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Mjorni with a magnum Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0 (probably all dead)

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

Creepshotting is a feature (/inspect)
Last week of server WvW rip (get your "veteran of" title from wvw vendor before its too late)

gw3 maybe
another mini expansion
warclaw double jump
Land Spears

Last meatworld map (shit)
T2 Obby armor (sparkleshit)
Moar relics (shit, zakiros one is a bit OP tho)
CM Convergences (elitistshit)

Update history: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates

Studio Update: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-guild-wars-2-in-spring-and-summer-2024/

Latest Patch: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/146897-game-update-notes-june-4-2024/

SOTO Cope: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/secrets-of-the-obscure-looking-back-and-forward/

SWIMWEAR FINALLY ON THE WAY: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/146797-did-someone-request-beach-wear

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous Dedgaem Thread: >>482531658
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what did CMC meant by this?
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>haboob it
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>Last week of server WvW rip (get your "veteran of" title from wvw vendor before its too late)
upskirts on cute FHDs
Haboobs give me stability
cmc went full retard on the skill names and i'm all for it
ele spear might be fun
dead game
dead general
Post em
haboob is a hmong word, either a hmong is working at gaynet or cmc is fucking some hmong guy or he just like the weird ass hmong words
the giga chad hammer auto core guard build just keeps winning. i've taking the pill. goodbye RSI, goodbye arcDPS, hello stable 30k 0apm core guard. this is the game anet wants me to play, and i accept it now
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its arabic, you numbskull, and if anything cyberpunk popularized it
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average norn woman vs. the best human boy
>6ft vs 5'11
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That music is very good.
Also, is this good for the game? When elementalist needs to press 3000% more buttons to achieve the same amount of damage?
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That FHD needs to close her legs
the game does not reward effort in any way imaginable. any benefit to putting effort in is complete artificial construction by players who put arbitrary requirements and restrictions on things ('you NEED a certain build, you NEED X dps, you NEED this team comp, if X doesn't die in Y minutes we gg!!!!') .
if the average open worlder had this build they would literally 5-10x their dps by doing less than what they're already doing. this build PUNISHES you for actually hitting buttons and it does better than 99% of the open world. that says it all.
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what does a man have to post to get some fucking posters in the thread!!!!
speaking of femsura, i can not WAIT for the femsura bikini swimwear. please anet be based for once.
What happened to all the gw2g oldfags/regulars from 2012 to 2016?
I think it needs two things:
1, something you can't control, Anet releasing more "content", CM challenge modes, and actually difficult content with fun rewards for the vets who left the game to come back.
And 2, something you can control, fostering a fun community that is actually playing the game and are willing to share experiences with each other. Just look at the OP
>Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0 (probably all dead)
>probably all dead
That does not bring confidence to newer or returning players, and even when they do join the guild, the OP is right because no one in the guilds is playing the game even though there's like 100s of people on there.
you mean when the game actually had a pulse?
What happened to all of them
Where did they go
Has anyone kept up with the gw2g lore
frankly i don't think the drip feed of 'hard' content will ever be enough to bring back enough oldfags who were passionate about the game. 1-2 strikes a year and whatever this gimped open world wing 8 is going to be is simply not enough replayability.
Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat.
gotta praise Anet they really did a good job at mercilessly killing wvw with the new restructuring
Yeah, we definitely need more, but that's not going to happen because Anet sucks at fixing their game. If we got like 2 strikes, 2 raids both with 3 modes and 2 Fractals a year, we would be so back, however, that's never going to happen. I don't think they know what Fractals are supposed to be. I do like that they are making an open world raid wing to funnel more people into raids because there's a huge percent of the GW2 population that's never tried raids, fractals, or strikes, and so that kind of content is just not valuable to them to make.
But, I do think that the more they fix their systems and encourage diving into the content, the more people will stick around for them.
>the game does not reward effort in any way imaginable
It does because achievement hunting is a thing, but in terms of actual combat, you're right.
>if the average open worlder had this build they would literally 5-10x their dps by doing less than what they're already doing.
I imagine this is an issue where the game doesn't really teach you how to do damage and building your character in-game is very open.
>borrow femcharr from outpost outside the wall
>map internal structures for a night
>return her before sunrise
simple ass
Like the majority of other players who left, they fucked off after Anet failed to execute one too many times. Remember that guild wars 2 is the sublimation of lost and wasted potential. It's the game that never was, and can only be.
Any idea where they all went
check /trash/
It's been a decade. They could've stopped gaming, gone to other games or mmos or just plain died
Gw2g had a pretty wild community
If they still play GW2, probably a discord somewhere.
yeah the diaper fetish asura kind of discords
that's even worse
you would have to dissolve gaynet, dissolve ncshit, undo every single change to the game that was made since launch and unban everyone the dangerhairs banned for wrongthink
if you want a thread with posters, try literally any other general
they all either got banned by faggotnet or simply stopped playing out lack of interest because all their friends got banned by faggotnet or stopped playing out of lack of interest/finding better games/getting a life/getting creeped out of the game by all the poz that's rampant in it
that was the entire point of alliances in the genesis of its shitty failed conception
(You) will not escape
Well the conception was pretty neat. Warring between guilds is what I think the players have always wanted. The execution was pretty weak though. Restructuring isn't alliances though.
I must finish my rifts
i dont deserve better games, i'm a piece of shit
Two reasons why anet couldn't fix anything about wvw/pvp:
>spaghetti code
>they'd have to ACTUALLY balance professions
I can't understand why Alliances is so hard to implement. Like, just make it a second layer to the guild system and give guild-side permissions for alliance members.
>I can't understand why
you said it yourself, spaghetti code. everything that launched with the game in 2012 is all somehow entwined no matter how unrelated the things should be. there's no point in trying to unravel it all at this point in the game's lifespan and whatever they can manage is literally the best they can do.
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yep, its gaming time
Stop anon, this is illegal
>all jade bots must now make a shutter sound whenever taking a picture, Canthan authorities announced last week, in an effort to combat the increase in Tyrian creepshotting ever since Cantha reopened its borders
>bitched about having to wait next week to finish leggy armor piece
>noticed I had a surplus of mats and ectos
>made some tier 1 motivations, ran a couple maps worth of rifts for the weeklies
>3 stacks of common kryptis essence in ~45 minutes, enough to craft my leggy armor
I take back 40% of everything bad i said about motivations. Theyre handy when you're just waiting on getting enough tier 1 essences, I was getting an average of 50-60 essences per rift
Swimsuits soon?
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I fuckin love this meta even if just for the soundtrack
The bulk of the game simply does not challenge a player past auto attacking with rare gear with random stat combinations and no traits selected
Any difficult enemy can be overcome by grouping or waiting until someone that knows what they're doing will come along, any event will be carried by 1-5 people with real builds doing 90% of the dps
There's no incentive to improve dps nor any way some player would be able to learn how, I can only hope that some low intensity/auto attack build will exist for every class in the game and that'll finally let metas not get dragged down by people scaling the event up and contributing 0 damage
Just fucking make personal contribution actually tied to your damage, 100% for doing as much damage as you scale up the event by and gate all the infusion and rare drops behind 200%+
>Just fucking make personal contribution actually tied to your damage
yeah fuck healers!
Healers will be happy just servicing my big girthy health bar.
>Just fucking make personal contribution actually tied to your damage,
that would be cool, but as >>483183803 there is other reasons why it's not just damage.
Like Eparch, would closing the rifts count towards the "damage" or doing non-damage objectives, like in Dragon's stand where you give wreck to a frog, would that give "contribution" too? It seems hard to code into the system because of the nuances.
>servicing my big girthy health bar
>the top three dps in the meta get to award their favorite healers who do the biggest heals on them/ressed them "healer points"
>Each "healer point" increases boob size by 1%. You know the best healers have the biggest boobs. Healsluts cannot deny these awards or turn the feature off. Caps at 100%, but every expansion going forward adds another 100%.
This fixes everything. DPS will race to be max DPS and Healsluts will healslut harder.
It's a good spectacle
I'm just amazed that 2-3 years later people still die to the claw slam
Anet should do away with half of the stat combos. Have 3 kinds of strike, condi, boons and tank stat combos each.
Add healing that isn't overheal into contribution as if it was damage
For open world, I don't think you understand how trivial it is to contribute your share of damage in some event
I'm talking big metas, not like little normal events
Non damage objectives such as necessary mechanics should overestimate contribution and add some fat amount, people should WANT to go do mechanics instead of idling on mechanist in my FUCKING convergences
Does buying home instance nodes increase your account value or is it a net neutral/neg till you've collected enough Unbound/Volatile magic to pay off the 50G + 10 VM/UM?
Those are two entirely different things. Your account value increases by having them but you still are still personally down by what you paid for them.
Surely purchasing them doesn't change your account value whatsoever, if you spent X gold and Y gold worth of VM/UM then your account is still worth X+Y gold, the difference is now your account value should increase by more daily
Pre-nerf, this was one of the best pieces of content they ever made. I will never forgive anet for making it another 11111111 spam.
Bonus: jizzlewood table can go fuck itself.
>account value
are people really treating this game like some sort of stock portfolio?
Interesting, thanks lads. I think I'll grab a few and get used to harvesting them
It does make things a little more interesting to me, so kinda
Your account value is based on what is unlocked vs their cost in gold. If you buy anything and keep/unlock it, your account value will go up regardless of how poor you become.
this idea is funny because you just know a few of them will only do it on femsura or femcharr for the giggle of having a rat or cat with a rack
Yeah, but if you spend 100g on something worth 100g, then your account value hasn't changed, all you're doing is locking gold away into permanent costs
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>Pre-nerf, this was one of the best pieces of content they ever made.
Yeah, forcing people to spend over an hour just to fail due to bad tail RNG and shitters with low DPS you had no way of vetting was fantastic. I'll admit that beating it pre-nerf was the most satisfied I've ever felt in this game, but claiming it was the one of the "best pieces of content they ever made" is a fucking retarded opinion.
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new talent tree system got leaked, thoughts?
>no way of vetting
vetting is for pussies and real chads can beat the content with any combination of shitters
>new talent tree system got leaked
whyd you post an unrelated pic?
youre a nigger
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I can't wait for the day when gw2 is dead enough that not a single meta event can succeed despite being full instances because it's all mouth breathers with their 3k dps builds
>I can't wait for the day when gw2 is dead enough
Glad you understand its an alive game
Yeah, thanks for confirming to me how retarded you are. I bet you didn't even beat Dragon's End pre-nerf; probably did it after the tail RNG update, which was still fairly early on.
yeah it's a pretty alive game even though half of convergences fail because its the only easy content balanced around current dps numbers and 80% of those players can't dodge an aoe or contribute
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> half of convergences fail
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I've done like 50 public converges and I haven't seen a single one fail
>People get murdered
>Well IVE never been murdered so the problem doesn't exist :)
Very cool thanks
>half of the people get murdered
astonishingly bad literacy skills
so where's your evidence that half of all convergences fail
>how do you know that? ive never failed a convergence, have you?
>can you like, provide proof or something?
Swimsuits soon?
who are you quoting?
Convergences only fail when shitters don't pay attention to mechanics and half the group wipes or they don't pay attention to zojja's health.
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You're not the police, you cant stop me!
anon this is boring, do FHDs
do femnorn
I'm just doing whomever shows up at the time. Why cant YOU do it?
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you're under arrest!!
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I wonder where they are now...
The reason: they don't want to be identified.
The real reason: their FHD is a dime a dozen.
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blew my load
fhd upskirts mever get old
what would you do if fhds were real?
So always, then.
You into lounge
no, even without the "spaghetti code" (it's not actually spaghetti, that's just idea guy cope with the fact that they do not understand THE FIRST THING about programming or how computers fucking work) and even if they "balanced" the game, wvw would still be ruined by the shitty playerbase namely people like shitdo who superstack shit and then wonder why people avoid him like the plague onnwvw that he has been for the past 12 years which has been almost as big a contributor to the decline in population in this game as gaynet's faggot bans for no fucking reason (which is also intertwined with the former because faggotnet faggots are in his guild and are his dicksuckers so he can get them to ban people for OWNING his faggot ass like the no skill piece of shit crutch hobbler he is)
that's why you don't fire all the actual competent programmers who wrote the game after it launches
tfw no guild
oh god how i WISH everything would go back to this, hot was what sealed this game's fate, what a fucking massive fucking mistake, retardnet retards
>trying to explain survivorship bias to faggot retards who play this faggots ass dead ass mobile ass diaperfurfag ass gacha ass p2w ass game
I feel you. I hate people who touch peepees with their mouth too. Very unsanitary.
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i am convinced that charr hands uploaded these posts
you will go to salad jail for this
>another episode of failing the a soto meta event because there aren't enough people in the map
I came to this thread to beat off to femnorn and FHDs and I have to say this has been a very disappointing general so far.
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then post some yourself?
Hell yeah that's the stuff
If i level boost to 80 can I go straight to Cantha? I got the itch for a chinese themed fantasy game and gw2's expansion for it looked cool
Yeah but you should just buy gw1 and play the cantha shit in there instead
GW2 cantha is just like everything, a missed opportunity
I did 6 convergences this week, 4 of them were umbriel, 3 of those failed, what kind of proof would you like?
Half the lobby is afk/auto attacking and the other half can't dodge the world's biggest aoe marker
>can't get a mastery point because Lhyr's event requires 5 people to stand near him before it will even start
Nice work gaynet.
saw a group for it in the lfg the other day
you need several people for the following events anyway but its not hard
Are they gone forever...
>Oh no, an MMO needs players to socialize to complete a task
Trying too hard faggot. Go back to crying about how the game isn't dead yet.
Is [HOPE] still alive
I'd rather do that than cry over how I can't properly communicate with others
Join up and see
I think the guild leader and a few others actually do things, but out of the many members in the discord, maybe 5 play the game. I wish they were actually a proper guild again.
Can't wait for this game to just bite the bullet and introduce actually queueing for things instead of using lfg constantly
the day this turns into yet another lobby simulator non-mmo is the day it's actually fucking dead for real
Queueing for things would be fantastic, but it doesn't work for non-instanced content.
pray tell me what fractals, strike lobbies, raid lobbies, arborstone, eye of the north, the wizard's tower, mistlock sanctuary, etc, are?
only for instanced content
Oh cool
Some of em still play
The discord is still alive too
I wish them all well
And I hope your wish gets granted anon
Yet you do both
shit almost nobody engages with
Yeah, but this reply thread is not on an instanced content. It's getting people together on Amnytas to do Lyhr, which can't be achieved with queueing. Anon would actually have to get over himself and use map chat and the lfg to get people to run Lyhr with him.
Lfg could definitely be better though, and adding queueing and some kind of joining requirements by commanders would be excellent.
>shit almost nobody engages with
I'm convinced this is because bad lfg system, and naming the tiers "experienced" and "training". Most people who want to do instanced content use discord anyway and prefer to do it with their guild because that way you get to sort out the people.
My reply was more directed at the reply talking about mmos needing socialising to engage in content, which is totally fine and valid for open world where you actually run into people
But needing lfg wanking for any kind of instanced content is exhausting
pretty sure anyone that isn't some boomer/widowed hag/70iq third worlder actually does that shit, you can't really cater content to an audience of borderline afks that'll lap up anything in front of them
HOPE will never be revived, it's just a bloated corpse at this point. May as well make another guild.
So much shit went down
May it all r.i.p.
why is lonely tower such a shit fucking experience?
are fractals forever cursed with that and silent surf?
it's not because of the lfg system, it's because the "content" is shit and the "players" that you have to suffer through it with are even worse, HARD fucking pass on all that gay shit, and i have an extremely high tolerance for bullshit, a normal person will tolerate the shit even less
the game's been dead for nearly 10 years now
If they release gw3 do u think all the posters from 2014 will come back
It's the large health pool and the lack of phases. Other than that, it's okay.
Gigantic health pool that would look large in 10 man content
Lack of phases
All of his attacks happen back to back with no time for a pause or mechanics
Which would be fine if it wasn't extremely punishing for melees
Except half his attacks don't do damage if you're inside him so that's actually better
His only mechanic is randomly spewing out orbs to random places in the area
And randomly sucking them up at random times so you have no idea when you need to get them
And if he gets envy you instantly die
Genuine garbage game design
You forget the portal adds being unkillable in time unless you abuse a bug in CM. All the CM kills so far have abused the bug. Completely trash.

No, but there will probably be new ones.
Anyone have link to the [HOPE] discord
Meet me at the Dwayna statue
It's on the OP
Where is the [HOPE] discord
>trooncord guild
>unironically dead
MANY such cases, meanwhile every guild i know that never used trooncord are thriving because they actually play the game instead of jacking off to lolicon on trooncord all day
discord schizos have to be my favorite flavor of retard on this site
Died due to internal drama like NA guilds always do
>guild in GW2
swimwear tomorrow?
God I hope so.
also even the /vm/ thread died it's actually really over this time
plap non-stop and blow my load but everywhere, all the time
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here you go anon
new player, what am i in for
I'm praying
I stopped posting on /vm/ because this thread is up.
so your only proof is anecdotal evidence of your own based on a much smaller pool
a good time!
At what point do I have to start giving a shit about stats in items?
max level or later
norn are the true furries.

Charr are born the way they are, while norn WILLINGLY turn into animals.
the worst mmo ever made
all proof based on evidence is fundamentally anecdotal
you're fucking retarded
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(fem)Charr INTO my basement, norn into moot sponsored by generous donors
what would you like? statistical data from anet servers?
this shiverpeaks weather might freeze my ears off, but my uncircumcised norn friend says he knows how to keep me warm
by the alchemy what is he doing
Wtf does this mean?
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i would not trust any "data" that comes out of jewnet's lying mouths
discord gg /gnesav2NEN
so you don't want anecdotes and you don't want data?
do you want theoretical proof then?
i'm not the guy you're arguing with, i'm just interjecting to state a fact
HOPE is not all lost
>half of MY* convergences fail
Ftfy and git gud
>guild is named hope
>is completely lost
(you) can make it not lost with a little bit of effort
what a 'sura gotta do to get a lil crumb of fhd pusi bros
I saw someone from HOPE at Kaineng meta the other day
They were hard carrying an entire floor of the south lab because we only had like four fucking people
Gw3 probably will have vr
It will be yuuuge
I saw someone from HOPE at dragon's bash arena, and he waved to me since I had HOPE on. I didn't get to wave back until I went inside the arena and saw him there again!
[HOPE] players are veterans
>[HOPE] players are veterans
>theyre neither elites nor champions
oof, pretty cringe of them
i'm a legendary commander
I saw a guild recruiting the other day with the tag of [NOPE]
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>legendary commander
Post starburst
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what did anet mean by this?
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cya later, whore
What does sex with choya feels like?
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>The reason: they don't want to be identified.
pussy logic: sounds more like theyre unskilled at sanitizing their screenshots before posting
FHD: femcharr having dinner
That's not nice!
tomorrow. Prepare for the slutmaxxing
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>fhd upskirts mever get old
is that so?
How do choya even hug each other?
>its another "CHOYA" roleplays during the chak gerant downtime episode
Sometimes this game's community has sovl...
fagfuck in kourna
a borderline schizophrenic is trying to figure out lore plot holes out loud on map chat, you better mount your chair and listen
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Ive made it, gamers...
thata helluva swipe
qrd on how you got the big chungus golds sir, PLEASE i make like 30g a day and it sucks
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he redeemed the gems
mega sex
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>saw a HOPE tag at kaineng meta
>wasnt the 4chan guild
Lots of guilds use that tag evidently
good morning sirs this is my first time playing and my first time playing an mmo
kournans are too dumb to fagfuck
>he boughted
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>missed Baron by literally a single rating point
I need to start actually planning my season endgame
Have fun!
giv reparations
Do all orange charrs share one braincell like orange cats?
all dead mobile players do
Thanks, chatgpt
I still don't understand the aversion with joining a guild to play WvW. Isn't it socially better for players in the long run?
Yeah. Making social connections is a good thing.
yeah i saw that faggot shilling for world destructuring all over the homonet forums as i was going through all the posts that had happened since the last time i checked (a day or two after world jewstructuring happened), which i must say was a VERY disconcertingly low number of posts and especially posters because the bulk of the posts were made by the usual forum lifers, but i only checked on the wvw section and didn't look to see how much people were posting about it in general discussion, maybe that's where most of the venting is going, or maybe it's just that's how many posts that the gaynet jannies deleted and there's so much more seethes and copes that i didn't catch before they got ritual sacrificed to moloch
good players don't join guilds, they stand on their own and form a cohort with other individual gods ad-hoc, shitters who have to crutch on all the crutches possible are the only ones who join faggot cliques
t. the greatest player of all time
also it's not even good for players socially because of retarded shitter faggot drama that invariably happens in faggot cliques (and all other such similar circumstances where bunches of retards are obligated to be in close proximity to each other for extended periods of time) and the fallouts from the explosions/implosions that follows suit causes these now retards to avoid and exclude their fellow retards who they got sick of (or they just straight up quit the fucking game), and many worse things happen, these retards not too uncommonly get their lives ruined because they were retarded and gave out too much of their personal information and life to random ass retards just because they're too stupid to know better than to tell a creepy ass faggot in a dead mobile game a goddamn thing
meanwhile, individual gods can play together for years, coming and going at their leisure (and with no pretense or delusions about having these surface level superficial fake bonds that retards think are real bonds) and even if one individual god butts heads with another individual god, the consequences are much less severe with much less collateral damage and it often even sidesteps the burning of the bridge altogether and can even become resolved, or even a healthy rivalry can form between the two of them which drives both of them to play better in order to outdo the other, there's never any explosion or implosion, only individuals falling out with each other at most
meanwhile, one retard in a guild gets into it with another retard in a fagguild and retard a goes and manipulates the rest of the guild to turn on them and suddenly retard b has a whole pack of goon retards being chimps without knowing what's actually going on, typical southron/femoid/jew behavior
servers like mag and bg were servers comprised of individual gods (with some interloping faggot cliques there to sabotage things and soak up the map's player limit), whereas a server like dragonbrand was a faggot clique server
New pasta?
Holy shit, nice
>you can pet the griffon
I will now buy your game
" a new auto-collect feature is planned for one of the quarterly updates that will instantly gather every node attached to your Homestead's mine, logging camp or farm "

"Any alts that you leave in your Homestead—they'll get bonuses for resting in it, including for WvW and sPvP—will still be chilling there when you log in with another character. There's also a stable for your mounts to hang out "

Anet, I fucking kneel. They already humiliated every MMO when they released mount, and it look like their version of home instance will also make every other game look like fools
swimsuits today too
>Any alts that you leave in your Homestead—they'll get bonuses for resting in it, including for WvW and sPvP—will still be chilling there when you log in with another character. There's also a stable for your mounts to hang out
This is actually hype. I'm glad they got the guy from the sims because the decorating aspect looks amazing too. I'm going to sink so much time in here.
imagine the fps
>Actually failed a fucking Convergence because the AFK bots wouldn't walk the essences back to Zojja
I fucking hate being held back by shitters in these large events.
This is why only 5-10 player content is good. Easy to identify and remove the deadweights.

How long will Anet continue to expect the 1% of players that actually know how to build a character to carry the 99% of literal insects running bearbows?
I like convergences conceptually
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It's good conceptually if even a noticeable fraction of players knew how the game works.
Instead, nobody takes out the avatars of spite, nobody uses their CC skills when the defiance bar is available on the boss, and nobody interacts with the mechanics, because they're too busy mashing their 1 key to deal less DPS than a healer.
Like holy fuck running Arc in Convergences or Soo-Won meta is fucking depressing. It's always the top 5-10 players hard carrying an entire map of complete dead weights.
I'd rather fail the event than give up my precious PVMP essence to a miserable rat like zoija
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Also, you are now realizing how fucking MISERABLE the open world versions of the new raid encounters are going to be.
How reliable is this?
fuck now I need more character slots so I can fill my harem with copies of fhds I see around

you win anet
are convergences really the only source of big holding runes
pretty reliable, that blank one on the 25th is swimsuits btw
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>the armor I want is not listed as returning anywhere
>wanting boob shrinking bikini when boob size preserving bikini comes out today
>boob size preserving bikini comes out today
we'll see how well this holds up soon
We've already seen them
they've had plenty of time since showing that to have second thoughts
Mexican standoff but it's FHD players waiting to be the first to patch and swimsuit up
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the only time I buy anything from shekel shop is when there's coomerskins on sale, anything else is irrelevant
simple as
Nta, but miserable? I'm going to join squads, watch people fail, and enjoy the map chat after
They won't be miserable if non-shitters would scare shitters into doing damage.
Because that's worked before, right? Gw2 players would sooner turn off their computers than press a button
every game gets the playerbase they deserve desu
You just need to give people a bar that goes up the more damage they do and they'll do it if they're not afk. You don't have to tie it to anything
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better luck next time anon!
but still one the better ones for medium armor
>show off your leggo weapons in your homestead
finally a visible version of the armory
Are swimsuits out yet?
FHD into new housing instance
2800 gems
>2800 gems
2800 gems
>2800 gems
2800 gems
>2800 gems
Oh boy they did make the boobs smaller
>Because that's worked before, right?
Yes, actually. Turboshitters and leeches leave the map or actually spec for damage when you remind them how easily shit fails without it. That includes deadtards.
>DR troon
They didn't THOUGH
Guess I will be preordering ultimate then
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And how
Too bad there's no sunlight at this time

For two armor sets + chair + total makeover kit. Seems fair to me.
for the breat reduction bikinis? ebin, simply ebin
It is 3000 gems if you just want the swimsuits
not at all. I've been gradually saving gold over time while working on a few other things
Daily Fractal CMs+T4s
Meta trains when I can be bothered
A few legendary weapon crafting+sales from kits and Gen 3 ones
Volatile Magic and Laurel conversions into trophy shipments and lower tier mats, respectively
Stuff like that
someone post a charr in the new chair
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anet what the fuck
nice shoulders lmao is that lara's npc?
Are rats mammals? Do they lay eggs?
How many variations are there?

Can someone post frontal FHD
anet confirms that asura are mammals.
Where do they milk from?
the store
Nobody is slutmaxxing.

Probably shouldn’t have expanded that Asura image while at work
why? it's a fully adult creature. it's just the local retarded pedoscreamer
of course they play willbender
>you can make giant statues of yourself
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You need the beefy body type else it looks weird
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>still no female human swimsuits
What happened to this General
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>Any alts that you leave in your Homestead will still be chilling there when you log in with another character
Thats so fucking cool, one of my favorite things about GW1 was you could add alts to your party as a hero, and while i understand the same system doesnt work for gw2 ive always wanted a way for my charavters to hang out or interact with one another.
Still waiting for the gift from my cuckie paypig
So how many of you will be buying the maid outfit to put on your alts in your homestead? If you don't already have the maid outfit that is.
>have to actually park the characters in the homestead instance for them to appear
there better be a button or scroll to send them/yourself there without having to unlock the instance waypoint from doing the story on all of them
Fuckin do it yourself then you fucking leech jesus christ
>tfw all my alts are max height fat femnorns
My sluts are exclusively for dancing in my homestead
It would be cool if we had homestead defense events and our characters fights alongside us at this moment
now back shots for mega pump
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you're right anon. this is very Uoh ToT now
>there better be a button or scroll to send them/yourself there
Why the hell wouldnt there be? Theyve been doing telescrolls since IBS
its anet releasing something people actually want and seems thought out, there has to be a massive negative associated with it somehow.
>defense events
Interesting prospect but i dsagree, id rather just get an item to summon one of my alts during events like the fire elemental powder or pocket jade armor
Thanks hermano
>there HAS to be a massive negative associated with it somehow
doomer dipshit mindset. EVERYTHING MUST HAVE A FLAW GUYZ
ANet needs to get their shit together and make wardrobe templates a thing. I'd really like to switch looks way more often but it's a pain in the ass to set all the armor pieces and especially all the dyes every time.
>utilize equipment templates as wardrobe templates
Its already in the game.
Sorry best we can do is a 2013 bikini model, that'll be 2800 gems
Can I get a non Reddit answer on how much just the swimsuits are

Can’t be fucking 3k
load up the game and find out for yourself
2k jeems
it is. you think gaynet is doing ok still? gw3 just around the corner, boys, surely
it's 3k if you're a dumbass who only wants the clothes, 3.95k if you bought what the full pack offers indivudually
it's 2.8k if you buy the full package
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2000 gems for the Tropical Beach Pack, comes with hat, braclets for gloves, sandals for shoes.
1000 gems for the Breezy Swim Pack, just has a bottom and top.
2800 gems for both those packs + the chair + total makeover kit.
The problem is when everyone can do that and then suddenly the amount of character to rend in meta event double
Thanks dawg
Important question, do the swimsuits preserve boob size? I have characters ranging from booba to DFC and want them to remain as such.
Fuck off and get some actual work done Cal. You know that's not a good solution.
sissypot mentally breaking from no-exploit eparch CM so hard that he dropped his pma persona
>you think gaynet is doing ok still?
Judging by all the swimsuit thots I see in DR, they are now.
>Summer Sale Up to 75% Off Expansions Buy Now
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>log in right underneath a sparklecharr's crotch
Swimwear was a fucking monkey paw bros, fuck this shit no amount of cute FHD will save me from the trauma I just experienced.
i thought you liked gaysuras?
>mistlock sanctuary
you get what you pay for
Any ass shot of FHD in swimsuit?
Just log into the game and go to DR. I knew you coomer dipshits were braindead but jesus christ youre lost without people spoonfeeding you every step of the way
where are the swimsuit EU gaysuras
I’m on a Teams call you BUM
just don't whip your dick out?
Are there other sandals in the game that'd go with the bikini?
Oh wait never mind, there's the Sanctified sandals hahaha

I only have to buy the 1k bikini intead of that other pack
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This guy created this character only to show it here.
Have the say a phew people have been stopping by
Okay I was not expecting this amount of effort.
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Comparison between "normal" Norn and "thin" Norn

Ignore the muscle/tan if that's not your thing, but just proportion wise - which looks better?
norn got absolutely mogged by fhds on the backside
are swimsuits outfits or armor pieces?
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all u get for now ayynon, enjoy
chances they'll make another expansions bundle like HoT+PoF?
>boring fhd
>based lolisura
Who knows with Anet. My hope is that they'll roll both into EoD eventually.
Those colors are boring
we struggled finding colors for the 2 minutes we tried, sry
maybe next time i log in ill find something interesting
where da femcharr at
I'm already with them all
i.e. 1000 to get everything that matters
anet released bikinis because it kills the underwearfag
femcharr get the male version of the tops
and the bulge
charr are hyenas confirmed
This is a good idea
Sure, I just need the gems! Send gems my way
vulva fluff confirmed
>its true
Just two guys dressing up their digital female avatar in a bikini. Nothing embarrassing or gay about that shit, just bro things am I right
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stronk armor!
Heavy armor bikinis are cool
furfags confirmed for fags
i feel like i should sell my swimming infusions now and buy them back in two weeks
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w-where are you staring baka!
changing every existing armor appearance to bikini, FOREVER
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You need something with hooker heels

Like that armor from the kralk dragon place
We're finally a full-fledged Korean MMO
anon, i..
meanwhile, black desert has to cope without battle bikinis
Being a disco ball with wings wasn't enough
I can't look at anything but the muscle/tan
ArenaNet has been the property of a Korean company since 2002.
All development happens in the west
>because i said so
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It seems Caitlyn found a home after getting replaced by a chink whore.
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the daily gay pride event
>it's korean because the US company making it is owned by a korean company
hm bikini do look good with the heavy skins
gotta explore the options
holy based
that's right anon
if you're lonely there's plenty of people in dr
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>the clown shoes on the charr
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i'm going to be casting stealth on a lot of people today
>it kills the underwearfag
Au contraire. Where are they supposed to go from here now that they released swimsuits?
Heavy armor bikini works better with really high thigh high boots
no you fool, they aren't just the publisher, they are the SOLE OWNER, gaynet is a korean company through and through
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And there she is.
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They can go back to their winning formula of releasing whatever this shit is
kys yourself to death
Good colors
low iq missing the joke
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This is the final form they've been trying to suppress.
>through and through
You don't even know what that means
>if you didn't think FHDs couldn't get more cookiecutter, every one of them is now wearing the "not naked" skin
this probably sold well with the 11 year old boy audience
I'm the target audience, an 11 year old in a 30 year old body

lolisura is superior
I'm making a taimi clone to put in swimsuit
No no no no no nO nO NO NO NO NO
what's wrong anon?
I'm making a gorrik clone to put in a swimsuit.
shotasura > lolisura
You are playing a dangerous game!
rytlock into speedo
it's just asura in bikinis
post msura
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I should buy home instance nodes.
Puresura only.
you're too late in the game at this point. you can get season nodes easily enough as they cost season currency but ore and lumber nodes and the like are too fucking expensive to buy and cost a fuck ton of black lion statues otherwise
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Asura tummy erotic ToT
based ESL gaynet retard
Oh no no no NO NO NOOOOOO
jesus fucking christ muh dick
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All FHD report to Dwayna Statue immediately.
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Is this no longer a dead mobile game?
faggot mobile game now
We are so back

Time for 'Kini Raids
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another silly bunny girl
Anet's quarterly financial earnings for this quarter is going to outshine the rest because of bikinis. There is a way to track this right?
They'd have to release the figures to the public.
Undoubtedly they've just made bank.
you won't find out until august, but for sure their numbers must have been bad enough for them to have broken this emergency glass to bail them out
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There is some pretty nice mix and match potential here.
wear that outside your instance coward
Meet me in
Don't really like the tropical pieces. Don't care about chairs. 1000 gems is steep but I'm a sucker so I'm still buying it anyway.
Post ur toons in kinis
>you're too late in the game at this point.
Thats hilarious to read in current year, its never too late to buy nodes. The black lion ones are barely worth it but the living world/festival ones are absolutely worth it.
Even then if anon is really willing to shell out gold just to have a node, thats fine too. They JUST announced its gonna be involved in the upcoming expansion, i woupdnt doubt it if all decoration and node prices have gone up since that video today
>all the women in bikiniposting
In terms of homosexuality, no, you will never be a woman
Are there other "glove" skins that can pass as accessories that go with the swimsuit?
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Too busy at the beach~
Glad ur havin fun anon
thats a big bulge
for you
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Making the top and bottom separate armor skins instead of the outfit was the single best decision anet made with this. There's actually a lot of torso skins to work with making your commander pantsless. Perfect timing too since i got the torso and pants legendaries across all armor weights for wardrobe changing reasons anyway
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Ditch Salma and go to the beach.
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kek looks like a blast
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I'm sure this is what you wanted to see
>topless femchar
now thats just inappropriate
see >>483478353
>what do we do about the top
>just put a metal triangle on it lol
blue board bro
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god damn the asura are built like inklings, all the way down to the sharp teeth
too bad i already blew a billion loads today
these are gonna come to use tomorrow, ty

gonna be tough doing literally any content now, it already was but now it's a log in cum log out repeat affair
bro just said that
Don't you always wear the outfit though?
>should just buy the 1k pack and use santified sandals
>kind feeling fomo about the braclets
Get the bracelets anon
They will look cute on u
Pantless commanding is important
where the hell are the plants in bikinis
I'm parked at Teq right now and there are a whole bunch of those beach chairs but not many female bikini wearers
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Quite an awful spot to wear a bikini anon.
Bless this poser and this Asura.

Check up in the hills. The FHD were often up there in a secret spot.
I still dont see any
I got two mofos here in normal outfits lounging on their umbrella chairs, its weird as hell
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oh NOW people wanna see plantkinis
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blessings received and another Asurapost for you
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Cuteposter be blessed
"My Ears!"
Big ol flopas
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Well sure but now Im free to branch out.
>filthy ass feet on the table where people EAT
fucking gross
PLEASE put on shoes
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Yeah bikinis are cool and all but HOMESTEADS??
>homesteads let you place, rotate, and scale decorations (including your own player statues)
>show off mount, armor, and weapon skins
>up to 30 alts can be left in the instance
>all the home instance upgrades get carried over (nodes, cats, etc)
Everyone gets a hand crafted harem, its gonna get REAL sleazy
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Seems like fucking nothing, honestly. Wasn't expecting anything from houses so the only thing that interests me is the mass collect mat grab, which isn't even gonna be there at launch.

>only one option for the home, fucking skyrim cottage
>press F to pet mounts
>ability to see alts who log out there, utterly pointless for anyone who alt parks for gold
>instanced housing that nobody is ever gonna see unless they intentionally join your party
>gem store furniture

Still preordered and glad they're finally completing the "most wanted" features of the game but... yeah, it's whatever.
Thank you anon, sleep well cuteposter
wheres all the bikini sluts
Relaxing in uninstanced salma. Some of them had a big day out at the beach.
I thought they would all hang out in Rurikton these days.
Is that so?
I see a bunch of them now.
Oh ok. I hope they are having a good time.
please nerf boons effects in wvw
>less power/condi damage on might
>quickness and alacrity effect halved
would help with both celestial roaming and boonball
maybe even fuck with protection and resolution honestly
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>looking through currencies
>1.2k laurels
How do you convert that to gold?
buy medium crafting bags from laurel vendor
wish anet gave us toned feet for our fhds instead of dirty feet but some employee was being an absolute degenerate instead
that said i got used to it and blast ropes to them anyway, plus, some skin colors and light conditions make them look nearly clean
t. footfag
>t. footfag
thanks for clarifying i wouldn't have guessed
>boring monochrome thing
do better
I've been playing the game for four years and I didn't even realize that, I thought they were just for some ascended gear. Hence the 1.2k... I'm rich bros...
All the need to do now is to add shoes with good stockings.
Gratz anon
Hope to see even more FHD posts today,I already came twice yesterday but I'm waiting for more
>you are a human with a proud ascalonian heritage.
>you decide move to Lion's Arch for the opportunities there with your only daughter.
>don't really want to live near charr, but you figure you'd live in a primarily human district.
>live in peace for a few years
>one day, your daughter brings home her black furred charr bf.

This is sexual harassment
Dress for the occasion
Be silent Bookah.
Reminder that the femcharr can use those bikini bottom as bottom appearence and combine with better top than bear chest
call my norn friends and tell them seeing how dragon bash is over a charr bash is about to begin
I still hate the mystic forge
Stupid gobbler entirely dependent on the wiki that gives out shit to be fed back into the gobbler
Please tell me this is the only mmorpg that does this
It's better than enchantment gambling in other MMOs honestly. You don't know pain until you broke a weapon in Lineage 2 when trying to enchant to +16 so now you have to craft the damn thing again and pray to the RNG gods to get back to +15.
it's better than the retarded crafting systems in asian mmos but the only issue with it is the lack of in game explanation
it could be a cool vehicle for hidden unlocks, recipes, cosmetics, etc but instead its just requiring the wiki at all times
why wouldn't I want to see topless femcharr?

I also want to see a topless Charr. As in, beheaded.
Wow that bikini skin is a lot more erotic than I thought it would be...now I want to buyit...
some based gook chad must have ordered the anet trannies to print money or else
at least I really hope some purple haired freak is absolutely seething right now
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Should I buy the bikini? I like the left look tbqh
That might be the most generic fugly FHD slut I've ever seen, congrats.
Even got the all black armor and the gloves that were already ugly back in GW1
I'd rail the shit out of this slut if it makes you feel any better
left looks best imo
If the Inspect Cosmetics thing has taught me anything it's that a lot of players have fashion that is not completely terrible that is instantly turned into fully terrible by FUCKING INFUSIONS
Nice FHD
Imagine, femsura wearing heavy armor but with bikini panties
>stopped playing shortly before Secrets because the relics were a letdown and nothing else really appealed
>catching up on news, damn those spears look cool
>come here and see they're finally adding bikinis
is Gaynet finally turning shit around?
since I was planning to come back to check out the spear beta weekend anyway, is Secrets worth buying now? are any of the new weapons good/fun?
>haven't logged in in months
>finna swipe for some gems because of this one pic
anet should give you a percentage
>are any of the new weapons good/fun?
Ele pistol is "good" (big numbers) but not fun. It's overcomplicated and annoying to play, especially on Weaver
Dunno about the rest since I only play ele
I hope this makes more money than SoTO and NC Soft turns gw2 into a sex game
i will now cum on your char and crosspost it in other coomer generals
You'll play it after all the bugfixes and qol patches but it's such a painful mixed bag
Some things sound very cool and are fun, but then others are awful and never improved
1 of the areas is very pretty and nice, the other two are awful, and the last is just a vip hub zone but for free
The story in the post patches is really fucking embarrassingly bad
But then other grinds are reduced heavily and uses for useless currencies have been added so its all profitable now
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no idiot that's a plant
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QUESTION: does anyone have screenshots of how the bikini looks on all races? Quondo games stopped doing his all race/gender combo presentations of gemstore gear a few months ago. :(
why don't you literally just type this into google and get instant results?
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I made a charr that kisses girls
I should be doing the LW4 Skyscale unlock even if I have access to Secrets of the Obscure, right?
I'm not totally sure but I don't think so. You may want to level up the masteries from LW4 eventually though.
That sounds cool on paper but it's just one homestead with miniature guild decorations as the likely only customisation options, and I'm pretty sure the announced "300 decorations at launch, 800 after the final patch" claim is bullshit.
>mass collect mat grab
This is about the only really useful feature. Parking your characters at the homestead sounds like a terrible idea unless you can trade items/equipment because why waste the freebies from mini dungeons, jump puzzles and shit?
>gem store furniture
It would be hilarious if ANet locked decoration recipes behind the gem store after forcing the players to train the new scribe profession.
>is Secrets worth buying now?
Wait for a sale, content-wise it's three living world episodes but it costs like ten.
>The story in the post patches is really fucking embarrassingly bad
Par for the course, this is GW2 we're talking about.
>That sounds cool on paper but it's just one homestead with miniature guild decorations
Did you not watch the PC gamer video at all?
What do I lose if I skip some of the expansions? I'm thinking on starting playing again but spending 100€ by august seems a bit steep. I personally don't care much about the story but I don't want to miss any mechanics.
>It would be hilarious if ANet locked decoration recipes behind the gem store after forcing the players to train the new scribe profession.
There's some gem store furniture but it'll give you the copy plus the recipe to make infinitely more, the new crafting profession seems to be based on turning regular materials into furniture ones at extremely generous conversion rates then using that, so it just opens the door to making low value stuff suddenly boost up in value or provide a good gold sink
>Par for the course, this is GW2 we're talking about.
Every time it's the same thing, the lore behind it is cool but the actual story interactions are incredibly flat and dull with no interesting behaviour
I hope that they add more. If they get enough people to financially support that decision, they will make more and more skimpy outfits
I think the biggest thing would be the elite specializations (or SotO weapon stuff) locked behind expansions. If you're comfortable with the class you're playing etc it may not be a big deal. I'd say HoT+PoF is necessary for mounts and with that you get 2 elite specs per class, but EoD and SotO I would consider skippable if you aren't interested in EoD elite specs or SotO weapon stuff.
HoT gives gliding and the other mechanics are just for the areas, but the areas are some of the coolest in the game and have a free way to reliably gear up in exotics plus some maps with very profitable metas
lws3 episode 3 gives the easiest ascended trinket farm in the game by a long shot
PoF gives all the mounts and mount related masteries
lws4 episode 4 gives the roller beetle and episode 6 gives the skyscale as well as another great ascended trinket farm and a great map for gold making
EoD gives basic gliding and some basic mounts plus the jade bot stuff and more great maps for meta farming
Soto gives the skyscale and stuff for legendary pve armor
each expac has a new elite spec for each class except soto which gives you a new weapon plus using elite weapons on not that elite spec
that's the most basic, ask if you need any more
Thanks for the answer. I'll think about it and see if there is any sale soon, all of them seem important.
HoT and PoF are the good and important ones. Best elite specs and most relevant masteries.
the only things you get straight away from buying them is access to the elite specs, so there's nothing wrong with buying them later and I don't even think the bundle is a discount
Some stuff datamined from the patch this week implies there will be a 75% off sale for expansions soon. I kinda doubt that will include Secrets of the Obscure but we'll see.
Steam summer sale starts tomorrow, I imagine it will coincide with that
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this accurate?
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Yes, all charr players are horrible
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Pardon you, it's only 23 chapters
>why waste the freebies from mini dungeons, jump puzzles and shit?
Ah yes the free 5 emphyreal fragments and green unid, how will you guys ever financially recover? Lmfao
I can't even break past 3k words, sorry anon
Now do the average pug
>from mini dungeons, jump puzzles and shit?
the only relevant places to alt park are soto grand chests and bjora marches, and even then you ought to just run a lap of both every day instead
how do you do this?
>bikinis are released

"We are getting the band back together"
Post it
What about the video contradicts him?
Do what?
Would sex this rat

Only in your dreams, Bookah
This Asura is ready for an adventure
Darn right I am, got my gun and everything
the nexus mod is pretty kool what's the nono addons people keep talking about
>minature skill decorations
Do guild decorations allow you to scale their size? Does it come with an xray vision so you dont lose decorations in the map?
The amount of freedom people are given to decorate a space is looking real promising, im expecting Halo 3 and Reach forge levels of homesteads we'll be seeing. Not everyone is imaginative and creative so of course they wont see the fun in it.
the only real nono addons are the straight up speed hacks shit
nothing, people are being careful because they have history of banning a person who made a gear inspect mod
so as u are probably aware no one wants to lose their thousands of hours account
that said that was then and this is now and the dust has settled long ago and anet probably is too busy with other shit now, like jerking off to bikini fhds
>Do guild decorations allow you to scale their size? Does it come with an xray vision so you dont lose decorations in the map?
Is that supposed to be the big differentiator? What if they add scaling/x-ray vision to guild decorations?
At least guild halls have reasons to visit. The 'collect all' feature in homesteads even serves to make you spend less time in it.
>autist literally cannot into home customisation
There's a reason housing systems fund entire mmos
>housing systems fund entire mmos
Which ones?
ESO comes to mind
also FFXIV to some extent, RP weirdos aside gold (and, by proxy, gold-making activities) in that game is fucking worthless outside of housing
literally all of them anon
housing systems are an infinite gold sink combined with creating natural social environments, keeping players attached and logging in regularly, whether that's to keep changing their house or to not lose it
yeah, most of these players are women but they're the real cash cows for mmos anyway
there's a reason sims games are so ridiculously popular
>you can park your alts in your housing instance
totally unrelated, but would saucy screenshots between your own characters count as selfcest or...?
Sims games have gameplay inside the house you build, unlike homesteads
>they literally already cancelled wprld destructuring and placed everyone on the wrong servers on top of it
>tfw played Sims for thousands of hours
>tfw built whole towns with free asset packs in UE
>tfw zero interest in homesteads
>tfw no face
>tfw women fund your favorite games

Thank you women
>would saucy screenshots between your own characters count as selfcest or...?
It hasnt stopped some of the anons itt yet
Anon that train has left the station.
And that train has no brakes, anon
bitches just build houses anon, I don't know what to tell you
they dress up the characters and build houses, it's not about the gameplay, that's why every sims game has less and less gameplay and just frontloaded cosmetics
>What if they add scaling/x-ray vision to guild decorations?
This nigger really didnt watch the video KEK.
Your opinions shit and all, but they did confirm the same decorating system will come to guild halls. Homesteads are inately better because you dont have to share the space
Women also create relationships between characters in their head, don't they?
>don't they?
do you not know any women? oof
Yeah, which involves heavily customising characters for their fantasies
Less playing around with them
Point is that women love playing dollhouse and housing systems in mmos let them do that forever
I just skipped through it but so did the other guy, clearly. So are homesteads just singleplayer guild halls then?
Correct. I live on my own in a small house in a mountain town and it is fantastic.

God bless women.
>I live on my own in a small house in a mountain town and it is fantastic.
I believe you, anonymous
you could have just watched the video 5 times in the span of these replies
>are homesteads just singleplayer guild halls then?
In some cases yes, but the two have their own mechanics they dont share with the other. Like the homesteads will give that exp boost for keeping a character logged out in it and have all the living world/festival resource nodes to harvest from. We wont know everything until the expac hits
as if you don't spend months building and testing your skyrim modlist, then play for 5min and quit. same fucking thing with the sims.
Why are you mad though?
This isn't a male vs female debate
>wish anet gave us toned feet for our fhds instead of dirty feet
i thought you weirdos liked it specifically dirty
It IS now, FUCK women, especiall FUCK FHDs, ANALLY.
>an*l with w*men
That's gayer than homosexuality.
>That's gayer than homosexuality.
I second this, the whole point of fucking the women is for her vagina
Are birds real
>made chili for dinner
>gonna go play Harbinger
haha stinky time
Why did it took them 12 years to release bikini?
What do you play in WvW anon?
I'm mainly a power reaper
You need the LW4 skyscale to get Vision. There's some LW4 mastery that's required
What your favourite power reaper skill anon?
Repers Shroud of course
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>crazy man running around in his tighty whities with a paper bag over his head
with great power comes great responsibility
H*ck yeah
This is illegal
>sex with women is gay
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Freshweaver on bad graphics
Soon I hope Spearweaver on bad graphics
It feels like I know who you are.
Who is that poster?
>gay sex with women is gay
how is that hard to comprehend?
U can have a (you) too
I've always been curious about weaver, only tested it out in pve but might give it a go, I do like to see the numbers going fast.

its wvw, who cares about graphics

Best ye
I think it depends on what build you're running on Weaver. Sword/Focus Cele is sort of a more condi-focused bruiser that's a bit worse than Hammer Cata but does very well into 1v1s or 1v2s. I've heard it falls off hard outnumbered anymore than that, but I've never been huge on PvP sword.

Freshweaver and the other Fresh Air builds rely on a very cancerous burst window. Ele mains fall back on it a lot because they've already developed the muscle memory to toss out 8 or 9 inputs in a one and a half second window, and because we're fags. It's been nerfed a few times as a result but is extremely fragile otherwise. It doesn't really duel so much as it hits and disengages.
I've noticed this with the weavers I've chased down, well the ones I can catch, quick bastards

But I'm not new to playing various assault builds like that, I run a very nasty assault mirage and a chrono too, certainly something I'll look into playing because It's always seemed fun, already set some new fashion onto my other weaver Asura to get it started, only boring part is transferring part of my wvw inventory so I can comfortably run about
I'm hardly looking forward to thief spear tomorrow. Now vindi spear on the other hand...
What is you're favourite spear design?
>selling point of expansion is one weapon and sims mode
>emergency button coomer outfits
Yeah the game's done
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My baby Serrated Spear
nta but dirty, stink, humiliation and all that are completely separate from those who are sexually turned on by just the appearance of feet, and while both spheres may collide, there exists those like me who prefer clean as possible, immaculately kept feet with preferences for this or that feature. i know some who enjoy fat feet, big toes. i enjoy petite feet with high arches, visible metatarsils and a thickly visible veins, curved toe shape, smooth soles, oiled, preferably. nude or french nails. pink red and black or custom are serviceable. toe jewelry and stirrup stockings are quite nice as well.
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Bad matchup, but soon a new one.
guys, i think this yao guy might be a fag
i take it you and your guild can't dismantle his comp and whoop on his ass for a half hour, find in 10 minutes his mapQ is hunting you down the rest of the night because he's down his promised 100 bags? and used precious moments sweating over what he needs to change about himself because he's predictable? destroy them, make them sweat, then await who gets benched from his squad.
Anyone who doesn't conform to the natural male/female rules are fags, yes.
2019 was 5 years ago
fuck off man
That's not true actually
Don't reply to me
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Hey I've been gone for a while is HOPE still a constant source of drama, avatarfags and ERP posting or did things finally settle down
hey man, no offense but you should relax
>join closed voice only squad
>it's a ppt squad
i've gooned so hard since the swimwear release. i've reached the point of dry orgasm. anet, thank you. soto is forgiven.
It settled down
so i've got 60 sunken treasure keys in my bank. it's now the time to actually do these right?
I don't know if I'm that into any of the spears any of the classes I actually play get.
That's good. It's nice that things are better now. Won't be joining HOPE again but I started playing again recently and it's been fun.
new elementalist spear is going to be insane for pretty much everything. perfect for stack and smack, perfect for wvw backline, will cover entire spvp points during activation. has some counter play since activating an etch is incredibly telegraphed, but the effect each one will have should be more than enough to offset that
Who were you?
Yes. Do it before the prices deflate
What classes do you play anon?
Gonna try the spears and then uninstall again
Do not uninstall
Spear test tomorrow?
Today, in 4h
it died, just like this game
the opposite in fact, i'm the one who wiped him so bad he had to rage transfer to maguuma 2 weeks before world faggoting and 2 weeks after he had just moved to anvil rock, i've been dominating his shitter squad from the beginning of the game until he started hiding in t4 just to avoid getting absolutely shut the fuck down by me alone, you have no idea
reminder that anybody using bikini's outside of beach roleplay deserve to be harassed
ranger and rev
the rev mite b cool maybe
zones in orr mog everything soto brought. gameplay wise, story wise, design and style wise, absolutely giga mogging to criminal extent.
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Why would this offend me?
But still, no.
*tickles your feet*
We can measure anet's confidence and desperation with the discounts this sale. If EoD doesn't go -75% everything is fine, if SotO goes -50% it's over
I hope EoD goes -75% because I don't have that one. I don't have SotO either but I don't really care.
we can measure their desperation by the amount of slutmog they put up or take away in the gem store
how can they surpass the slutmax potential of the swimwear without going full fetish mode?
Why did they release it in the first place and not a decade ago? That answer your question
>making stuff that people buy is a bad thing
If slutwear is a measure of how dying or dead a game is, then games like ff14 died over a decade ago
>a sudden drastic change in behavior actually means nothing and you shouldn't think about it
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unironically enough, it died, and that caused them to rerelease it after fixing the shit that made it retarded
unfortunately for this game, instead of dying and rebirthing like a phoenix, it died and became an orrian zombie, slowly limping along, getting slower and weaker as time goes on
>became an orrian zombie, slowly limping along, getting slower and weaker as time goes on
Decreasing player base is all mmos, but also ff14 is also one of the top 3 mmos. I don't know how you can say that it's dying because of the slut mogs.
ff14 is a top 3 mmo in population only (and only if you exclude every fucking mmo in asia), gw2 is the bottom 1 mmo in all aspects
>gw2 is the bottom 1 mmo in all aspects
What does this even mean?
it's objectively the worst of all time
It means the post is bait and you shouldn't reply
reminder that anybody not using bikinis everywhere deserves to be bullied
when is this game getting /kiss emote?
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the idle and running animations are shit
hopefully they have some ideas
feeding this hunger only creates a greater hunger
we'll know that they're in full panic mode if the preview the armor for the new expac and it's all bis slutmog
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GW2 story is a shit but people unironically believe that FFXIV's story is good. Being a weeb is a fucking disease, it's straight up brain rot, if you're thrown absolute garbage but say its japanese you're all of a sudden "OhhHHHhhh Amazirungu..." and shit, fucking weebs, I hate them.

When I played, they said when this nigga dies it's super sad and great storytelling. Let me give you a qrd for the non-FFXIV players. Basically, your character is poisoned by drinking beer at a tavern a few episodes before. Are they on high alert? Do they change their behavior? Nah, nigga just strides across the open city completely oblivious to shit, including some armored dude about to attack them. BUT THANKFULLY this gay elf takes the spear to the chest and dies, but not before giving the most homosexual monologue I've ever read, nigga is straight GAY and ZESTY and wants your warrior of light dick. You compare that to something like Blish's sacrifice, or even the companion death in the core game, it looks like masterful storytelling. Say what you will about the story, but at least the Commander isn't a fucking retard whose sole purpose in dialogue and cutscenes is to be a vessel to move the story forward, regardless of how idiotic or out of character it is from him to do so.
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>mfw reporting 2 leechers in shartvergence not because I care about the event but because it'd be funny if they get suspended
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Don't forget HoT gives access to the cheapest and easiest PvE legendary armour through raids
>give people what they want
>this is somehow le bad
I love how the default assumption is that devs just hate their audience
>we'll know that they're in full panic mode if
Uhhh they are in panic mode. How else do you explain them suddenly cramming spears, housing and raids in the same expansion?
EoD is half price and SotO 20% off. What a rip-off, I guess EoD is worth it for the elite specs but SotO shouldn't cost anywhere above 15 bucks.
Found the samefag.
Giving the players what they want isn't a bad thing, but it means GW2 is in a serious enough situation that ANet have to pander hard to make people swipe their cards.
pandering to me is literally their job though
Yes the default assumption is what has been observed over the past 10 years
now that the dust has settled, how's the spear?
Blish deserved a better end, a memorial at least.
I miss that glorious Golemsura.

Only bit of gw2 content that made me misty eyed was his end, I've yet to get over it completely.
>Found the samefag.
Yeah this guy has been around since the bikini announcement at least, seems like he literally does not understand the concept of questioning someone's behavior
Has some neat bugs on weaver

1. The 5 skills are supposed to unflip and go on cd when you change attunements. For most ele specs, this makes sense because the original skill is no longer on your bar once you switch. But for weaver, it only triggers when you change mainhand attunements, whereas it's the offhand attunement that determines which 5 skill is on your bar. This means you can start in air/fire, press 5, switch to air/air, and the fire 5 is still charging up because you didn't switch your mainhand. So you can end up with your bar containing 4 air skills and the fire 5.

2. A bunch of weird stuff counts as skill uses for charging up the circle:
> Attunement swaps
> Passive procs from traits, like "cast Lesser Cleansing Fire when you have 3 or more conditions"
> The arcane dodge trait actually counts as TWO skill uses when you dodge
> Some relic procs, like Relic of the Ice

3. Probably not a bug, but interesting: blinking out of the circle counts as a charge because you were in the circle when you cast the blink. But using spear water 3 to dash out of the circle doesn't count because you're usually outside the circle by the time the cast finishes.

In general, the 5 skills seem remarkably easy to charge up. Currently (due to the weaver attunement swap bug) you can start from fire/fire and press air -> 5 -> 3 -> air -> 3 -> 5 to fire off a full volcano in ~1 second (and also do a full attunement swap, which is normally slow on weaver). You can also just load up on instant-cast utilities and 5 -> mash -> 5.
japanese culture is the best
because they do
I genuinely hope gw3 keeps the simpsons references
>Found the samefag
Did you now?
>pisspot goes from high energy gw2 beta testing to wow raid slop and insta tanks his view count
He's already stopped playing the spear beta?!
he says he'll go back later . man really is a fucking moron when it comes to these things.
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bought the bikini
now think about what you purchased in terms of dollars or euros, and not as gems
>he boughted
based now post some sexy poses
But I have to learn raids...
Can also do WvW instead, still easier and cheaper than the soulless Obsidian armour grind
how to raid
>copy paste meta build
>button mash for 30k dps
>stack up
>avoid mechanics that insta kill you or your team
now you are prepared for almost every raid encounter. any failure post-reading this is your team mates fault.
don't worry sisters, our girl laranity is live. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!
oh my gosh i'm so excited yall
Can even run the autoattack hammer guard if 30k dps is your goal
>insta tanks his view count
kino, can't wait for his next melty
he was pushing 900 and now is under 300 and dropping. lmaooooooooooooo
>raid armor
>cheap or easy
furfags are actually this retarded
that must be why pisspot swapped to worlo, to give latrannity his viewership, what a bro
raidlet cope.
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Skill issue
Feel real fuckin tempted to spend 35 euros to put a biki on my devious little rat..
do it and post here please
>pisspot kills his stream with wow slop and resorts to reddit content for interaction cause his 200 view bots don't talk in chat
he'd have content and viewers if he didn't ban everyone who trigger his melties
For someone who shits on pee pot a lot, you sure do watch him more than anyone here.
i get off to his steady decline.
I'd rather have shitposting about >apex legends than persistent eceleb counterjerk
gaypex legends
the japanese fucking love that shit for some reason though, that and fortnite
I have fucked up with the purchase and am trying to resolve an issue. I will post lewdsura when I'm done pulling this chode-of-doom out of my every orifice
i await with leaking cock in hand, godspeed.
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Here's a lil' something while you're waiting for the swimsuit kino
mmm yummy, i'll use this to get back on the edge
the june 25th update just made getting pvp leggy armor 400 shards cheaper.
ah yes pvp, the game mode with 100 players who win trade, hack and gate keep new players out with toxic bully strats so they can keep their secret club powers.
get a clue.
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>bought the bikini
>on male charr
Uuuhh based?
I had more than enough gold for gold->gem for bikini.
Don't any of you play the game? It throws gold at you.
how, what armors have asura panties
Pit Fighter Skirt
now install nudebody.dll
>EoD -50%
>SotO -20%
We're so back.
>>483757837 (Me)
Damn 50% off for complete edition though, is that lower than it's ever gone?
>PoF deluxe upgrade for 600 gems
Seems like a steal for the character slot plus lounge pass.
>spears beta
>it's shit
yeah they really had to drop bikini's lmao. anything to make up for this absolute slop pile
t. peabrain warrior
t. necro is shit spear
t. mesmer is shit spear
t. rev is shit spear
t. engi is shit spear
t. thief is shit spear
t. warrior is shit spear
only guardian is good because of course guardian would be good. it's Anets favorite and the class for gay retards everywhere
t. shitter
>t. Cal or some Anet cocksucker
Is this the willbenderfag?
Did we ever have a beta that wasn't bad? Revenant didn't even have a second weapon set back in the day
ah so you're the schizo. it all makes sense then.

Thief staff is really cool
I meant SPEAR, fuick
Everybody laugh at this fool.
>reddit humor
>they read the post and adjusted the discount so they don't look as desperate as they are
I mean theyre not wrong, its pretty neat
>ele spear has garbage guardian scepter missiles
>guard spear is dogshit trash
double fuck
see you in next expansion
>reddit game
I expect baker to use bikinis of some kind for the OP (and to update the OP and not just copy paste like a drooling retard)
be the change you wanna see
lol at the ironic misguided projection
femsura gruel
smelly femsura discharge
dirty stinky femsura panties
New thread
Should I buy Guild Wars?
ya its on sale just do it
thanks i bought it

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