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Previous: >>482006109
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 5 is here
-New Skill Set for Dabi is available on the gatcha
-Shota Aizawa is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Mirio Togta is now available in the gatcha rolls
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).
That was second strike. One more and we move to /vm/.
You could have bumped it.
Can you do that while you're sleeping, smartass?
Yes, I have auto bump bots that I use to bump generals I like.
Overhaul release will save this thread
No the game breaking bugs that will come with Overhaul's release will save this general.
Well, fag you didn't use them this time, so fuck them and fuck you too
Nejire is next
>Well, fag you didn't use them this time
Keywords: "generals I like", who said I like /mhurg/?
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the last time this happened was in january, are we really gonna act like this is a common thing?
Getting on page 10? Yes. But as expected from a frgofag, you're unaware of your surroundings, and let stuff die
The fact that this happened more than once should tell you that as a general we're dying.
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this image seems rather fitting
it's not fair bros, this game is actually fun when you're not having to deal with unbalanced and broken stuff, it shouldn't die like this...
what, am i not allowed to use the 'i was sleeping' excuse too?
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Correction, the game is fun with the jank, if a jank is funny and you don't play on ranked like every game
You woke up pretty fast to reply just that, hmm?
eh? i made my post 20 minutes after this thread got made, is it so crazy to think that i got up, found the thread was dead and then came in here?
i don't know why you feel like you're the primary dictator of where this general ends up being if you're also gonna be a dick to everyone else, no one wants to follow an asshole onto a completely different board because he decided based on an arbitrary number of threads dying over the course of a fucking year
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New thread, new me
You're still the same faggot
close the box and ship it far away
I'm gonna fill that box with my semen.
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heres your teammate bro
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i WILL bring this 5 year old to victory (provided he doesn't close the game to watch more gmod toilets anyway)
Argy why did you dump Shadowmech to date Menhera?
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I need to finish up my weeklies, anyone wants to tag along?
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I didn't date or dump anyone
Shadowmech is awake at different times to me, usually has a lobby full of other people, and plays ranked at a pace I can't keep up with.
Menhera is more often available to play when I want to, doesn't really play with anyone else, and he's only interested in doing dailies in unranked, which is about as much playtime I can tolerate anyway, I don't have much energy left over after doing dailies.
But I will play with anyone who invites me, providing I haven't done dailies yet.
Maybe later in the season I will decide to get master rank again... but that's a lot of effort
I think frequency should be a factor. It falling off the board twice in six months just means it's active enough 99% of the time.
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You still playing? I also have a few weeklies to finish as well as today's dailies.
>and plays ranked at a pace I can't keep up with
Don't sell yourself short, last I checked your KO ratio you're actually one of the better players in Froggers. You've greatly improved over the past couple of seasons.
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Wow thanks! I don't really notice that kind of thing... I never check stats
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Ochunko Fataraka
elden ring general slowing down will save this thread
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Oh yeah? Well look how much stuff Momo eats...
how do you combo the Alpha into Beta with froppy if you're far away? my beta always seems to miss..
You just have to wait until your alpha has brought you in range
Get a feel for the range in training maybe
An aerial beta makes them do a silly bouncing flip animation after they hit the ground, during which you can hit them again
where does it all go
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seriously, where the fuck are all the exposed skin costumes for momo? it's how her technique works for god's sake
>I think i'll play some ranked, i feel like getting to Ace again!
>red bakugo with no cooldown between shots, so he just goes BRRRRRRR and kills you holding down left click
>Purple Dabi teleporting all over the map covering everything in 200 traps
>a Twice spawning 5 clones at a time with a single button press
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>get destroyed at the beginning of the game
>team never revives me
>they win
Lost 300 points from this game kek.
>>483165556 this would be great on /d/
new dabi is really scary when the team has a brain, they can down you in one combo with proyectiles...
Her boobs and primordial paunch
Nowhere to be seen, cause they're trying to sell this crap to westies, and they get uppity over anime girls showing skin. Why do you think they censored panties, gave every female character with a skirt an endless black void and gave Momo's one piece a pair of short legs? If they ever include Mirko, i don't wanna see how they'll butcher her design, cause westies are afraid of leotards that show bare legs, same reason as to why they gave leggings to Cammy in Fortnite, despite Street Fighter being T rated aswell
>Mina gets added
>her ass gets sanded off
>her cleavage gets covered up
average ranked game
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but it's like, default momo still has her cleavage and tummy window, and yet every costume since won't even let that be visible
i mean just look at the fucking china outfit, it's barely even fucking open
If anything, they'll give her boring emotes at first, but i doubt her outfit will be changed
Yeah, it has thise cause that's how it's supposed to work. They wouldn't remove that essentiak detail, but would fuck her up in different ways. Also, yeah, that quipao outfit with the big as spats showing is pathetic
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gonna be real sad when mina comes out and her ass ain't even as good as it is in fortnite
Bros.. we're gonna have to move to /vm/...
I blame frogs for this...
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you gotta start discussion if you want the thread to move faster, dummy
not everyone wants to recount their tales of woe every few minutes unprompted

They better not screw my wife's model up. I need to look at her cleavage to stay strong during a game.
This wouldn't've happened if Mr.WHORE was here
it's true, once we lost Mr.WHORE 2 it was over...
Let us discuss how they'll never add Mina and Jiro into the game
>recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/

right at the top
i'm here i just don't talk at all
Yes but one anon is desperate to move there based on his stupid "3 strikes and we're out" shit, we must respect his wishes
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>No froggers actually playing the game
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Never say never, if this game survives long enough we might get them in... 2026.
Sorry, no g*rls allowed in My Fujo: Ultra Rumble
both have fully made models and animations in my hero one's justice (same devs) which is where they get most of the characters from anyway. They will more than likely make it in at some point. I thought jiro was confirmed in data mining? like, mirios entire kit is 100% lifted from one's justice.
they datamined shit for fucking sero of all characters, the main problem is that the release schedule is too damn stretched out
it should be at LEAST two new characters a season considering how much shit they already have laying around from one's justice, but instead they'd rather let the game float along on a small community (that aren't even paying all that much) while putting out one new character every few months
there's no way this game doesn't EOS without at least a few characters still being in the backburner, they're taking that fucking long releasing shit that even if it died several years from now they're still likely to have content they never released
Oh sure the rules say that, but do you think the mods actually care?
Dark and Darker has had a general there for a month at least.
>as good as it is in fortnite
Now that's some fucking hard copium
please talk more
i'm antisocial
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most creative ultra rumble meme yet
all might passing a kidney stone
don't be like that
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Who is it that's drawing these? I want more.
A name like that implies otherwise.
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I got my computer up and running so now I can mhurg it up. Why did they have a special login bonus now of all times??????? I'm not missing out on a bunch, but it's still like 40 free tickets missed. Feels bad
Couldn't find a friend or family member's computer to install the game on if only to log in?
2 good games away from ace finally. After 126 games. This purple rank is so dumb.
How exactly does Twice chain his gammas together? When I tried it in training a while ago I couldn't get more than four total hits to register so it seemed like a bad use of two gammas, but I just had a Twice deal like 280 fucking damage to me in one combo.
I forgot the log in bonus even existed.
Fun fact for anyone who doesn't know: The timer on Strike Dabi's gamma actually stops when you're drinking potions. So you can heal mid-battle without wasting your gamma duration, or you can stall it however long you want if you're trying to ambush someone by just continually drinking and cancelling before you actually finish.
I find Strike Dabi really fun, but it's too bad he has so many issues. I feel like he could do more damage if he's going to stick with these issues. What's the consensus from here on him?
I've always wondered if it really is that fun to play yellow deku/mt. lady for thousands of matches? I don't know how the sweats do it for that long.
Issues like what?
General opinion here is that he's pretty garbage when not in gamma mode, and absolutely wrecks shit in gamma mode.
i chose the name because it's funny
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Like how his alpha can only be used when grounded which makes it feel a little awkward, especially when you want to throw one out fast, but then you're charging it and because you're on an elevation when you charge you float, but you're trying to dodge the enemy attacks so you're moving and likely end up above ground, making your alpha now come out too slow since you gotta hit the floor first. It just feels finnicky, but also the damage output for how much of a target you become doesn't feel rewarding enough. I guess it really is all about being in his gamma.
So far, my experience is he actually feels pretty good if you don't run into a trio of sweats with mt lady and deku etc.
I also wish I had a way to unleash his super gamma without having to wait til 0%... which I find to be at odds with how leveling it makes the duration longer.
I feel like the explosion is to discourage enemies from staying close to you so that you aren't turbofucked once your super mode runs out. Leveling it makes it longer because while the explosion is nice, the buffs to his alpha and especially his beta is why you want to use gamma in the first place, so it lasting longer and thus being off cooldown for more of the time is valuable.
>commands the enemy Mt Lady to use the butt emote
im rolling for shinso day 1 now wtf
I have 1789 tickets saved for Nejire.
I haven't posted in these threads in a while
>i'm in the 2
>almost lose match because the loners know to target me and my teammate
Why does the enemy always know how to team, when I'm in that situation the other loner targets me...
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He is.....
Compress does not need NINE trucks, nerfs can't come soon enough...
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Do you think Mt. Lady increasing in size expands and amplifies her odor to an equal degree? As she walks through the city you can get a waft of ass, crotch and all that at street level?
Most retarded and useless power
how can anyone else compete?
now she just needs to make her legs disappear and then BAM, perfect living fleshlight.
Deku I cant say but mt lady is always fun
Don't worry, her suit is probably designed to absorb all of the smell!
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Our heroines
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i KILL frogs with FIRE SPEARS
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give me that ibara NOW
there's 4 class B girls that are not attending this kanpai and you must now explain why
too horny, will make the kanpai a gangpai
chose not to attend
was too nervous to attend, too worried she'd get too drunk and start saying slurs in english like a REAL AMERICAN and didn't realise it was a non-alcoholic party
not enough fun guys
also meant for >>483296454
Ibara is TOO lewd
sementhrower looks like something out of fucking smiling friends lel
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You still lose hp when your drinking potions, and his gamma will time out and deactivate if it goes too long without going down.
kill frogs
My Cementoss Cemendia: Ultra Cementble
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>ruins your fun
bill frogs
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Frog should only have two betas, until reaching level 9
I have 777,780 Agency Points and 3,201,988 but nothing to spend them on. These currencies are worthless to me.
I'm gonna Bill that froggy throat so fucking hard
>abandons my own team
>sees another team minding their own business
>tries and fails to 1v3
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Nobody plays Iida anymore...
Season 6 will save this game and this general
I wouldn't knock him. I've played with a level 1 before that was better than me, and I always wondered about that, until I found out that some folks switch to alt accounts to get extra rolls for characters/abilities.
>die because AFO gamma can hit you even when you roll outside of it's range
>forced to watch my other teammate die because frog doesn't even try to use special
>frog teammate messes up
>ochunko teammate messes up
>twice teammate messes up
I'm starting to think that anon is right about r*pids...
>post about r*pids
>get a mirio teammate
>he ditches us and gets killed halfway across the map and then leaves
Okay anon was right after all...
wait til you get 7000 hero souls and realize they're just junk and you keep getting them instead of the rolls you want.
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Man... this game is fucking ass. 1801 tickets saved for Nejire.
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>last day of the special login bonus
It's over...
>somehow missed a day for the login bonus
it's bakugover...
>pressing space and dragging your mouse around while on the map screen moves the map like holding M1 does
Are you realizing that rapids are faggots just now?
>use yellow deku kick against toga's beta, get hit first
>use momo's alpha against toga's beta, get hit first
but why
For the second one, she might have just been too close. Momo's alpha definitely shuts down Toga's beta, generally speaking.
this game has awful hit reg. AWFUL. if the servers were better and more server-side it would completely change balance.
>skin idea

Mirio naked with a censor bar over his willy
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>win solo match
>get all but 2 of my daily stars from that match
>check to see what I need
>become champion 1 time didn't register and it's worth 6 stars

back to the early morning mexican gulag beatdown i guess..
>become champion 1 time didn't register
Never does in solo. For some reason they made it so that solo matches don't count as "Champion."
Two games in a row different teammates each time I could hear their smoke alarm beeping in the background. And of course they were black. Black people shouldn't be allowed to use voice chat. All you hear is loud rap music, smoke alarm beeps, or loud background talking.
it's worked for me before tho
you forgot lip smackin' yabba dabba doo bullshit

>doesn't mute all niggers
just do normal unranked matches
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I just found out that my erect penis can fit all the way into a toilet paper tube. Today is a sad day for me. Which character has the skinniest penis I need to play with the character I can relate most to.
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Skinniest? Probably this guy.
He's not in the game yet, though.
I mean out of the characters who are playable.
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How and WHY did you come to discover this??
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I was trying to figure out my condom size just for fun, I don't get pussy and I don't have a measuring tape to measure my girth, so I found out there's the toilet paper roll test. If your erect penis can fit all the way inside your dick is considered skinny and you're a size small in condoms. I failed the test sadly.
Out of curiosity, if a toilet paper tube is "normal" size, how thick do you think a large dick would be? Pringles tube?
Stop guys, you'll make Argy cum
>Pringles Tube
No penis is that big in girth.

Toilet paper tube is not normal size it's below average. If your penis cannot fit inside of a toilet paper tube be happy because you qualify for the sought after magnum condoms.
alright anon here's a question for you, some real basic shit
if a toilet paper tube is below average, and being bigger than a toilet paper tube is large, then what the fuck's an average? being able to wear it like a sleeve?
There are no in-betweens on this. If you can fit you're small, if you can't you're big.

If you really want an in-depth answer on this then here.

1) Obtain a toilet paper cardboard roll.

2) Attempt to slide it over your erect dick

3) Observe

If your glans sticks fully out of the tube you are about average ( a toilet paper tube is a little more than 4" and most glans are over an inch when erect. If you see shaft sticking out as well, congrats you're above average.

If the tube fits snugly on your erect penis, congrats, you're above average, if you can't get the tube over your penis congrats you're way above average.

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickproblems/comments/zb0ywx/the_toilet_paper_roll_test/
Argy would also fail the toilet paper roll test. In fact I bet it'll fall right off that's how skinny it is.
>>483419240 meant for >>483419052
>a toilet paper tube is a little more than 4" and most glans are over an inch when erect
The discussion was about girth, not length.
The tp roll test is all about girth. Read it again carefully.
I also did the test, and I fit all the way through. It's so over, I can never look my waifu Mina in her eyes anymore now.
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You let her down anon.
>The tp roll test is all about girth
I know, so why are you bringing up the length of the tube? Why does it matter how much is sticking out the end?
That's 4" in girth not 4" in length.

>Why does it matter how much is sticking out the end?
The more it sticks out the end the skinnier it is.
What do you want to see
That doesn't make any sense. The tube isn't tapered. It's either too big, barely able to fit, or skinnier than the tube. The latter two have no bearing on how much sticks out the end, that's purely a function of length assuming it fits at all.
I passed the test I'm thicker than a toilet paper tube. Now I can truly satisfy all of my waifus.
Shigaraki doing the Toilet Paper Roll Test.
The frog from the last pic getting killed and a million level up cards, revive cards, and level up pots exploding out
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they paid the price for their greed
I hate all of you
why is frog so UGLY
I'll fuck all of you

it's time to nerf Kirishima
Play any projectile based character, there's your Kirishima nerf right there.
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new player here, just rolled my daily 10 tickets, is this good?
No you usually want to save up your tickets. Also always do the 10x Rolls not the single Rolls.
what changes about 10x rolls vs normal rolls?
Don't join Froggers
With the 10x Rolls you are guaranteed to get a 2-star or 3-star item. Single Rolls don't guarantee anything so it's less reliable.
Try to save until you have 2,000 tickets and then roll for the character or skill set that you want. And even if you don't get it you can use your roll points to just buy them directly. You get roll points by rolling single rolls give you 1 roll point and 10x rolls give you 10, and once you have 200 points you exchange them for the character you want. Also your roll points resets to 0 after each banner change.
To answer your question, it's one of the rarer costumes.
Whether it's actually good depends on if you like it.
Also, like the other anons said you really want to be saving your tickets for pity, with character drop rates being as low as they are. If you want to have any chance of grabbing the newer characters/skill sets, anyway.
Teammates... please stop running in opposite directions during fights...
I miss custom game clips...
But they keep beating my ass.
I don't. They constantly derailed the threads and the clips weren't even that cool or funny so why even post them?
>clips of gameplay
>derailing the game's thread
A comment made by someone that doesn't play the game
are you STILL mad about them? jesus
what an insane thing to say
It wasn't just the clips when custom games were at their peak, anyone not playing in them basically couldn't use the thread for hours because the discussion of the custom games were taking up the entire thread. I mainly had to leave and comeback when customs was done so I could talk with you guys again.
but anon, you don't talk to us anyway...
Yeah I do I'm quite active here, I play on console though, so when custom games would come around I would just dip for a couple of hours and then come back when it's over so my posts don't get drowned out.
post customs clips onegai
Strike Dabi KICKING the FROG away from the big box
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Sorry. i got PISSED on.
>the heroes considered Dabi a massive threat
>when Mt Lady could just go giant and piss his flames away the whole time
It takes too much setup. She would have to turn giant and then drink a shitload of water and then hold her piss while also heading over to Dabi. Unrealistic it wouldn't work.
Wouldn't they just warp her over to him?
Too big to warp, it does have limits.
Yeah but couldn't: Warp Mtpiss > Turn giant > Drink a shitload of water > Hold Piss > Drown Dabi in piss, work?
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They will simply have to lure Dabi in
I still haven't finished going through my backlog...
I did finish processing the clips for 5/4, 5/11, and 5/18, though.
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I'm starving...
Why do my rapid teammates continue to fight when damaged with their miniscule health pools instead of running the fuck away from the fight they're losing with their ultra mobility moves?
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Rapid players are in constant need of their dopamine rush.
I need to save my friends and I don't care about myself!
Can you use trial tickets on skillsets, or is the level 2 Strike Deku that I played with just lucky.
>Can you use trial tickets on skillsets
>Ochako the main HEROINE
>no alternate skillset yet
Fuck no she isn't, she's just some whore whose only characteristic is that she likes the main dude
>dumb cunt retard fat taggot bitch shitarakaka on team
>useless sack of auit decides to get on fights instead of running away, like a good speedslut alwahs does
>bitch dies TWICE
>second time i die trying to defend her retarded fat corpse
Useless cows like that are only for breeding purposes
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>8 of us end up in the final circle and just fuck around and emote until we inevitably have to knock each other into the storm
Don't talk about argy that way
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>enter lobby
>see those Final Fantasy roleplayers
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>he uses skins that cover momo's features
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>tfw you want to dress argy up in a slutty maid outfit and tickle her feet
Hey, not all toilet paper rolls are made the same size. I bet whoever pushed the test is someone who just wants to make people feel bad and are using ones that are bigger or smaller.
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A true test of skill
Due to the fact that everything you can buy with gold is limited (either universally like profile banners or seasonally like gallery pieces) it would take 55 years to spend this much gold even if you had infinite gold to begin with.
Season 110 here i come!
>pick a rapid character
>voices in my head manifest and start telling me to abandon my team and go 1v3 that team of strike Deku,strike Bakugo, and strike Dabi in the distance
>toga betas
>use iida BETA KICK
>hits her first
gotcha bitch
>have full health and a bit of shield
>get hit with endeavor spear
>fly into the air
>random third party Dabi out of nowhere latches onto me
>downed and die
>I see trash, should i kick it?
It would actually be season 333.
They took this from you
I hate Momo's stupid bookshelf
It doesn't even make any sense. Keeping the book(s) in a bag would be much less obtrusive.
Speaking of which, her in-game costume doesn't even have the bookshelf, does it?
I'm gonna rape those young heroes.
kill all togas
>I just found out that my erect penis can fit all the way into a toilet paper tube.
What's sad about it anon? your dick is longer than the toiler paper tube? that's pretty good I think.
Um anon I didn't say it was longer.
c'mon...all these years everyone talking about length and now you're telling me I also have to worry about GIRTH?! WHEN WILL IT END
>tfw missed the coupon week and only got 10
is this a monthly thing or what?
Girth was always the main thing you have to worry about. Nearly every girl will tell you girth is better than length. Having a skinny penis is a death sentence.
I feel like it might coincide with new characters/skill sets (Dabi this time, Mirio last time) but that's just a guess. Either that or it's completely random.
>bakukek spends the match peppering random teams with alphas and betas
>flys at us whenever they start fucking him up
>we have to deal with them
>flys away during the fight
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>He thinks length matters
Hackers on switch are about to get worse it seems. Every now and then the worst I saw were aimbots, but I just encountered a deku that was flying around ontop of aimbotting, and had Infinite alpha. So that's unfortunate.
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you see anon, it's all about making sure you ALWAYS feel inadequate
anybody knows what the next banners gonna be?
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We're gonna make it bros!!
Ibara needs a new skin...
Ibara needs to take off her clothes
There's nothing to take inspiration from, she doesn't have fantasy design, she never wore the U.A. cheerleader outfit. What new skin do you even want.
>just need to do the level up quirk to lv9 one more time and recover like 700 health weeklies
>literally whatever missions
>pick shoto and go with the first team of fags i get cause those missions are nothing
>pick shoto
>got to lv9 easy cause the only bot team went to us
>after this some other fags did the same and died too
>teammate endeavor dies and gets revived, but just afks and diedls in the storm
>down a shiggy running away from a shitstorm towards me, another shitstorm
>couldn't finish him off cause 9f the 9ther shitstorm, but he ends up dead anytlways
>suddenly, i'm all alone against the final team cause my Debbie is a useless fag
>no matter cause i kill their red Debbie and set him up as a trap
>speed bakutrash comes for his shit
>ambush him and kill him
>wait for their other teammate to come
>a shitty aizawa
>dude falls for the trap
>activates PU
>not thet it matters cause i also have PU
>down him without using it
>use it to throw him into the storm
>he dies there
Ultimate humilliation ritual to faggots that got lucky and got skill sets and i didn't, and to an annoying sperg that doesn't stay in the fucking ground, and i just came for two weeklies! I also didn't got shit in the gatcha, so i'm extra glad i killed those that did and misuse thsoe characters.
Her UA tracksuit, probably the outfit she spent most screentime wearing, is not yet in the game
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Give it time. Most of the U.A. students in the game don't have their U.A. tracksuit as a skin yet.
Awesome these look great!
>still no new toga costume
it's kinda ridiculous it wasn't one of the standard gacha outfits for the students like the helmet(less) and some damaged skins
Nice insightful comment, anon. Anything else you want to say with your giga brain, or was that one too much?
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Christmas tree skin
There's also a drawing where she has a santa costume
If other characters can have lunar new year skins for whatever than Ibara can have christmas skins
seethe esl
Enemy players must stop spawning next to me when I play Cementoss or Compress, I demand it
Oomph, epic one, two words this time, must've burnt a hole in your brain for that one
cope esl
It's because of retards like this one that people stop posting.
i KICK frogs
no I do
I think it's because the game is unbalanced dog shit that barely gets updated, actually!
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Kendo in a dress
cute reiko
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>open ESC menu to see if I can look at player profiles
>that bug where no profiles show up is active so I can't
>but I also can't leave the ESC menu now
>can't click out of it
>no keyboard buttons work
>forced to watch myself get taken in by the storm and downed
>however when it downed me, the menu closed and I got to crawl out of it because I happened to have been close enough to
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He hates Red Dabi
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Woah, Kendo looks like THIS?
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Haters gonna hate
>roll for dabi
>three plus ultras
>all the same shoto skin
Everlasting Pain.
She is the PRETTIEST girl in UA
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he's looking surprisingly well considering
>Dabi lives
>and can walk while Endeavor is wheelchair-bound
Bull fucking shit. Dabi didn't even have EYES when their fight was over.
he even managed to get a better haircut out of it somehow, fucking deku's running around with half his head shaved off and here's touya somehow managing to get a nicer trim out of practically burning right down to the bone
I think Endeavor's hallucinating desu
Remember that panel where he was paying Touya his respects? Now his perception of him has changed but he still thinks of him as a child.
It's why his face looks really baby like and his hair is soft and long even though it should be burnt off. It's an amalgamation of Touya and Dabi.
It could be Ochako under that mask, you don't know.
>need hero damage for daily missions
>pick momo
>enter game
>place down one cannon
>both hero damage missions completed
No really, why did they make Momo so powerful
maa! as expected of a UA student who got in by recommendation
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is the zombie dude the strongest student
>realize that Spinner isn't in One's Justice 2
>he hasn't been datamined for Ultra Rumble either
>characters like Meatball boy and Rappa got into OJ2 instead
>characters like Monoma are getting into UR instead
He can't give the zombies orders or anything and he's not immune to his own zombies either. His quirk is basically Midnight's knockout gas except it actively inconveniences everyone even if they're not caught in it, including him and his allies.
He will gain a quirk awakening, allowing him to control his zombies and make stronger variants of them like the T-Virus
For some reason Kendo is canonically one of the prettiest girls in U.A. Which is why that Snake hero chose her and Momo for the mentorship.
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>For some reason
what reason do you need? does a girl need a reason to be pretty?
I mean surely Kendo isn't the prettiest girl out of 1-A and 1-B. Class 1-B has some real cuties. Kendo is cute but I don't think she's top dog in terms of looks.
Kendo holds herself back with her tomboyish nature and not caring about her looks. When putting in effort she's certainly the prettiest out 1-B, and maybe even prettier than Momo who is consider prettiest in 1-A.
>implying the tomboy charm doesn't enhance her natural looks even more
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Kendo is sex
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>no bikini skins released or discovered
It's over
You vill get ze burkas und you vill love it
i KILL rapids as PURPLE DABI
no way
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frog hate is on the rise and it's NOT okay
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but frog love is on the rise too
frog hate is on the rise but it's NOT rising FAST ENOUGH
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Is the Rabbit girl in this game yet?
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love wins
No but she's on a few posters on one of the maps!
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how will bakugo fans recover from this?
I think he meant he eat out frogs. Protect your cunt.
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I guess thats some hope right. Seems like they avoid adding her to any MHA game for some reason.
beat frogs
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nerf compress
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why do people put CSM in their name
I thought it was a clan tag for a specific agency but I've seen people of different agencies do it
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>the white strip and black line outline her vagina
Brilliant design
How does Fatgum cope, knowing that he'll never be as heavy as Ochako
The only thing I can think of is Chainsaw Man.
he'll just have to absorb her
>try to kick Ibara as Iida
>she rolls and grabs me with gamma after her roll finishes
>my Shoto and Twice teammates shoot her to death with alphas
She never had a chance...
>tfw Twice deletes my entire shield in a single combo
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Who would you guys save this game?
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Anyone want to play some Ranked? I've still got weeklies to finish.
>play AFO
>low health
>stab Mt Lady with my beta
>she gets to use alpha anyway and downs me
New character every month
New skillset alternating months (so one month has a new character and skillset, the next only has a character, etc)
Mt Lady's firerate is cracked.
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1801 tickets saved for Nejire
I want this, but this won't save the game. I think they need to add some offline content to save this game because most of new players will usually quit playing the game after they get hunted down by pre-mades who are in a voice call with each other. I'm thinking they should add a raid mode where you raid a villain or hero hideout to save a civvy or a fellow villain. This raid mode would have you fight a bunch of enemies while you dive deeper into the hideout to find the person you need to rescue, there will also be a boss at the end of the dungeon. This will keep the lower-skilled people on a little bit longer. They also add character-specific tutorials or dungeons that teach you how to play specific characters.
I want a character with silent movement and maybe even silent item consumption. That'd be fun to me.
I'm going to main Nejire harder than you.
Adding in Monoma will SAVE the game
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I wonder how long these licensed titles will survive after season 8 hits and the anime ends.
I assume spin-offs and such will keep it alive.
Manga is ending
What do you think?
I don't particularly like MHA, so the series ending doesn't mean much to me. I only hear about the manga through osmosis, so I can't really comment on what's happening. I guess I'll look forward to seeing reactions to anything controversial from the final chapters.
Do you guys think Toga has gotten STDs or any sort of bad stuff from drinking the blood of so many? Does her quirk inherently give her immunity to blood transferred diseases? What if Toga has aids...
Maybe when she transforms it rids of her of any poisons or diseases.
Same question applies to Stain
STDs don't exist in the world of MHA, and even if they did multiple people would have quirks that could get rid of them like Eri's quirk could.
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I found this image
Is it Toga? who knows....
Hi toga
looks like a circle to me
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get inside the final circle
Froggers? Your ability to remove inactive people from your agency...
having only like 8 people in your agency is a far sadder sight than seeing inactive guys
plus, why would you want to get rid of the easy 200+ likes? don't even have to play the game to get a few weeklies done
froggers never give up on friends
But by leaving the game, they gave up on you...
>about to hit a charged AFO alpha on a Toga that's about to execute someone
>a momo swats at me, and the Toga gets the kill
>die later
>see that the momo and the player that died are on the same team, and he's still dead
>be new dabi
>chase a frog down that ran after attacking me
>start attacking them
>they fight back and do some combo hits on me
>they then emote at me to BM
>they get lucky and down me because I got stuck
>start tongueing me to death
>suddenly they decide to do an execution finish because they want shields
>press action and get up
>proceed to murder them
Greed, the killer of all frogs
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Are all mt lady players WHORES?
Why do you have nude mods on?
Kamui Woods, don't look...
why wouldn't i have them on
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gotta keep in character, you know?
So he could see Mt.Lady taking backshots properly.
Bros.. will the game survive without the manga running...
Shit ending for a shit series. At least the girls were hot
Is it possible to find a Ace rank Mt Lady main that's not a cheater?
No. Mt.Lady fell off.
punch frogs
rape frogs
Hell you doing here if the series is ass to you, this game gets like 3stars lower if you don't care for the series
I said it was shit, not that i didn't care for it. If i didn't, i wouldn't've read it to the end, stupid
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My cheerleader
>die to cheaters
>die to third partying
>die because of teammates
It's over, I miss when my losses were my own fault
There's not really much point when we're nowhere near capacity. It's not like we need to make room for others to join.
>New character every month
This game doesn't give enough currency for that.
Where's premium log in?
I actually really enjoy this game. Gotta be my favorite battleroyale right now and the gameplay is refreshing to me. If I went and read the series and it went 3 stars higher for me then that'd be crazy... or does it not work in the inverse? Or if I read it and didn't like it then my appreciation of the game would probably still go up.
Can't wait for Nighteye to get added!
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Um... MHA bros??? I just saw this on a /v/ thread. How come my heroes aren't this powerful in game?
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I just wanted to rank up and have comfy lobbies tonight...
All of the inactive Froggers will show up to customs today
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I mean do your thing, but if I thought the series i'm invested in is dogshit, I would just switch off to something else and just lurk on it once a month, a few "good" characters ain't worth it
Average shonen manga, with an average ending for the genre.
Yeah? Well i don't tell you how to live your live, fujoshitbag
>page 10
Yup we're a dead general, I'm not bumping it either to prove a point.
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yeah okay man
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>fag that doesn't play the game or regularly post here watches our thread until it hits page 10 just to brag about not bumping it
Why are autists like this
I play the game, and regularly post here. I'm just proving the point that we are a dying general.
no you don't
no, we're a SLOW general, there's a difference
on a /vg/ that wasn't full of gachas and MMOs that have 4 threads on the catalog at once because they go that quickly, we'd be just fine, so you acting like it's some big deathknell that we reached page 10 says more about your lack of understanding of the state of /vg/ than the state of this general
Yes I do.

We are slow, but we are also dying. Both things can be true. Had I not made it known that we were on page 10 and I saged it you guys wouldn't have been so quick to bump it to spite me.

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