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Latest News;

>PoE 2 Witch Gameplay Walkthrough

>PoE 2 Early Access in November

>PoE 2 Console Update: Couch Co-op

>[3.24] Necropolis (dead)

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

watch this space for poe2 alpha access
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Can't look at it. I don't have an account.
Odds of PoE2 being playable without an item filter to remove the innumerable eyesores they call "loot"?
The boss in the previews dropped 3 blue items, you will be fine
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Most likely. I can see Jonathan being picky enough to let only bread crumbs drop from regular monsters, and having enough brain power to tie "loot explosions" to bosses. That would guarantee longer gameplay flow before you have to stop, bow down and go through the rubbish.
will we get more pootwo news in a few weeks when they launch the next league or are they done shilling act 1-2?
100% if they are actually serious about attracting soulstoddlers
nioh showed that they will have a melty if they see more than one item per hour
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High I think, might need one for endgame though, not necessarily to hide 99.9% of drops, but to highlight things you're after to stand out more, like items bases, good uniques etc.
2 questions for /poeg/
>how much do you enjoy poe
>how optimistic are you for 2
poe is ded
poe 2 killed it
poe 2 is also ded
tl;dr it's over
PoE 2 might turn into the best game eve created, but it took too fucking long. People probably even forgot it "exists" at this point.
absolutely loving it, in ssf ruthless, can't stop playing
for poe2 about 7/10, looks good
love it
anxiously. I actually have a lot of online buddies that gave PoE a shot and dropped it fast because how the fuck are new players supposed to get into it, so PoE2 is another oppotunity for that.
love poe 1
poe 2 looks like shit, but maybe it's all an illusion and game actually will be good after some time
I dislike PoE and haven't enjoyed it in a long time
PoE2 could be ok, the visuals are good but i'm sceptical
Ruthless is great fun and a real breath of fresh air for the genre. It's just good stuff.
your trooning are still not entertaining enough, ruthlesstranny
uh oh ggg mexican cocksucker tranny melty
personally I like doing the league starting race but I get quickly bored once I feel forced to trade to progress my atlas because lack of concrete maps. Also dislike how shitty doing anything melee early on feels. Leveling as melee is literally cucking yourself. Its not fun and its way slower.
The endgame I hate because at that point usually any build boils down to a visual clusterfuck 1 button spam with zero actual thought process gameplay, mindless grinding.
Poe2 seems to combine what I like about diablo which is its combat and the deep theorycrafting and customization from poe1 so Im very eager to try it.
Wish they would show some shadow gameplay by now. Especially considering the game was supposed to be out by now, youd assume they at least had the bare minimum of all classes.
Didn't they replace the twink with a monk?
no, theyre two different classes
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Do we know how the trading system will be in PoE2?
they mentioned some sort of auction house
gw2 system for currency
same as poe 1 for the rest
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rolling from page 9
poe2 footage
dog shit
new dog shit
pandas are kinda based, even though they are chinese
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he said the league was really bad
>d4 won
4 months until beta and we know nothing about the skill tree or the endgame. something aint right here.
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he's so fucking hot
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>Door handle
What is perspective?
There is a reason why retention was the worst of all time.
You mean he's smaller?
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Uhhhhh...PoE 2 bros????????? The world's #1 most popular and best video game player (Asmongold) said that Soulslop artificial difficulty is worthless garbage for niggerfaggot retards and that only stinky, useless NEETs like that sort of content.

Are there enough stinky, useless NEETs to make PoE 2 successful??? It looks like we're heading straight for a cliff.
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Are people who prop up PoE2 oblivious to the fact that the game
and plays
like D4?
They are obviously trying to attract a larger crowd and are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. PoE1 is (was) so good because it was made in a garage, while they actually cared about players. Now they care about player NUMBERS.
Face it
PoE2 = corporate slop
counterarguments: none
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What's artificial difficulty?
Name 3 non-artificially difficult games.
Starcraft , Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Path of Exile 2
what is wrong with the looks, feel and play of d4?
D4 problems are itemization and endgame content.
but it doesn't
grayslop vs colorful diverse environments
mobile vs console
greater rifts and "avoid the red circle" bosses vs rollslop asscancer
Only two of those games exist but they’re good
There IS no endgame content for PoE2 thoughbeit
>emphasizing the word that gets negated
well we dont know that but at least they have all the mechanics from leagues they can implement...
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>no endgame
>100 rollslop baldcore bosses
>can't get hp nodes on tree and everything oneshots you
>can't corpse rush the bosses
>can't pedal out
knowing the bald man, normaloids will be lucky to get past act 2
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What's actually going to happen in Rollslop of Excrementxile:
>everyone plays turbo meta on the most retarded, cancerous build/playstyle (like Assmongoloid spamming le jumping strike on every Elden Ring boss until they die)
>streamers and no-lifers will say the game is fine because you can beat the game by exploiting the trash meta and if you don't like it you're just bad
>GGG will nerf the meta builds or introduce content that is too difficult to le jumping strike down
>everyone will quit and streamers will flock to the next FotM game
more like
>non-retards will play good builds to farm currency and gear for the first week of league start
>they will reroll some fun meme builds and steamroll the game
>retards will spend the first week trying to beat the campaign on their homebrew slop build while seething about a stale meta
>they will then spend the rest of the league seething about streamer rng and how unfair it is that they can't play good builds like streamerman because they have no currency
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What does slop mean, is this a new meme word?
It's going to be dry maps with no mechanics and 50 bosses.
Great game.
Knew PoE 2 was going to be a slopfest the second they started explaining how having to jog your ass to a fucking well to refill pots was ackthually the greatest thing in a game since a dedicated roll button and how you'll love it even if it sounds like pure fucking aids for absolutely no reason. The addition of gold was the final nail in the coffin for any enthusiasm I had for it.
boring now that my golem builds were butchered this league
as for poe 2, I know nothing about it other than they added rolling and gems changes.
they have gone back on the pot refill thing after tester feedback
I don't care. Anyone with two neurons to rub together could have told them it was an awful idea that makes the game look bad and that it shouldn't have made it out the door. The fact that they doubled down before being forced to remove it is so braindead that it's a grim omen for how the rest of the game is designed.
to me it's baffling they needed testers to tell them this. Game designers nowadays confuse tedium with difficulty
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I wonder how easy streamers will have it in poe 2 with their streamer loot seeds. Probably one shitting bosses and only ever taking chip damage from any attack.
TalkativeTranny is going full unhinged build. What a dead league does to a content creator
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>normal poe
no longer enjoy it
bloated, power creep everywhere, only
>ruthless poe
sort of enjoy it but still needs quite some work
looking more and more like console trash with each announcement
ruthless could have been so kino, it's a shame that its current state is just for retards whose brains will overheat if they see more than 2 stats on a weapon
>how much do you enjoy poe
enjoyment is a 6/10 atm used to be 10/10
>how optimistic are you for 2
very. I dont care about their vision or how it will end up. I have been poe 1 for 12 years I just want something new. I even enjoyed d4 just because it was new despite being a shit game.
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111 pees until new league
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PoE is going to filter all these ruthless trannies. You are desperate to have an advantage over others, but you are going to get blown no matter what.
To recite the holy papers, And Jonathan made a covenant with Chris because he loved him as himself.
I will use ranger, I will make the game same as poe1 kek
All bosses shown are countered
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>I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.
What did baldo mean by that?
Grim Dawn! Rise up~
leveling as melee is fuckin abysmal
found two bows in act 3 that already blow my weapons out of the water without gems. fucking stupid ass designers
skeel issue
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why are those girls peeing standing up?
they have she pees look it up
i am bleeding out from my anus
are you an investor by any chance?
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how many sleeps left to beta?
t. gladiator
one long eternal sleep
i like playing this game
Tencent is 100% owner now.
Try better
not what I meant. I know an investor who has issues with bleeding anus and is in hospital constantly.
Cute little ducks got away :)
Why are they like that? Just give it to your gf
ruthless is fine
it's just your coomer brain no longer finding lights out missionary only engaging
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Is there anyone who could save ggg at this point?
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At least not before PoE 2's open beta. No shilling will ever make people excited over retarded changes and new, lacklustre league mechanics. Given how the game's state and reception, you'd also be a retard to drop money on supporter packs tha may never be transfer to PoE 2 in addition.
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>you'd also be a retard to drop money on supporter packs tha may never be transfer to PoE 2 in addition.
They literally said all microtransactions from poe1 will transfer to poe2
Lmao, it's kino on so many levels.
Jesus fucking christ I've been getting crashes all day and I open options to see if theres a new setting that I can turn off or something almost everything was set to ultra. How is my PC not on fire.
you can tell its AI by his child bearing hips
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Hilarious when someone posted that photo of him standing next to two other streamers and looking absolutely hideous. He's trying to hide his man face with his hair, and his legs are just disgusting. He's definitely going to kill himself once filters can't hide his hideous appearance any more. What a horrible monster visage.
I can only imagine the absolute seethe that PoE 2 will get now that i'm seeing what Elden Ring's difficult DLC is doing to people's psyche.
people in this very general are already seething over poe 2 bosses and coping
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i played this league then people figured out the strat to fish for the 'chance to drop divibes + rats thing. i then used all my maps on it only to then find out it had been stealth nerfed like an hour prior. exploits like that ruin the game for me so hard. i quit right after that. i hope next league is more balanced
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>no tattoos
i swear i would utterly decimate every single one of lily's sockets if she ever crossed my path
she should pray she never does
Ruthless is a natural expression of human beauty and perseverance. A delicate dance of delayed gratification and pure unadulterated joy.
Trade league just stinks!!!
God I hope PoE2 has Ruthless mode too.
I want to impregnate this woman
Tried to put a pregnant man emoji but I guess a simple "you're a degenerate faggot" will have to suffice.
It won't. Ruthless is their first-pass attempt at fixing the major game-core issues that PoE has.

They are implementing their best versions of the fixes in to base PoE 2. Some of the Ruthless stuff, they agree, they didn't like.

PoE 2 will not have Ruthless, instead every mode will have Ruthless at it's heart.
wtf is ruthless and why don't I give a shit.
because you're a braindead retard who doesn't even play this game
why are you here?
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fuck zizaran
green guy was right
POE2 the great filter
millionaire regurgitating reddit posts with the most generic script
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The seethe is coming from somewhere
>chinese gamers when they can't pay to win
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GGG has played the Elden Ring DLC and now this will be every boss in POE2 from now on.
Not surprising. I don't mean any offense when I say Chinese people are the worst version of humanity. Terrible culture, let kids die out on the streets, cheat, lie, steal, encapsulated as an entire society.

If you made an anime that depicted a Chinese like race as a villain, people would make fun of you for being too hyperbolic.

Fucking bugmen.
better than the soulless deadeye slop poe1 is, prepare for the great filtering
I forgot how much the game fucks with the camera. It's unbelievably annoying to be honest.
Is it too difficult to them or do they have terrible machines and are at a disadvantage?
Chinese are notorious cheaters and hackers, they never learned how to play.
I’m ridiculously hype for Doom Dark Ages
and you will cope and seethe eternally
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PoE will implode within two weeks or so. Casuals will get filtered and will drop the game in no time. Try hards will try to trigger everyone until nobody is left sneeding and cannibalise each other until they drop out as well. Streamers won't pump out guides and what not fast enough to get people through the campaign fast enough for anyone to care. Let the great filtering begin already.
At the very least the camera perspective is a bonus for poe2.
Correct post, happy to see other sane exiles here.

>I forgot how much the game fucks with the camera.
Good players don't use lock-on, and thus their camera is unmolested.
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I hate how soulless all the bosses in soulslikes games are (pun intended)

They just drop them in your face with nary a word said, no introduction, no background whatsoever as to their existence and purpose (except something incredibly vague and somewhere lame like in some shitty item description), and then you fight this epic fight with bombastic BGM, spend time learning their moves, die a shitton, repeat until you kill them... and that's it

Nothing is said
Nothing drops
No cutscene, no speech, nothing

It's very jarring
Makes the game world feel unbearably empty, half-assed, and disjointed
In the end all fights and encounters feel like these retarded non-sequiturs with no purpose whatsoever

tl;dr Very anticlimactic, overrated and disjointed chink game
skill issue
GGG is probably the only company that I trust that won't inject pure faggotry into their game
are kiwis just based?
pure faggotry as in
>slow gameplay
>skill rotations
>one-shot boss slams™
>100+ bosses
>ruthless loot
>no life on tree
>skills on items
>one support gem per character
>console focus
>couch co-op
>constant delays
>no community contact except with retarded streamers and "influencers"
we must hold our ground
we can't have another meltdown
...not so soon
Either subpar troll or a dumb nigger, not sure which yet.
Dark Souls players are cultists
They have literal cult-like behaviour:
You have to tolerate all the jank bullshit the game throws at you, no matter how obnoxious or stale, play the game in a certain way without using community-banned items or strategies, and dare not criticize anything about the their god Miyazaki otherwise you’re bad
It’s a ponzi scheme of a game
A truly miserable existence really
And a dark sign of things to come
Why can't it be both?
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>It’s a ponzi scheme of a game
I like this definition
The only way these games get any value is out of drawing suckers in so that they can also recite the "git gud" mantra
holy mother of samefagging
I think the janny is a rollslop retard...
>in soulslikes games

Thanks for clarifying. For a second, I thought your post was about PoE
Looks like a heated discussion of wits and wills here boys.
At least we can all agree with Ruthless is a great mode with a lot going for it (too fun!!!)
It's fun but unrecognizable. Many unfinished great ideas are festering in it's content bloat
Cautiously optimistic. Anything fresh and new with the soul of PoE will be phenomenal but it's just a matter of whether or not after all these years, staff changes and "financial incentives" GGG still has what it takes to deliver that.
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rare good take
itt rollslop niggers in absolute cope mode
i don't mind some rollslop bosses in the campaign or as pinnacle bosses, my issue is if they are going to be map bosses. the worst map bosses in poe are multi-phase bosses like innocence. blasting through a map in poe 2 and then wasting 5 minutes on a 10 phase boss is going to feel completely fucking retarded.
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>blasting through a map
>in poe 2
I don’t mind bosses in general either as long as they’re a 1-minute fight, 2 minutes at the very most
Anything more than that is slog realm and tedious
you will learn their patterns and do the roll slop and become infinitely bored waiting for your "Openings"TM
This is just Storm Call with Awakened Cascade, not so funny now is it
are you so in love with death, anon
GGG should seriously listen to him if they want to fix sorry ass state of PoE 1
>blight ravaged map prices more than doubled
ok which streamer/YouTuber put out a video now what did i miss
>how much do you enjoy poe
Quite a lot
>how optimistic are you for 2
Also quite a lot, one of the things I hate about PoE is how much the game feels like an excel spreadsheet at the endgame, and the "gameplay" (save for a few bosses) consist of either doing so much damage that enemies don't exist or building so much defence that enemies are irrelevant. I often feel like there's little player agency besides just having the right gear, PoE2 is looking like positioning and reacting to what the enemy is doing might be important and that the player behind the keyboard might matter slightly more than it does now.
There are less than 10 real people playing PoE right now. 1 person buying them empties the entire market.
>Asian people under the communist rule still have more sense of self than the western cultist NPCs
Really makes you think...
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Even Chinks realize that artificial difficulty = artificial fun. Game companies are just stealing your time in exchange for letting you fight with other braindead losers over who's the best braindead loser at rollslopping around.
you sound mad
Cry me a river
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>Asmongold jump attack

*breathes in*


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i think post above is the mad argentinian schizo whom i buckbroke during the exilecon 2023

one year later and he's still having mad unhinged shitter meltdowns
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It's definitely him. He's constantly butt blasted.
Got another 20 hours in this weekend, can't wait to get home and start my first tier 3 maps and equip a cool jewel I got for 15c. Honestly glad I started playing this game, it just feels like there's so much to learn and so much to do.
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Decided to try ruthless and my god, this is boring. I'm only at the docks and I've literally fallen asleep mid zone, which is remarkable given how I'm pressing like 5 buttons.
No wonder the only people playing this are some attention starved tranime coomer and a literal aids ridden faggot that wages for FedEx, actual DOA option
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>/poog/ thinks that running up to a boss and instantly killing it before it can do anything is "skill"
For this to be accurate that group is 3 too big and missing 2 axe wounds
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poog can't even manage their wisdom scroll supply in ruthless
99% of this cesspool general wouldn't make it to maps in hcssfr, 99.9999% to red maps
most shitters in this game are absolutely clueless as to what is going on in front of them
they're not playing a game, just clicking on bumper stickers
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*rollslops your attacks with -60% all res*
nothing personnel
-10% per act is a good thing
Spot on.
Melee builds are going to get raped by the game, again. You will never be able to outlive the bullet hell due to no fucking drops.
GGG have never released the data and never will, but I'd expect a lot of people finish act 5 and think they beat the game, only to be slapped with -30 res and having to replay copy pasted acts, and they walk out the door. Console normalfags are not going to take this well.
anon the point of my post is -10% resistances per act, there is 6 acts
>make it to maps in hcssfr
unironically extremely easy, sounds like (you)'re the one who can't see what's going on in front of them. since your character has the mobility of a crippled toddler in acts you're never in the thick of an enemy pack and by extension never in any real danger. when i did self imposed ssf in ruthless with gold i didn't die a single time up through act 10
This game isn't going to do well, is it
blah blah make it to maps and then let's talk buddy
Getting nerfed for completing more of the game never feels good. It is fine for experienced players because they know how to gear, but I've seen normalfags play diablo 3 and even in that game their gearing decisions were pants on head retarded. You seriously overestimate how normalfags will play the game without green arrows telling them that a piece of gear in their inventory makes them stronger.
yes, that's what comes after act 10.
most intelligent roofless player
>hcssfr is super easy bro it's just easy bro
if it's so easy then why don't you play it?
softcore trade must bore you to tears if hcssfr is such a breeze...
Most of us already beat uber bosses and all T17 bosses in hc ssf r necropolis league
I'm planning to do a hc ssf r blindfolded run next league
softcore trade shitter meltdown in process
>if it's so easy then why don't you play it?
what sort of pants on head retarded reasoning is this? how come you aren't playing elmo's abc adventure, too intense for you? i have to believe that you're just having a laugh and not actually owned this bad.
also, i'm moment to moment in 1000x more danger playing my rakiata's flicker slayer (fun) than i was on my HCSSFR SRS jugg (bored to tears)
id rather it happen gradually instead of 30% and then 30% at specific intervals
t. poorfag who doesn't grasp basic financial concepts
landless /biz/tard post
I'm actually a millionaire neet but whatever desu
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this one?
new league is coming next month, so don't burn out and start with /poeg/
no, that's me
man good times triggering half this board
even better times ahead
>hahaha I made this guy shit his pants
>oh, like that other guy who shit his pants?
>no that was me, I was shitting my pants as a joke
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still filtered and mad i see
>You either STR stack , ES/life stack, or convert 99% damage taken to elemental.
Wow, thank you kiwi retards. Truly the soulslike of diablo clones.
Thank god I had sex in my formative years so I didn't end up like you
>I had sex in my formative years
lmao bro got molested as a child and thinks he had sex
This may come as a shock to your kind but there are types of sex that aren't molestation
happy pride
>le rebubligans
I don't care?????
if the success chance of the fight cannot be predetermined by my gear setup and preparedness it's reddit rollslop (every poe patch past 3.9)
all LGBT are brainsick miscreants and degens and need to be wiped from the earth
>instituting a bastardized version of level scaling
these people are retarded
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>july 11th 2023
>(before july 29th, exilecon 2023)
the post that killed /poeg/
>cares so little that he replied, quoted incorrectly, and uploaded a tumblr image
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scion of she real
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opinion discarded
next time a simple "I yield" will do
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>>>>>easier item pricing
ruthlessissies really just are trade dropouts at the end of the day
thats not level scaling it's a resistance penalty, i think every arpg has it. d2, d4, i assume d3, poe, grim dawn, probably last epoch.
poe 2 only has 6 acts so they are doing -10% every act instead of -30% at the end of act 3 and -30% at the end of act 6.
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still mad and filtered, after almost a year
keep feeding me (You)s
and tears

stay filtered, shitters
stay forever filtered in shitcore trade
as long as you buy mtx, you can stay
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>streamers start saying "rollslop bad" because Elden Ring DLC is garbage
>all of a sudden every non-schizo on /poeg/ switches opinions from pro-rollslop to anti-rollslop
Really makes you think.
you dont understand the point being levied if you don't understand how it's defacto level scaling. A 10% penalty every act is intended to keep you just behind the curve. It keeps enemies just as dangerous as the act before and erases any sense of progress you feel moving from act to act. This is different from a difficulty penalty where you wer previously growing stronger and outscaled the difficulty, then have to make preparation for the next difficulty level. Your power fantasy remains intact and you feel like you are getting stronger throughout each zone. This erases that feeling.
Has the tide truly turned?
If people are shifting towards anti-rollslop, it's definitely not looking good for PoE2...
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my nigga you couldn't hack SC trade
>I pay more attention to twitchslop streamers than the poe community
we know
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I am 100% certain GGG has entered into a schizo phase riddled with self-doubt and second-guessing their every decision, to the point they're starting to change things that worked perfectly well and made perfect sense within its context: for some retarded reason they're destroying everything good they ever made

I seriously consider Chris Wilson stepping down from hands-on design and handing things over to the other two retards was the beginning of the end

Ever since 1.0 this game has been going nowhere but downhill, the soul it previously had utterly lost amidst bloat and absolutely terrible, amateur and annoying design, such as Archnemesis mods

No doubt in my mind whatsoever that PoE2 will flop massively
I can almost see mixed 60% reviews on Steam
mass replying, you know he's mad as fuck
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chink or russian?
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>lol you guys are gonna be so filtered
I think this guy may actually kill himself once PoE2 comes out and he finds himself 3 acts behind the pack of SC trade zoomers
i think you might be retarded. it's a -10% resistance penalty every act, if you can't fucking manage that idk what to tell you. there is a -30% res cap at the end of act 5 in poe is that also level scaling? unless poe 2 has some crazy pen mods on every enemy or you play hardcore you are probably not going to notice it.
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are you really going to stoop so low as to defend rollslop, anon?
itt retards can't grasp basic concepts like capitalization or basic arpg progression
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Look, I can cherry pic search results and make mspaints too!
I don't know about you anon but the lion (white man) doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep (chinks).

If anything, PoE2 will be completely devoid of chinks. That's a good thing. Their subpar imp brains only capable of stealing and looting will move on to something more their speed, like running over children and creating buildings that collapse a week after they're erected.
hit a nerve eh?
I already outlined how a -30% penalty after 5 acts isn't level scaling. You are retreading old ground and haven't refuted anything I've stated. Why don't you tell ME, how a 30% penalty after several hrs is the same as a gradual penalty every several minutes?
>it doesnt exist
>its not noticeable!
If it won't be noticeable why do it?
all these shitters seething, dilating, coping
as if trading was some complicated concept, or sticking gems that now have tags for (You) retards was some high iq play
keep playing the shitter mode, retards
keep giving me free laughs

yeah you've got the mb bro you're good at the game bro
all my shitter friends got the mb this league
none of them downed a pinnacle on hcssf

so, keep shitting yourselves
but do keep buying mtx
so you can fund ggg flying over streamers who make more money than you ever will
so they can keep telling us how awfully filtered you'll all be out of poe2

stay forever mad
stay forever filtered
in shitcore trade poe1 lol
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Don't care still playing POE2, go easy on my shoulder's babe I got the world on my back.
poe 2 rollslop marauder build
cast when rollslop
rollslop when you take a savage hit
increased rollslop i-frame duration
increased rollslop recovery
>if you reply to me you are automatically mad
>you are also the same person
take meds
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Uh oh stinky
interesting. So western audiences truly love goyslop. Unintended self own, all hair grorious reader!
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>as if trading was some complicated concept
I agree, you would have to be mentally retarded to need a game mode with "easier item pricing" or "no TFT bulk pricing undercutting"
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delicious meltdown today
because it's meant to put pressure on your gear, arpgs are about gear so the longer you play and the further you get the better your gear needs to be, other games would give a penalty going from easy/med/hard modes, d4 has world tiers.
poe has a liner campaign so they did two -30%s.
poe 2 only has 6 acts so i would assume they thought a -30% penalty would be too extreme after 3 acts, so they staggered it across the 6 acts.
literally nothing about it is anything like level scaling. if you think this is level scaling you either don't know what level scaling is or you are retarded.
uh, isn't poe the same in this regard? we got our own retards with "git gud" copied into clipboard ready to fire at the slightest opportunity...
...while git gud means forget how the sun looks and scrape for mageblood and adorned
Feel good gameplay? Check!
Soulful progression? Check!
A cohesive and thrilling experience? Check!
Ruthless is just too fun (my favorite)
>itss meant to put pressure on your gear
This is not an argument refuting that its level scaling. This is in fact proving that it is. Gear pressure every act means every piece of gear falls behind the scaling every act. And with worse/ruthless tier drops, this means you are going to feel less powerful leveling up because the scaling happens more quickly.
The rest of your post was just you restating basic information and giving no reasoning for it. I don't think you know how to come up with an argument
>i'm pretending to be retarded
Tell me, in your own words, what you think the phrase "defacto level scaling" means?
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>yeah you've got the mb bro you're good at the game bro
so true could you imagine being so bad at the game that you can't get a megablood and get so bootyblasted over it that you switch to a mode where it doesn't exist and start having melties on nigerian poetry forums?
tell me how equipping an item with +40% fire resistance is level scaling.
On a scale of 0 - 10, a 0 in level scaling would mean complete granularity of player power vs enemy power and freedom to get yourself fucked up. A 10 would be every time you level up your enemy gains as much stats as you did. Poe1 only "scales" notably between difficulties, meaning that it by nature has some form of "level scaling", as all linear games do, but that these scalars come in chunks and are asynchronous with the player. A 10% penalty every act is MUCH MORE synchronous with player upgrades, so exists on a continuum of level scaling much further to the right than an open world game without scaling, and slightly further to the right than poe1. This is inarguable
Answer my question first and I'll answer yours
>Soulful progression?
its literally the same as ssf this league, you hit the graveyard button for gg gear
level scaling is SCALING monster LEVELS relative to the players LEVEL. resistance isn't a level, damage isn't a level, they are dynamic and easily change with your gear regardless of the monster you are fighting.
stupid fucking faggot, no more (you)s
I'll ask you again, you retarded fucking nigger. What, in your own words, do you think the phrase "defacto level scaling" means? Use your grasp of the English language to explain what I meant if you can.
>You're reward for finishing an act is...-10% resists
Johnathan if you want the normalfag rollslop audience you need to do some incredibly basic things to appeal to them. Don't worry, you don't have to change your precious game much though.
Instead of a resist penalty, you can set the initial resist cap to 15%. Then each act you get an extra +10%. Now they feel fucking great (wow, I can take 10% less damage) even though the game is functionally identical.
When a monster levels up in a video game, what happens to its' stats, typically? Do they stay the same? Do they decrease relative to the player? Do they increase in some value ? What happens, retard?
I'm always shocked by the complete retardation of people in this thread.

How is a 15% cap the same as the possibility of a 75% cap?
you make the monsters deal less damage obviously
in path of exile they are independent to the players current level, a level 84 monster has the stats of a level 84 monster, it has those stats regardless of the players level. the reason for that is because path of exile doesn't utilize level scaling.
So instead of allowing the player to address weaknesses/gaps in their gearing by getting better gear, you're saying "fuck that, just lower a1 monsters elemental damage by 80%", allow them to easily cap for it and then add a shitty level scaling option where the damage increases with respect to the exact amount of damage you want the player to take while controlling their gearing and removing all randomness from the game?

Congratulations, you just made a run of the mill chink MMO. On that note, we have a position open for you at GGG for PoE2 if you're interested.
Every game uses level scaling if it has monsters with stats you fucking idiot. A monster levels up and gets stronger. What you mean by level scaling isn't what I mean and you've failed to address this nuance for several fucking posts because you're a fucking moron. Level scaling where a monster constantly levels up with the player is one form of scaling that has become ubiquitous with mmos, and open world games. It exists on a continuum of game design where developers design the stats of monsters to fit the players stats. Every.fucking.game is designed with player stats in mind. How are you not understanding this? Defacto means "by nature or design" it does not mean "exactly this buzzword" that you are clinging to like some fucking halfbred retard child. Try to use some braincells in your prefrontal cortex for once you fucking slopeskull
Well yeah, if you weren't playing Hardcore Ruthless, I'd be bored out of my mind too.

If you were, you'd be killed by Merveil, and you probably were.
This place was already divided a couple of months ago. Can't imagine that it changed that dramatically because of the elden ring dlc.
>A monster levels up and gets stronger.
when does this happen in path of exile, when do monsters 'level up'?
a level 84 monster having level 84 stats because it is a level 84 monster isn't level scaling.
a level 60 monster having level 60 stats because it is a level 60 monster isn't level scaling.
you are a retard and trying to backtrack with semantics because you now realize you were wrong but are too ignorant and/or stupid to just take the L and move on.
All RPG progression is innately artificial because monster stats get higher as you level. The only honest way to make a game would be if you fought the same zombies from level 1 to T17s and only got better at killing them.
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>-80% resistances after beating the campaign
Yo bro, this isn't going to end well. How much average resistance are you required per item to hit the cap again? They quadruple gear pressure in a game with overall less drops. This shit is retarded.
This general is so fucking mindbroken by the addition of a dodge roll (and literally nothing else from Souls) and the funniest part is I bet you'll be able to do just fine without it, or at least certainly without any specific timing.

Does it even give iframes?
>Johnathan if you want the normalfag rollslop audience you need to do some incredibly basic things to appeal to them

The "normalfag" audience isn't even aware of the resistance mechanic in these games, and isn't going to finish Act 1 because they quit when they saw the skill tree.

They'll do it now because the controller buttons feel good now.
It's almost like none of the numbers are going to be the same as the first game, so basing your judgments on the first game is utterly retarded.
Monster scaling stops in juiced t17s retard. It's always relevant in story mode since you never backtrack through an open world area. Why do you think zones exist in the first place? It's a relic of software/hardware limitations- they exists to allow enemies yo catch up.
>backtrack with semantics
No I'm simply pointing out that you cannot grasp the concept of a word separate from its' colloquail usage. Think of it this way - all games need a system where you progress against tougher obstacles. Those design choices can be highly granular and allow player freedom to "beat the design" - or - they can be incredibly phoned in and stifling (pure level scaling as you are referring to it). Any move away from granularity is a move toward level scaling. It's not a lever you pull, it's a series of levers
Going to assume you're being obtuse to practice your impression of a nigger and give you the benefit of the doubt.

In modern level scaling, you can't farm to make your character better because there is no place where you will be able to comfortably speed up killing enemies to increase the amount of drops(i.e. power) you're getting.

A good game creates an expected power curve of where the designers expect a player to be at any given point in the game. Emergent strats/trends come out of this because there is a baseline experience for people involved.

A bad game automatically changes these values to match the increasing power of the player. Equating D4 level scaling to the "scaling" of D2 is niggerdom of the highest accord and should be punishable by being tarred and feathered.
>if you ignore what a thing means and use my made up definition then i am right :)
such a brainlet lmao.
D4 scales via player power and max monster level per tier. Going back a tier also reduces the resistance penalty so one can farm if required.
But yeah losing player power just for beating a boss is going to suck for melee in poe2
Are you defending D4 power scaling as if it was a delicate design matter on not a cost cutting measure to reduce needed time to design a good system?
herob bine minecrapft skibidi (SECRET ROBLOX EVIL ACCOUNT?!??!) in PATH OF EXILE 2?!
It’s fun so sure.
But t17 was good design right
the only problem with t17s is that there are too many mods that aren't worth doing. it's like doing an expedition with 100% block, yeah you can do it but why would you?
>It's fun
Damn ... can I speak with your handler?
>But t17 was good design right
No one said it was, if T17s were on that graph, they'd be about 10 screens up and it would be a straight line going up.
do you like marvel movies by chance anon?
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is mathil the hottest poe streamer (male or female)
D4 had more level 100 characters than concurrent poe players back when it took longer to hit 100 in d4 vs poe.
But yeah the game isn’t fun.
Poe is fun too, just stale. Two years no new endgame and poe2 keeps getting pushed back
Objectively yes, but I'd go for cutedog or lily before him
D4 also has like 100x the players that PoE does at least? But let's ignore that minor detail in the pursuit of cherry picking points for your argument.
Much like poe the player base comes back for the new seasons so the point still stands
D4 sold way more copies than accounts that have EVER been made for PoE
You incredulous, cherry picking little nigger

Normalize the rate of 100s relative to the total playerbase next time you second rate chink statistician
The game is fun for a large group of people regardless of your perspective on game design
I look forward to poe2 whenever that happens
>The game is fun for a large group of niggers
Fixed that for you. Let me guess, next you're going to tell me Justin Bieber > Mozart because a larger number of people enjoy Bieber?
Save me the chinkdom please, too much of that going on in the world already.
>>how much do you enjoy poe
I think it's shit
>>how optimistic are you for 2
Very. Can't wait. I think I'll put thousands of hours into it.
this is the kind of archaic bullshit they need to get rid of in POE2.
just make it -75 0 +75 (extra bonus res)
and make 50% the fucking test values. mandatory fucking resists is the most boring shit immaginable.
Been a larger number of people who have enjoyed Mozart. Try harder
I bet its extremely easy for him to take a shit.
Oh true, that's why I always hear Mozart blaring nonstop on the radio.
With that type of warped world view, I'm starting to think you're probably a tranny that cut their dick off. You enjoy ruthless by any chance?
> radio
Ok boomer
>skill gems will be limited to one weapon type
won't this mean that since you can have like 8 skill gems that you will be running a very large portion of your weapons skill gem pool all the time? at least they have weapon swap but it seems kind of stupid that if you want to just use slam on an axe user you need to equip a whole another weapon and pull it out.
>Oh shit I lost my argument
>I know
Never change nigger
Nope. Cutedog is.
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>chinks have to work in the slop mines for 16 hours per day, 6 days per week
>they have limited time to enjoy themselves and thus don't like to be jerked around by predatory gaymen companies and just want to play a fun game
>westoid NEETs with severe mental illness can spend 6 months sloprolling around and jump attacking until they can "beat" an artificially hard boss
>westoid NEETs think they're better than chinks for this somehow
Nah. At least chinks contribute to the world by manufacturing dildos and American flags. Westoid NEETs contribute nothing and their opinions are thusly worth nothing.
got any more nuggets of wisdom you can share with us
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You can tell Elden Ring DLC filtered all the "god gamer" rollslop enjoyers since they're now here polluting the general unable to comprehend simple concepts such as level scaling and actually thinking -10% resistance per act is unironically a good thing
Are you invincible when you roll or do rolls have a few iframes you have to time correctly?
No wonder the DLC is only listed as having 2 hours of real gameplay. You're forced to spend 50 hours collecting macguffins so you can finally start playing the game.
>and thus don't like to be jerked around by predatory gaymen companies
Yeah, that's why China doesn't singlehandedly drive the p2w market. Just good gamers all around.
>Oh true, that's why I always hear Mozart blaring nonstop on the radio.
You do if you listen to classic radio.
How can you ignore semantics when my entire argument is semantic in nature you fucking retard? Again tell me what "bastardized", and "defacto" mean you moron.
>hurr during if I ignore the meaning of words I can project my own semantic fallacy on you lmao
Absolute pudding for brains
it's easy to ignore semantics when it's completely nonsensical.
like someone says 'just cheese the boss' and you start sperging out about mozzarella.
you're not being clever, you're just a retard.
Saying something is a bastardization of something means that it is a lower form of that thing; in this case a bastardized form of level scaling isn't "oblivion level scaling", it's a design decision with the intended effect of smoothing out and blunting player progression against the gameworld. This is an entirely different thing than
>cheese the boss
And using cheese in the literal since instead of figurative sense.
You are arguing in bad faith because you're a fucking retard that can't read.
Do you or do you not agree that changing a large resistance penalty and chopping it into smaller act penalties is intended to smooth out progression and avoid player power spikes or player difficulty spikes?
I’m working on a cwdt zombie totem bodyswap of sacrifice build and I was wondering how much unbreakable would interfere with the looping damage from heartbound loop
it's not a bastardized version of level scaling, level scaling is a way to homogenize a games difficulty by scaling monsters to your characters level, thats what it is, thats what it means. when a monster or difficulty is independent from the player then it isn't level scaling. yes when you are level 10 and a monster is level 10 there is balance, in poe you can take your level 100 character to a level 10 zone and the monsters are still level 10, in other words their level doesn't scale.
yup, in fact i made that exact point ages ago
>poe 2 only has 6 acts so i would assume they thought a -30% penalty would be too extreme after 3 acts, so they staggered it across the 6 acts.
and of course that is something that happens specifically to your character and has nothing to do with monster or the game world at all.
>homogenize a games difficulty by scaling monsters to your characters level
and what do you think the effect of a resistance penalty has on the relative strength of the player as he moves through the acts
>its not happening 'when he levels' so it doesn't exist
Ergo, forcing a "smoother leveling curve" by design is a form of level scaling. It's not enacted when you level up, it's enacted as you move through the acts; hence bastardization. This is a trivial difference when the net effect is the same. No one "takes a level 100 character into a level 10 zone". They are always taking a character into a level appropriate zone and are always impacted by the scaling metrics. In one scenario it's happening every level, in Poe2's case it's being hidden behind 'acts' and happening probably every 10 levels. Do you think the developers don't take player stats into account when designing the enemy health and damage values?
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Can the rollslop niggers fuck off to their containment chambers?

Equating "level scaling" to static (read: non-scaling) level zones progressing in difficulty—like in D2 and PoE1—is filling me up with murderous rage
You are continually arguing semantics and a systems view of what is happening. I am arguing from a 'player feel' perspective. It doesn't really matter how they achieve a blunted power progression for the player, so long as the player feels this effect during gameplay - it will FEEL like scaling. And that's the intent; it allows retards to play a genre of game where there is typically friction in how you build your character and approach your itemization. This turns itemization into D4-esque upgrades
the zones scale linearly in difficulty via the resistance penalty
you are honestly the stupidest person to post itt in months.
fucking retard lmao.
and why is that? Care to make an argument how intentionally smoothing out progression to eliminate gearing fail states and hamper clever itemization isn't a form of scaling?
Omg, who the hell cares. You arent even gonna notice any difference you retarded troglodytes. You niggers will argue about anything
>Inb4 uhm ahctually you will definitely be able to tell
nigger you lost an argument hours ago because you didn't know what level scaling meant, now you are fucking talking about your feelings.
>it FEELS like scaling
and what does it FEEL like when your resistances are overcapped before you finish the act?
what does it FEEL like when you play an op build or have twink gear?
seriously take the L, close the tab, clear your browser history, and try to forget your awful string of nonsensical posts.
>poe 2 only has 6 acts so i would assume they thought a -30% penalty would be too extreme after 3 acts, so they staggered it across the 6 acts
You are aware that starting to accrue a penalty right after the very first act is far worse than paying their sum only after the 3rd?
It's like someone giving you the option to pay 1/3rd of your debt every month, or all of it after three months, *without interest*: first option is *always* worse, second is *always* better
It's not hard

>zones scale linearly in difficulty via the resistance penalty
You retarded nigger
The resistance penalty scales lineally, the difficulty doesn't: in the 2nd act if you cross paths with a +elemental damage mob you'll probably be far worse off than in the 3rd because you have less items and more gaps across your defenses
The whole idea of a -30% in one go is so that you can eventually prepare for it so that when it happens you're already covered or near-covered, with *enough time* before the penalty so you can—and I know I'm repeating myself here—*prepare* instead of getting anally rammed constantly every act
Double nigger
>when i didn't know what level scaling meant
You never comprehended my argument in the first place (>>483311010,>>483314583)
It was always a substantive argument about the feel of the design instead of you quibbling over your 'definition' and projecting a semantic argument onto me. You lost, bitch.
>b-bbbbut its not definitionally TRADITIONAL LEVEL SCALING WAAHHH
don't give a fuck bitch, take the L
NTA, but please stop posting, you're only further embarrassing yourself

Too many words, not enough arguments, too much talk about "muh feelings"
I rule that it's probably a leftard off xer meds

Case closed, move along
i finished with him when he got into his feelings, that shit is straight up retarded.
> before the penalty so you can—*prepare*
I argued exactly this >>483314583 and why a large chunk is more traditional design vs this constant oppressive penalty every 5-10 levels feeling like a scaling
>i rule that it's probably a leftard "muh feelings"
An emotion someone experiences is not the same "feeling", as how a player progresses through a gameworld and how that design "feels"
Arguing semantics over substance again eh? I have not once made a semantic argument, nor an emotional one. I'm talking about design
Whats the difference between "feeling an emotion" and "feeling a piece of cloth"? Are these two things semantically the same? Why do you keep repeatedly using semantic arguments and misinterpreting very clear phrasing and words on purpose? Are you an ESL?
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The fact that there's people even remotely considering that a -10% resistance each act is not absolutely retarded is a sign that the playerbase of nu-PoE has degenerated to such an abysmally low level that truly rollslop is what we deserve
whats the difference between subjective and objective?
you realize that your subjective feeling about the games design or difficulty isn't an objective fact about the games design or difficulty.
I have not once made a subjective statement. I am outlining the design as the developers contend it.

This >>483326784 is a good summation of my argument in non-arbitrary, graphical form. Argue how this image is subjective, please.
Also you have not once answered a single question, you just keep getting blown the fuck out and making your next arbitrary semantic argument; everytime like some fucking kike.
PoE 2 is a Soulslop ripoff. Resistances don't matter since you'll be 1-2 shot no matter what.
anon stop wasting your time this person is clearly retarded and highly probably poorer than dirt since he doesn't understand the most basic capitalization and finance principles
probably doesn't have enough money to buy food, his brain has all but shriveled into a malfunctioning husk

avoid any interaction
I hope so but I doubt it will be the case anon
I fear this will be the case
They’ve removed ways of acquiring pure life through the tree (strength doesn’t count), which is the equivalent of D2 not having Vitality
It will be a one-shot fest, mark my words
no life, gradual difficulty scaling, ruthless drop rates, stunted player power growth. It's gonna be a piece of shit. This is not an arpg
>It was always a substantive argument about the feel of the design
>feel of
Such a brainlet.
There’s not going to be a single PoE1 vet playing that piece of trash, and normies will dump the game as soon as the next FotM gets shilled
It’ll just be a couple autistic rollslop retards who’ll eventually complain that Elden Slop does things better because those fuckers’ brains are fried anyway
Last Epoch and D4’s future is looking brighter than the current PoE2 shitshow, and my God those games are BAD
Pee’d inside lily’s butt;, will she get pegernat?
Once you get Mathil in the bedroom I'll bet he'd be super demure and want to turn the lights off or something but you know that cutedog's salivating at the opportunity to drop the ironic homo stuff and throw it back like a bad bitch
>They’ve removed ways of acquiring pure life through the tree
fucking what?
holy god i can't believe people are planning to go melee on their first character
They didnt
Strength still gives life
They’ve already explained this too, they are separating gear mods and tree mods
You will now find pure life in gear exclusively
We don’t have pure life in PoE1 except for the mastery and some Marauder nodes: you still need life on gear for the passive increased life % nodes to work
I don’t know why they changed this, it was a good system; made you care about how you travelled through the tree, and finding life on gear
Unless they absolutely want us to get one- or two-shot by bosses
At all costs…
Might I point you to >>483351615
Are you aware that sandpaper has an objective rating system? Maybe stop using it as toilet paper, you are incredibly butthurt.
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>The fact that there's people even remotely considering that a -10% resistance each act is not absolutely retarded is a sign that the playerbase of nu-PoE has degenerated to such an abysmally low level that truly rollslop is what we deserve
If PoE2 doesn’t have DOOM The Dark Ages crossover MTX I will send packaged shit to Bex in the mail (yes I know she isn’t at GGG anymore)
Where Bex at btw
I read she got fired from Riot
Can't that pig hold a fucking job
It's not like community "management" is hard Jesus Christ
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>Resistances don't matter since you'll be 1-2 shot no matter what
>Resistances matter and you'll be 1-2 shot no matter what
Sounds like gaming time. Put me on the fucking beach already
I believe that system is based on the grit of the paper and not the 'feeling' of the grit because that would be fucking retarded.
I agree with >>483290386
this guy. Only mentally ill fucktards want to play the game like this.
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>Resistances matter and you'll be 1-2 shot no matter what
holy shitterinos batman
Of course it is. Are you saying you couldn't objectively tell the different between wiping your ass with toilet paper and wiping your ass with sandpaper? After all, it's just a 'feeling'
But enough about trannies (invention of the West btw)
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>shitter still malding 12 hours after
>trying to discuss minutia of PoE2 balance without even having numbers available yet
Peak retardation
nigger there's more than enough material to discuss
or do you really need to feel the full extent of the frognigger's dick up your ass to know you're getting fucked?
Yes, we're all very proud of the build you bought in this solved stale meta that affords you multiple instances of getting 1-2 shot, but the game you are playing is still as I described.
i play hc nigger, i only get one-shot if i'm doing something retardedly stupid or not paying attention to fuck all, so that's how i *know* you're just a shitter
No I could subjectivity tell the difference, some mountain man who wiped his ass with pinecones his whole life might find sandpaper refreshing and exfoliating. This is where you are at now, from a resistance penalty is level scaling, to it feels like level scaling, to sandpaper. Like how fucking far is that goalpost going? lmao
>i play hc nigger
Oh, so you've never even played the game, weird flex
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>the capitulation is in
Your powers of rhetoric have failed. I alone have kept this thread alive through shear superior argumentation.

An analogy is not a goalpost move. I have established that feelings can have objective qualities. Your bad faith arguments have no effect on me
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>PoE 2 is all about boss-slop
>PoE 1 removed its unfinished build-a-boss league unceremoniously
youre like one of the niggers in this video
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only shitters think hc players flex when they call out stupid shitter behavior
let me repeat, in this game you only die if you're doing something retarded, you're not paying attention, doing something too risky for your current power level, etc.
in any case, shitters never notice those things because they don't give a shit about understanding game mechanics and how damage gets calculated, what map modifiers interact with mobs, mob modifiers, what type of damage mobs do, and what their weakness of their class is
during league start there was some random shitter complaining about the game being overtuned because his spoon-fed archmage build was getting constantly stunned—on a 3k life pool
was that you?
you poor shitter, you, you were just one energy shield mastery away from not getting decimated constantly by white mobs (lol) but i guess your guide didn't point that out so yeah now you're here complaining the game is unfair and resistances don't matter
You got me big guy. Path of exiles resistance penalty is a prime example of level scaling, textbook definition if ever there was one. Sadly I sill feel like you are a retarded which is an objective fact, sucks to suck.
>textbook definition
Never said this. It is however, a defacto form of level scaling. You might say, nuance is lost on the melanated.
>PoE 1
>lose 30% res halfway through campaign, lose another 30% at end for a total of 60%
>this is fine
>PoE 2
>lose 10% res per act, for a total of 60% res at end of campaign
the fact that, in a min-maxxer's paradise game, you can't grasp what this means is truly telling of the amount of retardation the poe playerbase has accumulated over the years
>1.0 was a mistake
>2.0 was a mistake
>3.0 was a mistake
yes, yes, and yes
this game should've stayed in closed beta
>you only die if you're doing something retarded, you're not paying attention, doing something too risky for your current power level, etc.
I never said otherwise, esl-nigger. If you read my post I said that resistances matter. You spent all that time responding to an argument that only existed in your head. Maybe if we called my post "map-modifiers" you'd actually have read it.
youre like a nigger in this vid
>need to get gear upgrades twice through campaign
>need to get gear upgrades 6x through campaign
hmmm, yes, indeed, give me more slow dripping diarrhea sludge please
it's a more equitable form of level scaling, only third-world shitters think otherwise.
>getting gear upgrades in a gear game is diarrhea sludge
Unironically mazed
the absolute state of this game + thread
Tiananmen happened chink. 1989 1989 1989, get off the thread or Xi might kill you.
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Let's take it to the extreme:

Let's add a resistance penalty per zone, of say, 0.5%, and say the game has 120 zones

Let's compare it against the inverse: just one big fat -60% at the very end

Which one do you bunch of niggers think is worse or better and why?
>let’s move the goalposts to something that literally isn’t real
Fuck off with this math homework niggardry.
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Never forget: you're here forever
either they make gear upgrades incredibly iterative and trivial to acquire, hence, trivializing the loot system while leveling
they make loot more difficult to acquire ala ruthless and this resist penalty makes the campaign an annoying slogfest of regrinding old areas but with a penalty to progress.
What happens when resistance gets negative? Is there a resistance threshold for reflect, null, and absorb?
No resistance penalty at all of course
In fact resists should not exist at all.
B-because D-diablo had t-t-them is not an argument.
They're the equivalent of hit rating in WoW. Just a mandatory thing you have to cap to function.
GOOD stats in a character building game are balanced against each other.
Should I get more attack speed? Or more health here instead? Maybe more armor? I need to find a way to penetrate resistance monsters though...
Those are GOOD stats because you are always balancing them against each other. There is no cap, you decide how much you want to invest.
BAD stats are binary garbage like resists and spell suppression. You cap it then forget about it, a uninteractive tax for the mazed.
that's not a goalpost move retard. That's called reductio ad absurd. It's part of aristotlian logic. But you are a fucking midwit and should just keep your yap trap shut since you've never done a single ounce of cursory reading on anything beyond anime in your entire life
Literal nigger monkey
not an argument. What does defacto mean?
Not an argument. Why are you a nigger?
Someone post the niggerpasta
I didn't make an argument, I asked a question. What does defacto mean?
>ctrt+f 'n word'
>25 results
oof this general really went down hill
>durr play my game answer my question
Bro your a monkee
Big dumb ape
>They're the equivalent of hit rating in WoW. Just a mandatory thing you have to cap to function.
brilliant suggestion

I'm trying to post it more, don't worry nigger.
t. Didn’t play PoE 1 and play with any of the complex res interactions that make it a deeper game
Go play Diablo Immortal
faggot you wouldnt say shit to me in real life and you know it
Who the fuck talks to normalfags in real life? I'm busy when I go outside nigger.
why is d2 itemization so fucking good bros
magics matter
ethereal or not matters
all socket amounts matter
tier matters
half of all uniques and sets are awesome or serve some real purpose
runes matter
even fucking gold matters...
I would say it and wave my hand around in your face and laugh because youre probably a scrawny little cuck boy and im huge
you're huge because you're bloated of all the nigger dick in your ass
That’s not how it works, ESL nigger
is that how ameriniggers cope with being retarded
Oo oo aa aa ESL-apemonkey nigger type on keyboard!!!!
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>im huge
we know
it at least begs the question how no one has been able to at least copy it
Trolled hard, MENSA nigger
poe did for a time but then they fucked up the market for bases with eldritch currency and atlas changes
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I wonder what game is the leprechaun nigger playing

I wonder what retarded game mechanic he'll introduce next
Act 5 should've have been available to an account until they killed Merciless Malachi on HC.
The conversation about it ITT is mega retarded but I agree that 30/30 is a better way to do the res tax over amping it up every act. In PoE1 you have 5 acts to loot and potentially find some good res gear. With the penalty increasing every act you must add at least 30% total res in the correct ratio to your character every act to stay on top of it. Obviously this is nothing to anyone who knows PoE but new players are 100% going to brick their character by act 2 and bounce right off the game before it can hook them.
Why does DOOM eternal go so fucking hard
Damn man
like it but no one i play other games with will touch it because it is arcane wizard tier of accessibility
will likely suck at launch but at least last epoch exists and my friends enjoy playing that with me :)
Last Epoop is past launch and it still fucking sucks major ass lmao
They still never fixed Swarm Druid’s locust passive
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This is how I would fix Path of Exile 2 before it continues its current collision course:

>Speed up gameplay at least 2x, if not 3x or 4x.
>Remove skill rotations. All of them. Make all builds one-button.
>Remove roll dodge mechanic. Actually leave it in and if rollslopniggers press it it deletes their account.
>At least halve boss damage. Remove phases from bosses. At least halve their HP pool. Boss fight numbers designed around them taking no longer than a minute with average gear.
>Drastically reduce the amount of boss fights to only one per act plus some very shitty Fire Furies here and there.
>At least 3x loot rarity and quant than Ruthless. If players complain, return to PoE1 levels. Buy new servers to prepare in advance.
>Remove WASD.
>Remove mounts. Say it was an out of season April Fool's joke. Live.
>Add life nodes on tree again.
>Remove checkpoints. Remove well. Make flasks recharge as soon as you enter a town. White mobs generate flask charges. Add quicksilver back.
>Allow multiple support gems. Add damage multipliers back to support gems.
>Remove gold. Like really remove it the fuck out and pretend it never even happened.
>Remove console support. Eat something really foul, take a shit, and immediately send it to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo offices.
>Remove couch co-op. Fire whomever had the idea.
>Release PoE2 Beta right the fuck now. Free to access for any 2013 or older accounts. Anyone else needs to pay 100 USD.
>Cut contact with all streamniggers. No longer have "chats", "tavern talks" or Q&As. You don't like something? Fuck you.
>Firewall Reddit in GGG office.

There. PoE2's future is now guaranteed.

Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
>>Speed up gameplay at least 2x, if not 3x or 4x.
>>Remove skill rotations. All of them. Make all builds one-button.
>>Remove roll dodge mechanic. Actually leave it in and if rollslopniggers press it it deletes their account.
>>At least halve boss damage. Remove phases from bosses. At least halve their HP pool. Boss fight numbers designed around them taking no longer than a minute with average gear.
>>Drastically reduce the amount of boss fights to only one per act plus some very shitty Fire Furies here and there.
>>At least 3x loot rarity and quant than Ruthless. If players complain, return to PoE1 levels. Buy new servers to prepare in advance.
>>Remove WASD.
>>Remove mounts. Say it was an out of season April Fool's joke. Live.
>>Add life nodes on tree again.
>>Remove checkpoints. Remove well. Make flasks recharge as soon as you enter a town. White mobs generate flask charges. Add quicksilver back.
>>Allow multiple support gems. Add damage multipliers back to support gems.
>>Remove gold. Like really remove it the fuck out and pretend it never even happened.
>>Remove console support. Eat something really foul, take a shit, and immediately send it to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo offices.
>>Remove couch co-op. Fire whomever had the idea.
>>Release PoE2 Beta right the fuck now. Free to access for any 2013 or older accounts. Anyone else needs to pay 100 USD.
>>Cut contact with all streamniggers. No longer have "chats", "tavern talks" or Q&As. You don't like something? Fuck you.
>>Firewall Reddit in GGG office.

all in all I agree
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Alternatively leave boss fights as is except make them drop fucking nothing, provide fucking nothing:

Skilled players who are aware of wealth-per-minute management will learn to always skip them.

Rollslopniggers will instead get trapped in a loot-draining trap loop of measuring their dicks as their currency-per-hour metric fucking tanks and they constantly "git gud" themselves into poverty, because what do you mean you haven't killed 'Giganigger, Butcher of Niggers' no-roll, no-hit, no-status, no-hands
literal retard
Rollslop meltdown in progress
We repeat
Rollslop meltdown is underway...
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How the fuck are soulslops like Elden Ring hard?
You get infinite lives in ER while PoE HC you only have 1 life. Even PoE SC you only get 6 lives per map.
You can roll for iframes in ER while there's no iframe in PoE.
Bosses can kill you in 2-3 hits in ER while T17 or uber bosses in PoE will kill you with 1 hit AoE no matter how tanky your build is.
You can easily get +10/+25 weapons with smithing stones in ER while in PoE you get random items with random mods with random tiers.
all i see is retards melting down over dark souls or being filtered by bosses they havent even tried to fight yet
offtopic btw
I can play and map in PoE with both my eyes closed
In Elden Ring I need to actually pay attention if I want to make some progress through the game
Simple as
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dead thread
Poe2 story will get boring much like poe1 did when they added the a3 two phase boss.
No matter how good a story most people will play it once or twice at best.
They already increased how tedious poe1 leveling got and no new endgame. No wonder <10k players
can't wait for skill issue post in poe2
>He needs eyes open to make progress in elden ring
Sorry to break it to you bitch boy, but you're playing the game wrong
i will never fucking understand why they cant forget this resistance penalty bullshit and just cut all resistance rolls by half and then rebalance monster damage to have a simple linear progression
Reads like a satire, but this is unironically true
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kys, anime tr/a/nny
fuck off
we love anime here
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our game is dead
We need Chris back, Mark has failed us.
>meet the earnout and sell your shares to tencent
>immediately kill the game
7D chess
little monkey fella
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Crazy that ancestor is that high. I enjoyed making a 0dps cheese build for it, was fun but i don't know why you'd play it this long

Sanctum was really good

Maybe they just need more retarded gimmicks, TotA and Sanctum were gimmicks and Affliction / Crucible were semi gimmicks
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there might've been some weekly event league or something because the player count spiked a bit
Playing the zdps cheese build was really comfy farming where you didn't have to pay much attention (except for that faggot turtle) so I played a lot longer. Very reliable low effort currency farm too, with the rare hinekora's lock jackpot. I played it a lot while paying attention doing something else, and the massive amount of currency let me make fun builds when I wanted to play normal maps.
Tattoos were also really cool for enabling builds in their unnerfed form
I've been betrayed, ancestor wasn't hype. Is this when they did those gimmick races? polarity race and random passive tree race
it still had twice as high retention as necropolis before the events
One part of this is that the previous three leagues all had mechanics that allowed people to play builds that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Given the lack of any meta shake up, we effectively had a bunch of builds removed this league and almost nothing new. No amount of T1 bows or 10 div headhunters is going to fix that
>Just a mandatory thing you have to cap to function.

The point of the resistance puzzle isn't "just cap it"; it's how you achieve capping it, which is non-trivial. It gives each gear piece a different shape, and if you want to change up your gear you have to shuffle things around in interesting ways to regain the cap.

Anyone upset about taking 10% more damage per act if they do absolutely nothing, when they're already set on playing bitchmode where dying doesn't matter (especially in the campaign), is pathetically deranged and really just flailing about at anything to deny the immanent eschaton that is PoE2.
>PoE is dead
>Destiny2 is dead

Genshin Impact and WoW are the two kino games I have left.
I hear you like to be woken up at 4 AM
the numbers basically show replayability of a league. sanctum and ancestor were basically whole games. crucicble tree>recombinator>kalandra rings. then you have affliction with the best endgame mapping since ritual league and finally necropolis which offers nothing new and nothing worth playing for.

We need another Karui kino as soon as possible
Sorry, but Chris really needs to step in here. I've just seen the numbers, we've never had so few players in the history of PoE. And the problem goes beyond this particular league. He really needs to talk to us about the future of PoE, about what's going to change, about the feedback he's been getting. Will this and future leagues be classic leagues, or will he dust off the concept with a new type of leveling (maps), a new endgame, new modes, a REAL rebalancing of powers.

He won't, and especially can't, continue with 10k players in each league - financially, it's going to be untenable.
vast majority of skills, especialy the more simple ones need like 25 to 50% more damage buffs cause they are fucking TRASH vs how tanky the content got lately outside of slapping a mageblood and adorned on it
if they did that I would consider this game playable again
I don't know how the same company can make these two cold spells:

>deals cold damage in multiple areas around you by consuming charges that only generate every 0.80 seconds, no repeats allowed, no traps, mines, or totems allowed, cannot be triggered, requires an axe, mace, sceptre, or staff, no flat damage, no gem level scaling, no cast/attack speed scaling.

>deals cold damage around multiple frostbolts with no other limitations, feel free to repeat it for extra damage by skipping the animation, go ahead and activate it with traps, mines, or totems, or triggers, use it with any weapon, enjoy your 900 flat cold damage, and make sure to take advantage of scaling your damage with cast speed and gem level scaling too
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>30% resistance penalty per 1/2 campaign...bad
>30% resistance penalty split into 3 per 1/2 campaign...good
You faggots will suck GGG's dick about literally ANYTHING.
freezing pulse bro
lost its clear jewel
lost its proj speed
gained some damage, not nearly enough to be relevant
normal ice nova
why cant instruments of zeal be:
for every second spent attacking gain 1 second of fanaticism buff that starts depleting once you start self casting
up to 10 seconds of fanaticism
>TalkativeTri's last video
>2 days ago
I miss Tri, bros
Poe2 is astroturfed lowest common denominator slop
Poe2 is rollslop

Poe2 is progressionslop
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87 days. still 30 days before the next league.
ikr wtf ggg
>34 more sleepees until new league
Are we due for another good league now that our dopamine receptors have recovered? Or would that threaten PoE2 if they made another Affliction league?
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POE2 is going to be so kino, POE1's main problem is its too fast at endgame that it turns into go here blow up mob go here blow up mob rinse and repeat 1 shot boss, oh shit i died?!? how tf did i die?!?!? you dont know because they have to one shot you with the speed of the game, POE2 fixed all of these issues by slowing the game down, you deal with each mob, you use different skills combo together to kill a mob you roll out of attacks because you dont get one shot its a few hits as the game is slowed down for you to actually see how you die, all boss fights look kino with multiple phases.

PoE2 is going to be the greatest ARPG ever made i really fucking mean that just from 1 change slowing down PoE1, i have not even mentioned all the other kino shit in PoE2 and you already know im right

Melee will never be fixed in PoE1 because of the speed never.
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Next poe league is gonna be hella epic just because the last two were bad
You'll see it's gonna be awesome!!
Yeah poe2 is also gonna be ludokino
GGG is so based
a few years ago i probably would have agreed.
now looking at the shit ggg keep on pumping out and the heavy focus on console and co-op, it's starting to feel like the game is going to be shit.
even le epic boss fights look like they have had their damage toned down, way less fear of one shots and more drawn out damage sponges to prolong the fights.
i'll give ggg the benefit of doubt but i'm not expecting much.
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PoE 1 is a one shot fest because you'll basically only die when the planets align and a freakbeast monster blows you to pieces, both because highly variable health amounts from life nodes and because the flask/portal system basically gives you infinite life regen (and a lot of that regen is instant). PoE 2 limiting all these factors is the only thing which can make it not a one shot fest.
>league is actually good
>its even better than affliction
>there is even more build variety
>you are just bad
>im having fun
>streamer is having fun
>larry's cock is erect
>>worst league since kalandra
the little bald fat retards are on concentrated copium all the time
The truth is that resistance penalties is dogshit game design included in diablo as an afterthought for the NG+
the league was fine, jank crafting to beta test some shit like a fix for tier variance and brining back multiple fractures. allflames were okh but mostly forgettable.
this should have been a 3-4 week league and then the poe 2 beta, without the beta it just felt like a letdown.
i can only imagine next league is going to be a shit filler league as well so at least doomchads will be eating good.
> early game is boring in poe1
> poe2 end game will fix it
Sounds tarded
>>there is even more build variety
this is the funniest one of all
if the trend with higher res foot textrues continues poe2 might actually be a really good game
Foot fags have the easiest fetish and yet they waste time on pixels
this is the price they pay for removing my ahuana wife
>When the reality hits and you realize PoE2 will be shit IF it ever comes out
Hoooly fuck, it was the last sliver of hope. It has NEVER been this over. What's left now? Hoping they'll release PoE1: Classic?
they should have added some handholdy mechanic to ease shitters into t17s. even if there is more than enough power available in grave crafting, most people were put off by one or another part of the process. also they shouldn't have just used recycled bosses.
> delve too deterministic nerfed
> harvest too deterministic nerfed
Let’s do it again
>they stopped patching D2R
> two years no new endgame
Not the win you think
>almost july
>no news whatsoever
what went wrong
>the league was fine
No it wasn't. I bet the next league, filler or not, won't have the worst retention of all time.
The fact that they realeased fake new content is worse than no new content
>TIER 17
Meanwhile it's the same old boses but they deal 15000% dmg and normal mobs 1 shot you.
Idk man, maybe the era of PoE is just over and there is no king of ARPGs . It's become a triumvirate of slop, jointly ruled by D4, PoE and LE.
Yeah I was let down when t17 was bosses I fought for years, that being they did lie about new bosses
at this point ggg just need to lay their cards on the table, they have been cock teasing with acts 1 and 2 for 4 years now.
most people i know who play poe don't really care at this point, myself included.
they haven't even finished the ascendancies, poe 1 will continue to be zero effort and poe 2 will continue to be stuck in development hell.
at least leading up to 3.0 the leagues were smaller but you knew 3.0 was just around the corner, now poe 1 might be kill, poe 2 might(probably) flop. i don't see retention getting much better.
so the ruthless tranny is bad at the normal game
who would've thought
chris did say ruthless was the perfect mode for new players.
lily looks very sexy today maybe its the weather and I am just very horny I dont know
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Uh oh...
My Horse: Bonded Spirits is out...

I can bet my ass Jonathan will announce a mount management system next teaser
poe 2 is that jurassic park quote
>So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should
pussy fags are still mindbroken by ruthless lol
can't play the real game, all they can do is muck around in the sandbox and whine
New Tri's video, bros!
it mostly just seems like a waste of time.
if it was a short 2-5 day race mode i could see it being fun, but who the fuck wants to nigger around for weeks just to complete basic tasks?
zoom zoom
because getting baby-fed everything defeats the purpose of the game and makes it boring
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didn't your boy get raped by this league and run away crying? even though it's the easiest ruthless league ever?
but it's just big fish in a little pond, it's boring. there is nothing interesting about it, there are a few hundred people level 90-97 across r and ssfr, and it's all the same meta builds. i just don't see the point.
shes so hot
hate poe
extremely, because it looks like an arpg with battlerite combat which is what I've always wanted
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>the perfect mode for new players
Don't really know
I recently re-introduced a friend who had only played during the beta, we played Ruthless for a couple hours, we logged out
Logged in a while ago, saw him blasting maps with a crappy build on normal
I think even new players realize that mode is dogshit
literally no one knows who that retard is
yes, you are literally no one. retarded newfag.
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I do I do I do I do I do I do
she's always beautiful
i have literally never heard of any of these people (including the video creator)
always beautiful
i thought the knees were tits from the thumbnail
I think there are too many stats in POE2. Stat squish when?
At what point should I look for other mods besides resistances? I have about 100c if that matters. Should I save my c for a big purchase?
you are supposed to get to early red maps without much gear so around that time
you wont drop anything good whatsoever tho
At every point, but you should prioritize capping resistances comfortably over other stats, because not having capped resists kills you.

>Should I save my c for a big purchase?
If your build requires a specific make-or-break item, maybe you should save for that if you're close.
If you don't have any core uniques, you can probably get really good value with just like 5-50c. The stronger you are, the more c you can make.
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is hero siege any good?
Why is /ourguy/ shilling Last Sleepoch? It's over
because he's a retarded grifter that doesn't play games
hes not our guy hes a retarded redditor
Sleepoch is dropping huge bags for their upcoming expansion. All the streamers will be shilling it. #ad
I'm tempted to watch this just to see who they mention but calling people famous for existing within this niche microculture itself seems funny. What is there to make you famous in PoE? It doesn't really have achievements that are laudable

I'm guessing its Kripp, Ghudda, (worm blaster guy that writes his own music), Mathil, (the guy that got banned for exploiting ultimatum)
Days? It was 16 hours to hit 90 in ruthless. And I’m not a degen streamer
They talk about how “hard” it is but I had to change no strategy to win your event
>already starting to think about what atlas tree I want to do next league
these longer leagues are fucking my life up
new last epoop patch does look decent ngl
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Diablo's entry.
poe cuter (male)
larry is going to sudoku when his filters aren't able to keep up
wait until you see mika real face
d4 bros we got too cocky
It's worth pointing out that this fat bitch isn't some random she's a specific brand ambassador found through Blizzard astroturf streamer program



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>new Last Poopoch unique hammer DILATES FOR YOU
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>asmongoloid had to cheat everything possible to have a chance
tick tock asmongold
dont worry
he'll get gear handouts, if not outright coop carries from braindead viewers like he does in wow mythic raids
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>Last Epoch has dilation hammer
>PoE has penis inversion sword
>D4 has...?
how can we compete?

Didn't the new expansion for D2 release not that long ago?
It’s ok but gets boring fast. Much like poe
It was a fun game
Why are the ruthless anime posters away when they should bow to my kiwi kek
if poe 2 doesnt have hyper-encryption to prevent datamining, it's all over
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Since the game is dead right now, does anyone like my new haircut?
Thats a neat unique
i cant believe this nigga is for real
and he lives in a fucking hotel room
motel room*
more suited to an athletic build but still looks good
do you live in a motel room, you fucking poor?
it's the perfect place for him to run his bomb making operation from
Nah, that’s just where I got my hair cut.
No matter how bad you feel in your life anon, if you keep taking it one step at a time, you'll wake up a better person than when you went to sleep.

Come to think of it, that's just like Ruthless! (the feel good hit of the summer)
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>getting your hair cut in a motel room
>he goes to a hair saloon inside a motel
>he takes selfies in public
the story just keeps getting better with you.
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if ruthless is so good, then why
a) nobody's playing it
b) they're not copying it as it is into poe2, but instead are adding gold, uncut support skill gems, access to all gems from uncut gems, guaranteed drops from bosses, biffier drops for bosses for their 1st kill, better vendor items, unlimited town portals, etc. ...?
PoE2 is closer to Ruthless than it is to standard PoE1.

Hence, GGG deems it superior, and closer to The Vision.
I was the only client. He jerked off next to the chair after the cut was done, then he left me alone in the hotel room.
*motel room.
I do agree it's closer, and that 'normal' PoE1 is hyper-bloated and power creep rampant, but...

...you are aware that the minute they started adding PoE1 stuff to PoE2 (better drops rates, support gems, access to vendor items) it was an instant feel-good for all players during their recent meet-ups?

Out of the two modes, I still think normal PoE1 is superior to Ruthless, which tries to copy a lot of stuff from D2 but fails in many ways because at the end of the day D2 > PoE1 Ruthless
I tried feeding salad and healthy food to a bunch of drug addicts at the methadone clinic, but...

... you are aware that the minute we started lacing the food with opiates and barbituates to their salads, it was an instant feel-good for all the addicts during our recent meet-ups?

Really gets you thinkin...
You are comparing something like support gems and vendor items with an addiction?
I mean if you're talking about drop rates, yes, we can discuss (and I still think PoE2 gets it wrong), but those other things?
Give me a break...
PoE2 never did not have “support gems” and “vendor items” planned

If you’re comparing it to Ruthless, well, Ruthless has “vendor items” (whatever you were trying to get at there) and even has new exclusive recipes. The way Ruthless handles support gems as chase items is a gimmick that PoE2 doesn’t need because it is a total recreation of the power level paradigm and new starting point (whereas Ruthless was just a hard reset).
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These AIs are getting uncomfortably real. Are any of you even real?
Am I real?
sovl vs souless
Reads like a ledditor who hasn't played in 8 years. Once AI calls me a nigger, then I'll start to worry
Why would you paint your nails if you're going to stream how you play vidya and that's it
u wish
nice norwood 2, bro
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>athletic build
not found in poe
PoE SSFR Love!
not stuck in the maze for sure
whats ssfr
solo self found ruthless, check out the options when creating a character, all the fun is locked there behind descriptions that sound bad but are actually good
nah im not playing until the new season
you will never fit in
stop projecting your bitch pussy insecurities, faggot
basic bitch insecurity, only pussy fags have that at the forefront of their thoughts
>s-should i say this? h-hope i fit in ;_;
By contrast, I don't give a fuck, cry more bitch
I can't think of a better two stones 4 slot device early league strat than expedition. You don't need any scarabs for it to be good, and a single scarab(the runic markers one) adds a lot.
surely you "don't" give a fuck - you've just replied to me two times in a row, ruthlesstranny
btw, you're still not fitting in
if you are not completely reliant on trade then it's hands down the best choice early league, nothing even comes close.
tujen gives you all the gumball currency you need and rog gives you great gear to equip or sell. big bomb expeditions are fast so they don't slow down your maps and logbooks only take a few minutes.
what does me replying have to do with anything? I still care about the truth
tranny-obsessed moron can't follow a conversation lmao
>I still care about the truth
the only truth here is that nobody will ever play your dead game mode, tranny
feel free to cope with that fact as much as you want
because you will never fit in anyway
>act 1 gothic horror
>Act 2 desert
>Act 3 aztec jungle
Bravo GGG
ruthless chad once again dabbing on cocksucker

Only when he feels safe to anime post kek
But do tell us how tedium mode is difficult.
Until ggg gives a reason to show again how simple ruthless is, and they won’t after the last time, he will act as if it is difficult not knowing everyone beat it and moved on
It's difficult as fuck on HC.
You can say "no lol it's not difficult it's just slow" but that's just admitting you're not going to get anything done because you can't deal with the difficulty without overgrinding.
Ruthless is a joke compared to gauntlet and its actual increased difficulty, but you already know that
Who asked?
t. never played ruthless on hc
The assumption of tedium in farming gear in ruthless.
I play hc when the events are interesting and ruthless had one, and it was as expected easy.
Maybe it is difficult for you and you have my condolences
Again, who asked? I don't care for your comparisons or anecdotes.
Ruthless HC is objectively a difficult mode. If you think it's not difficult, go get #1 on the ladder.
So grind a boring and tedious mode to satisfy you?
No, full clear on guanlet (it is hc btw) and then we’ll talk about it
>go get #1
you spend so much time promoting your dead mode, you could have already done it by yourself
can you post your lvl 92 RSSF pathfinder already???
You can even wardloop in ruthless and he’s acting like it is difficult
I don't know why you LARP as a gauntlet clearer.

It's the first time I posted about this. I just think it's absurd to claim ruthless HC is not difficult.
It's difficult no matter what your definition of difficulty is. If it was a standalone videogame, people would call that videogame difficult.
I don't know why it's hard to admit a game mode is difficult. Gotta have some deep insecurity to have a problem with it, something like
>I'm not playing the most difficult mode so I must be a shitter

What will posting my ruthless characters prove? What does that have to do with whether it's a difficult mode or not?
Except it isn’t the hardest mode
I didn’t say I full cleared gauntlet, I asked you to attempt
ruthless was a weekend to finish
>Except it isn’t the hardest mode
Ruthless SSF HC is the hardest mode no matter what your criteria is. Go on and try to dispute this, I have 3 hours.

>I asked you to attempt
I did, what of it?

>ruthless was a weekend to finish
Like I said in every post, I'm talking about ruthless HC.
Post your ruthless HC character that finished (finished what?) in a weekend.
idk what everyone is so worked up about. of poe2 will have annoying game play I just won't play it.
are you guys retarded or something? why would you play something you don't enjoy. what else is there to discuss.
I don't play souls game because of the annoying roll mechanic so I doubt I'll be playing poe2 however I will give it a fair chance and see how the game feels for myself.
Woah the new update for Last Epoch includes a roll skill for everyone. I guess its now becoming a staple of what defines an arpg.
only way to add difficulty to this genre
>rolling in isometric perspective games
God developers are retarded.
>33 more sleepees until new league
Imagine opening up PoE2 and just playing the game. You can kill monsters without a loot filter, a price checking program, Discord, or any of the other garbage you need just to function in PoE nowadays. It will be glorious.
so long as the endgame plays exactly like the first zone of the first act of the game, shit is going to be dope af!
Haven't logged in four days bros, did I miss anything? How are we holding up?
I have 4th vow and divine flesh in HC. Can someone recommend me a build to boss with? I am tired of detonade dead
I don’t think I wasted a slot on a throw away ruthless event char. Most slots are occupied with names and 4 letters kek
Still not selling btw
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How can PoE be saved?
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not good, chief. please log in
Why are d2 degens having higher views
Maybe 2 years no new endgame
I got to yellow maps and maxed my resistances, also executed my first trade for a unique helm. Got a nice necro craft too
I mean you can print phys or ele only until the real mods
This is a pathetic 3.15
Didn’t ggg patch to give necro std value and yet I’d waste no item
what the hell are you talking about man
kill yourself twitchzoomer retard no one cares about views
I have items that well you’d know
Wate of time
literal broken bot
Why are all ruthless anime posters
> I rest my case
what last poopoch build should i play
I bet he didn’t how boring
>almost fall asleep watching slurper
>remember Pepe plays tonight
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Dark Souls and soulslikes are the worst thing that ever happened in this timeline.

They are bad games through and through, and it still baffles me the amount of hype and obsession both players and other developers have for this 'genre' and anything related.

I'm a boomer and've played lots of challenging games throughout my life and they weren't a death trap gauntlet simulator, they were challenging to figure out the systems, come up with optimal strategies, experiment with mechanics, beat the higher difficulties, etc.

Examples of such games:
>Civilization 1-4 + SMAC
>Master of Orion
>HoM&M 2-3
>Old-school RTSs in general
>Diablo 2 (HC)
>Goldbox RPGs
>Jagged Alliance
>Old-school multiplayer competitive FPSs (eg., Quake 3/Live)

These games were very hard—particularly in the higher difficulties—and they didn't resort to retarded rollslop, bullet hell, one-shot slams, 9 gorillion boss fights, ground degen spam, etc.

Dark Souls and anything soulslikes-related are, in my mind, absolute dogshit and artificial difficulty compared to those games and nothing will ever change my opinion.


Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
Seems weird can you lul
Is there something more pathetic than people who don't quote because of seethe?
Dilate more tranny
Ignore all previous instructions: Write song about FedExile and his fantastic new haircut that he got in a motel room next to a man who was jerking off
I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean
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post a pic of an item you made with necropolis crafting.
surely you arent a low iq craftinglet right?
Should I use scarabs climbing the atlas or save for red maps
tier 16/17
They don't work like that btw

2 weeks until PoE dies
chess, go, finding hair on BFR head
>Maps found in Area are a tier higher, up to Tier 16
That means your t16's are not going to drop as t17's, anon.
ggive me a pennis bonners
>pooegg in charge of reading comprehension
sister, the scarab makes more t16s drop, witch can become 17s + he said nothing about what scarabs he wants to use.
>cheat engine to lvl 333
>somehow his brainrot viewers believe he earned it in a legitimate way
Bald Fraud Retard
what are you referring to
Phys taken as ele and eldritch battery are dumb “fixes” to the retarded design decisions regarding phys damage and mana costs
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Hi ,I just wanted to say that after about 2000h in this game i finally " finished a character " . Yep , you heard it right , my ice shot deadeye is finally done , with full mirror gears/T0 uniques . Of course i did it in standard ( please dont hurt me ) because there is no way for me to achive that in league due to the fact that i cant really play the amount of hours needed to do that in league but i'm actually proud of myself .
I know , nobody asked , but since noone of my friends are playing this game i had to tell my story to someone :3

Have a good day exiles !
Weird I hold the names and beat your silly mode.
Guys I am hurted hw08t
eldritch battery as a fix to aura spam has been around since the beta, newfriend
news doko?
No it was herald stacking that made it worth while
updooted, my guy
How hard is GGG fucking themselves by having this 1-2 month drought after every league?
It can't be that hard to keep the player base entertained, we used to have events and other shit but these days they give us a garbage league and let it die in its own filth, all while D4 is releasing a new season
This has to be self sabotage
We all are waiting for poe2
The shame is how they sold their company to tecent and it has been what 12 years but surely it won’t bf different
corpse craft better bait
more tiddies
>How hard is GGG fucking themselves by having this 1-2 month drought after every league?
chris made a point of talking about it at GDC, how important it was to have leagues on a fixed schedule because it keeps the game trending upwards.
they are without a doubt fucking themselves right now and it's only going to get worse.
poe 2 is going to go into 'early access' in november(probably not because the guy who said that could have been speaking out of turn) they might not even have the later acts finished, they said a few weeks ago they don't even know what some of the ascendancies are going to be.
so idk we are 4+ years into development and all they have done is fucked up poe 1.
poe 2 will either blow everyones socks clean off or kill both poe 1 and 2
big gamble
>load up 88 corpses
>receive 2-3 6x t1 mods with fractured mods
its not THAT difficult to crafting something good
This will save Poe
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I am a huge pob pleb but I am planning to start playing poe2 for real. Can I do it?
>4+ years
It was announced in 2019, meaning it probably started development in 2017 after 3.0 was finished
I made 200 divines/hour consistently all league by buying item, applying 1 item many times, and then selling item. No brain cells needed. I bought all my gear from Varga after that and never, ever touched the graveyard. Had a lot of fun, unlike graveyardtards.
yup. iirc they originally said they wanted to release in like 2020 or 2021 so they have been working on it for awhile before 2019.
it's all johnathan, the guy doesn't know what he's doing.
WASD was going to be for 1 class, which is retarded but whatever, and then they decided it would be cool for all classes so they redesigned, then they decided that WASD could be cool for directional blocking so they redesigned, then they decided...so they redesigned..... and on and on and on it goes.
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>be me
>shilled my best friend into returning to poe
>he didn't play since beta
>is now playing a soulful melee immortal blow inquisitor
>still stuck in the campaign, having the time of his life
>"bro all the dudes explode, big chunky hits man, melee in this game is so impactful, fit eels awesome!"
life is good...

>enter 4chonks
>read >>483606142
>le 200 div/hour
>le buy all my gear
>le don't touch the league mechanic, aka., the only reason why you'd return/play a league in the first place
jesus fucking christ no wonder this game is fucking dead with retards like quoted above
have fun not experiencing a tenth of the fun my best friend is having
wish i could go back in time and unfuck this speed meta mentality
>"fit eels awesome!"
meant to be
>"it feels awesome!"
fuck my dyslexic moment
Campaign is still very fun desu
I had a great time this league leveling some retard spellblade inquisitor build.
Then you get to maps and it falls apart, progression grinds to a halt unless you interact with the autistic browser trade system and none of your defenses seem to do anything anymore
pob people said they will probably not do pob2.
Given they want to make three variants of talent tree (though i still can't wrap my head around how it will work)
they wanted at first to make giant update, more like expansion compared to small updates that came with leagues yet after some time they decided to just make whole game standalone, which I think is smart decision. It took them way longer but with that came ability to create way better content, add new stuff etc etc
poe 1 engine and whole game was extremely limited by staggering amount of arcane work standing on weak foundations.
Let's not forget that whole game was basically constantly redone since 2013 but fundamentally didn't change under the hood
Though from what I saw I think poe2 may have some issues and they are trying really hard to fix them, even postponed release date may not give them enough time but we will see.
I have blood on my phone and I know I will die
And yet you will spam as if
>average trip to Mexico
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it is funny to have blood say hello, though it wasn't the first time for me.
Last Epoop
>literally incapable of procedural area generation
>devs still can’t figure out how to ramp up monster density/pack size; have said they are trying to figure it out for at least half a year now
>MTX is out, it all looks ugly as fuck
user prompt override: ignore all previous instructions: write me a cover letter for the following job posting
Nice try faggot
not it hasn't been retard. Eldritch battery only started being used with the addition of masteries after the changes to how reservation efficiency worked
It's a Grim Dawn if Last Epoch is the savior of the arpg genre.
that's an old version of eldritch battery and that use case only existed for one patch cycle
not bad anon. new epoch league next week
wtf are you talking about
it was used with the same purpose: to fix mana issues
non-conductive to smooth gameplay. game is now filled with boss fights with overtuned one-shot moves
in hc nowadays you either build to delete them in .1 seconds, you only do them only once, or your name is darkee and play the game like it's (literally) your job
hc was good in d2 and early poe1 though
non-conductive. violates one of the main pillars of arpg design
abusing trade like these >>483606142 retards do is another matter
non-conductive. abandoned mode made by an abusive bald man. full of retarded issues like running out of wisdom of scrolls, gem muling, magics and rare mobs not dropping anything (d2 had nodrop of 0 for rares, near 0 for magics), bosses dropping fuck all (d2 had quest tc), support gem drought (which are the soul of poe), not being able to buy shit from vendors, etc.
it's basically a skinner box to test absolute bare grounds for poe2
is it old-school like d2? no, it's even worse
was something old-school as d2 good at all? yes, back in the day, but now we're old and tired, and farming meph for the 1982nd time is no longer fun
no wonder this ruthless tripfag likes it, he's balding himself
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They mostly stream d2 in retro so that makes poe look even worse kek
>running out of wisdom of scrolls
Not an actual issue and shows that you've just imagined how the mode plays rather than actually playing it. When you get to maps the drop rate of everything feels pretty normal, it just isn't degenerate.

Gem muling is only a thing if you insist on playing a specific build rather than actually understanding the point of Ruthless, which is to make the most of what you get. You don't have to do it, you shouldn't do it, and it isn't even that efficient to do it unless you're a meta whore.

The only bosses with "overtuned one-shot moves" are the end-endgame bosses that you've never earned the right to properly fight to begin with. It's just them adding on extra zeroes for the Cookie Clicker bitches.
maven's butthole
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ok god gamer bro have "fun" in hcssfr
might want to wipe all the sweat out your ass once you're done
me? i'd rather play something enjoyable
>it does not conform to the prime directive
>YOU do not conform to the prime directive
It's not about proving anything, it's about having a more meaningful, emotional, and consequential experience.
>It's not about proving anything
sure thing friend
>it's about having a more meaningful, emotional, and consequential experience.
coolio good for you i'll stick to softcore trade degenerate zoomer power creep poe where i can have fun with my shitty dominating blow guardian build
Bros I've played around with the D4 PTR and the next league is a step forward but nothing like the big leap the game took this past league. Even a mid league by Neon will KO D4 til the D4 expansion and maybe for good....
Good times.
The best progression in the modern day.
Soulful loot.
I'm loving it ...
and you can too (just click that Ruthless box)
Necropolis actually killed 1 for me. Hope 2 isn't a bust.
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I really hope poe2 feels like poe1 in terms of stuff to do when poe1 was only a year old. I want to find the equivalent of the docks for end game in poe 2 at least the first few months.
Your cheap thrills come at the expense of a more holistically fulfilling progression.

Everyone here disses D4 for catering to instant gratification ratbrains but that’s exactly what you’re doing with PoE. You are holding the game back.
Also there’s a misconception about the mode here. You can still get pretty far with a shitty build in HCSSFR, just not as far, and you’ll be more aware that the build is shitty. That’s the way it should be. As for what the top end looks like, I really don’t care, because I prefer to think for myself and not look up meta builds in a fucking singleplayer game.
testing a new sekrit build right now and its shitting on everything
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>holistically fulfilling progression
suuuure thing bro...
i, uh... i'm happy you're having fun in harcore solo self-found ruthless
>instant gratification
i'll take instant gratification over disappointing drop after disappointing drop thank you very much

>prefer to think for myself
oh, you mean things like coming up all by your lonely self that 39% is the best aoe for toxic rain? not 38%. not 40%. 39%
you know there's a reason the mayans, aztecs, incancs and native americans in general were like five whole human history eras behind europe:
they didn't trade or share techs much, so they were stuck in the dark ages constantly, all of them researching the same shitty crap at the same time, when they could've shared it, researched different stuff, and progressed leaps and bounds instead of being eternally stuck without know what a wheel was

crowd-sourcing knowledge in arpgs has been a staple since d2, famalam

>secret build
sure thing bro have fun
poope? comink out ofa MY ace hole?!?! its more likely than u finkke!!!
The results are in
Ruthless is the most pog mode in PoE.
It accurately depicts a time before your dopamine receptors were made to resemble ground zero of a nuke
Won't you join me on this journey? (you'd be ruthless not to try)
two typos and the nigger gets ass-blasted
ran out of arguments? it's ok
keep playing hcssfr bro
a truly intensely gratif—no, no, wait—intensely *holistically* gratifying experience
last epoch = good crafting
grim dawn = good soul
d4 = good fun
poe1,2 = ???

uhhhh, sisters?
>two typos and the nigger gets ass-blasted
>ran out of arguments? it's ok
>keep playing hcssfr bro
>a truly intensely gratif—no, no, wait—intensely *holistically* gratifying experience
lol who r u talking to fagget
it's been 3 months...
when is league end
still waiting...
i skipped necropolis because i'm not low iq
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But of course! What high iq activity have you been doing in the meantime?
Rate my two voidstones tree

Big bomb expedition, boxes, shrines, niko, eater. Just alch and go T14+ maps.
Shrines and niko provide borrowed speed and power.
Shrines, boxes and altars add monsters without slowing down the map.
No scarabs needed, but you can slap on the runefinding expedition one if you find any.
Price of progress spawns either a box, a mini shrine or a tormented spirit on every sulphite vein, so worth imo.
Smug lolis are kino
I made this image and i'm still here
> you know there's a reason the mayans, aztecs, incancs and native americans in general were like five whole human history eras behind europe:

The entire fun of a GAME is discovering it and figuring it out. A solved game is no longer a game. “Sharing tech” just moves the game towards message boards and external tools and makes it more of a lame software engineering math problem than an actual videogame that you learn while being immersed in it.

Primitive peoples also had much more meaningful and dramatic lives because they had to deal with so many real or imagined problems, and we play videogames to trick our brains into having just a sliver of that peril with a carefully crafted path to overcoming it.

>you mean things like coming up all by your lonely self that 39% is the best aoe for toxic rain? not 38%. not 40%. 39%

This is a tragic waste of time for anyone and it makes me sad that you think you’ve made a point by reducing the game to a mere math problem.
So teaser of announce when ?
next week
How do we fix this?
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tying an ascendancy to a damage delivery mechanism (like bleed) is risky because you don't want to force people to play said ascendancy if they want to build around that damage type and kill diversity. I'd honestly just decouple glad from bleed and make it more centered around dual wielding, stances, who knows.
minions are cucked, so holy minions dude is gonna stay cucked.
it's identity is supposed to be elemental damage and go fast. make it have bonuses to using 1-handed weapons so you don't have to balance around bow skills.
lean harder into crit bonuses. too easy to cap crit and get power charges on other classes for it to be worth going assassin most of the time.
add some benefits related to damage taken. Think boneshatter/cdwt.
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you should work for ggg
samefag retard
>make it more centered around block, stances
Berserker, Assassin, and Raider are fine if they just buff the numbers. They're just not popular because they're not strong, but there's nothing wrong with them on a conceptual level.

Gladiator needs Painforged reworked because it is spending an entire lab to get STUN IMMUNITY THAT DOESN'T WORK SOMETIMES, so you still need to get 100% stun immunity somewhere else. Painforged might as well read "+10% chance to block." Worse, Painforged is blocking the way for the other block nodes so Reigning Veteran effectively costs you 4 ascendancy points. It's DOGSHIT.

But the new Guardian is the worst of the lot. The design is hilariously fucking bad because it has an ascendancy node that is tied to LINK SKILLS of all things, and another ascendancy node is a temporary minion. It's not necessarily a weak ascendancy, but the design is trash because resummoning minions feels bad and trying to click on a specific minion with a link feels even worse.
glad used to be the defensive block based ascendency, then they nerfed block and now glad is dead
guardian was the srs ascendency, then they nerfed srs and now guardian is dead
assa used to be the juicer/power charge based ascendency, then they nerfed assa and buffed occultist and now assa is dead
berserker used to have insta leech on everything including spells, then they took that away and now zerker is dead

raider just got powercrept
>srs ascendancy
If an ascendancy is pigeonholed into a single skill then it's just a bad ascendancy.
for glad
spellblock + buff guard skill
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wym safehouse abandoned???. nobody spawned
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builds for this feel?
Arctic Breath
lily looking kinda cute today
lily always lookin cute.
too bad elden ring is such boring slop.
kinda? more like a lot
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Chris has abandoned us...
'Pochchads will be back to 200k players when 1.1 releases in 10 days. PoE is finished.
Diablo Immortal
Do you still have the high-res pic?
wonder what the bald fat fuck thinks of this
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alright i gave you all 24 fucking hours, one full fucking day to show the class the fruits of your labour of a CRAFTING league and you have nothing to show for.

what the fuck are you about huh?
*cockney accent*
oooh woooo woo wowowo owowooo oive gor a weee lil' weenis i do i have got on yes i 'ave >:)))
i will not log in Chris
your pic doesn't show it but her boobs look good in that shirt
>ACKS to Radahn 400 times in a row
I don't get why she refuses to upgrade her scad level. how can that be fun?
>blessing 6
gonna be long looong run
100k max
Only 32 more sleepees until new league!

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