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Previous: >>483122941

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Web Event "Heartfelt Doodlings" live until June 26

>Event "Record of Reflective Writing" live until June 24

>Current character banner: Clorinde, Alhaitham, Sethos, Bennett, Thoma
>Current weapon banner: Absolution (Sword), Light of Foliar Incision (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Imagine trying to analyze Genshin’s story. Just pay attention to the WQ. Everything else is brainless and retarded.
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Almost here!
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Would you buy Kirara phone?
>People often say that wisdom isn't about what you know, but knowing what you can change. It is beyond question that the "prophecy" was carved into Irminsul long ago... and while it may look like nothing has changed, it also seems like everything has. I think we both know her to be smart enough to turn the fate of the world around.
reminder that fate is the most inconsequential shit in teyvat and everyone who lost fighting it is more retarded than a lobotomized toddler
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sex with alhaitham
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Genshin impact for this feel?
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fuck this abyss
I don’t do world quests or story quests, just archon quests since they’re the only ones that matter
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Nahida is really sexy.
isn't elysia a better ship than kekiana?
Neuvillette mentions her network + her flashback of her playing the God mentions it again when they were tasked to find answers to the prophecy all around the Teyvat.
the WQs complements the main story very well tho ?
AQs might as well not be canon with how fast they contradicted the fountain ritual shit
>just pay attention to verbose filler content that only exists in an isolated bubble
>fountain ritual shit
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Tech otakus save the climate
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I don’t care about this games story anymore, it just got too retarded and it’s a walking advertisement to sell you characters now, like every gacha desu.
a random detective is not a spy network
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I only pay attention to the interludes.
As far as I'm aware, everything but the Abyss is filler.
Read again
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Cyno is really sexy.
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>don't care about the story/skip through it
why are you even playing this game?
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
everything that isn’t directly related to finding our sibling is filler
to collect cute husbandos
I can say the same to you, xis. Why bother with a story tacked onto a video game when you could just read a VN or a book that blows Faggot Xiao out of the water?
sieg or c1 furina?
i just want c6 noelle, i do not care for any of the 5*
>floptaine shill already forgot the plot of the story arc he's desperately trying to defend
kekyroo kekameow
the french are sterile and they set up a ritual circle under the big fountain outside the courthouse that lets 2 people combine their wishes into a child
then they try to tell the story of a guy who had accidental twins with his mistress which is literally impossible unless he went to the fountain with her and wished for not 1 but fucking 2 children
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the era of melusines is upon us
Only for characters at this point. Story used to be alright but now it’s retarded. At least back then, when it was retarded like Inazuma at least it wasn’t fully bloated with dialogue. Now it’s bloted with dialogue too
C1 Furina without question.
I don’t remember any of this, when was any of it mentioned? couldn’t have been relevant if I already forgot it.
retarded but not bloated with dialogue
ok but bloated with dialogue
retarded and bloated with dialogue
Only games with story worth paying attention to are if it’s a AAA game, and that too only rarely nowadays.
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I bought new one last year, if I didn't do that I would buy keka phone first, if keka phone didn't exist I would buy Kirara phone
Please be in Manila
Fat Xiao thinks he’s some writing some masterpiece. He should just stick to making retarded Shonen writing like Inazuma, at least I would be entertained by cool cutscenes.
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I remain confident that the dialogue bloat and increasing length of cutscenes drives away far more people than the lack of breast windows, thigh gaps or muscular men that basement dwellers on here like to point fingers at
Please no, Inazuma almost made me to quit the game
Well I'm entirely skipping Furina just to get more Clorinde cons actually
fuck meta
He wasn't responsible for the Inazuma AQ just the WQ after that
I remember that I felt Liyue was long. Ever since Sumeru began I've dreaded seeing a blue question mark.
kinda based actually
why didnt fontaine have an interlude, dain quest, and a ruler story quest 2?
Rosaria is so useless. I hate circle inpact.
Obviously. Normalfags hate reading things in general, so when they have to sit through 10 hours of what is essentially a shitty VN with 0 gameplay segments they get filtered out fast.
we literally just got a dain quest this patch
>It's a split between being considerate of Furina
The difficulty selection applies on a per-person basis. Since Furina picked Easy Mode, any check that Furina does will succeed, even if everyone else is playing on Authentic
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I sat down with my guitar under the starry night sky
Thinking 'bout my Lynette poster, I couldn't help but sigh
I wished them all good night as I turned off the light
Hoping they dream of lovely frotting, a scene so bright

Oh, Lynette, my dear posters, sleep tight
Close your eyes and let your dreams take flight
I can't wait to see you all tomorrow, oh what a sight
Dreaming of frotting with you, my heart feels so light

So good night, sweet dreams, my dear Lynette crew
In the morning, I'll greet you with a smile so true
We'll frott together, like old friends reunited
In this world of dreams, our love never subsided
Rosaria is so useful. I love physical inpact.
glad I'm not the only one who struggled, normally I can just breeze through with my brain off but those fucking slimes on 11 made me reset to get a fucking grouper on both sides and those pyro lector faggots made me have sub out half my other team just to get those fucking shields off
Filler region.
Dain only visits plot relevant regions.
Rosaria doesn't exist. I play TCG
Who the fuck is even consuming this shit? A single loretuber?
Dainslop is filler too.
Yes I know. But then she's the only one at the table playing baby mode. A good friend would go along, right?
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
so why does arle not get an arkhe but lizardman and abyssal hellspawn get arkhes
Yeah, I still haven't started Fontaine. I already know that I won't like the story, so I just really don't want to sit through 10 hours of garbage. I think I'm just gonna wait for Natlan to hit, and if that is garbage too, drop the game.
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>Cyno's birthday
>no Cyno threads
>no Cynoposting

I always knew this general is filled with raging homosexuals, but goddamn...
You know you need to go through the Fontaine story to get to Natlan's archon quest right
because she’s not a fontainian
I still haven’t gotten through that prison shit, I just can’t lmfao. It’s too fucking bad and too long
she isn't from teyvat
literally nothing happened in fontaine shit shouldnt be a requirement for anything
I suppose you're right. I wish you could replay story quests, especially that one
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Do you have her at c0 at least? Furina is not only the best on optimal meta teams. She is also good at unbricking bad characters.
She makes every character in the roster viable.
Fuck off, disease receptacle.
most people liked fontaine but it's just /gig/ that has a hateboner for it
go read it and form your own opinion
Design a kit that is fun to play without being clunky
Gig is dead, nothing to talk about in Genshin rn.
No it was very important. It showed how we should abolish archons because ruled by gods BAD, but then transfer all powers to vishaps because ruled by dragons GOOD.
about to take a nap /gig/ see you all in like 1 hour x
I import dante from the devil may cry series and make no changes
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the shrooms got me like

siggy is literally the child of a fucking abyss demon dragon that breached the world in the cataclysm and got an arkhe and neuv's body didnt dissolve when he was getting washed by primordial water so neither of them are french
At least some of it is discussed in Ancient Natural History Excerpts, about how the oceanids helixsplit.
The other portion would come from the finale of the archon quest from Neuvillette
>Neuvillette: Life has always flowed like water. Do you recall how Fontainians would often come to the Fountain of Lucine to pray for children?
>Paimon: Yeah. Lynette said that the Fountain is where all the waters in Fontaine converge...
>Neuvillette: In truth, even those couples did not know that such prayers were no mere custom, but instead a form of ritual...
>Neuvillette: Those Oceanids who were blessed within the spring water would later descend as new humans in the coming months.
Clorinde already exists
be the change you want to see
what makes it worse is genshin is supposed to be a casual game to cater to mobile fags who can only play on the go in short bursts. when you only have an hour or two of free time interspersed throughout the day it feels shitty not being able to even get your dailies done when you're stuck in an endless loop of pointless unskippable cutscenes
I love how the original theme was humans should be their own rulers but now it’s all about how Dragons deserve everything
CR already exists
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*enters thread*
they were both born in fontaine though, arkhs are about nationality not bloodline
that is a woman
Klee already exists
skill: dash + electro infusion
burst: Vergil Judgement with a lot of iframes
just copy League champs like they did with Diluc and Klee.
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Wanderer [male(with a huge cock)] is truly sexy.
They still have the chance to go back on this. If neither Natlan nor Snezhnaya wanks off the sovereigns it'll let Neuvillette look like a spoiled child that just sits and pouts in Fontaine
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I have her C0 just for collection purpose. I don't like "unbricking" character with her, she's so broken I feel like she steals the spot even when off field. I'd rather unbrick bad character by overinvesting in them instead
The CCP didn’t like that theme I guess, because that would imply that their own people need to be governed lesser. You can now interpret the Archons+Celestia as ROC and the Dragons are the benevolent CCP who’ll handle Teyvat with love and care
post cock
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check last thread for some cyno posting
anon I have amazing news for you
wait a minute....
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Wrio is just effortlessly cool and oozes charisma. He does not need the backing of a massive ad campaign to be pushed. His design and character speaks for himself.
It's a gacha game. All gachas come with some sort of a story to create te excuse for introducing new characters. It's not your casual candy crush and it never was meant to be one.
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Will you pull?
and arle wasnt?
theres a book that mentions someone from the blood moon family chilling in fontaine before the faded castle faded
i like genshin impact
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that's literally Shinobu but pink
Gay sex with Cyno...
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I don't wanna get banned..
nope, she says explicitly in her story quest that she was born somewhere else
You know floptaine flopped when they’re releasing a sumeru clothing like and a Kirara phone
Why does this game have so much doomposting and something like FGO doesn't? If i go to /fgog/ or /alter/ people aren't trying to show my tiktok hours or calling Kintoki gay
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>with a huge cock
Scaragina > a micro dick > nothing >>>>> a huge cock
i like shadow of the erdtree
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Bros... BA is mogging us.... AGAIN!!!!
remove the coat and i will
damn he lookin real cute
A significant amount of the posts are by one person
Now post the ingame model
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characters never have coats anyway.
I would have paid good money for arlecchino with her big winter mantle.
bro hoyo has been releasing too little merch if anything. other gachas release way more than that regularly
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>Do not use my works

how could you, anon...
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holy mama
Are those freaking PNGs?????
Wow, we lost
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>shark teeth and huge tits
wish genshin would
Nyooo i just masturbated...
catbox the nudes
The chibis are hot too though this comeback doesn't work
>i clicked
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Pyro Amy
Cryo Amy
Hydro Amy
Dendro Amy
Geo Amy
Anemo Amy
Are you a furry?
people obsessed with genshin but not currently playing genshin want it to fail
FGO is too old and all their doomposters gave up years ago
what is /gig/ listening to right now?
Those are some otherworldly feet
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Ok? Now post the ingame model.
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>Blue Archive gets actual summerkino
>smug lolis and sharkteeth
>we get preschool scarashit
>actual buddypokes (chibis)
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Give me a moment
fatxiao slurpers, our response?
i didnt even see the animal ears cause i was too zoomed in on the fucking tits so I doubt they would be a problem
vtubers licking my ears
Off field pyro applier, and attack buffer.
The buff has 3 stacks that increase every 2 seconds when on-field character has HP above 90%. You lose all stacks if you go bellow 90%.
On 3 stacks the total attack buff is on par with bennet.
they're not even tryin to hide it anymore that they are pedophiles
I miss the original Jean design bros…
I thought Emilie was going to be Dendro Fischl? I haven't really paid attention to discussion about her kit
Right this instant? The random playlist threw this https://youtu.be/14cHB9aY7mA at me.
Can't escape Ittokino I suppose.
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now there's a better pic of his thighs... pero, pero...
You know what game you're playing right
that is a safer design than some of the other ones especially with that coat and a swimsuit that covers her hips, nothing lewd about it if you aren't lolicon
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Fat Xiao lost fatly
siggy roller really said this lmao
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>preschool scarashit
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Bros, my Clorinde was outdamaged by Barbara...
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More emotion than Genshin characters will ever have.
ugly and badly written

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based boarbs
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and i'd do it again
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fountain of lucine is full of oceanid cum?
ba chibis are kino
>Not even EQ just E and fuck off
terrible character
They're getting underwater levels?
wuwakeks what is this...
All waters on earth are full of fish cum.
>wuwa almost lost to a genshin filler patch
lmao even
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forward vapeGOD
>PNG collector, the game
No thank you
Indonesia number one!!
Indonesia Jaya!
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>i fucking clicked one of these links
New trip?
ew, just remembered how gross 3d cocks look
Yep, Hoyo won.
Bigly even.
I have C6R1 Nahida and I don’t even like her anymore
Since there's a good chance I'll get Rosaria on the upcoming banner and I've somehow managed to dodge her up until now, how do I actually use her? What is she good for?
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thank you for your service.
his penis is cute and his cum is adorable. i love it so much. (not ironic, but literally)
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>clearly homosexual poster spams links with a boys feet attached
>"man I wonder what kind of pictures are stored in that catbox"
Freeze/mono cryo
That's impossible with how combat is designed in genshin. "Fun" requires the player and the enemy reacting to each other in dynamic ways, which requires

1. Make dodging neccessary and fluid. Look at action games like Bayonetta, Astral Chain etc. You spend a lot of time dodging by rolling, jumping, interacting with the environment, etc. And dodging is often integrated in combos. Dodging in genshin sucks ass because the only way to dodge is sprinting which is slow and consumes stamina. No wonder nobody bother to do it and just use shields.

2. The enemy AI should be more agressive and smarter. Enemies should charge at you faster and attack immediately. Instead you spend ages waiting for them to move and do something. They had no fucking clue what they were doing when they gave Beidou a parry skill because it's pointless in this game.

3. Alternating between NAs, skill and burst should be natural and productive. Instead NAs are useless for 90% of characters since they do no damage or produce particles. You spend more time keeping an eye on the energy gauge than on the enemy
but that's a chibi model collector, retardbwo...
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yea this one is easier for me to remember
Nice general genkeks
Paghida is good whether you like her or not
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The only characters from 4.x I actually liked were Wrio, Arle and Sige.
>genshit, homo cock collector the game
>fun requires the player and enemy reacting to each over in dynamic ways
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Perfect balance of feminine and masculine features
Thanks for the dump, anon
Gambling and character building. Now give me a skip button to your shit 15h main quests and let me play the fucking game or I'm reinstalling korepi.
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I made my sugar daddy waste $600 on this
She feels terrible to play in 2024 and the C6 is only good in AOE
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where does each harbinger go?
Are you a mobile fag? Looks like it.
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Right? It's so good
He's literally perfect
auuughh by Garrison.
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I liked most characters, especially Xianyun. Maybe I'm just easy to please.
Damn that's a lot...i only made my sugar daddy spend $300 for c6 furina
>She feels terrible to play in 2024

Gameplay doesn't age unless you're a metacuck who mistakes big numbers for fun gameplay
Diluc was fun in 1.0, he still is.
Itto is still fun.
Jean too.
>whale whaled for a powerhouse character and now bored of them
Many such cases
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Is Navia an important character?
Lawful good: rooster
Netral good: idk, sorry. maybe baizhu dark?
Chaotic good: arlechino
Lawful netral: 'bina
True netral: that robot lady
Chaotic netral: signora
Lawful Evil: Pierro
Netral Evil: Childe
Chaotic Evil: Capitano, son of raiden
she is for me
Man what I'd do to have a boyfriend like him
She’s as relevant as nilou
Whaled for Shenhe, Ganyu, Ayaka C6R5 never get bored of them.
She had so much focus in the AQ she must be
No. Nobody in Fontaine is important except for Fat Xiao's donotsteal OC Shartshillette.
Gen is almost 4 years old we are a know quantity and the game isn't going anywhere. If you make it past the lifespan of a Square Enix mobile game it's hard to fail
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Diluc but as a sword character and the C6 is his third passive with a bit of Sethos' energy using CA (optional)
>NAs are faster
>can continue NA combo with his skill weaves
>simple kit, big burst nuke and NA/E combo
>CA can be semi usable, especially if it's just a gap closer like say Arle.
>if it works, energy drain can be focused into enhancing the CA at the cost of losing the burst to end a rotation, or holding E creates and EX version
Like most of my problems with "fun" is that I don't get as many things to mash with, give me more options and I'm a happy camper. It's not even like a DMC thing, less combo heavy action games are fun when you have more (usable) buttons or skills. There's too much, but I feel as if GI characters are too little due to how this game is mainly focused on 4 man parties and quickswap exists.
The...Open world?
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everyone has their favorite, no need to be shame on it.
picrel was my favorite and they said i'm a coomer and liking only the most popular one back then, maybe i am a coomer.
but i dont care, i love her.
I’m not a metafag she’s just boring to play
I'm trying to be like him
My body type is already similar though his dick is bigger
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why so sour
most stupid thing to do honestly, you don't gain that much and you're basically eating away at another character's C6
Although Nilou only shows up in the background while Navia gets to be the focus I actually disagree.
>Gameplay doesn't age unless you're a metacuck who mistakes big numbers for fun gameplay
Big numbers are fun, Keka got more fun because of Dendro. Unmatched got even more fun because you could freely Dragonstrike + Fanfare stacks, and don't forget the case of people with similar kits but they streamlined them.
Yelan already exists
Same but C0R0 Ayaka
Navia cried and showed her ass in the screen that all she did just as much as nilou.
At least Navia is more relevant than chiori
>FGO is too old and all their doomposters gave up years ago
THey did?
People just call TM for being lazy hacks, if it's not EoS dooming, then it can still be called doomposting if it's just lambasting the state of the game regardless.
I know but didn't care at the time, I have many c2r1s.
Ehh, try to do some cardio everyday.
It'll give you more blood circulation to your cock
that's what I did, made me go from 6 to 7 inches
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did you just forget the whole poisson + underground + conveniently unlocked cave interaction? she did more than just being pretty and dance.
I hate these alignments charts but I'll give it a go
LG: none
NG: none
CG: none
LN: Pulcinella, Capitano
TN: Sandrone, Arlecchino
CN: Tartaglia, Columbina
LE: Pantalone, Pierro
NE: Signora, Scara
CE: Dottore

Although some of them are capable of kindness and virtue (Tartaglia, Arle, Capitano) I don't consider any of them fully "good" in the wide scope of things
Can't wait to get C6 Gaming to relive the glory days of Aerial Greatsword
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This general is so ass now. Fontaine you truly fucking ruined my favorite game
I'm 6 inches and also doing cardio...
I didn't know it could increase the size
Maybe it was just a partial erectile dysfunction
Cocks only like blood and that's it
post your dick
Her father was the important one. Navia did nothing special beside baking macrons and crying
Nah Diluc is much less to fun to play as a plunge spammer since you feel like a retard instead of a badass pyro swordsman while weaving Es inbetween NAs
I have C2R1 CR and only use her with Xiao now, old school Diluc is more satisfying even if he does inferior damage
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I regret not grinding out NO/Emblem prior to strongboxing, I barely have any usable sets from before and strongboxing feels just as painful as the normal artifact grind
You now remember it being an actual (minor) plotline to figure out if Paimon was the one who ate Navia's macarons
Chiori is more relevant than Navia because for once we have a lore behind the outfits of several playables characters
Fat Xiao dialogues wordslop with terrible pacing is what's irrelevant no matter the content
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She would have been more interesting as a churl.
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>Nah Diluc is much less to fun to play as a plunge spammer since you feel like a retard instead of a badass pyro swordsman while weaving Es inbetween NAs
I do both. Peak ungabunga brain. Doing plunges inbetween skill weaves, ending his field time with just one more NA combo, it's not like his pre-cloud retainer gameplay with dragonstrike changed much.
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Makes sense
Wasn't it Focalors?
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I never doubted Paimon, she's innocent
No, it was the audience member who disappeared during Lyney's performance
Anon is a criminal.
Melusines are the best
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Same, I figured that even if she's a glutton she'd at least be honest about what she stuffed in her mouth
> Doing plunges inbetween skill weaves,

It really doesn't feel the same animation wise though. His E fits nicely between his NAs, especially the last one when he does a double overhead strike into the ground. Plunge animation into E animation looks clunky
ugly art, ignatius
The fuck is wrong with Slav women? I forgot someone's real name just this once last night and suddenly I'm given the cold shoulder.
Sumeru was when it went to complete shit since it invited all the vile twitterfreaks, newfaggot tourist.
swap Childe and Signora
Feels great, thoughbeit. even more so with how some of the end lag or animations can be cancelled out with NAs or Es into plunges or just the regular chain
Him being so simple to use ends up allowing him a bunch of options weirdly enough.
Truly unmatched outside of the dogshit CA.
Those all came during Inazuma thougheverbeit
>I forgot someone's real name
You're giving ME the ick bro..
take her to starbucks!
works everytime.
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siggy soon
it means you don't give a shit about them lmao, forgetting someones name is something you do with a coworker you have only been introduced to once 3 months ago
Anyone who says they "no longer" care about the lore and stories never cared to begin with. They're low IQ sapes whose sole reason is gambling but they're too poor to go to a real one.
For some reason, these people are mostly from the third world...
>jean is going to be pissed
you can tell that this guy is reddit
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>still no sundress in genshit
Singlehadedly ruined the game
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I don't know anon
Why don't you open a thread on /int/ instead since you feel so strongly about the matter
What's with these cringe names.
Well yeah, they're just coop buddies. I didn't ask nor do I want to get to know them.
So don't blame me for not remembering who you are outside of "Furina", "Neuvillette", "Alhaitham" etc. You're just a number dispenser.
sundress is just one layer of white onepiece, it's boring.
genshin's design tend to be overdesigned mess that artist and modder hate it.
>femme fontaine

no way in hell I'm sullying my Chiori by teaming her with F of all characters though
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Just mod like any normal person.
I cared about the lore until Fontaine
lots of cope from a shitstaine slurper the region fucking bodied the story from every direction
Because /int/ (and /pol/ for that matter) is full of Slavs, and brown sycophants, so I wouldn't get a real and unbiased explanation
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The point of the lore and side stories is to complement the main plot by giving you context and the whole picture of what happened. You're literally playing the watered down version of the archon quest if you skip the rest of game.
This is specially true to Fontaine, which is heavily based on what Remuria and Narzissenschizos did in the past, and both are mentioned in the archon quest too.
Also, the archon quest does recognize side stuff, to name a few
>Charlotte's dialogue in 4.0 changes if you did the TCG event
>Paimon knows Rhinedottir created Albedo even though that was never established in the archon quests
>Paimon seems to already know who Amadhiah is, even though his only other appearance was the Aranara world quest
When haven't team names been cringe
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yeah, he should go for food-related names like Soup, Salad, Fridge, Roasted.
>sucking yourself off over liking fat xiao's trash writing
Lorepags are the biggest losers lmao
There's more to a video game than just a story, femcel.
>care about the story
What am I even supposed to look forward in Natlan?
I didn't mention Fontaine, SAARS, no need to take out your inferiority on the white nation.
>Be newfriend and miss early event quests
>miss context for everything
i love you guys very much and i would like to apologize for my participation in the toxicity and i used to preach about how this place is a brotherhood and lately ive just been drifting away from that and some of you are pulling me back you know, i appreciate the advice and i know i need to take accountability for my inaction in my life, it truly has nothing to do with this place, its really about my addiction with the internet, with just sitting here drinking beer smoking cigs weed and jacking off, i will never stop loving what i do, i need to get the fuck off my ass though.
i know that
i know my problems
gosh, did you cared about Desert lore?
They're transracials
Yeah I actually did care about story and lore until Fontaine happened
>not caring about the Great Gurabad Autismo
that was very entertaining
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>It is said that researchers once attempted to restore the broken left arm of the statue, seeking to fully and faithfully recreate how it would have appeared during the days of that bygone civilization, but all such attempts ended in utter failure, without exceptions. So things remained until an artist raised the critical question: "What if this imperfect state is actually its perfect state?" This crucial query not only caused them to cease their debates over this statue, but birthed a completely new idea — being incomplete is not the same as being imperfect, and within incompleteness can a unique aesthetic be found.
mfw they are literally saying they wont answer shit and will keep stacking shitty mystery after shitty mystery with no payoff in sight
I was gonna spend all my saved rolls for C6 Furina, but maybe I'dd rather save for Natlan instead
I used to explore every released area immediately now I don't do that anymore
Don't remind me they make no sense.
Let me guess?
Literally doesn't count.
Elden ring and the other Souls game are popular because they don't have any actual lore or world building, so it lets low IQ thirdies fill in the holes with their own retard takes and feel intelligent for it.
Naturally such a mindset conflicts with Genshin as it's world has an established lore and actual references to things from it, instead of random shit thrown together. Thus their real intellectual limitations get brought out, even to themselves.
This fact triggers the Zanzibarts
wow you must be smart then for understanding such a mess lore with so much flowery word and prose by pari.
maybe you find pari was entertaining and not everyone around her.
Christ, that is nasty. I wonder what deformities we would see in your brain if we scanned it?
You now remember
>tapu koko
We don't even know if Fat Xiao is the one who writes world quests or if it's intern-kun
this nigga is reading teapot furnishing lore
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i swear to god if you shitters reply to it
If they follow their past trends there's a good chance we'll get more Natlan video teasers during the upcoming Siggy/Furina banner so you could just hold on to your gems until the final day before you decide whether or not to spend them
I did explore Fontaine immediately in 4.0 then the AQ happened
Imperfection being peak perfection is an ancient japanese philosophy you dumb fucking tourist. At least pretend to know what Genshin takes it's inspiration from
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Mostly lovey dovey comfy stuff because I'm a prude.
fucking retard its talking about being incomplete not being imperfect
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deshret is the best character in the game
The Pari only feels like a mess because of ancient persian terminology with 5 new words being dumped on you in the first paragraph
Once you decipher it the lore is pretty good
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>I'm gonna end the curse of the temple by finding the temple, so nobody will need to kill themselves finding the temple...
>And then blowing it up

What the fuck was this story even about
im going to reply to it
suicide is badass!
Here we have another case of an extreme ESL speaker pretending he understands basic English linguistics. German, I presume?
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Fun fact a lot of pre-release Layla lore was in the plant pots' description
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She's pretty cute to be honest.
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hag ass
I liked the earlier design better with the red hotpants and levitating muskets, and where she's also a little bit angry.
and not being brought to light again.
even the dev is just don't care or making the lore from chatgpt to fill the furniture description.
who cares about literal who that did nothing to story.
Frankly if you praise fromslop "lore" you really shouldn't talk about any other lore from anything else with adults.
Yeah I think they’re based for making Pyro Archon a conquistadork in a land of browns. The meltdown will be the best to witness.
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This is the only piece of lore you need
I'm not weeb enough to know if that's true but it is true with aristic preservations, most people agree that the statue of Nike and wouldn't look as iconic if they restored the head and arms.
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You think they could reuse this design for the pyro archon?
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I will wage the next two days knowing all the money I earn is going to her.
Story =/= lore
Souls games have a shit ton of lore if you care enough to read artifact descriptions but they barely have a "story". You get dropped in the game with no context or instructions except a vague 20 second long cutscene that you will foget in a few hours. Why is my character defeating all these bosses again? No idea, because why not I guess.
Genshin has both lore and story but the story has atrocious pacing and the lore is hidden under a million layers of trite bullshit.
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For me, it's Sebastos and Remurian nomenclature that triggers than one historian nerd schizo in /gig/.
Sad. Extremely sad. She would never suck your dick!
Caribert... Forgive me
I'll call her senpai as many times she wants
it got his son killed so he didn't want anyone else to have the same fate
Zanzibar would have saved the story..
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Ok TCGniggas, I just got the cards for this deck beasts + whale deck that I hear is busted and I'm gonna use it to clear all the single player content I've been letting stack up. Gimme the QRD on how to play it
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>he actually, unironically said the s word
Why would it?
He found the temple.
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>spanish dorks instead of generic half naked warriors
Tasteful designs won...
do spics have their own 4chan/gig?
>Azur Lane in 5th place
What the hell.
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it came to many names, Dev, Div, Daeva.
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Is she cosplaying as this guy?
he's cosplaying as her
Are there any rules of thumb or general guidelines I should adhere to when balancing crit rate and damage
You haven't ever read a line longer than a tweet from a pepe pdf, how do you know anything about Genshin's writing?
It's frankly absurd how the people vocally let us know they're skipping every text and refusing to read a single book delude themselves into thinking they "get" the story but hate it, despite not actually having read any of it by their own proud admissions
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What the Furiner did to you?
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1:2 crit ratio is ideal
>Nabu Milikata... I have failed you
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Yes. But this is their top boards though.
Remember that during spic hours.
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Early Natlan was funny
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I wish we got an actual duelist looking character tbf, it's probably why I have zero issues with the AI slop "leak" outside of it being the pyro archon
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thanks for the pic, hagGOD
/gig/ just happens to like a lot of that too.
>SSS cheevoGODS
They literally died bro.
Xiao is a yaksha so why isn't he sumeru related
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AI is the future.
let the starving artist be death, i dont care
atleast i can cum-on-demand by typing my "fetish of the day"
The scorpion generates "Energy Block" cards into your deck that give you elemental dice and energy when played. The serpent can draw those energy blocks and discard them for a massive nuke. Discarding cards gives the whale a fuckton of health and empowers his attacks
I'm not a metafag so I'm not sure about the most optimal way to pilot the deck, but that's the gist of what it does
The joke is that "Dev" is a shorthand for "developer"
they probably worried people will think they are ripping off the gerudo from Zelda so they will probably be pale/covered up or you only meet males.
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Because once word got around of the temple's location you'd have a bunch of idiots flocking to it and dying on the journey. A bunch of Sumeru quests and events make it clear that people from the city severly underestimate how harsh the desert is. You can't trust retards to not get themselves killed for clout so it's better to destroy the temple
Every content creator and /gig/ sheet gives me something different
Yaksha isn't a demon, it's a nature spirit.
and Yaksha appeared on Hindu, Jain and Buddhist texts, while Dev/Div is from Persian
>If there's conquisadors and 17th century Spanish elements, then Natlan is probably the only region which had a radical shift with fashion compared to the other regions within the last 1000 years
kinda funny
boring kit
especially badly written
BiS in too many teams
No, they killed themselves looking for the temple.
Once the temple is found, then it can be examined, all knowledge extracted and nobody would want to go there ever again.

Because it's literally been found.
You don't need artifacts for teapot
you sounds spiteful and boring, try to eat candy. it's better.
we do have some hindu inspired lore in sumeru
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Sweet, thanks
I'm not really hard to please though, Furina is just that bad
>no context post
i really don't know about this but
is that...
the (((them))) symbol?
fuck this shit.
those looks like Gauls instead of spics
>>boring kit
>>especially badly written
>but chiori is fine
i am going for an hp%/hp% set with some crit, ER, HP substats and an hydro goblet
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just rescued a family member and he showed me his stash
didn't know he chill like that
If they had no shame since they made not bayo (HI3), then I can't believe that they'd care about similarities now
Have you completed the golden slumber world quest?
They have a Soheil from the academia go to Aru village to stop students heading to the desert ruins after Tizards discovers the hidden pyramid.
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>Geo Amy
abyss is based on clearing time so full damage build is the only reasonable choice
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There's a theory that Xiao is originally from Sumeru. When he was a slave his master took away his birth name. After Morax freed him he assumed his new name Xiao to show his loyalty (or Morax chose the name for him I'm not sure). We don't know what his true name is. Apparently there's hints in his outfit and lore about his Sumerian origins but I can't remember the video where I learned this
this is pretty
i will roll
you almost fully described chiori if not for the fact of " bis in too many teams", good job!
Chiori is much prettier, her kit isn't anything special but Furina is literally the worst of any archon and writing wise at least Chiori matches what she's supposed to be
Furina's writing doesn't make sense and is entirely self contradictory
>not bayo in HI3
who I thought that was cloud retainer?
I'm interested in this, what site does it sell on?
I hate blonde women
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I miss Granado Espada...
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I'd roll if she looked this cute
I meant more the early gameplay stuff (Kiana having combo enders similar to the wicked weaves, witch time, etc). MHY always wore what inspired them on the sleeves imo
chiorikek melty
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Based on what we know of it so far, what are your actual thoughts on pic related?
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Should be ok if you have a lot of characters built otherwise it might be ugly
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It is, indeed, 'something'. And 'something' is better than 'nothing'.
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>Want to use Xinyan
>Pyro or claymore or Liyue characters are arbitrarily banned
This sucks
if it about the pretty face, i agree. chiori is pretty and sexy.
if it about their competence, furina was bad, but atleast she did her task as an archon till the end of her reign. Comparing to nahida was just absent thanks for being locked for five hundred years.
about writing, i think furina was good (until the very end). she was a clone, or lets say a newborn person who didn't have an experience then given a heavy burden by her original form. she just can't reject it. althought something that i dislike about it is that for five hundred years, why didn't she just learn to fully accept her burden? why still sad and hiding behind the mask? all those years ago and she keep being sad pathetic girl instead of grow up and accept it? that was terrible.
Comparing to Chiori, she didn't have any trouble. maybe got problem with adapting to new country but she can manage it. her story isn't explored very much further except being a foreigner. the good thing from chiori is she can learn to adapt.
Collei is so lucky
playing through narzissenkreuz and seeing orphans struggle (and fail) to prevent doomsday was compelling
seeing wormvillette instantly do what they couldnt in the flick of his wrist ruins it
nta but I understand some of it
If the Serpent's Burst discards 4 Energy Block cards while under the effect of Adeptus' Temptation, it'll deal 20 damage and give the Whale +3 Max HP
If the Scorpion discards 3 Energy Blocks with his Burst, then his effect will have 3 uses (when an enemy uses a skill, they take 2 Electro Damage) and the whale gets +3 Max HP
Once the whale has a lot of HP, you can hit very hard while triggering Electro-Charged
When you Burst with the whale you summon a guy that does a fuckton of damage and blocks incoming damage
everyone action game since 2009 has stolen elements from Bayonetta's gameplay the botw comparisons are something people notice at a glance and genshin has tried it's hardest to escape the comparisons
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Cyno day - Cyno wallpaper

If you want any other wallpaper (from hoyo web events) tell me, I'll prepare it and upload it for (You)
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Liyue chronicled banner news?
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>furina SQ
>npc slop
>furina gets like 20% of screen time
They never learn do they
Does anyone have this pic in better quality?
you mean devil may cry?
Furina SEX
Chiori SEX
I miss Granado Espada even though I played it only a little almost 20 years ago... (I know it's still alive on Steam but I don't think I have the time for it anyway)
The soundtracks were so kino...

More like they don't care.
leakers flopped
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Im thinking its going to take about the same time as clearing floor 9 to 12
But with power ups, trial characters, buffs to highlighted characters, borrowing whale hypercarries, it should be very easy to clear
Way more interesting than the abyss, which I hope someday gets changed in some way
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>still forcing their random reddit boogieman
>everyone action game since 2009
I mean I get how mechanics and stuff are shared between games and people are inspired by things, but it got on the nose when a giant boot pops out of a portal when you play the intro stage to HI3.
Even then I don't really like witch time in everything if there's nothing further expanded on it, even P+ having it in every budget title got stale
Damn, this is really nice. Been a while since I've used a live wallpaper, that Ruin Drake looks cool
I don't really care about whether or not a character was a proper Archon or whether or not they suffered, in the end you can make anything work if the execution is good. A character being complex and going through many hardships can be just as good or just as bad as a one dimensional character depending on how they're used.
The main problem I have with Furina is >>483140014 ,it's just impossible to take her seriously at any time and as many anons have said she's most likely one of the character who got fucked the hardest by the multiple rewritings
>Colors of the Primordial Sea
>Tied to Enkanomiya where we learn about dragonslop for the first time
>Voicelines very similar to Neuvillette about respecting all living creatures
Be honest, was she supposed to be the Hydro Dragon?
>Majority of the 20% of screen time she does get is her being the butt of jokes or her getting bullied by Paimon/Traveller
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In 5.5 and it will be Xiao/Baizhu/Shenhe/Ganyu/Qiqi/Keqing
Don't forget that the intro stage of HI3 is on a plane... just like Bayo 2's intro stage
Wanna frot?
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These character designs look kinda cool. When are these releasing?
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I will never collect all of the Araniggers.
>and as many anons have said she's most likely one of the character who got fucked the hardest by the multiple rewritings
Don't remember anyone saying that.
This is not a Furina-exclusive problem.
Kokomi is supposed to be a genius strategist but acts retarded.
Kaveh is supposed to be a genius like Alhaitham but acts like a low IQ monkey.
Neuvillette is supposed to be a great smart leader but he's an utter incompetent.
Why is a finalised design (skirk) among the scrapped shit
I love the Thundering Seamstress
Hope the rumored geo hag can work with her
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the combat is fun if you take off the metafag training wheels
The fact that she isn't mentioned at all in the Narzissenkreus quest despite its importance is very weird. Especially when everyone else relevant to Fontaine is mentioned such as Neuvilette and the Melusines.
This does the exact opposite of proving that point
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mummyfags... we didn't even make it in the rejected design bin...
Clorinde is one of the most fun characters because dodging with her isn't necessarily tied to the retarded clunky dash, you can do it with her E even if you don't have iframes and it looks pretty damn stylish
Despite her downtime she's at the very least top 3 funniest character to play
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Is this useful for anyone or does the EM main stat kind of ruin it? I've never really played EM comps so I have no idea what stats they want
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Because Sethos actually came out :)
Furina or Focalors are never mentioned in World Quests while Neuvillette is. Normally all Archons except Nahida (which is justified since she's been locked up) are always mentioned in World Quests because they contributed to the lore of the region.
I think this is unironically a testament of rewriting her role in the story.
Top left was original Emilie before they discarded it and started from scratch
Top right looks like one of Skirk's early designs (final product is a huge downgrade)
I suspect bottom left was an early Chevy design
Bottom right might be early Freminet or a character that was scrapped altogether
white is better
what game uses DT triggers or jump cancels, even the stinger has gotten out of style for homing attacks or straight up teleports, every acton game now is light attack, heavy attack and witch time
Furina love
it would only be useful as an onset if it rolled all crit. it would have value as an offset if it rolled all ER. that is fodder.
>bow carries are forever pigeonholed into a very specific playstyle because of Slingshot
This upsets me.
>aggressive enemy AI
>dodging is necessary (or you get oneshot) and fluid
>alternating between NA E and burst
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Erinneyes is mentioned plenty and I think the parallels between the 2 are clear enough. Furina/Focalors is like if Erinneyes hadn't failed.
My Natlan chara looks weird...
because white is right
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next lantern rite would be in 5.3, dumb anon.
focalors says she came up with her plan alone at the bottom of the sea
erinnyes was never alone since she always had a spirit by her side
they cannot be the same person
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I still log twice a day
I actually haven't played it yet, no one talks about it anymore good or bad not even to shitpost
That's Remus not Erinnyes
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Sounds like it could be fun.
It's still unclear to me how many characters you can share with others and if those are subject to the elemental restrictions too
same, despite making 200 resin, i still login twice a day. at morning before going outside and night.
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Same, old habits won't go away that easy.
But its ok, I like running around without a reason in this game
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>very specific playstyle because of Slingshot

what are you on? tigh, yelan, ganyu, sethos all play very differently from each other. especially yelan who has the largest variety of tools in her kit.
Kek, me too
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Chevreuse had a separate design sheet, unlike Emilie or Skirk she was finalised and had the seal of approval like mummy girl.
slingshot already limit your playstyle.
you need to shoot at close range.
I still haven't done it either I ran into one of them at 2 days ago at random and I'm not tracking which ones I've found.
Huh. In any case Goth braids looks like a 4*. Probably scrapped due to budget cuts
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Do hags exist irl?
How can I meet them?
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that has nothing to do with bow carries in general and everything to do with a three star weapon being shit
Academically smart people can be pretty useless in real life situations and Kaveh at least sounds like a nerd but Kokomi is an odd one.
Dahlia is a Mondstadt character and a deacon of Barbatos
i cant even tell what game this guy is shitposting about
good for yae or fischl in dendro teams
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Don't give a fuck about rewrites Genshin is pretty good for my Saturday morning cartoon anime gacha
not scrapped. just not utilized. among all the leaks so far there has never been a stamped (finalized) design sheet that has not released as a character.
You're not supposed to spam the swirl for no reason, swirl to drop their defence, unleash Oz and then swirl the electro.
what is your definition of hag
Kaveh never says anything academically smart either, however he is shilled as a complete genius by Nahida on par with Alhaitham
your mom is a hag
might be one of those "member old region?" characters
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Fate Grand Order
you can see the electro persists after the clorinde burst
optimally I swirl there but I had to dodge
still swirled electro on the second e
if I spawn oz first it doesnt last the entire clorinde e
i wish our natlan archon looked like this
Erinnyes is not an oceanid
>Kaveh never says anything academically smart either, however he is shilled as a complete genius
he's supposed to be genius architect, just because you're good at one thing doesn't mean you're Gandalf with 20 point in wisdom
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
Nahida's voiceline says the opposite
He's a fucking idealist and Fat Xiao hates idealist. Alhaitham is his own the libs self insert character which is why he using him to attack Kaveh
For me it's ThanksCyno and AlbedosCreations
no one cares about nahida
> He has an almost-perfect grasp of what it truly means for Sumeru to be a Nation of Wisdom. Sadly, the truth as he understands it will never be accepted as the mainstream
>Kaveh's a good kid with great potential. I had a casual chat with him once about some principles of mechanism construction. Hmm, how should I put it... He's too much of an artsy romantic
both Nahida and Faruzan calls him a naive idealist, far from a complete genius
No you don't every FGO player calls Quetzalcoatl a tranny.
you are an esl
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KEK, what happened there?
How the fuck some of you still don't understand Kaveh's character
>they cannot be the same person
never said they were.
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Genshins for this feel?
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Thankscyno is kinda boring
AlbedosCreations, mixed reception. You might be wondering, why they create that subreddit? to create some of fusion of characters using mainly official media right? back then there were ton of random art that almost looks like eldritch horror, but lately it was just recolor and "fixed" art using this term "My headcanon of..", "My view..." "My preferences.." "X characters if it catered to me".
It was repetitive, uninspiring, just your boring recolor and most of them is just Tanned character.
Their latest post already drifted from the actual purpose of the subreddit. it used to be creative and imaginative place and now look at them.
I dislike that subreddit, used to participate with making some fusion and i'm now bored with it.
They lack media literacy hehehehehe
if you don't care to learn the game super hard it's not a great deck to beat the AI with honestly. It takes way too much effort to pilot and other decks can ungabunga the AI way more quickly and with less effort needed from you.
What's this?
Dead? La Signora I guess.
For now anyway, she'll come back.
>Kaveh never says anything academically smart either
sumeru is full of his architecture that the player's see as they journey through it. it speaks for itself.
you already know
Blame the artstyle
i do understand, the more i read the more i hate him.
his kit is terrible, you need to manage the EM/ER ratio, he's hard to build and dependable to C6.
Nilou makes bloom busted and he just did 1/10 damage of her and being terrible with it.
Reddit is kind of cringe about loli and shota
just make the kaveh deck its absolutely braindead
>mona skill
>swap to kaveh
>spam skill
>everything dies to 6 damage out of nowhere
it plays the same every game though
I usually do this too.
Some days I'm too busy and literally can't, so the 200 stamina comes in handy in these situations.
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>neuvtards vs fireflypags fighting over sales
Why do people thing Signora will come back?
do you think it's easy to design beautiful and functional architecture?
did you even read the post you replied to
Is Xingqiu still the best bussy in the game?
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damn, so it was true. they truly haven't recovered from this.
E - Dash and leave an elemental totem (3 charges)
Q- Detonates totems and refresh E charges

Make this for all elements
They started streaming on YouTube at the same time in 4.5 if you're asking about the view drop. The 1k viewer streams are TCG tournaments
She already came back once in the lore. It wouldn't really be a big deal for her to come back again.
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It's almost her time.
>literally just E spam and then clorinde who is even more E spam disguised as normal attacks
my fucking sides

The only characters in the game that are fun in combat are the normal attack spammers. But even some of them are a little too single minded and spammy like eula and arlecchino.
Only keqing and wanderer really have well rounded and engaging movesets, the former because of her E, and the latter because dodging is built into his gameplay. It's still pretty barebones compared to real games, but it's way better than EQ spam.
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total neuvgod victory btw not a single loss
Where are the floptaine clothing lines and phones
why did I laugh at this
>It's still pretty barebones compared to real games
what real games, and please don't say Souls games
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They will never arrive
he's just flexing his mod.
his playstyle is terrible.
for a mod user, he didn't bother to use Hide UID mod, instead just cropping UID.
Next year
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What does this mean?
Same voice actors in JP.
>the guy who started with the kick just tanked them in the back
>they eventually just ignore him and go after his goons
lmao we did this in high school.
After about 3 fights we started to become friends
slap festival?
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Genshin for this feel?
Oh, thanks
>clorinde "e spam" = bad
>keqing e spam = well rounded and engaging
yeah ok
it isnt supposed to be 100% optimal
its just more fun cause I have to dodge or I die
>Furina's asshole seiyuu also voices the biggest asshole in the franchise
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Genshin could never
weakest neuvGOD
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Looking at Jean's birthday mail

>In actual fact, the number of monsters around Mondstadt has greatly decreased during the time my mother has been away. The Knights of Favonius who stayed behind have matured and blossomed, meaning that the immense pressure I faced is gradually lessening too.

Seems like the Knights are getting better, even with reduced numbers?
>Bandai voices the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles
what does this MEEEEEEEEAN
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the god jobber himself
They REALLY want the game to absolutely die in South America huh?
>Literal faggots in the thread sharing cock pics
>Posts like this
Yep this general is cooked
but /gig/ hates neuvspics thoughever?
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>Red hair XQ
>This is the next archon slop
HAHAHAHAHA this game just can't stop disappointing. Holy dumpster fire of a game.
lmao what a dogshit take
Fontaine was nice but it seems so disjointed from the rest of Teyvat with the Interlude not even taking place in Fontaine
if we're talking about 3rd person anime action games, then something like granblue relink. It's what genshin could be if every character had to be a competent normal attacker at the baseline.
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It has soul which is something genshit sorely lacks
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this isn't as interesting as the umineko one
kaito being cheld is kinda funny, i didn't know that one but it makes sense, they're both retarded
>Make a colonist the archon of the South American region
Yeah that's gonna go well kek...
Heizou, Ayaka and Keqing's clones are fun
Bro Genshin is a Chinese game
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pyro xq????????!!!!
South American here.
I'm fine with the Pyro Archon
We're all excited for conquistadorludocolonizeriberiankinography albeitdoebeit?
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Genshin Impact paying money towards climate change solutions was not on my checklist
Ganyu, Tighnari and Lyney all have a very similar kit in the sense that it revolves around spamming Charged Shots which have a delayed reaction. Yelan isn't designed as a carry; even at c6 her field time only goes from "set up your shit and leave" to "set up your shit and do a combo then fuck off."

Sethos has a kit revolving around spamming attacks which are instantaneous. Stringless is a 3* weapon yet it beats out most 4* and 5* options for him. A 31% crit rate and 60% damage weapon is pretty fucking hard to beat despite the lower base attack(which bow characters can easily compensate for with Bennett because ranged play isn't hindered by Circle Impact™). This is why a vast majority of 5* bow characters are going to be designed around delayed CS damage. Slingshot is simply too powerful which means the banner weapon would need to be disgustingly broken to be worth the investment and that sort of power creep can bleed over to other characters which is just bad for the game in general because it would cause a cascade effect.
>but what about Harbinger of Dawn
It comes with a huge drawback so you're forced to run team comps built around it and that's always a DPS loss compared to an optimal team using any other good weapon. Slingshot has no downside other than needing your shot to hit within 0.3s which is very easy to do.

Shit like this is the exact same reason why there's never going to be a polearm user who has a high number of hits in their combo while being built around actually comboing. Remember how Xiangling and Zhongli were setting up polearms to be the high combo weapon? Can't have that because the sheer amount of damage Crescent Pike can add to a combo would require a ridiculously broken weapon to surpass. They probably have rules involving stuff like this established for their 5* character planning.
Nobody cares about Amerixir tears.
i aint reading allat
This PR stunt is years old how long are they going to milk it
Bro your fontaine?
Is it just me or Fontaine's story Is a bit... sexist?
China doesn't care about the Ameritroon market
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>the godless dragon worshipping treacherous region flops
If WQs were important they would be voiced. Auto play and Alt-Tab
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Even that one got updated
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do you mean to tell me that these two flops gonna kill wuwa? huh?
keqing's E is only used once per 5-6s, requires manual aiming, and you can do superfluous things like aiming it up to get a plunge attack or dodge something for style points.
With clorinde you don't even have any control over where you're zooming around. It looks extremely foolish to me because you're obviously meant to wowed by the high speed dashes, but ultimately you're a complete slave to the autotarget. It's meant to look cool but require no effort or agency on your part, just a larp.
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When are they going to put her voice actor in Genshin?
At last post the updated version
Speaking of Clorinde, I've been playing around with different recommended teams since most of the time she is part of a friendship team for dailies and domains. Webm related are quickbloom, hyper and overload. Overload feels the strongest while quickbloom feels the most comfy.
Your father already killed himself, so it doesn't really matter.
WuWa lost.
Genshin won.
>With clorinde you don't even have any control over where you're zooming around
>ultimately you're a complete slave to the autotarget
Nobody tell him
>With clorinde you don't even have any control over where you're zooming around
fags should get the rope is all I took away from Kaveh
>Nahida + Furina
The most fraudalent team comp in the game just alt tab
Post the likes
Toko/Raiden is kinda funny when you think about it
Those "EP" videos are literally just characters walking around the enviornment with no voices and music you hear in the game. They're only made for a character's rerun.
Relink was in dev hell and has like, what, 20 characters? I agree that it's more polished experience but it also took years to come out
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Tbf the wuwa trailer looks 10x better than wtv the fuck furina and standardwine pvs were supposed to be.
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can genshins get pregnant
It’s because wuwa is an actual game with a polished narrative rather than the contrived mess Genshin is
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>With clorinde you don't even have any control over where you're zooming around
>With clorinde you don't even have any control over where you're zooming around.
You can dash to whatever direction you like. In fact because her shots pierce through enemies, it's optimal to position yourself manually.
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Is Basado as fuck.
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>wuwa is an actual game with a polished narrative
you don't run Sethos with bennett, he prefer dendro since Aggravate is his only team and there's no Dendro or Electro bennett.
Each Sethos's attack could increase his CA duration except if you got ton of energy. Slingshot's effectiveness will be reduced.
Slingshot seriously overhyped, same goes with Harbringer of Dawn.
Man Sara is so clunky...
Even in Railgun x BA collab, she's forgotten.
There's no hope for kuroko
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Oikawa when
for me it's shokuhou misaki
>you don't run Sethos with bennett
I never said you do. I said low base attack is easily compensated for by using Bennett if necessary. Sethos doesn't care because he runs Aggravate and stacks EM so the attack on his bow largely doesn't matter. This is the same reason why Keqing and Alhaitham can perform so well with HoD.
Aren't you supposed to only use the E on the Electro DPS and not Kujou Sara? Why did you use it on her?
Because they don't play the way you prefer to play the game?
she isn't you don't need to CA at all
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But /gig/ told me wuthering was dead??
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Dehya is more fun
don't care, i lost interest in her the moment i found out she was another short term infusion character. After arlecchino that's just unacceptable.
I don't roll for characters with time limited fun, if i want to be a main dps for 30 seconds straight it's my god given right.
No. Not even the literal mom's will have ever been pregnant.
Dunno why not just call both hyper, Chevreuse is just doing what Kazuha did and both use overload
Yes my autism is triggered
My only takeaway from these webms is that Sara fucking sucks
>wuwashills are here
I only have c0 Chevreuse so I've never bothered to look at her kit in-depth. Why do I see people using her skill charges? Is there actually a benefit to this? I thought her entire purpose was tapping her skill once for the heal effect then bursting for the Noblesse buff then fucking off. Her personal damage is garbage.
Fun? what kind of fun exactly? Fun to play or Fun to play with?
why the fuck does clorinde need apep materials
they are really serious about their no yuri policy
This one doesn't show the end
Did Sara actually buff Clorinde in this one? The burst at the end was a clear timeloss over just finishing the skill
The burst at the end was a clear timeloss over just finishing the skill

Also where's her main team, Aggravate? Nahida, Fischl, Kazuha?
We'll never know for sure but schizo headcanon is that she was intended to be released much, MUCH earlier in Fontaine's patch cycle
Frens, is Klee, Furina, Emilie a good team?
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what's with the weirdly delayed setup on your sara? isn't it just E then CA (which is sped up by her E) Q then immediately fuck off? also that should be done right before your electro carry comes on field because the buff is 6 seconds
>c3 f c2 n
>holy shit guys clorinde hits like a truck
you should be grateful with that.
you can crown her at day one
Can someone tell me why Genshin seems to think WE care about npcs? Why the fuck is Furina's quest about helping others. This is excruciatingly boring.
It's been confirmed she was supposed to come out earlier but they wanted to push Wormney and Poovillette so she got pushed back and her level up mats didn't change
Yeah, I don't get that

Xianyun having a kid, even if she lost them, would make her maternal instincts much more believable.
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She gives a team-wide attack buff if you hit an enemy with her charged skill. The elemental shred happens automatically when an overload happens.
based Cyno enjoyer
Nahida when she becomes a big titty hebe
I think its c6 >f
his entire team gets healed but nahida has sac frags
Being an on-field viable character is such a strong gameplay hook they lock it behind c6 because they know mains of those characters will pay up for the privilege.
There's a reason it's way more common than the reverse, a constellation that 'promotes' an onfielder into an EQ bot. Who would want that shit lmao. Only ones that come to mind are c4 ayaka and klee and even then it's more an indirect buff to that use case.
It's fun to shoot
Chevy is complete at c0 though and everything that makes her good is c0
no one tell him about the TF build
you could replace the DPS with anyone, preferably EM scaler for the same result

you only get the buff when you charge the shot otherwise all you get is healing
i don't know, with NPC, you can have "death" and "suffering" being shown on screen. Playable characters in the other hand must be pure and stain-free.
remember when someone complaining about playable characters on limited event? yeah this is one of its effects
you have to hold and aim the skill to get the 40% teamwide attack buff
>This one doesn't show the end
Yeah, only noticed too late and now the source file is gone.
>The burst at the end was a clear timeloss
It's fun, mostly.

For elegy.
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I love Loom's thousand yard stare
I can understand them wanted hype up Neuvi but what reason would they have to release Wrio so soon? Did he need the momentum from his appearance in 4.1 that badly?
why does bird mommy needs whale materials instead of something from Liyue
I mean he doesn't do anything else afterwards and never shows up again. Wouldn't really be any other time to release him
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Anyone else getting bored of Genshin? I dunno if I should explore the new Fontaine region for later and play Elden Ring Shadow DLC instead
NPCs are allowed to be more than just cardboards. I care more about some world quest NPCs than your average sanitized playable character
>Does the c1r1 Cryo Physical DPS need all the help that he can get
What the fuck do you think?
Some NPCs are the devs self-inserts unironically
no, they usually use materials from the latest bosses they added. Why not use whale / arle, apep was fucking 1 year ago
My personal guess is that at the time they had absolutely no idea what they wanted to do with Bond of Life. Think about it, it's supposed to be one of Fontaine's combat gimmicks alongside arkhe (the crafted sword that grants BOL was in from the start and NPCs also applied it to you) but we didn't start getting NPCs actually having BoL as a part of their kit until 4.6
They probably wanted to release Clorinde early, got stuck when designing her kit and ended up postponing her release
god i wish
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>Wrio is just effortlessly cool and oozes charisma. He does not need the backing of a massive ad campaign to be pushed. His design and character speaks for himself.
why does some police and random dancer need literal god of electro's materials instead of something from sumeru?
why does random doctor and a child need son of electro god's material instead of something from liyue?
>For elegy.
that's not necessary. her Q hits multiple times which will trigger elegy. you are taking so long with your setup your buffs are literally running out before you get your carry on
It's C1 Furina and C2 Nahida, soon to be both C2.
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She groovin. I'll have to play around with Dehya/that team. I really liked having the triple kenki on the first chamber in the previous abyss, it was great for quick aoe damage testing.

I'm largely agnostic towards team naming conventions but if I were to call them both hyper, it would probably end up annoying some anons.
Confirmed where?
The means you are not mentally ill, as most gacha gamers are.
My dad works at Mihoyo, he knows Dawei personally.
Between this and Clorinde somehow using Apep materials (same as neuvillette) indicates that she was originally intended for 4.1. Then they fucked up the BoL / thought about Wrio momentum so they chose to delay her and put Wrio instead. Of course, Clorinde and Wrio's story quests would look very different if they were swapped. Meaning they definitely got rewritten as well
Lesser Lord Kusanali sent to me in a dream
Tbh hoyo cycles and times content in their games because they want you playing and spending in genshin, HSR and (soon) ZZZ. This downtime in the last half of a major patch has become typical. The hype cycle will begin again when Natlan is released and then die again after 5.4 like usual.
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It's most likely bigger nowadays
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this is what twitter want and wish for Tighnari's design
I think it's safer to assume the ZL rerun in 4.0 wasn't supposed to happen and Chlor or Wrio was supposed to run along side Lyney.
>you could replace the DPS with anyone, preferably EM scaler for the same result
This feels like a non sequitur, to be honest. Replacing the DPS still doesn't replace Nahida and Furina, which your post mentioned specifically.
Why no army in Teyvat use Hilichurl cannons?
Imagine the scenes. There is an army and suddenly a Hilichurl is launched into it, injuring the soldiers. And more than that, there would be a very angry and hostile Hilichurl in the middle of the enemy lines.

Wouldn't that be a great self defense weapon?
I'm glad Mihoyo is still somewhat based and is giving us a white Natlan
>that Aether:Lumine ratio
Why do chinks hate him so much
aside from shit skin that design is infinitely better than the gaudy mess of green and black and pink tiffany came up with
>Why do I see people using her skill charges?
Constellations/buffs aside, I used them mostly because it's entertaining.
I didn't get bored of Genshin yet but I got bored of HSR after a year
lol no
Twitter wants more brown characters because of inclusivity, I want more brown women because I fucking love 'em
Twitter hates pyro archon's conquistador design because they hate colonizers, I hate it because it looks like shit
We're not the same
nobody rolled for him, lmao.
not even Jotaro voices can save some literal who.
well, unlike the general thunder from HSR.
>buffs are literally running out before you get your carry on
Her burst refreshes her buffs, desu.
Race swapping aside that design is kino
Yae and Chiori do not belong in the Lawrence family and I'm tired of pretending like they do
Only in events. I refrain from skipping in AQs and WQs out of respect for the open world designers. In this regard, WQs are held to much greater respect for being extremely tied to the exploration.
You're still taking too long for what should be a very simple E CA Q. Like 3s vs the 10s you are doing just to get Sara setup
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Miko is a good character
I wouldn't mind it, but he should've been a girl
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My wife
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The game or modding tool is based!
Headscarf looks retarded, that nigga can't hear!
go back
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This is by far the longest post in this general
We patiently await Tiffany's next works in Natlan.
It is just the truth as her wanting to take in two strangers is an odd choice as it is not like she had a connection to their families before adopting them.

It is a kind gesture for her to do however it feels like they just wanted to make her a mommy without giving it more emotional weight or thought to make it believable.
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>twitter audience on my modding site
>this is what twitter want
from what i've heard is that one of the FGO artists who specializes in drawing a bunch of dark skin characters designed tighnari
and mihoyo ended up making him white
probably similar as why weaponizing animals is frowned upon now adays. something something intelligent creature, violating some convention, let alone the fact that we know theyre just corrupted humans. however alice was pretty based on them, i remember reading the text stating she tried to propose a hilichurl slave power station till jean shot it down
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What do u guys think of my drawing? :D
How come /gig/ blames Tiffany for everything except the 3d models which are her actual responsibilities?
Peruere is still a Lawrence though right?
Soulless drawing
I came
What a stupid question dude. Elden Ring DLC just released? You play that. New Genshin region just released? You play that.
You are meant to enjoy them day 0 with your 4chan bros. I'm waiting for Natlan kino myself, but for the meantime? Elden Ring.
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Clorinde takes the field right after Sara uses her burst and the reason it was drawn out was for positioning. If I instead were to spam it, the geovishap would have knocked Sara out of the way, which I find annoying. You're welcome to provide an example of yourself performing the rotation in the ideal manner you find lacking.
You made two separate vids of that retarded Sara setup bro. You originally claimed it was for Elegy, and when proven wrong you now claim it's for positioning. Whatever man
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She got such a cute smile there.
You're welcome to provide an example of yourself performing the rotation in the ideal manner you find lacking.
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Imagine living next to that psycho Alice
Why did they stop writing her Travel guides?
You dont belong here
The only time it's worth doing webm's is for 1m+ vape showcases. Not for absolutely basic shit like this. You blithering retard.
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These are his fgo characters
Don't give up webm bro, these weren't bad for first webms
Why are you so aggressive about this if you aren't willing to put yourself out there? You're welcome to provide an example of yourself performing the rotation in the ideal manner you find lacking.
that doesn't looks like tighnari at all.
why most of them black?
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Raiden+Sara came out 2 1/2 fucking years ago and it took until today for someone to point out you were using Sara wrong. Hope you learned something useful. YOU'RE welcome.
Why are you so aggressive about this if you aren't willing to put yourself out there? You're welcome to provide an example of yourself performing the rotation in the ideal manner you find lacking.
This is a mentally ill general and she was the only visible woman. If she ever gets murdered it's going to be /gig/ fault for pushing unfunny schizo narratives
The Pako version of Tighnari was also white
Neither does Eula but we don't go there for some reason. Maybe you should shut up about Freminet Lawrence's extended family
Well, I have to go now but if you ever decide to change your mind, feel free to post that clip. I'll be waiting, sensei.
ah it was lisa, been so long i misremembered. still i love this psychopath milf, it'll be a crime when/if she comes out and doesn't synergize with klee
He likes Indians, but also I don't think he got free reign on tighnari he probably had a list of key design points he had to hit especially since Tighnari is the only currently playable character of his weird ancient race.
sudacas don't spend any money on genshin anyways

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