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#6113 - OCG Banlist edition

Previous: >>483034335

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Animation Chronicle 2024 (Jun 22)
●Rage of the Abyss (Jul 27)
●Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers (Aug 24)
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)

●The Infinite Forbidden (Jul 19)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)

>●AMC Cup 5 (Jun 30)
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ds6VhMeaZqykZjnbhwfBYu3XNaGBhy92/view
predict his next errata
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Does the hit to Gimmick Puppet also kill the FTK?
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>No Maxx C ban
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Rate OCG's newest banlist.
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i don't really care about ocg format but it does strike me as pretty fucking funny that people thought they were gonna hit the c
last year it was march 18, before that it was march 24
>hmm indeed ocg is clown and shit haha
>wait for me tewart sama i will keep on shitting ocg i will buy hundreds of boxes to and see if i get a magia tewart sama
>hmm i love tcg and jewart cock!
Tribute 1 monster with less than x000 attack
Looking for a cheap deck to learn the ropes.
Is tri-brigade fire kings a decent pick? I was told it can be upgraded in a dozen different ways when I learn what I want from the game.
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How could you ban me like this? I am a Yugi and Kazuki Takahashi card.
>50-card Branded deck
retrain instead
>Catapult Tortoise
>Once during a turn you have not activated this effect: You can send 1 monster you control to the GY; inflict damage to your opponent equal to the sent monster's attack on the field. This damage is halved.
>Beatrice limited
I don't get it, why do they refuse to ban her?
The card is old as fuck, isn't fun or interesting to see and has been a consistent problem since forever. Anytime a level 6 engine appears she's the first card they usually abuse.
It's not even a shilling issue since Fiendsmith will still be played for the free negate but it will be weaker and not splashed into everything.
You were too powerful for the mortals
*gimmick puppet lock.deck
Last game had Masquerade make Plants guy pay the tax though
konami limited her because its a SOPT and not because she's an inherently broken ass card
there's a difference
they want fiendsmith to be good
anal gay sex with mieru
anal gay sex with lidl
anal gay sex with sora
anal gay sex with common
Honestly that just makes it worse. Puppet lock into burn for game 3 win to time.
Still, since he was against plants all is justified. Their entire gimmick is winning game 1 due to obscurity and 3 to time. Fuck em.
literally nothing changes in there format. snake eyes is still the best deck. Consistency hits are trash. and there banlists are just randomly limiting cards at this point. Limit sp and beatrice? i this a joke?
shartpult turtle
Ban lists exist to push product, not balance the meta. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised. It's not like they're trying to hide this fact with the last two ban lists.
Once per turn, if you control this Tribute summoned card: You can Tribute 1 monster; inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the Tributed monster's ATK on the field.
i guess we're about to get the other 3 xyz versions
Why aren't you playing Master Duel and WCQ event? Why are you an unplayer?
It's definitely an okay deck, but it's not a meta pick and won't be in the forseeable future.
I'll gladly become an unplayer if it means I don't have to play this garbage format.
Making it say Original Attack solves the problem.
Are ocg player reactions available? I enjoy reading those.
MD is dogshit
fake ass format with a bunch of banned cards
They're too busy praising the new Wan Piss chapter.
>"But it sucked!"
Correct. However, they have shit taste.
TCG players shitting on the OCG banlist when we're about to het fiendsmith lmao. The TCG banlist will be useless shit too and if you're seriously thing that they're going to ban Apo right away after the reprint, you are fucking delusional.
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Ban soon?
She went from 3 to 2 to 1 so yeah probably due for a ban after she's reprinted in the winter tins
toon support doko
>SP and beatrice to 1
>the link-1 that is just the field spell
>Turtle's second erratum (We're not assblasted btw)
>You can tribute 1 monster to inflict damage equal to half the monsters original attack (Max 3000) you can only use the effect of catapult turtle once per turn. Your opponent takes no effect damage for the rest of the duel also you cannot special summon the turn you use this effect.
>...unless that would make his LP 0.
Toon Scissors
Normal Spell
Make your opponent cut their Deck into 2 parts, then, you can Special Summon "Toon" monsters from the Deck and/or add "Toon" cards from the Deck to the hand, up to the size difference between the 2 parts. After that, your opponent reunites and shuffles their Deck.
Toon Pankratops
Normal trap
Toon fuck yoo
If you control a Toon monster and toon world; Switch hands with your opponent
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What are your last words on this card?
Lmaooo. Enjoy getting buttfucked by prices and kevin jewart, retards. All of this by "negated with million cards", git gud.
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It's ok sis, we will simple destroy them in debate with science and downvote their posts.
How come we had that leak for light pack but none for ROTA
Upcoming OCG fan event thing
Do we have any statistics on the win rate from resolving maxx c turn 1 vs not doing so?
toon colosseum
continuous spell
if you control a toon monster:
- your opponent cannot control more monsters than you
- if your opponent have more cards in their hand than yours, they cannot add cards to their hand
- each turn, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects more times than you
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3-1 today. Faced pure Fire Kings, Memento, Tenpai and another Tenpai. Lost last round.
>He opens Dark Hole, Droplet, Talents, Lightning Storm, Paidra/Chundra and either Field Spell or Sangen Kaimei both game 1 and 3
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but /dng/ said...
My nigga Ib's chest so flat you could almost mistake it for a floor tile
This place has been getting even more retarded lately and posters here keep reaching new lows.
why is ecclesia not here
1 sp
Ib is the hottest in this pic btw
Because it's a coinflip sim.
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One Chiyo all for me
>tfw the original outfit is more lewd than a bunny suit
Back off
She’s mine
normal spell
body swap
>once per duel: banish this card face down and if you do, switch seats with the opponent until the end of the duel
winning as your opponent counts as your loss
would it see play?
Whenever someone says something like da plants only won because nobody knows da cards it just makes me question how abominably retarded and unskilled the average tournament player even is if you can just casually meme them out by playing literally any 30e shitdeck thats not one of the top 5 meta picks at the moment

not that plant link is cheap or shit but the point is that you have to be legitimately retarded to be clueless about the functionality of entire popular archetypes let alone ones that can actually perform in the modern era
>Gains lifepoints
>Stalls on your turn
>Activates this and ends turn
>Stalls on your "opponent's" turn
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Toon Maxx "C"
shit youre right it should be a quickplay spell that can only be used at the start of your draw phase
TCGcuck status?
Plant soup is slightly below Branded levels of mediocre but requires galaxy brains who are also mental cases. No one is gonna learn a meme combo deck that's not even part of the top 5 unless they are masochists/insane.
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afraid of maxx c and selling their testicles for new cards
Look, no hands!
Normal Spell
For the rest of the Duel, whoever touches a card with their hand loses the Duel.
i was too hung up on people bringing 37 useless cards and using this but the threat of not drawing it is restriction enough

quickplay spell
body swap
>once per duel at the start if your draw phase: banish this card facedown, and if you do, switch seats with your opponent until the end of the duel
you can counter it with mst cosmic cyclone etc and now you both have to try to win with eachother's deck
this would be peak playground fun
Thanks for confirming what I said, further made worse by you apparently thinking that branded or plant is "mediocre" in any form or fashion. This makes me question how good even the "best" players actually are if theyre basically just bullying retarded kids who think its too "hard" to even try to grasp what other cards beyond their own are even doing
You just made the Suship guy stronger by making him learn how to duel with chopsticks.
What is this cope? Plants only won because Europe is genuinely filled with the worst players this game could offer. What do you expect from a region that arrests/fines you for ""misgendering"" trannies and a huge furry population?
TCG list soon?
>a region that arrests/fines you for ""misgendering"" trannies and a huge furry population?
but enough about america
Plants only won because Europe benis wenus, of gourse! :)
Sky Magician Girl? Freaking really? Who asked for this? What use will this even be?
I asked
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>TCG list in line with ocg time
America only has the furry problem
Dumb toaster.
>he doesn't know
Troons are no longer a useful golem in Murricaland, so a lotta laws are being passed against them these days
>enough about America
Kek this is some real cope here
>Alice printed
The US has never had a law against misgendering trannies unless you're a corporation using that for a reason not to hire someone. The EU will quite literally send police to a citiizen's doorstep for telling a troon that they're a man. Hell the UK alone will send police to your door for saying mean things online.
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Will TCG have the guts to ban this DM Yugi card?
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only the UK does this
in my country troons aren't even allowed to take their tranny meds
Shut up, bitch
I was talking about the furries
post the baby Catapult Turtle from Rush
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He cute.
Why are TCGtroons extra salty today?
What would PePe use if it was full power today?
Every performage card
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Cards that got banned post-erratas.
but what does starlight think about the list?
Ocg released their banlist today and it has changed nothing.
They've finally realized nothing will change in the tcg and we have another six months of this bad format, soon to be made even more bad with the release of fiendsmith.
It's rough seas ahead, cap'n
Fucking pissed off
IO didn't deserve it desu.
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>On a streak sets having DARK Dragon Synchros in them for four consecutive core sets (DUNE, AGOV, PHNI, LEDE).
>Infinite Forbidden breaks this trend.
Kings of /dng/, will you be alright?
RDA is so hot
Turtle genuinely did nothing wrong. Maybe players shouldn't be allowed to shit out 16k monsters with one card
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>half of the banlist is burn-related cards
>even nips are in complete confusion over the gimmick puppet hit
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Not in the eyes of the heroine
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>Kaiser Coliseum is a card that can deflect Nibiru and Super Fusion, which Exorcist is weak against, and challenge Magnifica in a fair 1v1 match, so why is it banned?
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Would you?
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>Mfw I see yet another dogshit OCG banlist
Yep, another win for TCGODS.

Tewart won't let us down, he'll ban OSS, he'll bring back Electrumite, Circular and GUB and the TCG will be saved.
>not sourcing the proper pixiv
>Cards all legal in the OCG
>Somehow a win for tcgkeks
>he'll bring back Electrumite
But Tewart is the OG pend hater...
kek tewart will ban oak at best if he's being generous
>OSS ban
No shot that's happening while they still have reprints to sell.
I'll be honest with you, anon. I would with a sentient pile of slime if it cared for me.
What happened to Vampirelily?
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Sorry, we still have another round of banning extra deck staples to make room for the 500$ fiendsmith engine. Hope you rike the apollo and IP ban goyim!
Is this rape?
Colossus did nothing wrong
IP ban would be appreciated actually
Once per print, you have to tear it after every use.
>ban broken cards
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
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SP or IP will get ban
and my money on SP
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The OCG's current semi-limits.
Appo and I:P aren't broken.
it isn't getting banned until it's like 5 bucks
In a non-clown format I'd agree but banning them instead of the actual cards that matter won't make this format any less of a circus.
It's to stop the cascade effect of yugiboomers crying for their favorite anime deck to be meta.

Only shilled LORE decks are allowed.
>use literally any leftover materials to become part of your endboard
yes they are retard. they're the same exact thing as verte and s:p.
They really could've just unlimited the Rulers.
IP I agree with you on, but Apo is cancer. It was cancer long before Snake-Eyes became a thing and it remains cancer.
When Apo gets banned, the majority of the playerbase will cheer for her death and I'll be joining in with those cheers.
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SP is not broken
That is still Europe. They have the highest concentration of furfags with the epicenter being Germany. The US has a good amount of them too but they're mostly in the coastal regions and scattered far apart in the rest of the country. Europe has them nicely spread throughout the continent.
I:P Boymoder.
>unlimited the Rulers.
Powercreep truly is ruthless.
Alright, then let's ban every single card that mentions negate or unaffected by then
Now this is being retarded
It's time to unban Baronne.
>easier to summon DPE with banish removal and none of the downsides
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it's time to unban vfd
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Who's next on the unlimited treatment?
It's time to unban Kitkallos
Just like how Alice got monkey pawed into being c*berse Red Hood could get monkey powed into something horrid as well so I don't think it's good to wish
Voiceless Voice 2
>It's time to unban Kitkallos
You are legally gay if you play fiendsmiths
It's time to unban Giant Trunade.
Gamma can be at 3
Driver to 0
Please for the love of god bring gamma back. All these hand traps are killing me.
The possibilities for monkey pawed Red Hood
>they make Red a shota
>every character is a wolf
>the theme mixed with some dogshit franchise
>so bad its unplayable but still costs a shit ton
>extremely boring playstyle
>they give it to a shit artist
>focus isn't on Red
>it ends up as engine slop where Red isn't even used
yes please, and Called by the Grave and Red Reboot
Ban Ash.
Free roach.
I don't want Snake-Eyes to be able to play IO
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>Colossus went to 3 in the OCG
How did the Mighty fall?
>>the theme mixed with some dogshit franchise
I'm going to take it literal & make it even worse by comboing it with trains as well. Not like CC2 wouldn't take the money. Bamco's not greenlighting a .hack quad collection anytime soon
he cant stop me setting a card from deck
Alice got monkey pawed into being DBP trash, being cyberse is the least of her worries when the odds get this stacked against you
You're already winning if you can get to Collosus.
She'll be the 2nd coming of Rei! This time for sure
Winmore - the card
>doesn’t stop mill
>doesn’t stop setting S/T, Monster from Deck
It has always been a joke
SP eff response?
Isn't Plants basically PendSlop 2.0 negate spam that is vulnerable to handtraps but capitalizes on Europeans' tendency to play breakers?
Can I use Argyros summoned by it own effect to summon Colossus?
no because it doesn't activate
the monster you tribute doesn't have to be the same so you can tribute it if you have activated a thunder in hand in the same turn
Thunder effect actived in hand to summon, tribute it off for colossus after. It should work
The summon is a built-in, so unless you have another Thunder to activate in hand it doesn't work
They're the latest 47 step combo into unbreakable 7 negoot boards deck. The difference with plants is that they're plantlocked so they don't end on the usual suspects like Apollousa and friends, and uses plant stuff instead.
No. Argyros has a summoning condition, not an activating effect that summons it.
i need a new binder

any recommendations?
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https://challonge.com/dngAMC5 (June 30 at 2:30 PM CDT)

New banlist download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SZnZAdpMCnEuC6qUlsMv8oT25ooScVMe/view?usp=sharing

Still working on my deck. Final version of it will be posted Wednesday.
>You cannot tribute a monster with attack higher than your opponent's life points
Help me. I got everything from Noids in the new battle set. What else do I need? I plan to build a pure deck, no snake eyes besides maybe Ash.

I never played with them and they all look similar so I dont know anything
Just make it work like Ring of destruction.
One for One, Reasoning, Monster Gate, Card Destruction, Proxy F Magician
Maybe Dark Fusion to make Evil untargeteable
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Void Feast
The slow burn advantage gaining continuous S/T...you don't see much of that anymore
She looks like she fucks young boys
you see it in the slums, where garbage decks make their homes. where shit is wild, as they say.
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Strong Evil Twin player
It's shit.
Get out of dng Yusaku.
It's always nice to see Jappas improving themselves and doing what they love. A living example for everyone in this thread.
paizuri girl
bvilt for gouki cock
who is her favourite gouki
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now all they need to do is release his t0 archetype retrains
>turtle was protecting us from this
Imagine effects built around having monsters with weird attack and defense
Strings limit seems strange, can't GP still FTK super easily
sure why not
DBPs were a mistake.
Didn't yubel have one?
It's from way back but I recall someone going over how those stats actually have a deeper meaning to really go along with it being a true spirit of death.
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Legacy support when?
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They did nothing for Getsu Fuhma & Ryu Kokki
despite a new game. Why would they bother with random unions other than the black dragon one?
Yugipedia has this, don't know if it's what you're looking for.
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Fugg3 is at least happening.
Yeah that's exactly how I remember it. Didn't think it was on there. Possible that they brought over. Wouldn't be the first time such a thing happened
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Is there any convenient way to purchase JP cards in the USA? The best I've seen are proxy services and then a website that looks straight out the early 00s called jakarade. Don't care about OTS play since I mostly play casual, Edison, and HAT with friends. A little bummed that JP cards aren't talked about more.
I see them all the time on ebay.
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Am I building this right
put a shield next to the left arm
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needs some kind of sword for right then
You missed little D.
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Honestly instead of just nuking decks they should test the waters with releasing stuff that can boost other decks into playability
Like, would snake-eyes format really have been worse if they freed elf? Worst case scenario a terrible format stays a terrible format and they just re-ban elf
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Nah, fuck you all. Fuck this gay world and fuck the OCG specifically.
There was no greater time or moment for them to fucking murder the roach than today and what did they do? Nothing. Shit banlist through and through.
I am so fucking mad that they didn't ban Maxx C. I cannot fucking believe that they're this attached to it. Somehow I had it in my head that "nah bro, this is it, surely they have no excuse to keep it now after creating multchummy, even if they don't outright ban Maxx C they're surely hit it in some way, even just a semi-limit would be progress" but no, they did NOTHING. Fucking NOTHING.

Hoooooooly fucking shit these faggot slant eyed low test cowards make my blood boil.
>Like, would snake-eyes format really have been worse if they freed elf?
Actually yeah since it makes them making IP and SP even worse. If you want Elf back SP has to be banned first
Wow why didn't they ban Maxx C when it's in the Tactical Try Decks which are one of the most successful products in years
japs will never give up the bug. they'll let yugioh die rather than give it up.
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the last TCG and OCG banlists are so bad that even the retards here making custom banlists are somehow better
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>Reprint Maxx C in the Tactical Try Deck
>Tactical Try Decks sell out in no time
It was never going to happen
What are they removing from the ED to run it?
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>most successful products in years
>Jewart won't bring them over
"Be sure to get your QCR(only) Magias!"
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Did u rike it?
None, it's the tachyon spell that searches too many things while being searchable itself
why is raigeki at 2
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>he thought nips were going to ban Maxx C
probably Heatsoul or Sunlight Wolf
When are we getting our banlist?
early or mid July at best, August at worst
Buge will only have a chance of getting semi-limited if they choke at Worlds
So whats the big amazing play here?
All I'm seeing is making nib live faster.
Elf is on MD and is doing basically nothing.
Japs will never win worlds again.
You were a sub-70 IQ retard if you thought there was a non-zero percent chance for them to touch the Roach.
This is what people said about S:P coming to MD and it didn't matter at all
Almost like the retards here overreact about stuff without playing the fucking game.
MD has plenty of Spright tech cards hit where TCG doesn't. If you bring Elf back Spright will be a Tier 1 deck again, maybe even close to 0 since Snake Eye is definitely getting gutted anyway
That's a worthy sacrifice. Losing to gaijin scum is preferrable to banning Block Dragon or having to acknowledge meme decks like Six Sams or plant soup
>maybe even close to 0
Let's not kid ourselves now. It would be good but this is a massive jump.
>Almost like the retards here overreact about stuff without playing the fucking game.
same goes for Apollousa, btw
>does nothing
>does nothing
>does nothing
>does nothing
>YOU CAN'T UNBAN ELF! (you are here)
Spright is not at that level without the broken shit like Union Carrier, it's just a really efficient core
People are still playing it fine in MD with Twins, Gishki, Hero Kids, etc., they're really only missing the really high ceiling level 2 engines in Frogs and Nimble
Spright also has maxx C to help do the heavy lifting in MD.
Lets not forget that Maxx is level 2.
You can unironically ban something like 90% of the list and nothing will change in the meta. Current tier 1 and our recent tier 0 decks have power crept literally everything else in the game to such an absurd extent it's actually insane.
>You can unironically UNban* something like 90% of the list and nothing will change in the meta.
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Unban and unlimit all Tearlaments and Ishizu cards and watch what happens, cowards.
Imagine that
Fuck off mbt
>Most skill intensive meta returns
You can have ariseheart/diablosis back for the banning of shang.
Makes your deck honest. Soulful even
That we must ban all Tearlament cards? Right away, xir!
Idk what you're talking about, I'm Auroradon, aka MPB
First we errata all the banned cards
Scheiren's legs wrapped around my head with my face firmly embedded into her crotch.
Thoughts on that?
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>teartroon coping hours
>Maxx "C" will be unlimited in the TCG
Elf would've been fine if she could only summon to zones she points too, and even then bringing back and making I:P untargetable is something I really don't miss
I would enjoy the chimpout on here.
I would argue they might mix momotaro with redhood.
Sorry dude that's a step too far. Full power tear is so powerful it actually has to be banned in unbanned tournaments.
In matches whose gimmick is all cards are available, the sex fish are the only ones unavailable.
Shut up unplayer retard
why does dng hate skill intensive metas
>skill intensive meta
>games are decided by who puts up dweller first
Biggest meme of the decade
I'm too low IQ to ruleshark my 7 chains in the GY.
cope harder tranny
I accept every other unban request, but not this one. Tears are legitimately broken. I don't know what Konami was thinking when they gave them the go ahead.
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>won't reprint it
>won't ban it
What the fuck is the deal with Maxx C?
>I don't know what Konami was thinking when they gave them the go ahead.
they were thinking "How do we make players care for Visas lore?"
They reprinted it in traptrix structure deck and the new tactical try decks
>draw cards
>they retrain his cards down to everything revolving around the Castle and ring
>/dng/ retards will seethe endlessly because they use the manga stats instead of the retarded anime stats
Can't wait.
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Merlli, Havnis and Scheiren get banned
Agido and Kelbek come back at 1
Tewart had someone drop Maxx on his Merlin and blames it for why Noble Knights couldn't succeed even with 3 RotA
Fuck Tear.
Fuck Ishizu.
Let them both rot forever.
Not agreed. Milling is too useful now, and will be even more so with fiendsmith which is in like 90% of ocg decklists.
I wish they would make a naturia boll weevil or some shit that mills so I wouldn't have to mix my nature deck with DISGUSTING horus SHIT
It's amazing that the Shadoll counter failed at everything
what was he thinking?
>give a waifufag anything back
No, I don't think I will. :)
>good and consistent engine, but not broken enough to be on the banlist
>kino Egyptian artstyle
the only shit here is you
found the shit eater, stay out of my forest kid
I'm burning all your gay ass plants you synchtroon loving faggot
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arc-v ruined yugioh
Facts, only brownoids disagree
Master Duel ruined Yugioh.
No, I won't elaborate.
Both MD and RUSH are to blame for killing yugioh
having to accommodate anime plots and anime card design ruined yugioh
I at least want the shufflers, but since every format has some sort of GY comboing, I won't hold my breath.
>didn't mention a deck
>you assume i'm talking about tearlaments anyway
sigh, i guess tearlaments are skill intensive after all
Lore anime will save Yugioh.
>it's been a year and a half
>teatrannies still coping
Well the only other deck that could play in tear format was floo and you certainly couldn't have been talking about floo being "skill intensive"
Thing I like will save Yugioh. Yugioh is dying because of thing I don't like.
Konami hire this man
Sexosister manga + anime will save Yugioh.
Tearlaments are the best
The lore anime has already arrived.
>rush corruption
This game peaked at DUNE post-SHS
Im tired of playing unchained and snake eyes, so im looking for deck recommendations:
I like heros combo play style and its absolute shitzillion number of ED monsters, some funny and bad, and others that are just good cards. But im also a waifuplayer as well. Any decks that can combine these two? Preferably at least rogue or about as good as heroes.
earth machine
Very funny repeated post you say every time.
Sky Striker
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More Raye figures with detailed panties is the only thing that will save Yugioh.
Regrettably you've just described sky striker
I'm sorry anon
Its terminal.
Live-twin spright
Give us an aged up, caked up, Raye
Voiceless branded.
I think every yugioh player uses a sky striker deck at least once in their time
She looks like she has autism
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Wait really? I was really underwhelmed with how boring it was when I tried playing it compared to heroes, but then again I played it like 3 years ago.
You may be on to something.
You're DEFINATELY on to something
does this actually work
She does.
If tears had at least one of each mills could they beat shake eyes?
Will the TCG hit Sangen Summoning too like the OCG?
>I at least want the shufflers
Keldo and Mudora are only okay now because they're limited, if you put them to 2-3 they're gonna definitely be a problem
Yeah VV branded is a thing.
Its pretty soulless but its a deck that exists.
Didn't VW top recently? Could that be a 'fu deck?
Yugituber reactionfags are already s o i facing over it being hit and celebrating so I think it will.
If you want, the deck hasn't really changed at all since it was last relevant.
Maybe ill just play heros instead of having cute girls to look at while larping as a hero deck.
Not while it's still fresh & can go in a tin later
Those "people" do not matter at all to KoA.
They hit tearlaments before the tins.
Sangen Summoning is a good hit, though. There are 0 justified reasons to make all of your monsters inmune on top of a ROTA
The only problem is that now with Kaiser Colliseum gone EVERYONE will be spamming Heat Wave
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/dng/, I believe all of this is happening for a reason.
Shut up seedot.
It topped two nats back to back like a week apart. It's just objectively worse than snake-eyes, and will be worse next month with fiendsmith released
Why? Isn't Tenpai a big flop?
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they technically could, there's an opening but you have to live in tokyo
anal gay sex with every dng poster
as oppose to what? anal straight sex?
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Mankos look fun but I don't like decks with characters that are not straight.
That is a thing anon. Can a man not fuck a girl in the ass?
I don't do sex, it's uncomfortable and awkward at the best of times.
How about I fix you some hot chocolate and we play duel monsters instead?
horny degenerate andrew ryan be like can a man not fuck a girl in the ass? is a man not entitled to the fruit of his own seed? no employment no education no training only anime
That's just playing a Snake Eyes deck anon
What is the limit on Gimmick Puppet of Strings supposed to stop
Kill yourself tardwave
I find it funny how Konami has shafted the obligatory monster archetype in DBPs so many times they literally had to go out of their way and explicitly state "Yeah this one is Dragons"
Lovetap to Gimmick Puppet FTK. You have to understand that the OCG fucking hates ever fucking hitting anything.
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The anime is so trash right now....
I know yugioh is pretty bad but man I didn't think it could go this far down.
Are there tv rating numbers somewhere?
Covid lockdowns ruined Yugioh.
They just let the designers do whatever the fuck because no one could look over their shoulders.
dragon (wyrm) ((illusion))
You mean to tell me the reason why we never hear from Zoroa ever again is because he fucked off into a pocket dimension to have big sweaty gay sex with his little Spoon?
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it's over
But /dng/ said the Yoshida OCs wouldn't matter in the Magistus manga.
I'm still not sure what the gameplan of Magistus was meant to be pre-le ED skill drain
shame they made zoroa gay
are we getting anything today?
so why isn't he a fire king again?
he literally went into spoon's hole in this chapter
Well Son is brown and Maze might as well be Brown
>based they made zoroa gay
Now he and Endy can have hardcore gay sex
the actual mc (aleister) hasn't done anything yet
How else would the lore manga get to 20 chapters without setting up several villains?
If shueisha and tv tokyo cared about yugioh's tv ratings they would have changed things 15 years ago.
>I am so fucking mad that they didn't ban Maxx C
Tears taste so damn good right now...
>diabel can recycle power spells that aren't HOPT
bros? what are some of the best emergency teleport targets?
besides ze amin.
God I wish that were me
>best targets
Sora Amin
Ghost Belle
Mental Tuner if you're playing LIGHT/DARK stuff
Myutant m05
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her breasts look like they could hold alot of spell counters
My boyfriend called me a faggot. Should I leave him?
No, at least stay until your son is 18.
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>Myutants are so dogshit the most optimal use case for them is being a Spright starter that doesn't take the Normal Summon
Neo-Space retrain that power creeps Ash Blossom. It sets Neos spells/traps directly from the deck to the Spell/Trap Zone and if the set card is activated on the turn it was set your opponent cannot activate cards in response to its activation.
Is it better to be a starter for a better deck, or to be an engine for a rank 8 toolbox?
>power creeps
learn what terms mean before you use them retard.
Do what I want stupid bitch tits.
Reveals tonight?
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It still cracks me up that haine is a full head taller than genni, not only that but each of her tits is bigger than genni's head
hey /dng/ what are the usual ratios for the frightfur engine for a fusion heavy deck?
ophrys to 3 in the ocg implies we're going to get brilliant fusion to 1 in the tcg.
3 Patchwork, 2 Edge, 2 Poly, 2 Guardian Chimera if you have the ED space
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What are the best dragons to banish for the new Light and Darkness main deck dragons?
It's funng how the OCG banlist was such abhorrent dogshit that there's not even that many people making fun of anyone that thought Maxx C was getting banned because even they're baffled at how fucking bad it is
>playing Diaper Engine
The originals.
tranny porn folder status?
protostar to turn your lv4's into lv 8's
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how did these get past the international censor
they didnt thats why we dont have them
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based tcg cucking waifutrannies
They already got censored for the Koreans
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Rare non-bootlicker.
why do erratas only happen after bans? they could just reprint catapult turtle to say original atk and go on with their day
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Wait a minute.
>Catapult Turtle is a DM card and it was banned
>Yubel is a GX card/deck and it was not touched whatsoever
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Honest answer
They don't want to ban Seventh Tachyon
Retard, it's not because of pandering
OCG hits FTK and burn cards harder than TCG since they take a fat shit on Maxx C, drawing 10 means nothing if you don't get to play
they did nothing about gandora for the longest time even when it was topping major events
And it got banned once the roach brainrot set in, your point?
yubel support is newer, catapult turtle hasn't had an ocg print in a decade
>tfw you remember Yugi's deck in Duelist Kingdom comes from Solomon
This grandpa is too powerful
Truly the legendary gambler
Catapult turtle got errata once actually.
Remember that even if Diabelle and Wanted get limited in TCG, even if Apo and IP get banned. Snake Eye can still consistently FTK you with Blaze Phoenix.
You will not escape the tier 0
Funny they have far less tolerance toward OTK burn cards but left the turtle alone because there was no consistent way of bringing it out while making 12k+ monster. What the hell were they thinking with 7th tachyon
I can't believe the villain of the comic destroyed his servant for power. what an unexpected turn of events.
now that the dust has settled, how good is the new metalmorph archetype?
>Beatrice, S:P, OSS and Branded Fusion banned
maybe this nigger was onto something after all
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Maybe they'll do it again
>What the hell were they thinking with 7th tachyon
they wanted to make Photons playable BADLY
I'm pretty sure the other deck who benefit the most from it is Shark
Making a searcher for xyz decks, most of which aren't anywhere relevant
OCG Stories was a mistake.
Is that evil Yuamu?
Holy fuck.
first time she looks fuckable, I don't know why making bitches evil makes them hotter
Ancient Gears coming to rush
They fear Magic Cylinder.
Now that the dust has settled, do you like how it performed in testing? I'm just making jank shit out of it with red eyes and hieratic and it isn't that much better. Feels like they need a second wave and they aren't even out yet
OCG stores is the only good type of media we have gotten since 2019
Not yugioh.
Na no ne
Makes me wonder what took them so long, most of them fit right in perfectly.
3000 atk and defense beater that turns off spells/traps should be really strong there
they're broken
your cannon...
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And then they never did anything with the crossover Monarchs ever again
when do they announce the new set
konami.....the colossus reprint....pleease
made for gay sex



Son of a birch
Wouldn't be the first time. Hex-Sealed Fusion, Effigies, Attribute Rituals all hang out in the incomplete Attribute cycle club as well.
It's funny how Rituals are so gimped they don't even get to have their own version of Polymerization but for a Ritual in your hand, it has to either be Attributelocked or need Normal monster garnets AND require exact levels
He will get a shortprinted to hell reprint if BLTR is anything to go by.
Remembering when Konami seriously thought Drytron would use this card if not for its restriction
>this card and the shitty Nordic Fenrir/Jormungandr are the only cards restricted from being Normal Summoned/Set that don't also have a "Must be/Must first be special summoned by X" clause
Least mentally ill te*rtranny
Why does Konami just absolutely refuse to ban problem cards to make the game more enjoyable?
A perfect example was full power ishizu tearlaments. Sure, they let them have their time in the sun, but game/mirror would have been a million times more enjoyable if they had just banned abyss dweller and winda, the only cards preventing the mirror from being a hyper interactive game every time. Same with branded and albion (or fuck it, ban every problematic target), why keep that shit around when you know it actively makes your game worse and decreases enjoyment for everyone. Hell why was ariseheart, with his macro cosmos effect, even made in the first place? Shifter and droll are another ones, colossus too, cards that create non-games, or are useless.

Yugioh has existed for decades at this point and we STILL have to deal with cards that should have been hit years ago, yet keep getting new ones too.
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You missed one of my favorites.
what about every psy-framegear
>but game/mirror would have been a million times more enjoyable if they had just banned abyss dweller and winda
There are retards in this world that think winda and dweller were the problem cards. Please reprint hitler konami, we need him now more than ever
>muh skilled mirror
Kys retard
the original toons had "you can" instead of "must first". The errata made them much worse.
Floodgates are what took away skill, retard. Same with albion, mirror or no mirror. I don't even care how "skillful" chucklefucks like you consider mirror matches, I just don't want games, mirror or nonmirror, to be decided by un-interactive flood gates. The only people that defend this shit are those that rely on them as a crutch.
>I don't even care how "skillful" chucklefucks like you consider mirror matches, I just don't want games, mirror or nonmirror, to be decided by un-interactive flood gates
then you have to cope harder since they unbanned Protos and Colossus, and they're clearly not planning on banning Sanctifire
Next set is "Supreme Darkness"
Jaden bros...
Darkness(Nightshroud for dubfaggots)bros...OUR TIME IS NOW.
Evil HEROes...
Sacred Beasts...
More Yubel...
>Supreme Darkness
>more DARK support
Most common Hero endboard in the background
No shit, it's almost as if that's exactly what I was talking about retard.
>clearly not planning on banning Sanctifire
Not that retard, but I wouldn't ever say that anything to do with the ban list is clear
uuuh, evil heros?
We are SO back, Dark black magician bros
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What is the end board for Tachyon if I start with Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon?
>HEROslop: Evil edition
wow I can't wait for the seven thousandth wave of hero support
EVIL HERO is like the weakest branch of HERO
this, but unironically
Anyone got the chart of cards we know from Rage of the Abyss?
number 107 galaxy-eyes tachyon dragon and the counter trap
i was really hoping we got an structure deck soon, but i now just realized that the ocg just got 3 structure decks basically, so we might not even get that anytime soon.
fucking hell man.
no no dude, this will save hero and make them meta, just trust me on this one
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8500 burn damage.
BLACK-eyes DARK dragon bros.... its ovr tvme
>wow I can't wait for the seven thousandth wave of hero support
Weird. I don't recall having made this post, yet I already seemed to have posted it.
The Blue-Eyes SD wasn't announced that long ago anon.
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3 more weeks sweeties
im CIS btw
I will break both of your legs
Supreme Super Polymerization soon
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It's unexpected dai+ and that's good enough with me to drop most other off archetype extenders, the ns banish is even quite decent
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>puts on a hat and grabs her scepter
>+400 ATK/DEF
Why is she so powerful?
an evil hero fusion that fuses away all of the opponent's monsters
Okay actually i won't, I'm sorry it's just been really tough for me recently and I lashed out
Where's our year?
>Nightshroud (Metal Plus) Red-Eyes
the pattern checks out. for the first time in a really long time am hyped
Rage of the abyss?
oh yeah. i forgot about that.
i guess i care so little about blue eyes that i dissmissed it.
Imagine if it's really Red-Eyes Nightshroud support for the cover.
I will preorder a case the second I see the pic. shrimple as
More Lair of Darkness girls soon!
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Let's go
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>it's Shadow Rider/Sacred Beast/Nightshroud support
>your opponent is legally allowed to murder you after resolving
Looking more like Year of the Fiendslop to me...
Wrong tripcode fuckface
Leave Supreme Darkness to me.
>Konami bypassing the 2 slots per series thing by having the 2nd GX one be support for a DM archetype in Red Eyes
not quite, changed it like a year or two, it doesn't help that I was kinda absent the last year.
But Im your same good old Red-Eyes poster
Now if you excuse me
1st weekly (daily?) reminder that Red-Eyes is the best Dragonbro!
>niggas actually think it's going to be red eyes
Water Fiend Game Original archetype for Supreme Darkness.
Fck you, that's not allowed
why? I never lose a shadow duel before, closest thing was a tie against CuteGirl (I think) years ago
>appears in both DM and GX so they can pretend it's DM shilling again
More likely than you think
>Ushio, the bully Atem traumatized, was not obsessed with money anymore
Too bas Atem didn’t fix his personality so Martha had to take the job
The Red Eyes Darkness Metal retrain that's just a spell immune Herald of Ultimateness
>dragon and fiend shilling continues
Will this be the set where they try and retrain Divine Neos?
probably evil heros
Let’s start with retraining all the vanilla material for Evil Hero fusion monsters
>b-but muh respect legacy
Just give them restriction like “only treated as the original when used to fusion summon Evil Hero”
>During a match where [vanilla] was used, this card is treated as [vanilla]
gay sex with heros.
any card sent to the gy is pounded in the ass.
if a card is added from deck to hand, groom it.
rape one card on the field, acquit one of your monsters.
molest any spell card on the field.
flirt with any monster effect on the field.
I like him in 5Ds. He goes from an asshole cop to a chill ally in the series
He was cringe
Sinister Necrom might see play
Do we even have any notable E-heroes left to turn into evil heroes? Neos?
Bubbleman, Wildheart, and Neos. Maybe the OG 4 vanillas if they are feeling ballsy
Neos, OG vanillas, a bunch of the fusions, Evil Hero Darkness Inferno Wing to go along with Shining Flare Wingman.
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Need deck full of cute, sexy handsome dogboys with nice abs like Reich. They should print 15 support waves for Scareclaw desu.
Dunno. They never made any "evil" variant of the MCs boss monster outside of the ones appeared in the anime like Malefics, odd-eyes raging dragon, etc
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Does this count? If so i need them to start making supports for this nigga
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where did series 12 go wrong
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second multchummy card doko
they're literally going just do an dark gaia remake called some shit like Evil Hero Supreme Gaia of Darkest Dark
and I'm gonna love it
>more FTKbait buffs
It’s all so tiresome
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I can feel it.
This is the set we'll get XYZ Martha
>During your opponent's Main Phase 1, if they Special Summon a monster(s): End the Main Phase. During your opponent's Battle Phase, all monsters they control are changed to face-up Attack Position, and each monster they control must attack this card, if able. Negate the effects of monsters destroyed by battle with this card.
There is already a pseudo FTK with it and black rose garden/burning bamboo
Imagine how crazy it would be if it ended up being EVIL HERO stuff that worked perfectly with Yubel
Wait didn't this series start with 5Ds? Is there anything in there that would fit that name or are they not going in the same order on the second half?
Konami can shuffle the order of the sets however way they want, we just got 2 DM sets in a row.
>duke of demise
Most Japs understand that their list is a clown show, they just can't do anything about it.
yeah clearly malicious fiend is the problem here and not all of the spam before that
2ho power, a 2ho without her hat is incomplete.
why neither of her daughters is as sexy as she is? Puddingcess is cute but Tiramisu is pure sex, I want to bake more royalty with her over in a daily basis
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>Master Duel ruined Yugioh.
I started playing paper again after 15 years thanks to MD and I'm having fun
I genuinely don't understand Konami's hateboner for VRAINS. It makes being someone who actually liked the show a miserable experience. Half the decks in the series have never received a game-original support wave (some haven't even gotten a single card at all) which doesn't sound too bad until you realize there was barely any decks in the show to begin with
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Ngl I can't wait to get the new Madolche cards. I've been sitting with my deck, just looking at the cards on and off in excitement for a good while.
Because drains is utter garbage and deserves nothing
VRAINS’ only redeeming feature was Ai
>Half the decks in the series have never received a game-original support wave (some haven't even gotten a single card at all)
It's all centralized around Aoi, Soulburner and Yusaku. Everyone else gets fucked, even those who got a good support wave get fucked by just being ignored.
Since VRAINS ended, the following decks haven't received any game-original support cards
>Gouki, Dinowrestler, Appliancer, G Golem, Codebreaker
We just got Allure Queens, what more do you want
Any of the season 2 villains to have their decks printed probably
Link Magic
Any of the following
>give a card at the very least to any of the decks that haven't received any support (like how Sunavalon got a card randomly in BODE)
>don't skip the series in a "1 per series" set pattern in favor of more DM (or if you are at least queue it up to be first in the next cycle rather than GX)
>print Judgment Arrows so we "unlock" Link Spells as a concept decks can have
>what more do you want
For the series to actually get similar levels of support consistently?
>Altergeist appeared in DUNE
>nothing in AGOV
>nothing in PHNI
>nothing in LEDE
>nothing in INFO
>nothing in ROTA (so far)
Compared to other series, VRAINS got fucked so far unless ROTA gives them something
>DM got 5 waves this series (Chimera, Rex.dek, Shining Sarcophagus, Millennium, Metalmorph)
>GX got 3 waves this series (Yubel, Ancient Gear, LaDD)
>5Ds got 2 waves this series (Yusei.dek, T.G.)
>Zexal got 2 waves this series (Gimmick Puppet, Shark)
>ARC-V got 4 waves this series (Supreme King, White, Raidraptor and Melodious)
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>inb4 it’s more Blackwings
What's the deal with this nigga anyway?
He's just a cult leader that's evil and want to summon eldritch abominations?
He was a Quem simp
Quem died and he went crazy to bring her back
She’s back now but he died
I am pretty sure he always was a demon in disguise and just created a false doctrine to fool people since he never let people see his face or touch him
I hope it's Bakura/Zorc
Red-Eyes Joey bad
Red-Eyes Nightshroud good
no! turtle!! stoooop!
Why are papercucks like this
>Holy shit bro look at how shiny this card is it's totally worth the money
Like what does it matter how shiny something looks.
Some people in this thread have taste so awful that they end up liking jobber Fubuki.
why is it limited?
Isn’t it a joke card in GX?
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It's limited because of this
With Dangers and Saryuja it's very easy to sculpt the deck so that it always kills.
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Love how people somehow complain about the game now, yet back then it was a genuine nightmare in every single way. FTK after FTK.
>22 minute long game
>6+ turns in
>Sky Strikerfag protagonist draws Slash Draw and actually hits with it
Okay now this is kino
I wonder what engineshit players will complain about in a year's time.
>Print Slash Draw but not this guy alongside it
I hate this meme Konami is doing where they just print 1 card of a minor character and not finishing the whole thing
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>Quem simp
Literally me...
It's not even worth trying to guess who's going into the darkness pack considering how common of an attribute that is.
It was a particularly embarrassing time for Konami, they had to ban the anime's Ace monster and revert MR4 because it was killing the game
I think it’s time for Phantom Knights support and Rank 13 Dark Rebellion to match with Rising Rebellion Falcon
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Supreme Darkness will be the best set of all time if it contains:
>Evil HEROs
>Darknesses cards (finally)
>Clear World new original support
>Bonus very unlikely pick : Cyberdark support
Fuck it, might as well throw in another GX deck since I'm going all out. Add a slime archetype since that one guy Kaiser fought used them and I've been fiending for a slime/ooze/jelly archetype for centuries now.

That would be so fucking perfect (for me).
isnt Quem just a sacrifical maiden or something? I faintly remember they needed Ecclessia/Cartesia as the 100th or so sacrifice but she decided to ran away tonget some Dragon D. and they had to prep Quem as a substitute
>PK support
Oh boy I can't wait to read al the complaints about how the new support sucks because you can't play Adventure or Horus with it.
ARCHFIENDS, Red-Eyes, Metalmorph (was used by two different people) Evil HEROes, and Dark Amber Arnold Mammotnegger X-Mode
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>Ignihorse Dragonus
Why do they make new Normal Monsters at this point?
What's that first one?
Mostly for certain lvl, type and attribute combinations. And so they don't have to reprint/import cards from 1999.
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print more trickstars.
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Is it a Fiend/FIRE? Because the OCG is currently scalping this card for primordial slop
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nah, it's just a waiting game for the anime to get where it should be.
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How come the OCG gets to have 3 Glow-Up Bloom but we can't have 1?
Its Sea Serpent
because we have reinoheart and kash tear and perlereino at 3
seriously? Why?
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Traptrix SD Part II this year.
>beetrooper link 2
because you touch your cards after touching yourself at night
fiend and fire locks all snake eyes and tenpai and yubel and fiendsmith cards
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No, you'll get another extender and you'll thank Konami for it.
I dont follow
>new Level 7 FIRE Sea Serpent
Looks like they're gonna give Merlanteans another Rank 7 Xyz or support around making them
Have they been lowering the amount of cards have been in these TPs? Feels like we've been getting way fewer hints at future things.
The primordial dragon negates then banishes all monsters with the same type or attribute as the normal monster you picked
Another Ragnaraika link 2 that extends you say?
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I still cannot believe that I randomly picked up a copy of this shitty, seemingly irrelevant and innocuous normal monster around 2 months ago and then out of fucking NOWHERE it somehow becomes relevant.
What are the odds?

I also picked up Snakeyashi too just because 'lol Snake Eye Ash'
How about printing fucking drones or something people actually care about instead of chess piece filler that showed up in half an episode to job to the new villain, or more ignis cards since there are like 3 full decks they haven’t touched including hydradrive, or even some of the less irrelevant filler shit like d-scales or topologina.
Didn’t drones place highly in some official poll about unprinted decks?
Those weren't structure decks, those were starter decks.
I can understand putting off Hydradrives because it's a complete mess but Drones should've been printed ages ago. That we get fucking Allure Queen support before it is almost a crime
For me its dangling the last remaining scraps of cards left for some archetypes for backlog fodder. Shit like G Golem, Appliancer and Codebreaker have 3 or so cards to print in their archetypes but just aren't being printed
Armatos Legia has been the most anticipated VRAINs archetype for years now, yet it's still not printed.
The fuck is wrong with Konami?
At least we did get g-golems but who’d have thought they would be printed before the much more important armatos legio?
I wonder how exactly they plan on salvaging this archetype, people like to argue that it needs a boss but I think a bigger and much more massive problem is the fact that the vast majority of its cards are just mid extenders that you have to jam even more mid generic Insect extenders only accessible off the non-archetypal and also not a 1 card combo Resonance Insect into to do your climbing
Nah insects as a typing has amazing support.
A competent boss monster alone would put insects on the map straight away.
Anything else is just the cherry on top.
People are gay sissies and just want le insect Baronne. As far as casual/below competitive decks goes they're fine in most aspects already.
This shit is always retarded because there's no guarantee that the backlogged support in question will get buffed enough in the current era.
Like shit, what was the point of holding on to something like Ring Announcer when it's been barely improved from its anime version and doesn't do a lot for Battlin Boxers currently for example?
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The ultimate archetype.
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>Cyberdark support
Not that unlikely
Remember when Fubuki tried to use his Darkness power to snap Ryou back and then Ryou use Cyberdark Dragon to equip Red-Eyes?
They can use that
Not really? Insect has a single good card and a bunch of mediocre as hell extension effects you desperately try to finegle a board with.
What were the Diabolos and Evilswarm Nightmare reprints even for anyways
Zexal set no hype
Gx set hype
Remember that time blood shepherd summoned despair from the dark from outside of his deck because soulburner was traumatised by despair from the dark
Gimmick Puppets
Remember that time that one guy changed his entire deck because of mirror force instead of just running backrow removal
Holy shit! Jessie Kotton just came out as non binary transperson!!! Check out her Twitter!
He had to play around Noctovision
You wouldn't know what it's like being stuck in the bottomless pit of despair
Yeah but did he honestly expect to play around this every time? It seems a bit extreme to me
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If only he had just searched this
>Revolver plays IO to counter Judgement Arrow
>Nobody bothers with Royal Decree to counter mirror force
Nobody else has access to revolver's boomer card supplier
Yes, anime characters literally have infinity consistency barring the fucking Gorilla dude.
Someone call the guy that explains how Aoi could've won every fucking duel she had
VRAINs duel writing is wack
Print metal baboon already
But Yusaku has a dummy deck filled with boomer cards...
It does but it was also what got me to come back. Dropped right into Trickstar, big reason why I still like the Link era
And Brave MAX runs Evenly Matched
they've been reduced from 17 to 11 cards as of 2 packs ago but all the commons and supers are now parallel rare
print the Baboon link
VRAINs was the only anime brave enough to show a duel consisting of two players completely bricking and trying to bluff each other that their hands were stronger than what they were.
Is there anything stopping them from making sets not anime related? Like, game original cover card, minimal anime support, etc. Have they done so before?
isn't that enough to get you disqualified/banned in the real game?
but where is the zombie support?
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to be fair, this was the deck
it's worse for sales if they do that
as much as I love the brick mirror episode, there's nothing "brave" about it. The writers can write whatever they want into duels, and they've had comic relief shitters appear in other duels (see Brave MAX vs Ghost Girl, or Crow vs the fucking Clock man). It's not a plot relevant duel, so anything could've happened, the kid could've been on Infernity for the shits and giggles if they wanted him to.
Get off your high horse
No one would buy that shit
You mean like DBP?
Is it really? Are most of their sales really from anime fans who watched stuff past DM? I assumed they got most of their sales from big box stores and vendors buying boxes
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>good number of people from my locals have never seen the anime past 4kids dm
>they all buy boxes during sneak peek and just assume the anime stuff is just random shit petdeck stuff
you overestimate how far reaching the anime is in this game.
NuExodia is just a handtrap deck
Why was konami afraid of time seal so much? Back in caveman yugioh it's only slightly better than drop off and the mask of darkness loop was no longer viable after tsukuyomi got banned in 2006. Drop off became unlimited within a year while time seal stayed banned for over a decade.
Every deck is a handtrap deck, especially if it revolves around keeping one big guy negate on board.
It was just annoying and somewhere down the line konami was gaslit into thinking it worked on turn 2 by players who didn't read the card
Dubs and the water elemental lord gets banned within the next 5 years
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The bulk of sales come from randoms buying sets because it had a card they remember. Randomly putting Albaz or something on the front basically eliminates those sales. Its part of the same reason why DBPs dont sell as well or those side sets that put some random shit on the front
The Graveyard is functionally a second hand, it won't do shit
for any TCG b&list mess up its usually safe to blame tewart stupidity but OCG is bananaman land, who knows whats going on their R&D team during banlist season, even less when they always fail to see the cards interactions with each other.
I wonder how a JP Tewart or Julia could be
Is Tewart still even head of the department anymore? I haven't heard anything about that guy in years, does he even hang around pojo anymore?
I really like how Vrains has all these callbacks to classic ygo cards, sucks the show is total ass past S1.
Unless Im missing something caveman yugioh preferred drop off over it.
Why couldn't Baira just have real Virus cards? Why couldn't Faust use the real Worm Bait? What the FUCK was happening with Genome's deck
Season 3 is pretty good, the only real problem with it is that you have to watch Season 2
>wanting LESS anime cards
They did it back in DM for Horus, Fushioh Richie, Spirit of the Pharoah, Nephthys, Zerato and The Creator
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>season 1 was plagued by awful duels, animation quality was extremely mediocre outside of a handful of episodes, cards were either AWFUL animeshit or actually good cards
>season 2 had blood jobber in it for 7 episodes, slightly better animation, cards were either the main 3 decks (Rokket, Salamangreat or Cyberse) or AWFUL animeshit like Hydrives
>season 3 had a really interesting plot, good animation, but it felt like a really lax, low stakes plot despite the actually high stakes, duels were okay and the show ends on a nothing note (not even a ceremonial duel, Ai was the antagonist)
Vrains was okay, it just felt like it didn't go as batshit off the walls as any of the first five shows
Zexal only has one cool archetype, Photons.
because I am a manchild that points and exclaims when I see [existing card in real life] in the anime
my daughter Galaxy-Eyes says fuck you but also nice taste on pets
>not cool
>If this card is Summoned (and no other cards):
Why does Konami always pick the most awkward way to word something?
You can feel their hatred toward Pendulum in those wordings
Well how would you word it then smart guy
it's the same shit, galaxy photons cipher tachyon, all of them fall under the same umbrella
If this card is Summoned on its own:
It's to prevent a pend summon of stun monsters and skipping the draw phase.
lmao i still can't believe the ocg was retarded enough to be scared of draw skips
Hoping for cthonian to actually become an archetype here.
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Card games do awkward wordings to accommodate for rules all the time. My favorite one is MTG's Animate Dead, the simplest overexplained card because rules hate it.
In essence, its Premature Burial but it loses a bit of ATK.
But then the rules come into play
>It has to enchant something in the graveyard
>but it revives it so it is no longer a card in the graveyard and would want to kill itself because thats how Auras work
>so the card pivots the enchant text so it has an appropriate target
>THEN it revives the thing so by the time the game checks if it should die, it doesn't because its legally enchanted
It's just a complete mess instead of trusting people to not be retarded and understand intent
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In a world where you can't just conjure up infinite resources from the 5/6 cards you start with skipping a draw step can kill you, sadly we don't live in that kind of world anymore.
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>POV: You just asked KoJ's R&D, after they printed Gumblar and Hunter and Merlanteans and X-Sabers and Droll Reincarnation and Calamity and S0 and Azathot and Kali Yuga and VFD if you could get a draw phase skip without seven quintillion downsides
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The tension
>"I am the storm that is aproaching!"
so they really don't care about Drains mah balls
If only this card is summoned
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>mill that
>transaction rollback
see you at worlds
>Both players discard as many cards as possible from their hands. You can make 1 face-up monster on your field gain ATK equal to [the number of cards sent to the Graveyard by this effect] x 300 until the end of this turn.
Imagine how cancer the game would be if Rush cards were legal
>Summon Yowie
>Activate this
>let's pretend yugioh isn't cancer right now h-haha
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Its Geh's bday
>Korean version has the artwork changed to be English cards
Why did they do this if Rush isn't coming to the west?
Disingenuous response. I never said it isn't cancer now
I'm under the assumption some legal trouble is stopping KOA from bringing it over, there's no reason to bring the anime, video games and redraw art to just never bring the physical game.
It isn't legal trouble it's just Tewart wanting to push speed duels over rush
Well there is also the fact that there is no market for rush in the TCG
learn how to play the game first
My personal theory is that KoA is under some financial trouble so the concept of gambling a whole new game is too far for them.
I'm pretty sure KoE has stated that western Konami considers Speed Duel to be our equivalent even though it sucks ass and isn't even in every region now
exodia cards will all be SCR.
white woods all common
fiendsmith all common.
I dont really understand the issue here, isnt the controlling 6 six samurai monsters part of the effect the cost? so rollback should skip that part, right?
Im from the future, dont worry guys Master duel™ will bring Rush duel while also releasing a new value gemmie for it
its an activation condition
same way you can only rollback evenly at the end of the battle phase
But then there would be no reason to bring the anime or the video games over since those would be pushing a game he doesn't want to push. It doesn't make sense to go half the road.
The speed duel thing does make some sense. I wonder how they're going to proceed now that Speed Duels are dead in the EU.
Condition is :
Cost is ;
>I wonder how they're going to proceed now that Speed Duels are dead in the EU.
If they can't keep a format which has cards legal on both sides afloat, there's no chance in hell Rush would be worth trying
Dick is 8====D
Now let's not kid ourselves, vrains may had a fun premise at first but the end result was just another reason of why yugioh anime turned into shit. You are a fool for thinking that drains was "ok". The season was fucking trash, the cast was full of jobbers, with KANTOOOOO cards, yoshida being involved means that female duels would always be boring, which mean episode wasted, the cards were fucking retard like battle beast trap card with too much text, OH MY SECOND ACTIVATION, etc.
There is no reason to defend or try to see the good at it. Vrains was trash from start to end, and the card game state during those times certainly didn't help.
>fiendsmith all common

Not gonna happen
I enjoyed it retard
who u bitch?
You know it's hitting the list faster than anything else if it's anything less than Secrets
Maybe if you are a beaten housewife. Sorry, is not normal and not ok to like shit
I'm you but better
my favorite part of zzzzzrains was all the clipshow episodes
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It fucking came. I got my 2 copies for 4 euros each thankfully. Was sweating bullets expecting them to not show up.
Look at this shit. Price is disgusting.

My Kunnykara playset arrived too and they're already going up in price as well.
Next generation manwhore
Aleister would be proud
This. With Cross Duel flopping and Speed Duels on life support there's no way in hell KoJ and KoA will ever attempt anything of the sort again.
Depending on next banlist, they will definitely be a meta contender.
cross duel should have been a pc game
Might be a niche audience but I know people who are burnt out with Master Duel and find Speed Duel too slow. I personally would absolutely hop ship to Rush if it came out but I understand its a gamble
How many Phantom of Yubel is required for the engine?
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Fleur in a sweater works me so much... I love her and miss her...
Ferrijit looking pretty as always. And of course Shuraig rivalry haha.
Why is it so expensive? Is it a shortprint?
Bejitabro btw
Gokubro btw
Gohanbro btw
>early niggers
The thread is at bump limit doe
huh...I wonder if this can work with herald and star seraph.

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