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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

Blank Edition
Last Thread: >>482478185

- Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Steam, and will release on November 14th.
- Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi and Dragon Quest Champions will end their service in July.
- Dragon Quest Builders is now available on Steam, with all the quality-of-life improvements from the mobile port included.
- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is now available on Switch.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure-hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest X is available in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


first for Barbara
I have never played III. Does any party composition really work? What you'd recommend ?
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Warrior/Priest/Mage is the default set and works well, but most compositions are pretty viable. Speaking for the existing versions, obviously.
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Leave the Demon Lord to us!
Most work, aside from meme combinations like all jesters or something. But even those can work with the right preparation and patience.
Any composition will work. People can beat the game solo pretty handily so any additional party member is just a bonus.
They are so far away! Do we really leave it to them, /dqg/?
1 hungry Serena could defeat any number of pips.
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Perhaps but can we really leave the Demon Lord to her?
She will eat the demon lord.
She can eat my demon lord if you know what I mean
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I am not understanding your meaning.
Post your 2D-HD wishlists:
>New DQ1 dungeon
>Full DQ1 map in DQ2
>Recruitable Ryu in DQ2
>Kandar Party member
>Expanded lore on Baramos and Zoma
>Post Game Ortega party member
>Second form Zoma (which was cut)
>Expanded map with new locations in both realms
>More Puff Puff
pregnant gwaelin sex minigame
If they flesh out some plot to make 1 and 2 longer, that'd be nice. I beat both within a weekend. All 3 games deserve to be expanded upon
Threadly reminder to spoiler take things from I-III. Unironically this game is going to have a lot of new people so we need to be nice and let them have it untainted.
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Instead of posting silly bait, post cute Alenas
I'd agree if they had released I+II+III together but they aren't.
1 and 2 are probably gonna be early next year.
IIRC they said there's going to be a saved import from III to I to II so I guess the new way is now that order.
That sounds made up
Square Enix always laments that people don't buy DQ but it's their own damn fault. The SE store right now has nothing DQ in the front page.
NTA but in the direct he did say 312, I havent seen that save data thing mentioned elsewhere though
>My hands on review of Dragon Quest III
>Now let me start by saying I haven't played dragon quest before...
Why didn't Square get at least one fucking person who knows the series?
Pick one
The one that lets me marry Debora.
I don't think Fiveo would let you marry his wife.
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I am Five-kun.
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Hey Five-kun fun fact. When it comes to Nera, Bianca and Debora, Debora has the least amount of NTR hentai drawn of her. Infact she has the most wholesome ones.
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queen of /dqg/
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She loves Five too much for NTR
>Fucks Five
>Still makes him sleep on the floor.
the floor builds character
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My cute, loyal wife who hogs the bed and eats all the breakfast
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she's so cute...
Unironically would you anons actually want a wife like Debora? A huge bitch most of the time and extremely dominant during sex.
Yes, of course.
She might eat me out of house and home
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Does this make sense?
IX probably should take place after everything, but its existence alone kind of makes it difficult to gauge as a timeline. VIII at least would always take place after III, regardless of placement
>a lot of new people
Anon, the day DQ gets "a lot of new people" is never coming.
Then how would you rearrange it?
Fuck off
There's only one timeline
1. XI doesn't split into two timelines
2. VIII and VII are set in their own worlds and it's silly to apply linear time to those because of weird crossover events
3. If you're counting Caravan Heart you might as well count Heroes and break the whole thing (see point 2)
Franchise owner said it. No, I am not searching for the quote. Fuck off
Then where do IV-VI fit in?
There are no multiple timelines in XI. Everything converged into one.

XI -> III -> I -> II

VI -> IV -> V (Swords somewhere in here since Fleurette appears in the remakes.)

X -> IX (Might be the other way around, I forgot.)

VIII plays in its own world. Ramia travels between worlds.
VII plays in its own world. There are some connections to II in spin-offs and mangas, but eh.
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>Q: What happened to the world after the protagonist returned to the past?

堀井雄二: これはね、パラレルワールドなのかっていう質問が来ててね。あの残された仲間たちはどうなるんだって。
Yuji Horii: There's a question asking if this is a parallel world. What happens to the comrades left behind?

堀井雄二: 僕的にはね、なんとなくこの歴史は収縮するていうか、1個にまとまっていくのかなっていう。例えば、そのセニカがそのとばした時に、仲間の一人がこのシーンあったような気がするって言うんですね。ということは、かすかに記憶が残ったりするんで。
Yuji Horii: For me, it's like history somehow converges and becomes one. For example, when Senica (Serenica) is transported, one of the comrades says they feel like they've seen this scene before. This means that faint memories remain.

堀井雄二: パラレルワールドじゃなくて、1個の歴史にこう…
Yuji Horii: Rather than being a parallel world, it all comes together into a single history...
Thank god for that. If it was the same kind of time travel as Dragon Ball it would have been depressing.
based horii
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Imagine. lol
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A neat reference? It's not like they haven't done it before.
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Ìsn't this the official timeline though?
What was a Namekian doing in Dragon Quest V?
All timelines lead to Trunks impregnating Mai. Even the DQ ones.
cause there's no western eceleb or journo that ever did
The timeline I posted just counts how many timelines have been created if you go by the rule that Dragon Ball has established, including the extra one that was created by the Universe 12 time traveller.
The official one they posted for the Anime doesn't make sense, and I haven't read the Manga in a while, so I won't say anything about it.
I still can't get over how stupid the Anime was.
>Trunks travels back in time.
>Goku Black follows him and fights Goku.
>That leads to the investigation and the fight between Goku and Zamas.
>That fight triggered Zamas so hard he became Goku Black.
So Goku Black coming to the past created him in the present. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

And um, Midenhall will have MP. haha
sick sword
What happens after Cell kills Trunks? Does Babidi show up unopposed?

What happens when the Androids are just deactivated and Goku lives? Does Cell just mope around forever in his weakest form?

What happens when Cell wins? Is he the one who has to deal with Babidi? Also, why dies the person who made this image even think there is such a timeline?

What happens without Trunks and Black? Does Zamasu just dick around with nobody to fuse with?

What happens when Black is created? Does nobody try to figure out what the hell happened?
The only true timin as per found in an old itnerview that preteastes thr rer;asre of9 was bu yhre sotihngsl one. It was I belive to be 3 2 1 8 6 4 e
that timeline was made by plague https://youtu.be/3_oJmP0nI6Q
I'll take the retarded official version over the daddy issues furry youtuber
>daddy issues furry youtuber
I'm 27 minutes in... Dragon Ball is fucking retarded.
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Only one solution
It's okay, only the original manga is canon.
I never watched or read it. I needed some background noise and the video was good for that.
I'm glad this is how people form opinions about things now
In Dragon Ball's case, the fanbase is so divorced from the source material that everything feels like complete headcanon or interpretation. I read the manga since it was actually good. Nothing else has really kept my attention

It's why I'm not really big on Square Enix trying to push spinoffs over the source material. How I through ||X|| aren't on Steam is beyond me, especially when you have all the numbered Final Fantasies and then some
Dragon Quest III Waiting Room
Pick any waiting room theme version like.
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she cute
0:23 - 1:30 kills me every time. I get a borderline indescribable feeling of sadness, hope, worry, and wishfulness at the same time. Like wanting to hold something or someone dear that never existed and never will exist.
It's only that specific version that triggers it, too.
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damn anon
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Cute as she may be she's still only 3rd best DQX girl behind Mereade and Anlucia.
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Boss Troll looks kinda off.
They messed up his DSL's
How many sleepies until DQIIIHD2D?
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Like 140. Sorry not gonna ritual post for that long.
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This is the timeline.
>b-but my computer science-
This. Is. The. Timeline.
The lips thing aside, the sprite animation looks nice. It's soooo nice to see the monsters animated
>Dragon Quest IX: Where the Wild Things Weren't
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Priest chan why aren't you casting Kazing
say i'm playing the EN dq3 translation for snes
if i cast frizz to a group of 3 slimes, two of which i've already attacked, will the game automatically target the unharmed one so as to maximize damage?
cause i've heard that the game actually does those calculations
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33 days until Maribel Quest.
Why does the trailer depicted empyrea instead of OG Ramia ?
I'm going to play dq3 gbc
1 month devtime for a DQ game is nothing bro.
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We're getting Aussie Erdrick, aren't we?
Not just geographically, but accent too.
In the mobile version it's the town next to Gaia's Navel or whatever it's called that's Australian. Aliahan is like Mu or something, it's not supposed to correspond to a real place
I can't imagine they'll make too many sweeping localization changes from the switch/mobile versions anyway. Though if there's voiced NPCs that will be an interesting experience with the accents...
Why did they make it so that the only time the timeline is explained is the Zenithian Trilogy with VI being the prequel, IV the present day and V the sequel.
All the others are in their own universes as far as I am concerned.
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It's a Kusarigama/Chain Sickle
I just hope JP VA is an option...
I think every single voiced game so far has had that option.
Without a doubt, it will, the trailer was presented with japanese voices and Square Enix games modern games all have the option for voice acting langague
I think yes but I think it actually prioritizes killing an enemy over damage output. So if the Frizz would wipe out one of the slimes it would pick the damaged slime. But can't recall it's been awhile.
Crocobro witnessed
>X (HD-2D)
>Making Anlucia even flatter
And her forehead even wider
DQ's universe dies and resets are millennia.
Each game is actually set several millennia apart, and some seem like prequels due to the nature of causality, but in reality, all of them are sequels.
This also allows the spin-offs like Treasures and Builders to happen.
>And um, Midenhall will have MP. hah
>Like wanting to hold something or someone dear that never existed and never will exist.
If you feel that way, then that something already exists, and you're already holding it.
Music is a wonderful thing.
In Terry's Wonderland 3D do the monsters in your standby party actually gain more XP than the ones in your main team, or am I completely imagining that?
The official DB timeline is
>Timeline A
The universe of the first Mirai Trunks and Cell. Completely dead aside from remaining humans, likely nothing happened here since there was no energy to revive Boo with (no great fighters outside of Beerus really).
>Timeline B
Unseen timeline where Cell never appears and the Artificial Humans are defeated through their shutdown switch. Trunks of Timeline A returns here and gets said switch, which is why Cell of A kills him.
>Timeline C
The timeline created from Cell's time travel and the one we see in the anime, which itself creates;
>Timeline D
The Mirai Trunks timeline we see in the narrative, created from Cell altering events due to a butterfly effect. This is the timeline Zamasu attacks, and it is erased by the end of the Goku Black arc.
>Timeline E
The world where Zamasu steals Goku's body before time travelling.
>Timeline F
The timeline created when Trunks and Mai time travel to prevent Shin's death in their original timeline (per the manga, the anime explanation is different but it is ultimately the same).

>But what about the Zamasu being erased stuff?
Because of how they found out about Zamasu, erasing him creates a paradox resulting in a newly created timeline due to Beerus' and Trunks' interference.
Goku Black is not created because of him going back to the present. He was destined to be created because of Goku's showing in the U6vU7 tournament.

Also, just so everyone knows, per the time patrol stuff, EVERYTHING IN DRAGON BALL IS CANON.
Is there any games out there you'd consider "honorary dragon quest" titles? Like, it just scratches the same itch or does similar things?
i think whis should have sent trunks and mai to the timeline where trunks died.
Chrono Trigger
This type of mental fuckery is why I despise time travelling (especially to the past) in storytelling
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Keifer is related to the DQ2 party so DQ7 is not in its own world.
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>a few moments earlier at SE HQ
DQ clone battle mechanics in a dungeon crawler. Similar elegant simplicity to early DQ and a lot of its own charm.
Are the people who previewed III remake not allowed to talk about the new abilities or something? I’ve watched like 10 videos talking about it and none of them bring it up despite being by far the most significant change to gameplay.
This annoyed me too, after some digging I found one. Link to my post in previous thread:
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I got into SaGa precisely because I was looking for more games like DQ2 or 3 where there's a bunch of freedom in how you advance the main campaign. Not sure if I'd consider them 'honorary' but Romancing SaGa 2 and Minstrel Song more than delivered on that and then some, both now among my favorite games of all time.
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It is very annoying. They all spend like half the video sucking off the auto battle and speed up and never the one new thing that actually matters in the combat.
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Cute little shit
You anons know if Square got people from Japan to preview III too? Or is it just jrpgbaby westoids?
Square doesn't need to advertise DQ in Japan. That's why the franchise has gotten shit reception here because they continue to believe DQ will sell without them putting any effort whenever they're told to try again after the last 10 failures
thin veiled, DQ Tact post.
I will never forgive the Japanese!
Hey anons. I've been wracking my brain on this one. Which DQ had this party island that ends up being full of monsters and enslaving everyone?
Would've been nice if they had gotten a DQ fan to preview.
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Who are these?
Ortega and some other guy.
I really hope you can disable the full heal per level up.
Midenhall will have MP kek
>tfw work is sending you back to Germany 11/13
Those fuckers.
That is some seriously unfortunate timing
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looking back at early dragon ball, I can see a bit of Marle in Bulma whereas throughout Z and to current Lucca. I can't imagine a hairdo based on Ayla. Can you imagine Bulma with Ayla's hairdo?
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ramia's theme/heavenly flight is the greatest piece of video game music ever composed
no, i will not be taking any questions or disagreements
5 really needs a sequel.
How in the fuck do you let a 7 year old slay the big evil and not have him going around and being like the heroes from 1 and 3 after that?
Your son is the legendary hero but the story is clearly purple turban man's story.
This makes me want a comic of an old Erdrick wearing the armor from DQ1 because technically it's supposed to be the same armor and writing out his will to his great great grandchild.
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I slept for 3 hours because the public mower army appeared.
I always find it funny to know that Meena knows how to use weapons like this and the mace.
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What's so-so funny about that, boy?
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*dong expand*
I never played DQ3. Was female hero always a thing?
Yes. She didn't have official art or a separate overworld sprite until the SFC version though, which is probably why she looks so similar to the male version (unlike IV's female hero, who had official art from the start and looks very different).
Also hurry up and play DQ3, it's short and good.
Great info post. I know i should and i was actually about to put everything aside and start but then they showed the Monster Master. Purists will hate me but i can lose my DQ3 virginity with an antguzzler bro by my side.
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Also, in DQ Rivals she had the same (JP) voice actress as Videl.
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Which character or vocation can equip the most different types of weapons, without considering leveling multiple vocations?
That should be Act 2 Serena, right? She can equip heavy wands, wands, whips, and spears.
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Characters from before weapon types were codified will always have the advantage.
Anybody emulate Dark Prince? I'm not getting a constant 30 fps is there a specific Ryujinx build that it runs better on?
in modern dq? yeh
I played it on yuzu without any slowdown when it released. Are you playing on super resolution? Maybe change renderer to opengl see if that does something. If you play with controller i recommend playing on yuzu so you dont have to press ok with the mouse every single time you scout a monster.
I always thought she looked like Videl as a kid so that's a neat touch.
>If you play with controller i recommend playing on yuzu so you dont have to press ok with the mouse every single time you scout a monster.
That is annoying the fuck out of me already. I dunno with Yuzu being shut down I don't really want to deal with it.
If you had to recommend one and only one Monsters game for somebody to play which one would you pick?
Non meme answers only. Obviously it needs to be from the DS games onward.
Commit kerplunk
There's just no way I'd play one of the GBC ones. I booted up the original DQM the other day just to see what it was like and I'm sure back in 1998 I would have loved that game but 25 years later I'm not sitting through it.
4 and 6 are part of the Zenithian Trilogy.
6 happens first where the Zenithian Castle is born when the Dream World disappears and the Zenith Dragon is born in the epilogue.
Then 4 happens ages later.
Then 5 in the distant future.
Did this get a remake?
I still think dragon quest 9 was peak.
Yes, on PSX, 3DS, and Android/iOS.
Speaking of DQ9 is there emulation fuckery that lets you play online multiplayer?
Nah I think thats deader than dead even if it was a thing. If the game ever gets a remake the online aspect can be 'uge.
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what's ten-kun doing in my monsters game?
Man the humans in this game look like shit
There never has been online multiplayer in 9. It's always been local multiplayer. And I don't think a tunnelling service was ever developed for DS.
So either way, it's no.
>There never has been online multiplayer in 9
I'm aware. That's why I asked about emulation fuckery to make it play online.
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Yeah, I misread.
Playing 11, just got the boat. I went to costa whateva, forget the name and did some side quest and wasted 2000 gold on the casino not knowing what I was doing exactly lmao.

Is there anywhere I should go before swordrust, or is it fine to just go there and proceed with the plot a bit?
The Grottos carried this game
Yer pretty much stuck following the plot at this point. You can go back to old areas to add them to your Zoom list, and there's an island you can visit with a recipe book on it. That's about it.
DQM gbc is my favourite game but i understand when people think its too archaic. Play the fantranslated remakes on 3ds. Need a special version of citra to play it flawlessly though.
If you like random dungeons play DQM1 if you want a world to explore play DQM2.
>Need a special version of citra to play it flawlessly though
Explain. It seems to be working well enough with the latest version on Citra's website.
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Should I play III before the HD Remaster comes out since it seems like it's gonna change some things? If so, which version should I try?
III NES is good but it's also an NES game which means for some people it's too tedious. But it's still good.
III SNES is beautiful and very fun. Added content. Very well balanced. Translation patch is buggy.
III GBC is basically the SNES version with GBC visuals and a little bit more content.
III Switch is based on the mobile version which is based on the SNES game. Has a modern translation in line with new DQ games but is incredibly ugly.

Up to you really. It's not too long of a game and it'll be nice to get the references. HD 2D version adds abilities so the combat/vocation system seems like it'll be more complex. But if you care about understanding the roots of the series/seeing the changes they make maybe give one of the older versions a shot.
>Should I play III before the HD Remaster comes out since it seems like it's gonna change some things?
>If so, which version should I try?
Anything but the mobile port you can buy for Switch.
You forgot the mobile version
I'd say SNES is the best way to go into it
And the PS4 version.
That's JP only
When you start DQM2 before you get into the main menu you get a black screen for like 30 seconds and also everytime the game loads a new environment. They changed some scheduler code and never reverted the change as far as i know. Did they actually fix it now?
I just booted up Terry's Wonderland and loads are instant basically
Well then anon, have fun.
Who is your favorite Dragon Quest monster and why is it Lump Wizard?
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Toffee monster...
Lump Wizard is not the favorite monster of anyone in /dqg/.
That's a funny way to spell Restless Armour
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This is your favorite DQ monster, what's yours?
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For me, it's Dancing Devil
not my favorite but I unironically like him
He seems like a pretty jolly fellow.
This guy's got charm for sure.
I just really like Cross Eye tbdesu
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/dqg/'s favorite monsters as cookies, circa 2020
Holy shit I forgot about this
My pick bottom right
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I'm glad we can agree /dqg/ is a Succubat general.
A little surprised goody bag is so popular but the rest are solid picks and very well made.
Seriously though, Debora is always faithful to Fiveo. Even in the NTR doujins https://e-hentai.org/g/429997/b2c34782e8/
You should. Any version is fine though I'd recommend the SNES version. The carts aren't too expensive to purchase. I don't know why people on other forums are telling people to not play it. The remake is months out and it'll be more fun to see what has changed.
>I don't know why people on other forums are telling people to not play it.
Old thing bad, new thing good. New thing always better. Only play new thing.
Goodybag only needed one fan to get a cookie. Anon just asked what /dqg/'s favorite monsters are and every response got made.
The mobile ports are actually pretty decent, definitely better than the ugly switch ones if you want the modern localization but graphics more in line with the SNES versions and don't mind playing with touch controls
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sex with maribel or jacquline
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>Keifer is related to the DQ2 party
that's interesting to hear
How did Robin Hood get to Alefgard? Also why is he named Robin Hood when he steals for selfish reasons and not altruistic ones.
Not robin hood. Robbin' 'ood.
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[Amazon Pre-order Ranking] HD-2D "Dragon Quest III: And into the Legend..." Dominates 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places [6/16-6/22]
What country?
Guess that makes sense.
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Back half of Sand Land tomorrow?
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Why didn't Six start Questing up this Dragon?
He had a world to save
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What did she make?
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Why is she flaunting her ass?
sniffing Ashlynn's butt
I just remembered the platypunk cake. Damn that was nice
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I love these little guys
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Good taste
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I don't like this.
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Hi! How are you!
Why are these drackies so different? Purely socioeconomic factors?
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My small fish-dracky...
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Sup, gang?
Unfortunately Drackys mom was a heavy drinker and didnt stop in pregnancy.
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I was watching direct reactions and I gotta say, some of these DQ3 reactions gave me such a huge laugh. So many people thinking zelda first, then acting hype over DQ, saying things like "YOOOO THIS IS HUGE", and hyping it all up, and here I am expecting them to say how they've been a long time fan and list off everything they played, only for them to go "Ive never played DQ before, MAYBE this will be my first!" And just things like that.
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To be fair, while I recognized it as Dragon Quest from the Godbird scepters, the circular patterns around the keepers reminded me of Skyward Sword's Gate of Time. I imagine that's what got a lot of people thinking Zelda at first.
I only recognised DQ when Empyrea showed up tbqh. Sorry for being plastic, /dqg/
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I think people just saw the twins and thought of ALBW
Also stop watching reaction videos
It's certainly not a "The resemblance is uncanny!" situation, but I can see people making the connection. And Link Between Worlds had an art style similar to the twins themselves.
I never saw the appeal of it myself.
Here I am looking at the pattern and thinking about it's resemblance to Skyward Sword meanwhile there's much bigger similarity with the twins to ALBW and I completely missed it.
The hell is wrong with me
For other games, cultural osmosis is enough, but DQ doesn't really exist in the culture for people to say that.
A five year supply of cute men!
>japs are getting a IImake demo
Huh, Racist much? Where's our?
Dragon Quest isn't popular enough in the west to hold a Dragon Quest Carnival.
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I can't believe the new HD sprites are actually smaller than the previous HD sprites.
Is the overworld music in Dark Prince cutting out an emulator issue?
Size isn't what matters it's actually what you do with it
ive never played 6 is that one girl really a sex slave
No. It's similar to the whole Jade thing, where people read too many doujins and think they're canon.
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How do I make this not happen on Ryujinx?
thats intentional. theres nothing wrong with your game
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any updates on the strawpoll game?
He said he wasn't going to post updates here.
strawpoll game?
Yes, Jacqueline? Please change Maribel into tiny shorts, thanks.
Anon is making a DQ fangame for a game jam in another general and put up a poll for /dqg/ to vote for their waifu to be included in it. Maribel won.
Come to think of it, I don't think he ever mentioned which general it was. I know there's a general dev general here in /vg/ and one for RPGs in /vrpg/
oh ok
>>>/vrpg/3530290 Is our Anon. He's posted a few updates, and previously said he'd be marking anything images/webms he posts with "DQCGJ" in the filename.
>RPG Maker 2000
Absolute madlad. Is he trying to flex on Dragon Quest Plus?
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>midori is a party member
i've seen enough
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Put him in a mainline game you cowards
On DQ+? It's a remake of Dragon Quest in RPG Maker 2003. Has a lot of custom code, but was full of bugs on release. A lot of which got fixed, but I can't imagine it's perfect yet. /vr/ in particular really tore into it, saying it was poorly coded, but I don't know anything about that kinda stuff.
Regardless, I still found it fun to play, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a first time play of DQ1.
why would using 2000 be a flex? is there drama?
Think about it. He's got a month to put together this game in RPG Maker 2000 for a game jam. If it comes out better quality than DQ+ which was in development for ten years, that's absolutely flexing on it. Intentional or not.
ah ok.
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it took 25 hours but I am finally having fun playing VI
nes, snes, gameboy, wii collection, mobile, remaster, 2DHD?
nes, snes, gbc, mobile, 3ds, ps4/switch, hd2d
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IIIkeks btfo
>best enemy character
I like Psaro, yeah
That's me
>Dragon Lord
>Wily and the 2 Robot Masters
>Dedede and Nightmare
>Wily and the 1 Robot Masters
>Bowser and the Koopalings
>Fucking Ghosts and Goblins
Looks like Dragon Quest has been doing pretty well overall in all these polls. Even some of the silly ones like "best black cartridge."
Portopia Serial Murder Case also took 1st in the Adventure Game poll.
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DQ9 Remake soon.
I thought it was Zelda at first because it looked like ALBW murals, plus the runes look like Hylian script at a quick glance.
Ive had 4 on my phone forever, should I play and bear it before I play the switch DQM?
Good choice
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IVchads we win again
yes definitely
Poo in the loo
Brap in the lap
>but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a first time play of DQ1
Any reason? I just played through it a month or so ago as my first experience with DQ1, at least since I played the GBC version as a kid so long ago I remember nothing about it. Aside from questionable use of the Japanese names for towns and stuff it didn't seem too bad.
Sure. It's not too long for an RPG so you won't have to wait long to get Monstering.
Not him but I wouldn't recommend it as a first experience for I simply because at the end of the day it's fanfiction and not the original experience. This is, of course, on top of the jankiness and rough original release (Which I guess doesn't matter as much now). Though I'd argue even if you at least played a bit of the original 20+ years ago that's still fine.
holy shit taste
I played it on my phone and thought it was good, you get used to the touch controls pretty quickly.
Holy fug, Midori-chan has a body now!
AND SHE'S PLAYABLE?! This general is the best, truly.
Partly because of the jank and partly because of things like adding in members of the community around as NPCs around the game.
I'd only recommend it as a different way to experience the game after you've already played one of the official versions. I did like the original scenario in the post game, though the Monster Worlds did wear on me a bit. Especially after I realized they weren't really randomly generated.
Do it and enjoy the party chat.
Don't let the scottish accents in the first chapter filter you, it's a hurdle DQ had to overcome.
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Thank you Gaben, very cool.
Heroes 1&2 haven't gone on sale in years huh
Is that because of KoeiTecmo? Do they not put games on sale?
KT have their Warriors / Three Kingdoms games on sale right now.
Might just be the Heroes games already broke even and SE figures if someone wants them they'll pay full price?
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I will give it a go then, I will say, I just started and got to those accents and was hating it, but I will push past it lol
the scottish accents are arguably the worst the games has. accents won't disappear completely, but they'll get better.
The first chapter is short and it's the worst the whole series has to offer in written accents. Muscle through on your journey to defeat the demon king.
>because at the end of the day it's fanfiction and not the original experience
That's fair, when I first found out about it I thought it was a faithful remake with QoL improvements and it seemed like a good way to get me to play a game I might have otherwise skipped. Didn't know about translation changes or the postgame content and additions until I had already gotten started but it didn't bother me all that much because it was usually pretty clear what was original and what was added to it by the fangame. If I had known we'd be getting remakes of 1 & 2 anyway I would have just waited for those.

>partly because of things like adding in members of the community around as NPCs around the game
Ah yeah, that was pretty cringy, especially when they were very obviously using screennames. The monster worlds were also pretty terrible. Aside from some grammatical issues I thought the extra chapter in the snowy country was decent though.
make sure you have party chat
Mobile has party chat.
So does DS with the patch.
The accents there honestly felt so forced, glad it gets better at least.

Yeah party chat is there, I'll be checking it regularly
Wasn't IV the first game the modern localizers did? Probably why they took it a little too far.
It was the second after VIII, which was way milder.
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>Satoshi Tajiri made Pokemon because he was jealous that he couldn't get a Magic Hat in Dragon Quest II while his friend, Sugimori, got two
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/kmg/ - Killing Machine General
would bump
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>go into a replay of DQV thinking I'm going to pick Bianca for the canon experience
>pick Deborah again

Fuck. I need to play a version without a Debora option next time.
I can't unhear Metal Slug...every single time...
Play the Super Famicom version next time
Why not the PS2? It has the best music.
What's the appeal? She seems like a huge bitch, and not even in a tsundere kind of way.
Well, initially the appeal is that she's not Bianca which the game guilts you into picking. I don't like being coerced.

After that it's the hilarious party chat and her transition from a hard tsundere to almost deredere.
Suffering from superior taste.
She's actually really cute.
They shall fight agaisnt /eagg/ for a spot on the OP.
>shiruge wanpiisu
>One piece
Wait, It's real? It's was in DQ all the time?
She's the ultimate treasure.
Tell me about Lego Debora featuring in Lego DQ™ game
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Doing adult things with Mia and Veronica
thats very cute
Who is Midori?
Almost done with DQ11, nearing the end of Act 2 and will finish act 3 by next week. Im new to DQ so like, which one should i play next? I have also beaten DQ1 a couple of months ago. I don't think i want to play 2 or 3 as of now.
5 if you want a good story. 7 if you want a grand adventure. 9 if you like grinding classes and getting stronger.
8 is the most similar to XI although going back you will miss the QOL that the latter introduced
IV (and then V and VI) or VIII are good places to go from there.
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Jessica about to make me Kaboom from how much Sexy Beam her body will Magic Burst out
Are you okay, chap?
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This might be true but 8 is the only DQ I disliked while I loved 11. Don't be put off from the series if you don't like 8.
>floof gone
curse you, rain! curse you!
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npc from a dqg fangame.
Komfy Machine
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Dragon Quest cameo on /hgg2d/'s OP.
and dump
I wish the game was translated. Looks like fun.
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8, 4, or 5.
They are very forced. Its a shame what the localizers did. I think its cute with meena and maya though
Their accents are tasteful enough and adds character without feeling too forced. I only have a problem when the localizers take it way too far to where it becomes painful and even difficult to read, like the "country bumpkin" accents they like to use or of course chapter 1 of IV. The goodybag who speaks in Polari in DQB2 is a particular "what the fuck were they thinking" moment.
Square never puts a lot of things on sale unless something gives them a reason to
Heroes 2 also has permanent Denuvo back when it was a perpetual license so they touch it as little as possible
Jules is rad and I think it's cool if someone in the world discovers the existence of Polari via DQB2.
the country bumpkin accents are by far the worst ones
The actual worst is the Dutch town from VII. VII might be the actual worst main game for accents, even if IV is more front-loaded.
is it really that bad? the country farm town in V was absolutely terrible
Are there any major RPG elements in the 'Builders' games? I know both follow DQ 1+2 stories.
You don't even level up in 1, so progression is entirely locked behind gear, and the gear you can craft is locked behind story progress, so there's points where you can feel really underpowered before you get access to better gear. And then at the end of the chapter you lose absolutely everything you had and start from 0 again which makes it feel like there's no progression whatsoever.

2 does away with that so you can gain levels (there's a cap in each chapter that goes up in the next chapter) as well as unlocking more powerful gear as time goes by, and unlike 1 you don't start off a new chapter without access to any of your gear and have to start over. It's still the bare minimum of what I'd call RPG elements, but it's there. I'd recommend DQB2 over 1 anyway personally, it's just a better game in pretty much every aspect.
I don't know what you define as "major", but Builders 1 and 2 are both RPGs. They both have prominent main storylines, and your familiarity with the stories of 1 and 2 will increase your enjoyment of the Builders series. I highly recommend them; as someone who loves DQ but doesn't like Minecraft, I loved both Builders games.
Learning DQB1 is an alt sequel to DQ1 was a really fun twist. The builders games are definitely some of my favorite games
Do you think there will be a DQB3 after the remake comes out?
Why yes, I toggled to the Synthesized soundtrack in DQXI S, I'm an ancient gamer.
I'd love to see it, but I don't expect it to happen.
Cool, I like the synthesized OST better too. Some of the orchestrated versions have such a different emotional tone, like Sylv's theme. Also, I don't dislike synth at all.
Perhaps, but last I heard, Kazuya Niinou left SE to go work on Fate shit again
That's a huge bummer. DQB2 was unironically the best game I played in years.
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I want to fug the bug
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Yeah, I freaking loved Builders, I am sad we won't see a 3 for a long time, if ever. I should give 2 another replay
What bug?
Is there a reason to reach level 99 in any of these games????
For fun, if you find that kind of thing fun.
number go up
Heroes can still get pretty clutch at 99, usually because of some objective taking damage though
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Number go up...
dressing like a wizard and then casting fist from the font line is still peak DQ
its odd that this trope didn't appear very much, monks deliberately dressing the wrong way
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play DQX
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Give me 5 good reasons
Hot Ogre Women.
Hot Ogre Women.
Hot Ogre Women.
Hot Ogre Women.
Jackie Chan.
I thought it was Stars that had Jackie.
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H-have I fallen into a time portal?
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Yes we’re going back in time slowly,
Currently we are in 2023
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builders 3 should literally be a chrono break
DQM Joker 2 series
Heroes 3 should include a Custom MC and the options to make your own party members similar to 9
I'd rather just have characters I like.
I only like what I make
Heroes 3 is never gonna happen. Already confirmed by the devs.
Already on my way to Horii now
He looks so delicious
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I'd say the bonus bosses in DQ8 3DS, there's probably a few where you'd like to get to 99 or at least close to it
You too
>Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
When was this announced? I just saw the steam page, lol.
Like a few years back.
Release date was announced at the Nintendo direct
Watch the official trailer.
i don't care who SE sends i'm not paying for a vpn

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