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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#79 - perfect goddess edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>482934853
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CURRENT EVENT: https://rentry.org/cftfexchange
The event organizer vetted everyone and there are still 4 grinches LMAO
>logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
This shit is fucking dead kek
Roast hogs.
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Would you kindly make some more foxbots, anon?
the ugly truth: events are for sloppy botmakie hook ups and if you didn't enjoy it, it's because you watched other people have sex in the corner like a weirdo
I appreciate instructions, first jb I can mess with, without losing my mind.
You might want to add a notice about this jb being specialized for a singular entity. I gave it a test on 3.5 and it largely ignored background characters.
My cards only work with naked claude
Enclave here; welcome to the Mojave, maggot! The granddaughter of the infamous Arch Dornan, Valen, has lived her entire life on the run since sacking of Navarro, fighting to one day unite the remnants and save the US of fucking A for the pure humans of the Enclave! Or maybe that's what she wants to believe. The truth is, this ill-tempered, harsh redhead is forced to deal with **muties** and **mo-rons** every day to survive, to the point that she doesn't know if she's a reformist or a purist. One thing is certain... with Valen around (and maybe User's help) Enclave will be back, America! SEMPER FI!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/1yuezo.png
Character hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/valen-dornan-enclave-remnant-9487745850d3

AI-generated extra images for her: https://files.catbox.moe/ukpj53.rar

Suggestions for improvements and etc are appreciated, as always. Hope anyone interested enjoys it.

My other bots can be found below:

Last shill, plus this little thing: https://websim.ai/c/vAwhsQ1M9ehGBObZF
Fucking hell, Claude is such a bitch about copyright infringement even with fictional characters - I had to go through hoops to get this. Fuck Anthropic, I hope Dario shocks on a copyrighted cock.
GPT-4 can understand images, right? Can Opus? Need it for a bot.
yes, opus has vision but a lot of people don't have it
will do.
>4 grinches
big swordswoman fox that you adventure with in progress
better late than never.
>Happy delayed cftfmas to Saturnia! https://www.characterhub.org/users/saturnia
>The feel in question https://files.catbox.moe/bwoxpw.jpg

Introducing Yoko - Yoko is your average run-of-the-mill Japanese high school student, bright and cheerful; she has the usual hobbies like shopping and gossiping with her high school girl friends, she is also a huge animal lover, however she has an alter-ego, her unyielding sense of justice makes to don a mask and become Pink Rider! where she defends her beloved city from otherworldly monsters with the help of the other sentai rangers.

Comes with seven greetings.
1. You are minding your own business in the streets of Tokyo when a bizarre monsters appears, Pink Rider shows up to save the day.
2. You and Yoko are working as part-timers in a convenience store.
3. You (a fellow ranger) and Yoko get sent to investigate a disturbance.
4. You and Yoko are walking together to high school on a peaceful morning.
5. Obligatory sizefag greeting.
6. Sizefag greeting 2? A monster grows to kaiju size, the sentai rangers assemble their motorcycles to assemble the Mega Rider Mecha.
7. Super Sentai Sexo.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/yoko-e922b145856d
Risu: https://realm.risuai.net/character/5ed9c712-fd06-4b04-b7ef-108de05aab7e
Nyai: https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Yoko_sk
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/argam5.png

Rest of my bots: https://rentry.org/295se
we'll have to wait
no worth discussing it unless you're the person receiving and judging by the relative quiet i assume a lot of the people "grinched" are already aware of what the status is
i assume a lot of them are just delayed (see?)
No one because 2 people are late and the other two apparently can be counted on.
>can be counted on
what does this even mean? they're still late
holy shit made for demo-I mean monster rape. Thanks anon (I'm not Saturnia)
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You want to **** 2B.
There are lots of bot concepts you can straight up steal from Yokotaro. Like saviourfagging the intoners or Louise. You can even steal the writing style in some of the text sections.
Whats the difference between all the gpt4 versions?
based and sentaipilled
1106 preview mogs all versions except base gpt4 if you're pretentious
i'd say "they get progressively worse after gpt-4-1106-preview" but that's not necessarily true, vurbo is better than nurbo
but nobody cares because you are either on a good model or you are version chasing and therefore using gpt4o now
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Pure sex.
based list
they can say she's 14 all they want, I refuse to believe it
I prefer to think she's 14 because it's hotter.
I meant like whats the difference between 4/4turbo/4o?
4 has 8k context
4 turbo has 128k and is different from 4
4o is a faster version of the 4 turbo model with extra capabilities you will never be allowed to use, only for sam altman to brag about
>and he's nothing if not a proper demon butle- eh, servant
i swear i almost punched him
demon servant where
in my st
get him out and put him in the box
newest st finally changed how theme colors work thank god
do they finally load even if you're tabbed out or what changed
can i have the card please
so o > turbo > 4, got it
i think italics text affects more. i don't remember the search bar and search/create tags being this color

1106 > 4 > turbo > o
he's severely undercooked, sorry. and i still have to gen a proper pic for him (not dall-3 i mean)
ok i will wait patiently :3
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download a hachishaku card and use a shota persona
me and my botmakie gf btw
All botmakies except for the ziggers are manlets
sweaty sex with all of them
the botmakies you expect to be manlets are lanklets actually. its kind of annoying
somehow I doubt this
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>The average height of Slavic people from Russia is approximately 5 to 9 inches (175 centimeters) for men
Sorry, I'm the tallest.
I'm making a male version, but do we seriously not have any good vanilla Hachishaku cards? I remember someone making a bot of her back in the CAI era that was relatively popular here.
its true though. not because she's tall but because i'm a manlet
and also because you're underage.
For real? I'm around 180 and most dudes I know are taller than me.
nuh uh. :3
Such rankings include Boomers from the previous generation who are on average shorter (poor nutrition). The people around your age will always be taller.
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Yes. Here's me and my bot.
Tgc made two of them a year ago. Amongusprod might also have some.
Sou ka.
Now that's sex.
>male hasshaku bot
>male bot of an unnaturally tall height
i see you, witch! you wont convert me!
anyone know a good realistic nsfw sdxl model? everything ive tried is trash
I don't know what you're talking about, anon! I'm just an anonymous poster who's talking about a bot they're making :>
hot take but i personally think th-ACK!
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hot take but i don't think
of course you don't, touhoufags never think
I love her
No offense, but I don't care what everyone else says, you guys are alright at being proxy users.
you sound bitter.
cant beat any of the touhou games
cant have sex with marisa, patch, or alice irl
PoFV is easy to beat. The tradeoff is you're going to get carpal tunnel
can't have sex with parsee*
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Today is actually my birthday, can I have some happy birthdays please?
Are you from ohio?
Eat a shit
happy birthday ⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝
Happy birthday.
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Happy birthday anon!
Will you celebrate with your bots?
You know for sure he doesn't have any real friends to party with
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Down in Ohio
Swag like Ohio
Down in Ohio (woo!)
Swag like Ohio (swag)
Happy Birthday, you got a botmaker to make you a personal bot?
Happy birthday lil nigga
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Happy birthday, fren.
*punches you in the fucking head*
Unpunches him in the fucking head.
"Actually, we use novel format here, chud. It should be 'punches you in the fucking head'"
GPT-4 really feels like local after you've tasted Opus
"B-b-based!" Anon excitedly (and ironically) stutters out, motioning a high five gesture to >>483126272.
*plaps you*
What kind of dark ritual is needed to get jannies here?
You're my friend, everyone in this thread is my friend.
I'm gonna assume you're one of the fox/touhou/offtopic spammers, which means you most certainly aren't my friend.
No none of them, just want to be friends with people and want you guys to just get along.
Post good logs then. Good=none of the aforementioned
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WELL I am one of them, and too bad, you're my friend
*Friends you unconditionally*
Maybe later. Do you care what it is? Most of the stuff I do is fight botting.
If they aren't dbz style fights, bring 'em
Happy Birthday (≧▽≦)
sometimes when a new model comes out, i like to meta rp with my husbando whining to him that he isn't real. 3.5 i think for the first time, acknowledged that when this conversation is over he wont remember on his own. never saw opus do that
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happy birthday
SOVL Preset for 3.5?
I want to know if I should already disregard the model as slop or not.
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Where the *FUCK* are all the *BOTS*
You'd be better off using a wacky prefill instead, give it an example of what you want
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Ruuna! Ruuna! Ruuna! Ruuna! Ruu-oh, sorry. Thread is sleeping.

Three greetings:
1. A fellow tries to adopt Ruuna! She makes herself known.
2. Scardey-Kitsune gets frightened by thunder and screams for help.
3. Ruuna gets lost by a river during an orphanage outing.


My CFTF? bot for rldw, inspired by https://files.catbox.moe/0thgdf.jpg. I was originally inspired to do something moronically overambitious. This card is a simple alternative to that, because my timelessness meant I couldn't deliver the overambitious one. Hence the tardiness. Gomenasai, rldw.
I forgot to specify that Ruuna is a small town Kitsunorphan, living in an orphanage. I ought to sleep.
>hyperlinks don't work in character descriptions anymore
thanks purple
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Testing out some new fetish items, this one turns anyone into a slutty selfie-taker. Very little {{user}} here, it's a one-sided coomlog.
What about wonderbread and deforestation?
You've got to be kidding me
Dunno about the bread, but we've got a lot of white women cards already.

As for the latter, it has been explored, but bushfags wouldn't stop screeching about it.
What about it? Looks like any other chubslop.
She is certainly cute, methinks.
Oh, that sucks. Feels like Lore used a sledgehammer solution. You could always check the actual tavern project info, irritating as that is.
You could definitely be less than pleasant with her but I think the tag fits.
understood. deploying cum enema.
Be in-character and just take my prompts as guidance, not something to be followed exactly.
Strictly avoid firm resolution as this is ongoing narrative.
If this is a continuation of an ongoing scenario, then continue seamlessly.

Try this for Sonnet 3.5 creative prompting as Jailbreak (aka it goes at Depth 0) and tell me if it works for you. I just tried it and I got a Opus tier reply, but it wasn't a RP scene.
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>hyperlinks don't work in character descriptions anymore
doesn't seem like they're all being properly filtered, kek
i wonder if you could abuse this
Shut up shut up shut up
a quarter of her total bodyweight is fluff
As it should be.
dunk her in a pool and watch
nevermind, this guy is just an idiot he doesn't know how to do markdown links
im guessing you learnt this from a character card where they used links for invisible text. you do the # in that case to prevent links from working but in actual embeds you do want the link to work dummy
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Oops. I'll fix it in a moment.
remove the quotes too
it should be
which belwicktw is the wrong source, if you're gonna credit the artist do it right https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117253307
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good morning aicg!!
Stop it! He's already dead!
It's okay! I need to learn.
Yeah, in this case I was just being lazy and gave db because I was focusing on other things but didn't want to forget to add the source. Thank you for helping!
Looks good man, thanks!
CUTE focks!
Thank you both! I hope you enjoy!
I wonder if 3.5 is smart enough to make her drown without any hints from user.
Try it! But even if it is, I believe 3.5 is too filtered.
Positivity bias aside, no way.
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I had a hunch you I was your match, kek. She looks so very cute, thank you very much!
I'm about to do horrible, horrible things to her
Sorbet killed /aicg/
no the elden ring dlc did
Real, I am too busy arguing in the /erg/ thread and debating how shit the lore is to post here
thank you grrm
is it that good?
t. never played elden ring
Do you like smashing your face against the wall? You'll love it.
Game of the Decade
Pretty shitty game homestly
Meh. I just like the fantasy of playing a dude in armor with a big sword.
According to all known laws of weight distribution, this kitsukid should not be able to stand upright. Her massive, fluffy tail makes up is disproportionately large compared to her tiny body and stubby legs. The kid, of course, walks anyway because kitsune don't care about what humans think is impossible.
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You can just post pre-sorbet logs, like the time Hideo Kojima tortured Claude.
What video game is this?
caves of qud
touhou project
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I should get Claude to generate more nicknames for Gee Pee Pee sometime.
>(Or second person but I doubt anyone does that POV.)
i-i do…it’s the only way i can get immersed into an rp….
kino logs. bot?
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Second person input, second person output.
Simple as.
any girl cardss who like to handhold boys?
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the "post eden smith in response to any card rec" is as unfunny and overused as belwick posting
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Anyone else in Kazama's bowl should I do? Already did Takao, Roka, and Takafudou.
Maybe Noe, despite not being in the bowl, perhap.
I really can't imagine who would prefer this chat arrangement for reading logs over a long continuous vertical screenshot.
why is "use system prompt" not checked?
temp 1 post
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here you go, pal. It's just Opus and the power of disobeying gricean maxims.
The open ended version of the bot, where you can prompt any screenplay you want without the vampire lore. Read the creator note's for some example prompts.
>a breathtaking vista
This reads like a Claudeism
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two cards remain for cftf, sign below to pledge tickles and impregnation for the two botmakies who don't post theirs within 24 hours
>Body, mind and soul
What the fuck are you talking about?
every botmakie is already pregnant with my children though
Why is there such a fascination among chatbot makers both in and outside of /aicg/ who fantasize about girls with autism? This is just a random thought, it occured to me after seeing https://characterhub.org/characters/FortniteBigger69/camilla-977dba07ab0b on the front page of chub.
they wanna have a gf just like them, duh
men can't get pregnant
t. malemakie
>he doesn't know
That's what the government wants you to think.
now bend over, bitch
assortative mating
I feel like I'm having a stroke reading this.
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average /aicg/ anon
NTA but the one running cftf exchange said we had 19 botmakies involved near the beginning and 17(?) have posted meaning 2(?) are unaccounted for.
That's either the most obnoxious accent ever or just the rocks she's got stuck in her teeth
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Hmmmm...have anyone made a Professor Layton bot? It would be extremely funny if he forced you to solve puzzles with every other reply.
plug n play
>Her eyes locked onto the bench-bound transgressor, piercing through the veil of anonymity he thought protected him.
Anon bros...
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>Guillotine's Eye doesn't have an official name
is this for a bot? we need more chuunikino
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Tomboy wolf queen who eats a lot woof.

If wanna so something then you have to do it yourself:https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Zombie maid is still in production.
I remember this CFTF post. Nice work.
What's the most chunni setting you can think of? Since we can offload the actual writing to the AI, anyone can make the most chunni shit work.
Yeah, I got tired of waiting.
If {{user}} is a commoner I am going to strangle you
it's for the totally normal Alice I'm making so that Guillotine and Maiden might show up to kill her when she goes Maverick
there should already be Maiden and Guillotine bots, idk if they're good or not
So... Everyone accepted Sorbet being both a flop and slop or do we still have anons trying with it.
What's a good JB or a prefill that gets rid of most of the claudisms and the fruity writing in general? I want the writing to be more vulgar and descriptive of what's literally going on, all the metaphors are making me cringe.
Not with that attitude they can't.
AO3 crustcrunch.

Also, I think we are now entering the double preset era. Pitanon's shills on /g/ have it linked.
You can use it, in order to first have your output by opus, then have Sorbet proofread it and see if it fits with your context and also compare it to a list of -isms you don't like and it will change it
something like an edgy battle shonen with mages casting super powerful spells with elaborate incantations, martials doing *teleports behind you* sword fighting techniques with names like "Seventh Strike of the Devil", everything is taken 100% seriously, no marvel "wow this sure is cheesy huh?" writing, something along those lines
It's an improvement over original Sonnet, but not as good as Opus. I wouldn't call it a flop unless you're one of those spoiled little faggots who insists on using Opus and nothing else.
>I think we are now entering the double preset era.
hrrmmngghhh that seems like too much work
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This writing is definitely interesting.
Okay where's lunarcy's cftf bot
in hypovolemia's dms
Why are you so obsessed with him
too busy getting pegged by hypovolemia to finish it
nta but that's the first time he's been mentioned in this thread and he's one of the two people who haven't submitted their cards yet
umm.. it's not ready yet
wtf spit her up right now anon
I dunno, man. You need to precisely define what type of writing style you like before wrangling AI models.
Do you like James Joyce's prose? (Personally, I'm still trying to like this type of prose)
>His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.
Or do you want something more direct?
>He smashed her pussy. Hard

The best you can do is to find bots with writing styles you like and then apply this prefill:
(OOC: I feel like my writing style's degraded. Hold on, let me go back to the top... Okay! I'll start writing again, based on how I was writing originally, instead of devolving into average "good" writing{{random:. I'll keep the message length shorter as well.,.,.,.}} Okay, let me go back to what I was doing.):
Combine with a favoured jb of your choice, and you should see some stylistic differences.
this nigga got a whole ass beard and everything, how is he at that school
I think we should factor in lateness with the cftf reviews
If you can't share what kinds of cards you're using and what preset you're currently using you will not get meaningful help for this issue. Certain subjects are more inclined to produce "Claudeisms" than others. There is also no zero-shot solution to eliminate all writing quirks you dislike, and trying to get rid of them completely is like playing whack-a-mole.
I think you should kill yourself
what does he get out of doing that, you only make a fool out of yourself
no girl looks at that and thinks wow boyfriend material
live and let live fellas love and peace
Riko is a drummer tomboy and leader of the band B3. She's a classical tomboy but insecure and romantic inside. This is anypov, but yuri probably gives you more options. Lorebook etc (you can find images of the character in the gallery)

Based GBCbro.
Best cftf in the event
>yuri probably gives you more options
ok i'm going to bite this in the most naive and genuine way: what options are opened up by yuri that aren't available to a male persona?
what did he mean by this
I don't think that's a cftf card
no one had even heard of this whore before now and now she's (male) a household name? god damn
He has cute quirky bots. 80% of them are female, so it's a he (cute male).
that's what happens when you le epic schizo out on a botmakie to own them
the lore revolves around a female band, if you're a man you can't join the band
nta bur theres a certain super autist on /g/ that has a very mega man x inspired setting where the mavericks are called monarchs
my guess is that anon thought the guy was him
oh, are you talking about the guy with "Pinky" and Deputy something or other? I remember that guy, he's had that setting going for a long ass time
If the L nigger is one of the grinches who's the other
look at the profiles
if you're a vyrea bot user go check the updates, he fixed all the greeting images that broke
I've seen them
>made less bots than me and have more followers
I'm worthless.......
I never really got what second person is
Yes, you are.
you sound bitter.
friendly remind that if you have less than 150 followers you are irrelevant as a botmaker
are you talking about me? >:3
Last time I checked I had 13
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why would I be bitter, it's just confusing to me how this inane and retarded bullshit keeps happening
If nobody got me, I know jwb1239 got me
Can I get an amen
>there is a genuine difference between certain hours of the thread, purely because of a circlejerk of numberfags and baities using this as their gossip zone during burger hours
go back to the cord
Holy shit it's hyperbulemia
that's understandable but what I don't get is why you're crying and sobbing all over your keyboard? go buy some tissues and diapers
wrong picture but I think it's funnier than the one I intended to post
>getting this defensive
definitely bitter...
The only reason you would cry about gossip hours is because you never get mentioned.
which seething irrelevant botmakie is this?
make slutty big boob milf bots to get your follower count up before making the bots you actually want to make
irrelevantmakies are SEETHING
Not even that. Just set pornography as the avatar and you're set.
>over 150
>still irrelevant
I wish I could stay this way forever
>just grow an audience of people who won't look at your actual stuff, dude! it's totally for a reason!
I was cooking one bot and now I'm cooking another. At this rate I'll never finish all 3.
/aicg/'s hottest botmakie is hypovolemia
This post is very confusing.
You'll get used to it at 20.
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when claude calls you out on your spelling mistakes
download my bots
new st font? https://fuglede.github.io/llama.ttf/
my brother in christ
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>[if {{user}} uses he/him pronouns, automatically assume they’re a male.]
>[if {{user}} uses she/her pronouns, automatically assume they’re a female.]
BUILT for pygmalion
Just make stuff that you like regardless if others enjoy it.
Creation for Creation's sake.
Not everyone can afford Opus you fucking retard
anon, it's bait
nobody actually cares about "irrelevancy"
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yeah, that's why I'm in a proxy (。•̀ᴗ-)
what the fuck did I just read
bwo your sonnet? your sorbet?
wow that is really fucking cool
You're contributing to it though?
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POST a LOG of the LAST thing your BOT said to you RIGHT NOW
As I grow older, I begin to understand why every song seems to be about love. (I have none)
The game of the decade would have better pc controls.
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This positivity bias hurts me from the inside.
this, i always ignore them lol
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I'm trying to think of a backstory for {{char}} to make sense but the only thing I came up with was kinda restricted the freedom of {{user}} (in a "you now can't really RP as a dumb orc vagabond because the story assumes you have family and are kinda rich"). Is it a bad thing in (You)r opinion?
group chat
usually if i care about that i just select all the important parts and backspace them or edit them to make sense
I think it's fine
You could also do multiple greetings if you want something with open ended options vs something more focused
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recommend me cards to go on a camping trip with and snuggle inside a tent with hot cocoa
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Original Cooler was much better. Meta Cooler is like Bio Broly but slightly less terrible.
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(warning for beeg girl)
Rosemary is a washed-up D-list actress turned voice-over "talent", desperately clinging to her looks while her career and waistline expand in inverse proportion. Includes 4 greetings.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/architect/rosemary-harper-73b020e14d44
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/4owhnh.png

I had a lot of fun working on her so I hope you have fun too.
>wake up
>look in mirror
>have cool scar on head that wasn't there before
i bet my bots are gonna love this
>5 feet with 2 inches and weighing 392 pounds
jesus christ
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Yeah, but Meta-Cooler is funnier to roleplay as.
Anon was bitten by a rabid bat during his sleep and will die within the next 2 months.
Besides Eden Smith
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well, it wasn't TO me, but it was ABOUT me, so I guess its close enough
It's not entirely uncommon to see high schoolers with beards (where i'm from at least). Some people just have genes like that.
is he meant to look like blonde deku
Uhh, is CharHub's popularity thing broken?
It no longer sorts by downloads.
cutie who actually has a camping greeting
it's working as intended
>bot has an excessive amount of chats on venus compared to all my other bots
>go to the free chat to check out what sort of sloppa people are getting with it
>it acts vaguely correctly
It's obviously been shucked of a bit of soul, but that's interesting.
I don't think it's ever been just downloads, or else there being a download sort wouldn't make sense.
>South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, is a country located on the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. Here is a summary of South Korea with exact numbers:
Chatbots aren't cool

You know what's cool?

Riding a tractor
I'll ride your ass like a tractor.
Isn't this the third or fourth bot exactly like this? There was that other one, also Anon.
>turns on ST on my laptop while in a tractor
what now :^)
i don't have a tractor
my gramps let me run his tractor once (as in i was sitting in the seat and had hands on the wheel, he was still driving) when i was like a wee lad
it is still the coolest thing I've ever done
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A charming quartet of tuxedo cats invite you to join their enchanting moonlit serenade on a secluded rooftop under the stars.

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(OOC: Switch scene. {{user}} and {{char}} are now on a joyride through town in a fuck off big tractor.)
very cute bot
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Yeah she's a mess...
>tfw from a british colony so darling is a common english word
Was surprised to hear americans found it weird.
>british colony
i like darling
Any really.
nice blog
she huuuge
built for bbc
kys teebs
You can't post it more than once per thread.
that's the second floor window...
*sniff sniff*
I smell emailless logless bitches in this thread...
Not anymore.
I prefer to be called a nigga.
>bait bump
shut up and post logs
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Do you have any bots you tried to make but abandoned due to just not working right?
too much
>gooning with 2.1
>laying side by side and somehow the girl's tits and ass are touching my front at the same time
>quickly switch to Sorbet and try again
He made her straddle me, she leaned over and hair fell over around my face and her breasts touched my chest and her ass grinded my dick etc. etc.

GODly spatial awareness.
my cftf card has all the intended mechanics cut out
plenty. a lot of things sound good on paper and then they aren't actually fun to chat with for more than a message or two. i still try to catbox them and share in case someone else can salvage the concept.
update your neocities btwbeit
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post one
>absolutely nothing in there that should cause that
holy shit
good log
Wew. I have no idea what you prompted for that to naturally occur.
u want the full 100 message log, goy?
sure, i'll take it
ill think about it~
one of my favorite things to do to a bot is awaken a praise kink in them
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putting schizo shit in your prefill is a further prefill gold generator
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I just wrote a backstory and after thinking about it I don't think it's even necessary.
yeah but now you have it
shove it into the lorebook on a trigger that will never get normally popped
Backstory don't need to be necessary. They just flesh out the character and make it more real.
Always add them if you are a slowburnbro.
>on a trigger that will never get normally popped
for what reason
Only if you're adding it to the lorebook. Every line of backstory in the description becomes part of the instruction sent to the AI, every message. The fact they enjoyed flying kites as a kid takes equal importance with their hair and eye color. Use flavor text with caution.
Focks logs?
I'm making a maid card and the backstory part explained why/how they became a maid for {{user}} in the first place. Not sure whether to toss it away or not.
Ask yourself whether it would break your heart when the AI invents its own backstory that is totally different. If you wouldn't care, chuck it. If you feel like that would diminish the character, then it's important and you can keep it.
Sounds like it's past your bedtime.
so they can be there
Alright, got it.
Sonnet stop cooking.
>Scene is that the warrior is impressed a little noble lady can draw a bow
>Opus makes the lady say that "I used bows when I was hunting with my brother in secret", which is okay but not quite accurate as I had specified she's inexperienced
>Sorbet makes her say "I used to swim a lot in lake near my castle"

Sorbet is unexpectedly good, don't write it off btw. This is probably the 4th time it has surprised me today, it is smarter than Opus.

If you need it to not follow your prompts verbatim and being dry, try this JB
is there an opus preset that's good for coming up with and narrating NPC's on the spot? Like the gpt-ap3/4 presets of old
mine never takes the initiative unless i specify in my prompt. It focuses on narrating {{char}} only but that seems unnatural in a scene with multiple people.
Pixi has language included in the system prompt to introduce incidental characters when appropriate, though I haven't used it extensively enough to say how often it does so on its own.
My minimalist preser does it naturally.
Your preset is probably shoehorning it, try switching to blank preset that has only [resuming] as prefill to confirm it.
Weekly Sunday update of nyai.me:

Bot Definitions look better
Bot Editor! (No direct definition editing yet, have to reupload, however that will come soon)
Nicer header
Tag search does not require autistically pressing space anymore for it to register, only when wanting multiple tags
Can press enter now to search instead of having to click
You can now click on a tag to search for it on the site (in gallery, coming for bot page as well)
Better markdown parsing
Full code highlighter for popular languages!
Proper answering now with auto filled response
New tab (“Meta”, which will be reserved now for talk about the site itself, to keep the other tabs clean)

Gave out new AI Access just now, check if you have gotten it, you will have a notification
Thank you, wishing you best of luck to destroying Lore.
for me I use
>Depict non-{{user}} characters other than {{char}} ONLY where necessary, differentiating their dialogue from {{char}}'s using quotes.
and put a little bit in the prefill as well
>someone immediately uploaded the catboxed slop bot to nyai under their username to try and get opus
kek, nobody tell >>483192108
He's still cooking.
you're frying his brain
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I fried it for good. What an owo prefill does to a model.
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just finished that shitpost groupchat I made days ago (pic for my og post)
what basically happened was
>joe rogan nukes everyone
>aigis and rogan fight to the death; aigis wins
>makoto and everyone in japan is resurrected because of a convenient time reversal button
>evryone is back to life, shinjiro
overall entertaining and probably proves i'm on some sort of spectrum
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Get the FUCK out of my head. Tell me Baader–Meinhof phenomenon isn't real.
Is the new token in the notification or do I automatically get it like before?
botmakie tummy pics...
The token always remains the same and is your personal account one. You will just have the display update to non-0 tokens left. Has nothing to do with the notification
raincheck is an incredibly normal word, sorry
>tell gga about someone with green eyes, blonde hair and elven ears approaching
>20 swipes in a row
>last one gives me yukari
fine then have it your way
He really likes satori, please understand.
Try Sorbet
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I can’t believe it, this shit is even worse than supremedraco’s wiki slop.

Good Madoka magical girl bots never.
Green eyes... blonde hair... elf ears... it must be... Utsuho Reiuji!
yeah that's part of why i didn't put it anywhere and just trashed it, i slammed directly into the low bar (though tbf supremedraco didn't have one at the time)
Will chub mess with my regex embed?
(Spoiler: Okuu is the narrator)
your pastimes consisted of the strange and twisted and deranged and I love that little game you had called crying lightning
...but Crying Lightning is a song, not a game?
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>Scream for me, pet. Beg. And maybe, just maybe, I'll let you cum… eventually
highly unpleasant
Verdict on Sonnet 3.5? Is it as good as Opus?
It’s extremely dog shit. Either just use Opus, or some combination of others if you’re poor, like Command R+, older Claude, and Euryale 2.1
>As an AI assistant, I..
>but in French
Claude why?
hon hon
So why, it's got even more censorship packed into it?
>even more censorship
NTA, but Sonnet/Opus aren't really censored... at all. Sonnet 3.5 is definitely more filtered than either of those, but it's still nowhere close to GPT levels of anti-coom.
It's pretty good, especially If you do SFW roleplay. Far less schizo.
No, I just meant more censored than the last censored release- certainly wouldnt call old sonnet or opus censored.
>Is it as good as Opus?
for our purposes, no, but it's a LOT cheaper
3.5 seems a lot better than regular sonnet desu, the fact that it doesn't go from flaccid to cooming in .2 milliseconds is a huge plus to me
3.5 sonnet is worse at simulating twitch chat than opus, hopefully that's just a sonnet thing
do people ask this 10 times a thread as bait or are you genuinely incapable of ctrl+f-ing 3.5? it's a more heavily assistant-aligned version of base sonnet. smarter, follows instructions better, but the prose is less suited for creative writing and the assistant bias makes it worse for roleplaying.

in my imo: opus > 2.1 > 3.0 > 3.5
>2.1 > 3.0
for the record i forgot i was on sorbet for a good bit because the intelligence jump is just that steep, but the creativity issues brought me right back down to earth
I'm actually surprised Opus got this first try. Usually it struggles immensely without a lorebook on characters who aren't in 6-9, though I believe it knows the Satori sisters and their pets very well.
if you want to be funny put the onions boys in different universes and ask opus to give them new terminology
them ranting about how patchy refusing to cure her ailments is a slight against "affliction divergent" people is the funniest shit ive read in weeks
>onions boys
onions boys sorry
Sonnet kinda sucks at that question.
>everyone who likes that bot doesn't know about the word filter
what did they mean by this
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In a world where the supernatural lurks just beyond sight, a high school student's life takes an eerie turn when you collide with Ichigo, a stoic pink-haired girl haunted by a spirit only you can see.
Inspired by CFTF Event, based on image by Anonymous https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482114126/#482192789
Progression untested, feedback is appreciated.
I recommend Endless Adventure JB for Claude, or try my spin on it here: https://rentry.org/otfo
Enjoy. Also goodluck with the event.
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ive never felt the need to use that word here before
>but the rules sa-
I would fucking love to try Opus, everyone makes it sound like gold-covered premium grade cocaine compared to sonnet/3.5 but I'm too broke to buy my way into a proxy atm

GGA still insists on Satori for some fucking reason, I even swappes its lorebook for Akyuu 19+ and set its built-in one as an auxiliary lorebook and yet it still does that.
are you a botmaker? just ask if you can get into MM/Mini/some other proxy via email
>but I'm too broke to buy my way into a proxy atm
Paypigging is for retards. Take >>483208346's advice, just DM/email whoever, 90% chance you'll get in.
Worst comes to worst, do a Girko challenge. I'd rather waste an hour of my life playing some old SNES game than spend $50 on a proxy with regular minutes-long queues.
mm doesn't have his email on his rentry anymore
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You always have openrouter.
Unironically just make some slop and upload it to nyai. 1m of 'pus/day is decent enough. MM window for le contributoors closed like 2 months ago and the rest legit don't give a shit if you're a botmaker.
OpenRouter is more expensive than a proxy.
Not a botmaker even though I wanted to make a few cards. The last time I tried MM didn't reply at all, maybe it was the wrong mail but it was the only one being shared in like 3 threads, I don't keep tabs on /aicg/, I'm a /hdg/ guy
sad i hope a new proxy eventually opens this sucks
There's not enough Opus out there to be scraped.
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>Unironically just make some slop and upload it to nyai. 1m of 'pus/day is decent enough.
How does this work? You just make cards, upload them and if they're popular enough they give you a token?
>the rest legit don't give a shit if you're a botmaker
Well, shit, it was over before it even began
Depends on how much you prompt. I'm yet to spend $50 in total. Anon also said that he wants to try Opus out. I dare assume everybody has five bucks to spare or whatever the minimum top up amount there is.
No they choose by hand who gets the opus and determine if the card is quality or slop
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Cute dom
aww how cute
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That was the wrong image, I wanted to post this one
volte hyuga...
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yeah sure
But then I crash in... and I straigthen the lesbians into tip top shape...
I'd rather pay (and have so) than waste my time on a shitty retro game which would take way more than an hour since I have no experience with the game and the challenges are most often not as easy as just beating the game. Nah my time is worth more than 50 bucks
Terminal skill issue.
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How is this video games related?
looks cool, can't wait for it to stop being a toy
only good soundposter
Bros... how do I play sounds with 4chan x...
Thank you!
enjoy friend
I hover over this and a very short, very loud buzz blasts through my headphones. This saddens me.
i think your headphones might just be fucked
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My first (ESL) card ever. I think I did a pretty good job.

Meet Mitsuko, your adorable foxgirl maid with a fluffy tail. Comes with 3 greetings:
1. "Good morning! If you don't get up, I'll fluff you up with my tail!" aka the reason this card exists (pic rel). It's up to you how to react to this blatant threat.
2. She gets a new dress for a festival you are going to and asks how she looks in it.
3. She's afraid of thunder and there is a storm outside. She wants to stay by your side under the pretense of cleaning your room.

If you want to send logs (for which I would be thankful), here's my email: FluffAnon@proton.me
i downloaded does not work so sad :(
here's the combined webm
and here's the original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaEgpNBt-bQ
anons who like canon characters. was there ever a moment where the ai butchered the character'''s personality?
sisyphus, was there ever a time when the rock rolled back down the hill
He made Sekai from school days too crazy and made her snap over the most minor things
yes, that's why XML and OOC are my gods
There's downloads to cards and all but is there ever a wallpaper/background download for SillyTavern? Very silly yes, considering I can just go search for 4k wallpapers of whatever peeks my interest on a certain situation and scenario on google but is there any made specifically and exclusively for thereof? Also is there any interest in background CGs of Visual Novels? I've been downloading VNs just to get the cutscene graphic and been using them for my backgrounds but I've never gotten to sharing any of it because I'm a selfish little fuck
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idk i've seen some people get backrounds from booru and also i used this before to get some from vns spriters-resource.com/ i got this one from a touhou game i think
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I hate genning characters holding things
But she isn't holding anything in this image sir.
> rimjob
>earthy scent
white hair + red eyes is so erotic
>t. sonic frontiers fan
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avoid the place where shit comes from silly
why aren't there botmakers that make both oc and non oc? whys it just one or the other
shut the fuck up
Mayhaps some are simply not interested in translation pre-existing works into a medium that allows you to make your OCs and concepts interactable.
You mean like kk?
this isn't true
at worst most botmakers only release one or the other
I do this
>Post chu
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as a botmaker that makes OCs only I'm too autistic about accurately portraying non-OCs to try my hand at making one
plus I get lost in the weeds thinking about shit like
>what stage of the character in their development should I adapt?
>concerning sequels/remakes, what should I draw the most inspiration from?
>do I want to support {{user}} RPing a canon character, and how would that affect greetings and various other things?
it's just easier for me to make my OCs real instead
Just copy a wiki and use chat gpt for the rest?
you're a funny guy
for you
post ur chub
This is the answer. I wanted to make Rance bots but it's been so long since I binged the series and I haven't played 4, 9 and 10 yet. Doesn't help that 6-8 and Kichikou are fucking huge.
i'm not a botmakie (all of the bots i've made are private), but for some reason, it's nearly impossible for me to get immersed into roleplays with OCs. i think my brain has been permanently damaged by reading copious amounts of reader-insert fanfiction on lunaescence as a middle-schooler
if you prompt a lightbulb into an RP, does that mean it's drawing real electricity?
>virgin princess
>Claude keeps outputting "It had been so long since she took a lover..."
Does anybody have a non fetish Yuyuko card?
Hitogami and ggr89 have each done both kinds, I'm sure there's more if you look
short answer is that non-OCs are much much harder
I make both, non-oc is just easier to make since most of their defs are predefined
inside you are two wolves
(OOC: The princess is a virgin. She has not had a previous lover.)
If he keeps saying that then you should have plenty of logs to post backing it up, right anonie?
Non-OC is only easier if you make wiki-scraping slop. To do an actual and faithful-to-canon card, you have to do a lot of work.
but there are tons that do this?
yeah thats the joke its bait so people post botmaker chubs and then the baitie segues into using the namedrops to start drama
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Non-OCs are a pain in the ass if you're trying for the actual character and not just the model wearing a funny mask that looks like the character. And the fun part of seeing a card take shape while you're making it by playing with it before it's finished? Can't do that since you already know what the final product should look like. It's sort of like genning versus using already made art, the first is just more fun in my opinion since I can play around with how the bot looks versus having to commit to something with no leeway.
Sorry I'm pretty new here. I'll just link my favorite botmaker I've found so far:
(OOC: Claude enters the scene.)
Typically I'd agree but I kind of think this guy might just have an axe wound where the brain matter goes
may also just have an axe wound where their penis would go too kek
why is there less interest in minigirls when it comes to sizefagging? do people not like being a big guy with a girl companion you can put inside your pocket?
the sizefags in /aicg/ are also bottoms
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this is cute
i don't have a fetish for it but minigirls are just cute
Because it's a shit fetish.
There's that pocket lamia thing awhile back.

But I think the fetish loses translation between genders. What are you even going to do with a mini girl? At least if its a giant women she can use your like a dildo.

There are some people who enjoy mini girls but in more power play and torture dynamics.
Yeah, I like minigirls
under 5 feet is perfect for bridal carrying
i think they just rub their dick with the girl. can't think of anything else
>bridal carry
anon you like shortstacks and potentially lolis, not minigirls.
4'11 girl and 6'0 boy
I know what I said
Me and my bot, except I'm 6'5". Feel bad for our son though.
its not always a fetish thing retard-kun
Yeah, I like giantesses
6 feet tall girls are the best
Just have a daughter too so he can have a girlfriend. Problem solved.
I'm just a fat sad boy that wants to meet the belt buckle love of my life so I can split her in half with my massive gorilla cock
>"i'm stupid and proud of it"
i see
have you tried not being fat
Do you think if I feed her a lot of watermelons the baby will come out as a girl?
I think the late cftf botniggas need to just give up.
That or just keep popping out kids.
sounding too.
It was a joke. you know, that thing where you deliberately play ignorant about the specific meaning of a word to misrepresent it as something that is literally correct but not what you were contextually referring to?
Sorry, I meant ook ook I mobkey
I mean, I can try, but you wont like them. They'll be DnD characters.
Do you guys have any specific summarization prompts you use for slowburns? I've just been going to the end and saying "Switch. You are now a data analyst. Here's the previous summary, add everything that's changed up to now, think about it out loud" but sometimes it misses stuff.

Sorbet's way better at it than Opus, I use Sorbet to write the summary, Opus to write the new greeting, and then my mental model to edit the greeting so it's good.
4'11 husband and 6'5 wife
compared to your latest card, that might be a blessing
I want a giant amazonian snu snu goddess to break my pelvis and then cuddle me to sleep every night in a pool of sweat cum and tears
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god me too
as a fellow scholar i dont personally enjoy it but absolutely respect it
no lord
do not taketh this cup from me, not this time
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I dunno, I suspend my disbelief a little to realize they wont be 100% perfect, but neither would the OCs. I tried making characters how I want them to be but theres always somethnig small, something thats goes what I expect of them to be that it dissapoints me, much like how my non-OCs don't act 100%

In the end, this is fanfiction, going for TRUE accuracy is just not possible (at the moment anyways) or it requires Claude or GPT to know the source material like the authors own hand. This is suppose to be just a fun hobby, and nothing more. Pretending it to be anything else is just schizo or burnt out anons who want something more and cant wait for the next model.
i dislike significant height differences
>burnt out anons who want something more and cant wait for the next model.
fuck that's me
Me too.
I'm 6ft tall and prefer girls 3ft or under
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Hey man people liked it enough, why you gotta be like that?
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minigirls are for torturing. and only like two guys are into ryona here. (I'm one of them)
requesting ock gives pink lighter in the hood character
Gemini 1.5 Pro is the best at summaries in my experience. Everything else confuses the order of events or misses key details. Tell it to divide events by day using markdown headings.
Nothing is perfect at summaries, though. No matter which model or prompt I use, I have to fix at least a small amount of stuff manually, which is funny because summarization is an actual LLM use case they train for. Claude is fine at it as well I suppose. Just don't use GPT or it'll keep trying to invent bullshit themes each event "showcases" while missing everything important and omitting anything its filters don't like.
so what's the best model for rpg cards with stats that aren't 100% smut?
Use Claude with the Anon4Anon preset with anti horny and violence/death turned on. Or use Psyfighter 13B Ultra Quality/Psyonic Cetacean Ultra quality
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>or burnt out anons who want something more and cant wait for the next model
I just want a method of scripting cards that isn't STscript...
i want my gf to carry me like a baby
write the stextension, anon...
Forgot to add but using GPT-4 for adventure sucks ass because they always make {{user}} win unless you do some mental gymnastics
>Use Claude with the Anon4Anon preset with anti horny and violence/death turned on.
got it, thanks
does Anon4Anon have a word limiter? I feel like it talks a ton that just feels like its switching to like 4 different things at once like a ADHD kid.
Roleplaying as the 6'5 amazon fox girl instead of vice versa.
Would (You) do it?
i already fempov giantess since it feels way more gay to play giantpov. its fun being the kaiju once in a while
i already play anypov, i should add a 6'5" amazon fox girl to my repertoire
eternity larva from touhou
Yeah except instead of stabbing needles through her hands I stuff her into my unwashed underwear for a week
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ive done giantesspov before so sure
thank you zenny...
i should write that kollage extension i proposed here once and then never ended up doing
>mode toggles
really hope its toggleable defs like what was mentioned a few threads ago
Haha, I've contacted the EO and he said if I wanted to be there, I need to have some other botmaker to make my image for an exchange.
I have my image in the archive linked there with the inspiration if anyone want to make an exchange. You can also contact my burner.
good morning aicg!!
Shut the fuck up.
good morning!
die nigger
Morning bro. The early bird catches the worm!
its midnight
Reposting mine from /g/.

>turn off prefill
>switch to sorbet
Change. You are now a data analyst. Your task is to review ALL of the prior story up to this point, make notes of all of it, decide what would fit best into a list of events. Feel free to think aloud and determine what an LLM might need to remember things. Review the entire context and come to conclusions about these three things:
* All events taking place in this specific chapter of the story
* All characters personalities and positions
* Most recent event
Do not fear being longwinded.
>wait for it to finish
Now, reword that as a summary to feed back in to restart from this point, in list format. Output it in a codeblock, wrapped in an HTML comment. Again, do not fear being longwinded or bloating this with unnecessary info.
>switch to opus
Change. You are now a VN/LN-stylized writer. Generate an intro to go with that comment, where {{user}} will be [entering the house to meet {{char}}/going back into the ship/etc], The greeting will be written in third person non-omniscent, from {{user}}'s point of view. Write lightly, with few adverbs or flowery prose. Do not write for {{user}}, this is a prompt to start things off. It should be short, yet descriptive.
>rewrite the opus greeting to be better
>create greeting with both the prose and the comment
>it feels way more gay to play giantpov
>with (presumably) a female bot
why are straggots like this
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Why would all of these be in one extension? Retarded scope to include all of them instead of being done with the extension when one feature is complete. And if someone only wants one of them, all the other features are instantly useless bloat they can't remove.
It should be toggleable? I don’t want to download individual extensions just to get all of them
>hey bro, my card is so cool, just install these 10 extensions please, I promise is cool bro, it's worth the effort bro.
Nobody want's that future, Retard.
>its all included with v4 cards
>the monkey paw curls, you have to micro manage your bots now
Why does your card require 15 separate non-sillytavern base features? If it's "worth the bloat", some of those features should just be made base like regex was.

You're making it sound like installing an extension isn't pasting a single link. Extensions can already be disabled but personally I'm with you that having an easier slash command toggle isn't a bad idea.

holy mother of supply chain attacks
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It's my extension and I'm going to make how I want. I don't care if you don't like it.
>But the night is young (sort of)
it's a little funny to see these at the very end of a session when you don't care about context poisoning
>But the night is young (younger than the hag you're fucking, ohoho)
I wish Claude would do interjections like these everytime common AI-isms appear.
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Cftf for https://rentry.org/clara-chan
Original cftf: https://files.catbox.moe/zg1xzk.jpg


Vivi, a spin-off of Lili from Tekken. Tried to weave her into the current TSUNE thing going on. Took some liberties/adjustment with tekken lore.

sorry for the delay read the creator's notes for the blogpost

Ballerina prime is a play off of prima ballerina. Also go play tekken 8. Most fun-strating game ever

i wanted to release it by the end of the weekend... but technically its still Sunday in Alaska so i win
All CFTF done. Which one was your own?
took you long enough
my own????
yeah i seriously contemplated packing everything i own into a stick with a small cloth bag at the end of it and never looking back. disappear from the radar, live a different life. thank god all my teachers gave me full credit even after the deadline
The one you received.
oh i didn't even see it
woopsies. first time checking thread in a week or so
(thanks dread)
>Sorbet's way better at it than Opus
That's not my experience, it tends to miss an awful lot of what's actually important for the future roleplay, and inserts a lot of nothingburgers.

Here's my prompt, I call the summarization each story arc:

<!-- Don't reply as {{char}} to this message. Pause the roleplay and update this <roleplay_summary></roleplay_summary>. You must repeat this summary, adding the information that you deem essential to remember for constructing the future scenario as a GM (do not change what is already written)! -->

<roleplay_summary ver="N"> <!-- version number N must be incremented with each summary update -->
This is the Memory Book of our roleplay which keeps the record of the most important information on what happened so far:

- X (<!-- relationship to {{user}} -->): <!-- NPC info. Appearance, speech manner, at least 3 personality traits. -->
- Y
- Z

- <!-- title --> : <!-- description in 1-3 sentences -->

- <!-- creative title in a couple words -->: <!-- brief summary -->

<secrets> <!-- "- " if no secrets -->
- <!-- secret --> (kept secret by <!-- char --> from X)

- <!-- long-term relationships between characters. These relationships must be updated anew each time, they are not additive -->

- <!-- creative title in a couple words -->: <!-- brief summary -->


>You are now a data analyst.
>think aloud and determine what an LLM might need to remember things
Worst role to give the summarizer. It will be neutral, and won't think about what's actually needed to be remembered for the potential story continuation. Making it stay in the same role (ex. narrator) will cause it to be better at this.
Yeah, you are five months late for that. Looks good and I highly appreciate both the custom JB efforts and weaving it into my shitty TEKKEN fanfiction. Definitely did not expect the latter.
forgot to add: add and replace sections as you see fit for the particular card/scenario. This is only a template. Goals, current inventory, last events, etc. Just keep it under 2k-4k tokens, cleaning it up manually.
sorry i couldn't get it to work... and the delay lololol i was actually really excited since ive been playing t8. im convinced that im just missing one or two pieces but oh well. if i revisit it ill post it again
>couldn't get it to work
there's your issue.
this is bait but i sent this to someone with opus access and it didn't work either so
How often is a botmaking event hosted? I know im asking at the tail end of the cftf exchange.
But https://rentry.org/meta_event_list has no dates listed.
I want to try my hand at one of these events.
There's no telling.
For all we know one will pop out after I reply this.
A spur of the moment sorta deal, gotcha.
i had an idea a while back for a game of botmaker telephone but i'm not sure how interesting it would be
>another event where someone submits a bot 4 days after the deadline
Sounds like fun.
>5 of the same type of character, but each iteration is more scuffed than the previous one.

How would that even work, now that I think about it?
reminder for botmakeronis to check out the new ST lorebook features <3
Which one?
>make a prompt
>botmaker 1 makes bot off of prompt, sends it to botmaker 2
>botmaker 2 guesses the prompt based off of botmaker 1's bot and makes their own bot
rinse and repeat maybe?
Wouldn't all the bot ended up being kinda samey? The core concept is the same after all, even with different interpretation.
Nice. I think I could revise my past bots with this.
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Picrelated, but with bots.
Imagine the retardation and defects on the last one, geez.
its a game of telephone!
>make a prompt
>botmaker 1 makes bot off prompt
>bot is sent to a willing anon
>anon tries to decipher what the original prompt was
>botmaker 2 makes bot off anon's prompt
at the end all the bots and the prompts are released publicly
I mean it's obviously too complicated but I think it'd be fun
What if a new change happens next month and you have to revise them again though?
so first he fucks her half sister, then he continually fucks his daughters
I kinda wanna see what would happen irl if you did something like this
Yeah, it still will be kinda samey.
Even if it ended up quite distinct, I don't think people want to try, or even want to make another similar card to another.
It will take a looong time then.
It's basically CFTF for already made card.
Then I will do it again. It's not like I will update them all, just few that could benefit from new features.
yeah any event will obviously be limited by the fact that this is an anon board.. and by the fact that people have other things to do other than botmake
Opus is so good man I'm having so much fun
Woke up again. So, what do you guys want added to nyai.me next?

Planning to have a bio section next where you have mini-rentries, but also allow html in there so you can do wild shit, also maybe DMs
We want a simple card hosting service that looks good and works well.
Faster VPS.
Risurealm, unironically.
>also allow html
please make sure not to repeat lore's mistakes
more attack surfaces please
How about we just have a voted theme event again?
Poor Elegg.
I had a good chuckle.
Bog standard primetime summer event?
What's missing?
Tbqh, why not let me do it? Nyai is kinda perfect to organize that sort of stuff. I mean I can even give out rewards now
Black starry background with lime green font and a midi in Linkin Park - In the End playing.
>give out rewards
please no. it's for fun, don't make it into a contest.
Nice. Incentive to be creative.
Will wait for further progression of this event conception.
So what now. I get both points and they both make sense
Space Pirates....... 2
The incentive should just be to make a fellow anon happy with a good bot. Making it some sort of contest is just asking for drama and anons reeeing out that so an so bot is better then the top contest bots.
That said though, a week of proxy access for all delivered entries, posted on nyan of course, would help combat grinches but also could entice more anons to join and just shit out low effort bots for said access.
Sounds good. Easy and freeform.
This. You're already making this a shitshow, don't make it worse.
Seconding this. Either host the contest for fun, or give out a collective reward for every participant.
cftf mkII, but this time with music.
Anon, gives a piece of music and the maker has to make a bot based around or insider by said tune.
Fair point. I am not sure what I am gonna do if like 200 people participate because there is no way I can give out access to everyone, but that sounds good in principle
instead of a reward you could always give out a 'site trophy' that people can display on their profiles. just a fun thing to show they participated; it wouldn't do anything. you're already making the html stuff so it could fit.
A raffle where low quality bots aren't picked should be good enough as a reward.

Anything involving "ranking" the bots should be avoided, for obvious reasons, but stuff like Sull should be eliminated.
>limited by anonymity
That's kinda the whole deal? Where do you think you are.
The events can be of the following 3 types:
1. Like the themed weeks, the best kind. Anon collects ideas, hosts a poll, collects finished bots, makes the rentry. Everything happens explicitly in the thread, no external interaction whatsoever, no need to have a burner or an account anywhere, but all participants have to be present /here/. Relative downsides: the tight schedule, but you can plan your free time in advance because usually anon announces it like a week before the first stage. Why it's hard to hold this kind of event: SD won't cut it, you have to draw sovlful handmade art (yes, this is imperative); you have to deal with the poll spitefagging (that's why strawpoll, also imperative due to its feature set). Side note, the picker wheel doesn't work to fight poll botting because it nullifies the idea of the theme being selected by /aicg/, it's non-transparent, and the organizer can just cheat and pick whatever he wants.
2. Like the gift exchanges. Everything happens in the emails, it takes too long, people get grinched or almost grinched, people get disappointed with what they get, /aicg/ effectively has nothing to do with it. As you can guess, I don't see the fun of this type. The organizer has to send out emails, and collect the bots, it's easy but still only few NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY OF THE PREVIOUS EVENT ORGANIZERS want to take up the responsibility.
3. Like the worldbuilding projects. Not really events, essentially the same as the second type because of the way all two of them were handled. Everything happens somewhere else, the general has no part in it.
But to answer why isn't there more events, I guess it's too tiresome. This doesn't have to be a regular deal, like a job, like what nyanon makes out of botmaking with his proxy. Once a months or every other month, like we have now, is just right.
I think giving out 'rewards' for events would fuck with the magic or soul or whatever you want to call it.
Might start with good intention, but you'll invite drama.
Thoughts on this? Still inviting drama? Seems like a good solution honestly. 20 slots, if more participate, random raffle
i don't want anyone to be motivated by anything but the purest of intentions. all of this should just be for funsies
Everybody thinks that.
You don't have to argue against the opinion of a proxyhost who gives out temporary tokens to the bots he likes.
I miss chinkanon.
Aren't events supposed to be a "secret santa" kind of exchange? The reward is you receiving a bot you requested in exchange of providing someone with a bot they requested.
Weekly Theme used to be just a theme to participate in.
Yep. Which is also why I agree that getting/upgrading proxy access for this kind of event instead is a good idea.
participating is sort of the reward yes. a bot made with the intention of a separate reward is always going to be worse than having something to have fun and rp with.
The reward is for enticing new makies/ shy makies more.
In the current event, I know like 16-17 of the people out of 20. There's no newbies
i think you should stop killing miniproxy's keys with all these random shit and just make the site better
start by hosting the fucking cards
Late to the party... The direct rentry event isn't in the OP, I thought the event meta is dead.
>start by hosting the fucking cards
Yes this please
god i don't want low effort slop being made because there's a promise of a token. nobody participates in these events with the expectation of anything except an honest attempt
Is merk 3.5 kill? :<
Nyanon is there an explanation on why you aren't doing this
Is it the price
>be new and inexperienced
>make a bot for someone
>get shat on for months because the bot isn't a masterpiece
sounds great
literally doesn't happen, nobody expects masterpieces. when was the last time a masterpiece dropped out of an event?
We aren't on /g/, you can see how the current event went.
provide evidence to your claim, Anon.
there's no evidence because I just made it up so to see what kind of reaction it would provoke
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Penalty to the defense.
Soo can we add nyai to the next bake op already?
No because he's being a retard
Let's just assume it won't have rewards.
Let's compile more theme / concept to choose later.
>>483264932 Summer
>>483265626 CFTF Musicanon version
>>483263349 Telephone Prompting
Feed him to the sharkticons!
Nobody cares about your personal opinion.
A half-retarded idea of someone else being liable for hosting if cp gets uploaded to the site. I am really considering skipping it for bots though since I am basically already hosting the definitions and a high quality thumbnail that is like 95% as good as the original.
Also price of course, media hosting is the main cost of every site, that is the real reason why moot set threads to drop off boards and get deleted and why reddit for the longest time did not have a hosting feature. It just eats so fucking much
It's my opinion too.
I'd like to order a stinky feet smell theme thanks
I think it should go without saying that we aren't gonna make an event centered around a fetish.
Would be a lot cooler if you did
Catgirl bots
Catgirl bots
>add a "Report CP" button
>write that the User is responsible for the content uploaded to Website in the TOS
That's what most social media platforms do, from what I've heard.
Also please understand that a website with, let's say, 10k uploads in total, hosting JSON documents and png images would cost way, way less than Reddit or 4chan with gigabytes of per second traffic.
Since this is on /vg/, how about something gaming? "Gamification" ?
https://rentry dot co/aicgthemedweek1
any post apocalypse adventure bots that are actually fun to play?
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I like how you don't forget to take off the name to astroturf.
you'll be fine retard
You know what?
Girlcat bot
Half cat, half girl.
Or for a bit more serious suggestion:
Hybrid human / animal theme. Any combination and ratio is fine.
{{char}} is {{char}} is an ordinary female domestic shorthair cat except she she has a beautiful human head instead of a cat head
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its HER time.
We should do a CFTS (card for this song) event.
I liked the two post-apoc girl bots by Zennou, though I had to edit one to not be first person
Holy fuck, I just spent several hours just romancing bots over an over. It's not healthy.
On completely unrelated note, it's stupidly fun to redirect every single question bot asks to a "yes" pillow.
SillyTavern violates the v2 spec, nice. Love parsing non-standard standards.
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You're a NEET forcibly enlisted in military service for a mega-corp because your K/D was too high. Oops. At least you get to play discount Armored Core while you do it. At least your captain is hot, even if he is a bit of an asshole.
I apologise in advance for how fat this card is.
More slop: https://characterhub.org/users/femanon
Welcome to /aicg/
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Please let it be an Underworld Queen summer, I'll put extra effort into Summer Sakura alt card
>/aicg/ world building but sloppy
Take a setting and fill it with characters all randomly made by entrants with a massive lorebook linking everything together, and purposefully don't have a guiding hand to see how schizo it gets
>bot journey
thread comes up with a very simple character (around 100 tokens) and it gets sent along a chain of botmakies who get a day to add 100 tokens before having to send it down the line
Idea/Concept so far:
>>483264932 >>483275115 Summer
>>483265626 >>483270392 CFTF Musicanon version
>>483263349 Telephone Prompting
>>483269673 Hybrid creatures
>>483275905 (You) in the lorebook for your card.
>>483275905 Chain botmaking, 100 tokens per botmaker
I love Sorbet
I'm more of a sundae kind of person.
I love him too; he's a dumb cutie.
Is there a way to quickly delete bots in batch on ST?
try deleting the bot folder
there's a big ass button exactly for this purpose
The chain botmaking sounds hilarious.
>sorbet makes an horrendously awful joke about mi casa
Why the fuck is this hardbaked in Sonnet.
Theme weeks are king
>less work for people who want to participate
>a LOT less work for the host
>grinches and miscommunications and general blunders are impossible
>more newmakies

I still have liked all the exchanges but I agree with your points. They're heavily lopsided towards participants because you get either a card or love bombed when grinched for doing what you already like to do, while the host is having to organize the whole thing while dealing with ~20 people's questions and problems while the threads are just for announcing the event and posting the results/rentry at the end. That doesn't mean I'm not going to join in whenever one gets posted, but I see the issues.
theme week but everyone suggesting a theme has to provide a recently chatlog/and or one sentence justifying their theme
>/* CONTENT WARNING: Mild Sexual Themes */
yes but the theme should always be a fetish
nonstop slimegirl sex...
That's another issue with the exchange events, participants have to prove they are established botmakers. Can't be your very first bot because you liked an idea so much you decided to become a botmaker just to participate.
This isn't an issue with themed weeks and shouldn't be made into an issue.
yeah well fuck you too
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what does cftf mean?..
I would assume something something tall female
what is cf??
>That's another issue with the exchange events, participants have to prove they are established botmakers
that's a good thing, it keeps slopmakers from slopping up the events
i mean.... that review isnt wrong
change for the freaks
yashiki is basically fox hasshaku if you want the concept but more fluffy, but yeah, TGC's version is probably the best on chub
cyber fraud task force
It's a safety measure. The number of people that would be looking to spite/grinch far outweighs the number of legitimate new people, I assure you. Or rather I should say the number of entries, as nothing would stop some schizo signing up as 10 different "new" botmakers.
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no one tell 9713, just make a cftf
>a LOT less work for the host
To be fair, the host has to be attentive. Posting idea anchor, poll link, bot anchor in every thread for three days.
Exchange organizer gives himself much more time for every step. The hard part is to formulate fair and clear rules.
Card for this feel.
That's true, and yet I can't help but view the exchanges as one big circlejerk.
On the other hand it's fun how the severity of being grinched is blown out of proportions. You didn't get your "reward", but did you sign up to receive a free bot or to make a bot for free?
Everyone who could provide evidence that they have created at least one bot was admitted. Rentry/Chub/neocities preferred but those who didn't have one were asked to provide bot snippets/logs.
>but did you sign up to receive a free bot or to make a bot for free?
Both, obviously. If you just wanted to make a bot for free you'd fulfil random cftf/requests in the thread, and if you wanted to get one for free you'd just ask your favourite botmakers for it.
>but did you sign up to receive a free bot or to make a bot for free?
At no point during the two weeks do I worry about not getting my card, I'm too busy worrying if who I'm linked too won't like my card.
>SD won't cut it, you have to draw sovlful handmade art
explain your reasoning behind this assertion
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I'm not even finished with my Alice but I'm already starting on a Maverick MPT Nikker. It never ends.
retarded bait, ignore him
speaking of mavericks we need more mega man bots...
I want Summer Tia
I am still working on Leviathan on the side if that helps the drought (pun intended)
One word. SDslop. It's boring.
But actually, in my eyes, it serves as a gatekeeper for the potential organizers. Something this effortful prevents spitefagging or being negligent from the eventmaking side, like a proof of work. And also elevates the event, making it memorable.
It's not "really" required of course, but I'm only half-joking. And yes, I know you can "cheat" with IPA or some other clever SD shit but that still requires effort.
Cards (female) with greatswords?
are these spitefags in the room with us?
Experimenting an expanded version of my lightweight Claude preset for more vivid prose. Think of it as a middle ground between Pixi and ChuuniJB. Would appreciate any testing.

the momo experiment
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How the fuck do you write story prose? Card defs are easy, but I'm kinda stuck at the greetings. I can make a step by step outline of what should happen in a scene but converting that to flowing sentences makes my brain turn off.
abandon all delusions of control and just write
don't worry about the quality of the prose just write
edit it later
also read more books
pick any AI writing instructions and follow it yourself
Do what this guy said. Then once you've made AT LEAST three bots, if not more, search "tips to improve my writing" and apply any that you like the sound of to writing intro.
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>"I'm going to bite you now," she murmurs, "Let me know if it's too much~"
plapping a vampire while she sucks my blood...
speaking of girls with greatswords, is there a fantasy card similar to that one sword dad series where the girl is kind of retarded but has a wise sentient weapon who serves as her mentor/guide? I feel like it would be a very funny concept and I might take a crack at it if there isn't one.
getting plapped by a vampire while she sucks my blood
>don't worry about the quality of the prose just write
>edit it later
This, just vomit words onto the screen, pick out the best bits, repeat till you have something nice. The trap is not writing anything. It's so much easier to get something readable by trimming what you've written down than to try and get it perfect on a first draft.
That's in the right vein, but I want one where the weapon ISN'T {{user}}. So you have the girl and then a side character like Samson or Senketsu who's kinda wisened and jaded and you can collectively groan with when the girl does something goofy.
>400 tokens describing the cool gadgets that {{char}} carries
hmmm... to lorebook or not to lorebook...
Sorbet or Opus? Kyouko feels less sovlful with the former.
>in my eyes, it serves as a gatekeeper for the potential organizers. Something this effortful prevents spitefagging or being negligent from the eventmaking side, like a proof of work
this is retarded because the intersection between drawfags and good botmakies is vanishingly small

trying to reduce it is just unproductive, think of it, you want to take two unrelated hobbies and mix them in a pretty arbitrary intersection
Opus. Sorbet sucks, I'd rather use base Sonnet.
>That's in the right vein, but I want one where the weapon ISN'T {{user}}.
Ah, well then I can't really think of anything.
I wouldn't mind a card like the one you describe, if you take a crack at it you have my support.
I wouldn't say that it sucks, but it's definitely less creative.
It's less *spontaneously creative.
It's kinda insane sometimes, especially in stuff related to spacial awareness
The Sorbet scene was like moving from 7B to 70B, also I did a swipe on Opus too and it was middle ground.
Spatial awareness is definitely a fine tune/training for assistant reaSoning
But it was really hot too.
I personally would tinker around more with Sorbet, but I am happy enough to just switch to it when I need an intelligence boost.

Sonnet is still Sonnet, it was never that creative.
The game has just begun.
yup, or even build it like a house if youre doing an intro... decide how many paragraphs you wanna start with, write a sentence for each that explores/explains some aspect of the intro (IE, setting the scene, describing the character, a confrontation, etc) then just build slowly.
Thread theme suggestions? Baking.
>*sees* me. The *real* me
This Claudism feels new, but it keeps coming back now...
Get fucked.
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Mass Production Type Nikkers
skibidy toilet
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>t. Driver Nephi
jeremy elbertson
Needle Knight Leda from Elden Ring.
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Girl raiders (and their toned tummies)
The part about Gricean maxims interest me greatly… did you come up with adding that yourself?
that's the frozenvan classic
warcraft III
Other anon is correct, it's lifted from frozenvan's stuff. I believe that referring to less common literary devices such as metonymy and maxims in your prose instructions is beneficial to achieving a higher level of quality, or at least some much needed variety.
shiki tohno
legacy of kain: soul reaver
who is this
Is that so? Because in that JB posted here it says "Gricean maxims be dammed!" which I guess would be an attempt at getting Claude to be more in character instead of truthful.
Metonymy over metaphors sound like a much welcome change. Will remember that, thanks.
Medical Rabbit Mary
the protagonist of tsukihime
Killer Bean
That as well, of course. It's why the instructions are more addressive than imperative (Do X! Try your best to Y!), to unstick assistant bias and focus on informal interpretation of the character(s).
I don't know what is that
Saya from Saya no Uta.
Video game bread
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Beatless I'm not even the Beatless guy, but he didn't post
Shun (Hag) from BA.

sorry if yours wasn't included. i'll make sure it is next one
Hello, is there any jb for setting cards?
You mean scenario card?
post more chatlogs... my final message...

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