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Shadow of the Erdtree is out!!!


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...

LastSoftware: >>482980783
the numbers mason
what do they mean
Has anyone done a build with the Grafted Blade Greatsword? It looks sweet but I don't want to waste my time with it if it sucks
>Godrick was quoting Marika
these feels...
ideal level for dlc coop?
it has high ar and 5 seconds of fast endure on an ultra gs. boring weapon tho.
Honesty is everything
How are you supposed to fight the fire golems that have ankle protection? It seems that you can only hit their heads and I refuse to believe that the devs were retarded enough to force you to chip away at their faces with a bow.
throw something into the furnace
if i reset my specs, can i make it so i only level up to 125 for example
I need to find out how to make the giant shit pots so I can drop them on these faggots
I tried that with giant frost pots and it did nothing.
elden ring is fucking gay
is this nigger poomaroo /still/ just using reply to thread function instead of clicking on post numbers he wants to reply to?
lazy fucking nigger and I haven't been here in years
fire and furnace pots only. the game tells you this through a note.
They do it on purpose I'm 90% sure they click on the post numbers and then delete the reply because they're fucking tumors
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i just press this button right here
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is there any firefox or chrome addon to remove this blackbox on kekxtralife website?
the thing is, I'm pretty sure I accidentally started that shit because of my laziness and the fact that dsg was fucking dead and not clicking on names in particular didn't matter because you're basically replying to the post above you
people initially took offense and then started copycatting it and now it seems to be thread culture
idk why people get so heated about not getting a reply. this isn't reddit, y'know. you don't get any fictional points from your posts.
we do it to disrespect you. you don't deserve a (You) are even a single > fake (You) from me. You are an animal.
it works when the thread's dead but when it's alive you look silly for doing it
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has anyone else tried light greatswords in invasions? The moveset is really good but istg it's fucking bugged and impossible to rollcatch with
what did insane ryan mean by this https://voca.ro/13yUwWsIlXXi
i used to do it on tf2g so i just started doing it here
it's funny when people get mad about it though
what weapon izzat
it's 90% of the thread, it's all permanewfaggots
Thank you. I don't have the note so I couldn't have known.
why do these general tourists try and pretend that they're epic oldfags
I am le epic oldfag however
posting in epic bread?
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you get it from a tower directly to the left after entering castle ensis
I have no idea what is wrong with it the hitboxes on the running attacks must be smaller or come out earlier than they appear or something because it's literally impossible to rollcatch with it
thanks. that's unfortunate, the moveset looks rad
seems kinda mid for invasions. doubt that my patented 7 hit combo would work well against a gank
I only care about invasion viability though, so your point still stands.
its great for pve and duels, don't let that stop you from using it. I've just been having trouble making it work in invasions

it does less poise damage than a straight sword and all the attacks are multi hits
>dog3 backstabbing in eldogring
holy shit, I managed to land a roll bs
I am the softswaplvrd now
Uh I beat romina on my first try with just a keen milady
Romina is the shitter boss of the dlc, everyone beats her 1st try.
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switching between these two has been really fun
not using the milady neckbeard sword
I love how for every single boss I have to stand far away from the fog gate when the host enters or the spawnrape aoe goes through it and kills me too
i did it reddit
hello cute noob newfriend, why are you not on /erg/
>how do you know
>what's the criteria for a parallel world living or dying
>show proof
>publish thesis

You rely on evidence. You are looking for someone to follow. But the fact remains, this secret isn't found by following others, but only following what's inside of you.

Japanese music has set me free.

As it stands, the "Y Open" prompt is the parallel dimension. The question is, what's step 2? I'm going to investigate today.

You know when the parallel dimension is killed when you aren't recieving hints or Y-prompts anymore.
smith script daggies were rejected by jee...
check his second latest vid
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Currently grinding out Isshin. I've almost gotten out of the spear phase. Please pray for me.
what's the equivalent to soul stream in ds2?
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This is what the Y prompt looks like. There are two opening commands, only 1 works. This is the hint
last phase is the easiest
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I want a more grounded fantasy setting in From's next game, but I know we're going to get more of a higher fantasy setting than Elden Ring. I wouldn't be surprised if we're fighting in Heaven and Hell in the next game.
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>malding so hard at pvp
>get killed by blindspot bleebill
>hand feels wet
>look down at keyboard
>blood all over keyboard and my hand and on my leg
>somehow cut myself while feeding my cat and went back to my desk to get assraped in pvp and bled all over the keyboard without feeling anything or realizing
lmao, ty miyazaki
they're pretty bad aside from chip dmging ppl and being annoying..
prepatch soul geyser was a boss killer, there's no continuous laser beam in ds2 tho
beast claws are cool but they dont do poise damage so 90% of enemies just hit me out of my r1s
he cut you through the screen
pretty much the issue with a bunch of weapons
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omg!!! ugly armor that doesn't match with anything :D
the new poisechad peeveepee ched playeur set
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seems a bit ass actually. it does come with the widest shoulders ever tho
greatjar + lionell chest armor is kino
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We didn't have a choice

Prepare to Die Edition was released it was 1024x720@30fps, horribly buggy and everyone use DSfix instead.

DS1 was a port of a 360 game that used GFWL, and then later had a generic Steamworks conversion program slapped onto it when GFWL shut down, and then that bandaid stopped working too as Windows and Steam keep going through iterations and change over the years.

The DS1 PC port was so bad that it was delisted and replaced with Remastered.

Amusingly, the Switch version absolutely trashes the 360/PS3 versions of PTDE graphically, since it runs at 1080p30 with far fewer framedips (and with a simple mod it can run at 720p60, albeit with dips like the Pro/X 60fps patches for DS3 and Sekiro). Too bad about that sound quality.

Dark Souls 2's weapon durability glitch. Dark Souls 2 (DX9) and the DX11 edition ran on separate servers so PC players would have to pay money for a patch that should have been free. Scholar of the First Sin was a paid upgrade to DX11.

Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring run on PS4 hardware from 10 years ago. It's a PS4 game and it shows: 20-30 fps and it looks good thanks to their artists, not their engineers.
>dual miladys suck
of course
you keep forgetting your trip
2h is better
i think you just suck
this armor set is so ass
>play nice with the host and fight him fairly
>he runs away and until blues get summoned
>he points down when I die
someone teach me how to autorevive
everything except the black lapp set is ass, yeah
What's the poise on that
Let me guess, 38
you mean it's tits
like 24 lol
>play nice with host
uh oh, someone needs to watch more jee ASAP
stat helmet fans have been eating well, at least
why would they add the black knight set and make it "light armor"
this is your black knight armor now :D
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forgot the image...
Why are they protecting the dog?

What's the lore behind these guys?

Okay the dog has like max defense and hardness he definitely drops something
ghost worms
Forget meds, you belong in a mental asylum
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Why are yellowcels such cocky faggots? Every single one of these shrimp niggers thinks they're hot shit because they spam spells in 3v1s until they fuck around and find out
weird, i could've sworn soul stream from ds3 was a reintroduction of a spell from ds2
powerful r1 r1 l2 gameplay
even doe that was r2 r1 l2
are those things actually good in pvp? they don't poke and don't seem to have a lotta reach
there's no soul stream spell in ds2 im like 99% sure BUT
in ds3 the souls stream description talks about someone that ppl often believe is aldia. so it could be that.
that was rr2 r1 l2 actually
Blindspot is incredibly broken.
Friends. why does my faith incantations do so little damage? im using the erdtree seal and i have 70 faith. the last boss rememberance incantation does shit damage. WHAT THE FUCK. and im using everything i can to buff it
>dragonslayer armor top but uglier and asymmetrical
i hate that miyazaki keeps adding asymmetrical helmets
they look so fucking terrible
ds1 wasn't delisted because it was bad, it was delisted so people wouldnt get mad at buying the wrong one when the remaster came out
:o :o :o that's :o :o a turtle :o :o :o :o retard :O
they're pretty good but they have their drawbacks, the uncharged r2s are bugged and don't have a roll cancel window so if you use the r2s you can't roll out of them as if you were out of stamina. Besides that the r1s are pretty meh, the running r2s are broken and deal assloads of damage, and the weapon art is really good but hard to land
the rr1 also lets you keep on running right after you use it
I think that's actually a downside because the tracking is awful, it's only useful when you have 3 phantoms on somebody and they're both spamming the running r1 so it's impossible to miss
>hard to land
>has no fragments
>wtf bro I do no damage
i have like level 9 and 10 on both...
10 is baby levels. You'll just start to notice the damage, you need double that
DESU, the bosses in the DLC aren't that fun to fight since they're constantly spazzing out.
oh shit. ty t5hen imma grab all of them!
Shields kinda help for some of them
>put down signs at bayle
>check defense
>every host has like level 5 scadutree
>same with radahn
why tf would anyone need to summon players for bayle when the npc exists
they dont make it to the npc, most of them die instantly
>Forget meds, you belong in a mental asylum

The crestfallen warrior in Dark Souls 1 says
>"Who knows, going Hollow could solve quite a bit!"

He wasn't lying.
okay but you do belong in an asylum
let him cook!
>okay but you do belong in an asylum

Your philosophy just needs to get gud. The evidence mounts when you see the piles of "cut content" for the Souls franchise. Doesn't the possibility of actually finding it ingame excite you?
it's cut content, it's not loaded in anywhere
>Doesn't the possibility of actually finding it ingame excite you?
its literally fucking cut retard maybe they would teach you this shit at the asylum
bleh. only Japan understands.
Just beat Sekiro. Not sure what to do now.
Lost and confjused.
how do you check their defence
japan are the ones that cut it you stupid tranny

Do you not understand what it means to be "The One"? Dark Souls 1 literally says someday, an undead will be Chosen, to leave the undead asylum, in pilgrimage, to the land of the ancient lords, Lordran!

What the fuck do you even think the Chosen Undead is? He's -The One-. You aren't him.

And -The One- doesn't care what you think is cut. He does it anyway.
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it's nice to be able to invade with a full build what is not nice is every invasion being comet / stars of ruin / thunderbolt spam
stars of ruin is terrible for pve it makes me seethe so much that these tranny phantoms will keep it around just to fuck with invaders
look at your stats, you get blessings from the host.
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Good night, /fsg/.
z-zamn... didn't know that
>Being this mentally ill
The Chosen Undead prophecy is literally invented to deceive the Undead into trying to sacrifice themselves to keep the age of fire going. There is no actual chosen one it's just whoever can make it to the end. Dumb fuck
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*carries you through the entire game*
>stars of ruin
wasn't that nerfed a while back?
it's a pretty dogshit shield ngl
yes and they still use it because it's free damage on an invader even with the nerfed tracking
just run
>dorito shield
Darkstalker Kaathe: They failed me, every last one of them. Perhaps you will prove different.

You either learn to walk the darkness and abyss, or stay hugging the Light you love so much.

Either way, you'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the truth someday, where you will have to hide from it.

For me, it's Final Fantasy Versus XIII. That's the game I want to play.
>outrun 2 phantoms (two stamina bars) while also dodging and avoiding the host's stars of ruin
basic math
you're not him either
the C**sen Und*** doesn't have a gay schizo name
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So when's the DLC getting announced?
>you're not him either

I'm the Human. Dark Souls 1 """""cut content"""" calls the player a Human. Artorias says "Oh, it's you, the Human."
Jee does it all the time
you're not that guy pal
you're not that guy
the C**sen Und*** is a human btw dumbass
kys 52
when will this nutcase realize that the content is cut because japanese companies love strict deadlines and from couldn't finish their games in time. nigga really thinks that they had the ability to shove a second hidden game into dog1 when they couldn't finish izalith
Nobody likes mecha.
the game has been out for 4 days most people have lives
unsurprisingly the only people at any boss other than rallena or the lion are speed gamers that skip all the exploration, what do you expect?
yeah i dont understand how people are already finished with the dlc
i havent even finished the starting zone yet and spent all of yesterday fighting the lion
i have to go to work tomorrow so probably wont play again until friday
why do people think the lion is the starting zone boss? there's nothing behind it and it's the hardest boss in the dlc by far
each to their own slop, soulsfag
idk i found the lion easier than relanna
it's the most easily accessable
if it's not by design then that's pretty shit map design, to be honest
because vaati said so
I just noticed the distribution of who likes and hates the dlc is just like who likes and hates DS2. From just put out another misunderstood masterpiece. All of a sudden build crafting and strategy mater and assmong bald retards that cleared the baby base game are shitting their collective pants.
Look more carefully, there are a lot of openings when you roll or even strafe in the right direction. The audio and visual cues also help with the rhythm for your rolls. Maybe not on Gaius though, your going to have to cheese that nigga.
gaius sucked ass and i just used a giant hunt gugs on him. his charge hitbox is genuinely broken.
Lmao daedric armor at home
also the golden hippo is annoying and i just killed the field boss version with a gbow since i disliked that fight so much.
>remembrance boss is now a field boss
>Also basilisk out of nowhere lol lmao
Kek, truly an Elden dark souls ring moment.
>two tree sentinels and a falling star beast but look, a little Erdtree and the theme music. And have this Incant that takes 70 fucking faith to cast and it's just AOE Regen
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cultivate STR
Could Hollow Knight beat Dark Souls.
you end questions with a question mark, esl
no because he's an insect and would get stepped on. stupid question 0/10
>All of a sudden build crafting and strategy mater
ah yes the 60 vigor non caster build
How am I supposed to kill the fire wicker giants?
I took down the first one by maxing out my poise damage and alternating full charge r2 and rolls till it fell to eat a crit, but it took ages and iframing those attacks is fucky as shit.
I noticed that torrent made dodging those attacks easier, but I'm losing a lot of poise damage by fighting on horseback.
I feel like I've missed something about the fight.
target head
ranged dmg
It's the worst enemy in fromsoft history, just tedious and boring. What you have to do is always stay behind him on Torrent and he will only use the foot stomp and jumping slam which you need to ride away from and double jump. It takes 3 mini stuns to get him to fall over and this needs to happen twice. It's fucking awful boring shite.
based wickerman filters shitters
not the bees aaahhhh hahaha
So what builds get the most cool shit in the DLC?
I was pissed off how lame the Fth and Arc stuff was in base game, especially STR/ARC
>tfw mother of fingers
i wasnt expecting something good, but jesus that was terrifying
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They just forgot to add a dodge cancel window bravo
Faithchad DLC.
does this mean that the smithscript cirque is in top???
maybe you should reply to the post and you would get an answer
>kill giant finger bitch
>int fth dual catalyst or piece of shit boring giant fingie hammie
what were they thinking with beast claws
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Yo these slap ngl
i'm not talking to you tho, 30
every fucking weapon is a katana
>the C**sen Und*** is a human btw dumbass

You don't play as a human in the original Dark Souls 1 (the released dimension).

Whenever you die your spirit disappears. If you played Bloodborne's alpha version, you would find you leave behind a body in death, making you a human
so we agree the power ups are stupid
How do you manage to be so fucking retarded that you reply to the wrong post when you INTENTIONALLY DO NOT REPLY???
cry about it, 15. you aren't owed number indirect replies
they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re not bringing (You)s. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists
literally just ignore any posts not directly tagging (You), that shrimple
I've been doing it for years now
why get mad over something so silly
if I still had my hard drive of front fracing frogs I would've posted one with this post but alas
people on this site lose their minds when things go against the shitty "4chan culture" status quo
Does disabling summon pools actually prevent you from invading there? I realized the global invasions system is stupid when I can invade everywhere in the dlc instantly but using near / far on the filter makes me wait
They're good yes, and blindspot is braindead easy to spam
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Finally beat the game after putting it down for 2 years. Wasted a lot of time doing coop and messing with builds.
Holy fucking shit do the endings suck ass. I was looking forward to finally seeing everything where I had 4 endings including default.
I can't fucking believe it's all the same cut scene with like 1 narrator sentence change. The only different one was Ranni's.
But why would they half ass the endings so hard when everything else in the base game had so much effort put into it. I was actually really impressed how good the game was up until this point. Would it kill them to create 2-5 minute endings that are actually really good and are very different from each other? Felt like I was playing an early access game.
weebs are the biggest cancsd blight retards on the entire planet
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>He didn't go for the Frenzied Flame CHAD ending
i'm just glad i'll never have to play or fund another one of these dumb fuck weeb trash games
the music still sucks compared to bloodborne
Am I really supposed to fight the first two main bosses with only lvl3 scatree blessing? I can't find a way to any of the other areas for more.
ps4 emulator when?
or bloodborne port
whichever's earlier
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for me its

bb > des > ds1 > parts of elden ring, parts of ds2, parts of ds3.

also damn I kinda wish I bought the lady maria figma and the weapon set, I have this sad lone hunter in my room with the gay ass saw cleaver
can't u look around for more... kill those little guys with the pots
uhh give it 3-5 yrs maybe for the emu?
never ever

or just shell out 150-200 bucks for a ps4 slim, necessary cables + controllers, and the game itself.
you're just bad at exploring
Any anons know where to find savefiles up to date with dlc stuff? Im on console and can convert pc savefiles for use
Wtf do you mean? 80% of this map is just cliffs, I can't get down or up to fucking anywhere.
you need to find the holes and tunnels to get around
the map has a fuck ton of holes n shit don't go crazy over the cliffs
is that what ur looking for? otherwise application data settings on ps4? idk
idk i just use cheat engine for my stuff
the thing is, I have a ps4 and I can get bloodborne pretty easily from a family member
I just don't want to suffer the abysmal framerates
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>tfw killed him with like 1 hp left
i knew 65 vig would make the difference
Honestly man, it's not that bad...
>I can't find a way to any of the other areas for more.
look at the map
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Why do people play twinks? Is it cause ER is a Japanese game or something?
that's a great cloud strife, zamn
and yes, asian beauty standards favour androgynous men because asians are kinda androgynous
i have access to the shadow castle now but my map looks like this. can I get the top and bottom maps or is that for later?
Have those sliders? It'd be great for a female character.
Aw shit, why didn't I think of that?
>he leveled strength
you didn't etc
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Has Jeebona discovered Cirque yet? That shit is crazy.
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Based Cloud enjoyer.
is that the one with the funni spinny kick weaponart?
You can get to both now
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lost and confused tarnished I marked some spots on the map that might be of interest to a low intelligence fellow like you
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I got something close. From a glance, eyes are slightly different, but it's a good base I guess.
Been trying for 5 hours at Consort, I'm giving up. Even when I summon help they always die early into phase 2 even with a fast phase 1.
Been there, fag. Lead to nowhere.
you have not been to all the places I marked
It's the circular throwable backhand swords. The spinny skinny omens use it.
the throwing chakrams have shit range <\3
>You don't play as a human in the original Dark Souls 1
Yes you do dumbass
>Whenever you die your spirit disappears.
Because you hollow, like every other human in existence
>If you played Bloodborne's alpha version, you would find you leave behind a body in death, making you a human
These two things are not only not connected, the alpha isn't even canon
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where's your lion hat
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dark souls 2
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Any cool new summons?
I used the Hawk in basegame since it fit my aesthetic, also "thebois" shield skellies since it was funny.

I see everyone just using Mimic, I guess Tiche is weaker now?
i dont believe in summons
also all the dlc stuff just pwns tiche with a billion damage
nevermind this shit does 200 damage to leyndell knights with 99/99 quality
no shit stormstomp has shit damage
do a kicka build with the new kicker stuff
Also, i am The One in one way, but not -The One- that will cross the dimension. I see myself as Morpheus, looking for The One who will do it.

Haven't you ever wondered why in the soulsborne games they refer to you as a ghost/spirit/specter? Even your ride in Elden Ring is referred to as a "spectral steed". What's wrong with regular steeds? It's because you aren't even playing the Real Elden Ring, and have found comfort in it.
no, moron. it's just a piece of "lore" to explain why you can spawn your horse out of thin air.
I'm talking about the somber ones, I orget if they're throwable
+25 99/99 quality dryleaf arts
new bird feet greaves
alexander shard
blue dancer charm
new shattered stone talisman
and the damage to a leyndell knight is... _74
the shield bois are insanely good for tanking lmao

mimic is just more versatile with whatever ash or magic you wanna spam or stance damage if you're unga bunga

I haven't used many of the new summons-- i like using the birdo pot bomber sometimes
why are you doing this dumb 99/99 pve stuff. kicking is for hyperarmor pvp true combo trades
And the beast enbracement rune in Bloodborne is referred to a "ghastly form".

You can take ghastly forms, this is because you are a spirit. What's your excuse, here? It's because you aren't LITERALLY A werewolf. That belongs to Lycanthropy, a mechanic in the Real Bloodborne.
actually ds1 iron golem
wait does kicking include the dryleaf feet attacks??
i'm a werewolf in real life, the ladies LOVE it.
iron golem if he fucking ate u
>Haven't you ever wondered why in the soulsborne games they refer to you as a ghost/spirit/specter?
No, because they generally don't do this
Ghastly just means spooky or scary, not ghostly as in spectral
nyo. skills only.
nvm the rock works on dryleaf feet lol
oh do what about the dryleaf kick weaponart
oh badass.... kicka bill (not bringing to pvp i will get raped)
The thing I like about them is that they have enough range and good tracking so you can play very defensively and poke while still having a nice running r1 and your choice of AoW and infusion.
just run kick star fists :D
Have you tried the throwing shield? It has like perfect fucking tracking lmao. your character flings it up and it'll just skyrockett back down and whack ppl in the head for u
trying to make dryleaf and the kickbox style work in SL130 pvp but it's kinda miserable
zero range, dogshit poisebreak, ~200 damage on a generous hit while people are farting out braindead 1300+ damage weaponarts

hella fun and stylish though, either i look like a clown to these people or they feel like bullies for trashcanning me with generic meta bullshit while i'm flying around doing jumpkicks with zero range
build just gets evaporated if someone with a greatsword or higher just mashes r1 in your direction with mild spacing, nothing you can do about it
it's a damage test to see if i can use it as a main attack. if it doesn't cut it at 99 then it isn't cutting it on an optimized build either
i have more tests to do like seeing if the shotgun crossbow instableeds with blood bolts
Yeah it's a shame. Whenever I see someone use em I bust out my own and we have a little street fighter match
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>build just gets evaporated if someone with a greatsword or higher just mashes r1
or a dagger or a rapier or a longsword(sometimes)
yeah these things are complete asscheeks but i want to make them work somehow

cipher pata is probably still the best 'fist weapon' in the game for this sort of playstyle even after retards got it nerfed for some reason
kinda backwards logic
also i think the crossbow has nerfed procs
Have you gotten the new patas? They're just katar x2 length lmao
patas got to keep 1h rr2 -> r2
also you can always run the hidden tech of double patas
is there some secret to importing character sliders?
I swear mine never looks like what they have pictured
does using rune arcs invalidate my boss kills?
i dont believe in rune arcs
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Using anything with the ability to stagger or stance break makes you a cheater
everything can stagger and stance break
are they elemental/shield piercing? half the reason i got into using the ciphers is because there was an abominable meta of towershield+rapier poking at the time
Nah they're pure physical unless you infuse, but hey you can slap whatever ash of war u want on tem
the long patas are evil. imagine barb roar on those.
what /dsg/ thinks of the dlc
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they phoned in everything
>+10 dragon casting seal
>80 arc
>dragon form
>flock's talisman
>idk +8 skibidi toilet level or whatever
>flame grant me strength
>bayle's talon incant does at best like 5k damage
It won't stop the boss. It takes ten years to cast and recover from. You are trading every single time and these trades are so goddamn not in your favor it's insane.

Is there any way to make full dragon dragon mode build not fucking suck dick? Per hit the damage is fine but you could just press r1 a couple times or jumping r2 1.5 times to do more damage more evasively faster and with better recovery. I just beat the porcupine hippo boss and it took like 12 dragon bites to win and I think I got hit back for most of those. It was torture.
i like the new weapons they're fun for the most part, i'm a little disappointed with the throwing axe and daggies, but the great hammie, discs, shield (godtier lmao), are all cool
pvp-wise uhhhh blind spot spam, 2h lgs, something something
nice armor sets, a bit sorry fool regarding the poise values but it's what i expected. nice slim knight sets dogshit poise, pinecone green fat fuck best poise
bosses r.. okay desu. what i expect from elden ring
music is pretty cool
characters are cool too, i like the story
the designs and art are cool too.
exploration can be a bit tedious-- but i'm a i fucking hate open world type of guy so..
new consumables and transfomations r cool too-- left me wanting a bit more because bloodborne exists, but it's cool.
haven't tried any of the new spells yet, i might CE an int/fth character just because no time we'll see tho
I love elden ring dlc!!!
>>idk +8 skibidi toilet level or whatever
Why so low? Are you doing a challenge run or something
you need lvl 18 sneed blessing to stand a chance
thanks guys
you lost because you aren't doing fth/arc
No not at all, that's just all I've found. I've done the dancing lion boss, cerulean coast stuff including bone boy down in the hole, and the dragon mountain stuff. I just started going through the shadow keep I think it's called.
>invaded or invade once every 20 minutes at bellbonger luna
>it's the same guy every time
this is gonna take forever to lvl
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How do we feel about the dlc 'lore"?
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there's lore? can u esplain the giant snake skin i found at bonny village
>played through DS1 for the first time in 7 years
>went through mostly reverse hollowed
>invaded around 20 times
>maybe 2 (two) of those people threw out attacks instead of just parry and backstab fishing

I really don't remember people being this bad
Messmer's parent?
times have changed since ye olde black man of j mel... don't go meta oolacile whatever u do...
Was kinda hyped for the DLC but it seems kinda mid desu.
Might just give Armored Core 6 a try. Aesthetically it's dull as stale bread but the gameplay looks different and cool.
You might enjoy it.
the dlc pwned that shartist who would draw mike with the circle head
these dog shit games are just like my dog shit animes
>start up my Dex character cause i wanted to use Star Lined Katana
>have RoB and Keen Nagakiba
>save file is at Haligtree
>quickly defeat Malenia to warm up and get HoM
>Mohg iss till alive
>beat him in 0hase one cause ihave Rotten Insignia and Waterfowl his ass before just before he does phase two
>enter DLC
>do a big ass run through the entire map just to get to Cerulean Coast and get the Katana
>dispatch the shitty animal queen and get the sword
>in the process from Malenia to that point, level up 1p whole points on Int to get to an overall level of 136
>like the sword and try it out on the dude at the starting Gaol
>remember the Backblades
>pick 'em uo, uograde them and decide to try them out
>they demolish Rellana's castle
>greatshield faggots are useless against the default AoW it has
I've yet to try them out on Rellana, but i'm sure they'll destroy her. They remind me a lot of how much fun i was having on my Sellswords only DS3 run, so i might ditch the Katanas and stick with those for my Dex character. Any other Dex weapons that i should try? I have 21 Int and 20 Arc, and i don't plan on leveleling either anymore
there's a somber bhb with unique spin and follow up kick ash
and uhhhh the claws with r2 throw and crow quills throw ash that instablees
and uhhhhhh katana with serpentbone r2 that bypasses shields a bit and unblockable spinny ash
red great kat that lets u ignore stagger on counterhits
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lizard greatsword does well on lightning
I found AC6 significantly more enjoyable than ER despite having never played an Armored Core game prior to it
>Rellana and Radahn instantly become easy as fuck the second you equip a buckler with parry
I'm actually mad at myself for spending all that time trying to roll through their shit.
You can parry him?
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Guys...he actually cared about his siblings (Even though there STEP-siblings) How the fuck could Marika have done this to him?
resources for Skibidi (Scadutree) Fragments? At +18, I think I need to get to +20 for this final area
Messmer is a pretty nuanced character. I'm absolutely shocked.
god i fucking hate fextra. why can't we have a good wikidot again
i mean it's a different kind of game lol
but yeah ac6 was fun
i just found gaius' pants from the albinack wolf archer girl, nice little lore tidbit
Did Marika treat her other kids as bad as she abused Messmer?
>game requires you to explore to power up and encourages you to try different weapons and skills.
It's actually kinda based. Probably going to hate collecting scadoodoos in subsequent playthroughs but it's nice to actually get something out of trying to see the whole world the first time, and the areas are beautiful if nothing else.
wtf is with metyr. did they scrap this as the final boss and just stick it in a random spot???
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>125, pure melee with 0 scooby-snacks
>Barely beat Rellana after many attempts
>Breezed through dancing lion on second try directly afterwards
Did I do these in the 'wrong' order? Holy Fuck I'm glad I didn't give in and upgrade the scadu blessing before doing lion, it would have trivialized a great fight. Best boss theme since Sir Alonne in DS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCCD31kqTBY.
we have to admit AI having input reading is a terrible meme
it sucks the entire soul out of the whole game
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show me your fashion, the mix and match game has never been stronger
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Has anyone made a Mohg Apology Form yet?
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Benchmark - Malenia - 8/10

Lion: 2/10 1 shot
Deathblight Lion 1/10 1 shot
Seemingly low HP. Easy to stagger. Whiffs most his attacks. Sides are ezmodo comboing.

Rennalla 4/10 2 shot
Easy to stagger. Only two dangerous moves both super predictable. DPS'd her down before twin moons was even a worry after 1st go.

Messmer 3/10 4 shot
Kinda luck based on if he is going to be snakefag or do his easy to dodge super long combo. 2nd phase kind of easier thna first because of free hits when he leaves snake.

Romina 3/10 3 shot
Kinda tanky or weirdly resistant to slashing and lightning. Also really vulnerable on side close up. Huge opening when she does her "ting" sound sting in the air. Pretty kekworthy when she centipedes around and her model pushes you along with her while you're going nuts.

Metyr - 5/10 3 shot
Not terribly hard just so slow to fight as melee. Sides aren't safe. Back can't be gotten to. Front is just relentless. Basically have to bait combo poke and mid range to bait it more. Probably braindead easy for strength/stagger builds.

Skibi Avatar 2/10 4 shot
Annoying but easy. Assuming range makes this baby mode.

Gaius 3/10 3 shot
Unironically super tanky for some reason and damage all over the blade. Side is open tho.

Midra 1/10 1 shot
Slow, big slow swipes, easy to hang out behind. I don't even know if his damage is good because he didn't hit me.

I'll do the rest of the bosses tomorrow. Pretty easy DLC.
>can't summon Ranni against gay twink and his horse
shit dlc
I was using the same fashion as the top but with veteran's gauntlets for a while.
>fatty chainmail, fire knight chest altered
very nice.

but for now im sticking with this again.
outdated, you need to pineconeforagerlionheadpill it up
pinecone does NOT have good stats okay...
:( fine
you can be uhhhh greenpotman
kys grass
realized my game was on low settings and changed it back to high.. looks nice now
what the FUCK
im solitude gravebird okay
post video of all these or this is pure larp
i don't speak retard
wtf new int/fth staff that casts everything...
is it good? it looks cool
who cares literally no boss in the DLC lets you get casts off. every boss has nonstop combos and stage wide closers/backsteps. caster builds are dead.
dunno im not running int/fth. seems nice just for the utility of being able to cast incants and spells at the same time. the ghammie has a unique r2 also.
chronozbergh eh
idgaf about pve casting. this is all for my hypothetical optimized pvp builds that i'll bring to fightclubs and never invade with.
the bone bow has tracking arrows
you can't be serious
i can't wait for the next fc when we're all ready
casting is for pve mobs and korean math geniuses looking at every frame and then making yt vids
Caster fags are all going to drop their pussy spells for carian sovereignty. it does the highest damage in the game and does 91 stagger w/ hyper.
prolly next weekend or two
backhand blades rr1 is finally the counter to lightrollers
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of course disabling summon pools doesn't prevent you from invading into them
the counter to lightrollers is Swift Slash
the counter to EVERYTHING is Swift Slash
For the next month, unironically literally just spamming that move and nothing else will net you free wins against most players
and then, after this month is over, you will sometimes need to hold it down for a second as a mixup against everybody else
my dude I just reached castle ensis
>look up a video of swift slash
now I'm mad
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>trying out new boss wepuns
>see grass doing chainsaw
made me chuckle out loud
he's a massive loser every time I queue up for the arena I see him crouching around wavedashing in the roundtable hold like a retard
>Play DLC
>Killed main story final boss
>every quest npc fucks off

Very cool Miyasucky. I just went down some hole and turns out the final boss is down there? Even though I killed him? Lmao
webm of swift slash?
also who is the secret superboss of the dlc like midir
Doesn't matter.

Ashes of war make anything a joke in this game
is that the one where u just teleport past someone and you have a trail of slashes behind you... idk how to counter it in pvp, people just spam it with status effects its very annoying. I roll it and it fills up 90% of my bleed bar
How do you fags enjoy pvp. Its the most cancer shit when people play like its life or death.
I lose a lot cuz I play casually, but I have fun the 5% of the time I do something i think looks cool
I think the worst part is how they intentionally gimped the majority of the dlc items like light greatswords doing no poise damage, great katanas having no hyperarmor, throwing daggers being basically needles and needing int/fth for some reason.

And then they let completely untested shit pass by like how beastclaws are next to impossible to escape or how an r2 from dryleafs true combo for 80% of your hp or swift slash even existing
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before the DLC dropped, level 200 colosseum was very wholesome. now that normies have flooded back into the playerbase and everybody is googling "op pvp build," I'm gonna take a break from the colosseum until a balance pass reigns in this shit.
2h lgs is quite decent
Does great kat really need ha?
Yeah throwing daggers fucking suck ass, and the ash of war that helps them dish out damage is on the somber throwing claw/quill weapons lol.

Then again, I don't expect really anything from the pvp side because these games are made primarily for pve play with pvp bolted on as a fun little thing that has slowly been losing its identity and interesting mechanics lol
nasty setup from the orcsister
>spaces piercing fang
Fuck, I wouldn't been hit by ten gorillion meter phantom range on that shit because I only get matched up with russians

Also yeah waitingg for a patch is a good idea.
they should not release a patch till jeenine tells them exactly what to change
>2h lgs is quite decent
all of it's attacks are slower than a straight sword and since almost all of them are multihit people can reaction trade you and win
if your opponent has above 70 poise light greatswords become useless

>Does great kat really need ha?
It's a poking stick because the r1s and r2s are slower than greatswords, greathammers, greataxes, and most halberd attacks. I would be fine if the crouch / running r1 didn't get hyperarmor, but man the standing attacks are impossible to land
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>runs into a telegraphed charge attack
'pa honey...
meant for >>483249758
>dancing lion 2.0
you can just ignore the basilisks lol they dont do damage
Why did 'zaki pussy out on making the Abyss swamp cause madness buildup
i squished them all stupid statuses
damn dude you got owned hard
I hope someone rapes the fuck who ruined Elden Rings story with all these DLC retcons. Turned a game with a good story into pure trash tier. Just holy shit. What is wrong with japanese people. Why must they be so inferior.
invading is BAD and EVIL
if you invade you will go to HELL
what was retconned
everything anyone has ever done in the base game was because of.... le mind control by miquella
The Shadow Lands existing at all goes against the lore of the actual game. fucking fanfic tier shit because japs can't think of anything other then isekais. it's honestly insane. Miquella getting rid of his flesh even though he's in a cocoon. miq letting Mohg fill his ass with blood as part of a keikaku. Miq summoning people to the Shadow Lands. The war between ancient and new dragons.

It's the dumbest shit I've ever read. Base Elden Ring had some great lore. This shit has guren lagan memes. i just don't get what happened.
Just took down Metyr without any scadu blessings. Feel pretty good about it. This was a solid fight.
Instead of kino like this we got a million shitty anime weapons with fth/int tax in the elden shit dlc
I could not care less about the lore I just want more QoL shit and weapons that are properly thought out
why is this game still capped at 60 fps
why can't I disable invasion regions
accept that the lore always sucked and will always suck and you won't get so miffed at additions to miyzaki's nothing story that makes no sense
meant for >>483251472
You know how Malena is holding her hand against that tree? The one that had Miquella in it? oh wait. apparently she told radafag he was gonna be a consort. so she's just touching a tree cus. reasons.
Japs are sub humans and even their apparent greats like miyazaki can't keep shit in order. fucking amazing.
ttgl was good tho
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>backhand blade stamina consumption
I agree but you can leave out the shit spiral memes. Oh, another thing that retarded jap forgot about. You remember Torrent? You remember the Lone Wolf summon? You remember how they were both implied to have belonged to Miquella? cus that dumb fuck Miyazaki forgot. I don't know what sort of rewrites were forced through but holy fuck is it bad.
>so she's just touching a tree cus
almost like she misses her brother you absolute sperg
She's in a dream awaiting his return. He was stolen from a tree womb by Mohg and she didn't know, which is why she has her hand on the tree and the prosthetics on the fucking ground.
but keep being retarded. This is the dumbest retcon shit ever but I'm not surprised some subhuman defends it. Probably asian too, ya nasty fuck.
yeah it's a retcon anon you're definitely not just retarded
>next to impossible to escape or how an r2 from dryleafs true combo
im stuck on consort
lots of moves I dont know how to avoid
shield and high holy defence. feels like some moves just have to be shielded or bhs
it's less poise efficient than tree sentinel so nah
the stone golem armour is top though
yeah and they essentially removed the HA
damn ive been caught
AC6 is pretty good. It’s not really difficult, but still fun.
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Played ds1,ds2 and ER.
Finished none of them.
> r2 from dryleafs true combo
hwat did he mean by this
people just roll out of the first hit every time
the kicking one?
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I think the dlc is fun
>be bellbonger
>host has already summoned glencour and is glued to him
>automatic loss as glencour has infinite poise, 30,000 health, and does 1/5 of your hp at 30 vigor while stunning you for a year
what's he on about, this thing is so ass that it scuffs its own combo hits
>just saw what Swift slash does
time to rape pvers
>swift slash
genuinely what the fuck were they thinking by adding this after 2 years of first-hand nerfing weaponarts that weren't even 1/4th as retarded as this

my argument for elden ring being an inherently shit game is now telling people to explain the logic of choice between swift slash and wild strikes
dex gods rule the shadow realm
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i can't tell what's dumber between these two webms to be honest
>madness fists
>sleep katar
im going back to god3
you will not be missed
you can infinitely craft the new starlight shards on steroids, fth builds with some heal spell will always win battles of attrition now
how do you even play against this without resorting to giant exploding weaponart spam or ugs/gs poise trading
you spam swift slash against blindspot
giant exploding weaponart spam, ugs / gs poise trading, or using a rapier with quickstep
or just don't panic roll and play safe
>l2 -> rr2 -> r1 -> l2
>l2 l2 l2 l2 l2 l2 l2
maybe you're the dumb one
>jewtubers are publishing hour long copes over the game being too hard
We are so back Frombros.
how do i cheese bayle
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>fromslop drones defending generic turtles and rats with 3,000 hp and soldier mooks that can 2shot fully defensive setups
sekiro was a mistake
nvm its up
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carian grandeur or darkmoon greatsword build?
>t.killed radahn & married ranni when game came out, fucked off untill yesterday and came back now
Darkmoon greatsword is possibly the best weapon in the game for PvE
waiting for the next game rn. i hope they dont outsource it to india this time
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What the FUCK are they smoking with this fight holy shit
I'm convinced light greatswords are bugged or this bitch regens her stance hp insanely quickly because it takes like 7 guard counters to stagger her
Yeah, it regens really fast, I only managed to stance break her if I hit her during her combos
good to know, ill focus the build around it since so far went with generic in lv80 out of which 60 total is int, farmed comet azur and it was fun for 2x BWOOOOMs, will probably try grandeur as well since im curious about it
if a yellow dropped me a shit ton of runes, will I be at risk for getting banned if I use them? I have no idea how they were acquired
cute noob question
pats u on ur head
he's not a "cute noob", he's a dishonest cheater

I hope you die
how do you get dragon without the dress
I think I had a brain aneurysm trying to show my zoomer cousin Dark Souls

- “All the enemies will come back if I go heal at the fire, cousIn”
- “That’s the point”
- “I have no more juice, is there any way to heal without resting at the fire?”
- “Yes, humanity, but it’s a waste this early in the game”
- “I’m going to use it” (he’s not even half way to the Taurus Demon from the Undead Burg bonfire)
- “You only have three humanity. Going back to the bonfire is the point”
- “But then the enemies will respawn”
- “That’s the point”
- “But I keep using up all my juice”
- “So go rest at the bonfire”
- “But the enemies come back”
- “That’s the point. You get stronger over time”
- “I don’t want to play this game anymore”

He’s not retarded he’s just impatient and can’t even sit through cutscenes or listen to what people have to say.
seems like it's not his type of game and that's fine

t. zoomer
>can’t even sit through cutscenes or listen to what people have to say
Zoomer brain rot is real...
Does he also check his phone every 5 minutes when he watches any given show?
This. You have to WANT to play Dark Souls, since it is so repetitive and has an utmost requirement for patience. It is not for those who have short attention spans or cannot into non-linear games.
Is dark souls 2 known for every input having a very noticable delay?
why he so mad?
>He’s not retarded he’s just impatient and can’t even sit through cutscenes or listen to what people have to say.
Is he perhaps autistic?
manchild issue
I wish I had these experiences as I have no one to show games to :(
Turn off double clicking.
I'm using a controller and if this isn't ds2's fault then it's probably a hardware issue. I also had a similar issue in Elden Ring, but back then I thought it was just me being bad.
"I think that the DLC has flaws"

"MIYAZAKI, HELP ME, hand it over, that thing, your huge cock, for my mouth to suck on!!!! SKILL ISSUE SKILL ISSUE, Scadutree fragments, Miyazaki could NEVER make something that isn't perfect, THE DLC DOES *NOT* RUN LIKE SHIT THAT'S JUST YOUR IMAGINATION CHUD"

I hate fanboys.

Then I have no idea since I didn't notice any problems with inputs on my PS4.
What flaws do you think the dlc has?
You deserve to be two shotted. Git gud
It is probably my shitty offbrand switch controller then. It's not that big of an issue in ds2, but in Elden Ring I literally couldn't dodge some attacks despite seeing the attack coming and pressing the button. Like that one attack where Margit quickly raises his staff or Malenias 'click* swipes. It would also randomly prevent me from rolling on others, but there the windows were large enough to still dodge.
There is no excuse for cringe behavior
It runs poorly and on top of that some bosses have so many particle effects that the framerate starts dropping even more.
Some areas also feel empty, like the Finger area and the madness area and I suppose the dragon area as well.
The bosses are total spergs that spazz out non-stop to the point where they make bosses like Morgott, Malenia and Maliketh look tame. I'll also have to test whether the bosses are beatable without rolling because if they aren't then that's a massive issue since they're supposed to be beatable through positioning, spacing and timing alone.
The DLC also introduced a bunch of broken crap like that one BHS waterfowl ash of war.
>It runs poorly and on top of that some bosses have so many particle effects that the framerate starts dropping even more.
That's your fault for having a shitty pc
It runs better than the base game did. It's a cope from mad cuz bads to give it a bad review. Scooby doos are a great addition that lets your rl125 and rl 150 build both feel challenged. TaniZaki stepped up and made a game for gamers and now women and LGBT are crying
i found a pile of charred loyce greatswords in some dude's world so i picked them all up
what did he mean by this
The bosses didn't take me long to beat, but they didn't feel as fun as the bosses in previous games and they give me the feeling that they were more concerned with making them look pretty and flashy (which they are) than with anything else.
>Todd Howard, late summer 2023
The base game runs well for me. The DLC, however, runs like day 1 Limgrave.
I'm not complaining about the fragment, but I know that Miyazaki's fanboys love mentioning them.
It runs perfectly on my pc (better than the base game) and none of the streamers I have watched has had any performance issues.
the base game runs perfectly on my PC, the dlc does not
False. I'm going to tell you you didn't have that experience.
Have you tried clearing shader cache? When I had performance issues with elden ring doing that solved them.
Just want my linear souls games back. Fuck this open world trash.
>40 new ashes of war
>jee put sword dance on everything again
He's just a whore for whatever gets him the easiest wins.
the sword lance seems really dogged, but also also it seems to get absurd str damage
idk if jeebanana was serious then i'd see him rocking halberd offhand setups more.
so am I
I have abandoned the ways of sane ryan
Is there some mystical bullshit I'm missing or is ghost flame breath just a shittier version of borealis mist?
it's a stupid middleground between borealis mist and smaraag glintstone
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I hope the Spellbound "leak" is fake, a magic themed game don't hype me at all especially as someone that dont enjoy spells in souls game.
Bros I tried to run the elden ring dlc on my 10 year old craptop but for some reason I'm getting a lot of frame drops. This means Miyazaki is a hack and that I need to let everyone know by leaving bad reviews on steam.
I left a bad review, not because of performance issues, but because the longer I've played soul games the more I realise From has no fucking idea what they are doing.
Miyazaki knows exactly what he is doing he just stopped appealing to the casuals that prefer easy and braindead games like ds1
I'm glad I went into this dlc with faith. The buffs and cheesy stuff like black flame and destined death have been a life saver. Just spammed ffut at the skibidi tree boss each one dies in like 4 hits what a joke.
You can't be serious. Elden ring is the most casual friendly game they've ever made. It's only downhill from here.
>as someone that dont enjoy spells in souls game
Miyazaki is incredibly interested in occult shit and gross ass folklore, so if anything this obsession with martial-ism is a rather counterproductive stance in his games.

Bloodborne would have been a lot better had it actually incorporated serious spell usage, and not just complimentary spells.

I’m not even joking. It feels disingenuous, or like a disservice. Miyazaki’s medium of choice doesn’t bode well for his interests.
i heart my spirit summons and no boss runbacks and big explosion ash of war nukes and free pre-boss buffs
Take off those nostalgia goggles ER is much more challenging than strafe souls 1
Are you joking? Elden ring and Sekiro filtered casuals harder than any of his previous games and now the dlc is causing mass butthurt by making it even less casual. Meanwhile anyone that has beaten elden ring could breeze through ds1 due to how easy it is.
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yeah elden ring is so challenging that there's 90 different clauses for having "not beat the game" if you use any basic game functions
Cherishing fingers is so easy mode. Placidusax nuke can't even harm my toon.
That's true for literally ever fromsoft game
These bad reviews are going to force from to turn the next dlc into weenie hut junior. The future is not looking good.
it was never parroted to any significant extent until the release of elden ring and the introduction of bloodhound step, frost stomp, the pre-nerf JRR martin laser sword, spirit ashes, etc etc
no other title has even remotely as many trivializing aspects to the normie pandering bullshit littering every corner of elden ring
Yeah you must be new to these games
DaS3 is better and harder than Elden Ring.
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i am NOT reinstalling that fucking game
i know i will spend 10 hours getting to the magic lake just to quit and start over again
i just want to explore doom land and the golden city but i never make it there
No one says or think that
I hope it’s real. A magic system based on whale oil, fat fed fire, smoke, candles and incense, etc, would be very cool.
>The war between ancient and new dragons.
The dlc expanding on lore that was present in the base game is a bad thing?
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you're welcome to cite examples if you have anything bold beyond poisechugging in havels armor
i have 1k hours in ds1/ds3 and the only noteworthy egregious things i can think of are the pre-nerf ds3 dark sword as far as gatekeeping shitposts go

nobody really cared 'how you beat the game' until elden ring introduced dozens of different ways to completely bend the game in half by spamming weaponarts or having a summon literally kill the boss for you as a copy of your character
If you used pyro flame you didn't beat the game
>Still no ascetic bonfire or ability to refight bosses to practice or have fun

You just know all these bosses starting with margit are spiderman jumping around BS. Its not worth fighting them with normal attacks

Just equip storm blade or beast roar or something to keep their stagger from resetting because lol you will have to wait for the anime shit to stop for a brief moment
Plenty of stuff has been regarded as easy mode in the souls games. Magic and summoning being the best example. The only reason you hear more "you didn't beat the game" now is simply because it is the biggest most popular game. If ds1 was released today everyone would say the same thing if you summoned, had lots of poise, casted magic or parry/backstab cheesed enemies.
>Beat the DLC
>Every quest is failed

Who thought this idea would be good?! This is as bad and retarded as Bethesda Nuka world DLC
Not that anon but my friend summoned every chance the game let him.

He's a fucking retard with tunnel vision and just walks like a turtle. I don't ever ask him to play because that's bad behavior
>follow main road
>taken directly to last boss
>every NPC quest is hidden in some painted world bullshit area
I can't believe they add that for sekiro but don't let it happen here
>invade gravelord servant at SL16 in Undead Parish
>bad spot so just wait for a while
>people invade constantly and all of them fucking die
>two more people spawn in the same spot
>leeroy jenkins it since its 3v1 at least
>me and another guy get one shot by a firestorm
>third guy hits once, barely puts a dent into the gravelord servant, gets one shot too
im playing dark souls 1(ptde, not remastered) for the first time and its my first ds game
1. was that hollow crestfallen that attacked me at the entrance to new londo ruins?
2. how the FUCK do i kill skeletons in the catacombs? they just revive that's too spooky 4 me
1. Yes
2. Use weapons upgraded to Divine or kill the necromancers (who don't respawn), but you gotta clear the whole area
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>realize fromsoft quest design is all nightmarish wiki checklist bullshit
>download merchant mod
>buy quest items
>- “All the enemies will come back if I go heal at the fire, cousIn”
>- “That’s the point”
Can you elaborate? I never did get this as far as game design. Is it just so you can see how much stronger you are?
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Which side are you on?
Forgot to add, but at some point you find some shitty occult club in Anor Londo I think. If you take that shit to a blacksmith you can downgrade it to Divine +5 IIRC and just use that since bonk damage is pretty good against skeletons.
Fuck the Horns
>Use weapons upgraded to Divine or kill the necromancers (who don't respawn), but you gotta clear the whole area
ah alright, i had an occult club that i could downgrade to +5 divine, im guessing that would work
So in between the base game's and the DLC being released I upgraded from PS4 to PS5.
I did some quick googling and found some old posts stating it was actually recommended that you still play the PS4 version on PS5 without upgrading due to better framerate, is this still true?
Once you git gud, it's for ez grinding/ farming souls/ items
Before that, it's so that you can practice
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>download modengine2 for merchant mod
>game launches three times faster, loading screens are cut in half or even faster
>zero stutters, framerate nearly pushing 130 in certain areas

>realize it's because EAC is disabled
how retarded do you have to be to package this shit into your game jesus christ
what chest piece is that one at the very bottom?
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Cute VA but this is the ugliest NPC to date.
Would you like a boss gauntlet feature in the Souls games? I thought I would before Sekiro, but compared to beating a boss once, learning to beat it consistently (because why would you bother fighting 4 guys before if you only beat the 5th 10% of the time) feels like such a chore.
I just run past respawning enemies once I've killed them once.
rather have half fps than everyone using godmode
we have half fps AND Godmode thanks to linux apes
>I never did get this as far as game design.
You never once killed an enemy that you already happened to kill? Do you rush through everything? How did you even beat this game?
>Midra's greatsword is a hyperarmor long-range grab with perfect tracking
holy cancer, i dont know if it ignores i-frames though like inescapable frenzy
literally just got invaded and r*ped by this
Is there a good info source for LotF2 pvp? Not meta, just general knowledge. Whether heavy weapons ere even usable with how easy parry is, spells that aren't easily dodged, is kick useful for anything, that kind of stuff. So far 9 out of 10 invasions seem to be smurfs with endgame gear, so I don't get many opportunities to figure shit out myself.
>kill messmer
what next? hornsent said his thing and left. leda says he's not a danger anymore.

how do i get north of the shadow keep?
You need to reach the jungle like area. Ruins of rauh or some shit. Eventually look for some rot cave with rot bugs and find the boss. After thar rot boss you'll see an altar or something looking directly at the shadow castle
yeah i've found that already, killed the scorpion futa. burn the ertree to the ground kind of vibe.

but how do you get north of the keep? that's west
You have to throw giant fire pots into them like you're playing Basketball
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>knights lightning spear
>does 200 more dmg than normal spear
My pure int caster build

50 Vigor
40 Mind
30 Endurance
8 Strength
12 Dexterity
72 Intelligence
7 Faith
9 Arcane

anything over sl99 = not a build
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Are you me? I use Lusat’s Staff + Primal Glintstone Blade + Blessed Blue Dew for that “I don’t care about the cost” energy.

Carian Regal Sceptre is stupid. Efficiency my ass. Lusat’s still does 10% more dmg.
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Well, it's just the Gay Faggot and the Shota left. Bayle is definately one of the cooler bosses in the game and more challenging than Placi. The sword the dragon man drops before coming here really came in handy.
Would Igon have given me anything had I summoned him here?
>Would Igon have given me anything had I summoned him here?
his set and the greatbow
2 too many points in mind
there's a regen fp ammy now? gyatt damn, so no need to cheat in starlight shards anymore then?
Nahhh. Not enough mind. You need high Mind to utilize Lusat’s staff without worry of FP usage.
You should have learned your lesson from the base game.
Burn tree = fuck up quests
i will never level mind past 24. i can pop starlight shards or sleeplight shards whenever i want.
>starlight shards
Aren’t they limited?
Well shit. Too bad they lock so many rewards behind using this baby shit. Just have him spawn after the fight and say some shit to you. I don't want to ruin my 1v1, this isn't bell gargs.
i cheat those in because idgaf
>mind tards eternally cucked, now everyone has sharts as a tali
the rate is pretty fast too, never any reason not to have bestial vitality up, just constant regen.
I really don’t like how all of From’s dlc consist of enemies and bosses that do a lot more damage and have a lot more hp

It just comes across as silly when you’re attacking something for 3% of its hp bar when it should realistically only take you like five hits.

Rellana has way too much health for a woman.
I hate how even at 60 vigor you get one shotted by some stupid thing. From has a very artificial idea of difficulty. You can make ANY hard boss more difficult by giving them more hp, so what the fuck?
fina lboss is hard............
>fight frenzy mummy boss who looks like he is about to fall apart
>his flesh may as well be made of steel
Yeah I hate it
Giving enemies more health and more dmg isn’t good design
Just abuse status
You are just underscadu'd. Frenzy guy is made of paper, staggers really easily. And 5% is a lot, you just need 20 hits. Sorry From didn't lower the difficulty for you.
wtf is going on in this fight jesus christ my entire screen is jus gold
Rellana is made of diamond, despite being a woman. The only enemies harder (in the sense that you do nothing to their health bars) are Azur and Lusat LMAO.

Fuck FromSoft.
>struggle against leda's gank with any setup i try
>remember i got raptor talons
>beat them first try
there is still nothing in the dlc that shits out as much pure dps as the 'alons buffed with drawstring blood grease and multihit talismans
I'm respeccing to arc build I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE
Um, you guys DO realize that a bullet to the brain would kill even Malenia right? These are all just game mechanics for the sake of the game.

You’re not literally hacking through Midra’s or Rennala’s mid section a hundred times. She’s not a spectral ghost. A single cast of Glintstone Pebble is probably capable of killing demigods, had those demigods just stood there, and took it to the face.
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*pulls out the glintlock and shoots that dumb bitch in the head*
>stab sword through bosses back, into his heart
>he gets up
>have to do this ten more times
It really is stupid the more you think about it
i mean it's bideobame and they're magical entities or some shit
so many games ur shooting a dude in the head fifty times he probably has nothing in hsi fucking head anymore lmao
but if u didn't do that everyone would just be running around with a fucking gun/xbow headshotting gods
why don't i see anyone griefing innocent pvers with swift slash? it literally has no counter right now
i'm playing pve
A shotgun blast to the face would kill Malenia. A sword to the heart would kill her too. A sword anywhere in the body will seriously fuck even a demigod. Look what Malenia did to Radahn.
just reached radahn
convince me not to chainsaw him
don't think too hard about it. the whole concept of ripostes is already ridiculous enough.
i like how he blasts you the second you walk into the arena lmao
like you just shove greatswords through the chest of an enemy or fucking stick your spear up into their eye through their brain and they walk it off. if this was a "realistic" game then the gugs would cut enemies in half instantly.
rolling up to the lands between with my fucking giga ballistae rape cannon army to shoot everyone :)
Are glintstone sorceries plasma? Do they produce heat? How do they do damage to matter, specifically? Like, does Comet Azur evaporate or disintegrate rock like a caustic laser? It even appears malleable, as it can take the shape of hammers and swords and even spirals.
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>Elden Ring doesn't have a rewarding crafting system, outside of maybe rot arrows/bolts.
>Base game suffers from having things too spread out, leading to lack of focus from the devs.
>Base game also largely lacks story outside of "muh item description lore" and a little bit of dialogue.
>Elden Ring DLC uses a shitty mechanic to fuck with damage numbers.
>DLC numbers inflation is lowered by an item, effectively time-gating some fights unless you're a super sperg with a hyper min-max'd build.
>DLC adds perfumer weapons which don't require FP to use, which invalidates the damaging aromatics.
>The kung fu fist weapon seems cool, but it also appears to have lower damage than what you'd hope for from a DLC weapon (I could be wrong on this, haven't tried to min-max a build for them but I'm pretty sure they're worse than spiked caestus due to spiked caestus having innate bleed).

Nioh 2 was the better game. At least Nioh tried to innovate on the combat system by adding stance mechanics. DS3 and ER had the quick step from Bloodborne added as a weapon art/ash of war, but had to make it cost FP due to them knowing the game was balanced around the basic roll mechanics.

>You will never be martyred during the Shimabara Rebellion.
Feels bad man.
>Not summoning the guy actually putting in effort in voice acting

Stupid little faggot cocksucker
aren't they weird star shit
If lethality was actually considered, boss battles of any kind wouldn’t last quite long unless they were actually gigantic as fuck foes that are hard to poke in the eye.
mom said its my turn to attack...
So it has to be a sort of plasma then, right? Like actual stars? Is that how the sorcerers heat their stoves? There must be a reason why they don’t pursue fire magics… like the Vinheim Elia elitists in the first Dark Souls.
the promised fps drop
probably similar to being zapped with electricity. harmful energy that passes through your body.
enemies would also actually try and dodge/deflect moves instead of facetanking blows while they wind up a big swing...
do you think that would be an interesting-- actually that would kinda just be shadow of the colossus lol

huh, neat.
fuck idk but yeah its some shit in the cosmos. maybe plasma, maybe something completely foreign and not something we can explain. probably the latter.
the phase 2 fps drop is killing my fucking microwave toaster oven
Sekiro won

>can win via staggering bosses to deal early HP damage
>if you suck at dealing stagger damage you can still win via dealing HP damage making the enemy stagger recovery rate super slow and taking more stagger%

Also finishing a boss with an animation seems better than a random slash at his pinky toe
it was cool how you'd typically finish midir off with a riposte
why did the dlc add like 50 new throwable consumables that no one is gonna use because it costs fp
how are you gonna chainsaw him when he does a full arena aoe every 5 seconds dumby
they're kinda fun to throw at mobs..
he's going to have to perfect his chainsaw
shadow of the crimson seed +1
DS2 finally clicked, feels good. The sheer variety of attacks enemies can do and just how aggresive they are is amazing.
I went from farming Black Knights like they were hollows and shitting over O&S to becoming Ogre snack, Turtle Knight pancake, Heide knight target practice and so on.
Parrying the Pursuer flat on his ass and obliterating his ass with a Ballista was godly though and shit dies in 3 hits to my upgraded mace.
No Man's Wharf was also a fun area.
I did not expect being staggered by an oil bomb just to get set on fire by a quick shot fire arrow. These fuckers are out for blood.
ds2 is fun. parrying bosses is fun when the game lets u
what weapons r u using rn?
Well, yes, since even in Sekiro you can block/deflect bullets, or intercept lightning and redirecting it. It’s soft physics, but a bullet to the brain would presumably still kill Wolf dead, in one go, resurrection aside.
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Out of the games FromSoft developed, Sekiro was probably the best. If we consider non-FromSoft games then things get into more of a "personal taste" territory. But I agree with you, for the most part. I still really enjoy Nioh's stance combat and the "choose your weapon skills" mechanic.

DS2 got shit on because it was made by B team, and they tried to innovate but didn't do everything right. However, the game was still not at the "Devil May Cry boss vs DS1 player character" tier combat that Elden Ring has. If the marketing for DS2 was more in-line with the final product (ex: the lighting), and it wasn't as overhyped, people would have seen more of the good things it did instead of focusing on the things B team messed up.
>Power stance
Probably one of my favourite additions.
>PVP after all the patches
One of the most fun PVP experiences I had in a Souls game.
>DS2 still had covenants
One of the best things FromSoft did to tie lore into the gameplay. Why the fuck would they get rid of covenants?
Does anyone here own the Japanese versions of the Dark Souls Design Works books? I'm ordering some stuff from cdjapan and I'm thinking about getting them. How do they compare to the English versions in terms of size/quality?
so when they eventually get bored with elden ring and make a "new" game, what do you think they'll rename everything AGAIN?
estus > flask of crimson tears
flynn's ring > blue dancer charm
etc. man it's fun to have to relearn a fuckload of arbitrary names just because someone got tired of dark souls
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Samefagging from >>483309281

Does anyone else here remember the DS2 network test they did before releasing the game? I got into it, and I legitimately enjoyed that sneak peek they gave us.
>Huntsman's Copse as the area.
>Let you choose different premade characters, such as a power-stance chad or a hex-based caster.
>Even had some online PVP and co-op, if I remember correctly.

>Estus Flask
Flask of Gamer Girl Pee
>Flynn's Ring
Ring of Anal Plundering
there's no way I can beat the duo until they fix the frames
upgrade your rig nigga
time to take a break from final boss for now, kicking my ass.
>why no covenants
probably low on their priority list or they weren't really thinking about em at all for elden ring
yeah i remember that..
ehentai might have scans u can look thru, they all seem to be a bit different but idk
Lies of P(enis) any good?
it's okay. fun combat, mid level design.
>int/fth gets a colossal weapon
6 player limit in yet?
co-invaders a thing yet?
go back to ds3, you'll never get 6 player
>mid level design.
Why is it that only Fromsoft knows how to design a fucking level in these games
you can tell that they really tried, but everything's just too linear and the shortcuts don't really matter at all.
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nvm it's just a glovewart
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Are we going to 150 or what
>miyazaki said dlc had 6 endings
errm where are they
>normal lightning spear
>knights lightning spear
>both outperformed by sacred blade
Anyway, does breaking the charm and going into stone coffin fissure break any quests besides thiollier's? or is it only burning the tree?
‘Well, well... Seluvis is not a name I ever wanted to hear again... ‘
— the sorceress Sellen

What the fuck was going on back in their academy days?
150 is for pvechads and pvpPSYCHOS
just the tree. nobody else gives a fuck about what's down there...
he RAPED people
maybe sacred blade is over-tuned because to counteract the lategame holy resistance. againt enemies without it the projectile mogs most incantations.
I wish I was people
we have the deflecting hard tear in the dlc for 5 mins of sekiro stuff
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kid named golden order
im so excited to plan an int/fth build now
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>over-tuned because to counteract the lategame holy resistance
Maybe they should have just rebalanced the holy resists instead.
spells will make the dlc more enjoyable tbdesu
zaki really wanted to put block on all these weapons
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time to slap this on every build
CE table works time to cheat up 10 bills
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uh oh.... whats our response elden slop bros??
>C str D dex D fth
>24 fth req
Mace and Longsword for the moment.
I like faster weapons since I'm not used yet to different attack patterns and slower weapons are more punishing to use.
Ironically the lighting and the mouse settings are my only complaints. No support for extra buttons + double clicking bug kinda suck balls.
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do 38/38
>still get microcosm from a ring swap
I really should do that
why am I getting filtered by the belurat gaol
am I really this fucking useless god damn
that's sad
fp regen tali is a gamechanger
swiftshart meta
But then ur sword dmg is gonna suck

dont do it
It's 20/20/38/38 now you dumb bitch
stop that...
retaliatory cross tree- is it worth it for roll backstabs?
What spells r u even hsing with this
they’re gonna do no dmg- actually hows the new int fth staffs?? im gonna make bills tonight n we can test later?
You can't stop greatness
the new dual cat is better than gelmir
dunno about the scaling but the new staff lets you cast everything. also i wonder if off-lusats affects incant fp cost via the staff.
the spell buff will probably be shit but maybe some cool combos to be tried
*2 dmg slicer*
also the fingie colossal has a unique r2 that might be dogged idk
285 SB at 38/38
Gelmshit has 261
GO Seal has 314
The r2 has good hyperarmor and the WA slaps
rip in piss shitmir
all my planner builds got like regressed in time im so pissed
Is Rellana weak to lightning or holy
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Completely new to soulslop here and just reached level 7 on my bandit.What am I in for?
So all the perfumer bottles are Dex weapons? There are two fire bottles and a lightning, but none scale primarily with faith? It makes sense for there to be no strength/quality bottle but there really should be a pure faith option, maybe arc too. Dex has clearly become miyazaki's favorite child.
you didnt beat the game
lightning is dex fth
fire is dex
ice is int dex
poison is arc i think
frenzy is dddd
frenzy is d/c/d/d
they're all hybrids of dex and then another stat
oh yeah
int/fth has frenzy shit now
gelmir deserves another buff
frenzy swamp sucks ass
parry the lanterns you dog
bad area in general. too big for how little there is...
also lol they're literally just called winter-lanterns
dogshit dmg lol
Just setup your spell after the hand proc
do NOT look at the optimal stats for the fingie colossal...
so many fucking fth tax str weapons ughhh
70 str and like 30 int, right?
yeah it's just an int/fth tax str weapon...
The WA needs int/fth for damage thobeit
might have to make a straith build
but ur already going to do a buttload of sng with wa anyways
why waste points
unless ur gonna use 1h colossal lol with spells
>requires 20 str
It's built for 1h
1h colossal sounds awful lol and ur dmg is gonna be cucked
I'll use it regardless
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pls dont im begging u
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400 DAMAGE isn't bad
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just started griding mesmmer
is not looking good
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Bought them. Next time I'll grab the BB and Sekiro books.
welcome to the hell suffering club
ok i'll give you the fact that you can't 1h any other colossal at 20 str so i cant even compare the damage
don't worry this build wasn't approved by jeenine so he'll be back to the flaming strike halberd within a week
jeepenis rent free in your mind
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but hole
we're so back
can't believe I mess up a roll bs and still get it
ok im gonna fix up my str bill and dex bill
and then work on int fth

and then ill make builds for the several fth tax weapons

and then a cool bear claw guy (str again lol) and then uhhhh dog3 corvian knight dex bill

and then a sleep bill with the sleeneedle and new sleepsworn

and then uhh idk what all the magics r i have to test everytbing out sigh

arc bill will use the new sexy centipede halber and venom fangs with the cool foot knife wa— btw fun in pvp…
epic pink gusher

hmmmm and then idk :|
oh yeah int bill with the catalysts rapier
and fth bill eith the lance catalyst

and uhhh throwing shiled goes in str build
what else

ill do a separate fire jnight bill prolly str again… or fth maybe idk
just make it so your str bill can also be a bear claw bill, dummy
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this game is such fucking bullshit what am I supposed to do?? stupid ass game
>53 vigor
>wearing paper and a soreseal
but i might wanna use yhe retarded bear roar fuck my stat slread up and i wanna make bear dude a guy while my other str bill is a waman
bear communion is NOT real
even the generic dragon in this dlc spams moves over and over again
doesn't 1h colossal have funny offhand combos
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get fucked, clown
why the wtf can't i use blinkbolt or lighting ram on the lightning perfume bottles. they are the perfect weapon for all these non weapon focused AOW but can only equip the physical ones. perfume should have just been one weapon which changes with infusion
after she finishes a combo do one (1) heavy attack then wait until the next combo ends. I'm also pure dex with nagakiba and did this fight at 125 and with no scooby blessings. It's more a test of patience than skill.
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>Miyazaki gave int/fth builds the Finger
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>perfume should have just been one weapon which changes with infusion
But that would have required FromSoft to think hard and probably do extra coding work. How are they going to find time to smoke crack?
it's a bit sad theres only 2 unique asses for perfumes :( and one of them is gonna get nerfed cuz its instagibbing ppl and bosses
>fat lion head gives 8 levels and boosts stvrm
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good old endure + dogstep
i don't even know where messmer is
get lagstabbed idiot
>220 bleed on my bloodfiend arm
>dlc has been out for a week
>still using the same braindead youtuber armor and weapons that have been available for 2 years
dont fix what aint broken
your brain has damage and there is no fixing it
i only just started playing the dlc idyeet
I'm invading as I go along
yeah well shitmask isn't happy with your build
also I started wearing this fit before jeeninny did it
nooooo you have to use a le wholesome chungus 1 handed spear with rags for armor or else your build is from youtube or something
maybe not wearing the youtuber armor with the youtuber clown shoes and using THE youtuber heavy thrusting sword (instead of any of the other 5 in the game, funny how he picked that one specifically totally organic btw) with the youtuber playstyle of spamming running r2s is a good start
That's another update to my filter. Thank you for your cervix
also i have to delete all my 10 bills and remake them with dlc weapons/armor/spells.... sigh that will take a while
finished my pve str fth tax bill :3

time to work on the arc bill ust because I really liked the centipede boss lady. might actually be one of my favorite boss fights in the dlc
I use other weapons too. I just switched to a chasedown weapon, what's the issue
and as I said, I had my fit before jeebanana fuck you
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wtf cute...
I'm at 18 skibidi and Radahn feels completely impossible without resorting to a cheese greatshield build. Even with mimic and Ansbach phase 2 is a total nightmare...
watch the radahn webm above and just copy it
have u tried the bloodfiend arm on an arc bill :)
charged r2s, weaponart something that does a lot of dmg... it gets a ton of blee and dmg. you get a riposte after 3 charged r2s
you can summon if u want to but i would learn phase 1 before phase 2 rave rape party begins
have you tried not being shit
Since we got lorefags in here anyone mind writing about this schizo trannygger? If not I'll take it as just another nameless NPC
How would you ever get a charged R2 off without getting hit in the process?
50 vig or 60 vig?
Okay so after he does the whirly purple spin attack where he flies at you, it opens him up for a fully charged r2, and sometimes after he does his like 10 swipe sword combos you can go for a charged r2. Sometimes u will have to eat partial hits, but it's very doable. in the beginning of phase 2 if you run up on him, he might not to the retarded entire arena explodes in light (which to my knowledge can only be dodged if you run the second you see him levitating) you can get a charged r2 in. After that its just luck : ) maybe use endure idk

Also if ur summoning you get way more attacks in esp with a mimic.
roll around for 10 minutes Xddd
40 vig and rest in mind so you can spam projectiles more
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Wouldn't Ghiza's wheel be better
I was thinking endurance...
Well I just like the 200 bleed on the bloodfiend arm w/ blood infusion, I guess you could try the ghiza wheel with multi hit talisman, idk how it works, mightt be better??
its complete garbage nigger dogshit trust me
It procs the highest multi-hit tier
why grreatshield? or u just want the 1h moveset for the r2?
yeah, the 2hr2 isn't multi-ht
maybe he's talking about nora?
>smithscript fists rare drop from stupid golem enemy
UGH and its prolly worse than caestus
you all hate 'pa because he exposes you
new zullie (link)
>he doesn't have a hurtbox in his thigh gap
Ghiza gets cucked lmao
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wtf r u guys talking about wtf
who will post a link with every single new dlc item i will kiss you for it
esoteric dsgger speak
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if u know where to look there is a google spreadsheet with every single item and item id for CE.
what makes a mecha game untrue?
beyond me
>Plenty of stuff has been regarded as easy mode in the souls games. Magic and summoning being the best example.
that's basically it
ER has like 10x the amount of YDBTG stuff
does the spreadsheet say what type of item it is
yes. and putting it into the CE table will detect what type of item it is
kisses u
mmmm yes roll the roar or eat shit
I literally die faster to romina than my buffing routine. Why does she have 6 attacks in a row that do 70% of my hp
both maybe
you can block almost all her attacks with a shield it's funny. i just sit there with a greatshield and tank most of her attacks since they're physical
ds has always been discount mh
yeah I knew the great katanas were basically a LS copy the moment I picked them up lmao
automatically tried to do some monhun inputs unconsciously too
uh oh someone is getting buckbroken by dancing lion
>i don't know where to look
better not be in the tga discord or something
it's on the tga discord
You have to abide by ancient chink wisdom of curing poison with poison. Or, in western terms, fighting fire with fire
idk i might have to but why cant they just make it not have 30 fucking attacks?
I didn't find it to be that bad desu, but yeah these dlc bosses really like their mom said its my turn to attack combos
I've found i can roll attack into pretty consistently now but if you put your coop sign there you'll see what I mean

both the woman and the centipede/scorpion attack so there are a LOT of attacks coming out, and then she also has spin moves so it's attacks within attacks
I wish I felt the way other people feel about Elden Ring.
it's pretty meh compared to ds3 but hey we only get a souls game every couple years so im going to play it no matter what

all the other clones are terrible, or maybe I just dont give them the same goodwill that fromsoft has built up for me and drop them too fast
That meteor attack is aids
Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time and Dark Souls is top 10 easily. I just don't like elden ring anywhere near as much
any year now ill be able to play bloodborne on pc and try it out
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>knowing but not sharing link with the thread
what are you one of their shills or something
shit was that one of you guys carrying me versus romina with the name of rance? i choked
fpPS4 will have bloodborne compatible before a port will come out, mark my words
ghost of tsushima was just released, it's in the leaks they are open to doing it or working on it
Why do the fucking light pillars stun you?
60 vig, or ig 58 vig + imp if you're a psycho
just go on cuckstralife
or the build planner
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>starting a clive rosfield build
>Light greatswords aren't available till the DLC

any kind tarnished care to help me out? A spare Milady would do, assuming you don't need it for a build
ugh why cant i see recent players in elden ring im invading so many female names and i wanna stalk them
if you're on pc, just use ce
if you're on console, uh... bad luck
wait you cant any more? so the people saying they'd block me were full of shit kek
get filtered nigger
you can, though? view > players
and you can use steamp2p too
it was working last night
I wish I could invest into other stats without needing to pump 60 vig, just to get fucking 3 shotted
if you're on ps4, sometimes it's bugged.
still works
horrid lineup of worm players
50 vig is more than enough
don't you get oneshot by L2sticks with 50
Anyone want to help me with final boss? (PC) password being:777

Scarlet rot has seemed to help but need a tank desu thanks
I really don't want to risk getting banned
Yeah but Malikek is 2shotting me so I'm going to pump it up because that's aids


Stormblade for life. Feels like your toon gained a Hadouken
>Senessax is harder than Bayle
>everyone cheats anyway
thanks, i hate it
he's a lightning dragon in a water pool
what cheats? spawning in items isnt cheating it's just not wasting your time when you decide to invade at multiple different levels
in what way? haven't encountered any heinous cheat engine shit like I've seen in dog3
stat editors at most, but those get banned
kill yourself expeditiously
also we need a new thread i'd make it but busy dying to romina
i'll make it
it's coming. waiting for the timer.
exciting new thread
>cheating isn't cheating
>burning through a dozen of these items per invasion that spawn once per ng+ cycle or are rare drops because i can just spawn in infinity of them isn't cheating
jesus christ you're low
ive seen plenty of godmode fags or ppl doing the above mentioned
if from cared, they wouldn't let you carry 600 spare limited items
>godmode fags
yeah, stat editors. they have insane amounts of hp and that shit gets detected
those get banned. if you encounter one its just unlucky.
cheatfag cope

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