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Wosh u Sooz Edition

Soozwosh: >>482915515

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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>should have been "Previous Soozwosh" but accidentally deleted the "previous"
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...what is it?
>Babe, I've got a, play.
>Your mouth...
>Multi-purpose. Shiny. Scratches itches.
>Not eating floor food out of it.
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I like to think that King has good hygiene. Nice and clean boy <3
Maybe it's the way you're dressed
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>Full of Light. Hardworking. Kind.
>Yet...darkness all around you.
>Bad hygiene. Strange diets. Lurking.
>Y-you can't just ask a personal question like that!
I love my nose
I love my toes
I love to pose, but most of all...
catti would fucking destroy susie if she thought noelle was actually in danger
So you're saying they'd have a catfight?
What the fuck is Susie even supposed to be anyway, like creature-wise
Alone, it's a bad match-up, but Susie does have the speed advantage(unless Catti's just like her sister and can turn into Jumpman out of nowhere); with Jockington there, that's completely negated; add MK and Snowy after the stunt she pulled at the bunker and she's lucky even to still be conscious at the end of it all.
Deltarune AU where Susie is literally just Maya Fey
Not a concept based on her that eventually changed into a high school bully, not beta Susie from before that changed, literally just the character Maya Fey from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
I don't know how but she's getting blamed for Snowgrave somehow.
Catty becomes a camgirl and falls asleep 20 minutes into the stream—her sister finds her naked in bed and decides to close the laptop before she can wake up to the horrendous chat
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>Susie does have the speed advantage(unless Catti's just like her sister and can turn into Jumpman out of nowhere);
i mean, cats are well known for spazzing the fuck out, even calm ones, and there's nothing to suggest Catti *wouldn't* Flip The Fuck Out if necessary, plus she has a lot more weight to actually throw around than susie does and probably a lot of pent-up anger to brush off punches and kicks
plus monster-lizard-people are still shown to actually be pretty slow (e.g. alphys talking about how the cold weather makes her lethargic) and we don't know the lizard/dragon ratio that susie has going on but from what we've seen susie is anything but fast, with even her "cutscene rushing" speed being just a little faster than "kris holding shift" which isn't really saying a lot to be honest
>she's lucky even to still be conscious at the end of it all.
She's the protagonist, of course. People keep saying they do not like Susie... it makes me a little sad. (laughs) Some of them even say they want to see her lose! By the end of DELTARUNE, when the midnight dream is broken, they will be ashamed of their words and deeds. (laughs)
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posting Susie with increased fervor
Bronie's mindset
True; it was an optimistic guess in Susie's favor, that(given her sister's feats) might not even be enough to do anything with considering cat reflexes and agility. Susie definitely cannot outsmart Catti, maybe Jockington if she managed to somehow isolate him from Catti's advice(I refuse to believe the ball-bat contrast between Jockington and Lancer isn't intentional) but that's unknown; given Catti's relatively better people skills and obsession with magic, and MK's implied religious faith(assuming they and Snowy get involved) and frankly superior intelligence, they'll definitely learn magic at a faster rate than she could. If they isolate her(which we may or may not allow to happen) she has literally no advantages to exploit. She'll just have to beg for mercy and hope Catti's fine with just humiliating her instead of killing her(or the others step in to stop her when her attacks turn into an enraged beatdown)
a couple people on 4chan are literally the only part of the entire deltarune fanbase that doesn't like susie
>finally go back to Deltarune to finish the stuff I hadn't done yet
>feel like playing Undertale again
>god damn it feels bare bones in comparison haha
>the vibe is also completely different
The rest of the entire deltarune fanbase thinks you're crazy and racist if you think Toby panders more to Japan than his Western fanbase and that it's unrealistic to expect a pixel quirk chungus RPG with a whole full dev team to have one 7th of it complete after 3 years
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that is also a fair point
i'm starting to think everyone is stupid except me
but seriously it's wild how outside of here the most criticism i've EVER seen about the Purple Menace is like one guy in a plebbit post saying "yeah her arc was a little rushed i think," even after the sweepstakes pages
Fave falling asleep to the Portal lore video that's like 3 hours
>she has literally no advantages to exploit. She'll just have to beg for mercy
She'll just call for Kris and the SOUL will automagically fly towards her, like it already does when she's fighting alone in Chapter 1.
Assuming that Toby's Omori ripoff claim is real than Kris probably feels sympathy for an attempting murderer considering they're(as far as they know) an actual one
"kris killed dess" is the most boring and obvious TWEEST that somehow no one will see coming
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>No Japan on Spearth
Now Toby has no choice but to finish the damn game!
>Kris killed Dess and is also the Knight and Ralsei is also evil
Would Toby actually
I can see no reason he wouldn't.
Unfortunately true, unless the Other Route of that chapter involves us getting into a battle around the same time that Susie is fighting hers, rendering the SOUL preoccupied with its host.
>Toby panders more to Japan than his Western fanbase
I don't quite get why Japanese is the only foreign language with official support. A spanish translation should be the bare minimum for a game with the reach Undertale got.
Don't forget that Undertale's demo had an official Korean translation, and Undertale's popularity in Korea is what helped it spread to Japan
Toby did the Korean fanbase dirty
You know who else Toby did dirty?
Spanish doesn't have non-gendered pronouns (Japanese pronouns are more based around your personality and tone) so officially translating it would force Toby to make the human characters lean more towards male (male being the "default" means it's the closest to ambiguity he can get) and that's not quirk chungus enough
Dess Nuts
He could just use e endings
I agree with another Archived anon. Catti is just the type of slightly ahead of the curve and convinced of her own morals that she'd definitely use the Death Note to her own ends; Berdly would probably just waste the book's potential following the plot exactly with the Canines. Ms.Holiday is the obvious first to go, Catti loves her family too much to do anything to harm them so she'll write off Bratty next, find a way to intimidate Susie without actually killing her outright(yet). Kris conveniently already has red eyes.
The type of spics to be Undertale fans are probably the type who use elle or whatever so nobody would care about proper grammar
>kris took the shinigami deal
kris no... your lifespan...
>(Japanese pronouns are more based around your personality and tone)
Japanese is a stupid language for stupid people and as a Westerner I genuinely don't understand how this kind of language is supposed to work. People just wake up one day and decide 'hmm yes, I will use X pronoun because I see myself as such and such from Y Prefecture.' 17 different ways of saying "I" but apparently no way of saying "sister" without "older" or "younger" attached? Those industrious little fellows can build a nice calculator but not a dictionary.
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How are you charging the laptop fave?

Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave tonight before making the most of tomorrow. I love Chara.
I had no idea lol
I don't know for spanish, but in brazil we have a few people who try to force neopronouns like elu/delu. I can give it a pass every time I see a they/them in the games, but if I saw some shit like that in an official release I'd pirate Deltarune out of spite.
But I believe the real reason is that Toby wants to micromanage every aspect of the text, from the puns to Chara's speech pattern. And also that this is an opportunity for him to live his weeb dreams.
remember when chara told us in the intro cutscene that our vessel will be discarded and no one can choose who they are in this world, but only in the japanese game, because it perfectly matches chara's unique dialect from undertale while in english it's just words?
The spigots here in NYC will use Latine if they're fags but not use any neopronouns I've heard so far(but that's only because I've never spent enough time around those people to hear them speaking spanish)
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i know it's a long wait
but we can manage to get to early 2025
i'm sure of it

we're gonna make it
>Greetings. I am Chara.
>... You do not appear to be surprised, partner. I take it you were expecting me, ever since my promise to follow you to the utm-
No lol the Japanese translation made it blatantly obvious you took my vessel
>You aren't even Japanese.
(this isn't a shitpost by the way it's true)
Temmie will inexplicably know french after one chapter because she kept getting recommended true crime videos in the language
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What if Toby finally showed his face for the first time in years and he looked like how Jerma looks now with long hair and a beard
Alphys is blackmailed by Queen into twerking for a live studio audience(she somehow fucks it up and sprains her ankle)
Worldwide famous streamer and runaway serial killer Jerma985
>big gyatt tower
are we more angry or disappointed at toby by now
Promised I'd do a re-take on the "Queen finds Noelle's files" bit but I genuinely don't know what to add to it. Is there anything y'all would like to hear(original above for reference)?
Around this time last year we were clowning Toby for his terrible programming skills and Berdsriel edits were a thing.
We were disappointed in Toby a year ago, now it's just the equivalent of your parents who you have to accept will have a 30-minute argument in the kitchen when you wanted to eat breakfast
Deltarune vs Hollow Knight: Silksong in the "This shit should have released like a million years ago" competition
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Her embarrassing failure makes it hotter
jimmy neutrelle
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Faves capable of nuclear devastation
I'm radioactive, radioactive
Every single person is my enemy
fave sells, but who's buying?
Burgerpants is my looksmatch
Radiation? That hermit who made music for Homestuck? I doubt he will ever make something noteworthy.
Right now I'm just astonished by how long the new chapters have been taking
>suddenly desire fave while having a parasite infestation discord erotic rp
Chapter 3 spoilers.
>parasite infestation discord erotic rp
Explain what this is and will it make me vomit upon hearing it?
Muahaha, you fell right into my trap
It's exactly what it sounds like, one user rps as an infected host and the other as the one who's going to get infected and you do the disgusting parasite transfusion with sex or vomiting into the other's mouth during kissing it was hard to get someone to do it so I might switch to AI instead
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When "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" hits
Yeah I think I've seen everything
I mean I guess I've heard weirder
But Catti says a lot of both nice and mean things
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>calls you're perfect waifu a whore
isn't that what [hochi mama] means?
also side chick
and making LOVE
>and making LOVE
they made [Hyperlink Blocked] according to him
and what do you think that means?
[Hyperlink Blocked] is love
when you upload him in the empty disk he uses it to refer to his mind/soul/whatever
soul = heart = love
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But Spamton...
You are my waifu.
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I love lizzur
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I will achieve freedom.
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from kris?
from the bounds of the game?
from the gaster scary-man?
The dark world is a game for lightners.
The light world is a game for us.
We are a game to something else.
I will achieve freedom.
>[Thorn Ring], [Deals], [Pipis]???
>YOU WANT IT?!?!?!

>SORRY KRIS, I CAN'T GIVE [Specil Discount]
>[Hyperlink Blocked]
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why are you gnostic
stop being gnostic
gnosticism is the opposite of freedom
it is stagnancy
I love fish
you level of violence fish?
do you, like, teach them to attack people
kiddo... that fish... went on to kill another fish because you taught it LV...
it had a fishmily kiddo.......... you know what that measn
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being part of an eternally stagnant god which opposes entropy and individuality is the opposite of freedom
that's what gnosticism teaches
undyne in deltarune is not a fish
she's a fiish
it's crack
>* You ask Spamton what he's doing.
>[Cracks No Virus] !!
>* What the fuck?
why can't alvin be the knight
he's 40 at most
no white hair
40 year olds can still move
what if alvin being related to gerson is a red herring and he's actually alvin and the other 2 chipmunks in a trenchcoat wearing a turtle mask
gay priest
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Not LOVE, silly
Love like love
what is the evidence for papy knight besides him not being seen until now
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>gay priests cannot be the main antagonists in a setting where "heaven" is established as something you need to defeat
The face being obscured is more of a Chara thing.
it's the skin dumb bass
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There's also this I guess
then have it point to their hands and arms
eggman is not the knight
egg might be L which is knight but egg =/= knight automatically
Robotnikbros... we lost...
does hot weather make you more horny i just jacked off like 5 times today to undertale characters holy shit
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hello frens :D
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you would not find me based if i specified what it was of them i jacked off to desu
Are you this guy >>483131416
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hava good day :)

if it was a pawjob or something like that then that's fine.
no that's all i will specify
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You too gote
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Wrong reply, ue
Makes me wonder if Deltarune will stick around in people's memories like Undertale did, or if people are gonna be sick of it by the time it's out
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scientific method:
>look through all the knight candidates
>make connections between dialogue about the knight and different NPCs
>try to find one with relevance to the themes of the plot
>you confront the knight to banish the angel's heaven
>the angel is hometown's god
>who is the angel's servant?
>it's alvin

science worshipper's method:
>wait why would he be the knight?
>hmm.. why would this manipulator choose this skeleton?
>BECAUSE IT'S GASTER (gives no reasoning) AND THEY'RE FAMILY (gives unreasonable evidence based on early concepts we don't know about)

why are women like this?
>or if people are gonna be sick of it by the time it's out
I could see that purely because by the time Chapter 7 comes out we'll have gone through like 12 more years of Toby cockteasing us with shitty lore dripfeeding, vtumor collabing and chapter releases that were written to be a part of a bigger bundle and fuck up the pacing as a result
Just because Alvin is a member of the Angel faith that doesn't mean he has a direct hotline to his god
ms. boom
"father, is it right to use this hammer to..."
>finally finish your literal dream game
>no one fucking cares because it took you 20+ years and you've been bullshitting everyone the entire time
I wonder if Toby had to partially rewrite 4 and 5 to make up for the fact the big plot twist cliffhanger was in Chapter 5 and Chapter 4's intended ending is anticlimactic as shit if you don't get to play the next one right after
Toby reeks of dog farts.
Women birthed both the Alvin and Papyrus believer you nincompoop, attribute it to the individual like a normal person. In this case the individual should think about what a character from the previous fucking game being an antagonist would do for the hopes of Deltarune being its own thing. For fuck's sake, you're telling me all of these new characters are just set dressing for everything else that will involve the Undertale characters AGAIN? If Papyrus is really the Knight the only way I could see it going is if the Knight doesn't end up having that big of a role, otherwise it's just pointing the spotlight at a character who already basically kickstarted one of the game's main endings.
martlet should kiss me
It would be kind of weird to have a major antagonist be an NPC who's completely optional to even interact with beforehand
I do think he's going to make a Dark World though (High fantasy themed, based on Gerson's Lord of the Hammer books)
dont know why but this feels like a charafag post
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hi part two I forgot the image
This is better than telling me to kill myself, I commend you
what's the point of making the knight unimportant in the grand scheme of things? seriously
just to make gaster seem like an even scarier villain? we already know he's scary as fuck
Were there VODs for the sportball game?
I hate having to keep asking this, but I can never fucking where they are on the site
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deltarune fucking suuuuuuucckkkkkssssss
no u
why is it exclusively always asrielfags who say this
i haven't seen like, a sansfag say deltarune sucks
It's so bad, it's LITERALLY unfinished
>just to make gaster seem like an even scarier villain
Where did you get this about Gaster being a villain from?
Obligatory reminder for those that think Gaster is going to be a super serious villain that Grandpa Semi was going to have an attack where he tries to high five you
or the angel or whatever the fuck the metagame big bad is
the only think I like about the angel is that it has that trinity thing sorta going
with the base angel being god the father, noelle being god the son, and (unrevealed shit/the knight?) being the holy ghost
the angel is the player
It's Susie factually. Remember Alphys talking about her perfect angel MewMew, who is revealed to be Susie? The anagram of Iesus? A third thing that doesn't exist but I need to type out so that this looks more substantial?
can we at least agree noelle is jesus in this trinity?
toby fox be like
>what if there was a game where the disappearance in the game was REAL
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Noelle has a lot of Christ symbolism
the fuck kinda sense does this make?
gaster has the prophecy where the heroes banish the angel's heaven
if he wanted the angel's heaven to be banished, why call the angel into the world?
how else would you banish something if it's not there
>why call the angel into the world
he just wants us to make a new future and then fuck off before we screw everyone over out of boredom or sadism
I mean, in Undertale you can do the pacifist run and give everyone their happy ending but Flowey tells you to leave at the end so they can supposedly continue on with their lives. Maybe that's the same logic at the play
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Deltarune blows
why call it in the world in the first place?
why wouldn't he do it himself?
what role do we play that he can't execute himself since he's so omnipresent?
aha but blowing is the OPPOSITE of SUCKING so my point that i have not seen a sansfag say it sucks still stands...
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Deltarune smells
hmmmmm... smelling is like sucking but with your nose......
>>483155070 (Me)
Wait a second, Gaster being the Flowey in this parallel would make even more sense since it's the same being that communicated to the Player on Twitter eventually banishing them (but Gman/the legend might actually have the power to do that instead of just pleading with us)
See above, for your other questions I'd say that him being scattered across time and space means he can't pull off a concentrated effort like we can, or that he needs the power of a being from a higher realm (our world) to do the job.
Can't wait for the part of the game where after an hour of intense thriller buildup Gaster finally shows up on-screen and shouts QUIRKY TWERKY!!! and starts twerking
this fucking post got me more than any other joke in the thread
>Now little Anon, calm down you'll get your Deltarune in ti-
>anon slams on the table repeatedly
>toby sprays little anon in the face with pepper spray
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Toby can't make Deltarune because he's too busy turning Japanese
If the Undertale monsters are really so popular how come none of them are in Darkstalkers
Ice Wolf is in Darkstalkers
That dragon from the MTT Hotel cosplayed Darkstalker the dragon in the exclusive Undertale Knitting Patterns Book I Made Up Just Now
The full game will have some sort of joke combining Clitoris and Kris, because it works in both English and Japanese. (Kris + Clitoris = Clitokris, Kurisu + Kuritorisu = Kuritokurisu)
Unironically I'm expecting Toby to tie the number 94 to QC in some way (QC = kyu shi = 9 and 4 in Japanese) that probably feels arbitrary and random to the entire English speaking audience
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A beautiful brain child made with my best friend who worked on Undertale and was very close with Toby Fox… slithering out of my skull today. Just a reminder of the monster content Undertale fans have missed out on by the nature of their choices, and essential help for Deltarune I have absolutely not given

One day, Hideo Kojima will learn about my project, and can be expected before Deltarune finishes
I've spent the last 5 years wondering what the fuck the significance of QC is supposed to be and if it turns out to be some Japanese-exclusive number pun I will throttle Toby the second he shows his face in front of me
what else would her spacious pants hole be
If Spamton had been obsessed with 1994 instead it would've 100% been that
he was #1 rated salesman 1994
Doesn't have to be, it's just that you can connect any aspect of that character to the female reproductive system. I tried it once and stopped before I went too far.
Holy shit. I'm going to start expecting this now too. Maybe the Japanese side of the fan base has already deduced that QC is the Knight and Angel or something.
What does QC even stand for anyway
4 in Japanese also has a connotation to death btw
Queen Cunt
Quirky Character
Q -
QC... Quirk Chungus... She's a fat bunny...
I wonder how much pressure Toby feels to create complex lore, connections, backstories with which to cater to the theory crafting audience. When I replayed Undertale recently it struck me just how silly a game and world it actually is. But after so many years online the fandom has morphed it into something far more complex or serious. Deltarune, so far, appears to be made with this in mind, and I'm not sure if that will be good for it in the long run. I hope Toby manages to somehow block out fandom influence and write the story he wants in the way he wants to tell it. Besides, the fandom will still do their thing and make all kinds of connections and theories regardless of how deep and complex Toby intends for it to be.
The important thing is the characters and their stories, not meaningless shit like "QC = kyu shi - 9 and 4 in Japanese" so I really hope Toby isn't wasting time thinking that way.
Maybe he wouldn't feel that pressure if he just wrote and completed his game instead of taking years-long detours to do Japan-exclusive side gigs
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I think I'm going boating again today
thanks for telling us, now we know its impossible that any of the later threadshitting will be from you
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In completely unrelated news, a young Undertale/Deltarune fan was found half eaten by feral lake creatures today.
Reminds me of Warrior U's artstyle
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I think you should fuck off birdshit.
Stop trolling and shitposting and spamming.
Seriously you suck.
....shota Kris
berdfag doesnt threadshit
he even made a bunch of gay poetry posts about how much he doesnt care about this place anymore and never threadshits
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*buuuurp* hehe oops sorry hehe *uurp*
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Need more shota Kris
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If that's what his love looks like he deserves all the hate he gets.
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Whatever is going to happen, will happen.
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It's hot outside
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You said that yesterday you dumbfuck.
I'm really happy your fave getting killed by Noelle in cold blood already happened.
Fuck off.
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Get frozen, nerd.
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...why do i get the feeling you want to make love to the person you're mocking?
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Should I commission a bunch of Berdly scat and cuck porn to make him look bad?
Oh wait he would be very much into that.
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>writing * deltarune spoilers but still using caps lock and pretending to be frantically hammering on the keyboard while screaming just to pretend you're "losing it"
The only thing more annoying than neurodivergent "people" is seeing them playing it up for that precious autism clout.
Sure you are.
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I think @ASTRALBIRTHVOID might just have that level of sheer autism.
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>belly peek
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Fuck off.
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Asgore is pretty cute
god I wish I was noelle
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The creature
Catti's segment of Deltarune has been cut as a normal teenage girl that has to work a part-time gig to support her family and dislikes the bully character for perfectly rational reasons is not quirky
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I really think you should fuck off, birdshit.
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I love you catti *lastname*
Can love bloom between an Undertale girl and a Deltarune boy?
Is it possible, Snake?
Her last name is Chungus
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Will Catty & Catti ever get their copy of Cat Petterz RPG back
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“I don’t really like my friends”
“Yeah I don’t really like your friends either”
nice know your meme filename
Yes they are, I even know one
Add it to the dossier
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I thought all those filename inspection posts were jokes, but I guess not.
I sit here and personally inspect every filename and image hash, just in case.
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Shake whatcha mama gave ya
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Look at this anon using KYM enough to know what their filenames are.
You got any ifunny watermarked snowgrave art?
Because it is funny.
Have you ever found anything that made this worth doing?
spamming/flooding the thread like a boss to defeat the guy who posts one to three berdly images a day
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I don't want to think about that.
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It's about sending a message.
The message is "fuck off birdshit, you are not welcome here."
I hate fuck off berdshit posts because they contain images of berdly
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I'm glad he's in there
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Well, this thread looks like a lot of fun, but I have to get ready to go now. Don't forget to take a break to get some sun on your skin and spend time with the ones that you love.
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its good to know you wont be here later so we know none of the threadshitting is by you
i found another ifunny one
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Within 48 hours after chapter 3 + 4 is released and the new epic scringly dingly secret is found, there will be a post in /utg/ with this picture and the single word "Apologize.", and it will have 200 quoting posts with variations of "I'M SORRY TOBY-SAMA"
UTDR is the opposite of "but nobody came." You will always come back.
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Are those "people" gone? Ok good
Maybe, but I will never apologize.
not fobkun but saved this one's funny
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I'll try and take a pic with Alphys (real) on the boat if I get the chance hehe
dunno if she would be offended or honored if she knew I called her that here
Girl fave keeps flushing her tampons.
Guess not
Girl fave keeps protesting the gender wage gap.
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Kitty tiddy
Guy fave keeps pouring oil down the drain.
Girl fave keeps spenDING ALL OF MY FUCKING MONEY
Guy fave getting fired from his job since the company found out they can hire women and pay them less apparently
that's a dude
even better
Girl fave getting fired because Elon Musk took over the company and purged all the DEI hires.
Guy fave always gets up to bring some paper towels into his room but strangely never has any food with him...
Guy fave leaving the toilet up or something...? idk i dont fucking know
Anon anon asking fave to put the toilet back down how it was found it because he doesn't know how to install it, plus he probably can't afford to get a plumber either
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someday either the new chapters will release or this thread will be culled; do the tripfags and countertripfags have retirement plans?
Guy fave can't give you anymore children. He has a narrow urethra.
Guy fave had to get his balls removed from testicular cancer, but inexplicably fathered 12 children before that happened.
It gets hard somedays
>I missed FOBby’s meltie
Fave is Dogamy
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good night /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya.
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gote night
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Goatnight and doomin'
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Every Underrune character should have a car shaped like their own self
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My beloveds. Which I think I have already said at some point
Fave should know it's actually really easy to install a toilet.
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
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kris - presbyterian, believes in predestination (fate is already determined and there is nothing you can do to change it)
susie - baptist, comes to church just to slurp down the grape juice
ralsei - methodist, believes in entire sanctificaiton
berdly - eastern orthodox, there isn't anything to explain here, and you already understand
noelle - lutheran, believes in lesbian marriage
toriel - anglican, very via media
asgore - catholic, doesn't believe in divorce
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gote night gote
Undyne Undertale is that Russian war cult type of Christianity
Why do people keep giving Undyne a nose
so bastardized eastern orthodoxy?
which underune character is the jew
Jewish fave lovingly calling you a gentile
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Hapless Fave sent to Ancient Greek times at the mercy of the pantheon
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I guess Flowey technically has more influence but her spider network is nothing to scoff at
Sans and Papyrus would be spics with amount of jobs Sans works under the table
or Italians
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"Kris" is actually short for "Chrysanthemum".
I want to stroke Kris' virgin cock and watch him cum in 9 seconds
Swatch is underrated. Sadly mostly used for OOC shipping with Spamton.
Does Alvin even have a unique text voice?
Alvinbros... it's over...
I doubt whatever Toby comes up with will be as creative as all these fan theories
Reminder that Rouxls was almost given a unique text sound retroactively. Never forget the doodeedoo
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guys haven't you heard the knight is actually oberon smog, a darkner made from gerson's dust upon his hammer?
Is that Ms Boom?
Oh my god and Asriel is short for asrieldaffodil
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If you had sex with a darkner would their light world equivalent would be affected
if Queen gave me a blowjob, then in the light world a laptop's screen would be covered in cum?
What if Roulxs stuck his dicketh uponst mine arse? If I went to the light world would a card be stuck inside my anus?
We would have answers to all these questions if Toby wasn't afraid of worldbuilding
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1010 days
What about Spamton
flogged in public for that image filename 70 lashes per incestuous, child-abusing perversion and 20 extra per archived post whinging about your 50 TB collection being "drawn images of CSA and not real ones so it's totally normal"
holy based
Oh, he’s not going to be happy about this…
A singular autist pissing and shitting himself at my presence isn't effective deterrence, if anything it's an incentive to post more.
So she can imagine the smell
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Love Kanako
Love Asriel
But if she has no nose, how does she smell
In hindsight I don't know why people twisted snowgrave as a "mindbreak your childhood friend into worshipping your cock" thing when if anything that made Noelle a go-getter with Susie
it has marriage imagery to it with the whole ring business
People are bad at understanding Noelle's character
People are bad at understanding the snowgrave route
So, therefore, they're really really fucking bad at understanding Noelle's character during the snowgrave route
it activated snowmonkeys who are genetically inclined to fuck deer
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People are better at writing based things than Toby
You gotta remember that the most aggressively vocal parts of this fanbase are also dudes who, at best, just watch some Youtube playthrough at 2x speed (and even that’s being generous, realistically they’re probably randomly jumping forward at times), they see random things happening and then assign their own meanings to them posthumously
Noelle's character:
>sad about dying dad
>sad about missing sister
>weird mixed feelings about fear (susie pusie)
Yes, but it's not something she wants or is enjoying at all. It's more like rape, if anything.
Yeah its great isnt it
Way more interesting than genocide was. Bravo Toby
My NovelAI lorebook entries and memory for indulgent self-insert scenario with fave is nearing 45k characters/7k tokens
It's not even lewd
The lewd one alone has 2k tokens
>being #2 nerd in class
>It's more like rape, if anything.
That’s basically the entire draw for snowcoomers
Yeah. Shit sucks, man.
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I hate being part of the 1% of Snowgravefags who like it just because the “that kid” kind of creepypasta storytelling tickles my brain the right way
The thorn ring causes her pain. It's a sadist appeal.
Undertale's genocide route has been part of the mainstream consciousness for so long that it's easy to forget that when it was first discovered, when the demo released, people had a lot of the same "holy shit is this real" reactions and drew similar creepypasta comparisons that they did when Snowgrave was found.
I mean, the Sans fight and Megalovania are the reason a lot of people even found out about Undertale. Deltarune is popular because it is a "sequel" to Undertale, in contrast.
I wonder how many people from the original release times, or maybe even the demo times are still following the fandom.
I remember when people were whinging about "snowcoomers" almost daily
Yeah I remember a few hours ago
spamton created his own congregation about donating to the true church (his) to achieve heaven on earth
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Birdshit really needs to fuck off.
they are the most oppressed group of all deltarune fans
almost everyone hates them
berdlyfags hate it for obvious reasons
noelle and susie shipfags hate it for obvious reasons
normalrouteshits (the majority of the fandom) hate it for sexualizing mental abuse
goatfags hate it for being straight
and countless others for countless reasons i can't think of rn
and all that just because they like good mind break stories
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>goatfags hate it for being straight
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Sometimes you gotta faggote it up
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what purpose does mindbreaking noelle have?
the answer is making her stronger
why make her stronger?
because uhhh.. maybe there will be a big threat that needs a powerful adversary in order to be defeated. shit bro i dun't kno
>love this pic
>look up artist
>all they draw is mii gunner sweating
>(male being the "default" means it's the closest to ambiguity he can get)
You can have different characters say different things
Or for Frisk you might be able to avoid third-person pronouns altogether by replacing a relatively small number of lines (for Kris this is harder, for Chara very hard)
>the gote shotafags now have a loli
it's so over
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>he doesn't know
Fuck off fake poster
need... bellymaw...
>i don't know
it's so over...
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Asriel has lots of lovely human friends
kingposter... post more bellymaw...
The fat Kanoka lolifag in the Yellow threads was the same poster as the fat shota Asrielfag here
>Kris depicted as shorter than the underhoomans
erm... headcannon??
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this is huge
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
84 days until 9th anniversary
Frisk and Chara are around the same age and height as Asriel in Undertale so their Deltarune versions are as well
huge blobs of fat
holy shit it's a robot
One week.
Tödliches Reich + King of Nothing
He was proven innocent in the end
This is very telling.

>ban evasion
still not deltarun i laugh (funny)(cry)
good night (goes to sleep) (lauhghs)
noelle's determination will resurrect chara again or something
Honey, I, oh I, I got something for ya', baby
Cuz if I'm callin' at 2 in the mornin'
It only means one thing, baby
/utg/ is your whole life isn't it.
I can't imagine much worse.
Since you looked at me
Threw your arms in the air and said "You're crazy"
bro chara is already live
that's not kara that's chris
Chara(pronounced Shara)
Five days since you tackled me
It's pronounced like character
>live action Undertale adaptation
>they pronounce it like this
Catti taking the catnip but she starts sucking on Jockington's head like a pacifier, gently biting on his neck and wrapping his tail around her arm in order to not swallow him by accident
Chara (pronounced Tshara)
>"The name's Cter. Chara Cter."
(insert whichever charanon image is most appropriate, i am not at my computer)
The ch in Chara is pronounced like the ch in loch
perish immediately
The ch in Chara is pronounced like the ch in ch 3
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7 chapters
7 souls
7 charas
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hello everybody.
my name is markiplier.
7 cocks
14 balls
chat is this real
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Chaos King threatening to kill Lancer was the hypest moment to me when the chapter 1 demo came out.
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>Kara rockers in the house tonight
>It's Char-a rock is
Chara (Carrey)
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I remember when
I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo, in so much space, mmm
And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much, mm

Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?

And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice, mm
Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha, ha, ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?

Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
And all I remember is thinkin' I wanna be like them, mm-hmm
Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little, it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
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Fave unironically learned how statistics and probability worked from Buckshot Roulette
what if it was poo and peep instead of pee and poop would that be fucked up or what
how can someone go to school for more then a week and not understand how probability works
Fave's not good at math.
i failed too many maths to take probability/statistics
its the EASIEST math
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its over
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I would rather boogie with that babe over there than dance with death.
This is the part where you boogie, this is the part where you dance
>doomer ralsei in 2024
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Yeah I didn't expect to still be doing this several years later either.
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>went on this thread everyday in 2022
>stop bcs deltarune is dead
>come back 2 years later

what have i missed?
mental illness
Nothing, still waiting on chapter 3.
Two fangames were released to minimal fanfare, one of them made Toby have to donate money to save face over copyright issues.
>Two fangames
>save face over copyright issues
what fan games? what copyright issues?
goonster teen
Fave freaking out over a Tornado Watch.
Are Jewish boys more or less likely to become gooners
MK is probably the "sit there and let it happen" kind of person so I'd believe it
I must capture the Fave to regain my honor!
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Finally this thought can leave me
What if Fave ripped you apart and feasted on your organs?
You walk into Alphys lab and the smell of pussy juice, sweat, and cum because she's done nothing but fucking masturbate for the past 45 minutes
Alphys watching increasingly weirder Mew Mew hentai and feeling more and more ashamed of herself with every cum
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lmfao what
Fave freaking out because the amber alert sound ambushed their poor eardrums
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Do you think Toby would support the Jewish Gooners?
He IS a Jewish Gooner.
Jewish fave wants to cuddle up and read the Talmud with you
Ok, but only if we also read Mein Kampf afterwards.
Gooning involves not cumming for hours, Alphys is the "cum 6 times in a row because 'I need to sleep' and then stay up anyways" type
Fave is the type who's resorted to reading anti-monster sites to give himself motivation to commit suicide but the other posters find him funny so now he has even more baggage if he does
Take those damn shoes off let me see your weird fluffy goat non-hooves
Fuck lucky Jockington getting to feel Catti's throat muscles try to swallow him down
Does anybody in this general pronounce "Chara" as anything but the first two syllabaries of "character"? (or maybe like "Kara")
It's officially pronounced like the Chara in Character going off the Japanese version
Chara = キャラ = Kyara
Character = キャラクター = Kyarakutaa
If it was Char-uh it'd be チャラ and Kara would be カラ
Doesn't matter.
"Chara" is called whatever I arbitrarily decide to call them.
If Toby really wanted to be Japanese there’d be a FUNNYROO official 4koma of characters not knowing how Chara’s name is pronounced (where’s the KICKSTARTER COMICS you fucking HACK)
Reminder that Toby still hasn't released the Silence Ending.
But the Japanese can't have pronunciation problems due to how their language works so the joke wouldn't translate
>Toby scrapped the planned anime intro
Genuinely upset
Not quirky enough.
The animators refused to draw the silhouette of the Knight twerking on the top of the stairs so I scrapped the whole thing.
Edging is not cumming for hours. Gooning is exactly what you described Alphys doing.
Are you enjoying the goonsesh? Re-harden your cock. You'll love the next hour.
Temmie making a highly detailed sprite for the Titan battle and Toby breaking into her room yelling "UNQUIRK DETECTED" and scribbling all over it with MS Paint Pencil
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Where is the confirmation of this
Cumming on Toby's wrists to heal them
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Goat status?
It's getting hot in here (so hot)
So take off all your clothes
does anyone remember that fanart of a fem kris making out with a teacher lancer?
hot but fucking piercings in your fucking meat bridge area make me recoil primordially
fuck off goatshit
For all the "Kris doesn't like Ralsei" theorizing, Toby clearly really really really really wants to fuck Ralsei. He even makes the guys get the Ralsei plush to 'kiss' the Toby Fox dog on the ch1 stream
the fans hate kris so they think kris hates all of the furry characters too
yeah that's right, my favorite character is Sans (Susie After Not Showering)
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Toby is the most notorious goteposter.
Ears and lips are the only piercings I like, nose can be alright on some people too.
Anything past that just gets a bit too pin cushiony you know?
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You have piqued my interest
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very telling
Only 45 minutes? That's rookie numbers
AND asriel
uh oh today's meds wore off
uh oh *has a seizure*
new temmie just dropped
what is she trying to tell us?
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I'm just about to take mine before I go to bed. I'm very sleepy.
Remember when people called Undertale a meme game?
Good times. Not really.
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i need to fuck that nerdy lizard
I think it would conflict with the fact that not every boss character has been fully designed yet
And it would probably spoil a whole bunch of things
It's not a theory, the Ralsei Tea doesn't heal Kris that much.
I hate anime so I'm glad that Deltarune will not have an Anime intro
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Fandom status?
>kris fucking hates everyone because their tea doesnt heal them as much as susie sploogie tea heals noelle
based anime hater playing a JRPG made by the world's most Wapanese Bostonian who does nothing but play anime games and watch anime girls
Lack of focus on skeletons in DR means fandom is able /forced to admit to themselves that they're furries
Where Tasque Manager and Queen the first conventionally attractive women in the series?
Off-model drawings of hags and dikes and minors do not count
Deltafags are object fuckers
Not liking Ralsei would mean the tea heals them like 10hp like the self-teas do
Kris just likes Ralsei the least of their main friend group
Doesn't mean they dislike him, Susie and Noelle are just better in their eyes
retarded post
...fandom dead...
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conventional attractiveness is sovlless
cute characters (not children thoughever) are more fuckable than a character who's supposed to make you horny
Kid Susie makes me sad.
so true
puntosaurus rex
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hail satan
Define conventionally attractive.
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good early morning /utg/. what is your favourite type of character?
Person who is fluffy and also nice to me.
get yo legs back in the fucking panel you homo
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I miss this meme
I miss doo dee doo too
Why do all the Rouxls memes die out
He looks like I'm so uninteresting or distasteful he doesn't even want to look at me ;(
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yeah but undertale had at least 3 buff dudes, a "daddy" type, and a metrossexual robot that goes by "he" and maybe more that I don't remember right now
Same, and idk why they don't last.
Wonder if Rouxls will get a short-lived Chapter 3/4 meme too
Fave used to be able to speak normally but 2 years on 4chan resulted in their grasp of language becoming horrifically declined
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he's a big boy
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This I know.
That's selfcest actually
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Selfcest literally means "self incest" so it's a form of incest
yeah I remembered her after making my post
and maybe the other 2 bunny women on snowdin but we can barely see any detail on those
4channers will unironically tell you she weighs too much to be attractive
I want to fuck the bunny girl in the green shirt so bad
it's just fluff
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Not a single person here will say that honestly unless they're a big gay homo who isn't attracted to women in the first place so they're irrelevant to the conversation.

Yeah, the innkeeper and whats-her-face with bunbunbun on the leash are pretty low res. Snowdin has a lot of rabbit folk. I wonder if they're all related.
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Me and noelle are alike in many ways
This would be cute if it was with Frisk
it's a small town, so there is a lot of incest for sure
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just bee yourself
garbage pail kid looking Asriel
susie BIG
No, insects.
That's why Frisk is dressed up like a bee.
Imagine the violent babymaking
Is college Asriel going to look like Ralsei without the pink, God of Hyperdeath or GoHD but without the face markings?
He looks like Asgore, but mostly lean muscle instead of fat.
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maybe not
Asriel actually got the genes that skipped a generation and inherited his looks from his grandfather.
>but i'm totally going to bed guys
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He's going to look like a failure and disappointment to his parents and his new boyfriend is named misery and despair
"Ralsei is what Kris wants to look like (as Toriel's biological child)" theory is kino except why does Ralsei have glasses then?
notice how the Dreemurr lineage has never been shown beyond the 3 boss monsters and the random humans they adopted
Remember "sweaty goat jock" posting?
glad nobody makes those anymore
Is this projection?
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maybe kris has contact lenses
sweaty gote rock
Because boss monsters are the result of human interbreeding
Why do you think their souls just conveniently last longer after death, something explicitly linked to human determination as explained in the lab entries? Why would Toriel have visible color in her eyes in the black-and-white sprites without actively using magic like Sans to trigger an eye change?
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Wrong, we see Neolithic Toriel at the start of the game.
Do you think Frisk is a distant descendant of Spear Human or do all Underrune humans just have that exact haircut
yeah they're all japanese
notice the slit eyes too
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Unnamed gote is the GOAT.
For fucks sake I could see toby doing this
Axetale would be incredibly funny if Frisk had given birth to a skeleton child with glowing eyes and everyone in the room realized they drugged a woman for nothing
How do you tell someone that their child gave birth to an entire different species
That just regular Toriel
Asgore is in the opening too, they have been alive for eons
gote… gort… yogort… calcium’d gote… gotebiotics…
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gort my beloved
I'm only seeing Mike Wazowski there
Either you're playing the demo or Flowey is raping your game at the moment
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I wanna rim him so bad and see him squirt like a girl boy
Fave is having that esoteric feeling where they remember that the people they watch on Deltatube aren’t ageless characters but are actual people who get older
so true berdfriend!
He got birdbroken by gotes so hard he had to spend his own money commissioning porn of berdly fucking the entire cast of Deltarune as revenge.
Being a human with your prehistory goat in peace.
Almost makes a man cry.
Not a wizard or king or conflict in sight, everyone just living in the moment.
At this rate Jerma is gonna be fucking 50 by the time Deltarune is completed. He's 38 now, imagine how old he'll be when we finally see the ending to this fucking thing.
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Wrong that's Ungariel and Ungore
If that was Toriel she would still be ruling as the Queen of Monsters since she hasn't left Asgore yet, but she has no crown
We know she wore a crown under rule by scrapped concept art of the Asriel and Chara flashbacks
Therefore, since this monster does not have a crown, it is not Toriel
It really is weird knowing that I’ve been watching some of the same people for more than a decade
I wonder when people decide that it’s time to retire and do something else
so cute I wish temmie was real
Is his asshole big or is it virgin tight?
Once, there was an ugly Fave.
He was so ugly that everyone died.
The end.
what will you do when temmie uses her connections and business knowledge to take over the entire deltarune IP from under toby's nose a la skullgirls mariel
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Asgore was the king during the war though
its much more likely that is Toriel than there being another unnamed goat monster who looks exactly like her but is only in the intro
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just think about dinosaur ass to get over it
>could have had official in game art of asriel; and chara eating pie and being cute together
fuck you toby
I say this with a great amount of disappointment but,
Toby's only 8 years away from being 40. He'll be eligible for DILF status before you know it.
So that's what spoids would be into if they weren't gay
That's because the "Long ago" panel happens before Asgore and Toriel's rule, hence "long" ago. There was a period of peace before the war.
Arguing they're the same because they look the same is as valid as arguing that the unnamed Human is also Frisk or Chara because they look the same
How big is Asgores balls?
the unnamed human does not look like Frisk or Chara (different hair) and is nearly as tall as Toriel
We could have had an official game with asriel and chara eating pie and being cute together but apparently schizophrenic tards would rather make games about their made sleep deprived delusions, so whatever.
Horrortale Papyrus is locked in the Dungeon by Undyne and has to use a toilet for the first time. He's eaten non-magical food exactly once or twice before,
but he's never tasted nor seen meat from the Surface before. It's too fatty to be burger meat. Regardless, why feed him human food? Undyne herself should know that magic food is the optimal diet for training gains. This whole chamber seems rather bare; nothing but a bed, drafting table,
>I'll get your action figures from Sans later, 'kay?
but no table to put them on. Sans hasn't shown up to train(or to tell Pap he's overtraining) in a while either. He...he shouldn't think too hard about it all. The only things that should be thinking are his biceps!
How long has it been...a year, maybe? Don't know; a while ago he heard Undyne and some other monsters shouting outside for days and it hasn't been good since. When he does hear from Undyne through the door, it's always things like
>Ya shouldn't make so much DAMN noise in there!
>Make that frown do a kickflip, NOW! You sad about being ALIVE!!!
>You DON'T NEED TO KNOW! If you knew, you'd...
>I'm sealing the cracks.
>Whatever nonsense my idiotic lackies are saying, you don't need to hear it.
>Just make the best puzzle you can for me, 'kay?
He'd love to, but....he can't even remember how big the royal chamber was. How can he make a puzzle without knowing the space it's meant to be in? How can he make a puzzle when all he would to puzzle is this room?
if papyrus ate non magical food i imagine it would just drop through the bottom of his skull
Would you let Fave absorb your soul
I would rather live a happy life with them.
Why would they want it in the first place?
Why didn't Chara just rip their soul out like Kris so Asriel can absorb it without them having to poison themself and die? Are they stupid?
fave is spamton or flowey
yes but I have to reside in their balls
How did frisk go past the barrier if Asgore's soul was destroyed?
Why didn’t they just go to the barrier and say “open sesame”
You gotta believe me.
Give me like 30 minutes.
We can fucking have your body back. You gotta believe me.
Spamton, fuck off.
Gaster hadnt taught them that technique yet
The neutral ending was always weird as shit
The game goes out of its way to emphasize you CANNOT LEAVE WITHOUT A HUMAN AND MONSTER SOUL and then it just ends with the assumption you casually walked out anyway
Was Alphys wrong about that? Or did Frisk never actually leave? I feel like Toby forgot about that big important rule he introduced because he was having too much fun making Omega Flowey
He also forgot that humans used magic in the intro story
Fave’s succulent feetsies and toesies
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It's funny how little people realize he actually does have a Jawline and isn't just a dented in marshmallow.
Faves feet and toes contains precious Aloe Vera that can used to protect cuts from infection and sooth pain from sunburns.
>ut/dr fandom drawing anything on model ever
I'm not saying this to be above it all; I've literally never realized this myself. Even the official merch for him forgets this.
On model sucks, which is why Burgerpants is the superiorest fave
Official merch is non-canon. (laughs)
Fave's receding hairline
Toby's receding hairline
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I feel strange.
Jigsaw Joe’s proceeding hairline
Burgerpants goes to the barber and they push his hairline back
Humans have hairlines
Monsters have furlines
Monsters have chalk outlines.
Tickling fave's nose until a sneezie comes out
Azzy only becomes only more straightedge after-
>Don't say my name! I don't want to be seen like this!
smokes the gas station weed.
shave ur fave
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64 hairs
32 hairs
My [little sponge]s, how do I get a [hochi mama] for myself?
Maybe /k/ knows how
>"Go into the woods and bugger a deer. That's how."
mixing my chromosomes with noelle to create an ugly baby
Hold your fave
Kiss your fave
Cherish your fave
Caress your fave
That's what we do here.
Kris your fave
As a matter of fact, he isn't
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Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara
Undertale is written by manatees?
Did the guy making Super Fave Quest die
i ate him sory
Berdly's leaked anal play videos make their way to the mayor's desk. It's none of her business, the email that sent them to her was supposedly advertising some "SLUETH 4 hIRE!" service. She always had a feeling about that kid.
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Tall goot!
They say
Fave appeared in a doorway
*punches your stomach really hard*
I want errything aBOUT MY FAVE
who is your fave?
What did you think it was...?
The government is polluting the air with favetrails
I(and everyone else) got gaslighted into thinking this man was just two ovals on tops of each other
Can you draw it? because I don't think I ever saw what you saw.
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I was going to post this classic as an example but it seems to be the exception
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I guess I was just too AU poisoned back then but something more like this is what I meant
I was adjusting for the top-down perspective in my head forgetting that UT sprite work doesn't really do that
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Canon Sans.
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Release trailer later this week.
It will have The Knight in it btw.
Source for this claim?
It came to me in a dream.
My uncle works at Toby Fox
Fave has a DISORDER.
Fave wonders how pollen manages to cause allergies despite them never going outside
What if you walked in on guy fave jerking off and instead of stopping he just looked you dead in the eyes and stroked faster
Make next thread or I will NOT stimulate your prostate
Pollen is like super tiny and can still get in your house unless it's like hermetically sealed
Well fuck
I hate summer, says Fave (and Fave’s poor sinuses)
>that amount of "like"s
Catty/Bratty real and in /utg/??????
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cute snout
Fave can't stop plucking their beard hairs out with their fingers
Seriously I can't stop myself and I don't even mean to do it
That's literally a mental disorder. Go see a therapist unironically
Same but with pubes.
strong Burgerpants behavior, seek help
Ok, here's the new thread
Just use an epilator Tbh
yeah not using that thread lol
guess drawing request are gonna be tomorrow
He's baiting.
I'm not using the berdshit thread.
Migrate here.
What the fuck is going on in that thread
Anyone could have told you berdfag lied about not being a threadshitter anymore or however he likes to phrase it but today you got to see for yourself
Do you ever fucking sleep

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