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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
Mod Cat Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
Dirt Rally 2 club: https://rentry.org/hv94f
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft: https://rentry.org/x85abzz5
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Sunday around midnight ET, Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT
EU Contractors: Every other Friday 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>482791259

>Upcoming Events
Race War - Early/Mid June
Idol Event - September 28th
the island is gone and im still goin
auuuuuugh shut up
>you know the diaper thing is a lie, because you know the pics were faked to make fun of him.
this was debunked i've seen you wearing it in the pug
Legend tells this guy still is getting punted to the next continent to this very day
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age verification is gay but dealing with kids is more gay, VRChat is not a place for children/teens in pretty much any capacity. I don't hate kids, it was actually fun playing Gorilla Tag with them and my girlfriend a couple times, reminded me of when I was i'd spend time at the Boys and Girls clubs after school. Also not a fan of it being another avenue for corpos to sell my data.
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Come join!
>Our heroes find themselves with a fierce enemy...
>Would this british e-celeb be the end of /vrg/?
>And could this be a result of an old foe?
>Find out on this episode of /vrg/
that urgblah guy makes the shittiest trolling videos I have ever seen. his vrc ban response sounded like he was about to cry and his voice was shaking and shit. no clue why he would upload something so embarrassing
Moss is incredibly overrated
Just play VR games that don't require you to give someone untrustworthy your ID, ez.
pools closed..
today has been a gem, i dont think it will ever get better than this
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Has anyone else noticed that this is the first time they ever used a bot instead of a staff member to post an announcement? They are truly scared.
didnt even notice that, oh wow
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:: SEA Anime and Exploration - Edition | (See schedule below) ::
What is this?
We go in a group to explore many new VRchat worlds in a rapid fashion to find good ones and experience them in full with nice frens. We watch a couple of seasonal anime before the explore!

Sun - 8:00AM-9:30AM UTC - SEA anime
Sun - 9:30AM-3:00PM UTC - SEA after hrs heavy exploration

There will be one soon in a few hrs will drop link when the time is nigh.
I'll eat a ban to say this, fuck it.
Krial, you are a retard for getting involved and taking your personal beef with Jelly to the vrc discord server and twitter.
What game is that?
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This. The only thing he accomplished by opening his mouth was exposing himself to be pampers level schizo.
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Looking good, princess.
I have to admit it was incredibly funny to see Krial go on Twitter to argue with an e-celeb, and then posting 4chan posts that have the name anonymous screaming: "This is jelly."
Like to an outside perspective that looks crazy, and you look crazy.
Have to pick your battles, and know your limits. Like dude: You're literally fighting on twitter.
Gaylor is pissed. It's over.
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wired wtf
Is pampers expose made him radioactive or was he always like that btw?
This is a cool cat
I miss Hoppous bros.
Everyone on /vrg/ has a story, and autistic in some way. Some are benign, others not so much.
I don't think >>483117290 really has any point because of course he got upset when others bullied him. No one likes being fucked with.
But is he autistic? Yeah, probably.
Did pampers hack the irl vrchat event to put the full video of Sippbox cunny erping too? You are an idiot K. This had nothing to do with you or pamps. They tossed out all of his bullshit and even said so during the video, and in response to you on discord. You brought thread drama and screenshots of our thread to twitter to defend a rando vrchat mod. You should have let it be, now you gave the retard a win.

The fucking mad man actually did it! J-man cleaned up VRChat somehow.
This thread reeks of someone that shits himself.
this shit looks so fucking fun, havent had time to play it yet
>join "vrg" instance
>overcrowded interior space, can hardly make out distinct conversations
>ones I can make out are either painfully banal or literally 'lol am I the only real woman in here? I'm a woman btw'
>get bored immediately
>put No Cock Like Horsecock on the media player
>close vrchat
10/10 "game" I hope it does well
I don't care. Admin abuse and retard brigading are hilarious.
He is not a fucking mod. Why bother pretending with requests?
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>join "vrg" instance
you see this is where you went wrong. lurk moar
>he joins the instances
that was your first mistake ‘non
what's the strat then?
I figured out a long time ago that you're stupid enough to believe that your posts aren't distinctive.
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Let me guess, you NEED more?
what did you do to cupcake bomber?
I think everyone figured that out a long time ago.
It's very obvious when he's posting.
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I'm leaving for the bunker until all the dust from this shitstorm settles.
Can I come?
Can you promise that you will behave?
My only diagnosed mental illness is depression so I dont think I'd be too much of a nuisance.
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What about undiagnosed?
>mental illness
its not worth it >>483123112
take me with youuu
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Who can say? Does the pope shit in the woods?
Anyone that posts here has a mental illness, no exceptions.
But honestly, where is the bunker?
lookin' good yuru!
Autismo anons are talking about /vm/ thread that is more or less dead.
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>he doesn't know about the bunker thread
speaking of which, can our resident janny do the janny thing on /vm/, or is it only /trash/ and /vg/?
are we safe there?
safe as "from janny" or "with janny"?
>He can do it anywhere
Are you sure about that? I thought they were assigned to specific boards.
you can test it by posting the copypasta I guess
>vrc kills itself with forced id
>na goes to cvr because it has less furfags
>euros go to neos because it has more furfags
>questlets make unironic vrg quest group
>groups now have 0 overlap
>vrg is now finaly dead
If sipbox renames he'll be fine
No, I'm guessing. If he can do trash and vg, he can probably do anywhere. It's possible he's a mod, as he sometimes implies he can see IPs. Reploid comes to mind here.
imagine a vrc esc game with anonymous accounts ala ‘guests’ on roblox
Anime time!
He is not a mod or pretending not to be one. I got his ban requests denied before.
I doubt he is smart enough to fake this.
Not what I meant; rebrand and change avatars nd normies won't notice because their feelings are directed by clickbait artists and they have zero original thoughts
our resident janny only visits this thread and the trash one so /vm/ is probably safe.
that said /vm/ thread has like 1 post per week or some shit so fuck that lol
Well, I mean if people are serious about it, I could update the wiki for people trying to convert avatars.
I was thinking about the same thing: Chek out the existing advice/addons amd see if they still work.
no one knows who i am heeuheuheuheuhehe
Might be good to get it in preparation in case VRChat announces some draconian ID checker bullshit from some shady third party website in the future, but I also wouldn't count my chickens before they roost, or however the expression goes.
CVR already had a chance during EAC to become a major competitor and they fucked it up. If VRChat makes another colossal fuck up that pisses off the community again then make sure you're prepared this time,
But at the same time don't get too greedy about it before they've even officially announced anything.
i know WHAT you are, 'non
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And here we go...
Unfortunately. this is what the community as a whole wants this time. 4chan cunny enjoyers are a minority that VRC does not factor in with any of their decisions.
>Unfortunately. this is what the community as a whole wants this time.
I don't really think so.
Like, yes the community definitely wants children out of the game because it's been a huge problem for awhile but I don't think they're down for a system where you need to send in your ID or something. I think for most people that's just too far, and VRChat is stupid enough to probably use some company that will harvest your data for it and cause a huge backlash.
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Well, half the problem is we don't want to market too hard while Lua is still in experimental and UI is getting wrapped up and new user experience is still being worked on.

We only want to start grabbing for new users when we're ready for them and all the placeholders are gone.

At the same time, we need a userbase to BE marketable. We're sort of in this spot of waiting for other game to do something stupid at a point where we're actually ready for them.

Server-wise, infrastructure-wise, voice-wise? We're pretty much ready. We even hammered together a custom voice solution since Vivox ended up being dogwater. We just have to wrap up these last few items, hopefully without a tida lwave of shit at the wrong moment.
>At the same time, we need a userbase to BE marketable. We're sort of in this spot of waiting for other game to do something stupid at a point where we're actually ready for them.
Don't you guys have a Quest ready version of the game in production for like years? What's going on with that?
People will whine about muh Quest users but it's where the VR population is right now. PCVR is dead.
what are you smoking vrg died 3 years ago
where are you posting right now
Hey retard, being involved with us is the reason why VRChat is getting shit right now. Maybe you should start by not repeating their same mistakes and fuck off.
beggars can't be choosers
they have to pander to either child-molesting trannies or animal-molesting furries
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So I get that anons are ready for another cluster explo.
>being involved with us is the reason why VRChat is getting shit right now.
You've got to be severely mentally ill with a distorted perception of reality if you think /vrg/ is the reason why VRChat is getting shit right now.
There's actually a huge checklist that Meta requires you to go through before you can be allowed on the Quest store. We're still working through the process.
Please do not add quest support. Just tell people to use steamlink
Is the checklist the only reason? Like I said I feel like I've been hearing about this CVR Quest version for years, ever since EAC even.
It was nice meeting everyone at the jetski world. Thanks for showing me around :)
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We still don't even know if it'll even be legal for us to be on there, given the content we support. We're just exploring at this point and poking at prototypes.

A few team members have been shuffled around to other projects to get things done in time for our investors. Those projects should be done in the next few weeks, though.

Anyway, late here, long week. nn 4chins.
>our investors
Why yes, I want to switch pozzed fags for scuffed pozzed fags, what can go wrong?
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It's almost like it costs money to run servers and shit
>sustainable business? what's that?
these days you succeed by scamming investors
the biggest success story of vr industry is literally that
Okay anon

How much money would you like to spend staring at a mirror

Now tell me how many other people would be willing to pay that money

Oh dear it appears the math doesn't add up
Counter argument! Battle pass?
>I can't figure it out, so it can't work at all!!
Please tell me what exactly in "staring at a mirror online" is expensive?
Do you know how many people staring at a mirror just a single $5-per-month server can support?
The math just doesn't add up.
I can go into the intricacies of funding a VR social game running on its own cloud infrastructure and paying its employees and subcontractors while waiting for payment sources to finish development, or I can just call you gay and we can all move on
SEA Exploration is live!
Come join! on Yuki Nagato
https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_861a4a15-e621-40e8-9049-e675dddc41cf (edited)
>paying its employees and subcontractors
Those DEI inclusion officers and managers are invaluable indeed.
You are a transgender version of a business. You can't even sustain yourself, let alone make a profit.
Go to bed, /pol/.
>you need your own cloud infrastructure (which will still fail miserably under load though)! why? b-because you just do!
You will never be a real business. You have no business plan. You are a kindergarten sustained by investor money and fake promises.
real talk how much CPU/RAM would I need to host an 80 person instance?
whole lot
tree fiddy
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depends on how lazy and stupid you are
you can't explain why you would need more than 2cores with 2gigs of ram for that
Janny, here!
>depends on how lazy and stupid you are
I'm white but not american
There are plenty of anons in VRC who know what /vrg/ is and avoid it like the plague. They're much more tolerable than the faggots here.
oh hey jelly, long time no see
Well congratulations, you got Sippbox demodded! Now what's the next step of your master plan?
>white american
looking good, yuru
godbless america
Quest support is unironically necessary for any game that wants to succeed in the 2024 VR space, ESPECIALLY a multiplayer/social VR game.
We are far past the point of VR being successful if its only advertised to PCVR players. The numbers on the games that are PCVR in the past few years declining at a rapid rate only show how much of a mistake it is to take a PCVR hardline stance.
The jannies that camp this thread and the /trash/ one (mostly they only camp the /trash/ one) are NA based and all sleeping so you're going to have to wait awhile.
I don't think they give a fuck about /vm/ though so you'll probably just have to get the jannies over there to do something about it.
There are 0 good quest games. They are only successful because childrens have no standards.
PCVR has players, just this week b&s had 9k concurrent players (not like it's that good of a game even), lack of good games is the real problem.
The janny literally deleted this >>483128907 just 5min before that post was made.
And yet the spammed repost of it is still up 30 minutes later.
Lots of neat sections
You're missing the point. It's not about the quality of Quest games, it's about the ease of access by not only price but standalone that will increase population to your game by XXX% compared to if you only advertised on PCVR. This is especially true for multiplayer games that require a community to survive.
Good complex quest games are impossible. Hardware is just not strong enough.
A 10W mobile device can't compete with 1000W device connected directly to the power outlet.
You are missing the forest for the trees. Popularity is a symptom, it's all about quality.
unironically based.
So the janny can't do shit on /vm/ huh.
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Your fish are not biting asnmuch you claimed, mr bond
My man i played n64 ans psx games; hardware is not an excuse games
You can have the most quality game in existence but if only 10 people play it because you released it on a platform that isn't popular then what does it matter?
You can gloat about the quality of your games but if there's no one playing them then
A) How are you going to make money as a company (from a game developer standpoint)
B) If it's a multiplayer game how are you going to keep a community to keep your multiplayer game going? (from a VR player standpoint)
PCVR only games in [current year] is lose-lose situation and the saddest part is that PCVR players hurt the most when there's no community because the developer doesn't want to advertise to questies.
THIS is what vr was made for, holy shit
Lol, lmao you are really an idiot. Blade and sourcery is on quest, there is really little need to sacrifice to make a game quest ready. It not a time of quest 1 anymore grandad.
Show me an example of a "good, complex" pcvr game, which is popular and impossible on quest.
Welcome to holland!

I a mimpressed that someone managed to make a world with so little perform so bad
I didn't know n64 had to run at 90hz with multi-megapixel rendering res or it will literally make people sick irl.

PCVR still has more than 10 players. I'm 100% sure that if a truly high quality game releases tomorrow, even with no high budget marketing it will have 30k concurrent players in a month.

That's not the point, retard. B&S is garbage, but it shows that pcvr still has players.
least it looks good
wow it's like im really there
>I'm 100% sure that if a truly high quality game releases tomorrow, even with no high budget marketing it will have 30k concurrent players in a month.
Gonna be honest here lad this is delusional. Especially when you say with no high budget marketing. Yes PCVR is definitely more than 10 players but it is absolutely not in the state where a high quality PCVR game can be released tomorrow with no mainstream marketing and have 30k concurrent players on it. That's genuine crazy talk.
>quest defense force
eu hours started abandon thread
30k is nothing.
Literally millions of vr headsets are collecting dust in the closets around the world.
There is just no content worth the hassle.
>implying a truly awesome vr game would be grassroot shilled by the starved enthusiastic players organically
kill all standalone retards
wouldn't be*
Nederland heeft helemaal geen bergen mongool.
Compare population of good vr games like Breachers, Vail, Onward, Grapple Tournament. Its like 10 people on PC and thousand of people on quest.

Gorrilla tag got a million daily users, but only around a thousand on PC concurently

>Inb4 reeeee those are questshit bad games!!!!!
I once again ask you to show a few complex, good, popular PCVR games which are impossible on Quest.
>good vr games like Breachers, Vail, Onward, Grapple Tournament
>good vr games
> like Breachers, Vail, Onward, Grapple Tournament
stopped reading here
>Literally millions of vr headsets are collecting dust in the closets around the world.
And most of them are Quests.
But also even if they were all PCVR headsets a 10/10 VR game releasing tomorrow with zero marketing isnt going to get those people to get their headsets out of their closet.
30k is actually a lot in terms of VR.
so how do I hang with you guys? I respect gatekeeping to clarify.
>a 10/10 VR game releasing tomorrow with zero marketing isnt going to get those people to get their headsets out of their closet.
That's why I've said "in a month". Word-of-mouth needs time to travel.
And 30k is nothing. For trash games which we usually eat, maybe. But not for a real 10/10.
And for your interest, alyx is a 6/10 game.
Add people like 'Yuru', join when they're online, and intro yourself as from the thread
Or join events like exploration with 'Yuki Nagato' that has a live instance right now
You, retarded zoomers, might not remember, but back in my days we used to have these things called "system sellers".
It usually referred to a good game which can sell a console by itself.
The only thing that changed is that we forgot how to make them.
Retarded statue aside this is memey
This is a spot
I once again ask you to show a few complex, good, popular PCVR games which are impossible on Quest.
Why not ask for a blowjob from the queen while you're at it
You are fucking retarded. We wouldn't have had this conversation if they existed.
All vr games we currently have a trash. But you could see the progress in the 2016 era, only for it to completely stop and start regressing with the release of quest.
>facebook bought all the studios
>half a decade later, 0 games are released
Did you thank the lord and savior of vr, zucc, today?
He can't even clean up his own diaper, this was mostly just the result of sipp being dumb and doing lewd stuff on his main, this was bound to happen
Didnt post VTOL VR, VRChat, Alyx, or DCS at least for shits an giggles.

So we now accept, that existing good VR games dont suffer for being quest compatible. Okay.
You have no taste. Just don't talk.
>existing good VR games dont suffer for being quest compatible
half the things wrong with pavlov is a direct result of questification. it also ruined onward and it ruined vrchat, and into the radius 1 for good measure.
Skyrim VR, Serious Sam VR, but I am fully prepared for you to move the goalposts on this one. Skyrim VR is a good example because that kind of scale just doesn't work on Quest, that's why we haven't seen the 11th re-release of Skyrim this time on Android.
Okay, good taste man, whats your favorite vr game?
Pavlov doesn't suffer from being quest compatible at all. It suffers from dave issues.

Quest 1 was underpowered but its not quest 1 era anymore old man keep up with the times. Onward today is better than PCVR only Onward

Not a game
>Serious sam
That shit worked on fucking pentiums no issue. The devs just got dissapointed at VR because they tried to sell old ass game for full price as a vr port and people didnt want to buy it. And there isnt even IK in those ports, fucking Vivecraft did better

>Impossible on Quest
It runs on fucking xbox 360 for gods sake, you're retarded. Its also a horrible vr game and only works due to countless mods. Also bethesda doesnt care to make a gamebryo port to android
Neat but laggy
>oh, devs are already struggling to make a good vr game?
>let's kneecap them with phone hardware!
Is currently in much better spot than it was in 1.7 era
Quest build is completely separate and actually much better than PSVR version. If anything PSVR is the main reason PC Pavlov has gone to shit so hard.

Serious Sam would be entirely possible on Quest but Croteam dropped VR like the unwanted baby it is. I'll give you Skyrim and all sims but only if we talk about modded Skyrim and real sims.
VR game makers are either extremely autistic about something (usually NOT programming) and have zero budget or stupid
Quest build is basically the same as PC but there is no patch synchronisation or cross servers.

You can use the same modding sdk to build quest and pc maps/mods. I think they could allow crossplay even, but dave is too retarded to make a system which makes sure servers run only cross platform mids.
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A good vr game is a good physics sim first and foremost.
Without good physics engine, a good vr game is simply impossible.
Physics sims are VERY expensive computationally, so if most of your processing power is spent on rendering it's not possible to have a good physics sim.
This is the main reason quest is destroying the industry right now.
Bonelab and Blade and Sorcery works on quest with no issue

>Inb4 bonelab and bns physics are not good enough
Game rippe
Mudrunner is on Quest with good physics, the problem is you can't have game that's both good physics simulation and good looking due to how CPU and GPU clocking on ARM works.
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>even in VRChat I cannot escape being queued into Crystal Tower
Your examples are barely 2004 hl2 era. A couple of interactable props is a not a proper physics sim.
Mr president a second cunny has hit the building
So you are saying games touted as most advanced physics sims in VR are not good enough? What game is good enough then?
Look retard you just moved the goalposts to say that vr games have to be full physics simulations then set what a real simulationnup as over the quest hardware by definition

Games need to be FUN.
Ah, turkey
Everyone can detect your schizoposting, jelly, by your unique writing style
These supports do not fill me with confidence
>touted as most advanced physics sims
Nice argumentum ad populum. Don't even deserve a (You).

You seem to have a stroke while typing, but anyway, the point still stands, unless you have physics, the game doesn't need to be vr.
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Reminder no Trek tonight
Next week series finale
What PCVR games has level of physics sim you like then?

>Inb4 it doesnt exist because quest somehow

>Vr game has to have physics.
You just said serious sam is a good pcvr game, impossible to run in quest. But it doesnt have any physical interactions at all
>You just said serious sam
Not me, retard. My reply to you was >>483136567
List good PCVR games then. Especially those with "good physics"
Talk to arguments, not people.
That's an old ring.
Im waiting for that list of good vr games with acceptable level of physics still. You must have a favorite vr game, dont you?
Keep waiting.
I'm not wasting my time talking with a retard who can't read.
the stand-off
So there is no games of acceptable level of physics simulation for you, pcvr or quest. Or even any vr games you like. Got it.

That or you are arguing in bad faith. In both cases you are in a wrong thread and can fuck off forever
>what do you mean you want more than braindead quest slop? how dare you!
we're crashing making new world
>biometrics and document verification soon
children make lives af adults harder every time
Examples of non quest slop, with advanced physics, give them.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
I feel like Ive seen a photo of a lifesize doll of that.
Space, korea
VR weapons/aiming are too accurate and manual reload is way too quick. It fucks up any kind of wanna balance.
Sniping sucks as well since no one has figured out a "reduced" sensitivity setting that isn't massive input smoothing.
All that does is just autobalance long range combat
there's no depth when every games are simply run and gun with assault rifles
Which is fun...
Not fun is being sniped across the map by some ultrasweat. Fun is taking fire, taking cover and remanuevering through cover to gain an advantage in combat, giving you a gameplay choice of running, or moving to engage aggressively.
It was also some kind of dramatic love poem world
*turns on single fire and snipe you across the map with an ak*
Reminder to go outside
Easier said than done. I've killed so many people who tried to do that to me
how was the Lain world? worth a visit?
Speaking of which, would people be interested in VAILing next week? They added gun game.
Remember when vrlets always said that waggle controlls cant ever be as accurate as mouse?
It's nice but it's being updated still, check it out in a couple weeks
get in the fucking robot cama
It honestly just brings guns down to how they work irl, scopes are hard and snipers have setup positions, they aren't weapons tha people run around with and do 360 spins before putting their eye up to the scope and headshotting someone in ahalf a second. For realistic combat distances you take an k and put down 20 rounds and hope you hit
Sniping sucking is just a massive skill issue
It isn't but it's close. VR shooter games mechanics are the equivalent of having a lazer death beam that you waggle in the general direction of enemies.
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EU Assetto Corsa: European Racing club, season 11!
Race 75.

18:00 UTC 20:00 CEST, Monday 1st of July 2024.

We are going to Brasil, to do some karting on a perfectly normal rentable go-kart. It's a pretty powerfull one, on a twisty track, should be quite FUN.

1 hours practice
12 minutes qualifiers
9 laps race
9 laps race reverse grid.

Time to explore Scotland again! Adding some open top cars for maximum kino!

Assetto - can be played with wheel, controller, or steam-vr-wheel addon, it doesn't matter, we will all have fun driving together. If you just bought Asseto - grab Assetto Corsa Content Manager - a better launcher and mod manager: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html To install mods: just drag and drop zip files from mega onto the Content Manager windows and click on the hamburger menu on top right. Highly recommend installing stable custom shader patch and 7-zip plugin in Content manager.

For communication we'll use mumble at voice.vrg.party port 64738, as it doesn't need any registrations or logins.

MODS: https://mega.nz/folder/27ZAGRSS#VIDxov3HZDZmmF5m4uJBfA
Welcome to guns?
Karting! Karting!
Unless the dude you're shooting doesn't see you, you're not winning any meaningful engagement.
You hold an angle or peek, you miss. Get shot at, you try and take cover to bolt again and die because netcode is shit.
You hit but you hit the chest, you bolt again feeling confident you can get the finishing shot and die because the guy can put 10 rounds in your guts by the time you take your second shot.
You hit and get a headshot and finally get the dopamine rush you were looking for to justify the shit buy.
You play another game where it's 1hit kill to the chest and slap a red dot on your "sniper" and try to relive your MW2 days of rushing like a turn getting quick kills.
You're learning why ww2 popularised the sub machine gun
Why are you under the assumption that everyone is looking for realism in their videogames?
There's a reason why shotguns in games have had their pellets magically disappear after 5 meters for balance reason.
If VR games can't get balancing right then eventually after the woah effects of playing in VR fades I'm gonna move back to flat shit with interesting gameplay instead.
does he even have a vr headset?
can we start kicking him?
That's fair but you're never going to solve the sniping problem simply because that's how hands and eyes work. You gotta do things that work in VR, no-one's making 3rd person chest high wall shooters in VR either.
On the conversation of shooting games in vr

I hate run and guns with short barrel semi automatic rifles. I specifically want to have a sniper nest and do mid to long range shooting. Why isnt there a good vr sniper sim
Have you played sniper elite VR?

Also you can do sniping in H3, pick one of the large maps and a sniper rifle. Or use the long distance shooting maps.
I might actually play that outside of vrg lobbies I love gun game
I tried sniper elite 3 and 4 and didnt like it. I thought tne hitman vr fucking sucked
What about sniper elite VR? You could try it right now, steam lets you refund if you've played less than 2 hours
What Breachers does for reloads is tolerable in casual games to ensure that reload speed is part of the balance but as a vrfps enthusiast that greatly enjoys reloading I do find it very boring. Even with a highly detailed system that slows reloads by employing complexity players will find a way to cheese your reload system and do it in the fastest, gayest looking way possible. Seeing some faggot repeatedly flick his gun into the mag at light speed makes VR look like a joke to non-VR users.
My idea to improve sniping would be an optional setting to activate input smoothing after partially pulling the trigger for 0.x seconds and scaling based on trigger pull amount. That would allow both quick shots without smoothing and the ability to modulate how much smoothing you want to avoid over or undershooting the target when tracking them.
The weightlessness of the guns is an issue too. When the guns have 100% accuracy and you can turn on a dime with little risk it can make running and gunning too effective. IRL the momentum from spinning around a 14lb 3 foot long rifle is going to impact your speed and ability to stop precisely. You see how cancerous this can get with the .50 Pavlov when someone is even slightly good with it.
It's pretty nice campaign shooter. Wind and bullet drop is WAY, WAAAAY too hyperbolized though at higher difficulties.
The rain kills you
Road trip with the boys
Cumtractors Showdown and Tabor are the only games that make sniping viable but neither is really favoring it.
ggwp nice exploran mates till next time
That velle has the toe trackers on
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Today 2000 CEST:
Ultimate Swing Golf - Holes you'll never see in multiplayer edition
In Onward you can kinda make sniping works because the game allows for 1hko to the chest and distance of engagement is much higher which makes scopes somewhat useful. There's no escaping controller jitter anyway so you need high smoothing, or a gunstock and still use some smoothing.
It's not just about sniping anyway. Why need a sidearm when you can reload ARs in 0.5s? In flat games you get locked in a 2-3s reload animation with a lot of audible cues for people to rush your ass.
In Pavlov, armour is a big fucking meme. AK and M4 ignores it and the only thing that matters is a helmet against the M4. In CS, if you're dueling someone at medium range and you don't instantly get a headshot you get "aimpunched" without armour and your crosshair flies upward for a split second on top of dying in a fewer number of body hits. It's only ever useful vs SMGs and Pistols that no one really uses.

>My idea to improve sniping would be an optional setting to activate input smoothing after partially pulling the trigger for 0.x seconds and scaling based on trigger pull amount.
I kinda like what they've done in sierra squad since it was the first time I've seen a system like it. Your idea seems much better though.
What I don't like about how good players play with the 50cal or any scoped weapons in pavlov is that they ignore the scope all together and play the weapons has either a 1hko bolt action shotgun, or a red dot on an awp and fishing for headshots which feels terribly useless when the rifle do the same job.
I also feel like bolting sucks in VR because letting go of the trigger grip to bolt, most often than not the weapon model will jitter and you'll have to readjust your aim on your next shot. I've seen a technique in a roblox vr tech demo where if the stock of a gun was in your chest when releasing the trigger grip, it would activate some kind of v-stock so you can bolt/rack a slide without the weapon spazzing out. I'd like to see that in more games.
I wish i could play far cry 5 in vr
you can but without motion controls
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Anyway, my mannequin impression:
Short rounds, over quickly most of the time. It's built for it though so if you fuck up it still feels reasonably fresh.
Main gameplay loop is agents vs mannequins in a world of frozen people. The mannequins can pretend to be frozen people and the agents hunt. However the mannequins can kill with a touch.
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It generally turns into hunter and hunted, but the mannequins are very dangerous and can kill super quick if the hunters aren't careful. The hunter and the hunted can definitely swap so it's pretty dynamic about who is hunting who. It has a capture point mechanic that stops games just going into stalemates which is nice.
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The webms don't show the audio design which is half of the game. Agents are very loud and audible, while mannequins are quiet (except when attacking), but can be detected with the agent's weapon.
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What made you decide you needed a VR headset?
For me, it was seeing vivecraft gameplay, it looked very comfy and fun (I was right)
If your answer is that so you can be an anime girl or furry on VRchat then please do not answer
I wanted to play CS in VR
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Agents have to use their tools to stay competitive.
I think the main 'meta' is for agents to head to the capture points and scan them all before the mannequins have finished sucking out the energy. Bloop down the probe to see them all running away and then clean up. Then of course this has a counter strat where you ignore the capture points as a mannequin and lay a trap where you aren't sucking at all.
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Overall I think this game is good for picking up and playing with public lobbies since the lobby size is small and it really needs the 2v3 to be balanced once agents start using their tools properly and playing smart.
I'd rather spend fifteen bucks on a large pizza with extra toppings
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Yeah that's a problem in general, no-one actually wants to play games when they can just eat pizza in vrc
how am i supposed to make it to these when i have a strict sleep schedule :((( being pst sucks
I will drink the cunny soup
It's okay, we understand that most people here aren't actually gamers
>he doesn't play on pavlov ww2 push servers where bolt actions are OHKO above the waist
>he doesn't have fond memories of the pre UE5 mod days
Maybe it i didnt have a stand up wagie job id apprectiate vr games that need you standing up all the time but until then i will recline further and further in my vr recliner and eat pizza sloppa in vrc like a good boy
Pavlov's lack of real arm/chest/leg/etc damage hitboxes is so fucking annoying since it makes balancing weapons much harder. Weapons should do less damage when they hit limbs. But they cannot.
your source?
Well it's how the tables work. You have base damage, which is the damage it does to any part of the body. Then you have bleed damage, which is how much damage it does to a helmet. Anything that hits the head sans helmet kills instantly. Damage done to player health through a helmet is some fucked up mix of bleed and base damage which results in an m4 round doing like 70 damage through a helmet if they had 100 health and a helmet, and like 20 damage if they had 30 health and a helmet.
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scroll down a bit more
I joined one recently. It was a 3GB d-day map. 16 players per team. I'd lie if I said it wasnt fun but it's too goddamn laggy. Like everyone had 200 ping. Revive hitboxes with the syringues is clunky as hell. You'd need a proper game designed for battlefield tier gameplay. Pavlov breaks too much.
upgrade your rig, ez as
nigger monkey fagass cunt
play push

sniping is ez
SRB2 Kart. I'm going to host it on Monday at 8PM EST if anyone want to race https://mega.nz/file/Tp8HiKRK#yM19etxZrYDgm4uwrOIsRMuDQf1bHf9vzmjTXBv3DE0
16 should have been playable but the netcode on the server side is generally too shitty for more than 24 players in close proximity. Even 20 starts to break down. Bruteforcing it with faster servers helps a little, the only way to truly get higher playercounts in Pavlov is to have huge maps with players spread out.
Join SEA exploration, they said.
It will be fun, they said.
Has SEA exploration done worlds made in memoriam to people who passed away
i know a guy who uses this avatar, it’s genuinely horrifying when you’re 2 feet tall
People pay $15 crispy american rupees to erp and afk in fino fanta xiv every month and their business is booming.

Sub+limits on how much space every user is allowed to use to keep server costs manageable and there you have it, a self sustaining platform.
Shit has been solved back in the old internet days before everything became about infinite growth for the sake of investor money.
How to boil a crab
vive with base stations, or their new ultimate trackers? maybe slimevr? or something else? what would be your choice if someone dropped a whole bunch of money on you right now?
with money I'd always choose a lighthouse system. Then put some headset in the mix. With infinite money I'd try the AVP with ALVR.
Next would probably be the bigscreen beyond; with lots of money you can tank the risk and hassle of getting one with a faceplate that fits you. Quest pro after that I guess, then a quest 3.
There's some meme headsets like the somnium but it's hard to even recommend them as infinite money buys because they're missing things like AUDIO.
Oh you just meant the trackers
Vive 3.0s and 4x 2.0 base stations are the optimal tracking.
What are your priorities?
This order doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
It's mostly arranged in price high -> low.
huh... yeah okay I can see that
I gotta say that (especially in within tech hobbies) price never has a direct correlation to quality. Let alone the bang you get for your buck.
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Be careful, you might rile up the Apple shills.
sorry :(
I will be quiter
Once your sim cockpit involves three widescreen monitors and two TrackIR then the only logical next step is VR headset.
because it is infinitely more enjoyable than playing garbage quest slop with fags furfags and autistic germans
Like or not but quest slop is the only way VR devs can make money.
Gonna host Sunday catan in 2-2.5 hours!
Since this will be a topic for a bit I might as well link Sippbox's response here as well.
What's wrong with Germans?
this link looks shady as fuck dude
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Then they should die. I'll just play flat game ports and VRChat until the end of time.
I miss eu contractors already vros
Me too Anon, me too...
tupper was the real target of this whole thing. sippbox just left the door open for the roblox journalists
only thing I like about contractors is the gun being hitscan and jumping and crouching
Unironically after watching crowbcat's video.
In ArmA, you have to press a clusterfuck of keybinds just to do some of the moves in the video.
The only positive video he ever made about videogames in his entire career.
AK74SU, my beloved...
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Time to rage. Ultimate Swing Golf club house is opening in a minute. Code 1488.
>Sipp is getting canceled.

Thank fucking god. Lets hope other people in vrg are next
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I was dreadfully bored of flat games and wanted something meaningfully different. 'Roomscale' and 6DOF motion controls letting VR require some physical activity made it more appealing and I still enjoy that aspect.
The three games that got me hyped for VR were:
>Beat Saber
All three led to disappointment.
I need an actual game to go along with the gun autism, the music in Beat Saber isn't really my type and I'm too socially retarded for VRChat.
sppobox isnt fucking vrg
can we stop pretending shitty content creators and twitter whores belong here because they get spoonfed in by the cancer that is nuvrg
But we allow Jason and co
jason does what the fuck he wants. he host his own instances that arent vrg. just because youre here doesnt mean you cant have other friends you inept retard
what's gun game
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>I need an actual game to go along with the gun autism
Into the Radius?
I am a gun autist and hate into the radius. Not the guy you responded to though
you get a new gun on kill, prograssing from best guns, to worst, to pistols, to knife.
First with a knife kill wins
wanted to get into deving random VR stuff.
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I have been waiting for VR since the 90's and I'm not disappointed because I'm not a zoomer who was 12 when Sword Art Online aired, so I had realistic expectations.
You might like convergence. Just came out recently. Its hard and grindy but it was fun from the few hrs I put into it.
Tried the Vive protoype at a convention and the simple ability to have arms and pick up objects convinced me this was the future of gaming. Now it's 9 years later, PCVR is dead, and I'm a homosexual degenerate who hangs out with other homosexual degenerates. What the fuck happened
What the fuck are those. Jesus christ delete this webm. Ahhhhhhhhh
average pcvr headset
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There weren't many good options back then. Multiplayer VRFPS was carrying the VRFPS genre.
ITR is great. I was an alpha/beta tester and shilled the game here despite a rocky launch with terrible IK issues. I miss the atmosphere in the old version and hope they bring back the weather effects in the sequel.
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Pewdiepies vrc videos in december 2017 and January 2018 prompted me to check vg one day and i joined the first instances in the retro white mall and the og dance rave map. Good times. I was so fascinated ane innocent back then. Its morbid reflecting on it that i spent most of my 20s' divided between dead end wage slaving and being a flaming faggot homo in vr

Do YOU now how to make friends in VR? This helpfull post from HTC will help you!
This kills the crab.
honestly not a bad guide, like you have to be a bit tistic to need a guide in the first place but it seems to have solid advice in there
This feels like it was written by ChatGPT.
Walled garden aspect of existing in a space where you need to have a good internet connection and several thousand dollars in hardware. The Quest of course came along to ruin this, but it still applies in some places.
I think the first thing I saw was videos of elite dangerous in VR and it seemed mind blowing. and then this gave me CHILLS and I got a lenovo explorer a little bit later
>hey man that thing was spooky
>yeah... it was
holy fug
Man,VR really hates laptops. I was trying to make a portable VR setup with a gaming laptop and a link cable and Quest 3 but it won't work. It just straight up says there is a problem with the cable irregardless of the cable being used. I was reading it was some BS about how integrated graphics works or w/e sorry I'm not smart I don't know jack about computers. I'm just going to buy a desktop ffs
I get the impression that a lot of obvious guides are written for people who already know the answers but need affirmation to motivate them.
are you even plugging into the right usb slot lmao
I wish the progression isn't tied to having to deal with tanky demons.
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REQUIRED MOD LIST: 01903bf2-5999-ff46-907d-383e6ced712e
JOIN THE MUMBLE: voice.vrg.party PORT: 64738
You’re replying to diaper boy.
Settlers of Catan now!
come play!
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man storming a castle with 200 men is wacky

being in the spearhead and being pressed by a crowd really makes you feel powerless
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war is hell
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me and the boys celebrating the defeat of the British
I'm still disappointed that Tales of Glory 2 isn't Freeman: Guerilla Warfare in VR.
is this b&s?
Not enough people showed up, so no Catan today. I guess hosting an activity when there is coomer shit going on is not gonna pull even 3 ppl.
its tales of glory, basically mount and blade vr
would it be able to start if i join?
Yeah, 2/3, max is 4 players, but we waited for 40min so I have gotten of VR for today now.
damm what a shame i wanted to try out catan
>8pm est
>free from wagie cage by 7:30pm pst
why cant i ever have any fun
Map, while it has a few bugs, works extremely well in VRC, and it's very good at streamlining things like calculating resources etc.
It's one of my new favourite game maps, gonna try hosting again next sunday probably around this time, and see if we get a game going (3 people).
ok i'll try to join if its around this time
Try asking crab how he does it. He's PST and somehow makes it. There's also the NA explore that happens hosted by ASS
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ggg zesty nigga edition
Yep. Quite a bit actually, surprisingly there are a few maps like that already maybe more we haven't been to. With literal virtual tombstones and cause of death even sometimes.
Nice, I hope we get a game going then. Kinda sad that when you try to do something thats not drinking, cooming or trooning, nobody shows up.
Beat Saber was my biggest disappointment. The way it was shilled by everyone I thought I'll get some dance dance revolution quality shit but it's just wrist flicking. Synth Riders turned out to be way more fun with the kind of flailing motions it requires.

grievous grieving golfers
You can't just call him "ASS", dude !
Holy fuck lmao ahaha. Yeah that's usually how much polygons a 3d scan mesh has
It's ok though the MUSIC SLAPS HARD
I really like these webms :3
Not a fan of this response since he apologizes for shit that he didn't need to but I'm glad he showed the screenshots of what got censored in the video for shock value to show (once again) how dogshit and misleading the video is, like everyone already knows.
But that's literally how he said I should abbreviate it
>portable VR setup
works on my rift CV1 and MSI GS73VR 7RF Stealth Pro
Never tried using the official software, but Steam Link worked fine on mine, so that might be an option.
Even if you ended up having to get a dedicated router for wireless, it'd be cheaper than a whole new PC if you weren't already planning on upgrading.
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what is the easiest way to play movies in vrchat worlds with media players? i couldnt get google drive to play as an .mp4. it only uploads it as a file, and then the link doesnt work in game
It's pride month, most of /vrg/ is really busy.
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you need to get the shareable link, and when you use it (in a browser) you click on download.
You'll get a site like pic related. That site is the link you want.

alternatively, someone will shill bunnycdn here soon
Apologies imply guilt but most people don't mean guilt when they apologize: They just want you to stop. It's signaling "I give up, please stop bothering me."
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alright, i found that type of link, i'll give that a shot in a bit. ty ty
>VRC lays off most of their devs
>suddenly going to retool the game to have a content restriction system and integrate a third-party age verification system
>all within the space of one year
I'll believe it when I see it. Even tagging the existing assets as all ages or 18+ would probably take a few years.
if you just need it to work for yourself, and you have enough brain cells to run an http server, you can play files from localhost. otherwise yeah you can use gdrive or pay the retard tax to bunnycdn.
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/vrg/ vs /fgoalter/ in our last scheduled divegrass match coming up in a few minutes!
Watch live here: https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague

VR watch will be hosted next Friday, June 28th, at the usual time (11:30pm EST)
>suddenly going to retool the game to have a content restriction system
Content tags and filters are already in the game. More than that, during accountcreation you need to enter DOB, and if that DOB is underage the content filters are forced on and they cannot see lewd avatars and go into lewd worlds (if the tags are set correctly)
Minecraft zombies pavlov
Pretty difficult and a buggy mess. But had fun! overall a good PvE gamemode
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My Collection Now
>I first want to address the fact that I previously engaged in ERP while using my old Monaca avatar.
>I am not proud of this behavior, and it is one of the main reasons why I transitioned to my newer avatar, Moflu, which you may have seen recently.
>My decision to engage in inappropriate behavior with my old avatar was primarily due to it being my main identity at the time.
>I associated the Monaca base with my online identity and content.
>Regrettably, when I decided to create an NSFW (Not Safe For Work) version of my avatar, I used the same avatar base that I was known for at the time.
>This was a mistake for which I am deeply sorry. Back then I never personally viewed the avatar as youthful.

Lmao an entire paragraph apologizing for liking cunny.
This entire situation is fucking stupid.
>krials cringe tweet is now banned text on 4chan
domb fuck cant see the connection between spamming shit and getting banned for spamming shit
ugggh why can't I just be a degen with no consequences stop oppressing me
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people really pay 3k yen to see a vrchat animation
try linking the tweet by itself, its banned text for everyone now. lmao fucking crinkler
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this but unironically. estrogen westoids oppressing lolichads will destroy vrchat
I'm cringing secondhand at the large amount of you giving that vid engagement and trying to argue in twitter comments.
>crinkler is projecting now
stop spamming bullshti and maybe it wont become banned text retard
>I'm cringing secondhand
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>mfw J-man schizo posting might unironically cause the eventual downfall of vrchat, /vrg/ and /vrlg/
if that happens it will be our time /vrgg/ bros from the ashes we will rise again
How can one man singlehandedly support the whole motherboard industry.
Everyone with a brain already knew pampers was the /vrgg/ schizo but more evidence like this post is always nice to help the slower among us get a clue.
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NA anime tonight at 10 pm est in vrchat

Yuru Camp 06
Yuru Camp 07
Sentai Dai Shikkaku 11
Henjin no Salad Bowl - 12 (end)

Wait until 11 to join if you only want to watch the seasonals.
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I'm doing my discharge here because at the end nobody cares, and VRC niggers love cancel culture so I'm not giving them the privilege to do so.

You know what I hate about this 2 hour documentary video?
First of all, the video is shit, why it gained so much traction first of all?, the only good thing is the editing but the content is miserable, fake, and with no bases at all, but people LOVE drama.
Second, I'm starting to dislike the "big" faces of VRC more and more because they have the followers to make "muh opinion is based because I have more followers than you" (aka the Xtwitter mindset), fucking thrillseeker and Phia, fuck both of them, also tworles too because he's another clout chasing nigger, I would put more names but I will reach the limit

Third, you know what bothers me the most? more than 20 years of using internet, and we haven't learned a fucking thing, what happened to the " HEY SON, DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS ONLINE ", what happened to the " HEY SON, DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET ".

Fourth, in any platform that lets you interact with persons from the world, there will be predators, scammers, and people who will want to take advantage of you, that's been a thing for years, WHY the FUCK people insist in saying "is the platform fault they should do something" but if they do something the speech always end up at " you are taking my liberties stop doing this, you have no right! "

My space, fotolog, facebook, IRC, MSN Messenger, club penguin, haboo hotel, discord, vrchat, skype, etc, all these apps had these issues so
stop blaming on the fucking platform and start being a sensitive parent so they don't fall for actual predators for god sake, but no, is much easier saying " vrchat is the culprit " instead of saying " I should teach my kid to be aware "

I hate all this because we have a lot of tools for getting the right information, but instead missinformation and "muh feelings" prevails
Thanks to coming to my tedtalk, fuck u
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Can I get a QRD on which instances are gooner instances and which ones aren't? I know that PyPy and mahjong have the reputation of being filled with that type, but I'm not sure about the anime or drinking nights. I just don't want to end up on a watchlist or one of those videos by associating with the wrong group.
You're already here.
The non gooner instances/events are the ones nobody shows up to, like Catan earlier today, or VR games lobbies.
Just don't talk to any unemployed British guys and you should be fine.
EU mahjong and pypy are not coomer instances.
NA PyPy is exclusively coomers. It's super gross and actively stops me from wanting to go no matter how much it's shilled.
yea bro it's just not possible some people and their vr activities are completely off the schizo's radar because they dont value irl meets and /soc/ bullshit and erp.

i was one of the people that started the hibecca/u511 outrage and tried to get them out of this community IMMEDIATELY while some people were pussy footing around and making excuses "let's have a discussion about it, we need to have a discussion about it"

this shit is why we couldnt have a discussion about it, 6 years later and her mere existence here has photos of our meetups, photos of irl meetups and audio snippets, namedrops in a 2 hour documentary and trending all over twitter, imagine if u511 and hibecca hadn't been completely exiled and they both spent 2 years here underage in this degeneracy, how much worse would this shit be

it's also why /vrvg/ people always wanted to be away from this place

if we play our racing and sim games under the /vrg/ banner and you do your tranny erp irl meetup degeneracy under the /vrg/ banner, when all that shit comes back to fuck you over, it fucks us over too

you get what you fucking deserve
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2017 VRchat webms on /wsg/. Ironically, I ended up not liking VRchat at all and playing other games instead.
crinkle crinkle
Bro, nobody plays VR games, ppl just come here, get in VRChat and troon out.
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how do you use the required mod list thing?
>buy headset
>go to vr general for vr games
>bunch of troons, no vr games
wonder why it's only troons here, a mystery, we'll just never know
Can't join this time sorry i have a thing going but have fun
Like how you have to cover up your ass with a diaper to avoid shitting yourself?
i dont care that krial hates you. i dont. i never will.
Maybe the mods ban you on sight and filter your spam because your posts smell as bad as your pull-ups.

NA pypy is a no gooning zone and I will very quickly kick anyone who shows even the slightest gooner behavior.
He should have just dropped these pictures, said "fuck you and your misleading documentary" and nothing else.
Thanks for the heads up anons. I'm glad to know that EU mahjong is OK at least.
>they don't fall for actual predators
>they put "I'm a succubus in need of correction" in their bio, surely nothing bad will happen
Good one, mommy. Your jokes are real side splitters these days!
How the fuck is cooming equal to pedophilia?
Underage detected.
Both NA and SEA exploration events are safe as well
In 5-10 years Gen Alpha will be crying about how they were taken advantage of and groomed after doing this shit when the truth is they came pre-groomed.
Slandering EU anime is vile.
If you are doing it with an underage anime girl avatar then things get pretty sus.

Thanks anon
>posts lust provoking image
try posting the link to Krial's tweet about Jelly yourself, see what happens. if you think that's a normal thing that happens then you are a newfag.
trash pypy was hosted by the EU pypy host
the NA pypy host disavowed trash pypy
Smaller NA drinking night instances are fine. It's the big instances you want to avoid. Those are where all the coomers, furries and pedos (yes I'm aware I said the same thing three times) congregate.
this is some sad cringe shit senpai ngl
If that's what you're worried about sorry to tell you then no meet-up is safe. Not every one in this group ERPs because ERPs are pretty much in every meet-up.
Verification not required.
>If you are doing it with an underage anime girl avatar then things get pretty sus.
>what if I'm wearing a boy avatar of the swame age
I would try to correct you but you seem like a retarded tourist so I'll consider a plus if you avoid the instances I'm in.
EU mahjong is literally coomers who don't play VR games but ok
I don't make the rules. But with our VRChat IDs being tied to our IRL IDs later this year I'd rather not give mr. government agent a reason to shoot my dog. Or worse, one of the 'content creators' a reason to include me in a video now that they smell blood in the water.
>but* ERPs are pretty much in every meet-up.
Have I missed a post about Wish Upon A Star?
or is that event dead now?

also play H3VR MP with friends
> I'd rather not give mr. government agent a reason to shoot my dog.
You're on 4chan.
>Or worse, one of the 'content creators' a reason to include me in a video
You're on 4chan.
>now that they smell blood in the water.
You're literally going to hang around a 4chan group, do you think anyone is going to say: "Oh but that Anon is fine, he was made sure to avoid the bad elements. He just wanted to hang around the evil people."
Practice decent opsec, and don't use the same username.
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>Switched from a loli to a grown girl with breasts way back
Yep I'm thinking I'm safe from the cunny purge.
Jebot is respected EU leaderfag.
nigger if that's what you're worried about what are you even doing on 4chan?
Which instances does he host?
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If they actually ask my ID to play their fucking game I'm off the platform of VRchat.
Even shitty discord does not ask for my ID.
It should
Fishing and VRFPS games
Why is it such a big deal? Everyone shows their ID when they buy alcohol. It just means that groomers will face consequences for their actions once their actions in VRChat are tied to them IRL and that kids will be kept away. It's a big W for non-trannies. They get dysphoria from seeing their real names on the birth certificates anyways.
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>I have nothing to hide, so I have nothing to fear.
post your ID and wear a tripcode then
I have a beard and am 6'4", I don't get carded, and when I do, they don't care that it's a 4 year expired state ID.

Israeli data processing firm will demand I pay 20 dollars for a new ID, hell no.
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>Everyone shows their ID when they buy alcohol
Those were the days...
Based adult woman enjoyer
Tell us your name and age, anon.
>Everyone shows their ID when they buy alcohol
Maybe if you're extremely low T or something. I haven't shown my ID in like 10 years.
Chat, is that a real animal?
you think youre joking but euros unironicaly join furfag lobbies now thats how low eu standards fell
>face consequences for their actions once their actions in VRChat
can adults just have fun already
>I will not join a game lobby because I care so much how one of the players avatar looks like in a completely unrelated game

mental illness, touch grass
>he thinks itll only ever be used against groomers
let us know how it goes when a 9/11 event host gets a visit from the local PD
Again. >>483211293
>Why is it such a big deal?
You need to be at least 18 to browse this website.
vrchat should just have a 1k USD entry fee VIP club, no child would be able to afford it
None of the coomers would either.
7 years ago it had...
>He doesn't know
>implying this isn't one of the content creators asking for which instances to "Avoid" so they can do a piece on the "Bizzare 4chan VR Pedophile Cult." after talking to jelly, krial, ect, ect.
I wonder how many youtube retards will be popping up and shoving cameras in everyone's faces while the going is good. VRChat is endless content for better or worse.
Just act normal in public and you be fine.
The Disturbing World of /vrg/
[Out Now]
>7 years ago it had
That was 800$ at most. So 1K by todays standards I guess.
Early VR was like $300 for an Oculus DK1 back in 2013 if I remember correctly
Why the fuck did K get himself AND the thread involved in this twitter shit?
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>Just act normal in public and you be fine.
this is so tiresome, even virtual space isn't free of IRL normie shit
To be fair the only reason we're involved is because pampers gave them collages that they used to pad for content even if they ultimately just laughed at and dragged them into the recycling bin. K certainly isn't making the situation better by feeding the dramatuber though.
no fuck you nigger
>they actually earnestly study and report us
>sees mostly wholesome vr gaming and vrc weekly activity meets with the occasional monthly events we host
...And then they find the /trash/ thread.
It never will be. Normies invaded the surface web, then forums, then they invaded 4chan and microblogging, then online games, etc.

They will never stop. The key is to always stay one step ahead of normiedom.
Who would be featured prominently in the /vrg/ drama documentary?
wait nvm you're either the anti-trash schizo or a normalfag brandon tourist
come to CVR :)
so what's next, normies in my vrchat erp?
>Alcohol, drugs, coomers and troons
Note how he spelt pedophiles earlier: He used the UK spelling.
unironically yes, just move on when its time.
I will once that happens. I already have an account there anyways and an avatar uploaded
>>sees mostly wholesome vr gaming and vrc weekly activity meets with the occasional monthly events we host
Let's not lie, anon.
>You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.
He unironically threw vrg under the bus by posting screenshots of the thread to try to defend a rando youtuber, formerly vrchat discord mod. He tried to pin the entire thing on pampers. If you think that schizo is smart enough to secretly record Sippbox ERPing and hack an irl event to play the video on their screen, then you're a retard who is buying into the normie coverup.
>trash pypy was hosted by the EU pypy host
Trash pypy was not hosted by U you retarded fucking neanderthal
The real tragedy is that these youtubers could just start tracking and making videos on the Jman himself and they would have enough pedo lolcow content to milk for years but he's so unimportant he's not on anyone's radar.
trash pypy aka NA pypy is hosted weekly by Y.
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i dont give a damn what krial is doing
Port: 7863
edit the h3mp config.json and put these in there. in the hand menu, click direct connect. OR use the ingame keyboard to input the ip.
Attention all anons. E-celebs will be attempting to figure out who we are because they're gay and retarded.
Posts like these are e-celeb fags. You can tell by how much they glow in the dark, and don't fit in.
wow cool omw
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I'm trying to watch the Brandon video and I already entirely agree children are unsafe in VR but this Verim faggot roleplaying as "VR vigilante" and being entirely serious about it is laughably cringe.
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Damn VRC management already fired a bunch of people to save money, now this hit piece comes out about it. Possible future investors aren't gonna like this.
>Giving him clicks and trying to prompt discussion of it
You're the one who is cringe.
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hi verum
is this an AI post
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cry me a river

Verum is cool. I got pics of him peeing on Tokyo.
I am not watching your video, Brandon.
please use the warthunder affiliate link
I don't like Brandon, but Verum is cool. Was that tupper talking in the video lol?? It even showed pics of the CEO of VR.
fucking video tourists fuck off
I was literally raped in vrchat
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Sippbox is done
Jelly won
lol damn
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By me.
I did it.
Using a loli avatar too.
And I'll keep doing it until someone makes a 2 hour Troontube video seething over me.
Then I'll do it again.
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I can't even get an angry kotaku article about me
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Me too... What am I doing wrong? I work so hard to be racist, homophobic, transphobic and to stir as much shit as possible. Would it kill to get a little recognition every once in a while?
Apparently, yes.
Honestly Sipbox was a jerk to me for no reason at a loli squad party. Nice to see it come back to him.
But anon, I'm a jerk to you for no reason, too ;_;
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StopMan! Stop this menace!
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not so fast!
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im new to vrchat, what kind of avatar should i use to make friends?
use one you can identify and feel comfortable with.
That way you act more "natural" and can just vibe, instead of feeling the need to appeal to some flavor of the month
fuckoff brandon tourist
To any ecelebs who might be lurking -

PHIA, you're well past the age of being able to pull off your uwu smol bean outfit and persona. It is cringe and you're setting yourself up to be a poster child for a callout vid once the mob graduates to searching for 'implied pedoshit' in the vrc scene. Dress and act like an adult or ditch your IRL grannyface when making vids.

Thrill, your channel just isn't going to work out. There's not enough news and quest kids aren't a lucrative demographic to sell sponsored ads to. Get a real job while your sanity is still intact.
Anything from here:
Cute anime girl avatar. The more youthful looking the better
Idk why but PHIA always pissed me off. I think it's just the way she talks.
>calling phia out on her appearence
>not calling thrill out for his desperate attempts to hide his lack of hairline
So we're really going to be dealing with internet crusading faggots for a while aren't we? I come here to get away from normies and play VR games with other autists. Why do they keep coming to our segregated spaces and bothering us? This younger generation is so obsessed with fucking cancelling people it's disgusting.
Thrill has the decency to not make his weird appearance in vids the focus. PHIA is all in on her little tomboy avatar thing to the point where she mirrors it across VR and IRL even though she's pushing 30 now.
>I come here to get away from normies
I'm so sorry that you think that THIS is the place to go to for this...
Make sure to fap before choosing an avatar so your desire preferences don't affect the decision making process too much. I made that mistake and ended up with an avatar far more cute and feminine than was needed.
make your way to the /r9k/ saturdays then
what happened after that do boys hit on you
i like short more abstract avatars, my current favorite is this little green thing with a :3 smile
>2 hour Troontube
>yanderedev got 2h48m video
>most comments they were 9-10 year old who played or exposed to a fucking YANDERE sex fetish anime game at that age
and then yout ask why are adults have to deal with kind
the real damage of unrestricted internet from the gen alpha and zoomers will have consequences far beyond our expectations
Yeah and I can tell some people clearly look at me with the same eyes I had when I first saw the avatar. Understandable but I don't like it.
Worse are the people who identify with their avatars assuming that I picked a cute girly one because I want to be a girl. I ain't no tranny!
Every time I think that I feel bad for parents, I remember how they dump their kids into public spaces completely unsupervised and expect random adults to just take care of them. 20 years ago it was dumping them at gamestop or the comic book store and these days it's dumping them online. And then I no longer feel bad for parents.
now they play an anime killing game at age 10 and at 12 they have a succubus persona and wear bit titty avatars

zoomer kids are built different, whether its good or bad. they are constantly berated with creeps on the internet that they are indifferent to it by the time they get in their teens. its impossible for kids to play ANY online game that has a messaging function to not have old men creep on them. My friend plays words-with-friends with a pic of him and his kid as the avatar and gets messages every week asking if hes the kid in the picture followed by sexual stuff.
It's this, but also combined with the fact that zoomers and younger millennials are the most coddled generations in all of history. They expect society to change for them and will cancel people to achieve this.

Modern era is crazy, man. There's this public perception that kids will be irreversibly damaged by exposure to any sexual content, but also, sexual content is literally everywhere. I blame the jews
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I don't believe you!
Look at its three toes on the left foot, two toes on the right. The hands are "conveniently" hidden. It looks too fluffy! Its head looks like a mix of a mouse, deer, dog and deer, and its balls are bigger than its head!!!
forgo to announce mahjong https://vrch.at/v6yexjqc
I actually think this was sweet
>Why do they keep coming to our segregated spaces and bothering us?
Blame Krial. His tweet with screenshots of our thread is at 25k views now.
Let's hope that selling us out for e-celeb clout was worth it to him.
Oh, so it actually is lmao
That's actually insane
>future investors won't like the internet because weird things happen
he's hot
That sounds pretty dumb lol. The YouTuber that made that video essay already has a few video essays on VRChat with 1 million+ views. So it's just going to get worse with tourists.
TODAY IS JUNE 23, 2024 AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS RIGHT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? IT MEANS THE FOURTH OF JULY IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER

And as always, we'll be celebrating it in VR! We will be using the same event format as the previous few years, which includes me putting YOUR most American videos on the video player. And then once we're done with the playlist, you'll be given the FREEDOM to put whatever you want into the player. There will be drinking and hopefully fireworks too.
You are WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED to bring your biggest, noisiest, most obnoxious avatars to this meetup, especially if they shoot bullets, missiles, or fireworks.

If you have videos I'd like to put into the player, post them here, or send them to username "lannzy" (aka Yuru) on discord.
Happy Fourth of July and I hope to see you there!
Which day
you really are the same drone you cry about
>f you have videos I'd like to put into the player, post them here

>They expect society to change for them and will cancel people to achieve this.
It's funny watching "anti" behavior trickle down into even more niche spaces.
Age verification would have prevented this. I'm glad with the government ID requirement we'll stop seeing this drama crop up.
t. Three Letter Agency
Britfag opinion discarded
Not on the weekend?? Also will it be the night of the 4th (wednesday night,) or on the 4th (thursday night) since all NA events happen at midnight anyway
Frenchman detected
chad video
anything that causes even a hint of melty here is doing something right
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Yeah, we're celebrating July 4th on July 4th. If other people want to do stuff that weekend they can.
I plan to be channeling the American spirit all weekend.
lol true
Ok but both wednesday night and thursday are both the 4th since NA time = after midnight so which do you mean? Also are you making a world for this? What does the event entail
I have a world prepared, yeah. It will start before midnight on the night of the 4th.
The event? People send me AMERICAN videos, I put them in the player and play them, then I open the player up for everyone to put their own crap in after we're done with the playlist or get bored.
Short shitposty videos, please.
Is tda bro around?
It was no different in the 2000s. You 1) never made it known you were a kid and 2) told old dudes to fuck off

Zoomers are not special in this regard.
ooh i’m definitely joining this one
You're right. Post your name and age, anon. I promise I'll run it through a people finder-site to ensure you're a clean individual.
4th of July is more or less a holiday for everyone. Only fast food and retail wages are working and sometimes not even them.
It was the same when we were kids. Our parents just actually watched what we were doing, and we were told never to use our real name, information or images to stay safe, as a rule, unlike now when social media indoctrinates everyone to treat the internet like real life 2.0
The retard never belonged here and it shows. Get the /trash/ goblins out of here. This stupid fucking failed normie retarded idiot has brought more rando outsiders into this place than everyone else combined. Saddest part is he's not even doing it on purpose, he's just incompetent
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Getting a physical gunstock completely transformed long range sniping for me for this reason and it quickly became my favorite thing to do on any map that's not designed for close range. It feels like your sniper becomes a laser beam with how steady your aim becomes and things like bullet drop/wind speed aren't as much a concern.

But it's not an ideal solution and I honestly felt like I was cheating when sniping sometimes simply because of how unfair it felt once you get it dialed in because very few people can reliably snipe over huge distances without one, even with virtual stock, since the game ain't balanced around. In a giant open map somebody who's can reliably snipe from the other end of it can almost shutdown a team in a small game if they don't have somebody also capable of it. Most official maps in games don't run into that since they feel generally for more moderate range engagements or have lots of cover, but some modded ones with big spaces have the issue.

A good gunstock that doesn't cripple you outside of sniping isn't the cheapest thing so it shouldn't be the expectation. Surely there's a software solution somebody could figure out.
July 5th, friday night NA time
more details later

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You mean the guy trying to look like a hardboiled detective?
That shit was funny as fuck.
It made me wonder if the whole thing was a joke.
> they are constantly berated with creeps on the internet that they are indifferent to it by the time they get in their teens.
This is literally the same as it was then. I guess you can make the argument that zoomers are mentally challenged and cannot understand basic shit.
> its impossible for kids to play ANY online game that has a messaging function to not have old men creep on them.
It is literally not. We called you squeakers because you squeaked, you squeaked because your balls hadn't dropped. You can do the world a favor and protect not just yourself, but everyone's ears.
> My friend plays words-with-friends with a pic of him and his kid as the avatar
Tell your "friend" to remove his kid from his avatar. This used to be the norm, you don't post face-dox yourself on the internet because there are weirdos out there.
this is what happens when you stray from the path of ryder instances where randos get routinely and ruthlessly kicked into the sun
and then let dudes who a few months into joining make events like "vrg awards night" and rando tuesday start leading a section of the community
heres his user id
opsec opsec opsec
the feds are here and they're looking for easy wins
Like you wouldn't give them your ID if they required it. No one quit VRChat when EAC hit, no one is going to quit VRChat this time either.
>change that requires doing absolutely nothing except not using hax in a literal chat room vs giving tupper your dox
yeah nah dude. only the literal normalfags here will do it.
>the thing that 90% of vrg have on their computer already because half the flavor of the month flatshit that comes out requires it
anyone who quit vrchat over that outed themselves as a brainlet
hiii feds
>Like you wouldn't give them your ID if they required it.
Not only will I absolutely never give them any ID if they ask for it, but I will ensure my peers do the same.
>No one quit VRChat when EAC hit
I wanted to change platforms, wanted CVR to succeed, I won't deny that but it didn't because the servers kept crashing it was impossible to drag anyone over. But I didn't like EAC not because of privacy concerns, I didn't like EAC for VRChat because it destroyed my CPU.
Before EAC I spent 3+ hours daily on VRChat, after EAC I play for about an hour because it fucks with my CPU. That has always been my reason for not liking EAC, it stresses my toaster.
This is all because of EAC, if they would have just kept the wholesome modding around there wouldn't be so many people out to bring down VRChat.
photoshop me in!
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That's a projection though, I've never played any other game with eac. I really don't think 90% is accurate
I can't make it. Going to AX
Who are you?
fuck eac, can't play war thunder and vrchat at the same time
Just kidding, it doesn't matter who you are fag
>want to talk about vr games
>nothing but vrchat tranny circlejerk
"Real suffering" indeed.
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Funny idea for a vrchat avatar
FBI event
Leak the tupper files anon
Make a bunch of loli avatars wearing FBI uniforms
I’m doing it, just been lazy and working on tt map and a new train event
stop being poor dude
They had one shot at Tupper and they failed. They'll never get another after this.
The Gang Gets Investigated By The Feds:
not just the FBI, but create an avatar filling ANY role in the fall of /vrg/! FBI investigator, arrested degenerate (tupper) on the witness stand in jailhouse orange, to the confused MSM talking head just trying to make sense of the fucking thing.

Send in news articles detailing your crimes to be put on newspapers lying around
lol very tongue in cheek could be fun
is that all they said about vrg?
I'm not giving him clicks.
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You guys down for poker in 20?
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they've been here for a while
absolutely. love some good actual videogames. also have tomorrow off.
Sure, I'll play
hi. How do I go about meeting you in VRChat is there a VRG group i can join?
fuck off tourist
Yeah, just add Krial and join up on tuesday night, you'll fit right in.
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Huge VRChat Drama
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Its Unexpected Poker since Ive been lazy recently!
Vegas Infinite/PokerStars vr is starting now!
Lobby name: TitantiumRyder's game
Pass: 1984
Can u schizo out elsewhere plz
god damned it
No, but I expect him or the fatfag to cover it eventually
good amimes. That's one seasonal over, new multibox soon! in a few weeks
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Is this worth it?
I know the talos principle is good but don't know about the others, kinda sucks 4 games are the same franchise
tfe and tse are good, dunno about the rest. people like talos's story
I was the new guy. Thanks for letting me hang out and watch low-budget LN kino.
Sam is ludo tbqh. It's even more fun with friends.
still going?
oh fug oh shid it's R E A L
yeah 2 spots open
Nice cat.
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Are you the guy who runs this show?
Lmao get fucked grifter
Fuck off we're full.
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Ok I'm answering earnestly here
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Krial, I noticed you brought in a flock of normies by posting screenshots of our thread on your e-celeb twitter. Since you're the one that invited the glowies here, I told them exactly how to find you in particular. I cropped out the verbose instructions on how to pass vetting. Enjoy the new friends tomorrow night.
>even oldfag randos don't want to associate with jelly

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i like my answers better
easy, everyone just has to say the word nigger and we bring back cheers kippers kanpai and fuck niggers
kys nigger
More schizophrenia, just what this thread needed thanks man
FBT only meetup, everyone must say the n word
Hey verum hope you like being called a nigger
Not k but that’s funny
I honestly don't know what's the drama going on but it looks funny
HA! Might actually turn up to TT for once to watch the show.
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>Tfw your name is in that world
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it's not fair...I was there before the knuckles too!
That's exactly what they want you to do. Stoking the fire will only make it worse. K will have instructions on what to do tuesday.
no i wont wtf are u on lmao idc yell nigger at ppl before i kill them it’s what I intend to do if ppl like that actually bother trying to show up
Can you remove your screenshots of the thread from your twitter please? It's putting eyes on us. Normies are unironically flocking in. Asking genuinely, not as a shit post.
damage has already been done. 99% of twitter views happen on the initial week of posting
That's a poor excuse. Your views are still increasing as it gets shilled everywhere. You're almost at 30k. As you can tell, normies and glowies are already getting here. The longer you keep it up, the worse it will get. I'm not asking you to delete everything. Only the screenshots of our thread. Besides, they aren't good evidence. You're trying to name and shame anonymous 4chan posts on twitter, man. I'm with you on the fuck pampers thing, but this isn't the way to do it. You are exposing us and getting us involved in all of this. I won't keep arguing with you. Please think about what you've done and consider fixing it.
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>mfw i read some of these obvious posts
Sounds like you picked a side. The randos you are defending.
i havent seen a single normie flock in lol, fuck pampers and fuck youtube content shills, if they show u just force them out, vrg had content shills before and will much later too
>I want you take take care of my spoonfeeding
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>tfw I was using an Steam account during 2017
Every time I join an instance people ask me for a thread number, can anyone tell me where to find it?
>i havent seen a single normie flock in lol
You recently deleted a survey by one. >>483245596
All of this to defend a rando official discord mod and air out your personal drama with an anon. Was exposing our thread to a bunch of normies that are angry at cunny worth it? If you want to be a twitter e-celeb, maybe you should drop us and go hang out with them full time. You are a fucking moron for getting so mad at the crinkler that you'd post screenshots of our thread there. How can you prove that he was the one who made those posts? You're lying about your evidence just as BrandonFM did. All you are doing is making it worse for everyone. This isn't our fight and it's not yours either.
heres to hoping all this blows over by july..
if the damage was already done and no one else is going to look, what's your problem with deleting them?
>fuck youtube content shills
Are you talking about Sippbox or does he get a pass for this too?
Gentle reminder that nothing ever happens and nothing is going to happen. """""""Big issues""""""" like this only exist in the thread because of massive amounts of samefagging from the interested parties and we will never see any of this stuff spill over to the game.

Don't engage with it and just continue to enjoy your time here. The sooner you ignore it, the sooner the parties creating the issue will give up on it.
>tell VRC you're 14
>VRC lets you in okay
>tell vrg you're 18

I don't know why VRC proposed age verification for this. How would this solve any of the problems raised by the documentary?
of course not but it will appease the investor jews and thats all that matters to devs
If you read the announcement, it says they were already working on third party age restriction before this video.
>we were definitely already working on this trust us guys
Don't trust anything a company says unless it's on an annual report to the shareholders.
Age restriction is a good thing in my eyes. I don't want to be around children. I also don't want to give pamps a win on this. I refuse to give him credit. Let me think they were already working on it, please.
I wish I was schizo
Eat a bowl of soiled cat litter.
Allow randos, become randos
Can't wait for undercover randos content farming the meets, and the the drama it will bring.
Hopefully the last nail in the nu-vrg fiasco.
>nothing is going to happen
you're just telling yourself that because you're scared
No you don't get it, how does vrc checking ages prevent you from seeing children
Why should I show my idea to autistics and btw have you ever saw a game where u needed to show your id to play it xD??

Its so over you're too addict to the game ur trapped in there you will do whatever just to regain ur fake ass life.
i cant wait for Twitter Tuesday
crazy part is this group is just all coached randos.
game was rigged from the start
>how does checking ages prevent you from seeing children
Re-read what you just said. The game is 13+. If they check for children under 13, they are stopping children from being around me. They will probably add a 18+ verification similar to SL to get access to certain things.
And.. how many 13-18 year olds aren't children?
That depends who you ask or what you consider a child's age to be. Under 13 is pre-pubescent, and I'd rather avoid them at all costs because I hate the way they act and sound. I don't care about teenagers as long as they aren't being sexual and other people aren't trying to groom them.
83% of that range is a child
That's my point, yes. But pro-id kun seems to think 13 year olds are fine
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I never said they were fine. I said I don't want to be around per-pubescent children. Do you?
Bro, I've made it very clear that I think 18 and under are all children, I'm done with talking with you since you're either stupid or a child enabler
How do you id check for 13+? I don't know how it is where you're from, but 13 year-olds aren't given id here in the US.
Noo when i groom underage i want them to at least be 13
I'm saying that because I simply don't care. What's there to be afraid of?
Sippboxx or however his name is spelled is a rando. Tupper purposefully disassociated himself from us. Jelly was exiled.
This drama has nothing to do with us and there's no point at which that will cease to be the case.
Do you think I'm worried about internet detectives coming to investigate me? I'm just going to laugh at them and call them nigger.

No, the truth is that you're samefagging it because you're coping that after seven years of seething about vrg and trying your hardest to merely put a point on the board, for SEVEN YEARS, and the best you can do is get a win against some irrelevant rando. lmao. What an inane waste of time. Get a better hobby.
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I'm not from NA, but Roblox does it so apparently you do have IDs for 13+ there.

Okay. It sort of sounds like you're afraid of getting prepubescent children taken away from you.
you do realize vrchat just need to change their game age and set the game to 18+ that will solved the majority of their problems but I do know they dont want that cause kids are the one who make vrchat still survive&active without them its just a dead ass game with just adult doing porn all the time in privates or drinking while the publics instances are going be just empty
And dare i ask, how would getting rid of teenagers differ when id checks are implemented?
mostly true. however Krial got himself involved. then he brought us into it by posting our thread on his twitter.
>you do realize vrchat just need to change their game age and set the game to 18+ that will solved the majority of their problems but I do know they dont want that cause kids are the one who make vrchat still survive&active without them its just a dead ass game with just adults doing porn all the time in privates or drinking while the publics instances are going to be just empty
What a fucking retard, why haven't we exiled this retard yet?
Not a good look for Krial, for sure, but won't change much here. People already know how to find 4chan, it's not really a big secret.
Assuming they use a similar system as every other social game with kids and adults mixed in, there will be an 18+ verification too to gate teenagers out. Both Roblox and SL do this already.
>I simply don't care
>proceeds to write a wall of text and several posts about it
Idk everyone is being retarded talking about vrchat drama's while Krial is being a bitch
That's a good use, but the core problem they're trying to solve is adults interacting with children intentionally
until it actually happen to you lol
I don't care about the drama but I do care enough to spend my precious time calling you a faggot. You should feel blessed.
Not that typing a paragraph is hard for me or anything. Do you struggle with that?

Never will because I'm not stupid enough to want to be a mod in the vrchat discord lmao
id verification on vrchat? TwT it's so over no more loli avatars
That's not how it works though?
Adults that are verified can still make loli avatars.
Heck even the kids that are verified as kids can make loli avatars.
It just means they can enforce a separation of instances very harshly between 18+ and not.

Now the issue is if there are enough old people cucked enough to give their ID to VRchat.
am too paranoid for that. its so over for me!
>Now the issue is if there are enough old people cucked enough to give their ID to VRchat.
It's not an issue. Everyone will, just like everyone forgot about EAC. If you want be the one to whine about them protecting kids, you can go stand alone
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keep telling everyone how much you don't care
>Yes Goy. Giving us your identifiable Identification is to protect the kids. If you don't you are a heartless pedophile
Kill yourself Shlomo
Tupper is actually too clean to take down unless you actually have a record of him back in 2019 where he would do CHEERS with other people saying FUCK NIGGERS around him. The only way to take him down is guilt by association.
>It's not an issue. Everyone will, just like everyone forgot about EAC
lol EAC was an abstract nothingburger that didn't affect many users. Having to sit down for 30 minutes and go through an ID card verification flow with a terrible computer vision implementation and an interview with a poojeeta to prove that you are a true and honest adult is an actual barrier that most adult users will simply not bother with.

And that's the point - requiring id serves as a soft ban on adult content. The dedicated users will opt in and cling to their dwindling communities but eventually the userbase will shrink to the point where VRC can quietly kill it in order to sell more ads or whatever.
Who are they gonna sell ads to? Children?
Same. It remains to be seen how bad the implementation is but I get the feeling it'll be over. If it works how I expect it to, I'll be making my own maps and hosting private instance only meetups to get around it.
Advertising to children is prime real estate dude
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Why would anyone be sexually attracted to drawings or 3D models of naked children?
Because they don't look like children? But stunted adults with big heads.
How is that related to VRC adding ID checks
well I do so its quite annoying me
Because they want to fuck real children but are afraid of getting in trouble.


This disgusting shit is as illegal as real children in 15 major countries. You may want to double check if yours is one of them. You are grown men.
they look like idealized version of children, if I'm being completely honest. as in exactly what a pedophile would want. a pedophile doesn't want your average snot-nosed kid- they want a perfected sexualized version of children. aka loli/shota
Out of 10!
What child (in america at least) has a government issued photo ID?
The ones that play Roblox at as 13+ verified? You can look this up you know.
Roblox doesn't check your id for that. It just assumes you're 13+.
Keeping children out of VRC instances has always been pretty easy. Don't go to quest worlds.
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I'm EU but I had a photo ID since the age of like 12. You need to be able to identify yourself even if you are a child.
Some of you act like you ran around with a propeller hat and velcro lace shoes pretending to be an airplane holding a large lollipop and shit between the age of 13 to 17.
Why should I have had to identify myself for anything?
If you don't drive, smoke or drink, your parents set up your doctors appointments, and your teachers know you, what do you need an ID for?
Read the website. I don’t know what else to tell you. >>483257814
The overwhelming majority of burgers don't get photo id until they're at least 15 years old, and that's their learner's permit. DL age here is 16.

The only way you'll get something earlier is either a dependent identification (for military families), a resident alien card for PR kids, or a passport. All of those are uncommon though. I'd hazard 85-90% of burgers under 16 have no photo id at all.

They only need id for 17+ content. If you make an account on your own, you're assumed to be 13. If you aren't, you need a parent to make one per COPPA. American children do not possess photo ID.
Fuck off nigger
> They only need id for 17+ content. If you make an account on your own, you're assumed to be 13. If you aren't, you need a parent to make one per COPPA. American children do not possess photo ID.
Weird. I wonder why the official Roblox NA website disagrees with you. Who should I believe?
Makes you wonder, if you're assumed to be 13+ because you agree that you are when creating an account, what are the ID checks for?
Excellent question.
They have no legal obligation. Not by default anyways.
In america you have to be 13+ to make an account on a website without your parents, but there are no actual check required beyond the website asking if you are 13+.
Bad take Cakey. You’re not one of us, you’re another exiled loser.
Do like the south koreans where companies does a query to a government API to verify who you say you are but you're still anonymous to the game company and other users.
Did you read their official website? >>483257814
That said some states have weird rules.
My state (texas) banned porn without an 18+ ID.
Recently the AG prosecuted pornhub and some other major porn sites, and they responded by region blocking the entire state.

It's funny really, Although also retarded.
Because COPPA only really requires a good faith effort. If an under 13 makes an account but provides no outward indication that they are under 13, the site is not considered liable under COPPA. However, if a user later goes on to do something like declare in a public chat they are under 13 or are obviously under 13 based on voice or video and the site does not remove them, then they become criminally liable.

Generally speaking, COPPA errs on the side of industry self-regulation and site operators do not card children.
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It should have been done 20+ years ago.
Does it LOOK like I'm on reddit?
Anyone who thinks drawings are real have a mental illness.
>suggesting that people need ID
Look buddy, as an EU you might not know this but it is extremely racist in America to even suggest that anyone requires an ID
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Only for voting. For everything else, it's fine.
nothing on the left is the most foundational right you have as an american
>buying a firearm
>not the most foundational right of an american
leaf detected
they're are many scenarios in which you do not need id to purchase a firearm
>nothing on the left is the most foundational right you have as an american
>"buying a firearm"
>"going to jail"
>"applying for food stamps"
>"applying for welfare"
they're are many scenarios in which you do not need id to purchase a firearm (keeping the typo)
the other ones are not fundamental rights
is devaluing your vote by making it easy to cheat during elections a fundamental right?
I doubted we were actually getting brigaded by normies due to Krial's Twitter post, but with posts like these now I'm not so sure.
there is no evidence of systemic voter fraud in the us. so attaching that roadblock to that right is unnecessary. there should be as few roadblock as feasibly possible to such fundamental rights.
bro not a single person came to this thread for the first time from krials twitter
I tried this because I was bored and I thought it was more schizophrenic bullshit. I tried to post the link to his tweet with nothing else. I was instantly banned for attempting to post banned text. Now I have to use my phone to post. Lmao you are letting pampers get to you too much Kman. Dial it back with the obvious janny abuse.
>there is no evidence of systemic voter fraud in the us
How can they tell? And who are they btw? The people who would theoretically benefit the most from it?
>How can they tell? And who are they btw?
time traveling space Jews
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Yes, what we need is more draconian surveillance, and censorship laws.
You really think these posts that are now popping up whining about loli = pedophilia are people from here?
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the FBI, CISA, DOJ, third party election monitors, ,each individual states election officials and governors (who sometimes have opposite political affiliation and thus incentive to prove each other wrong), and most importantly me
he posted our thread in a tweet defending an eceleb. its at 30,000 views in a day. its often referenced to in the vrc discord server. i would be surprised if at least 10 of those 30k didn’t come here to look. probably a lot more. we are being talked about everywhere because krial confirmed the videos story, that Tupper and Sippbox are involved with us. it was a stupid move and I don’t understand why he did it.
wanna play vrchat with me :3
> I don’t understand why he did it.
Because he is retarded and got very nervous because of that video.
But he has nothing to hide, don't worry about it.
>I don’t understand why he did it.
Potentially to be looked at as a "leader" or mouthpiece of /vrg/ for clout?
>I don’t understand why he did it.
Either you abide to the law or you change it. Having the internet in a grey area where no one has the will to block or censor doesn't help anyone in a society.
If you think that's wrong then feel free to campaign to your government to make porn not requires any age restriction ever because this is what's happening on the net.
Are you seriously comparing porn website requirements to giving your ID card to a company?

The porn website requirement of clicking "Yes I am 18" button?
sorry 'non i'm busy, maybe another time?
Yes they absolutely did. 30k views on his tweet with randos in the vrc discord talking about it and us. You’re retarded if you think no one got curious after seeing our thread on twitter.
>Potentially to be looked at as a "leader"
He is de facto the leader. Only things which he personally likes are allowed in the thread.
I'm saying that the posturing and pretending that clicking the "Yes I'm 18" button doesn't help anyone.
>Giving your ID card to a company
Do you give your CC when you make a purchase online to a company? No, it's handled by a payment processor. The dragon dildos you buy never see your card holder name + card number and 3 digit code.
I'm arguing it should be the same for mature content online, and if ID'ing people isn't enforced then in that case change the law to allow everything at any age (since no one gives a shit to do any checks) and then we can all live in a perfect anarchic utopia.
If people don't want to see certain things on the internet they can avoid those sites. There should not be government oversight.

If you're worried seeing porn is going to somehow ruin children, apart from maybe turning them into coomers, (This is what happened to most people here) then tell their parents to do their fucking jobs, and either monitor their internet usage, or make sure they can browse responsibly. It's not rocket science.
The announcement specifically states that they are looking into third party verification.
No one did. There’s just two or three schizos who REALLY hate k so they’re concern trolling to make people shit on him I think.
That's not a leader lmao. That's a janny if true. Jannies are here to clean shit up, they're shit cleaners. They can't delete faster than 10 people can post if it's something that is true from multiple people on different IPs.
i'm looking forward to the id update
What does third-party verification entail? Credit card checking? That might actually be palatable for people as we are so used to just using our credit card for subscriptions anyways.
He did it because he's a failed normie faggot that wants to be in the centre of everything. Imagine even having a twitter account to blogpost on
I think I'd be a lot more comfortable with the idea of some kind of verification system done using a credit card rather than an ID. Iirc I heard this is what Second Life does?
Nah, you are very new or retarded.
You can control what everyone does by selective moderation, aka not enforcing the rules for yourself and the people you agree with.
>They can't delete faster than 10 people
Most people don't know how to ban evade. So they stop saying anything after one or two 3 day vacations.
I have seen it happen multiple times in this thread and got personal confirmation from affected parties during game lobbies hosted here.
You’re retarded if you think no one got curious after seeing us get talked about in the vrchat discord all weekend because of his tweet. He also confirmed the schizo video story by outing himself as being 4chan and close friends with sippbox. If you think that post was okay then you’re probably the guy on twitter who was arguing with the e-celebs along side him.
>So they stop saying anything after one or two 3 day vacations.
>I have seen it happen multiple times in this thread and got personal confirmation from affected parties during game lobbies hosted here.
Can confirm. I don't even want to say anything more on the matter because I've gotten banned for less here. Shit sucks.
The numbers are going up. What happened to it only being the diaper shitter? Cope and seethe. The twitter ceo of 4chan shit is an embarrassment. Tupper disowned us years ago. Sippbox was a rando Krial was kissing up to. No one here was targeted by that video.
I see. That still doesn't sound like a leader though. That's more like a prison warden? or a Mafia?
Leaders are leaders because people believe in them.
Iron fist thug perhaps? This is of course if the allegations are true.

At the least I still like 4chan more than Reddit because we can still continually post and fight rather than having a faggot mod ban or shadowban our accounts or something gay. So much much less ability to shape a discourse.

It holds true here that Jannies are Faggots until proven otherwise.
>tell their parents to do their fucking jobs
I genuinely believed this when I was younger but I don't think it's really working anymore. I'd get my ass beaten by my dad and console confiscated if I started screaming like a chimp because I lost in a vidya.
Not when you see those tablet addicted toddlers already, of which a good portion of parents obviously don't care anymore or are too oblivious to understand how the internet works.
At some point the population is too fucking retarded to regulate itself (see obesity epidemic) and government intervention is needed.
In the end all I care about it not having screeching kids pop my eardrums in vr games.
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Can confirm. I’ve been banned for “ban evasion” before when my ip never changed because I never evaded. I think he sends everything he dislikes as evasion to the mods. Apparently you can’t even post a link to the tweet he made with the thread in it.
>At the least I still like 4chan more than Reddit because we can still continually post and fight rather than
Try saying anything negative about /trash/ and see what happens, newfriend.
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Ok I'll do it right now.

I think /trash/ sucks!
And the janny gets cancer
>At some point the population is too fucking retarded to regulate itself (see obesity epidemic) and government intervention is needed.

Then they shouldn't have had kids. At that point it's the responsibility of CPS, or Darwinism to correct the problem. It's not an excuse to harass anyone else, or implement dystopian legislation.
Or better yet, go on trash and say something really bad about Krial. Instant delete and ban for evasion even if you aren’t evading.
>This post no longer exists
>You have been banned
>Reason: Complaining about 4chan, it's moderation, and/or policies.
>This ban will expire in 3 days. Do not pass go, do not appeal.
Testing did I get banned?
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Are you winning, son?
Post Krial’s tweet about our thread or you’re a pussy.
Surely that couldn't be on an autoban list because crinkler spammed it over 200 times in one single day. SURELY.
imagine this level of ~fluidity~ in a vrchat game world goodness gracious
When does that ever happen?
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Is it this one? Fuck me though I am clearly biting at bait at this point but I just want to prove or disprove stuff
No. The link, not a screenshot. That shit is cringe to look at.
NTA but it's not like it doesn't happen. Like in /assg/ (or technically in any thread on this board) I'm pretty sure you cop an auto ban still if you post the full name of a popular twitch streamer from there. Don't know why that streamers name auto bans you but I'd have to guess cause it was being spammed in the past
Wtf man I already did what you want. I still managed to send the information and that doesn't prevent a discourse that is on-topic about some guy being banned from the mods of the official VRchat community using our 4chan thread images.
I'm tired
They're saying the URL of the Twitter link will get you auto banned if you try posting it here.
Yeah I don't care about that. I only care if discourse is stifled. Which in this case it isn't.
>this is Jelly
>tweets a screenshot of an anonymous post on 4chan
Real? Why? That’s very misleading. I could’ve been the one posting that. He does this while saying the video was dishonest. Lmao what a retard.
can you not see his username in the ss and just fucking search for his profile, and then see the tweet? why are you having a 10min conversation about getting a direct link when you can just find it yourself in 10 seconds
Doesn't Jelly do the same thing?
Pampers, you are samefagging a bit too hard right now. At least try to pretend.
No, I can’t. Post it for me, pretty please?
Are you being intentionally obtuse right now or are you just not following the conversation?
I think pampers got silenced. You need someone new to blame everything on Bote.
New thread
You’re retarded if you actually believe Krial’s bs about it all being on pampers. Pampers didn’t record any of those videos or take any of the pics. He’s definitely not smart enough to hack an irl event’s screen to put on a video he doesn’t even have. The cringe detectives openly admitted to throwing away his schizo evidence. Remember the recycle bin gif? If you believe Krial’s crazy theory then you are essentially giving the diaper shitter a huge win.
The man who gets banned 20-40+ times a day got shut down with one single filter? You really believe that? If so, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
they're baiting someone and pretending to be too dimwitted to find a twitter profile; what conversation are you reading smartass?
No. Krial probably begged a mod to stop his vpn just like he begged them to put his own tweet on the banned text list. Where’s the constant schizo spam then?
>stop his vpn
How to tell me you are mentally retarded.
>only a schizo could possibly dislike some the self imposed leaderfag talking about us openly on twitter!
Kill yourself, you belong here almost as little as he does

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