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Previous: >>483046882

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
Someone wrangle your dishonest shill from the /v/ thread he's throw a tantrum about other games' VAs again.
>the merchant doesn't want this item
why the fuck did they even add this sell junk button if you can't sell anything ffs
is there a reason to do ahune more than once?
>tfw never enough fucking wyrm's crests
Tarisland won and killed WoW.
Is there a better feeling than getting a new character to the dragon isles, deciding they're a tailor, then dumping all of that fucking wildercloth your main and other alts have been hoarding on them?
was devastation evoker always so mindlessly effective? i think i'm going to just keep playing it now since it's like the ret paladin of ranged classes and has some unique utility
plus oppressing roar into the deep breath stun is great for when the tank wants to pull half the dungeon
Depends if you're interested in any of these items.
Might be a good way to lvl alts with the summer pole bonus.
I really enjoy playing Evoker but I hate the scalie race.
thanks, might go after some of those illusions
>one thread per day
Are we really that dead?
Surviving on Tar Island's pre-cum vapors.
I will continue to do it until you stop :)
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Maybe you should stop funding your groomer company.
Maybe you should stop funding Sweet baby
Yeah evoker from the start was pretty easy
yes, its actually a pretty fun spec. the problem is being forced to look like a freak
i'll play it when they add visage form in combat
Tempted to make a dracthyr warrior or hunter
Green lizard bald dracthyr with 2 lizard pets
>non evoker dracthyr
So Metzen saved WoW... when will /wowg/ apologize for doubting him?
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>xhe thinks sweet baby or another equally pozzed company doesn't have its grips on a company as big as ACTIVISION(blizzard)
Metzen saved wow by killing it.
Wrong, chud. Danuser saved WoW by fixing the mess Afriasiabi (serial rapist) left behind.
Possible in tww, they're opening them to other classes
what do you mean by sweet baby?
>they're opening them to other classes
Why are you lying?
I'll believe when I see it.
And I violently goon myself dry between tanking M+ as warrior.
Ion said... he promised...
They're not on their client list so I can say no.
Blizzard is a californian company, they do this dumb shit on their own. And every time, they receive massive pushback, to the point even they have to acknowledge it and be sad about
At least in wow. Ow2 is a different story. That's the pornsick/neurodivergent/fetishist twitter game so they like degeneracy
And also, this shit is kept within blizzard games. They don't invade other games or franchises to do it
You cant say the same about sweet baby, so you lost. Bigly.

10 seconds on google
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>We shit the bed ourselves instead of paying a third party to shit on our bed for us
Weird that you thought this was an own but I guess delusion is to be expected from blizzdrones. At least you're honest enough to admit this rot comes from the inside.
Their human forms are worse quite honestly
>Evoker is restricted to fagthyrs
Fuck you
I repeat what I said.
I'll believe when I see it. And I violently goon myself dry between tanking M+ as warrior (male, genitals from body type 2).
It is, if you werent so stupid, because you fund a consulting company that not only ruins your game, but many others too from different companies and genres
Let that sink in
He says in the interview that he can commit to it, but wont be at launch. Very early on though, because they cant finish all the animations for dracthyr since they originally planned to restrict them to evokers forever
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A ruined game is a ruined game retard, it doesn't matter who ruined it. At least SE can realise "hey this was a bad idea" and tell Sweet Baby to fuck off once their numbers start tanking. Blizzard's cancerous rot is terminal and cannot be cured without mass firings and destabilising the company (not that Blizzard is stable to begin with considering how many walk-outs they have a year lmao).
I'll believe it when I am gooning myself retarded with my dracthyr (cuntboy).
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we have to go back...
trolls never looked like that
Danuser got fired and the subscription numbers spiked. How do you explain that?
We need to go back and get some developers of incredible fascism.
We need fashy und freshy to purge Sweet Hebrew Inc and other lefty und stale spreaders.
It's not that simple Anon...
classic did it
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Just found out that the Lothars are race mixers. Its fucking over.
SoD hype but it was a disappointment, a flop.
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>blizzard be like "yeah, those elves are now fighting with the orcs and trolls who were butching their kin moments before, deal with it chuds"
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That's the coolest character Blizzard has come up with, bigot. Go play another MMO, you're not welcome here.
The amount of cope in your post is so sad. Why are you like this?
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Oh no.. let me guess, you also thought that Metzen returned to work on classic...
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You wouldn't know cope if it hit you in the face, which is in fact quite impressive considering how hard you and everyone still playing this shit are overdosing in it right now.
But they promised Classic+...
God, the WoW community is so cucked. Every new game has to have ugly niggers in it now.
>Lamp lighter
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OTHER GAME also bad tho!!!
what's really yikers is how many blizzard devs still refer to the body types as male and female, like... oof
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Holy shit lol
feels like this shitposting comes in waves.
We're fine, anon. We're not the ones getting a tranny main character voiced by anl north american tranny doing a bad south american accent. And you will have to deal with that. Shitting on wow or making those schizo images won't erase that away
is the current euro shitposting hour
the americans will do their shitposting later
>We're not the ones getting a tranny main character
uh hello??? pelagos??? the vulpera red dragon????? chromie??????????? do you even play WoW?
We're scheduled for OG and diversity shitposting for the next few hours, once it's afternoon in America we'll switch to ERP and M*yeposting
Not main characters that we had to interact with at every step in dungeons or quests
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It's obvious he's a paid Blizzard shill just like all the grifters defending that dogshit TWW character design, and as every WoW player can attest, nobody at Blizzard plays their own game.
>Devs are all LGBT and pissed off dykes
>They all hate men, especially white men
>Make Anduin a crybaby bitch
>Make le strong black woman character
I fucking quit lol
Remember to /cheer or you wont be able to complete the quests
>quest in waking shores
>nonbinary dragon vulpera
>quest in onaharan plains
>gay and politically correct centaurs
>quest in azure span
>the only straight (tuskarr) couples in the entire game are failing disaster
>quest in thaldrazsus
Remember: one character that isn't even LGBT, only the VA is, is bad. Entire zone of LGBT propaganda: good!
Do you have a youtube channel, you dishonest grifter? Because you sure sound like a fucking paid shill.
/cheer for sweetbaby
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Go suck chromie's girlcock or your soul will get sent to the maw for all eternity, bigot.
the funny part is that you can tell most of the writers are straight women because almost every single LGBT couple in WoW are gay men, there's like barely any lesbians
Those two are such faggots. It was one of their videos where I found out about Faerin.
Don't worry, I'm sure Pozzard will introduce a transbian couple soon enough.
mine is honestly the gayest thing i've ever seen
and i own two mirrors
I don't know how you can come here and post all these things while funding sweetbaby. That's lik le next level cognitive dissonance
Never mind that your beloved franchise is dead and pozzed to shit as well. Crazy.
How can you be completely devoid of any ounce of self awareness?
Faerin is fine and actually likeable in game. Anons here will do a 180 once tww launches
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Sweetbaby only had a hand on Forspoken and that studio rightfully already went to the shitter. But WoWtroons, in their infinite hypocrisy and even worse lack of self-awareness, just grab onto factually incorrect talking points - like Sweetbaby scapegoat and the cat being trans - and invade other, better games' threads and vomit your lies all over every thread. You accuse other games of doing shit you're already doing a dozen times worse.
And then you cry foul when people do the same to you. Get fucked. It's frankly incredible how your kind shouts "troon troon troon troonal troontasy troonteen!" while having the exact same mentality as the most insane and PC twitter leftists. Everyone still paying Blizzard games in 2024 should be lined up against the wall.
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I just don't understand why they keep putting her in games. She was already the head of the church in Diablo 4.
Well, that's probably because they designed and wrote most of the story and characters, then spun the "Diversity Wheel" to see what to change.
If Jaina was created today she'd be fat.
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Grifters lurk amidst us in this general. >>483155060 is one of them.
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what do these actually look like? lmao
pay for a race change to a good race and find out
or use a toy that transforms your character model to a good race
or just look it up on wowhead
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Yeah, its probably one of those YouTubers that sucks Pozzard's cock no matter what slop they throw in front of them and call content.
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Stop asking questions. Stop judging things. Stop noticing things. Just buy the product, subscribe, buy a shop mount, convince all your friends to come back, and put your trust in Danuser's new baby. It will be different this time. Blizzard is actually listening this time.
What questions? Am I supposed to be eternally mad because 1 npc exists isolated to a single storyline?
Don't be so disingenuous, anon. You know this is about more than one single NPC.
it's not the same one lol
>Just buy the product, subscribe, buy a shop mount, convince all your friends to come back
This is a great way to live a happy life.
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why couldnt they just make her hot? its not complicated
This isn't 2010 anymore, just "fat" doesn't impress anyone anymore. She has to be fat, disabled, black and maybe even trans, and she has to make those traits her entire identity.
They'll probably reveal that shes trans half way through TWW.
He will conveniently ignore this post by the way because he can't weasel his way around it >>483155729
Attractive black people don't exist anon, don't you know? Leftist companies have been slurping made them so anti-racist they integer overflowed back into being racist.
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I'm happy with Xally, Jaina and Alleria. All hot.
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What is there to weasel around? I already addressed that. Just because you keep repeating your same dishonest garbage doesn't mean I have to keep replying the same shit over and over because you're too fucking stupid to read properly.
this, as long as I have alleria's ass shoved in my face all the time I could care less about this negress
But you didn't, since it destroys your entire cope post, hence your sudden concession now
>"making her hot" = give her white features
That's why not.
They look cool but you wouldn't know since you picked a c**mer race
says a lot, doesnt it
I spent my peak years (16-22) playing WoW when I could have been partying in NYC like I do now. What was the point of it all.
It doesn't even look like the same person. The in-game model looks like a black human, the CGI looks like a Mag'har orc without tusks
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read the first line of this post again you illiterate blizzard shill >>483155215
What if it was to make sure Tural isn't offensive to Peru or something alike ?
What about waiting for xpac launch before presuming it was overpozzed to oblivion ? Isn't it even worse if your devs actually do it for free ?
They could just model black characters after east africans instead of west africans so they could be passable but still tick the diversity box
can i fuck a harronir yet?
then i'm not resubscribing
I'm not going to complain about asmongroid being posted here, since this game is his origin, but why does he get posted in generals or in relation to games he has nothing to do with?
Oof, you mad
Read >>483155729 you illiterate tard
If you can't form your own opinions, store-bought is fine.
east africans are just black whites chud
How does this answers my question ? Are you even trying to debate ?
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More or less confirmed to be an allied race. Probably in a minor patch
anon your dress?!
Those things look like an orc fucked a night elf.
You got a tranny main character out of it so far, so thank sbi:) and that's not even all of it
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my dress is this

still missing waist and feet for full set uwu
>still repeating incorrect talking points
stop using transphobic slurs or your tranny god of the afterlife will send you to the maw
>orc armored nightsaber
the erpfags are going to be happy
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i'm doing some old world achievements and i'm running from one corner of the continent to the other and i'm thinking about the human racial
what if they remove that double hearthstone use in TWW with the ability to return to the place you hearthed from?
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>decided to farm some honor in pvp for artifact appearances and titles
>highest mount reward is like honor level 250
>currently playing 3-4 hours of pvp per day is give or take 1 honor level
>saw people over 1300 honor level
>apparently there was an abuse during Legion which allowed people to farm over 50 honor levels per day

How the fuck am I supposed to farm this?
What's incorrect?
Looks like a man, talks like a man, sounds like a man doing a female voice very poorly
That's a man. Sbi may want you to believe that it's a woman, but that's a man, baby
The same okd song, again and again. Are the other langages VA all trannies ? Thought so.
Strange how Yoshi is talking about things being potentially offensive about "certain areas" and not "chataracters", right ?
>one life, its worth an attempt
>Looks like a man, talks like a man, sounds like a man
so you admit most the horde races are troons
strange thing to say but ok
Uhm akshually it's the link between trolls and night elves
I played around a bit in the character creator, they have a decent amount of customization options already (which again reinforces the idea that they will be playable), and you can make them to look closer to trolls or closer to nelves
Pretty cool. The women are also tall and very thicc with a nice, puffy and lickable tummy
why do they/them pronounce 'primalist' like it's a slur
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How did you get one of my screenshots?
people should chill. everyone is being offended these days by anything. cant even jokingly ask trans girl in guild about anything related to loving sucking cocks or balls without being offended but when you call lewd girls cock sucking machines its funny and ok. god forbid you do same to tranny.
>abuse during legion
wasnt really abuse you had to do pvp dailies with an army of alts
>MORE playable elves
The game needed this. The playerbase wants this. This is World of Elfcraft. We like this.
Play Vulpera.
Yeah I guess that sounds alright. I always thought panda girls were hot for that same reason.
It's not old, it's really recent. It's impressive to see you sink lower and lower in the copium pit as if you're not actively funding the exact same thing you hate. Lmfao
that's worse than having your tier 1 racial replaced by a hearthstone meme
NTA but unironically yes. The only troon I've ever interacted with in this game played a Female Troll Shadow Priest and everyone who plays a female troll or orc has been various flavors of insufferable weirdos.
since we got xivniggers in here, how long until dawntrail is released? I want to make a catmommy
Months old is recent, OK.
You wanna try debating any other argument I had or you just wanna use this one ?
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>nelfs descend from trolls
>all the trans characters are nelfs and trolls
trollfags explain this
Yeah let's pretend people actually want shit like dwarf and tuskar.
28th of June if preordered or second of July. I'd personaly wait for a couple weeks to make sure servers arent crachin this time.
Why would I? Reminding you that you actively fund the thing you hate is perfection already. I don't need to do anything else. The irony of your situation is extremely hilarious, only God could come up with it
why do people have problem with trans folk. they are humans like everyone else. why does it matter do they see themselves as male or female. isnt point of life to like yourself and be what you wanna be? i have 3 trans friends i know for over 10 years and they are fun and good people to spend time with. why are you all hating on something juat coz ita different from you. grow up please.
they still cant get a stable launch? what are they doing for those literal 24 hours it takes them to do maintenance prior to release?
And you can't even realize you are doing the same, or worse if the xpac story shows Wuk isnt a tranny in the end. Amazing.
Nobody wants Broken or Tuskarr. Ugly races are bad. We want Blizzard (poor mom & pop company) to recycle the same model 500 times. We don't even mind if they can't wear armor. We are okay with this because they are pro-LGBT and pro-Furry who love playing cute and pretty characters that don't trigger their dysphoria and their fur/scalesonas. We like this and support them through thick and thin because they are the most pro-diversity MMO in the market.
Why should we accept them? They couldn't even accept who they were.
They said they put all the stops for it but there's still a chance for EW 2.0 yes. We shall see.
>grow up please.
this is transphobic, many trans people don't get the opportunity to grow up because they suicide themselves before they live their full lives.
I don't run a crusade like you, going into other generals of games i don't play. You're terminally online in wow threads shitting on the thing you fund with your neetbux
Your life couldn't be sadder even if you tried
>You're terminally online in wow threads shitting on the thing you fund with your neetbux
Why are Blizztroons such blatant liars?
Is that your comeback? Oof you poor, sweet baby..
And there's the ad hominem argument, i've been waiting.
Good day sir, we should be able do do a proper comparison by the end of the year.
just stay in your general though
this is pathetic kind of response. you will proly end alone for rest of your shit lives. people like you deserve nothing but worst for eternity.
We should be able to devolve haughty elf sluts back into fertile trolls
kinda funny how its suddenly pathetic when people play by the same rules you troon freaks do
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I don't hate them, I just don't like them. I see them more as the hardest hit victims of jewish propaganda.
The tranny VA is a sign of things to come. Your game is slipping down the slippery slop WoW did when they started removing misogynistic emotes.
HOWEVER, unlike our game, your game is carried by the story and little else. Nobody plays your game for your 2.5 GCD dogshit and you have nothing, NOTHING to prop you up once the story goes to shit. Except maybe your porn addict ERP chatrooms I guess. So my response is: LOL!
wasn't it revealed ages ago that the entire lgbt movement was hatefully fostered by literal communists in new york as a way to destroy the nuclear family and destabilize western values
It's what i'm trying to tell him. I don't know, i think he might be legitimately retarded
Here he is funding sweet baby with his neet bux, while also shitting on diversity, the thing he's actively funding. Hopping from thread to thread 24/7, day in day out. Can easily spot him too, it's one single guy that always dumps his folder about the negress and uses the same talking points
Moreover the problem he has is that what he's funding is not isolated to a single game, he's helping sweetbaby infest hundreds of other games
It's so bizarre. I wonder if he's just trolling because if he really is this delusional then he should embrace death at this point. No hope for him
gues you miss your dad raping you whole life so you take frustration from missing dad's cock on others
no you're just a bigot. hormone pharmaceuticals starting printing money a couple of years ago is just a coincidence. transgender people have been around forever, possibly even during the dinosaur period. stop noticing things or asking questions and just accept everything you are told at face value.
>Echo and Liquid players are still playing Tarisland and enjoying it
>Scripe says that WoW should be simpler
It's over.
ONCE the story goes to shit, yeah. Still waiting. I'd personaly still play for the raids thought.
How long so nelves live? Isnt it thousands of years? Are they still able to reproduce? Whats the "deadline"?
>tranny fox having another episode of severe schizophrenia
>Are they still able to reproduce?
Why wouldnt they? But we don't know their current lifespan because they just lost their immortality like 10 years ago
Good, will they leave wow? Please tell me that they're quitting
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>the slippery slope isn't real
Ok, see you next expansion.
ofc not
How much money are they getting funneled for shilling the chinkshit
If I go visit the gonorrhea hole that is /lgbt/ will I get some insight into what the fuck is wrong with troons and troon-adjacent mongrels? or is it an exercise in futility?
Will do.
bantus aren't the only blacks in existence
Why not?
wasn't there an FPS version of this pic?
last I heard /tttt/ still harbors literal pedophile drug addicts like chijo so the latter
>Nobody wants Broken or Tuskarr
because there is 0 money involved.
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No lol this is just the controlled opposition session where they get told to pretend to play and enjoy another game so the unthinking cattle that watch them believe they're objective measurements of a game's quality instead of being on Blizzard's payroll, all while sabotaging the perception of the other game all throughout.
It's just like when every grifter decided to play that shitty VN in the summer of 2021, don't you remember?
An exercise in futility. I was friends with several troons back when I was bluepilled and they were all really shitty friends that I look back at now and realize they had a lot of mental problems too.
no but the dysgenic scum of the earth living in the kiked states of america, the only niggers in existence with money to blow on vidya, descend from west africoons
>even sodapoppin played Tarisland and he didn't even touch Dragonflight
Don't they realize that by continuing to play a game they supposedly hate makes them look like massive hypocrites?
in reality no one gives a fuck about that tho
What do you mean? I don't understand. We all hate Blizzard and we all still play World of Warcraft, the king of MMOs.
Nobody ITT actually plays a game. I've seen a lot of screenshots here that were stolen from reddit.
that's right dykexister, 7 gorillion players commifornia numba #1
Idk i feel like some of them run around making these vague, overly generalizing blanket statements like dae make gaem eezieer blizzurrdd 2 many battuns 4me 2 poosh
It comes off as disingenuous
Reddit, Twitter, random Twitch screenshots...
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What's a "Dyk" and what is involved in the process of it "existing"?
All of their talking points come from a streamer that quit the game because he's really bad at it and it was embarrassing to play on stream.
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7 gorillion players
Trans Woman Within won bigly
who cares? the audience certainly doesn't. and this way they don't have to get a real job
CHADisland won
The Woman Within lost
if you're stupid enough to get second-hand opinions from streamers you're too stupid to notice hypocrisy
I wish that faggot would quit too but you just know that once prepatch is live he'll sĆ³yface all over the game again
Holy shit, is that what its down to now? Wasn't it 12 million at peak?
My man. My head sandwiched between her ass and Jaina's white bush
7 milly + 2 million chinese players signed up for their relaunch in 2 days so it's probably closer to 7 milly there by now
wowo has more players now than ever before
wowo wawa won
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the most MID release numbers ever
holy shit
no hype at all
remember the lost ark hype?
look at this
the shills in this thread are so pathetic
700 quintillion bajillion gorrilion players
worlo best gaem saar
Turns out that westerners aren't into souless p2w chinkslop and once the DROPS and sponsorships end, then.. lmao
Why would anyone want to play a shitty chinese wow clone when wow exists?
If an mmo wants to challenge wow, they have to do things wildly different from wow. Otherwise people would just continue to play wow
More people were watching wow when slop remix came out and that was literally just12 year old questing content
that's fucking sad
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now sex
WoW has top tier gameplay. Highly addictive too because ability feedback is almost instant
There arent many games where it feels so good to press buttons in
>If an mmo wants to challenge wow, they have to do things wildly different from wow
Yep, this is why the Riot MMO is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for Blizzard.
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in about 20 years
>the riot mmo

It will never come out, you've been duped.
do blizzdrones seriously cope their dead tranny game is not in the worst state its ever been?
god damn the sunk cost fallacy is going to make you rope in the end (good riddance)
go on then
give you honest critiques of why you believe its in the worst state its ever been
the worst state... so far!
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how do i go about this really quick?
>sunk cost fallacy
How else could I have spent my time? I got a college degree, I moved out of my home town, I have a good variety of hobbies (golfing, climbing, pickleball) and I'm looking to settle down soon now I'm in my mid-thirties. What do you think I missed out on by playing?
xivcultists will unironically say this and then point at shit like nobody cares about like some character's gender identity or skin color or "le story le bad"
meanwhile the real content real MMO players care about - raids - are the best they've ever been. watch. and fully expect "him" to not reply after this post either.
go to the bridge between epl/wpl
do the worgens quests up to the point you have to go find the dwarf companion at lights hope
do one quest at lights hope
instant rev
its like 6 or 7 quests to get to that point
making credible stories, for one. what do you even do in the game? farm petsmountsmogscheevos from old content? there's no way you have enough free time to play wow while doing all that shit while also keeping a job, and you certainly won't after settling down.
you had that quest in your log since vanilla?
they added old naxx and old scholo back a while ago
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>everybody sees whats going on
currently they do, but ((their)) modus operandi is repetition. this is how lies become true, through simple repetition over many years, and next thing you know the new generation of cattle does not see what was so obvious to the previous one.
how can Lor'themar let his wife dress like that in public
Turn in scourgestones
but enough about final shart
>noooooo there are no troons in worlo
>okaay there are -some- troons but they are not main characters
>fine there are plenty of troons but what about that other game??
>you stupid fucking chud nobody cares if my dead game is filled with troons
dance some more for me libtard monkey
Doomtroon's bored with his other game again.
you forgot the part where they lie and think one of the VAs being trans means the character is trans
Shilltranny is malding and talking to itself again.
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i can't still see your dumb post
thats even worse wtf. why would you pay a tranny money towards harming and grooming people irl? thats a whole different ballpark to having a pretend tranny...
Did chinkisland already fall over or why do xivtroons spam the thread again arguing about xiv?
dawntrail got ACKed
What addon shows what stuff are being sold for on AH in the profession window?
t. pelagos
Don't know xister, should probably go cry to mods again to ban everyone for heckin racism.
i also unticked the (You) on 4chanx so technically i didn't write that post anymore
stupid smug tranime girl poster
why wowies are sweating so hard over chink slop
so funny
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Nah I feel you, I played xiv for about a year and that general is absolutely useless, full of actual troons that just jerk each other off, literally ignoring any questions and attempts at normal discussion, so you come here to shit up wow thread.
That said, the game is also full of troons with no real gameplay to excuse it - at least wow has that.
go unlock your secret Naxx i indirectly told you about, you're welcome
btw you need to unlock old scholo first
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>go thread for game you dont play
>stir shit
>why are you guys freaking out!???!
no one freaking out
we know your schtick and you keep coming back to get btfo, loser
nah i don't give a shit about MOUNTSMOGSPETSCHEEVOS with n64 graphics from yesterday, i actually play the game
What the fuck why there are so many troons these days? Almost everyone so far has been a troon or actual faggot.
speaking of naxx i did nuscholo on retail and the toy you need dropped for me on literally the first run
shouldve bought a fucking lottery ticket
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This is the audience Blizzard wants. See image in >>483148773 Do you have a problem with that? Are you a bigot?
Microplastics in our blood
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Yo that's messed up man...
im not an anthropologist or anything but i think it has more to do with pornography than just about anything else
eternal reminder aethas is a nigger who knew
poor lor'themar earnestly defending the man who skin is as black as coal
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Hey this is cool and all (it's not) but goats are sexo and we need marriage mechanics.
Why? Are you a bigot? Just tell us what your problem is you fucking coward.
never saw the comment below
how tf are they going to ban my wow account if im homophobic on twitter
good fucking luck, stalin
Marriage mechanics are how you get a game full of troons and ERPers and high school cliques and their resulting drama. We don't need XIV "players" in our game.
Mentally ill coomers are the only people still left playing other than gold/boost sellers, and coomer to tranny pipeline is very real.
incredible high iq post.
I audibly cringed at this scene
>e need marriage mechanics.
Get the tranny addon made by the tranny and stay on your gay ass "role"playing realm.
i mean youre shitposting but wouldnt not tolerating an opposing view of whatever belief you hold, in this case not supporting rainboworld 100% make you a bigot yourself?
It's just some faggot tranny twitter account handler flexing his ability to block someone's twitter account.
>social features are bad in an MMO
Go play monster hunter, retard.
so they're just going to block me on twitter?
who cares lmao
huh, block and ban are totally different things and i dont know why they chose to use that word, pretty stupid
Which one runs Dragonflight better and more stable, SteamDeck OLED or Rog Ally? Don't care about battery life here I just want to know which one is more reliable for WoW and gives good performance.
I'm already this close to not buying the Deck because "less known" game support is abysmal due to fucking Linux but WoW would be the deal breaker, I'm trying to come back after a year break.
TSM should have it

Normal people don't play this abortion of a video game.

The magic died a long time ago, and it's filled with the necrotic waste of humanity.
why do you want this? what does it add? you can already put shit like that in your trp, the only people who would use it are moontroons and they're less than 1% of the playerbase. They dont design for you asshole.
>Go play monster hunter, retard.
go play tranny fantasy they got what u need >>>/vg/xivg/
Works great on steamdeck
When was the last time and your player choices mattered? This isn't an RPG, you're not roleplaying shit.
This. I'm only here every day to make fun of people who still play the game. They're losers.
always this cope every time
if you want don't like roleplaying go play fortnite kid
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watch your tone chud
this is our game now
pretty sure thats actually just a fat woman but idk
What opposing worldview? People just tryna live their lives honestly? Kys nazi.
>They're losers
Rich coming from a fag funding sweetbaby with his neetbux kekaroonj
Anon is just scared of marriage mechanics because it would expose the fact that nobody likes him.
>xiv bad
>but maybe we should have some xiv features in our game...
>xiv has trannies
>but don't look at pelagos
>xiv funds leftist consulting companies
>but don't look at the people we hire to write our books...
The hypocrisy of the Blizzdrone is endless.
Cata classic devs look like that?!
I know deathwing is metal as fuck but goddamn no need to go that deep into it
moontroon futa drae horsecock larpers are so obnoxious its insane
>ziv invented marriage
do zivtroonies actually believe this?
Stop funding sweetbaby
ya they wont shut up about it
if you ask them zeev invented video games and every title, even those predating zeev is aping zeev
most delusional bunch on the internet, there are unironic trannies that are less delusional
yes i would like marriage in world of warcraft. we already got rid of the "war" bit when we turned horde into red alliance, now let's make world of lovecraft official.
Team Fortress 2 had an engagment ring items 2 years before it was added to xiv so it's actually a tf2 feature
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why is the xivtroon here again? is his game shitting itself again or is he trying to recruit some people for the new expansion?
the fans of lesser games are always here trying to cope, before ff it was whfags
>or is he trying to recruit some people for the new expansion?
and he does it for free0gayn
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you live in a glass house
Probably a lost marketer doing it for free cause boy does it look grim over there
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Counterproposal: Marriage mechanics are obviously for fags so I should be able to flag up as a pirate and invade people's raids like it's darksouls, and start PvPing them in the middle of a mythic pull. That would be cool and bad ass and WARcraft.
what makes you think i want wowtroons playing my game? your subhuman eceleb-worshipping ilk made the game basically unplayable in 2021.
Why doesn't she have the cowhide skin?
I thought wow was meant to be inclusive.
lol how come she is an npc in SL?
and why is her tag "conflic essayist"
did she do that herself or did it get put in to dab on her?
she's not still part of the wow team right? or she is but her husband left or got fired or something? thats last i think i knew... dont really keep up on what hte literal who employee's are doing on the revolving door that is actiblizzking studios... now owned by microsoft. lol
>turns on my weakaura that announces when you spawn
>instantly target you and kill you in 2 seconds
wow such a cool feature good job nigger
Are they seriously adding a fucking troon dwarves as a playable race for both factions?
friendly reminder they purged most of the npcs referencing real life people and blizzard employees because they didn't want to risk "homaging bad people" and this npc is still in the game.
erpers dont play the game and they're always woefully behind on ilvl
you will fall to my blade and i will camp your corpse
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>everyone agrees with me and loves wow, and if they don't then it's just one singular fintal fantasy player
sister you might want to go easier on those hrt pills, the side effects are showing
wooooooow, where is it?
spacegoats rape session at the inn
that's not true, they said they would stop adding streamers and employees tho
They purged the ones named after employees
roux isn't an employee, show was contracted to write a book
necrolord hq in maldraxxus

oh ok i guess that makes it ok to put a racist in your game then
>wow players
>obsessed with ecelebs
wow players were not the ones giving low tier streamers free subs just to see them react to a bunch of cutscenes. also, wow players don't camp roacheater asmongold's subreddit for 3 years straight hoping to see him play the game again. you subhumans made mayman relevant (and a rapist)
At least there are no trannies in Tarisland.
so you need to be in necrolord covenant to see it?
You don't have a house lmao
Sweetbaby piglet
i erp and have 4 chars at 515-520 ilvl.
Yeah having racists in the game is based
i think so? i'm not sure if they changed how the covenant shit works i really don't want to ever go back to shitolands if i can help it
>death grips you into mechanic
You would be hard CCd before you even loaded into the instance
can someone explain the new level system to me? havent played in a few years. the explanation in game wasnt good
what system? chromie time?
That's why everyone will spawn in the ceiling on a goblin glider and get to shoot rockets at you on the way down
didnt levels used to go up to 130 or something? what is the real difference between the old version and the new/current version?
how about you just go play that retarded bg where you jump off the ship and collect azerite instead
they reduced levels because brainlets are afraid of big numbers
thats it there is nothing to explain
That's just an employee with extra steps.
oh, okay then. thanks
Contractors are not employees.
new player:
>exile's reach into bfa (dragonflight in tww) automatically
veteran player:
>old starting zones/exile's reach until lvl 10
>at lvl 10 talk to chromie in stormwind/orgrimmar and pick the expansion you want to use for levelling. you can change whenever you want, just talk to chromie again
>once you reach lvl 60 (lvl 70 in tww) chromie time stops working and you can lvl up in the new zones
it's easy
>troons and ERPers and high school cliques and their resulting drama
wow already has this and has had this for like 20 years
no I want it to be a cool warcraft experience where I raid the raiders and take their loot
well you cant go to any of their main places if you're not in their covenenat. it blocks you and kicks you out and automatically returns you to mainland or whatever

this is true of the ones i've done so far, bastion/kyrian, revendreth/venthyr, i'll do necrolord soon so maybe ill post about it later
>be strong white male paladin chad
>get married to my beautiful Gilnean priest wife
zivbucks are terrified of this reality
no I'm pretty sure it's the raid troons who are terrified the game might be an mmo
You can choose the races starting zone as new player too
raid "troons" interact with more people on the regular than you have on your friends list, you dumbfuck MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOS solo farmer.
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I finally maxed out my Remix character but now I'm so burnt out on these dungeons/raids that I don't want to grind for the cosmetics anymore
Uhoh we found the trigger. A big poopy stinky diaper in here!
Did mr bobby turn down the treadmill too much?
Your argument falls apart upon the fact blizzard has done shit like completely remove all original files of the previous kael'thas voice actor despite him also being a contractor.
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thats low at this point in the patch
your argument falls apart because racists are based and rapists aren't (aquittal in court means nothing because it's very hard to prosecute rape, he absolutely did it btw.)
aren't new (new, not returning) players forced into exile's reach?
the reality: transbian blood elves married to other transbian blood elves
Oh you weren't even trying to have a real opinion or discussion. My bad, i thought you were being genuine.
I accept your concession zivtroon
it's "believe women" not "believe the justice system", chud
I tried on a trial and i had both available
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>morally good hero of the alliance WC3 campaign
>gets turned into a villian then killed off in TBC, one of many lore rapes that horrific expansion commited
>over a decade later blizzard decides to remove all his old voice actor's voice lines over unfounded allegations
has any other character been treated as badly as kael'thas?
wtf that's based?
selling off your people to demons in WC3 isn't morally good, skovald
he didn't do that in wc3 though, that's TBC
I'm not even a huge fan of arthas but that cutscene at the end of shadowlands where he's just a voiceless whisp they talk shit to then vanishes was truly insulting.
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i miss when this place was filled with people :,(
i guess i must have dreamed up those wc3 maps where you fuck around in outland as illidan's lackey just before kil'jaeden tells him to go fuck up the frozen throne
fucking retard
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Same. I did bad things in one of the side rooms with another paladin...
you did
yes you did, you actual braindead retard
that was a custom map you moron
alright, thanks for the explanation. i was wondering what exile's reach even was. it made me a little confused when i didnt start in a regular area. so does this mean i can ignore a lot of the old story quests on newer characters unless im trying to unlock flying in the newer expansions or something?
we hereby excommunicate you and whatever fag you erped with from the order
t. highlord
you're not the highlord, my alt is the highlord
I hate that blizzard abandon these expansion features right away
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>dragonflight in tww
lolwtf if I were new and literally was stuck with the faggot dragons, I'd quit and never return
>New Player (Dragonflight)
>"Why are there so many faggots and trannies everywhere, I have to watch gay centaurs fucking each other's assholes and I can't skip it"
the only new players the game is getting are people who want to see that shit
doing your first dungeon and getting retards who think it's normal to be playing this game since vanilla is more likely to cause you to quit than some quest text nobody reads because they've already mixed 15 years of story.
Post more cute butt!
>check out hearthstone after a long time
>literal cemented even more then 4years now
>no one I know gives a fug about the upcoming diablo expansion

is this the only blizzard game that is remotely popular anymore? I don't know how overwatch 2 is doing
No, Classic is.
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While I agree it was terrible writing, I also think that considering what Arthas actually did to Sylvanas out of pure malevolence, it really isn't that out of line for her to act like that.

>killed her
>raises her as a banshee because she pissed him off
>forces her to kill her own people, making them watch their beloved ranger-general slaughter them
>had loaded her body in one of the meat wagons, intending on catapulting it over the wall into silvermoon
>desecrates the sunwell
>then proceeds to genocide the high elves because she really pissed him off
Wow was always their most important game, ow had a chance but they fucked it.
>>check out hearthstone after a long time
>>literal cemented even more then 4years now
what happened to hearthstone now?
I mean no it was starcraft and then diablo 2 before (I'm old) but yeah the past decades its been the case
So OW is also now fucked?
Pitty, do "blizzard" fans nowadays exist anymore? back then there was a lot of people that just play blizzard games, is it just wow now?
>I mean no it was starcraft and then diablo
NTA but they killed all the competeive scene with that youtube only streams and they shifted the card design to everything being hyper consistent aggro or combo deck
control and attrition stop become a thing and a lot of people that played those style of decks also quit like trump and so on
Based and nothing wrong. Elves are troons.
>is it just wow now?
pretty much, they burned bridges with all the shitty decisions over the years and the obsession with (((e-sports)))
if you go by steam numbers as a sample size OW and diablo 4 are about as popular as they've ever been compared to a year ago
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elves? no thank you
*drops radioactive debris on teldrassil*
OW2 is still popular but in that generic GAAS way
nobodyā€™s particularly hyped about it but it still has players and makes money
itā€™s insane how much Blizz fucked up with that franchise
i dont know about ow but diablo 4 being as popular as a year ago is not good remembering that state of the game
I Was Just Another Flat-chested Westfall Farmgirl, Then A Teleporter Accident Made Me The Shado-Pan's Bustiest New Recruit
Well first of all it's just hypocritical coming from sylvanas, this bitch just went on a rampage and was instantly forgiven on the spot. Second, it's not just sylvanas, even jaina dismissed the arthas whisp.

It's the principle of the whole thing. Arthas was a piece of shit so i don't know if he even could be redeemed, but the fact cunts like sylvanas can be redeemed, illidan can be forgiven, void elves brought in, eredar brought in, we even ally with azshara etc, is all possible and fine but they couldn't even give the arthas send off an acting voice role? Reprehensible storytelling.
male drae? no thank you
* https://x.com/DrChrisCombs/status/1804638579307794441 *
So is the only good zone in tww hollowfalls?
Every video I watched just talks about that zone and the black amputee and never about any other zone
There's also the small fact that Arthas had his soul stolen and was under the control of The Lich King at the time of his actions with Sylvanis. No matter how hard they try to retcon it with awful books and gaslighting.
Yeah why does that get brushed over, but Sylvanas having the literal same thing happen to her with her soul being split is the reason why she gets to be "redeemed?"
dorn is generic but the other 3 are all kino
>people still taking the lore seriously and crying about retcons when they retconned the be-all end-all lore book within a month of its release and every single fucking patch seems to retcon something
Lorefags deserve ridicule.
hope so good to hear
WoW's lore has been a never ending series of retcons since TBC so I don't know why anybody ever took anything seriously in the first place.
Nobody has ever known what they were doing or what they wanted with the plot. Not a single writer.
The Diversity Chart character was specifically placed because they knew it would spark discourse. Hallowfall is the place that has the most character and hearkens back to the "Dark Fantasy" that Warcraft was, to some. It's not that the other zones are bad per sƩ, much rather it's that Hallowfall is much more poignant and gains additional attention because of Faerin.
I love draenei
is the half-orc only confined to one zone?

To be fair, following the lore of WoW and how it is treated and changed over time may as well be a PhD level course in learning how not to treat a narrative. In many other fields they still teach some of the most tremendous disasters in an industry to show people why things aren't done a certain way and what it can result in. So there is technically a reason to follow and care about WoW lore still, just not for the reasons one would ever typically follow the lore.
Also thanks make sense i guess
Yeah. That character is the best and coolest design Blizzard has come up with according to experts on Twitter and YouTube. We don't need to see anything else, we love her and will buy her expansion.
Because she's a woman chud, and you can't hold wahmen accountable for anything EVER.
>wahmen pedophile
cute and sexy
>wahmen serial killer
cute and sexy
>wahmen hitler
cute and sexy
>wahmen homosexual
cute and sexy
>wahmen ftm tranny
cute and sexy
>wahmen cannibal
cute and sexy
wowo wawa
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b-bobobaba... king of mmos..
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She's my wife now
Where's that tabard from?
silver hand really needs to stop redesigning their tabards it's not even silver anymore
valunei is mine, you're not even a paladin you filthy mutt
from the quest hes doing, its called the tabard of the tyr's guard
Fine ill take Glania of the blessed ones
Guys I turned off all health bars unless I clock on mobs/characters, but I still see some bars appear occasionally. Is that a bug or is the game telling me they clicked on my character to inspect?
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>elemental shaman with 4 set+deeply rooted elements
god ZAMN im fucking GOONING
this shit is fucking SICK
They let just about anyone in these days
I just fucking LOVE friendship between EVERYBODY and having 0 conflict or anything interesting happening between factions!!!!!!
already missing glania so much
The thought of playing Shaman is always better than the reality.
she is in tww
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Sorry brother, she's already slobbering on my knob.
it's not amazing but still better than bfa. levelling in dragonflight is pretty chill and you can also do dungeons with npcs (actual npcs not low iq people)
Me too. Everyone knows an interesting story and world is one where the only conflict is between abstract cosmic entities and the only character goals and motivations are to either lust after an abstract cosmic force or to protect it
where? i'm not on the beta
she survived dalaran and you can see her fishing in the new capital city
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I will follow her anywhere, even into a void god's asshole.
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best part of 3 hours for 1 jade forest world drop. if you're planning to get these then don't leave it last minute.
nice community you got here wowbucks
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Can I help?
>survives a disaster
>immediately starts fishing again
love her so much
what if she fishes to cope....
what happened to her in her past that she's been fishing nonstop all these years.....?
Always room for more.
blizzard should delete m+
I'm holding out for ensembles.
>lf draenei
wtf do you think happened to her in the past anon
gee anon i wonder
>1 thing happened to her 25,000 years ago and she's still upset
okay she needs to stop being such a drag. we've all got problems.
Is she going to need cleaning up? How about you?
them leaving the mode for dead for 2 months / them adding ensembles in the last week or so both sound equally retarded and so could both happen. I like the outdoor grinding so I'll do that, but I hate repeating the raids over and over.
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There will be plenty to clean off her face, yours too.
I'd rather it went in somewhere to be honest... Why waste it?
why does wow feel like an out of shape nagging wife you've been married to for 20 years
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these guys are camping players on a world quest lol how fucking disgusting is this playerbase
>turn on pvp mode
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>jolly shitposting on wra trade chat for once
>zoomer tries to derail with political slop
>tell him to shut up
>this happens
why are belf paladins like this
you literally signed up for this
they are in a duo the priest is healing the warlock there is no way i can do any damage to them how is this fair
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>That feel when no horde gf
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leave them 2 me
Present it for me, and I'll make a deposit wherever you need.
unironically because they are latrino and have a sub 80 iq
quite literally built for hung human men desu
Fembelves femtrolls femdead femcows femperas femorcs femnightborne
You really thought what was wrong was the futa thing didn't you
I like all of those except femtrolls. Also add femgoblins to the list. If you made me choose a top 3 I'd go Fembelves, fempera, femnightborne.
What do you mean?
government mandated harronir gfs soon
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shattrath is literally a ruin full of refugees
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I think you know where!
Quite literally for anyone and everyone else.
who is this dude?
worgen men it is then
one of the nether dragons that relocate to the dragon isles from outland
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The dog and I are going to spitroast you.
i did hc raids. i did+10s on time. prepatch is in like month. why would i grind more of useless gear?
I have to do my dailies on Remix. And hopefully get into a decent SoO Heroic raid. I think today I'm going to try making my own.
Do The Angler dailies on my monk, and yes, that includes the three daily fish quests.
And I think that's it for today.

What are your guys' to-do list look like?
people said the same shit to me last patch at 490 ilvl im just parroting really but ive been 520+ since week 4 or some shit, havent had an upgrade in 4 vaults, got my axe this week tho so thats nice
Netherwing dragon from outland. You ran into him in shadowmoon valley, he was one of the main npcs that you had to do quests for so you could farm netherwing rep
finished remix 2 weeks ago without single aoe or lesser charm farm. finished raids and m+i wanted. just cleaning bags and some side achivs i put off whole expansion. then i am set for tww
grinding the shuffle ladder
been sitting in a que 32 minutes
also watching a long form youtube video while i wait
you dont need 520 for 10s and hc raids. did fine with 515. no point in grinding stupid crests for nothing or giving shit about vault. didnt do single m+ for over month
Gobbo huntard or Gnomo huntard?
Gobbo and she makes highly dangerous or illegal firearms and bombs and then sucks my dick.
child gnome who loooves to play with her pets
also, marksmaam or beastiality?
That sounds like fun!
None of their games are popular anymore, even their latest shit was a quickly forgotten mobile game, some long time players try to milk views out of them but their prime time is long gone.
Especially with WoW.
Taking a break from retail and remix and rp/erping with fundead women
Got filtered by SOTE so Im taking a break from that too so my heart doesnt explode from anger
It sure does. A tasty, throbbing treat from one end and a solid, powerful knot on the other. Pumping you full of warm, sticky batter while you're suspended helplessly between.
Report him. Not because you're le moral highground, but simply to troll him. He's a faggot retard sperging out, this guy is calling you a timerunner as if it's an insult lmao, he's acting like leveling is some kind of achievement and you're inferior for not grinding it on retail with dungeon spam.
Spergs like this deserve to get fucked with. He said the word shit multiple times so that alone will get him flagged. Just hit that report button and laugh.
>blood elf paladin
all you needed to say desu
always played by the blackest negros
Starting to sound like a date.
Is this real lmao? Wow is woke?
i didnt say you did i was just giving you shit man
marks is actually kinda fun
beast isnt
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>playing shuffle at 2200 mmr
>sweatiest fucking games of my life
>literally sweating
>every game has a lock/devoker
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Why isnt there a chieftain class (tank + pets with warrior vibe and buffs).
>Trial of honor: when you slay an elite non-demon, non-undead enemy you get to convert up to X units of that race to your warband. You cannot convert races of the opposite faction.
Like you slay Hogger and then you can get some gnolls to follow you afterwards. Thats badass and fun. Mobs would be leveled and buffed by the chieftain (which by its own would be a shit warrior with lots of hp).
Trees: Warchief (Based on buffs), Overseer (Based on pets), Destroyer (more solo power). Can use plate and either 2-handed or dual wield weapons.
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because blizzard abandoned the absolute kino aspect of the Orcish Horde to instead allow Legolas the blood elf paladin to play the "evil" faction
I love playing goblins in every game except this one, because they gave them the retarded clown feet.
Alliance could have the "general" version. Same crap. Or just call it warlord or something. Its cool AF.
You could go further and add more complexity so you can choose an hybrid class. Like Warlock + Mage = Sorcerer (base mage tree, one of warlock trees). There should be an handicap or penalty of some sort though like extended casting time or a plain cut to the trees (its a bitch to balance).
Guess I just have to fish for the next 2 hours of my life and then all I have left for the doggy mount is timegated shit.
The good old guild wars way: your spell slots are limited but you can change them at the trainer.
reddit pupper doggo cheevo is good way to filter out subhumans
>Stack mastery, chaos bolt AOE + Arcane surge
Yeah only subhumans won't have the heckin doggo
You literally need to redesign the base tree or something.
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Legion really was meant to be the end of WoW, wasn't it?
>Illidan gets a dindu nothing retcon and saves the day
>Kiljaden and Sargeras finally dealt with
>Turalyon and Alleria at last return to help us

Feels like everyting that happened afer it was just filler as well

>Metzen comes back
>more or less picks off where Legion ended, focusing on Alleria & Turalyon and the giant fucking sword
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What the fuck bros.. just why?
Legion should have been the end.
It was the perfect time to introduce WoW 2 or whatever, but they blew their chance.
Why do they stop the mechazation at the end of the limbs, instead of giving themselves a water jet cutter and bomb dispenser?
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Legion felt like it was the culmination of the entire worlo series, where every class unlocks its full potential by gathering all their strongest companions and wielding the mightiest artifacts known to exist, all in the final showdown against the big bad of warcraft universe which is the burning legion.

The game should've ended there, it is quite clear, and i unironically without the shred of irony and 100% believe that The End Times treatment (the bad guy wins and destroys everything) like in warhammer fantasy would've been MUCH MORE PREFERED than continuing this abomination of story any further.
Kino swimming animations
Pick one. Pump for your queen.
isnt aos a continuum of whfb? if thats the case that doesnt really work out but im not super familiar with the setting
i like 40k alot more
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Says here in the book that alliance human players always vanish deep into the woods to meet with some mag'har futa. Is this true?
They also had a chance with SL, J-lor loses but his "plan" worked and everything is changed coming back to Azeroth.
Or they could have played with time dilation between Azeroth & Shadowlands, after the events the heroes come back and huge amount of time have gone since they entered
we let stony tony down, bros...
nah, you accidentally picked up a fanfic
do you really want the writers who gave you sneedolands and dragonflight to have carte blanche to completely erase all the old lore so they can give you their original masterpiece
ngl bros once you have decent ilvl gear the game is comfy and almost fun
why the fuck did they make the trailer a 20 minute journey of a random trash mob
I have all her vids saved
RBGs will not fix it
can't make it a cool action trailer because that's problematic chud shit
can't make it a real story because danuser's ability to write is around the same level of coherence as a 7 year old
so just make a trailer where nothing happens, that's the new norm

I mean, is there a better summation of everything wrong with current WoW PVP? It's a minigame that's treated like this HOLY ARC of game mechanics because of it's age and uniqueness.

Blizzard needs to stop taking it so seriously and focus on making PVP fun and accessible.
Thats why they're adding a new bg and solo rbgs in tww. Fuck arena
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honestly thats fine i dont like bgs
ill do them for ez conquest but not much past that
dev and aug need to be nerfed to extinction in pvp and warlock is just incredibly good in the hands of seasoned player in general
look at my damage compared to the other team
i did 200k less than them COMBINED and the fagdragon did as much as the warrior on his own
this shit is fucking crazy dude
If you think about it Sneedolands was pretty much Age of Sneedmar
Big numbahs=almonds activated
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For Pandaria remix; Can I make create a character, level it to 70, get 100k bronze, buy stuff, delete it then do it over and over again until I get everything I want or is there a delete/creation limit?
you don't need to delete, you can just keep making characters
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>planet explodes and everyone dies
>game over
>roll credits
more classes need the ability to avoid cc
ideally they would throw all the previously spec locked cc back into their respective trees and revert the cc nerfs and trinket buffs so that a setup comp actually has a chance instead of zugging to win
that would fix alot of the problems the game has accumulated in the last expansion alone
and whether you like it or not pvp gear should be a viable alternative to pve gear to drive participation, i think participation would double if the conquest gear was heroic track instead of champ
the rest of the issues come down to half ass UIs which blizzard should have done something about 15 years ago, why exactly do i need to see 20 fucking procs and passives under an enemy frame? the only things that should be visible are pertinent debuffs and dispellable buffs, uhdks are a particularly bad offender as far as debuffs go, when im playing uhdk i dont even look for my wounds because i know it will take too long to parse the information im looking at, its the most redundant bullshit that boils down to "notcombopoints" so im reduced to calculating how many times ive recently festering striked which doesnt even work that well.
The developers should also make bigdebuffs and nameplatebuffs baseline with a fuckhuge debuff over the target when they're ccd, in pertinent cooldowns, or damage reductions/immunities, and i can tell when the healer im playing with isnt using bigdebuffs because ill sit full duration ccs the entire match and they're oblivious.
if you unleashed an MoP class to fight all the legion classes in a 1v12 normalized stats it'd wipe the floor with them.
they might as well be doing that already with all the lore raping they do
im gonna resub...
even if they "fixed" pvp participation wouldn't go up, because there's no reason to do pvp when the only rewards are inaccessible to the majority of the playerbase
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this but unironically
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At this point I'm just impressed this guy has killed himself
wish I knew green farming would be the bottleneck not bronze farming. need to take 3 characters through siege mythic to loot all the exclusive greens.
>hunter for ranged weps
>warrior (maybe pala) for all melee weps + shields
>a caster for daggers + offhands
now that doesn't involve maxing their gear or even upgrading it but there are so many world drop greens which can take hours each I may as well
wowhead put up an article about weapon ensembles so it's likely bllizzard will capitulate
Can you all shut up and start talking about streamers
hope so
Fuck the alliance, that's why
There is literally 0 reason to go above 2100 rating dont even sweat it bro, its really not worth the stress
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whats the deal with this shit why is our guy max shilling it?
Do they have orcs?
wtf I want to play as the hammerhead shark guy on middle right
they have lion people
chinks dont like ugly races
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How long until the Pandaren heritage armor?
>hammerhead shark
anon, it's a human with a giant hammer...
If my head canon is correct then this game was China's version of WoW Mobile that was cancelled and reworked because of the Netease - Blizzard termination that happened during COVID. So Netease repurposed the assets, gave it a new name, and here we are.
Shark Man would've been cool
It's like WoW but chill, combat and button pressing feels good.
you dont believe this do you?
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I will do what Pa'valak could not *klklick*
so is there a location in Azeroth that's now a giant Sargeras hand print?
Slow down, life is to be savored.
I tried it earlier today.
I can't believe people hype these retards up
the only old ones bugs that are neat are the qiraji because the females have rocking hot tits
It's okay to enjoy games other than wow anon
Spiders > Mantis > zerglings
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Why did she say she would never serve if she has, in fact, only ever served?
You're supposed to clap.
She didn't know she was serving.
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I would clap but i am not allowed to make noise while tyrone fucks my hotwife in the next room
She likes the character Jaina btw and says she's literally her
How could she not know that she was serving?
You mean Taurone?
she's very stupid
she was talking about serving at cracker barrel
the only reason korkron war wolf and cm sets aren't available for 5k bronze each rn is because they're deciding whether to put them on remix vendors or trading post
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for me it's sylvanas's pre-fight dialogue talking to the players as if we were interacting with her the whole expansion and she wasn't just cooped up in torghast talking to anduin, where her dialogue also doesn't make sense because she does nothing to show him the injustice of the afterlife since he's been trapped in a little bubble the whole time
nah, slopmix is just them testing the waters to see how far they can pump their MAUs with low effort recycled content
those will be saved for another future MAU-padding event when the content drip gets really THICC
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Taurone and Ja'mal take turns on her plumpy white girlboss ass, but then she gets tired and i have to suck the man fluids out of their big pipes. We lie down and cuddle together afterwards and read Christie Golden novels. It's a shame those chud incel doomposters have to ruin such a good mood with their negativity.
One of the guys who got laid off last year all but confirmed that the higher ups forbade them from killing Sylvanas.
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When the expansion drops, will it be possible to cross-realm AH?
crafting mats are already cross realm
90% of shit on the AH has been region wide for years now
nice post, I feel like I've read the entire thing before a hundred times this week alone.
I wonder can you articulate what you actually want from WoW? without saying any of the following unhelpful drivel:
>no borrowed power
>no chores
>no systems
>no grinds
>no gimmicks
>no gear treadmill
>no braindead content
>no recycled content
>no shoehorned content
>no tacked-on content
>no low-effort content
>no filler content
>no new class (balance the existing ones!!!)
>no tinker it would be the WORST class I would QUIT if it was added
>no pruning
>no catering to the 1%
>no pandering
>no gatekeeping
>no RNG
>no timegating
>no choreghast
>no snoreghast
>no boreghast
>no [something] 2.0
>no welfare legendaries
>more fun and rewarding content
>more evergreen content
>more bite-size content
>more casual content
>more meaningful content
>more streamlined content
>more world content
>more focus on server community
>more focus on guilds
>more customisation
>more player agency
>more meaningful loot
>more deterministic gearing
>more unique classes
>better balance
>better class parity
>better class utility
>better character progression
>nerf FotM classes
>make levelling meaningful
>more hardcore content
>make epics feel like epics
>bring back real treasures
>bring back real rares
>bring back flavor abilities
>bring back old school RPG aspects
>bring back dailies
>bring back world PvP
>bring back flying
>bring back outdoor difficulty
>playable san'layn
>playable undead elves
>playable half elves
>playable high elves (real ones)
>dark ranger class
>more blood elf lore
>quel'thalas revamp
>give lor'themar more time in the spotlight
>remove factions so I can play alliance blood elves or horde void elves
Unplayable vulpera
I want more blood elf lore (specifically Kael declaring Lor'themar king)
This!!! In addition to the playable ones.
I want more racial themed content like heritage armor. Particular, racial skins for classes ie apothecary themed undead priests
Kael is dead. He was already a meme by magisters terrace
>a formal acknowledgement of the tiananmen protest and massacre of 1989
>a formal acknowledgment of the existence of the nation state of Taiwan and its rightful claim of the chinese mainland
>a blanket condemnation of the chinese state and people
>a full refund of all services rendered since 2005
delves should've been randomized roguelike dungeons instead of "regular dungeons but there's puzzles"
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No, if I have item X that sells for 1,000 gold on my real but sells for 10,000 on another, can I use the bumder Warband to achieve this?
Anon they added cross realm trading months ago too
you can already do that shit, individual server price is meaningless even for the 5% of items that aren't region wide on the AH
>Kael is dead
yeah I know, I hung out with him in the Shadowlands
>d4 dead
it just had the most popular recovery since launch you absolute spastic d00mer
>There is literally 0 reason to go above 2100 rating dont even sweat it bro, its really not worth the stress
its about the glory, and the purple sticker next to my character on third party website, going to get some amphetamines tommorow to push through it
i VILL be part of the mighty 300 retpalas above 2.4 in shuffle
Shouldve stayed that way after merely a setback
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You need more than one account to trade items between realms. Each Auction House is unique to that realm; ergo prices are different and fluctuate due to the demand and population.
he is dead anon
sneedolands is where dead people live
the guy needs to be shot tho, unironically
ur retarded mate
everything that isn't gear is region wide on the AH
for gear it's well known that you just use oribos exchange to find the cheapest one and use a friend to buy it on that realm
pandaren heritage will come after the pandaren model update trust the plan sirs
blizzard has not forgotten us, just look at mopmix!
I can be your middle man you can totally trust me bro Im not a jew or anything haha just like helping people like you!
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You are fucking retarded. I just said that. Of course I'm talking about an item like gear. Again, I'm asking that with the use of Warbands, will it be more seamless to engage in cross-realm trading without two accounts / a friend?

i cant hate this fucking sentence enough
fuck modern wow
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Do I upgrade my character or buy the tusks?
>will a feature made for trading account bound items more easily allow you to trade non account bound items????
maybe if you weren't a 0 iq fucking monkey people wouldn't have to treat you like one you fucking ape
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A little on the nose, isn't it?
Are you an archaeologist? Because I have a large bone for you to examine. please respond
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I'm a librarian. Lower your tone when you're talking to me (because this is a library and we need to be quiet).
you skip the tusks early to upgrade your gear so you can farm bronze faster to buy the tusks
they weren't kidding about other thread, you can't get an answer to questions about the game at all.
Not your personal google.
how did you manage to make your worgen look that fucking gay
right, you're nothing at all
Nobody plays the game, images are from reddit etc.
>instant seethe indirect reply
>evoker presses his movement ability
>is basically immune to fucking everything until it ends
wow epic nice
Why would anyone choose to play mechagnomes over regular ones?
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>Ratchet and Clank is my favorite game series
>King Mechagon is literally just the fantasy version of this guy (complete with voice)
I shouldā€™ve played BfA sooner
ya its a horseshit class and im really surprised they dont have some kind of bubble
the class needs to be pushed into the dirt so far it can never be brought back to the light of day
worthless nigger class only the gayest faggots play
looks like sasuke uchiha
sir please must have expansion selling feature sir
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forgot pic
hell is where dead people live irl btw
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Thanks doc
detatchable penis and lockpicking.
hell is fictional anon
im going to book you a new vacation home if you dont shut the fuck
hahaha you wish it was, my friend.
they basically named this nigga doctor evil
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
Yep this ones going on my "never ever" list until they disable cross realm
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Read this you fucking room temperature FUCKWIT.
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i like the bm hunter rework, looks very different
>Are you a bronze dragon? Because you just made my heart skip a beat.
See? Was looking it up yourself that hard? Now fuck off and never ask a retarded question again you nigger.
isnā€™t this the guy from dota 2?
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Yep, you never even knew lmao what a bugbrain
Heroes, you're alive! I brought help...
gas all monk players
gas all evoker players
gas all pandaren players
gas all gnome players
gas all mechagnome players
gas all vulpera players
>Fat Retarded Autistic Balding Elderly Obese Foul-Smelling Gray-Haired Piece Of Shit Hideous Orc says: Bimbelf! I must ask-
>Bimbelf says: Fat Retarded Autistic Balding Elderly Obese Foul-Smelling Gray-Haired Piece Of Shit Hideous Orc! I've brought you here to ask-
Bimbelf pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Fat Retarded Autistic Balding Elderly Obese Foul-Smelling Gray-Haired Piece Of Shit Hideous Orc erupts in laughter.
>Bimbelf says: Did we just?
>Fat Retarded Autistic Balding Elderly Obese Foul-Smelling Gray-Haired Piece Of Shit Hideous Orc says: We did. Want to get married?
>Bimbelf says: More than anything. I love you.
>Fat Retarded Autistic Balding Elderly Obese Foul-Smelling Gray-Haired Piece Of Shit Hideous Orc says: And I, you. More than anything.
Evokers already got gassed in their starting zone and they survived that
cope harder christcuck
>cm set with tabard of the lightbringer and cloudsong glaive
What causes this to happen? Aren't there far better and more prestigious tabards to wear with those items, at least?
gas paladin and demon hunters while you're at it too
>gas all monk players
monks are with you on all the other ones tho but we should add worgen to the mix
Being washed up but not the good kind of washed up player
thank you for the offer of a vacation home, but I'm happy with my permanent residence waiting in the other place
monk players are chads
Astounding! Another chamber
>the entirety of wowg dies
only ret paladins
holy and prot are in enough pain as it is
I've heard nothing of this emperor. Meng the DEMENTED?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
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I accept your concession.
Subetai the Swift did nothing wrong. He fairly taxed the rich.
What were the other Emperors' economic policies like?
Meng's weimar republic was snuffed out of the annals of history
A well scripted exchange, but we are not fooled.
Oh no, no no no!
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ret paladin, wwmonks, and havoc dhs are gods gift to the wow player base
best learn to show some respect their ladies.
Lorewalker Cho was so fucking based
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I like leveling in this game but theres too few classes and it feels like Ive played them all a million times I wish there were class skins or something so leveling felt a little different at least (and let me change my xp rate so I can set it lower to enjoy questing more)
I got a 10 day ban because someone was saying he didn't like that as a warlock, he had to stand still to cast. So I suggested playing affliction as it's mostly instants. He didn't want to do that, and started complaining again. I suggest maybe another class would be suited to what he wanted and he reported me. I didn't swear and I didn't insult. 10 day ban for suggesting he try a new class.

Had the account deleted for good. I'm free. Good luck with your gay shit going forward.
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>I'm free.
For as long as you're compelled to post about the game and how you're "free" from it, you will never actually be free.
Fair point.
I was here to see if there was going to be a reason to reactivate the account and stop the deletion, but looking at the thread there isn't. Everything I loved about the warcraft universe is gone.
rets are the whiniest little bitches ever. cry and cry that they arent top dps(until they are) while having unrivaled utility and self sustain
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You broke the social contract sweaty, oof, that's a yikes from me.
Next time think about your actions before you act up like that.
we arent top of the meter
and we need a damage buff unironically
ret sustain is easily rivaled by anyone with a considerable amount of leech, you have to trade damage for healing on ret you dont on havoc, sp or any of the other ones
we're unironically weak is fuck
ya im thinkin' we need a buff
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>there's an actual tranny posting his selfies in the og thread
wouldnt be the first time
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Retail status?
causing endless seethe
I can't afford a token...
I got a 2 week ban once when that Naxx secret shit came out and some guy was seething over me trying to sell some of the crafting recipes/crafted items with my advertisements I was posting every 10-15 minutes in trade chat. Every time I made a post he would try to argue at me asking why it was so expensive and why would anyone pay for such low resolution garbage, chose to ignore him but I guess he just spam reported me and then I got banned
Every time someone tells one of these stories there's a 100% chance that they called the other person slurs and the fact that your bans were longer than 1 day means it was not your first time (because bans, even for blatantly saying NIGGER in general chat, work on a strike system and aren't just instantly 10 days or 2 weeks.)
I love warwithin, i am going to marry it!
No you're right theres totally no way the report system can be abused, robo-rajindahar can totally look over every report and make the right call
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did you tell "her" "she" was cute and heckin valid, sis?
also we told you zeev was the tranny game
you didnt believe us
you reap what you sow after all
Prove that there is. Get someone 2 week banned without cause right now. It's so easy so just do it.
why do they always pick the swarthiest, most incompetent street-shitters they can find for customer service
i swear it's a humiliation act at this point
give me your character name and i will get you banned
making zeev troons piss and shit their pants and posting selfies to put off their inevitable rope date
>forgot to do my dailies in remix yesterday
it's over
these companies often go with the lowest bid on contracts, and most of the ones with a spec of competency do h1b visas, which just leaves the "YARS SARR PLEEZ DO THUH NEEDFUL AN PLEEZ SARR JUSS TYPE INTO YUR INTERNETS BROWSER DUBYOO DUBYOO DUBYOO DOT DUBYOO OH DUBYOO AICH EE AY DEE DOT CUM THANKS YOU SARR"
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im so burnt out on it that i dont think i have it in me to grind out the rest of the expensive mounts/toys and finish townlong but i did everything else
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I want to plap elf tits.
imagine if blizzard had the balls to make BM the melee spec like it should be instead of leaving it the range catmom shitter spec
I managed to get all the garrosh items, meta achievements and the mounts I really wanted. I'll probably fuck around rping in stormwind for a week or so before going back.
Though zooming through dungeons as a havoc with 266% movement speed is fun as fuck
el-une's chosen people
your broke ass can only afford a goblin
Who doesn't?
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>*Flexes my Rolex*
I want to unload all over an elf's face.
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It's happened to multiple streamers multiple times.
Prove it
I just made another ret pally and thought of swapping them to be my main in TWW since dark irons more meta for pvp than belves now that m+ cucks ruined arcane torrent, feels like shit playing my retoilet paladin now after the remix one that has blink and retarded amounts of speed and haste
HoTS team was hired by riot years ago
Hit up goonshire I'm sure there's a few dogfuckers there
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pulled from reddit.


Now pretend you're going to actually listen instead of defending the multi-billion dollar company. You're such a faggot.
>getting top damage as mm hunter in ah gear
this shit is even more OP than it looks
it's just that most hunters are absolute shitters
>faggot furry on an RP realm with non RP name
against the rules
>a silence
not a ban
>a silence
not a ban
shows no bans
>literal pinned comment is "yeah I got banned for real reasons actually BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER OKAY LOOK AT THIS REDDIT POST!!!"

try harder faggot
Oh no, a lovers quarrel!
honestly I played a bit of ffxiv yesterday and today
I have realized that all the soulful people went there
in WoW you'll occasionally see the type of player who put some thought into his character, his tmog, his name, etc.
but on FFXIV that's everyone

in WoW no one sits on benches
everyone is on their god damned fucking mounts all the time
everyone is fucking ugly and they have no taste
ffxiv players may be trannies but at least they try to look like real women ingame
it's just crazy how much more alive the game feels
going back to WoW feels better gameplay wise (ffxiv is literally a console game) but the playerbase is so much worse
if you're interacting with people outside of your guild for social activity, you are ngmi
>in WoW no one sits on benches
>everyone is on their god damned fucking mounts all the time
because people are actually playing the game
because we can actually mount in cities unlike final fags
>we can actually mount in cities
yea well maybe they shouldn't allow it anymore
I fucking hate it when I'm sitting on the bench and some tauren retard clips through my character with his massive mount
>they should make the game worse for no reason other than to sate my absolutely loony troon insane autism
>sitting on benches makes you a tranny
back in my day trannies sat on the fence in goldshire regardless of the server
Yes. Any other questions?
lol this isn't true at all. FFXIV players all have the same mog and it's always pure black or pure white. Absolutely no other colors.
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Are we playing frost dks?
my sub runs out in 3 days and i am moving to taris land
goodbye sisters, I leave you to bicker with that other game over which one is infested with trannies more and which one will die first
see you in 2 months sis
How can a company possibly think it is a good idea to cater to transgenders and feminists? They dont play your game, they only comment on it and force you to submit to their ideology. The actual player base are straight white men. As an investor in many companies, Blizzard is poison to Activision and Microsoft. These last 3 expansions will be the last 3. WoW 2 will not exist because all investors will jump ship once the final expansion releases in 2028.
>They dont play your game
So is the game full of troons or not?
Highest mount is actually lvl 500
Currently lv 380
Been doing exclusively pvp since mid season 1
uh yeah
wtf are you doing that for retard?
are you just sitting there looking at your character sitting on a bench?
wtf ARE you doing?
>The actual player base are straight white men.
90% of the players are chinks and spics
>celebrating black culture
>show a black person with a gun

very /pol/ of blizzard
uh for me
90% are bots
10% are troons
the actual number of players (muh 7 gorillion LMAO) is lesser than final fantasy, because unlike wow its a tranny game that is actually more appealing to trannies
>they are STILL buckbroken by 7 milly
Why are brs allowed to play on the human servers?
I'm playing on MG right now
Most of my friends play on Stormrage
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>Ummmm tank? They don't pull that in the MDI
>Tank doesn't clip up geometry properly and pulls 1 unnecessary pat
leave group time
esports have done irreparable damage to video games as a whole
I would like to try Tarisland but something about the art style is very off-putting to me. It reminds me of those fake ads for mobile games that all play like Travian while trying to scam you to purchase speed-ups and lootboxes.
it's art direction is genuinely dogshit. I'm downloading it right now to see if there's even a crumb of worthwhile gameplay in there but I don't have high hopes
Got to level 70
Do I need to finish the dragon isles campaign because it's terrible
in retail? fuck no
that death and decay shit is the most retardedly designed interaction in the game
im having fun on my cata classic frost dk though
it is repairable though

just leave to teach esports autists to stfu
keep doing it until they learn
see you tomorrow
My sub ran out today but I feel like it's not even worth resubbing till xpac drop.
>leveling dungeon
>tank makes us do some gay walljump to skip two packs
>takes the healer more than 60 seconds to make the jump
>have to kill one of the two packs anyways on the way back from the boss because it was never actually avoidable in the first place
>net time loss
what the fuck is wrong with speedrunfags
I once unironically had someone pull the 'if this was mythic you'd have been kicked' because I as the tank pulled a single wandering mob in a NORMAL dungeon. it wasn't even heroic.
I'm put off by the mobile game look of it but let us know if the game it's worth playing and I might give it a shot
that's mental illness, love
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>filtered by elden ring dlc
Make the next one a vupera thread
make me a vulpera

I don't like Vulpera right now
>investors will jump ship
you don't know about blackrock? investors are the ones pushing the agenda
First chara? yes you need to finish to unlock world quests I think.

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