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EVIL Olivia edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
When: Friday & Saturday Afternoon. Check for posts in the thread or be the one to announce.
tf2g's Official Server: (EU)
Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
>Other 4chan Servers
Weeabootique: (NA)
Team Funtress: fun.tf2.host (NA)
Castaway: Castaway.tf (NA)
Konata: konata.tf (EU)

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Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
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HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
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Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
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Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
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stom frons
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unusual effect: steaming friends
Anon-chan... your text gets more incoherent every time you post... a-are you daijoubu?
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You guys were just in time I was about to make a fempyro thread.
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TF2 is such a culturally monumental game. So many things in the modern gaming landscape can trace itself back to TF2, for better and for worse. TF2 repopularized the use of colors and cartoony aesthetics, TF2 is the primary source of Gmod and SFM animations, TF2 started the trend of making games free to play and them monetizing it through microtransactions, TF2 was the first game to implement lootboxes, TF2 is the grandfather of the hero shooter genre.
It's genuinely sad to see a game like this be in such a sad state.
I can't type in casual chat for some reason. Even voice commands don't show up in chat. I'm not F2P so what gives?
When did Mann Co. buy Mercenary Park? And isn’t the Administrator in the role she’s in because Olivia Mann is too young to run the company by herself?
medic booba
>tfw no medic gf
>mfw increasingly running into bots that don't even choose a class, meaning votekicks cant be called on them
>they just occupy lobby slots and turn matches into 5 humans vs 12 humans and force you to requeue
Any chance Eric does the minimal amount of work it would take to make it possible to votekick people who haven't picked a class yet? Or is that fat retard so occupied with the cookie stand and adding broken maps into the game that he can't even do that?
dead game
dead general
Castaway guy has to shill his server here more, I would rather play on there than on the lolicon eurotrash server
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i cant believe i used to unironically believe the "eric super duper duper wants to fix the game because he loves tf2 and loves us, he just cant because ok??" cope
>fat fuck
>doing something
pick one
>t. girlscout
dotbros sorry i doubted you, i was swayed by the allure of the plus but have since seen the error of my ways.
Historically Gaben did more stuff as a fat fuck than he has done as a slimmed-down leprechaun
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is gaben actually skinny now i haven't seen a picture of him recently from the neck down
no, just less obese
He'd be retarded to not slim down. He's in his 60s. And losing weight is trivially easy when you're a multi-billionaire.
ok that figures i didn't think he was super skinny, he honestly looks more decrepit now with his schizo bush hair then he did as a jolly old fat guy
Valve has obviously heard us and will give us a big surprise for the summer update
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eat up lil nigga we're playing roaming heavy with the stock minigun for extra difficulty
that makes me think what would a summer version of the cozy catchers look like
2 spades with a sandcastle instead of a snowball
i was thinking two halves of a clamshell with a tiny beachball instead of a snowball
two plastic spades and a tennis ball
we could make millions! MILLIONS!
needs correction
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you hit my wife with a camper van
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You know I point to castaway whenever someone asks, right?
>And losing weight is trivially easy when you're a multi-billionaire
it's free to put the fork down
>redditors try owning bot hosters epic style by drawing gay porn of their OCs
>*cricket noises*
>some Russian pedonigger pretends to be them spamming CP links for shits n giggles
Take notes, reddit
wait I just realized something
Valve told tfc and open fortress they want to make it possible to get tfc/open fortress built in to tf2. Isn't that vbscript?

I don't know how powerful vbscript actually is. But I just played tf2 dm yesterday. it seems possible to add all the custom weapons?
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Valve if you can hear us, please Valve. Please save me. Please save me Valve, please. I'm asking you. Please save me.
Not if you live in muttland, the cheapest food is the slop with the most garbage, just corn syrup and empty carbs
whats the context behind this?
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Some schizo in a car livestreamed himself being told to leave by cops. Being American cops they had their guns out at a guy with his hands up sitting in his car. He livestreamed himself on the verge of tears saying "Trump if you can hear me, please save me, please save me Trump please" etc. There's a ton of edits making fun of the guy
lmao thanks
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oh, right. it takes some IQ points as well i guess
people are weird
Any reason not to play on community servers? I dumped quickplay as soon as 1 game session was ruined by the bots, whenever the fuck that was years ago. I played on creators tf and now uncle dane's servers. No bots, good games every time. I don't care about e-celeb drama, game's going good.
>you could buy yummy food or... shit-tasting goyslop that you have to prepare yourself
>tf2 is even less fun on community servers
is it actually over? i literally never touch the server browser but the games unplayable in the morning so i'd thought i try it out but it turns out the game is literally less fun on these its either addon slop or comp slop theres literally no alive server in between.
>cheapest food is the slop with the most garbage, just corn syrup and empty carbs
>check the epik 4chan servers
>Castaway, which is supposed to be NA is never played at all
>Konata, which is supposed to be EU is only alive on NA hours
there are fun servers but you need to scratch the barrell of the server list
strangely the corn syrup and empty carbs products existing worked just fine until the 90s
eu has also been getting more obese since the 90s but I don't see them blaming corn
oh my fauci!! not le hecking empty calorinoes!!! I gotta ask r/nutrition about the protein amounts of my goyslop!! hope there's not le too much
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>Zesty, can I ask you a personal question ? Are you actually a virgin or is it a bit?

Zesty casually answers yes LEL

Dude's 29 years old, collects tranime figurines, jerk off to buff women
What went wrong with the tf2 community ?
It's either redditfags groomers, troons, kids, furries, ugly incels chuds, there is absolutely no normal people playing this game anymore kek
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there's hope for me yet
>meatless burgers
and now... I will return the favor.
im 27 and a virgin too
at least i have tf2
No point in having sex unless you want kids. 2d is superior to 3d, in all other aspects. Zesty is a fellow autist that understands this.
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This is honestly really sad for Zesty, the dude looks relatively fresh, he is tall, but he acts like such an annoying douchebag that no one want to date him
Even the fat crybaby Boogie2988 had some relationships
It certainly isn't because he couldn't get any.
The dude is smokin.
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
some people just don't give a shit about relationships or women. Why can't 4chuds understand this.
He lives rent free in your head.
I mean do you look as good as Zesty ? Man is not supposed to be stuck in the ugly chud's league, no offense to you lol, but most late male virgins doesn't look too good, or are insufferable asocials
This is a pure imaginary cope, Zesty is looking for a relationship
Any man with enough testosterone want to bang
because SEX is an essential and basic need
men need intimate companionship with women
Thankfully I'm none of the above. I have a Reddit account, but I just browse r/SquaredCircle and some other niche interests
no but i wish
im so sad now
i just want to hug and hold hands with a cute girl
so depressed
and angry now
>conversation doesn't mention him at all
>hurr hey guise its me !>blessed viva<!
>I this and that , me this and that.
>I do that that but only so far
Tripfags man...
Spy question, does anyone grab ammo packs while playing cloak and dagger via flashing cloak off and back on and then moving on, or would you rather just recharge from standing still? Assume its reasonably safe for the time being but not an put of the way spot that you could be safe for long in.
>if you don't want to have sex and be a simp for every woman you are coping!!
Again, 4chuds just don't have independent thoughts. Not everybody is the same, people want to live their lives differently. Not every male's goal in life is to service and simp for some whore. You assume that all males are the same as you.
As a Pyro main, I notice shit like that, and I do my best to hunt you down afterwards. You'll have a better time of being sneaky if you don't pick up an ammo pack in anyone's vicinity

>Gee, it sure is cool when all these like-minded losers talk about themselves. So relatable!
>A tripcode user is chiming in too? Grr now I'm even angrier than I already was

Bottomscorers man...
>Even the fat crybaby Boogie2988 had some relationships
he was a sugardaddy, which is emptier than no relationship at all, I would rather be alone and flourish in my own lane than having some leech attached who only is there for money
lol you value holes way too much
You don't need to simp to have sex if you look good, you are just coping because you are ugly chuddy
Back to the fortress 2, does tf2c have a decent playerbase ? I havent played tf2 since a couple of years, but I don't want to see all the neon shit they have added in the past years
even b4nny has a gf
i cant so this anymore bros
im almost about to hit my irl killbind
>it's le "need"
projecting your desires onto others. Zesty is intelligent, so he probably has more unique wants out of life than just fucking and getting drunk. Smart people are simply less interested in relationships because it's not stimulating for them nor necessary. They also don't relate well to others, which is really easy for normalfags.
tf2c playerbase is all trannies but they're based because they have le sex with each other and kids
you are projecting hard and then claiming everyone who doesn't agree with you is coping and/or ugly. it's tiring.
No, just play regular Tf2 community servers.
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>when you lose to a bot hoster

gg tf2g, time to pack it up and go home.
>Zesty is Intelligent
>Is a Gambling Addict
>Get angry live on youtube and act like a man-child, all of his family, relatives, coworkers can see it online

anon, you sound like a 2011 fedora tipping redditor...
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this wasn't me
He is intelligent.
>He gambles!
Intelligent people can gamble.
>He... is a youtuber
>He.... is a man-child!
Pot calling the kettle black. Are you not on the Tf2 general of 4chan?
>person with a roided woman fetish doesn't get sex
honestly mindblowing how redditors have literally negative shame and went full mask off here, completely dropping all pretense of giving a shit about the game in favor of making it about gay sex and child grooming instead, the things their entire lives already revolve around
god I fucking hate ufr, when i just want to know what zesty thinks about the squimjim vid and they are talking about bacon for a fucking hour before getting to the title of the fucking stream
So you're telling me that if I host bots and have a avatar character, they'll start making porn of me instead of doxxing me? kek
Yes. #savetf2.
>child grooming
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>Smart people doesn't fuck and get drunk
>ACKtually smart people can gamble

maximum kek
Gambling is the least intelligent thing one can do. If you understand statistics but you still gamble you're just retarded.
Is Zesty actually a "gambler" though, the way you describe it?
And why is it even wrong if he was successful with it? It's not like he was gambling his life savings for no reason.
anon if a person thinks gay sex is fine and normal they wouldn't be trying to "take down" a bothoster by using it as an insult
the whole thing is just the inherent homophobia of teenage males on reddit dot com
>Thread theme
>tune into lucids stream
>GRRR I HATE MATCHMAKING SO MUCH sorry guys we havent even started the video yet and im already angry
Society itself values having sex. If you're old and a virgin, people at large will see you as a literal joke.
Anyone 25 or above who still hasn't had sex is a complete loser
Drinking water is the least intelligent thing one can do (100% of water drinkers die). If you understand statistics but you still drink water you're just retarded.
can someone bot host using fempyro (with big honkers) as avatar haha just thought it would be funny for some reason
I honestly don't care if he gambles or not, but portraying him as an intelligent messiah who needs no woman is a typical ugly chud behavior, anon
Especially when Zesty openly said that he is looking to have -interesting- relationships
Don't rush into sex, it's not an Xbox Live achievement. You should only have sex with a woman you have been fully smitten by.
Ironically, having sex reduces your sex appeal. 90% of all sexually-active people have HPV, which is a virus that disables certain mechanisms in your immune system. HPV is so good at these viral counter-countermeasures that fucks up other functions of your immunology like suppressing cancer and eliminating senescent cells, and this makes you age much faster. Condoms don't protect you from it either. I rarely have sex and I look 10 years younger than I really am.

The greatest man who ever lived (Nikola Tesla) died a virgin.
newton also died a virgin because he was a schizo
>Be me
>be nearly 26
>haven't had sex

I got really close once, but I just didn't know what was going on so it kinda ended up going nowhere and I'm so fucking embarrassed about it looking back.
Are guys just supposed to "go for it"? No explicit approval? Are we just supposed to intuit it?
Which vice is worse, gambling or donating to e-girls?
Literally how is that possible?
He isn't fat and has a well paying job. He could easily get a gf
I don't care what women and feminists have forced the estrogenized society to value, I will never be a simp that puts holes on a pedastal
>be me
>had sex in high school and college
losing virginity and sex doesn't make you happy
>/tf2g/ - losers talking about not having sex
>but portraying him as an intelligent messiah
Lol nobody said that, I just said he was smart. You are this offended some guys don't value women as much as you do? Why do you care so much
I don't even remember how old I am but I've had plenty of sex with superior plastic pussy
i wonder what sex feels like
is it like getting a fat crit on 6 enemies or going on a super long killstreak
You sound like a redditor again
>muh science tells me that sex is LE BAD

For one Nikola Tesla that died a virgin, you have plenty of men of renown in different field who had terrific sex lives

Heck, even Benjamin Franklin had a joyful sexual life, not even making this up
warm and tight
>zesty is bragging about being... le old again
>losing money with the chance of getting it back big time = BAD
>losing money (and time) with the chance of getting to cum (you can do this for free yourself) = GOOD
I'll never understand simps
It's both science and religion that says sex is le bad. I have known many sex addicts and they all age like shit.
you chuddies are just cherry picking and coping ad vitam aeternam
Zesty never said that he ISN'T INTERESTED in women, stop seething
it's just one /r9k/ retard sperging that even 4channers like me got laid, do not give him yous
I can talk to women decently, but only up to friendzone. The lack of a experience is a serious handicap. It's like applying for a job with no experience or internships.
Also I'm fat so I'm demoralized. I'm 24
its only been 2 weeks and they've already lost the plot. thank god valve is ignoring us.
if you value sex so much go pay a prostitute
>person with a roided woman fetish
Back in my day we called this "being gay"
you're just an incel bro, idk what to tell you. You simp over women and claim it should be every man's sole purpose in life, and then when people disagree you say they're ugly and seething.
I want my first time to be special and romantic
paying to lose your virginity doesn't count. You lose your virginity when you fuck a bitch and nut inside her without the fear of getting aids or herpes.
>Smart people doesn't fuck and get drunk
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>11 Gross Facts About The Surprisingly Prolific Sex Life of Benjamin Franklin
> Died 84, lived a fantastic life
>anon if a person thinks gay sex is fine and normal they wouldn't be trying to "take down" a bothoster by using it as an insult
nobody thinks gay sex is fine and normal, not even gays. they know it's sick and deviant and damages society, that's why they do it. I can guarantee you at least a handful of redditors are jerking off to the gay robot porn as we speak
It's a fundamental life milestone. Achieving it is just supposed to feel normal.
I'm so far gone I can't even imagine having sex
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Fact: Spy has sex regularly.
>#FixTF2 starts
>Less than 24 hours before all of leddit and twitter melting down over a handful of negative reviews spread across a bunch of other Valve games
>"Stop bullying other games!" "Guys this is not a good look for our movement"
>Same screenshots of the same couple negative reviews remixed constantly for three(3) fucking days while the games' ratings have experienced zero changes
>Signanon visits Valve on the second week
>"Well of course they were ordered not to interact with him, due to the current political climate it's understandable that they would be nervous about people visiting their offices unannounced..."
>Another week passes
>Now they're making gay porn of the bot hoster OC's
>The same OC's they've paid money to commission art of before
>"Let's give them what they used to pay money for, for free! Surely this will own them epic style and #FixTF2!"
It boggles my mind that a game this great has a playerbase this horrible.
>have sex
Nothing wrong with americans connecting to their ancestral brothers
Being a "sex addict" as a Puritan in the 1700s is like acting like a slut in Saudi Arabia lel
Ben Franklin didn't have a harem of Playboy bunnies sorry if this surprises you
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He's just waiting for his dream girl.
He refuses to compromise on this.
Have fun explaining that you were such a loser that you had to lose your virgin to a random prostitute to feel a woman's touch
kek, I bet your future partners will be thrilled
his "dream girl" is a man with tits
I wsnt her to suck my dick
>Deadlock is gonna heckin flop cause it's unbalanced
These retards know it's in a private playtest for a reason, right?
This is literally true though
Virginity isn't just about the physical act of PiV. It's about social status and the ABILITY to get someone to fall for you
all sex is "sick and deviant and damages society" according to western cultural values
Zesty will ask for this to be deleted, mark my words
>It's a fundamental life milestone
I used to think this, but in all honesty it speaks more to your (and my former) mental state. We have built in pleasure mechanisms that naturally drive us towards procreation, but mankind has changed society through our brains and engineering of technology that make sex not the sole answer to achieving that pleasure, while our population and global presence are at an all time low demand for further reporduction. We put so much emphisis on family and repopulating back in the day because mankind's survival was significantly more dubious than it is now. Sex is not required, it just feels really good.
I equate it to being rich. You want to go out there and make lots of money? Earn it. You want to go out there and get laid? Earn it. But none are truly needed to be happy in life. If you define that as a newd then that is your desicion, but you need to be the one to make it.
>future partners
lol, I have better things to do with my time than to waste it with some slag that doesn't even pay tf2
dude who cares about deadlock
i just want to know what sex feels like

why are they like this?
because they are all either underage or severely autistic

that's the answer
>nobody is drawing ms.pauling porn
i hate reddit fags so much
why is zesty calling jill "them"?
>according to western cultural values
no, according to modern western values, only straight sex between a married couple is sick and deviant. gay sex with transgender children is considered powerful and brave
Based. Takes guts to overcome the social stigma to admit being a virgin.
I hope every single redditor gets dragged out onto the streets and lynched. including people who post reddit cringe here to seek reactions
Didn't he have a girlfriend that he recently broke up with?
if only omegatronic chose Ms. Pauling or Femscout as avatar...
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>people are surprised the muscle girl enthusiast is a closet gay when he goes to the gym and his username contains the word "zesty"
>zesty is smart
doesn't he go to the gym?
>zesty is smart
isn't he american?
sex was considered sinful by the patriarchal christian doctrine which dominated the west for millenia
it still is today because words like "slut" and "whore" are insults towards women and there is still bias against those with minority sexualities
we have entered an era where bias against such sexualities is changing but this in itself has created a reactionary movement from the very same straights who forbade sexual abnormality and now feel as though they are being condemned by a conspiracy against the majority

the idea that straights are being vilified is based on the faulty notion that acceptance is a limited resource and giving it to one group must necessarily take it away from another
kek i wouldn't be surprised
weekly obsessed butthurt workshopper post
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>the idea that straights are being vilified is based on the faulty notion that acceptance is a limited resource and giving it to one group must necessarily take it away from another

Leviticus 18:22
>n-no thats christfaggin
White Christian nation, if you don't like it go back to whatever third world shithole without plumbing you came from.
This is what BNWO sissy bbc popper hypno does to a man
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I wish I had the workshopper lazy money but I'm just a pipeline worker in the middle of nowhere
the nature of your reactionary beliefs is to inherently retreat to an argument which is not logical but which comforts your emotions
idk this word
i know this word
i know this word
idk this word
>idk this word in this context

wtf are you saying?
Relgions fags will seethe about this truth
why are you projecting your fetish onto him
>my bullshit invented in germany in the 1920's is more valid than the religious beliefs that carried western europe to prosperity
>the idea that straights are being vilified is based on the faulty notion that acceptance is a limited resource and giving it to one group must necessarily take it away from another
homopedo detected
sex is go-
>gets worms in the ass
it's as necess-
>gets genital warts that hurt daily
>gets aids and dies
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I don't blame anyone for wanting a cute muscle gf who is assertive. Women are confusing. Having one who actually knows what she wants (and that thing being you) would make things so much easier.

TF2 is a fun game btw. Shame about those bots.
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To use a metaphor 100% of /tf2g/ understands, maining Pyro is like having sex with a woman while maining Scout / Soldier / Demo / Heavy / Engineer / Medic / Sniper / Spy is like having gay sex. These classes only care about fragging in the most straightforward manner, just like how faggots only care about gracelessly putting their dick into a hole. Women, contrarily look for a wide variety of sublime traits in their sexual companion:
>personality contrasting with her personality but still compatible
>maturity, faithfulness, compassion, forgiveness other positive traits
>ability to inspire confidence
>understanding female emotions
>knowing how to navigate shit-tests
>ability to provide for her and not being a financial parasite
>detecting fakery in any of the above (they know subtle social cues down to the musculature in your face)
>knowing how to pleasure women, which is much more difficult than men
It's true that some women just want to ride a cock carousel but that 1000% more true for faggots. Hell, most faggots aren't riding a cock carousel, they're riding a cock GAU-8 rotary cannon with >30 partners/year. They'll try to claim otherwise but there isn't any deeper form of romantics with them beyond squeezing out cum into another man's digestive tract. Likewise, there isn't any nuance in Soldier's combat beyond leading rockets and juggling. There isn't much development in Engineer's weapons, you don't have multiple forms of PTC or airblasting tech. There isn't a whole lot going on with Heavy or Medic.
homosexuality was not invented in germany in the 1920s and to suggest such is incorrect

if you cannot defend the beliefs on their own merit then there is no reason to follow them. to continue to do so anyway is to lower yourself to the level of animal who allows others to do the thinking for him

a more blatantly emotional argument
Oh my FAUCI ! I love Science so much bros !!!
I'm looking forward my 10th omegatronic vaccine
Hold up ? You didn't get vaccinated for chlamydiaA-ACK
She cute. What's wrong with wanting this and refusing to settle for anything else?
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Oh my science, this thread puts me in the mood for licking crusty shit flakes off TF2 Demo's ass
Zestybro btw
sex-haver btw
sex is like fragging with rescue ranger the f2p spoi who gotta sappa ma dispensa ova hea
Your father is a virgin, do you think he's a loser?
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i have 32 keys that i want to sell for next months sale but the price of keys on the market is 2.04 now when i want them sold for 2.15
>terrible baiken reskin
Tf2 players aren't very creative
just keep holding
Let's be real if he was a 29-year-old virgin gymbunny woman all of you would fuck her in a heartbeat if you could
Disgusting niggerfaggot game and thread
BOT HOSTING TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/bNoTEz2_BqY
greedy fuck
thts like 1 key in difference overall
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Now post bussy
Ohh fuuucckk guys I think I'm... I-I'm g-g-gonna... gonna HOOST... oh fuck, I'm HOOSTING!! I'M HOOSTING!!!!
Holy fucking shit I want to fuck robots so damn much its unreal I cant even see a cutesy screen face without getting an erection I want to bend over and drill my dick into every single bot I see and cum all over their metalic insides until they require a hard cleaning session sex sex sex with robots sexo sex sex
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>inb4 off topic
How can you tell she is not hosting bots ?
i would care more if you spammed trading card farm bots instead of tf2 bots so i could make actual money
>but charge people to rent the bots
why would they when there's a free tutorial
The fact that you'll never have it.
Don't worry anon. I get what you're getting at. But we cannot escape reality. We all have things we want that just aren't possible. It sucks. I wish it could be another way but it won't be. But you must understand that reality won't change, only we can. You won't find satisfaction, happiness, or fulfillment wishing for what isn't. We must adapt, we must forge something real. Or we're doomed. Doomed to a life of loneliness and regret. You only have one life. Don't waste it.
I'd rather stand alone than kneel together with something less
Yeah, but people have problems with willpower and forming good habits, especially if you're already struggling with work. If you've got Gaben money, though, you can buy a fuckin personal gym, a personal trainer, and a team of dieticians and cooks to make sure you're as healthy as possible. And it's not like he has to work a day in his life ever again, either.
Don't wowwy, Mistah Engie! Homewecka Pywo is here to pwotect you from those nyasty spies :-3! I remyoved that sappah, can I has headpyats as reward UWU?
well, I guess that'll do
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Mod player from previous thread here
Tried Prefortress today. Feels better then classic but less populated

Actually playing all those mods for a while now made me wonder if killing tf2 would be more beneficial for community then "fixing it".
It is impossible to properly happen for legal reasons but i mean it in the sense that valve removes shop, removes casual/ranked and mann up, removed community market and any trade able items from the game leaving people with stock and unlockables. I guess making cosmetics widely available would fit too. Leaving tf2 to its original state before meet your match. Now - i dont imagine that would actually work for everyone, but it would work for me.

What if #fixtf2 actually means #killtf2?
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There is nothing lesser about finding something real. Once you're older you'll look back on a lot of regret. Make sure that regret doesn't involve wishing for something that never comes.
>off-topic tranime image
>off-topic tranime discussion
I read only 3 words before stopping and hiding these posts.
this but soldier
based viva, is your wife still getting a train ran on her by demoman mains?
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If your workshop submission has privated comments, I am going to immediately downvote it because you are indicating you do not care about the quality of what you produce
dude wtf thats not nice
This is true! But brainlets have to cope and project their insurmountable need for meaningless sex upon their superiors.
>t. 140 IQ and 6'5 handsome virgin
>750 mb peak usage per bot
I thought it'd be less resource intensive. So either a good number are hosting or a few are but buying extra hardware, interesting.
You're better off mining meme coins than botting games if profit is the goal, unless you live in a shithole with a currency worth pennies compared to the dollar
>how to end up in a failing marriage where the wife constantly shits on you while you post "wife bad" memes on facebook
>the wife constantly shits on you
unironically why havent botshosters simoly been doxxed yet? No i sont care about the moral implications, people tend to behave when they sense there might possibly be real consequences for their actions
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There is a middle ground between non-existent-perfect-made-just-for-you-ideal-wife and a horrid bitch. Adapt. Accept reality. Find something real that you can love. You won't find anything through wishes.
>the wife constantly shits on you
Pre-Fortress 2 was kino when it was populated. Had so much fun playing it but yeah it has nowhere near as many players as TF2C which is sad. TF2C is actually seeing player count numbers I never expected to have recently which I think is a result of the #fixTF2 movement. Wonder if launching an update for PF2 in the midst of this would help
>What if #fixtf2 actually means #killtf2?
I find it funny when people say "what if the result of this movement will just have Valve shut down all official servers and item servers?" when TF2 did perfectly fine on launch without any of these things. It'll never happen, but it would be a net-positive for the game IMO
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Guys, this is the tf2 general not the sex general.
>Olivia in the OP
>thread becomes sex fortress 2
should i?
yes the raffle them
Sell them and seek therapy for your gambling addiction? Probably
92. get that kritzkrieg!
Is there an easy way to sell a bunch of crates? I have never opened one of these things in my life and they're clogging up my backpack.

i've never opened any box
but i'm really considering it now

thanks king
What does it matter? These script kiddies are from 3rd world countries. If the cops wont do anything for the cybercrimes what makes you think pointing to some child's adress in Russia will?
>tf2 players want to gamble in their anti valve protest
I say this and I have most hours on pyro
>when TF2 did perfectly fine on launch without any of these things
The gaming world has changed. Online microtransactions and loot boxes monitize what originally needed an upfront ticket price for the game.
CSGO uses a similar economy. If Valve shuts us down and the value of all TF2 backpack items becomes 0 then it will be a wake up call to other game economies working the same way, and they'll stop buying as well.
They could easily be thinking
>if the game is ruined it doesnt matter if we shut it down or let it rot, lets at least milk the profits a little longer"
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cs and tf2 are not comparable at all, shutting down tf2 would mean nothing to cs
valve has already effectively abandoned tf2
None of you FUCKERS helped me with this, so I will let you all know that you have to put cl_mute_all_comms 0 in the console.
CSGO traders use tf2 keys as the currency. for their economy
any tf2 videos that have softcore porn of femscout/miss pauling/fempyro in their thumbnails?
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DISPENSER incest-in' mah SENTRY
they would just move to dota keys
Sorry I'm new to 4chan, legit like not trolling, but what the fuck does Aack, xisters, Oh My Fauci and such mean ??

I searched around and found nothing
and why is there a captcha to post wtf
deadlock keys*
sorry about that.
leave and never come back
it's for your own good
they did a poor job censoring his balls not that i'm complaining~
Don't worry about it
Go back to wherever you came from, for your own good, just stay off of here.
I honestly thought you guys would talk about some more team fortress related topics
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lurk moar
>deadlock keys
>he thinks they won't get the same fate as cs keys
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What do you guys think about this mad milk balance change?
the mad milk is fine as is
>500 damage to charge up
Already nigh-unusable for like 80% of Scout players.
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>there aren't enough retarded pointless nerfs in the game yet
Gambling in a dying game with a market controlled by a few whales is the most retarded thing you can do.
At least choose a more relevant game.
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Okay, okay but what about this soda popper balance change?
lol wtf is oh my fauci and where did you read that
someone said oh my fauci I love calorinoes
zesty and crew are debooonking squimjim's quickplay video
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That's even more retarded, the Soda Popper is already a niche pick as it is.
meanwhile gay porn defunctioned an entire movement
Fuck, my nest egg of my csgo backpack full of keys just got purged, everything's gone!
>better jump ship to Valve's other game and rebuild on that economy
Nobody would have this train of thought. You lose even 50$ worth of items and anyone would throw in the towel.
Please understand fishonstick knows what's best for tf2.
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guys if omegatronic getting raped will fix tf2 can mimis fucking lead to them being put them into the game?
Notice the other primary that punishes, not even disables but punishes, you for double jumping and see why it isnt used.
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But surely this pretty boy will convince you.
yasss xister trans!fempyro will be added next ^w^
they already are
Fuck Engineer. Get head from Engineer. Highlight Engineer posters. Fuck Engineers on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into him. Snap off Engineers overalls. Follow Engineer threads. ERP with Engineer posters. Cum inside Engineer. Hang Engineer in shibari bondage. Have Engineer make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into Engineer. Fry Engineers brains with sex. Toss Engineer ssalad. Urinate into Engineers mouth (he's into it). Judo throw Engineer onto a bed. Blackmail Engineer into sex with his dox. Twist Engineers nipples. Report your love for Engineer to Valve. Always uber Engineers. Split Engineers legs in half. Sexually heal Engineer. Give Engineer surprise buttsex. Critically hit Engineer in the prostate. Mpreg Engineer. Get trapped into sex by demon Engineer from the underworld. Dump sperm into Engineers cum dumpster. Submerge Engineer into a vat of cum. Suck Engineers dick. Dissect Engineers clothes off. Dominate Engineers. after defeating them in MGE. Slap Engineers face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give Engineer health packs. Make Engineer suck'em. Cream inside Engineers hole. Lobotomize Engineer into a sex slave. Mandatory slut training for Engineer mains. Give Engineer your love paste. Drown Engineer in mad milk. Whip Engineers ass with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with Engineer. Invite Engineer to your mvm lobby. Feed Engineer your semen. Give Engineer your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck Engineer like an alligator. Slice Engineers clothes off with the half-zatoichi. Clone Engineer to have 2 of your favourite fuck buddy. Goon to https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/15/Eng_aerobic_02.mp3 daily. Have your way with Engineers while they're idle. Take a sign professing your love for Engineer to Valve headquarters.
Sisters but more troony
>Oh My Fauci
Hecking science lovers' version of oh my god
>lumping ytp and mlg together
zoomer image btw skibidi toilet is real cinema
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Oh my Saxton !
Sisters, I'm so excited for the summer update
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Is it from his dumbass rebalance servers?
>changes literally every Scout unlock except the Bonk and Crit-a-Cola for some reason
>nerfs the Cow Mangler
>turns the Natascha into the Ludmila
>Buffalo Steak has to be charged up now
>and countless other pointless rebalances of perfectly fine weapons
Yep yep yep
>there are people who want tranime garbage in team fortress the second
>turns natascha into the ludmila
only based thing
>These script kiddies are from 3rd world countries
Even better, the odds of localized vigilante violence from a disgruntled TF2tard are higher
This is why I am never joining your tranny servers
the soda popper is scouts 2nd best primary after stock. it is in no way niche, you rarely see it only because people like using the fan more, knockback silly i guess
konata.tf is permadead what other server do i join
NTA but TF2/CS crosstrading is very common practice, they're practically the same economy
Does anyone have that meme with blu and red team players where one of them is Gigi Amoroso or some shit? I have a desire to look at it but I don't have it saved nor do I remember enough to search it up :(
>Knockback silly i guess
maybe for some people? im pretty sure the FaN is more popular because it gives you an extra pseudo-jump on demand
No matter how the times change, there will always be unfunny retards on TF2 voice chat parroting memes. Now it's shit like "erm, what the sigma?", etc
the irony of the faggot who uploaded this being the best example of this issue
when we playing counter strike junction boys https://youtu.be/IRij8uWsbg0
that is not worth the trade off of not being able to kill people unless youve got them up against a corner. the soda popper lets you deal 200 damage whenever, the fan makes it inconvenient. thats why the soda popper is a near complete upgrade. oh and the hype isnt too hard to build and once you do use it noone can kill you
yes they know kids play this game...alot of kids so then directing them to gay porn is grooming
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big if true
This is seethe
ah.. aight.. ngl i pretty much only use the stock, i havent used the popper or babyface since they got nerfed
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>talks about game mechanics and code
>encourages community servers
>encourages map making
>is actually good at the game

Does anything else compare?
Having a girlfriend =/= having sex
How do we make Spy competitively viable?
Maybe it could be a new item called β€œMadder Milk”, but the people should be allowed to choose which one. We can choose to use the Airstrike or Liberty Launcher and we can choose to use the Classic or Hitman’s Heatmaker.
Was looking for footage of sudden death and came across this kino. Zoomers will never understand
Invent and implement 18v18, where there are two members of each class per team, and there are no weapon restrictions thanks to the redundancies this would allow.
ai post kys
Zenomite walked so Zesty could run
Wait, people are doing robot porn to savetf2? I just do it because its fun
How are the Classic and the Hitman’s Heatmaker β€œcounterparts”?
Brass beast dalokohs bar gru
i'll be sure show this to my kids to explain why you should look both ways when crossing the road
I've said this before but ALL knives should give a speedboost like the Big Earner does, the whole "backstab someone which reveals you and then you get gunned down by the whole team" thing is a weakness that's been meme'd on for years
Play typical colors 2
konata is empty... sigh
They’re counterparts because they both fire quieter shots and can be permascoped at the cost of body shot damage. One can be permascoped forever at the cost of non-fully charged headshots not being crits and the other crits on all headshots at the cost of permascoping being on a timer.
say hello to my he-devil
A buff like that would have to be accompanied with a DR nerf, otherwise spy would become absurdly survivable. He's already easy to survive with if you know what you're doing, what with cloak damage resistance
first step is not having a dozen weapons in the game that do nothing except counter him
I completely agree and it's a trade i think very few spy players would begrudge
bordering on the line between gemerald and brimstone
bordering the line between pedophilia and homosexuality
But why would anyone use the β€œMadder Milk” over the Mad Milk when the β€œMadder Milk” is just a nerfed version of the β€œMad Molk”?
Because the Madder Milk would only be usable as often as the Gas Passer is while the Mad Milk could be used fairly often.
But the Madder Milk is just an inferior version of the Mad Milk
i've always fantasized about dressing up as fempyro with fake big boobies, hips, and ass and getting harassed by horny gamers at some convention
I main scout btw
Or what if the Dead Ringer gave the spy double its normal cloak duration and filled most of the cloak meter on melee kills at the cost of 5 base health and cloak regen speed?
Soldier main btw forgot to mention
what's that supposed to mean
what if the crossbow was like reverse c rossbow and dea lt 1500000 damage but only 2 healing
Honestly they could delete it for all i care if it meant giving spy some buffs to his baseline movement abilities somehow. They should also buff Heavy up to Soldier speed imo, both just as a QoL and to account for the spies that would now be fucking them even harder as a result of buffs
i know crossbow is a better utility but I feel safer with a blutsager
I honestly think the GRU may be fair if it means not being able to use one’s primary or secondary while it’s active and being forced to remain still and eat the Dalokohs Bar if one wants to use it without a significant hit to one’s base health.
Old gru was better
ip ban this bot NOW
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they nerfed the gru because compcucks hate to see us heavyGODS succeed
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Fuck off AI
Backstabbing snipers is the cleanest, best pleasure. Shooting down razorback snipers is fun too, but just doesn't have the same appeal. When you equip the razorback, you're robbing me of dopamine.
what if razorback doesn't protect you from backstab but after the kill the spy cant use any weapon or clock for 30 seconds?
Then it would become more of a weapon for trolling than one for pragmatism.
AI art won
AI won
Machines won
no its because it had no downside. the gru is still heavys best melee, fos chuds cant accept this because theyre too retareded to use the new gru
The disguise kit is op. Think about it, you are DISGUISING yourself as an enemy and you get free kills from clueless people. It should really be nerfed to fit in comp.
not using anything nuked by compies
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do grucacas actually believe this?
I get it. Hearing the big stab click gives me that rush more than watching their bodies ragdoll drop from the last hit, but both are nice.
>once Valve read anon's letter, they ultimately agreed and decided to impliment spawning wallhacks and protecting players from a mechanic they should be rewarded for following on their own as opposed to being spoonfed solutions
If comp dont allow it, that means the game shouldn't either, simple as
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>A little bit of speed when rolling out that has to put away immediately if you wants to replenish your health
>The best uber building weapon in the game that also makes sniggers seethe
Tough decision
Is a GRU Heavy really that much slower thay he's considered dead meat compared to a roaming soldier or the loose scout in 6s?
So what if we just had an 18v18 comp mode where all weapons are allowed?
>uhhh i dont know how to spam crouch so snipers rape me
>i definitely need to have 60 less overheal at all times so my medic gf can build uber faster (even doe a good heavy is always taking damage, thus increasing uber gain regardless)
really now
Why can people see each other? That's op. They should have a blur radius where far away enemies get blurred. You can however get an all class glasses weapon that replaces the primary to see far away.
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He should shave that beard and go back to young surfer dude happy Zesty
>The best uber building weapon in the game that also makes sniggers seethe
But enough about the Boston Basher
I know how tough it is for you right now, curled up lying in your own emotional vomit. You're in hell now, Anon, and the only way out is through a long dark tunnel. And you're afraid to go in because the entire enemy team is coming at you, pushing a payload cart full of heartbreak. Well, let me tell you something: All you can do is let them shoot you, and then try to defend the point. I know. I've shown up in frag montages more times than I can remember. Look at me, Anon. I'm fat, and I'm slow, and every day I'm just going to wake up fatter and slower!. Yet somehow I manage to drag this big heavy minigun out onto the point every day. I'm out there, flanking the enemy, getting fragged, losing the point, trying again. And tomorrow I'm going to hang outside at the enemy team’s spawn door, and the first thing those BLU idiots are going to see after a 20 second respawn, is me. Will I get a good killstreak? Experience says no. Will I be out there next match? If I have enough health, you'd better believe it. You've got to get out of that spawn room, slip into a snazzy loadout, find yourself a decent medic, and get yourself out of that tunnel and onto that final enemy point!
What would Team Fortress 2 look like if compfags designed the game?
>Has to sit in a corner beating himself like an idiot
>Plays Heavy like normal building uber at max rate
also i would like to add that if he disconnects beam even once youre gonna have to do the bug all over again, quite the hassle.
>dilation rod
>steel plated fists
Gonna head home, launch up TF2, and be disappointed in pubbies once more

Funny enough, I highly doubt that'll ever happen. My girlfriend is based in this aspect: She doesn't like black guys
>shounic copying dougdoug now
this chink
>needs padding to protect his fragile self
>a weapon so destructive I can easily hurt myself
the most destruction you're doing is freshening up your axe wound doebeit
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>Popping kritz on the Holiday Punch Heavy to deny the stock uber
Why not
this the holiday punch is the morally correct choice
For me it's stock.
>gets gunned down before he reaches the uber recepient
nah...i'd win.
If they popped uber they want to push through, so they'll be coming towards you, and a 450 health Heavy can tank a few shots, except if it's a revved up Heavy
apoco-fists GODS ww@
Funny you say that when I found a picture of you while surfing the web
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wasted, holiday punch already has 100% crit rate when you need it
But using the Kritz on the Holiday Punch heavy would be an easy way to ensure he’s set up for taunt kills with every enemy he hits.
why did she kill the smurfs
Considering Valve worked along side Sweet Baby Inc, ya think the company just gave up on TF2 cuz of "woke culture"? It wouldn't surprise me if the executives said they couldn't do much with it cuz of "le toxic masculinity" or some other bullshit.
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I want to be unbanned from skial cause they are the only ones that have 64 player 2fort (I was banned for hacking thoughbeit)
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honestly removing the casual badge (and levels) would fix a lot of things
give heavy the mantreads
the knockback resistance is actually detrimental on soldier whereas it would be strong on heavy
what she tells you over the phone as a full 12 player RED team of demolition men take their turns plowing her
she chokes on BBC bro...
hes literally me
I actually dont know. It would make more sense if she kept them as farmers collecting the smurfberries for cultivation
Why not also give the demo the gunboats if he has the BASE Jumper?
i agree demo should also have the gunboats or have its properties attached to the booties
Heavy already has a passive 50% knockback resistance except for Sentry knockback
Like what?
Give heavy something that gives him immunity to headshots
exactly. now imagine him with even more. he'd be an unstoppable force
What are the chances Valve will eventually port TF2 to the source engine 2?
It's honestly crazy the difference was made by like 30k more demos killed that soldier got the gunboats.
demo has less hp and a more difficult to use kit so this outcome was never surprising
i played with bots today in offline mode and i had fun
I want to play Team Fortress 2.
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>This is a cosmetic set restricted to Halloween Mode added in 2011.
>This is a cosmetic set that can be used unrestricted added in 2017.
i swear the yeti was modeled by some dotanigger dev
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If only we knew how much worse it would get. I legitimately want to have a conversation with the person who decided pic related should be unrestricted, so I can at least attempt to understand what in the unholy fuck is going on inside their head.
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>I can't wear my cool and tasteful Invisible Man cosmetics, but monkey pyros can wear this garbage year round
Just bite the bullet already and install the no-hats mod or play tf2c
Unusuals should be Halloween-restricted. Why should there be a bunch of flying magic bullshit in the main game?
>no players
>this is 40-50 dollars
>try playing tf2c
>every game has a heavy using that retarded new primary that just deletes you if you're in the air
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thank you
Soldier air striking palestinians
Soldier shooting a random crit at a mosque
Soldier market gardening an imam
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halloween restricted
Corpse carrier was updated to have a halloween restriction though
Israel is America's greatest ally, Soldier would definitely support it and hate P*lestine
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If that's what your fantasy is while you chill in your goon cave, so be it. I'm gonna keep being wholesome with the future mother of my children
it would make people play on non-casual servers a lot more
>professional killstreak strange australium ambassador costs $25
If the prices of weapons can be tanked so badly by weapon nerfs, then it should be okay for the prices of unusuals being tanked by being made halloween-exclusive
its good that soldier won or else valve wouldve given demo a ton of knight shit
It was, after the backlash. Doesn't change the fact that someone initially saw it when deciding what to add to the next crate and said "yes, this should be unrestricted"
Do people even really care? If you have a buddy you can cheese the ranks in an empty mannpower server
Then who cares? They fucked up and then they fixed it. We don't even get THAT these days, just the fucking up part.
such a shame how half of demos weapon pool is just knight shit, while the remaining half that are actual explosives are mostly shit
>loch n load
only useful in 6s, where you get to rape scouts and medics. a straight downgrade in real tf2. faster projectile speed is nice but its not worth having 1 less grenade and no rollers. the sentry upside is useless because stickies exist
>iron bomber
not bad, but it has to be the most boring unlockable in the entire game, it does almost nothing that changes demomans gameplay. it has pipe jumping, otherwise its just stock. oh and its meant to rotate, but valve didnt bother animating it, and im pretty sure they straight removed that part of the rig when they implemented the v and w model system. amazing.
>quickie bomb launcher
straight downgrade. stock is already good for spamming, and if you need to deal damage closer than the stickys effective range, then just use the grenade launcher. the clip size nerf and the damage nerf is too much, the ability to deal 30 damage to snipers from across the map is not worth it
>scottish resistance
too slow. better traps at the cost of any and all offensive capability is not worth it, especially when stock is already perfectly good for traps if not better because you can set them up so quickly. running away and trapping the doorway behind me is #neato
Is offline mode a good place to practice aim?
I care, because it's a fuckup that wouldn't have happened if anyone at valve cared about the game.
>he thinks he can steal vampire and regen from the direct hit soldier with 400 points
>empty mannpower server
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Meanwhile soldier chads:
Based if ur a boomer
>Black box
based and makes pub stomping even easier
>Air strike
Based if you're into rocket jumping and even moreso if you like instantly melting heavies
Based in MvM
>Direct hit
based if ur an aimchad
>Cow mangler
based, a fun spin on the stock and landing alt fires feels noice
>Liberty launcher
probably the only truly mid rocket launcher right now
>β€œOy, sucka!”
>β€œβ€˜Ello! Welcome to Life of Spy live from Babushka’s house!”
>β€œToday, I show you how to make Cheburek soup while editing this video a vodka-cooled PC.”
>β€œDavai, let’s go.”
a house full of little demo mains! Cute!
Download the map tr_walkway for practice
Feels like a good escape plan
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
battle bird? vicars vestments? ghoul gibbin gear? the rocket ranger set? the lo grav loafers? the vampire makeover? the rugged respirator? the face plante? shadowmans shade? the nightmare hunter? the trepanabotomizer?
these hats are so inoffensive
I do, I'm sure there are others, I only recently got back into community servers and even then I feel a bit bad because I'm not getting xp for my badge
But why should anyone care when servers that don’t allow Halloween items are hard to find? Even Skial allows them.
i'm pyros
>air strike
severely held back by the extra splash reduction while rocket jumping. tiny splash radius + damage fall off + damage penalty makes for a very weak "airstrike". basically, only really good for single target bombing, but stock already does that so well
>cow mangler
for such a futuristic gun its so lame. the alt fire is cool i guess but it feels like stock but more annoying to look at with how massive the viewmodel is
now if only that fempyro was a little bit larger and thicker...
Who wants to play musical chairs with teleporters
I can't fap to fempyro porn where she has eyes or pupils
It's a faceless, expressionless masked woman or no boner
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Those are also for annoying Sniper porches.
>scottish resistance
You hold three fucking gates at once in defense. If you die often and lose your set stickies just pair it with Zatoichi.
In offense you rig one gate, push forward rig another. When they chase after you, they only expect one sticky trap.

Overclocked mobility at the open. Nice for helping uber build.
>Cow mangler
Let's be honest. You never land the alt fire unless you managed to aim for enemy dispenser in your splash.
Not bad I think, I'd even say it's better than blackbox. You jump in, harass medic and jump out.
For pure trolling try to air juggle them with LL and airshot them with bison. If too close you need to shoot bison then juggle.
this butt soldier
why does this bot phrase everything as a question
all 4chan users who type with capitals are bots.
why are you mentioning sniper? i already said that dealing with the downsides of the quickie isnt worth being able to... midly inconvenience a sniper with a 30 damage sticky before he headshots you. same goes for loch n load but that is if you even land it
>hold 3 gates at once
this is the least optimal way to use the scottish resistance because now you have to keep an eye on such an overwhelming amount of angles that you just end up performing worse. its better to instead make layered traps in the main choke to kill as many people with it as possible. easier to focus on, youll hit more pipes because you wont be sweating bullets thinking about that one doorway you have your back turned against.
even with that strat its still worse than stock. id rather just spam out anyone that comes in
no the dude that has a very distinct and inhuman writing style, who also frequently says the weirdest and most nonsensical shit is a bot
I think this is the first patreon porn artist I'll pay for
I just came back from a double ban for posting gay TF2 porn a few days ago
hi again
Like this?

To be fair that's a cosmetic from the game
rarely do i find myself needing to use more than 4 stickies at once
for me it's just stock that can also quickly blow up scouts/flankers that try to rush you down and also countersnipe snipers
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the bot hosters are undoxxable because they have good opsec. that is why no one has done it by now. if kiwifarms can't do it, no one can
>Meanwhile this shit is okay
I like to think the reason why Medic isn't mentioned as having vibed with the Nazis is because not even they could bare through his insane experiments and complete lack of remorse in experimenting with his own allies
>can quickly blow up scouts/flankers that try to rush you down
>a weapon that requires you to either melee someone in the back or pray for a random crit as the slowest, fattest class in the game is much more problematic than the fastest projectile in the game that does the same thing
>he doesn't try to bodyblock ubers with bonk
heavy melee is easily avoidable
medic ain't be vibe-rizzling with the nazis fr? no cap bruh?
Not if he is wearing the gloves or running urgently.
if he's running urgently he can't holiday punch you
then he's easily killable
People also said Pebblethrow was undoxxeable and had good opsec and look what happened to him
Do we even know how old he is? If he's 30-40, he would have been a kid or teen during WW2
I always headcanoned that he would hide being Jewish and experimented on his own family and neighbors, so it checks out.
Don't think we do, actually; though of course, obsessions like Dr.Ludwig's tend to start young.
>Oh, hello, young boy, vould you like to throw the next Judenliver?
>Oh, no, Officer, I'd like to see where you take out the Judenlivers!
>Well, I'm not zupposed to, but since you asked zo nicely...
We don't, but Medic is the only merc with graying hair, he's in his late 40s or 50s in the least
Opinions on Arena mode?
I have played a lot of it and I don't find it fun
Have played my fill of it in Classic, makes good Medic practice
It's very fun
especially if the enemy team has vaccinator medic pocketing a phlog pyro
Kino. Ludo. Soul. The realest Team Fortress 2 experience.
>noo I'm bad at the game I HAVE TO RESPAWN!!!!!
Sorry. This isn't your 24/7 2fort playground. This is where the real men play. Adapt. Learn. Or die.
it was fucked back in the day, nowadays its completely unplayable because certain unlocks exist. graveyard is proof of that, both teams always devolved into running heavy + vacc medic combos
The medic's mountain cap description means that he was likely at least a combat medic in the wermacht during WW2.
Wouldn't be so dead if it was added to casual. No idea why valve made the fateful decision to kill it off all those years ago.
>Wouldn't be so dead if it was added to casual
all alternative game modes on casual are dead as fuck outside of holiday seasons.
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how the FUUUUUCK did jungle inferno fail to fix ANY of pyros problems with its unlocks, ANY of them
>pyro needs to deal more damage!
lo and behold, we get the dragons fury, a shitty, inconsistent, frustrating-to-use version of the direct hit. i sure do love when i miss once and suddenly cant shoot for 2-3 days, or when the fire doesnt touch the scout hard enough so he takes 25 damage instead of 75, while soldier gets to pump out higher numbers by SHOOTING THE FLOOR
>pyro needs mobility to close the gap!
wow its just like rocket jumping except you cant chain it, its very slow, its very loud, it has limited uses, and it has no skill ceiling. amazing. why they didnt make it like half lifes long jump module instead? i do not understand. they even had the fucker jumping with it while he had the dragons fury out in the trailer
>pyro needs... area denial? (noone asked for this but i guess its a neat thing pyro could have)
they give him the gas passer, which does what the scorch does every 2 seconds, except now it takes 60. amazing.
>pyro needs... to slap people
why does the hot hand exist? its not even good enough to be funny at least the fish kills people
pyro isn't allowed to be good
>These script kiddies are from 3rd world countries.
that just means other crime accusations are on the table.
who is neutral evil
lurk more
who is neutral good
Joe mama
Holy shit its walkter whites brother from breaking bad.
pyro didn't need anything, he was already way too strong relative to the skill required to play him. pyro update was just to shut up whiny pyrotrannies
Do (you) play on Skail servers?
who is chaotic neutral
>>pyro needs... to slap people
the idea in itself isn't that bad, slap someone get speedboost, switch to flame thrower and go speedy w+m1 but for some reason they force you to double swing so you can't really get use out of the speed boost
>no range
>no mobility
>no damage
>but he has airblast doe
completely useless class designed for shitters. thats the way it has been since 2007, no, since the debut of the pyro class in team fortress. and thats exactly the way it is today.
who is chaotic good
>slap someone to get speed boost
why? like, why? the axtinguisher already exists and does that way better, and even then its still mediocre
>>no damage
he literally shits out free damage by just holding m1 and wiggling the mouse around. just because his dps isn't quite as high as a heavy actually aiming doesn't mean it's bad, quite the opposite
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>The Bonk is OVERPOWERED! Being able to just bypass sentries and get behind enemy lines is NOT ok!
>It takes NO skill to use!
>What do you mean there's always risk involved since Sentries and Pyros can push you into a corner and anyone can just chase after you?
>What do you mean there's actual tech on how to effectively use this thing?
>Nononono you don't understand it MUST be nerfed. This item is NOT appropriate for competitive TF2!
>It's getting nerfed and IT. WILL. BE. NEATO!
If they nerf the bonk, they better revert the sandman back to its original implementation.
I think the Pyro is probably as fun as you could possibly make a flamethrower class in a shooter. Think about it. Is there a single flamethrower in any FPS that's more fun than playing Pyro? Flamethrowers are shit by default in shooters.
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>Barnblitz offense, pushing last
>Have 3 engis
>Not one places their tele exit against a wall
>YER Spy just sits there and farms kills
>Tell engis to put their exits against a wall
>"Don't tell me how to play"
>"Why don't you play engi then"
>Team defending them because they don't see the backstabs in the killfeed
>Watch as half the team gets killed by a single Spy
who killed heavy
jill loves ~100hp guys that move at a snail's pace
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It's nothing personal.
>nerf gets bypassed by just spamming a and d
>since the debut of the pyro class in team fortress. and thats exactly the way it is today
>qwtf scout is made of paper and has shit weapons and is only good for running the flag
>revamp him into a powerful shotgunner
>qwtf medic is just a better scout with healing as an afterthought
>redesign him as a unique and powerful healing focused class
>qwtf pyro is shit, and at best is a worse soldier with the incendiary cannon
>take away the incendiary cannon and then leave the rest of him the same
Except TFC pyro is literally useless. At least spy is a decent threat in TF2, enough to get people to rageswitch to pyro just to counter spies.
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TF2 mercs never should have had personalities, they should've been blank slates like previous class shooters. The classes becoming individual characters led to the slop of hero shooters.
I don't think you could've done that in tf2's world or art style, it would've had to have been another milslop game
That's like blaming the car for the drunk driver
how can a pedophile be neutral evil?
neutral evil is considered true evil, intentional and malicious evil
TF2 would be a long dead game if that was a case.
Since when? I thought it was just someone who was selfish and amoral, with no strong thoughts on the law. That would apply to most pedophiles, though.
Most of the TF2 mercs could be considered neutral evil
jeffrey dahmer
>b4nny neutral good
>uncle dane lawful evil
should be swapped, b4nny wanted mym pedal to the metal and still plays and encourages to play it and comp, dane just went with the flow and realised later his mistake and made his own vanilla server group
oh dane finally made vanilla servers?
There's something so tacky about starting a game and seeing a bunch of faggots in colorful rainbow cosmetics with magic particle shit floating around them, performing their little taunts like spawning a table from nowhere, or a high five causing a fucking magic thunderstorm to appear over their heads. It's like I'm playing Toontown.
just in terms of the alignment.
so something like neutral evil would be someone who goes out with the intent to commit mass acts of evil
whereas chaotic evil is like just an unthinking evil force which seeks to destroy, like a mindless orc that just murders all it sees. neutral evil is more thought out evil, like the evil demon king who controls all the mindless orcs
so if a pedo is someone who goes out with the intent to commit evil and has thought out plans for doing it, they'd be more neutral evil, while a mindless retard who goes around raping anyone they see would be chaotic evil
at least, that's my understanding
always thought NE was someone who was just morally compromised by circumstance
they don't do it out of strong personal beliefs or desire to cause suffering, just because it benefits them like a pragmatic evil
Tell me, where did we go so wrong?
that sounds like true neutral to me, which I think is the most pragmatic alignment
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these new age jewtubers don't have a fuckin' spine
>back when game had actual updates, people liked it
>now game has no updates and people starts to hate it
gee sure its a fucking mystery
Remember when Quake 3 stopped getting updates and everyone gave it negative reviews and hated it
love & war was so good bros
remember when quake 3 became unplayable because of cheating bots clogging up every lobby so you could barely play the game
Yes, this is the point, TF2 not getting updates is not the reason anyone is bombing it on steam
in a situation where a certain individual is committed to harming others' experience, how is doxxing even immoral? by and large its bad but to do so here would be bringing justice to someone who thought they were above it
did jill really leave valve? so he came in, made tf2 neato and left?
remember when quake 3 stopped getting updates except for multiple updates adding more and more microtransaction gambling with no developer-made content
not the heckin wholesome rick may statues...
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>TheWhat says doxxing would be bad and stooping to the bot hosters' level
>Weezy says boycotting financially would be bad and keeps on gulping MvM tickets
>Shounic says anything that could get implemented would get bypassed by bot hosters anyway
It's incredible how very spineless and doomerish the biggest youtubers involved into this were
first world behavior
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>one year before compfags started ruining shit with their influence
>two years before Meet Your Match
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remember the time the medic from tf2 said "i have no idea!"? freaking hilarious
You telling me that doxxing someone who has for some reason been dedicated to ruining a multiplayer game for multiple years now is wrong?
This is the first I heard of OMEGATRONIC being doxxed, did it end up being some third worlder?
2014 was absolutely the peak of TF2 in my eyes
>According to TheWhat, we're going to wait until the Summer Update to see what to do next. If they drop the update without any acknowledgement of the movement, then we boycott the update and the organizers move forward when printing the petition names and delivering them to Valve
Why not just deliver the letter now? the movements already lost all its traction, reddit devolved into misunderstanding russian laws and drawing porn already
seriously though, the bot hosters know being blamed for shit like that WILL lead to repercussions for them. The FBI don't fuck around when it comes to CP.
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>fucking salty ass nigger legits
What does this phrase mean?
2 months ago he posted about the deck so most likely still around
lol so bot hosters are actually discord trannies?
Was there ever any doubt?
what misinformation?
They're coping about being caught handing out 'p
They are definitely doing that and scrubbing their discord as we speak
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https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague sorry im late but because of placement, /tf2g/ places a secret 4th match to see who they face in the next stage going foward, its /tf2g/ vs /domg/
correct, but the guy lives in russia
Theres like 4 servers full at all times
>claim bot hosters (vaguely as a group not directed towards one) is hosting cp
>he tries to bring it to court and has to lose his internet anonymity
>everyone else beats him (in a irl basketball match)
tell me why this wouldn't work
>valve does something about bots, instead of nothing
>valve as multibillion dollar company uses its resources to outlast the efforts of five russian teenagers running decade old code to adapt to countermeasures
tell me why this wouldn't work
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Treadmill work
umm akshually valve is full of high tier super genius game design experts so they shouldn't waste their valuable time on tf2 and should continue working on deadschlock instead
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Come home white man
Russia may be a shithole but I doubt they're enough of a shithole to not give a shit about some guy distributing CP either.
TheWhatShow should print out some omegatronic porn and then hand it to Eric with the petition signatures on the back. That would fix tf2.
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Battlefield Hero's was the game I played before TF2. In fact, now that I think about it I can almost hero the whistling theme perfectly.
>Valve finds diagonal strafing nullifies slowdowns and fixes this bug in the 64-bit update
chinese heavy
???????? pyro
american sniper
nordic scout
girl engineer???
another pyro
This would probably be overpowered. Medics would be more than willing to take the risk of healing with their secondaries in exchange for one-shorting everyone.
least retarded american
Yeah that bit's weird considering they've got the ground beef in the list too, one or the other bitch
What was the rationale for sucking spy and sniper players off with points for doing basic shit? Did the useless classes with garbage player bases need even more incentive to play them? Backstab and headshots to 0 bonus points fucking now. It's just a kill. Grow the fuck up. Where's my dick suck points for landing direct hits and air shots with pills or rockets?
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Pretty good game, some nice goals in there
I topfrag AND topscore every pub game as spy, so you can lick my nuts and suck on my balls.
It’s so they get well at what they’re supposed to do.
how is it that quake 3 can distinguish an airshot vs just hitting someone who was jumping but TF2 can't
If Pyro, Spy, and Sniper are useless classes, then why do they make so many people seethe? Surely they must be good at something.
Play our shitty overpriced strategy game please, we have bird titties and goat pussy
ok lads since /tf2g/ won /tf2g/ faces /snowg/ next week in hells round i'll see you then

Considering I am from /vst/ I'll lurk and see the torrent, give me a quick run down wtf is dominions even about
TF2 is selective about it. Remember when the Reserve Shooter and Direct Hit would deal mini crits to all airborne targets?
Paint me a portrait of the average spy main.
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>10 hours ago
>276 likes, 176 dislikes
>some autistic bore with a lethargic inexpressive voice
>nitpicking minor issues like z-fighting
>bitching about things that aren't problems at all like wide paths, verticality, small buildings for cover and "surfable glass" in the spawn room
>flashbang sound effect like the outside is too bright
>complaining about how the maps don't look "south american" enough save for the "spanish" text and saying the architecture looks ugly and lazy
>unironically says the mapmakers (who are actually south american) should have looked to fucking breaking bad for inspiration
>calls salsa "generic cartel music"
>everyone in the comments calling him a gringo and telling him to shut the fuck up

this might be the funniest shit i've seen today
Z-fighting is a valid complaint to have though. Every other complaint is bullshit though.
however you posted a kym image so he wins
What does kym stand for in this context.
wouldn't you like to know
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Does TheWhat think Valve would push something related to the movement into the update even if by some miracle fixtf2 had instantly made them have a change of heart?
First taking such a pussy stance towards people want to dox/harass bot hosters and now this, what a guy to be leading the whole thing
I would, that's why I asked.
yeah i bet you did
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>that one insufferable "erm goiz *smecks lips* chuesday" faggot british accent
Bongs please tell me what part of your country this is. The sound of this accent immediately raises my blood pressure, which is incredibly dangerous as a big fat American, and I need to know what part of England to never visit because I might actually sit on the first person who talks ot me sounding like this and crush every bone in their body.
not watching that purely because. Of the way. He speaks.
Make unusuals halloween-exclusive
take all weird looking halloween hats that shouldnt be in the base game and make them halloween restricted
introduce a new christmas restricted affix, apply it to all the weird elf and reindeer and christmas tree hat cosmetics and make them christmas restricted
Does fucking anybody like those christmas cosmetics anyway? Pretty sure all of them are less than 50 cents
kissing your mom
even during christmas barely anyone uses them
its just complete fucking slop that emporium fags use to get items in
instead of just styling it around the mercs wearing wintery, bundled up clothes, we need MORE christmas tree hats, more reindeer horns, more ugly presents all over you. such shit
>lets play them
>just runs around alone and doesn't show they actually play
>liked salvador (imo one of the weaker maps and the cart giving big boosts is not good)
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it just gets worse by the minute, this has gotta be bait
>pronounces favela "favee-lee-ah"
>"its just a le bad map i can't and won't attempt to articulate how it just fucking is and it needs to be changed completely, its approaching wutville in terms of bad design"
>waaah too much le color in my fucking tf2 map
>"OP sniper sightlines" when its the most reasonably sized sniper sightline imaginable onscreen

fucking agreed
Does he have a collapsed lung or something? Why does he talk like he's always out of breath mid-sentence?
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Where did it go wrong?
people dont want to join empty servers, but cant get consistent players if nobody joins
what a shame, well they'll be there just in case. need to schedule a regular day for playing, maybe thursdays or something
>Over the past 2 days have gotten 4 "something special for someone special" announcements while playing
>400$ to Valve just like that
Lol, gotta boycott ammirite?
wait, the petition wasn't delivered on the original declared day?
I'm having trouble watching this video, I'm getting a vicarious feeling of suffocation
it's like that one old video of the wrestlers edited to only have them inhaling
that shit almost gets me as bad as
>pretending to rage out over something bad, then hard cuts to the narrator calmer and apologizing for outburst, bonus rage points if done multiple times in same video
>makes point, then makes follow up point in a fake timid, meek and lower volumed voice, followed by a hard cut interrupting the quiet bit as if it was an accident in editing that it is in the video
zoomer editing techniques like this have been overdone so bad
I saw one earlier called a "cock ring". The boycott was doomed to failure from the very start. I don't think anything can convince valve to update the game in any meaningful way.
stranges > unusuals
>suggests Money Heist for inspiration for south american architecture
>which is fucking Spanish and takes place in Spain
Sweet baby Jesus, this motherfucker is a smooth brain
Complains about a map not being south american enough and confuses something from europe as being from south america just because they speak spanish
>pronounces favela "favee-lee-ah"
for as bad as americans are at pronouncing spanish and portuguese words, british people are somehow even worse
The organizers decided to waste 90% of what momentum and clout this """movement""" had by dragging the petition period out to over a month so the last 0.01% of people can get their names in
Naturally there's also no way to find out what the plan is from the petition site alone and you have to trawl through a dozen videos on Yout*be to know wtf the plan is or soak up the lore through osmosis from lurking here
Small wonder that the mindless biomass of Reddit + Twitter started getting restless and devolving into retardation
Why don't they just focus on community servers where they can actually affect things then begging valve to fix casual?
my guess is the next few months will be a transition from people trying to get casual fixed to realizing valve will never do anything and pushing for community servers
Fags can't help themselves
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Because the "ease" of queuing into a Valve server is much easier than finding a community server, especially for new players. First step is to get a HUD which plants the community server button where it should be, easily accessible and right in your face.
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Me on the right
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I dont regret signing it nor do I regret making my voice heard, but fucking hell does
it's a bandaid. Ultimatley community servers run at the behaste of the server hosts. You might find casual rules in a community server but there's always the chance for fuckery and altering the experience. Valve servers at least are cut and dry about the casual experience and I should be able to trust that.
Not only that, while the comm server tab isn't hard to use or navigate f2ps and fresh installs still will either flounder using it or not even know its there, for the sake of retaining new fans and appeasing common players the mode advertised front and center to the game needs to be functioning.
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Wow, it's almost like the kind of retard who wants to play "vanilla" TF2 with random crits and bullet spread enabled probably doesn't even know the server browser exists or how it works
>Not wanting to play with some server host autist's 30+ different minor self-pandering gamerule changes makes you a retard
Wanting to play with random crits on makes you a retard, yes. Cry about it, retard.
hypothetically at the highest skill level possible, is there any benefit to the huntsman over the sniper rifle?
if little screaming johnny can navigate and join servers in the browser i think new players aren't gonna have a hard time understanding how to use it.
>click find a game
>join community server button is on the same menu as casual
>browse and click on server and press join
Go write another 5-paragraph essay crying about how randomness violates the competitive integrity of the game or some shit lol
Unironically yes, anything more complicated than "press button to queue and get put in a game automatically" is too much for zoomers
I appreciate your standards but you need to understand just the kinds of players we're talking about here
>altering the experience
This is my biggest gripe with community servers. Almost all of them alter the game in same way. Either in "Small" things like removing random crits or in larger things like instant respawning or 100x whatever. There is no true dedicated "Exactly the same as casual, except its a community server". One of the reasons why I keep hopping on Casual, though I will admit Alltalk is nice, wish sprays weren't still disabled on most community servers though.
>looking through backpack on backpack.tf
>decide to randomly check the history of an item that has never left my backpack for 10+ years
>last seen: August 2021 in someone else's backpack
It's almost like item history is complete bullshit, especially after it got nuked a while back.
Go draw another 5 pieces of gay omegatronic porn to cope with the fact that your precious "vanilla tf2 experience" is swarming with bots because the people who created it care less about it than you do
the huntsman can stun ubers so it has delay utility. it also is more efficient at killing sentries
the delay it takes for the arrow to reach the target means you technically can attack while never being visible to the enemy, with perfect knowledge of course. right before someone comes around the corner, you shoot then duck. a regular rifle you need to be able to be seen by your enemy in order to be able to shoot them, which is something you technically don't need to do with the huntsman
also, without headshots the huntsman has a hire DPS capability, because the huntsman charges faster
>Immediately starts thinking about porn
Alright then
does zesty have sprays enabled in his server?
>I tried playing on a community server once, but after a few minutes I realized that something extremely important and integral to the tf2 experience was missing: I hadn't been randomly instakilled and sent back to spawn by a stray crit rocket with no possible counterplay as a result of a random dice roll, not even once. As a result of this, I could no longer enjoy the game and left

This is definitely something that sane, mentally mature and well adjusted individuals say.
not just porn but gay porn
comptards are the most BVCKBROKEN of the playerbase and its not even close
I'm in the same boat as you. Before BFH I wasn't really exposed to online PVP games outside WoW where I didn't enjoy PVP, but I loved BFH and it's probably the only example of a 'hero' shooter done right because it didn't have ultimates. It's a shame what happened to it and I hope for a BFH2.
>r/tf2 casualtroons suddenly pretending that it's not them drawing gay porn
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Went to the Steam discussions page in hopes of finding actually good players. Instead, I have the displeasure of reading this dogshit. Fuck people that think they're making a difference with their hashtag
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>The summer update is Valve's chance to show they listened to our petition
>...which is why we're going to give the petition to them AFTER the summer update comes out
clown show
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sex with chinese femsniper
Oh this is the troon who said Uncletopia is the only way to play the game and that TF2 was shit before it existed kek
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Not the guy you're arguing with but if I ever become the type of poster who stops replying halfway through a conversation out of seethe, I would just kill myself.
they will drag this shit for as long as they can
otherwise, once Eric will humiliate them by not even letting the faggots inside they'll become forgotten and irrelevant again
I was 10 years old when I started playing TF2 in 2013. I knew how to use the server browser.
>b-but... kids NOW are dumber because...
Shut up, retard. That's generational astrology.
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>wait for Valve to drop the ball BEFORE trying to get them to do something
>"oh we'd love to do something but it'll have to wait for the next update, sorry you just missed it"
are these niggas retarded
What server are you playing on RIGHT NOW?!
>We are still planning on going to Valve
This better not mean that they still haven't asked Valve to go there, do they really expect that they can just show up there and go to Eric's desk and plop 330k signatures?
Valve is gonna ghost them then they won't know what to say anymore
I dont care about the optics or new strat, the plan as stated was to deliver a printed out petition on the original date. That is what was promised and hasn't been delivered. If you wanted to send another printed and updated petition after the update, fine, but your word was not kept.
Also his low quality avatar sucks and it pisses me off to look at.
Your chance of doing random crits increases the more damage you do
If you're good at the game you do more damage and benefit more from the existence of random crits
If you're shit at the game and not doing anything other than dumping soldier rockets down sightlines from a distance, you rely only on base crit chance
Statistically good players will crit more and have less reason to get melty about being oneshot, because they are the ones oneshotting more
In other words, from you getting melty over random crits, we can infer you are a shitter
>phone poster
>reddit notification
>low battery
its obviously ctrl + v from r/tf2
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>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

I was hosting nocrit servers before uncle dane the molester main even started uploading on youtube
>Summer update drops
>No fixes
>"We'll give them another chance this Halloween, you'll see!"
>Scream Fortress drops
>No fixes
>Erm...j-just trust the plan, Smissmas f-for sure...
>Smissmas drops
>No fixes
>"Ok so we actually reached out to Valve and they didn't even respond...
>Unboxing 50 SMISSMAS 2024 CASES! [UNUSUAL]
>Bongs please tell me what part of your country this is.
He's australian, not english
You type the same way, can't fool me redditroon
Nta but I can confirm that nocrits have been around since almost the start of TF2
Deadlock... won...
Trvth Nvke
>lets the trend die and update slop for the piggies to be happy again drop before slapping the petition on valves front door
the fuck is he thinking
if these retards drew pics of the omegatron avatar destroyed it would be 10x less ineffective and nonsensical than drawing porn. like a pic with all 3 but they're just dead with the lights out / screen blank
Social aspect? What the fuck is this sussy boomer talking about rn? This is why Uncletopia is the definitive TF2 experience fr
Did valve offer this retard a hat for killing the movement or did he do it for free?
I bet Jill would seethe if he saw this.
>He doesn't know about the social aspect
Bet you didn't even play on Harbl_Hotel back in the day
Bros... the Deadchads are laughing at us again...
>alias sent "destroy 2 0; build 2 0"
>alias disp "destroy 0 0; build 0 0"
>alias entr "destroy 1 0; build 1 0"
>alias exit "destroy 1 1; build 1 1"
>bind mouse3 sent
>bind 2 disp
>bind 3 entr
>bind 4 exit
Engineer isn't hard or bad to play without these, but holy shit does this make things significantly easier
children always laugh at the mature, allow them. One day they will learn
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>player 1 attempts to join full server
>p1 selects "alert me" on auto join
>player 2 attempts to join same full server as p1
>p2 selects "join the server" on auto join
Will p2 beat out p1 and join first in this instance?
I don't know and honestly I don't really care
whoever has the faster connection always wins
two people can attempt to join at once and the first person to receive the necessary data will be allowed in, others will be denied
so alerts will always lose to auto connectors and there will be no respected priority. thanks
so with other words they have no angle and aren't invited on a specific date to get in and would just awkwardly stand outside and try to hand the batch to whoever happens to walk by, lol, lmao even, sign anon already bursted that bubble valve is just going to dodge it like they dodged taking a pic with signanon
>Found a populated arena server with all talk and sprays enabled
>Right now enjoying 7x7 arena combat
TF2 is healing
If they don't have an invitation they're never getting in lmao, that mapper that went was already talking wit Eric and when he asked he agreed, if they expect to just show up and be welcomed with open arms all they will get is a kick in the ass by the security guard
I think the problem with community servers overall is that it'll most likely kill any potential growth for newcomers into the game. A brand new player is not going to know which servers to avoid (unless they happen to check the guides beforehand) so the chances of them joining random skial server is pretty high and that is NOT a good representation of the game at all.
There is nothing wrong with Skial
and joining a random casual match where sparkle dog pretty princess talking about their dick is a good representation?
There's a difference between bad players and bad servers. I'm not totally against redoing quickplay but what needs to happen is that Valve should implement a VERY strict whitelist of servers that meet the criteria of your typical casual match (random crits, spread, standard map rotation, etc etc.) You need some way to weed out all the shitty 24/7 servers and stuff.
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I like how trannies just straight up pretend tf2 always had matchmaking and wasn't a community server only game when it launched
Not a single match today where it wasn't a complete roll
Why is my team always braindead retarded
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>"We did it, TF2 community! We defeated the bot hoster!"
>"That's not the bot hoster, Reddit...that's his OC."
The best thing Valve can do is drop casual servers and just let the community self regulate again. Maybe include an item that shows how high your badge was before they closed. Sort of like the mercenary badge.
even if there is a very strict whitelist there's not gonna be a lot of servers to join unless they comb through and find vanilla-ish servers that have been dead with 0 players that fit the criteria
retards like you deserve to be raped in the ass by bots
this. tf2 was literally built by its dedicated community. we practically made our own updates. they get bank by selling us our own content. we made the hats, we created the maps, we suggested the item changes, we decided which classes got new items during war updates. it's only fair they hand us the keys to matchmaking too.
???? I want random crits enabled you fucking spastic cunt
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>matchmaking sucks I miss quickpla-
b-but if that happens, people might commit wrongthink by setting their servers to nocrits or nospread and that's literal transgender murder
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If Valve handed all power to the community it would land squarely into the hands of trannies and tf2tubers. It would be the most hilarious rape of a virtual space you have ever seen. Imagine all the crotchety grognard oldfag 4chan players from 2007 getting banned from playing the game by someone who solicits CP on Discord and has xis/xir on their Github profile.
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I can tell you started playing the game after 2017 because you don't understand the concept of leaving and joining a different server, you think every server is exactly the same garbage because that's your experience with casual
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>join server on quickplay
>it has this mod enabled
oh my fauci, this is literal LGBT genocide!
this will be source 2 graphics in 2015
Makes me wonder if some oldfags are still bitter about this hat.
my cheaters lament... but i was a good goy...
happy pride yall
>What is blacklisting a shitty server
> several dozen shitty servers to blacklist
> only a few good ones to play (that are dead)
Is the Scottish Resistance a passive weapon? Like the Demo's version of a cloak and dagger? Not being able to sticky jump easily hurts so bad let alone the arm time
NTA but
>problem with matchmaking is having to join and requeue to find good games
>solution is quickplay, where you have to join and requeue to find good games
You're just trading one problem for another, instead of bot games you're now loading into paid cheat games
And before you say you can blacklist all of them there were dozens of shitty servers like this
t. anon that actually played during quickplay
Skial is filled with wallhackers and faggot mods. The game also randomly kicks you from a full server if a donator joins the waiting queue so you can't play for more than 30 minutes sometimes.

All skial mods should unironically hang themselves now and live stream it.
> Not being able to sticky jump
are we playing the same game?
I want a community server where there will be no tranny jannies and I can say whatever I want. I also want it to be populated at all times of the day so I can play TF2 at my leisure and not on a schedule. Valve servers before MYM served all these needs, and no community server today does.
Difference is after a while you'd find some good servers and you'd favourite them, so you'd always have a good list of servers to enjoy
Meanwhile matchmaking will always be shit and is arguably a direct downgrade to quickplay
t. I too played during the quickplay days
>find a good matchmaking lobby
>5 minutes later the map ends and everyone leaves and you'll never see them again

>find a good community server
>it will still be there the next day and many of the same people will probably be playing
>all those people I called racial slurs and started flame wars with will still be there
No thanks.
It's highly likely you'll run into the same players in matchmaking because of TF2's dropping playercount these days
I’d like to think that Valve is working on a fix for the bot problem and we’ll all be awarded Cheater’s Laments for not being bot hosters.
But what about the BASE Jumper-Scottish Resistance combo?
There better be realistic gore system so I can see a mangled corpse straight outta liveleak in my TF3 game.
>Join a Skail server
>It recommends I turn off my VPN or else a Admin might decide to ban me
No one can make me turn off my VPN
I have seen same people in matchmaking before. For example I kept running into this cheater with always crits on with his friend for months. Because they didn't act like obvious sniper bots they could play almost an entire round without being kicked.
Man, it's sad how obvious it is that I'm talking to people who started playing after 2017
I started playing this game in 2013, but I was a little child and I did not form an internal monologue until 2016
Get off your high horse you fucking retard I'm just stating a fact in response to "you'll never see them again." I've been playing since before the Uber update, the playercount has fallen hard in the past few years so you can and will see the same players
Man, it's sad how obvious it is that I'm talking to a FUCKING GAYLORD IDIOT RETARD FAGGOT
This game is so old, everyone who started playing it when it came out has got to be dead by now.
Are you retarded? How does when you start playing factor into how the current state of the game is right now? You will run into repeat players, it's not as if every single person you matchmake with is a new TF2 player suddenly brought into being.
The average lifespan is not that low anon, some of them probably have kids now and are teaching their children how to play TF2.
>How does when you start playing factor into how the current state of the game is right now?
You literally have no idea what the game was like before matchmaking. You think that, just because you occasionally run into one or two players you recognize, it's literally the same thing. It's not. You will never understand.
Post Mercenary badge faggot
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he was a minor
she was an uncletopia mod
can I make it any more obvious?
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Damn, you got me beat.
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This frame is so funny to me I don't know why

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omega won
Telefragging should gib you.
Why doesn't it gib you?
he was a footrest
he was a jesse
can I make it any more obvious?
he was an engineer
she was a pybro
can I make it any more obvious?
he was you
she was me
can I make it any more obvious?
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*smacks dell spencer's nuts with a wrench* (i am upgrading his penis (he is into cbt) ) dispenser CAWK goin' up!
Zesty deboonked this on stream earlier today
she was an underage tranny
he was zestyjesus
can i make it any more obvious
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What do you mean deboonked? It was a real thing, you can't disprove it
she was an off-topic post
he was a tranimenigger
can i make it anymore obvious
if valve doesn't fix the bug preventing me from getting my cheater's lament for not exploiting the crate depression then i have no reason not to cheat
how are you supposed to switch weapons
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I have over 4k hours and cant airshot for shit
Should I be ashamed
>find good community server
>favorite it and play on it forever

>find good matchmaking server that isn't a steam roll or bot infested
>game ends in 2 rounds anyways and you have to find another server, if you stay there's a high chance the empty slots are taken by bots
>>find good community server
>>find good community server
The crux of your argument hinges on GOOD community servers suddenly popping up, when we don't have any now
if only you could join and favorite community servers right now........ sigh...............
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Here is a good community server, has sprays enabled as well. All you have to do is hunt until you find a good one and favorite it. It's just that easy.
Why doesn't that Zesty nigger shill some good TF2 servers? Make one of his gay videos about it. Have his "she-demon" or whatever say "If you play on Castaway.TF you can touch my tits!"
>engineer isn't even on the screen but still takes up 1/3 of the page
mouse wheel up for slot 1, down for 3, q for 2.
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Engineer was the craziest
how are you supposed to bhop
sounds fun
you're not poor, are you anon?
Press a number from 1-5 on your numpad and left click to confirm that you want to switch.
the thread has reached the final terminus!
>4 sentry guns
>That teleporter health
>Can use a console command to detach sappers
I refuse to believe this server was ever full of players.
>unlimited clip size for sticky bombs
>increased sticky bombs clip size to 16
It somehow did because Quickplay dumped em in, I ended up there once and saw a Scout flying around with his infinite double jumps and was confused, but I ended up getting a domination on him anyway lel
Woah... it's almost as if there was a system put in place, sometime during the summer of 2016, that ensured vanilla non-gimmicky servers would die out for good...
ok here, how about we just do the same thing CS2 did with Premier matcmaking. Add in a $5 "premier" matchmaking system so that the bots finally die out.
Bot hosters already pay $1 per bot you dumb nigger retard
you can tell they needed to appeal to the people who like to play engineer the most, the same people most likely to donate to a server for god powers.
[spoilers]8 year olds[/spoilers]
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There will never ever be a game just like TF2
I fucking love this game. I can't stop playing it. TF2 is just golden in every way
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At very certain sentry nest places it could have been used as a dedicated uber while a power class like demoman or soldier wails on the sentry from a safe angle or corner peeking. I think this was why it was nerfed.

You need a scout to go there on foot and waste that spy. Warn your teammates if not try to do it yourself. In case you still lose at least you have tried.

>gulping MvM tickets
Those are the ones that hope to clear the market when prices cut off due lower activity. That's why they encourage people to do so while still buying tickets. When asked they can defend themselves that they "have to" buy it. No, they don't.
>anything that could get implemented would get bypassed by bot hosters anyway
He is right. We wouldn't be talking this shit about here if source code of TF2 weren't leaked. Valve has two moves going on from here. Either they fight bots with new anti-cheats which could only hold them off for a few months, or they can carry TF2 to source 2 engine with new code. If they pick the first, the relief only lasts for a few months because more you give attention to them, they crave off of it anyway. I think that's why Valve is silent against the petitions and stuff, they refuse to give them attention or spot light, and as long as people can play on community servers they don't exactly care.
fucking kek
Try ctrl + s next time
don't worry bro i never tried airshotting until like 4.5k hours and i've managed to hit some in a row just keep practicing more with predicting where they'll be and timing it right
i'm not going to lie i got sad watching this. Valve is just gonna.. what.. let this game rot? and what's left? Fucking Overwatch? Overwatch will never in its life have emergent gameplay like this, fuckong sterile slop, that's all we fucking get, unfun sterile slop. Fucking focus-tested, battle-pass, 500$ ahri skin fucking slop with a side of pay2win and dangerhair women and trannies in charge of chat systems. Fuck me.
Why not use the left and right bumpers? It seems faster that way.

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