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Whimsical mishaps - Edition

Previous thread: >>482985001

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Sorry we totally didn't know tee hee!.

Thread theme:
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soon maybe idk probably not
Panthers are dogshit
frankly just dont care about arb till it's in
>chink bot bombers with perfect AI gunners are still a thing
yeah same, the new update killed any "hype" I had for top tier
they should either revert the multipathing change and/or add stock ARH missiles to top tier planes, until then I'm just playing ww2 tiers
germany suffers
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>look up meme to counter this
>see woman pissing uncensored on thatcher's grave
what the fuck
I love this shizo post like you wouldn't believe
you ain't lived until you've pissed on margie's grave desu
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catch my vikhr
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have you considered bringing any you rocket pod faggot
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>update drops
>lose all interest in the game
gaijin fucked up something and now multiple button push commands register every single push
fucking amazing
sale tomorrow yathink?
datamine question
What OA are you guys playing this game on?
Fuck me and my fat fingers
Wangblows 11 but I plan to at least give Linux a try once it has proper multi-monitor HDR support, it's VERY close now that KDE 6.0 came out.
Linux, EndeavourOS
just parry nigger
Arch Loonix
Give fucking UDES 19 already
How are you supposed to play to tier?
option a) go in like a retard and get shot down but possibly get kills
option b) be cautious, get no kills since the match is over with the first merge
why does no one talk about the brazillian AMX?
its pretty good and comfy with very silly missiles, rockets and bombs. one of the best planes ive flown in the game
this depends. what are you flying?
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How did you get your OS to look like that?
the 13.0 one or the old one? if its the new one then just fly up to like 9000m, get within 30~km of enemy team, shoot all aamraams, maintain lock until the missiles start roleplaying as pitbulls and then rtb
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post what you listen to while playing
Not telling you :3
of course it's not the new one
I wish I had your wizard level but I can't even customize Linux Mint
I'm sure that rusnig crying will get them the R-27EA within a week so the pendulum firmly and strongly swings back into "russia is better" form of cope simulator that this skinnerbox is
oh, idk then dodge missiles at the start and hope there's some scraps left for you by the time you engage or just hope for downtiers only
yeah, I didn't even get a 12v12 yet, I don't think I'll get any downtiers either
I'd rather they simply unfucked the MiG-29 and Su-27 FMs and gave them the marginally better (and, unlike the base R-77, actually adopted) R-77-1.
more like
another rugroid chimpout huh? good. this patch is the gift that keeps on giving
daily u/K0MMyHuCT chimpout time huh
more like
you mean the
>fag-15 that's massively overperforming across the board
>fag-16 that has a fuckton of artificial stability and no G-limiter
>nigpen that has thrice the projected energy retention and fantasy sustained turn rate
>fag-15 that's massively overperforming across the board
>fag-16 that has a fuckton of artificial stability and no G-limiter
>nigpen that has thrice the projected energy retention and fantasy sustained turn rate
May you please post some articles?
hahahahahahahahaha look! he's doing the thing again! dance, chimp, dance!
here we go again with the fag-x posting again
should have made better avionics, ivan
maybe you can make another post on Reddit to cry about it
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wow i love me some retarded schizoposting
>starts seething about Russia out of nowhere
>brings up r*ddit boogeymen (totally not obsessed btw)
Did Ivanovich niggerov run out of his daily supply of oligarch diarrhea shit?
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is it really a boogeyman if it's true?
common russoid tactic
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I thought the narrative was that the F-15's FM was fine but it was disgustingly undertiered
now that the AMRAAM versions are at the same BR as everyone else it's overperforming?
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cry and shit your pants all you want, russia will never get better avionics than US built aircraft
these are the facts as they stand
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The rugroid cries in pain as it strikes you
41% yourself trashtroon
get conscripted and 100%'ed into a kube by an FPV drone already rusgroid
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over 50% now, how many times do I have to tell you this
get your tranny facts right when you try to claim something LMAO
mac OS because i'm not a stinky incel cave dwelling manchild
You're gonna have to wait a looooooooooooooooong-ass while for that.
>slav(e)oid begins chimping out once again
>avatarfags chime in like anyone gives a shit what they think once again
What a shit thread so far.
you'll be cargo 200 soon enough
>nigpen that has thrice the projected energy retention and fantasy sustained turn rate
Interesting, got any sources to back that up?
f-15a being 12.3 was very silly last patch yeah, and definitive proof of US handholding.
now on fox 3 patch who even cares about FMs anymore lol. it is a bit suspicious that 120A outperforms everything else, including shit like MICA that is decades more advanced IRL and unnotchable (IRL, in game it has the same seeker stats as everything else lol), but it's early into the patch so no reason to get dramatic yet.
It will be real in your mind I'm sure.
#2 army in ukraine btw
so true xister!
Are you implying R-27 carriers haven't completely dominated top tier for a year and a half now? Are you fucking retarded?
I predict that russoid bias will kick in soon and they will either patch the r77 to be turbo OP (even though it was dog in reality since it's shitty soviet tech), or better yet add r77-1 or something similarly ridiculous while leaving the US on 120A forever.
All SARHs were irrelevant while multipathing was still a thing, the fact that the nigpen utterly dominated the skies with nothing but an insane fantasy FM, infinite flares and 6 9Ms is proof enough, now they're all irrelevant because ARHs exist.
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>All SARHs were irrelevant while multipathing was still a thing, the fact that the nigpen utterly dominated the skies with nothing but an insane fantasy FM, infinite flares and 6 9Ms is proof enough, now they're all irrelevant because ARHs exist.
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Gripen E when?
Hilarious to see swedemutts going from being smug to being completely irrelevant
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how about instead of chimping for [nation you play] to be overpowered bullshit all of you fucks actually ask for a well balanced game
just a simple thought you know
imagine being so shit you lose to a plane with only sidewinders while you have a fantasy made up dragless fox 1 that can easily kill people at 60km lmao
it was a picture of KOMMyHuCT's sister actually
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>All SARHs were irrelevant while multipathing was still a thing, the fact that the nigpen utterly dominated the skies with nothing but an insane fantasy FM, infinite flares and 6 9Ms is proof enough, now they're all irrelevant because ARHs exist.
Never happening because my realism ≠ your realism
I am having 0 fun while playing top tier
I don't know if I'm just a shitter (I am) or is it fox 3 being broken but I didn't have a single match I could call fun since the update dropped
i've been loving it personally. hope things go better for you anon! <3
That's what I want. The ARH range disadvantage isn't going anywhere until the R-37M that will sacrifice literally everything else for that range so the least they can do is actually make Soviet planes completive in their historical niche - WVR.
who even fucking mentioned realism
fact is that realism is left aside for the sake of balancing in this game in a lot of cases
how do you play it anon
maybe im just flying wrong
>so the least they can do is actually make Soviet planes completive in their historical niche
what you want a bomber hunter missile with less overload than the phoenix?
real life isn't balanced, sis
get over it and play a real nation
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Soviets need tu-128 to have a chance against AIM-120
oh no an AIM-54 magnet
how scary
Gripen's flight model is similar to the DCS' one so it's pretty accurate
because a literal gripen pilot assisted to make the module as close to reality as possible
first thing i will say is, it's early into the update so i think a lot of people sitll haven't adapted. when the meta gets more stable it may be less fun idk. but right now i'm enjoying abusing the people who didn't get the memo that multipathing is off and fly low and to the left like they did last update.
to do this, i BVR against the guys flying high, while going a bit to the right. my priority is A) to kill anyone who doesn't know how to BVR and B) to at least push off whoever is near me at the critical moment where i am almost above the flying low dinguses. so i'll take what kills i can but i mostly need to make some space for myself. then i just point down and drop amraams on their heads as fast as possible and collect 2-4 free kills before the other spacemen i tried to push off of me recommit and launch more shit at me.
i am playing f15c so i do get 2 more missiles than anyone else to play with so that prob influences my strategy too. not sure what i'd do on f16c. next thing i want to try is just playing in the valleys and moutnains and popping out and killing people before hiding again. but haven't really tried that yet.
MICAs are extremely short range but you don't see frogs complaining about it like russgroids do
Where the fuck did I say I "wanted" it? It's miles away still, just like the memeteor/PL-15/PL-21/AIM-260/AAM-4B. Since Soviet planes are always going to be disadvantaged in BVR (as they're supposed to be), I want them to become competitive in WVR with non-meme FMs.
>a swedish propagandist helped make the FM
Okay yeah that does sound like it would make a really realistic FM, cool. Good to know anon thanks!!
Because the M2K that carries them is one of the best dogfighters in the game, not one of the worst, and can actually make use of them in their niche.
>propagandist helped make the FM
That'd be the Rafale though
to be fair france players are used to being shafted at all oppurtunities. they're probably just elated that their precious m2k FM didn't get completely fucking executed by the delta FM massacre this update.
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>hit enemy with aim-120
>they get "critical" hit
>they don't die
>don't get the kill
if you are implying the flanker is one of the worst, lol
>it doesnt exist yet
ah, so it's a vaporware missile instead of an old soviet truck
9999 km range
9999 speed
9999 g overload
da, very real trust in cumrade smegmovich's toilet paper stat card
meanwhile, also in DCS, the flanker and mig-29 are competent dogfighters and probably have a significant overall advantage against the f-15... meanwhile on WT both of these are shitboats while the f-15 is a complete UFO.
Su27's flight performance is accurate
>war thunder is more realistic than DCS
umm, yeah? I thought this was common knowledge
pick your narrative on the F-15's flight model and stick with it you stupid nigger
could be, maybe it's just the US stuff that is massively overperforming. who knows! (other than f-16 g limit being ignored, that one is objetively known fact)
xe will now say how Eagle Dynamics are ruZZian shills while gayjin are based and trad white defenders of EVROPA or whatever schizo babble
Fucker-16 doesn't have G(ay) limiter unlike the Suck27's 8.5 G(ay)s
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>build a bomber
>say it's a fighter
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>Fucker-16 doesn't h-ACKKKKK
In DCS if you press S you will instantly rip your wings off with the su27
>f-16 g limit being ignored
I am not trusting anything someone named "MiG_23M" saying something about american aircraft with no sources
rugroids proving themselves to be retarded not just in gameplay but in mind in real life yet again imagine that. how much of a retarded loser do you have to be to fanboy a literal failure country hahahahaha
>In Indian service, over 460 Mig-21s have been lost to crashes, at the cost of almost 200 pilots
holy shit

mutt moment
rusmutt moment
are pajeets just bad pilots or is mig21 shit in general
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You're all faggots and you should kill yourselves
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>You're all faggots and you should kill yourselves
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Where Swedish captured JA27?
kill yourself swigger
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Anyone talking about G-limits is retarded, this is a game where Zeros can pull 15gs all day.
No I will not kill myself, what will you do about it faggot?
indeed, miggers also pull 15g where their aircraft should explode at half that
yeah this totally looks real

just because you're too much of a fat onions weakling to pull back on a stick doesn't mean war hardened japenese gigachad pilots couldnt do it
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10/10 thread
oops, forgot two 00s at the end
10/1000 thread*
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you just know this poster is a japanese war crimes denier
>he slept through the gripen

retard or troll?
do you just believe whatever your underpaid fat retard history teacher on 8th grade told you?
im sure that's the case anon
worse, a mutt
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could be worse, he could be a r*ssoid
rent free
I mean look at the post above you, no worse type of weeb than those skinnyfats who wear hachimaki when playing video games and worship imperial japan
yeah, mutts definitely live rent free in his head lmao
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>no u
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>having fun picking off retards in their spawn due to Gaijin's incompetence in map design
>get CAS'd by a seething shitter that probably got enough SP from a single scout and assist
>press tab
>1 fag on my team that first spawned SPAA
>not even looking at the sky
>TK him with the fattest payload i can bring
>cries in broken english and leaves
Dead weights getting a reality check dropped on top of them is my favorite pastime.
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>curry hands typed this post
As I said before, very common russian tactic, get used to it because uses it 24/7
this is kind of pathetic, play a different game
because xir uses it 24/7*
cry redditrugroid
shouldn't have chimped out at the mere mentioning of ziggeristan
>t. seething dead weight blue enemy
try being a team player instead of a waste of a slot next time sweaty
spaa is not an effective counter to cas, you can't blame the guy. also you literally deserved it
>1978 plane
>2004 plane
>F-15C is better in every way despite being over 20 years older
what did russia mean by this?
>[artificially buffed plane] is better in every way than [artificially nerfed plane]
The C is another franken-model iirc that caught a lot of upgrades from the original. It gets HMD which don’t quote me but I think didn’t come until the mid 2000s, but is using a much earlier version of its radar and radar missiles since they didn’t want to jump straight to AESA and 120Cs
do you get anything in WT for your 10 year anniversary of account creation? And I don't mean the log in streak stuff
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AESA is almost impossible to notch right
So how are we supposed to face jets like that?
you don't
you just get blown by fox 3 spam
>f-16c vs gripen vs su27 vs m4k
>somewhat balanced, minor nations finally are competitive
>mutts screech for months
>new patch
>mutts get a superplane with eight datalink channels, undeadable radar, and the best ARH
>gripen gets a whopping two, with missiles half the range of the 120A
>MICAs get artificial nerfs
>russia gets a missile from the soviet collapse era with the retarded airbrake fins design
>britain gets dogshit
>germany gets elephant shit
Gripen E when?
Advanced ECM mechanics when?
Eurofighter typhoon when?
ASRAAM for the TND when?
Su-27SM3 when?
R-77-1 and R-27EA when?
Meteor for gripens when?
Amraam-B for italy and israel when?
>he doesn't have US/USSR/France/Sweden/Italy top tiers unlocked to be immune against FOTM
idk play at the map border and pray you can defeat fox 3s kinematically i guess
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>spaa is not an effective counter to cas
Rb99s are the same as aim120b
The low amount of fox-3 isn't that much of a hindrance because mutts just TWS and sling all their missiles without thinking at the beginning of the match which makes them super easy to pwn, even more so if you employ terrain masking tactics
>try being a team player instead
>picking up the crumbs of his team's kills by camping spawn
Hello when
Never bye
using tank chassis for SPAA seems like a waste after 1945
just mount it on some LTV
Did gaijin completely disable russian carousels from exploding to showcase the new mechanic? T-72 no longer dies from lfp shots at all, not a single time, the carousel just turns black and eats my shot
Carousel currently blocks all spalling
there was a leclerc chassis with a gepard turret, that one looks like a very modified chassis
why u so racis towards smol family company?
Should I use aphe or heat in the m36b2 ?
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Did you expect them to implement it without an insane monkey paw mechanic? Did you really expect them to do that?
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Tech Intruder tree when?
AGM-84 when?
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And where will the F-18 go, after the Tomcat or the Harrier
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American MiG-21 event vehicle when?
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X-35 event vehicle when?
Prowler when?
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lol I know its shit, give it M829A3 you dumb fucks
after F-14
F-35B will go after harrier becasue it's VTOL
are target drones made from old jets still a thing or these days dedicated purpouse built drones are used to test missles
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Iranian F-14A for Russia when
Fakour 90 for Iranian F-14A when
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Never, fagot.
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Give it a BR
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Just used up all my luck
What are even the chances?
So any bets on the outcome of these two reports?


>he thinks racist western made stuff is going get buffed
Lmao even
stupid pidor
now bug report its hilariously overperforming motor
>overperforming motor
>when R-27ER exists
Maybe you will trust an US navy rear admiral then:
Also Max Afterburner (US) pilot also commented on it on some of his videos, that I don't care enough to find.
Where Mistral bug report
>still seething over SARHs
mutts are retarded
The existence of Fox 3s doesn't mean the R-27ER is no longer the best SARH
your fucking stinger literally has 20% more delta-v than the r-27er you cretin
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it's not properly modeled, but its not underperforming it has an ejection motor that gets it up to ~30.5m/s out of the tube, then it fires the "sustain" motor
>the best SARH to see service irl is the best SARH in game
okay? It has 2x the AIM-7s range IRL too and inertial guidance, what do you expect?
lacks data, it would need to prove it uses a closed loop autopilot or dithers the control surfaces to also be covered under the report.

Though considering the report suitably explains "the how", it manages to differ from the Igla, The Mistral should also be covered since Higher loading performance had been presented.
Win10 LTSB (or whatever its called now)
Why does it look like the phoenix is just a development of the aim-4?
it is
from the Aim-4 they made the Aim-26 (which the J35 premium should be able to use since it had a conventual non-nuclear war head as well) and at the same time they made the Aim-47 which was even bigger, which became the Aim-54 eventually
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I had this spaded before. It always had Hispano MK.II. Why did they just randomly add more modifications?
7.7 minimum
Give it 4 50's and 2 snebs
have fun :^)
sorry hard to code, small family company
please of understanding we cannot compensate you for new modules
it violates the spirit of the game
you can always use ge to re-spade you vehicles!
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Are you implying that SARH missiles weren't casually invalidated by the old multipathing values and that fox-2 furballs weren't the meta for years? Remind me how many players flew the Flanker during Gaijin's recent tournament again?
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The Flanker is unironically one of the worst dogfighters in the matchmaking bracket. The only things worse are the dedicated ground attackers, and the poor unfortunate phantoms and tornadoes at the end of the line.
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This will be War Thunder in 2013.
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gacha tiem
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April Fools 2025 idea:

Just remove BRs, free for all matchmaking, fuck it
This is not for you.
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join [lowiq] and this will happen to you
Jannies, take out the trash.
im calling obama
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New leo is alright.

AMV is just as terrible as I expected.
>2a7 with extra armor is alright
what's a good tank to you?
>With extra armor
You get point and clicked and your breech is destroyed every single time you're spotted, the best part about it is that while I'm repairing for 80% of every match at least my entire crew doesn't die in the very first shot each round.

But you still end up in 12.7 matches almost every game where you fight nothing under 11.7, and you die to jets and helis most of the time.
>You get point and clicked and your breech is destroyed
>helis, jets
yeah, the same as every other tank, with the exception that shit such as the ariete, leclerc and challengers get all the rest destroyed along with the breech.
so again, if a 2a7 is alright, what's a good tank to you?
*in your own mind
If it's not russian or Chinese (Russian with vismod kit) it's not good in war thunder.

Wow the leopard has some turret cheek armor at long range it's such a good tank! oh wait T80BVM exists. Obj 292 has 700 pen at a full 1.4BR lower than you or whatever. I mean come on, it's just a leopard 2. It's way better than the arietes are in game but it's still just a leopard.
no way you are saying bvm is better than the latest leopard. leopard can tank a hit to the side and retaliate, the cheeks cannot be penetrated (unlike t80's cheeks) and the breech is only vulnerable on the bottom. the neck is also less exposed on the leopard and it gets. more crew members too. there is a huge amount of difference between leo2a4 and a5+
the best tank in the game currently is German and the bet jet(s) are american
T80BVM is the best tank in the game
Su27SM is the best jet in the game
>not 122 or 2a7
opinion safely discarded.
Breech shots offset to the right will kill the entire turret crew in both 122 and 2a7, this does not happen to the T80BVM or T90M where the shot will simply get absorbed or yellow a crewman
Don't forget the T80's entirely made up fantasy mobility
that's because Leos have an extra spalling modifier on their breech
>leo is worse than the BVM because breech shots can kill more often
>completely ignoring the entire bottom half of every soviet designed tank is made of TNT
Not anymore dear dummy, now you get a free spall black hole
The giant LFP, driver hatch, or breech are all weakspots on Russian tank that you can pen even with autocannons and kill them. They have crap reverse speeds and no gun depression, and only 3 crew, and no blowout panels. You can hide the Leo 2s breech just by pointing your gun down. The SU27SM has the worst fox 3s and the worst fox 2s of top tier and the worst flight model and radar. Post stats shitter etc etc
>call their handholding out
>damage control hive mind jumps to the action
Like clockwork
>100SP heavy tank
>100SP heavy tank
>100SP heavy tank
when will they learn?
yeah that's what you're doing
Cool, let's say the BVM is better than it.
What about shots to Abrams, Leclercs, Arietes, Type 90/10s, Merkava 4s, Challenger 2/3s?
I'm still trying to understand how the 2A7 is just 'alright' when everything on that list is shittier than it on 90% of things, if not outright 100%.
Those are non problems
take your r*ddit-tier unfunny trash pics back to your discuck
I thought it was funny. Why don't you post something funny, grand arbiter of 4channel comedy?
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i'm glad you asked for it
>and the worst fox 2s
R-73s are still better than AIM-9Ms no matter how much you squeal about it. Neither of them hold a candle to the magic 2 though.
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squidley is mystery meat mutt ashtroon is the romeo and faggliet from arizona
you're supposed to post this one
>ashtroon out of nowhere
mental illness
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yes we all know ashtroon is mentally ill
no need for the reminder but thanks anyways
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i like how everytime the entire thread collectively shits and laughs at that freak xhe immediately goes quiet and sulks in his avatartranny circlejerk chat while his friends try to defend him
the fact that this has happened more than once (and probably will happen sometime soon) is the best part
having pseudo events in the thread is the gayest fucking thing i've ever read, holy shit
did you retards actually play along with that shit?
>one mentally ill samefag schizoing out over a namefag is the whole thread
You're mad
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What a sad creature, a closeted furfag no less.
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Do we have these for the yf22 as well?
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join [lowiq] we need more squadron points
Get this one while you're at it, Janny.
>Take a 3 month break
>Get kicked out of lowIQ
Sorry for nolifing
>took a 9 month break
>not kicked from WARTG
yeah I'm thinking based
So, that slat armor and era blocks on the azur worth the heavier weight and the lack of that little extra armor under the gunnersight that the sxxi has?
I'm thinking no.
Don't forget no commander thermals either
Because the AZUR they choose is baser of the S2 and not the SXXI which also existed (and also that later S2 batches had commander thermals instead but kf course the russian subhumans will not listen)
>tell cactus that I need to take a break from WT for a little while
>he says its fine no problem
>come back to being kicked out of WARTG
>can't be bothered to join a squadron anymore
>wake up
>want to tell cactus i had a wonderful night with him
>get up and walk to the bathroom after i hear the water running
>windows all fogged up, and hes nowhere to be seen
>turn to the mirror
>written in red in the mirror is spelled " Welcome to the world of AIDS!"
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Should have won the war.
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It is fine. Do you really expect me to remember people telling me they'll be on a break after months? It happens, just reapply.
I'll get to it tomorrow.
Direct hits fuck with bomb DMs.
If you just missed him he would have died.
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>play two rounds of arb for a task
>americans lead retarded g*rmutts and sl*vebeasts right to my zero and chase down anyone trying to run
>9 kills
I'll be on parental leave from end of this week till end of october
Who can I send my absence form? To you directly or do we have a HR department?

also will /wartg/ cover my dental during my absence?
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god's chosen
chuck Norris in that tank
R-73's are not "better" than 9M's. They fill different roles. Within 1.5km the R-73 pulls ahead. They're knife fight missiles. Unfortunately the Su-27 and Mig-29 both desperately want to avoid knife fights due to their lethargic flight models, and the Yak-141 STILL isn't permitted access to its R-73's (or its R-77's for that matter).

The 9M is better amidst the chaotic furball at sucker punching people since it isn't one-tap flared beyond 2km. It's also VASTLY superior in sim because it is fucking invisible there.
Thats an ATGM
Ass Tickling Grass Mower?
>or its R-77's for that matter
Not sure a plane with an RWR this bad would fare too well in the ARH matchmaker. It absolutely NEEDS R-73s though, just like the 9-13 NEEDS its R-27ERs gone and replaced with R-73s, R-60Ms at 12.0 with that FM is fucking torture. If fr*Nchoids can get a vastly superior FM with 6 of overall better IRCCM missiles a mere 0.3 BR above so can the Soviets.
Yak-141 is a fucking protoshit vehicle
Its not getting r-73s nor r-77s, shut the fuck up gluttonous beast.
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Like the Mirage 4000 and F-16AJ?
shut the fuck up vatnigger, it's okay when we do it
I used the Yak to grind out the 27SM. Uptiers into 13.0 matches weren't that bad. Instead of notching I'd just go cold and chaff. At least the state of matches this past week have also had room for playing like a rat that lives amongst the mega trees and dodges Fox-3's by diving into canyons or behind hills before later jumping people from below.

I don't see the Yak getting the 13.0 BR treatment. Burgers get spamrams on their harriers at what, 12.3? I could see the Yak fitting in fine at 12.7 if they gave it its full complement of missiles. Maybe even 12.3 too if you give it the full american bias treatment.
Also, the harriers have been making use of the meme tactic of just hovering in place at 0kmh to notch everything from every angle while slinging their spamrams around. The Yak can technically follow suit with the same meme.
>I don't see the Yak getting the 13.0 BR treatment.
I don't think it'd go all the way to 13.0 if it got R-77s, it'll still be limited by its puny 4 pylons regardless of what it gets, I just don't think it'll handle constant uptiers without the 4-vehicle limit for 13.0 ARH slingers at 12.3/12.7 too well.
>12.3 R-77
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>Mirage 4000
Have you ever tried to go VTOL in mid air in the 141?
It's not for the faint of heart
I VIFF a lot in gun fights. Even fucked around with manual engine control to keep the main engines in full forward flight while engaging lift fan to add extra lift forward of my center of gravity to tighten my turn rate and reduce my stall speeds. I've just never seen the point in doing the "lol, hover in place and fling missiles" trick.
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so japs are the true gluttons?
you're right, the M4K NEEDS its 14 MICAs
you do realise the phoenix massively outranges the R-77 right?
wow I can't dodge a mere 10G missile made for intercepting bombers
No. That's sweden.
>A russian pilot gave a swedish official a ride in an Mi-28 one time. Good enough.
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Been common knowledge for a while.
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>First ever personal offer
>One of the items is a warbond shop thing
I don't know why they're so fucking stingy with their random discounts. They do 50% off sales a few times a year. I can just wait until then. If they gave me 70% off flash sales then I might actually open my wallet for some of these things to jump at the limited opportunity. I guess most players can't fucking delay gratification.
an accurate list. Ill accept Handheld tier
Honestly the 27ET is better for sucker punching tomkitties that think they're untouchable and are busy jacking off watching their datalinks.
I think the best part is that I last played UK 2 Weeks ago in my tier 3 premium Whirlwind. It makes 0 sense to give me a discount on the type of thing I already have.
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>6 datalinks
>Only two AMRAAMS
>2 Datalinks
>6 R-77s
give big discount?? and loose on potential profits?!
pidors both of you
know no nothing of how economy work
J-11A has one datalink. my retarded ass.
I mean they make 0 money from me anymore. Became a Gaijin Market merchant years ago.
>Became a Gaijin Market merchant years ago.
>He doesn't know
they ban you if you make too much profit btw
is against the spirit of the game
someone on r'ddit got banned recently for that
The murder of the Draken means only one thing
premium Norwegian F5F Tigris
Show the screen cap.
Haven't played in years, are Swegro hands still pulverized?
I got a 75% coupon for the anglo mustang a while ago and it's fun but it's still just an early cannon mustang. It's nice to play it without the burden of US players on your team sometimes.
>Preview Su-27SM
>Check Tail stabilizer
at last I truely see
in ground battles. The recent patch took the gripen down a notch.
Was that the retard who bought up all of a certain vehicle and then inflated the prices?
He deserved it for being incredibly jewish.
it's a pretty disappointing patch for China, i hope they at least add the Antelope next patch
he literally did nothing wrong
it's not his fault he knew better than others
anyone could have done what he did
its a free market and gaijin shouldn't interfere with it
>t. kike
>posted by a communist
>Gaijin market
It's literally not free
>another episode of a swigger squad rushing with itpsv, J-ing out and then wiping the enemy team with their faggot trainer
swap us and chermany
Why is the US ground tree so fun from 1 to 4.x then becomes absolutely miserable on 5.0 - 6.0+
Am i stupid? My little shermans can get penned by everything everywhere and any angle.
I cant pen them back most of the time if if its anything german or russian at least if dont get the drop on them from the sides or back.
Testing on the armor preview thing is just a lie.
Im new btw(it matters) i just want to get better
I love the fucking rng missiles at top tier, somehow missing from behind at 3km.
>clear sky
>enemy jet visible to the eye
>radar won't pick it up
>enemy launches a missiles
>immediately picked up and locked
>strafe a spaggot
>temporarily handheld ))))
>teammate strafes the same spaggot half a second after I break off
>kills it
Late ww2 america is pure concentrated pain and suffering. You have about 3 "good" tanks and they're good insofar as they can drive fast or sometimes pen big tanks, meanwhile russians and germans (curiously on the same team 90% of the time) get memebunkers with megacannons. It doesn't get better until about 6.7. If you don't think you can stomach that pick a different faction and grind them instead, lower tiers are more fun anyway.
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>WTG actually dying
holy shit
how bad are things really
it's so over...
yeah anyone who wishes to actually discuss the game in a constructive manor moved to discuck, this general is held up only by drama and slav chimping
i think it's since they giga-buffed chaff.
>gaijinn store down
oy vey
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>started powergrinding (without prem. vehicles) Jap hoping we'd get a Thai subtree
>gaijin releases beneshit subtree instead
i cri
Everytime I check in, I see furries, trannies, russians and baggots
Somehow still not the worst thread in /vg/
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>spawn protection is handholding
well that's a new one on me
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not as mentally ill as the resident frogs
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biblically accurate namer
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how many copy pastas will the next patch have?
will we break the 80% barrier?
next update is a boat update
three new vehicles, with a bit of )))) you can probably get close to 20 additions total
>Parental Leave... Who can I send my absence form
You can send it to anyone whenever you want. No, we do not have an HR department. We haven't been able to find any insufferable loud fat black women willing to staff it. Something about being racists and also not having doughnuts in the break room.

We don't cover your dental during your presence. Best I can offer is 6 feet of string and a door.
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There is so much shit on your turret in the new A7 that it's impossible to hide anywhere, the upside is a lot of people keep shooting my commander's view port or my 50cal for some reason, probably don't realize those are hollow yet.
because it was not designed with War Thunder in mind
>flying CAP in grb
>AAA shooting me through smoke on the ground that is clearly not there for them
great game
Its likely he committed credit card fraud based on the description of what was going on.
I'm not defending gaijin but if there's anyone more scummy than them its members of the merchant guild who fuck up the economy.
Gaijin have no reason to ban him for arbitrary reasons since they can just inject vehicles into the marketplace since all transactions are anonymous.
i had that happen so often, i almost didnt believe it
>be in cloud
>cant see SHIT
>get mg'd
>watch replay
>LITERALLY in plain sight as a black blob on a white sheet
i was in a heli but same thing, i always make sure to fly above the clouds now
radar doesnt care about clouds tho, i can lock onto people in a gepard through giga thick clouds no problem
>flying towards a base to bomb it
>wyverngroids(2) drop a 1000lb on each of them, killing both bases
>one decides to immediately crash afterwards
>now forced to go towards the further away bases
>insert XP-50 doom ufo here
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>frog copestals (mostly S and PT copy pastas, couple of fairmiles and premium tankbote)
>the artist formerly known as Royal Sovereign (Royal Oak as grind prize, TT Ramillies in winter update)
>DOA battlecruiser (Indefatigable and/or Lutzow)
>another copestal manpad barge
>Wichita and/or Takao
>TT New Mexico in WW1 configuration
>Get like 6 kills in my first vehicle
>Decide to spawn the jet I spent weeks grinding for, finally, a top tier air vehicle I get to be the faggot who flies around for 15 minutes killing people for free!
>15km to the battlefield
>Oh shit mash countermeasures
>Where's the fucking missile, whatever just pull whatever direction
>You were killed by: Pantsir

Ah yes I forgot, it's been a while since I spawned air in high tier, you can't even leave the air spawn if you're against Russia and they have a single pantsir up.
russgroids die once and then immediately hop in the pantsir
it's not fun to fly against
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Don't get my hopes up like that anon.
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SMS Schleswig Holstein will be an event vehicle.
Medium or Priest?
both could be nice
Priest, as it could be crammed into almost every tree
>France (as either french, belgian or dutch)
>Sweden (Norwegian)
>China (ROC)
>Germany (Bundeswehr)
>Russia (Yugoslav)
M7 Medium would make a neat grind vehicle i reckon (TT would be preferable)
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>finally get the fox
>every match is a downtier
>absolutely swimming in King Nigger and Ishit-2 tears
Now I know why naor fucks foxes
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>Daily reminder for the 3 naval players:
DO NOT play uptiers. Compression in naval is so bad that anything above .3 BR difference is order of magnitute better than you in EVERYTHING. Just take the crewlock and do something else, it's not fun to be miserable.
naww, did you just unlock your first dreadnought
>finally get USA and XP-50groids on my team
>the literal only XP-50 on my team teamkills 3 of us before getting kicked
It's still hilarious that one of the most common vehicles of WWII isn't even in the game yet, they made more M7 priests than M18s and M36s combined.

And dipshits say they're running out of additions.
don't forget the USA still doesn't get the greyhound in it's TT while china does :))))))))
watch usa get the M38 Wolfhound(with Chaffee turret) before they add a TT M8 LAC
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>And dipshits say they're running out of additions.
you could probably fill an entire patch with low(ish) tier vehicles build and used in their hundreds, if not thousands

where's my bong Locust anton
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Play France. 8.7 is great fun. And never surrender, it's not your style.
>>every match is a downtier
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>uses captured German guns
>said guns had AP shells, see the guns on the Admiral Hipper
>don't give it to the Guichen

Think the tranny leaked the Wolfhound a couple patches ago, not sure what version though
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Let's go gacha.
At this point they could do an entire update around US wheeled ground vehicles, M8, M38, XM800W, LAV-25, LAV-AT, Humvee rats, etc. of course they could do the same thing for USSR as well.
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Aww shucks, would've preferred the New Orleans or Atlanta.
tank game
no AP shells for francia ))))) regardless of caliber or country of origin
>climbs above 3800m
anti-gravity engine disabled
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just go fast and low, and pick off subhuman SU-25SM3s with your fox-3s and watch them squeel in chat
>climb to literal useless height in GRB
>refit Italian cruiser to become AA escort
>no VT shells for main or secondary battery
Vehicular combat game.
based, inf*ntrycels not welcome
Why do they keep releasing infantry maps, then?
casgroid issues
While you jizzlobbing, gayjobs just reviewbomb good reviews on a shitshtorm patch breaking steam rules like a boss.
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I like war thunder
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S24 rockets or fab 500 for CAS?
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>I like war thunder
I like the sum of the parts, but dislike a lot of the parts.
S-24s all the way, especially since it gets CCIP for them.
Multipathing taking trees into account when?
why so racis to smol family company?

>I can't spend all day turn fighting therefore this is a piece of shit
Ironically he is low iq.
Keep coping Doge
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We all like a laugh at mutts expense but they go a bit far at gaijin. I'm sure they knew about this behind the scenes.
is of balans ))))) please understand ))))) pidor
pretty sure trees already block ground based radars, no?
dunno, but for air ordnance, leaves and branches don't exist in wt, only trunks do.
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No, abusing multipath over forests is literally impossible. It's definitely doable over deserts and seas but trees are completely ignored by it and the game expects you to be flying through them for it to work.
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Tank game.
>the nipnigger smacked from his plane
How do we stop islam and save the white race?
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Better than 5th gens
by welcoming our Chinese overlords and letting them deal with it
not as cool as only using 1 F-15 engine to hard yaw
suck57 shaking in fear rn
I look like this but without the breasts (I'm a male)
>actual women playing war thunder
At least make your shitposts somewhat believable

any thrust vectoring jet will turn 3 times faster
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I'm playing other games and having fun
enjoy your russian slop
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pound my twink bf or finish grinding mig29smt?
Pound him while grinding and see how long you can last without losing focus
did an AA missile land on his dad or something?
whats with the unwarranted squealing?
khryukov got bombed again
It's the hohol that incessantly spammed gore about half a year ago.
>did an AA missile land on his dad or something?
Yeah, just about.
>whats with the unwarranted squealing?
Xis rangeban probably ran out.
so you got the release fox experience, good for you
i have been enjoying the game way more since playing lower tier rats
>XM800Ts absolutely brapping on foxes
nature is healing
>no tank on tank combat
>no wvr jet combat
faggot war
the lack of AP/SAP and 57mm he-vt shells really does fuck it over
not to mention the torpedoes are absolute ass since they're anti-submarine ones
why cant i launch 27er using my >10km hms pd mode? it says radar lock required and im locking
Roiding for this
>wiesel, fox and XM can all meet each other
there can only be one king rat
Bye lol
its a split between the XM and Wiesel 90% time
as much as I love the fox, having no stabilizer in a rat on rat race is always going to leave you wanting
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>>be russian subhuman filth
The fox is the best against actual enemies due to pen and APHE, but for rat on rat the XM dabs because of the stabilizer.
could you please not? there is literally people burning alive and falling out of windows in moscow right mow
tragic suicides, many such caes
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defend this
I can't, it's IRCCM spam except across the map and utterly unplayable when stock. They should either revert the multipathing nerf or make it work over trees. And nerf missile explosions on the ground while we're at it, it's one thing to explode mid-air as designed and another entirely when it slams into the ground at Mach 2.5.
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>not handheld btw
behead swigpigs
You will never be white.
Doesn't work nearly as well when the notch window is tiny and the missile has INS + datalink.
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>me when I just spawned in a BF110 and there are three USS Douglas on the enemy team
they defo silent nerfed notching this patch
File deleted.
Any chance of TT Air being pushed up to 13.7 or 14.0?
0%, you VILL eat up your 13.0 and you VILL like it.
So what am I meant to do then?
Ive seen people say just flank lole, but these things are not fast enough or dont have the acceleration to flank or out maneuver anything.
So thar BR is just ultra cucked for the US?
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He was able to RTB after this.
Fuck my stupid mig-21 life and fuck this water pistol gsh.
I want to play my Mirage 4000 again but it's useless now :(
it's amazing that once you just about left biplane BRs you're already running into vulcans, strelas and other missiles
>calls his atomwaffenkanonne a waterpistol
kill yourself nigsha
>seething about GSh-23 of all things
lmao even
tick tock thirdies

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When did you all start playing War Thunder? 2015 here, 10 years soon.
>no cage
>no shed
>no EW

Into the trash it goes.
First tried in 2013, MAYBE very late 2012, only started playing full-time in 2015 when the Hunter F.1 was announced. Still remember the patch day when 9/11ing yourself into the ground in a bomber gave you a shitton of RP.
I can't take anything the British make seriously and I'm half British.
This one's made in Spain
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>take the Le Malin out for a spin
>game sets my secondaries for planes
>some dumb corsair tries to rush me
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Entering phase one
Dr.Rameesh, please power up the actuators
>Yes saar, powering hydraulics now
damn, what got you into the game? I can't imagine starting out nowadays, it was hard enough back then.
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Increasing power input and enter phase two
I started War Thunder because of the anime tank girl youtube animator channel
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Now, if you will Dr.Rameesh, engage the rotation and begin phase three..
I'm glad bongs chose ascod over cv90, i wouldn't be able to live knowing that bongs bastardized my little baby
M1A2 SEPv3 with Trophy, 800mm hull, kevlar vests for crew and M829A4 when?
i really liked that one anon's idea of having a footy player named ajax with a bruised pear model
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M-my god...w-what is that?!
honestly dont really remember, i was kinda burnt out from a lot of other games i usually play and was itching for some tanks/plane fun
im still garbage but so are a lot of people tht play this game for years
No please Mr Johnson!
It cost us so much! You cant destroy it when we are so close!!
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Should have bought the CV90
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Bong sisters.....
We should have bought Swedish....
ajaxisters...we are so done...
entertaining thirdie chimpout because of the Basedjax
I laughed
The bong shaker
The pear violater
The Muslim Mayor of Londinium Mobile
>spread those crew hatches
>yeah you got the suspension alright
Britain is a poor shithole attached to London
>t. brit
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Why did the bongs kneel to the sweds? All over a single IFV? Are the meatballs actually that strong?
Is that why you had to resort to buy french missiles because you're too incompetent to make your own?
Akeron is a Swedish design outsourced to faguette sweatshop workers
>greggs sosig roll £1.45
>biltema hotdog 1€
oy mates...what the fock?
Yeah I agree as a brit too, I'm gettin outta here soon! So long to this shithole, its gonna hit the fan even more than it currently is soon.
oi m8 you got a license for that there blogpost m7?
fuck that, lets get real
>Biltema meatballs and mash 4,5€
>Ikea meatballs and mash 6,99€
which is better?
Playstation 4
Britain is an American colony
>check local ikea website
>they sell meatballs
Still no Willis MB with an 106 recoilless for 5.3 line
What did you expect? Dick shaped baguettes like c*rrefour?
Ikea is only known for two things, cheap furniture (that russians cant afford) and meatballs
Huvudroll + Allemansrätten
Give me life or give me death
Few people know this but you can take your CV90 to most Scania mechanic shops to get the engine fixed
that is nothing
you can take engine parts of ural trucks to fix your T-55/62/72/80/90
puccia wins again
Thanks I didn't know where to take my personal cv90
Porsche offers support for their old tractors
but nothing made between 1939 and 1945
haha lol just like in that ad anon damn thats sick
edit: thanks for the gold!!
Can you destroy the .50 on top of Shermans with the MG34?
I'm tempted to buy the Dane cv90 just to expand my cv90 lineup
not worth it at full price
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why cant we have nice things
Can't wait to we see this in the game!
what even does the dane 35 do better then the finn 30?
200 more hp
what the fuck is that?!
The hohol gore spammer.
It's a miscarriage.
better postpen for whatever reason, more horsepower and ever so slightly more pen
>havent played props outside of ground rb in years
>try to play some in arb
>american team stomps almost every match
Did American players just get really good or did everyone else get really bad?
Years of american planes being downtiered.
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french ratcar when? At the fair and balanced br of 8.7 of course!
Has anyone here got the new Japanese F-15 and tried out the AAM-4s? I hear they're trash so i'll research them last if real.
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Vehicles with this feel?
you'll get the funny dutch car with a bofors and you will like it
is there anything funnier than point blank R-60M head on? they have no time to react and flares are too late.
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isnt that troon in Ukraine now or something

you mean daebom?

the dude was confirmed to be a pedo.
>shoot jagdtiger in the barrel with french 75mm THRICE
>only yellow
>two rounds did nothing at all
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enjoy it while it lasts, the Mephisto may go up in BR and get HOT-3s soon.
who is that incredibly hot woman (male)?
hows 12.3 air right now lads?
>according to the pic in OP the challenger shuttle disaster happened in the middle of a War Thunder match
At last I see.
you have to become an ant on the ground to dodge missiles, and even then they still splash damage.
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AIM-120 removed from F-15J(M) when?
japan bought AIM-120 when they were developing AAM-4
stop crying
They don't use them.

Their F-15s don't use them.

Japanese players should stop thinking about having sex with children for 5 seconds and use common sense.
Rb99s for JA37D with no uptier when?
We don't think about having sex with children, we think about having sex with BBWs.
Garbage like yACK-141 didn't even have real hardpoints for real missiles but it gets missiles because it had cardboard mockups in propaganda vids
So you want the Extra Strength RAPE AAM-4s instead?
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But we do use common sense.

Common sense like AAM-4 should have longer range than AIM-120 and GCS-1 can lock onto tanks.
>They don't use them.
They do
>Their F-15s don't use them.
Because AAM-4s are better
>AAM-4s are better
No they're not, they have bad drag and weak motors.
I meant IRL
In game they straight up worse AIM-120s because reasons)))
Ah, it's a good night to play Italy.
What is the "war/peace" switch on the gripen?
added safety
Japan made the AAM-4 wider(more drag) than the AIM-120 because their engineers are incompetent.

It is also heavier than the AIM-120 because of inferior Japanese electronics and has a weaker engine(weak engines are basically Japanese tradition).
i see no other explanation
r*ssian devs are still butthurt over battle of tsushima
Disables safety stuff
Turns off transponder
Changes radar modes
Allows the pilot to command extra 3Gs over the base 9G limit
>they look worse according to my diseased mulatto eyes so they are worse
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>r*ssian devs are still butthurt over battle of tsushima
This is accurate.
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>weak engines are basically Japanese tradition
lil bro still living in 1939 fr no cap
Smaller number means smaller drag
>Allows the pilot to command extra 3Gs over the base 9G limit
Article says "care free flying, the plane only gives you as many G's as it can handle"
So maybe it disables the G limit completely
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wouldn't surprise me if its like the F-15 where your G limiter is the pilot.
wow that japanese battleship is really small next to the british one
Honestly surprised they haven't deleted the suggestion for her the way the soviets tried to delete the real thing.
Gripen's FCS has an automatic "return to normal flight" in case the pilot blacks out or loses control of the aircraft so it's plausible that the G limit can be completely disabled
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nips and bongs ought to leave battleships to real superpowers
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>real superpowers
>superpower so super and so power everyone was starving

F-14B never used BOL-IR. the manual states its LAU-138 rails were chaff dispensers. BOL-IR was not used by the navy until the last year of F-14D service (2006).

The F-14B should have 640 chaff and only 60 flares, but mutts pretending they are the top gun maverick need to be handheld.
Okay...? So give it a bajillion chaff or whatever. BOL IR fucking sucks anyway.
Also stop seething over nothing
azure lane and wows taught me the soviets had loads of vastly advanced ships for their time
>if they were built, they would have been the best ))))))
>slopzure lane
>world of warslop
by that logic germany and the US had the best ships ever made
just because ivan dreamed about a real ship with real armament in a vodka induced stupor doesn't mean it existed
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>when you're 2 seconds into a match and all the juicy f-4c pantomussy has already been splashed
K-1000 would have wiped the floor with Montanas, Super Yamatos, H-42 and any other would be contender
This is genuinely fucking digsusting.
The deliberate murder of cold war planes this update means we're getting a fresh batch of premium bombers
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Neptunes for everyone!
they should add a super shimakaze with like 30 torpedoes
its true )))))
secrit documents )))))))
azure lane is based....
Except the d*tch!
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alm 60 when
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or the 20mm one
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Hehehe... I'm so skilled...
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>next update "supersonic ordnance"
>B58 Hustler
>XB-70 Valkyrie (premium)
>B-1A (premium)
>Tu-160 (premium)
>T-4 (premium)
>Mirage IV
>BAC TSR-2 (premium)
>Australian F-111 for UK
>shitalian 2a7s steamrolling germutt 2a7s
not surprised at all
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Boy do I have the ship for you.
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boy have i got a list for you
yes, some of these arent bombers
Crazy how virtually every fighter around 10.3-11.3 is unplayable, they literally modelled ARB to cater to basebombers
too fat
File deleted.
Hungarians are the most powerful race in this world.
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No thanks
That's where big $$$$ come from, people don't want props they want their shiny top tier stuff and bombing bases is the easiest and most effective way to get them.
Reminder that rockets are bugged and do several times their "intended" damage to bases and Gaijin admitted that but still haven't fixed them.
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>flies in the same direction over and over again like a retard
>gets shot down by vietnagooks
>60 years later it's not even worth being a proper museum and rots away at a pond
Supersonic and you WILL take it.
>Nimród still missing
>Tas still missing
>Panther still missing
>update centered around Hungarian aviation, not a single indigenous plane gets added
here's your sovietslop copy paste tho))))))) no, you won't get the slightly more unique modernized variants either))))))))))))))))))))))))
>complaining about fun and exciting content
Italy removed from the game next update
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HVN GODS rule this game from the shadows.
The 2A7 is just a glimpse into the destructive potential they hold.
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wanna bet if we get the D.XXIII before the RMI-8XV (or whatever its called)
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this thing is going to absolutely shred and mog CloggedVagina40/35s, and I just can't wait.
Quite honestly the most badass looking AFV in existence
>peepeepoopoo "issue"
>shit gun
>shit ammo
>shit fire rate
>peepeepoopoo "issue"
>Tiger, the only rank 3+ heavy for shitaly, is a premium
>inb4 they add s*viet IS-2 as compensation
to be fair the Fokker has way more data available
KF-51 (120mm) soon!
>24 round magazine while the Ajax is 70-80
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Who wants to see me win a 2v1?
>be so unbelievably bad at the game you can't onetap with the most powerful autocannon
ghetto rigged skin when?
>jeets waking up
>ajACKs nigger shows up
Checks out
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>outlasted the B-58 and F-111
>XB-69 and 70 went nowhere
>B-1 and 2 are on their way out
God I love the BUFF
Ship of theseus at this point, can't wait for 100 years
>Ajax does something better than swigpig garbage
I'm British Indian and I love Ajax Armoured Fighting Vehicle
I don't even know who you are, anon.
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8 minutes into 300%+30% booster
If it's garbage why are you obsessed with it? Moreover, why do you compare your thing with it?
I didn't ask if you knew who I am.
I asked if you wanted to see me win a 2v1.
The bong has terminal inferiority complex
YOU are the obsessed third worlder that keeps bringing up how Britain should have bought the CloggedVagina40 instead of the Ajax
not me
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>B-52 is going to be in service long after its first pilots are dead
Tu-95 as well... but the B-52 is cooler.
Meds onegai
the cv90 fres didn't rip it's welds apart unlike the ajax
whatever you say, thirdie
go make another dogshit thread on k
Your hands are shaking are you okay?
ajax still has a high chance of giving motion sickness to the crew
I'm actually having a great time humiliating you, tyvm
Uh oh whatever you say milkshake
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>*shaking* in his boots
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>retarded turd worlder begging for aj-ACKS when he could beg for a good IFV instead
couldn't imagine being as retarded as the average bong
>says im the third worlder while he keeps shilling for Indian tanks
way to expose yourself as the unironic poojeet here lol, totally not obvious as fuck bro
>"i've been exposed"
>best bong tank: jeet
>best bong plane: swegroid
what a sad tree lmao
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dealing the killing blow rn
Why can't you retards just get along?
Because laughing at bongs is funnier
can't wait to see you go ACK when Great Britain gets the CTAS40 Patria :^)
Why would an entirely Finnish vehicle go to bongolistan?
speaking of bongs, someone explain the Hunters to me, i know fuckall about missiles
>F.1 without missiles
>J34 with RB24
>F.6 with 9B
>F.6 with SRAAM
>FG9 with 9E
You can both blow your brains out with a shotgun the CTAS40 Patria was made for the United States so it will go to the United States
Because it's not because of the turret, retard. Also South Africa operates it
take the L, swigpiggy
Saufs operate the 30mm Badger though
Why do people pronounce the word, 'Sabot,' "Sabbit?"
its a french word.
Its pronounced, "Say-Bow."
ffs I wouldn't be posting this if I didn't watch the WT video on the Vextra 105.
Yes but since it's the same hull then you might as well add it to Britain
>Why do people pronounce the word, 'Sabot,' "Sabbit?"
I've literally never heard someone pronounce it that way, what kinda weird zoomer retard did that? I've heard plenty of people pronounce the T but no one adds an I.
>Why do people pronounce the word, 'Sabot,' "Sabbit?"
what? Stop watching thirdworlders play
>arguing over a patria
this is really the bottom of the retardation pit
>tee hee, everyone's so retarded except me :DDD
yes yes lets pretend a wheeled CTAS40 platform with Javelin missiles is totally not going to be strong as fuck in War Thunder
literal garbage regardless of the armament
It's funny how people still don't know this, that chassis is Ratel tier in WT, it's fucking awful.
>fnf missiles
I think you forgot what game is this
it's better to have a CTAS40 with Javelins then one without, simple as
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>best tank in the bongistani tree is going to be indian
how will they ever recover?
Someone post the squadron flowchart please
>bottom tier chassis
>200rpm gun
>fnf missiles that will not work ever
>11.3 because of said fnf missiles
You sure you want it?
>>bottom tier chassis
i want to fly across the map with a 40mm gun, yes
>>200rpm gun
again with the literal peepeepoopoo nothingburger issue
>>fnf missiles that will not work ever
better than having none
>>11.3 because of said fnf missiles
CTAS40 warrior or Ajax will be 10.3 so im cool with that
sale soon (thursday)
You know everything outruns patrias everywhere except strict paved roads right?
how you know the day?
>CTAS40 warrior or Ajax will be 10.3
Laughs in Lynx at 10.7
spike tax
Bigger gun means your beloved memewagons won't go lower than 11.0
frog one is playable, rest irredeemable garbage
legacy BRs
>no one plays them because they're overtiered
>they're overtiered because no one plays them so no data available
you should just buy this new premium top tier, and skip everything else altogether
Lmao, just spawn, claim free frags and spawn again. I love when they're stupid or don't care enough to stand in the detection zone without any cover.
It's just a leo 2A4 with APHE
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Is this doge and nano
>better platform than challenger with the best shell type in game
what the fuck I pick left
let's see >wartg
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>let's see >wartg
the more I learn about stealth the more I see gaijin will absolutely do a shit job at implementing it.
and that f22 fanboys are worse than marine fanboys
you aren't ready for gaijins great reset 2025 where they remove everything and start back with sabres and mig-15s as the top.
wartg is the school's flesh urinal (male)
I'm certainly not. I'm not even ready to continue grinding as is.
>Hates everyone and everything
>joins [WARTG]
fucking clean your shit it's all caked in grime
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>kill swegroid
don't be racist
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>be me
>start getting autistic about ships
>luv me battle of jutland
>war thunder has ww1 bb's
>no one plays it
guess its time for wow then
I can't remember what it's called but there's definitely another WW1 naval game that isnt as shit as WOWS or WT
nta but you're not talking about Ultimate Admirals dreadnaught are you?
if you're REALLY autistic about ships and not just larping, pick up rule the waves 3
Naval has potential but for years it’s been one step forward and three steps backward the next update. They spend a ton of time and effort making sweeping changes nobody asked for that only make the game worse while not doing anything to address the actual issues hurting the mode
>sit and scope down an empty venue
>vision maxed, the whole thing in my fov
>enemy renders in the middle of it
>dead on in the crosshair
>with the gun smoking and the shell flying my way
fucking wot update
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>vickers wellesley still has the distance record for single piston engine plane
>87 years ago
thats TOO autistic even for me, rn Im playing War on the Sea and waiting for sea power to launch
>mfw Fleet command is finally getting some love
Think he means a game called Naval Hurricane. Its like 15 bucks on Steam.
>ka50 era
>mig23/27k untargetable above spaa era
>pantsir keeping the skies clear for good planes with the best radar missile
>bullshit ERA side armor
>autoloaders could never be damaged
>ammo hardly ever detonated when hit
>USA ground had mediocre win rates, spall liner update tanked it along with the top tier premiums
Neck yourself, you fucking retard
what did they do to the controls my flares don't work at all
didn't pay the flare tax
we're talking about air, where there's been 3 years of US handholding from the F-14 to the F-16 to the F-15 just unchecked constant babymode
Press shift + D to cycle through them, it should fix it, sometimes they randomly get unselected entirely.
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is that oxy?
Fly in opposite direction of them and drop chaff, not hard to counter.
you dare
None of they are anything near what they "could" be and its on Gaijin for addling such odd and non specific configurations.

The radars for example are all basically missing 30% of their range, and systems like the TCS aren't implemented properly. Let alone missing stores like the JDAM.
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and then shit like the 9M is massively overperforming while the R-73 is underperforming and bugged. Not to mention the SU-27 flight model underperforming and the F-16 rating 5 deg/s more than it should
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your situation is not as bad as mine.
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Delete all Privates with Zero Activity that joined in April 2024 or before.
start cleaning up this mess. Holy fuck.
isnt there like 3 empty slots already? removing people that arent playing wont suddenly give more SRP, which is why they're removed as people apply here
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the SU-27 should be roughly equal to the F-15
>F-16 rating 5 deg/s more than it should
I really wish to see how they'll fix this, will they increase the drag coeficient to the moon like they did with cold war jets or will they rework the flight model?
when people see all those zeros though...
>soviet estimations of the F-15s performance
basically they're guessing here, not a good source
you'd need to actually prove it in a bug report first sister, posts on 4chan don't get planes nerfed
My dear 4channer, let's pretend for a moment that that post was right, what do you think they'll do to fix the plane ?
it's already performing realistically
the Soviets believed that the F-15 was heavier than the Su-27, it's a terrible source
Damn, really? How’d they ever get that idea
Russians have this strange delusion where they will even lie to their own pilots getting them killed in the process just to convince themselves they make the best stuff
no this is literally from joint exercises in the '90s
it's not, it's a soviet estimation from 1985
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either way in DCS they match decently well and I trust that more than WT
DCS literally models seekers and flares as a 50/50 chance, and barely models radars, their modelling is garbage
But americans think that they're persecuted because for a short while the swedes beat them at their own game, and for a bit the russians outperformed them in one non-meta aspect.
>and I trust that more than WT
Why? Because they have cool cockpits?
because people with more time than me have cross referenced their flight models with the manuals and they're always accurate within 5%
is that why they don't even bother modelling shit like radar side lobes?
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holy basedoli
>talking about flight performance
retard I...
??? WT does model radar side lobes, war thunders radar modelling is head and shoulders above DCS, in fact most of gaijins modelling is

so thats why the soviet estimation of the F-5E's performance literarly claims its better than what the F-20 does in real life?

Oh and very coincidentally, this is the source gaijin uses to handhold F-5E flight model and close all bug reports (including ones using the actual fucking F-5E manual) about the F-5E overperforming ingame?
nobody was talking about the F-5E, but at least the Soviets actually acquired and tested and F-5E
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>not giving a fuck
kill yourself MiG_23M

>add taiwanese F-5A
>overperforming flight model on release
>add american F-5C and F-5E next update
>F-5C uses same overperforming fm as F-5A
>gaijin models F-5E per F-5E manual; it performs worse than the F-5C ingame (which is overperforming over real life)
>gaijin makes up a F-5E flight model vaguely resembling soviet estimations before they captured a real F-5E
>F-5E ingame overperforms so much that its better at sustained turns than the real life F-20

>add F-20 few years later
>F-20 modelled to its manual's turn rate
>suddenly does worse than F-5E somehow
>gotta sell more F-5Cs and F-20s so they make up a F-20 flight model thats literaly just a baby F-16
>somehow, the plane that got cancelled because the F-16 is better, now flies just like the F-16 ingame.

>all bug reports about F-5s overperforming in the past few years are closed instantly for the dumbest reasons

not even gonna bring up the heat signature, damage model, or fake ordnance on the F-5 family.
>gaijin makes up a F-5E flight model vaguely resembling soviet estimations before they captured a real F-5E
the Soviets were very surprised by the way the F-5E performed, it absolutely smashed all their expectations
thanks for confirming you're full of stinky shit
>I am still butthurt about red skies: the post
>and then shit like the 9M is massively overperformin

What makes you think that?

>be inacloud
>fag-15 can't see me and lock me because he doesn't have a nametag to click on with his ACM because clouds.
>lock him up with PD SRC
>send R-77 his way
>he shits his pants and just lawn darts into the dirt. No score.
>him j-ing out would have given me kill credit
fix this.
it has inertial guidance that it lacks irl, repeat flares in quick succession over several seconds should beat it's IRCCM even without maneuvering, also it was known to be decoyed often just by "dirty flares" i.e. Soviet large calibre flares that had impurities added intentionally to more closely resemble the IR signature of a jet engine
Gaijin knows better than aircraft manufacturers
??? How are you seeing MiG-15s at top tier?
Anyway, at least that's better than removing the rudder and elevator of an F-16 at high alt and having the match fucking end before he dies, thus denying you the kill.
Imagine being fr*nch
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>it has inertial guidance that it lacks irl
It doesn't, it just has a rate sensor that allows it to use closed loop guidance algorithms and so adjust the Seeker's tracking angle based on maintaining the rate of change when the seeker "blinks".

>repeat flares in quick succession over several seconds should beat it's IRCCM even without maneuvering
Though what mechanism? The "blinking" seeker is designed to defeat exactly this.

>it was known to be decoyed often just by "dirty flares" i.e. Soviet large calibre flares
early Blocks sure, but that was solved with either the -5/6 or -7/8 revision.

>that had impurities added intentionally to more closely resemble the IR signature of a jet engine
Its literally the exact opposite, adding compounds can only spread the spectrum further, increasing the bands impacted.

Western Flares like the MJU-7/B were targeted to the specific bands that overlay exhaust signature, by design.
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>p-47m tries turnfighting my zero before realizing what a dumb nigger he is
>snipe him as he runs away
>respawns in a backup
>bait him in to crashing
My investigation about the Draken is finished.
It's dead.
Unless someone more capable than me manages to get lab documents from Saab that provide accurate drag performance data it's going to stay unplayable for the rest of the eternity.
do I resub?
welcome to the club swegro, now you know how MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29 and Su-27 feel
Ruzzia.... it zuffers....
Unironically yes in ARB past the MiG-21SMT.
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I fly for the homeland.
>bad plane... is bad
no way?!
The only one comparable is the mig21 which is still largely playable, the mig23 idk and the others are due to game engine limitations

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