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Master Duel General #959
Are You Qualified?

Previous: >>481860557

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is a online multiplayer videogame using the Master Rule Format

>New Player Guide
>Staples Guides
>Offline Mod
>Other Mods

>Coming Soon:
Tryout Duel / Time Travel 2010
Got to lvl 19 without realizing it, the moment I did i went on a losing streak against horrible slop decks and deranked
ignorance was bliss
oi this is /mdg/ you're meant to rant about chinks instead
>shifter, maxx c, imperm, imperm, nib
that sure is a totally organic hand
Ban every single card that says "cannot be negated"
>June of 2024
>Still being a Subterror Subhuman
And for what reason are Horus monsters not once per duel?
>it's not Edison
>six samurai bullshittery instead
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I appreciate they took the time to add frills
Transcendosaurus are so awkward to summon together and getting their GY effects active
Best you get out of that trouble is just towers protection and an awkward pop effect too
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That was the most important part after all. It needs all the details.
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The OCG banlist
Ban every single extra deck card that isn't purple or white.
they gotta go too
No way they unbanned Colossus and Time Seal.
Ban all the black cards
sex with Sky Striker Aces
Das racist
>The last time i played, Swordsoul was meta

I kinda like this Centurion archetype, it's simple, fast and effective(?) just like Swordsoul
Is it going to be meta? I like the Tenpai dragons too but this one i know in a bo1 meta it's gonna be a blood bath
Time Seal is meme-tier in the modern game, way too slow for any random deck to use as a staple, an actual trap deck like Lab trying to use it would be better off with something like Daruma Cannon or a floodgate
Not meta, but very competent rogue. Swordsoul is a good comparison to it, tiny and efficient engine that leaves space for a lot of tech, more powerful than Swordsoul since they access level 12s
woah le chink with le maxx chink and le ash blossom and le one for one and le triple tranny tactics
so when is bonfire going to be removed from the game with no refunds
Are there any ways to do an Iblee lock with only three monsters by using links with diagonal arrows?
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>play against chink
>it cheats
>also has 50 paypiggy royal alt arts
TCD is soon I hope
How did they cheat?
the usual eastern demon sorceries
>opens legitimately perfect hand
>I open no interruption/interaction at all
>draw my own maxx chink for turn
>in standby chinkversary activates it's on maxx c
nothing out of the ordinary really
you should be guaranteed a UR if you get a single UR from outside the pack
what a load of shit
you will take your glossy diamond duston and you will be happy
Why? It's too slow nowadays.
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What’s the best deck to make for this 2010 event? I was thinking hero frogs. Anyone got a decklist?Also play testing for locals irl
Free Glow-Up Bulb
if there was, we wouldve seen it
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Literally impossible
just tribute summon your nibiru bro
What deck are you running that you have NO monsters to tribute summon
kill yourself if so
sorry dmaid bro but you're running slopbaz and I really need to hit level 20
yeah dude every braindead card having a built-in superpoly is so cool and epic
Dragon Turbo and Vayu are the best decks in edison
>North American regional qualifiers
>still matched against chinks
I don't even get to go first when I'm running selftk
Refusing to end the game by nuking the big juicy lucky punch I flipped face up for you?
We're going to timer. Nobody's completing ANY dailies on my watch.
and it was another moonrune'd individual
I'm realizing now that lucky punch only activates on destruction and not banishing but it was a chinktira abuser so I don't really care

Seriously, what's with all the asians in the NA regional qualifiers?
Are you being put up against 'people' of other regions or something like the synchro/fusion/xyz event or what
there should be an unmoderated direct messaging system that allows me to send chinese slurs to my adversary
>single card consistency hit that reduces the chance of getting run over by 0.4%
the format is saved
use the name field >>480061578
Bro your Garunix? your Flameberge?
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>Leak today is Yubel
>With Phantom
You seem excited for it.
Leak raidraptors already.
>didn't put Poplar, Ash, and Flamberge to 1
Shit list.
Dkayed leaked already?
Next pack so far is Centurion+Yubel (with all of its support), with Watt and Shinobird taking up some card slots
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what other random shit can i put in my edison format batteryman deck?
(i just remembered tragoedia)
Simultaneous Equation Cannons when
not until next year at the soonest
My nigga Gorz
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I call it shitpile 2010. Am I ready for the event?
>buying out the entire stock of magazines for these
those were the days
Jurracbros it's time
You'd think in a simple format like this everyone would be playing fast and rapid but no they're taking forever each fucking turn
ah yep this nigger with a gibberish name just happens to have all the exact outs to the cards in my hand and still a starter
Looks like I'll be building Yubel.
>karakuri are legal for the 2010 event
>but only the first wave
Can't wait to call out Yubeltroons
It's funny because it's true
>Bottomless on Horus monster, Sarc up
The out is just to cosmic cyclone them draw phase, right?
Why is this event's rewards ass? Just a single pack for the WHOLE THING!?
There is literally no argument for Astrograph Sorcerer being legal
>imsety 3 turns in a row
yeah totally organic gook
King's Sarcophagus should be banned
Limited would be enough for me.
People really don't read and just attack into this every single time.
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A format where I have to think about resources and timing instead of just memorizing 10 min combo?! wtf were they thinking
I would just ram into her if you know what I mean
Centurion bros. They're finally here. Although I wonder if they're coming alongside the second wave of support.
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>playing galaxy eyes
>rescue ace player wastes both of his traps trying to target my boss monsters while my photon blast is on the field
Bro? Your 2010 event?
It's shit how am I supposed to have fun if i can't always OTK or stimulate my boy clitty while constructing a 5+ negate board. My gaijin opponent should not be allowed to play this is just ridiculous. Old YGO was cancer westoid bullshit. Not having a single meta waifu just feels wrong.
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>3 wins and you get one single pack as reward
I dont count this shit as event. I was done with it even before I finished my breakfast
Can someone redpill me on ninjas? I'm getting bored of my deck and it looks like a cool structure deck.
you have a permanent book of moon on legs
They are relying 100% on nostalgia for this one.
5ds fans are the new yugiboomers
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"oh shit, I bricked, better put down one boss monster and hope for the best"
>my opponent scoops the moment I ash his Maxx C
feels good
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Fabledbros where we at
seeing catastor made me realize this is just wc2011 from the DS
Just kill anime fans.
Master duel has no anime wanking whatsoever.
uh bro, your "Fan of the Anime" title??
I just hate Yugiboomers.
>Complaining about anime
>on an anime imageboard
>for a thread about an anime trading card game
How the fuck is King's Sarcophagus in any way a fair card?

That shit is overloaded and for some dumb fuck reason it's a Rank 8 engine you can freely spam
Just Ash Imsety?
>How the fuck is King's Sarcophagus in any way a fair card?
You're completely right, horus as a whole is overloaded as shit with custom effects that should have restrictions and real costs. The answer to your question is, it's fair when compared to other archetypes of the latest wave of power creep, snake eyes and that kind of things.
- Release broken shit
-Put broken shit in the banlist and release new broken shit, that will be stronger because it isn't in the banlist yet.

It's all so tiresome.
Why do people run Kashtira in Snake Eye? Do they make Ariseheart? But Ariseheart completely fucks them, do they just sit on Fenrir and/or Unicorn?
Birth makes it so that you can use them as cost for Diabell and Original Sin and then just bring them back
If you're running Jet Synchron they're more bodies to get to Borreload Savage easier
And yeah you can just sit on them because Kash cards are broken
Kash is extremely splashable as a small package that doesn't need their extra deck boss monsters, snake eyes isn't a novelty.
I wish we had gotten a 2010 mate at least.
They gave much better loaners here than the Goat format event
The craziest thing about this event is that I don't care if I have to go first or second.
Is like the game is fair or something.
That's more thanks to nobody having the good cards
If people did going first would be way better because you draw turn 1 at this point in the game
if nothing else they're pretty cheap and fun as you dont need too much else to fill out the deck beyond staples
they were a little too fiddly for me but I can see the appeal, I dont think I was using them to their full potential
They're like a decent version of Toons since their Fusion boss card turns all of them into direct attackers
If you like ninjas, you'll love Ninjas. The deck is a flavor home run and is built pure because they're so unique
I think I'll craft several ice barrier URs for this 3 win event
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how are abyss actors these days
>some gook with 3 terraforming for 2010
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>2010 event
my body is ready
>2010 event
>nip just starts macro cosmos and negrovalley
of fucking course
do snake eyes niggers all run unlimited time cheats?
>nip just happens to start spirit reaper
>just happens to snipe my exodia piece out of 6 cards
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no idea what to run for the tryout duel. any decklist suggestions to get my 3 wins?
You gave yourself your own hint.
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How the fuck is King Tiger Wanghu legal
ah yep chinky winky just starts the 1-of summoner monk, both bamboo swords, into the void and just happens to get the cup of ace draw
Modern yugioh fucking sucks.
Region lock China
I dont think reporting a chink for obvious cheating ever did something
But the rewards are shit.
You can always just play for "fun".
And is the end of the month, the main event is over, and you should have all the rank up rewards by now, what else you gonna do ingame.
Yes I am qualified
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[italics]Oh . . . It's so . . .[/italics]
蟲 惑 の 森 ’ 調 査 報 告 書
Moshi moshi?
dragunity is kinda tight
shame they're nothing but dlink slop now
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I had to sit through a 27 turn lp/banish stall deck for a pack of 6 commons 2 rares no glossies
>yugioh neuron lets you export and store up to 1000 decks
>it's a phone app
slay all of the stupid fucking retarded chinks running koniggers
okay maybe that's an overreaction but there's no good reason for the inbuilt deck ex/inporting to be so gigantically dogshit
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Man, this event is actually fun. If only Konami had made it a full event instead of a joke one.
I have only played Agent since 2022.
Is there any other card that comes as close to being great but held back by a single thing as this?
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just got this from my free pack. dragon synchro beat down mogged this tryout duel, even without the og future fusion
Mekk-Knight support when
what could they do without making world legacy scars a consistent ftk
Year is 2010.
Konami releases Six Samurai and see them as a problem.
At this point they can choose between not letting this happen again or find other ways to balance the game.
The TCG releases Maxx "C".
Make it an extremely consistent ftk instead, of course
>Want to build any trap deck
>Need 3x Roll Back and Karma Cannon
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Maxx C to 9
that also applies with paper yugioh
>every paleo costs pennies
>a single copy of rollback costs 30 bucks
>you need 3
>also 10 bucks for each karma cannon
>your "petdeck" now costs 120 dollars
>slant eyes, lab and tear trannies still in plat
Fuck off already I want to play my gate guardian whorus deck
is there some secret sauce to vaalmonica
it feels like i'm always 2-3 draws short of making any plays
I'm pretty sure it's just shit
kek freakin' w mate
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another day another chingchong starting all the exact outs and still their starter
>summons caius with 0 other cards on the field
>activates effect
why is pot of avarice hitler
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main set ups are;
Hanzo (or any Ninja really but Hanzo is best here, since you have one of the following Traps in hand and you search the other. you can also use any set monster for Dancing Leaves so a monster you used Book of Moon on, even your opponent's or a set hand trap works here as well) + Dancing Leaves + Duplication; Dancing Leaves on Hanzo/any Ninja/set monster/set hand trap > summon Jioh > quake 1-2 monsters depending (these days, so many decks get started off just 1 guy sometimes you have to just quake the 1) > on resolution, Duplication on Jioh > summon 2 Mitsu (both face up), 2 Tobari (one face up, one face down), 1 Green Ninja (face down). now you have a Book of Moon and a spot Banish (Tobari Fusion Summon for Yagu, banish something, Green eff triggers as well, flip something down) and you have a monster effect activation negate with Mitsu. alternatively, you could forego the 2nd Tobari and Green for Baku to get Hanzo from grave to hand but you lose out on some disruption. your choice.
Meizen + Duplication; Meizen eff to summon Jioh, quake 1-2 depending > Duplication on Meizen > summon 2 Tobari (one face up, one face down), Mitsu (face up), Green Ninja (face down). now you have the same Book and Banish from Yagu Fusion with Tobari + Green AND you now have the Mitsu negate but when she flip flops, Jioh gets a pop. that's 5-6 disruption depending, 2 for 1 interactions so you have to time it properly to get the most out of it.

This is my list, let me know if you have any questions.
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Personally I like running this guy since he has a beefy 3000ATK and as costly as it is it's still searchable S/T removable on legs
the deck already has 2-3 bricks (Baku is useless in the hand, Jioh is 100% useless in the hand and actively fucks everything up if you see him there and Hidden Village can be quite bricky as well since it does nothing on it's own) so adding another potential brick is not optimal. Yellow Dragon Ninja does have his merits though; great target for Duplication, can Super-Transformation into him, big body for attacking direct with Meizen.

more on Hidden Village though; Hidden Village grind is utilizing Mystery over and over again while Hidden Village is up. you use Mystery to get to Village and a monster > make Meizen under Hidden Village > Hidden Village eff, get the Mystery back to hand > set it. NEXT TURN; shotgun Mystery as soon as you can to set a Tobari from deck or grave (wherever nets you the Art as well) > use Meizen eff whenever you can to summon a Mitsu in face up DEF from deck > Hidden Village triggers, get the same Mystery back to hand. you now have a monster eff negate that flips Tobari up and from there you have a spot banish. Also, Village is protecting you as well so in a simplified game state, this grind is actually pretty strong and some MUs like Labrynth or Vanquish Soul, you try to get to this set up ASAP because it completely shuts them down.
Any deck in the game actually gets shut down by this mid to late (i've completely outgrind Snake-Eye at full power with it) so you should strive to achieve it past Turn 2-3
cunt archtype
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shill your rogue decks to me
>2 ash start in a 45 card deck
sure thing chingchong
Execute every Traptrix pedophile.
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not super consistent, but one of the most fun to play
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Kitchen is the sexiest by far though.
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Fucking based.
The loaners were supposed to be limited time?
Huh, didn't even realize
there shouldnt be any players that dont know what theyre doing by now, why when i queue into the event im getting so many retards that spend 30 minutes reading their cards?
Even worse when it's Endymion players
it's probably just chinks flaunting their ignore timer cheat
Yep this event is awful
the only excuse for being a yugiboomer is being shit
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>Kragen #2 came from the 10 packs
Thank you...
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Oh Valmonica is all lolis thats why all the vtubers are playing it
>trap card
>trap card
>trap card
now thats REAL yugioh, games actually took STRATEGY back then
Do NOT listen to Youtubers, Snake Eyes is NOT good in Master Duel
event when
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Thank you fro playing masterduel
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>kaiser ban
Okay guys Sky Striker is officially dead.
And shit banlis
Oh sorry I forgot I should be posting these over at /v/ this general is literally dead.
>Air Lifter to 2
wait i thought they only play 1 copy of this
Catapult Turtle did nothing wrong
>Kashtira card unlimited
oh fuck off
tellarknight bros..we rise....
What they did to my red boys was both unforgivable and uncalled for
>2 Zeus
Zoodiac players feasting
Absolute joke of a banlist once again
nobody has read brutedrago and have just given me free wins as a result
god bless this event
next duel pass when?
mating press sera
Ban Branded Regained
Yes please
Mate when?
Beat sky strikers with a dragonmaid deck. That felt great, fucking chink bastard
god I hate modern yugioh
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I hate God.
Ban every slopbaz card
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This is the truth
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This stupid pack keeps giving me royals that I don't want or need
The Circle of Fire King was nice though
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yeah, I'm fucking done. Gonna delete this shit. Only fucking nigger chinks and no hands spastics that need 10 hours for their simple combos play this shit. And Konami still wont reduce max time.
I'm out
see you tomorrow

the whole fucking meta is on fire and their response is... "ban catapult turtle lmao"

didnt even have the fucking decency to do the S:P semi-limit
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These are my two favorite cards that are dragons that do the laundry.
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Huh, it wasn't even in the 2nd set of cards. Did I just get lucky here? I'm opening packs for Mikanko cards.
Just random luck yeah
The Purrelyly hit is the funniest thing because
>Purrely probably isn't even in the top 5 decks of this meta
>The hit does practically nothing because you always want to summon it off of a memory with the field spell up, because if you don't it'll be Impermed/Veilered 9/10 times in this meta
The Purrelyly hit is the funniest thing because
>every Purrely should be banned
>Purrelyniggers should get no refunds for this
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I kneel Horuschads, this shit works great with my Scrap deck and King's Sarc destruction protection keeps them safe from my own Wyvern and Searcher's destruction effects
Just made an alt account. Sitting on 15k gems. What deck should I build? Thinking thunder dragons or stun. I run floo or lab on my main. Uses to play heroes and eldlich.
Memento or Vanquish Soul
umi control
the absolute state of this general
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yeah, there's basically nothing to talk about until the cute sheep vtuber streams again tomorrow.
>Playing the old school event
>I was an adult during this format
I'm literally turning to dust
fuck off to your containment board
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Is there a containment thread for old folks?
This seems like a game specifically for pubstompers.
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pretty much
every now and then I log in for a few games, because despite its flaws as a game overall yugioh has a great variety of concepts and themes in its decks
but there are enough people that play soulless slop that it just isn't worth it over booting up tag force or the world championship games
>play non stun runick
>literally every deck shits on you even fucking vaylantz
And with that another stunchad has been born.
That's so mean.
So why did the ban kaiser? I rarely see it, except when I play it with my subterror deck.

Also I pulled off my first otk with ninjas, and that was pretty cool
I love her
just started and was thinking of crafting madolche
is it viable or will it get ran over by snake-eyes and other newer stuff?
nigger flaunting himself being esl
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She's live now, master duel as soon as she finishes breakfast. (Her breakfast is a hotdog bun)
behead all vtubers
Except the biological females.
There shall be no exceptions.
kys incel
Your screams will not save you.
Just the ones that sound normal. The ones that sound nerdy as fuck and probably have never seen a dick can live.
I wish Mist valley were relevant, not just Apex Avian.
darn, I missed it.
why are the fucking gems so expensive i need 60 UR for my last 2 cards to play my deck properly its like 40$ to pull 6 URs can they just sell 10 UR for a dollar or something fucking retards iam about to do the fucking solo mode instead and pay nothing.
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low effort bait
Did Konami rig my account so I draw all of my handtraps going first? Because the amount of time this shit happens is annoying
Yeah dude I'm sure my maxx C and nibiru are gonna help me with my combo
deck building skill issue
Post your deck
just remove all the handtraps and always go first
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>Ban a floodgate
>People just switch in more 15 year old packfiller floodgates
It'll be funny 10 years from now when the forbidden section of the banlist is 200 cards long and it's like 3/4ths floodgates
I'll give you a guess as to why this happens
Here's a hint: the answer starts with chink and ends with mcchinky
They probably thought it can't be that bad when MD launched in 2022 with all these decade old floodgates at 3, then have been gradually limiting and banning them one by one since
I remember when this was first printed, I KNEW it would be good eventually.
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Mannadium is pretty much in the perfect spot for MD
It's pretty good but never tiered so it never gets hits outside indirect stuff being dealt to Kash. Its only issue is that it's absurdly expensive
Prime-Heart specifically is meme tier though, being a gimmicky archetypal level 10 synchro in a world where Baronne and Dis Pater exist is suffering
>play master duel
>have one fun duel to sucker me back in
>followed by a string of miserable slogs against slop decks that go first and end on a multinegate board
thats how they get you
ban called ban crossout ban de fleur unban snatch steal.
If they unban Snatch Steal they're gonna ban Isolde and at that point it's literally just Change of Heart except searchable with a couple of bad equip support cards
Mannadium is really good but like the other anon said expensive as all hell because of how it pulls from other visas (((lore))) archetypes.
You're running at a minimum (not including staples) like 25 URs including ED
Prime-Heart is based but you go into him once in maybe 8 duels or so as a "my opponent bricked lol I get to make Prime-Heart on him" kind of deal
It's worth the price if you ask me but the main cards (IE: everything actually labeled Mannadium) are all floating around without a dedicated secret pack atm
sell me on chain burn
It's good as long as we're in a Snake Eyes meta because they flood the field with tons of cards which makes all of the main burn cards easily do ~2k+ damage, and their only omnis are the synchros
windwitch support when
what new support cards would need to be printed in order for dragonmaid to take it's rihtful place as a tier 0 format dominating deck?
imperm and veiler feel pretty awful into snake eye SE especially, are any of you nerds using different handtraps because of this? or using the spots for something else entirely like more engine / tech cards?

I was considering retaliating "C" but that seems too specific and could hurt my deck as well. cosmic cyclone feels pretty great, might go for more than 1 copy since it hits a lot of stuff right now. I was running D.D. crow at some point but idk
I doubt there's much that could help it that wouldn't be better abused by other archetypes
You could get a custom card like weather painters but then you're relying on a single 3x in an already lackluster deck
will they limit superpoly again because of yubel in MD?
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post Exosister lewds
Exosister lewds
its not a perfect solution but ghost mourner might have some legs against them, unless they can xyz the target away
Is there any reason to not use zeus in any deck that uses xyz?
Maybe if you literally don't have room for it but I can't think of any xyz deck that couldn't find space for it
Space is the only reason, but in the decks that I don't have the space to fit him + climbers like Downerd Magician I don't really find many opportunities to summon him in the first place since the deck may not be Xyz focused anyway
Ban Trannysaction Rollback
Ban Nibiru
Free my nigga Mind Master
*elemental bursts on you*
so yubel is trans right
No. Yubel is meant to be like that hindu deity that is a perfect mix of male and female. So she's a hermaphrodite, most likely. However, while Yubel's gender was kept ambiguous in the original Japanese version of the anime in the english version her human form was referred to as male and after turning into her monster form she is referred to as female and her model was edited to look more purely female instead of a mishmash of masculine and feminine features.

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