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"Depravity" Part 2 Edition

A place for the works of japanese game director, writer and absolute madman Yoko Taro (aka Toko Taro, aka Yoko Yaro, aka Coco Taro).
Discussion of the NieR/Drakengard/Voice of Cards games, as well as spanking and cashgrab kusoges like SINoALICE, NieR Reincarnation and 404 GAME RE:SET are welcome!

>NieR Rein Now EoS...
>NieR Automata Anime Adaptation Season 2 to be RELEASED in JULY
>SINoALICE Movie home release OUT NOW
>NieR Replicant Remake on Steam
>NieR Automata on Steam
>Voice of Cards games on Steam
>Emulation guides for Drakengard games
>Drakengard 1.3 Translation
>Yokoverse Fanbook
>Complete Yoko Taro resource pastebin
>Accord's Library (New Yoko Taro Games Archive)
>SINoALICE Resources (guides, Database, OSTs, etc.)
>High Res Art
>Event Stories compiled by anon
>Conquest Guides
>Chat Stamps Compilation

>Previous thread
Why did you kill Cindy thread so fast? Lets give it another shot
unless taro announces something soon I think this might be it for /tarog/
It wasn't my fault this time I told you I was going to sleep :(

the sino movie though...
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this one maybe
little robot boy?
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yeah, this was from Dimos’ recollections of dusk story. it was one of the better ones.
what's happening? Robot boy transfers his mind to his own corpse?
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essentially yes. it’s a pretty quick read on nierrein.guide but you’d need to know more about him and Rion for it to make you cry.
it still pisses me off how SINo weapon and character stories were handled. I guess since the game was older it had lower res because you always had to scroll down to get the whole story, meaning you had to take two screenshots. Makes them hard to share.
i don’t think that has to be a deal breaker, maybe just quote your own post if it’s not obvious? i would be curious if any weapons shared between games have variations in their stories
The datamine should still be up on GitHub so later I'll check and see

Datamine. Iirc it was auto pulled so it should be recent as of EOS
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>that boob squish
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I miss them so much bro
I miss them all, except those two.
And the p*gs.
And the meme traps.

Scratch that, I only miss Cindy!
pigs are based
based on what
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*shoots you*
cindy being forced to play water guns with people and getting really overcompetitive about it until she pins somebody down and sprays them in the face until somebody has to give them cpr
i want her to bully me
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A big adult?
a mommy
i want to believe kaguya would deliberately induce lactation for cow fetish play
It do be like that
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I want to punch 9S
He's your self insert tho
looks like RAWs of the movie are up. No sub release yet doe
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No this is me
>this is both the ideal man and ideal girl to the japanese
They have evolved so far beyond us
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Me except I don't apologize
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Cute girls
cute fiiiiiiish and lil kaguya
that's a lot of greterus
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she cool
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She's the best.
Where are u checking for subs?
SINoSNOW Discord.
It's the only source we've got...
Why can't I BUY these?
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Thank you arisu
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You can BUY these instead
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And this
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This too
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This aswell
Yes 6 figure announcement in a day
How do they manage to make Toobie figures WORSE every single fucking time? And who the fuck buys it still???
these look like they’re based on the anime designs, maybe that’s what seems off? still better than off-model lewds imo. i’m not about to BUY any of these, but >>483415531 look like they could turn out cute
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Anime season 2 is in 9 days so much more Automata merch and collabs will come out this year in the anime style
The anime design merch can be decent. The S.H.Figuarts Toobie that I have is very nice, but the Figma one above looks worse in comparison for no apparent reason. The joints are much more visible, the proportions are a bit weird imho, sleeves look too much like cotton candy. Also, since the figure's hips are hidden behind the skirt on the pic, I bet it somehow looks even worse than SHF's one. The only part I like more in Figma is more round thighs. Might also be that I really like SHF Toobie, or that theirs is just generally the better one out of all others.
>And who the fuck buys it still???
Twords whose entire personality is "I love the butt robot and the penis girl's games" whose only knowledge of Drakengard and suplementary material comes straight from the Nier wiki, and didn't bother with Rein and Sino because "gachas are... le BAD!".
>9 days
I want her so bad

No! We already have hundreds of statues of toobs!
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Left or right?
right. I don't want a shot.
What if that shot brainwashes you into being Cindy's dog?
Does Emil miss his pet spider?
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dont want that either!
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Yes Emil is a big crybaby
cute boi
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I forgot but did reality Cindy and fairytale Cindy get along? Or did they fought eachother?
Got along in a violent way
...I think even freshly showered Red would still smell like smoke and iron.
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You forgot that she can cook only with meat
idort luv
W.. what's happening here?
>Smile status: Protected
>somebody is nice to stinky for the first time
>fixes her
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Sleepy x Red exist bcoz of that
Why is he on the floor?
>his doggos don't tackle him
Who would you love more?
sweepy is not having a good time
>P U N T
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You played Voice of Cards, right?
I played the demo and though it was kinda crap.
I don't think many people did... At least they didnt play the expansions.
>is that... the dick girl's outfit?????????? MUST CONSOOOOOOOOMMMMM
Sad that the games weren't supposed to be related to DrakeNier in any way, and yet, they felt the need to do this. And it didn't work to boost sales.
I've seen that there is at least one Rein outfit for some cat girl too. I think it's pretty nice.
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I had a dream that sino movie with subs was spreading to every online anime site...
i got through one playthrough of the first one…
Is Nier Repent real?
what if sino movie comes out and is a huge cult hit and squeenix is forced to bring them back as a full anime
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Thats what already happened in JP. The movie was made thanks to all sino merch that sold while gacha was alive then movie/eos merch sold out. SQEX had to restock 3 times and i heard movie dvds also out of stock, so they definetly didnt expect such a success.
Since Automata got an anime i think its fair to expect a Replicant anime some time and after that either a DoD or Sino or Rein one. But i hope thats something extra and not a toko torture of releasing all these anime then in 10years time START working on Nier 4
>Replicant anime
Now that's a cope, sorry. I could see this happen maybe if the Automata anime sells like hotcakes. Which it hasn't to my knowledge, it's probably not even making it even.
>reach ending [d] of replicant anime
>it completely deletes the anime from existence
what all happened in the movie anyways
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Whats gonna happend with the new Automata anime ending? 2B doesnt get the virus logic? A direct connection to Rein? They get sent to DoD timeline? Accord somewhere?
Doesnt anything with 2butt image sell like hotcakes already? Isnt that the reason we get endless merch of her?
Nier AND Caim come back and kill everything. Again. The enders of end. The end-enders. [F]uck this shit.
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i hope there’s some direct rein connection beyond the couple things we saw already in S1. i think they’ll most likely include Him/Her/red girl story stuff. i want to at least see 10H and Mama/Pod 006, and maybe if we’re extra lucky Fio/Levania and/or Hina/Yuzuki, even just briefly. i don’t think we’re likely to see anyone else from rein though.
It's gonna be Argo. Just imagine that bastard appearing out of thin air and immediately starting to search for the highest mountain of robot corpses around.

Honestly a Rein anime would make a TON of sense (sadly more sense than a Sino anime.) Really the only thing holding them back is the fact that it would be a tie-in to a dead game, but making an easily consumable version of what Taro has said multiple times he considers Nier 4 seems like it would be a good direction to go in
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lol, but please NO!
1 hour into sex and she gives you this look
>1 hour
>he can't for six hours straight and leave her walking funny for two days
Is this NAI? NAI finally getting good at Sinos is a blessing...
ye, gonna make some fishe when I manage to stop simping Red
Can it do Kaguya or Arisu yet?
just from a quickie seems fine,will try guya
Can't what?
I still love Alice even if she's pregnant with sensei's baby
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Thats this artist child
it's got the general gist of her face and hair style but she's still kind of on the ?? end, I'll play around with it some more and try VTing it
awww, what a shame.
the hell is going on in the background
who cares about the background when we've got arisu's full and supple booba and belly fat with child
need to do more regular for her
Or make her double pregnant (she's already pregnant but I get her more pregnant)
surprise, it's twins
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[Presents to celebrate achieving the top sales ranking!]
To celebrate our #1 ranking in the AppStore top sales rankings, we will be giving away 100 magic stones to everyone who logs in between 17:00 on June 27th and 23:59 on July 10th! (One-time offer ※ )
We look forward to your continued support of #シノアリス .
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NEW Anime merch collab, now in streetwear
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Buy Buy
...Have Toobie's thighs always look SO big?
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>that skindentation
...I believe you. All those borgers must go somewhere, after all.
Reddit meme
Nah toobs is a canon burgerslut
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that's where all that thigh meat comes from
Garbage "cosplayer"
Do not insult cosplayers
She's not a cosplayer, she's a slut dressed as the butt robot for clout.
That's what cosplayers are
All cosplayers must get Ending E!
desu >>483715962 is better than most of the garbage “cosplay” that gets posted here. this one at least looks more like a photograph than a digital painting monstrosity.
all cosplay girls is queens
good morning sirs!
anon the meme doesn't work when you just throw it out willy nilly. You're only supposed to use it when it's context appropriate. Now it's become meaningless.
What was Rubrum doing in Emil's library anyway? How'd she get there in the first place? The original Noir was with the Shadowlord and Weiss was collecting dust in the castle's basement, so how did Hamelin lose a Grimoire at best, and 11 at worst? Does Rein have any lore about all other books?
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Cosplay ''girls''
so many reds...
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We all know all gacha players are STINKY and NEETS
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Nier team just revealed a look at the new ending song for the anime’s second cour, titled “ashes and prayers”. This is thought to be a combination of replicant’s “ashes of dreams” and reincarnation’s “prayer” theme songs, written by toko taro and someone translated it already.
is the anime going to go hard into Replicant stuff then?

Im going to be honest: I really dont like "meta sequels" or "meta adaptations" where they don't actually adapt the thing you like
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The anime has DoD, Replicant and Rein references and its already a new branch so yea anything is possible now
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anime soon! then....?
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The replicant stuff was obvious but what rein and draken references did the anime have?
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i may be forgetting/missing something, but iirc Adam takes the form of one of the rein boss monsters towards the end, and the secret thing in 9S’s bag is a fist weapon from rein
>no Sino references
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it’s the one associated with this Fio costume

if there were, i unfortunately wouldn’t know
That fist weapon is originally from automata, so I'm not really sure if that counts as a rein reference.
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This and some draken weapons appeared
Most nier bosses are named after fairytales before sinoalice was made so you could say they already were part of. The actual sinos and the library are technically like the watchers, beings from another reality/time, plus they are tied to Accord lore so unless we see her in anime... at best some sino weapon somewhere or as part of the cage if that appears. The library being digitally copied in the cage is huge, you could revive the puppets and finally learn where they come from. Wish the red girl did so in story since if you wanted to travel between branches the puppets are the key, they hold the same power as Accord.
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oh, you’re right! i didn’t remember it from automata. well, i guess now you know how it shows up in rein.
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She's not that big
should be BIGGER
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Noelle is CUTE and SMALL
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Petite is sexy
Where is Weiss in 11945? Did he get stuck in a cookbook?
anon... he....
He is NOT dead! He could talk even after the book exploded! And he even helped Kaine with bringing Nier back from nothingness!
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ashes to ashes, dust to data?
Well his last appearance was in sinoalice and this was his record
We fought for what seemed like ages.
To kill those things that took a twisted human form.
To protect those precious to me, with my own hands.

We were deceived for so long.
Deceived by people in a land we've never been, whose faces we've never seen
Issuing orders from a safe distance.

We must have been in love.
And despite the fact I couldn't save you,
but I never got to thank you for saving me.

These fragments glimmering deep in my depths...
they seem to be the vague memories of people...
the faded remnants of human wisdom...

H-hold on! I’ll have you know my name is not “Booky Wooky!”
You may call me "Grimoire Weiss" I am a great compendium of ancient wisdom.
Treat me with respect!
Ashes of dreams!

...Poor Weiss, all the disrespect he has to go through... At least Nier called him by his name... Boogie Wonderland....
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Mother and daughter
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CUTE! he was also in rein as a companion. i always used him in arena.
We say Shiro around these parts.
i like the art for right a lot. Rein's artist doing a straight copy of Sino?
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Well it was for the collab so yea they took iconic sino poses
that's cool
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Kaine is CUTE!
Yonah's cuter.
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This bust will look at you at all times
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If she doesn't close her eyes when you kiss her on the forehead I am NOT BUYING!

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