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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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AI vidya cutscene edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous >>483064046
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gabe development
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Do you ever get one of those moments where you realize that an /agdg/ dev that you know through his most recent game actually made multiple old /agdg/ games that you had forgotten about and thought their devs had died?
Some dude with a cr*mble avatar just 1v4'd my team
I'm fucking killing myself
kek crumbleCHADS RISE UP
HAHAHAHAHAH you can't get away!
>Counter Shart
such is life as a slav
They live in coffin apparments so they can save money for their little NFTs so they can show off how "rich" they are to other slav(e)s who also live in coffin appartments saving all their money for the NFTs
Sad people.
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RPGMaker is too hard for me.
I think I've reach the age where my brain is too old to learn now things.
It's over.
I like it because I can have a full conversation with it and flesh out my ideas more thoroughly. I don't know enough to even know what exactly I'm looking for, so when I google I often find forum posts that look like they might be related but its just a bunch of deadends and unrelated rabbitholes.
I can't come up with enemies for a 3d magic game. Any ideas
no that's just rpg maker being unintuitive as hell.
What kind of game is it?
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i didn't submit to v3 but got 2 new collections = )
aggy will post shit like this then tell you not to play video games because "muh creative inbreeding" LUHMAO
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Its an action/adventure game. You play as a witch like picrel
Just read through the DnD design manual. There's millions of games like this, just steal their ideas.
what a beautiful madam, i am fan of your game dear
love from Mumbai
How do i game dev on a phone.
Im in a mental hospital and they took my laptop but i menaged to sneak in a phone in my vagina but rpgmaker isnt available on android i can only play rpgmaker games not make them.
What game development tool is available on android.
Also how does anyone know how i can charge a phone without a charging cable can i bend a paper clip so its straight and put one end in the socket and the other end in the charging port will that work?
floating eye monster that isn't called a beholder
possessed armor
possessed weapon
dwarf (evil)
elf (evil)
hello schizette, come to godot it has an android version
no you should not try to charge your phone with diy cables it's very dangerous dear
The interesting elements of a video game are supposed to come from its gameplay, not its world building and character design that youtubers can make 2 hour long lore deep dives on.
naked female skeleton
naked female zombie
naked female ghoul
naked female vampire
naked female homunculus
naked female gargoyle
naked female dragon
naked female goblin
naked female orc
naked female troll
naked female ogre
naked female floating eye monster that isn't called a beholder
naked female harpy
naked female mimic
naked female witch
naked female hag
naked female necromancer
naked female possessed armor
naked female possessed weapon
naked female animatronic
naked female dwarf (evil)
naked female elf (evil)
naked female barbarians
>not its world building and character design that youtubers can make 2 hour long lore deep dives on.
that's literally the only interesting thing you can have tho
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>elf (evil)
I would encourage you to actually play video games instead of watching youtubers and streamers play them and tell you what you're supposed to like.
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2 hour long deep dives are good and I would love for people to make them about my game world.

Here's some lore btw from my game world:

4 Sagely Elven Orders.
Air Realm: Yellow Sage
Water Realm: Blue Sage
Earth Realm: Green Sage
Fire Realm: Red Sage
I don't watch youtubers and streamers
Ruffian with a heart of gold.
>playing videogames over the age of 25
Unless it's BG3 tier miss me with that, it's just too easy to recognize the skinner box elements and drop the "game" now.
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>naked female skeleton
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I am never going to make this game, but I wish someone did.

>Mix of Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic & Industry Giant 2
>Basically, you have to build and supply everything yourself, but it's capitalistic, meaning your citizens will pay for your goods.
>You have to bring your citizens to the workplace, be it by letting them use their personal vehicles or by using your own public transport system. They have to be paid a wage (higher class workers = higher education but also higher wage)
>Different houses will invite different classes of citizens (poor, lower class, middle class, upper class, rich), which have different needs and will pay for more expensive items.
>For example, the demand for the item "gold jewelry" is only high when there are many upper class and rich people around, wheras poor people provide 0 demand.
>You also get money by charging rent or selling houses.
>Seasons dictate different demands, for example, meat is popular all year round, but summer clothes are only bought during summer times, and shovels are mostly bought during winter and spring.
>Possible needs with different thresholds depending on wealth level, when a citizen's need is low, they will go to the appropiate store to buy an item
>>Accessories (from handbags to jewelry)
>>Animal Protein (eggs, meat, fish)
>>Carbohydrate (bread, rice)
>>Household Items (dishes, cutlery, hygiene stuffs)
>>Household Appliances (microwave, washing machine)
>>Recreational Electronics (computer, radio, TV)
>>Toys (for households with children)
>>Personal Vehicles (bikes, cars, boats)
>>Pets (rabbits, dogs, cats)
>Citizens also have needs that can only be fulfilled (and paid for) through services that require items, as well
>>Handyman (stepladder, screwdrivers)
>>Mailman (needs to be connected to another city's mail service)
>>Cosmetic (barbershop)
>>Electrician (electric components)
>>Gyms (Sports Equipment)

The game would basically be a mix of heavy industry planning & city planning.
Why are there so few games set in caveman times? I want to play as grug
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perfect representation of the sub-80 IQ state of this general
Because it's boring when your only weapon choices are club, spike club, and spear.
Caveman dating sim when?
Why don't you go make your own genius-level MENSA IQ gamedev general then faggoy
what if you could throw the spear at a wall and use it as a platform
Now that the v3 dust has settled I want to say that I have some global criticism for /agdg/: male characters. You guys suck at making playable male characters and it's very important to have cool males if you want to appeal to most people.
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having a male character at all already puts you in the top 5% of /agdg/
I can only create women with wide hips and big tits. Sorry bro
dont reply to people trying to start shit
report him for off-topic & hide
>implying the concept of gender exists in my game world
Thats a male skeleton though.
Runa is so cute bros... I'm tired of working on my game alone every day.... I think I'm depressed.
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now it's goonable
You could have a magic system based on stone age superstitions though. Totems, spirits, weather dances, etc.
>report him for off-topic even though he's talking about the general
>nevermind the baronespam, the runaspam, the posters having a depressive meltdown contributing nothing related to gamedev
How do you guys fit gamedev into your schedule? Between working, sleeping, and my weekly goon sesh, I barely have more than an hour or two for hobbies.
Normies don't really care about cavemen and people who care about cavemen want niche historically accurate sims. It's the same reason why there aren't many games set in colonial American, or Pre-Columbian South America, or Khan-era Mongolia. The best you'll get is the established odd series doing a surface level exploration of those settings (a la Assassins Creed). The vast majority of people will keep gravitating towards what they already know they like, meaning generic fantasy/sci fi/cyberpunk settings.
I've been lurking for a while and there are like 5 guys with actual games, most posting is about some gay social shit or faggy cliques
Why would anyone WANT to be a man if they could choose?
People just cope because they cant actually change their gender if they had an actual choice to be reborn as an actual biological woman when they wake up tommorow everyone would take it.
I don't do anything else but make games
>mfw will never be in magic school flerting with young witches
sometimes i just don't see the point in breathing
I don't work. Mental disorders have their upsides in western countries.
It pains me deeply to think about how elf girls aren't real and never will be.
Madodev tech
can't believe that's the same girl...
i wish I could texture like this
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I want to be reborn as a man.
Nah your brain is just pumped full of corn syrup
Get a better diet and exercize
I probably exercise more and eat better than 99% of this thread.
>everything is broken
next demo day is going to be fun
>get reborn as a man
>in India
every time I think about the future I want to become a live leak protagonist. how do I fix? When the best case scenario just doesn't cut it... How do you cope?
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Okay agdg, give us your /v3 verdicts.
These are your categories, do write a motivation to make it more fun:


Feel free to add more categories to this post mortem.
Why are her legs 2 times longer than the rest of her body.
Is that Jiafei after a breast reduction.
Man is stronger and smarter.
kek fujosharts btfo
>Winners: Punch monkey, Dirk
>Losers: No one
>Funny: Crab
>Cringe: Too long russian skit
>OkayishbutIdunno: Reindeer quest
>Innercircle: Nortubel
>Cristier: No eggman
>Horny: Nortubel
>Nothorny:Balcan massacre
>Nothornyenough: Nortubel
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Oh, suddenly realistic anatomy matters?
very nice, are those boys or girls?
Winners: Dirk; Dynamage
Losers: Lil Red
Funny: Pomao's schizophrenic stroke
Cringe: Hypercoven; Cosmic Call
Cringekino: Mongol
OkayishbutIdunno: Healed to Death
Innercircle: Horbror and his underage girlfriend; God of the arena dungeon; Shrimp Game
Cristier: Project Nortubel (Negrosmell)
Horny: don't care
Nothorny: don't care
Nothornyenough: don't care
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Is there a nobler pursuit than delighting people with your games?
I don't remember enough of the trailers to give a full ranking. I liked the Dirk trailer a lot, and the funniest trailer was probably Citizen Kane 64. I agree with the other anon that that one Russian trailer was just awful. I get that he's like a lolcow or something, but at some point there needs to be a bar for minimum submission quality.
Feedback on the show itself: I like having the Squilchan bits between groups of trailers, but the running story between them made no sense even as someone who has watched past v/3/s. I preferred the last one where they were at a convention and there was actually some sort of running narrative to follow. This time around it felt like the animated bits were there just because the creators felt like they had to put something in without a clear idea of why they were doing it. The crab bit was funny at least.
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>Horbror and his underage girlfriend
horbror because he made the ost for half the show
the ones who did not submit. i partially regret it
the crab and the girl parroting agdg memes were mildly enjoyable
the russian skitzobabble at the end. what the fuck. too long.
asciimonvo had a badass song + funny meta commentary but the game itself is still... asciimonvo
i guess pomao?
the nortubel brown goddesses
cosmic call
>Man is stronger
Guns exist knives exist a woman can end your life in a single good strike no matter how much you lift.
This is a myth that was created by restricting women from learning and forcing them to go cook and clean.
Nowadays women greatly outnumber men in highter education.
no, do you? what dev are you thinking of?
Why did you reply to you own post
fighting world hunger, cancer, homelessness, etc
eceleb stuff is the reason i don't post here anymore u_u
wtf? i didn't
I miss Tomo. Asciimonvo is fine but I want more Immersive 3D RPGs
he's working hard with godot
Not sure where this is coming from, but it's not true. I could not imagine anything worse. Do you guys realize how actually stupid and uninteresting young people mostly are? There are exceptions, yes, I am specifically mentioning you young anon who is getting mad.
I;m thinkin about thos godots
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Nigga existence as a woman is suffering. You are a slave to your hormones even more. You're weaker, you're more neurotic, you have a much lesser capacity for self-reliance, you have an expiration date, you are inherently limited and are basically a prisoner of your own existence
that's not saying much
Russian trailer was not a trailer, it was a part of the shitpost section, thus intentionally bad. If it was funny or not is still up for criticism, but a trailer it was not.
Citizen Kane was (unfortunately) not an actual trailer either.
you sound awfully defensive
i just thought it was funny in a dreadful way that's why i replied with the memeface i didnt believe it
is cobbee more potent on a empty stomach?
Not really, I just enjoy the online banter. If anything, responding will pour gasoline on the fire which I do enjoy.
hunting through my code to figure out where I put that forgotten UE_LOG debug message that keeps printing to the console
Not really, it's not like alcohol. Although the acidity can upset your stomach if you drink it without eating anything.
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Progress: made some progress yesterday.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
Dirk mogged the entire /v/3 lineup so hard it's not even funny
I love you Damaskus
never give up
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The happy guys that just want to make a fun game

The intelligent guys that love a good puzzle

The soulless corporate monsters that turned games into movies
As someone who is a part of that lineup I kinda agree, but not wholeheartedly. Dirk is such an amazing project with such clear intent and integrity. Still, different projects operate in different fields. I would still give big fucking kudos to Spare hands and Dynamage.
Been following the game that is turning into Dynamage for a couple of demodays. It is unfolding very nicely.
finally horbror no longer holds the monopoly on non-autistic music
where are the sexi female
basterd bich
>You are a slave to your hormones even more.
Just take birth controll
>You're weaker
As i said before guns exist its not caveman days when your muscles mattered
>you're more neurotic
Not really.
>you have a much lesser capacity for self-reliance
Nobody has capacity for self-reliance thats what society is for
If i dropped a random man in the woods tommorow and he had to build his own shelter find his own food etc. he would die
>you have an expiration date,
Everyone does both women and men
Overall the positives outweight the negatives definitely.
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>You are a slave to your hormones even more.
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fujosharts out
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you think I'm joking? If you transformed into a woman right now your cognitive ability would drop by such a margin that your first reaction would be incredible frustration at the fact you were lobotomized just like that. You would then spend the next 4 months trying to kill yourself except you won't be able to successfully pull it off since you now lack the testosterone to commit and follow through on anything
i've been feeling really sad about not being able to continue making games due to new job being a pain in the ass. i fucking hate that place and thinking on quitting soon and just gamedev all day. this is a career suicide isn't it
Stop replying to a mentally ill woman.
Yes being a woman is such suffering that you'd want to kill yourself immidietly after being a woman for 1 second.
Thats why men kill themselves 6x more than women because women just have it so hard.
>Do you guys realize how actually stupid and uninteresting young people mostly are?
yeah, but at least they are hot, unlike the old and uninteresting people ; )
Is this why men who try to become women kill themselves at an even higher rate?
>tfw old, hot, and interesting
It ain't easy bein cheesy
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stop grandstanding and trying to prove superior status to strangers. prove you aren't a slave to testosterone by disengaging.
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In Blender, what's the best way to
1. Set all animations to loop, and also
2. Ensure the "hip" bone has the same position & rotation on the first and last frame of its animation?
>remember this place exists for the first time in like 3 years
>check previous thread, see Boku still posting
Has this guy committed to something yet?
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>Pre-DD /agdg/
This is the way to go.
i look like this and do this
anon this is a dumb question but im gonna answer it.
just copy the first keyframes and put it in the last.
>ooh i have to pick my kids up from school
>ooh my rent ooh my mortgage
>ooh my ex-husband is a bastard
what, you don't find this incredibly interesting?
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Attack loop (accidentally posted in old thread)
so /v/
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If I didn't have hundreds of animations to go through do you think I would have asked this question?
I imagine the sound this frog dude makes before dying

Time to get it on and start grinding!
you kinda dug yourself in the hole sadly. You gotta do it one by one
They kill themselves because they got a rotting wound leaking pus and blood they have to stretch 5 times a day or die after a surgery they thought would turn them into a woman but instead it turned them from a man to a castrated man.
give up on gamedev madam
this guy is the best
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Ok so I have been brainstorming a protagonist that the kids would enjoy and I thought about this: PizzaMan. Half-man Half-pizza, everyone likes pizza and I remember reading an interview on Spiderman where Stan Lee said that the editor rejected him because people didn't like spiders so a superhero based on that would never work, with Pizzaman I have a headstart since everyone likes pizza.
sounds like you should have made them properly from the beginning.
eat your hamburgers, apollo
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i cant tell if this is satire or not
>Dude if you do that again I swear I'm going to punch you
I started making this last year but never moved forward with it
duckduckgo vg archives and search for grug. or grugdev. no I don't think that would work nvm. they were just models and shit
actual retard
>no one finds my game interesting
I give up
do the sloppa needfully saar
fake retard
Its not satire.
It's not like I made all those animations and now changed my mind.

Hm, many morons around today.
Lean into the grossout 90s boogerman style aesthetic and you've got a hit.
>getting really confused by rpg maker
>look up a tutorial
>tutorial is made by a little kid who knows the engine like the back of his hand
>pause video and stare at the ceiling wondering what went wrong in my life to reach this point
ancient /agdg/ proverb:
not getting any (you)'s?
time to start something news
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>born with intelligence, talent and discipline
>gimped by not having the social skills to take advantage of the former
even if I finish my game I will probably fumble the marketing and fail to make any money off of it because I'm a fucking idiot in that regard.
For me in summer is really hard to gamedev, it makes me realize I'm wasting my life being hunched over my computer making a game when the weather is so nice and nature so pretty. Fuck.
The only people that think they're intelligent are narcissistic morons.
Social skills are a form of intelligence. Self awareness is as well. You aren't nearly as smart or talented as you think you are.
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>Fighting game levels of complexity
Cris in shambles
Is zbrush zremsher enough to make a model animation friendly or do I HAVE to do the faggy blender manual retopo
Reddit moment
>born with delusions of grandeur
>too stupid to realize I'm actually retarded
I want an alcoholic office lady gf who comes home and immediately gets wasted so bad bros
>when the PDDD just merges with the PDDD
I have a laptop with an anti reflective screen that is actually very usable in direct sunlight. I like to sit out by the apartment pool and dev there sometimes, but right now it's way too hot out
>you're not le self depreciating like me? must be lying!
actual retards
i love doing push-ups but recently learned that i have an elbow tendon defect that prevents me from doing pushing exercises because the tendon snaps and wears off
yet another item on the list of things i can't do
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Okay agdg, give us your /v3 verdicts.
These are your categories, do write a motivation to make it more fun:


Feel free to add more categories to this post mortem.
Who/where's this from?
Odds: get drunk and goon.
Evens: work on my game.
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theyre all going to laugh at me on demo day 57...
You posted this already retard
no I didn't
Yeah, I know, I would like more responses. This is an interesting topic.
THIS is gamedev?!
Didn't they submit the exact same trailers they have on their twitter/itch/steam?
It's not like they did something special for the event, it's the exact same shit everyone here already saw. (other than Pomao with his skit I guess?) What's there to rate?
She's so cute...
wake up
give up
relax before I whoop yo ass
I use my durga trap card to reverse the outcome of this roll.
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I really should start working on something else.
>He doesnt know
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Cosmic Call, ASCII adventure game
Nolgorb's Ordeal, his game would win it for sure if he decided to show up here
Healed To Death, horbor spoofed trailer, crab vs janny, Kane 64
russian schizo
Free Hands, janny simulator, Genome guardian
Upstream Ante, Balkan Bloodbath
don't care
>Genuine Interest
DOJD, Shrimp Game, Dirk, Autobattle Dungeon, Dead Man's Hand,
my game sucked for dd54, 55, 56 and it will still suck for 57, but what matters is that those who played my old demos will be able to notice all my improvements.
sure thing, nortubel
It was a show, some stuff was new, some a bit older, judge according to whatever preferences you had. This is all in good fun.

Finishing something could actually be a positive for literally "finishing something".

I realise I want to finish it, but scared of it being shit. That's a big problem for me that I can see now.

Any other comments or experiences on this?
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Sorry durga, I already poured myself a small drink. I won't actually goon though, just shitpost.
>He thinks I wouldn't
Durgasirs... they're making bloody fools of us again
That's not fair comparing Chad Dirk to Cris 2
I'm cris 2 tho
Punch monkey might be cris 6 or 7
>Any other comments or experiences on this?
do the work necessary to improve your game or it will remain shit
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I'm just gonna make a not cringe weeb VN with waifus.
It just occured to me - where was the trailer for Poke All Toads? I was sure it's gonna be in as he was finishing his trailer just before the deadline
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>Currently game designer on a production
>External Tester says the game is too hard to play
>People in the team said nothing before or told me it was good, and now throw me under the bus
>When I play, I manage things perfectly without issues
>it's not even hard, you just need to get use to the system, which is pretty quick

I just want to tell them "skill issue" but that would be rude for these pansies
gonna gonna gonna gonna
how about "i am currently"
lower damage from the enemies by half
there! I solved it!
perhaps giving the player the ability to get used to the system first
It's not about that, it's one mechanic they struggle to use when it's piss easy to.
There's already a tutorial section of this mechanic which was designed to be easy with no danger for the player
The gasgod stuff, ASCII games
Nortubel? I just don't like his game
Horbror skit
You already know
I skipped through a lot of the VOD our of disinterest but I wouldn't call any of it mediocre
>Inner circle
Another anon out together a pretty comprehensive list, I'll go with that
Again, maybe Nortubel
>Horny, nothorny, nothornyenough
I don't care
I am currently making a cringe weeb VN with waifus.
>looking for music for my game
>is either total ass or 30 seconds of good shit with 2 minutes of ass attracted to it
where can i find music that is SHORT and GOOD and LOOPS?
my game will make me so many rupees
>No Tier Maker so we can quickly refer back to each game and sort them
One job
While I do not agree entirely with you, this is a good and genuine answer. More people should follow your example.
Good going anon.
You are probably right, make one and make it right and you will prove me to be a mongoloid retard.
If you do not make one... this is as good as it gets.
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2 years NEET
0 games so far
If it's shit at month 1 it likely will remain shit at the finish line. What could you do to unshitify it?
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Hello, I'm making a 3D animated film and I need some pragmatic advice from a gamedev.

It saddens me to admit that my animated shaders are adding over 40 seconds of render time for every single frame (equating to thousands of hours of additional production time). These are very important shaders integral to the look of the film and present in almost every scene, so I can't just ditch them. I've spent months simplifying everything to be as barebones as possible but this is the situation I find myself in.

From a gamedev standpoint how would you address this issue? Please note that I'm working in Blunder so even basic game engine features like LODs and camera culling are unavailable to me, and shaders are all recalculated every frame even if they're not visible or even applied to any object.
>4 years neet
>0 games
8 years employed
0 games developed
you two should collab, stinky ugly unwanted neets
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this man single-handedly killed /agdg/ with his "game engine"
pov of me eating ass
Jackbox but horny and with anime avatars, maybe vtuber integration.
I'm not a NEET cuz I'm doing a compsci meme degree in my late 20s. This is what you wanted, right? This is what you shamed me into?
look at how his hands are positioned his wife must be really petite
I've been here since DD50 and still have not started a game.
I would use a renderfarm.
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I'm going to sound REALLY autistic, but I'd like to make a paid game where my IRL name is not known to the public. Now I don't care if Valve knows it, but I'd like the players and the potential other people working on it to not know.
I don't care about my real self and just want to focus on the game. + it makes things more mysterious

I've read that Paypal professional enables you to hide names, is it true? and if so, can it be used to pay people like voice actors?
i'm eternally grateful to the hero who posted defold here, i'm never writing gdscript ever again
i wish i could have you in the credits
>says the 20 something zoomer

Sorry bud, you were just born retarded.
What game is this? Models look really good.
damn, never even noticed that, see:
The only way for that to happen is to live in a non-western country that still deals with the west. Anyone can google your company and find who's the CEO, people can pay to have detailed information about your company too.
retard zoomer
No one lives forever 2

From 80k to 4k, why such a big drop?
Not same-anon but woudn't it be possible to just publish with some kind of username?
y'all wanna get NOLF'd
no one ever said that
How hard is rigging and weight painting bros? I'm about to export a model from zbrush to blender and then to unreal
flavor of the month syndrome (which is a shame because they actually really worked + developing on Phaser is hell on earth so kudos with that)
heard thomas was pretty short himself so its only right that his wife would be even shorter
are you mentally ill?
Yes, he makes this post multiple times a week. There are people in this thread who treat 4chan replies as if they have actual value (similar to how reddit posters treat upvotes) and will make the same posts over and over because they know it's guaranteed to gain them a few (You)s and a dopamine hit.
Maybe you can do that have your dev name on steam and company name be different, I have no idea if valve would get mad or if any kind of public info about your company would exist so I can't answer you on that.
I've read that Valve just need your information but there's no need for external ones.
But paying people is the harder one.
>40 to 60 games are released on steam every day
Blender has some Python scripting stuff, no? I would use that to do a rough manual script for LoD and shader toggle and whatever else can be optimized. I.e. the script just disabling a shader from frame 1000-5000 because you know it is not used, etc. Just a hundreds of lines long script modifying your scene with performance optimizations while the rendering happens.
wym, me and buddies say that all the time
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I want to make an interactive comic in godot because that's the only realistic idea I could finish in 2 months.

People tells me I should play VN.

I don't like VN because is just incel gook propaganda about having finally their dick wet with underage girls.

Not complaining about that, but I don't enjoy anime harem school garbage.
work on your tank game
I have seen username-like developer names on steam before, maybe they were incorporated, maybe not.
On a related note, tonight I dreamt that my game had killed somebody (kind of intentionally) and I was getting shit paranoid about the possible angles my name could be found out from.
Nah, I just had this morning a mental breakdown because my mind started to have a panic attack.

I just can't keep going.
Why did you stop taking meds
>I don't like VN because is just incel gook propaganda about having finally their dick wet with underage girls.
How many layers of SomethingAwfulisms are you on?
How often do you have mental breakdowns? Do you even remember your past episodes?
Maybe using pre-paid credit cards or virtual credit cards? Like Revolut and all.
I'm just guessing so correct me if i'm wrong
cris, listen to me carefully
i like your tank game
it's a good idea
it has gameplay, a beginning and an end, decent retro style textures, a cute hand drawn anime girl pilot and a badass song
keep working on it
i want to play it on DD
when I try to dev seriously.

I'm just burned out.

I can't continue trying to dev a game while feeling like shit most of the day, because I'm struggling againts my brain.
then take a break, but stop talking nonsense about VNs.
you never liked them
this is super cool anon!
I can't commit to working on my game before I have pooped.
Cris, what is your dream game?
Here ya go
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Unfortunately most render farms don't work with render layers, which I make extensive use of for post processing.

Thanks for the suggestion, anon. I hope you can see my problem: for workflow and performance considerations I've taken my hundreds of shader nodes and turned them into one giant node group to save on VRAM and viewport FPS. It gets cached once, then each individual material has different values going into it, so I still get different textures, normal maps, effects, etc.

But because it's a global node shared across all materials, there's no way to mute it based on camera position without disabling it from the scene entirely. I've also tried using a decimate modifier driven by camera proximity to dynamically collapse models as they get further away, but because it's a modifier, it's still calculating the highest-poly version at all times.

Fucking Blunder, man. It kills me every day that I didn't use Unreal.
my dream is ironically one that is already made.


the only thing missing here is 2001 strikers.
How is this still up lol.
Janny asleep or something.
Great! Thank you. Anons, get to making lists.
>I've read that Valve just need your information but there's no need for external ones.
I highly doubt that valve is willing to take this kind of liability, if someone asked for legal information about x dev they would get it.
Maybe it's written in their TOS for publishing game, going to read those asap
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>works years on 2D platformer
>gives up and swaps to puzzle side game

The enginedev curse strikes again. Friends don't let friends enginedev.
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how does this have anything to do with enginedev?

Someone using an off the shelf game engine from their local mall's EB games can also project hop.
Yeah read that, especially the publisher part I think it's more relevant.
If he didn't feel intrinsic guilt for critiquing games as a nodev, he could have made a dozen videos in the time hes taking to make one
give me character model I'll texture it
>I can texture her
How can someone give you a 3D model over 4chan retard?
Dont you know you can only upload jpegs and webms here?
He's an autistic perfectionist who has been working on his platformer for years with almost no progress because of engineshit. He's wasting his talent on basic shit that's already implemented and does not matter.
I'm leaving this shithole forever. I'm about to do it, closing it down for good. I am not going to be surrounded by absolutely deluded idiots justifying making shitty, money-grabbing games and using ugly AI art for their capsule art. I will not stand another second in this shithole. I am out of the BiteMe discord for good, I never needed anything more than /agdg/
>Lil troon
but anon you can link to other websites
like this
(don't open this in public it makes mustard gas come out of your speakers)
fuck I accidently swapped Sort Sand and Shanghai Gold. My b.
Rent free.
Can you make funny meme user agreements on your Steam games that the player has to accept or do they have to be super serious legal things written by a lawyer?

>User Agreement: I solemnly swear if I end up loving this game that I'll tell all my friends how much fun I had and I'll blow virtual kisses at *game dev who made this game's name here* because he's such a great guy for having made this experience for me.
>Accept / Decline
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Why didn't you protect their smile?
there must be some sort of statute or regulation lawyers can use to nullify meme eulas
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While it is a bit overkill, I've been wanting to make a character controller that can do everything I'd potentially want or need while being a quick plug and play module.

Protip: if you say "thanks", you're not going to make it.
thanks for the advice
>guys lets quit our jobs and make a game studio!
>what do you mean we have to make a good game people want to play?
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Their content got repetitive and boring. I used to make BiteMe shitposts all the time and I would actually watch their videos, but now I haven't clicked on a BiteMe upload in weeks.
The problem is that the channel got too big, and now both Marnix and his viewers genuinely believe BiteMe is some sort of authority on game development. I miss the good old days of their videos talking about Forge Industry's failure or how surely Songs of Everjade was going to be a big hit. I miss their tier list videos where you could guarantee Marnix was going to say something absolutely retarded with complete confidence within the first few minutes. Nowadays they're just churning out videos on mundane topics like how to get press coverage, or how to handle localization, or interviewing people from other studios. I don't care about that shit, I want to watch the documented misadventures of Marnix.
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There is only so many ways you can make
>5 ways to make a game alone!
>5 reasons you should use this engine!
>Starting game development for beginners

They were right to start branching out a bit but I agree their current content kind of blows.
they could have pivoted to dev vlogs to share progress about their game
but again, they don't have the vision, they just want that ad money
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>2 card game themed games
>2 Vampire Survivors games
Gee thanks devs
>/agdg/ - Acute Gender Dysphoria General

Devlogs don't make money. The only ones that do are the meaingfully produced devlogs where it's clear the video's goals were directing their development. i.e. Legend64

Even with well produced devlogs made for youtube, he's still only getting under 50k views for most of his videos.
>/agdg/ - Acute Gender Dysphoria General
Too real
aggy daggy transbian puppygirl polycule when?
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defoldbros, there are 3 of us now
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Yeah, people predicted this from the beginning. The goal for the channel was never really about documenting and sharing the development of their games. The goal was to give off the impression that they're real game developers while building a revenue stream from youtube, which is obviously way more profitable and lower effort than game dev. Such is how every big game development channel operates, something something gold rush and selling shovels.
Well then surely there must be some kick ass games in Defold then
Male protagonists are better for the majority of fiction. Males relate to males, and females ship them. Outside of heavily female-focused stories, female leads should only be used for novelty/eyecandy.
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I agree that stories should have male leads, but don't understate the importance of including female characters. Women want to self insert even more than men do into whatever media they consume. They like pretty characters because every woman wants to perceive herself as being pretty and desirable.
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etween 40 and 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

guys you just KNOW I gotta say it....

I sincerely love this pastime!
What do you love most about it?
I like the left one more.
The estrogen is working i guess.
All the hot women who lust after me once they find out I'm a game developer.
I love all the Japanimation characters people make
Women have no problem projecting themselves onto males. See: fujos and shit like omegaverse. The opposite is not true, as normal men cannot relate to female protagonists. When they do, it's AGP.
I love seeing pictures of laughing women.
I want them to be laughing at me.
I self-insert as them laughing at me.
Are bosses an outdated concept?
>Women have no problem projecting themselves onto males. See: fujos and shit like omegaverse
These women are as mentally ill as men with AGP. There's always an exception to every rule, I was referring to the majority's preferences.
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>40 and 60 gam-ACK
In case it needed to be said, do not ever admit this to anyone, cringelord.
>no user reviewers
back in 2013 this'd have... 4309!!
We have the tech now to make fullscale WWII simulators that are still fun to play. There is game tech made for the military that can similate the entire world in real time. The economy, life and death, car accidents, stcok market bubbles, and the entirety of life and death during WWII. They don’t share this stuff with the public because they are scared of training another genius napoleon.
He paid 100$ to publish this on steam.
Greenlight doesnt exist anymore you cant upload games for free anymore someone paid 100$ to publish this.
Money well spent?
Do you guys think hes going to make a return on this investment?
A game where you hustle on OF and manage a group of paypig simps with the right amount of disregard and encouragement to keep them drained
>you are on level4
I just want to get to level 9…
I don't know why Marnix doesn't just have a twitch channel for his studio. It doesn't take that much effort and time to get a decent following and twitch partnership on the Software and Game Development category.
You're not going to finish a story/asset game in 2 months. At best you'll have a short demo.
>war simulator
>fun to play
don’t play/look at anything, just like make game
What I want is closer to making a PDF, I think.

that should be doable.
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you WILL become a lucky girl's malewife
Mid-to-major antagonists edition:
>a fireball that got casted upward 300 years ago, and gained sentience from all that traveling across the ether, before its orbit finally brought it back to Earth
>a black cat familiar who found a way to inverse familiar pact's terms, and has tricked an entire army of low-level witches and sorcerers into its service
>an archmage's favorite dog, enchanted to hell and beyond. The archmage died long ago and the zombie-dog just want to fucking die - and will make itself a problem that need to be solved until someone find a way to disable the many lawyers of immortality and protection stacked on it
>a fae and devil team, who found a cosmic legal loophole allowing them to claim fees on *any* broken promises a mortal ever made
>an extremely destructive spell that is *piss easy* to cast, that an insane old mage taught to a crowd in the country's most populated city. 90% of the audience died when some random actually tried it for shit and giggles, and the authorities are desperate to prevent knowledge of that spell from spreading.
They're not trying to be a company that makes games, but a company that makes videos about games. That's why their games are terrible.
wtf is a malewife. You mean a husband?
I wish i was a rich girls stay at home husband taking care of the kids while she works and over time my looks fade away and she starts sleeping with other men but i cant leave her i have to stay for the kids and because i cant pay the bills without her money so every night after putting the kids to bed i go onto the couch(she doesnt let me sleep in the bed because shes disgusted by my fat old body) and i stay up all night touching myself to the moans of my unfaithful wives moans begging for more and the sounds of her bed creaking as she gets pounded and then in the morning i make a coffee for myself my wife and my wifes newest boyfriend.
Thats my dream relationship.
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>Getting paid to make someone their dream game.
>Wake up.
>Code for an hour or two.
> Always make one new thing a day.
> Tell them how much I should be paid.
> I throw random numbers at this point.

I love rich people
I forgot to add, please wishlist Star Knightess Aura
how bad is the dream game
>always make one new thing a day
dare i say?
you are doing better than most
>Getting paid to make someone their dream game.
>Wake up.
>Getting paid to make someone their dream game.
>Wake up.
>Grab a brush and put a little make up.
there are no fun hobbies, just rewarding and unrewarding ones. and rewarding ones are the good type of hobby. anybody doing unrewarding hobbies typically quits really fast or gets bitter over time.
don't aim to have have, aim for rewards.
Its poke clone slop with porn, so autistic and specific that it will either make a gorllion dollars or none
reward is when the code works, yeah
my game is a dream game... because it puts me to god damned sleep playin' it!
Added a function to swap hand items according to what side the shoulder camera is on.
or just in general cause why not
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God damn I really hope this is a joke, otherwise there might not be any hope for you. Not just in game development, but in life in general. I can't even imagine being so dopamine fried that you choose your hobbies not because you enjoy the activity, but because it provides you with the best reward mechanism. Go camping or something to unplug from technology for a bit.
And remember the games that get rewarded the most are futanari(that means trans in japanesse if anybody doesnt know),lesbian,cuck,furry porn games so thats the only type of game youre allowed to make because thats the most rewarding and if youre not getting paid why do it at all.
ah you’re living that comic with the guy drawing boobs to the specifications of the creepy geezer with the moneybag
i understand you ideology, but it just doesn't work and it's not fun. maybe in your fantasy doing everything for fun works, but in reality it's really low energy.
ofc you can post your game to prove me wrong.
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Need to add hurt and death animations
Every gamedev should have a rich gooner patron, it should be the law.
i've seen this motherfucker too many times today fucking hell
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godot has this thing where it does a coinflip each time an audio file is imported, usually resulting in a crash
why is that
This fills me with joy.
godot 5 will fix that
That's when you cheat on her with your female yoga instructor and then file for divorce and take the kids, dog and half the assets?
I cannot tell if this is satire or not.
I'm a neet brainlet, how do you get paid over the internet?
Are you lgbt or have a disability? You get priority on websites like freelancer and fiverr
I'm living my dream, I've got enough experience at my corporation job so I can just work for like 2 hours a week, get a good salary and managers are happy with me, I have good programming skills and can do almost anything, I have decent art skills, I have money to buy assets, I'm making a game that I really like with very cool mechanics, my twitter is steadily growing BUT I'm procrastinating for like 8 hours every day, I barely made anything in last 2 months, I fucking hate myself that I have this opportunity and not using it for 100% and I really struggle with organazing my shit.
Showcase that you have a high degree of skill in anything and the offers come flooding.

Being social in general just means more people will send you offers

The fiverr strat is a noob trap, AI means that there is less college kids trying to get projects completed so you also have to knife fight Rajeet and Pavel for what left.

So unless you are highly skilled and in a third world country where the dollar is good it sucks
No im straight but i have HIV(got it from my mom in the womb) does that count as a disability?
lmaoo this nigga got GAIDS!
What are agdg's opinions on readable text logs in first person games?
fine if they are optional/skippable
I'll do it
You'll see
I liked them in DOOM 3
Steam only releases 40-60 games a day.
Around 350 games per week since launch.
AAA help? AAA or independent blockbuster in your genre? BOOM, done.
Furthermore, this is not a competition with other new releases, but with many games on all player systems. :)

Take the "indie success stories" of the last ten years and divide by the number of developers testing the game in that time (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and you have the story. "Do this" option.

Layoffs, higher business taxes, no subsidies, no pensions, etc. - turnover decreases over time, so even if you reach the "average lot" you have to do it again. Year after year

The independent Gamedev believes it will be able to generate real revenue until 2024

a hobby
yeah haha
you are missing the laughing woman pic
honestly that makes me more angry than the words themselves
And let me guess, you have an 8 inch penis but no gf to use it on?
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It to keep track of the various states the player might find themselves in. It keeps the code organized

Is this not a common practice?
He already posted it earlier in the thread but wanted more karm- I mean, replies.
I dont think my wifes bf would approve of a gf bro.
it is common they're just crabbing. Welcome to /agdg/!
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Go on..
fuck off azurdev
This thread has become a fuckin joke
fuck me azurdev
yup, yap yap yap, yup yup yup
you wont regret it, i promise :)
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I'll just make my own categories to better define stuff

>Trailer Quality Rankings (takes into account game art quality and gameplay shown) (alphabetical ordering)
1. Best
Cosmic Call, Dead Mans Hand Card Roulette Action, Legends of Dragaea, Reindeer Story, Spare Hands, Yelizaveta
2. Good
Dirk, Dreams of Joy Departed, Frognaut,
Genome Guardian, Li'l Red, Project Heartbeat (as an update video), Shanghai Gold, Shrimp Game
3. Meh
Gods of the Arena Dungeon, Healed to Death
4. Bad (problem detailed in parentheses)
Dynamage (gameplay), Hypercoven (art inconsistency), Nortubel (art quality), Pixel Paint (boring)
5. Terrible
Balkan Bloodbath, Janitorial Science, Project Kane, Kotel Anon's Unnamed Game, Mongol, Punch Monkey, Sort Sand, Tower of ASCIIMonvo, Upstream Ante

1. Funny
Nortubel Skit
2. Annoying
Horbror Skit, Pomoa Skit

>Would Possibly Play (alphabetical ordering)
Cosmic Call (3rd place, tie), Dirk, Dynamage, Genome Guardian, Legends of Dragaea (2nd place), Li'l Red, Nortubel, Reindeer Story (1st place), Shrimp Game, Spare Hands (3rd place, tie), Tower of ASCIIMonvo, Yelizaveta
I can't keep living like this. Something needs to change.
Don't put on a skirt timmy
That has nothing to do with it. I'm perfectly happy with being a man, it's my personality that's the problem.
>No im straight but i have HIV(got it from my mom in the womb)
Sometimes I forget that this thread has a lot of eastern europeans for some reason.
Nigga I'm fucking MELTING DOWN
I'm just tellin you, there is an entire cult preying on people like you
why am i wasting my time when demo day is in 3 fucking days mannnnnnnn AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
12 days bucko
I can’t believe /agdg/ exists, I always thought >>>/g/gedg/ was the only gamedev general. That’s cool it’s like a parallel universe over here
Every pee on him to cool him down!!!
*pees on anon*
good post
Theres like 3 diffrent game development threads on /vrpg/
The rpgmaker thread the general game dev thread for all engines and the monthly jam threads.
One of the Terrible devs here, any tips on how to make it not Terrible?
madam, in my opinion you are not terrible dear
big love from Mumbai
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nta but that's neat. I was only familiar with /gedg/
you expect feedback when you don't even specify which game is yours?
Dreams of joy departed is ass btw
Depends on the game, I didn't add feedback for that tier since it felt like it needed more effort.
How do I make Janny science not terrible?
if your game was in v3 i shall not be playing it come demo day.
Christ, is my art really that bad? I guess I can't blame you, when I was making the Gorilla boss I was especially in a creative rut and got kinda lazy with the art.
You should go straight to super hell for putting ASCIIkino below my game tbdesu
We're rating the trailers, not the games. You game is fun, it really captures the Half Life 2/Portal feeling I'm assuming you were going for with the puzzles and enemies.
The trailer would be better if the framerate wasn't so bad.
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Hi newbie here, I was wondering if Godot or unity is better when making 2.5D games (most likely RPGs)? Technically it's a 3D game with 2D sprites.

I was thinking unity because learning C++ can be a useful thing for other things as well, while Godot mostly has its own thing.
Why would you use Unity for C++ or did you mean unreal?
How? It's not even that hard, it's all visual.
DODJ: stop making RPG maker cancer
Cosmic Call: Make a game in a non-dead genre
Tower of ASCIIMonvo: stop making meme games no one wants to play
Punch Monkey: stop making monkey porn
Balkan Bloodbath: You need some style and visual appela
Mongol: Nothing. You're a beautiful miscarriage.
Sort Sand: Add gameplay
Upstream Ante: Stop copying FOTM trash
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Concerned Grape
What are some considerations when developing a constant NPC companion (besides making sure they won't get in the player's way and ensuring they have SOME utility to the player, whether it's being able to unlock things or even able to fight alongside the player)
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Death animation. Final frog animation post. Now to add it to the game with AI and everything
i failed...
bring him back you fucking monster
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Ahh sorry, I just read something about unity and it was in my subconscious. Yeah, Ieant unreal. Sorry
>Make a game in a non-dead genre
First person shooters are not dead!
How have you not murdered your evil mother?
use godot
Kekd irl
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making status effect VFX
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You guys realize he's a bad guy right? My aim is to take all the stupid ass little cute protagonists from WhOlESoMe indie games and turn them into bad guys who shit themselves when they die. Here's a gross looking witch, since everybody makes their protag a cute witch these days
>stop making monkey porn
Star Fox isnt a indie game though it was made by Nintendo
Godot if you specifically want to target low-end hardware and/or have a borderline autistic "do it yourself" fixation, Unreal otherwise.
Well art was one of the problems but I'll have to take a look later as I need to go now.

It was the screaming monkey. I skipped over it. The art isn't my cup of tea either. Trailer didn't sell the game well either, the bit I did watch.
>Upstream Ante: Stop copying FOTM trash
...and start copying FOTM kino. the game needs to be more like Balatro in gameplay than it is
Made two sections today instead of one. Should be less than a week left before I have to figure out the cover and and trailer and the Steam Page, since some graphics have to be finalized before it's worth doing so. I think it's coming out very well so far
>It was the screaming monkey
I totally get it, if I had more time to do the trailer I probably would've found a more elegant solution for giving him a voice.
if he's bad, I don't want to be good
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>dumb ass bitch stock photo websites require a profile and a verification and paid credits just to download a .png
>just screencap the preview (my game is low fidelity so even the thumbnail is a higher resolution than what I need)
>*gets sued*
>Year later
>1 sale 0 reviews
God damn it how do I stop myself from getting distracted with adding toy features and actually finish the fucking game?
i dont want to make a level... why did i decide to make a 3D platformer...
My brother in christ all of my textures are amalgamations of multiple images
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Making it music:
Because you don’t have the skill, talent, intelligence, or artistic ability to make anything better
If you're inverting a basic character design paradigm just for the sake of inverting it, there's something wrong with you

Protip: things are done the way they are for a reason
Genre has a proven market with a focus on appeal. Even then Steam keys guarantee profits.
what are you using to make those AI animations from static images?
I suspect Jon Blow has uttered some unsavoury words describing this fella after a certain video had been out...
You sound like the kind of guy who lets his wife make all the decisions
>skill, talent, intelligence, or artistic ability to make anything better
If making a 3d platformer is so easy and brainless why dont you make your own Mario Oddysey
Its not AI its hand made in blender
Jonathan Blowjob is a swagless little bitch, that's why
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I remember the Dev bitching because of the engine choice later on when it was being posted here, saying that adding anything more breaks the codebase due to the Engine being dogshit with not being able to handle the graphical effects where releasing it as is is better than remaking the game in Unity.
the cute witch the already a inversion of the original ugly witch
he's basically just returned to norm
>thought DD starts next week
>turns out it's in two weeks
Daily reminder
Cute witches = satanist indoctrination
oh yeah... thanks for reminding me.
is that the guy who made the game that's like mario but for people drunk or high?
like where there's no point to the game but if you jump down a pit you can go WOOOOOOOOOP and bring him back up?
Dragons Dogma came out 3 months ago
Might stop wanking to woodporn.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbTK9H1SucU Sasquatch has some good videos
No need to announce your homosexuality so brazenly, attention-seeking zoomer
Being attracted to weak, easily manipulated men means I'm a lesbian and also a zoomer somehow?
>2012 was 3 months ago
Tips 1 and 3 would kill the average anon here
lol okay and I'm a yesdev lmao
RETVRN to the kitchen attention-seeking woman
Over half of the world's population are women, anon. It would statistically be more unlikely for no women to post here.
Discord Day
It's sad that most of the submissions are from people that don't share progress here.
There are literally 100s of submissions. Most likely you're just missing the progress posts because there are so many now.
post game, tits, and timestamp asap, cross-linking is acceptable for posts on /soc/ provided you write "agdg" in your post-tit note
god bless
I mean, this general is pretty shitty 90% of the time outside Euro hours. I don't blame them.
I only share progress if it's worth showing off or I'm looking for input.
He kind of goes back on his word for tip 1 halfway through
I used to be somebody. Now I'm driven to try to make a game to earn enough money so my poor pensioner parents don't have to pay for my funeral when the cancer finally gets me.
So Unreal, Unity or Godot?
I'm not making my dream game nigga
don't die a disappointment, just get a regular job and do your best to spend time with them
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i wont have enough time...
not watching your eceleb shit. what does he say?
>There's 4 billion women on the planet, what do you mean it's unlikely to find one in the male's toilets? Don't you know statistics buddy?
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>don't make your dream game
game? Singular? Bro, I have an entire backlog of Dream Games. I have so many that I have to keep coming up with new buffer projects to keep myself busy and productive just to avoid starting any of these behemoths
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I'm making a smaller game to build my skills before making my dream game, i want that one to be good
Same, I already can't wait to finish with my current project so that I can start the next
Alright I'm back, breakfast was too small so I'm gonna get more in a bit.
3D environment is too bland, Think of an office, it usually has more than just the carpeting, painted walls, and ceiling tiles.
It's a trailer, put something on top. Also you need in game ambient music at the very least if you're going to use that instead of a sound track placed atop the footage. You still need ambient music for the game or some form of sound.
It partly felt like a tutorial. It needs to show more action. Otherwise shorten the trailer. Just cause Steam lets you put a 10+ minute trailer doesn't mean you should use it all. Short concise interesting.
Improve it. I'm assuming you're either in the early stages of development or suck at art like me but at least make the UI prettier otherwise it gives the "I just slapped this together following a Unity tutorial" look lol.

Overall the gameplay is most important. If the game isn't fun, then it doesn't matter how pretty it is, I likely won't buy it unless tricked into it.
Should I make a class for each weapon type or rely on alot of enums and values?
Rocket Launcher
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How do you plan to compete with the MIT of mumbay studios?
My dream games are skyrim with guns, fallout with medieval weapons, and pokemon + baldur's gate.
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>Harvard University’s introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming


Is this good? Godot docs recommend it. Made some demos already but I never followed a "real" course.
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is the background spins faster depending on his health a good idea or just nauseating

class for each weapon obv
>The advice of "read the docs" is bad for newbies because they might not understand what's going on
Fair I guess but the same can be said for video tutorials. If you don't know what's going on then you don't know what's going on even if you're watching a guy do it live.
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you should check out this game might be a good base
This is what cyberpunk looks like. I'm so sick of the weaboo rainy neon cities setting. Currypunk will rise one day.
I wasted my time, so here:
>Lie #1 Don't start with your dream game.
>he says that starting with your dream game and failing is actually important to teach you how to scope your future game afterwards, and experienced developers telling new developers this is like parents over-sheltering their children
>Lie #2 Pick the right genre
>he argues that there's successful indie games in every genre no matter how saturated, and passion projects with good quality will sell regardless of how crowded that genre is
>Lie #3 Don't watch tutorials
>apparently arguing against the pro programmers telling newbyes to "just read the documentation", saying they forgot how it feels to just start and some people actually need tutorials, just don't rely entirely on them to write every piece of the code
>Lie #4 You have to have a hook
>some of his favorite indie games like Hades, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, Vampire Survivors, Ori and the Wisps are just decent entries in their genre with no particular unique hook to them. A hook just helps with marketability, making people remember and talk about your game, but it's not a hard requirement to sell
>Lie #5 Devlogs are for the wrong audience
>he was interested in devlogs before he became a developer, and bought those games, and he also talked to people who aren't developers but still watch devlogs, and says some people are interested in not just the game but also the story behind the game and might buy it for that.

There now go back to deving. This is his game btw https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343270/Samurado/
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: As long as it works.
Same bro. I have so many dream games. I even have some writtten down in a few notebooks or was it one, idk. On my pc and phone as well. They range across genres and even 2D and 3D. Unsure what my next game will be but it's one that could be either 2D or 3D easily. Might skip it as I want something that's quick to make and this idea is definitely not fast to make.
omg the nostalgia
this game was my childhood
>Brotato at home
I want to submit something for the next dd :(
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>That game
Looks cool, please release soon.
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I'm not making this one either. At this rate idk if my game will ever be finished but then I look at it mentally and realize it's pretty close to done, it's simply just not that fun.

I can't wait to be done with it, I want to work on something that's both fun (the game, making it sucks) and has good odds of modest success or better (500+ reviews, small fanbase but a fanbase nonetheless)
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Raised max hero level up to 17, made new skill upgrades of tier 3 for main active skills for every class.

webm didn't gulp it down do so here's yt vid instead:
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sorry sar this is incorrect sar
a Runa
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wrong pic
>he immediately knew where this was
Please tell me you aren't actually an Indian
are there any games set in india
>one chance at life
>wasn't born indian
I'm truly blessed
Why do people with no shipped games feel entitled to give advice? I'd rather listen to Marnix
I havent been here in ages and when i come back I see my fav dev blessed thread
sar please make understand this bery bery busy road in all of hyderabad all of us people know of it and we make eat our lunch there ebery dayings
I just reverse image searched it and it brought me to the street in mapssar
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thoughts on astlibra? made by a sole nip salary man(?)
whats your game?
I've always found tutorials much easier than documentation.
I have no thoughts on it whatsoever. Have a nice day.
Nice barony like
>ANOTHER Hollow Knight clone
I'm sure HK is a good game but it is really THAT good that every feels like they need to make their own version of it
>class for each weapon obv
do unique weapons of each type also get a class or do they use their respective gun class?
Arrogant blue eyed devils, you will rue the day you mocked India when it becomes a superpower (by 2040).
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Hey brother nice progress. It’s cool seeing people spin up quick/short prototypes in a couple weeks to figure out if it’s worth putting more time into an idea. This is not the worst start on a prototype I’ve seen
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I don't get engine devving. I wanted to be one but could find few resources for it when I started learning to code (self taught). Reddit was just a bunch of losers screaming to not do it and reinventing the wheel which is useless. I decided to skip it after considering how long it would take just to make the engine before I could even make the game. There's also the thing where if you switch genre's the engine might not even be able to do what you need it to and you might even need to either use a preexisting one or make another one. Not a chance. That's about the time I was researching various engines.

How do I get this job?

You're in quite the pickle if you haven't learned either engine. Unity is definitely better but that engine is going downhill legally and will probably screw you over legally. As for making the game Unity should be fine and easier especially with tutorial quantities for you to learn/copy off of. Godot on the other hand seems unreliable from what I've read at least for any game of decent size. Idk if Gamemaker can do 2.5D easily. Unreal feels like a hassle, I hate C++ and their weird mix of code with blueprints.

You could just learn a little about each and mess around in them for a bit to see how it feels.
>one chance at life
>born indian
now I understand why they had to invent hinduism with all that reincarnation mumbo-jumbo
they need that just to cope with reality without roping
Yeah looks like a barony clone. Will there be fully networked multiplayer? People only like to play games with friends these days
i am convinced at this point that art can't be learned. people will tell you the internet is full of education, yet none of it really helps. 99% of it is clickbait shit and seo spam anyways.
and then you get blamed for being a loser. sorry, but if i don't know how to i just can't do it, ok?
If I can learn it why can't you?
Shame this game didn't do as well as Delver or Barony It's definitely, gameplay-wise, funner looking than Delver. Idk about Barony as I never played it.

I own Delver, too easy to die, not that fun. Yet it has 2000+ reviews. Archtower anon, you ever consider rehauling the character and enemy art (to higher detail like Delver where they are still 2D sprites but simply of higher quality)? I wonder if that could be the difference between your game being <100 reviews and suddenly going 500+ reviews in a month. Just a guess
>i am convinced at this point that art can't be learned. people will tell you the internet is full of education, yet none of it really helps. 99% of it is clickbait shit and seo spam anyways.
>and then you get blamed for being a loser. sorry, but if i don't know how to i just can't do it, ok?
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My reward for having worked on my game every day for the past week (and for not eating any sweets and for thinking about going to the gym in this heat).
I wonder if chocolate manufacturers are propositioning a certain developer of an upcoming chocolate-themed game.
you're at the right place to have your pissy pants attitude confirmed
>now I understand why they had to invent hinduism
That's the thing, Indians back in the day were actually pretty based. Then the British Raj totally broke them. Everything people hate about modern Indians stems from the British turning them into a race of servants. That's unironically why the word "sir" is still in their vocabulary today. It's why Indians have such a deep seated inferiority complex about their position in the world, all they want is European admiration.
idk why I bothered typing this in response to a shitpost. I'm not Indian btw please don't think I am.
>People only like to play games with friends these days
Nta but I hate this soooooo much. Just how many singleplayer games were ruined because of this crowd? Moving a game from singleplayer to multiplayer means having to alter how stuff works and who's to say the dev will fix it? He gets success, the normie crowd plays around casually for a few hours before jumping onto the next multiplayer game, while any serious fan gets left in the dust with a broken mess the dev won't fix since it financially doesn't make sense when they could just make something new for that normie crowd to give him more money.
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I've worked on my game every day for the past 5 months. Where is my reward? (preferably sex with a young cute woman)
>My reward for thinking about going to the gym
post bmi
some indians look like brown chads
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the reward is the work itself
i am convinced at this point that programming can't be learned. people will tell you the internet is full of education, yet none of it really helps. 99% of it is clickbait shit and seo spam anyways.
and then you get blamed for being a loser. sorry, but if i don't know how to i just can't do it, ok?
imagine his shits
uncharted at some point probably(himalayas at least)
indiana jones might be
NIGGA these kangaroos are fuck ugly
Br*toid hands ruin everything they touch
niggas be like "my game finna get me so many hot bitches", then they game be lookin like some loser ass World of Warcraft fantasy dork shit
ain't no woman ever playin yo shit, nigga
i would just make a base class with methods for shooting reloading etc, and then do child classes that can overwrite those existing methods. so you can have unique things for each weapon class but dont have redundant code
this is the second time youve posted this shizo
dont think i dont know who you are...
Hi organizerfag here, I'll address this. This year's show was originally a more narrative heavy storyline akin to last year's and was originally going to be animated in the lowbrow/dorkly style. Unfortunately, due to some behind the scenes stuff I don't think aggy would want me to wall of text here, the script got changed into what we had now.

I've gotten mixed feedback regarding actual storylines vs what we did this year. I have more in mind, but I'm aware from my /co/ projects that sometimes my ambitions are a little much, but I'd be happy to do more if that's what the viewers want!
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I've worked on my game on and off for several years. I haven't project hopped at all. Where is my reward of a beautiful doting gf turned into my wife?
shiiiet and that's fr homie, no cap cuh they outchyea finna talk some game, but they game? fuh the streets maing, not even some crooked teeth hood rat dont want nuthing with that weak shit dick
I'm sure you can hire a young cute woman for that. But if you're the kinda guy who has to, you'd be better off trying to wean yourself off of young cute women or your life will be miserable.
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>my reward for not eating junk food is eating junk food
Bro just go eat out or something.
My game's protagonist is a self-insert of my ideal woman. The plan is that one day a cute girl will play the game, and be like "that's literally me", and then she'll get in contact and we'll start dating
>behind the scenes stuff
spill the beans
finally we got some other brothadevs round here
how you been, homie?
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I'd like to add alternate graphics, maybe like a free dlc, for those who dislike pixels, ideally it could be easy non-pixel style I could do myself.
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Got the Daily Deal on Steam tomorrow. Hoping it goes well. I'll report back and let you guys know
ah yes, the Horbror approach
your game will NOT fix your love life, it didnt work for bill gates so why would it work for you
hey man you gotta bail me out
what game did he make
He didn't make a game and he's an autistic self-hating ratlike loser
shieeeeeeeeeet congrats dude
Going to sleep with my heart racing and a sick feeling in my stomach because my game is fucked again. This shit is gonna give me ulcers.
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I've told countless women that I'm making a video game. I've never had a negative response, they're always impressed and usually ask to see it. You have an altered frame of reference from posting on a forum dedicated to game development where everyone (in theory) is making their own game. In reality the average person still thinks making video games is something only for computer geniuses. It also isn't the 2000s anymore, women actually like video games and play them in their free time almost as much as men. They aren't going to laugh at you and think you're a dork and tell Chad to come give you a swirlie because you brought up your hobby. If anything it will show them that you're creative and capable of being productive.
We have a 3 classes.
Which class determines the arc/travel speed of the fireball?
Horbror got a gf out of it. Bill Gate's is just a loser, success or not he's failure and it's obvious.
In my experience telling women I'm a gamedev has the same effect as telling them I'm a virgin
Maybe it's just that your face looks good and it doesn't matter what you say or do
I like the one about the cat.
When I throw stuff I just write a method.
so you generalize it into a class than you can slap it on top of any "actor" instead of writing code..
I'm dumdum.
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Alright here's my TRUE and HONEST tier list as the organizer. Remember, if your game isn't where you'd like it to be, doesn't mean it's bad, just means it's not my taste. My favorite game is Spark the Electric Jester, so take any of my opinions with a grain of salt.
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What would you do if you had a Runa in front of you right now?
I'm sure your game doesn't require multiple people. Who's the dead weight? It's you, isn't it?
I would avoid eye contact, bogged people freak me out
Going to assume you look and act dorky; probably are short/fat; wear glasses; probably skinny and unassertive
Jeez sorry I made 2 typos there, just needed some help.
I genuinely don't believe you. I'm not a male model but I'm not ugly either, I'm just normal looking. I even wear glasses.
It could be that you come off as socially awkward and unconfident in your own work, which definitely wouldn't help. Or more likely you've never actually tried and are just making up a worst case scenario in your imagination to justify your inaction.
Show her the /agdg/ archives so she can see how popular she is amongst mentally ill losers..
I'd plap her
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how much does your job pay?
>Put organizer 2 in charge of show
>during time, E3 is confirmed kil
>say 'fuck it' and move the show till the summer and do it myself
>because of that, production time is cut in half and the animator liked the talk show idea so we did it
If you want I can share the original script.
what can I say?
I just love this hobby
yeah haha
Hehehehe. The irony that I've actually mentioned it but never shown it to unrelated girls irl. It's laughable looking which is why I don't show it, I'd be humiliated, I need success to back me up on that part. However the responses have been positive even just saying I'm developing a game.
Good, keep trying. It makes me happy knowing there are people who actually try in this general.
>you make games? like the ones on your phone?
>yeah, I make mobile games!
>omg that's sooo cool, can I play them?
>sure, you just have to go to the Google Play store and- wait, where are you going? Come back!
>plays your game wrong
ehhh I just don't think it's really my thing, sorry
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>um well, actually, its on the PC computer, I originally designed it to be on the phone but found it didnt work, so I moved it over to PC computer and steam, yeah, uhh anyways if you take your shirt off I'll put you in as an NPC
thats ok. my target audience enjoys it.
Ok you got me, I was lying. When I told them I'm a gamedev:
- one girl said "Oh that's cool" and never mentioned it again
- one girl looked at me weird, like "really??" and never mentioned it again
- one said she's not into games and never mentioned it again
- three asked if I work at a company and when I said it's my own company they asked about the company and if I had employees and offices.
These were all dates from dating apps.
I should note I do actually make a living from gamedev (inb4 not amateur, yeah yeah)
>it's da brit!!!!!
They where already colonized before the brits.
relax saar
ok aura
That's not me. I posted this >>483179287
Oh that's so cool
that's okay. it's my fault for not leading you to the correct way to play ingame and for creating a game that can be played incorrectly
>dating apps
Found the problem. From my experience you'll only find vapid swipers that barely pay attention to what you say in there. Actually get out and meet flesh and blood people you can create bonds with.
>Ummmmm why didn't you use a true crossplatform engine like Defold hahahahahaha, don't tell me you fell for a pedestrian handholding engine like Unity or Godot hahahahahahahah
So from what I'm gathering being able to make a game in Unity is not very impressive to a job recruiter.
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>browse high quality courses taught by industry veterans at artstation or thegnomonworkshop
>find one you like and copy the title
>search for it on https://www.bilibili.com/
>ching chong profit

works every time, you're welcome chuds
I'm still learning Unity :)
That was all examples from in-person dates (as if there are any other kind). I don't share those details online, dating apps are just to arrange meetups.
what were you doing on the dates? If you were just mumbling and beating yourself up all the time while putting the women on a pedestal I swear to God
Header over to Sasquatch B Studios! They have lots of guides for beginners.
uggh I want to dev but my girlfriend is walking around in nothing but a t shirt which usually means she wants sex...
I didn't join v3 and I didn't regret it. AMA
Literally anybody can make a game in Unity at this point. It's not special anymore, the engine is basically idiot proof.
So coding in Unity is significantly easier than any other engine?
gay faggot negroid
call me when a kid who doesn't know how to code can make an open world spider train game in a year and sell a million copies Poonity fags
google "lethal company"
holy shit someone's calling me
Everything you could possibly want to do in your game has at least one Unity tutorial floating around, whether or not it works is another story. At least 80% of the shit flooding Steam and the app stores are games that were stitched together using tutorials. For better or for worse, Unity is basically babby's first game engine.
>there's TWO oppai loli threads on /v/ right now
damn it
flat or budding is justice
fuck off
why are normalfaggots posting on 4chan???
why not both?
uggh I want to dev but my fat african boyfriend is walking around in nothing but a t shirt and asking me to bend over...
Do you plan on finishing Tower of ASCIImovo?
anyone making a game
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any good jrpg playlists for devving?
It's just dates, just having drinks or something to eat. The point is no girl seemed impressed or asked to see any of my games.
And I didn't expect them to. I went on dates with a costume designer, two scientists, a painter, and I didn't ask to see their work either. Games aren't special, it's just something that some people are into, others aren't. Like my mom and dad never played any of my games or even asked to see them (my mom plays her Facebook and BigFish type games). They just ask how's work, but I'm sure they don't know how many games I have. And I don't begrudge them for it, I was never interested in the particulars of their careers either. I didn't even read my mom's romance novel and not because I'm squeamish but because I just don't care about it.
I gave up, sorry.
i look like this and make video essays about 7 jrpg characters no one ever uses
you mean the guy on the right, right
The internet isn't the same as it was pre-2010. 4chan is a normalfag website just like any other social media adjacent site. If you want a normie free site, go to one of the dead 4chan spinoffs.
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ask me how i know you're making an anime game
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wyell........... >w<''
Mid rear resolutions:
>By this time next year I will have finished my game
>I will try really hard to grow my social media presence and get at least one cute fangirl
>I will go to Japan and meet my Japanese fans
fuck I meant year not rear, that made it seem kinda gay
I did and was told I'm very talented, still got ghosted later down the line :/
how did he make a game in Unity if he couldn't code?
Wait wait wait I think I’m starting to understand. Is the reason all you losers make your games 2d platformer pixel shart, or tranime, or “cozy” because you ultimately are just hoping to use this hobby to get a gf and are trying to create a game with the highest chance of appealing to women?
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5 hours of work today and this texturing is all I have to show for it. I really underestimated how difficult painting faces in would be, especially considering I can't draw in the least. Doing this 8 times over is going to incredibly hard.

Anyone have any tips or is this about how it should be going?
The controls being WASD and the notes moving horizontally seems like it would be a little annoying, but I haven't actually played the game so what do I know.
you're doing good just keep going
I think you're way too high-fidelity tho. You could have an easier time learning if you started around 2000 instead of 2006
Just watch a tutorial, or have AI do it
no one ITT is making a cozy game or a serious pixel platformer
Every game in this thread (and agdg in general) seems so low quality that the only possible explanation is that it’s meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator (women)
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>no one ITT is making a cozy game
I am
have you seen my game?
No, post it
I'm not allowed to
Unless you're in the I-must-make-everything-myself-(except-the-engine-for-some-reason) camp, you really shouldn't be doing this level of art. Instead just get a premade 3D character and adjust it close enough to your liking and put it in the game. Once you have a fun game that's getting traction, you can decide which art is worth replacing. But until then move fast and put all of your effort into making a game (mechanics, mood, feel, story, etc).
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I did get some similar comments during the last DD about that. Personally, I think it feels fine, but I could see why others would disagree. I've thought of a handful of potential solutions:
>Switch from WASD to ASJK (which is what Clone Hero uses), and switch the notes from horizontal to vertical. I always thought Clone Hero felt a bit off, although it does require strumming which this doesn't, so this might be the best option.
>Keep the notes horizontal but switch from WASD to something else, like crtl, shift, caps lock and tab. this definitely does not feel right to me, but i'm sure there are some people who probably like it.
>Switch to a Dante's Inferno absolve-style scheme where the buttons are arranged in sort of a plus symbol, and the notes move either up/down/left/right. This might make WASD feel better, but it would also totally change the dynamic of the game
>keep everything as is, but implement custom controls and let the user decide which buttons to press
>I'm not allowed to
Oh so you’re a lying nodev troll, ok
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Ignore the crabs. Ignore the haters.
If you put your all into your game, you WILL get at least one cute Japanese fangirl.
Just keep going, you're almost there.
Do FPS games alter camer's FOV during recoil or is it the Z-Axis?
>tfw you will never have a cute Japanese waifu thanking you for being born
Why live?
Thanks anon. I'm trying to document this workflow, as gay as that term is, so I can repeat it for the other characters. It involves a lot of trial and error though since I can't draw. I think you're right about the fidelity, but I have a really specific look in mind and I'm too autistic to give it up.
Most texturing tutorials now focus on recreating retro aesthetics that are popular or focus on using materials and sculpting detail and baking it in assuming you have a much higher poly model than I do. It's really hard to find one that is even kind of similar to what I'm going for. I did throw the mesh into an AI texturer online just to test it out and it spits out unrecognizable, completely broken trash. Do you have a recommendation? I'm open to trying it just for fun.
a lot of FPSes play with the fov when you do various things, like sprinting or looking down the sights
>I can't draw in the least
That's a really good face for someone that says he can't draw. Fix the nose a little and you've got yourself a mongoloid.
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What's the most likes/upvotes/whatever your game ever got anywhere?
I'd ask her if she wants to collab on a game with me.
can I get some game dev motivation from my bros?
I'm not in that camp at all really, but I have a really specific vision. It really bothers me when stuff isn't fitting and the only way to ensure everything fits is if I do most of the art and design myself at least. I have a lot of other assets I've found that will work, it's just the characters specifically that need this much attention.
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>Switch to a Dante's Inferno absolve-style scheme where the buttons are arranged in sort of a plus symbol, and the notes move either up/down/left/right
On paper this seems like the best option. I made a quick shitty mockup of how it could maybe look. Just put the dancing guy in the center and have the circles appear from the outside cardinal directions.
I will do it. I will put it all on my game. I will get cute Japanese fangirl girlfriend.
I only post my stuff here on 4chan, not Twitter because I hate Twitter and I also hate promoting myself. Advertising feels fake
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That's the point. You have to make game to get there. You have to earn it. Once you cross the finish line you'll realize it was all worth it. GET TO WORK.
The only way to get positive attention is to act like a pathetic neutered worm
WRONG. I will get attention by acting like a total chode
My game isn’t the type of gay tranime trash that appeals to Japanese women, it’s over. I won’t compromise my vision for a woman
Not resolutions but things I hope to accomplish by June 2025.
>game is 100% complete and released by then, i refuse to still be devving on this in 2026, i will not be like that loser yanderedev with 10+ years on one game
>try to grow the social media presence of my gamedev persona
>get a pretty fangirl
penguin game isnt tranime
That also works but if you anger the wrong people (trannies) they will try to dox you and swat you/your family
I don't live in Amerigga
If you had faith in your game, you'd be showing it off everywhere.
If you make a game about penguins you’re a faggot. No better than tranime
To be honest, I actually like it the way it is. But I might try to make something like this, just to see what others think.
if your game doesn't have cute/sexy characters then yeah its over for you
>immediately gets proven wrong
>spirals into a seething rage
>if I pretend the person I disagree with is angry, I win
degenerate porn addicted faggot
>putting cute/sexy girls in your game makes you a faggot

>ignoring the first 3 words of a 4 word insult
Single digit IQ
>putting cute/sexy girls in your game makes you a degenerate porn addicted faggot

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progress for the day: made variation textures for some models; arranged some level assets; modeled level decoration assets
wagey bros... our time is nearly up.
Yes, it does
damn I didn't know Eric Barone was a degenerate porn addicted faggot...
So far I have not gotten any.
>le heccin cute tranime animal game
>not tranime
I'm making the largest scale project of any dev on here, dunno what you're going on about.
um, anon? Did you already forget your original reply that sent you into this meltdown? You didn't say anything about cute characters, only anime.
Post it then
Im jealous. Ironic how those types can get away with that stuff while also chanting that said things are evil. The exception being whenever they do it, the absolute levels of hypocrisy there are astounding. I want to post as me not act all neutered cause some troons will try to dox me. Even then their only leading piece of info is my game which means they'd have to dox a few select things to get my info eg steam account where I sell my game through
>anime is bad because it's trannyshit because fasdfsdafffff
Oh, how much the site that started as an anime discussion board has changed...
Anime != trannyshit
If you hate "tranime", then leave this site. This site is the weeb/otaku shitpost central, and it always has been. Saying this as a non-otaku.
stop acknowledging bokusimp's tantrums
you should realise by now not to engage with anyone who uses the term "tranime", they're all like this
not the nigga you're arguing with, it aint a game a normal man wanna make it's transcoded
Which would you rather see in a 2D sandbox RPG with mechanics and gameplay modeled after those from the 80s:
>NES RPG art style; every object and character is a 16x16 sprite/tile, or
>Card art style; everything is a card in the style of a TCG card. Every card art is generic and monochrome/manga-inspired
tranime has always been cringe. What kind of sane human finds any appeal in malformed teenage girls with colourful hair going "aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee sugoi arrigatou konichuwa"
what the fuck bro
man i wish i saved that penn and teller image i saw yesterday...
if i had it saved you'd be so FUCKED right now
consider yourself lucky kid.....
t. seething booblet landwhale
if you need to know what a real man's game looks like just look at factorio or any game from the turn of the millenium.
Where's the anime girls in age of empires II? Would you ever go up to the developers and tell them to add anime girls to it because it's gonna "boost sales"?
Japan's greatest cultural export of the past 50 years has been Anri Okita.
4chan is an unofficial off-spring of SA
Self hating weebs were always a thing here
Everyone's memoryholing when people thought "anime pfps = nazis"
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No, I'd tell them to add anime girls because I like them.
>live action porn
I was talking about their freakish heads actually
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>Japan's greatest cultural export of the past 50 years has been
You aren't getting replies because the question is meaningless. I want to see and play an actual game. I don't give a fuck about the art style. Make a playable prototype first.
Speak for yourself. Every minimap tutorial I can find involves a camera above everything, which I'm pretty sure no real game has ever done
I am a 6'4'' muscular man and my game prominently features cute anime girls
They just don't make anime like they used to
Otaku culture is a cage. Break the chains and you will fly for the first time in your miserable existence
for me, it's Lucky Star
For me, it's Dragon Ball Z
If that were true, weeb women would be all over you
Weeb women don't leave the house.
Western symbolism appropriated with zero context or subtlety
Never-ending power escalation
God = Le BAD
Teenage girls squeeming like brain-damaged retards over mild everyday shit while their boobs jiggle
Overreactions over normal social interactions
Characters teleporting behind each other while saying "heh"
there, I just saved you the pain of sitting through 99% of the modern anime "canon" released after 1990
4chan contrarianism how completely ruined some people's brains.
How dare you imply DBZ is bad and lump it in with moeshit
DBZ has all of that shit don't try to pretend
contrarianism is good actually
Stop replying to the redditor
I agree, but
Dude, check your spelling first, shoulda said "has"
Ok, where are the "God = Le BAD", "brain damaged teen girls", and "le western appropriation"?
Before you say "it's just there, ok!!" and make a onions face, god characters are the good guys in DBZ (except Beerus), and afaik there's no brain damaged teen girls. The only brain damaged one is Goku and he's a guy in his 40s by DBS.
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>BDZ isn't moeshit
Also, loli chichi hasn't been seen in literal decades
Chichi's a hag now
Sorry if spelling I am ESL
>mistaking BD with ZDB
anime is very reddit actually
I don't know if you understand this but whenever an anime comes out depicting knights and elves and shit, the japanese are so clueless that it always comes across like someone in Europe being asked to make a TV show about Mongolia and the showrunners coming back with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaLOaZTVsGo
ok, then tell that to >>>/a/ with a straight face.
See how they laugh at you and call you a retard.
theres a subreddit for everything anon
is everything reddit?
But I like how they make knights and elves...
not every subreddit is anywhere close to that big
I mean I do but people usually don;t give feedback on here which is why'm mostly waiting for demoday. I have the full soundtrack completed though.
This, there's literally a 4chan subreddit
By that retard "anime bad" anon's logic, 4chan is reddit too
>he's moving the goalpost
>4chan is reddit too
now you're getting it
Yeah cause you're an american hylic who's so disconnected from your European roots that the inborn understanding of the mythos has literally been drained form your blood over the last 200 years
t. europoor
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: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Maybe it can be finished today...
Goddamnit, here I was going the hateboner for Reddit stayed in /g/
based for posting
I can't promise you're making the largest scale project of any dev, however, there's certainly people who try to make their games way too big. If it comes down to a battle of how much work has gone into a game in total to make the project larger...
There's surely one of the long time devs that's in that category.
embarrassingly soulless. try listening to anything that's not touhou vgm for once.
Well I've been working on it for over 7 years on and off now, scrapped it twice and re-woirked the strcutur a whole bunch. Now it's just a semi open world map several miles wide that I'm going to mostly be spending the next few years filling up with stuff, that's the bulk of it. I would say it's on scale with a AAA game from 10-15 years ago with slightly better visuals.
>embarrassingly soulless
How so? Most of my motviation is taking from games I enjoyed in my childhood and other series that helped inspire the world and the characters in it.
>Well I've been working on it for over 7 years on and off now
then your only real competition is bokube (keeps getting sidetracked and I don't know how often he actually works, so maybe doesn't count), underspace (small team) and marmoreal. Those are all similar scales of projects that really should've released by now. At least Underspace did.
>Lie #1 Don't start with your dream game.
>This is his game btw https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343270/Samurado/
Okay now I understand why he thinks "Don't start with your dream game" is a lie. This dude has literally 0 soul or creativity and thinks everyone else is like him. Most people dream games are pretty much impossible to make while this guy dreams of making another vampire survivors clone.
underspace's scale was way bigger than most projects here. or any project here except maybe bug fables?
We don't get al ot of truly huge games
Bokube is pretty huge (not that it should be) but boku decided on making a platformer be longer than 7 hours
remake tifa looks like anri okrita though
Ahh damn, I guess I'll just wait a little to see if anything changes

My only problem with Godot is that it has its own language. I know that you can program with another one as well (idk c# if I remember correctly) but I'm a beginner so it would be better if it was the main thing.

With C++ I could at least argue that it looks good (or better than the Godot language) on my resume.

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