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Toasty Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>482954802

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on May 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard released May 28th. Agent Smith is next

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
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Hangin' in there for the PPG... Dailies are done, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
>watch some Jerma compilations
>see he’s playing Multiversus in some

Man, people really used to give a shit about this game. You’d never find someone that big playing this now
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>the one faggot that doesn't hit rematch
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Just doing my part for the Big Dawg gang :)
first and kinda second point are never gonna happen cause it would look bad on them and the game, when they do fixes they either announce them in changelogs/fine print or try to pass them off as new features
but also yes i agree, though i don't think there's really a need to give characters for free, just reduce their prices
Fortnite doesnt lock weapons behind paywalls, and Fortnite also give tons of free trashy accesories equivalent to mvs trashy accesories (masks, shirts, hats), but Fortnie also gives for free actual unique skins
This Power Pledge shit wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take forever to level up your characters after they hit level five.
>jason event mission
>dodge an attack
>it only registers 1 dodge per match
>you have to do it 12 times

Holy shit these people are incompetent
https://x.com/NHL_On_TNT/status/1775533668477337961 this hockey game looks more fun than mvs
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Holy shit, you're right.
Christ no wonder it's felt like total shit
I noticed that they finally fixed the Witch Velma skin labeling. They decided to change her to a legendary despite being an epic so they could charge an extra 500 but at launch they forgot to change her label so it still said epic.
Caseoh's pretty big.
Weapons =/= Characters. MVS characters have some of the highest effort in the game, making them free in a fucking F2P game is financial suicide. They required far too much time, effort and money (negotiations alone are expensive and time consuming).
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Reminder her next beta weekend is in five days.
One permanent free character only is retarded
cant wait for this garbage slow ass game for fucktards to die
>no one gives a damn about "player peak" if money isn't being spent. As of now: lots of people are still getting suckered into spending money on characters and gleamium
Holy mother of cope. It's not even in the top 250 selling games on Steam anymore and is below games like Garry's Mod, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2 (literally a dead, bot infested game), and Hogwarts Legacy
Dailies finished. I'm really close to getting Uber Jason so I'll probably just grind it out later today. See you guys whenever the game gets fixed.
literally who
>Most people would have less reason to play if they just have everything willy nilly
>This is the tought process of the minority
Nigga wtf are you saying are you just baiting? cant you see the fucking numbers?
why is everyone in my games standing still and doing nothing and not clicking either yes or no on the rematch screen
did they fall asleep mid game
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Fleet from Rivals 2
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My rules for teabagging? Sure it's cringe, but sometimes it has to be done.
>only at the end if they are one of the following:
>cocky player prematurely teabagging
>they get tilted on first stock and doesnt play it out
>800/200 u/d
>streams load fine, <2s delay
>Rifts are fine
>queue for 1v1
>laggy slideshow into total disconnect
aaaAAAA nobody else is bitching about it but what the fuck, how is it on my end when everything else is fine
I do it against spammers who think they’re worth anything:
Oh yeah, I was looking into this, but I don't really want to drop $30 on the first game since this one's on the way.
I'll check it out, thanks.
Why did thry stop making content in the beta? Was it cause of the dropping players
If don't usually do it, but if it's a
>lose, they teabag, then they lose the rematch
situation, then spam that down button until my fingers give out.
So they could port engines
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O.K. I’ll just leave this here
Sadly I don't think it will survive, they are simply doing it WRONG plain and easy.. I got into a burnout pretty easy, my mates did too, and we all quit, character progression is exponential, battlepass costs a lifetime of xp and is 70 tiers, new characters costing twice as much, and did I mention it BECAME online only? Yeah textbook anticonsumer approach
Sub 1k players in 3 months is my bet
https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/hrORnASVYa Thoughts on this take? I think there’s something to it, minus the Marvel thing at the end
latency is the issue, not download speeds
that said, i get stutters too no matter the mode i am in. Game only worked properly for me during the second week, after the first "round" of performance fixes, then they did another round of "fixes" and it went back to stutterfest

cause they literally didn't have it, beta was constant delays upon delays of announced stuff
I think the battlepass and xp changes they made are good. I’m 11 levels away from getting Uber Jason, and there’s still like 27 or so days left. The battlepass is fine with dailies and xp from wins. Unlocking new characters does suck though
lol sometimes I start a match and the players don't even spawn, I'm stuck watching the background and the timer is blocked too so I need to force close the game, did this already happen to some of you?
If I feel like they deserve it they get it.
My only rule is that all bms are done mid match. Only a bitch waits until it's safe to do so.
I ain't going to reddit
Repost here or gtfo
I got stuck on the loading screen with the character portraits and timer.
Takes like a minute to show error player disconnected
overwatch did it to try and salvage the game. and it worked because people buy more skins when unlocking characters isn't a chore and are more likely to buy battle passes when 75% of the rewards arent unusable
Let's be honest, the game deserves to die at this point
It's a miracle if it doesn't but the team actually deserves to get shit on for releasing such a miserable version of the game
I mean it was fine for me all night and then suddenly just took a shit even though nothing else is wrong. I don't know who to blame anymore
>I don't know who to blame anymore
game itself at this point, connection and servers can't be it given how the issues happen so there's must be something fucky going on with the game. I mean, if they managed to fix it for me and then it started shitting up again after an update i don't know what else it could be
how did you "decide" at the start of the game?
they legit should not even bother until they make any part of the matchmaking tolerable
holding people hostage and/or punishing them over the game freezing, hanging, crashing is fucking psychotic, just let them leave the fucking game
not being able to change characters or edit perks makes people never want to rematch
region-based matchmaking evidently doesnt exist or the fucking peruvians are all vpning to us servers because half the players i see are blatant spics who cant even move their character because of how high their ping is
further youre never given any indication of this whatsoever so when the game starts to hitch and lag because it matched you with 3 subhumans 10k miles away from you you are again, for some reason, psychotically expected to both grit your teeth through it and enjoy the experience

bring rank into this equation and not only splitting the existing dwindling playerbase but also stealing meaningless rank points from people for problems that exist solely with the game is just going to further exacerbate the situation
not to mention party stacking, smurfing, etc, all the degenerate subhuman behaviors a ranked system invites that will only serve to further drive away anyone who hasnt been poopsocking the game since release
How is the Game of Thrones girl? I've had 12k character currency burning a hole in my pocket and figure I might as well grab a character I've been tossing around buying before the power pledge event ends.
I'm not going to pay for characters
I have 5 or 6 tickets left and then I have like 12k fighter shards
if they manage to make that many characters (lol) and I can't unlock who I want for free I just won't pay
open beta or only for backers?
She's fun but she kinda sucks with the game in its current (and previous) state since half of the time she'll just drop her own combo, which is really her only tool. Incredibly fun to bully big guys with.
this camera + parallax shit is fucking with my eyeballs
shit gameplay
shit characters
shit modes
If this game shuts down we should all agree now to make a pact and find the people who worked on this game and beat the fuck out of them by kicking the shit out of them and hitting them with a baseball bat to break their jaw and some ribs and maybe both legs and arms, but we can't kill them in case we get caught, but anyway who wants to sign up now to 100% go after the people who worked on this game if it shuts down soon?
why does this harley rift fight suddenly have her doing 100-200 damage combos when the first two fights weren't
>it'll slow its decline fairly soon
People said this when the game hit 20k player peaks
Player counts still haven't stabilized btw, we're still losing hundreds and up to a thousand players every day still
Nice try officer
There's NOTHING you can do about the damage in that fight. The key is to just avoid getting hit by any of her kill moves. I was doing co-op and both of us finished the match with 400 damage on us. We mainly won by using safe attacks to keep edgeguarding her.
Did they change Arya since the beta. I thought she was able to stun people with the face steal thing
Really large patch with a lot of requested features today, Tony?
they should put beta speed back for 1 on 1 and keep current speed for 2v2s
It's Sunday.
We didn't know how good we had it with the match desyncs. Now it just forces you to play through the lag.
why would characters in 2s need to be slower than 1s
for what purpose
i truly do think locking characters killed this game for some people. not even smash DLC character's cost $10
because there's too much shit on the screen in 2v2
why is bananna guards fair/sair so strong lol?

People cry about the sideB, but fair/sair is so good.
oh so that's what's up
I seriously thought I was just bad at dodging or I didn't do it enough and that's why I suck at the game.
how does characters being slower alleviate that
thats a projectile/disjoint/hitstop problem not a movespeed problem
nobody's talking about making the game slower retard learn to read
somehow there are shills that think it's a good idea to make unlocking characters so grindy and tedious that people will pay money to get them in this buggy ass beta
it's extra stupid if you have any knowledge of the way PFG balances shit, i.e. you might buy a character that's good today but next week they might nerf it into the ground and you can kiss that $10 goodbye

the goal should have been to get people to buy cosmetics instead of characters like basically every f2p console/pc game
With Smash you get a stage, Spirit events, music AND a character.
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>not sticking with a character regardless of balance changes
we're all close to completing the bp right?
i'm gonna stop playing once I hit 70, I think we're gonna see a HUGE drop in playerbase in the upcoming weeks
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>leave riot because you got your gook ass raped by some 350 lb furry developer
>asshole hurts + bleeds
>decide to make a fighting game, a genre you have zero experience in because you need money for your AIDS medication and to feed your chink ant hill of 30 slit eyed niggers
>you somehow get one of the best IPs imaginable, infinite possibilities/crossovers with a potentially loaded cast
>enter Beta
>blows up with 150k peak
>you fuck up "Beta" but hey, you're given a second chance and now have a shit load of data and analytics on the things that need to be fixed (hitboxes, balancing, battlepass mechanics, etc.)
>you have well over a year
>you release the game
>you did absolutely nothing but jerk off writing monkey code to port an already dead game into UE5
>you added in rifts when people wanted less pointless grinding mechanics that are so predatorily monetized it makes a Vegas casino seem humanitarian
>you lock characters behind infinite grind walls, refuse to let people try them out
>you make the battlepass absurdly long to complete but somehow you also don't add in paid tiers so you basically spitroasted yourself killing player engagement AND monetization at the same time
>hitboxes aren't fixed, you increased the size of everything for some reason so that the infinite air combos are even easier to hit
>you don't balance out absurd damage numbers and movesets
>you add absolutely nothing of value to the rest of the base game
>after getting laid off because your game dies, you finally fucking hang yourself because you're worthless subhuman degenerate scum and all you are remembered as is the gay gooknigger that got raped at RIOT and killed himself because he couldn't recover

Tony Huynh, ladies and gentlemen.
So this guy got raped and he's a failure wow
I just played TNJ for the first time since beta and holy shit, I couldn't hit anything. I think purely because of Void they added a million frames of whiff on every single one of his attacks.

One of the problems with having the PPG be Pokemon Trainer is that they can't add cosmetics without giving each girl one, but some of their most famous outfits are individual ones, like Bubbles wearing Mojo's or Bubbles' baseball cap in that one Mojo episode where he keeps saying "currrrrseeeees." The coolest thing to do would be to allow us to customize each girl, but we all know PFG isn't doing that. The shitty thing to do would be to actually try and sell us cosmetics that just change one girl at a time...and, well...I hope they don't.
It felt less stupid in Beta where everything was just Gold or Gleamium. It was very straight forward to earn gold. You have to fucking DIGGGG for fighter tokens (as far as I’m aware. I have all the characters but I’ve read people have to do missions for them. Do they not give 25 a match like the olden days?)
hitting 6K next week
Let's say, hypothetically, the 'large patch with tons of requested features' comes out next week. What would have to be in it for it to save the game?
I almost forgot this garbage won a game award
can you elaborate on the first one
>couldn't hit anything
were you playing vs Gizmo or what? thats the only one I struggle against as TJ
Look at this retard lmao nice award faggot
do you really have nothing better to do then just shitpost in some general?
At this point it's more of what can they even afford to leave out?
This big patch is gonna leave something out no matter what and they'll look incompetent when their "big" patch is just one or two small changes with another promise of SoonTM.
>noooooo don't make fun of my dying game!!!!
Are you gonna cry, bitch?
The fuck else are we gonna do, play the game?

Or go shitpost on one of the /v/ threads.

The game is still fun despite it's issues.
Sadly I think he's mostly wrong.

1. It happens all the time when corporations put out new programs and advertisements only to pull the plug like a month later because they overestimated how well it would do. Don't you ever remember thinking, "Wait, that was shut down/cancelled? They just released that thing, though."

2. They absolutely should not make sure new or returning players hear that the bugs or network issues have been fixed, because that comes across as begging. They should fix them, then announce a big character and leave it at that. Sure, tell the people paying attention to social media that you fixed stuff, but don't get in front of a camera and advertise to the world that you fucked up but "things are totally fine now, guys!" Especially since they won't be totally fine, and they don't even need to be, they just need to be significantly better.

3. Like 10% of the players care about ranked. I think one of the problems with MVS is 90% of the people asking for stuff are high tier players, but the 130,000 people who left aren't and that's who PFG should be trying to appeal to. Those players don't give a fuck that Batman is slightly stronger than Morty or one character has the same move but better than another character, they are actually never going to notice those things.

4. Asking for Marvel at the end is peak cringe.

5. The numbers absolutely can and will continue to decline as people are coming close to finish the battlepass and available rifts. People keep saying there's nothing to do but grind, but even that's disappearing soon.

He's right about new players walking away because they open the game, see every character's locked and they have to navigate around a shitty UI to figure out it'll take them 8 hours of playing someone they don't care about to get one character they do. Yes, that is probably a variable...
do your forced 1v1 missions daily anon
you wouldn't want to miss out on that perk currency
The game is dying and you're a crying bitch.
I like 1v1's more then 2v2's. but I'm warming up to 2v2's.
At least we know this guy deserved to get raped
No. You know who I was playing against, but I don't want to use that as an excuse, it just felt bad to play. It was 1v1 against a direct fighting type character, so I thought about my moveset and it was like, "Wait, what even hits?"

I can't hit the pan or lids unless we're in the air. If I shoot Jerry, she'll get momentarily stunned, then one-shot him while armored. If I drop dynamite, she'll stay back; if I throw a line, she'll run in; my combo's reach is shorter than her sword; my pounce has seven days worth of recovery; if I shoot a rocket, she'll run in and shield bash me with projectile invulnerability. If I run in and try to paddle her, she'll just out-manfight me. If I try to space her, she has her lasso.

...am I forgetting a move? I kept setting my trap and she kept running into it, but all that got me was a combo and then that shit goes on cooldown for my stock.
>>leave riot because you got your gook ass raped by some 350 lb furry developer
Just look at the hitboxes, Tom and Jerry is good.
Here's the fucking secret to getting good at these games: turn on the hitboxes until you memorize them
Pwease pway 11 games and dodge an attack in each of the 11 total games, pwease? Pwease get fucked by pwayers fowst pweeease?
If by "requested features" you mean stuff that was in the beta, nothing. If they managed to put everything from the beta back, it still wouldn't save the game, because the beta was already an unfinished game. They released an unfinished game twice. And a lot of the actual problems with the game aren't things they're going to change a week; in fact, they're things they're not going to change at all, like the UI or monetization.
>They seem dedicated to fixing the bugs and the issues etc
Taking almost 4 weeks just to do simple beta features like swapping neutrals or disabling colors is just insane and inexcusable no matter how you cut it
>trying to use the ambassador program full of literal who mutts to insist the game will be fine
Oh never mind, this is just some sunk cost retard huffing insane copium
>batman vs joker
>batman says "im cumming for you"
Wtf batman's gay
Exactly, no one is gonna come back just because they put shit from the beta back. That's not what's expected from a release version, especially not something that should take 1 month after the game is released. The game is doomed unless they really fucking work their asses out and fix everything including gameplay, monetization, characters, and we all know it's not happening.
Yeah, this game is in a shitty state but i can see some good shit in it:
>BP is high value since it gives you 8 skins
>we constant event, so we are always doing something
>we had so far free skins from time to time, which is nice
>the gameplay is really good and fun, even if it is worse compared to the beta
>the characters are fun, even forced picks like black adam have a cool and intresting roster
the problem is the rest of the game:
>balanced as shit, some characters are useless
>rift is boring and grinding. idk how the fuck i can unlock the higher difficulty levels
>the shit we got after the 1 year hiatus was underwhelming
>we have less and less players, so we will end up fighting sweats only in the future
Anon, I'm not an MMRfag, I just want a fair fight and that didn't look fair, and I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with him memorizing hitboxes.
>Why can't I hit
>but I won't go look and figure it out
Keep suffering
>tfw watching JPs play and literally none of them know how to wall climb
Do they think they just can't because of Smash?

>>BP is high value since it gives you 8 skins
The same 8 everyone else gets and they're probably for characters you don't play or possibly don't even have.
>>we constant event, so we are always doing something
>>we had so far free skins from time to time, which is nice
Free for some people.
>>the gameplay is really good and fun, even if it is worse compared to the beta
It is fun when I'm not doing a rift they didn't playtest, or playing against someone who found a loop/zero-to-death in training, or getting one-shot by Mojo, yes.
>>the characters are fun, even forced picks like black adam have a cool and intresting roster
Everyone except release Velma.

I'm not asking how to beat a pro-WW, I'm asking how to beat a random WW.
>I'm asking how to beat a random WW.
nta but you're just bad if you can't beat a random ww
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I have an idea. Make some event when during one weekend every character is unlocked so the normalfags can test them
Same here, both in stopping and thinking the same. I'm level 51 right now, I should absolutely be able to get to 70 in 30 days. At this point I'm just logging in for 20 or so minutes and doing whatever dailies I can via rifts. I stopped caring about PvP and don't do any missions related to it (one of my dailies if 5 1v1 matches, lol). Once I finish the Battle Pass, I'm done until there's enough rifts to get the Matrix Code Bugs Bunny skin. Once I get that, I'm done until S2. If S2 is still shit, I'm done entirely.
I'm just farming so I get enough gleams for a bp if the game becomes good someday
but clearly I won't be playing S2 with this slow sloppy ass gameplay and this shit monetization, I've been forcing myself to play just to reach lv 70 BP hopefully it gets better.
>The same 8 everyone else gets and they're probably for characters you don't play or possibly don't even have.
nothing wrong with sharing skin with other people, unless you care about being "OG" and "unique" like fortnitefags. but i guess that's common in freemium shit
>Free for some people
True. It's gay that some mission are locked behind character. Not everyone have a detective character
>It is fun when I'm not doing a rift they didn't playtest, or playing against someone who found a loop/zero-to-death in training, or getting one-shot by Mojo, yes.
That only will get worse when we have less and less players. Only compfags will stay in this game until it's death
>Everyone except release Velma.
beta Velma was a fucking mess, too annoying and broken. but i still prefer her over her crippled version in the "official launch". They killed her
You FGCniggers are so dumb it's unreal. Just tell me you don't play TNJ so you don't know the answer.
Imagine if locked characters had a trial period that could be activated once per day instead of the character rotation shit.
you suck ass retard not my fault
You should have gotten enough Gleamium just from various rewards in this current Battle Pass to get another (I believe they're 950 Gleamium). I have 900 right now and I still have another 500 I've yet to get from the BP.
Hit them fucktard
>Be casual
>Only play once a week for 4 hours
>Heard there is the Joker I wanna try it
>This is a new game so I have to choose between this and Elden Ring DLC
>See all characters unlocked
>Cool try them for 2 hours
>Log next week
>Every character is locked again
>Check how to unlock them
>I can get 600 monies from event and 1000 from rifts
>If I want a character I have to play all the rifts and do the event quests
>Rifts needs certain characters to complete and level up gems
>Give up halfway because I wont even get a character this day
>Go back to Elden Ring
>Never touch the game again
All characters unlocked forever or nothing
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>nothing wrong with sharing skin with other people, unless you care about being "OG" and "unique"
Yeah, you should. Scarcity = value. There's only value in having cosmetics if it something you want or it makes you look different. Something everyone has is almost the same as something no one has. This is why the gibus is a running joke in TF2 and I have literally never seen someone use the Proof of Purchase or Cheater's Lament, except for myself a few times (I wore them because - wait for it - no one else does). I'd 100% rather have a random skin than one that literally everyone else already has.

Yeah I just suck at the game. What a nice and easy answer. Never mind that I don't have this problem on other characters, that's obviously irrelevant. :^)
>You have a core selection of characters unlocked from the start so people can try out different fighters and see which ones they like
>You can unlock new characters by just playing several rounds
>Or by fighting that character in rifts
>Or alternatively just don't lock characters at all because in a game where microtransactions are the primary means of sustaining itself, making it less likely someone will buy skins for a character is retarded
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>buy the 750xp gem pack expecting a big boost to everything
>most of them dont even gain 1 level
I want my gems back.
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lmao how much did that shit cost you could have just bought smith you retard
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>he bought
I want to feel sorry for you, but at the same time, you kind of deserved it for being part of the demographic that'd try...
now buy your extra lives for looney mode, MVP
This is why your characters arent leveling anymore.
TLDR; they changed rifts to time based XP
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>design game stupidly so people have to cheese it
>remove cheese to make shit even more tedious
What could go wrong?
So much of this game is like something almost sounded good and then they fucked it. Like imagine how they came up with this shit
>Hey guys, we've got this PVE mode called Rifts. It's a string of fights interlaced with the occasional gimmicky mini-game and there's usually a boss fight at the end. Sometimes the fights themselves have gimmicky changes to them.
>The difficulty is literally going to be the NPCs attacks deal more damage/knockback while you deal less damage/knockback
>To compensate for this, there's these things called gems that modify your character to make things easier. For example, there's one that makes your character dodge automatically, or makes your projectiles larger, or automatically reflect projectiles, and even a silly one where you auto-taunt after KOing an opponent
This is fine. It's not grand or groundbreaking, but it's okay
>Now in order to get these gems, you have to grind through dailies and the battlepass, because there's different gem levels. They don't just work across the board.
>Which gem gets leveled up is completely RNG based so maybe the modifyer you think will help will be good or maybe it'll be shit
>And different difficulty tiers are going to require gems to be at a certain level so if RNGsus isn't on your side, I guess you're fucked
>Except that you can spend real world money to upgrade gems in the shop!
Whoever came up with this part should kill himself.
It's always been like this that's why the mini game exploit worked since you win even when the time runs out
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>you actual retards are bothering with looney difficulty
you just hate to see it!
damn, not looking good
You're right, instead it's 8 bucks for clones and lazy shit.
Sub 9k 1000 less in a week
It won't save the game because it's not smash, it's that simple. People hate on this game because it's in the same genre as that shitty game, it's the same with every platform fighter. Smash could do(and does) the exact same shit as MVS does and people would defend Smash.
at first I thought it was a great idea to keep casuals engaged
after I played it I can only see it as being actively hostile to casuals, especially new casuals who don't have all the characters or all the skins

even I, who has all the characters and a bunch of skins, find myself cockblocked by some rifts because I don't have the right skins for the right characters, so there's some rifts where I can only use velma because she's the only character I have a t-shirt for, so I'm missing out a bunch of missions
this shit will only get worse the older the game gets as they'll assume you've done events for t-shirts or masks or whatever
It was using gleamium I bought back in the beta, I think it was a $20 pack.
I wasnt really going to use it for anything else, and I still have enough for the next BP, but I still feel ripped off.
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>mfw people will burn out all their lives on the harley aoe damage fight in five seconds and have to contemplate buying lives once looney unlocks if they want to make the deadline
>these fucks will spend more funbux on extra lives than they would have to spend buying smith outright
Wasnt p2w illegal in some countries?
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and you could have used it on smith instead of gems that get you smith "for free" which is no longer free for you because you just spent gleam you complete dumbass

the fuck else are you doing rifts for?
we're already sub 9k
But I dont care about Smith.
why are you doing rifts then
The gleamium at the end.
Unless one of the fighters is your favorite character ever, I don't see any reason for a casual gamer to pick this up even if it is free. There's so much convoluted shit and so much grind everywhere that it's just not fucking fun.
Seriously, they need to swallow their pride on some of this shit and just unfuck it. The game's free to play. That means you need people wanting to spend actual money on stuff in the game. If the barrier to entry for everything from character unlocks to being able to do the harder PVE challenges is either opening their wallet or an insane amount of grinding, casual gamers are going to neither and play literally any of the other hundreds of thousands of games out there.
we already know it's gonna be an all girl change thing, since the RRBs is one of their alt skins. the other ones i can imagine are the ones from super zeroes and modern versions
that you just spent
>spending gleamium to increase gem levels for the purpose of completing rifts
>which ultimately just gets you a character that you could've bought with gleamium anyway
bravo tony
you deserve to get scammed if you're that retarded btw
it's worse than that, he's doing it for the gleamium reward
why do i have to share a planet with these people
its o to the ver
sparkling zero will kill this game, it wont get game awards with sparkling zero releasing in the same year
>Gee I want gleamium
>I'll spend some of my glemium on shit to help me beat rifts and get glemium at the end
>The glemium I spent didn't help
>I'm now with less glemium than I started with
>*Sad sharting noises* :(
I hate this power pledge bullshit. I have to play faggot characters like T&J and Steven to level it up at a reasonable pace and I just hate their playstyles and I don't want to learn how to "play" them properly so I just get my ass kicked and it's such a slog.

Can't wait to finish the battlepass and just be fucking done with this game until they actually release new content or ranked
I think PFG and some of the fanboys are stuck on the idea that since the game is free so they're allowed to monetize the shit out of every aspect and since it's a free game no one is allowed to complain, they'll either just endure it or open their wallet
I don't think that PFG and the fanboys consider the alternative that people could quit and play literally anything else
it's not 2009 anymore where there's a handful of F2P games, it's 2024 and there's a ton of shit people can play instead
just don't do this faggot event, you gain 100 gleams for hours of shitty gameplay it's not worth it
As someone who has completed every available rift boss so far, I can say with 100% certainty that everything about rifts is insanely retarded. From the gem level requirements, to leveling up gems being entirely RNG based, to making certain difficulties unplayable if it's "too early" or "too late" in the season, to pumping the fuck out of enemy AI offense and defense for artificial difficulty, to locking entire paths and levels behind buying certain characters and cosmetics, to buying gem experience apparently not even fully leveling up some gems by at least 1 if you're too high of a level. Everything about it just fucking sucks and there is literally no reason to even bother with them if you don't give a shit about getting Agent Smith early or any of the rewards in the event track. I'm honestly not even sure the 10 BP XP you get from doing stars is worth the trouble either.
The worst part of rifts aren't even the "BUY JONKLER TO PLAY" levels, it's the levels like the AoE Harley level on Insanity. This bitch does like 150+ damage with one attack, even with level 7 gems. I only managed to cheese it by baiting the AI off the edge (because the AI doesn't even improve that much on these higher difficulties) and spiking her with a Bugs safe. I am entirely convinced they did not playtest rifts at all, or at least they "playtested" it to the point of optimizing the level of "okay at this point players should be frustrated enough to spend money on gem experience and new characters."
It's not fun. It's not even that rewarding, either. And I'm sure Agent Smith will be as overpowered as Wonder Woman and Jinkler, just to incentivize people to spend money on completing rifts to get to play as him before they nerf him. They really need to rework PvE entirely, because how it exists right now is simply not worth your time.
The game being free means there's no barrier to entry but if what's inside isn't worth it, people aren't going to stick around. It's like going into a public restroom, seeing everything is covered in shit, and being told 'What do you mean you don't want to take a piss here? It's free!'
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Speaking of rifts, looks like there will be a Shark Week rift either this week or next week. Should mean that Agent Smith officially becomes available either next week or the week after.
the state of smiling friends fans. jesus christ dude.
is there a player at level 17 in agent smith's event?
highest level you can be right now is 15
wtf a streamer with 1000 viewers on mvs thats not the nigger void? we're so back bros
there are only 15 bosses available anon
Reindog has like twenty fucking outfits kek
powerful tongue
It's already hitting 8k peaks today
hon hon hon -.-
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I'll give you 1 apple for your 2 apples. Is this a good deal?
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the multiverse needs moms
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>Daily mission: Play 5 1v1 games
I also got this today and I just suicided with Jason 5 times to both get it over with and tank Jason's win rate even further so he gets prioritized to get buffed.
We already knew this weeks ago
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all in all I like the game but I fucking hate the state that nigger first games is leaving it in, it will be over by season 2 if they keep up this bullshit
fighter currency, brother
>Game launches publicly as a beta
>Dies in season 2
>Game relaunches supposedly as a full game
>Gonna die in season 2 again
>game launches as a beta
>dies in season 2
>game relaunches as an alpha
>dies in season 1
this is more accurate
they had a brief periodwhere the Insane difficulty was available for the first 2 rifts then they closed it because they prompted the player to buy extra lives with gleamium, thats' why I'm asking if anyone knows a paypig who completed them when they were up
>game launches as a full game
>dies in season 3
Why yes I use the work in progress banner because of the state the game is in
Saw someone with it last night, and that was my first thought.
"They're definitely using it as a reflection of the state of the game."
I'd use it too. If it wasn't taken from me. Least Boo-t of Armor is back I guess....
>Come back with only 2 new stages
>Both of which were causing absurd crashes for at least a week
>One of which had a variant that was entirely unplayable and remains removed from the game
>Animaniacs stage (beta btw) still locked behind rifts for SOME REASON
What the fuck were they doing
Jerking off to UE5 reinbooty
I’m trying to play devils advocate for the currency issue and I am struggling…

Can anyone tell me why Fighter Currency, Perk Currency, Prestige Currency is better than just being able to buy everything with Gold?
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if you main reindog, is it true that you have fantasies involving his rear end?
Prestige is the only one that isn't 100% retarded and that's because it's something you get for obtaining cosmetics. It encourages people in a less scummy way to buy cosmetics or grind for battlepass shit because then they get to obtain the super special skins.
But the others make no sense and we've seen how lopsided it's become.
In fact, removing gold retroactively fucks things because it means if the devs ever work on some small simple skin, like robot arm Finn or red shirt Shaggy, that's going to be locked behind premium currency too.
Teabagging is low-class. There have got to be a million ways to mock your opponent during a match; teabagging is the clunkiest-looking one
>super special skins.
Except they're immediately not very special or prestigious when they're immediately recoloring the Harley prestige skin lmfao.
>t. salty he got teabagged
no, i main reindog but i would fuck bugs
game is done for or not?
>Batman Who Laughs releases prestige currency only
>Shark Week has Batman Who Laughs with a Shark Hat available to anyone who completes a single “Taunt 5 Times” mission
Would make me a man who laughs
God every fucking multiversus video on youtube is about how bad the game is and they keep making more videos every fucking day

It’s fucking over all i wanted was a fun game where i could buy lots of harley variants but im sure it will shut down again
Seriously. I'm genuinely pissed about the Harley skin. Happy 4th of july!
Im the batman who jaws
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how do you taunt others?
>>Shark Week has Batman Who Laughs with a Shark Hat available to anyone who completes a single “Taunt 5 Times” mission
will never happen
I don't
That is gayer than actual gay porn. Like a full on circle of dudes fucking each other in the ass is less gay than that.
They wasted a perk point for the extra gay
As a Marvin main, if it's not on cool down, I plant a flag.
>Can anyone tell me why Fighter Currency, Perk Currency, Prestige Currency is better than just being able to buy everything with Gold?
Because this way they can fill slots of the battle pass with items that are:
1. Worthless
2. Requires no effort for them to make, or balance an economy around
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Only a little bit.
There are many many other cartoon characters Id rather fornicate than Reindog.
>Shaggy takes sandwich perk
>has never once pulled a sandwich or even attempted to charge rage
>bugs wave taunt from the battle pass in whatever direction they were KO'd
>blow kiss at ally
>dive underground and go away
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It's done

Now we fucking wait for something worth (barely have 2 smith rift slots, but theres still like 1 whole row of them yet)
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I just thought of something. They likely lost dev time from having to do this shit.
Could be me being retarded, but did they seriously have to make the skeleton of a hockey game within Multiversus for this shitty promo?
Why not just hold a hockey event and tie it into Jason's hockey mask skins? Why not replace silly mode with "event" mode, and have rotating events (rocket league) since they seem to love shoving events down our throats now? Because that would have been a GOOD idea?
There's been speculation that the game was heavily delayed.
>McDick's happy meal
Cross promotion with the game launch, as opposed to it launching months after that shit
>April First
Haha joke character Banana Guard
>NFL tie in
Jason added to the game
He's pretty much the only way to save Multiversus at this point, right?
heavy cope
Nah, not even Walter White, Ben 10 and Goku combined could save the game now
>use GG sticker
>start reading
Again, Overwarch isn't MVS. Make the progression less shitty maybe but the characters are some of the most high effort shit for a F2P title, a genre that usually cuts costs on that kind of thing to make itself sustainable. Having no compensation for making these characters would KILL the game.
Making characters free wouldn't change that dumbass, it'd be even lower in fact because the monetization, progression and actual costs are the issue than "miuh characteeeeeers"
I like shooting Jerry into the bottom blast zone, then side b fishing into the abyss for him.
The "fucking numbers" don't prove shit other than that there's something wrong with MVS, which has nothing to do with the characters. You're genuinely delusional if you think making characters free would change a damn thing other than make the game even worse off profit wise.
>Download the Smash Bros but with Warner Bros characters
>Want to play as the Joker because Joker is like so cool dude we live in a society xD
>Can't play as the Joker
>Only characters are Shaggy and 4 others who are on timed rotation
>But if you log in tomorrow you can play as the banana man
>Decide to try the PVE thing
>Each level has mini-challenges
>Some mini-challenges can't be done because I don't have the required characters and they're not on rotation
>Some of the levels can't be done outright because I don't have a character or a certain skin
>Close the game
>Never pick it up again
I simply stand there
>Getting shocked a F2P game working differently from a full priced game
if pfg were smart they could parlay this into free marketing
all it takes is one big "good shit" update for all the clickbait to turn into:
theyre probably all ready to wash their toaster in the bathtub instead though
bane skin for agent smith? would it make sense?
>Superman .5 seconds faster than Velma+Shaggy
>WW .1 seconds faster than Superman
In what world
>Gold armor Wonder Woman was in the promotional screen for Season 2
>Wasn't added
>Was in the cinematic trailer for the full launch
>Still not added
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look at the price of these shit
who's the jew in charge of this
They probably made the launch shittier on purpose to make it look better when it updates
Nah. That's about right.
Sorry you're poor bud.
There's a difference between veing poor and buying shit at an overpriced price, retard. By the way you're poorer than me.
Says the dude crying over a $15 graphic mug and a $28 graphic tee lol.
They just tweeted that they're shutting down the game
Nobody's crying though, I wouldn't even get that shit even if it was free, retard. I'm simply mocking them. You're sucking their dick so fucking hard lmao it's pathetic.
An anon is FIBBING right now.
probably will have a new gem type right? If so that's another fucking gem type that I have to grind for Smith.
>Continues to throw a tantrum
Ok bud lol.
Took them long enough. Anyway, when are they bringing it back?
Why would you want to drink out of a multiversus mug when the game is shut down
>28 dollars t shirt isn't overpriced
God you're fucking retarded
1 hour
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After 1 full year of torturing Tony Chang and then shooting him in the forehead with a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan
this looks like redbubble tier garbage
why is it so expensive
>Y-you're crying cause you're not sucking pfg's dick!!!
How's that tony's dick feel in your mouth? Lmao
>this looks like redbubble tier garbage
>why is it so expensive
Probably so that cocksuckers like >>483183974
buy it
>left several characters untouched to save for them for pledge
>playing them now
>every match is just three shitters who look like they've never touched a platformer before, have no team or match awareness and most of the time my teammate has died three times in about a minute and a half (being generous and assuming they have not SD'd)
I forgot how much I fucking hate MMR in games, especially character based MMR
Shoving Agent Smith in my face every day for a month, knowing full well that there are not enough rifts to unlock him is just foul.
>b-b-b-but muh marketing and muh hype building
Yeah, maybe it would have worked as a hype machine, if we were talking about a week tops. This shit just reminds you every day how much of an unfinished crap this game is.
I was told they were adding the titular character of Earl from My Name is Earl. Tony told me anybody was possible. After all just look at banana guard.
>Like a full on circle of dudes fucking each other in the ass is less gay than that.
That could be an circle of infinite dudes and you're saying that's gay than an infinite circle of dudes fucking each other?
>$40 for a water bottle
lol kys
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>Marvin's neutral projectile ensnares a projectile thrown by an enemy
>It's now functionally worthless and won't hit anyone
>Have to wait for cooldown to end before using it again
the only time i teabag is when my opponent teabags before they lose
What should I pick up for summer sale this week?
How about Will Smith and his dog from I Am Legend and a vampire zombie thing
A spartan
The cow from twister
The kids from Willy Wonka and Willy Wonka
Arnold Schwarzenegger from Eraser
Full metal jacket
Bilbo Baggins
An oompa loompa instead of Willy and the kids actually, duh, so obvious
this guy thinks it will stabilize at 8k when it’s 8950 now and we lost over 500 players past night
if you look at the steamcharts for the beta you saw it stabilized in the double digits
The beta looked like it was made in a few minutes though, this versions seems like it was made in a few hours.
switch beta and this version and you’d be right
Fucking PNG garbage, not even style or looney

Giving at LEAST personality to the characters
>The beta looked like it was made in a few minutes though, this versions seems like it was made in a few hours.
this version is literally less complete than the beta and missing several features what the fuck are you on?
The gameplay of the beta looks like it was made in a couple minutes, and then they spent 1 hour adding a bunch of retarded features.
The gameplay of this version looks like they spent 2 hours on the actual gameplay, and 0 minutes on other features.
I do like the mug. Would be a really nice piece of “lost media” 20 years down the line. Unless MultiVersus somehow harnesses its Fortnite Potential in the next few days
anon it "stabilized" when the game was taken down
and this one will be taken down too
Every banana guard should have their skin shaved off with a razor blade and decapitated
The gameplay of released version sucks ass and they didn't even add essential elements that were in the beta like input buffer.
Yes I agree this will be extremely rare lost media that maybe only 1 person has so you should get some if you want to make a YouTube video about this obscure WB game that failed and no one ever heard of before in about 5 years
>functionally worthless
It's now a long range melee with deceptive range.
Marvin is so unbelievably downplayed it's unreal. Outside of not being able to fucking kill anything and having a shit jab he's fucking strong
Yeah well they only had 2 hours
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>BG does Grounded Side Special and gets punished every time
>they still do it again
in character for banana guard intelligence in the show
Please understand. Amateurs only have access to three of his moves. They are trying their best.
They had a year and half and they made it worse than the beta somehow. No wonder their game is dying so fast.
they’re preparing for the upcoming patch where you only start out with special attacks unlocked and you need to pay 50 gleam for each normal attack
If you look at the game it's clearly only 2 hours of work, idk what they were doing the rest of the year, jacking off I guess.
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i did this and i got 300 perk currency which i proceeded to wipe my ass with
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7UDvtui6cI smash looks so fucking fluid and fun compared to current mvs
I should just buy a switch instead of praying for pfg to stick out their fingers from their ass
Thet are actively asking people not to play, holy kek
We need to spread the message that the dev team is extremely addicted to masturbating and it destroying their lives and effecting everyone around them because they only worked on the game for 2 hours in 1 year because they were so hopelessly addicted to masturbating nonstop.
>smash looks so fucking fluid
It's not, trust me. Controls have limited rebindability too
i believe it
the reindev team
It is obviously true.
>The entirety of PFG is just standing around jerking off while 4 dudes play Reindog and do the booty shake taunt over and over
yes it does look way more fluid than the garbage that is mvs
Difficulty does not affect the daily rewards in rifts does it?
Never noticed whether it does or not but I go to higher difficulties just to be sure.
Has someone else have any trouble leveling up lately? Like leveling up a character from 0 to 1 is pretty much instantaneous but i played like 6 pvp fights with a lvl 1 characters and i have barely gotten any XP out if them.
it does, if you do easy you're gonna get absolutely no gain on higher level gems
Players Fucked Games gets the players' ips and tracks them down and fucks them in their own homes
Alright I'll continue to do the dailies on rifts on higher difficulties then.
It's "fluid" if you spend all the autistic time to learn the stupid inputs to do something as basic as turning around mid air and doing a neutral attack.
Dunno how mvs doesn't seem fluid to you unless you're talking about the input buffer??
>June 1
>these missing beta features have allegedly been implemented for like a month already and we STILL don't have them
Does it really take almost an entire month to test something as simple as swapping jab/side, disabling team colors, and changing input buffer? They obviously didn't test anything else in this game so what's the holdup?
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Once they added that taunt in about 2 hours into dev time they never worked on the game again and just masturbated constantly from that point forward with 0 self-control and they're still masturbating nonstop to this day and will never stop. They don't even get hard anymore but they just keep stroking their shriveled, dry, 0.5 centimeter, rotting, bloody, wrinkled, raw, barely hanging on and about to fall off peckers
Nta but MVS just isn't fluid. Feels like piloting a 300kg truck. The videos aren't fun to watch either.
No refunds by the way
Player Fap Games
Brought to you by Players Relentlessly Brutally And Violently Raped To Death While We Masturbate Nonstop Video Games™
>Free for all shirt
>FFA isn't even in the game
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I'd have more sympathy for PFG if the "release version" didn't basically regress from the beta, or at least if they brought back features they had in the beta in a timely manner. Taking almost a whole month to bring back beta features that they already have experience implementing in a previous version of Unreal is just unacceptable. And that big roadmap they laid out on their Twitter a few weeks back was 80% "add back missing beta feature". I honestly don't think they know what to do with their own game.
>free for all shirt
>the shirt isn't free, for all
>Twitter a few weeks back was 80% "add back missing beta feature"
it was like 100% beta stuff from what I remember
I noticed that specifically my mages were getting less exp than usual
one thing I like about smash is that you can at least go between walking, running and dashing
in mvs it's either nothing or dashing, no between
shit is retarded
>Called the game's full launch
>Is missing stuff that was available in the beta day 1
smash is an actual game and mvs is like a failed flash game
the auto running after 1 sec in mvs is also retarded as fuck
Listen it’ll be all back within 30 days of this tweet SURELY
Remember the guilds they promised?
making characters free or at least fucking reasonable to unlock would keep players much more engaged. you can play for glory only so much.
at least give us something like a 20 bucks "unlock all characters" pack like brawlhalla does.
the game is in a dire situation, it needs dire solutions

i thought being able to buy lives was "a bug"
Apparently multiversus cost 5M to dev
do you think they made the money back?
In the Open Beta? Maybe. For the full launch? Lol no.
characters should cost 2000 or 3000 fighter currency
how is it fucking possible?? how hard can it be to just program that shit in?
i swear this game baffles me
Who has the best belly in MultiVersus
Free is out of the question, I already admitted that making the grind less shitty is a far more reasonable point. But making them free would make no one happy. The people that spent money/time are fucked with the "pity compensation" objectively not being enough. It also wouldn't erase the lack of goodwill and the devs lose a massive income source.
And reminder, MVS puts more effort in its characters than any mobile or F2P game.
>vs SSKTJL 200m
Its not fair.... We could have been wasting that kind of money.....
Can i buy this banner? https://multiversus.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Toastie
Nice edit but you should probably delete the post and catbox it. Blue board, mate.
it's a fucking stickman bro if i get banned for that you're softer than I was in 3rd grade
He's warning you that jannies are that retarded sometimes.
i know but i didn't even think of it as being considered actually nsfw, did even cross my mind, if it is i'll take the ban
>Player’s fucked games
I bet they lost the staff who did all that shit and now the new guys have to figure how to do it
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How it feels to be a Multiversus fan in 2024
actually I'll delete and censor it
go back
You first big maaaaaan
>changing from pixelSOUL to 3DCRAP
Yeah fuck you tasteless furfags but not in the way you'd like you degen
If I'm teabagging prematurely it's because something REALLY funny happened and I was the cause of it. Sorry you missed it!
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So it can actually be posted
Anyone know how to mod the game so it shows this logo instead
i just took a look at it. you're not wrong
>lose in 2v2
>block all 3 players
I realize this is nowhere near one of the main problems with the game, but I had this thought while starting it up earlier... That gentle little melody the game starts off with is stupid. It should be some cool tune that gets you excited. "Oh, yeah, the multiverse is in peril! All these characters are coming together to save it!" Instead it just sounds like "Little Mary was frolicking through the forest glen one day..."
Even if they toast me I block
I'm not trying to hear the fucking THX logo every time I boot up the game dude.
You think Zack and Michael will ask PFG to put in a secondary character like Gwimbly or Mr. Frog before or after Charlie and Pim?
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i was gonna make a guild called steven and the stevens and hold steven only tourneys regularly to see who gets to be leader until the next one
It was fine during the Beta when we had Trophy's Edge in the background and our character just chilling with us
now it's a soulless menu
I muted the music in the beta and again when the game launched
the soundtrack is anti-hype
whys he holding the mic like that
is he retarded
can i say the name Players First Games is extremely suspicious? kinda like People's Republic of China, or Democratic Republic of Korea
no you retard the theme is fine
If the game starts out retarded, I just happily smile, knowing I'll be blocking all 3 of them if I lose.
>The game isn't dying quickly enough. I'll do it myself
>*dilutes his own player pool*
Idk how it could be made anymore obvious that steven is a little fat stupid retard
idk about all that
he is playing three different instruments in that picture
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It's a fucking trap
Yeah, hes playing all 3 instruments gayly and retardedly
I actually like the song, but probably shouldn't be for the main menu.
why are you so critical of a 13 year old
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone ask for any HBO characters besides GoT. They've had popular programs. I know my uncle used to watch some vampire show on HBO.

>But making them free would make no one happy
I'm pretty sure lots of people would be ecstatic to be able to just play whoever they want.
>It also wouldn't erase the lack of goodwill
No one thing will, it'll take a combination of like twelve things to do that.
>the devs lose a massive income source.
>And reminder, MVS puts more effort in its characters than any mobile or F2P game
Yeah? More than Valve and Riot? More than KI? You sure about that?
He's caressing it like a penis.
Because he's not an actual 13 year old and a character created by a groomer
if that’s how you hold a penis then you sound like the retarded one
Dude really wants something like this on as he watches corporate branding in the form of a loading screen
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWVFEVWJMz8
It's how you hold a penis retardedly.
pfg would kill to release something with the same energy as the last 40-45 seconds of this track. townsville is good though.

would actually be pretty good
Blocked 3 more retards
whats the point of blocking people in the game
I think so you don't get matched with them again? But I remember it didn't work in beta. Maybe the player pool was too small at the end there for it to actually matter.
3 more subinsects blocked
lmao would unironically fit the vibes Multiversus wants. goofy but good, with a little bit of everything. Right now they're just goofy
>match starts
>teammate immediately rolls behind you
there is no greater sign that youre about to get absolutely fucked
there's only so many players online right now anon, don't go nuts over there
someone should try blocking everyone, maybe you only gets matched with bots
Block 3 more absolutely completely below an insect players
That's half the playerbase, you fool!
step aside player first sissies
super smash flash CHADS we won
3 subinsects were spared THIS time
xiaoxiao stickfight sisters... its over....
3 more sub insects
xiaoxiao was higher quality and had MUCH MUCH MUCH better physics than this and it was a stickmen flash movie I saw in like 2nd grade. Yeah I knownthe difference between a game and movie but they games can emulate good physics too which this game does NOT at all
I think we will only get one character, and I can't imagine it being a one-off character or Charlie/Pim because you really can't do one of those without the other.

I think we are either getting The Boss or Allen with a moveset that will represent the whole series
This fag calls himself a pro smash player when he plays the baby game and mains a dlc fighter lol
Clicked but never heard of this fag and clicked out instantly because he's probably an ultishit pedo
>The only good thing that'll come out of this game is the Rick & Morty main theme remix
how does it take 1 month for a fucking input buffer setting
Blocked 3 more subinsects that were somehow playing
because they’re not making one
I saw someone on Leddit show off getting a gleamium reward from the infinite level a few days ago though. So either its a per-player thing for some reason or they just TURNED IT OFF???
It's random
I bet they saw that and turned it off because they didnt expect people to be at level 70 already
did macro chads win? infinite gleam?
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uhhooo me no rike dis!
3 more retarded ants blocked
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do they know?
Of course, they've been masturbating to this nonstop after adding it to the game 2 hours into development
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ohhohhohh budddd-EEE.... let me tell you....they KNOW alright.
can they add a taunt for harley where she gets down on all fours and shakes her BUTT with her tongue out haha that would be so funny
Velma can crawl around with her ass up
It doesn't. Game has the same bugs it did in the beta and will register wrong inputs even with low buffer. They have the feature hidden so you'll blame the buffer rather than the bad coding.

Same with the swap side/neutral. It used to do the wrong one or attack in the wrong direction. I'm sure that is still the case and that is why it is disabled.
velma is annoying
and fat
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can they add a taunt for bugs where he just rapes Tony's shit-filled gook anus til he explodes from a cartoony inflation effect?
Yeah but she's sub like that
So far I think the only person I've heard directly talk to/about Jason is Rick.
none of the old voice actors came in for new lines it seems.
Frame perfect salt emote and toma ND jerry handshake and let it play out til next screen
the new superman summer skin has him complaining about jason’s smell i think
I mean from a money perspective I guess it makes sense to wait until we're at, like, season 3 or 4 I guess. That way they can have however many of the old VO's come in to record lines for the twelve new characters we'd theoretically have at that point, plus the 4 new ones that would come in the next season. If they keep up this character release schedule, anyway.
true, thanks for the bloom
yeah and if game eos before it's no money wasted
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Saw my expanded banner today.
They cannot stop masturbating they need some FUCKING HELP
this is what lebron saw before being taken to the multiverse
This game is a fucking desperate cry for help from Player FUCKED Games they're pleading out for anyone to just please just finally help them stop masturbating non fucking stop! they seriously need serious professional help NOW!!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE!!! ANYONE!!!!
Again, "lots of people" are a retarded minority. The vast majority already poured time and money into unlocking these characters. The backlash will be insane.
>Twelve things to do that
And none of it should be giving characters for free. Double down on that shit, make the grind less terrible if they must.
>More than Valve and Riot?
Not sure, don't care. MVS' characters are some of the most well designed kits in the business with lots of effort and resources. And remember, they have to spend time and money on negotiations and permission. That alone blatantly takes a lot of budget, there is objectively no reason to pour that kind of effort into characters with nothing in return.
Just based on the rift's name and aesthetic, it seems unlikely that it would use Chaos, Digital, or Horror gem types.
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>Tony Huynh getting raped by Bugs Bunny, Circa 2024 A.D.
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Assuming your character doesn't have a fast multi-hit aerial or one that breaks armor, what do you do in this situation?
I'll fucking explode if we get another gem type not even my chaos gems have reached level 8 yet
>MVS' characters are some of the most well designed kits in the business with lots of effort and resources.
no way they're paying some retard from PFG to come shill here. explains why he's so against making characters free too, jesus christ
assuming it's not on cooldown, Marvin and Morty can jump to the side and spawn their space ships as platforms.
I don't even know what the FUCK you guys are talking about with "gems" and I don't think you're talking about Steven Universe
Seconded. 2D games should be built for a dpad, not an analog stick.
jump right -> dash jump left
there arent really any checkmate situations in this game because you get meter back during wallcling
You'll be happier this way.
>Just based on the rift's name and aesthetic
idk the other summer themed event has chaos gems so i don't see why this can't get them too
Stop man don't influence player fucked games to masturbate even more
Freakin staaawp
just double jump over him
I made and got off to aislop of goth bugs bunny and his cute femcock. I hope you're happy PFG and Tony. This is the madness you've driven me to
3 more blocked subinsects
Wow the last few levels of the bo take forever:)
Thank you soo sooo soooo sooooooooo very much player fucked games for fucking my again nonstop every day :D
what happens if you parry this move anyway
So that’s how that works
When is Tony Huang updating his pump and dump scam
>And reminder, MVS puts more effort in its characters than any mobile or F2P game.

is this your first F2P game?
just hit him? Armor does not activate immediately. If this guy is spamming that move, you can hit him during the startup of his next attempt. You could also just...dodge.

This move is literally only dangerous if it's used to catch out an aggressive enemy and only if you have half or max bracer meter (where it does a fuck ton more damage and knockback). If someone is spamming it, they'll have level 0 bracer meter and do basically no damage or knockback.

both sound good
I wouldnt mind them in game
>"lots of people" are a retarded minority
Those "lots of people" are how you get six figures like this game had on launch day. It's "lots of people" who make games like the ones PFG is trying to copy successful. You might hate Fortnite and LoL and think their players are stupid, but PFG would rather have them than you.
>The vast majority already poured time and money into unlocking these characters. The backlash will be insane.
I did and I wouldn't care. I want more people playing the game and I'm tired of watching casuals on Twitch try the game and dropping it because they can't play anyone. This wouldn't be the first time a developer did this, it happened to me personally in TF2. Shit happens.
>none of it should be giving characters for free
Buying characters is something that only lazy, wealthy people should do. People who see the characters are locked and just roll their eyes like, "Whatever, here's $40, just give them to me." These free games are supposed to make money off whales, a minority, NOT the average player. That's this game's monetization problem, it tries to incentivize normal-ass players into dumping money into the game. They're not going to do that, they'll just go play something else instead. That's why the game's dying: casuals see it's a free game, they try playing it, they realize that's kind of a lie and leave.
>Not sure, don't care.
There it is.
>MVS' characters are some of the most well designed kits in the business with lots of effort and resources
They're maybe the most well animated and individualized, I wouldn't bother arguing against that, but calling them well designed is debatable. How many times did they have to remove Iron Giant? Every day I see someone in these threads pointing out Marvin now has a useless button. Velma has nothing but useless buttons. Ask a pro how they feel about WW and Joker's kits.
>And remember, they have to spend time and money on negotiations and permission
WB owns them all.
Most F2P games I've saw had the characters play the same, mostly have minor differences, nor have nearly as much animation work per character. Fighting games in general put a stupid amount into a character's kit. MVS is no different despite the shortcuts it tries to make.
Chang needs to hire some devs bro he sucks cock at making games by himself in 2 hours after masturbating for a year straight
Tony "The Nigger" Chong
As it turns out
The only thing they did right was the graphics and animations, the programmers sincerely need to be lined up against a wall and executed via firing squad while blind folded and on their knees
Blocked 3 more inbred subinsects
Except those "lots of people" played the beta just fine. You're an idiot if you think unlocking characters would do anything for them. There was no complaints over characters. The common reception proves that people don't mind unlocking the characters. Again, just make the grind way less of a slog and that's the best of both worlds.THAT'S what you should be suggesting, not to make every character free, that's fucking retarded.
>I did and I wouldn't care
Your opinion doesn't speak for everyone else. A lopsided amount of people spent hundreds of dollars/hours getting those characters. Unless MVS is trying to purposefully die, they wouldn't do something so retarded.
>Buying characters is only something lazy wealthy people should do
And there's a lot of lazy wealthy people since hundreds of players got the founders pack and numerous people including some of the "normal" casual players unironically spent gleamium just to buy characters. It's a proven successful source of income that the vast majority aren't mad about. Not even most casuals mind it, the only criticism is that there's TOO MUCH of a grind, your suggestion to reduce grind is more agreeable than a retarded suggestion like removing a source of income proven to be successful.
>The most well animated and individualized
And that alone proves its has some of the highest effort. That's serious resources and work poured into the game. Money they made back just fine. Characters for a F2P game are too expensive to make to justify giving them out for free. There's a reason Fortnite is built off skins rather than trying to make a differently animated and playing character. Regardless of how you feel about MVS character balance, it's an undeniable fact that a stupid amount of effort went into chars which you don't see in most F2P games.
>WB owns them all
Thanks for proving you don't know how rights works. Other people own and are involved with distributing the IP. It takes time, effort and even money.
What problem do you have with the people you block?
If I lose 2v2 = all 3 blocked
Won't argue that, I'm only stating that MVS does put a lot of effort into its characters far more than the average F2P game. None of the successful ones do the animation labor MVS is trying to do. Fortnite definitely fucking doesn't.
Betacucks go away.
*Plants my balls on your face*
Full launch God here.
Tony Tony Tony can't you see :(
Guys the numbers are in and it's not looking good. We've lost BILLIONS of Bugs Bunny mains.
Everyone can see you're masturbating
And I just hate your shitty game
Why won't you just fucking update
You're not gonna play till 2026?
Head down ass up :)
i wish taz would plant his balls on my face
It's over
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No patch today either huh? Grim.
Maybe tomorrow.
i dont want patches; I want content drops.
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A patch would probably also bring content with it, like those new beach skins and a complete agent smith n shit.
i really hope im not the only one that thinks this looks like shadow the hedgedog from a distance
Should I just fucking kill myself

Overheats while idling with nothing running now
Buy a Dell and $100 graphics card and you can play this
Get a $10 box fan and lay it down so it's blowing towards and put your laptop on top of it. I actually did this before with my old """"gaming"""" laptop years ago.
Sometimes....sometimes you're just a Gizmain in a Reinmain world. Am I right?
Multiversus did this? What the fuck. Can you even fix something like that
I wish

I've been doing that already doesn't work
First they fuck your computer, next your ass. Ching Chong's coming for you.
No apparently not
It's not multiversus specifcally it's just a chinese peice of shit computer
>Except those "lots of people" played the beta just fine
You could play every character in local play and try out cosmetics in practice. And it was more obvious how to get gold in the beta: you just played. Fighter currency, for some reason, is spread out all over the place and placed later in progression bars. Why have the first rift bosses, the only ones casuals will do, give you perk currency, which literally no one cares about, but put all the fighter currency later where only the no-lifers/pros will get it? Players like that have no use for it. Look at the four levels before Agent Smith, they're giving a free character to the guys they just blew fighter currency all over.
>There was no complaints over characters
It's in every video critiquing the game and there's lots of them.
>not to make every character free
I never said to make them free, but if they did, the reception would be wholly positive.
>A lopsided amount of people spent hundreds of dollars/hours getting those characters
Yeah, it's sad. Unlocking characters in games used to be fun.
>Unless MVS is trying to purposefully die
Too late.
>there's a lot of lazy wealthy people
The game won't have 1000 players in a month and there'll be no competitive scene or media buzz. If they're fine with that, then that's fine. They should do what makes them happy.
>Characters for a F2P game are too expensive to make to justify giving them out for free
Except all the games that do it, right? Games which are vastly more popular than MVS.
>it's an undeniable fact that a stupid amount of effort went into chars
Anon, stop. It takes them 2-3 weeks to make one and they want 16-33% of a video game for it.
>50% of the time townsview shows up people just instant suicide
I don't really get the map rotation, the old maps were pretty cool but now they just all suck
Might as well try a clean install of windows, have you ever done that?
They put those unlocks later so people don't bot accounts farming it quickly and sell accounts with characters unlocked
I bought characters and don't give a fuck if they make them free, it would make the game much better. Buying characters I'm a fighting game is the most fuckin retarded shit I ever unfortunately heard that only the biggest fucking retard who was bred to be the biggest retard I the world from a long line of inbred retards would ever suggest that.
looked into undervolting your cpu? i had to do that on my old laptop and it helped with temps significantly without much noticeable impact on performance
I had a lebron that repeatedly self destructed in 1v1 and rematching the other day. Couldn't tell if he was just farming BP points or if he just refused to play on anything that wasn't one particular stage.
It should work then since it's a Chinese piece of shit game
It's nonfunctional hardware
I've done everything already

Can't it's made in china

You would think that, in reality it's a double negative where neither works
Get a few bucks and start flipping shitcoins
Could be just going through a daily 'Play 5 1v1 games'.
Try smacking the laptop
Kick the laptop
gaming laptops are such a fucking scam you have to be a rube to willingly own one
Hannibal, please
But alien technology is supposed to be powerful
Try peeing on the laptop to cool it down.
Maybe play multiversus at a lower resolution?

I have a laptop too and multiversus used to make it crash until i lowered the resolution
Pee is hot
>tranny talks about killing himself
Top Dawg gang won >>483143801
What the fuck did you just say to me
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>want swimsuit velma
>rare skin, 800 gleamium
>the bundle is like ~1300
>... I don't really want the avatar or banner though
>can't just buy it separately, have to wait for it to get out of the shop
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>adding adult women with big boobs in a swimsuit is bad
>but drawing them as lolis and selling them as a banner is good
what the fuck is PFG thinking?
idk ask tony why he gave velma a fatty cameltoe. im sure the suits at wb would be overjoyed to see it
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the absolute state of this general
>sees loli when someone uses a chibi artstyle
i think the problem is you, retard
Im playing mvs on steamdeck
also, if you retards want swimsuit velma you should wait until this shitty offer is done so you can buy her individually for 800 gleamium. the banner and the pfp isn't worth it. but idk if you can do that or this skin is tied to the offer. i think you can buy killing joke joker separately
0 rpm fan you triglodite retard
Running nothing at all makes it overheat until crashing

Shut up

Didnt work


Did that already didnt work

Does it work good I'm thinking about getting one at least it wont cost 2k dollars
My post is there [sunglasses emoji]
'ucked on 'eck
then why the fuck are they flat as shit? chibis can have bobbies too
Just go to fighters and go to skins and you can buy them
Didn't check if that skin is there because I don't care enough but I thought they were all there
I have everything set to high with very minimal stutters.
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Don't try and paint this banner as THAT good, it looks oddly cheap and wonder woman's face gives me the wrong vibes
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that's what i did with swimsuit velma and it takes me directly to the offer instead of buying it separately. which is why i said that
putting tits on chibis looks weird to me idk. it's actually just stylistic choice.
Time to buy a ps4
Wow imagine how good it would run on medium
Get fucked yet again by Player Raped Beyond Belief Games, then
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>Don't try and paint this banner as THAT good
never said it was
loli isn't neither good nor bad. it just is
i just wanted to make a shitty joke because it's obvious they're chibis but instead they look like retarded toodlers. the velma pfp looks good tho
can someone please make art of the pfg logo guy dressed up as killing joke joker shooting the playerbase in the spine thanks
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Agreed. The velma pfp is good... But I intend on using the one with jason about to man-handle velma anyway so it'd go unused...
This banner is used by pedos to signal to other pedos that they are "MAPs"
mmm i think it depends. giant boobs looks awful in them, but if they're scaled correctly they can look alright. but this banner is kinda off
i don't play velma. and is kinda gay that they added the cucked skirt that can't let me see her ass. but wathever. at least we are getting new skins, which is something
I can't believe they aired this show with Tyrahnee going full commando with a see through skirt
>Play Jason
>matched against Batman
>”oh hes not so bad i’ll just-“
>lags ever so slightly
I guarantee if you look up whoever drew this om twitter you'll find they they seem suspiciously pedo
For me, it's either the two superman ones. Specially the one facing his back
but yeah, the jason one is too fucking good
That's how they should call their playerbase instead of MVPs.
>"Are you ready for the next big update, MAPs?"
>I guarantee if you look up whoever drew this om twitter you'll find they they seem suspiciously pedo
So, a /v/ approved artist?
I'll kill myself before I buy a ps4 or xbox
just dodge? what’s the issue
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post more images, this is an imageboard.
Get duck dodgers show marvin skin

Get no Queen tyr'ahnee profile, banner, ringout or anything else
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here's an image for ya
I just started getting lag spikes too right around when you posted
Was right as I was 2-2 on a zoning Morty too
Oh well I made a sweaty tbagging jason ragequit right before it so still sort of ended things on a high note
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full launch btw
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why do you bend over backwards to defend them when it's clear they need desperate measures? you are getting so anal over free characters for no reason
what does Velma look like under the skirt
Dios mios
I'm tempted. But I really don't want to buy gleamium for the next pass (i have 500 gleamium and i can get another 500 after finishing the BP)
unironic shill. or at least i hope he is. imagine doing it for free
>velma and garnet bundle
>the banner is wonder woman
Idk why in the banner is called "tostadita" when in the story mode he's called "crujientito"
>velma and garnet bundle
>the banner is pedo
>selling garnet after giving her for free
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Here you go, boss.
Everything was AI translated. And they started with broken nonsensical Engrish to begin with, as you can tell by the top dog dates being all fucked up. If it seems like AI wrote the text, programmed the game, and runs the social media, well that's because AI did do that.
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1 year hiatus,btw
Fully shaved, she might be a nerd but not a lazy bitch!
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>mvs really can't get over 9k concurrent players anymore
>and on a weekend
its sunday. everyone is at church obvi.
Aren't free to play game supposed to be popular? Fucking full price fighting games have almost the same number of players
You should tweet at the multiversus Twitter and blame the game for doing this and demand them to buy you a new computer
Gotta be a way to undervolt it
I got banned on twitter for saying I wanted to kill myself
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Glad those shitty looking pride skins don't look like they're going to be available this year. Faggots lose again! As they should!
That isn't the reason people played MVS. Loads of casuals used custom games or regular play and didn't mind the characters. But yes, criticize the horrendous grind. I literally won't oppose you there for it to be severely reduced. But giving them out for free is bullshit.
>It's in every video critiquing the game
No its not. People complain about how grindy it is, that's the only character related complaint as I said.
>The reception would be wholly positive
No it wouldn't and it would guarantee the game's early death.
>Too late
MVS would cement its death by making chars free, they might as well announce EOS.
>1000 players in a month
Because of the game's own faults, it has nothing to do with the chars nor would making them free fix anything.
>Except all the games that do it
Not a single game that puts effort into the characters do that. You outright admitted that MVS has the highest animation and work for a F2P game character-wise.
>It takes them 2-3 weeks to make one
Beta proves this is objectively false, it was consistent delay after delay with the chars being completely unfinished when they did somehow release because the characters do require more effort than sustainable.
It's a F2P game retard. Not a traditional fighting game you paid upfront. Only then would you be right to say its retarded.
I'd try it but that kinda shit is fucking completely beyond any computer knowledge I have and everything on google is just tutorials catered to retards with dumb advice like "make sure the fan is clean turn it off turn it back on :)"
if anyone is wondering this is the first day after launch where our playercount didn’t drop, it’s 45 higher than yesterday
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you added that, no way the model actually has a modeled vagina.
They made a SpongeBob plataform fighter?
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in response to marvel vs capcom pfg has announced warner vs nickelodeon to combine the playerbases into one for a grand total of 500 peak players
Adding Spongebob would bring hoards of new players.
No it wouldn't.
I don't think the beta even managed to do that, it would only ever go up on a patch day and then immediately start dumping under what it was before that.
Though it's probably just Elden Ring players realizing the bosses are actually difficult and bouncing off that.
>add spingebill
>6000 fighterbucks
he wouldn’t do anything because nobody would be able to afford him
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game lagged to shit and caused rick to portal me out of the match entirely
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>tfw watching JPs play and literally none of them know how to wall climb
>Do they think they just can't because of Smash?
If anything, they should have learned it from something like Mega Man X.
Yeah it would. Everyone would Sponge-up.
2nd worst smash game
Worst being melee.
Morty had the opportunity to avoid being molested by the banana and took it.
this happened to me with bugs tunnel
i used one side then the other side got deleted by something and i disappeared
feel like the game should have failsafes for shit like this
Worst being brawl
1. Melee
2. Super Smash Bros.
3. Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS (Handheld Brawl, gets extra points for at least being portable dogshit)
4. Ultishit (Brawl 3)
5. Tr4sh (Brawl 2)
6. Brawl
fucking kek
Tony Huynh, kill yourself

Sincerely, the coalition of Mars
3 more subinsects blocked
And waited out the rematch timer
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I got him
We can only hope.
good job
Maybe you're bad at the game.
Obviously if that worked I wouldnt have the problem retard
Fucking kill yourself

Outlook good
No that's why I block people if they lose on my team because it's their fault and the other players didn't deserve to win because they were shit so they're blocked
NTA but try this instead
I wish Nick All Star Brawl were more know so we could make Nick ASB vs Multiversus gang wars
I have a gun
why is the reward for beating the jason event a tom and jerry skin
wouldn’t it make more sense being a jason skin?
>No its not. People complain about how grindy it is
And expensive. New players see every character's locked and they either have to fork over too much money or find the fucking seven dragon balls to get a character. It's both.
>No it wouldn't
95% of players would be upset they don't have to grind/pay for characters? Are there people who open up to play Dota 2 and go, "Wait, every character is free from the start? FUCKING EW! Where's the grind?!" Literally never happened.
>it would guarantee the game's early death
Why? People play games for fun. Are you saying the game isn't fun and the only reason for people to play it is to grind to unlock characters? That's not a game, anon, that's called work. Instead of just making a fun game, they've made a Skinner's box. This is the argument old MMORPGs used to use before people realized how stupid it was.
>Because of the game's own faults
Yeah and one of them is you can't play it because the characters are all locked and they want $300 for them. What do you think the reason is? The stupid fucking neutral button option? The lack of ranked, something only sweaty niggers care about? This is a game people play to see Superman punch Bugs Bunny in the face.
>Not a single game that puts effort into the characters do that
I guess Valve and IceFrog don't put effort into Dota 2 characters. They're critically acclaimed developers swimming in money but I guess Tony Huyn knows better. Where's MVS on the Steam charts, by the way? Below Brawlhalla?
>Beta proves this is objectively false
Nope. The average time between characters in beta was 19 days, their dev team is larger now and literally everyone is anticipating them adding 4 new characters every season right now, and guess how long a season is, anon.
>it was consistent delay after delay
Had it not been for the delays it would've been every 2 weeks, meaning that's what they wanted.
>with the chars being completely unfinished
A year and a half later and this is still true.
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Monday's tomorrow, and Monday is generally the one day a week we actually get any kind of update for the game.
What kind of Monday news are we hoping/coping for this week?
Lol you shouldn't, just sell it and buy a new computer
pfg fired david zaslav thrilled to announce multiversus 2 being headed by square enix
Ching Chong tweets that he's going to rehab for masturbation
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I'm just not gonna hope for anything so I don't get let down.
LOL You're funny, anon.

You would think there'd be a new rift tomorrow, but going by our current record, I'm hoping for perk currency and an ETA on the next minor WW nerf.
are they firing tony too? and will he kill himself?
no one have jason
Didn't you just post a tweet with lebron and joker? So you just now got banned for saying that?
Erm, what the scallop?
oh i get it its like reindog and pussy thats so inappropriate and raunchy and unexpected hahahahahah xD
Badges are ugly and I refuse to use them.
Average HBO Velma writer.
expectations = subverted
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so, this week we just got a tom and jerry skin and a velma skin.
do they really want to kill this game?
should have been a full game for 40e instead of GaaS
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>You would think there'd be a new rift tomorrow, but going by our current record, I'm hoping for perk currency and an ETA on the next minor WW nerf.
Given that they haven't been hyping up a new rift yet and pic related was found in the data, we might not get a new one until next week.
What the logan?
>did all quests
>no skin
am I fucked?
Next rift intro is a 30 second extremely high budget pixar quality film of reindog getting fucked in the reindussy and they spent 2 years working on it
>Sell it
You wanna buy a nonfunctional chinese peice of shit with a couple gigs of pony porn

Twitter fucking sucks
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>haven't done my weeklies, in fact I haven't logged in at all this week
>not even halfway through the pass
>already burnt out on the game
>still want the Jason X skin
>but even if I do get it I'd be even more burnt out since I had to drag myself to the lvl 70 line and the game's probably not gonna last long too long after anyway
This sucks man. I'm gonna push myself to do this batch of weeklies and wait for the next patch. I don't expect it to fix everything that's wrong with the game of course, but if it's another blank like the last one I'll seriously drop the game for good
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Fixed it
I mean sell the gun rofl
Enjoy having no Uber Jason after the multiversus uprising
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they should give peridots super cool alien shorts to every fighter
miss me with this ski mask shit
It's an old 38 revolver would not be enough money for a computer and plus I need to keep it in case a spic migrant biden let in the country wants fuck with me
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fr, at least give it to the cute girls
>5. Tr4sh (Brawl 2)
this shit was like a fever dream, least memorable smash, like I straight up don't remember shit about it except that megaman is in it
Tony Huynh, i hope you read all of the hate and it gets to you and you fucking hang yourself stupid nigger
I remember retards saying how good it is and it has 0 players now
I remember pokemon x and y and this coming out after wishing for a new smash bros for years and brawl was unplayable shit so basically waiting for a new smash since melee, and also wishing for a full 3d pokemon game for so long, and they were both some of the most fuckin dogshit games I've ever played in my fuckin life, I was suicidal because they were so fuckin godawful, but now I'm so grateful at least I didn't have to grow up with that utter shit.
Most sterile entries for their respective franchises, agreed.
I legit forgot we had a brawl 2 inbetween. But I don't really think it's a fault of the game since brawl 3 is literally the same game but with more content and no real meaningful changes. I remember being upset that they specifically preached and mentioned making lil mac way better and yet he was still complete ass.
little mac is bar none the cocksuckingest character in any smash or smash-adjacent game and i wish many brazilian jasons upon you
>wonder woman duo queueing with a finn who buys armor every chance he gets
please get cancer please get cancer please get cancer please get cancer
My main was villager, it's actually why I like joker here cause he feels sorta like a better version of him.
Regardless, lil mac was fun and different but got rekt if he was 3 feet off the ground. What was your problem with him?
i mained villager and became a stevener because they are both floaty zoners
>1v1 in shambles because of sweaty tryhards and awful hitboxes
>2v2 in shambles because WW stacking with shaggies and finns
>rifts in shambles because they were always shit to begin with
>no content
>no new characters

it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

just die already. i need to see tony kill himself before christmas, that's all I want.
>2v2 with rick
>bugs bunny and black adam on dexters lab
>we're getting raped
>black Adam does the crying shaggy emote
>immediately down air him with the frying pan 5 times into forward air and he dies
>rick dies and we lose
>rick toasts me
>block all 3 other players
>Play a Jason to a pretty good match
>Decide to rematch
>I miss input and lose, and dude IMMEDIATELY declines the rematch
I don't think I've ever seen the mission screen pop up so fast
The only happy Multiversus player.
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He won.
Guesses on what the Smiling Friends stage is going to be? Outside SF headquarters? Daveland? Spamland?
Fuck you for picking some boring kung fu guy from Tekken in over Agumon as the second Bamco rep.
gayest roster picks award maybe
This game is still much better than any smash game after melee
it's not cameltoe, it's the outlines of her swimsuit touching
>shaggy lags out 2 seconds into the match and keeps running
>block all 3 other players
And the shaggy's name was JordeNinoPablo or some shit
Is there an easier way to forward jab out of a dash than briefly returning the control stick to the neutral position? Arya's giving me a ton of trouble because of it, since her main combo is dash -> stop dashing -> forward jab -> neutral special -> forward jab -> up special. I keep accidentally forward specialing at the end because of how much shaking the stick back and forth there is.
Go in training mode and practice, dashing -> simply let go of the control stick and flick c stick left or right
not until they give us the option to swap jab and fsmash back
or alternatively they let us bind dash attack to a button and disable the run shortcut

also you can just dash cancel into it
3 more retarded maggots blocked
Bind neutral attack and neutral special to different buttons, it's just helpful in general
you sure do seem to lose a lot anon
the Level 3 rift against the Joker was fun. Had to make actual decisions.
3 more
gonna block the entire playerbase at this rate
3 more fuckin putrid nigger-retards that should be shot in the face with the super shotgun from doom and fed to pigs and turned into pig shit blocked
i would but the site won't let me
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Step aside, little bro.
whats this one for
https://multiversus.fandom.com/wiki/Scooby_Snack Icon you got for playing 5 matches in Tech Test 1 or 2, which was Pre-Alpha.
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Gonna flex my other OG Item
Did you know that all the matches (You) lose have something in common? That's right, (You) are in all of them!
Why didn't you faggots save the game
Fuck was I supposed to do? I just played the game earlier than everyone else.
give better feedback
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Mah boi, thank you for posting it fellow Top Dawgher
I'm only staying on because of the Jason stuff. In the universe where they just put someone else, I probably wouldn't even be here rn.
How were we supposed to know that they were gonna fuck up the game in ways we never could have imagined?
To the Taz I played with against a Wonder Woman and a Joker.....thumbs up. You did well!
And the ones I win from carrying
You should have said "make sure not to shut down the game for a year and say it's because you're going to port it to ue5 but then you masturbate the entire year instead"
Just afk in an easy rift like targets until time is almost out and die? Or if the minigames don't give exp anymore, get high level gems and go to an easy rift where you have a team mate and afk for a minute then kill the bots in a few hits.
i wish reindog had sexy paws so i can cum on his paws and in his ass
OK Superman.
If you listen closely it kind of sounds like Superman is saying "fuck black adam!"
Tony hurry the fuck up and add literally any fucking character to this game, supergirl could sell a lot if you give her a MAWS skin and you can do her normal outfit and her armor, there’s anime harley and rick and morty next season im sure with all this anime shit you can get some weeb bucks just fucking do anything
i thought it was always like this
I'm actually surprised we haven't gotten peacemaker yet, he seems to be the flag carrier on the whole Gunn's take over of DC.
what news will we get this week?
Will we get any patch at all?
it's funny when the batman says "on god" heehee haha
i’m not a lady, and i never have been. that’s not me.
Do you seriously not get gem xp just for having them equipped while fighting rifts????????
I've had this one gem stuck at level 3 with 3 xp to level up, but it won't budge no matter what I do to try and move it.
How does this game fail on so many basic design elements like xp grinding. Imagine playing PokeMon and thinking you can gain xp just buy having a PokeMon particpate in a battle, only for you to get no xp ever at all and instead have to spend money on rare candies that *hopefully* level up your PokeMon. Except PokeMon is an actually well designed game made on shoestring budget and passionate developers, not this 'indie studio' slop like this miserable game
This week is the week the game gets ranked and all beta things back
That is an insane amount of cope holy shit anon
I just realised that the reason why I'm getting paired against sweats constantly is because of the dwindling playerbase of casuals leaving and now there's nearly nobody left by the toxic shits that keep spamming the salt emote and teabag after every ringout and win.
mvs? no absolutely not
we're down 1K players compared to yesterday, again
Update: now I can't even play the game at all cus I get the authetication glitch on title screen

And my CPU temp has gone up 20 degrees just launching it

God hates me
have they fixed the issue where you can only play as 2 characters at a time without paying?
>>And my CPU temp has gone up 20 degrees just launching it
>God hates me
Why the fuck did you buy a laptop lmao
sell it and buy a desktop retard
yeah anon she'll get right on selling that shitty busted bricked ass laptop
Top Dawg gang we won
If this game doesn't die in a few weeks when can I expect another game of thrones character?
Does anyone remember this weird adult cartoon about two lesbians and a fat dude that all had power gems in their belly buttons? I have no idea if it was supposed to be a Steven Universe parody because I'm pretty sure it came out before the even the pilot was made. I just remember watching it on youtube one time and being utterly confused
>wait a year to get your laptop from postal service
>bricks itself in a month
like pottery
Which game of thrones character would you like to see? I remember reading leaks about the hound (Arya's friend) and Daenerys joining at some point but not sure if that's going to happen or if are we getting anyone from HotD, personally I think Jon should have been the first GoT rep.
>buy steam deck
>wait a month for it
>works instantly with no issues for probably around the same price and is probably more powerful

steam deck's not perfect, but it's absolutely better than most laptops on the market right now, holy shit is the laptop market a fucking shitshow
I agree Jon should have been first, but personally I would like to have seen Jaime. Dany could be good depending on how creative they get with her movelist. The Hound was an odd choice from the leaks but at this point I'll take anyone.
Man I was hoping to Gandalf from the New Line LoTR soon
I think Brienne would have been a better choice for a Tank GoT rep, also we need more female characters in this game
Can you use a USB keyboard/mouse and can it run TF2/MVS? How well does it handle gameplay recording?
I might settle for the cheapest steam deck just to save myself from wanting to fucking die

The sad part is EVERYTHING except the BRAND NEW CPU fan is fine
Just can't do anything without it overheating instantly

Cus I belong in hell

Gonna throw it in the fucking trash what's the point

This is probably gonna be my last video please enjoy

That'll probably happen whenever the next CeanPeacemaker appearance actually is. If they got him for MK then he very well could reprise the role for here as well, which would be dope.
Can't wait for the WWE wrestler John Cena fighter bros
That would make the number of characters played by wrestlers in this game 2
which is just odd because they aren't even playing wrestlers
>Can you use a USB keyboard/mouse

>can it run TF2/MVS
personally played TF2 with it no problems, heard it runs MVS fine

>How well does it handle gameplay recording?
never tried it myself but it should be doable as long as you're ok playing the game in desktop mode. though you could always just get a capture card.
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we might be reaching 2K today
>if I had a nickel...
... Wait who's the first?
I have the disgrace of owning this banner as I paypigged once again to get the new summer Velma skin, and sadly it was part of a bundle that contained this banner.
Dwayne the rock Johnson
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>just finished my 12th rift
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Somehow got into the tutorial after being locked out for awhile. I noticied the tracker in the bottom, but I haven't done the math to see if it's for just the current rifts or the whole season
Update today btw! Bumpy
Oh. Yeah, The Rock. Somehow forgot about that whole thing.
Did 1.04 come out more than a week ago?
what's the point of playing when you finish the battle pass
infinity tiers could have some gleam potentially unlikely but maybe a little perhaps 10% chance i forgot
same, ive done all quests. i dont know how people got the skin already
you can get fighter currency/perk currency/gleamium randomly. So it's still worth it.
no you can't
we're doing it bros, we're reaching 2K in an hour
maybe later
Finally finished the power pledge using the guide on this post >>483167110
It was some painful and tedious shit, and it took all the time i had for playing so now I'm going to sleep at least knowing that the only thing I'll have to do tomorrow is the dailies and having fun.
Gn anons
I can't survive a third power pledge.
Three Power Pledge events per season? You got it.
i look forward to it
500 fighterbucks will help me get marceline
I wonder what the devs plan to do this week. I wonder what their daily routine is in the office
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>I'm now getting matched with the degenerates who actually kept playing after beta season 1
fun stops here.
Nestor in this BIG patch with LOTS of requested features btw
New thread for the new day
Yes mvs is leagues better than brawl and ultishit which is an extremely easy feat
Definitely inspired steven universe

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