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Voidship bridge edition

>What is /rtg/?
This general is dedicated to the discussion of Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader.



Aug 08 DLC #1 Void Shadows
Patch 1.2 ETA: end of June / early July

May 23 Void Shadows DLC Teaser and Date
May 20 Warhammer Skulls 2024 — Announcement
May 20 Patch 1.1.67
May 09 An Update on Steam Workshop
Feb 19 Patch 1.1.28 adding voiceovers, content, bug fixes
Feb 01 OST
Dec 07 Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Released:

>Thread archive

Previous: >>481570870
When will Owlcat finally stop breaking the lore and remove Yrilet's shoes? I sent like 50 reports about it already.
The lore is that rangers wear boots.
Eldar girls don't wear shoes, why do you want to break the lore?
Here you go, anon:
>Thirianna stretched to her full height, poised effortlessly on the tips of her boots, to look over the heads of the eldar in front, one hand slightly to one side to maintain her balance.
Tfw no Hereticus mutant harem
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Why do you insist on breaking the lore?
>foot guy having to carry the thread
Christ we need that fucking DLC soon.
I hope the patch adds some actual content along with all the balance stuff. Though at least we'll get to laugh/cry over what gets nerfed because Owlcat was triggered by Yrliet murdering bosses in one turn.
this was funny for a post or two but you really need to get some new material lol
>Though at least we'll get to laugh/cry over what gets nerfed because Owlcat was triggered by Yrliet murdering bosses in one turn.
God, that's gonna be annoying. Assassin taking down high HP targets after set up is the whole point, remove that and she sucks at everything. Can't really clean up small mobs, require too much set up for enemy tanks and got nerfed into tickling the bosses.
I hope it won't happen like that.
I don't want RT to turn into the pre-buff slog that was Wrath.
You need to get your lore right.
Yeah they act like it's people exploiting bugs when that's just how it's supposed to work and people are playing the game well. Actual bugs are things like the BH extra turn triggering on destroying cover which by all means fix that.
>I don't want RT to turn into the pre-buff slog that was Wrath.
Same, it's obnoxious as fuck and I thought the inability to actually pre-buff would stop that shit. If they want you to actually spend turns buffing and chipping away at enemy health later that's just not fun.
I predict they'll nerf assassin into oblivion while making bounty hunter OP.
Please no, I don't want to learn how BH works just to make Yrliet murder everything. But I will if I have to.
It's probably retards complaining without understanding that classes and builds being easy to understand and use is how gameplay should work, instead of being a broken mess of cheesing.
Pathfinder retards are gonna be the bane of this game's balance and gameplay.
>If they want you to actually spend turns buffing and chipping away at enemy health later that's just not fun.
Honestly, if they re-introduce the pre-buff meta with their 'balance', they're probably gonna expect something even more annoying from you, like entering combat mode just outside the enemy's range, pre-buff and then enter battle. Despite the fact it's gonna be super annoying and you'll lose turns of buffs as you buff yourself so you'll probably have to min-max the buffs too.
God, they're gonna make the micro-management classes fucking mandatory, aren't they?
Half the terms and mechanics mentioned in Bounty Hunter make no fucking sense to me.
>A bit later, we will deliver a huge 1.2 patch to the player base with lots of additional balance tweaks and changes because players found ways to break our game through a bunch of bugs. They found such powerful combinations that they could defeat bosses in one turn, so we wanted to fix this. On the other hand, we wanted to improve those not-so-popular and less-than-effective builds.
It seems to be Owlcat's own opinion but yeah that could be influenced by that.
>entering combat mode just outside the enemy's range, pre-buff and then enter battle.
actual warp-spawned horror, fuck no
>Half the terms and mechanics mentioned in Bounty Hunter make no fucking sense to me.
Yeah, honestly my entire knowledge of BH is "put it on Idira, mark 3 weak enemies and kill them with other characters so Idira can use a few extra attacks".
I hope their idea of 'improving' unpopular build is making them fun to play instead of making them stupidly strong and balance every encounter around having to use them.
Owlcat should focus on giving us fucking auto level ups FFS. The loading screen and the 50 fucking level ups every 5 minutes were the worst part of the game.
Yeah I'm not sure why they haven't done this, just have a viable generic build like PF games.
If anything it would be easier than PF because RT builds are way easier and less janky. Pathfinder is such a shit system build wise, the only stuff that works feel like cheese.
The only difficulty would be to avoid being redundant between party members.
>Cassia canonically cries herself to sleep if you dump her

Well that's awkward
Yrliet probably does too. But then again Yrliet probably always cries herself to sleep anyway
>dumping cassia
you monster
Why would you ever dump the fish, anon?
Yrliet evolves into Cassia?
Or superior to her?
Horrendously garbage taste
I like both
>the only stuff that works feel like cheese.
best way I've seen PF system described
>Lacking Accordance flags
>Meditation in RT's inner world only
>"Yrliet suffering, withering and leaving to her people after RT convinces her" ending slide
>Enough Accordance flags
>Access to Yrliet's inner world
>"Deathbed" ending slide

What's the implication here? Yrliet needs RT to come inside her soul to not wither?
I think it's just that she doesn't get enough emotionally out of the relationship that it would even partly make up for not going back to her people.
I get that she probably would be happier in relationship with someone with more Accordance flags, but that's not that ending highlights at all. And what's up with withering

>Elantach, I need you to fondle muh sovl to not shrivel
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We need more devs being open about their fetishes.
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If Yrliet drukhari clone plot wouldn't be cut, what do you think it would look like?
How the fuck do I get more Heretical points? I just missed out on two dialogue options because I wasn’t fanatical. Can I still get zealot rank or am I permanently softlocked now because I didn’t run around screaming “DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR!” like a retard in the beginning?
Here are some posts other anons made about where to get points, idk as I understand it zealot is doable but it's pretty close, you might have had to do the heretic screaming to get it.
Well I’ve clearly missed more than half of these, so I guess no heretical ending for me. Fuck this game. I should have unistalled after Commorragh
I don't think you need 5 to get the heretic ending, you just won't get the sword or daemon prince slide. The other convictions just need 3 to get their ending.
Are the Pathfinders mechanically similar to RT?
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basically, nope
also pf lets you pick turn based or rtwp and rely on a lot of buffing before every fight
I don’t care if the ultra secret ending is just a single frame of Tzeentch giving you a thumbs up. Completely locking me from certain dialogue options has already ruined the entire rpg elements of this game. At this point the game is nothing more but a chore
You played a moderate heretic and therefore don't get fanatic and zealot heretic options, seems to work as intended. If you just want to see those anyway just toybox the points.
might as well toybox the numbers before uninstalling. I toybox'd some rep because it made me sad to miss their little farewell, but couldn't be bothered to farm more cargo
Im a consolefag btw
Ah. I know nothing about consoles. Rip I guess.
Holy crap, just spent 1 hour reading through talents because ny lvl3 party dinged.
AmI the only one who actually likes leveling up?
It's a love/hate thing for me. I usually let them build up and go through all of them when I'm in the mood for it.
lv 3 or archetype 3?
I liked it at first but once you have a full retinue, it's a pain in the ass. I'd still level my RT myself but please let me auto level up companions
it's way too often for me. My eyes already hurt from work and uni, I don't want to read this long ass list every five minutes. Unlocking new skills is fun, but I usually end up letting it pile up until I start dying in battles
I took the time to level up the whole retinue before the final battle, just in case there were extended-party shenanigans.
There was not a single shenanigan...
first time seen talents
try to favorite the ones you find useful, that can make it easier to level up new characters later
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Pasqy. Is he... bald? Scalp full of augments? I need to know
Shit game. Going back to bg3
Not enough homos and trannies for your taste?
sex with marzipan….
Not enough devs who actually want their playerbase to be satisfied. Have fun staying on page 8 forever or getting merged with /crpgg/
>I need gays, niggers and trannies to be satisfied by a video game
Have fun getting lectured about your privileged and why you can't make a male fighter while paying for a tranny's next dilatator.
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How does it feel to simp for a game with an entier third act missing?
Anon... I wouldn't use that as an argument, considering the state of this game
The game is buggy but the final act is there. Meanwhile they are still waiting for the third half of the titular fucking city which make several questlines die with no resolutions.
Act 4 and 5 are just as unfinished as BG3's act 3, if not more
how do femoids like the guy that captured and tortured them instead of waiting to kill him whats wrong with you?
I wonder the same thing, but then I remember that there are people that simp for Nyrissa or Nocticula
>how do femoids like the guy that captured and tortured them
women's natural instinct is to submit to those superior to them
being captured and tortured means they're inferior
heinrix being along for the ride means he's inferior to marz

the reason why we have so many eldar feetlickers here is because of degenerate estrogen logic of superficial superiority = superior genetics
these "people" would gladly ask eldar to piss in their mouths and swallow it with gusto
what kind of name is foulstone, why couldnt they call the planet pleasantstone instead?
Why would I kill him when I can capture and torture him (sexually) instead?
His voice is hot and I like evil men
Exactly. If he was female, you would do the same.
No I wouldn't
Nocticula manipulating and fully intending to kill you is already enough for her to be on my shit list so no, I wouldn't be simping for the female version of the dude that successfully captures and tortures you
Oh his voice is so hot. Like rocks scraping deliciously against my brain.
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Name a more high iq alignment
>He's an admech and wouldn't want anything to do with fles-
That’s gay. Maybe somebody will make a romance mod. They did that for a character in pathfinder
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a fellow pasqalfucker! How joyous!
you know, I'm getting desperate. How hard would it be to mod something like that with zero modding experience?
No idea but there’s resources out there.
But do you believe in me, anon? Do you think I can do it?
Yes I believe in you. Give us Pasqal content
Look I'm going to get every single xenos the game lets me and deldar are interesting. And yeah he did all that but you can ruin his plans at the trial and then you're the only reason he can survive any of that at all and it turns out you have more than one common enemy and it just works. Also he's hot and I love his voice.
>I wouldn't be simping for the female version of the dude
well it seems a bunch of other guys do because there was a lot of complaining that he's not female
Bless owlcat for making a male drukhari
oh please
a drukhari whore would never amount to cassia or camellia
>or camellia
Literally just a drukhari whore but in Pathfinder
drukhari lack class, subtlety, and grace
camellia has none of that especially subtlety
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They're a minority, a man was always going to be more popular
Malice is the superior option, anyway
Scalie ew
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It's a pretty meh weapon
then why did they treat it like an achievement?
I guess it's easy to miss?
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this deldar has a funny face
You only get it if you pass nearly all the checks in that fight
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owlcat on the topic of adding voice acting after the game is released
Anons, how do I tell elantach that I have sovl AIDS?
I hope they don’t fuck up with full voice acting
I don't care about voice acting. I can read.
>a man was always going to be more popular
I don't think they'll go full va, just more voiced lines than usual
why dont they just use aislop, i dont think anyone cares that much about voice acting
Only one coping here is you, sorry
Kinda wish there were more ship areas than Bridge and Captain's Quarters
Yeah I think they're adding more in the dlc, should be nice.
No reguarly visitable ones afaik. They'll be adding more NPCs to the Bridge and new locations for events and battles
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what am i supposed to do here the only choices are to either kill her or do something obviously retarded
Don't you have the option to let Cassia talk to them or try a peaceful solution yourself?
That sucks, I wanted some new areas. More npcs are cool though.
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well i tried but she just tells me to go fuck myself
>He didn't treat the fish nicely
Shameful display
i did try to be nice i dont why she just decided to be a bitch for no reason
>No u
Psychopaths sell with women, not men. You'd think that someone who browses this general wouldn't be in denial about this
It's because you were mean to Cassia, if you're not an asshole she brokers peace with them. Do you have no options to negotiate with them yourself? Idk I've always had Cassia talk to them.
i didnt pick any mean dialogues though, i pass the check to negotiate but she turns it down
Nta but you missed all the moaning in /v/ and some here about what a waste it was to make the hot deldar a man and how much they want hot edgy psycho waifu. Also see: Camellia fanboys
>You'd think this general would be my echo chamber for my delusions
I mean how you've treated her the entire game, it adds to her flags. Unless it's a bug or something if you bully her she ends up hating you and everything you do on principle.
I didn't miss anything, they're a minority. Go ask the Maraztard to post that one reddit screencap of here shilling the game on reddit
Male companion DLCs always sell less than Female companion DLCs so you're automatically wrong.
>90% of the player base is a minority
Are you one of those retards who think women are the majority of gamers just because you saw a random stat that included facebook games and candy crush?
What does that have to do with what I said? I was talking specifically about psychos, not men and women in general
It's hard to tell but can we agree that there are both men and women who like the hot psycho archetype?
Your average yandere sells more than the most well known male psychos, anon.
90% of the playerbase is balls deep in succubus, spider and fish pussy.
i was always nice to her though i dont know she does a 180 in this quest
It might be because you're making decisions for her and being too patronizing, that's also bad because it makes her too weak to assert her will and fight off Tisiphone's influence.
yeah that was probably it but thats kind of dumb if you keep making decisions for her you cant make the most important one at the end either?
Could be that you were nice but too anti-xeno so she tries to please you by picking the anti xeno stance?
Or you insisted too much on 'For your house's sake, no matter the price'
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There it is. Wenduag is an actual psycho
Yes, but you can fix her, Pathfinder's Viconia rip-off. If she was just a crazy killer you can't fix she would be a million times less popular.
It's because Tisiphone is basically making that choice for her since it's about the Atlas.
>Pretending making Marzipan your bitch isn't 'fixing him'.
Explains a lot.
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oh well rip cassia
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Nta but you're not doing that at all, it's roleplaying flavor over him corrupting you and you doing what he tells you to do. You can't change his morality at all.
Well correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not a faggot, but he's still a crazy evil psycho, who literally has to torture and kill people to live, and enjoys every second of it. So, no, you don't fix him
i had no choice from the railroaded storyline ok
let her think for herself next time, she solves that whole situation very nicely if she's on that path
but this is my power fantasy and im the one whos supposed to make all the choices
>It's all roleplaying, you totally don't just make him your bitch!
Cope. He stays in the cage.
and you just did and got the outcome for that, shit sucks
And you are, character questlines are directly influenced by what you say to them
You made the choice to make her suck as a leader, congrats.
If you put him in the cage you break the romance so no. Guess you haven't actually played the game.
>You broke my delusion that the failboy twink was totally my ultimate dom that can't submit
He's still your bitch. But you don't "fix him" in a traditional sense

You would probably be able to fix drukhari clone of Yrliet to some extent, but that cut is cut
Wait, wait, there's a Drukhari clone of Yrilet?
Anon you haven't played the actual game. Dom/sub does absolutely nothing other than flavor text, the only thing you can make him do that he doesn't want to do which is the kiss can be done as either dom or sub, you still have to do the final blood orgy like he tells you, you change exactly nothing by being dom or sub but by playing whichever role you pick well so that he thinks better of you, and he still never changes morally just treats you as an equal instead of a talking animal (again, either dom or sub, it doesn't matter).
Dataminers claim that Beta had code indicating a cut storyline with Yrliet's clone. Don't know if it still in the files
>Making him your bitch is just flavor
Again, cope.
There was some kind of evil clone plot point about her, and Vect was going to appear
Why did they cut all the cool shit like that and Santiel's Pride but still finished the random planet with over leveled enemies?
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In what way specifically are you doing that that has anything to do with dom/sub? He always leaves to seek power for himself and the only thing you change is if he thinks of you as equal or lesser. If you played something like the heretic max flag ending and think that's about picking dom, it's not, you get the exact same thing as sub. Though you may just be basing it on fanfic.
>Romancing two Yrliet's at the same time


But you would probably have to choose between them in Cummorag
>He always leaves to seek power for himself
He literally comes back whenever you snap your fingers if you're a Daemon Prince despite knowing you're gonna throw him to Slaanesh at some point.
Again that's the same as either dom or sub, it's based on heretic and max ascension flags.
Mutually exclusive party members are always invariably cringe. It's artificial replayability at it's finest.
>All this denial because he refuses to admit psycho men are more popular than psycho women
Someone is coping alright
That's making him your bitch regardless.
>I'm coping alright
We noticed.
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i love my daemon engine pet, how does anyone play this game without it?
>They are more popular despite selling 10 times less
I think you don't understand the words you're using.
I wish we could customise him to our conviction. A Iconoclast or Dogmatic Daemon Engine pet would be so funny.
If you're a daemon prince you might think that but he doesn't know that, his dialogue is about seeing you as an equal. He comes back occasionally if you have max ascension flags on any ideology because he's attracted to you and sees you as an equal, not because you're making him do it. If you're not heretic he does it even if you don't get max flags, he just thinks less of you. Like it's still dumb on his part but it's not him thinking he's submitting and it's not dependant on dom or sub flag.
>he doesn't know that
The narration directly state he does know he's basically committing suicide by doing so.
What's funny is that they're still adding a female psycho anyway lmao
We'll see how popular she is compared to Cassia and Yrliet, and how many people will still go "I wish I could fuck Argenta instead"
Yes but sticking your dick in crazy because you're a dumb thrill-seeker isn't the same as choosing to submit to someone. I get that someone might play one time and do heretic and dom route and think it happens because of picking dom but that's not the case, he does that even if he played the dom the entire romance, it's not about that.
I'd say it's definitely more than equal on dom. Archon wouldn't let an equal dom him
>Yes but it doesn't count
In the romance the dom/sub thing is completely separate from whether he sees you as an equal or inferior, it starts out as a game he enjoys despite seeing you as lesser and if you impress him by sticking to either role you get treated as an equal. Like if you play dom he breaks character sometimes and it doesn't change how he orders you around, just the flavor of it. If you play sub you still impress him and can make him kiss you even though he hates it. They are completely different metrics and it's very obvious if you really read the text.
If that counts for you even if it's the same slide you get if you've played the sub the entire game then sure.
Can you do anything else with it other than skipping yellow route combat encounters? That's very useful too of course.
He quite clearly says that it's has become more than a game in one of break up variants tho

Drukhari marriage is beyond roleplay
What you did before making him your bitch won't change that you do make him your bitch and that's as much 'fixing' as anyone playing cares about.
>and that's as much 'fixing' as anyone playing cares about
That's what you care about, no woman that romanced him went there wanting to fix him
>What you did before making him your bitch won't change that you do make him your bitch and that's as much 'fixing' as anyone playing cares about.
I agree that you make him bitch, but no it's not fixing

Can we get back to discussing clone Yrliet rather than spending time on this bullshit once again?
Yeah but the dom/sub part changes exactly nothing, it's whether you do it right or not. If you don't play both versions it's easy to assume some dialogue depends on that but when you play both you know which aren't based on that.
Most players picked to make him their bitches too. You really need to let go of your bubble.
My point is that he IS your bitch on dom
Being attractive to someone enough that they sometimes come by to fuck you, but are otherwise the same person, isn't really fixing them or making them your bitch though. Compare to Wenduag where you can in fact change her personality and approach to things somewhat. Marazhai stays the same person no matter what stupid shit he does except in the clown ending but that's if you fuck up his quests.
You completely missed this guys point. They played to dom him, not to fix him
How? He does the same things in the end whether he's dom or sub.
Actually my point was that most women who romanced him went there wanting him to break them, but either way, no one wanted to fix him
>You really need to let go of your bubble
Says the guy who refuses to accept how popular he is kek
Who is most? Also if you romanced him you already spent the game killing people because he told you to.
>You're refusing to accept my delusion
You'll face reality one day.
Because it's at this point beyond being a game and drukhari marriage is genuine submission of one to another. Besides we both know Owlkek would reuse stuff if they could, it's just more convenient than making minor alterations
>Who is most?
The majority of players.
>Actually my point was that most women who romanced him went there wanting him to break them
Idk, to me it seems dom is more popular, but I don't know femcels well
The majority of players most likely killed him, or at worst, recruited and then killed him. But for his target audience (which is quite big no matter how much you may cry about it) he was a complete success
You're not actually marrying or anything and you can't change his mind on going to be Archon even if you "dom" him. You just convince him you get to count as almost like a deldar but he wouldn't ditch his ambition to stay with you so it's not like that.
Most players probably killed him or ignored him or only did his quests for content, they didn't recruit him just to do bdsm roleplay with him and kill their crew so they can pretend they made him their bitch.
>His target audience of just me and my two discord friends!
Cope. Most players made him their bitch.
>You're not actually marrying or anything

You do, what we do in a game is a well lore established drukhari analogue of marriage. And he clearly cares about branding in break up line
I sold his ass to the Inquisition, I guess that count as making him a bitch?
>(which is ridiculously miniscule compared to a female version's no matter how much you may cry about it)*
Fixed it for you.
Based on art and fic I'd say both are popular, also women seem more likely to understand and appreciate the playfulness of it and how the roles are more of a shared joke you're both playing along to.
Anon if you're the one thinking the heretic thing is making him your bitch you can't really think most players played heretic, kept him instead of killing him and then did his romance perfectly just to get an ending slide where he comes back to fuck them which would somehow count as a win.
>He doesn't even know who he's arguing with anymore
Come on.
Being kinky and taking it more seriously than he planned is one thing but actually marrying a mon-keigh is too much even for him, I mean he can't just take the RT to Commorragh and pretend she's a deldar.
>I mean he can't just take the RT to Commorragh and pretend she's a deldar.
Worth a try.
>more of a shared joke you're both playing along to
It's explicitly more than a game in the end
In his defense, women are retarded so it would make sense that most missed that.
That would be pretty funny, odds on how long he survives that? If it was just bringing the RT as a pet Vect might be cool with it though.
'He was my husband,' she roared. 'I loved him!'
Malwrack suddenly brightened. He snapped the fingers of his gloved hand, and pointed at her with
one of its talons. 'That's it!' he said with glee. 'That's the word I've been trying to remember. Thank
Seeing her bewilderment, he knelt down to be at eye level. 'You know, it just so happens that I am
in love myself. Tell me, did it take much for him to dominate you?'
'Dominate me?' she asked dumbly.
'Yes. We say inyon lama-quanon: to make another person one's prized property or subservient. But I
like your barbaric term, ''love''. It's concise, powerful, like a killing blow.'
The woman stifled a hysterical laugh. 'I always thought the xenos profiles were exaggerated, but
you really believe it, don't you? That there's nothing more to life than degrees of enslavement.'
'I'm afraid I don't follow,' Malwrack said.
'Love is about being together,' she continued. 'It's a sharing experience, an equal partnership. No
ownership. No control. Love is about caring for someone so much that you can't bear to be apart.'
She looked down at the blood-soaked remains of her husband and began to weep again.
Malwrack thought about the things he owned: his collection of hellmasks, his agonisers, his spire in
Commorragh, his followers. Certainly he had his favourites among these, people and possessions
held in high esteem. Yet, he was still confused.
Sharing? Partnership? Perhaps he had been trying to remember the wrong word.
'Now kill me,' the woman said with impertinence.
'Kill you,' the archon said slowly, 'so that you can be together again.'
The woman did not reply, and the warriors crowded in the doorway held their collective breath.
Malwrack stood, his ancient knees popping, and bolstered his gun. He glanced towards his
lieutenants and with a curt nod, they filed up and out of the bunker. He turned to do likewise.
The woman gasped. 'What are you doing?'
'Leaving you to savour your agony, of course.'
The relationship becomes more than a game if you play it right, not the dom/sub part specifically. The dom side has several moments where he's obviously being fake or about to start laughing over it which is fun.
based, killing the designated waifubait
>odds on how long he survives that?
As long as the RT keep an eye on him so Vect doesn't have the opportunity to have him killed.
>I mean he can't just take the RT to Commorragh and pretend she's a deldar.
That why he runs to real space to his wife
>Drukhari marriage
How does that work
It should be noted that by the end of the game, any of your party members would require a preeminent named character to actually kill, all of which Vect won't have the leisure to waste on Marzipan over something as trivial as going delusional with his waifu.
There's the Ynnari defection epidemic and Daemon forever war to deal with.
So? The point is that CAN become more than a game and women want that
Vect would still do it, unless he thought it was funnier watching other Archons be outraged and do it instead. The question is, is Marazhai dumb enough to wreck his ambitions and kabal over it? Well, he might be but he doesn't do it in the game so maybe not?
>There's the Ynnari defection epidemic and Daemon forever war to deal with.
The game seems to just ignore that which is silly because it would completely change the dynamics of Yremeryss' plan and how Vect would react to it.
And it's a TRUE VERSION of a romance, like Yrliet and getting access to her soul or Cassia not marrying Navigator guys
How do they even meet? Pre-arranged date while he's out raiding your rival RTs? Trying to talk Muaran into letting you use the webway gate to meet on Janus? The logistics of this are pretty complicated.
>Vect would still do it,
He'd periodically try but I don't think he could get past the RT as long as the RT is paying attention. It's not like he'd go kill Marzipan in person.
The RT wouldn't be able to do anything IN Commorragh, really that would just get the RT and Marazhai both killed. The best would just be sneaking her in as a pet which no one would be bothered by, or just doing the long distance power couple thing like in the game.
>The relationship becomes more than a game if you play it right, not the dom/sub part specifically.
Point is, if it's more than a game dom Marazhai is genuine, and sub Marazhai is genuine
Which they're really not for the purpose of outcomes as he always leaves to be Archon if possible or corsair prince if not but the relationship and whether he feels she transcends her mon-keigh nature is real.
Speaking of deldar is the Lelith book out yet?
His ending has him visit the RT’s ship for murder orgies so sure
Anons, consider taking a break from arguing about deldar cock to check out the patch news:
Yes. It's about Lelith's ex trying to supplant Cult of Strife as Kabal of Black Heart's ally by her own wych cult. Delves into Lelith's backstory too
>Killing Edge was also tuned down, being one of the main offenders that caused skyrocketing numbers.
it's over
>Arch-Militant Overtuning

>According to our observations and community surveys, the Arch-Militant remains the most effective archetype, with a damage potential so high that skilled players could stack bonuses from versatility extremely quickly, gaining a significant advantage. We’ve slightly reduced versatility generation and scaling from it to put the Arch-Militant more in line with the rest of the archetypes. In particular, we’ve made changes to Confident Approach, Reckless Rush, and Wildfire. Note that we don’t intend to nerf the Arch-Militant into the ground — it will still be very effective, but the numbers will be a bit more reasonable.

fucking kek
>Lastly, although a bit unrelated, you may have seen in our roadmap and known issues thread on Steam that we recognized the limited availability of conviction points. We’ve received a lot of feedback that their distribution is uneven and scarce, forcing players to make certain decisions in fear of being locked out of conviction levels. We’re working to address this, but unfortunately, we are not yet ready to ship it with 1.2. We expect it to come a bit later, in one of the following updates.
Why not just... lowering thresholds a bit more?
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>Raszard being based
let me guess, her threatening to kill Vect is a nothingburger?
>We have now made it so that sanctioned psykers can take psy rating-increasing talents earlier (at levels 4/14/24/34 instead of 10/20/30/40). This will not only reduce the eventual difference in psy rating when compared to unsanctioned psykers, but it will also allow sanctioned psykers to take advanced psychic powers earlier.

>Unsanctioned psykers can now also take those talents a bit earlier (at levels 9/19/29/39), mostly so that different archetypes have similar access to advanced psychic powers.

>With these changes, we hope to achieve a certain parity, where the sanctioned psykers will still have a somewhat lower psy rating but will be able to take higher-level psychic powers earlier in order to compensate.

>This wasn't our only change to psykers. For a while, we were concerned that the pyromancer, who was always supposed to be a dedicated damage dealer among psykers, had a weaker damage potential than a telepath (and we received a lot of player feedback about it, as well). In this patch we’re significantly boosting damage numbers for most of the pyromancy psychic powers, starting with Ignite
— it now deals vastly increased damage, and pyromancers no longer need to rely on conventional weapons for the first half of the game.

Well this seems interesting, may actually play a psyker next time.
Idk, I'm just retelling that guy who bought the novel told me on /aco Warhammer Smut thread. I may ask him
well wych cult politics will be cool, hope it's not entirely fights
I don't think the normal edition is out yet just the collector version so most people can't get it yet
>Excess of Additional Turns
>While the original design felt engaging, it appears that, in the end, we went too far with the abundance of out-of-sequence turns and attacks. Stacking additional turns gives such a dominating advantage that players who utilize it can entirely trivialize combat, sometimes to the point where the enemy doesn’t even get to take a single turn!

>Tuning things like this has to be done carefully and in batches in order to prevent overnerfing, so we began with tweaks to the Officer in patch 1.1. In 1.2, we’re going a step further and implementing major changes to a whole set of abilities that provide additional turns and AP. We want them to stay true to their spirit but do something entirely different than before.

>For example, Seize the Initiative no longer provides an additional turn to the Officer, instead allowing the Officer and allies under the effect of the Officer's Voice of Command to deal additional damage to enemies that have not yet acted in combat. In the Hero’s Footsteps now provides a stacking +5 Fellowship bonus when an ally uses a Heroic act and a +5 Toughness bonus when using Desperate measures instead of providing an additional turn.

Did they really have to nerf these? It's a singleplayer game.
Marazhai is a million times more popular than Camellia
He will be more popular than Kibellah, too
>Overscaling in the Late Game

>Our players are very quick at finding the most effective combinations, but let’s be honest, those single shots for 1.5 million damage that we’ve seen on some player videos were somewhat… beyond our expectations.

>Some of these crazy numbers were indeed caused by bugs, but putting those aside, there were still a handful of items and abilities in the game with multiplicative scaling that did silly things when stacked. While seeing 8-digit damage values is fun to an extent, the sheer amount and availability of such options removed the element of challenge, which we believe is not healthy for the overall game experience.
but I LIKE critting bosses for ridiculous damage
I intentionally tried to avoid additional turns anyway. But +5 bonus per Heroic Act is nothing, completely demolshes worth of a talent
Pathfinder player here.
Will the game be fine for a playthrough when the DLC is released?
I'm asking because the pathfinder games took some time to be playable. I'm fine with minor bugs tho.
OK but WHEN is the patch out
It's quite playable even now so sure. However this new balance patch and then the dlc will change a lot and probably need hotfixes like everything else Owlcat does.
Yeah that's a big nerf, I wasn't going crazy with extra turns either but still had my mc and Cassia.
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>See you very soon in 1.2
>very soon
rip my unfinished playthroughs
>instead allowing the Officer and allies under the effect of the Officer's Voice of Command to deal additional damage to enemies that have not yet acted in combat
That's fucking useless
Yeah they're basically nuking officer playstyle, thanks owlcat. I'm scared about what they'll do to Assassin, nerfing Killing Edge sucks but they can make it worse.
Why do they care so much that people use extra turns or kill bosses on one turn? Make useless archetypes useful before you start nerfing things.
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Owlcat on when the patch comes out
It's coming out this week, probably at the end of june
>The RT wouldn't be able to do anything IN Commorragh,
>tweaked some percentage based bonuses to be stronger in the early game but less devastating in late game (such as the Operative’s Offensive Pattern Prediction, the Navigator’s Reveal the Light or the Exemplar’s Deadeye Shot)
>We removed the one good thing the assassin could do
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>You're gonna get weaker as you progress
That's a garbage idea
Because they forgot you can't pre-buff anymore
will they at least bother to fix BH and GS so people actually pick them or do they just want to make sure we can't have nice things?
I always picked GS to give fish an extra turn, that only encourages me more now that seize the initiative is useless
I usually give her MT which works great making her powers hit harder but yeah that's a good point
>Historians will say Iconoclast and Yrliet were roommates
Ok, the guy replied

After kicking the everloving shit out of each other in the final showdown, Lelith and her rival decide their energies would be much better directed toward giving each other multiple small deaths instead of one big one. They stop trying to kill each other.
Vect declars that since there are no winners in the match, they both forfeit, and orders his Kabalites to kill them both. Lelith corners him, says she's still willing for strife and black heart to continue cooperating but reminds him he's not her underling, and demands that he tolerate her occasionally being included in Ynarri lists as well as a secondary HQ unit.
Then she says the line.
he replies "interesting"
This is vect-ese for his complete approval.

>The book in general and this scene in particular exist to provide a fluff reason for including lelith in DE and Ynarri lists.

Thanks to anon
>and demands that he tolerate her occasionally being included in Ynarri lists as well as a secondary HQ unit.
kek, thanks for the info, anon
>Cassia and Yrliet were written by the same guy

And yet I somehow feel that Yrliet got the short stick writing-wise. Why?
Because Yrilet is written to be more controversial and with more locks on the writing.
Im sure Gw was breathing down his neck writing Yirelt and her romance
Because the game was clearly release mid-rewrites
Foot freaks are disgusting
Breaking the lore is what's disgusting.
Stop finding excuses for your disgusting fetish
I bet he watching photos of ballerina feets
Better not tell him about this or he will fap to the point of dehydration
Stop defending clear lore breaking.
Writing a moeblob waifubait is easier than trying to write a grieving autistic outcast, I guess
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Why can't we recruit Malice? Calligos gets a big ship and a merc sslyth, it's not fair
Calligos also gets acooler palace
>Calligos, you should take this opportunity to learn - this is what a palace of a Rogue Trader looks like. Not like a xenomenagerie, a pirate's treasure hold, or however difficult it may be for you to believe it - an orbital brothel
Yrliet's dialogue and slides read like they're written by multiple people most of whom don't know basic eldar trivia and then half of them got retconned mid development. The spirit stone thing is still completely nonsensical.
Also at least let me have Malice on the ship with some dialogue and maybe an option in events.
What dialogue seems like lacking knowledge of eldar trivia? I only noticed Path of the Outcast being as if it's part of the Path system, rather than not being certain path
That's one thing, the way she treats it as a Path but others treat her like she ran off and left them. Then the way spirit stones are handled is pure schizo, things like her "mercy"killing other Eldar without checking for waystones, other Eldar sort of banishing her and refusing to help her if she loses hers, the fact that she can't find even one after decades. The slide calling humans mortals which along with not understanding human lifespans treats Eldar like immortal fantasy elves when random Eldar don't really live THAT long. Her doing Seer-related things despite having no Path of the Seer experience.
Wow, Vect has really gone soft since his PotDE days. I don't think other authors know what to do with him so he's just sort of there.
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well this is good to know
All the companion quests are retardedly designed in this game since you dont even know what choices youre making, like if you tell pasqal studying technology is good he turns into an evil power hungry evil mind, seriously?
The retarded endings are probably a GW mandate
>with not understanding human lifespans treats Eldar like immortal fantasy elves when random Eldar don't really live THAT long.
To be fair, that problem's always been present in 40K. Hell, even Dawn of War had that issue.
>Path of the Outcast being as if it's part of the Path system
I can live with this inconsistency because it's easy to say it's just Yrliet's rather unpopular opinion. The others in >>483386034
are seriously rough though.
It's hard to believe this all passed GW's scrutiny, which was apparently pretty strict for other things.
GW is probably the source of said issues
happy endings are le bad everything has to be le grimdark
It's annoying because as usual, it's not even Grimdark in a way that make sense. Pasqal has no fucking reason to go around pillaging Eldars, Jae has no reason to get fucked by a newbie RT so easily, even less so without asking you for help. Yrilet has no reason to never find a fucking soulstone and see us die after only 50 fucking years etc. Ulfar has no reason to be stuck between being an edgy loner and being stuck in Dreadnought.
And none of the bad endings even make sense with the NomOS Iconoclast ending because the Expanse is literally cut off from the galaxy so what you say goes.
It's even worse when contrasted with the good ending like Argenta's armor one where she make her own order and even her leaving it to avoid having to denounce you make sense.
They should add an ending where your entire crew just stays with you / in active contact, like the Wrath Ascension ending.
ending slides in this game are such a shitshow

>get all sororitas fire flags, none of the others
>argenta still goes repentia
>marzipan randomly kills abelards granddaughter even when buck broken and when his other ending slide implies his ships leave you alone out of respect or whatever
>yrliet promises to stay with me until i die, max accordance and everything
>ending slide has her leave the retinue and do piracy with marzipan for whatever reason
>one ending slide iconoclast nomos seals us off from the imperium
>other ending slides imply we were crushed by the imperium
>if romancing cassia, even when doing seemingly everything right still get the ending slide where she goes back to the family to get mutie cum in her

the fact that its been this long since release and we're about to get a bunch of new content and a new companion and all the companion quests, flags and ending slides are STILL this buggy and self-contradictory is insane. Maybe i've got rose-tinted glasses but WotR was nowhere as bad as this once (at least after the broken mythic paths got patched)
>>one ending slide iconoclast nomos seals us off from the imperium
>>other ending slides imply we were crushed by the imperium

And another say you beat the Imperium at Dargonus because everyone defected.
I got all three at once somehow
>Pasqal has no fucking reason to go around pillaging Eldars
He does, he wants tech and that means stealing it from others because that's what Admech do.
Except his entire thing is to leave the old cycle and make his own tech
In the party banter he clearly wants to fuck Yrliet's equipment
*fuck around with Yrliet's equipment

And that's forbidden by the admech and followers of Amarnat fuck around with xenotech, that's how Amarnat made tech blight
He doesn't want to make his own tech, he wants to use tech that might be considered heretical like Eschaton.
>elantach, your techbarbarian keeps fucking my long rifle
>please do something
How should i end Pasquals questline ?
im so conflicted
>hmm maybe you should stop being a retard who rushes in and do things without thinking

are all sisters of battle this stupid?
Depends, do you want to make Pasqal happy or do you want to stop him from killing other characters? Former is letting him have the Amarnat collective and/or Eschaton, latter is telling him to give up on that.
typical imperium zealotry so yes
kill him in cumrag
Actually read what your companions' personality and actions are. Pasqal's dialogue is a trap because you may think it's about le open minded cool science but if you read what he's actually talking about he just wants to steal tech and torture and murder people so that's what he does.
>Anon is psyoping himself into believing the endings make sense
there is no way you would know what any of the dialogue in any character quest would lead to unless you already played the game, its basically just a guessing game
That's what was annoying in Kingmaker, you basically had to mind-read the writers to know what triggered what.
Like how the fuck was I supposed to know I should kill the troll first instead of the squishy mage who heal him?
Some are worse than others, like you can easily figure out what Cassia's (non-romantic) good options are or that you should be nice to Idira or that cheering up Ulfar is good or that Argenta would react poorly to you criticizing everything she does. But some of Yrliet's lines make no sense and the same lines with different people give opposite flags and Jae's flags are weird as fuck, the options in Administratum feel almost random in terms of what flags they give.
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You can feel in this scene one of the Gw execs explode upon reading implied handholding with the eldari
>Anon made the mistake of adding a family name
happens to best of us
If a random Inquisitor can be THIS BASED, why can't I? (Source - Dark Heresy: Ascension)
>three-dozen kroot
Gimme a single one, Owlcat. And I MIGHT stop bitching.
DLC companions have to be romanceable and you're never getting a non-eldar romanceable, unless it's a Tau. Orks, Kroots or anything interesting? Never happening.
>DLC companions have to be romanceable
>you're never getting a non-eldar romanceable
I refuse to believe one or both of these statements.
Why won't they let me romance a Sslyth? :(
Was there a single Owlcat DLC companion you couldn't romance before?
They have only release two games and both of the dlc characters were regular humanoids, not monsters like an ork, that doesn't prove jack shit
>poking holes in my cope
>not monsters like an ork
Almost like that's the point why you won't get an Ork or Kroot at all.
Orks are extremely popular and Owlcat wanted to include a kroot, watch the second season pass include one of them, or both
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Who should i pick for the final battle ?
I'd like it, especially the Ork, but I doubt it.
Yrliet is great for that fight, Cassia too
>You can romance Marazhai and still max out Iconoclast

What are the implications of this?
you even get a special Icono 4 dialogue line that lets you get the true romance ending without killing an officer
yeah it's pretty weird (to be fair you can max out Iconoclast and kill Eldar and a bunch of other people too)
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>Astropath Chapel

Regularly accessible area or only used for single-few events?
That owlcat doesn't take convictions (and alignments) seriously
would be cool if it was accessible but still part of the bridge map so you don't have to get the obnoxious loading screen
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Okay just finished the game
I kinda expected more out of me romacing Yirelet the ending slide bearly mentioned it
Her endings are still bugged and you can't get "true" one even with Toybox

They really did our girl dirty
Her romanced slide is bugged but don't worry, it's terrible so it's for the best.

>ending slide barely mentioned Yrliet romance
It's for the best desu
dick so good it transcends morality
>iconokek is just a different flavor of dogmautism
>Making Jae a Seneschal once Abelard retires

Yes or No?
Wtf no, I'd rather have his daughter
Why not. She'd probably do good on the 'Master of Whispers' front;
They should add an option where I can order the twins who work for Jae to have sex together.
You can, I think the problems were with romance start/active flags
A guy on /v/ explained how to fix it, I don't remember the details apart from those flags being the issue
She'd abuse the power and steal from you.
>Elantach, you have to understand
>Big breasts fill the hand
>My breasts fill the sovl
I kinda liked her ending for her about going on her own while finding new freinds and people wich makes pascal murdering her all the mroe sadder
>He's still spamming his 'meme'.
wait, pasqal can kill jae?
Jae never steals from you.
Yea because he sees her as heretic that fallen to deep into debuchery
so, because she trades tech he wants really
Hear me out
>Seneschal Yrliet
Terrible, but hilarious.
>Why would you ever make an eldar your Seneschal
>I do a bit of trolling, Inquisitor
Pasqal can’t stop murdering waifus
No, dunno where he got that from
I think he can if he stays loyal or something
This is the only thread that isn't spamming the AI generated meme template [current thing]
proud of you
I'm sure Abelard has better recommendations for his replacement than an exhibitionist pirate
but that's jimmy's job........
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Hear me out
>kill all my teammates
>do a billion damage for the rest of the turn
heh, post a vid if you do it
burst is not an area attack
Abelard, no!
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here you go
>"im just going to talk to a inquisitor"
>kills and tames C'tan shard
>starts a new empire
He's not wrong tho
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heres some more aislop
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Heavy bolter on the sister isn't terrible.
dakka dakka dakka
Why did you have to bring it up
props to jae for dodging 80 bullets to the face
I vaguely remember anons saying he can try to kill Shadow Jae or her people but fails and she kills Abel in return.
>she kills Abel
Brb, starting a new game just to kill her
only happens on jae shadow baroness ending, independent jae just dies randomly
Would Yrliet do it with Marazhai? Is she that desperate?
Here I expected a cute and cosy Slaneesh game, and all I got was magical Tzeentch diarrhea. Kinda disappointed.
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I had a dream about him today. He came to my chambers at night and we discussed the Black Ships and the Imperial tithe. Was weirdly... intimate.
Wish I'd have dreams of Yrliet. I always dream about some weirdass unrelated shit. Tonight it was classy vampire parties. And my mom was there for some reason
Is Heinrix ass or tits man?
Teach yourself some lucid dreaming, my man. Start recognizing dream patterns, settings to tip yourself off you're asleep. Go from there and you'll get your waifu to visit you, no problem. I'm not a pro, but have been nailing some sweet, sweet husbando interludes now and again. Don't even consider Heinrix a husbando, but apparently my subconscious does.
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Tits since he’s a white
I actually can recognize dream patterns and sometimes sort of get I'm in a dream, but I never manage to control it. Or my dream self wants so weird ass things. The only time I got the dream I wanted was a few years ago when I thought about eldar before sleep really really hard. It was super cool and hot, but I never managed to repeat it
When I was trying to teach myself a few years back I used to set alarms to wake me every hour and a half and write down my dreams. Not saying you should do exactly that (please don't, nosleep tends to fuck with you in so many different ways), but if you show persistence, sooner or later you'll start to recognize the patterns instinctively, and once you become lucid whilst in a dream, you'll be able to control everything. Start off with something simple like writing down what you remember as soon as you wake up, going through your notes before bed and trying to will yourself to associate frequently present elements with the dreaming state, etc.
Can you change your RT's appearance and profile?
Weirdly, no, not without modding. Owlkek probably should've consider that Rogue Trader have access to highest quality plastic surgery
you can use mods: ToyBox does portraits and voice or ReDress for detailed appearance changes
Elves are racially superior to humans, so technically that is correct.
Thank you!
I'm currently doing an iconoclastic playthrough as my first, does the game merit a dedicated dogmatic and/or heretical playthrough? Meaning, does it change drastically or could I finish it once and call it a day?
Patch is out!
Well there are changes to how you can finish most questlines and the ending itself but it's hard to say if it's drastic or not, like obviously the end states are very different but a lot of that is ending slides. Basically just play the convictions you enjoy playing.
full patch notes
>16GB patch
Is the game fixed yet?
>buffs to Sanctioned Psykers
Will the player Psyker now start with two elements instead of just one?
>Pyromancy buffed
>Sanctioned Psykers buffed

I honestly don't really care about Officers or the Arch-Militant change. They're both still pretty fucking broken. The Reveal the Light nerf is pretty huge for Navigators though.
How is the nerfed Killing Edge doing?
>Common Talent - Weapon Specialist:
Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers cost 1 less action point.

>Common Talent - Dual Weapon Specialist
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialist, Dual-Weapon Combat
Using the Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers does not increase the AP cost or reduce the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill of another weapon

>Warrior talent - Scissoring Strike
Prerequisite: Break Through
When the Warrior uses Slash with two melee weapons equipped, the Warrior deals damage from both weapons.
>Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers cost 1 less action point.
Finally, something good.
With Toybox broken, I have to make do with the default camera. I forgot how claustrophobic it is. I want to zoom out so bad.
>toybox broken
S-Skill rolling still works, right? RIGHT?!
>Lord Captain, with all due respect, Achilleas would never be a pawn of a drukhari
>Can't you see your xenos whore is tricking you?
>No, I'm not acting like that because I lost my virginity to him!
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>Fixed multiple issues with Quetza Temer Aeldari dialogues
Missed a spot
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Holy shit, it might be worse than before actually. All of this dialogue should be attributed to Shairenkhei.
dammit, fujoshi
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Redress mod still works for the record.
Also, new animations in inventory screen.
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Here we go
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>Abelard no longer refers to the Winterscale's flagship as an Avenger-class Grand Cruiser

Lol, what, why?
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okay, this is nice
i can actually kill enemies with ignite
Yeah, that's what the game needed, weaker assassins and stronger psykers.
Fucking hell, Owlcat
the protocol thing is so FUCKING ugly
>BOW BEFO-*get lobotomized
you have cute fantasies while you suck my dick, anon
>Gay fantasies
thanks to my biomancy, you are now a woman
>Lobotomy make you gay
Explains a lot
Ok, so I'm a retard and I did the Orsellio station then Rykard Minoris in act 1, then thought I should finish the Rykard Minoris questline before moving onto the prison planet. That didn't go so well. How do I go about the next act in order not to miss any content?
Act 2 doesn't have that problem, it doesn't matter what order you do the three planets in. You'll be told at one point that you need to finish them all before having a certain party and going into that is the point of no return so you'll know to finish companion quests and the like before that.
Should have done Orsellio, Prison and Rykard.
IIRC for the next arc it doesn't matter but the best order is Janus, Kiava and Dargonus, pretty much in the order you encounter them while traveling.
nta but it's dargonus -> kiava because dargonus is on the way and the emporium project is great to do earlier
>Not going Rykard Prison Orsellio

It's like you don't want to save the random pdf soldier and bring Jimmy to the prison
doing station last means cassia can't get her servants and has to kill your crew instead
You're right, I don't, having Cassia in my party takes priority above everything else, also saving her servants for good measure
>It's like you don't want to save the random pdf soldier
You mean the one who's a disguised chaos cultist?
>bring Jimmy to the prison
Kinda don't care about that, does it change anything? I imagine he just bitch about Chaos.
>You mean the one who's a disguised chaos cultist?
It's not a disguised cultist if you go there first.
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haven't even updated their goddamn tooltips
Classic Owlcat
Is romance affected by your convictions?
not directly but some companions leave if you go heretic
also some dogmatic options clash with what you want to be doing if you pick yrliet but it's still doable
The biggest effect is that Yrliet and Heinrix will always leave you if you're Heretical. I think Iconoclast has a unique option with Marazhai where you can avoid sacrificing an officer to him.
Other than that, just a handful of very minor dialogue changes. Like Yrliet says different things about you while exploring your soul.
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This is the new companion.
Armor variations look cool, combat moves look cool and voice act8ng sounds good.
Also the Genestealer enemies look well made designed.
This DLC looks promising so far, I just hope we get some extra content for existing companions in voidship.
Cool, I like the dance-like combat moves
Is that why passing the stat check actually lies to you? Because Owlcat is THAT incompetent?
I sort of get the impression that our ship is too big to be a frigate, even accounting 40k scale
>you can avoid sacrificing an officer to him
But the factotum's corpse on my rug is the funniest marzi bit, why would you do that
The advantage of turn by turn is that the combat animations can actually look good instead of being basic as fuck
>The cult's second Spinner
What? I can't find any lore on that.
Also she's cuter than expected
The cult is named "The Blood Spun Web" so her rank has a pretty obvious meaning specific to the OC cult.
I thought of that but the trailer mention it like it's meaning is common knowledge
The Death Cult looks like they'd get along with my Shriekers.
Make me think it would have been fun if your origins gave you some kind of 'elite troops' to do stuff with. Like as the Crime Lord, you get your elite goons, as Psyker you get a bunch of elite Psykers who followed your guidance during sanction etc.
>Armor variations look cool, combat moves look cool and voice act8ng sounds good.
Would be neat if she had a mechanic where we can upgrade her starting gears.
Marz and the upcoming assassin lady are eating good today:
Warrior talent - Scissoring Strike
Prerequisite: Break Through
When the Warrior uses Slash with two melee weapons equipped, the Warrior deals damage from both weapons.

Warrior Talent - Easy Target
The Warrior's critical damage is increased by +(10 + 2 × STRbonus)% against enemies not armed with a melee weapon.
Common Talent - Weapon Specialist
Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers cost 1 less action point.

Common Talent - Dual Weapon Specialist
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialist, Dual-Weapon Combat
Using the Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers does not increase the AP cost or reduce the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill of another weapon;
How useless is Marzipan now that Killing Edge is useless? It was basically his only way to do damage without Tripping cheese.
She looks much better without the hood.
I didn't use Killing Edge on him and he was good enough. Fun to play
You never needed killing edge to make a good melee fighter, dual wielding and hitting multiple weakspots is generally good enough to take down about 1 elite enemy per turn
His problem on unfair at least is hitting things, not his damage
She's not a DLC companion, she's just part of the Campaign DLC
Looks way worse than in the other artwork
Would the weird sadomasochist camposters feel disappointed if the new companion is playing a role when in her uniform and relaxes to more of a normal chick in her downtime.
>enemies still have 10 gorillion health
>single-shot builds nerfed
>burst-fire builds mostly untouched
>two-handed melee builds nerfed
>dual-wield builds both nerfed and buffed
>psykers buffed by a lot
Really not sure what the takeaway is here
Mixed bag of a patch
Hopefully, the less like Camcunt she is, the better.
>>two-handed melee builds nerfed
Those were shit to begin with, WTF?
>>single-shot builds nerfed
That's fucking annoying, why can't CRPG let me have fun with my 'One Stroke, One Kill' style?
>month and a half til dlc release
I'm still looking forwards to playing a Death World Operative Assassin in power armour and just go all in on Perception and Strength.
Yeah gutting wildfire and killing edge are straight nerfs to single-attack builds unfortunately enough and they got nothing in exchange to compensate so yeah
They literally balanced (nerfed) the player but didn't touch up the enemies, that will come later
Easy Target will be great for two hander melee builds as long as monstrous creatures don't count their claws as a weapon.
Which companions are now stronk and which are unusable after patch?
>that will come later
Yeah I'll believe it when I see it
For now two-handed weapons remain in the "do less than half of an enemy's HP per turn and there's over 10 enemies in the combat" cuckshed
They literally said they would rebalance the encounters later. Until then you'll have to put up with a game that's stacked against you
...You realize that means buffing them, right? Prepare for every encounter to be like the cancer Space Hulk with the daemon sound system giving everyone way too much HP every turn
>You realize that means buffing them, right?
There's no worse feeling in the world than doing your big set up single attack and seeing it do no worthwhile damage.
Assassins, Arch Militant became less fun.
Heinrix is probably the most OP next to Cassia now
Yeah but the buffs today were sorta tonedeaf (heyyy burst fire is doing too much le heckin damage lets not touch it at all!) so I'm not holding out hope for the rebalance to be good, we'll see
You WILL pre-buff.
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Is my fishwife still strong?
You're actually straight up retarded if you're saying assassin is unusable when 90% of your damage came from hitting marks, they do % HP, the only way to make assassin bad would be to fully gut it
Especially with the helmet you get in later acts that buffs your % HP damage too
It sure got nerfed though
Officers and multi turns are weaker so kinda?
Fuck, I just realized, Jae is probably trash tier now since Officers are now weaker and it was the only way I found to make her strong.
>Anon call someone retarded
>Seems to think a single item in a team with at least 2 assassin so one will still be useless somehow make them still strong
The irony.
>Seems to think a single item in a team with at least 2 assassin
Are you in the wrong thread? Where did you read that?
>so one will still be useless
Did you forget to read my post?
This game's combat is nothing like Slopfinder
Doesn't change they'll balance it the same way
how horrifying
If you have feedback on Owlcat's balancing, it would probably be a good idea to give it on their newly released youtube video about it or on the steam post about it rather than just say it here
How come they never bothered to fix Pathfinder's "prebuff and autoattack everything" combat?

Oh hey it looks like there's new world map stuff.
Because that's the intended way to play, just like the actual tabletop because Pathfinder is AIDS
It's a feature, not a bug. Fuck I hate PF system.
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Man the combat in this game makes me feel bad as a whole, I always think up a new playthrough then stop once I realize about half the talents and over 70% of the items are useless
There's so many neat shit like this but when are you ever gonna hit 10 gorillion enemies per turn when it's usually a bunch of health sponges just spread around a big arena
When are these extra stacks gonna matter when the combat is built around oneshotting as many enemies as possible
There's cool gear that triggers on using your heroic skill but by the time you do combat is already won
The little things make me sad
would work well on Cassia
Am I supposed to sympathize with Cassia's social awkwarnes when every opportunity we get to talk to someone new she expresses nothing but her disdain for the lower caste?
>I always think up a new playthrough then stop once I realize about half the talents and over 70% of the items are useless
Personally I give up when I remember all the level ups and loading screens
You are supposed to realize that in universe her attitude to the plebs is common.
I mean that's how she was raised, she's only very slowly starting to grow past that. However she's still a noble and that won't really go away, she'll just learn to deal with (important) people better.
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>oh wow if you kill with charge you can do it again! (charge costs 2 whole AP btw and you only ever get 5 total as base) (enemies also have over 800 health btw)
Like... why man
this, remember Danrok casually mentions hunting voidborn and Abelard wants to murder an entire deck for going on strike over him turning off the heat (which kills children there) because someone found a cultist amulet
Don't forget you can just have a gun in your off-hand and achieve the same using less AP
Yeah, Iconoclast RT get the side eye from not being like that more than the Heretic RT does for massacring innocent people.
You're supposed to understand that people have different backgrounds and not every facet of their personality is made to appeal to you
I lol'd when your grand magnanimous gesture was giving people food and batteries for 1 day.
Tau Water Caste Liberal Arts Major GF made for rape correction companion when?
Anon, that food and those batteries could have been used to power some noble's giga-dildo for two more seconds, that's an insane sacrifice to make just for the life of some peasants.
>the seize the advantage gutting
Oh wow
They made unfair 10 times more cancer, awesome
That was sarcasm, it's not awesome
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How will Kibellah's party banter with companions be? How with romance rivals?
How should I know, we don't know her personality yet
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>nerf nerf nerf! why don't you epically enjoy our combat?
People's main complaint about combat has been 'it takes too long', I don't know why they decided to solve that but making you do less damage
Hate the piercings
five Gulli-bucks on creepy Goth Grrrl with a Fat Ass
Oddly enough sword and pistol went from one of the most busted playstyles (early on when the game was megabugged and your pistol did heavy bolter tier damage) to one of the worst ones
Abelard with 2-hander riposte spam far outdamages ulfar
Really? Shame because I really liked the Swashbuckler vibe.
Guess I'll just inflate my stats until it works.
I want to see someone actually beat Aurora on higher difficulties now that you can't steal turn 1 to throw down buffs against his Heavy Bolter.
Well way back when the game came out there were a lot of ways to add flat damage to your attacks, and you have these pistols burstfiring for 8 bullets per burst going for like 3-4 bursts a turn
Now you have the issue of most of those being turned into % damage bonuses, and the fact that melee is kinda ass unless you go hard into it
Don't get me wrong sword and pistol is still definetly very workable (especially on a rogue trader because never stop shooting is one of the most busted talents in the entire game and pistols have really good accessories) but I feel like it got oddly sidelined
Sniping might still be worse
>Sniping might still be worse
Sniping was already shit outside of Killing Edge honestly
Yeah exactly, and they nerfed it
I think you can still justify pistol and sword on an Operative just because you don't need to invest in Strength, Weapon Skill, or Ballistic Skill to actually hit/damage shit.
And here's the funnyman way of using never stop shooting btw
>portable manipulator for 0 AP reloads
>pistol holster for free pistol attack once per turn after critting
Boltpistol burst, reload, offhand pistol burst, reload, free crit burst, reload, maybe you have enough AP left for a wildfire or something I don't know probably not, I did this with officer and the talent that made burst-fire cost only 1 AP
That leaves you with I don't know how many but a lot never stop shooting stacks for a free extra attack next turn, repeat forever
It's kinda fun

I don't really see what you mean, operative exploits get consumed when you do damage
At this point I think they genuinely were triggered by all the "look, Yrliet killed this boss in one round" posts.
meh, Auroura was cooler when he was a hot goth girl
>the talent that made burst-fire cost only 1 AP
From master tactician I think, not officer
It just so happens that my character was an officer
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What about Officer+Master Tactitian?
They probably also got triggered by all the Pathfinder retards saying the game was too easy.
I played that >>483586702
With dual pistols but the end result should still be about the same
Your pistol is probably gonna be doing most of the work though
Oh and just do notice I play on unfair, and even then things are degrees of bad, not unviable
So really, you can just do whatever you want
The bigger issue is of things feeling bad, not being bad, so if it feels good then you're doing good
Operatives have multiple abilities and talents that give permanent damage buffs by expending stacks.
Expose Weakness to reduce Armour and Dodge
Tactical Advantage gives stacking damage bonus based on removed exploits
Tide of Excellence to give permanent damage every time you trigger an exploit
Combat Insight to ignore deflection (meet the conditions by trigger exploits with the perception boosting talent)

So you can do stuff like unload into an enemy group with an aoe/burst pistol and buff yourself to increase your stabbing damage.
>2turn setup
So Slow
Ehh those aren't really that noticeable to be honest, the only use I've found for the one that gives you armor penetration and damage for example is when I was trying to make a chain lightning-only build (they made it have 0% armorpen for some reason..............)
Though I suppose the armor penetration might be noticeable if you ramp it up with a burst fire weapon, but do notice that the extra damage only applies to the first shot in a burst, tactical advantage is a must have for operatives though I agree for sure
Hmmm, I don't know, I'm sure I've tried that kind of thing before but I can't remember what the results ended up being, I can say that operative into assassin is good on pretty much every playstyle though, even psyker, and especially with dual single-shot pistols (it makes plasma pistols really fun) so you might be right
I'll test it out more later I'm interested now
>2 turns
Reduce bosses armour and dodge with expose weakness for free
Remove Exploits from the largest group of enemies for 1 with Tactical Knowledge giving yourself at a minimum +20% bonus damage for the rest of the fight
Swing with your sword
Fire with your weapon

It might be less true with the update but I was able to do a ton of damage and only got stronger as I could do those buffs to myself every round.
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>Trauma and depression got me bad
>I can no longer one-shot enemies
>Elantach no longer takes me to trips

Eldanons, is there anything I can do? I'm literally crying right now and can't even meditate
>Eldanons, is there anything I can do?
It's time to put out, Yrilet.
Nah she's alright, assassin yrliet can still do good damage, can shred armor, can buff everyone with tactical knowledge
Bounty hunter yrliet can give everyone buffs (and then get killed by an elite melee enemy that goes her way)
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Cease craving mon-keigh sovl
Stop being racist
>Kibellah get naked
How would she react
let me cum on that forehead bb
did they at least buff BH and GS the least liked archetypes?
No : )
Wasn't BH the one that gets revel in slaughter? Isn't it pretty strong?
That's a soldier skill and it's pretty middling
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so they literally just did pic related because they were mad people liked assassins killing bosses
thanks owlcat
no, BH is the one that gets savor the kill and uhhhh idk that's all I know of BH
Bounty hunter has armor shred, some very minor buffs..... and that's it
Some anon here used the piercing skill to burst fire through crowds but I'm not sure if that still works, bounty hunter is pretty bad
I still make my yrliet BH most of the time though just for the memes
It's meant to "ramp up" by killing enemies (the ramp is shit) but that takes too long
>It's meant to "ramp up" by killing enemies but that takes too long
Yeah, everyone else's rampless killing of enemies seems faster.
they should have made it viable instead of nerfing cool archetypes
When can I get back on my ship from Footfall?
Same place you entered
Be more racist. Especially toward that >>483589152 mon-keigh.
Bounty Hunter itself is good the talents just mostly really suck since they are ramping. Like I one rounded Edge of Daybreak with my Operative BH using a Bolter (astra militarum backpack gave me like 18 shot burst fire).

>Cull the Bold for insane damage and crit multipliers
>Critical Chain to buff all subsequent crits after the first
>Pierce the Armour to debuff an enemy every time a crit in the burst fire succeeds
>Pounce increases crit chance against Prey
>Heightened Concentration to buff Armour Pen every time you crit

The game tricks you into thinking the class is for single shot shit but really you just want to unload into an enemy and have every subsequent shot do more damage because you have over 100% crit chance thanks to Operative buffs/debuffs.
Pyromancer feels... okay
>offensive pattern prediction got nerfed
It wasn't even that good, it was -15% damage taken at best most of the time
Because you're supposed to get one shotted by their super cool boss with 5 billion HP
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I have to admit that was a bit underwhelming
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Well you did it wrong.
>tactical knowledge + officer buffs
Oh, yeah ok I see
Even disregarding my buff stacking to kill the forgefiend you should've been doing way more damage with Cull active and armour reduced by Expose Weakness.
Does burst fire Assassin work? What if I give this thing to Yrliet https://www.gamerguides.com/warhammer-40k-rogue-trader/database/weapons/sniper-rifles/deadshot-splinter-rifle ? Obviously Killing Edge won't work for burst fire, but there is still openings
marks trigger but its kind of a waste yeah
The combat depth of this game makes me really annoyed, I've been sitting at the character creation screen for half an hour now but every idea I think up sounds kinda boring since the combat is so samey
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They changed these skills to make it so the attacks cost -1 AP instead of 0 AP but didn't bother to change the text of the abilities.
both of those are still 0 (used it during my testing to use molten beam for free per turn)
unless you mean it refunds you one ap?
should psychic shriek affect necrons?
no I mean when you use flashfire your next attack doesn't cost 0 AP.
Does it matter? There are only like 5 fights against necrons anyways.
I figured it out. If the arch-militant is using a heavy weapon then it's shit. Time to respec I guess.
Had to find it in the patch notes instead of reading it on the ability.
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did they add any new dialogue for being a Psyker or nah
They made being a psyker basically mandatory through sheer OPness instead.
Mama mia! Is that what my 1shot died for?
this is no longer a meme
it is what actually happens
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Seize the initiative sisters...
It's so over...
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this is level 14, you fuuuuuuuck
>playing right after a major update
it's been an issue for a while, actually
>officers and assassins nerfed into the ground
fuck, I might just not update until the dlc hits, this would murder both my unfinished playthroughs
I'm starting to suspect I'm on the spectrum. If I don't come up with a meticulously polished backstory for my rogue trader, I revert back to roleplaying myself.
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Isn't that the Halo Device guy?
i mean cyprus, not swedes
Romanceable? Who does this appeal to?
>We also kindly remind you to update your mods, as they are often the reason of the issues you may encounter.
Owlkeks as always
Fascists and waifu fags. The upcoming dlc is purely for fascist waifu fags, hence why they keep using and promoting her and nothing else.
I struggle to think how romance could ever be on that girl's radar
>another frothing imperial zealot
>killer bangs tho
people who were mad Marazhai was male and a xenos but otherwise wanted to fuck him
It cracks me up how some femcels hate on Yrliet, yet love Marazhai
I love both
They should love her for setting up that date
Nah, fascists would either want a "trad girl" like Cassia or fem Heinrix, maybe Argenta but she's stretching it too. Crazy murderhobbo doesn't really appeal to the order & tradition crowd.
The real answer is femdom enjoyers.
And when I said fem Heinrix, I meant he would be the actual "Gestapo girl" stand-in for the other side of the fash coin, not that he is a feminine trad girl like Cas.
isn't that basically what kibellah is, a murderous dogmatic type (who's actually loyal to you unlike heinrix even)
Would she be a decent mistress of whispers?
Inquistion = dogmatic cold and professional order enforcing organization in service of the state and Emperor(on average)
Death cult = chaotic Khorne murederhobo zealots lite (Emperor edition)
Fashbros would like a professional SS officer waifu, not an ISIS/Mexican Cartel waifu.
Don't think so, that would require some subtlety and she seems like a murderhobo so far.
I hope that Assassinfu can femdom an iconoclast into dogmatic
Maybe me. I need to know more about her personality
>indirect meltagun nerf
Can you romance two companions at the same time?
Yes up to a scene in act 4 where you have to choose between them. If you want to mod it you can use ToyBox to remove that jealousy scene and keep all.
For now she looks like shit with that haircut and those piercings, we'll have to see her personality but I expect her to be shit honestly
So I can romance everyone available up until I have to make a choice? That's neat. Thanks!
Yup, you'll get random companion banter about it but it doesn't actually cause any problems until you have to choose.
The lord captain is such a slut...
Just use Toybox and you can romance as you want.
melta was already really shit
>The real answer is femdom enjoyers
Well not necessarily cucks, even though I think the fetish is beta trash
>Owlcat destroying my beloved Alpha striking
We do not forget, we do not forgive.
So a female arbites
Should have been like that and the assassin male desu
Have they confirmed that the Arbites will be male?
No but it seems unlikely that they'll have two romanceable female characters in a row.
They need another male romance. I hope he’s not black
Assassins are usually portrayed as female, and arbites are usually portrayed as male, clearly Owlcat didn't want to change that
yeah, the 4:2 romanceable female:male ratio already feels pretty mean (against me specifically). Please. I need more men.
Are there really enough faggots and women playing the game to justify a male romance in a dlc?
DLC characters are always what Owlcat wants to include, not what the fans want. It's why Ulbrig was a man, and it's why this assassin bitch is a woman
And that's a bad thing.
If this is true then the guy that decided on the tiefling twins must be put in charge of every dlc.
I genuinely doubt a single person comes up with the idea of a character and just does it, it must be a group decision
What jealosy interactions do you think happen offscreen?
>Yrliet/Cassia catfight
Isn't Argenta's duty to serve the Emperor's chosen? So how come I can't demand she solves my sexual frustrations?
Is this the first step for releasing the fabled modding tools?
No she's a sister, her job is being technically-not-military for the ecclesiarchy (no men at arms, but they're not men)
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She's not Sister Famulous
did they ever say they would?
new lines in the localization file also suggests they're working on those tools now
Right, why would the localization file that includes the in-game text have anything about modding tools?
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Alpha Legion Scum
oh my bad, not mod tools just better mod integration i think. here are those new lines mentioning mod stuff.
>Currently unable to change the mod's state
>Discover even more amazing mods
>Installed mods
>Mod Settings
>This version of the mod is outdated
>Nexus Mods
>Reset mod activation states to previous ones?
>Steam Workshop
>You don't have any installed mods at the moment
calcazar was extremely based and theres no reason not to help him
Absolutely agreed

Puritan cucks can go cope and seeth
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No one likes traitors. Yeah, Marazhai has big fanbase because he's hot evil shitlord, but Yrliet loses her charm (if there was anything) the moment she backstabs player's self insert for a completely stupid reason.
A girl is not even hot like camcam to put up with her bs.
>The moment she *thing that never happens in the game*
>how dare she land me in Commorragh
I feel like Marazhai had something to do with that too.
ironic considering how much more popular Yrliet is than Camellia
camcam a crazy slut who gets wet from murdering people
I hate all Eldar. Space elves are lame as fuck.
>Lying about shit
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Yeah, but he wasn't part of the crew, unlike Yrliet. Marazhai is WYSIWYG edgelord and Yrliet bites the only hand that feeds her. Really, nobody cares that she killed another traitor - all her excuses are lame at best.
Says who? Wotr fanbase is overall bigger than RT's. Heck, there is even a mod with 20 unique endings for Cam. Maybe in the next few years something will change, but right now Yrliet is certainly less popular.
Yes, and still she is much better companion than filthy backstabber xenos.
>I hope he’s not black
Personal taste or meta fear of the BBC spammers and cuckfags he will attract to the thread?
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>Says who
Anyone who has seen how popular Yrliet is and how unpopular Camellia is
What’s this from. Poor Heinrix I thought Jae would be the least popular
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Reddit. To be fair though that's from the beta shortly before the game released, here's a more recent one
At least you admit it's a lie.
Good Jae deserves last
>Marzipan lost to Jae
Lol. Lmao;
>Jae cucking all the femcels (male).
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my hubby is for highly refined palates only, nothing new
Not really, among women he's extremely popular, they're just a minority
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Quick rundown?
Which is most fun
pyromancer now
ah, my hubby is the best and most popular, nothing new
>the moment she backstabs player's self insert
she didn't though
Speedreaders can't be helped
they just buffed pyro
Anyone want to do some multiplayer?
>Anyone who has seen how popular Yrliet is and how unpopular Camellia is
>posts RT's characters poll from reddit
Yeah, you proved nothing.
She just co-operated and lured RT in trap of schizo murderhobos who brutally torture their captives before killing. Just because Yrliet's a dumbass and got betrayed by drukhari too doesn't mean that she's not a traitor to the RT.
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>She just co-operated and lured RT in trap
She didn't. I get people missing this the first time if they don't get Marazhai but by this point if you're making that argument you're speedreading or just ignoring the prood that she didn't know.
>She just co-operated and lured RT in trap
Anon, Marazhai lured HER into a trap, knowing that you would be along with her. At no point did they cooperate.
What did I say
>she tracked down the mon-keigh, killed him, and took the device he had been using to contact me
So, Yrliet didn't say anything about contacting murderhobo who has been invading RT's planets. She asked RT to go to the place, but she stayed quiet about her source and Marazhai ambush was successful thanks to this.
She also killed important dude without notifying RT because hurr durr she just knows he's a traitor.
Yeah, this is pretty much considered a treason, by all standards - thanks for proving my point.
>b-b-but it's still her fault I got kidnapped!
Yes. Obviously.
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Cope harder, your waifu is a traitor xenos
>hurr durr she just knows he's a traitor
Yeah she saw him talking to Marazhai about all the traitoring he was doing.
>eldar bvlls traveling to Golarion to pound Camelia
You suck.
Is it possible to push your romance hard enough to make them break the romance? Or do you have to go heretic for that to happen?
In what way? Being too forward with Cassia breaks the romance and saying anything to the effect of wanting to fuck Yrliet breaks that romance.
You can get too many "TooMon-keigh" flags with Yrliet. Whipping her after Commorragh also breaks the romance, and not interfering in event on Quetza also breaks it
Teasing and taunting Heinrix in order to break him off the Inquisitorial indoctrination? Not sure that's even possible, but guess you can go too far with the banter, as you said.
I think that's fine and you CAN get him to quit but it requires specific, missable dialogue options basically about how the Inquisition was mean to him and he should put his own happiness first instead of his job.
Oh and you can break Marazhai's romance by putting him in a cage during warp jumps or otherwise ruining his fun like refusing to let him keep the whip, refusing to go on murder dates with him etc (you can refuse murdering an officer but you lose true romance points, unless you use the Iconoclast option to do it in which case you gain a point).
I threatened Xavier and that made him break up with me
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Eldanons, my boyfriend keeps going on a murderdates with the Dark One. What do I do?
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You need to share and support hobbies of your beloved
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and thank you for that tidbit jimmy, that might be interesting in the dlc
>Hooking up with cool and hot death cultist
>BJ time
Give up also
Can we psyop Starrok on reddit into adding actual cuckoldry into the game?
is the storm bolter really better?
wtf I thought Froggy couldn't come here
Every companion is a cuck until a point in Chapter 4. Especially Yrliet (you can have sex with Jimmy in Commorragh while Yrliet watches and Heinrix (you sleep with him while Marazhai's toys and "gifts" are literally all over your bedroom)
also Heinrix stands right by Jae's love poem on the bridge and her scribbles are on the bedpost
WH40K: Cuck Trader
Froggy won.
Why was Pasqal never a romance option?
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Pasqal romance would make other options irrelevant.
You're coping
No, it's not even close to treason, thanks for humiliating yourself.
Stop dating men who pretend to be women on 4chan.
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I rue the day I miserably failed this Tech check. Never would I feel as privileged as when I finally get the opportunity to glance beneath those robes!
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Okay, have a WotR one
based Daeran and Wendu
>No, it's not even close to treason,
It fucking is, especially in 40k reality. My sides, Yrliet would earn sentence even in irl military courts, but you can keep coping that your eldari waifu did nuffin wrong.
nta but she's not your subordinate to begin with
and you're not telling her you have a piece of her destroyed home on your wall because your predecessor did it either
Why do we have to talk to each other like this?
>My sides, I'm delusional!
We noticed. You can keep crying that you've shown everyone here you didn't play the game either.
They already did, just romance Jae
>Something that isn't treason is treason because I fucking said so, stop proving me wrong!
Feels good knowing Yrilet is so loyal it make people like you mad and you can't do shit about it.
You basically cuck the fat officier if you do, it's funny.
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No what I meant
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>nta but she's not your subordinate to begin with
She's part of the RT's retinue, not a poor enslaved girl that tries hard to survive on an enemy's ship. Yrliet had a deal with RT and she went behind their back, after murdering important person without having any right to do so.
>s-she just made a mistake, she wasn't expecting things go so badly, stop blaming my waifu, rreeee
Yrliet did shit and even admit herself that it was a betrayal, but you and other anons can keep believing that xenos was always loyal and others just keep imagining things.
Yes, yes, you meant your unfunny /crpg/ 'meme'. Go cuck post there instead.
It's okay, you'll play the game and stop humiliating yourself one day.
>You can keep believing the game instead of my schizo fanfic
You say that anyone was ever even tempted to agree with you.
>The Yrilet seether is also the cuck fag
Explains a lot.
>after murdering important person without having any right to do so
Anon, there are actually some good reasons to dislike her. You don't have to go hunting for these flimsy-ass reasons like how dare she take out a Drukhari sleeper agent that our own spies completely missed.
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Keep imagining things, waifufag?
>Trying to use me stating the truth about Jae to discredit someone complaining about your waifu
Clever, I'll allow it. Yes, he's me.
Nice inspect elements, failed troll.
He's just mad that Heinrix's little lover spy got put down.
Nice to meet you, fellow Armanat
You're making the samefagging more blatant.
>Anon, there are actually some good reasons to dislike her.
No, there isn't and 'people' like him are the proof of it, Mon-Keigh.
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There's one or two, but it's all forgiven if she deigns to breathe the same air as me for a minute.
And removes her damn shoes already. Why the fuck go to my pool room in full armor? Makes no sense.
Ah fuck its you
Nta, but Yrliet did betray your trust. She knew that if she told you where her info came from, you might not go, so she doesn't tell you. She never expected marzi to target you and her desperation is understandable, but after everything you do to help her, it's still a dick move
Explains the retardation
Based and correct
I mean yeah but you also betray her trust by not telling her about Theodora having probably destroyed Crudarach (which you find hints about as well as what the "rock" is made of but can't do anything about). The point of the Yrliet relationship/friendship is learning to connect and move past all that.
>You betrayed her too
>Because the game doesn't let you do it
>Actually it does, you can say that the rock was from Theodora not yours, but she doesn't care
>But you betrayed her too
>It's retarded to easily prove me wrong
thieving mon-keigh
Finally, another sane anon here
>It explains why I got owned
Isn't the take you think it is.
>If I keep calling everything 'treason', people will stop laughing at me
Not happening.
Not the point, you can't tell her you're part of the RT dynasty that murdered her people, even though you have the hints to figure it out.
The point is that he's mad and retarded so he think that's what 'pretending to be retarded' is. Don't bother. He was proven wrong the second a screenshot from the game was posted, from that point out, just let him cry into the void.
Marzipan rubbing into Heinrix's face how he fucked up and his 'trusted fellow inquisition member' was the traitor is why I'll always recruit him.
>nuance nuance
This is why we do a sovlful chat in Commorragh followed by forgiveness and lessons learned.
No, I just kill her later
Or before, Achilleas' betrayal is better
>anon is incorrect
Don't respond to the 'You're talking about a character? Lol I killed them' schizo. It only encourages him.
>Someone says something he doesn't like
Damn, how many times has this happened to have you this mindbroken?
And cuddling? And cuddling, right?
>How dare you notice my shitty gimmick?!
Maybe if you didn't do it every single thread, it'd be less obvious.
I don't, you're genuinely mindbroken
I don't smell genuine seething on this one though. Sometimes they're alright.
Same, it's great.
Cool story, schizo.
nta and >>483841279 has a point at least, it's not the same as the usual irrational yrliet seething so I don't think that's the same as the other anon
Especially since you can't do it yourself for some reason. I don't know if his writer fapped to him but it's crazy how you can basically never just put Heinrix in his place.
We're not talking about >>483841279 tho.
We're talking about >>483836538
yeah that one is ridiculous
>All this shitposting happened because of a Camelliafag that refuses to accept his waifu isn't popular
>This made Yrlietfags that like to pretend their waifu is a dindu go into meltdown mode
Man, talk about cripple fight
Yeah the other one would be too dilated to change the subject, whereas this one brings up Achilleas' story.
I think you can't do it because the only thing that shuts him up is Marazhai dropping the name of Heinrix' friend which convinces him that he did manage to turn Achilleas.
But it's still annoying that even if you try bringing up his fuck-up when he starts with the Yrliet blaming he just waves it off because Achilleas is already dead, which was not the point.
>People owning me are the ones having a meltdown
Try harder
I still say I should have the option to go 'If I whip Yrilet for her fuck up, you're both getting whipped alongside her for yours' when Heinrix and Argenta come bitching at me.
Yup, should have been there.
just give us the Emperor’s Peace. Please

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