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Previous thread: >>483013740

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squid-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squids choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 18th https://steamcommunity.com/games/553850/announcements/detail/5998312279144802695

I haven't been around for a few days. What passives got butchered this time around?
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>AYO, HELLBITCH, CATCH! *ragdolls you 50 feet away*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
dev rockets are pretty slow, you gotta be blind or completely ignore your flanks to get hit by these often
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*snipes your head from 75 meters with my counter sniper*
nothing personell, clanker
based DCS enjoyer
the patrician bot primary
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>bot MO
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>bug PO
>bugdiver cries about getting one-shot by rockets
>he's wearing the faggot scout armor
>no vitality boost
so this is the power of bugfuckers
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Hol' up, so if Vandalon is won, the attack on Ingmar will immediately be held, AND Vanadalon will be taken? If I'm not just being retarded, why are people diving on Ingmar?
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>First time using Eruptor
>Land on a tall rock, snipe the fabricator, and destroy the jammer
> Kill two bases at the beginning of the game
>2 teammates left for some reason then two more came to help

>About to launch ICBM but two patrols came and then an ion storm
It was like the game itself was giving me the middle finger
The supply line visibility didn't help much.
Fuck this circus, I'm off to hunt stalkers in the jungle.
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new bot mo dropped
bot divers kys
chop chop
damn straight, fucking crackhead developers
Mort was recently liberated while an attack on Popli IX was happening. Both planets were won at the same time because of this.
>Factory strider drops on my head
>kill it in 2 seconds thanks to AC
The disparity between these and bile titans is kind of wacky
Do they need to animate tiny ships taking off and heading towards the invaded planet too? Make the arrows bigger? Show the invaded planet having little explosions around it? Or just spell out what to do at all times in big capitalized letters? There's a UI solution here so that even the most tard player (not even at the level of redditor) will understand... but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Yeah, who's responsible for this? I thought fuel wasn't cheap, making us fly from one corner to the Galaxy the other doesn't seem very efficient
maybe move the description of the planet to the top of it rather than the side, maybe, but i feel like the arrows are enough and people just arent checking cause the major order is telling them to cram into ingram
>Mort was recently liberated
I helped
Actually isn't E-710 ridiculously efficient per gallon? Those missions where you do some refilling it's just two small pelicans and yet SE acts like it's some humongous achievement and you don't need to pump anymore.
I think they just need to have a in-game encyclopedia
Stuff like supply lines aren't explained to you in the game and you'll only know if you search for it online
It's nice that it's now visible, but a lot of players still wont know what these lines are
A simple encyclopedia and bestiary would go incredibly far in this game, and should take relatively VERY little work... but you just know that it'll do something unexpected like make all chaff only vulnerable to Quasar rounds or something. I don't think I've ever played a game as buggy as this, and that's including Bethesda games at launch.
>"kill 10 stalkers"
>6 bugdives later
>no nests
Rather just try to farm medals on a diff 1 than do those sorts of POs that are so reliant on getting a good seed.
Yeah I figured it would be like 1 or 2 casual missions and now I am deep into sunken cost territory. I'd get more just by doing some high diff ops.
luv me trench paramedic armor
luv popping stims for every minor cut
simple as
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my life for super earth
>daily slaving
just, like, play the game
i love you fluteposter please post your cute butt
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Show bobs and helldussy.
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So last patch they fucked up the interaction of rocket pods and BT (now takes more than 2 to kill) and the patch before they stealth buffed bile spewers (now take more than 1 impact to kill)

What's the purpose of these stealth buffs to bug units?
i swear pummeler doesn't stop stalkers as welll anymore
>we at arrowhead want ballistic shield users to have a stun option for smgs, so we created this gun
>holy shit, the players are using this to stun enemies giving them a problem?
It was in the patch notes, it takes a while for it to stun bigger targets now :^)
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What bothers me is the underhanded nature of these changes. Do they think we would not notice?
my guess is they have no idea how apparent some changes are because they don't play their own game beyond the 4 required hours a week the former CEO probably forced on them.
They really, truly hate their own playerbase.
>no, you CAN'T have powerful guns, the only things allowed to be like that are your stratagems
>btw your stratagems are on cooldown, sometimes for up to 10 minutes depending on which one it is :)))))
>here's a modifier that makes your stratagems inaccurate too
>oh, it missed despite you throwing accurately? guess its time to wait a few minutes again :))))))))))
Bros I finally got the Adjudicator and it feels so good to use.
I can finally stop using a gay bullpup. Fuck bullpups, they're faggot "guns".
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your support weapons are stratagems, anon
I want to like the adjudicator more but I personally cant stand how it looks. To me only the liberator concussive is uglier.
>>here's a modifier that makes your stratagems inaccurate too
Scatter needs a big fucking warning if you select an orbital.
>don't notice scatter, take gas and OPS
>see charger
>throw flashbang and OPS at it while arc chad teammate is shooting it
>he stops as the OPS comes in, because of scatter it lands on his head killing him and not even touching the charger
It was a little funny, but also infuriating. Thanks arrowhead.
What the fuck, before I went out we had all the planets 100% under our control and now Ingmar is only at 37%? What happened?
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>reddit creek is gonna get annexed again
The other thing they need to communicate is what difficulty a friend's map is.
>go to planet
>see a friend is playing cos of the green map symbol
>hover over it to get details
>what's the difficulty?
>look around some more on data screen

Joel giveth and Joel taketh away. You're going to dance like a monkey when he demands it. Reminds me a lot of how the Imperials in Star Wars are after Didney Worl acquired them.
>rebels handedly beat back the Empire and the Death Star II
>a few years pass
>somehow Imps have a supah dupah mega supah special awesome fleet and nu-Death Star and is stronger than they ever were
>because.... JUST BECAUSE, OKAY?!
Strafing run is awesome now. I love it.
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>arc thrower
It's mediocre. Why would you take it instead of eagle cluster or eagle airstrike?
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What makes it so good?
Quick call in, long duration, adequate AOE, good coverage of AOE, good agaibst all targets, low cooldown
It's what the 120 und 380 barrages should be measured against
its looks very cool and does its job well
Eruptor ain't what it used to be. However its ability to close holes and fabs means you can take a stalwart and a pistol that isn't the GL. The eruptor has become a very shitty autocannon that fires once every two seconds. Which is still useful.

Two things we will never see:
>Eruptor with shrapnel
>Shrapnel impact grenade
I dont understand why I should ever take this over the gatling barrage or the orbital airburst. I throw it thinking Eagle 1 is gonna do a strafing run in the general way that she does a regular airstrike, just with boolets instead. But what I get is she just kind of piddles a few rounds in the rough area a grenade explosion has and then fucks off.
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>Chill on Gacrux
>3 stalker nests
The map is fucking great though
If they apply this level of quality to all new biomes we're in for some kino
Don't forget the nerfed and broken support weapons
It's a defense
>good agaibst all targets
Wait. Wait wait wait. Orbital gatling hurts heavily armored bots too?
The Eruptor lost it's niche, which was dealing quickly with mediums. All other guns have a lower TTK and can take on another target faster. It's a shame what they did to it.
I've been playing only for a week or so and this is killing my willingness to participate in the whole galactic war shit
If it's all arbitrary and unmeasurable, why should anybody bother?
Adjudicator looks like shit from the side but looks great from the rear. Sounds good too. Too bad it is pretty bad.
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>80IQ retards on re**it are at it again
Whoever keeps recommending the DCS, stop trolling. That gun fucking sucks.
What did they calculate wrong this time?
>he tried DCS on bugs instead of bots
Better weapon for bots?
It's solid for some bots, but anytime there's more than 5, I'm getting overwhelmed
>Shoot the rocket pods until they blow up
>Shoot the gun arm off
Have fun being a cripple
>durable damage isn't shown ingame by any means
>isn't mentioned anywhere in the game either
>patch notes only mentions "slightly increase/decrease" changes to durable damage
>you only know that shit if you go on a very specific website to look at datamined values
>no target range
>but saying it's unintuitive is bad because???
Don't forget to walk towards your target :^)
JAR-5 is the best all around weapon for bots. Scorcher's up there too, would be first if not for the strider change.
Nothing, AH should just remove the durable damage and instead increase enemy HP because this guy is too fucking stupid to realize that this would make DPS the only stat that matters.
Try to aim
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>smell you later clanker
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It's only arbitrary and unmeasurable if you're retarded
Enemies can only attack planets they have access to, if you don't want them to attack the MO planets you just need to secure Vandalon and Charbal.
The "muh 50 weapon stats" sounds cool on paper and obviously durability damage is a part of that, but the balance team has zero fucking clue how to balance them out and it shows.
But how do you address the huge chaff patrols that spawn nowadays without relying on a large AOE stratagem? Pistols just don't kill them fast enough sometimes.
They should have modelled the galactic war after the mode from Battlefront 2. There should be democratic 'pre-invasion' stage where the whole community votes on 2 different modifiers for a mission.
The game tells you that guns are less effective against large soft targets and that you should use explosives on them.
If you're too stupid to understand this then you might just be the OP of that thread.
>there are still people that think MOs matter
Are you guys that desperate for meaning?
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You know the darktide community fought against the same obscuring information bs and won. Players should not have to goto 3rd party websites or resort to autistic qa levels of testing to verify things.
>It's only arbitrary and unmeasurable if you're retarded
Then why did the percentage change dramatically?
They keep shooting at me
Just point and click idk
>Are you guys that desperate for meaning?
We're playing HD2
>use explosives on large soft targets
>you have to shoot explosives at the heavily armored parts of large bugs to deal optimal damage instead of said soft parts.
Anon we're all here on a Peruvian terrace farming forum for a reason.
>secure planet
>bots launch an attack on the planet
>we still "control" the planet but it's contested

sickle excels at chaff clearing and is accurate enough that you can dome devs if you really need to, but using your support weapon for devs and above is generally a better idea
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It didn't "change dramatically", retard. It was a Liberation campaign, we liberated the planet, but since it's a border planet the bot could (and did) launch an attack on it.
Now this is a DEFENSE campaign, we just need to fill the bar before the bots to secure it.
>Orbital gatling hurts heavily armored bots too?
I dunno, the wiki doesn't list it's armor rating
But I've seen it kill a damaged devastator
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Isn't just playing the game fun? Or am I too much of a boomer now where simply having fun with a game is enough for me.
Fun is given by the context around it
If everything was unlocked at the start and there's no liberation rating for planets you think people would play it?
>If the game is fun, why do you care about the game
I don't get it
Yes. The game play is fun most of the time when the stupid design decisions aren't in your face, or AH's seemingly bottomless supply of monkey's paws in the form of the spear being fixed and then crashing games.
Gunship fabricators are ass cancer and need to be able to be damaged things other than just the hellbomb which barely works as it is

There's a level of randomness to them that's just unfair
You're wrong, mere random conflict doesn't draw interested for PvE
Good point, have you tried to slice the pie?
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Dude is invincible
>teammate walks over and just pops him in the head like its no big deal
Just because you're a zoomer ESL-kun doesn't mean everyone is.
I'd take it over cluster since its safer to use at closer ranges, and does better damage to medium targets.

I take it over cluster bombs for bots.
Doesn't kill basics through their flak vest, takes two dick shots on devs. Shitty handling means you get bounced by all the flinching and followup shots take too long.

Sure it one shots dev faces, but everything else I use will kill devs and zerkers in the bellybutton with the same effort.
Definitely damages Chargers and BTs, Damages Tanks, no idea about Hulks
>The game tells you
Where? It's not on the weapon stats
Or on brsch takticks
Or on the tutorial
it's pen 5, non-structure units pretty much top out at 5 armor. it'll do half damage per round to them but otherwise it does hurt them
Cluster/airstrike are left to right. Strafing is back to front.
>The game tells you that guns are less effective against large soft targets and that you should use explosives on them.
Yes but that those large soft parts of the target arent actually weakspots.
Chargers die in one shot to their VERY ARMORED head, or you strip their armor in a specific place (legs) and shoot it.
Bile Titans need to be shot in the head, which is armored (and also sometimes doesnt even take damage bravo AH), shooting the bile sacks (the soft part) does almost nothing, and is at best something you can shoot with your primary or grenades to finish it if you drop a bomb on it and it survives.

Bots are a bit more intuitive in that regard
>brsch takticks
There's one that says use AT weapons against armored targets.
We're not talking about armored targets, we're talking about the unintuitive durable damage
Railgun has a very shitty durable damage for no reason when it should have the best durable damage ratio.
>Chargers die in one shot to their VERY ARMORED head,
Yeah, after the HP was reduced and hit angle affecting AP value removed.

Don't remember, not my problem.
Everyone knew this in first week of playing without any datamining.
>Motherfucking S E V E N AP at the highest charge levels
>Useless because durable damage
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Well this match looks promising
>Everyone knew this in first week of playing without any datamining.
My ass you probably knew because someone on reddit or youtube said so. The game said fuckall.
Railgun is mostly fine imo. It just needs to be able to damage Bot vents and gunships. It's incredibly stupid that it can't but the amr and AC can.
The swedes are using bad verbiage by calling it durable damage, when what they mean is non-vital damage

Durable damage is meant to simulate the placement of vital organs in the enemy, shooting an animal in the butt is less effective because there's no vital organs there
>recoilless on bots
Just leave now.
I'm pretty sure it can, it just has terrible durable damage so it takes an eternity to kill them
Why the fuck until recently the bile head had awful durable damage then?
>Shoot weakspot
>Does nothing because durable damage despite being a lethal spot
I'm sorry you have aids
Reminds me of that time a shrieker charged into me as I was about to fire a spear at a bile titan, blowing it and me up instead.
>Railgun has a very shitty durable damage for no reason when it should have the best durable damage ratio.
It doesn't even come with a backpack. So, effectively, it's supposed to be balanced like a stalwart, mmg, or HMG. HMG is better at shooting durable parts of course because it has significant drawbacks over the railgun (small ammo pool, high recoil).
How do you buff the railgun without invalidating the machineguns? Yes, it's supposed to be worse than the autocannon. Yes, it's supposed to be worse than dedicated AT weapons. People who don't realize this are bubbleshield cucks and want an all-rounder when the point of the weapon is to make high-charge headshots against enemies at medium range and free your back slot for a rover to deal with chaff or bring ammo resupply pack to lock down enemies with stun grenades. It has a perfect place in the meta right now and yet people bitch about the thing like it's completely worthless when it isn't. There is simply one enemy type that the railgun can't effectively deal with and there's no way to compensate for it besides taking the scorcher which is a very inefficient way to kill said enemy type. Have you guessed? It's the fucking gunships. There is no grenade or stratagem you can take to deal with gunship spam. They still haven't released 'eagle air to air' when that should have been in the game long before gunships and shriekers to compliment loadouts with the LMG/MMG/Railgun/LC/Quasar that can't efficiently deal with gunships.
>Yeah, after the HP was reduced and hit angle affecting AP value removed.
Yes anon? But thats not my point. My point is that the big squishy targets on the heavies arent actually weakspots, and youre actually penalised for using explosive heavy AT on them.
For new players until they learn through osmosis they are not going to think the charger's head is a weakspot or have any clue that some work was done behind the scenes to make it a weakspot, same with the leg meta.
Most of all, the number one charger killing tool, the flamethrower, does it by bugging through armor and hitting the charger directly which it isnt supposed to do and doesnt do for any other heavily armored enemy
>Most of all, the number one charger killing tool, the flamethrower, does it by bugging through armor and hitting the charger directly which it isnt supposed to do and doesnt do for any other heavily armored enemy
I can't wait to see the salt when they fix this.
Whats wrong with RR on bots?
Railgun should be like EAT/RR but like half or 2/3rds the damage and all the damage is kinetic. Railgun has significant drawbacks and has to charge like quasar.

It also only has twenty shots.
>It doesn't even come with a backpack. So, effectively, it's supposed to be balanced like a stalwart, mmg, or HMG. HMG is better at shooting durable parts of course because it has significant drawbacks over the railgun (small ammo pool, high recoil).
Railgun has 20 shots, has to be reloaded every single shot, you are almost obligated to use it in unsafe and charge it to almost max but you can't let it reach 100% or the gun will explode so you lose it and probably your life, and charging the gun takes a while and you have to make sure you don't miss hitting the weakspot or it all goes wasted. How many more drawbacks you need?
>Yeah but you get to use a backpack
Cope bubble shield is garbage, the laser drover does fuck all, the gun one will run out of ammo in no time and it only reloads on resupply, Ballistic shield is not the right choice for this... Backpacks are whatever.
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>big squishy targets on the heavies arent actually weakspots
>only spots that can be damaged by non-AT weapons
>BBBBut they aren't weak!
Do you need a dictionary?
Well the dominoes have been set up for it. The throwing knife does the exact same thing (somehow bypassing leg armor and dealing damage directly to the leg).
They'll fix this (by doing something to the charger because the throwing knife itself is working as intended) and in the process stop the flamethrower from working.
The above is going to happen unless AH has the foresight to make the flamethrower ignoring armor a feature (it really should, theres no reason it shouldnt be effective against all heavies the way it is against the charger)
Then where did reddit or youtubers know it from? I'm pretty sure this information is in the loading screen tips.
>throwing knife does the exact same thing (somehow bypassing leg armor and dealing damage directly to the leg).
This at least makes sense that it physically pierces the armor into the flesh below. It doesn't make sense that a thrown knife penetrates but bullets don't, but this is video games, not realism.

I can make up flamethrower bullshit too, the bug armor transfers heat and so the flesh underneath can be cooked without the armor failing mechanically. This doesn't make sense either if you think too hard about it.
i never saw it
I noticed you didn't mention the supply backpack which trivializes every mission if you bring stun grenades and also compensates for the ammo of the railgun
Being able to be damaged =/= weakspot. It takes you an absurd amount of ammo even after the "buffs" to certain weapons durable damage % to actually kill a charger through anal fissures.
The only weapon that can do it effectively is the AC which a medium pen support and means you have to loop a charger to hit it from behind, which takes time.
>BBBBut they aren't weak!
We had this whole swings and roundabouts months ago when charger spawns were at a point where it was infeasible to elimate them properly at higher difficulties after the Railgun nerf, which led AH to reduce their spawns and increase viability of AT against their heads to allow you a quick kill if you could aim properly.
The throwing knife not being an injector knife will always be a missed opportunity to not have it able to blow apart armor in a functional and rational way, in the same way that it cant be used as a melee in the same way that thermite just doesnt work and also had maybe a 50% of actually stucking because only the head will stick not the body/handle.
They could fluff the knife as somehow being able to do this shit to charger legs, but they wont. The flamethrower bug has only gone unpatched for so long because it felt good and the devs likely didnt even realise it shouldnt work that way. Now that its in your face with the knife they'll fix the charger and fuck both weapons in the process.

In fact I will genuinely turn around my entire prejudice against AH if they somehow have the foresight to make the flamethrower's usage "official" and intentional, because it means they've finally learned.
>Most weapons shoot below the crosshair when aiming down the sights.
This shit is so fucking annoying for the DCS and AMR
>What's the purpose of these stealth buffs to bug units?
to ruin player fun
they delude themselves into believing they're "adding to the challenge" by these uninformed changes
>yet another bug daily
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They didn't even put the nerf under the balance category, absolute faggots
The BT just doesnt take damage sometimes (unexplained but its in the known issues).
They amended Bile spewers movement (and the ability to hamper it by shooting legs) and lethality in the big patch which I assume did something to them that unintentionally made them tankier towards whatever the impact was doing to kill them.

Both of these "buffs" to bugs were not intentional.
>fix bugs, make enemies be smarter or try new tactics
I sleep
>nerf players, make enemies have nonsensical buffs, or just spam a shitton more enemies

It's clear where their priorities are.
Well then what you're running into is the fact that over the course of the 8 year development the team that finished the game was effectively an entirely different team that started the game
So internally they probably didn't even understand what the values were meant to indicate
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I use the deagle knock off when I'm using the JAR. If you use one of the DMR's for a while it will improve your use of the JAR
waste of a slot
you simply do not need it to take down any bot unit
AC, AMR, LC and HMG eviscerate every type of bot unit from trooper to factory strider, way faster and with vastly superior ammo economy than any AT weapon
AT weapons only make sense on bunker missions, and even then you gotta sit around and fire a shitload of shots at the bunker, red stratagems and hellbombs are the superior choice
not adhering to the meta is one thing, making picks that pretty much are dead weight is another
this would not be an issue if the game had good enemy design but alas it's an Arrowhead game
>can zero scope
>zero settings just changes the zoom
>bullet drop probably ignored
Embrace hip fire / third person aim
it also prevents your camera from launching into space
remember you can alt+f4 after dying to avoid having your skin colour reshuffled since it only applies when you get reinforced
in these past couple months AH have proven that they're far too conceited to take player feedback into their equations and see their relationship as a doctor-patient one in which the naive patient has only a rudimentary understanding of their situation which are to be ignored by the wise doctor who is the only knowledgeable / intellectually mature entity in the relationship. the persian queer CEO blurted out a tweet along those lines. they do not even consider listening to us.
Does anyone else get that bug where you're aiming down your site and a "large" projectile hits you (turret laser, dev rocket, etc) and then your camera is stuck wobbling halfway through the map's ground like youre about to clip through? Its only happened to me twice, but what a fucking weird bug.
I don't hate AH for ignoring the retarded ideas of 99% of the player base. I hate AH for not automatically adopting my superior opinions where the guns are fun and feel good to use.
I really do not understand where this level of unwarranted hubris comes from. Its not like they make gangbuster games; HD1 made extremely humble sales, and they did not expect more than around 12-15k for HD2 at peak, and that's being generous. The hell is their shitty sttitude coming from when they are shown time and time again unable to even progress past a level 5 ON THEIR OWN GAME?

If I were Pilestadt I would secretly put an indicator on all players who have successfully completed, say, 10 helldives for both bots and bugs EACH and force the team to take their suggestions seriously.
>retarded ideas of 99% of the player base
very cynical outlook, I think most player feedback is reasonable
The reason I dislike the doctor/patient argument the paradox merchant used is because in a normal doctor/patient scenario
>The patient has an issue
>they have a rough understanding of their symptoms and maybe know some things it could be due to medical history
>But the doctor is the one who makes the diagnosis, and provides treatment.
But for AH and the players its like:
>Patient comes in requesting medication for issue
>Doctor prescribes original medication
>Patient comes back in and complains about a medicine the doctor prescribed
>Doctor has absolutely no clue how something like this could have happened
>The patient accurately diagnosises the cause and effect with evidence
>the doctor spends time adjusting the prescription
>the prescription is off again
>the doctor has forgone any clinical studies for these medications. He knows they "should" work but is flying blind
>the patient has to re-diagnose himself and test for changes himself before letting the doctor know
Honestly the analogy is absolute dog shit, and it makes no sense with how AH is treating the game or playerbase. They dont know shit.
no shit it's a bad anology, it's pure cope in fact
>we totally know what we're doing, you just lack the heckin' expertise to see it!
>now stop complaining, focus on your labor, and let us have all the power
it's all straight out of the Leninist playbook, just like all other social ills that plague our era
Hello chat, merry Sunday!
just like what they did to the arc thrower stagger added to compensate for the nerfs
All weapons get a 20-30% increase in magazine size
Blue strategems have their own 5th slot, the original 4 are for reds and greens

There, I just fixed your fucking game
The new ceo wasn't on arrowhead until pile needed someone to do the paperwork for him though
Pilestedt got demoted for the PSN fiasco. All claims that he stepped down voluntarily to have more time for creative work is pure rose-tinted corporate deception. Please stop coping.
How the fuck do you demote a founder and CEO?
via committee. it's common practice.
It kills tanks if they stay in it the whole duration. Which they often do since they're so slow, tho there may be some RNG involved with the spread and enough shots needing to hit.
Committee of who?
>look at this thing I found on reddit, time to take the opposite position!
go back faggot, also you're wrong and the entire damage/armor system is fucking stupid.
>>we totally know what we're doing, you just lack the heckin' expertise to see it!
Exact same message of all these other game companies when gamers point out certain changes to XYZ were clearly done to pursue a specific agenda. It's so tiresome.
depends on the company structures, but I assume in AH's case it would be most if not all of the other C-level employees
Scout armor is useful against bots. The medium one.
I don't fault people that haven't been part of the goyperate world to not be fully aware of just how much face saving is done behind the scenes

Like in a company I worked for we had a local call center across the street, people had been working there for 30 years
The decision was made to lay them all off with a forced retirement package, then outsource the call center to fucking Baltimore to a 3rd party company so they weren't even in house anymore + they were all black now + not familiar with our systems and procedures + the cherry on the shit sandwich was we had to call the public facing number for internal business and wait in the same cueue as the customers because we didn't have a direct line to them

The next quarter the CEO "resigned due to health issues"
Oh you mean he compromised a 5,000,000,000 company
>finally unlock the incendiary weapons pass
>get the incel breaker
>go to bugs
>hate it
>go back to punisher
what's the gameplan, spray it all over bugs and then wait for the dot to kill them?
There was sign if incompetence back in HD1, like how the dlc weapons triumphant and broke most of the original game loadout. How trident, a weapon post launch, somehow beats 80% of the weapon in the game. The weapons in HD1 still fill their specific niche, but those who play in pubs know that they are gimping themselves. As a long time AH fan, from HD1, I fucking wish they implode and just get their shit kicked in so they can start humbly.
Yep. I hate it. It feels like shit to play with.
the whole West is choking on its executive class, we ought to solve the issue with head go chop chop devices like the good old French revolution did
>use heavy armor
>still get nigdolled around
>and see their relationship as a doctor-patient one in which the naive patient has only a rudimentary understanding of their situation which are to be ignored by the wise doctor
And they are 100% correct, as demonstrated by numerous retarded posts.
You need to spam fire it at close range. The Incen breaker doesnt one shot hunters reliably with the initial pellets, however within 1-2 seconds (depending on damage spread) the fire DoT will take it out.
Its kind of like the flamethrower in that if you hit a hunter in the face at close range you need to be aware its going to be able to get one hit in.
If you keep using it, you'll learn that the incen breaker shines at medium to long range, since its damage is in the fire not the pellet itself. If you come across a hunter patrol from 20-30m away you can spray half a mag in their general direction and kill them all. But if you get one in your face from behind a rock or whatever you need to spray a full mag to make sure they die before they can hit you.

Once you understand you can sit on a rock or objective and spray incendiary rain from 100m+ away and kill anything below a warrior inc shriekers in one hit pellet via the DoT you realise why its so broken.
Firebreaker is good at clearing chaff and the smaller medium bugs. I would put it more in the fun category. You could pair it with the deagle or revolver to pop hiveguard heads, but you still need to have that AP weapon for chargers and everything else.

Your expectations were too high. It is on par with punisher in most respects.
Then where are the results? Why is the game dying? We have less active players than fucking Manor Lords.
Kill yourself 80IQ nigger.
It was too much to hope that the massive success would break the usual DLC cycle of overpowered on release and nerfed when a new DLC comes out.
>You could pair it with the deagle or revolver to pop hiveguard heads,
smartest pairing is honestly the Redeemer on single fire mode because you won't be able to take teammates out of a tight spot with Breaker Incen. That is if you care about your mates and want them to have fun, not watch them get gutted by jumpers because they got unlucky at reload pachinko.
>Then where are the results?
12+ million copies sold.
>We have less active players than fucking Manor Lords.
No we don't retarded mongoloid.
I like dropping explosives in the big holes. Too bad it doesn't have a gameplay impact.
why would all of them agree to kick the guy out for a fucking parajew?
prospect of increased margins
in companies like AH, elite staff are usually the biggest shareholders
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This biome is so awful for bots
Its just 175 meters of no cover between me and rocket devs who have infinite ammo, all of those red rocks are actually fake, they just blow up in one rocket
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>no, you CAN'T have powerful guns, the only things allowed to be like that are your stratagems
Ask me how I know you never once actually read the article that """""quote"""" was taken from and only ever seen the shitty paraphrased incomplete version parroted by retards ITT.
>12+ million copies sold.
90% of which got shelved, never touched gain, if not refunded, never generating another dime.
>go to gacrux
>very cool jungle terrain
>drop an airstrike
>tree absorbs all of its bombs
th th th thanks
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>swigger trying to defend his complete incompetence
all of the best games explain absolutely nothing about how their gameplay systems work and rely on the community to figure it out and document it for them.
Honestly I really like it, this is how they need to shift difficulty around. You have to adapt your strategy instead of the lame ass modifiers we get mostly now.
>bullets drop
>height over bore exists
This makes the nogunz seethe
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Reminder to all arrowhead employees in this thread that you're so shit you had to patch the game to hide the difficulty
ahh yes the bug that the devs put in the list of known bugs, that they said they were going to fix, was actually intentional
Support weapons are stratagems retard kun
is that a diff 3
is everyone dead
how is this possible
You have the AMR it's actually a kino biome
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I'm sillypilled
most people do not want to aim in this game, it's actually amusing to see their jaws drop when they witness AMR or AC users take out a full pack of rocket devs and hulks without any pokeballs
>playing with controllers
>diff 3
>curved hud
>quasar needs to charge for longer because... because it does, okay?!
>team reloads still require you to have your own backpack to help someone
>your own diver reloading the RR or the Spear takes all the time in the world like he's having a picnic at the park
>things like the autocannon have trouble penetrating what should be the gooey parts of a bile titan
>anti armor guns have trouble breaking or outright cannot break armored parts on certain enemies, have to shoot where Arrowhead wants you to shoot
>shooting the BIG GLOWING WEAKPOINT on bots with an antiarmor gun isnt enough to get a one hit kill for some enemies
Go back to eating your surstromming, Alexsus. Your "vision" sucks.
Now that we've seen what they can do with the trees, I now see so reason why they can't do the same and make towns with buildings

Environmental gimmick? Paved roads, increased movement speed and decreased stamina drain on them
>2 by 2 on a 7 bots last night
>guy eats a big strider cannon blast to the face
>is completely amazed when I take it down with my HMG on full RPMs to the stomach instead of just chucking all my gems
He made such a big deal while being over level 100 like he's never seen anyone take them down solo before.
Trust me I know. On my last bot defense I soloed four factory striders alongside the few devastators they managed to shit out. They didn't wanna believe it.
Of course it was a yoghurtdiver
>shooting the BIG GLOWING WEAKPOINT on bots with an antiarmor gun isnt enough to get a one hit kill for some enemies
resident evil and its consequences has been a disaster for shooter games
God i love yoghurtdivers, i protect them at all cost
Didn't Legend of Zelda (albeit not a shooter) do the big glowing weakspot thing earlier? Who did it first?
i wish i could take the yoghurtpill
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>all of the best games explain absolutely nothing about how their gameplay systems work and rely on the community to figure it out and document it for them.
That's correct.
Zanzibart.... forgive me...
>Who did it first
Starfox, afaik
How on earth did your HMG not run out of ammo? Were you wearing a supply backpack?
>quasar charge
Because when it has a very short recharge time it becomes 90% better than rr by virtue of no ammo and autoreload. Now you have a wait time that becomes an actual burden so you can choose for RR's rapid but limited use or quasar's periodic extended usefulness.
>team reloads
It is dumb that you need your own backpack, agreed.
>rr reload
You've never loaded a carl gustaf in your life.
>gooey parts
>anti armor
If you're talking about the anti-materiel rifle there's a reason we haven't shot at tanks with those since ww2.
>glowing weakpoint
Heat vents should be more vulnerable to explosives, yes.
4/10 about average /hg/ intelligence.
Its WHY i have the AMR, though its not exactly to line up shots at that range with heavy devs flinching you and rockets flying, with no cover...
>You've never loaded a carl gustaf in your life.
And you have? And you seriously think the developers have? Anon, please.
Honest good-faith question for the botschizos here
Why do you cling to this position and act like it's good gameplay?

It's possible to get completely overrun by the bugs and get stuck ragdolled on the ground while they rip you apart. But for that to have happened you need to have made mistakes leading up to it

With the robots you will just sometimes get spawn killed and there's nothing you can do about it, you come out of the pod and immediately there's lasers coming from all directions there's rockets going off, you get knocked down by an explosion that didn't even hit you and you're stuck in rag doll and you can't get up, every time you do you get knocked down by something again
Objectively this is not good, and it's not a rare occurrence which would make it funny. We all laughed about it the first time we dropped into the creek and that's what we were met with
But this is the experience everyone has had with the robots multiple times and that's why most people don't like to play there, because it doesn't Feel like you're playing The Game, it Feels like you're just at the Mercy of RNG "maybe it's going to actually let me move this Time"

Serious genuine question, what compels you to defend this when people say they don't like it?
Terminator faction with lasers and rockets shot everywhere is kino
Yes, I never use HMG or AMR without it. AC withdrawal symptome hits too hard otherwise.
Those rounds are heavy, the fact your helldiver is carrying 7 and loading them with one hand in an awkward position is good enough.
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skill issue
>waa I get shot at
no shit, it's a warzone
When the spear isn't crashing games this is one of the best biomes for it. Huge sightlines and high cliffs = fun times for spear. You can just casually clear out a heavy automaton base with 4 shots at 300 meters out if you have the right elevation.
back blast range would be far larger and deadly in the current range if it was realistic as well
t. dies 10+ times on a 40 minute bot mission on D6.
I am not a bot-only diver (I hop around as the MO demands and on my personal preference that day), but there is nothing stopping you from angling your pod during the dive so that to the nest of your ability you don't emerge right in the thick of it. As for the rest of your post, that would only apply to the point of genuine unfairness on those planets that are essentially a flat open field. Any other planet with cover though, nah.
First of all I question who you are defining as a "botschizo", because nobody can legitimately claim there is a noteworthy part of this playerbase that exclusively dives on bot planets like there is for bug planets. Is a "botschizo" just anyone who doesn't refuse to dive on bot planets when Orders ask for it?

If it is, don't bother reading the rest of this, you're clearly not engaging in good faith.

>getting killed out of pod

Sounds like an issue with teammates being stupid about where they're throwing beacons, where you're steering to, or your initial drop point.

For why I enjoy playing against bots, it's just the level of engagement. Bugs are fine, but playing the same old matador game of dodging, kiting, etc. until hordes are dead can get tiresome. Bots feel like actual intelligences that you are engaging with. They react (fairly) predictably to the things you do, you can manipulate their behavior and employ tactics like flanking, distraction fire, suppression. That sort of gameplay feel brings me back to this game more consistently than another round of "follow-the-leader" with bugs.
you'll never get them to argue in good faith because they're entrenched in the position that "I'm playing the faction that sucks more to play against which means i'm harder and better than anyone else"








>"I'm playing the faction that sucks more to play against which means i'm harder and better than anyone else"
I detect nothing untrue about that statement. Any shitter can endlessly kite bugs all day with almost zero regard for cover. You just hit the shift key.
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>Those rounds are heavy
The 500kg bomb creates a far bigger explosion than what you would expect from 500kg of TNT. From this we can deduce that SE developed a vastly more efficent explosive, or Super TNT if you will. Assuming the RPGs use the same fuel, they shouldn't be heavier than a third of what a real-life equivalent weighs.
It creates a big fireball but the damage radius isn't that big.
So it's more likely that SE added some gasoline or something to it to make it look better.
>no laser guided munitions on Eagle
what if a 500kg that you lased onto targets
Probably somehow too hard for Arrowhead. Instead I would opt for an Eagle variant that bombed in a line heading away from you as opposed to perpendicular.
>it took 4 hellbombs and 2 500kg bombs 1 mission
>it took 2 hellbombs the next time
Fucking painful.
it should honestly work like that, would be more fun
i hate the jar personally cuz of the sluggish aiming. I prefer the scorcher. Lately i have been running heavy recoil reduction with eruptor and HMG and Deagle. Take out bot fabs from forever away, and anything upclose i can hose down with hmg, and chaff gets ~2 shot with deagle. Redeemer probably better, but come on. the Deagle is sick.
Before i get a bunch of bullshit, the eruptor is basically just a bot fab destroyer. but it isn't terrible if devastators are too far away for my hmg to deal with well.
Haven't touched HD2 since Erdtree dropped.
The DLC is straight up unfun with a full melee build full solo.
My attacks have no range with a 2 seconds delay, everything dashes a billion kms away from me, then when I go for hits on short openings, my attacks' range is too short 50% of times and I miss even if the hit is inside the enemy hitbox.
It's ok, I know my build is trash and I could improve it, but I don't want to, I want to fashion LARP with the most aesthetic things I've found, and now I'm just clearing everything I didn't found in NG+7+

And yet I don't feel like going back to HD2 anymore, I'd rather not have fun and keep on suffering unplayetested japanese jank, than play boring ass, jank ass, ugly ass, repetitive ass HD2.

I used to love HD2, seeing it kill itself like that was tragic, especially after seeing how you don't even need to make a good game to have everyone hyped for it and playing it non-stop for days.
>no idea about Hulks
Hulk radiators are easily hit by the barrage.
You shouldn't expect it to kill them.
I die way more against bugs than bots. I very regularly clear 9s with 0 deaths on bots. With bugs i bet i average 2-3. I don't think one is harder than the other, just very different. Bots click for me more. I feel like i can line stuff up and plan engagements better rather than just run constantly and try not to get slowed by a hunter at the exact wrong time.
>get slowed by a hunter at the exact wrong time.
fanfiction-sama please play the game
that doesn't happen
I played on both fronts solo d9, wdym?
@me when Illuminates drop.
i thought a based botchad wouldn't mind playing something that sucks because it's hard
Are you an arrowhead dev? Do you play exclusively below diff 5?
You are telling me you've never been slowed by a hunter => ragdoll by charger/brood => insta-surround by the swarm and torn apart
>skill issue
yes yes yes. bugdiver chads. I'm sure you're account has 0 deaths.
>hunters slow
anon PLEASE play the video game before making a fool of yourself
>The 500kg bomb creates a far bigger explosion than what you would expect from 500kg of TNT
Yet does substantially less damage over a substantially smaller AoE than you would expect from a 500kg bomb
>I played on both fronts solo d9
I did a d7 once, it was pretty unfun
Hunter. Not Stalker. Are you sure you're in the right thread?
Granted the recent patch makes it a lot easier to avoid. But i haven't played bugs all that much since then.
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>The 500kg bomb creates a far bigger explosion than what you would expect from 500kg of TNT
I dont know if thats really true. Heres a 500kg TNT explosion.
The HD2 one has a much longer "afterglow" effect, but the actual damage and impact is much more substantial in the actual 500kg test. it wiped out everything in its range. Unlike the 500kg in game which fails to kill titans in one hit and does seemingly nothing to enemies 5ft away
is that actually 500kg? it doesn't look that big.
>The 500kg bomb creates a far bigger explosion than what you would expect from 500kg of TNT.
I've seen 500kg bombs in real life. It is fine. Also 500kg is the bomb weight, not explosive mass or tnt equivalent.
>500kg is the bomb weight
no it isn't, you dumbass
tonnage is always a reference to the payload itself
going to the museum once doesn't make you magically knowledgeable about shit you clearly know nothing about
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Yeah it is. Heres another one.
The answer's always plasma punisher. Yes, every single larper will claim you can just headshot every devastator with the JAR-5, scorcher, DCS, etc., but in practice there's absolutely no way you're going to headshot 5 devastators in a row while they're all shooting at you. inb4 "throw a stun"—for every group of two devastators or more? Impractical. I see teammates every single match get stunlocked and killed by devastators (often just one), something which simply wouldn't happen with the plasma punisher. Yeah it's slow, but it'll save your ass too.

Nobody's getting 5 headshots in a row on diff9 while surrounded by 9 devastators, 2 hulks, 15 chaff, 4 scout striders, and a tank.
I'm trying to do my part at least. But also the whole thing is railroaded anyway.
>a literal ACME bomb filled wit tnt
that's great
very interesting anon, thank you.
nuh huh i am
special snowflake
i'm built ford tough
sorry buddy but around here you need to be fjord tough
well clearly that anon isn't
as long as you cripple the scout striders with an AMR first and have someone to deal with the tank then you should be fine sniping them
nigga amr is my main, I'm still rocking that pp. You're telling me that if 3, 4, 5 devastators suddenly come over a ridge, you're going to sit there and wait for them to stop firing at you and your team in order to headshot them? Do as you please but there so many situations where time is simply not a luxury you have, and the pp buys you time. Tell me, detail by detail, how exactly you deal with several devastators appearing from different directions completely of nowhere when you have no cover.
you randomly death wobble and crash?
>how exactly you deal with several devastators appearing from different directions completely of nowhere when you have no cover.
that's the trick, I use my teammates as meatshield distractions while I provide fire support from relative safety
Again, plasma punisher. It's essentially a small AoE grenade launcher which efficiently takes out chaff even if you have the worst of aim.
Giving super earths track record it's probably 500kg of firecrackers
but in this hypothetical you're using the JAR or Scorcher
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>my solution is to rely on my teammates
Yas, post asshol now bastard bitch I will rhaep you!
the only thing you can always rely on with teammates is them running headlong into death
No, we're not. His entire point of contention is which weapon he should use because he's *not* good with those. Reading comprehension, friend.
the question he's asking there is "how do you deal with chaff while using the Dominator"
how do you deal with chaff while using the Dominator?
Why does Eagle-1 launch flares after dropping bombs during bug missions?
>Babby's first artificially controlled economy
and then kicking you because they never learned what the big red beam means
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cleaning up the planetary fog is great and all but when are they gonna do something about tank seeds on bot EVA missions
wrong, you can always count at them throwing a clusterbomb at the factory strider you're currently running underneath
probably SOP and there's a lot of bureaucracy so it's hard to chaswiggers are retarded
It's ambiguous. The answer's plasma punisher either way
if a flare drops on a scavenger and kills it, is it a flare poorly spent?
>secure a SEAF SAM site near the edge of the map
>quite a bit later, on the opposite edge, bot drop gets called
>flies in over the SAM site
>dropship gets shot down (?) in full speed mode
>one set of detached engines way the fuck out there while a ghost (?) dropship leaves a wrecked tank floating mid-air
>weird stretchy beams from the point of death extending to drop point

Surprisingly, there were no unkillable ghost units that shot us and the game didn't crash and we finished the mission just fine.
>gunship patrol
>am on an hmg emplacement already so just send it at them
>gunship crashes directly into my emplacement, killing me and the gun
fuck off
beam weapons are pretty good at chaff clear, especially when there are backpack troopers in the midst because it instantly destroys their pack if it hits
>I use my teammates as meatshield distractions while I provide fire support from relative safety
There's a reason why this strategy is employed so often in modern wars, it's because it "works"!
Yea, that's why primary weapons that can get easy true stagger on devas like plasma punisher, eruptor, and even the shitfuck purifier has special privileges on bot, especially when you can shoot straight into the heavy devas shield and get damage + stagger. Sure, DCS and tenderizer has the most efficient dev killing potential, but in practical use, you will never reach that potential unless you use cheat (even then heavy devas can fuck you over with their shield jank)
The other reliable primary is smg + ballistic so you can reliably get your headshot without getting damage/ aim punch. Sure, explosive still can fuck you but you can work around that and Pummeler is especially good because it let you safely stun the rocket dev as well.
>laser cannon needs to hit weakpoints to not suck dick
>garbage sight
>insane flinch when you get hit
>spool up time
>pulls to the left for some reason
Why are people pretending this thing is anything but pure shit?
However, ballistic shield is buggy right now, so you can get 1hko for stupid jank reason
it's important to point out that the video there is essentially an airburst which is different from an explosion from a bomb that digs into the earth and explodes
also typically bomb measurements aren't always exact
like a bomb can be labeled 500kg, but that could be measuring the total weight of the bomb which includes things outside of the explosives, or the weight of the explosive material alone
it's a small difference, sure, but there is a difference

that being said, the 500kg in helldivers is very lame and unrealistic
also the effect implies it's nuclear, and that could mean there's a lot of extra bits inside the bomb that increases the labeled weight of it (I dont know much about nuclear explosives)

i just wish they let you call in 1000kg+ bombs
really silly that this game of all games would be so liberal with the size of its bombs
the eagle can, and should, be able to carry like 3 or 4 1000kg bombs
>crashes when pelican lands
It's doing it on purpose right? If your shit game can't handle all the enemies you spawn at pickup, then stop spawning all these enemies at pickup then
It's good on bot. I don't use it much on bug so idk.
Clear advantage is that you don't need to reload so it is ready to fire a lot and never have to worry about ammo conservation. When you have that much freedom of usage for support weapon firepower, it's just good
I don't do defense anyway since almost all higher tier ops include a "defend high value assets" mission
I love it. Also, it apparently is quite forgiving for helldivers caught in the firing radius. Swear to god idiots have thrown this near me and I shrugged off direct gattling fire numerous times.

I can't get over the slow cooldown. It is the supreme stratagem for stopping / killing a mob hunting you in pursuit.
There's my Traitor Bombs stratagem?
They last forever, can be called almost instantly and have almost no cool down
Yes. I concede that like, 5% of the population can headshot so quickly as to justify their usage, but for average player? In the middle of combat with 50+ robots, 3 hulks, and a fucking strider? Unlikely.
Its a good weapon, I just cant justify 3 shots of a plasma punisher to kill a Dev when 4-5 shots of a scorcher is just as good. The stagger is helpful, but I just prefer the scorcher because its the best weapon against far away rocket devs.

You want them listening to the complaints of redditors? KYS, retard.
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Post drip. The Legionnaire with the medic helmet just screams kino. Also Legionnaire with stim booster turns you into the Roadrunner vs Coyote when you need to flee. Beep beep motherfuckers.
I think the spear may be my favorite support weapon now.
Stop posting these mismatched outfits and pretending they look good
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>5 months in and people are still crying about rocket devastators.
They don't even 1 shot kill you anymore, they just ragdoll you a bit
I'd honestly rather they'd oneshot
I absolutely loathe being ragdolled
See at that distance I just use my amr or autocannon (I carry both in case I die and lose one :P). Plasma punisher's for quick stunning all lower level chaff until you can get to cover and finish the job (but, again, to each their own).
I'm enjoying the gatling barrage while it lasts, there's no way AH won't nerf it back into irrelevance
plasma punisher
counter sniper
he does not, he is getting carried
Dunno, it only works with a decent squad that can kill all the chaff and mediums for you. The ammo economy is awful with SPM being bugged. Deleting everything from bile titans to tanks and cannon turrets is fun, but somehow I doubt its optimal.
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>doing asset evac on bot D8
>strider kills gen just like everyone says it does here, queue up for new game and jump into another asset evac
>bring EATs + autocannon and hang around the back pad to kill any striders that might shoot the gens
>host and his buddy keep dying in the middle because he's doing nothing up using the eruptor and eagle strikes in between his double mechs being immediately blown up but I keep reinforcing
>host keeps running to me and marking the spot where everyone else is set up in the middle
>respond with "negative" and mark dead body of the first strider I killed, then marking the gens
>kill 3 more striders and every bot drop that arrived on my side
>at evac, he melees me off the platform and kicks me from the game
Great community
Thank you for making us aware of the unintended low player damage of the gatling barrage. Next patch we will correct this along with nerfs to anything else you like.
most players are genuinely retarded, it's just a fact of life
start hosting games if you want more than that
>go for headshot
>get stumbled
>go for headshot
>get stumbled
>go for headshot
>get stumbled
>go for headshot
>actually plink the head
Feels good when it works, but the LC and AMR have the exact same functionality while also being top tier support weapons.
Plasma Punisher is better for the fact that you can actually do unique things with it.
I mean this in the most obnoxious and offensive way possible: skill issue. Bots are nowhere near as bad as you're pretending. Get good.
Really surprised at how well the MG is against bots now. I forgot the auto cannon wasn't gifted anymore so I loaded in with just stratagems and found an MG lying around and was frying devastators.
All the non-niggerbrained hosts are in D9.
it burns bug spores
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You're projecting your own shit experience with bots onto "everyone"
>Am I bad at video games?
>No, impossible
>Everyone else must be lying, all those scoreboards of 0 deaths and 400 bot kills are fake, nobody can possibly have fun against bots
It's not even a space deagle. More like a space m1911
Need to start blocking.
The libconc would actually have a use if it staggered devs while you popped their heads. Too bad it will never be useful.
Feels like it should be a medium pen weapon with that mag size and fire rate.
At that point you should be throwing a regular grenade and shooting off the gun arm. I tried the DCS+AMR+Stun and found that I just got swarmed and the stun didn't last long enough to justify it over a normal grenade.
You can always tell an Obvious Autist by looking for the Bizarrely Ubiquitous red flag of said person Arbitrarily Capitalising words.
it looks good
He's just phoneposting, anon.
>>weapon is an AC with infinite ammo, no reload, faster TTK, longer range and zero dropoff within that range, and is hitscan
>somehow bad because...
>it's harder to aim than the unga bunga m1 m1 m1 m1 AC sledgehammer against any objective
unironically: skill issue
it's bad on bugs but nobody cares about bugs
for bots, it's the ultimate marksman weapon against devs, striders, hulks, gunships, dropship objectives, anti air, artillery, and can even still easily cripple tanks from the front via snapping their tracks
LC is one of the best if not the best support weapon once you actually learn to aim it
that's not arbitrary, it's called emphasis
I think the orange accent helmet from steelvets looks good with the light gunner and would look better on the armor you posted.
Autocannon, my friend. Autocannon. And fortified heavy armor for recoil reduction.
It's such a no brainer for bots. I'm not sure why people shill the AMR so much when it's just plain worse.
AC has stagger, AOE, and 100% durable damage ratio and hits the same breakpoints of 1 shotting dev heads and 2 shotting hulk heads. AMR has... a scope?
With 200+ hours I'm trying to not take the AC every mission. And having to use the AC against literally every bot enemy in the game gets old.

Luck of the POI support weapon is what I prefer.
>Try to make thermites work
>For some fucking reason i keep throwing them sideways so odds are they bounce even more often now
My hypothesis is that autists think that it makes what they're saying More Important because they conflate the capitalisation of proper nouns with importance.
Dominator is good because you can mag dump to just stagger and kill the dev. I don't really go for headshot with it much
AMR allow you to run backpack. Backpack provides another benefit
Well yeah I'll agree with you there. The AC being a hard requirement on bots is bad game design. It's a combination of heavy devs being too accurate with essentially nonstop firing (no the 0.5sec break doesn't count since it isn't long enough to peek out of cover and return fire) and the dumb durable health system. Why in the world are gunship engines 100% durable if the durable system is explained by having nonvital organs or parts? What part of an engine is nonvital? Or a hulk head?

As a bandaid, I think AH should make heavy devs less accurate, make their guns overheat if they fire for too long, but give them more damage per shot. And then rework the durable damage system from the ground up so you don't end up with critical parts like BT heads or gunship engines being (almost) 100% durable.
>Hard requirement
>Most people don't run it at all
>Usage rate I typically see in lobby are perfect split between AMR, AC, LC, and HMG
you can do that with plasma punisher in less bullets against multiple devs
you can do that with less bullets using the scorcher
Dominator is stronger against single dev than scorcher. I'm pretty sure dominator stagger dev harder than scorcher but I'm not sure. It takes less body shot to kill dev with dominator though. Scorcher can shoot through shield and take down strider easier though, as well as shooting down gunship faster than dominator. Dominator shit on berserker better than scorcher.
Plasma punisher has the true hard stagger on dev and AOE, but take longer to kill
>Dominator is stronger against single dev than scorcher.
>single dev
And therein lies the problem.
I hate carrying bugshitters on bots.
*throws clusterbombs at you*
i had a guy earlier that at least had an autocannon, but he just ran up to, then away from a gunship fab instead of trying to deal with them or kill it.
The moment you see the incendiary breaker and cluster strike you know you're in for a good time
Scorcher AOE isn't strong enough to hit a 2nd dev anyway
Plasma punisher has its privilege for that strong AOE and stagger. Eruptor has it as well. That's why I have been saying that plasma punisher is overall an S tier weapon
That's why it's funny because people either rate plasma punisher to be the best weapon or the worst weapon because one understand how the game work practically while the other only look at spreadsheet or isolate "damage test" to judge a weapon
That's just how games works. Gimmicky shit will never beat pure damage/dps.
I like the damage it does and how it can lock onto anything, even from a fog though. I guess I prefer my support weapons to be purely anti-heavy, which this is. Also great against gunships.
Nah, gimmick shit is good but people who are busy crunching number and judging weapons through yt weapon "test" do not understand that
>Gimmicky shit will never beat pure damage/dps.
Which is why I always say the scythe doesn't need gimmicky shit like melting armour (that would require an entirely new set of code that will have 1000 problems with it) or doing more damage or pen with higher heat levels. It just needs a magnified optic and maybe a faster cooldown rate. The damage it does, for what you use it for, is perfectly fine.
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You'll likely get shat on for >spearing gunships, but one of my favorite random teammate combos is to take Spear backpack + HMG if I see someone taking spear. With two you'll practically never run out of ammo and teamreloading to instantly remove all gunships makes me rock hard. HMG also synergizes perfectly, since you can take down Berserkers (and somewhat devastators) really quick, and they're the bane of anyone running Spear. Basically everything melts in seconds - armor, gunships, berserkers, devastators, even factory striders, you name it.

Some metaslave loadour would likely be better, but the absurd armor burst damage and very different kind of playstyle are a breath of fresh air if you're 50+.
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This was never the way I planned,
Not my intention,
I got so brave, grenade in hand,
Lost my discretion.

It's not what, I'm used to,
Just wanna try you on,
I'm curious for you,
Caught my attention.

I kissed a bug and I liked it,
I kissed a bug just to try it,
I hope my squadmates don't mind it.
Durable parts are nonvital, lots of empty space OR ARMORED. Why do you leave important parts out thinking no one else knows even basic game mechanics googlable in 2 seconds?
but then why do parts also have armour values?
Then why is the railgun with a maximum armor pen of 7 unable to damage gunship engines?
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They even threw a 380 on extraction lel
Because swedish meatball logic. I dont make the rules. I suppose its to more accurately simulate how a weapon penetrates armor instead of simple "cannot, 50%, 100%" that armor tier allows.
Not a bad idea. Problem is staying close to the teammate to make the synergy work. I don't really care if its not optimal. Gunships are a bitch to fight, so taking one out from as far away as possible with a weapon that auto aims for me feels like a godsend. Its overkill, but fuck those things.
How to fix gunships in two easy steps:
make their main body 600 HP instead of 700 so a single EAT/RR/quasar shot to the body can kill them
reduce durability of engines to 70% so railguns can kill them in two shots
it's literally just phone posting, it assumes certain things are proper nouns
>That's why I have been saying that plasma punisher is overall an S tier weapon
I know it can help stun devs and has an AOE, but I cannot stand that it doesn't kill chaff with a single shot sometimes. Like c'mon, man. It's a shotgun, and it arcs. You already have to deal with all of that, at least let it kill a solo chaff robot in a single shot.
>retards scatter over a literally empty space and run around in circles shooting at devastators instead of fleeing, regrouping and going for the objective
>bonus points if there are scout striders or hulks, then this shit turns into Scooby-Doo
Why are bugshitters so terminally ill?
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>28k on Gacrux
wtf is this shit
Damn, emplacement HMG is really good especially when you run shield backpack
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Just happened to me about an hour ago. The other 3 entrenched in an open field next to a heavy outpost and spent the whole mission fighting repeated waves of drops that looped into themselves trying to get their 7 common samples back while I did the main objective and all 4 side objectives alone.

I don't mind, makes me feel cool B^)
joel moment
end this dogshit MO already
>AMR has... a scope?
I mean yeah
Ever since they fixed said scope it's become a weapon for marksman gods
If the AC ever got a scope like that then yeah it'd be completely outclassed
> because it doesn't Feel like you're playing The Game, it Feels like you're just at the Mercy of RNG "maybe it's going to actually let me move this Time"
Nah that's bullshit, the worst phone keyboard wouldn't randomly decide to do that. Plus I've seen this shit online for like 15 years, and every time it's always in the context of some weird self important posts.
one of the parts need to be light armor so you have at least a chance to destroy them if you don't have the right stratagem
it doesn't need to be weak but it needs to be possible to do anything about them if you stupidly decide to try out new loadouts and/or get one shot by a silent patrol and lose the only tools you have to kill them

they're currently the only enemy in the game that is invulnerable to small arms fire, and they're also the most abusive ones that you literally cannot outrun or hide from to make matters worse
So easy too, just a double tap a single engine. I'm also sad that this autocannon weekend is over. It was fun just having my regular support weapon automatically included, and picking a fourth stratagem.
>backpack slot free
>can reload while running
>better scope
>similar damage to AC
They're both good
What does it work on the HMG?
My problem with the HMG turret is that one rocket from a devastator will kill it, and if that happens you instantly die despite being able to tank 5+ rockets off the turret.
If Arrowhead was actually serious about trying to avoid nothing but meta-loadouts, they need to make it so that every support weapon has a way to kill every single enemy. It doesn't have to be fast or effective or efficient, but it needs to at least EXIST as an option on paper. Otherwise they have no right bitching about what players gravitate towards.
what was the point of armor pen if you could have enough penetration to go straight through the entire gunship and hit ANOTHER engine but it still does no damage because another arbitrary variable
Its not part of the "story" yet, can't allow it to be liberated.
This is what bots were before the fucked it up with normal gunship spawns. Now you never ever want to not bring AP4 guns. Bots used to give you flexibility on loadouts because their vents gave you the ability to kill even with the liberator unlike bugs with their bullshit chargers/bile titans and spewers. AH autism on trying to kill metafags unironically made more people metafags. Fucking retarded swedes
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the amr is objectively superior over the ac for the purposes of defeating bots
the only reason you should ever be taking the auto cannon is if you're not skilled enough to use the amr

the ac is limited greatly by its range, you can only effectively shoot to about 50m, and it takes a backpack slot, and cannot reload on the move, and you cannot use it closer than about 5 feet

with the amr i can effectively kill from any distance, safely, without getting shot, and also in close quarters, and quicker than the ac as well and with less recoil
the ammo efficiency is better; theoretically i can kill about 20 hulks without ever needing to resupply if i land 90% of my shots on target, and i can do so without ever being in range of their weapons
and since my backpack slot is open i can use a jetpack and reach high vantage points to get even better shots on targets
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Sentrymaxing on bots.
Steal support weapons.
anon, it's very possible they're dumb enough they don't know to use a third party crosshair to fire the AMR in third person
good morning helldiver general, any lobbies?
that was the original game design
some enemies took more effort than others to kill with a primary, but they could all be killed with any weapon

the only exception might be the titan, which you can technically damage with anything but it has so much health it's virtually impossible (i believe people say that if you destroy the sac it actually can't receive any further damage but i don't personally know)
We're in the phase of the galactic war where if you aren't playing MO associated planets then Joel is telling you to fuck off.
i don't know why you'd need to use a third person crosshair
i can hit most targets up to 30 meters pretty reliably without it, in fact that's usually what i do to take out berzerkers and devastators if i'm in a hurry

my longest shot from third person was probably about 125 meters give or take, but i don't try that often for obvious reasons
i didn't really need it to realize it was so good for devs but the crosshair absolutely lets me hit distance targets and hit hulks in the eyes, which really made the weapon for me
the shield pack even works in exosuits, it will work on all emplacements and vehicles when they're released
Nah homeboy that's just how phones be
Are those pelvic service ports strictly necessary, helldiver?
WAIT WHAT THE FUCK? What do you mean it WORKS IN EXOSUITS. What the fuck do you mean it works on the emplacement HMG. You mean IN FRONT OF YOU? Or does it just provide protection from the back??
Gotta keep those sentries well lubricated.
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shield (gen) pack is a bubble all around you, the exosuits are too big for it to cover the back but the bubble does pop out the front to cover it
You can't. For some reason if you blow up the sac it starts bouncing off if you try to keep shooting.
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Oh. I'm very sleepy and thought I read shield backpack as in the shitty ballistic shield.
the ballistic shield in exos collides with them on the inside and forces you constantly forward
I'm making webms after an operation maybe in a bit.
AC is good. Rocket is okay. Mortar is fine for defenses. All others need not apply.
How many defenses are going to start when the swedes get into office tomorrow?
We hope you enjoyed, please come back again!
Mort + Ingmar at most on the bot front. Or Mort/Ingmar + Maia/Troost.
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sorry but chargers are MALE ONLY
>she hasn't mastered the gatling sentry bot meta
oh dear
.... who even decides this shit. Its not like we see any genitalia. Might as well declare them all pansexual otherkin while we're at it.
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Oh I'll be back, jokes on me I suppose.
Also had this weird bug. Anyone think it might be related to the stim bug? I've got no reason to suspect so, other than it's two supposedly separate enmities that are sharing behaviors that they shouldn't.
I was also thinking that something about the snowballs might related to the stim bug as well, since you can toss them at a teammate and you AND the teammate you snowball will get the slowdown effect.
Diff 9 or Erdtree dlc, which is harder
>Scopes are floating transparent jpgs and not actually like a holographic or red dot
I hate this so much. You literally draw it in the engine as if it were 100m away, that's how vidya red dot programming works.
>literally just as I post this we get defenses on Mantes and Phact Bay
Off to Mantes it is, then!
Taking Vandalon V would be the smart play but I don't think the blob is smart enough for that.
speculative xenobiology is fun

for example eggs laid high up on walls, it would stand to reason the largest of the terminids is laying them there and that would be bile titans
it would be fair to reason their line is female and work backwards from there
on the other hand as we know males that reach the age of maturity are cast out of most social groups, which is what happens to stalkers and shrieker as well, so their precursors may all be male

reasoning this bug society has a matriarchal structure based on those conclusions it would be fair to say females that do not specialize become commanders, and the males stay on the warrior track protecting the brood
>for example eggs laid high up on walls
where the eggs are now isn't necessarily where they are laid, specially in insectoid species that operate in hives and colonies
>Scopes can take a while to render making them unusable while they load
Has there been 3 terminid personal orders during this bot major order or am I wrong?
All you do is on the pane of the red dot you draw a crosshair that is projected to the zero distance, which can be infinity, but even only a few meters forward will work appropriately. It is a decal drawn onto the gun scope and the processing power is the same as any bullet hole decal.
And that's a good thing. I will continue enjoying the jungle planet.
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Considering that the eggs are on growths that don't appear in non-terminid infested areas they could have just been laid on the ground and the spires grow up with the eggs to protect them. Of course, terminid growths do appear to overtake and crawl up any existing structures they can in addition to forming their own spires as could be seen on Meridia when infesting the TCS towers and building up spires of what appear to be purely terminid material.
One must also consider the terminid methods of propagation on multiple worlds when discussing their reproductive biology. Can a species such as the terminids guarantee enough male and female breeding pairs will make the journey between worlds to begin an infestation? Maybe they're a hermaphroditic species.
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I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes I love swedish hit boxes
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Yeah. This isn't the first time I've been goomba stomped by a charger sliding forwards at ludicrous speeds so its is personal skill issue for sure. Then there's latency to take into account.
But it still feels bad.
only missing a wacky sound effect and Benny Hill theme
god this makes me so mad
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Also just wanted to make a PSA: I know everyone here has been thoroughly conditioned to avoid bile titan corpses at all costs, but I think they're a whole lot safer to clamber over now.
is this repeatable? because that's an excellent tactic to get on top of stuff without a pack if so
Cool, now make it so enemies have to walk over them too instead of phasing through them and gaining impenetrable armor.
New supply line from Vandalon 4 to Mantes established for this Mantes defence.
>"Waaaah. Why can Joel just make a new supply line like that and make a bot MO harder?"
He did it with Gacrux during the last MO too. Botfags are not exempt from Joel's fuckery.
Question, do you get 60 FPS during combat? If so, what GPU and CPU are you running?
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Why do I feel like we're going back to the Creek no matter what?
Also add on to that: get rid of the invisible hitboxes on dead enemies that soak up bullets, so I don't try dumping half a mag in a bot only to realize nothing is connecting.
because joel is a heavy-handed faggot who is the Dungeon Master who doesn't track your rolls because the story is gonna play out like the book he already wrote.
Because Joel wants his "le epic space battle" and you and the rest of us aren't gonna get in his way.
inb4 a new supply line magically appears from vandalon to malevelon creek
This is why people who think MOs aren't railroaded from beginning to end are just coping. Joelâ„¢ is going to get the outcome he wants regardless of our input. The sooner people realize that the better.
WTF that supply line is new, it was added fucking mid game
Remember when people used to make fun of being an 'ideas guy'?
New bug loadout for DAKKAmaxxing.
>JAR Dominator
>Stalwart max RPM
>Supply Pack so you never have to stop
>OPS or 500kg
Because fuck the little bugs.
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So that's why this piece of shit never feels like it hits anything.
>tfw I wrote a campaign with multiple unrelated branches, where the main path could be completely ignored and take the players in a few totally different directions including optional boss battles that could tie in later if they're discovered and engaged with
>tfw my friends never even got past the character sheet portion and I even made them miniatures to their specifications
>I even know one of my friends always likes to role play as losing an arm so I made sure there was a trap in the dungeon that gave him the opportunity to do that and then he said he wanted to start the game with only one arm even if it affected his stats and I went back and made a new miniature for him which reflected that
>I've had this box of minatures I made, storyline, character sheets, and music/sound effects on my computer since 2/7/2021 was the last time I opened the file
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>WTF that supply line is new, it was added fucking mid game
Yes, it is. Compare to a post on plebbit with some guy trying the pocket gambit and it's not there. The post if 12h old so it was added some time between then and now.
it's actually back to Tien Kwan for a surprise mech
Where the fuck is the autocannon?
>Joel just made a supply line in a well established sector
>just fuckin made one up
I hate him so much. He's such a fucking shit GM it enrages me. It's never been more fucking rigged than it is right now. Instead of thinking about any other strategy or attack vector... Naw I'm just going to make something up.

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>bots retake tien kwan and creek
>MO is fight on creek to save veterans or liberate tien kwan for anti-tank mines
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Unsure. I don't know why it wouldn't be repeatable. But this is Helldiver's we're talking about.
>webm possibly related
Those both sound like great ideas to me. The bugs hordes scuttling over their fallen in their insatiable hunger for Helldivers would be awesome. Fixing the invisible, non-lethal hitboxes on dead enemies would be nice too.
Its why I've stopped caring about any kind of Super Earth roleplaying for fun or fulfilling any MOs beyond getting a few medals. None of it matters. Much like telling the players they onow better on everything else, god forbid the players also have any agency when it comes to where and how to attack or defend.
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>finally uninstalled this piece of shit game
I'm genuinely the happiest I've been since I started playing it back in April.
This is why I run with the recoilless rifle and stun grenades. Chargers don't chase me I chase them and I of course then get crushed to death by their slide tactics
is there anything I can do to increase my frames? i remember hearing something about the swedish spaghetti code giving each individual particle a shadow or something?
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>is there anything I can do to increase my frames?
I feel your pain. Kinda. I never outright wrote up a bunch of story paths and whatnot for the DnD campaign I ran a while ago. Most of it I kept nebulous in my head to faciliate easier retconning when players did what players do be the forces of chaos, usually. The most concrete thing I did was make a map and asked my players where they wanted to start, what the background of each area was according to my own lore, relations between regions, and what kind of stuff they're want to incorporate as well.
laughing my ass off how at a certain point your guy just gave up on flailing and started doing a christ air as he accepted his fate
>is there anything I can do to increase my frames?
Yea, uninstall.
Reminds me of when I played with this one DM during a dnd session years ago. Long story short, me and four others knew that in this building was an unknown monster that was trying to take us down one by one. We explore the building and clear each room until we get to a room that is clearly magically protected as we can't see inside. Our characters do every single thing we can to detect the monster but that smug fuckwad of a DM just has his shit eating grin and says that all of our high detection rolls all fail. Literally every single thing we do wont work. Fucker also said we couldnt destroy the walls to the room so we could look inside beyond just the dark doorway. So with everything exhausted we just got fuck it this is a trap, something bad will happen lets just get it over with. And of course its a giant trap and we get injured and the STILL SOMEHOW UNDETECTABLE monster runs away. And this DM looks at us all like we're supposed to be blown away at his storytelling skills.

... this is Joel. Fuck you, Joel.
doomposters tongue my anus, and i know i saw someone talking about which settings in the config to change for it
shift to the timeline where this wasn't made by swedes
It's not a base T-pose or anything, that's just the hug emote. If you're in the air for long enough, you can switch out of the flailing state with whatever emote you have selected.
What I find funnier is that I was in the air for so long after emoting, the game seemed to think I should have already hit the ground so I stood up on air.
just delete your userconfig and generate a new one
Ah yes, silky smooth 35 fps on Mantes, truly peak video game optimization
Look fag if you want a real answer you can't even throw more hardware at it, the only thing that has an actual impact is turning the graphics so low it that PS1 games looked better. But then what's the point.
Wait, what? Made up a supply line? What's all this?
that hair makes me want to vomit
probably by turning off shadow effects

i'd like to say reducing particle quality would improve i think the higher setting actually improves performance, or at least it's necessary because rain effects are affected by particle quality and at medium and lower, the rain all looks pixelated as fuck and is incredibly difficult to see through
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Are you me? I tried running a campaign with some friends, I made sure to ask them all what they wanted, made the story bits non-linear as they were going to be mercenaries playing both sides of a war for profit, and made sure that my encounters were going to give them all opportunities to shine. All for naught as half of them never budgeted any time for it despite agreeing beforehand on the dates and times, and it peters out after 2 sessions because only 3 of them actually showed up.
Is this nigga hacking
That feels like too much stamina
There wasnt a connection between those two planets, now there is one. Out of nowhere. For no reason. Might as well just have every planet accessible to each other across the entire galaxtic map now. Why not have the bots also magically start invading super earth directly at this point, Joel? Just draw another line, why don't you?
That's pretty reasonable for a non hot planet with the stamina booster.
>see a nice elevated position for a turret/emplacement
>throw stratagem
>it bounces
>falls in a ditch covering nothing
why is this a thing
it's a fucking pve game
who gives a fuck if you climbed to an inaccessible spot and put a sentry there
no one is complaining
they're npcs
I've been trying to max FPS the entire time and I'll post what worked best for me so far.
>go to the ini file and look for particles
>turn lighting and shadow casting for them off
>if you can stomach it, put the renderer to ultra quality
>turn vegetation and rubble to lowest
>turn all volumetrics to lowest
>turn terrain and objects to medium
>if you have an AMD card, turn Fluid Frames on
Last one doesn't give you real frames, but it's a pretty good facsimile and gave me approx double my framerate on average; genuine judaean sorcery.
Then open the user_setting config file in notepad, do a search for all instances of the word "particle" and set everything to false. Don't change anything with a number, just set the true settings to false.
Other than that, run the game in directx11 and change your Async compute stuff in the settings menu (with a game restart after you do).
With all this, I still get massive slowdowns to sub 40 fps in the new biome specifically. And this is with a 3060 card.
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Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?
I had a boss fight against the necromancer ted cruz with his great and terrible army of skelegates, and every turn he would summon 2-4 more skeletons on to the field and things could get out of hand rather quickly
his behavior was to put as much distance between himself and the players as possible every turn while summoning skeletons
if defeated he would turn into a rat and try to scurry away
however the twist being the source of his skelegate powers was an item on his person and if they realized that and got it away from him he would transform into a lion
the item itself being a key stone type object which could be put into a shrine and opens a whole other can of worms by creating a time portal since his goal was to go back in time to become the 2016 republican nominee, this would cause time distortions to begin such as dinosaurs and what not to appear
however they could just keep the item and someone with adequate magic could roll to summon between 1-4 skeletons every 24 hours

and this was a completely optional side story they could completely miss if they choose to not investigate and follow the man covered in a strange yellow substance (butter) they happen upon on a trail in the woods on the way to the actual objective
Are we taking bets on if Joelâ„¢ will just make another new supply line to open reddit creek if Mantes somehow gets defended?
Getting burned out from this game is what allowed me to pull some friends into hunt showdown. Now I want to take them to dark and darker, but they still want to play more hunt =(
I'm almost there. Dropping to 15-20 FPS in fights with an i7 and 3060, unbelievable. I played 2 missions on the jungle planet because my resting framerate was only 40 FPS and I was dropping down to single digits during explosions.
what does your game look like?
You will play the game exactly how they want you to play, chud. No more and no less. Don't want our paypiggi- I mean, valued customers, to have TOO much fun, do we?
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years ago i had 2 friends who i'd make very detailed and high effort "campaigns" for, and then suddenly one of them who we'd known for like 5+ years decided to just ghost us all for no reason and completely ruined the multiple time sensitive events that i had ready to go and others in the process of finishing which i even spent money on
I thought I had seen the last of these whiny reddit comments on 4chan like two months ago, guess not
>discord trannies defending this already
I hate everyone and everything.
there shouldn't even be any inaccessible spots when they have a jetpack in the game

it's really bizarre which places the game allows you to climb or jump to and which places it wont
also shit like resupplies and reinforcements will stick to the flat rock formations on extractions, but everything else will bounce off, it makes no sense
He won't because then that would make the Creek a 5 line planet. No planet in the game currently has 5 supply lines connected to it, other than Meridia, and that's on purpose. Unless we're leading up to a scenario where we fucking destroy the Creek to put an end to the memes that shithole planet has propagated.
What's fluid frames? All amd shit is open source so it should probably be available as 3rd party tool. Also I have an integrated rdna GPU in my laptop, can I use this shit if game is rendered on discrete nvidia GPU?
It looked pretty good before I turned fluid frames on. Once I realized I could go pretty nutty with the settings once I turned that on, it looks quite good now.
It says there's no instances of the word particle
I think the system is actually great, there should just be some way to learn about it other than using the internet or datamining. I don't know if it's even hinted at anywhere in the game. I understand that the game is supposed to be casual and they probably weren't expecting anyone to dig into the numbers as deeply as they have, but they should take that as a compliment and expose some of the numbers, even if you have to dig through a few menus to see them.
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>half the playerbase fighting bugs during a bot MO
>Unless we're leading up to a scenario where we fucking destroy the Creek to put an end to the memes that shithole planet has propagated
I once got paired with an obvious 12 year old that did nothing but spout variations of "remember the creek" for the whole match
>All these cunts crying for people to go to Vandalon for the MO.
If it's not an MO planet then it ain't happening, you niggers.
>Unless we're leading up to a scenario where we fucking destroy the Creek to put an end to the memes that shithole planet has propagated.
God I wish.

Why should they care? Joelâ„¢ finally gave undeniable proof that your actions don't matter and he's going to get what he wants either way.
I get it. Bugs are easier and more fun
Also seem a better fit to what the game is trying to do
no it actually makes sense for it to have a low ratio since it's driving pinpoints through things at ultra high speed
are you burnout niggers playing the game with randoms or with friends
I'm at at Vandalon right now because I hate planet defense missions
Let the sentry niggers do those
Both, probably 65/35 rando/friend.
It was much worse when playerbase was larger. At least now it's 50/50 split and not 80/20.
Guess bot MOs should go smoother now but looks like Joel doesn't account for player count loss and bug MOs went from piss easy to easy and bot MOs went from average to impossible.
Prefer friends but I'm stuck as a lonely NIGGER.
I've been playing it alone because my friends that got me into only play it rushing with a another high level friend to get them through stuff and even then he gets bored after two weeks
>No planet in the game currently has 5 supply lines connected to it, other than Meridia
And now Vandalon IV.
found your problem
>tfw only play with friends and only do one op a day, maybe two if we're feeling extra divey
My friends can barely do diff 7 and complain about difficulty all the time, won't even do bots 6, only bugs. And I get bored of bugs 9 so I only play with randoms, even though my friends keep playing.
Ah, true. I guess it will become a lynchpin planet for a future MO, then.
what does HMG Emplacement look like?
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>Are you me?
Probably not. But similar. My campaign was going to be the players fighting as recently recruited soldiers of either Elves or Dwarves (player decided before campaign) in a fantasy cold war. Eventually playing both sides, I'm sure. But initially they'd be spec ops type dudes with a handler (who I had set up to go rogue whenever the players wanted to desert) who would be their main mission giver for whatever globe trotting adventures they'd want to get up to.
>pic related
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if performance don't get better I'm probably gonna shelf the game when they add Dictator to SF6.
just call him m bison
like two siamese twins conjoined at the hip
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Try again.
I have an 1080ti but my CPU is shit, so I can't have anything else open otherwise the game crashes
Is he even technically the same guy anymore? He died in 5 and this guy looks like some native american guy that's probably called Mighty Bison or some shit that is using Soul Power instead of Psycho Power.
>then suddenly one of them who we'd known for like 5+ years decided to just ghost us all
This was me. I'm the ghost. I regret it sometimes.
Thank you John Helldiver for playing 2/3 of an operation with me. Too bad the infinite loading screen hit twice and that can only be "resolved" by someone quitting. I wanted to complete the OP. I hope you did.
I found it, Notepad++is weird at times
Where exactly was this new supply line added? I don't know what the map looked like before.
I don't care about street fighter lore
he has m bison's moveset
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>now consistently crashing on Vandalon
>nobody even taking SPEAR
It was added at the 4 o'clock position of Vandalon IV. This is it previously. >>483208606
I got a boost and the game seems to look the same desu
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Huh?? This diff 9 bot mission seems harder than usual
This is without anyone leaving and joining mid mission btw. 2 guys legitimately got 118 and 80 kills through a 35 min long missions. At least one of my 4 death was a teammate dropping an eagle on me as well.
Where are the white people?
This is a dystopia, anon. They're all gone.
You're looking at them. Or rather what they are now. You didn't think the propaganda officer in the intro was real, did you?
On super earth while they send all the brownoids out to die. That includes you.
for what purpose would you ghost, and if you regret it why not unghost them
Yeah I couldn't find it the first time either. I don't remember why.
how do you shoot that much but kill so little? was he emptying an MG-43 at hulk faces or something?
The closest you can get is mutt ship captain, mutt technician, and just about white democracy officer. It beats the Ngubu tier technician ive seen on other peoples ships
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EVERYONE is ambiguously brown in the future
Yes, he was in fact running an MG-43
And that's why we have a defense on Mantes right now?
So this is all obviously a set up to having a new Major Order type where the players can make new supply lanes themselves, right?
some of the crew under the floor might be white
i think the commander is possibly white, he has blue eyes (and brasch uses his model)

the unseen crew on comms all sound white
NTA but ghosting friends around 2 and a half years ago. It was a result of my new job, my self hatred, and the realisation that I was immature and that I was dragging them down.
>sometimes check up on them and they now all have girlfriends and much better jobs than me
Yeah I made the right decision
>players can make new supply lanes themselves, right? RIGHT!?
> players getting to do anything
Oh anon....
I remember when natgeo ran that front page that was like
>this is what every human will look like by 2020, and it's beautiful
>redheads will cease to exist
and they assumed like either a exponentially increasing or 100% rate of interracial breeding, and instead it's been more like 0%, and there's still redheads
"Political." It's in quotes because it's really not a political issue, in my opinion, its a biological one. Sorry guys, there's only two sexes and I don't believe in all the gender studies nonsense. Please don't shit up the thread.
so you didn't just ghost them randomly
they became assholes and you stopped being friends
that's completely different
I don't really mind defending Mantes since it's been ages since that biome has been a part of an MO.
But fuck you, play by your own rules you Swedes and stop pulling supply lines out of your ass.
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>fucking crashed on extract with a squad of all anons
I failed you
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they want people to gambitfag since they're also tired of this fucking lazy MO
Least you had your leg shot off by a grenade pistol
Memebits will never work unless said planet is also an MO planet. It's pointless to think otherwise.
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failed to join game lobby. it's alright
>all these newfags that think this is the first time Joel has made new supply lines so he can launch bullshit attacks
Just be happy we have a new map, nothing is gonna happen on the galaxy table that you have any control over
That was your lobby, I still had it highlighted (a typo in other words). Other two left, pondering how to proceed
I don't honestly know, but I don't think Fluid Frames is available on Nvidia GPUs. It's integrated in the Adrenaline software which is AMDs driver software stuff.
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150 meters away this chrome faggot is launching barrages that killed all of our turrets
HOW is that fun? put a range limit on rocket devs now
Idk if anyone have tried removing the anti-cheat to see how it works.
Tesla tower is actually really fucking good and does everything the minefields do but way fucking better
Arc chads on the rise
It spikes my autism so fucking badly. Joel is so bad at being a GM. I could do better; any real GM could. The map is stale and lifeless because he doesn't allow it to be any other way. Why can't 2-3k players take a planet on the fringe of the enemy territory? Why can't an organized force like the one on Gacrux take the fucking thing in a reasonable amount of time? Why do defenses have to last 24 hours?

Every single problem with the galactic war can be solved by running it differently. This is entirely Joel's fault.
>endless gunships spawning with the highest armor rating that constantly shoot rockets where you're ragdolled around
Gee, it's a real mystery why everyone hates playing against bots
I agree but people are blind as fucking piss.
They are only AP 4 with AP 2 engine anon....
The only good thing to come from THE patch.
>They are only AP 4 with AP 2 engine anon....
If that was true I could take them down with the autocannon
you can do that anon, it's one of the best weapons to take out gunship patrols with
you can retard, takes like 4 shots to the engine
Being better than mine is a fucking low bar anon
They are indeed really good on some short missions on small maps erdicatio, base defense and dark matter. They are a bit too niche for standard big map mission due to long cd and less possible effective placement though
I think you're mixing up gunships and dropships.
Dropships need AP5. Gunships don't and two AC shots to the engine is enough to down one.
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It's not the first time, but it is the first time we have proof. They really shot themselves in the foot by adding the lines so everyone can see them.
I need D7 shitters to stop typing.
Jokes on you, I only play 6 now that supers are there
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>people actually fell for this bait
>a single charger sneaks up while you aren't babysitting the tower
nah, it needs 7 pen like the arc thrower
I'm so glad I got the Filipino one
>it's one of the best weapons to take out gunship patrols with
>4 shots
>2 shots
You niggers can't even get your stories straight
the big flying ships that shoot at you?
Those take two AC shots to the engine
The drop ships that look identical but just drop bots?
Don't bother
Everything all clear? :)
Because his job is to stall. His objective is to make everyone stuck on the same dozen of planets because they have plans to add more biomes but fail to implement them on time. They don't even consider making temporary configurations and then updating planets because they decided to make it an infinite war with no restartsz and they will die on that hill. There isn't anything to justify war progress either because there is simply no content to go with it, not even cityscape to defend. It's just the same set of planets on the loop, what's even the point?
First game was more fun because it had city defense, boss fights, citadel siege, and the war could actually be won and lost. This fake war is not engaging at all, and Joel stalling isn't the main reason.
They didn't use to?
rockets are notoriously inaccurate in real life
it makes zero sense why they have zero drop in the game and why they're as accurate as lasers

i see them regularly fire at 300m out
they could decrease the accuracy by like 5x and just increase the aoe by 3x so that they act more like barrages, similar to the artillery bug spewers, and not like snipers
Eventually the war will be 100% controlled by players once the storyline is over and the Illuminate is in play I cannot see them keeping this shit up for more than a year.
Why don't you go in and test it?
>quasar is slow
>EAT requires hitting the thrusters, one shot
>spear requires hitting the thrusters, good luck
>HMG requires mag dump which can be hard with the aim drag, range and fast movement of the gunship
>AMR is also a great pick for it but small mag size limits it (if i recall correctly, i dont use it much)
>RR would be good but slow reload like the spear
>any primary with medium pen requires using half your ammo supply for one ship
they did not
honestly they are a fun enemy close range, dodging the rockets is the same feeling as scout in tf2
But the ragdolling could be removed, I rather it just be a HE explosion that does damage, chipping you for being too close and punishing you for grouping up, but no ragdoll shit
I doubt illuminates will even enter this year
Does Orbital Gas deal less damage now or something? I seem to be having trouble racking up kills like I used to.
its awful, sometimes you can get some use out of it by combining it with someones gatling barrage
the gatling softens them up and the gas kills, but you could then just take a gatling barrage yourself
>Why don't you go in and test it?
I have, two shots did nothing
If it is 4 then it's still shit because they spawn in pairs
How do you know they're Filipino? Do they put hot dogs in their spaghetti?
Fuck you my mines fuck things up. On the generator defense missions where they're forced to walk over them.
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made me actually look at my DO
didn't notice he had a huge bug scar on his face before
> There is no grenade or stratagem you can take to deal with gunship spam.

Two autocannon rounds to the same engine takes down a gunship. The autocannon turret will also shoot down gunships if they are at the right angle.

What are you talking about?
I can tell, just do the 911 test
the operator asks, are they white, black, or hispanic? and you go uhhhh
the answer is filipino

one time I was talking to a girl and she said "Im part chinese, part japanese, and part spanish"and I said oh so you're filipino
You missed or it the body instead of the engine.
Also, you have to hit the same engine twice.
Out of all of the support weapon that can practical take out gunship, it's
>>spear requires hitting the thrusters, good luck
x to doubt
spear does 1000 damage at AP 8
gunship main body has 700 HP
>bring SPEAR
>fire and forget
I mean, you might crash your game using the spear right now, but that's a price I'm willing take.

>spear requires hitting the thrusters, good luck
Nigga what? Every lock-on I've had brings a gunship down 100%
>Nigga what? Every lock-on I've had brings a gunship down 100%
I envy you.
>one time I was talking to a girl and she said "Im part chinese, part japanese, and part spanish"and I said oh so you're filipino
It's funny because it's true
Really? Like, for really reals?
I get that my post was long and you're an ESL but I was talking about a stratagem to use in conjunction with the machineguns or the railgun. Autocannon turrets will get raped by gunship rocket spam before killing any of them.
I didn't know the spear could not one shot a gunship.
Oh right, I forgot about the Laser Cannon existing. I never see it used but yeah it's terrific at taking them down.
>but it is the first time we have proof
No, it isn't
I've also had laser turrets take, no joke, a whopping three spears and not blow up. I really don't know what to tell you, mate.
Oh, in that case, use HMG emplacement. You straight up can easily solo a whole gunship patrol if you are aim fast enough. If there is no patrol then gunship can only spawn out of fab, which makes it even easier to place HMG emplacement.
Did it take many years for HD1 to get to where it is mechanically, or did they have it all from the start?
>guy brings spear
>tell him it will crash us all
>"I don't care I just want to play"
Nigga what? So do I? You can't play if the game is closed. I want to use the as much as my fellow bros too but...
They unironically regressed. HD1 knew its place as a co op horde shooter. Instead of learning from that, AH tried to turn HD2 into some retarded mil sim simulator with 5000 hidden mechanics. I can't believe but fucking Overkill figured their damage/armor system better for Payday 2 than whatever the fuck HD2 has with durable damage and 10 tiers of armor penetration for both light and medium penetration.
Sorry sissy, the spear remains ONLINE.
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Railgun on bots or bugs?
Good on bot as long as you don't take it into a gunship patrol modifier
Okay on bug as well
>spear keeps spawning at pois
I really wish they would just do some kind of "radar has detected high amounts of X in the area" blurb to the player. God forbid Super Earth with all of its hyper-advanced space technology actually do something useful with it prior to dive.
They actually tell you if there is gunship patrol modifier on the mission modifier detail now
Oh shit for real? Well damn that's a start. Thanks anon. Is this under the "effects" tab (the one where you press the C key to reveal)?
I guess I know what missions to avoid now
The ragdolling *should* be removed. They have such realism boners where they think it matters but then think it's also funny to have every tiny little boom send you fucking flying. Explosions either gib you, turn your insides into liquid or nothing. Except probably deafen/shake you up.
>launch game
>doesn't start in full-screen
>hit esc to change to full-screen
>lose 50fps because hit esc
>devs off on gayswede buttsex orgy with our money
>this is getting old broskis
I would save it for something huge - like if a laser turret or a tank laser turret shoots and explodes near you (not a hit). Otherwise I agree.
>War bonds have a specific biome theme
>Provide zero advantages to that biome
Is Arrowhead retarded?
Is Arrowhead Swedish?
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Are you retarded? All the armors in the cutting edge warbond give a huge advantage in it's biome (the inside of a computer) :)
>lost 50fps because hit esc
Is this a common issue people are experiencing? I was testing today and couldn't reproduce it.
Speaking of which, Cutting Edge or Demolition?
Both are good for different reasons. Cutting Edge has the Sickle, and Demolition has the grenade pistol which has been my go-to if I'm not using the Senator.
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DEFINITELY cutting edge. I would consider Cutting Edge one of the best warbonds if not the best just for the sickle alone, but it's also got some really nice looking fashion pieces and the stun grenade. Demolitions has mostly sucked so far, the only good thing in it is the grenade pistol, and maybe the eruptor and the adjudicator if you're a psychopath. The sickle is more fun than any of them.
What does the arc thrower need to feel good again?
Lurk more
Not arcing to the ground or dead bodies
Arcing that doesn't get so easily caught on corpses and terrain, a little longer range, and a slight (keyword SLIGHT) increase in the damage it does. I like that it can stun devastators, but it takes waaaaaaaaaay too many "shots" to kill one and unlike other guns you can't really control fully what the arc thrower will do once you let go of the mouse button.
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But this armor is sick
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I like the helmet and the overall look of the outfit itself, but the exposed shells all over the chest just feel really silly and ruin the look of the armor to me. Call me a fag if you want
so basically revert the nerfs done to it
>a slight (keyword SLIGHT) increase in the damage it does
The issue isn't the damage. It does a shitton of damage )it 1-shots a player on a bodyshot often enough). It needs more durable damage
>but the exposed shells all over the chest just feel really silly
Well now that you pointed it out I can't unsee it
The blitzer should have thr power of the arc thrower. The arc thrower should gain emporer Palpatine chain lightning tier destruction. But we will never get it because "it doesn't align with their vision" which is to make us use water guns against OP enemies
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I wasn't around for the super early part of HD2's release, so I don't know what Alexsus did to it. I don't trust his word that it was "one shotting Bile Titans across the map" though.
That's a good point, forgot about regular damage versus durable. Yeah, that would make more sense, actually.

On another note, I would also make the Blitzer and the Arc Thrower do the armor piercing. Annoying that one gun's lightning does less armor piercing than the other one's lightning. For fucks sake the automatons are made mostly out of metal.
nah, a good mob clearing weapon with AP7 would be ridiculous if it has strong durable damage. Honestly, if you fix the arc chain issue alone, the weapon is already good without any damage buff
>there is no middle ground! everything must be extremes!
Opinion discarded
I have trouble getting it to arc to three enemies. On paper what is it supposed to reach as a maximum?
4 with the upgrade
2/4 by the way
Of course, keep some rule of cool in there. Just not for every tiny little explosive. Give rocket devs some increased damage to compensate
Starting another one, still open space. Come blast buggos
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>doesn't use the grenades on last reload
My point is that arc has a bit of everything, stagger, AP7, AoE, infinite ammo and "okay" damage. It's not supposed to have amazing single target damage.
I do perfectly fine with it on bot diff 9 and bug diff 9. I only really get bothered by the arc property being inconsistent. I rather have that gone than anything else and I don't think it even need other "buff" other than that.
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>Level 17 joins on Severe 7
This is why people shouldn't carry. This fucker shouldn't have gotten this far.
amr does half the durable damage of the autocannon, you're going to need that running reload because it's going to take you more than half a mag to kill one gunship while the AC can take on five in a single magazine.
the sickle is a piece of trash, there is nothing about it that other weapons don't do better
are you trying to imply that the scythe does better passive reloads than the sickle
why does it matter if a shitty weapon passively reloads?
Do people still use the Railgun?
because it's something you can always rely on always being fully loaded and it lets you replace reloading with switching weapons so you're able to keep firing during what would normally be downtime
>Players captured all the planets two days early! Quick, do two separate defend orders back to back on MO planets.
I fucking HATE Arrowhead
just be glad they're not full HP defend missions
They did the same thing with the previous Bug MO, too.
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They're also making moves to make the more specialized spawn list variations into operational modifiers as well. The same file that pic related was found in also made mention of "aerial broods" and "airborne divisions" which sounds exactly like shrieker and gunship patrols. Yes this does mean bile spewers are going to be an operational modifier and you will know they are coming.
fucking finally holy shit
so can the dagger that doesn't automatically make it good
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man I usually take bait just for fun but damn, could you be any more obvious?
or does it?
I do on bots. Not because its good but just because it has fun moments.
Scout handshake? Yeah that's a kick
Sickle is trash sissy. You can cope and I advise you do.
Its a very nice spammable orbital. It might not be THE BEST at clearing a horde of shit but it provides very decent area coverage and kills most things inside of it. The huge star of it being its extremely low cooldown, you can chunk it without worry, then chunk it again next fight. Unless you have increased cooldowns, its practically always available every single fight.
Lets be honest. No Arrowhead employee has ever come to /hdg/ or ever will.
seriously though, the dagger being a beam weapon instead of having regular projectiles is what's really holding it back
Thanks anon. You made my day. WAGMI.
Funny enough, the Phact Bay defense is also a low hp defense but because it's a desert shithole and not the new biome it's pretty much a done given that it's going to be a loss for the bugfront.
I got that far on my own, thoughbeit.
One has to wonder how Zagon Prime has so many people on it that could be doing something of more impact on Phact Bay when both planets are the exact same biome. Although I doubt if 9k players could actually defend that planet anyway.
its HD's spritefall but worse, so still good
This game's damage system is the most retardedly overcomplicated thing ever. Why???
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constant fucking crashes on bots
can't even complete an Op
autistic enough to implement a fuckton of systems but not autistic enough to be consistent with them
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*blocks you're path*
or display them to the player
This one matches tho
Seriously, why do devs not let players look at all the real numbers behind weapon stats, AH isnt the only dev that has an autistic dislike of this, CoD and BF all have meaningless weapon stat info boxes as well
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>The AC8-Autocannon stratagem has been temporarily authorized for use by all Helldivers
that was either yesterday or 2 days ago
shouldn't it last for the whole MO?
no, those kind of things generally last 24h
>Go to Evacuation site
>There a large body of water behind us.
>Most of the patrol came from there.
Atleast make it less obvious
Modifiers should only affect enemies or affect both you/enemies (like Tremors/Fire Tornados). The stratagem debuffs are anti fun and the devs are slowly realizing that.
day 137 of demanding an armor set rewarded for reaching max level that is light armor, extra padding, democracy protects, is just a variant of the basic armor set
Are the devs just not aware that you still can't take the AMR out of the random crash pods in POIs?
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>absolute gigachad from the thread singlehandedly saves a diff 9 op at the last second
>infinite loading upon LEAVING the mission
I didn't even know this could happen. What the fuck is this shit?
I wanted to see my kills, I might have broke 1k that time :(
I think Pileofshit posted an old weapon details screenshot from what they used to work on and it was concise and detailed, even showing enemy weakpoints and how many shots it should take to disable an enemy.
this plus the old weapon modularity system would've been crazy.
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Wat. I've been much closer to a tank exploding and it didn't fuck my shit up that bad. I can't really tell but did you land on your head there?
Fact is they had to abandon a lot of stuff
Maybe it'll be back by next year
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I dunno man. I posted it as a reminder to not stand near tanks. Maybe explosive push force is slightly randomized for "realism." WHo knows with the swedes.
head hit the crane and made his body spin 90 degrees
With how much of a success HD2 was, it would be disappointing if they didnt go back to some of these old concepts
The arbitrary time limit kills all the fun in the missions
>Yeah you got 40min to complete it, regardless if the sub objectives are manually dragging an ssd twice all the way across the map
I get having a time limit, but pretending it doesn'tchange depending on the mission or the environment just screams "we dont care"
For me, it is the cancerous modifier does not give more experience
whats with the hitmarkers in this game, sometimes they work, sometimes they never appear at all
It's weapon dependent, I believe. Weapons like the stalwart don't have hit markers either.
how arbitrary
Honestly, I think durability damage IS a good system on top of armor system, especially when it gives flexibility to balance weapons/enemies long term. The the main issue is that the system is hidden AND the enemies's durability is hidden. If you play the game long enough and look up these info, the system sorta make sense but if you don't then it's extremely misleading
once we get warthogs things will change
The tank exploding set off two batteries. He was aiming at one right when it exploded.
Visible healthbars would go a long way in making the system less and helping players understand it but knowing AH and their realism autism that's not fucking happening
I wish these retarded swedes would give us good and bad modifiers each operation. It sucks that all you get is shit on modifier wise on higher levels.
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Just a heads up for anyone having performance issues like me, run the game in DX11. Right click HD2 on steam, hit properties, and paste the following into the launch options:


The first time you launch after doing this, it'll take about 60 seconds of black screen as it changes things up, but just wait it out. I ended up getting around 15 more FPS average than I did before, I can actually get 45+ again in the biggest shitstorms.

In addition, going into the user config ini and changing post_effects_enabled = and particles_cast_shadows = to false greatly improved my performance. The latter had no visual impact but the former got ride of some of the bells and whistles, but each added about 5 FPS for turning it off, so definitely worth it.
tank explosive force is enough to launch you across the fucking map if you're standing on it when it dies, though it does basically no damage by itself
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someone please force them to experience the EVA mission with a tank heavy seed so they can nerf the fucking smoke from them holy shit
I mean why not throw in some good stuff between the cooldown fuckery like
>experimental explosive/inc. for all weapons for a whole operation
>stims or ammo ammo regenerate slowly over time
A simple
>stratagems cooldown reduction
Would be appreciated. Why must we eat shit all the time? DRG and even ST:Extermination got them
that is almost a perfect loop
>the only reason you should ever be taking the auto cannon is if you're not skilled enough to use the amr
but thats wrong
I just use the spear
It's good against their bunkers, their tanks, their turrets, their hulks
The only real problem is the walkers, since you don't wanna use the ammo on them
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>Anon points out how shit Bots are
>Gets met with hostility

So he's right. That's all you have to say was "Yea you're right". Why develop elitisim over something most of the players don't bother with because it's shitty and unfun?
Trying to convince yourself Bots are fun and everyone else is just bad makes you look like a retard, anon
spear would be goated if it werent for the constant CTDs
I think they fixed
By that I mean, they said they fixed it and it didn't crash on me so try it out
>super ragdolled by a single devastator rocket into a wall, instantly dead
>scout strider rolls a natural 20 and instakills me with the first shot
>devastator decides to hit me with every single shot in a volley
>crowd chain staggers me just enough that i simply cannot get a stim off in the span of two full seconds
>chain ragdolled by enough explosives that do a tiny amount of damage yet still leave me on the ground for five fucking seconds
i like bots but also hate their fucking wetware guts
Isn't the Railgun stronger? It has the charge, but spear has the lock on
I like bots (except for the gunships, those are shit) but the cool thing about them is storming their bunkers, which take a long time and isn't part of the objective most of the time
They should bump up the limit to 60min
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The performance issue is confirmed to be a Steam overlay issue because turning your privacy settings for friends to public seems to fix opening the ESC menu FPS drop. If you don't know, opening the ESC menu or anything in the settings permanently drops your FPS by 30+ frames until you restart the game again. Even alt tabbing out causes this huge performance loss. You can test this by pressing F5 to open up the game's FPS menu if you don't have a third party program to see your in game FPS.
There's also the issue of the recently updated gameguard that was there to detect cheats better but now ruins performance greatly because it constantly scans the game even more. Sadly, you can't do anything about this. All the leakers that use bypasses to test the leaked stuff have talked and about this. The anti cheat rapes the already shitty performance of the game even more now. Leave it to the gooks to make a decade old anticheat to run even worse than denuvo
spear one-taps bot infrastructure like fabs and cannon towers from any angle
i just had a team that had the entire map cleared in 17 minutes, pick it up slowpoke

i've had my game settings set to public and i still lose FPS
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dx11 just crashes my game on startup wtf anon
>i just had a team that had the entire map cleared in 17 minutes, pick it up slowpoke
I play alone, I don't like to be carried
Not your game settings but your Steam Friend list to public. Swedish coding somehow fucked it up so hard that the game is now fighting with Steam's user interface

top kills, samples collected, and two strat jammers cleared solo, step it up
>top kills
I got literally all the kills
>samples collected
Yep, did that too
>and two strat jammers cleared solo
Also, plus a heavy base
>step it up
Why, when I'm clearly way past you?
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>swinging dick on a co-op game

you autists never fail to impress
Holy shit
Emplacement HMG is so good. It straight up just wreck bot and solve a couple of my build with railgun, arc thrower, or the airburst.
At last, I truly see and took the HMG emplacement pill
Emplacement running 2 sickles, has effectively unlimited ammo but if it overheats once it doesn't work anymore
Worth it?
Not even close
Play in borderless fullscreen, fullscreen will crash it.
I swear if disabling particle shadows makes the arc thrower stop misfiring I will get a little happier knowing there's a solution
it does not do anything
well shit
how about i play a game with you and we find happiness in killing together

or whatever

>especially when it gives flexibility to balance weapons
There's a whole writeup with math on reddit where it shows the exact opposite. It makes it almost impossible to balance weapons in certain areas without creating problems in a bunch of others.
Do you think kill the hive lord missions will be just that, 40 minutes and there's your only objective and they're just that hard to take down
I'm hoping boss missions will just be monster hunter ripoffs
one of my fingers got fucked up by a car door so all I can do is get mad at things not working and spam sentries and eagles everywhere because it's easy
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but i am playing in borderless tho
I hope you're not playing on Windows 11
Such as??
I don't know what to tell you then, the first boot up was about 60 seconds after I changed to DX11, and now it takes about 20 seconds when I watch the game and 5 seconds of black screen when I change the setting, which are the only differences, but my frame rate is miles better and I haven't crashed once in a 5-hour session, which hasn't been the case for a month or better.
*when I launch the game
eh, the game is good fun but not fun enough for me to bother with these filler MOs where nothing happens
I'll be back when something actually happens
like purple stuff?
Anon are you new here? We are always inherently correct and all our posts are interesting, no matter how stupid or inane. We dont need to make claims, it is as we say. Factually.
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Whenever this bug happens to me it just makes me glad they made the game a third person shooter. We don't need anymore FPS games.
Thank god Spear is limited by ammo and only locks onto heavy armor. I'm a teamreloadchad who has ~20 hours of cucking experience (bots mostly), and BY GOD Recoilless Rifle users are complete retards on par with Quasar Cannon bot users.
>Shoot at devastators, hitting shield most of the time
>Shoot at walkers even though 2 of us can flank them in seconds
>Shoot at dropship bodies, engines are hit with sub-50% accuracy
>Bodyshot Factory Striders
>Never focus turrets on tanks so it takes 4-5 rockets
>That is if they still have ammo left from shooting the scout walkers AND if they dont decide to prioritize shooting that devastator next to hulk/tank
Spear becoming meta was a godsend thing to happen. 90% of RR users are a waste of oxygen
Worst part is that you can't even take planets if they're not part of the MO. I hope this changes when the illuminate arrive.
Also, for bugs it seems to be the opposite for some reason. RR users are often absolute chads headshotting everything, but if I see Spear there's a good 90% chance he never tries to go for headshots or time his shots. What causes such opposite behavior?
When this happens, just hold RMB and click your scroll wheel, it should fix it.
>Particles cast shadows
Ohh god WHAT THE FUCK? Even Indians arent this retarded.
RR on bugs does so much heavy lifting it's unreal. It's not flashy or necessarily convenient, but it's always there when you need to do the work that needs to be done. I always use RR on bugs and AC on bots though, I'm the biggest basic bitch you'd ever imagine, but I feel like I'm the "core" of the team in both cases. Someone just needs to do it.

Now they just to unfuck superior packing methodology and add 5 to the damage so you can strip behemoth legs without cheesing the velocity bug and I'll be happy again.
Yeah if you go to the ini files and turn anything related to particles off, there's not even a change in visual quality but you get a noticeable fps gain.
You can also lower the map resolutions of like sun shadows and clouds and shit too and it hardly looks different unless you go too low.
haha no its ok fatshark i love only being able to quickplay into a game on the 3rd or 4th attempt
wrong swigger
sorry i was just in coopg

arr rook same
Maybe they were focusing on the objectives? I wish they had an "objectives helped completed" stat at the end.
Not either of those anons. It takes 2 direct shots to the engine with the AC to take down a gunship. Probably 4 those if you're a bad aim or the gunship it far away and flying around.
>take aim from far away with the superb sight of my laser cannon
>democratic zaaaaaap
>small socialist head explodes, then i do the same to 3 other of his kind while cutting through their infantry.

And thanks for killing your own kind while i was behind this rock !
it would have to be a bank of at least 6 sickles
played with him twice, cool dude
Why Mantes and not *the* chink planet Tien Kwan? Whoever made this image is fucking retarded.
sometimes I can't tell if it's bait or if some anons really are just that confused
It doesn't always crash the game (anymore?). Yesterday I played 3 different matches with a spear teammate and it was fine
2 more weeks
Yeah it's been happening (at least on PC). Not sure which mechanism causes it but you hit Esc mid-game and your whole screen just soft-crashes for 10-15 seconds, and then suddenly loads the pause menu. Happens every time until you restart your game

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