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Vernworth Field Trip Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

Previous Cycle: >>482865114
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
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Mmmmmm elf tummy yummy
Do you think she's very ticklish haha
What souvenirs are we bringing back from Vernworth, /ddg/uys?
fruit roborant!
we break into hobo cosplayer's hideout and parade his hobo costume for all to see
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Shota pawns are for big muscled Arisens
A limp after the loving administrations of my pawn in the common quarter house
ulrika's panties, Plundered from her whilst she waited outside the arisen's house
Daphne's scarf, I hope it uses the mantle slot
be bolder friends. be first if you have to be.
>Yelena "Lee"
>80 (capped)
>warrior (straightforward)
>heavensward sunder, indomitable lash, mountain breaker, razing sweep
>+100 knockdown resist & immune to fire
>gorechimera for 5 allheals
add me if you can't hire
>LVL 98
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Camp Central Battahl 3x for 10k gold
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
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>Elizabeth / Eliza
>High Levine, High Celerity, High Halidom, High Palladium
>Woodland Wordsmith
>215cm, 119kg, 76kg Encumbrance
Fully Dwarven (Elven for self-res staff) Dragonforged, 40% faster cast speed
Kill Lesser Dragon for Allheal Elixir x5

'Tis over...
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Quest: 1 Saurian Tail for 99 Greenwarish
Disa's shoes so I can do unspeakable things to them
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Level 114, Thief for a week
Calm, Logistician

1x Sobering tonic for 3 Granite Medusa Bone
Ignited Blades / Plunder / Implicate / Formless Feint
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I still can't look at this picture without a giant smile on my face.
>LVL 120
>Receive Granite Medusa Bone 1x for All-Heal 5x
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)

Currently in Unmoored and has the coof. Feel free to send a friend request if level is too high.
>I got 99 greenwarish but a saurian tail I want one
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 pawn recreated to support you on your adventures
Complete badges
5x Allheals for a bunch of flowers
Send a friend request if she's too high level
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 tall muscle mommy pawn recreated to bully foes for you.
Complete badges too
Savagery Extract = 5x Allheals
Send a friend request if too high level
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Warrior (Calm)

Dwarven dragonforged.
All pawn badges.
Mountain Breaker, Heavenward Sunder, Windstorm Slash, Inspirit

Quest (refreshed): 1x Tarring Arrow for 5x Allheal Elixir.
someone last thread was asking about morningtide locations. but this should satisfy that need pretty well.

maybe next reward will be aged beast steak, since flop was giving them out last thread.
though it would be ideal to have a constant supply of 99 Saurian Tails in circulation, any health and stamina issues melt away with Exquisite/Miracle Roborants.
I was more just making a joke about a Jay-Z song
Waifufaggers, what's the sweet spot for eye width, let's say for head width of -25? I don't want my pawn to have eyes that are too close or too far apart from each other.
oh yeah i know, just providing context.
maybe others will do a similar thing.
since less valuable curatives are easier to spam in combat, allheals rarely get used.
my stash has 99 allheals, Kai has 99 allheals, and im walking around with 99 too.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way, Anon. Just be yourself!
just go copy someone else's sliders since you can't just recommend a specific number and make it work for all head configurations
Honestly just do what looks good to you. If it looks off you'll be able to tell. Metamorphosis only costs 500RC a pop too and that's very easy to get, so you can fix her up if need be.
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Thanks for the comfy neck wrap!

Woodland language
Lesser dragon 5 all heal
NTA but I'd recommend that the other guy play around with the lighting settings in-game to get a better look of their character in a different POV while in the CCV. Looking at the same thing for a long time can make you stop noticing things that you might want to change after a while.
it's not about graphics anon, it's about engine. DD1 used mt framework, DD2 is using RE engine, stuff had to be remade to begin with. Same happens with lots of other games that change engine and specifically have lots of time (like 10ish years) between entries, they basically have to start from scratch even though it's a sequel. What you said could've happened if we had got DD2 in like 2015/16
How are you guys getting such pretty shots?
Horse puss—huh?!
Freecam and a lot of trial and error. If every fight doesn't last 20+ minutes because you keep spamming pause, you aren't trying hard enough.
Freecam as in photo mode? I'd use it but I can't remove the focus off my arisen.
If you're on PC, it's built in with RE Framework.
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Disa's fan.
Post ID. I'm sure my pawn would love to dote on him.
thief lvl 49
kill a golem for 94 harspuds

"my home is filled with cardboard cutouts of flops" - floprisen
A treasure chest! But alas, it appears to be beyond our reach..
Freecam with REFramework lets you move the camera anywhere you'd like. PC only right now, but with how much the Japanese players are pushing for better photo mode options, I'm sure it'll be added to the vanilla game eventually.
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Quest: Receive x1 Explosive Arrow for x5 Allhear Elixir
Feel free to send a friend request if the level difference is too high
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Found this in my old dogma folder
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I'd help myself to those beautiful ladders over yonder.
I am on PC. So how do I access it?
>Download REFrameworks
>start game
>let it initialize
>look for the freecam in the menu
>customize what key you want your freecam to be on
>close the REFramework menu
>play game

Just be warned toggling freecam off while you're clipped into a wall or floor will completely fuck your pause screen until you restart the game.
go to the hot springs
>Owen, this is your new bride, Pippi
How romantic.
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>Feels archer man.
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Either go ripened or go bust.
My second, third and fourth wives: Clovis, Margit, and Ursula. My first wife is my pawn.
One eyes width apart is the reference
I'll kidnap Ulrika and lock her in my basement
Any game like dd2 or (ddda) with similar wizard gameplay?
it's really fun imo.
The closest I've played is from Kingdoms of Amalur with a magic build but the game is boring af.
The the emote mod combine say, blush with angry face?
depends on how you define gameplay, I like to play magical classes in all manner of games. your best bet is probably to play a mage class in a korean mmo, but those can be soul-crushingly repetitive in comparison to DD2.

The game that comes to mind immediately is DFO.
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A golem AND a gryphon in the same spot? Oh boy.
Elden Ring
>soul-crushingly repetitive
That's an understatement. I played religiously when the katana chick was released and I only lasted one month.
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Nevermind it wasn't so hard.
First time I got the the griffon got literally vaporized by the golem laser lol
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You're creeping her out, anon.
I've played it but i hate how there's no witch hat in The whole game, divinity os2 also had that problem.

Elden ring int magic is boring and not for me half of the spells are a variation of glintshit, i do like Faith based spells however.
That just makes me harder
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I went to pick her up so I could sling her under my arm but then I ended up with the princess carry and she ended up blushing after I put her down...
I'm going to train an AI model just so I can make her spread her legs.
The level of depravity one can achieve with AI stuff, this general nor any other general for that matter are ready for that, don't go there anon, once you go own that rabbit hole there's no going back.
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We wuz kangz
Weren't there panties you could get from a gather spot in Aelinore's room in DA?
Lady Pippi, you are back!
Yeah the silk panties. This time Stargazer is in her old room, so the duchchess still as the back of riftsluts everywhere.
This has to be intentional, and PIDF is behind it
What's that?
Damn I must have missed that chest
Imagine the smell...
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Yeah. Every general has it's cancer, I suppose...

I mentioned it in the previous thread, his goal is to have the name P*ppi mentioned as much as possible.

You do realize that if you let them know it bothers you they will keep doing it, right? take it with some sense of humor or you'll meet the same fate as the ingrid the chubby mage slut.
who is PIDF?
I just assumed someone had an irrational hatred for muppet-cat and kept doing this to foster resentment. Since it was the most spammed in several months ago. Don't know if the owner of pp should be blamed here. Because it's not the first time I've caught people roleplaying as other Arisens here. Or blaming one poster as every beastren poster.
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pippi internet defense force
That's a thing? I thought someone was tripcoding lol.
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So she told me to go find a Seeker's Token. I'm not going to. I hope she wont' be bad.
Nice try, shill
New psyop just dropped - Owen Wilson is the best cat. Discuss.
>t. KanyeArisen
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I agree, though Ingrid harassment was a community effort instead of (what seems to be) a single poster.
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Forgot pic*
Foxes would have been a better choice.
I gave a bunch of those away to pawns I hired last cycle, hopefully some of them still have it and can make a copy and send you one, you only have to do that once anyways.
Dumbass Pippi getting upset over nothing again.
It isn't
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I give unto Queen Flop a fermented delicacy from the Hyperborean lands.
I would roll along but archers aren't worth it.
Unlike dumbass queen pippi
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Something seems amiss. All my medusa heads got spoiled at once!
Entering UW rots all perishables.
Happens after you go into unmoored.
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on an unrelated note, I don't think I've ever played a single player game this much, except maybe morrowind?
anyway, last pic, spam is over.

Your offering is greatly appreciated. Owen Wilson loves eating these.
I agree with the second part. Strongly think it's just one guy who hates Pippi trying to be as annoying as possible by spamming Pippi so everyone else gets tired of it
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Not Prof Cat Arisen but this encapsulates my feels
Except replace Viktor with 13 Medusa heads.
Never noticed this detail, to be honest I love it.
Owen is a witness for the marriage of flop and floparisen
I farmed a lot of medusa heads on my first playthrough, just to be disappointed. That's why I don't pick up her head anymore except when I want to gift one.
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>13 medusa heads wasted
you played yourself
There's more than one medusa?
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I wonder, if you put the Medusa to sleep can a warrior pawn sever the head? Because the medusa badge does absolute nothing as far as I could tell.
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Agreed. Poor guy probably doesn't even post anymore since the schizos salted the earth.
Brine's not going to stop him this time.
mah nwah
Because that greedy little slut went to unmoored and told no one, keeping all the lesser dragons to himself, cat niggers are the fucking worst.
I know this is probably bait but I'll bite. It's not uncommon for paints to turn into a brownish-blackish coloring over centuries. Unless Itsuno is pulling from an Ethiopian denomination. Just to fuck with us.
Can't play either right now but I knew there were more morrowboomers here. Who also play JRPGs or Capcom games. I'm in my homeland.
>t. blukotrisen
Fishlusted Pippi could beat up Gollum
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What's the most retarded enemy type?
Game doesn't have enough enemy variety to point out a specially retarded one.
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Why is pippi black now, what changed?
Forced, not funny. Next!
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I don't post anymore, but I always read the thread
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flop always looks great as a silhouette with paintings on her
>I am the Pippi now
I would love to see a pirate quest in the dlc
I love the tranquil sound that plays after every time you kill a big monster
Anime or hentai?
I was going to ask that too.
I haven't seen all of it and it was a long time ago I watched some, but Queen's Blade is just busty girls fighting
Say no more, I love busty girls.
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Just got done with ER. How do I make him a cute femboy pawn for personal use?
>just busty girls fighting
Yes, kino and based
Ah, good. If it leaned too heavily into gr*pe or sex, it would leave too little to the imagination.
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>I don't post
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I like it whenever a knacker jumps off a cliff.,
Why's he look like a generic Korean plastic doll
AI generated pic.
The body painting on flop is very erotic with the black fur. I want to find some good nude mods
It's so weird to me how the RE games get so many nude and skimpy mods but DD got nothing, I expected perfect round tits and hips by now, I guess dealing with morph targets and 2000k combinations is too much of a hazzle for the average coom modder, so I assume DD will her the armor body swap treatment from MHW.
I imagine the general lack of interest + no mod support like a Creation kit but by Capcom didn't help. The skycoomers didn't even flinch. They're still producing content for their favorite rpg.
The same one respawns after a week, some anon shared a farming strat a while back, put her to sleep with soporific bolt and chop her head off with a greatsword.
>I don't think I've ever played a single player game this much
So trve. Usually by the time I earn a platinum trophy, I'm utterly sick and ready to put the game down, not so with DD2, I've sunk another 120 hours in.

Such is the power of having a cute girl in a custom outfit occasionally smiling at you, I guess. The game is fun, too.
pee pee

poo poo
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What do you think happened in that schizo's life to post like this on a blueboard? Pic to attract attention.
Knackers are tied with minotaurs for being the most unga bunga, down syndrome patients I've ever seen. Especially minos when they suicide off cliffs before I can collect them for badges.
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Wait why is he here?
Quick! Rezz and romance him before they decide to patch it out.
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Straightforward; Full Moon Slash/Shield Pummel/Hindsight Sweep/Riotous Fury
Quest: Bunch of flowers for 20 Eldricite
He shows up in the Bakbattahl graveyard/mausoleum, oddly enough. You do have the option to rez him with a wakestone, though I have no idea where he'd run off to afterwards. Some of the coral snakes hang out in one of the taverns in town though if you spring them from jail to prevent sequence breaking for certain quests, so maybe he'd appear somewhere close to there?
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haha b00b
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Lv 80 (capped)
1x Rotten Egg for 5 allheals

She may have a ring of derision equipped as I've been using it for "reasons". You can unequip it if it's there.
>for "reasons"
>get willed into existence by your arisen
>he names you stinkerella and beats the shit out of you
Stinkerella... had a hard life.
Stinky arisen, which types of pawns are the hardest to brawl? Is it different from the hardest to KO?
i think he mentioned warrior pawns being the hardest to fight, but that was with weapons iirc
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The biggest pain to brawl would probably be mage and sorcerer, simply because they kill the specters which you need for possession. As far as actually fighting goes, thieves with formless feint are nearly impossible to fight for obvious reasons. The hardest to KO is probably warrior, because of their knockdown resistance. They are really good at staggering you if you get in range, and without weapons you don't have much to avoid their attacks.
>people are so bored they beat up their pawns
this game really is going to die without a DLC
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Mentally Pippi
Sometimes you gotta show your pawn who's boss
Ulrika doesn't seem to want to move to the seafloor shrine even though I've evacuated Vernworth. Is there something else I have to do? She doesn't say anything when I talk to her.
she should move the next time you rest, or maybe if you just loiter around long enough
yeah it's pretty crazy that people are hiring the pawn of a guy who beats them
also people hiring pawns to strip them
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It's fun
I love the stinky uppercut, right in the babymaker always.
You mean like how serial killers mutilate their victims? You'd have to tell me because I don't get it at all.
eyo this nigga channeling the spirit of jack thompson
Nah, I'm not out to make money off calling for censorship, just stating that I'm of a different mind from other people here.
>Arisen, n-not that d-deep, Kyaaaaa
no you're just morally equating polygons and living beings
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No? Pretty sure if that was the case I'd be reporting you to the cops just for them to laugh at me. Stop making absurd judgements just because you feel slighted.
yeah that's pretty much what I said before anyone said anything in response
Are you the anon that tried to get people to dupe items and the person that dislikes purple pawns who don't hire anyone?
>anon is having fun having possession fightclub with his pawns
>"Oh you mean like serial killers mutilating their victims?"
>this is somehow not morally equating polygons and humans
"different mind" is code for intense autism isn't it

without a doubt, it's the same brand of mental illness
coming from a pawnfucker I must ask. why do you care this much? people like seeing fight clubs, anon. simple as.
Why would that matter? Is the only way for you to stay pertinent in this discussion is for you to shift the focus to something else?
>this is somehow not morally equating polygons and humans
It's not, I already explained why. If you can't understand that then it's you who are conflating a fantasy and reality.
i like how you complain about the "pawn circlejerk" "derailing discussion" and always come in here with the most retarded takes trying to draw attention to yourself, then act like it's everyone else's fault when you're the one causing problems. it's also funny watching you try to change typing styles to make it seem like other people agree with you.

go touch grass already
>why do you care this much
Because other people start caring a whole lot when I point it out
>Why would that matter?
I'm just curious.
>in this discussion
I'm NTA you were talking to, that was my first post in this discussion.
May you answer the question?
>trying to draw attention to yourself
I barely have to try
>you're the one causing problems
For you maybe.
>it's also funny watching you try to change typing styles
Interesting accusation. Care to prove it?
>I'm just curious
So it doesn't matter, got it.
>I'm NTA you were talking to
So I'm wasting my time talking to you, got that as well.
>Because other people start caring a whole lot when I point it out
I mean, you were the one taking issue with people doing random shit in-game in the first place.
Is there a reason I can only rest until morning in the unmoored world? Im just finishing up some gear upgrades and don't want to lock myself out of anything by triggering something by resting.
at this point i'm pretty sure he just wants to ruin everyone's fun and/or kill the general. he has nothing to contribute other than trying to shit on other people's fun.
And? You act like no one offers their takes on what other people do in the game.
stinkanon is it possible to hold pawn vs pawn fights? i assume it would be difficult since possessed pawns would probably try to target the arisen first, but still.
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Just a question man, it isn't that hard to answer...
What is your goal with the time you are spending discussing with that other anon?
if that's the case you're helping by continuing the discussion in that manner
One thing to point it out but you were the one escalating shit by drawing parallels to a guy calling harmless vidya shit "fun" to a serial killer doing heinous crimes. Latter was completely unnecessary.
Discussion of what people are doing in the game, should be pretty obvious to anyone actually interested in that
yeah that's why i've just started hiding your posts.
Thanks for answering my question. Can you answer my first one now?
The behavior baffles me like it would in my example and you clearly got the point so I stand by it.
could have fooled me with all these replies
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Yeah if you just step back a bit they'll go off on each other. Intentionally getting them possessed is kind of a pain though, you have to pick them up and throw them at the wisp.
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stop arguing and look at mogrum wearing cargo pants
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Dumbass Pippi just standing there like she's better than us.
Why not?
damn he just needs a wallet on a chain and he'll be the coolest guy at the local mall
Why not what?
What leggings are those?
Why won't you answer my question?
I just did though
No you didn't
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Come now detective, is this truly all you have to offer? You disappoint me.
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this is the dark side of general threads
if only he'd get a trip so he could be filtered
you should tell the people who keep responding to the guy to get trips so they can be held accountable
I'm sorry anon I don't understand the reference
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And thus I have been vindicated. Farewell, "detective".
Is Capcom more likely to read my comment if I send it in Japanese? Might get GPT on this shit.
is there any difference between using phantoms/phantasms/specters? i also assume everyone needs to be wearing rings of derision to avoid actually killing the ghosts
I shudder to imagine what you smell like, fucking autist
Like butter chicken and a ton of spices
and also the occasional poo
just run it through deepL and keep any specific names (i.e. "unmoored world") in english. MTL might directly translate some terms that aren't used the same way in japanese
>can't prove anything
>can't figure out the answer to a yes/no question
>y-you smell!!
keep working on your demoralization campaign, I'm sure most people have figured it out by now
You said farewell and yet here you are still replying, why?
I can't even tell who's arguing with who right now
because that's the easiest way to get people to expose themselves
You need to spawn specters, they're the only ones that have a light possession. Phantoms and phantasms can only possess you with their main body, but that drains your stamina and eventually your health so it's not practical for brawling.
Ideally everyone would have a ring of derision but I'm not sure if the ones you give support pawns can be retrieved.
You also said that speaking to me was a waste of your time here >>483189048
Did you actually not get it or are you intentionally wasting your time?
It's a waste of time in the context of addressing someone's actual concern
in the context of exposing a falseflag demoralizer, it's progress
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
Old Beatrice
>Pawn LeveI
50 something
>>Pawn Vocation
>>Pawn ID
noted, and thanks, anon!
Demoralizing of what?
our schizo autist is kai. no doubt in my mind now.
of the DD fanbase in general
why else attempt to propagate pointless shitposting like you're doing right now?
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>you must stop using the nobles as scratching posts, your highness
now kith
I am accusing you of doing exactly the same thing
If you stop responding to me I will stop
Can you do that?
inb4 some other anon replies to you just to keep things going

oh wait
that just proves that they don't care about not enabling shitposting like you just did
try again?
Don't you want to keep making progress for your exposure?
This is at least better than the schizo self argument about gay incest that lasted 16 hours
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I don't need to make progress, you're doing it for me
any time someone tries to point out a specific pawn owner you can be sure they're the one actively trying to shit up the thread since most people either cooperate or have left
the two of them are just taking a nice hot bath, chill
Imagine all the filthy, degenerate things this cat has done to this poor hunk
I tried GPT4o since they've been taunting the language capabilities


Anyone fluent in Japanese here? Does it screw up majorly?
You don't see it but their toes are touching under the water
Which pawn owner is specifically being pointed out?
I have to be honest my nip is dogshit so I can't help you here, anon. Though I think for most part it seems fine to me, but can't tell you if the capcom employee tasked to read the survey entries will be able to clock you as a gaijin or not.
You tell me. Or don't if you actually care about not enabling shitposting.
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what makes you think that?
Well, I should be so lucky they've got a human reading em in the first place, so I'll submit it
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Straightforward inclination, can speak Elvish
Hunt a Minotaur and receive 5 Allheal Elixirs

Back on that warrior shit, I missed seeing her launch goblins into the stratosphere
>Thought to set a nice quest
>Give ferrystone, get ferrystone
You can't give ferrystone's as reward, god dammit Itsuno!
What's going on with those two on the left
So you ARE that dude that tried to get people to dupe items and the person that dislikes purple pawns who don't hire anyone
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I'll be frank. Flop is hideous compared to some other cute cat pawns here. Her face looks too masculine. So seeing here being paraded around here only elicits groans from me. Shill post like this >>483167905 that tries to insist that she's attractive doesn't help either.
I wish we could set them as a reward. I like running around and killing everything in my path and I've amassed a full stack of 99 of them now that I im in unmoored world.
I really regret not spending more time in Unmoored, I'm really hurting for ferrystones but the redness was fucking with my eyes
If you agree that you're the dude that spammed gay incest fanfiction for hours after they got BTFO in a debate then sure
Also thanks for verifying that your goal is enabling shitposting rather than keeping the thread on topic
Someone had to say it
I like flop because of the dancing webms. she seems a happy autist. I'm still a chaewon stan.
the duality of an arisen
I ended up that way on my first playthrough as well, because I refused to use one until I completed the game at least once.
Time for divegrass
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Guys it's time for the last group divegrass game, /vrg/ has done us a favour and all we need is a DRAW or a WIN to go through. It's not going to be easy, /smtg/ are fucking terrorists. But we got this.

>dullahead ball
nice. Good luck.
I like how Viktor is a giant bishonen hunk of muscle and has a very pure, naive mind.
And then there's Professor Cat who majored in the most heinous fanfiction tags you could imagine, staring him up and down, like a sextoy. For shame!
I am not that dude. I must have missed that ddg thread because this isn't the first time someone has brought up gay incest fanfiction but I have no idea what they are talking about.
Also you are doing the exact same thing
I think it's dependent on outfit and the screenshot composition. The mage outfit with the cap really isn't flattering on her, but flop looks pretty cute with the all-black thief outfit and the sorcerer outfit (for big Flop), respectively. some areas in-game make almost every character ugly, though. the agamen volcanic island and rainy day lighting is pretty bad for most characters.
I'm ready for crushing depression
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i like flop
I mean I don't think my pawn is that attractive either. Yet I sometimes see her posted by others so I guess the dress and fashion stuck.
I don't even find flop erotic as that poster did. I just like how she looks aesthetically in the Battahl backdrop.
i gave you shit after that first game xoach, but im glad you stuck it through and got us a win. no matter the outcome im glad youve given us a brief departure from the absolute DOGSHIT posting in this general lately
>I am not that dude
Yet you care about rehashing old drama just as much as them.
>you are doing the exact same thing
I give people an out if they truly don't want me posting but no matter how much some people will complain about me they refuse to take it.
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>Goatwife puts us in an early lead
Sex with flop.
I am offering you the same out you are offering me
I don't need or want it because I'm proving a point every time mine isn't taken.
This match is crazy
We really should have a lanzo rig next time.
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>jewtits defending fournival
What point is being proven?
that the people complaining about me aren't interested in getting me to stop posting, they just keep giving me reasons to continue doing so
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Good game! You did it based-manager
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I can't believe it
Based Grigori
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Masterfully done!
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>Coils of Light
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Well done managerisen, keep it going!
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>jack frost with 2-4 missed headers
>grigori clinching it with just one
like pottery
good shit manager san. a beacon of good in these dark times
Thanks for all that you do, Ser Manager
>Coils of Light
Still impressed it's sung by a dude. Still kino.
I like how the rest town guy delivers it, very pleasant.
Unlike the Vernworth guild...
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Good job lad
Wait what how
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Proud of you, managerbro.
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Chae is fine, she's cute and fluffy. Carnie too.
Nope, there's not a shred of feminity on her face that I even mistook her for a male early on. There's another cat pawn that I mistook her gender, it's a balding bespectacled cat mage or sorcerer with striped fur. Once, her Arisen posted her pic in Stargazer outfit, and the contrast between the revealing outfit and her masculine looks just made me grimace with disgust.
It's a little kid, but yeah.
The young boy voice fits with ashe thematically too. I like it a lot more than the japanese version.
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Also we conceded this one but it's fucking ridiculous so I'm still gonna post it for posterity.
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After years of being memed on, she no longer has to dream anymore. Our she-goat has come a long way.
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Wait, so I don't get to fight giga-Grigi? Holy shit what a massive blueballing.
You will press X to win and you will like it
God damnit it dude I was holding out hope that the first one was a fake-out since it was so god damned easy.
Guess I gotta self-impose a level cap if I actually want an exciting fight.
The more I think about that sequence the angrier it makes me. Imagine a rail shooter sequence where you ride your transformed pawn and have to play some skitzo as fuck Drakengard style final battle. Instead we just got the walking simulator. They could have at least had us going to rescue our beloved or something but they even fucked that up.
Cut content.
Itsuno's first mistake was retelling the same story fans already know, same as every other director on planet earth for some reason. Always telling the same story and rebooting and remaking and never having any continuity.
I wanted to blow up the moon!
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can anyone translate these KR moonrunes?
my guy this is japanese
I don't know the difference :(
I only know their competitors and some of their oldfags hate eachother over the comfort woman issue. Not as much as China tho.
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not direct translation, sorry
top pic, left: "princess pawn"
top pic, right: "red dragon prince"
bottom pic, top text: "I thought [the pawn] needed a wake-up kiss, but I was mistaken"
bottom pic, pawn: "master..."
bottom pic, right text: "[the pawn] woke up when I got close"
bottom text, lighter text next to arisen: "that's a relief~"
bottom text, sfx (ビク!!): sfx for surprised/startled

tl;dr: arisen imagines a sleeping beauty-type scenario with their pawn. arisen steps closer to pawn, thinking that they have to give the pawn a wake up-kiss, then gets startled when the pawn immediately wakes up instead
NTA but japanese text looks more angular, korean text tends to look more rounder. not a hard rule but it's easy to tell the difference once you see the two side by side.
Ooo that makes sense thank you.
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He's cool.
holy kek
So unapologetically Asian without any eyelid surgery. Very rare!
I kill every single furry pawn I see, I even elaborate funny ways to murder them. Is that healthy?
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>shooter sequence where you ride your transformed pawn and have to play some skitzo as fuck Drakengard style final battle
And use this since they're still sitting on it
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plus it's actually surprising how much he looks like the actor he's modelled after (it's the filename).
Lmao this is the most awkward cringefest OP pic I've ever seen on this site, truly a FF14 tranny general
Why not? They are animals, literally inferior beings
I totally missed that huh. Character creators are beginning to get uncanny.
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You Vermundians are a cruel lot
Yeah, though it's a bit rare, only seen it in BDO and DD2 being this good.
I've seen quite a few pics of actors being remade in DD2 but I only came across this one and a Chaewon pawn.(not the furry one, looked like the actual k-pop girl).
I've only seen it being this good in dd2 and BDO*
shit I need some sleep.
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But you see, dogma has the genius loophole of allowing your chargen waifu to be a separate entity
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Go back to your tranny board >>>/v/, Nintendie. Never ever on Switch.
>mentions other gens
>he's angry that he doesn't have an authentic community
>with community based projects, memes, and artfags
Too bad, so sad!
based furry pawns dont deserve life
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>/tloz/ died
>immediately shitpostings spiked in other generals
We need a new board to quarantine Nintendo's rabid fanboys.
Make sure to make fine raiment from their pelts. Waste of skin, bone and meat otherwise.
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time to kip
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A good banner and a good win in an online soccer tournament. Tis a blessed day.
I leave them alone when the sleep.
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Earlier today an anon described what I was doing with pawns as a fight club and that gave me an idea.
wear jeweled sandals on ur arisen
My bets on Esther winning the fightclub event.
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First off is an ogre, which was killed rather easily. I'll probably up the stakes for the next one.
Yeah she is significantly stronger than everyone else.
Bet you'll have a tougher time vs a Chimera
An old veteran in a job where many pawns die forgotten at level 2.
You're just saying that because she's black anon.
>me Vermundian
>sees brat say this
>abduct her
>12yrs later my best moneymaker at the whorehouse.
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They oversold the elves in dd2 advertisements. I feel like you could remove them and replace them with a generic human village. Nothing would be lost by the time your evacuating settlements in the UW. But that's just me, I wanted more elf companion interactions, storyline, events, etc. to justify my raging boner for her.
>Doing Brant's nigger quest to unlock Gorechimera
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I wish they gave us a free brant pass everytime we entered ng+.
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Next up is as many coral snakes as the game would allow without freezing. I wanted to spawn more but it would just blackscreen for a bit and nothing would spawn. The archers are surprisingly hard to deal with.
I'll do that next.
Mages get exponentially more annoying in large packs too. Lots of overlapping Hagols, Frigors, and Thundermines make it difficult to get up close to mage packs if you let them live for too long.
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We managed to beat them, but at a cost. She was a good pawn... What a rotten way to die.
You DID manage to protect your pawn's first kiss from the ogres, right?
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The chimera fight was weird. The pawns kept on beating the shit out of the snake even after it was dead, and for some reason this still counted as attacking a weak spot.
Nigga i threw her into the ogres.
think the snake usually stops being a weakspot once dead but it may stay until you sever it completely
Homeless riftsluts know the score when they don the hobo robes for the hobo life.
yeah because the ogres were after my arisen instead
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Trvly they are too primitive to enjoy beastren culture.
I wanna fall asleep hugging a soft fluffy beastren, I bet they purr too
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>pathjanny: i wonder what's taking this arisen so long
>descends from heavens
>sees this
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Hey we get the job done
Gonna teach them the peanutbutter trick huh?
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Poor baka. The candle that burns twice as bright etc etc
I never thought I’d see a chimera do what is effectively a panic roll off a cliff. Sometimes art really does imitate reality.
Jesus, the furries samefagging is just sad asf
bum clothes, fist only, free for all. Whose winning it all?
betting all my RC on the warriors
My bet's on Zuma. No one's reaching her from up there
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I should be wrapping up Unoomored in a few more days depending on how much I want to try to stalk Dullahans for fun. Here are a few screenshots.

Glad you liked it!
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Owen covering Carnie
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Artoria vs. Dullahan
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Artoria vs. Dullahan 2
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Chaewon 1
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Chaewon 2
Dont bring her into UW! There's no shorefish for miles.
It would've been cool to have a variant of dullahan that was stronger and in a boss arena. With some undead that come into the arena sporadically. It was always too easy to shoot Dullahans from afar and single them out in the open world.
>to shoot Dullahans from afar and single them out in the open world
you can just choose to not do that if you want to a more challenging Dullahan fight
Unfortunately that will be reserved for the dlc.
Yeah, there should have been more to Dullahans; them and Minotaurs are my favorite additions but both are finished too quickly. I would have liked to see them take a page from Castlevania and have the head attack separately from the body in a 2vs1 kind of way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQBanucHyMA
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Kino, I should really get a bigger monitor

Gore Dullahan should have a second phase where its head starts flying around separately from its body and casting spells/possessing pawns.
you know this is gonna sound weird but I feel like the main draw to Artoria ( and Ghislaine when she was human) was the skin color? The tan with a little bit of sheen does wonders.
I probably should seeing as how that was probably the intention. Hard to tell since Capcom's open-world design doesn't have mini-arenas the same way other ARPGs do.
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where the hell is the dlc?
Is there a way to remove the little card that comes up when pawns talk?
i think its in some accessibility option.
What's the best difficulty tweak mod for NG+?
Random Encounters mod worked pretty well for funny scenarios.
I've only tried Custom Difficulty Tweaks so far, on Very Hard preset.
>Cyclops/Minotaurs/Ogres/Chimera's are all still easy.
>Goremino still falls over all the time but can fuck you up if you're sloppy.
>Gorechimera can be challenging depending on your party. >Drake's are okay but silencing/cancelling Meteoron is must, >Dullahans are tough but still crumple to Vengeful Slash.
>Lesser Dragon's are fucking cancer and you should cheese them
Probably not a very helpful description because its basically all inflated numbers. Main thing is that curatives only regen instead of insta heal. I remember seeing an animation speed mod that could be fun to buff enemies with but idk how complete/balanced it is.
Lesser Dragon spam with Random Encounters + Custom Difficulty Tweaks doable?
If you actually plan on using things like Palladium/Miror Shelde it'll be a lot more managable. I'm aughtistic and avoid using 100% damage negation skills if I can.
Wait for TGS. If no news on TGS....this game is done for
>/tloz/ died
a mere mummer then, the true /lozg/ died like a year ago or something
Morning /ddg/. Damned didn't realize this would get done that quick. Great work!
It's 7PM
7 am
You're in Aussie hours now, burger.
I dont want to go to UW irl.
I'm already in NG+
What's aussie grigori look like?
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Your beloved including your pawn leaves you for him.
that's brazil.
That's detroit.
Won won, Chaewon.
that reminds me, how many pawns here have taken the furpill?
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID

Hope you like clown girls.
she looks like one of those girls from those hill billy american shows
very nice shots anon. maybe think about playing with color filters and dof for the next set you post
not the one who posted but what's DoF?
Suicide Squad really ended her career if this picture is proof of anything.
Depth of Field, makes the background blurry.
Professor Cat's my favorite professor
something to think about when you take screenshots
how would you implement that with REFramework free cam?
I like how regulars can identify anons based off their contributions. Pretty comf.
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Very cool
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My pawn is a bit... dull
its the blur setting in photo mode
I will go to your world then headpat your arisen
She make me gag.
Dumbass Pippi is at it again.
Practicing for Smash Bros.
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>454 posts
>since yesterday
>sub 3k player count
Alright, show of hands. How many of you are chinese bots?
Me Chinese, bing bong orange chicken
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here is my hand
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I had to prove I'm a human before posting and the computer accepted it, therefore I'm a human.
anon... your schizophrenia is getting worse... it's not even a beastren this time...
We're seeing a real case of the Pippi Derangement Syndrome. It can affect both Pippi haters and likers
Me love you long time. No RC, no honey.
>log in for the first time after 5 days
>no rents
>not even from /ddg/

it's over
Incredible game, a must play for everyone desu, although must of the jap themes might get lost in translation.
It's one of my favorites for sure, as far as themes go, I think i recognize surface level aspects, the usual cycles Japanese stories seem to have often, since you're retracing steps and doing things that were already done, which i assume comes from buddhism.
a solid 20% of these posts belong to the resident schizo autistic 'debate'fag
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that's a lot of posts anon
its a lot of autism
Most of the Chinese bots are inflating elden slop's player count atm
I sleep here mostly
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owen wilson anon, care to explain which town owen nuked?

also many thanks ser for the armor.
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gonna go kill a dragon, or whatever's at the top of that tower
Bogdanof lips.
Same, I wake up with a cup of fresh /ddg/ in hand. I sleep drunk off schizo posts.
You are my only friends :(
Nose too wide
You are now my homie
Which dd monster would you say is the most fuckable? Is it a harpy or something a little less obvious?
She has surprisingly big jugs so she's fine in my book.
i will be hunting down the sphinx and taking screenshots tn, if you want in change ur pawn quests
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Civilian clothes mod when?
It still feels so surreal to see someone post my old Arisen.
Bless you for posting this image.
Bless the anon who made it in first place.
Bestest general, hands down.
Indeed. I want the leather pants.
What would attract normalfags to play this game and give it some legs? I couldn't help but compare it with other games on Steam with longevity like MHW, Skyrim, and Elden Ring. Something is fundamentally missing from DD2 that makes it fail to retain 99% of the playerbase.
better NPCs or multiplayer
Just copy what CD Projekt Red did with Cyberpunk, bunch of huge updates to the base game then topped off with a DLC
Obsessive fanbases that can make OC donutsteels.
I don't know. I don't see this game being popular like that just like the first one never was.
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Clearly it's the lowly goblin. Assuming that it is true you can cultivate them through plant-based blood rituals, you can, theoretically, grow generations of them that lean more feminine. Weaker yet still horny. Softer and more buxom features yet still retains their mischievousness. You could theoretically mutate them, with enough child sacrifices, into a cabbage patch of shortstack brats with giant melons. If you can't kill them completely, use feminizing hormones in their water supply and domesticate them.
I'm good with the game never being popular. Don't need Twitch nigger zoomers in this fanbase too.
Too late.
We're already in the walls oldman.
Something is fundamentally missing from DD2 that makes it fail to retain 99% of the playerbase.
-Too easy
-No hard mode
-Pathetic monster roster
-No dungeons
-Pathetic loot (You buy most of everything from vendors)
-Brant being a retarded faggot dragging the story
-No NG+ changes
-Blatantly unfinished
Those are just a few from the top of my head, don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game but it could have been a lot better, way way better.
I wish. Twitchfags killed the plague.
>All gobo sluts
We can grow them, better. Faster. More hornier. Also, her corpse is still in the rift at least.
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adventure over
Wasn't the original push for DD2 by /v/ anons spam posting about DD1 or DA on every thread for nearly a decade?
It's the monkey's paw. Now that we have it there's nothing to left. Nothing to theorize or "leak".
I doubt anyone's foaming at the mouth for DD2: Darkest Arisener 2.
I am, dammit. I'm foaming at the mouth for it
And I will create threads and post about it and sockpuppet us a sequel if it kills me
Pretty sure I have autism, that’s the same as being a robot isn’t it?
More QoL features, more grinding, more difficulty, more fleshed out characters, and maybe a higher fantasy setting. It feels more like an old 2D beat-em-up game brought to 3D than a modern ARPG.
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She had to make due.

Is there a DoF mod to provide more control over it like with an actual camera? The default one looked horrible so I had turned it off.

Owen only went nuclear once actually, and that was before the patch to reduce dragon aids to try it out. But that's very weird, Felix should have gotten the lesser dragon kill; we had such a big adventure together precisely because I didn't dismiss him until after I killed one and slept in Unmoored. That happened to me too though, where anons hired Owen and then my badge number didn't go up. I'm not sure what causes it, but once I get out of Unmoored I'll hire Felix again for the badge since I ran out of lesser dragons here.
I hate that I'm right about this, but the only thing that's gonna give the game normalfag status is live service, a robust mod scene, or multiplayer
Which would fundamentally change dogma and also not be a guaranteed success in the first place. Out of anything I'd say just mods would be best but Capcom is notoriously icky about that
Big Pippi...
>more grinding
I'm not being sarcastic here, this game really needs a heavy grind like in Monhun to get the best gear. It'll keep the aughtists longer and it'll give the average player a goal, even if it's just one weapon.
if you dont like the dof settings in photo mode you could probably use reshade settings
The fact that a lot of stuff is vendor bought instead of being hidden or attached to drop rates or at the end of extensive dungeons prolly hurts the longevity of the game. Same with the Maister skills being multi step fetch quests instead of more arduous questing stuff. The fact that a lot of augments aren’t great and DCP/EXP is plentiful doesn’t help in player retention either, I imagine. Just look at the newest ER DLC; it seems that they have a separate progression path not tied to character level in order to keep over level people from completely steamrolling the new content. Stuff like that can help players retention if done properly.
I'm not. I think I've had enough of Itsuno's vision.
Grinding would give you a reason to keep playing the fun combat but the game also lacks a place to really grind at so in the end, it comes down to bringing back an area like BBI. I grinded the fuck out of BBI because I wanted to collect all the weapons, armor, and tier 3 skill rings and it was mostly fun because going through that gauntlet with different pawns, different vocations, solo with Autonomy augment (can't believe Warfarer doesn't get a similar augment) all felt different enough. There is so much shit to find in Dark Arisen and some of the tier 3 skills are such a massive improvement (Stone Jungle for MK, Powder Barrage for Assassin). The gacha system was pretty meh but at least you could tilt it towards your selected vocation.
Despite blowing in popularity there a very few good gobo sluts, shosho was one of the few that looked good and she isn't even in the pawn sheet.
Which sheet?
Both old and new.
Something like needing to craft the strongest weapons and armor and maybe something autistic like needing crafting materials for your crafting materials to upgrade would really hook me in. Maybe that's just me since I've been riding Capcom's monster hunting wild ride for a very long time.
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how unstable is the random encounters mod?
how do you mean? hasnt made my game crash. [Spoiler] i am softlocked because the guards you escort in the saurian cave got killed and despawned kek. thank fuck for the dwarf on the volcano island[/spoiler]
As long as you decrease the values to something more reasonable than the default values, it’s fine. The default settings for bosses is a bit absurd. It does make one aware of how many enemies can spawn for reinforcements for regular enemy packs too, so expect a lot of fights with small enemies to last longer. When I get back from work I’ll try to see if I can post my settings, which has a fair bit of small enemy spawns but keeps the big bosses to somewhat rarer encounters.
How long does it take monsters to respawn? Trying to finish off some pawn quests.
4 days or so for most.
I thought it took a week.
Thanks. There's only 3 known spawn points for goreminotaurs and I'm not unmoored. These pawns will be with me for a while.
FYI, you might also want to consider installing the mod that reduces the stun/crawling time as well. It makes multi enemy boss fights and larger scale small enemy fights much more manageable and more fun to boot.
lel if anything anon should a future expansion pack require a certain amount of story progression i'll just cheat my character back to where it is today. ive got my main pawn saved in the cc demo, thanks for your concern tho
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Level 94
Kill goreminotaur for 5 allheals.
Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted. 100% resistance to silence.
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I finally found the mini games IGN talked about
nice one. i land like 3/10 air heavies on anything lol.
>you can climb monsters
>you cant climb terra8n
shirley, a mod can fix that
Thanks, I miss quite a bit too, and my controller has stick drift so its hard landing anything at all sometimes.
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I'm looking for that screenshot of Artoria sleeping next to Chaewon if anyone has that saved please. They're wearing the same thing as pic rel.
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Many thanks anon
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EU kip hours
did you check the morgue?
are your jobs related to resting at campsites?
i try to do the kill quests
Chae's big koala nose CHU
Post your adventuring party RIGHT NOW.
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>try to genderbend arisen and pawn for a change of pace
>end up not satisfied with the final look
oh well. completely forgot how annoying some of the skin textures are to work with
I tend to save every slider with webm recordings just in case when testing new character combinations.
Ohhhh so that's what you meant. I thought it was going to be giant Professor Human Arisen and smol catboy shota.
No replayable end game. The """"end game""""" now is timed
A mage on the right side of the screen that ive hired since i was level 90.
A random sorceress left, to nuke everything.
bros why do randoms always give such shit gifts also its good be to back from my ban. phone posting was very tedioius for posting screenshots
it's not like there's any good gifts beyond money rocks, all heals, or "specific upgrade material that you need and probably requested out of game or posted as a quest item"
ended up not saving the edits (so the two are back to normal) but I do screenshot most sliders that I like, just in case.
can't change the arisen's race, unfortunately.
cute, though i'd probably go for one of the long hairstyles for viktoria
>Update REFramework
>Game fails to bootup and stays at a black screen
>Revert to previous REFramework
>Game crashes after it reaches the game engine logo
Damn, if your mods are working never fuck with any updates unless you have to.
Viktoria looks like that troon Kate Jenner kek
Amazing, you really captured how her eyes are the best part about her.
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dragonforged on the asspiss looks bretty gud
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Lamond seems to fancy himself the Arisen again!
... Except he got stuck on the geometry of a long staircase in Bakbatthal and invalidated the quest before I realized he'd been left behind
Anyone else feel like Lamond's head is too big for his body?
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It's somewhat DK-esque
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comfy game
good screenshots anon
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uh oh friends here we are. i forgot to pack a crystal so im seriously considering just killing her
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Have there been any notable patches since the game launched? I had fun but some of the quests felt unfinished
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Sadge. I don't have enough motivation to level an alt to take advantage of the Sphinx badge. Gl next cycle.
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I think I might finally do it. I'm going to commission porn of this cat.
Something to the tune of 20-40% of my rando hires don’t even have a rating. I’d like to think that this was due to a bad experience or accidental death, and not just out of sheer apathy. For all the discussion around multiplayer that the series gets every so often, it seems like some people just play it like any other single player RPG with no thought to the player behind the pawn.
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Duke got botox?!?!
The most recent patch was the one that made the lordly eyepatch, the gray leather eyepatch, and some other items available for purchase from certain vendors. There haven’t been many other significant ones aside from that, IIRC.
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Were you the one who posted sexo on a blue board without putting it in a catbox? Degenerates like you deserve to be banned.
I got banned for that too.
Every western fps protagonist from 2010 but with less muscles.
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no, i got b& from a /tv/ thread and made it VERY clear how much i hate the cia
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gil has been hiding a very naughty secret this entire time
Stop posting ai generated kunny glowie.
Jokes aside, its actually kind of funny how I've been banned more from here than other social media alternatives.
Based screenshot.
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its always funny how heads go absolutely buckwild when you ragdoll, makes it damn near impossible to get a nice shot
el gato chocolateado
Which one's the futa?
Makes for good r34 bait.
You probably can change your race in NG+ but I'm not sure.
You can make entirely new characters for your pawn and arisen on NG+
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I wasn't sure but I know that's the only way to change your names and moniker. In the first game you can change your names whenever you like. I dont know why Capcom decided not to do this for DD2.
the small one
>I dont know why Capcom decided not to do this for DD2.
Unfortunately this can be said for every decision in DD2. Why wait 12 years to retell the same story, but worse?
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problem, arisen?
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i feel like i remember someone saying to post vore a while ago. heres to you freaky deaky
That would be incredibly based
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Simple / Forager
Deathly Arrow / Cascade Shot / Manifold Shot / Lyncean Sight
>Pawn Quest
Gorechimera for 5 Allheals

Doing an all Simple Archer pawn party right now. No wildlife is safe
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bonus cyclops i've been fighting
Do you think she eats men who fail her riddles? Like she flies away then doubles back while they're on the road, picks them up, and vores them in the sky? Haha, I would hate to fail the Sphinx and die that way haha oh no don't digest me sexually.
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i said id get a good pic of gil a while ago haven't found a goremino yet tho
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sera posting pt 2 since she's the only one with sphinx as a quest
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goddammit kek well so much for that
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hope i get get sphinx to respawn with random encounters for sphinx part 2: at night
i can't btw so thats the end of that LMAO
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i will roll back to my last inn save and make the trek back up the mountain with new folks. if you have sphinx badges to complete i will run this again tomorrow. >>483366432
Uhhh sauce? This looks a bit better than AI.
Bummer, I was really hoping they added a real ending for Daphne and some follow up shit for Gregor or literally any quest in Battahl
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Its literally AI.
Also, don't know. Probably an image compilation from eh*ntai.
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Weird, tho I have her saves to favorites so I never noticed. I wonder if her Arisen notices I uncloth her near constantly...
I really don't like how brown this game is a lot of the time. lots of wood and dirt and leather, it's not s comfy feel. I loved agamen for being green. I don't like the faggy yellow magic in this game. I also wish unmoored world had the same sky as dd1's post-dragon.
Yellow? Anodyne?
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It's time for round two of fight club. We will now fistfight a gorechimera since chaewon has a quest for it anyway.
holy magic is yellow when it used to be white
I am at once both terrified and hyped for the eventual escalation of threats here. I warmly wait the time when fight club squares off against a Dullahan or Fell Lord.
Pawn quest updated: 1x Bunch of Flowers for 20x Pointed Fang
I've played the game so much, I know where exactly that campsite is located.
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fight club is having a hard time
no bulge. no balls
Ok nevermind they just needed an aged beaststeak.
which pawn?
Flop is.
We can fix this
>only one off-color pawn
Come on where's the goblin sluts or weird pink cats?
UwU. I'll take small and cute plz.
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Here's the settings I use for Random Encounters. It's largely biased toward bigger varieties of smaller enemies in groups, with occasional boss spawns. Fine-tuning this to your own preference will take some work, and I do suggest adding in Custom Difficulty Tweaks for further fine-tuning.
>Small monsters
Small monster packs get absolutely absurd if you pump up the max quantity spawn parameters, as they tend to get reinforced by new spawns as time goes on. With the settings I have, there's mostly human enemies and goblins, with some saurians thrown in at times for variety. I typically have to fight off 5-10 enemies without reinforcements, and sometimes enemy packs can reinforce each other for even larger fights.
Boss probability at 5% results in a lot of multi-monster boss fights, including some really absurd battles with 8 or more big monsters on the screen. 1-2% yields occasional new spawns with very rare multi boss encounters. With the current big monster spawn weights, I rarely encounter random drakes and I've only once encountered a lesser dragon. Do beware that this mod can spawn enemies in weird positions, like Griffins in tiny caves. The mod page advises you to back out so that you don't block paths with monster corpses, but as long as you have some repeatable fire damage on hand you can usually burn/disintegrate corpses that block the way.
minos are more bullied than cylopes
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Next up for fight club is the vermundian guard. We're gonna start off by assaulting the queen and will progress from the castle through the town.
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Pawns are apparently unable to fight inside the castle at all, even if you're actively being attacked so I had to lure the guards to the gate. They don't seem very happy that I killed disa.
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Guards are no joke with only basic gear, or no gear on. Even on a high NG+ cycle with a lot of extra levels, fighting one’s way out of the volcano island tutorial area after the Medusa fightisn’t an option unless you cheat in additional skills or better gear.
I hereby declare Vik and Gil as ddg's uncles
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Fight club still prevailed. Now we're gonna clear out the town.
what about duke? he might be tired and alcoholic, but he's family nonetheless
I see Duke and Mogrum as the old grampa jeezers honestly
half the game coulda been skipped if we just did this
>Guards are no joke
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going through some old footage and I forgot I had this little moment of them recorded
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guards don't care about collateral damage
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Same energy
I get it from a gameplay perspective but from a story pov an army of these cunts should have been able to fight off the dragon if they're that strong
dd's borderline nonsensical if you don't take everything at face value, ragnhall hits harder than monsters five times his size
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He knew what was going to happen
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>the last frame
very apt description
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It's funny how they just take it once the guards are dead
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Last webm, I was doing this as a shitpost but it was fun.
how kind of the arisen to help a poor guard go to sleep (permanently)
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Which armor is the arisen using when remembering the first dragon fight? At the beginning of the game, when you are remembering how you become arisen
It's not something you can obtain in game, but there is a mod to replace the Iron set with that armor:
it's one of the vern guard armors, can't get it without a mod
is there a mod yet to use the guard spearhand weapons?
What a gaffe...
So... we ded game yet, DD2?
No patch in months?
Whoa, is that my pawn? Oh, no, it's literally every other barbarianfu pawn because this game has precisely zero customization options.
take me to this incredible world of yours where one month is somehow equal to multiple months
what do you mean 1 month?
when was the last patch released
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pretty sure you can change everything in NG+ (unlike names, etc) but I only really wanted it to be a temporary change. I have OC aughtism and don't like making new characters anyway, will likely use these two again on NG+2
Am i doing something wrong? i killed all the drakes on the map and only got 50 or 60 crystals....
Itsuno cooking... he magically vanished after game release, no press, no anything.
with the Random Encounter mod avoid disabling "Small animals are not affected by random", then activating "Set the number of small monsters", then set the min and max number to 15, after disabling all the spawn able monsters and groups except for "LostMercenaryGroup".
it will spawn hundreds of Mercs all over the place and cause the game to stutter severely.

where ever there was a single rat, now there is like 5 mercs.
Sounds about right.
Sleep four times and kill them again.
Bring thieves that can rib the crystals off them while they're alive too.
White girls can't help themselves.
Did you hotkey it to pause time before finishing each punch?
nevermind it was actually youtube causing malicious performance issues with ad block.
When farming Drake, can also try bringing a full team of Thief Pawns if you want them to steal WLCs.
>actually youtube causing malicious performance issues with ad block
fuck jewtube
He's dead. He was going to leak information on Boeing as a clandestine investor.
To commemorate DD2's death, what should /ddg/'s community event be? Since we have to survive without any DD2 content. I subscribe to the idea we start defurring our catfrens and make them human again or for the very first time.
throw cats in the water
>one of the VAs talking about wanting more pawn dialogue
presumably one of the pawn VAs since she's not listed as the VAs of any major NPC, but neat
DDDA playthrough.
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I'm going to gift everyone in the archor with flowers.
I'm sorry consolebros
cross platform hiring when?
No crossplatform hiring is one of the most confusing decisions they made. It seemed like such an obvious choice.
Maybe because they were afraid of PC mods? That's the only reason I can think of that makes even a little bit of sense.
Funny thing is, MH Wilds will have crossplay and MH has more mods than DD2 and some of them affect multiplayer.
>I think there is demand for things like Pawn ASMR
oh to have my Straightforward Female pawn gently whispering British slagisms into my ear as I doze off to sleep in camp...
>care for a bo'ah of wo'ah arisen
actually, I wish you got drinking dialogue with your pawn whenever you buy a round at a tavern. or the option to do it at camp
Make more JoJo characters. JoJo themed Pawns. JoJo themed abilities.
>because this game has precisely zero customization options
kill yourself lying faggot
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What's the difference between BG3's playerbase and DD2's? That's right more companions to have sex with. Make Doireann sex real. Hot footjobs from Sera. Hag dominatrix sexo! Talison romance options for the burgeoning female demographic.
if we're basing this off the nip audience then the only sex people want is pawn sex
>more classes
>more builds
>tons of mods
>way more skills than DD
>you can have more shenanigans like nuking Satan with a 100 barrel bombs
>game is way more longer
Both were hammered by /v/ for different reasons. Only one maintained a flourishing, sustainable audience thereafter. People still post their fresh co-op letsplays on YouTube where they never leave act one.
On that note, DD2 needs coach co-op or small co-op lobbies where people can just fuck around with frens.
why are we comparing a turn-based RPG to an ARPG
Because usually its the tbrpg that has the dead playercount not the other way around.
A threesome scene with Nadinia and Menella would revive the game desu
>its the tbrpg that has the dead playercount
is bg3 your first turn based game or what
This guy understands the dream.
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they're called crpgs anon. This is the playercount I'm used to for that genre. I'm just surprised DD2 fell off that hard.
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I would pay top dollar for a wholesome Doireann romance arc with copious amounts of handholding and character interactions or drama. Also, add in "way more longer" game. JP games have the special position of not needing DEI or gay faggots ruining alternative romance options. It would've been great.
>thought she sounded like a dopey Fable NPC at first
>actually try it out
>the slag accent is actually very endearing
Wtf bros
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Map so huge I need to walk 20 minutes for a fucking Chimera
Wtf is this. My cute and pure Doireann would never be together with that slut Isabela. At most she'd be with equally cute and pure Merill
No roadmap?
place a portcrystal somewhere near spawns, anon
Chae... bwain....
Please commission more Doireann fanart since this is the only one I can find.
Whose closest to frogwife in DD2?
That's overexaggerated imo but yeah I wouldn't mind more actual romance options. And more pawn sex, but that goes without saying.
The innkeeper in elf town
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>dullahans have white blood
never noticed this but also that is an unfortunate color
I literally takes you like a solid hour to walk from vernworth to bakbattal if you take the long route.
I wish there was a botw style glider you could unlock in NG+
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why do you need one when all roads lead to gran soren?
my pawn will never be popular, it's over for me lads
Post pawn. We can diagnose it for any common pitfalls. But with the game as is, it might be hard to acquire a lot of hires if you’re not hanging around at lower levels with a ton of jewels/monster mats to hand out on pawn quests.
If you did not start out at top rank, you never will.
pawns need a gimmick. the only thing that works for 'slightly normal looking human person' is rift slutting. put on those jeweled sandals and stargazer's robe.
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some of the comfiest pawns I've ever seen are below 40-50 likes/hearts.
The game does that by itself with critical hits
Dullahans are albernerics confirmed.
No wonder its so hard to find them
cum ghost
Renting out pawns of Arisen who hired out your pawns and left ratings/gifts is the way to go. RC isn’t used for a lot of stuff anyway, so there’s little need to amass hundreds of thousands of it anyway.
No wonder their all in UW. Both confirmed to live in hell.
>t. Lillian's Arisen
Okay, I'll bite. Post her ID so that I can pity hire her.
Are DDGers here gonna play MH Wilds when it's out? I know I am. Been playing since the third gen.
What about THE dragon will he drop 100 crystals again?
I've been playing since FU. Monhun is like meth for me, I have to play it.
if you are trying to spawn him with random encounters, id avoid spawning him.
i killed one of them and got nothing from the kill. it look 5 minutes of swinging at a foot because it was to big for the cave it spawned in. however you can take advantage of thief's passive skill which has a chance of stealing loot with light attacks. it will steal wyrm crystals over and over randomly. though not as effective as spawning in Drakes.
>third gen
Same here, I love MoHun and it will help me cope with the lack of DD content.
yes and same, started in 3U
>tfw I'll never emotionally connect with my talking palico as much as I have with my pawn
i don't like hurting the cool monsters...
i would play a new mh story albeit
Never played MonHun so I don't think I'll be starting now. Will probably go back to Rogue Trader or that Morrowind clone game while I wait for Itsuno to revive our dead game.
yeah but /mhg/ is a shithole compared to this place
morrowind clone? do tell
Game needs more hairstyles
Game needs more of everything, god I really want to shout at them for being such stingy cunts.
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I wasn't sold at first but I've got to admit the idea really grew on me so we'll see I guess.
Getting a bit off topic but it's not likely that the Palico is going to have a major part in the story, I think 4U was the last time they tried have your Palico have it's own 'arc'. Instead they're going to shill your handler and the brown kid in some way I'm sure.
Absolutely. Been playing MH since Tri.
If he's talking about Wayward Realms it's a game made by some of the guys that worked on Daggerfall.
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Nah that one's not out yet but I am eyeing it. Dread Delusion is pretty kino.
patch any time soon?
comfy pawn havers usually post infrequently
maybe I'll do reverse psychology. if I never post my pawn maybe thej it'll hit rented
You're looking a little lost, dumb gatchaposter
Why do Eastern games have hot women but locked behind predatory microtransactions, and Western games have ugly women but more outrage against MTX? Hence more games with little to no live-service.
New baker required.
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ahah dumbass!
I should've expected you may yet linger here
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whose the gachafag here?!!
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