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Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Dark) - (06/16 - 06/22)
Magfest Campaign - (06/10 - 06/24)

Unite & Fight MC skin - live
Side Story menu update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 Story event

>Future Schedule

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Previous thread >>483105058
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i love my wife
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love me wife
I don't think anyone forgot
only Lraph thought this one man spam is fooling anybody
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raiden better not show up during the naruto collab or cygames will face my wrath I tell you that
I make love to their wife
Birdman isnt getting an event because the EN localization team told cygmaes that his outfit might be offensive. It's why his SR has him not wear his bird suit.
>Favorite male character - 1: Sandalphon/ 2nd place: Seox / 3rd place: Percival / 4th place: Seofon / 5th place: Siegfried / 6th place: Vane / 7th place: Belial / 8th place: Lancelot / 9th place: Nehan / 10th place: Lucilius

Grantrans are losing it HARD.
Nobody even voted for that shit ass grantranny.

>Favorite female character - 1: Narmaya, stands atop the poll for the first time since Vikala (156) was released! / 2nd place: Vikala / 3rd place: Djeeta / 4th place: Zeta / 5th place: Wamdus / 6th place: Lyria / 7th place: Cagliostro / 8th place: Satyr / 9th place: Ilsa / 10th place: Galleon

Djeeta is obviously way more popular.
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I feel like everyone in this general should be shot dead for the good of every video game community
>feed is 90% granblue a-art again

wow we are so successful
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NEVER let 'em forget it.
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>granraging dxitasis is literally SEA
Why do we always lose? Why does Shay always win, bros?
go to bed sanjay
even worse. it's india
I love egyptian sluts
>water tefnut and raziel
>dirt grand Raiden
Damn, almost a perfect legfest
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>grantranny got mogged by india
SAAR!? let's do the needful and post the jita saar!
What's the difference again?
Raiden isn't going to be playable
dirtbros what went wrong?
If we went the AL route we could be getting shit like this in the game
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quality general for a quality game
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>thread is moving at 20 posts/hour
>Grand Raiden gets revealed
>Thread turns into an AGDQ homage
that's it, ack
Is it too late to play your game?
Based taste
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We love Djeeta here.

Grancels be acking extra hard after getting mogged in the last thread (again).
>soriz and okto element
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bros why isn't he tweeting about granblue fantasy's newest summer event......................
I grind for she sir
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>Shay was right
Eat your heart out, Nostradamus.
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>it was padjeeta all along
holy fucking kek no wonder xis english is broken
We stan Djeeta here saars
>cog avatar
>every tweet is about the other granblue game
it's so joeover
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Poo in loo dxita"sis"
Funniest shit ever
this tranny doesn't play granblue at all since years ago
>but the Cag profile picture
unironically avatarfagging as Cag
Of course if it's not SEA or west coast it's a subhuman pajeet.
>/gbfg/ has its own Sanjay now
I am John Galge. I must ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his AP? "No!" says Fukutroon, "it belongs to my AGENDA shills that players love!". "No!" says the homotroons, "We are running Grub now!" "No!" says the Xitter alphabet mafia, "Grub must align with DEI and must be culturally enriched!"
>grantranny self inserts into a 15 years old unpopular virgin cuck because he's insecure about his gender

How many honors do you typically get out of NM200?
good morning sir
But enough about djtroons who can’t stand looking in mirrors.
You mean the ones that praise grantroon art with homoangels?

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so grim
Education in Uttar Pradesh isnt up to standards so...
Me and my erune wife
the only thing grim is the state of this general.
I have seen sharty threads more coherent than this.
Yeah, I can't really put my finger on why the playerbase is unhappy right now...
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The protagonist, Gran, got official art facing off against the main antagonist and root of all problems GBF has, Lucilius.
And this makes the Djeeta player unimaginably upset.
So Peak
I want to kiss faa's sexy lips
imagine the angry sex
Yeah I wonder...
This is just that meme image of the brainlet yelling at the smiling smart guy.
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>skin released only with one stage
>animations look rushed
>2 new celestials
>dropped not a single one in 5k meat
>accepting I'll just have to get my fortune cores and cope
>>>>>>>sumo 2 revealed dealing the killing blow on the little motivation I had
>inb4 summer units' fates wank off other characters instead of focusing on THE CHARACTER YOU FUCKING ROLLED FOR
sorry bro they have to make Raziel fates about the aftermath of sumo 2 featuring Raiden and what's Tefnut without Richard teaching her about all the summer fun!
>2 new celestials
This is how you can tell we’re on the verge of EoS. They’re rushing these out now.
They did that for the first GW with celestials...
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are you retarded or what
smartest gbfg poster
not that anon, but yes
S. Wilnas
S. Cock
Y. Mugen
Y. Sandal Skin
S. Cosmos
S. Hekate
Summer Primal Pals Summon
Summer Aphrodite Summon
>S. Hekate

/gbfg/ lied again, if you actually check the time, it's Pakistan (or one of the -tans), India is in the UTC +5:30
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we are reaching levels of cooked previous thought uncookable
the woodpecker sighs
if I don't have any of the celestial wepons yet which one is most important to get with my cores?? I guess fist or sword?
opened grub, saw this shit and laughed for almost two minutes straight knowing I'll have a blast reading /gbfg/
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>Sumo event sequel when literally no one outside of /gbfg/ gives a shit about that event
>They really deluded themselves into thinking it was an event that people liked like the first Meg event to be deserving of a sequel
>Still zero signs of a Divine Assembly event this year
This year in grub sure is persuasive to get me to stop playing
It has been a blast so far
We are so cooked
Dragon is getting ignored just like bunny, someone at cygames is intentionally creating this train wreck, there's no way anyone is this inept.
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the resident slurper has been trying to force a jita vs gran war to make people look away from this so....................
same, depending on who we actually get as summer units (and my luck to get them) and what the upcoming collab is about this might be the end of my gbf journey
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Granhomos are freaking nuts
Again, what's the difference between SEA, india and pakistan?
Just the djxis mentality, I guess.
me on the left
>hag is getting ignored just like another hag
extremely based albeit
at this point I don't think even having another downblouse summer can save us.
this game is so fucked.
Djtroons really making edits like this to own the Granchads, huh? Weird mfers.
Yep that's me the MC
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>Play as Gran
>Do nothing
>Literally nothing at all
>This makes djeetafags mad
It was literally a brown slurper, to the surprise of no one.
>padjeetaxis making an unironic gay edit to own granGAWDS
>FKHRT homotroonery is totally okay as long as it owns the heckin haglovers!
Kill yourself.
>raiden isn't going to have a second event
>raiden isn't going to be playable
you are here
>raiden isn't getting a summer unit
>raiden isn't getting a figure
>raiden isn't getting a central role in MSQ
>raiden isn't getting a unit in every element
Oigen can you deal with the Spam, thanks
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Raiden pecs downblouse...
>janny janny save me he decided to hit back!
Don’t throw stones while living in a glass house, Djxis.
We love Raiden here, he's the last straight man we have left.
Based Granchad boomers
oigen died though you know?
I’d probably prioritize sword.
>>raiden isn't getting a figure
I think this is the only impossible one since grub barely gets figures for its older shill homos. I don’t even think Faa has one, does he?
>the last sumo warrior
>also the last heterosexual man
Sword. Fist if you play dark.
Kill yourself shipcuck
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hags..................... LOST
Completely different cultures several thousand miles apart
*jumps away*
post rurias.
>Completely different cultures
Oh nah
>MC wars failed...?
>q-quick, do the hag vs loli shitflinging!
Our girls really like the Rising EVO art with Gran and Faa. I guess all the efforts to make Gran more handsome lately is paying off. Now they just need to fix his voice.
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Too obvious isn't it? That's all slurpers can come up with anymore.
You lost >>483159551
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I decided to check the granblue_en tweet to see what normies think of this and seems to be mixed reviews
this one even believes raiden is KMR or FKHR self insert
meanwhile the people defending Raiden are shitters that can't kill NM90 even after pressing ALL their characters skills
Replace Ono Yuuki with Kaji Yuuki
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you done sperging out?
can we discuss granblue here?
Is it really that hard to accept the fact that hags are flops?
Way to prove his point, dumb brownoid
with Aoi Yuuki
you mean, like the new event featuring Raiden?
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>meanwhile the people defending Raiden are shitters
merely a coincidence...
Im gonna go make myself a sandwich or something.
>this one even believes raiden is KMR or FKHR self insert
Self insert is a bit of a stretch but my 2 cents is that they created the entire plot for a series of events regardless if the event was popular or not so they're pushing on with it anyway
The falseflag is getting a bit too pathetic slurptrannies...
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>he says as he posts a picture from the wrong game
Here’s another one complaining about it getting a sequel
>those retweets
Checks out
>shitraph out of nowhere
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>even the literal nogloving faggot hates raiden's event
Slurpsis tried with gran/jita and then hag/loli shitposting. The creature is running out of ideas.
>even gay niggas don't care about raiden
>>even the literal nogloving faggot hates an event about a heterosexual couple
yeah no shit
>>even gay niggas don't care about a heteroCHAD
uhhhhhhh yeah...
P-Please don't look at the event and its awful popularity...... E-Everyone wants playable Raiden...
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Even the gobus didn't like the event
FKHR self inserts according to /gbfg/ incluce but are not limited to
how do we worm our way out of this one xisters...?
>brown slurper is the one defending raiden and starting gran/jita and hag/loli shitposting
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>this was the worst scenario last year
KEK even the slurper nest hates it!
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More kot.
hi shay
>Raiden will enter the summer pool to fuck over free pulls
So cruel
Shay warped you, pajeet
Imagine going from Grand Uriel straight into Grand Raiden. Dirtbabs...
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not if I don't play the game first! *quits*
Just spam more gran/jita and hag/loli shitposting SAAR
All rise for the new earth grand.
Grand Uriel
Grand Raiden
Grand Bennu
Grand Siegfried (this time for sure)
bro thinks he's so smart doing this post when all twitter users defending the event are trannies or tranny fuckers
the fags and waifufags are both against this event worldwide
Barawa event was kino except for the part where all the cool new characters died before it was over so we'll never get any of them.
See >>483165225
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so why are you here
You're replying to the third worlder shipcuck.
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grub for this feeling
Valentines Bennu
all dark btw
the male ratio will finally be fixed
2 more weeks
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FKHR when he learns you like naru more than raiden
>He's the MC, he's me
but is that a reason to use him as your home screen?
how many egotistic people have a picture of their own face as their phone homescreen?
I'm starting to connect the dots, this third worlder shipcuck was also the one seething at "Raziel for (you)" posters too. Of course he loves shipshit like sumo and seethes at people who selfinsert as the male MC.
I have a picture of me and my wife on my phone home screen so it makes sense to have a picture of me on my home screen in Grub.
ayo hold up, FKHR's self insert getting another event? did anyone even like him kek
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>will get a summer version less than 5 months after being added
now THIS is the face of a winner
Nobody likes that trash flop, but contrarianism gotta do its thing.
He's shipshit so not even barafags like him
tick tock Raziel/Tefnutcucks
RaidenGOD is coming to steal your girls
not even the jap slurpers gobus like his event so no.
He's loyal to his fishwife albeit
ACKden is shipshit with the fish
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Does nobody at cygames care what fkhr does? surely they want to make some money
>a picture of me and my wife
>a picture of (just) me
deranged behavior
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Horse zodiac is here
I want to be the ultimate lifeform with Mcqueen.
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>ships himself with a literal fish
That’s a really weird fetish but I can at least respect being this open about it
>even normies are wondering out loud why Raiden is getting pushed for a 2nd event and equating him to a self insert
This game is washed.
raz wil be rushiferu/luciowank
idk about tefnut I skipped I only cared about femdalphon
They're fine as long as they have Uma money and aren't in the negatives. Even if it's only 4%
He's based for being a narcissistic chad, meanwhile you're a selfhating third worlder shipcuck. Also banevader.
>give raiden another event
>they will love us for it!!!
This could have been an azusa dating sim event you know
*yawn* wake me up when we got some nip opinions
see >>483164741
This isn't real right? I've been playing galge ring so I haven't logged into grub yet (I'm skipping gw btw dancho), but this is just gw shitposting right?
already been given, they either hate it or are too busy talking about other gacha that had good announcements today.
but i self insert as djeeta when i draw shitty mspaint art of raiden cucking gran with her
Oxy and Europa are canon wives but who is our canon husband?
No, I just logged on to leech gw and that was on the main page
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>get back from workout
>floptatefag and foxcuck meltdown over RaidenGOD and his event
In the end, I'm always the winner for doing nothing.
LMAO padjeeta sis...
>go to weloveislam.com and ask what they think of christians
just lol
gbfg is full of coomschizos, all the normal people in my d*scord love sumo event
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>cantate out of nowhere
See >>483162921
will playable Raiden be a Grand or summer unit?
Walking five feet to the bathroom doesn’t qualify as a workout, Seraph.
>Warped by cunnycake
MANY such cases
First UR
>water about to get raiden'd
>I've been playing galge ring
did (you) get ranni's perpetuity ring before entering the dlc?
is that raiden art new?
>using her fish version instead of her woman version
no bias btw
That's minigob. Gbfsisters was posted here >>483149839
Kek true he's probably out of breath as he typed that too.
It's been a while since I last had this much fun with a /gbfg/ thread kek
Of course, doll joints enjoyers unite.
hell be grand swimsuit like s.zoi
it's literally the same shit thats been posted the past year
She has another ring?
Dirt Grand for sure
just like our older brother RoB...
Is he here to replace pozposting? why does FKHR hate water?
if I farm 100mil and get the costume will the extra overflow carry to the next costume? or will I have to start from zero again if the next outfit is like 500 million points
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Lraph really enjoys being a shipcuck huh?
marquiares flb
no daily free crystals
ring scamcha
sumo 2
what a fucking month
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Homoge Ring won...
Looks female enough.
You will start from 100 mil but not more than that.
no reason to pay attention to this general, it's the same bot posts day in and day out
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Cog won bigly today
Just like every day
2% revenue let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
dont forget that dark got trooned after a decade
cagliostro is a creepy older pedophile lusting over 15 year old boys 1/100th her age!!!
fuck alright thanks anon
So is Cog
>reach 0% revenue
>nothing happens
Galgeliostro is always a winner like that

And that's a good thing
Don't forget it happened on Pride Month too.
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where's her summer event?
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will you wear it bros
This is galge
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That's when it goes into negatives
Held on long enough, about time it got dragged in shit
more galge than grubb can ever hope to be
>Arc-V has the shittiest duels out of all the YGO shows
>give VRAINS the best duels out of all the YGO shows but it's still unwatchable garbage
>also the first YGO show that got canned midway

That's one ugly diaper
people think this will be lucha raw V but it's actually a paid skin
they are delusional enough to believe people will pay for this
haven't seen anyone make a big fuss about pride month this year, it's like shit never existed
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Unholy giga core skip event. Why FKHR trying so hard to kill grub nya
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Truly eternal winner
LITERALLY he only wants to push his hiv agenda
It's his playground, he can do whatever he want before it bites the dust. Maybe he feels there isn't much left or he's just tired of grub
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>outfit has the hoodie but small sword
>second outfit has a bigger sword but no hoodie
wonder what the third outfit will be
no outfit and huge erection (both)
>wonder what the third outfit will be
naked jita
So this thing just unlocks with total honors? Wasn't it going to be a different version depending on if you finished top 2k, top 90k, top 140k, etc?
Gran looks better in the sketch.
naked and only covered by bandages and the huge sword
This is the only good thing about GW...
>guy can do whatever he wants with the game
>/gbfg/ can only stand on the side and watch while posting edits of his face as they get cucked
Granblue Archive players are here just to laugh at your HIVge.
back to playing real galge I guess
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I just realized the sketch gave Gran and Jeeta dark blue highlights
what the fuck why didn't they keep it
don't forget we'll probably get reduced gibs and their jewtickets during summer too
I'll wait for raz and tef before I declare if this is the worst summer grub's seen or not (I already know the event will run the joke to the ground and ruin whatever little redeeming quality the original event had)
>look at the skin ingame
>sword is fucking massive for the base skin already
you know they will lazy it out and just remove the hoodie
third one will be a recolour of the second one
jitabros... we won
For once I don't want GW to end
come pick up your cuck porn addicted schizo from /alg/ already
/bag/ doesn't even acknowledge our existence sis
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Just tuned into /gbfg/, who won?
Granblue Archive
Faa won the Granbowl
>get to see Bastits jiggle until EoS
Yeah that's fair
Are there any tixables that are useful in Mugen besides like Anne?
Struggling most with Mugen and Siegfried and trying to decide who to pick based on that.
stop avatarfagging
You only need kengo wam 5* haase and dog.
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good night grubbas
DoomGODS, Granblue Archive and GranGODS
>see sumo 2 announced as next event
S-surely they wouldn't actually do the meme of giving grand Raiden for dirt gw would they...?
Surely they wouldn't just skip Sieg again and line dirt up for literal 3 grand males in a row...
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>granblue archive has their W stream with 100k viewers at the same time grub teased their second sumo event that NOBODY but fukohomo asked for

Arrgghh.... curse you.... I have no argument against this.... help me out here grubbros....
At this point I’m pretty sure the discordtrannies who go around shitting up all of the generals don’t play any of them.
>second sumo event that NOBODY but fukohomo asked for
I like it how not even the gobus could defend this.
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i love this kot
>tfw play both games
what now?
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>sumo 2 is actually happening
>play both games
more like skip one (grub) and play one (granblue) eh
just FKTRN things
>forgetting about pozkala and shillbina
not my fkhr dream team, also replace cosmos with yuni
>dirt getting grand raiden
>water expected to get a grand soon
>water will also get homo'd by violet knight or vane
Grim future
>>water will also get homo'd by violet knight or vane
neither of these things will happen, btw.
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>shitpost about Poz, Yuri, Yngwie and Ladiva teaming up with Raiden in Sumo 2
>it's actually happening now
there's no way FKHR isnt lurking this shithole
Yeah and neither would Sumo 2
is it normal to fuck up luci zero at least 5 times every time you switch elements.
I love it when the boss has an instant kill command grab, Shadow of the Erdtree doesnt have about 50 of them already
Water already has G. Lancelot. Wind should take Vane (again)
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>they think water wont get vane or make use of vk's va as a grand unit
water has a million other grand characters lined up to get and vk and vane are not near the top of that list.
especially when we don't get msq characters anymore.
>post about how Raiden definitely wont be playable
>get Sumo 2
Ilsa definitely won't get a bridal unit haha
Since theyre doing Tales reruns now there should really be a system to trade ideans for other ideans
I think a 1:1 ratio is objectively fair
Jesus look at how her head hits that one girl’s desk. What the hell made her laugh that hard?
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zako general
Have they still not said whether they're doing a 0.5% rate-up or summerfes this year?
Carmelina won’t get a Grand that’s a 11.0 in wind.
>What the hell made her laugh that hard?
she took one look at the current state of grub.
2024 is like 2023 on crack. Holy shit, they're going to repeat the Fediel and Cupitan massacre.
If anything one of the SEA trannyslators is here shitting up the place with whatever foreknowledge it gets from that.
i think 1:5 and with no limits would be more reasonable and apply it to every other material they need
fkhr: tsuyotsuyo
/gbfg/: yowayowa

the grim reality
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Used to play 2 years ago and onoy really cared about one character. Any reason for me to go back to playing it now?
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>Tefnut and Raziel will have Gran’s hand in their uncap art
ENOUGH from the clowns.
Why would extending a grind 5 times over make things "more fair"
Have some self respect dude
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Why don't they fire FKHR?
>GBVSR was a flop because refused to nerf Nier until was too late
>GBF bleeding players
>Literally pushing the sequel of an event no one knows who the target audience was.
If this would have happened in a chink gacha, he would have already been stabbed.
no, the other way around so i can create infinite resources
this battered wives general is too far gone to even imagine a better future
Any reason for you to post here?
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>playable Mars never
>playable Noire never
>playable Cassio never
>playable Bastits never
Because the only person who would take over is KMR, who would arguably make things worse. Until both of them get fired nothing will change.
Playable raiden is inevitable though!
2023 was pretty good all things considered. Most events were decently liked, we got a good number of requested characters, etc. Only thing (some) people hated was Cupi going full homo, which we all knew was going to happen anyway.
The rest of that event was kino.
2024 has just been a non-stop shitshow.
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meanwhile, REAL chink gacha
>chinese dev making chinese game
>chinese version is censored
gets me every time
>more unusable lolis
>sietes nerf
>pretty good
Um, excuse me, you forgot about water's triple cutie combo for Bermuda Triangle.
diversity is our strength
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Other Cygames projects turn a much bigger profit for them to really care while Grub is in the green butI wouldn't expect a lot of leniency if we ever get in the red.
The speed at which powercreep is going and the bunch of new shit to buy doesn't bode too well either.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying grub will shut down by the end of the year or something like that, we're slowly bleeding out.
sorry danchou the news made me unable to do GW past the 1b honors rewards
Cupi being the first one to have an onscreen kiss with another character is hilarious since it took them 9 years to do one with a CG.
Fukuackedcuck do be like that
Man, Azur Lane has some of the best cunny characters in the industry.
They are so lucky, bros...
Azur Lane is extremely anti loli albeit
which is why they had to run back to granblue archive for help
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Post the sfx FKTRN will make when he sees the metrics on the "skip" button usage for the next event. Preferably do so with a 3 letters word:
A__ (!)
It's funny because we'll probably get a Homoknight Anni event next year. There's no light at the end of the tunnel, just pitch black darkness.
No gacha has anything that can even compare to wind Lily
fukuhack and kikemura killed me already now the maggots will eat me throughout summer
>Homoknight Anni event next year
they literally teased next anni event at the end of current one, we're back to faa sandal wanking with some random yatima
I don't play that game, but how the fuck is it anti-loli?
Don't they have an entire character-class that is cunny?
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fuck off already
gran won
I will give grub one thing:
wind lily's ingame art is the first gacha ingame art that I have coomed to.
Isn't that for MSQ since we're about to enter Estalucia?
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gore do not open
Uh well shut the fuck up
no way they only do the homoknights events once per year as bait for fujos
this anni event had more angelhomos teaser as the ending
FKHR HATES the homoknights since his attempt at making a group of male characters popular keeps failing
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Ah yes, the teaser.
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nwyell... nyou syee...
>Don't they have an entire character-class that is cunny?
IIRC they are either ancient units that gets fucking nothing and are useless in gameplay.
What the fuck was this?
They must've had something planned and scrapped it later.
>open the skies
what was THAT about
may the doomsday be kino
This is the Le Malin game though. Doesn't she still get stuff?
I look at AL every now and again because it has some top-tier cunny characters.
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Thoughts on this character?
It was meant to be the teaser for the whole year or uh... something....
95% of useful botes are boobmonsters
skins, that's it
what did she mean by this?
king of jobbers. raid was a joke. OP call
>open twitter
>it's all granblue art again
the second sumo event announcement really made a huge splash huh
>skins, that's it
literally what else matters? at least for me, someone that doesn't play the game.
better than what grub gets.
it means my Gran ranch timeline is canon
the current shilled DD is Shimakaze now because AL can actually afford to have Saori Hayami voice a popular character
Is your story. you play it since day 1 okay all canon. new cutie ? also canon
My new king
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Uhhh isn't Falsehood chain useless if I press Ilsa S1?
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>open twitter
>see this NSFW of mamalogia
holy shit, that was intense
I mentioned skins, but she hasn't gotten any since that one that put on the coomers radar to begin with
learn how echo stacking. but short answer
Pasive wep echo stack with skills buffing echos and some special pasive echos
>they are either ancient units that gets fucking nothing and are useless in gameplay
Sounds like my Grandblue Fantasy wife.
Even if you care about the story or lore, you can't do much when KMR and FKHR come along and shit in your soup. The Writer never had the chance to build something.
Everyone draws only SFW...
Yeah, I don't see how this is much different than grubs, then.
Except the cunny grub did get was extremely minimal by comparison.
At the end of the day, grub does the worst in this regard, and that is the point.
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they will never accept that the game was better when it had for (you) homos and cooler
FKHR likes to watch so he makes all homos shipshit too (yes, this isn't a problem only affecting waifu players)
>But Vane x Lancelot
there is a reason they keep pushing them together harder now
aren't they both side A?
Uh, so ever since the cyber attack on nicovideo GBF has been slow af when loading assets.
Any fix or I can ditch this game for good?
>awake at 2:40 AM drawing and posting cat tits
Why do we hate Siero?
>FKHR likes to watch so he makes all homos shipshit too (yes, this isn't a problem only affecting waifu players)
Canon facts
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>game doesnt put focus on lolis
>oh but this other game does it even less
I don't think cunnyfag who plays AL cares about that. At the end of the day it's still cunny deficit no matter how many homoge you compare to.
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mama... dattebayo!
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I'm convinced FKHR browses /gbfg/ and his event choices are made entirely to piss /gbfg/ off because he gets mad whenever you guys call him a tranny.
She's gonna betray us to voice the bassist from Angel Beats in 8 months for Maeda's mobage.
KEKAROO fukushartack do be like that
>sumo event part2
at this point just please EOS this shitgame. They could go with many better events around other character (either forgoten SRs or SSRs or just stick to zodiac, angels, dragons, homoknights, heles and her forgotten squad, eternals, foxes, choco erune sisters, etc.)
Sumo Jesus that is probably one of the main dev self-insert
they will love us for it
The only game that does cunny right is Granblue Archive.
wasn't him the one that told granblue gaijins to stop posting the leaks they got from here?
so he at least should know a basic of english, that would explain why the "people" defending him are ESLs too
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Jun Maeda is making another gacha or is HBR getting Angel Beats characters?
Next year is Sekine's turn to get her backstory fleshed out and explained for HBR's anni.
Shinpi will probably be in it since she's getting the summer unit
Siete and Song are confirmed to be in it
>handicapping the collab with sumo 2 right before it
I'm starting to understand the hate towards fkhr
Extremitylet here, what's the nm100 comp
They did the same to JJK last year with Sumo 1
Ok grub is officially dead but where's the grub killer and next best grindge?
you don't do it
Granblue Archive
that's a bonsaige not a grindge
Honkai Star Rail
>infinite stam games
there's almost none for some reason
there's none, we are closer to an mmo than a bonsaige.
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>see sumo 2 design
>Djeeta in literally the worst fit imaginable
Who did this? Who decided this? Someone needs to pay for this!!!
>you should grind forever and ever and ever and ever
New age gacha games understand that everyone needs a break, involuntary or otherwise.
>impossible to get more stamina to grind without forking out cash
Not grindges
I never called him a tranny. I called him a godless, fatherless soon-to-be uber driver.
Not a grindge
No cool old men
none, all games now are made under the idea that you'll play 20 minutes maximum per day
We were just joking about "pajeeta".. why did it become real..
Day 1 is nm95 no? then nm100 into nm150, then 150 into 200, and then 200 for last day?
>I need a game that just straight up disrespects my time
But I like when I can voluntarily take a break, I don’t like the game forcing me to take a break.
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>You don't NEED to have a life outside of Granblue.
Carmelina status?
Dawntrail in 4 days bros. Lets jump to Galge Fantasy 14
We're a boomerge. Closer to OLD MMOs in concept (newer ones and long running ones try to appeal to 20 minutes a day crowd too sadly).
I want a game I can play for more than 15 minute. You might enjoy the "gameplay" of coming to gbfg to shill your game for hours after your 15 minutes dailies but I don't
GEGAROO grubbas do be slurping monkeys like that
i wish TA rate was visible per character
just play runescape if you want a grindge
What’s the /gbfg/ server? I propose Lamia since that sounds galge.
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>I want a game I can play for more than 15 minute.
the gameplay in question?
Didn't they confirm that Gran just siphons his power from djeeta? Like one of the reasons why Grans timeline is shit is because he wasn't strong enough to handle it
Too galge for FKTRN
Has Neechang
>other games
Don’t have Neechang
It’s that simple, that’s why the only other gacha I’ve ever played was Tales of Asteria.
I'm NOT touching that general
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>mmm nyess please let me be a slave
>i love hitting f5 on a boss a billion times per run for nothing at all
>i need to only play games that call me a cuck to my face, daddy kmr gave my life meaning like this
What you need is those “play for 15 minutes” games, because they’re the only way you can learn some moderation and restraint.
Pretty sure the infinite stamina in gbf was a mistake and not by design. Every other gacha game I play are always trying to sell you stamina recovery items but they're always overflowing in grub. That's why they're trying to make you feel like you need to bar farm and 20box every event so you waste more pots and berries
>final fantasy generals
Grim, so freaking grim
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>other games
>Don’t have Neechang
How can it be Galge when it’s Trans Fantasy XIV?
Unless you’re trying to tell me trannies are galge…
For the original neechang, play Fire Emblem: Fates.
For the superior neechang, play The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden.
You know the year was doomed from the start when the first event was about Juri. We never had a chance...
>Mentioned in both Msq and versus
Do you even play?
Do NOT go to FFXIV or WoW to scratch your itch. I'm not going to elaborate. Just...don't.
Wait Granblue Archive has no neechang expy????????????????
>mmmm nyes, I’m a good little cuck with no self control who needs daddy to tell me when it’s time to stop playing and it’s time to service him
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Your Victoria?
Like he said, headcanon
Bro your Cug?
>can full auto guild war while I work comfortably
this is why no one takes your "12 minute daily and log off" bonsaige seriously
What is the NM200 set uppu with Orologia?
What you don't enjoy futa art spam?
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I hate mobile game design with a passion and Grub barely crosses the threshold into being a real videogame where shit like Genshin and Wuthering waves are nothing but vehicles for gacha units
Im not gonna get with the times because the times are downright apocalyptic
>he says, as his lack of self control forces him to grind 24/7 for no reason
Despite being one of the granddaddy mobages, the next generations sure didn't follow very many of our notes other than sparking. Why is that?
>doesn’t have a soothing voice
Not my neechang
>vehicles for gacha units
Just like Granblue Fantasy, then.
Why give your players infinite stamina when you can make them pay to play more
>he doesn't know
cute changs but...
>Not being a vehicle for gacha units
Lol. Lmao even.
Lower attention span in general.
Secondary detected
>sumo 2
That's literally the art from the first sumo event. If they actually copypaste art from a year ago as a new class, now THAT'll be an all-time new low
>Why is that?
Becaus granddaddy is a geriatric fool who pissed away what few good things he did, and his best contribution to society came about because he got caught doing bad shit and had to apologize.
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Because the mixed toilet forgot to be fun.
GBF is what not to do
FGO is the gold standard of mobage and it shows.
You’re right.
I’ll go back to my real home to scratch my itch.
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>f5 black screen spam
>multi window f5 black screen spam
>setting the game to FA and just doing something else
Grub is the perfect game for people who refuse to pay attention or are simply incapable of paying attention.
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domain expansion: not a galge
FGO players are not as allergic to male characters for some reason
Oh sweaty sweaty sweaty.....
Ehhhhh I dunno about that
It worked for them because Fate is a very popular multimedia company with years of history
Also >Fate fans
if anything grub taught later games not to omnipander, and to listen to their audience.
The clown edits probably triggered FKTRN pretty badly.
>grub has a bunch of homos
>other/game has GOLDEN
How many of the males talk about their dead boyfriends or coffee?
Their males are cool, not shallow fujobait or otomebait
aren't the only two successful hoyo games omnipandering
>but muh bluearch-
mid sales games don't matter
every other fate clone has EoS too
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when FGO ships someone or they make someone for (You) they draw the line very clearly.
Everyone kept to their own lane and the stalls in that mixed toilet are way farther apart than each other, that's why they work and we don't.
Most of them are historical figures whom people already expected to be majority male
>they draw the line very clearly.
Tell that to Anastasiakeks and Senpaikeks
he siphons his power from event gran
wasn't their version of lyria lion'd
This is why people are fine With Scathacha and Naoise btw.
NTA but did they actually do the "it's actually sever thousand years into the future" thing like I expected?
They dont have a disgusting shilled faggot like Troonlial, for one
No. Nothing actually happened.
99% fujobait, thus the homo spam
Yeah but their version of Gran wasn't the cuck in that situation.
Did FGO have any bait and switch lesbians or the like?
Mihomo games aren’t actually successful. The real successful games are Granblue Archive and Uma which don’t omnipander. Even ones like Deepspace Love which are moderately successful understand not to omnipander.
I don't care about any girls that's not vinci, jack and ushiwakamaru so maybe that's a (You) issue.
Did brynfags take it well when Sigurd got added?
Genshin now struggles to beat Nikke in revenue.
Should I just make a new account for better luck seed? No 000, despite double sparking on that banner, only 1 orologia from spark, only 1 gw weapon drop in 5000 meat
>these games that millions of dollars a month aren't actually successful
Only in /gbfg/ will you hear this retarded bullshit.
>Mihomo games aren’t actually successful
Very strange thing to say
Only one obtuse schizo in /fgog/ had a melty
Everyone else saw the writing on the wall day 1
Odd: S Raziel's fates will have the most amount of faggotry ever imaginable
Even: her fates will have a special animated pov paizuri scene where she milks (You) dry
Raziel: Look, Sandy, I'm wearing a bikini.
Sandalphon looks at Raziel with a sad smile and thinks back to the time when Lucifer ordered him to wear a micro bikini. Sandalphon sighs and says, "I miss Lucifer."
genshin = fgo
granblue archive = azur lane
nikke = gbf
honkai = gfl
none, literally all mobage are just tamagochi applications
FGO aside, I do feel like grub has a problem with committing their characters to something. Like Vira flip flopping, /u/ girls still having (You)pandering, and Sandalphon's character not progressing for 5 years because they can't decide whether they want to revive Lucifer or not
gbf isn't a porn game
We love Mary Anning here
Ok, I'll roll for her
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>nikke = gbf
I don't play nikke and even I thought that was insulting to nikke.
Fgo survives because fate has a bunch of successful multimedia projects. Granblue tried to be the same but the anime flopped so bad it almost killed it and their games were stuck in development hell. The correct focus should've been on making a sequel. A sequel where character models have L2D or something
>Sandalphon looks at Raziel with a sad smile and thinks back to the time when Lucifer ordered him to wear a micro bikini. Sandalphon sighs and says, "I miss Lucifer."
sandal has cancer tho
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Very true.
Nah, GBF is Houkago Afterschool Summoners
>fate GRAND order
>BLUE archive
what did they mean by this?
grub would be saved if that was true but........
Successful grubs are a fluke so Cyhacks latch onto them to do everything
They have no confidence to ever replicate popular characters, basically
S. Raziel fate: Sumo SSUUGGOOOIIIIII Raiden-sama you are more subarashii than rushiferu-sama!!!! Use your powers of sumo to revive him onegaishimasu!!!!!!!
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>draws the line very clearly
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Remember when gbfg had to PRETEND to like the fish girl like she was some sort of waifu(despite being for another man). The fish with the muscles of a man, the shoulders of a man, the arms of a male body builder, no hips, fridge figure, with a feminine head placed on top that just makes it look ugly? I don't know why anyone even deluded themselves into thinking they wouldn't do a sequel. And it's gonna be the same old shit but with the enneads in it
Of course with some "humans so le wacky for doing mundane shit" stuff primals have done one million times. Also guarantee Raziel will help Sandal give coffee to people, or the enneads will be helping at his shop because we haven't done THAT before or anything. ALSO with some pov bait uncaps with cuckshit fates in case anyone actually thought of spending(kekypow!).
Anyways, got some Galge Rail to attend to with my wife Acheron
Or just make a Grub like gacha but in space, the HSR of grub if you will.
>always correct
>always wrong

why is it like this
Hey man the buff fish princess is kinda neat
Granblue Fantasy is the Tien Shinhan of gachas
I ain't reading all that
The only bad part about fish is that she's shipshit forever.
shay what are your thoughts on the upcoming naruto collab
shay laying down the WORD
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Oxfags said the same thing in January. But a house on fire doesn’t stop being on fire because you jumped in the pool.
>see woman
>think man

why is it like this
No gay homo who hates Akagi and Wakamo can ever be correct.
Shay forgot that Acheron has the lesbian meme pv where she rapes another woman.
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>This man with a female head plastered on is fine be-PLACK!!!
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why would that be him, he's never shilled shart rail.
Six is not for (you) . he is your brother
Does shay realize HSR is also mixed toilet?
>women are... le ICKY
Gokubro detected
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>HSR now endorsed by Shay
>Acheron voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
Did... did China just win?
>padjeet in charge of pattern recognition
Yeah I can see it
He actually did, last week I think.
If we're really going down that road /gbfg/ is the Tienfag of gacha generals.
Mr. Burns = KMR
Smithers = FKHR
What are your thoughts on Blade?
HSR is still mixed toilet tho
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It fits
Moe's tavern = /gbfg/
Barney = regulars of the general
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>FKHR hasn't logged in for GW because he was like "Zamn I gotta play dat!"
So if I want to avoid mixed toilet shit completely do I have to play Granblue Archive? Is Nikke selfinsert MC also canon male with sexy waifus exclusively?
Mr Slave = FKHR
The Gerbil = Lraph
What's with the multiple eyes in this series? It makes the already questionable character designs look even worse.
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>Is Nikke selfinsert MC also canon male with sexy waifus exclusively?
I can see it.....
Nikke sold out to normalfags and toned down the actual pandering a tone. MC isn't allowed to be in anni events and they even started having your girls getting advised by other male characters
They’re monsters and curses, they’re supposed to look that ugly.
I have sex with this.
Yes, we can all see the gif if we open it/hover. what's your point?
depends, anyone you already like the design of? some characters might as well not exist with how hard they are ignored in favor of Nexon's shill wank
>Event Gran
Granfags wish they were the MC of events.
In kagemas the only males you roll are (You).
And djtroons wish they were the MC of anything.
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>some characters might as well not exist with how hard they are ignored in favor of Nexon's shill wank
blud really said this when we just got valkyrie summer
>>OMG I NEED to see them fuck while they ignore me while I watch and masturbate. What? No I'm not a cuck I just ship them!
Shipcucks unironically say this
yeah I thought they do a reasonable job of spreading the love. not like gbf, where some characters have gotten practically nothing in 10 years
The only satisfaction I will have after the game dies is knowing that FKHR and his minions will be moved to another Cygames department.
There goes my hero...
shan't be playing your nonce game no matter how hard you shill it here albeittheless
But fkhr said he's going to retire with grub, and that won't be for another 30 years...
trying to get FKHR to work on Uma would be like trying to give a baby a plate full of rat poison.
It's because they're historical figures who people already like or think are cool
kinda scary how fitting this is
We love Daybit here.
>Djeeta Confirmed MC of events
>Collab representative
>Fan favorite mc 10 years running
>Was so strong she broke the universes balance
Djeeta fans eat well and sleep good. Can't say the same for grancucks
>FKHR and his minions will be moved to another Cygames department.
So which cyshit gacha will get infected next? Can't be priconnne or uma, they're under KMR's control.
>some characters might as well not exist
unless your favourite girls are juri, shimiko or suzumi your post applies to nobody.
New shadoba or whatever new gacha game they're working on
Well said brownsis!
0 and it's all about sandy and how great he is for ugh... coffee or something
if you play as gran shitori siphons power from event gran
Suzuken's been on hiatus even before his relink unit came out so hopefully no Sandy for a while
>>Djeeta Confirmed MC of events
Confirmed by nothing.
>>Collab representative
Of a game that EOS'd and another game where nobody cares about her.
>>Fan favorite mc 10 years running
By the transgender community.
>>Was so strong she broke the universes balance
Blud really just tried to claim Granblue Archive has shillclub LUHMOW
>FKHR and his minions will be moved to another Cygames department
No they will just fire his ass.
Does he do anything other then try to make this game worse?
meanwhile in granblue
>Birdman event? here, have a 2nd Raiden event instead. Who was Carmelina again?
this game is cooked
Meanwhile...Dragon content............
If giga hacks like Hideo Baba are still getting job then FKHR is safe
Anon it's time to face the truth and accept that djeeta is better
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>some characters might as well not exist with how hard they are ignored in favor of Nexon's shill wank
so true
meanwhile in a good game like granblue fantasy we shilled angels in 5 anni events and one of them even has 2 grands.
the director's favorite character also has a unique gimmick that's available to no other unit but him!

that's how you shill characters - the right way
other game should take notes methinks!
slurpcord sisters....how we gonna get out of this one....
Better at being boring, sure.
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let's not pretend that if we got a birdman event /gbfg/ wouldn't be shitting and pissing their pants in anger over it today
>no but he's one of the COOL males
the "cool" males always get turned on when they get anything, it'd just be a lot of whining about how it should be daetta or whoever the fuck and no one asked for this (even though they have, but that doesn't fit the elaborate ARG the thread has built over time)
>some characters might as well not exist with how hard they are ignored in favor of Nexon's shill wank
This exact SAME FUCKING THING has been happening in Granblue Fantasy for TEN FUCKING YEARS
How much mats am I supposed to farm to get this guy?
Wait, so does the honor you earn in this GW carry over to the next stage of the skin whenever they actually finish it?
60k pbhl horns
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>say something false about the better granblue game
>immediately gets BTFO and people used his own words to own him
>Anon says blue archive has some characters that get little to no content while shill picks are constantly featured and receive new units
He never defended grub in his post albeit
You think Raiden 2 will come with a tutorial on how to ring males?
>better granblue game
Yeah. Rising is pretty cool.
>galge dark GW didnt revive /gbfg/
>but sumo2 does
Depends on what they mean by the "limit that can be held"
This place works only with extremes. You're either a slurper or a gookshill.
Is there a way to include field skills with full auto?
>event comes with a new ring
>includes a tutorial of how to use it by making the player use it
>it forces you to use it on set male character they choose as an example
>every account now has a male ring
>skin needs 100m to unlock
>you have 1b honors
>you unlock the skin and the rest doesn't carry over
>you have 20m honors
>they carry over to next UnF
that's actually your own black and white thinking
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>the shota-loving faggot is endorsing mixed toilet mihomotrash
I think your progress will carry over but not beyond the current limit (100m)
If you farmed 500m this GW then the extra 400m wont be accounted for
Well that fucking sucks
Now someone needs to explain to me why it took them 6 months to add a skin.
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You're waife shinees equine test'cles
Looks rushed too
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that doesn't change the fact Neza is a PLAYABLE character that has existed since launch yet has only gotten a brief cameo in 1 event
meanwhile a npc that no one gives a shit about is going to be the protag of a 2nd summer event and all the fans of characters that have been waiting a decade to see get content can go fuck themselves
even if Birdman eventually gets his event they'll probably introduce a new character to focus on for the majority of it
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>sumo event sequel
>playable raiden(dirt)
Sometimes I wonder why we dirtbros continue to play this game.
GW skin is not a character retard
It has no story nor voice acting
That would only account for before Christmas. What happened between then and now?
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>Sumo 2
What is next Grand Vikala?
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The problem with female main character players is how many hops they jump to justify it instead of just saying "Jitta cute"
it's always
>a-actually the female MC is more popular
and 99999 more copes like the ongoing "she's stronger" right now
Relink may have been abandoned but both Rising and browser gacha still have main story update coming. It's not over yet grubbas
GNaru 2 of course
>barely within top 140k at this point
how do you say "it's over" in your language?
C'est fini
owari da
gacha one is being rewritten as we speak since originally it was going to introduce Sandalphon as part of the main crew but now they have no one to voice him
she is more popular though
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djeeta reached her peak with Iatromantis
se acabo la vaina...
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Just dxitasis things
These aren't real issues worth schizoing out over
it's redeem
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>It has no story nor voice acting
I still think it's retarded that almost none of the MC skins are voice acted. Or that normal skins aren't voice acted with some sort of default.
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It's so sad that we started to regress on Djeeta's djeetas' growth.
It was so fun seeing each new Djeeta art and seeing how much she's grown since the last one.
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Do you think grub would benefit from making plain as fuck swimsuits?
You know, the kind that are easy to draw? Like a generic single color bikini or a one piece?
>even if Birdman eventually gets his event they'll probably introduce a new character to focus on for the majority of it
>Full Metal Man
Anderson, his daughter, the dindu virgin.
>Falsetto in the ablahblah
>Age of Tyranno
>Mole Troupe
Literally me
>Siero's Mascot
>And (You)
>Song of Strings
>Only (You) in all the world
>Mermaid Princess
Raiden (Yes I'm aware they're a couple but he hijacked the event)
>Heart of the Sun
That was all over the place but between suicide man and fenie it was just OC

And many others I forgot, didn't bother or skipped
pure sexo
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>all the voiced skins come from the BD codes or VS/Relink DLC (snoy only btw)
Peak retardation
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>europa CD has no skin
Why is cygames like this?
The Raiden CD out next year will have one though..
eos soon why bother
I haven't logged in for 3 weeks and haven't been here for 2 weeks. it's your fault.
Poking my grub wife's womb with my cock riled up after meat farming, hours of pent up energy shooting out inside her as her face goes blank
fkhrt making efforts to stifle her organic popularity.
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where's the Aster SSR?
>character cd without skin
is it a first?
smarr indie company
This summer for sure
not remotely
no, 6d cd only had stickers. that one i can understand, since making 6 skins for 1 cd would be too much. this one doesn't have an excuse though
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I was dreading GW, but now I don't want it to end. Can we just skip this next event? Please?
The 6D and sandalhomo really need more units, please understand.
Please stop using my wife for shitposting thanks
I don’t think Bea or Yuisis had skins, but I could be remembering wrong.
We've been getting a lot of those
Tapa ittes, vitun fägäri.
Its been a thing for many years now, no CD has come out with a skin right on release since Bea. Grimnir, Nier and Rat all got the skin added a year later and europa might get same treatment, or not since they dont do that for all CDs either

Bea has skin but its just her dark version with new idle animation
Bea was especially ridiculous, it had a bundled skin but instead of the CD artwork (which was a casual outfit) it was her basic SSR sprite with a different sword.
I'm almost sure she had one but it's easy to forget since it's a 1:1 copy of her dark version but with a smile?
By the way, why did Meg and Mari get a CD?
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Though now that I think about it foxes got theirs as the dual unit 5 years later lmao
Shit, you are right. The one on the cover looks nothing like it though
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it's a mystery
and they got their duo unit around the same time instead of a skin
>shill club isn't real btw
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Surely you can't possibly trace all current GBF problems back to FKHR
>Juri took a lot of work to create
Meg is the final boss of the shillclub
FKTRN really loves c/u/ckshit and shipshit doesn't he?
I hate defending that fag but for Juri his cope is him being the main character of the first grub event he wrote I think
like Lucius being his first rob one
>the first grub event he wrote
it was the society writer
Where's my free roll?
Told you everything bad with grub writing is his fault.
He didn’t write the Juri event, he just liked the event because it was the first Grub event where the writer actually tried and it was well received.
Meg is actually funny though... or was until they permanently fused her to mari and watered her down
Also fukushart idea.
A dual unit that was just more shipbait slop and flopped weirdly enough
Everything in grub is his fault just by virtue of him being its director.
>game director chooses the direction of the game
In the alternate timeline where fuckedashittedneck was fired.
so weird.
The players will LOVE us for it
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Good luck in round 1 /gbfg/
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y-you too
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Despite being sameface, I think Faa is sexier than Lucio and Lucifer.
>gran being a bitch
>djeeta showing why she's the canon mc
yep, that's my grub.
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Grub teaches us an important lesson; DON'T OMNIPANDER
you too, hopefully my crew is done not caring
what teams you guys been running for GW so far?
cidala/six for ex, + bowman for 90
I can't mention my team members without making at least one of the local schizos go nuclear
I'm using a $900 weapon for every raid from EX+ to NM200
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I'm going to do NM95 for the chests then switch to NM90 for the entire GW.
>no archer Juliet in the final product
same, ruria, same
my strongest NM95 jobbers
>djeeta is the GW slave
Shit version by ESL faggot
Why are SEA drawfags always so bad at spelling?
>>483191756 (me)
I'm trans btw not sure if that matters
Enjoy 0-4
sounds comfy
my dark isn't all too good so I'm doing skill damage shit right now
Danchou, I think I ate something I shouldn't have, and now I've had a bad stomachache since yesterday...
I don't think I'm going to be able to help in the rounds...
skill damage is a decent option, specially once we hit the higher rank NMs
good luck bro
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Just drained my meats on 90 all day but no luck so I'll probably take it easy and Full Auto with the holy Dark trinity for the rest of the event.
Where the fuck is my free single draw
gone, they were too cygenerous. please enjoy sumo loyal grubba
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>38 million honors left to go
I hate this so much. After I get the skin I'm going back to Elden Ring.
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and to think, we thought the year would be good when the ox uncap fates came out...
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this is it, I've finally decided to become a grub hater...
die granblue...
the granblue...
>how many hops they jump to justify it instead of just saying "Jitta cute"
That's literally all I say every time. Just don't be a troon-obsessed faggot and enjoy the cute girl.

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