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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483056994
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I always use Macros because I don't have a Micro.
I don't do mirror matches.
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least its better than a mickey thread
Based. Mirrors are always clownery.
Mickey > Bocchi > Men > Scrimblo > Cammy-Juri-Chun spam
Cunnykings... we eating good tonight
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I won my first Ranked Online matches against a real human, check my pic related.
kill yourself
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I'm going to my first local next week.
Anything I should know?
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>Not breaking the links
>Not removing/fixing the drills
>Not linking to another general or the other bocchi thread from last month to make it match the OPs
General so dead even the shitposts are low effort now the better shitposters left us...
You will play poorly due to nerves. Just try and network, enjoy the experience.
This gen will remain dead until Terry, I don't think even Bison will do anything
Take a shower please
Mickey threads/memes are unironically kino and I love SF6
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I love the costumes in this game but I do wish they came out sooner instead of once a year
that's what the modtism is for
chun li very beatiful
>They reshape the models tits/proportions instead of just clothing them up to appeal to censorship garbage
>Your opponent won't even see your customization anyways
Just mod this shit up before they crack down modding for good and make it impossible to use it online.
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Modders carry this game and is not even funny.
SF6 is a very good game, should I buy the dlc for the 2 levels ? I’m brand new and have been training, playing arcade, and I beat a players ass twice on Ranked Online.
>Clothes clipping near her chest
1 piece a year for this quality btw
Are they that bad?
CHADkey represents the last amount of SOVL and fun in this dead, bloated, lobotomized franchise being eaten alive by corporativists maggots.
based but dont feel the need to go online so early. Try to become used to Ryu normals. A small bnb is all you need, no need for big combos.
Yes. And I don't even think my nose is that good, but the smell is that repulsive.
Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Chicks don't go around locals because the smell in putrid, a bunch of sweaty virgins who don't even take a shower before going outside.
>Your opponent won't even see your customization anyways
you deserve death
>That girl won't even see your rank anyways
>Wasting real life money on pixels
The only reason is to flex on your opponent. If you can't do that, let me just mod my shit since I am the only seeing it anyways.
wait till you see their last game
actually braindead, unbelievable that you're conscious enough to be able to type
That makes sense, I won’t go online again until 22 hrs from now and tomorrow I will continue training with Ryu. I’ll work on blocking and trying to lock in a small combo, I’ll try and turn up the CPU to 6 after I’ve warmed up. I need to learn how to use the green slime properly also, and when to use my special moves for most effect.
>Mindbroken ape seething so hard he can't even type whatever useless thought his feeble mind is trying to formulate
Careful to not bleed from your axe-wound I guess.
sfv was worse
Crab advice. The more you wait to play online, the more mental pressure you put on you, and the more stunted you will feel by your inevitable defeats.
You can practice agains the hardest CPU but it won't be a real test against a lowtier human player. Ideally you should grind online, accept you will tank your MR and get your ass beat, but don't care for it, still learn the most and eventually grind your way up.
Levels of what? Stages? You can get them with drive tickets. You only really need to shell out money for characters, extra costumes and the battle pass that has little things like music, titles and costume parts.
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you typed "The only reason is to flex on your opponent. If you can't do that, let me just mod my shit since I am the only seeing it anyways." and meant it lol
Yeah and SFV was made in 2016. What's SF6's excuse?
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wtf am I supposed to do once his level 2 is out?
>Still can't even make a point without doing his weird mental gymnastics and petty insults
You trannies really blow dick at communication and arguing.
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1.Keep your shit in a bag and close to you at all times, trust no one unless it’s a friend YOU KNOW.
2.Shower before heading in
3.Don’t feel bad if you lose, tourney nerves are a thing.
>The only reason is to flex on your opponent. If you can't do that, let me just mod my shit since I am the only seeing it anyways.
1.Keep your shit in a bag and lose to you at all times, trust everyone because they are friends
>2. Do not take a shower before heading in
>3.Feel bad if you lose, tourney nerves are a meme
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>The only reason is to flex on your opponent. If you can't do that, let me just mod my shit since I am the only seeing it anyways.
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I don't feel the hype in these costumes. They are very pricey and ugly.
Even Juri's pajamas are kinda ugly for me.
her pajamas are cute
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*instantly dps you*
>tfw I made this edit a long time
>still being posted
YES I am funny
I’m learning Classic Ryu after not playing fighting games for 10+ years and my first Ranked online fight was against a Modern player, I won the fight 2-0 and they wanted a rematch and I won 2-1. I wont be going online again for a while though, need to learn how to use the slime, lock down a small combo for myself, and learn how to make my special moves count.
Newbie here and SF6 is my first proper fighting game. I think it is unfair that Zangief and Marisa’s close range special causes so much damage at the cost of no meter!
How is this not unbalanced?
PS- Referring to Zangief’s spinning piledriver
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Forward jumps are a neutral skip mechanic.
If you are annoyed by green slime and DI, you should be annoyed by jumpins.
Looks incredibly lazy and shitty, sorry to sound like a hater but I don't get the hype.
They even pandered to the shit foot fetish meme instead of giving her some cute pajama socks to make sense for the outfit.
shocker the character that's barefoot 99% of the time is barefoot in her pajamas costume retard. thats not even a foot fetish meme thing, thats just how the character is designed
jumping sucks though and is very easily beaten out by the obscure tech called antiairs?
>Juri should never ever wear shoes because... hmmm... she just doesn't okay!!! is not a FETISH THING OKAY?? EVEN IN DIFFERENT SKINS IN DIFFERENT SCENARIOS SHE SHOULD NOT!!! Even tho the only reason she goes barefoot is to fight better and nothing stops her from wearing shoes otherwise
lmao you are one dense dipshit, I can't even be mad at you because you are genuinely retarded.
timmy having a meltdown over juri being barefoot
The pajama looks like ass and don't let Dix shitters gaslight you into believing otherwise.

Is just a shitty hoodie with fur texture on it. Even the bra she is wearing looks weird and not cozy at all. It is some cheap, Unity asset black bra that clases with the outfit entirely.

Then they put her hair buns messy to be like "OHMYGOSH SHES JUST LIKE ME!!" when the entire outfit looks so clean like the perfect adjusted bra, that it doesn't even make sense either.
>di sucks though and is very easily beaten out by the obscure tech called di?
>dr sucks though and is very easily beaten out by the obscure tech called jab?
>Throwing out random buzzwords and refusing to give a (you) instead of admitting the obvious fact Juri is a fetish bait character
Least mindbroken Capcuck.

My mind only gets changed through logical arguments, not peer pressure don't worry lol
I do think her hair buns are nice in that costume, but the rest of it is extremely lazy indeed
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SF should return to 2d sprites; maybe update with vectors?
>Juri should never ever wear shoes because
that's literally not what i said you moron, are you seriously asking why her PAJAMA skin is barefoot? the skin where she's wearing pajamas? probably the most likely scenario where she wouldn't be wearing anything on her feet you fucking retard?
di yes
however, i have seen the clips of actual tournament play where nobody bothers checking drive rush with jab, are the tournament level players just stupid?
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That's stupid, there is a difference between a guy who played for decade who refuse to play online, and this guy who bought the game yesterday. Play some arcade, do the story just to be accustomed with your stick, do the trial and combo and learn one simple bnb that you can pull off on each side (p1/p2) without thinking too much about your finger. Then you can go online. No matter how you present it, you ALWAYS wanna win in ranked so the process of learning how your normal looks like, your one (1) simple bnb will always be slower in ranked.

Ingraining the combos, anti-air and normals in your finger doesnt need to be done in rank. Play at a honest pace like 30min/1h a day for a week and you're good for ranked. At that point, yes, only ranked matter, other mode are best to be avoided so you forget about the pressure to win, etc, just like that anon said.

Pushing people to ranked when they don't even have 10h of play in their first fighting game AND new with stick is beyond retarded.
3D was the worst thing to happen to fighting games. Sprites are timeless.
you guys would complain about not having little costumes for your characters anymore
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Capcom, please go back
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Heres to another year of this shit ass mechanic
Only normies care about costumes, I want more characters and mechanics because gameplay is paramount in a VIDYA GAME.
hehe i guessed right
parry mechanics are a fucking mistake, why the fuck do they keep coming back?
When since does Haitani play classic instead of modern. How does he rank among Chun's?
they are le epic
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Amen, brother. At least Arcsys enknowledges this with its pseudo-2D 3D...
>parry mechanics are a fucking mistake
I bet SF3 threads love you
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I exist because of parry
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There is something charming in old-school sprites
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Max gaslit a generation and woshige saw anime games have shields and saw MK11 sell 13 million over 3 years
Yeah, no shit parries were coming back, blocking is what normies hate. Tekken has an auto guard, Doa when it was good and sold ok still had a block button. SF never had a block button until today, parry is legit a block but meter tied to it.
A street fighter for everybody
>hmm how can we make SF not blow ass in sales..
>Sees MK11 guests and Tekken guests
>sees causals hating hold back to block
>hating the idea of approach that isn’t jumping
because max videos
>sees causals hating hold back to block
Why is this. Walking back to block is way easier than pressing a button at the right time. Like imagine if there was no blocking in SF6 and you could only parry at the right time
Nobody loves 3s except fightcade and this website
Redditors talk a big game but don’t play fightcade
YouTubers talk a massive big game but again don’t play on steam or console officially
Twitter LOVES to glaze it and again fightcade only has 600 some Niggas in a waiting lobbies. Nobody wants to play SF3 illegally or legally in masse. They sure loving watching and saying it’s a gem.
Me no like waiting or giving up space me want to advance and block me hate old SF
I havent even watched the whole video but the comments are so fucking deluded lol
Sonic sol is building his anger rn
>imagine if there was no blocking in SF6 and you could only parry at the right time
daigo actually suggested this on stream a few weeks ago lmao
he thinks blocking is too strong in SF6
Do not ever listen to Daigo on his opinions on blocking, he wants street fighter to be a fucked up guilty gear of forcing offense
Buy two copies
terry and mai being added is different than tekken and mk's guests, snk is insanely smaller than capcom
How did the third strike was loved and good lie even spread?
I have friends who've never touched a fighting game yet are convinced it was the greatest thing ever and that the universal parry was something loved and was a hype factor.
Even after I told one of them it fucking bombed in the states and needed a cult following in japan to keep it alive the motherfucker still wouldn't hear it.
Yes he loves Makoto, I don't know why but these 2 things are always connected as well
sonicsol is channeling his jr energy
what is the point of moves that are plus on block when you can just di through it? do plus frames just not exist anymore
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My wife.
You say that but it’s still fuckin guests
it looks cool and sounds cool
i mean yeah i'd prefer street fighter characters, but it feels different than mortal kombat adding 2 superman clones because they had popular shows in the past year
Maximilian word of mouth legit erased some years of SF3 shitting. It’s still hated by people who were around and bothered to play in arcades and owned console ports of all fighters. But people like your friend and even me at a time in 2015/16 drank the kool-aid. I may be young still but I’ve been playing 3s for years at this point and revisited ST. I can say for a fact that ST despite how kuso it is, still feels like a fresh breath of air most of the time on fightcade. I love both 2 and 3 but it’s been enough years for me to admit that if I’m not playing Ken or my chun, I don’t find it fun.
Fuck he logged off..
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how do you get these unique new challenger backgrounds? were they part of some event?
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>Evo 2024 is now the largest singles 3rd Strike tournament in history with 1,000+ entrants
*koff* These grapes are sour.

It still cracks me up that Elena parries with her hands. Haha.
There's an ongoing contest, people are making the mockups and posting them on social media, Capcom will put some in the game.
not the art (that one is Ed's actual arranged art), the background, it's not one of the default ones you get with the game and unless I'm not looking in the right spot you can't buy them in the shop
Japanese zoomers seem to really like ST for some reason
what channel is that?
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Chun is top-tier in SF2X >>>/wsg/5595252
If it wasn't for the Daigo parry it would have disappeared into obscurity a long time ago.
>People dont wear slippers to walk around all cozy or even socks if the night is chilly enough.
God, you are such a shit-eating moron. You have so much ego in an anonymous forum you can't even admit you are straight up in the wrong.
At least you had the decency to backtrack and admit Juri can wear footwear, unlike in your original comment saying she should never use it because shes the foot fetish character you deny she is.
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you really came on here to lie about some random nigga streaming in the middle of the night and made me check. good job
>shocker the character that's barefoot 99% of the time is barefoot in her pajamas costume retard.
you interpreted what i wrote wrong twice in two different ways
the bangs gotta go but everything else is great. They look like she's trying to look 20 in some sad cope.
it is a default they just added
Chun-li should have a taunt where she smacks her butt at the opponent and wiggles it
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>the bangs gotta go
Nah it's cute
i want to play but i have to wait for my fightstick case to arrive
enough gooning for the day, Ares
Chun-li should have a Ryu specific taunt where she gets backshots from Luke
she wouldn't do that unless you were training with her and also her son
Here's my plan: I intend to dress up as a baby, put a basket at Chun Li's doorstep, ring the doorbell and climb into the basket. On answering the door, she will believe I am an abandoned orphan who she must now care for. I shall maintain this charade and behave as an infant so that Chun Li will become my new mother. It's a rather brilliant plan if I do say so myself.
Why "Ares" though?
That’s great and all pal, you won’t see Elena or even play her I bet.
Now go donate to max
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<3 Elena <3
Put MENAT in SF5
This one. They also stream other fighters too
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>her son
how old
Imagine a taunt where Juri leans a little too close to her feet and takes a curious whiff then goes "ugh" and nods her head no
>she's trying to look 20 in some sad cope.
She DID make Lifen call her JIE JIE instead of MAMA. Ahahahahaaaa
Imagine if aki's taunt had a 1% chance of her taking the wrong poison and dying
Imagine if she just started projectile vomiting and shitting until her health hit 1% and said "oops" at the end
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ST's portraits are maybe the best sprites ever drawn
You're too late Honda already did this, Chun Li is suspicious that her new adopted baby might actually be Edmond Honda but every time she asks "aren't you Honda" he says no and she says "oh, my mistake"
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Chunners is officially 56
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made for my anus
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fake and gay
i want chun-li to serenity stream on my dick
I'm starting to think Chun Li might not be real
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This is side completely forgotten by mods. Maybe they're too lazy to get good art and implement it ingame, I can understand that.
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If Ken is top tier then why is he my best matchup?
This is as per the SF2 attract screen
He's mid tier in season 2. Bigbird agrees, don't bother him about it
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I wish that game has some sort of "rating" like Tekken 8 does, so I can at least have an idea of what I should work on.
The change in drive damage after PP was excellent. I don't get nearly as pissed when I get PP'd anymore
Same, hopefully the double down and make it only work on special moves next patch
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Doesn't get any better.
Someone have Menas deleted tweet?
what if juri beat you and then sat on you while browsing her phone and then farted on you?
That would be cool
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I'll just say I'd be pretty stoked!
good morning
sf6 is dogshit.
Good morning
I think it’s a good game
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>level 3 into RQ
Ryu just unleashes something in people man
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He’s mad they didn’t make it easier for him?
SHIT GAME(only now that I'm losing)
which character is fun but is most gambling tier
I want to feel incredible highs and incredible lows
He expected them to hand him 1st place on a silver platter
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Any grappler or Jamie
Ryu didn't look happy about that
Akuma. Either do bigass meat filled combo or get turned into puppy chow by Ryu Level 3
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you guys clearly don't understand the importance of seeding... he NEEDS to make it to Top 24 because... He just does ok???
What's that? he lost to 2 people that are almost never seen in a top 8? that's still somehow the seedings fault (even if the rest of the top 8 for the tourney was full of people who usually make it there)
I like Brain but this kind of excuse making is stupid
Lol why is he so scared to say something real.
>Mena wins something with some of the cheapest top tiers
>Mena plays like a retard and drowns in pools
Brian is unfortunately one of the sycophants who believe that the same 20-something people should be in the top of tournaments because it's more 'hype'
so fuckin based
legit these are more valuable to me than wins, making my opponents DC gives me such hype I imagine they're some retard like ltg, dsp, clayton, or leffen on the other end
brian is just sonic sol but he picks fraud characters instead of le honest footsie characters
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menard had the opportunity to call this game a clown game early on so that capcom would actually do something about it but he chose not to so he can keep drowning in pools against literal who's in this shitty gambling game for all I care.
He should’ve just played better instead of begging for the seeding to rig it for him because “noooo it needs to be the same people winning every time”
He was being treated as FGC Jesus on the way in why would he lmao.
The top of the community is full of fair weather faggots like him
seeding is gay
>another sfgays thread
>bocchi the trans
How were you conceived?
seeding your mom and giving you half siblings
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Why couldn't we have gotten Blair Dame instead of Marisa?
well if he showed the slightest bit of integrity maybe he would be playing a game now where you dont see random shitters take out supposed world class players every week.
but I guess he is just too brown to have that kind of foresight.

every half decent akuma I come across it ends in either them dominating the round or me bullying them the entire time
I feel I never really have a back and forth with Akuma
...surprised nobody has commissioned M.Bison sitting on his horse while it fucks Chun Li
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Because we can't have nice things.
tekken won again
rolling down the street smoking endo
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Why didn't the other people who made top 8 get 'randomed out'?
Maybe Mena isn't as good as people think he is and he overreacted to the Blanka nerfs when he stopped using him as much
If they do more guests in the future I reckon an Arika character could get in
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Kekken Ate (shit)
lol you faggots have been dickriding menard for over a year
>le board is one person meme
I was indifferent towards him in 5 but he has shown how much of a sensitive bitch he can be in 6, not to mention he plays some of the most obnoxious characters in the game
I’m genuinely curious why it’s seen as bad when someone less known beats a popular player. Why is that bad? Why is it only good when a certain few people win? The game is more popular than ever with bigger tournaments than ever. New faces should be a good thing shouldn’t they?
Spoken like two scrublords. Scared that you don't understand your "main" as well as you think?
remember the dixxies posting images of the fat spic going MUH HERO?
he was celebrated here because he said we were eating really well with SF6.
he literally had a twitter melty about the game after losing to Nuckle Du in some random tourney like a month or two into the games lifespan
you cant be serious
I am. Why would your criticism of the game be “a popular guy lost”?
you actually arent human
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You make a compelling argument but I’m inclined to disagree.
I dont understand how the discussion hasnt been settled after some literal who nigger nigger stole the millie and then straight up vanished from the scene with zero results after that.
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The truth is that the whole 'scene getting bigger' and trying to grow the FGC is all a sham. The people at the top (in terms of the players/commentators/content creators/etc) only want the scene to get bigger to benefit them, not the game as a whole. Bigger events means bigger prize pools from the number of entrants, more eyes on the game means players are more likely to be picked up by a sponsor. The bigger the scene gets the more opportunities for commentators to get a paid gig
They want the benefits of having a bigger scene without the side effect of it meaning more potential people wanting to come in and replace them
Mindbroken cucksis…
six came out and gave everybody super powers
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six came out and gave me THE GENE
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>You see it coming but it's far too late to save your discord masher
>STAY... DOWN!!!
Guilty Gear and Tekken were never taken seriously again.
uma winning capcom cup has way more to do with capcom cup being the most retarded format imaginable than anything else
capcom cup is designed the same way SF6 is.
welfare tournament, welfare game.
>Imagining a situation where you won
>When you didn't even compete because you know you suck
Lol. Lmao.
I wonder how different Capcom Cup X would've been if Group F was more spread out
AngryBird and EndingWalker not making it out of their group felt weird
You literally wrote a fanfiction about you winning capcom cup. That's schizophrenia if I've ever seen it.
holy shit you are mentally ill
>Diam 4
>Only matched with diam 5
>Almost demoted because everyone is much stronger than me
nta but anyone that spends 6000 hours on fighters are mentally ill
I'm not the one struggling to tell delusions from reality. You didn't win anything. The only thing you were right about was you being a literally who.
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My tongue gaping Cammy's sphincter. Simple as.
actually we never liked menard
DreeceDaGAWD did his Daigo drills btw
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this is true
street shitter 6
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psycho crusher
I just had a full set against a Kim and it was probbaly the most aggravating experience I had in this game.
90 second longs games, Kim ALWAYS walking back
Fuck sake man
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This man could be an award winning gay erotic novelist and yet he chooses to stream Tekken which he doesn't even enjoy
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Dis nigga sweet as a sugarplum
Did you know Ken has black hair and dyes it blonde?
Why the hell does EVERY Juri play the same?
They empty their drive in 3 seconds, does only dive kick and the cr.mk cancel shit and put you into the corner into an infinite guess vortex.
that's everyone in SF6, sorry you had to find out one year later
19 hours left to complete the Fighting Pass if you haven't already
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>only at like level 13/14
>waiting for my stick parts to arrive
>will ruin my hand if i play on anything else
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you need help
how safe is this
Just grind it out on the subway in World Tour, you should be able to finish the pass in a few hours
>order leverless
>estimated delivery july 10
>dont feel like playing until its here
Why am I like this?
whats this?
>>order leverless
>estimated delivery july 10
Same except it's july
>>dont feel like playing until its here
Just practice a bit with your keyboard in training mode and play casually with the controller that you're currently using, don't tryhard
>Same except it's july
Same except it's july 8*
Rashid is a fucking character
reframework lua script to get kudos which translate into battle pass progression
Shut up Aki
I have no idea what to do against Cammy.
It's like she's always plus no matter what.
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>divekicks randomly and catches you doing anything but blocking
woops teehee
Damn John Takeuchi lost the ability to counterhit confirm his jabs into something after playing so much SF6.
Elena kinda got me actin up
Dis nigga John has been choking since Jive Season 1
link for the script?
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tried playing her, its too addictive to just slime rush. Also when you don't play her long enough, your neutral is garbage and dont know what the fuck you're supposed to do with her normals

t. retard who played her for the first time this week
How did SF become this bad? Even the "fans" are worse.
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you could actually see the roots of his hair more in his early leaked model
Is it true all the pros dropped Dee Jay?
I completed the Chun Li Combo Trials ^_^
>t 154 hours played, 50 ranked 50 casual 50 praictice 4 being based (staring at Kimberly model in training room)

just check "auto" and it will simulate winning a random WT battle every 500-1200 frames (8 to 20 seconds)

run it while afk in world tour if you're paranoid but it's not necessary
>tfw still haven't completed a single combo trial yet
>Diamond 5 with over 200 hours in the game
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>everyone say Juri is among the top10
>watch topanga
>not a single juri
Based mod keeping the character's canon proportions. Lewd mods are hotter when they're believable
The corner is way too fucking oppressive in this game.
Everything revolves around this shit
yeah my top 10 is
laura (bikini model), kimberly(any), cammy(1993 pixel art), chun li(sf4), juri(sf6), tessa(pocket fighter), seth(female[male]), sakura (panties visible, not this woke pants wearing bullshit), elena(sf4), kolin(sf5)
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mental stack will never recover from these drills
>Wanted to reach master before bison, but as I managed to get to Diam 4, I got demoted the next day
What did Tokido mean by this
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yep, only one juri
For me it's cap_a_nga
ne1 eltz only like japan voices?
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gief if he was a good character
dood thats hype :0
ed is based?
Very cool Gief, HOWEVER
JP if he was good
JP is he was top 5 instead of top 10
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Oh yeah?!
They need to actually give JP the mixup ghosts
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redditgief if he Luke Cr.MP
What's with luke's popeye arms?
Am I the only one that gets hit by JP command grab if he uses right after a ghost I parried
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That's just Ken's 5hk
ok chuckled out loud at ryu
DP motion isnt hard.
what really annoys me is the auto combos.
makes me feel like im fighting a bot instead of a living, breathing human being.
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being unable to guess well in the corner is ruining my life
I want that casino stage from SFV. That was the best stage.
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>that casino stage from SFV
>from SFV
its not a skill, its pachinko time. I wouldn't worry too much AFTER being in the corner, work more on how you got there.
You know what I meant
guile is bottom tier
guile players are bottom
wish I was his bottom tier, namsayin
Crazy way to look at it imo
After the first time you get cornered you should be able to tell what their corner offence style is like and guess at an advantage.
After that you need to know if they're the type of player who will adapt and be one step ahead, or if they'll just keep doing what they're doing
Coming with Balrog in Year 8
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yeah, tell that to BrianF who got throwlooped to death yesterday, and all the pro too in the same way. Its pachinko time no matter how you try to paint it.
Pros are way better at smothering corner offence, and have a much better read on defensive tendencies of other players to begin with.
Comparing ranked games to pro play will never be a relevant comparison
just take the throw
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>get thrown 8 times in a row and lose
>you just didnt read his offensive tendencies bro
fuck off.
is Ryu any good in season 2?
brian was getting throw looped and still mashed parry like a retard instead of doing wake up drive reversal
I'm literally right
You'd have to be an enormous pussy to take 8 throws in a row also
thats a fairly normal point to make, except dix has lowered the skill ceiling so much that any random 1500MR player is just as deadly as a 1900MR player in the corner
that just gets blocked
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ok bro, you're right
>Surely he doesn't throw again
>(He does)
>Okay this time I'll tech
>(He shimmies)
If in doubt, take the throw.
its 100% better than eating a punish and being in the same situation.
Top player BrianF lost to 1800mr shitters because he thought it was a good idea to turn blue to try and still turns and got grabbed for it. Here's why that's a problem.
>doing EX DP on........Ed
that shit is slower than a fully charged Marisa Lv1
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just read your opponents offensive tendencies
brian lost to 1800mr players because he is an 1800 mr player
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You do know there is no difference doing wake up drive reversal and OD DP against a Cammy in the corner, right ? If he block, you eat bricks

Wake up DR is -6 on block, small reminder.
oh wait, thats the guy who cant handle throw loops then complains on here about it.
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Kek I triggered him
Adaptation is a foreign concept to this jiver
dixies defending throw loops now lol
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Cammy's only option to punish a blocked wake up drive reversal consistently is with lights. Other than that, all she has is stmp if she's point blank when you do it and the reward off that is also underwhelming. But keep eating the throw timmy. They won't do it again.
You know he's seething when he starts spamming persona and anime crap
>You know he's seething when he starts spamming persona and anime crap
throw loops are needed because how else are you meant to open someone up?!
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They won, Ono lost.
I want that Bison figure
So buy it, broke ass nigga
the face looks a little weird close up
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>Platinum now
We climbin, bois.

I noticed that some vtubers are at master rank. Is it that easy to climb if you're using modern controls?
I cant get out of low diamonds
The only thing you have to worry about on modern is spacing, combos take care of themselves.
Tbh it's actually a very good tool for learning certain aspects of the game and taking them back to classic controls
theyre laughing at (You) because you bought their mtx ps4 marketing app for full price
Got the game on CDkeys with the season pass, never spent any money on battle pass or costumes, only ever play ranked.
Not sure what you're trying to say here except that you don't play
You talk as if he struck a nerve
its extremely easy climbing ranked, especially in 6, if you play modern. Too many are making mistake you can't punish if you don't have solid fingers and reaction. Just DP on a button alone make it you reach D3-D4 with your eyes closed.
Do you have
oki (meaty strike/meaty throw/ shimmy)
basic matchup knowledge (no the prominent neutral skips and online tactics, and how to deal with them)
delay tech
can cash your combos out (DR cancels into level 3)
Just don't like nonplaying retards
They don’t play they just seethe
but enough about spinoff 5
i only have the first 3 and i made it to master
Fellas, simply react to the throw? It’s not hard at all, you do have the gene, don’t you?
Congrats anon
I'm sorry Daigo-san I'm just too slow.......
I’ve been watching usf4 tournaments and I believe this Rolento fellow should make a return.
Found the Clayton hate cult schizo that shits up every thread.
Whats wrong with Zangief? I played marvel VS games my entire life, preferring fast characters so when I started sf6, I wanted to learn how to do 360s. I'd switch to Dan if I could.
To us, you are a 4changief
Modern is actually worse than classic by quite a bit. It’s easier on a surface level but for anyone who puts time into it you’re better off with classic. I think it’s just that they have more time to play because you’ll usually get to master over time.
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>mfw jivers get uppity again
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Is he spittin or cappin? Should they dixify the DS designs?
Long as they keep classic costumes doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
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50% of this thread weren't alive when the last darkstalkers released
Nobody actually gives a fuck about them
50% is a bit of a conservative guess
i'm the same age as this guy and he's done more for my favorite franchise than i ever will...
Either way I don't believe anyone who says they care about the games.

It has about a hundred people on fightcade who actually play, everyone else is just gooning to Morrigan's tits or Lilith's lack thereof and lying to themselves.
Low diamond is still flooded with Akuma players. How’s that match up for you
Most people, including myself, have probably only experienced it throught FC and only playing arcade. Its not about caring for the game series and wanting it back, but more recognising that the series was pretty cool and wanting to see what it would be like coming back with all the technological advancements that we've had in the gaming space
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When was the last time you’ve taken care of your Pockest monster
Gotta lock in my S2 character pass this week after not buying S1. Two days until Bison lets gooooo
I just don't see any fighting game series that isn't SF/Tekken actually being commercially viable nowadays, we're in a weird position where if it's not a well-respected legacy series, it will flop, and DS just isn't that outside the Capcom fanboy bubble.
MK is only saved by the fact that it sells a lot of copies and then drops off the face of the earth, but even it has basically flopped and is considered a failure by Warner brothers because it has no legs.

tl;dr: darkstalkers would suffer the same fate as KOF, where its most relevant move in maybe 20 years is having two characters in SF6
This just isnt true, and Guilty Gear proved it. Marketing is more important than whether the game is a respected legacy series
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Okay I didn't know that learning to use your ring finger was going to be the biggest challenge when learning leverless. This is going to be tough
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What Guilty Gear proved more than anything is that catering to modern tastes in terms of visual and gameplay design actually works.

/v/ and /fgg/ will piss and shit themselves and cry over muh woke and muh DEI (they don't actually play) but it's absolutely true that the changes made in both strive and SF6 were massive successes to make the games relevant in modern gaming
Again, you're just wrong. Soive and dix's success is all down to very well orchestrated marketing strategies and the fact that they're easy. Less to do with "catering to modern tastes"
Strive and Tekken 8 were easier than Street Fighter 6. They still flopped in comparison.
is it just me or does it seem like cammy's dive kick is safe on block more often than not compared to jamie's dive kick
they need to nerf her again
It's absolutely to do with catering to modern tastes.
People expect games to be accessible nowadays, which means the time from picking the game up to feeling like you're learning and improving should be shorter than it previously was.
The systems work well together in SF6 to help players understand what's going on without having to learn a million pieces of background tech to not get knowledge checked, and that's good, you can learn by playing rather than by "studying" the game, and get reasonably good at it.
You can call it homogenisation or "Not real street fighter" but the fact is that if they had released another game like SF4/5 it would not have been as successful, not even close.
Not dark enough, needs more chocolate
>They still flopped in comparison
they still have blown out every fg that came before them. Even if they arent doing as well as dix it doesnt mean that they are failures in the genre. I personally think that dix is a lot easier than a game like Tekken purely based on the amount of game knowledge required to play properly, and soive is coming to the end of its life cycle. All three had very good marketing strategies and are much easier to play than their previous entries. Capcom had the best marketing plan by a mile though, and it shows
can't wait to make lil timmies seethe with her in april
>purely based on the amount of game knowledge required to play properly
This is the absolute killer, and I totally agree it's why most fighting games flop.
I'm into my 30s now and I just do not give a fuck about spending hours and hours being knowledge checked instead of playing the real game
How do I beat Akuma's air fireball as Ryu?
Tekken 8 has more knowledge checks but that’s not real difficulty. You can get by without knowing much about what you’re doing, Harada said you’re supposed to be able to win by mashing random buttons. Strive is the easiest of the three by far and has wallbreak. SF6 is always the one with the most competitive viability as seen by tournament success and the consistent playerbase. Marketing was definitely part of it but it’s the best modern fighter by far.
Nothing beats the air fireball
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Before anyone starts shitposting, it's not a crossover/collab

Am interested to see these kinds of events though, developer roundtables are always interesting.
That one with Japanese devs talking about online infrastructure and netplay before 6 released was really good, you could just tell Nakayama and Matz were sitting there smug as fuck, because they knew what they had on that front.
Drive Rush under him and crhp.
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I WILL play Bison and I WILL lick Cammy's armpits
To be fair all body parts covered in clothing are cutout like in most games to prevent clipping. Modders have to re-sculpt the missing parts.
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>still can't decide on a main after a year
Why am I like this?
just play luke
Who was your Jive main, what did you like about them?
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Ed is too honest.
go back to ryu endingwalker
This has been known. He's a Street Fighter character in a Smash Bros world.
He just does no fucking damage
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Is Third Strike going to be played on cabinets at Evo? I know they did at EvoJP, but is that even possible with 1000+ entrants? Sorry if this is a retarded question, I am retarded.
Ed's DP and jabs suck Dix, he'll be top tier once Capcom fixes these issues
1000 entrants and a $1000 prize pool + chipotle gift cards
cant they just emulate it
When are these Japanese streamer "pro players" going to just give up? They practice combos on Twitch all day and get washed every tournament they attend. Like what's the point?
'23er moment
whatever granpa
i hope you brought coins to evo so the machine works
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are they gonna add stage music from previous games?
need Drive in at Night bros
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>Hit Akuma player with Zangief's level three to win
>A problem occurred during the match
Can someone recommend me a nice arcade stick to buy please
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just get a leverless
I ragequit against Modern control users. I want to play Street Fighter.
Qanba Obsidian
I already have a Snack Box Micro
what country you in? And whats your budget?
If you want to play street fighter why did you buy sf6?
but it's the first mainline release since sf?
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replicate the itazan stick
can i plug my hitbox into one of these things
meant for >>483159836
no nigga lmao learn a real controller fag
America. Budget is whatever, but I really don't want to pay Victrix type money unless you really recommend them
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Same brother. Played some Cammy, Juri, Manon, Akuma, Ryu, nothing click with me and impossible to grind without a main. I'll use some rent ticket on Bison and see. I'm confident Terry or Mai will get my interest, but its so far away...
hori fighting stick alpha or qanba obsidian 2
>does 6k with lvl2
heh, nothin personel
is this the french ex manonfag
>6 modern players in a row
Cool, now I've got a yellow card

If money isnt an issue then I will always recommend Furin Arcade. They do leverless controllers and everything is 100% customisable. It is a little pricey and you will have to pay for the shipping and import tax, but from my experience I havent had a better controller for fighting games.
Nothing is funnier than seeing someone with a high kudos Manon or jamie title and they're either on Gief or AKI.
This genre of games has always bred little bitches in the masses
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no, started with Chun but gave up because of charge.
calm down zaf
i found the guy who developed sf6 on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1zXTOUGWl0
...Do they only offer leverless controllers? I only see those on the site. I'm looking specifically for an arcade stick
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He's absolutely correct. Modern controls was the devs ADMITTING that they aren't making Street Fighter games anymore and than their target demographic (you) are faggot Smash players who molest kids.
lily is so difficult, bros...
>goes +1 ob in your face and forces you into a guess situation
just drive reversal bro
timmy letting a lily get stocks
they used to do sticks, I brought the stick and leverless controllers from them last year but they've recently started to focus on only leverless. Its unfortunate but it seems like at the momment they will only do leverless
So fucking sick of losing to drive mechanics
this the same holier than thou nigga who makes videos about being sun tzu when playing dix? LOL!
Imagine thinking this was an actual rebuttal lmao you fucking spastic
imagine thinking that was an actual rebuttal lmao you fucking spastic
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Ed is the new Ken
>Akuma is mid at best they said
>Akuma is just a fad, and will be replaced by Ryu or Ken, they said
What are the stable characters that you can be consistent with? Because so far it feels like every character is very unstable and difficult to be consistent with
How many tournaments did Eddison win?
akuma didnt win though
>People want to use the only character who actually plays like a Street Fighter game
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nigger which character in super turbo has this
vega claw dive
Sure, but that's a good indicator of what people think which character is best, and that prove there's some massive and constant Akuma downplay.
Is Brian_F's Ed just that influential?
timmy think flicker messy guessies is real street fighter
I've never seen a Rog play Ed
Why are capbucks like this?
ltg played sfv ed. he hates sf6 ed for some reason though
Punk won a tourney with him, lil tim.
That's because they play his dad instead
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happy quarter circle forward day to all non-americans tho
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Modern is so pathetic. I'm not a fighting game player and got back into the game yesterday and even though we are both dogshit I will lose way more because this retard will keep mashing his auto combo and cashing out for way more damage than I could do. Why even play when the game is playing for you?
why are elena's feet so lickable but the tekken girl's feet look horrendous
just blacklist them and move on
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happy shoryuken day to all americans tho
Of course you non-white virgins have been here through the whole mid summer, lmao what a bunch of party game losers
why is germany so dogshit at sf6?
norway, france, uk seem to do just fine
They only have Randumb
>Why even play when the game is playing for you?
You have no idea how many people in the world would get a kick out of a game that allowed them to press 1 single button and it deleted an opponent's entire save file.
Germany was never that good at maintaining their colonies
Too white to play fighting games
Who's the artist? I recognise but can't get reverse image search to cooperate
and MDZ Jimmy
>mid summer
fuck off pagan infidel scum
you will be the first to burn
You are aware that God isn't real, right? Santa Claus isn't either.
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thats not what the germans would say
Is there a reason why Juri is barely korean? You look at Chun and it's obvious she's Chinese, but the only thing Korean about Juri is her name.
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/pol/fags please go the fuck away, nobody cares what colour you are
I dont know why I freeze up against jumpers as JP.
Literally all I have to do is OD Amnesia and get a free juggle off throw
too late for that, jamal
ur weeb forum was coopted 8 years ago for right wing propaganda, time to accept it
Statistics care
Now you posted, please, go back to r*ddit or israel.
Better both.
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>You are aware that God isn't real, right? Santa Claus isn't either.
now subtract the transgenders
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Honestly I'd take jamal-kun any day over /pol/ election toursist from r/thedonald
Dumb American unironically believes in imaginary beings, lmao grow up
>god doesn't exist
>Clayton exists
shouldn't you be getting raped by muslims right now
just gotta practice it. do random training where the bot jumps at you to build the reaction muscle memory
My country has less of those than shitmurica, lmao, dumb fat american thinks god is real I'm laughing my ass off here, you are so gullible you have no awareness hahahah
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i love you, jamal-kun!!!
time to get stabbed to death yuropoor
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i see what u mean, but thats beyond ur control
Based waifuchad
One of us
humor me fatso, provide your evidence for god's existence? I can't wait to hear your schizo ramblings about this topic. You have brains, start to use them and stop believing in everything people tell you you fucking moron
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>humor me fatso, provide your evidence for god's existence? I can't wait to hear your schizo ramblings about this topic. You have brains, start to use them and stop believing in everything people tell you you fucking moron
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That's MDZJimGAWD to you, vappa
successfully jumping on a modern player means you have fully pwned their mind
>can't provide any evidence, is just a brainless sheep
LMAOOOOO you can't make this shit up, never read a book in his life, just a blind retard
you will never know true peace of mind without a family and without god. the evidence is that god created earth and gave it to us
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>"SF6 has no foots-ACKKKK"
you're not wrong.
but the opponents im facing literally just hold up forward the entire screen.
I can see it a mile away and I just freeze like a deer in headlights.
like im being hypnotized lol
Rashid can do that?
in case you missed yesterday, watch the full set, but heres the best bit

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>can't provide any evidence, is just a brainless sheep
>LMAOOOOO you can't make this shit up, never read a book in his life, just a blind retard
imagine if rufus came in season 3 along with his infamous poke
they made a mutual agreement to not raw dr before the set started because why wouldnt they being do that
Guile too
A lot of characters can link supers after PC stMK like that
Capcom is a Japanese company and Street Fighter is primarily played by Japanese people so they obviously don't want to accidentally evoke imagery with racist historical connotations
I watched the whole thing, it went as follows
>What's up wasim, you want to play?
>Cool make a room and I'll join
It turns out SF6 has footsies
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You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action
You're never gonna fade, you'll be the main attraction
Not a fantasy, just remember me
When it turns out right
Akuma can't
LMAO psychology has nothing to do with your silly santa claus, faeries, gods or any of that childish garbage, grow the fuck up, you are genuinely schizo retard

mouthbreathing moron
Top kek, Punk's 2010s white girl taste in music
must suck to have the critical thinking skills of a toddler, you braindead retardo
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any sf2 old heads here? what do i do as rog when the other person just runs and spams fireballs, i know i can headbutt through one but another one is already coming by then.
>any sf2 old heads here?
We only have larpers here
People hate Odas girl same face but I’ve Stockholm’d myself into loving it, so cute

the real answer is that you stop playing old and busted games
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I just think Tama was a shit character who never should have been in Wano
Bonney is very cute though
dogshit game
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its really satisfying to win as rogga in 2 for some reason. game is real unfun against spamming, its no wonder 3 has parry
Be honest.
Can you really stay interested in this game for 4-5 more years of Drive Rush?
yet tokido has done better in sf6 than...... mago
and no one is gonna remember mago in 5 years
tokido will remember him...
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t. ken
Yes because I accept that I will get caught out by it but am also capable of checking it.
If you don't expect to lose about 40% of the time in a fighting game you've got the wrong mindset
Try pressing 6MK brainlet
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She pretty Korean in honey select
All that lighting tricks can’t hide the base model
This general... blows my mind
That's the button I'm referring to retard
is that a mr diddles reference
Dudley never ever
when they putting phoenix wright in
You're telling me Akuma can't link SA2 or something after being +9 on hit?
You could say that they post stupid sometimes dope mixes in their webms
No buff him
yes Yes YES!
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I love the arcade themes of 3rd strike, hearing them on a machine is even better
But the fact that the composer came back for the console port and made a round 3 edit is genius. Said round 3 is just Round 1s entire tempo and rhythm but some new added choir or instrument/string
It’s overlooked by all 3rd strike “fans”, it always pissed me off but then again most fans never played the Dreamcast or Xbox/Ps2 port. But not all stages round 3s are good, Akumas sucks and Gills fizzles
tired of ryus mama miaiing me every time i knock them down
sucks they'll never release these versions again because muh arcade accuracy autism
timmys want arcade accurate ports when they were too pussy to step into real arcades
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Freaky ass nigga, he a 69 gawd
Most manufactured """beef""" of the century
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wish my scrimblo got some love like elena
kendrick has rapped about his disdain for drake for years now
The way he's stepping and showing off his kicks is so fucking badass holy guacamole
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this but effie
>blanka + but sim too
And SF3 Niggas will shuck and jive and tell me their cast was cool
sorry he's not a cute girl so he doesnt get an army of fake fans
The Necro fan club just being 3 niggas is funny
imagine if capcom went through with making remy a goth girl like they intended
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Would had made the first female guile of SF…
And mentally ill
As long as dhalsim exists, he will never be in the game
another corny unplayed character niggas beg for? oh hell nah
Yea just like how Hugo will never exist in a game with Gief? Shut up retard
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begging ass alpha and SF3 bums didn’t carry an IP for generations. Respect your elders
Back in their day they got the job by having a firm handshake and being able to throw for 40%
Hugo and Zangief can co-exist only when Zangief is poorly designed, which hasn't been true since SF4
Still doesn't change the fact that jive is a shit game. Even shittier than turd strike
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>Hugo and Zangief can co-exist only when [headcanon]
Idk how you morons play Shoto Fighter then say two characters cant have the same function
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shotonegroids will ask for sakura, dan etc then say 2 boxers is too much
>SF6 is always the one with the most competitive viability
That's KOF 15.
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>Lizzy in the back
RIP kween...
COTW waiting room. No slime rush, only freedom.
fgg troons go home
Have they fixed drive rush yet?
what does it mean to be timmy
>Kazuya next season
>Cotw bombs
>Tekken will still be around
>Injustice 3
Feels great to be a basic bitch fan
what key on my keyboard should I bind to throw?
why would you ever bind throw to a button
fgg Chads welcome home
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Timmy is just a state of mind at this point. But it’s funny meme is all
my hands are big so I fat finger multiple buttons whenever I try to throw, parry, or DI.
theres already a button pre-mapped for the latter two so I need one for throwing
>why would you want to have one button for a throw instead of doing some weird button combination
Capcuck brainrot
It would be faster to hit one button then two and there is less of a chance of fucking up
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Brothers, how stupid is it of me to want to play this character despite knowing she is absolute bottom tier ? How much will I suffer with no reversal...

t. diamond 1 ryu
if you are interested in playing her then go ahead. tiers. it might help you improve your defense having to deal with no reversal.
Grown ass men will want these hoes back after one glance at them, baka
They really are turbo brainlets who think >thing I grew up with = good
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who is kolin's target audience?
People with prosopagnosia
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>he thinks hes going to have fun
Wait for the grab and watch your high-lows
>nerd ass timmies and Jose getting mad about button throws
When SF3 copied tekken to get easier throws nobody complained but now we have legit baby mode niggas who can’t even press lp/lk
Need a macro for everything..
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Running wild and slime free.
Flop 2 waiting room
Man her sfv face was FUCKED UP, shame though her body was nice, I liked the office suit a lot.
Thanks Keanu the Rock
Your game, Terry's ad.
Terry belongs to SF6 and Smash Ultimate now, my little dear.
Me and my jr decided to main Mai once she's out and take her to 1700MR
Those webms of puke dancing with chun and other girls made me seethe
I was indifferent to him before all this..
kek I love how Capniggas literally don't have any actual arguments other than sales/popularity anymore. They know the boring slog-fest that is SF6's gameplay is nothing to brag about.
when will they add larger group limits (max size 100 wtf?) so we can make a huge group and claim our own NA hub?
He should do more SF vids
SF is too boring to make good vids of
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Mickey or Daffey?
donald duck ahh game
In my personal opinion, jews are shifty.
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what will she text you in world tour?
all the schizos are on /v/ niggas is insane
GAWD I miss playin Rufus just for that button.
saw that faggot who can only spam steamcharts to defend this shit game there.
very mentally ill.
you are not self aware at all
I'll take another screenshot when bison comes out
Capcucks calling others schizos are always funny.
Same fanbase that has the most irrational, schizo-fueled hateboners for other games and their fanbases. Bunch of limp-dicked schizos defending a billionaire corporation for free.
uh oh hes losing his marbles here too now
Hugo and and Gief are both grapplers, which is a very broad and popular category, so you can have multiple grapplers in the same game. Necro and dhalsim are stretchy limb fighters, which is an incredibly narrow and niche category, so they will not put two characters from that category into the same game. They haven't done it before and they won't do it now. Kill yourself, I mean that with 100 percent with 1000 percent.
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/fgg/ had great shit. Don’t care what people say
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ryu niggas only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
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Time to go to work!
Kangaryus do be like that
I wish SF6 didnt ruin my favorite franchise.
this but sfv
I wish SF4 didnt ruin my favorite franchise.
*drive rush jab*
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turd strike
That’s why they call him Roo to be fair
There are so many good new challenger screens that people have drawn up that I don't know how Capcom is going to pick just a handful of them to put in the game
Ed's DP sucks ass for AA. 10F startup is too much
momochi doesn't have any issues AAing with it though
Ed is one of the guiltiest 50/50 monkeys in the godamn game, plus a cancer Lvl2? He's peak fucking Mickeyge
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ryu won WW#1 in germany and france. apologize
this is such an embarrassing post lol reeks of watching momochi webms and thinking it's normal gameplay
thank god luke lowkey died overnight but i know there'll somehow be 5 of them in the actual Capcom Cup

Rent free
clayton record yourself playing one ranked online set of what ever game and i'll sub to you
Capcucks literally defend and do free marketing for a multi billion dollar corporation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on /v/. How is this even possible?
i dont want to play a game where ryu is top tier
People like this need to be taken into psychiatric care
/fgg/ is already a mental asylum at this point
Posting a picture of yourself doesn't make him any less right
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take your meds
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When Daigo finally plays Ryu it's over for all of us
Where's Jimmy.....
i pray for it every day.. but it will never happen
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Ryu? More like rypoo

Mago agrees but he says Ryu needs more buffs
Every niche, corner of the net tends to become an echo chamber.
With enough time sheeps just follow "the thing" of his favorite niche.
This is how works social media. Companies know it and shills try to control the narrative.
akumas faster fireball is just more appealing to daigo
I like the game. I'm sure you'll tell me to cope, or that I'm wrong, but I'm happy it did well because it's fun.
Shut the fuck up
Good for you.
But you should know cap cops are literally monitoring /v/ and this very thread 24/7.
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Nothing wrong with her face.
I'll defer to the other anon, take your meds.
Other people just like the game too, and you're rarely responding to the same person
Hadoken? More like hapoopken
Ed slurpers need not respond
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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eds ball is complete trash compared to rashid who has super vtrigger.
Shoryuken? More like pooprypoopken.
Ryu is very handsome
Post your characters. You won't.
Hello friends. I just recalled a match where me and the enemy used CA at the same time but I cant seem to find it in my replay. My guess is that its farther back from what the game offers to view. Is there a way to see all history or at least more of it?
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yeah but rashid's AAs are unusable dogshit so he needs it
You can open up your own CFN, check your match history and then add the replay of the match to your replays list
At first I was going to tell you that liking the game has nothing to do with the issue of capcum guzzlers. But then you exposed yourself as one with the muh meds line.
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>pre-nerfed luke jhp
doesn't count anymore ranigga. meanwhile poor edwin cant do pic related anymore
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i think i can get the aki guide video out before the end of the month, unless the bison update has balance changes, in which case i plan to have a mental breakdown instead
Yes, I'm checking there but the list is pretty limited. I cant even view games from a day before. I'm guessing that replay is lost in the ether now?
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Why couldn't it have been Shermie? She deserves to be in a better game.
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just AA with his 10f DP bro
thank you notification bell anon
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How does this image make you feel?
will oro show his cock and balls again if he get in 6
that nigga bald spot crazy
turd strike didn't ruin the franchise because it was unpopular enough that the bad design didn't become industry standard like what happened with sf4
4 saved fighting games lil bro
nigga really be using a Hitbox™ hitbox
that's like saying that world of warcraft "saved" the mmorpg genre by making everything that came after it turn to shit
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the replay viewer menu only shows your last 100 matches but the match history tab under your CFN should show all of your games and let you add the replay for it when you select it
capcuck fairy tale. i was playing tons of fighting games just fine before and after sf4. including the first blazblue which was way better than sf4 but all the typical capcucks ignored it like usual.
i just don't think you should use leverless on cabinet era games, even on fightcade
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To homosexuals. The only time cute girls cared about Ryu's looks was in Japan when the Alpha series was the main event.
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sakura you wouldn't get it
Sakura is dripping over shirtless daddy Ryu in SF6
is mp the only air to air you should use on akuma?
Capcom hires teams of pajeets to camp those threads. Not just for street shitter 6. The DD2 astroturfing was insane. Watch what happens with Monster Hunter. It will be a whole other level.
Go back
I think so, but jMK probably has usage against air fireball in the mirror
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They've been caught with bots and scummy practices so many times that I don't doubt it at all. You can literally tell there's someone posting SF6 marketing threads disguised as stuff like "muscle girl thread" on /v/ every day.
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Hey that’s my line!!
Give it to me straight, will our dude Dookie make it in this time? The new CPT rules are unfair.
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dookie vs fartslam grand finals

trust the plan.
Found it in the replay viewer. I thought it was the winning move so I was only searching for CA finishers.

>mfw I lost this round
wait thats fucking sick, i had no clue that worked LOOOOOL
Manon is really fucking good, most people just don't know how to play her. She is a dormant top tier
The Taiwan BVLL is doing an Udon cover
Prepare to coom
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Why do they give the ninjas these hip windows?
For coomies
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UGM abigail bro is hardstuck at 1600 MR...
easy access for a nigga's jr
I play Gief, and am learning Cammy rn :)
A lot of characters are cheesy in dix, I just don't think mr. Long range pokes, insta 50/50's, and anime combos is "the only one who actually plays like a Street Fighter game". I don't even think Ed's broken, I just think that specific comment is BS
Post them. From your profile. You won't.
People give SF6's ranked mode a lot of shit but what we're actually discovering is that jive's ranks literally did NOT matter
You're right I won't. I can't because I'm at work
is there even any benefit to playing 3s with a hitbox? i mean other than parries i guess.
That's what I thought, faggot. Sit down.
Why don't you post yours then? I assume you have a screenshot on standby if you're so eager to see mine
>Doesnt even understand why I requested it
lol dumb as a brick for good measure.
when i show my jr
>he's scared
Oh no no no, Edsissies, how do we respond?
Akuma nerf when?
which one of you fuckers is beefys weefies
>Me not showing mine? That's bravery
>You not showing yours? That's fear
o i am laffin. maybe the single most humiliating capitulation I've seen in /sfg/.
Immo342 is the goat

these are the ryu niggas asking for buffs
Dale is the least mentally ill capcuck
Least retarded monkey gorilla Ryu main.
He graduated from that, he shits on Capcom now ever since they banned his ass
He was in the past works, good for him to finally get a cover art
Reiq can’t carry every single special cover lol
>Capcucks think Reiq's garbage looks good
Even Sakimichan mogs that permabeg nigga
stop laughing at capcucks, they are victims of drag queen marketing campaigns.
Shut up chud
>just making shit up and STILL not posting his characters either
Okay, I accept your concession. To be honest, I think even a Rookie player could tell that Ed isn't the "only character who actually plays like a Street Fighter game". You don't need to be good to see that shit lmao
lmao I absolutely rattled you by asking for your characters. I have never mentally broken an individual as completely as I've mentally broken you with such a simple post. You're unironically on the verge of tears kek
Trans people are valid thoughever
You aint funny
Nerf ryu
>Nerfing a midtier

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