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Previous: >>482414223

>New Event [Echoes of Phantasm]: June 25th - July 9th
>New Event [Hues of Life]: June 18th - July 2nd
>[Mania Training] Phase 6 Starts, May 21st

>Detailed Tier list
>Guide Compilation + CN Schedule
>Crimebrand priority | Shop & stamina efficiency | Hypercube income | Base incidents
>Sinner Build Guides

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>CN Tier List
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NAsty (30/30) <- PURGE REQUESTED

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(sɓu!ʇʇǝs ʇunoɔɔⱯ u! ɯǝǝpǝꓤ)sǝpoꓛ<
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My cute mtf wife
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She's precious either way
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GO MACCHIATO GO!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3
They're lovely!
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And most definitely deserving of love!
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good night burgers
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good night fellow burgersis...im sleeping too....
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Play the better game.
which instruction should I follow
Good night…I’m sleeping too>>483122516
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Bai Yi!
I don't know much about Cabernet but her theme appears to be the vice of gluttony (which is often connected to food).
By 'horror theme' do you mean her thorns? Looks like representation of vice to me; not particularly horrific imo.
>it took until reading something entirely unrelated to noticed women think of eating and sex as adjacent
Curious. What were you reading?
I've heard the idea that women consider eating/food to be better than sex, not adjacent to.
It sounds you might be overthinking; especially with "horror is just a woman concept."

Cabernet's design might appeal more to women than men but I doubt it's specifically due to food and how women perceive it.
I don't see how she wouldn't be appealing to male players as she represents indulgence. The food theme could be a mere sidestep from simply making her sex-oriented.
I'm a woman and i love cab
Honestly the coloring event isn't that bad once you realize what you are required to do but then again at least 3 different hues appear to be optional and Enfer's whole scheme is nothing but muave and lilac.
I keep forgetting how charcoal is mixed ...
Made it like 3 times and still can't remember the formula.
I don't even bother remembering them. I just look at the color and try to bruteforce match it. Charcoal has to be a lot of onyx, blue, green and then porcelain to get the right hue..
I miss Angell ...
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Wait what is the deal with the things on Eleven's Arms?
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>seeing pepper and demolia increases happiness
damn chief is literally me
Do I get held back significantly in progression if I don't buy Surveillance Orders? I always buy the monthly VIP, but hadn't considered SOs until recently.
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It's not that much since events still give a lot of resources. You only buy the bp if you want the attire and consider the menu music + stickers + resources a bonus.
Not at all, in my experience. I've never bought one (and only got the VIP once) and I'm just about to finish getting both the characters I like and the characters I want to play up to P3 with 7/7/7/7. And I've been playing since November so I've been playing catch up too
chief bobs
Are you buying it?
Thanks for the insight. Gonna keep skipping SOs then.
Degenbrecher is so hot bros...
Such badly written character
I hope that Eleven will be in the story.
Bai and Wolverine only made small cameos in Cab event…
yeah gluttony is on the tin. my question is why the hottest design is associated with gluttony and horror. it's not something i've seen before and it's something that doesn't work.
>vice to me; not particularly horrific imo.
of all the sinners it's cabernet and enfer that have a horror theme.
>Curious. What were you reading?
this is the most powerful being in gw2. she gets there by absorbing one male god and eating another. she replaces an older being to "filters" the "void" forever to stabilize the world. to me "filter" should mean holding a sieve. it's obvious what's instead referred to is infinite eating and pooping. "woman creates by pooping" also has obvious links.
>It sounds like you might be overthinking
what makes you think this isn't an absolutely worthless statement?
oh right you're probably a woman. 'you're gettin kinda weird there sis'.
i'm a male playing a lesbian game. i am quite aware i am not normal.
men generally value conformity less than women, though these days it's admittedly less obvious
>I don't see how she wouldn't be appealing to male players as she represents indulgence
if you think i'm not normal, you're right.
i'm not trying to convert the uninterested.
if you're not interested, you don't have to ask questions.
if you are interested, you have to suppose the premise.
>mere sidestep
cabernet would not have worked at all if she had short hair or if her chest was flat.
there is no such thing as coincidence in design. everything affects everything else.
there's no such thing as coincidence in real life either, which is why astrology is real.
by pure coincidence, the first 'non-release' top-tier character in the game was an astrologer.

i think very highly of ptn's writers and they have demonstrated repeatedly they know what they're doing and have something worth paying attention to. to the extent it's possible, when i don't understand i will look for what logic they're working on.
Fox almost done.
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>finish coloring
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>you will never be drugged and raped by anne
why even live...
Anne's mutation is one of the most hardcore ones the game has to offer but her character is as lame as it gets.
Eleven kisses for Eleven
>Ability Summary
>Able to change fluid's chemical properties and gives drugs in syringes better healing effect according to the patient's needs.
do i not remember something
>he doesnt know
She can change part of your blood into morphine.
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forced handholding... zoya is a rapist
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I look exactly like this
while we have nothing but poor man's copies...
fox super kawaii desu
how goes the dz ranking chiefie
Very dabby
on this day we have all been floofed
reminder these are the only post-launch male characters....
Kawa-kawa ... forgotten.
kawa kawa was launch, wasn't he? since stargazer's event was the first event
dead to pathwhere
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>happy demolia
>happy flora
ah bliss
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Stargazer's event was the first, but it and her banner didn't start until 2 weeks in. The actual first banner was a concurrent Zoya and Summer banner
nyaruhodo... i only started playing with serpent
i dont get it
they look prettier because theyre not working?
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>skips over christina
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I guess the MBCC just overworks everyone so a break's just that effective that keeping people sparkly. The bit about Uni's referencing this previous comic.
mmm page 8 yum
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what're ya sniffin' chief?
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the cut grass smell from mowing the lawn
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sounds fresh and invigorating
that's not chief
that's cassia
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oh nyoo i do not have a pic of cassia readily on hand. i'll just post cab instead
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sisters we're so well practised
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I cant tell what that upper right panel is suppose to be
it's cropped porn. i got it from a booru. anyway's it's her sore bottom
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levy doesnt know what sex is
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fox can teach him
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good job expanding your horizons and attending comiket. have a cake as a reward
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thanks chief but it's not my photo
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uooohhhhh cinnasex
This one is very silly. I love it a lot.
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I feel like PTN has ruined my perception of tomboys. Now no longer am I satisfied with energetic/aggressive females with short hair. Now they MUST be tall, handsome, and wear unisex/men's clothes. I probably would've considered characters like Dolly, Mess, and Flora to be tomboys before, but next to Zoya and Cinnabum they just feel like girls.
Dolly is definitely a tomboy
Snorting cocaine with cabernet fans!
I think you're a faggot.
i think you're mixing up tomboy and butch chief
cinnabar is a dull man.
zoya is a virago.
i dunno who could be called a tomboy in ptn. feels like the term requires a certain amount of innocence/immaturity, which most characters here do not have.
christina, maybe.
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yeah that makes sense. now i know the word for it yay!
cool word
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My transexual husband levy!
Fox' ult activation is very strange. First time seeing a unit requiring me to click on them to activate a skill.
this is now a car free zone
no one is allowed to post cats or talk like cats
only ducks are allowed now
i think it's because it's supposed to be a debuff purge
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beep boop
the pixelated RAT
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boop beep
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joan LOVE
lisa LOVE
ptn LOVE
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Coco redesign soon...
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New Joan art is always a welcome sight!
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Kelvin's cuteness is too powerful
pride power
levy and kelvin might be a good otp ><
joan giga LOVE
i dont get it
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>Levy offers to make Kelvin a celebrity chef
>Kelvin accepts out of desperation
>Kelvin becomes a celebrity chef and immediately dies right after
I do not like this pairing
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but like
why what?
The name I presume
i'll call hell loll
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whats your favorite animal form sinner /ptng/
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darn you already posted it. dreya cat sipping coffee is too cute and powerful
cat bug love
elwvn is a hoebag and corrupting eve...
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It's almost (not quite) time to sleep chiefs...
not me im staying up
>A rank is obsessed with mushrooms
I’m going to sleep.
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gao and lynne are not retards they're just children
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good night chiefs....
good night borgar
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minos bureau of cum control
Random comment.
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The pass coming after Garofano's features Lady Pearl.
more like lady hurl LMAO
ugly pearl and another boring dress.
people say hoyo is creatively bankrupt they haven't seen aisno.
People say mhtrash are creatively bankrupt yet they still thirst over their slop.
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■ MBCC Birthday Announcement June 25 is Adela's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Adela!

"Thanks you for the present. Oh, it's actually the same set I used for you, so you also think our encounter is worth caring for despite some minor problems."
Sex voixe
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>minor problems
adela what the fuck you ruined at least 2 people's lives, unleashed a gang on the city, and crashed a helicopter and I don't know if the people inside were alright
It's all relative...
She is probably the prettiest Sinner we have so far. Shalom and Du are probably the closest one to her.
Because unlike these niche manface style, they picked the marketable moe style.
it's just a prank boss
Ror rmao
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Shroom girl abilities
Kind surprising
We're dying sisters...
adela LOVE
>summoned creature damage increased by X%
hopefully that's teamwide. i kinda doubt she'll be good even if it is but it'll give me the excuse to run her with eve/eureka/summer
it's called being comfy vappa
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good luck today chiefies
desu I'm slowly losing interest. Bianca and Hestia seem okay but there is no real hype on the horizon.
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thanks sis
>but there is no real hype on the horizon.
CN anniversary is coming up
i am predicting hella and zoya alters
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Chief thumb up.jpeg
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>only got 246k
dunno why i even tried nox her buff didn't do crap
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NOX is good because her truesilver slash deals with the shields on the champions.
i was hoping with her ult and sumire i could farm energy from the three core mobs but it wasn't efficient enough
also the rest of the NA buffs were even worse than nox's somehow
Angell is your best buddy for Zoya and the Carcass.
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i even raised her and i still forgot her gimmick
maybe i'll try her next week
I thought everybody raised Angell.
i roll every s rank but i only actually raise like everyone one in three or so
and even after i raise them unless there's a TOA or another event that i can demo them in i usually forget what sinners do because the only actual active weekly gameplay is in DZ
Are you using Adela's dress or are you using her default?
I haven’t decided to buy or not…
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One of the cutest images.
dress until i get bored of it
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i like her default too much
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im tempted to buy the adela attire/bp just for the new BRITISH voicelines but feels kind silly
do it chief she would do the same for you
She abandoned her barbershop she has no steady income
she has stocks
That doesn’t exist in Ptn
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cherry or strawberry fake blood
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default, the attire makes her look too stickly. I get she was always described that way but the dress makes her look almost disproportionate
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Huh? This is the recommended CB for Hamel now?

I've been using Scarlet for a long time.
same and i'm not changing it because of a dumb website
Use Justice if you want the attack boost for your other sinners. Scarlet Bewitchment only works on Hamel so she either heals more or deals more damage with her ult. She already heals a fuckton so she doesn't really need more attack and her ult is already garbage and having more damage on it doesn't really help that well. Scarlet Bewitchment is the lazy CB set while Justice is more micromanagement but increases your teams overall DPS.
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that sounds very annoying to play to maintain buff uptime
if i wanted a healer and burst i'd take cab desu ne
you do you
but not everyone has cab
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Cab is too high iq…
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pretty langley
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How many cubes does it take when rolling once? 180? Or was it 600? I can't keep track with all the gacha games I'm playing.
180 cubes per single roll yeah cuz it's 1800 for a full 10
As per usual I've slacked with Depths until the very end day. So I log in to do it
>first map is the fatties running at Chief
>second map is Sosa or whatever its name was
>third map is Shadow rush

Sincerely this has to be the stalest "content" there is. And it is not even fun like before. Something similar is happening with the mania training, I think the best version was the second one (that one with firebathers ruining it for you in late stages). Now there are trying to add some gimmicks that just don't feel good.
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i stopped doing that like, months ago
it's really not that fun
i don't mind depths repetitions as much because different buffs means sometimes you can take different teams in
but i agree that these last couple ones have been dogshit, i don't know why they're looping stages when they could just grab random unused levels and put in stronger enemies
It's suppose to be messy so long time / whale players have something challenging.
Nah, I realize that I can just level Echo, Lamia or Kelvin and just breeze through fatties but it is just straight boring as a concept. One thing I am still not getting is why Aisno are so afraid to release wacky crimebrand sets.
i look exactly like this
kill it
oh yeah that particular stage gimmick is the worst
especially when it's the version where your sinners are locked in the middle of the stage and the porters walk around the outside
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We are so back.
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Depths, mania training, and eternal snoozer are nothing but a bloat at this point in the game.
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>two-thirds of the content that actually asks you to play the game are bloat
You don’t have to do them, it’s optional
order has been restored to ptng
They're taking space and constantly being updated.
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lick the snake
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pyon pyon pyon
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Need to sleepy early....but dontw ant to sleep
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D'aww Pepper cute!
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no problem chief i will go to sleep early for you
good night
Evening, gentlemen. I like Du Ruo very much. I hope I get her in the future.
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I wish you the best of luck on your failed 50/50s or in a future Du Ruo rerun then.
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Approximately how long is it gonna take for her to show up on the routine banner? I'm sitting on a guarantee for her.
Bruh I lost the coinflip to lady pearl. I've never seen this sinner before.

Is she worth investing in if I already have a maxed out Langley?
cn hasn't gotten a du ruo rerun yet so we don't know for sure but it'll probably be around four months for her to show up again
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reruns according to the CN schedule seem to be ~6 months after the initial banner (CN hasn't had a Du Ruo rerun yet) so you might have to wait until around October
Oh, I didn't know we followed their routine banner schedule as well.
>around four months for her to show up again
I can cope with that. Thanks, bro.
She's pretty cool and does a lot of damage. I've seen her being used in CN bilibili videos

0w0 rerun was about 5 months
Comfy. Who's the other girl?
it's her totally not life partner who sacrified herself to kill the chinese apostle of ashes years ago
They're friends. Du Ruo is my loyal wife.
lmaoing at you cuck
I don't get cucked by other women, just means more wives for me.
even if they were more than that shes dead as a doornail and du ruo moved on
oops im supposed to be asleep rn.
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the sweet release of death... soon...
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>t. cuck
this is a sister general
Is that a duck
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I think it's a chick
Off topic then
Mods ban he
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nooooooooooo here's a duck
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I'd unironically buy stupid silly skins like this...
Quack, quack.
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its time...for burgers to go to sleep...
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i'm busy trudging through the fontaine archon quest. why does it take so long before i can get my exploration points for the day...
but good night sis
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to this day im still baffled victoria participates in tabletop games. or maybe she was just giving ttrpgs a try that time
she’s making friends it’s a necessary step towards her rehabilitation
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Translation of the new CN S-rank sinner's kit.
Also a full body shot and I knew she was gonna be a feet sinner but I didn't expect the sexy socks.
First direct battery sinner, instead of having to use Eirene and energy potestas. I wonder how she will affect ToA.
I am actually baffled at her kit. Why are they releasing a battery two years after their release? The fuck?! I won't really doompost like the other dude did yesterday but Bianca is at least allowing some new gimmick band of Sinners with her release. Everything that comes after her just feels mediocre and uninteresting.
>it's actually LoL
Battery sinner eh…
newfren here
so far I've managed to get nox and hamel which seem to be carrying the team hard in the campaign but aside from them I have nothing special. can I keep spending cubes pulling sinners or is there maybe an event in the near horizon that I should save for exclusively?

btw I'm one of those that don't care about skins/waifus and just wants power que's bury the light
I can't say about if you save or not, soon there will be the anniversary event in the CN, and we will be able to judge things more properly. But I would say that Nox and Hammel are the two most important non-exclusive sinners and a great start.
Hamel and Nox are the backbone of any new account. You’ll be fine just rolling whoever you like for now but maybe start saving as we inch closer to anniversary
Another day at work…
play Arknights instead.
It’s a chibi game
Both are chibi games. The difference is HG try to keep you playing for as long as possible while aisno realise PtN is a side game and make stuff as easy as possible
>not a side game
As the others said you can either have a look at the upcoming sinners and see if one of them interests you or start saving for anniversary which should come around fall for us. If it follows the current patterns, which is likely, it will have a new limited sinner (which are pretty much always worth getting) , and since they reran Deren during half anni there's a pretty high chance of Shalom getting a rerun during anni (and she's definitely worth getting).
If you want to improve your roster and you have Nox and Hamel set up well iI'r look at getting the really good A- and B-ranks kitted out and levelled up. Laby and Che are extremely good for most content and you can't really go wrong with building them properly. Hecate us a good pick to improve your magic teams.
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why does she have an uoooooh manta ray
3d model here is atrocious it makes chibi looks good.
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...because she surfs the deep Web. Not even joking her outfit resembles a ray.
More like e-celeb WHORE
Don’t use my slogan
she needed adela's help in boistering her waifu factor
But you're me...
I think aisno have lost their momentum.
They never have one to begin with.
their momentum screeched to a halt the moment they okay'd the designs of the anni sinners
We love Shalom and Coco here vappa
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good luck today chief
thanks sis. i'll do my best
I’m anxious for no reason again
The vappaposter is annoying.
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Who is this on the right???
I'm too lazy to check doodoo's twitter (assuming based on artstyle) but i guess zoya or an OC?
neuvillette hoyo collab
I would uninstall the game.
Oh fuck it does kind look like him

Hair is super long though
Whatever 单主的梦向稿件 means.
I was about to post this too
Google translate doesn’t tell me shit
But I assume those last two characters is someone’s name or nick name
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Five more days
it is 100 degrees outside
To what
86 here…
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You already know…
god damn HOT
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did this sprite show up in eleven's event i forget
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i look exactly like this
What does enemy HP rating reaching S mean again
whats echoes of phantasm
Check Enemy Info, they have ratings there
it's a filler event that gives fomo crimebrands
wait what crimebands
check the store chief it's different for each phantasm
want pizza dinner
i dont use crimebands
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mogu mogu
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I gotta do some Elden Ring exploration before I do Dis Shadow…
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Dinner time chieferinos
im havin scrambled eggs with onions and jalapenos
the RAT
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thank you bros
the fact that it is essentially a vn for free makes me somewhat curious but I really did not like the looks
worry not dear doktah
EN ver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyxX1vqE008
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i came
i saw
i came
i saw
right here
right now
right here
right now
Get it.
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right about now
the soul funk brother
check it out now
the soul funk brother
Still can't believe how bland Lorelei's kit actually is.
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what if she was lil?
Errrm that’s the wrong game vappa
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shut up retard
I’m only waiting for the fish and her wife
Her name is literally Lore ley..
Wait a second, I went back and read her skills on my desktop. Her ultimate doesn't even grant maximum energy to the Sinner; it is the thing that will increase with levels.

What do high mean
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oh nyoooooo?
68 for me.
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Any f2p chiefs here pulling for jojo?
jojo 6 is my least favorite part...
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i buy monthly pass...
I've got the cubes for it why not
for me it's part 4 as my last favorite
I am a completionist who only lacks Summer and Eve.
not even with my fat stacks
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based. don't let the nips win
thats a boy on the left
I would've rolled for Johnny.
I'm still gonna roll for completion but I would've gotten 5 shackles for my boy.
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angell my love...
i like the baby cat version better
Maybe. It's a collab so chances of it getting a rerun is 0. So might as well try.
do we get both A ranks for free or is one of them only through gacha luck?
Good question....I dont think we know for sure since it's normally just one a rank from quests
>saved the sleeping cat angell picture
>4chan does the eat-my-post thing when i try to send it
how obnoxious.
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i will be very sad if we get subjected to pure gacha luck for that other A rank bc of the chance that they never come back…..
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Dyke status?
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hurt and bruised
Part 3 a worst
Yes I will elaborate so back off quietly before feelings get hurt
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why is our face so... long?
>Stone Ocean collab
*puts a mushroom in your mouth*
So all the sinner powers are basically stands anyways right
a burger place in my hometown used to serve deep-fried mushrooms as a side... maybe ill try and make some in the air fryer this weekend
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It’s X-men, not JoJo
Same difference
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good night burgers
Lesbian women
I love them
I love this game
I love d****
Is the demographic of this game largely women and lesbians or is there stuff for the straight man? I don't mind either answer.
Nighterino Chief

Don’t overthink it
i think the fanbase skews hard towards lesbian stuff but there's some mchief stuff if you go out and look for it
the game itself doesn't really lean one way or the other beyond the MC's gender. there's way more female sinners than male ones but that's it
But you would think female chrfaters are for men
Yes, yes, maybe.
>Cinnabar's separate interro for female chief
>the whole Angel event

Seems pretty fruity
The dykes? Oh those are for me
That's because Cinnabar is my wife (dyke)
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time to sleep burgers...
mmm chief feetsies
full of mania
Chameleon's property is so cute...
sex with female sinners as mtf chief!
Morgan my wife...
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Part 3 is fucking kino, but only men can really appreciate it. Women just dont get it
The thing with the game is that it is mostly femdom stuff. It just happens to atract a lot of sub lesbians, but the content for men into femdom is there just the same. (Not all stuff is femdom-related, but a lot of it is).
Am I a lesbian?!
If you can answer yes to all of these
>are a woman
>are sexually attracted to women
>aren't sexually attracted to men
>like PtN
you are a lesbian.
Hope I could help you out sis.
We are transbian.
This isn't true at all. Part 3 is what made the whole thing super popular but it isn't good in any shape or form. It is the first chapter that features ensemble of characters as the protagonist and also the one that started the whole Saturday morning villain scheme.
Just say JoJo is bad, or at least it's not as good as you remember.
Ordered my MGEX.
I liked playing 7th Stand User.
It is not bad, it just isn't as good as people are making out to be.
I only watxhed YouTube clips and AMVs
Another day at workerino…
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Thanks Chief
Thread was on page 10.
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Thanks Chief…it was four in the morning for burgers…
this chief love
i came into work early today only to discover that i didn’t have to out of my own stupidity…….anyways good luck today chief
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God I miss anni ...
New Anni starts in July…I’m really worried how they’ll capture the magic of the previous one
It has to be main story related, their main story update is so slow
i miss the owo event where i disliked all her videos
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the necessary actions to ensure she grows strong enough to survive in this cruel world
Yeah anni was kinda lightning in a bottle. It will be hard to replicate or top.
Has to be the start of a new arc post Drifter Camp arc
But also done in a way that people who miss it won’t be confused in chapter “14”

If it’s just a random event with no main story implication I don’t think people will be happy
I disagree. In part because I felt very disappointed with the previous Anni. But also because this might be the best, or maybe even only, opportunity that they will have to make an anni that isn't tied to the main story, as the last arc just ended and a new one haven't started yet. I think the anni should be important to the general events or show interesting general lore, but I don't think it should be necessarily immediatly tied to the main story/next arc.
What you’re describing is literally what the half anni have been
You haven't caught up with the teasing it seems. The next story chapter will most likely feature the "anonymous" of discity. Every single event is heavily featuring DysMith.
Bianca's event features some Shodan entity and both Shrooma and Loreley are eternally online users.
the 4chan sinner
I mean they can’t just be hackers
They teased two big groups at the end of 13: underground umbrella fags and Zoya’s crew
that’s just emy pan
Zoya is dead
sisters are we fucking lame
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what emotion is this face trying to convey?
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I don't care about altoids and will pretend they don't exist
>router being weird
Page 9 hate
emy is not lame!!!!
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>90 minute meeting
Zzz I wanna play video game and gacha dailies
im tired of necrobumping
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We didn’t need bumps every 20 min did we, looking at the last few posts.
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it's tradition, after the april 1st of 2023 when our thread died
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>posting a picture of IT while outlining my greatest failure
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why sis, why didn't you bump when you saw we were on page 10 after 15 minutes?
NTA but I actually saw us on page 9 that day and thought to myself “hey someone else will get it right?”

I was wrong
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i was in class at the time..........
I should probably start the coloring event to see what all the complaints are about...
Literally me(i'm a bi)
i hope you've been collecting brushes daily chief
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Errr no?
you might be bricked chief
flexing on these niggas every bone and muscle
Oh nyoooo, there’s still a week doe right
You should be fine I think. It only takes a few days to spend enough brushes to unlock all the things. I got it yesterday (or the day before I can't remember...)
But the half anni is reserved for chink wank.
i want to buy mcqueen skin….
Well it’s always at the time of Chinese new year so yeah
i think full anniversary being tied to main story is almost mandatory at this point, in my opinion. Their main story update gaps are way too big, not having anni to hold that over is simply bad for the game and community
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forehead kisses for Lynn!
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No Elden Ring today! Gonna stay in my air conditoned'ed room and play casual games (and post on /ptng)
lynn giga LOVE
80 pulls later I got the kung-fu girl.
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wuwa i assume
the chief used xher free selector on someone else instead of the kung fu girl xhe wanted
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oh... i dont keep track of the weeweewoowoo posts...
Yeah, I got Colcharo? or whatever his name is.
same. i wanted encore and verina. so i decided to just pull for encore until i got her then use the ticket for verina
I honestly don't see the gacha aspect of it. Teams make absolutely no sense and there doesn't seem to be that much synergies.
grrm incest game
i think wuwa has the same issue as pgr (and ptn, and azur lane, and a bunch of other games gacha games) where the characters kits are way too binary so you just always go for the biggest NUMBER

meanwhile genshit combat isnt anything to write home about either but the element combo lets you do funny/fun teams with less optimized characters
I think they mentioned in that kind-of-public-apology that they would try to release main story chapters faster... altough if they will in fact do it, is another matter, of course.
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i'd prefer they take their time if they can.....chapter 13 had a couple of moments that felt kind odd/rushed even though i greatly enjoyed it overall
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eleven's elevens
why do these remnants chapters come out when i'm not really feeling it... ah well i'll do them anyway
I also prefer quality over quantity, but I'm not sure if they having more time would have made the last arc better. In any case, it is not much far from being a year since the last main story chapter...
>Don banner, hence chapter 13, November in CN
Goddamn, even if Anni is a main story event, that is 8 fucking months for main story update
ok shalom + bleed ended up getting me
and this is a woke general so whats your point
do you like incest
(sincere question)
nyaaaaaaa i just tried posting this and got duplicate
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PtN begs to have even the slightest SOVL aura from Arknights.
>posts its 3rd most reddit character
>reddit general
>"oh no it's a reddit character!"
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the strongest beep boops
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I accept your concession.
ill get 40k on the last one after i unlock angell's ecb in july.
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>i accept your concession
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never realized sumire's 2nd attire had a fox on the left just sleeping. how floofy
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Milking boobs asmr... has that ever been done before?
it's time..for burgers...to go to sleep
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Good night fellow burger
good night chiefies…i’m off too…
i love chelsea so much there’s just something about someone who looks is otherwise so put together and regal looking who is also the biggest hopeless chump that just makes her perfect
I didn’t sleep on time again
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did they give leven a swimsuit cuz it was her birthday soon do you guys think
The act? Depends.
The byproduct? Definetly not.
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why did that topic even come up
I took an evening nap...
Ain't looking good..
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Viviana, my beloved...
Looks very refreshing. Decent interaction, decent damage. Very similar to Eureka.
>leven birthday
>leven max compliance
leven love
LL seems….so simple
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Booba love
Because she has large breasts. But I’m slightly disappointed it’s not as noticeable
I thought after that anon claimed all those drama ASINO was facing, they’d go all out on fanservice
I mean it is as sexy as it gets. If you want to be a ghoul just go for azur Lane or the koreansloppa
*clicks on her titties*
Breasts are her main trait
So based on what was updated with today's update the next chapter/anniversary will most likely feature Aisno's emergency release.
>Aisno's emergency release
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good luck today chief
Don't forget to buy from Whitestone, chief!
Best boobs in the game.
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I look exactly like this.
are you building the weakspot team chief
Yeah, it seems like a lot of fun.
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ganbatte... gameplay chief...
Aren't you?
the only one i have leveled so far is garofano
it's gonna depend on how much i like shawn and the other one i think
As a fellow homosexual i get that.
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leven ultra mega giga LOVE
If I was after gooner shit I would just go look into f95. I don't get your retarded way of thinking.
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I’m getting kfc inspite of doctors orders
It's alright we accept gay people here.
Women should dress properly while men(like my husband levy) should show their bulge once in a while.
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lovin leven
Okay, Aletta.
>the cristina/Levy poster is a retarded coomer

It has never been more over..
someone is impersonating me it’s not me!!!!!!
I don't think there is anything else interesting coming after bianca.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery chief
We welcome all posters here vappa
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also for you <3 >>483726076
We're both gay anyway so we might as well be one person.
I want to eat ice cream with Kelvin.
This burger is going home…
does kelvin have a canon favorite flavor?
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>thread on another board i was really enjoying dies
it hurts. but at least i have ptng
ptng is forever except for that one time
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aisno continues the trend of having new cutie boys be stuck as summer npcs…….
angy chief sexo
I don't think it was mentioned before.
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leven lovin
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nap time
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Carol... LOVE!
look at those saggers...
carol LOVE
look at how smug Carol is, knowing full well about his cuteness
well earned smug
>except for that one time
i'm glad i wasn't baking then. baking a thread, watching it get activity, then checking it later to see it fucking dead is a pretty bad feeling
I made that thread, with a Sumire OP
It was technically a spam/flood that pushed it off, but yeah it felt bad.
let it go
>PTTROONs still OBSESSING over the one time their thread died
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you kept bringing it up...
I look exactly like this.
I dont
looming leven...
I wish massive, natural milkers were real
i wish emy would have another voiced event….,
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reality is so sad...
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Gonna do the needful
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is leven really scary enough to fit in that pic?
she literally fears enemies, chief.
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oh nyo
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post your 11s then
she's only s0 please no bully
I'm about to make dinner...
i showed you my eleven answer me
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fine, but now i go eat for real
Who will be the sinner on Arrest shop next month?
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was last month's cab?

if so then it's sitll following routine rerun, which means with the current one being rahu, the next one should be mantis
>he gets to fuck your sinners
>I am mentally ill
Congrats, dude.
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those big anime eyes and milkers creep me out when it's cosplay
Both are fake.
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either way crosses the uncanny valley for me
why is she craiing
Here is mine.
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>80% compliance
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im not looking forward to when my chapter 13 team all maxes out compliance and i have to remak eit
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>bump thread on data
>same time next day at the same place
>try bumping thread on data
>told i'm banned for ban evasion 3 weeks ago
fascinating. wonder what causes this
keeping a dead general alive is a bannable offense.
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oh shit
How come I haven't been banned for what I do in other threads here then?
That is demonstrably not true
/melty/ has been a shambling corpse propped up by one person for months if not years
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>averages 30 posts/day
impressive. it's like /v/ gets about as much french bread game discussion on a weekend than /unibg/ gets in a week
Never seen that before

Literally not true
im kinda eepy chiefs
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honestly same

So Eleven will be in August shop then?

Nice, I'm gonna get her from the shop later.
it would seem that way yes
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This pic keeps catching my eye every time I scroll through my folder
god, i love donald so much.
Who are they looking at
don giga mega LOVE every day i regret not getitng him more
Don is the only sinner I skipped
Platonic sex with don!
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(You). They're both excited to see your lovely face!
we're gay for donald here, chang.
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>event CGs
These cant be the Sinners that go with chief to the new event right, this would be so fucking weird.
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nyaa i should really level my skills
so many people have her at 8-9's
Because they don't go with chief, they go with this >>483736172 chad.
it's worth it it's a nice power boost
the sum of my leven's skills is the highest. so i win.
just saying.
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oh fuck me that cat looks so fluffy i wanna hold it eleven gimme
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good night burgers
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good nyight
Sleep time burgers…
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6 day thread woohoo!
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Why can't we have good things?
>b-but we have close-u--
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good night folks
chelsea mega LOVE
Woke up
Thread to nowhere
How much more until Bianca?
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>accidentally uninstalled ptn in my emulator
welp, i barely login anymore anyway anyhoo it's been a nuce one year
Enjoy sandals somewhere else.
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Fresh 100 90 s0 7/9/9/9 ECB3
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a pity that no gacha ever appreciates flip flops or practicality in general
uhh not next week but the week after right
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sleep tight chief
zzz(zenless zone zero)
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oh good I don't need to worry about finding chocolate orange ice cream anymore
i'm not the nz kot
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It cant be helped, it's elden ring dlc week
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nice one sis
sisters, m4-2 is so hard. what the fuck
I’ll get to it later…after my doctor visit
that’s tonight me’s problem
S3 Addiction
When the battle begins, Chief gains one energy. Every time Chief uses Potestas, allied Sinners on-field gain a 3% Attack increase, lasting for the whole battle, stacking up to 5 times.

Jesus Christ.
What’s that, how is it all sinners instead of one
This is lore.ley's third shackle.
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good luck today chiefie
Is this the first time a characters ability directly interacts with chief skills.?
Eirene feeds energy too.
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Oh, yeah, been a while since i fielded her...
Honestly some kind of crimebrand set that gives energy if equipped character breaks core will make her viable.
>reload xwitter
>some random post about Raven being inspired by Edgar Allen Poe
>it is unironically trying to sound insightful
Who Eireine? I thought people nuked with her after corebreaks, wth the mine stacking
whenever you see stuff like that just assume it’s just some kid because chances are it probably is
did you know chief's codename shepard is a reference to the fact that jesus was often referred to as a shepard of men?
anyone baking? any op requests?
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Something to reflect the SUmmer!
I have to go to doctor's again now
i do not have an opinion
oh right we are past the summer equinox, might go with that then. see if i have a beach pic of both chiefs
okie dokes
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I failed, gonna post this pic cause it has summer in it

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