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Previous: >>483080058

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Rain Shepherd] Milio and Fizz
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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me and my wife
look I don't care about eSports but if G2 is playing I'm a bitch
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Victory awaits
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you too!
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Haven't played for some time. When did this Emerald rank release? Are there any new things to keep in mind as a mid?
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Yone was banned so I was forced to go Yasuo top and holy fugg this dude is really strong early.

Also best Yas skin? for me it is Truth Dragon.
Play tank support.
>spent dice in ARAM
>dice stolen
since when does it work like this
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wtf is going on in this image
any cute lolgers down to play aram in na?
it has always been like this
your fault for dodging aram
I see someone picking MF almost every other game
t. bronze
MF was the OG fan service champ zoomie
>Tired of paying 5$ each time i lose my temper and start inting/arguing back to get a new lvl 30 account
>Develop my own botting software with chatbot functionality that can not just play the game but also reply to other players when asked questions
>Free lvl 30 accounts coming in way faster than my bans so i have hundreds of excess accounts
>Sell some of them to buy more cheap pcs
>Buy more pcs with the money to generate bots faster and generate more money so i can buy more pcs to generate more bots...
>Start putting some accounts aside to just permanently play lol ranked after reaching lvl 30 instead of being sold for fun
>My house is now full of pcs running hundreds of bots
Its so hot and loud but at least i dont have to pay for new accounts anymore.
I havent played anymore either when i get the urge to play lol i just go and watch one of the bots play it for me instead its like a private streamer just for me if you think about it.
Auto filled scrubs play her when they're not playing ez or cait.
She is not very good right now.
Banning Malphite just feels so right
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>she's been in the game since the beginning
>she has her playerbase even if it's not big
>newcuties love playing her beacuse she's noob friendly
and she's hot and cute ofc
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You're a liar
Not even bronzies play her, they pick Cait because she's given for free and is much better than MF

It is OVER
There are so many semen demons in LoL now
And semen demons with an ACTUAL PLAYERBASE
Yet Rito keeps wasting resources to give MF even more skins when there are other champions that haven't had any in literal years but are picked more often than she is


>miscalculated the flex pick and chose the wrong runes
gg it's over
Karthus is very handsome and cute but he's too slow for me..
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g2 bros?

it's over.
>4-1 ez at 5 min
its over
She is always a high pick ADC in low elo
Thresh is still great to stomp lane. Why is nobody playing him anymore? He used to be one of the most picked champs in the game.
>Only 3 kp at lvl 17
How do people make themselves hyped up for snoreplay when nothing ever happens
nerfed into enchantertroon status
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is it because of the boobs
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Briar won
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According to stats he's still very popular nevertheless I hardly ever see thresh in my silvershitter games. Very curious indeed.

Also "people" are still shitpicking sera support what gives?
fagnatic will inevitably get mind controlled and shit the bed, dont worry g2 sisters
She won... another nerf!
This time hmmm... maybe reduce her attack range by 100?
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Yes but also because her R is cool and easy to use
they nerfed all of her items
they should buff her now
This tier-list is comeplete bs.
Alright lets try a trundle game lol, maybe I'll speak in third person.
Hmmm... let me thing about it....
R range now reduced to 200/225/250 units

teamates don't take lanterns, zyra brand xerath lanes, No real reason to pick over blitz/leona/allistar/rakan.
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its "all ranks" tier list, meaning its very low elo skewed in terms of ratings
>Enemy midlaner named ching chong power
Yep gonna be kino.
Thresh is better the higher in rank you go
Not a single soul in /lolg/ could satisfy MF
I will and I will prove it. And if I fail, I will try again and prove it. And again, and again, and again. Really for as long as I get to try.
subhumanoid taliyah aint it
Black lolg chads
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Do people goon to their favorite champion to lock in better when climbing ladder?
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playing Corki vs Jhin is so fun
you really feel like a terrorist suiciding into the backline dodgin bullets killing three injuring two in the process
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Sometimes I goon to the idea of my champion getting corrected violently after she loses me the match. It always makes the suicidal urges go away.
Welcome to 4chan newfag
I know, I don't deserve her...
i guess there are no cuties here then...
another FUCKING game
i am running it down if this happens ever again
oops morgana W'd my wave? haha, mouse broken!
oops xerath Q'd my wave? haha, sorry, ping spikes!
oops zyra's plants nuked my wave? gomen gomen, vanguard issues!!
nope, only sexually confused males
>i am running it down if this happens ever again
I hope it happens again so you get banned and you finally stfu and leave this general
People like you are what ruined the internet.
kys retard
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Shut the fuck up you zoomtroon. I hate what nuLoL has done to this generation. Nothing but high cost skins for the same korean doll cosplay model across multiple rolls and names. I only play monsters because Fiddlesticks trailer is the last quality content RIOT has ever released. And Skarner to anally rape Seraphine mains.
Fuck you, fuck Korea, fuck Riot, and fuck me especially.
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wtf were they thinking?
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What champion do I need to take to make opponent Ezreal laning miserable?
I'm at my wits end I don't even care if I lose the game I just want to beat the shit out of Ezreal fuckers
in the future, we'll have ai generated tattoos.
draven leona
thread needs more bbc
Black cock
Literally Yasuo
My Brand would E+W every wave when i told him to stop hitting minions he told me i need to stop being greedy he needs gold for his items too.
He ended the game with 7 cs a minute even though he had the support item so he was only getting like 1 gold from them.
Looked him up on opgg and he just does this on Brand,morgana etc. he picks mage or assassins in the support role and powerfarms and HES HIGHTER RANK THAN ME WTF?
Sounds good. I generally play seraphine, nami, and janna :3
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last thread
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Only my lane did well, very very grim.
Yet another reminder you can't be funny and also do well in that lane.
Also I guess I should go back to playing Soraka, how do you even go 1/8 on her?? Today I must remind them..
>try ezreal
support elo inflation do be like that
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>how do you even go 1/8 on her??
Miss all Q's and mindlessly spam heal button eating away 10% of your hp everytime.
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I'm going to choke you. Fuck off.
Yes but 3 assists is also incredibly bad, couldn't be me.
I guess league isn't too bad when it's in premade with you lolgs of EUW...
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it's just a scarecrow
Watch this not be a skin and be only a mob in the pve mode like that VelKoz skin from the Star Guardian mode
I hate learning these new champs cause they have so much going on
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Seraphine splash is NOT AI, stop bullying my Chinese artist wife Alsie Lau
>And Skarner to anally rape Seraphine mains.
Skarners lore with Seraphine and Hextech crystals got retconned
Brackern are no longer an (nearly)extinct species they are alive and well and Hextech crystals no longer come from their tails.
gm-chall players that aren't successful streamers or proplayers (99.9% of them) are all going to be mcdonald wagies but they keep playing this game for 15 hours a day doing literally nothing else not even having fun just torturing themselves for the illusion of ever making it and they will get nothing out of it because you learn nothing playing this game and you will have the skill set of a middle schooler when you're in your late 30s and so much mental damage that your only hope is getting locked up in a mental institute
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top 10 copes for being stuck in bronze
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she drew both of those shitty splashes? KEK bitch is about to pack her belongings, they are hot garbage which don't look like the characters they are supposed to represent
seraphine looks 100% like kai'sa, and irelia looks like not a single character
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They wouldn't do that
She's been through enough
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They both look great.
Im GM and i only play like 2 hours a day maybe even less.
im gm and i've never installed the game
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Nope, don't care about riot siding with k-popfags. It's on site whenever I see that bleached skin, fake piece of shit in champion select on the enemy's side. I throw the game if I see a Seraphine on my side. Though I always try to ban her if I see a teammate have her highlighted before final selection.
they look good, as in good quality
design is hot garbage that looks out of place
compare her to the first batch of anima squad and see zero similarities
uuh you're surely not an annie thot are you
you dont have to beg for blue buff like a good girl, everyone gets it now past min 20
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Let's fucking go awoooga!
The splash artist isn't the one who designed the skin. They just make a cool looking splash based on the design given to them.
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Ohh so that's why you popped this emote, I completely missed that. Damn, they couldn't even leave a dent on your shield...
buff adc
no shit
the splash design, the art direction
doesn't look like any of the previous splashes
we're losing a match we have a 10 kill advantage in because my team don't understand macro
qkm can post about wanting to play in euw but if i post about wanting to play in na everyone tells me to go away
i love bbc
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>annie thot
Excuse u, she's not impure like some champions. She can beat anyone 1v1.
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I was pretty fed but even I was surprised I won that
vanguard killed na
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But why?? Americans are already spied on by their government
who are you? better not be dabsnigger or steel sissy
lolg...im a little bit in heat rn...could you lend a hand?
Im nobody
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>rito james
Dyrus came out the closet
then you're alright
>Qs in
ADC players are so
boba addicted e-girl
This master yi who lost said "you guys are fucking bad" at the very end of the game
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How bout some spurties for this nona?
I post poppy sometimes though
Holy shit I rolled a Blitz jungle and he flash missed his invade hook.
stop with the teasing aaaaa :(
oh youre the melodramatic poppyfag? I retract my previous statement
I knew I should have dodged that game when I saw support camille. Lesson learned, what a fucking idiot of a troll.
I usually get people to play only one tells me they dont want to play with me
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reminder that Nami is cute
Im not melodramatic im just not mentally stable..
*lick lick*
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here bro
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Sona looks like this
Did they remove the avoid option? I'm sure it was a thing. I never want to play with this asshole again.
cute :3
never was
if this image had a cylinder geometry located middle bottom that wouldve done it for me
you will play with the verbal abuser and you WILL like it
Sorry, that was a thing in overwatch.
League needs this too.
You could avoid players for a week and it has like 3 slots or so.
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Vai iz blud not on drek
I really need to look up akali's kit. This whore can jump around the map and I don't understand how any of this broken kit works.
>pick darius
>enemy picks mundo
>expect the freest lane of my life
>get solokilled several times
>it's turns out to be a hard counter
i don't get it
he no sells your hook and kites you forever with Q
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What playing WoW does to a mf'er
my boy really tried another game and had fun, had a community, made new friends for life and comes back to LoL only to drop the freshest diss track on the game since 2024 started.
rav cooked! they let him cook too long!
it's joevah
>people having fun playing wow
fair ig but it's still surprising that a lane bully loses the lane to a scaling "tank"
>people having fun playing lol

Have you not seen Rav's WoW series? It's one of the greatest youtube series about the game in a long time.
I am rightfully raging at my teammates in bronze, because they play for literal years and still do the most idiotic things and sabotage my games constantly.
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artists who work making league splasharts having to explain themselves after the community accuses them of using AI XD
i would kiss both
>Have you not seen Rav's WoW
>It's one of the greatest youtube series about the game in a long time.
don't care
and yeah lol is also garbage.
but a wow player is at the bottom of the barrel along with lol players. wow players don't get to act like they are above lol players. they don't get to act like they are above anyone
soulless chink art
There is nothing wrong with using AI.
It's the same evolution like artists moving to digital art from paper.
Real artists can't just press ctrl-z to remove a mistake.
bro... most early LoL devs... CAME FROM WOW
educate yourself mah boi
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ai art is at least more creative than riot art
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this art of Irelia specifically looks VERY AI made ngl
mundo is the king of 0 interaction lanes
>manaless ranged ability with low cooldown
>spellshield prevents cc
>very tanky once he gets some gold
he does well into most bullies precisely because of that, vs him you either pick something that outscales him in some area or try to snowball off proxy into jungle camps/roam
Corportate art maybe, if only to cut costs
No one has ever claimed that ai art is better than the stuff we've already got, it's just faster and cheaper
and and how many years ago was that?
face it, dude. most of the old guard for both games are LONG gone, and both games have been on a steep decline since banking on squeezing money out of the Stockholm syndrome retards that stick around for no reason other than sunk-cost fallacy and the fact that the game has become part of their routine and they cannot imagine life without it anymore
how did we go from this kino to that chink garbage

you'll set him off on another rant if you aren't careful
As someone who makes AIslop, it looks nothing like AI
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my last two supports after a 6 game winstreak
how do I cope with losersq being real?

this is also chink garbage thoughever
they should make more champs like this and stop with the ksantes lucians etc
Kayn thresh sylas child when?
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Got a kayle who's into humiliation or something, keeps talking about wanting to pee and being drunk then getting on 1% health once reaching lane then going back and doing it all over saying they have late.
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>here's your """superior""" """masterwork""" chest contents, bro
honestly, it doesn't look like AI. it just looks like soulless chink art
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my support is really annoying and won't stop talking about how high he is in chat
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I for one welcome our new anime overlords
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sorry was just giving you fair warning so you could dodge instead of being a whiny bitchbaby
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my support is really annoying and won't stop talking about how sad he is in chat
/lolg/ wouldn't know sovl if it slapped them in their faces
he was doing it during the game silly billy
They're either in your games because you suck too or you're a smurf that doesn't value their own time tldr you're a dog
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Everytime I see this splash I think about that knight who gets their balls kicked in the scooby doo movie, aka, a bit cringe..
>chat restricted for saying "top lane is a dead lane don't bother coming up here again"
>i was top lane
>was letting jungle know to focus elsewhere
It's my first one ever it's just weird this is the one that got me. I was pretty toxic in ARAM a few years ago.
>and and how many years ago was that?
>face it, dude. most of the old guard for both games are LONG gone, and both games have been on a steep decline since banking on squeezing money out of the Stockholm syndrome retards that stick around for no reason other than sunk-cost fallacy and the fact that the game has become part of their routine and they cannot imagine life without it anymore

ok i mean i guess i agree

>wow players don't get to act like they are above lol players. they don't get to act like they are above anyone

they are though

most european pros play/ed WoW and you are acting like LoL players can look down on it... hahahaha your own pro scene in europe and north america plays WoW when they are not forced to grind their non-existant scrim schedule because europe or na is never going to win worlds

atleast na and eu can win international tournaments in wow and yes that is with chinese/sea/asian competition

bro what about lol's mmo? oh yeah it was cancelled after the lead quit... I WONDER WHY... and the new one that came in? radio silence ever since lmao

WoW is about to head into a 3-story saga and chris metzen is back, what the fuck does riot have for the next 6 years? arcane season 2? season 3? another 8 cancer seasons of soloque on the same map with even pricier skins being made while you get banned for flaming and ff15'ing? lmao you try to put lol players in the same barrel with wow but the fact is it's not even a contest, riot WISHES and DREAMS they could have blizz/wow kind of legacy but they never will, they never will.
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I've gotten reported over stuff like that where I just tell my team that what they're asking for is a bad play and I'm not gonna do it. They're mostly reporting you because you didn't do what they wanted
I got chat restricted for saying the size of my peener
dead is a heckin innapropriate word! You need to use unalive insteadorino!
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>chris metzen is back
oh yeah they guy behind SC2 and Cata is back
man wow players are something else
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that would be a short suspension
nice """"game"""" lolbabs
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Poppy or Riven?
Idk which one is worse the green goblin swain or the bilgewater but atleast the green one had a noble beginning with the irse of noxus or somehtinrt to cebelrate idk logfu
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I was chat restricted for writing "lol" in All Chat because I was watching a funny youtube video and I thought it was funny so I typed "lol" but I forgot other people aren't watching the video with me
Is anything cool happening with mythic essence or am I good to just buy 30 skin shards and hope for cool shit?
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r8 my runes b

First strike
Cash back
rest are obvious and common or dont matter now

are those numbers good or bad in a 40 minute game? serious replies only pls
>inb4 ants

1st post best post
poopy, you are almost certainly too bad at the game to also have to deal with playing riven
who does riot have? name one
why would you ever spend a currency for 'exclusive' skins on random skin sharts instead?
Lost that game but literally this guy kept talking about how they're a girl and life's hard or something and did not stop all chatting the entire game, I don't know how they were even playing with the amount of discord chatting and orbiting going on. Good fucking riddens jesus christ.
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How do people do to play other roles in Quickplay?
So far I literally wasn't allowed to queue if I didn't select a "role in need" first, it's always jungler and bot lane, and everytime I got a game I did play the role in need, never once have I been able to play the role I actually wanted
will league exist in 20 years? would you still be playing?
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the last good skin before skin department shit the bed and started releasing forgettable underwhelming skins
maybe phoneposters weren't a mistake
Because Prestige Skins now rotate, meaning Legacy skins are harder to get than them.
The yearly themes (Ashen Knight, Crystal Modus) have been awful, so I either hold and hope next year is better, or I actually roll for skins I can't get in the shop anymore.
no and no because I won't exist in 20 years
>dogshit white/purple slop
wrong retard
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treat a whore like a princess and a princess like a whore. In other words, cheer he/him up and he will like you and do better for you. Better that than he fucking your lane up somehow

your adc is as good as the enemy support is against you (as support). If you are trash, then your adc will also be trash. Simple as. Apply yourself.

Keep it up. Learning all the champs is a fast track to getting good. Don't have to know them like the stains on your floor but at least you can just get a feel for what their animations play like at the very least.
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I'm so trash at the game that I have an easier time farming kills than minions
Literally, I cannot for the life of me reliably last hit those creep faggots and always have the least amount of cs despite having the same gold as other people who got normal cs
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dont mind me just stealing these niggas real quick
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Now with these 18 shards, I can decide what I want, don't want, or reroll them all.
With essence so easy to get now I don't get why I've been saving it to buy the one good yearly skin that hits the mythic essence store.
there's a plat border in my bronze ranked game...
no such thing as a loser's queue, anon
lucky for you, you can play almost anything as support and just get kills
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And finally the results of 180 mythic essence.
honestly I encourage everyone to take the skin shard pill
It's all trash...
EUW down? Why did I just get 7 declined checks in a row
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>Teammate gave me a tilt-proof honor
what does this mean
>doesn't unlock project vayne
kill yourself, respectfully
But I already own all the skins so what do I use it for?
I have the original version of Prestige Vayne so no need for Project
this. just play your midlane champ as "support", you dont have to farm but otherwise you can play basically the same. theres even a loser on lane who damages the enemy down so you can kill them lol. im an aram player and i cant last hit, i just play my aram champs as support. recently im into support lb, pantheon and wukong for example
I'm a gold support learning adc. Yeah sure I suck on adc, but I still know that a support is not supposed to just afk behind me soaking xp like a sponge without bringing any value.
left one for getting out of the screen, middle one for playing en engage champ and winning, right one for fag. idk which one you even got but that's what they're for
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*autistic interactions*
I just learned Jax E blocks Jarvan R
that just cost me -20LP
>skins worse than default and 3 servings of giga slop
bro actually thought he cooked
I usually give it to the person that spammed FF votes or otherwise complained all game (especially if we won)
This is easily the best skin in the game
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im gonna samefag and add that, all in all, I made ~1400 geld from runes and with total of 16.5k from all sources of income. Not sure if worth, but considering cutelo bullshit like your teammates waiting to be sure to get the last hit on a kill, might be worth it, I dunno.
yeah that's annoying but adc is a mid game and team fighting role. survive lane, pick up the cs you can, and fuck shit up in a 4v5 while your support eats glue
just finished that game
he carried
post results of the larp
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Is Caitlyn going to receive more nerfs? She's still fucking broken and one shotting everyone.
I love Annie so much bros its unreal
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op.gg is on maintenance apparently and I'm already in another game but here's the loading screen viego killed everyone but me I mostly died trying to stop camille from pushing
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it's literally impossible to escape bronze unless you get +40 -10. every game in this elo is a coinflip. I'm 38W - 26L this split and every single game was a one sided stomp.
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why are toplaners such babies
oh my god all of them
all of them
and not in a good way
more like aborted Dantes baby way
Lost a game because Riot decided my QWER inputs should suddenly stop working
Enough with these tumblr quirky femoid champs.
don't need be mad, you'll get your nig gorilla granny soon
>hit masters
>people, especially junglers still play like subhumans?
when do players get good? I decided to play mid and supp so I have the most impact on map and jungle especially but junglers cant help but be total subhumans who deserve a bullet in their eyes
Someone answer me
Idk what you even mean by this, it literally never gets worse, why do you see people in challenger and shit break their minds in streams or whatever.
>it's naut's fault vayne forgot she's a ranged champ
you're grasping at straws here. a retard is a retard no matter what role stop blindly defending them and shifting blame
All laners got better even if they still make mistakes which is normal but 9/10 games junglers are still subhumans
I had this same panic when I hit masters as adc and then I tried out jungle on a smurf and realized how bad things really were
>had a fight with the duo in champ select
>they int hard
>queue up
>meet them again
>they get a lead during an invade and lose it one minute after
>int hard again
does that mean I win the argument?
It means you lost twice dummy
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is this some sort of humiliation ritual? forced to hold a 5lb microphone literally over your head just to hear some dudes speak, she's literally shaking from the effort kek
I am leaving this game
it's clear we're going to lose so I'm leaving so you lose less LP
I am willing to take the sacrifice
as long as I did well in lane, it's a victory in my book
and I, indeed, do as well as I could in both games vs counterpicks (I didn't int and went mostly even)
jg is playing 4d chess and you think they're retarded because you don't understand what they're doing.
is the game dead?
did as well as I could*
kys Jungger
>check her wr on gold
>check her wr on emerald
>check her wr on master+

hmm I don't think they will nerf her
>it's Naut's fault that he Hides On Bush with 100% mana for 15 minutes but yeah blame the adc that sees that for the nth time

>it's Naut's fault that he forces plays because he feels like it for whatever reason, not always with respect to positioning, minion wave density, only to die, then question mark pings the adc

>it's Naut's fault that he forgot how to use his trinkets completely
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which champion does the enemy have to pick to make you have this feel?
Any enchanter
>plan a path 2 minutes in advance to be at [objective] when it's up
>why aren't you on the other side of the map ganking my lane right now???
>I'm the carry and I demand to be babysat!
>omg i got ganked because i'm an idiot, jg diff!
>why are you farming instead of ganking??
>why are you ganking instead of farming???
kys entitled lanefag. You don't play jungle because you can't play jungle.
rengar, lb, kled
seraphine bot
>forces plays
but vayne was right to think she'd win that
the only thing she needed to do was press Q backwards after Diana presses E on her
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Personal favourite but I think I play the crystal rose on purple chroma the most because it's less embarrassing during the odd losses, yes?
any tank top
>zyra jg in LCS
oh boy here we go again
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I love Lissandra!
I should play him.
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>tfw Poppy just surpassed Briar as my highest champ mastery
this was not meant to happen...
I abandoned my wife Briar...
another disloyal "waifufag" to add to the pile
>enemy team will dodge simply over being full ad
>my team can have multiple hostage takers banning each other's champs and we won't dodge
You can enjoy more than a single champ rather than making it a cheating thing.
brand, heimer, teemo, lee sin, nasus, renekton, pantheon, leblonc, splitpushers, so Fiora Jax Tryndamere Yorick, seraphine, point n click cc, lux (I don't mind Lux the champion I just know it's a faggot or a hole behind the screen), Yuumi Sona Soraka for similar reasons,Senna, Xerath (too chuddy even 4me), Draven, Caitlyn, Ashe, Ashe support, Twisted Fate, Malzahar, Vi, Lissandra, Aurelion, Akali, Udyr, Yi, Darius and Nocturne.
I'm so pissed at the world today I'll play Twisted Fate, Pantheon and Renekton toplane
if I'm not having fun you won't either
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master yi
they caught diana off guard that's a huge advantage on top of peel, CC and numbers what the fuck are you talking about.
naut's call was fine (also it was both their decision but adcs can never do any wrong to you). they win that easy if vayne simply used her range advantage that's literally all shes's expected to do and she couldn't even do that. she Q'd into her with no reason for god's sake
naut doesn't need to ward anything he is already providing vision by humping her leg what the fuck
are you iron or baiting? last (You) from me
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what the fuck riot
at least when the LOL team decides to do one of those stupid hard quests they include a grinding alternative

Sona without monster tits looks way too much like Miku
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How would briar kill someone
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i feel you, anon.
My SR days have completely fucked my top champs, and my profile will always show Ezreal even though I've played probably 5 ARAM games with him over the last 3 years.
why didn't you dodge retard?
like this
lillia is such a retard champ, it's darius for trannies
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probably eviscerate them with her blood daggers thing and then just bite chunks of them, going on even after they've died
>my vex disconnects after losing lane so fucking hard vs a garen who missed the entire first wave worth of exp
>we almost win the game anyway
i hate vextrannies man, maybe if they stopped wearing diapers they wouldnt int my games
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You guys still going on and on about this?

In the situation from the clip she's probably trying to cancel Q animation by hitting the wall above her. This would've gotten her quite close to killing diana before her ult drops but not quite there because vayne is too behind. Unfortunately for her she has not quite hit the wall and instead was stuck in full Q animation and diana 2 autos away from death instead of 1. It was a decent attempt.
She played quite well in general but got heavily support diffed.
do they even properly warn you about how chat restrictions work? can't find official info about duration and offense numbers
just stop typing how much of a retard can you be
Is Jinx getting a nerf yet?
I did dodge
I always have to be the one that dodges
If I don't my team will just let the game with support zed and 3 people taking smite go through
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she is an experiment to create a weapon to be used in war, of course she would kill
>>enemy team will dodge simply over being full ad
who had 4 smites and one ghost cleanse
this general has the biggest survivorship and confirmation biases out of all generals, istg
One day i will get good at jungling
please stop posting about your silvershart lobbies I promise you no one gives a shit
Not a single soul asked
briar in the next kda clip
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Send help pls
Is this really you???? Op.gg??
not your echo chamber
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i am a KaiSa enjoyer
that KaiSa did what she could when the support was caught fapping.

it looked like that was a forced play by the support... hiding on bush. Or maybe just idle?

anyway. :)

maybe they just got to lane, I don't know
im killing myself
*Yuck* another japanese champ..
full please
please give her pants and shoes. We are so past this. Briar won.
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look at the supports being useful here
>bunny eeping
she's really autistic
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
Over the past weeks I learned a lot, improved my overall stats, reduced my deaths, reviewed my replays and yet I'm still in the exact same spot where I started on the ladder.
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I'll be disappointed if Aurora doesn't have any lines acknowledging my husband.
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What's their connection?
Finally, some goon fuel
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tell me ONE reason i shouldnt built warmog on every manaless champ
Resetting invis? Seriously.....
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You told me once that I was crazy, I said, "Baby girl, I know"
But I can't let you go away, so don't you get me started now
I want a yes, I don't want maybes 'cause they leave me where you found me
So don't leave
Ooh, I just love the way you got me feeling
And now I can feel it, it's like, ooh
Take away the pain, baby, I'm healing
Baby, I'm healing
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Spirit Realm
lots of %hp damage in this game
Why can shen grow trees? This makes zero sense.
cuz he meditates you dumb CHUD
dumb fox
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Aurora is slop anyway
Getting out of bronze is almost impossible, because silver and gold is almost identical in skill and this is the bracket where people play for a couple ranked matches and then go back to aram, so the entire matchmaking is a joke and everyone is the same skill anyway.
You'll understand once you balance yourself.
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wanna duo?
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Goon to my wife?
Being gay is so mainstream now
Me as Katarina
You will make it go gold yourself.
I dont get it
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I live off crumbs.
me jerking off while I watch from a brush
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toplaners chose to exchange the rabbit for this
>>why are you ganking instead of farming???
you really think the people who would take your krugs when the wave is under their tower would say that? lmao
Yes, us Top lane gods we hate China and Animes waifus
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Wish me luck /lolg/. Playing SR for the first time in ages. I normally just play ARAM.

I get nervous and anxiety :(
looks like dr dooms mask
you should have your hands cut off for using these ahri's pics for blogpost
All this hatred for Supportsissies... What happened to us sisters....?
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Its the new emo
Fair. Shen kinda misses out on most of the fun compared to rest of the champs
good luck cute fox
*kiss u on the cheek*
All it takes to get out of Bronze is to play Nocturne and press R.
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Why are you so angry, anon?
I hate my teammates so much
big facts
only waifus we need are alpha bitches like STACYven, STACYrelia, STACYmille and STACYora
i want to play the game and win some lp but also kinda dont, what do
you could play the elden ring dlc
didn't get far enough in base game because it got boring
hit a nerve? wtf
this game is too stressful i want to uninstall even after winning a 40+ minute game because of the pressure
i dont even have the base game
Yeah I just had a game like that, unfortunately I queued up again but told people I am going to sleep on the keyboard if they didn't remake because there was a guy who didn't connect but I guess they said no so I'm playing awful.
>he doesn't like Duskblade being made into a champs kit
what did they make woke in that game? I thought Japan would be better than that
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don't care
queue up
int and lose
punch first
throw the game while punching and kicking and screaming
want advice? go back to ARAM
I wish me from four hours ago didn't queue up SR and kept ARAMing
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i love carrying as rammus
What's the counter to nocturne in higher elo?
Your viego carried
you wouldnt understand
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thats not very agp of you
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gj jinothy
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ARAM? Total ass cancer
Normals? Nonexistent game quality and boring as fuck
Ranked? Real shit
sorry.. i just really like proxying and stuff..
do not call me that its not my name
>abusing leona
so you were gold2 before getting boosted?
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Cope and seethe, sweetie. I play everything
Why are people saying this as if base Elden Ring didn't have giga nigga Mohg trying to make himself into Miquella's consort?
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I hope this shit never takes off

I don't need e-sharts faggot nerfs on my plant
>she's in AGAIN
>two series in a row
it's over.
i hope she stays there
it just makes sense, a plant lady in the jungle using plants to farm neutrals
do they even give out esports capsules anymore what the fuck am I watching this shit for
ikr? i just want emotes and the havent dropped a single capsule in like half a week
the new bots are unironically worse than the old ones
they will just watch you kill them, flash away on low hp and then walk back in so you can finish the job. jungle bot in particular flashes to the camps on cooldown and moves extremely jittery like it's lagging.
the old bots were at least a little nuisance in how they just braindead ran at you
Also there's been femboys since dark souls 1. Japan is based as fuck
why are you playing bot games?
This game is exhausting me again, it's a real bummer when you try to win for the team and they just keep making terrible decisions then you lose or something that was due to a play which was beyond control and all your effort goes to waste. Simply not worth it. Even if I play support it's taking a toll same with arams due to the game being closed in the loading screen.
Also noticed how games regardless if you won or lost it's mainly because the opposite team surrendered, like clearly this game exhausts their players so much they don't even want to fight till the end anymore. But also because the game is incredibly snowbally now.
Anyways the time to take a break from this game is coming soon, just need that one game or whatever to click in, typically the first step of the cycle is frustration from all the effort you put in the games, then realising the game is not doing what it's supposed to (to relax you and have fun) even if you won, then the third is something I can't remember but it will come soon enough.
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God Chest Sona
i have got 4th place or worse in arena for the last 9 matches in a row console me
is there a way to turn off the chat restricted message? why do I need to see it every single time?
that mode is unironically pure luck
I think there isn't, also that message I think also shows your team that you are muted so in a way it's good for communication, no?
Don't want your team to be talking all one sided unless you were never the talkative type.
Waooh Ai Yaaah!!!!
Wo Ai Zhongguo!!
Renminbi Chingchong Riot Points feichang hao!
to teach you to stop typing like a retard
which lolgs look like this?
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Imagine sticking your cock between those milkers
would probably cum in a second GODDDDDDDD
league of legends..
i dont, i played a custom 1v5 vs 5 intermediate bots, but made sure there were no double roles and the champs made sense
before nu-bots 1v5 wasn't easy but doable, now it's a complete wash
absolutely based
I miss the feminine touch
Just a reminder for you all that Annie is just a child.
zyra safehorny vgu when? im surprised that tranny creature writer from riot games is not offended by her design lol, i mean they already stopped making sexy skins for her since the dragon one
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>Sona wants to get preggers but her husband always ejaculates in her tits.
Idk, this looks bad in terms of design.
I really hate the meme about people liking bright or colourful things, so many modern media lacks darker tones and gritty texture and such.
How do you fight Mordekaiser as Mundo? The biggest thing fucking me over hard is his retarded shield he constantly pops.
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What do you guys think of Aurora's thighs?
Did someone mention Sona?
When did Ezreal get buffed? Is that why I'm doing so much fucking damage as him?
qiyana has an opponent now
is this a hentai? is it any good?
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Climbbros, how's the climb going?
Shacobros are feasting with the elden ring item.
I'd like to kiss them many many times and see her reaction
I kinda stopped caring after I got out of bronze desu
azuma minami!
am i still rent free in your head?
Why is Nidalee voice lines so fucking terrible? How did people gaslight themselves into thinking this was better than her old lines?
I don't even bother with ranked anymore.
Idk who the real clown in this scenario is desu you still bothering with the meat grinder or me having never got out of silver over the years.
perfect canvas for bnwo tatoos
you don't want to know
you can see one already
These California artists and such in the media industry live in a separate world that's kinda out of touch with reality you will know if you ever get anywhere close to it.
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It's all so tiresome
>Team feeds the enemy Jinx
>Get held hostage
What do you do in this situation?
Afk farm because sleeping on the desk punishes u automagically now.
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I've burned out from League so I play like maybe 3 ranked games a week. Rest of time is spent being miserable in aram
i have got 4th place or worse in arena for the last 10 matches in a row
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Do you guys believe that Annie will grow up into a total babe when she's older?
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Never cause it's probably too much work with the plants and stuff. It was the original reason they bitched about making skins for her
I played aram religiously but only stopped recently because of how I was typically the only person in the team who picks tanks to frontline for the team who always hold on to ADCs but never do anything useful compared to mages. Also if everyone is backline I had to engage as a twitch or something and die multiple times over it because everyone just eats up pokes and dies under tower. There's more stuff to complain about that game mode but I can't rn. Tldr that game modes got issues and idk if it's because they fucked it's Aram only balancing or what. Ever since the portal stuff and the tower collapsing left or right and that third mid bush that modes lost its initial appeal somehow.
>be bronze 1
>keep getting pitted against emerald/silver chads
>me and my team? all bronze and iron
>we get raped on all lanes and surrender early to stop the humiliation
why does this keeps happening
And I must say fucking up Aram is truly remarkable on riots part, never thought it was enebmn posdibke so o sad
It doesn't. You made this up to farm yous.
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she will be a psycho
Thanks for the (you) you damned bastard
If this normal yeah me 2 emerald and flats all the time against bronze idk whats going on there but probably to merge all rank population to ensure low quere tume
I'm just tired of Lux and Nautilus in my Iron 1 games.
Always spamming laugh or emotes as if they're so skilled for throwing shit downrange and winning the trade/lane if something hits.
is mental illness the defining factor to be good at league and successful at life? where can I buy one of these and inject myself with them or should I just get diagnosed?


Among support sissies I've noticed nami, lulu and janna players are the most toxic and easily tiltable
surprisingly seraphine players are the most chill
i play nami and im chill
I OTP yuumi and attach to the top laner then afk to ensure everyone hates yuumi
She already is though
I'm on my forgiveness arc so I forgive you Ungern.
Perhaps i overreacted a bit to your spergout, but that's water under the bridge now.
Based 50.5% winrate masterGOD.
Ranked is the only strategic part of the game, no clue how people enjoy *r*m or n*rms solo.
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ZoeCHADS where the FUCK are we located at??
idk what to do when i get adcs like this on my team, such a free win thrown out because bot cant stop getting ganked
my goat in the mid lane
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picrel i forgot it
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Midbeast is one of us, fellow cunny bros
I couldn't help but notice that the enemy Kayle is thirteen and three...
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>support has a better KDA than the ADC
my worst nightmare
why are you hiding?
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Remember when Udyr had SOVL?
no, I didn't play back then
Um guys? How come OP.GG doesn't show the person's old summoner name anymore? I used to stalk someone but idk if it's the same person.

Any solutions?

Pic for attention
>3x chain vest
homie you gigatrolling lmao
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the kayle wasnt really the issue it was more that our team couldnt even like remotely function, i taunted the kayle once and mal pressed r on her right after, completely invalidating my champ basically and the kayle didnt even die for it
i already posted once today and i didnt wanna seem spammy i just like talking about my games..
also it was rammus into yi samira kayle which should be free i think..
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nigga you had 12 deaths stfu and focus on urself ? how the fuck was this a free win when ur enemy laner is a 13/3 kayle that you fed?
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Um sweetie, shouldn't you be in bed by now? Don't you have school tomorrow?
Riot actively forbids this to protect privacy. rewind.lol removed the "nickname history" as well a while ago
the system doesn't autoban BAUSS enjoyers
>just one more chain vest bro please just one more I swear I'll carry I just need one more chain vest
I literally had a Vel'Koz support steal all my kills and everyone else's kills. Guy had over 13 or 15 kills by the end of the match.
didnt realize losers queue agents post here
I never forgot.

thornmail damage scales based on bonus armor.. i need chain vests..
its not my fault that my botlane inted..
plus you guys dont understand rammus is very good into that comp..
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Champs for this feel?
Any other solutions?
>rammus is very good into that comp
ap Kayle
true damage Yi
mage Vex
cleanse Samira
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oh and also i still had more kills than anyone on my team as rammus.. you guys are forgetting that i was also worth like no gold half the game
if you think yi kayle or samira do anything to rammus you do not understand how this game works
i thought ironbabs are supposed to be nontoxic and just play their game peacefully
why does every iron player we have in this gen blame his teammates
then how come you died 12 times to them?
thats how you play rammus top
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>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
>botlane eats shit
>lose the game
I'm caught in a fucking time loop
Top and Jungle should be the ones that are actually the hardest to balance but somehow Riot has the hardest time balancing basic fucking support characters and champs whose only job is to click on people.
dabs doesn't play poppy
Iron players see themselves as temporarilly embarrased Challengers.
toplaners will counterpick themselves, afk under turret, let their enemy roam and do whatever they fuck they want in mid and jungle then say "bro why you fed him bro"
ermm but lolg told me they are cutelow and have no ego
if you have bausen death numbers you need bausen cs numbers to back it up
Riot doesn't take into account the average IQ from each role unfortunately
>Play ADC
>Get shit Support
>Play Support
>Get shit ADC
You can't win, it's the rule of nature.
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this is a surefire sign of losers queue right
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i actually did have about 10cs/min till the midgame which im not really as good at i think, its really hard for me to figure out how im supposed to clear waves and help my team when they get into random fights as well because they kind of need me there if they do
also to the guy who flamed me for picking rammus into yi see vidrel
im not a challenger level player but that doesn't mean playing rammus this way is inting
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? when did they do this? im so out of the loop and havent played in awhile

so youre telling me theres no way to track the trannys in this thread if they change their name?


how long until a new Taliyah skin?
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stay positive, summoner!
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I am a
single 29 year old washed up d4 peaking mid laner
And my favorite champion is Diana.
she doesn't say that
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learn to carry instead of depending on your botlane to stomp sweetie
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>tfw my ex is hiv positive and I got away without getting infected
hope that piece of shit is rotting inside out
this is how real men play league
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redpill me on diana mid
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
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Diana mid is fun. She's a pretty solid duelist who can work well with a lot of different runes into many matchups. She excels with an aggressive jungler to invade or roam ganks with.
Also, she's very pretty.
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she wouldn't do that...

what's your favorite skin?
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Blood Moon, easily!
>Every ADC player likes Engage supports more than Enchanter supports
>Always get Enchanter supports
Why though.
so do you suck dicks ironically or are you serious about it
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She is still a child.
Any attractive physical features she may have as a human shouldn't be acknowledged until she reaches the age of 18.
i just gave my team the worst normals experience of their lives
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i feel gross after talking about rammus i think im gonna play zoemid for at least 20 games now
because if you enjoy playing tanks you go play top or jungle because all the support tanks are boring archaic 2010 garbage like nautilus and blitzcrank whereas top and jg get to play champs like sion, shen, poppy, ornn, zac, nunu who are way more fun
LCS is so boring
there's no enthusiasm in the voice of the casters
it feels like they still see League as something only nerds enjoy instead of embracing it as a staple of zoomer culture
one day you'll be turned into a support
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do I play to all win? the game gave me a battle queen diana shard last event pass so I'll consider
hey, I am not the one playing the submissive little bitch island role expecting everyone to carry my fat ass
About to hit the hay
Gonna manifest into you niggas' dreams and rape you in the ass
Goodnight, see you soon xoxo
zoomers don't play league newfren
be my gf
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Pretty good stuff, I'll make her my secondary after Qiqi if I like her playstyle
i dont like it much..
>we got steel at home
yes they do? do you think it's millenials who watch tiktoks and give views to Dantes & friends?
can you at least dream that im a slutty girl
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she will trigger your agp
me too lease as zoe
anyone else wanna be raped a by a league lady?

oooooh, which ones would beat you up then rape you?
>hey, I am not the one playing the submissive little bitch island role
but you're a botlaner
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she will never expire bros.
Brat needs correction. If annie(s) were real, I'd sweep them off the streets never to be seen again.
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he's proud of taking three dicks up his ass before 5 minutes every game
Take the cunnypill anon. If you think about it seriously, there's nothing wrong about liking Annie in that kind of way! I'd say it's only natural!
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Oh, I wouldn't be the one receiving. I want to abduct a Seraphine main into the bushes, rip off her clothes, push my carapace body on top of her soft frightened skin, break her bones with my claws, and start raping her until she bleeds and her eyes go blank from the pain of her hextech crystals being shoved into every hole in her body.
They will never balance bot without completely changing the game for the simple fact that there are two of them and they have the capability to feed twice as hard. No number of item reworks or autistic number tweaking will change that, The only thing that could make bot better is making kills worth half the gold specifically on ADCs and support.
Would be funny if honor of kings kills wild rift globaly now lol
that's not even sylas, that's taric.
>currently giga hardstuck bronze on other account
>breezing through here on this one.

yeah riot definitely doesnt determine what rank they want you and hold you there.

bronze 3 to bronze 2, after i get that theres a guaranteed inter, not a non performer but a talon supp kind of shit, a ban my hovered pick and then walk down mid as jg kind of pick every fucking time. happens specifically on bronze 2 promotion. losers que isnt real kill yourself riot shill faggot
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>account got chat restricted and basically locked out of rewards
>make a new one
>let my gf play on it because it has lots of Tristana skins on it
>got an email today that my account was banned for 2 weeks for "hate speech" in dms
>op gg it
>she played 9 arams, lost 7 games in a single night
>ask her what the fuck she did
>says she couldn't remember what she said
>can't even log into the account to see the chat log for the ban
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>Do I play to all win?
I don't know what you mean by that, sorry? I think you should play her a few games and see if you enjoy it.
Fresh accounts have blank MMR. Played my 5 placements on one, went 3/5 and still placed plat. I'd fuckign kill to have an actual bronze account ot play on
Play chinese mobas
are you serious rammus nigger?

youre here to make ME look bad nigger. i dont perform like that nigger im fucking 12/3 in 90% of my matches when i complain about teammates, its my teammates fuck you faggot ass lolgen
You have 30 levels of normals or arams or what have you that influence your ranked mmr. I bet that if you spent those 30 levels playing like a bronze you'd have a bronze/silver placement.
Wait you can't just steal the fucking rabite from boomers wtf that's our old-game design
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I swear to god i must have an account wide debuff when i play this game.
Whenever i go for any poke that seems good, cait headshot/jinx rocket/varus q when im ahead in items or have my support with me while the enemy is going for cs alone, they just instantly cancel their auto and dash in on me and obliterate my healthbar even if im a level ahead.
What the fuck am i doing wrong, why am i so bad at adc, why am i so bad at this game?
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Anima Squad Leona concept art 1/4
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shuddup rammus isnt a champ that goes 12/3 literally ever except the time i got 22 kills
Do it anon, become a Zoe main!


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Looks shit. Not enough skin showing.
i have trouble finding pics of zoe so its a bit hard..
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make a ticket and have them send you the logs, if they dont just say you're from the EU and they have to
all leona skins look bad because she doesn't get a VGU
Why don't people play Swain more? Especially in the mid lane?
I both love and hate playing as nasus
maining the fuck out of this nigerian queen
It's absolutely ridiculous that she's a bunny, but doesn't hop in her walk animation. Yet, battle bunny mf hops. come on.
go back
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>complaining about reddit
it's 2024 everyone uses reddit all forums are dead, get over it and SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT "go back"
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It feels wrong though...
Even if she has silky red hair, bright greed eyes, soft smooth skin, and is shapely for her age, she is still a child.
damn bro can you just kill yourself
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didn't read go back and stay there faggot
go back
just go back faggot
want to do a quickplay?
I already opened a ticket but its been sitting fo ra day. Might have to pull the EU card
how did they fail the battle bunny concept so totally?
its like they completely understood why battle bunny riven was so beloved and did everything they could to avoid anything and everything resembling the appeal of the original
worse than High Noon and Dark Tide where they just take a good original concept and fill it with overdone light vs dark demons and angels they just made anima squad a mix of battle acadamia and project
skins team needs to be fires
I might be able to give you some at some point
Marika did nothing wrong
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>submit a ticket for recovering an account
>been sitting open for 3 days
>opened another fake ticket with the title "Reporting a homophobic player"
>almost get an instant response
I thought you guys were fucking memeing
>just found out about automated tickets
sure is summer in here
Original battle bunny was literally a girl in a bunny maid outfit as a skin and that's not going to fly in Current Year. They had to rebrand it to their current waifu skin line design where they're still making blatant coomer skins but they're dsiquised with an anime tint so people can't just call it sexist.

The last pure just blunt sexy skin they made was Pool Party Caitlyn which is literally just Caitlyn in a bikini
he's nusilver, you actually think he even looks at runes/items instead of just letting professor do it?
Give me the ranking on best fucking champion tiddies.
Sona S tier
sona, morg in halloween skin, everyone else meh
can you get demoted from dodging?
>Keep getting really bad matches
>Finally get an ADC with 3 braincells
>Top laner throws an autistic fit and quits
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fucking COME ON
if you just stopped typing you wouldn't have this problem
if I see someone playing badly, I'm going to call them a nigger, it's my god given constitutional right
I got about 25 chests and no keys anon, I get it
Watching my laners give a free dragon on a fight we clearly win to farm for the 50th time this week. yeah fuck being polite you're a retard and ill let you know. I'll let them all fucking know till they just come to drag instead of taking every fight under the enemy's towers.
How long until its illegal to be toxic in game and you'll get sent to court for calling a tranny a nigger
>old champ mastery had a level cap
>distinct good looking visual emblem for rank 6/7
>now there's no mastery level limit so you play forever like a good chinaman
>some of the worst visuals for the emblems that even a toddler wouldf find an eyesore
Is AI taking over their business as well?
Someone answer me?
yea idk how they managed to make the mastery system even more meaningless
It took me 3 whole days to recover missing skins but they made up for it by giving me 5k RP. Bought myself Debonair Zed with that.
How long does it take Valorant tickets because my account was perma banned for third party programs for some reason. I haven't played Valorant since March.
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>Ezreal does a ton of damage
>Pick rate is 21% and 8% ban rate
>He just dropped from B tier to C tier
The fuck is happening?
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>too difficult
Is there a single normal person that plays ARAM? You op gg any lobby and its nothing but addicts who play like 20 arams per day.

Jesus Christ
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>Finally fought a Kalista as Ezreal
>Got my shit pushed in
>Her Pyke support wasn't making it any easier
Am I just fucked fighting Kalista as Ezreal? On Mobafire, besides Kalista being in the Extreme zone, Kai'Sa is also in the extreme zone but it says fighting her is a complete toss up. But every time I fight a Kai'Sa, I'm dominating her so I don't get it.
if the holocaust were real, league's honor system would have translated to rewarding the highest members of the nazi party with millions of keys. in an environment where being the highest respected means being evil, honor is a mark of shame. i could never be honor level 4 because im not evil basically. fuck you faggots that enable the griefers of the league youre a bitch and i hate you

def not winners que
it was, but the real problem was that youd basically gain more exp than needed for the level throug getting the 7 S ranks it took so youd always be behind in actual mastery level, thus meaning that players who had high level masteries before were always gonna have a higher mastery level than someone who got the same amount of exp after the rework, you basically are just encouraged to stomp norms
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no mobility and all midlaners outrange him, plus stacks gimmick that falls of late game
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>One person dies in a teamfight with viego around
>Gets to be invulnerable 90% of the rest of the fight
Really annoying champ
be my gf
Need a gf who looks like this
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Almost at level 30 but haven't spent anything yet. What low cost champions should I spend it on for pubstomping low mmr?
>good skin but the auto animation is a straight downgrade from base
name them /lolg/ee
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my opponent top this match is teemo and I'm nasus
s6 triple dring E max nasus had around 60% win rate against meemo
fun times
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sorry i cant tell you..
futa zoe fucking annie
Picking Taliyah mid should be bannable
why do i find this so hot
god I am a freak
smite me down please
me as zoe
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I like playing him support but even if you're landing all of your abilities they don't seem to matter because there's so much %hp damage in the game.

>Play against a Kindred.
>Is Kindred losing the fight? Press R for a free win
Invulnerability is frustrating in all forms.
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I bet you could trick her into being your gf in everything but name
kissing her on the lips by saying its a greeting, sleeping together for warmth, etc
I’ll find out someday
left is built for mordekaiser ult
Why was this even made?
theres a literal video of her on my ship's table
that's rape
so fags can pick him when lulu is banned duh
Someone at Riot watched Encanto
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DEI hire
i started playing solo carry hypercarries in jungle.
just get level 6, and survive to 20 mins for 2nd items and you takeover. you only need one lane not shitting itself, and perma ganking one lane (preferably bot) and top can take a steaming hot shit even if they feed.l
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Milio is really fun, anon. Have you played him?
nah she likes it too shes just shy
because trannies have taken over all video game companies
League is supposed to be a game whose champions are knights, wizards, scary monsters.
but in the past few years, gay faggot shit like seraphine, milio, aurora, smolder, and hwei (canonically a transracial transexual) that have zero place in the runeterra universe have been inserted because of corporate faggotry
she was hot so i can let her slide
>transracial transexual
is that what we're calling shapeshifters these days
Milio should have just been 3 fireballs stacked on eachother.
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i int when i get jgs like this on me team
>round vs mf brahm
you focus brahm
>round vs lux fiora
you focus lux
>round vs kalista renata
>you focus renata and you fucking just sit there while they ignore you and double me

okay bro ill let rammus and tahm kench double penetrate you while i run to the corner to soft afk. maybe youll get the message stupid nigger shaco
I'm playing nasus again after about a month of not playing him and I'm so tilted that I wanna hit my monitor and insult the enemy team. I'm not even losing, I won my matchup against a teemo and we won the match but I'm still pretty pissed. He's so much harder to do well with than the lanes I usually play
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literally the first non-gay shit riot has made in quite some time.
>Tumblr quirky glasses self insert
Gay bullshit
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when will unironic chuds just fucking die out >>483229767
pls never post here again
when you become my gf
i'm a man(male) so that is impossible
more like a bitch(male)
theyd have given her that shitty skin condition and covered up all her thighs if that were the case
I have lost the match but I won the war for making the paypig go 1 and 8.
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Can't handle a little tentacunny?
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do you think he needs an asu? his gameplay doesn't fit league 2024 after all
I pass
I'd like to hear your opinion on this.
>genderbender ezreal
upgrade or downgrade?
Still safe horny bullshit regardless.
Stop being in denial. She's beautiful and we both know it. Do yourself a favor and masturbate to Annie tonight, Zoe is fine too.
Pretty sure that pic is supposed to be followed by a fact about how rabbits don't even like carrots that much.
all female genderbends are upgrades
why is this allowed
>self insert
no with that proportions.
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>removing the twink's pp
downgrade and should be punished with death

if you can't handle him at his masc you don't deserve him at his femm
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how masc can he reeeally get?
this isn't me btw
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say her name!
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Qiyana clears Aurora
nah she gets mogged so hard its insane
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Words cannot describe how much I hate Ez as a champion. If they're on the enemy team they're impossible to hit and deal tons of my damage. If they're on my team they stand in place, don't use their abilities, and miss the ones they do.

I would ban them all of the time if Blitzcrank wasn't so overpowered.
League of Legends women owe me sex
who is it then
easiest nasus matchup in all of league except maybe trynda
someone here got banned for saying "women owe me sex" but would you get banned for saying "ahri players owe me sex"?
it's not about how easy it is to win I hate it cause it's really unfun till I get about 200 stacks. Just have to deal with this retard attacking me whenever I get close to the minions for 10-15 minutes is torture
Why does Aurora dress like a 60 year old woman into the New Age movement
What happens when Qiyana Rs Aurora onto her own R circle?
>6k health + rammus resistances + deal a giggillian amounts of aoe damage

>previous game get 3.0x attack speed with a bunch of damage

>teamfight with a Tryndamere
>Trynd is a bout to die
>he gets to do highest amounts of crit while being undying for 7 seconds then dash away while healing.
idk why would i know
just play with that in mind you retard
you idiots play just "hoping" the fizz or w.e wont press e
do you think lolig players are always surprised when trynd ults? i think thatd be funny
The word sex might be enough to trigger bots.
want to play norms?
sure once i finish my ranked game..
>One thread a week
Vanguard really killed our general, sisters ;-;
yes, they legitimately do, which is why they constantly whine about any "safety button" ability
they simply just play as if it doesnt exist
why even play ranked when youre unironically iron? youre just going to tank your account for no reason
Millio is the only useful Enchanter support I've seen simply because he gives you a fucking Rapid Fire Cannon.
i like playin ranked, people are nicer than in norms
also im unironically bronze 4 not iron now!!
and i finished my ranked game
dawnbringer vayne has such thick thighs and a plump butt, it's a shame her other skins seem to be less endowed in the bottom department
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we've been staring at the loading screen for 3 minutes because someone in the match is a poorfag
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>lose 3 in a row
>log off
what do i do now wtf
What support can 1v9?
any mage
hook champs can 1v9 but not literally
Who are the hardest Junglers to play? I like Elise mainly because she's a spider but holy shit is it hard because one fuck up like Rengar and you will get deleted.
i think i missed norms so im queuing up for bed instead
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The quality of players on the weekends takes a nose dive.
>APC Ryze
>Ezreal that doesn't use abilities.
>Ashe that gets hit by every enemy ability.
It's so frustrating. If I try to play Bard the ADC will run it down and kill themselves the instant I leave lane and if I pick Milio they always choose a gimmick champion that doesn't work with his kit.
i was never gonna play with you lol
you're just mean, i bet you're a niggerlow too in like gold or plat..
I always ask my adc when I play bard if they're comfy being in 1v2 lane states or I don't do it. saves a lot of trouble with a sentence or two in lobby but usually no one even answers so I just play naut/leo
Ah, just like a real woman
I don't understand how some people function man. This Brand is 0/4 before the first turret is even down and he's ragingthat he keeps getting ganked but he's only getting ganked so much because he won't stop being super aggressive and constantly pushing the malzahar back to the turret. Maybe just play passively for 2 seconds?
I think low elo players feel like theyre farming more if they hit the wave, even if theyre actually killing the same amount of minions
the malzahar had a higher CS despite being pushed to the turret the whole time so I think you're right
because a lot of top lane match ups are decided in champ select and if your top is weak side then jungler is pretty much forced to babysit top for early to mid game
I think its true because i do the same thing as zoe sometimes where i kill the caster minions then get ganked..
Where my incel bros at?
What's up anon?
Why are you so bad and retarded about a game you play this often
I main ziggs
im a little slow in the head mr niggalow
Was looking at it and wanted to try the ole garen solo top strategy where I just bait everyone to my lane and run. Then pick off people 1 by 1. But I'm rusty on my micro and macro game.
What video guides ddo you guys use besides skill capped?
his vids are all memes more than educational content tho
yah i just watch his streams sometimes, thetre comfy
shalom anon
Why does Wild Rift get a dino and cooler skins...
Are Neace vids still relevant? Yes inb4 paying a small mortgage on coaching fees. I used his free vids coaching randoms to play as a really selfish, splitpushing garen who just looked for small 1v1 or 1v2 skirmishes after fast clearing.
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>Highest damage on the team playing Senna (By over 15,000)
>Able to kill the enemy ADC in two auto attacks.
>Still lose because our jungler and ADC deal zero damage.
I know losers queue isn't really a thing but 7 losses in a row due to awful teammates is so annoying.
not really he's gigawashed, glacierr has some pretty good stuff for a new garen
why so many tank sissies
im not a sissy because i play rammus
no i play poppy too
so does he...
im nobody though
...so is he
he's steel, im no one, we're not comparable
he's also not comparable ..
I want to suck cocks so bad... Champ for that feel?
poppy, rammus, leona, katarina, irelia, lissandra, malzahar
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I would like my cock sucked by you. Willing to send nut videos.
Heartrender #WoWG on NA. Are you a girl?
Someone else'll happily slobber on my cock anyway.
Wow 1 day back and you already fit right in
LoL Degens are my people. I've played LoL since 2009, I know the type.
sometimes i wish i could go back to being a degen, it's rough
I have phases. Sometimes I'm reformed and above it. Some other days I'm debilitatingly horny and need to get drained.
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for me i just get a weird anxious sort of pain in my chest when i try to do degen things these days till i feel like crying, i kind of miss being able to be a degen with others
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To me, that just says you need to find someone you can be comfortable and at ease with. Someone you can trust with your most vulnerable of moments. You miss being able to give a part of yourself and not hurt so bad for it. I know what you mean.
I thought about that a bit, it's not possible for someone like me though, not now and not ever, i have weird circumstances i guess, even talking about makes me feel a strange awful feeling. Im very jealous of people like you honestly who can just not care about any of that
I get a gut-wrenching pain in my chest when I see others have significant others. I get jealous and hurt when I see what I could have, but don't. I care a great deal about it, anon. We aren't so different. That said I don't want to give you that uncomfortable sensation, so we can drop it for now if you like. Just know that I understand you. Could talk privately sometime if you'd like.
its alright, talking about it is probably better than trying to ignore it, its hard to ignore it in a place like this, but we are very different anon, more different than you're imagining at least, i would talk with you but im not sure how wed do that really
Play Mages botlane, it's the only way. There are mages that can carry even trash inting supports.
Which ones?
I'll never tell.
Literally just play MF, Cait, Jhin, Jinx, even Vayne, and scale for late, ditch the main character syndrome and don't feed early game
It's almost as if champs who's dmg scale with health are a stupid fucking design. I wouldn't call mundo inherently broken, but he is brain dead.
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There's too much of a meta, I mean you can have fun creative builds, but they're often gunna be stomped by lifesteal bruisers and spam tanks

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