked on 2nd encounter RNG
>everything else went smooth as butter
>one guy at the end starts to mega salt out because ???

Never again.
so where do i find good people to raid with? all i have is dg and im not even a part of the secret clan discord so i can't pull from that
What do you guys do for runner on Witness?
The groups I've joined did "all 3 runners are responsible for finding out what their assigned hand needs, go find and grab that buff, and run back to break that same hand"
However, I just joined another group that did "all 3 runners are responsible for just taking care of one shape and breaking whatever is either called out or guess-breaking around the arena"
Not really sure how I feel about the latter because it just seemed people were just guess-breaking and spawning an ass load of appendages doing that
I haven't experienced 2 runners though
Their also know as THE WALL IN WHICH THE DARKNESS BREAKS as well as defenders, fucking retarded ass millenial writers don't know jack shit about nuance.
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Doesn't look like it's difficult per se but with an interval that short I could see it killing the mood if you have to keep restarting the puzzle until you both do it flawlessly
Thank god
i finished the campaign but can't do strikes without buying lightfall? how do i gear my character without having to spend another $60 on previous content?
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>we hear that you want something other than punching
>but we don't care lol
I can't find a decent job. I wanna end myself.
Join the Navy.
Who designed this shit
I'm all ears
Khvostov in this dungeon just extends the last damage phase by alot lol
I'm sleepy. Might go to bed soon.
>I'd love to see somebody who actually gave any topic here some serious thought.
On just facts 10% raid. Less have tried the new raid. Most comments about the raid are that its too hard to find groups or even do the raid with a good group.

Historically this matches raiding in similar games. WoW had 10% attempt raids for most of its life until they added difficulty tiers and also an automatic LFG which has dramatically increased the number of players. Older raids actually see more diversity of players today than they did at launch, people go back to them for cosmetic hunting with their over-leveled characters and its a big part of the game.

Excision is also technically a type of raid, and yet it seems to have far more people attempting it and completing it. I think its pretty clear the reason is because mechanically its quite simple. But also there is an easy mode where people learn the mechanics first and then a week later we got the GM version.

So fixing raiding seems really simple if you just take lessons from other games and Destiny itself.

1. Create a casual, normal and hard raid mode. Release them in order of casual first, then normal, then hard. Build up player interest in the raid.
2. Casual is automatic LFG. Give a big power advantage to players over the enemies. Remove raid wipes and death tokens. The whole point is to let people learn the mechanics.
3. Normal introduces raid wipes. Enemies are a proper challenge again but you don't necessary have to 100% optimize your build.
4. Hard mode has raid wipes and tokens. Enemies and bosses are extremely hard meaning high DPS builds are fundamentally required.

Now more people play raids, more people try harder difficulties and Bungie don't spend forever making content which no one actually touches.
Mandalorian Moonman
Honestly underrated exotic. As long as you hit orbs frequently its hugely effective at wiping out enemies. Way better than a Sunshot.
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It looks very stupid and i love it, it's a great helmet
with the sheer amount of people I've seen praising it over the past week it's starting to not be
sunshot works with ember of emyrean so it'll never be dethroned
I'm expecting it to get nerfed because of PvP.
How's the rocket chest piece for titan?
Couldn’t care any less about having long range damage if it meant having my melee power back. The absolute dopamine of shredding bosses with my throwing hammer. I want it back.
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>ember of emyrean
Meh, irrelevant, orbs give both basically infinitely as is and you're picking them up with Khvo anyway
The volley does as much damage as baseline Thundercrash and it's a 35% buff to all rockets, including sidearms, Grand Overture's missiles, and Wolfpack Rounds(both from rocket launchers and swords). It's definitely good, but it's still overshadowed by all the fundamental issues the class has and Synthos/Wormgod's.
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it looks cool tho
Its outclassed by Hunters and Warlocks dealing more damage with their exotics. But within the Titans kit, its basically the best exotic they have now.
looks like galacta knight's mask
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>having infinite x2 resto is irrelevant
Yes. Anything else?
yeah, you're dumb
I don't understand the inspiration for the Echoes armor. Things like the Ghost shell and cloak make it obvious they're trying to go for a samurai look, but why do that when it's a storyline about vex and an Indian lesbian?
me but with slamming every mob I see with Shield Bash nonstop
Says the guy who needs Sunshot+ember of emyrean permanently to play Destiny content but somehow doesn't know about the seasonal artifact or armor mods.
>no wipes, no tokens, easy mode
Honestly fuck that shit. There's not a chance in hell I'd ever be willing to go into a group for that. It would be filled with the biggest mouth breathing retards around. Imagine doing verity in SE with no wipes or timer and people who have no clue. You'd be there all day while some spastic attempts to do dissection by brute forcing it.
I do a lot of sherpas but I definitely wouldn't do it in an easy mode. It would drastically lower the calibre of players attempting it which is not good for encounters like verity which are just a basic IQ test. I like teaching raids, I've even taught disabled people how to do raids. I don't want to teach raids in an easy mode filled with people who think raids are going to be like a strike. It would just be no mic fags who stand around shooting enemies thinking that someone else will do the mechanics.
seasonal shit is ass and i've got way more ammo from scavs on my boots
Unironically use the discord LFG and raid report or the legacy app. I kick anyone with the tranny emblem, people who speak really fast or people who sound black. Most of my runs tend to be very chilled out and go pretty well.
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>using scav mods instead of surges
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>need experience to get experience
holy shit its starting to sound like >>483211246
im fucking gold v on raid report
I'm not even joking. I kick trannies because they're mentally ill and they're more likely to flash and start arguing, I kick people who are probably black because half the time they're high as fuck and play like shit and I kick people who talk really quickly because they always panic over comms and you can't hear shit even when there's no rush to do anything. You wouldn't believe how much more relaxing LFG is when you really discriminate.
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>im fucking gold v on raid report
already doing better than me
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>he isn't loadout swapping
>people who speak really fast
i'm envisioning a german who gets annoyed if thinks are done exactly the way he wants
Trannys are annoying in lfg
They are either high off cough medicine or they are stupid wannabe speedrunner faggots and it's really annoying
I don't check total clears. Total clears are a terrible method of determining how good someone is. I check their speed times and look for anything additional like low man's, flawless, etc. If you're fast through raids then you understand the mechanics and pull out good damage.
Depends on what group I'm looking for though. If I'm doing a Sherpa run, I couldn't care less if this is your first run of any raid ever.
how could this happen
lately it sure as hell hasn't felt infinite
+2 seconds per kill except there seems to be a delay that prevents gaining another 2 seconds every so often
I dunno it feels buggy.
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>literally first match after complaining
It's that easy, huh
good ideas since performance anxiety is the main reason people don't raid. Even in dungeons I've seen one guy scream in all caps at the other for fucking up the cube mechanic in prophecy and it takes 10 secs to get back to where you were. Sadly it will never be implemented because we don't do gradually increasing difficulty in Destiny, it's either just shooting enemies that miss you on purpose or you're dodging aimbots with golden crossbows while keeping track of two buffs and a wipe timer.
Agreed. I've had a lot of shit experiences with them so I don't play with them anymore. Too many of them talking in a muffled faggy clearly male uwu voice. Joining my "kwtd chill" then getting pissy because we're just chatting shit on the way to the next encounter instead of well skating straight there. Just being generally useless cunts all around.
just join raids, leave if you dont like the fireteam.
it is as simple as that
post the dsc teweet
Dry your eyes, mate. I only use LFG and I've got low man's, flawless, etc. If every one of your LFGs goes wrong then there's clearly a common denominator.
i guess i should just leave if i lfg next then and change my mindset, i just hate leaving and i can only think of like 1 time when i've ragequit in any video game(besides a random control match when i only went in with the intention of doing a bounty)
Just make a LFS post if you want to do a raid but don't know how. Any decent Sherpa worth their salt will be chilled out and never rage. I do a fair amount of sherpas and that's been anything from some of my fastest runs to 20 minutes on a jumping puzzle with a guy who had nerve damage and really struggled. I won't say shit in a Sherpa run. If you join my kwtd post though and don't say anything then clearly don't understand mechanics I'm going to call you a retard.
i would report you for using the r word
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omg mithrix hi!!!
I farmed the nightfall for it, its super easy and takes like 10 minutes, took me 4 before it dropped.
Don't see it as rage quitting. If you're genuinely not the one who is fucking up, don't hang around if you don't want to. Take the checkpoint and make your own LFG post. The majority of players on this game are actually fucking horrendous at it. It's not worth bashing your head against the wall until some mong finally brute forces his way through a mechanic.
Fine by me, bro. I don't care if my account gets banned because I get all the DLC for free because I account share with my friend on console. If I get banned then I just make a new playstation account and start again on there for Destiny. Worth it to call out retards.
What did they do to shield bash?
lol whatever you say buddy :)
Why would I? It's a game and I get it all for free.
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Has anyone else ever beat it to Mommy Sov? I'm asking for a survey.
i didn't care about her in d1 and i hate her in d2
a womans personality does matter
but then again I haven't whacked it to any of the characters in destiny so it's not unusual.
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not personally but there was a savathun model that got posted on vam earlier not saying any more
>speed times
yeah it's real easy to get good speed times with the shitstains that populate lfg
I do flawlesses but I dont bother with low mans because theres no shaders or rewards amd it seems like a lot of work.
This makes logical sense but the problem is that people who get nervous will still get nervous even if you tell them it's ok to fail, so a raid environment where they can't fail - like a strike or seasonal activity - could be a good entrance point so they can dip their toes in the water, with the sherpas helping from the point where you can drownDROWNDROWN.
I'm literally diamond speed rank and I've always used LFG. There's literally only two people in my clan and we're only online together maybe once a month. You're not as good as you think you are.
those fights where the boss is basically stunned in melee range during the damage phase. also stronghold titan builds. idk what else you would ever use a sword for
Sword in nonheavy slot
wild considering it's filler that doesn't change the story in any way
i dont base how good i am off of raid report
they nuked my cool armor mods that let me use it nonstop
my fastest rr times are sub 30min no mic lfgs
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Is that a fucking tuxedo
ffs bungo
I think they're supposed to be aviator/bomber jackets.
which, I mean, if they're not covered in unshadeable shit that might be cool.
Who the fuck said Deep Stone armor looks cool? This all fuckugly. Like Crysis armor but with weird pointless hologram shit everywhere.
Reskins of what?
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I made it, bros...
First time flawless since Trials of the Nine, and that was a carry. This time, it was solo.
What Aisha's Care rolls are people going for? The frame and the Omolon trait already do a lot for you. Gutshot and Headseeker seem pretty good.
>one red shaded bond away from becoming a nazi
don't do that it makes mustard gas
Was watching some old videos and god damn the tone change there @ bungie for the raid trailers

You got the old style:

Then starting from BL it's all about streamers (notice how they're all called 'raid race' trailers) :

And suddenly for TFS they went back to normal.
Looks like the halloween set from last year.
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i can't get into a gm excision group
Which ones
So you're blind and retarded?
wow those streamer trailers are kinda poopy
Man the one with streamers are pretty bad. Old style is definitely the better one
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>just realized that the removal of capped weapon levels means I can use blast furnace and scourge of the past weapons
I don't care if they aren't that good, they look cool.
total streamer death
becaus they blocked their fucking streams like cunts in whose fucking mind would thay be alright
>See y’all tomorrow. Excited to be part of the Destiny team again. Favorite Bungie pillar: Teams are Stronger than Heroes. So many folks working towards common goals, as a team, putting in work. No kings, no queens, just teams. It’s humbling. It’s inspiring. It’s empowering.

>t. A_dmg04
Total streamer annihilation
Why would they completely change the look of Vanguard adepts without updating their icons?
>Undercurrent actually rolls with disorienting/spike/proxy nades
For what purpose
Cannot believe they brought this cunt back.
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Forgot the fucking picture
Has the lost sector weapon rotation been updated this season?
what was so bad about him
would be great without the tie
did you not read the post he replied to
probably just lazy or forgot
cuz its bungie
>it's real
game design career probably didn't work out in the dark age of layoffs
Does any actually use any Adept nightfall guns anymore? The only one I regularly see is Palindrome in minigame from... whenever the last time it was in rotation.
that gun looks terrible
not on the api sites that I can see but some nigger did it manually
but also wait can the lost sectors on pale heart give exotic class items? not that that's a good way to grind them consdering how fucking long those LS are but still
wake me up when helio is on a 2 min LS thanks
Last year's was better.
Adept Warden's is good for OP hunter build: pants version but otherwise idk. Most of the current set feels barely on par with craftable destination/season rolls
Way to abrasive and wore his political opinions on his sleeve. Not the kind of person that should be managing any kind of community since he was incapable of being neutral.
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GMs are easy enough nowadays, that if you want to use a certain weapon, might as well go for an adept. Like I've got a couple, but the only one I'd been actively using was the Slammer. It was relevant for raid boss damage this week, until they announced they're getting rid of surges.
I don't really see many Adept guns period. In PvP, its just Igneous Hammer (Adept), and I see a couple of throwbacks like Hothead or the sniper when I raid every once and a while. Before Pantheon, it was all crafted raid weapons.
Having an adept gun is cool for the first couple days, but like Iggy's existence for the last few times its come out, they're just overshadowed by an Exotic, a gun from Comp, or some weird shit like The Craftening.
Eyes of Tomorrow in TFS campaign is pretty good
I miss my aquarium...Failsafe's plants are not opulent enough...
Heavy-Handed and Melee Wellmaker + Taking Charge.
He's going to re-hype Destiny2 again. We'll once again have a real CM who'll manage the community, who'll exchange and respond, who'll really pass on our grievances.

The only thing I hate about him is that he's a fucking bootlicker for the ultra-capitalist system.
the ultra-capitalist system will win! you are just a loser!
Same. Those aquatic environments were a visual treat if you slowed down a little. Collecting the radiolaria samples is kind of fun though.
>starts boss fight as soon as you see a piston
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Honestly worse than people who bank first in Gambit.
I'm going to bank my 15, bitch.
if they had a fight with people who bank first in gambit, the rest of us would somehow still lose
fucking hate you
>fucking bootlicker for the ultra-capitalist system.
socially progressive but economically capitalist people are among my least favorite kind of people politically
>can't afk in the tower with my clan bros like this
if only the social spaces were like real mmos
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the new solstice bow gets kill clip.
will this be the bow that finally convinces me to be a bow main
Luzaku is for
rough sweaty handholding
gliming and being replaced by sexy vex woman
Micah-10 and I tag teaming Eliksni Captain cock
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New ritual playlist warlock robes already looks nazi adjacent. Makes for an especially nice Enclave impression with Dear Orbit-like shaders.
>No dungeon/raid pathfinder
>no seasonal activity pathfinder
>no non-paleheart pathfinders
deep stone crypt shader is very nice on it
We had a Kill Clip bow since Splicer (Whistler's Whim)
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Guardian, we're shit talking Zavala's hissy fit, and we know the radio is next to him
Fuck the Fallen seasons
bites u
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what did bungie mean by this
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caster frame + perfect fifth on ergo sum feels fan fucking tastic
i might actually use it as my special of choice considering it has some range too
WHats the helmet
Awoken seasons > Hive seasons > Fallen seasons > Cabal seasons > Vex seasons

Based or cringe opinion?
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Poison Promise Helmet - got it from gambit
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what if a cat had overload champion that would be cool i think
Eido Season(Plunder) >>>>>>trash can>>>>>>rest of the seasons
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How do you stun a cat?
Only problem I have with awoken content is that I can't see shit in the ascendant plane. I like their crystal fetish and army of hot women in tight leather outfits
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Taken Season >>>>>>>>>
I'm so sick of Mara it's unreal.
She's way too confident of herself considering how many times she's been directly thwarted, bypassed, and planned around.
It's grating. Even Savathun has genuine, uncontested wins against us to back up her smug bluster. Mara hasn't gotten a caveat-free win in all of Destiny 2, I'm pretty sure.
kill yourself
season of the deep was taken
Everything Mara related since Lost is about how it's a front she puts up because she's a queen and can't be seen hesitating, Caiatl does the same thing.
Caiatl is a public speaker and has to be physically present for all of her troops. She's also a philosophical usurper of her race, who is predominantly a bunch of warriors. She's a warrior poet in a locker room of people that hate poetry.
Mara's entire kingdom is effectively dead outside of some members of her immediate court, who all know it's a front, and the Techeuns, who should know by now. Mara does not have any public to have relations with. Caiatl has to convince her people every day that it is a smarter idea to NOT immediately try and copy Ghaul.
Bungie is copying their own notes without understanding how they work.
Firm and passionate loving. She was the peak of TFS for me.
taking a date to library and teaching her to read english so she can learn more about humanity
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not baking
Let's get that Caiatl x Zavala action going on. Isn't it implied in lore that they already spent a night together?
>zavala will have to raise another mans son
And it was good. Had best mini game and hardest exotic quest of all time.
The awoken lost a big part of their army to Oryx but there's still enough people in the Reef. Mara's problem is more looking strong so her subjects don't panic, not about looking strong so she doesn't get stabbed in the back like Caiatl.
dual destiny is the hardest because you have to overcome your social anxiety
you forget uldren wiped out a bunch of the reef while he was under riven's mind whammy.
there's not a lot of awoken left out there, and the ones that are should be on breeding duty.
>Bungie's devs don't even fully understand Verity.
What is this company doing
can just like
kill all awoken?
i don't like them
Wasn't that just the guards at the prison? A civilian massacre wouldn't be very wholesome chungus even for Uldren
If I lfg with a fireteam entirely filled with bungie devs, they are all being kicked
Hiring retards, apparently.
Maybe the idea is to try and force Sony to let them keep working, being that it would be "ableist" to fire a bunch of retards that wouldn't be able to otherwise get work.
One of the cinematics in forsaken had him sitting in the throne room of the reef surrounded by corpses if I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure there were civilian casualties since he'd brought the scorn with him.
yeah this was the one. They don't show the awoken corpses until the end of it (and admittedly they're guards), but there's no way those were the only ones with the barons there.
Hmmm. It's hard to figure out how big the reef awoken population is since we never see them, but the army and guards can't be most of them.
Mara needs to be mating pressed.
I'm kind of curious what civilian numbers actually look like for all the races. Seems like humanity, the eliksni and the cabal have all gotten pretty violently fucked over the span of the game's lore
>millennial mind cannot comprehend teamwork in a multiplayer pve game
it wasn't hard, but to be fair, it's kind of retarded that the game is marketed as a loot shooter, yet most of the "hard content" is just timed coordinated team puzzle solving and platforming content. GMs are fine desu, but I have zero interest in doing raids or dungeons after I get the rolls I want
>zero interest in doing raids or dungeons after I get the rolls I want
Sounds like the most natural thing in a looter game
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Bakers pls make the next thread neomuna/nimbus themed
Thank you
seasons arent canon because i cant play them right now
listening her be smug to the seasonal villain is consistently my least favorite dialog year over year. i unplug my headphones when she tries to out ego clovis in that battlegrounds mission
she wasn't like this when i started playing in lost.
If you dont make a thread in the next minute, I will nerf Hazardous propulsion
>tfw warlock main
do it
your threats are empty, we already know it's on the chopping block because it's fun
saving this so I can laugh at you when I post it after the amazing perks on their loot are revealed
If you dont make a thread in the next minute, you are no longer able to set your cock on fire
ACTUALLY, I use the mag increase, the recoil reduction AND quick access sling, which is still less since you used to have major/minor/boss for PVE and recoil/quick access for PVP. at least adepts might have a little more variety in PVE now, I guess?
don't sleep on radar perks for pvp
oh I forgot targeting for like bows and some PVP things but my point stands
I could see that on like a sniper/bow/scout if you (often reasonably) have 0 trust in your team but it does kind of compete with targeting
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The Final Bread
Children of DG Cry for Salvation
Bro, your sweaty confetti?
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>did someone ask for heavy ammo? Fistbump?
Guardians make their own thread.
It's kind of retarded the game isn't marketed as a platformer. The parkour sections are by far my greatest enemy.
I will not do the Microcosm quest
I will not do Dual Destiny
I will not do Salvation's Edge
I'm stone fucking cold

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